Saved signs and traditions. Honey Savior: folk traditions, customs and signs. Fortune telling on Apple Spas

August is rich in Orthodox holidays, and the Honey Savior is one of them. Its roots go back to Slavic pagan traditions. Find out below about the essence of the First Savior, its traditions, as well as signs and conspiracies for this day.

Spas Honey - summer church holiday

The Orthodox Church has established - Honey, Apple and Nut. The name comes from the word "Savior". According to some sources, from the tradition of saving the soul by fasting, consuming only apples, honey and nuts. This is exactly what fasting was like several centuries ago; now the laity do not observe it so zealously, and the church does not prevent it.

The date of the Honey Savior is August 14, it is celebrated first. That is why one of its names is the First Savior. The first day of the Dormition Lent falls on the same date.

The holiday is dedicated to memory Origins of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross , the victories of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Bulgars and Emperor Manuel over the Saracens. He was called Medov even before the arrival of Christianity in Russian lands. In mid-August, honey harvesting begins, which was a reason for a special mark in the Slavic calendar.

August 14th is honored and holy martyrs of the Maccabees. Hence another name - Makovey, or Poppy Savior. But here the matter is not only in the consonance of words. By the middle of the last summer month The poppy is ripening. In Siberia, the holiday is called Kalinnik; viburnum is also revered.

Blessing of water, blessing of wells, bathing of people and livestock are important traditions of the Orthodox summer holiday. Therefore, it is often called Spas on the Water. Interestingly, it is celebrated 12 days earlier, after which beliefs prohibit swimming in natural bodies of water.

Ancient traditions of the First Savior

The beekeepers made the sign of the cross on the hive, broke out the honeycombs and blessed them in the church. Part of the honey was supposed to be given to the priest, another part was to be given to the poor. This is where the proverb comes from: “Even a beggar will try honey at Honey Spas”. After the service in the temple, the beekeepers' holiday continued in the apiary, where young people gathered and sang. They were also treated to honey.

Everyone tried to get to the blessing of water and plunge into the consecrated water, which helps against illness and damage. The cattle were also bathed and sprinkled with holy water. Rivers, streams, and wells were cleaned and blessed. They washed themselves with dew to preserve beauty and youth. After the honey holiday they don’t go into the water - summer is on the decline, the air and water temperatures drop. We did not swim at night, after sunset. Even on a holy holiday, evil spirits wander near the water.

The celebration of the First Savior is not limited to church services, the blessing of food, religious processions and the blessing of water. In the old days it was customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. Folk festivals and feasts were popular. The young people sang and danced until the morning, the old people left early.

In the Kiev region they built Makoveevsky cross, decorated with flowers and poppy heads. A jack-o'-lantern with a candle inside was placed on top of it. Perhaps this is where the belief that the Slavs celebrated Halloween came from.

Dishes made from honey and poppy seeds were obligatory - pies, pancakes, pastries, as well as intoxicating honey and other sweet drinks. Pancakes with poppy seeds are a ritual food, the meal begins with it. During it, they sang songs, made riddles about poppy seeds and honey, and recalled proverbs about these products. The girls danced in circles and showered the boys with poppy seeds in order to get married quickly.

How to celebrate Makovei correctly

As on any Christian holiday, you should visit the church. The priest will bless the water and products of the parishioners; those that are supposed to be taken to the temple for the Honey Savior are described below. Give alms, donate money to the temple.

If a water blessing is taking place in your city, you should take a dip in the blessed water. This will charge you with energy, improve your health and well-being, and get rid of negativity. If you didn't make it to the water blessing, take a swim at the city beach, walk barefoot in the dew, and wash yourself with it. Dew from roses preserves beauty, and dew from field herbs preserves health. The water of the First Savior washes away all sins. Stock up for future use, add it to water for cleaning the house, so that trouble will be avoided.

On the Honey Savior, all sins are forgiven to those who pray. If you were unable to visit the temple, you can read the prayer at home. The presence of candles, incense and icons is not necessary, the main thing is faith and sincere repentance. This is especially true for women; Savior on the Water forgives “woman’s sins.”

After charitable deeds, you can arrange a feast. Its required elements are poppy and honey. You can put dishes made from viburnum on the table. But don't forget to fast. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you can only eat raw fruits and vegetables and flour. On Tuesday and Thursday, hot dishes without oil are allowed. On Saturday and Sunday, alcohol and vegetable oil are allowed.

Invite guests and have fun. Treat the brownie with honey. They don’t offer him poppy seeds; the evil spirits, which include the brownie, cannot stand him.

What to sanctify in the Church of the Savior on Water

Honey is the main attribute of the Honey Savior holiday. It is supposed to be consecrated first of all, in new and beautiful dishes. Everyone should eat at least a spoonful of blessed honey to improve health and longevity. Before you try it, make a wish. Don't eat it all, leave some blessed honey for the future. Below are described ways to charm it.

Don't forget to take a bottle of water to the temple. Since ancient times, water has been blessed on this holiday; this tradition should not be neglected. The water of Honey Spas is filled with healing energy. It removes damage and the evil eye, drives away diseases and evil spirits.

Poppy and poppy flowers are traditionally blessed on August 14th. On the poppy consecrated in the temple, you can read conspiracies for peace in the family, protection from thieves, and peaceful sleep. Poppy seeds are sprinkled in the corners of the house to drive away evil spirits. They do it for him strong love spells and damage. You can’t use up all the product, leave a little for Christmas cake. The poppy consecrated by the seven Saviors was especially valued, that is, worn to church for seven years in a row. Not a single witch will enter the house where it is kept.

You can consecrate a bouquet of flowers that contains poppies - makoveychik. Flowers are kept near icons until spring, after which they are woven into braids for a day. This will strengthen your hair. Blessed cornflowers and marigolds are used to make decoctions for bathing sick children. You can take seeds of flowers and fruit crops that will be planted in late summer or autumn.

In pre-Christian times, the first honey, poppies and bouquets of flowers were sacrificed to the gods. This is how the peasants thanked their heavenly patrons for a good harvest. Only after the offerings could one sit down at the festive table.

Signs - do's and don'ts

IN Christian holidays you can’t work, Spas on the Water is no exception. Household chores are prohibited. The exception is working in the apiary, cleaning and digging wells, pinching peas, bathing livestock and preparing food for a festive feast. The rest of the work began the next day, August 15.

According to Bulgarian superstition, if a son-in-law gives a gift to his father-in-law on Spas Day, quarrels in the family will stop forever. Spas is a cheerful and noisy holiday. You can’t be sad and quarrel, otherwise swearing will settle in the house for a long time.

If you don’t treat a beggar or refuse alms, you will invite disaster and the money will leave the house forever. It is customary to help widows and orphans with money, food, and good deeds. Anyone who chops firewood for a lonely woman will never know grief and hunger.

No witch will spoil the well dug on Makovey. Another good day for this is the summer equinox. But you can’t even go near the water; you have to collect it in advance.

Getting your feet or clothes wet means profit. A bee sting portends a quarrel. Receiving a poppy from a loved one means separation.

Rain on August 14 means a rich harvest next year. The birds began their journey south - towards cold autumn and harsh winter. Thunderstorm - for a warm autumn.

Conspiracies and rituals on Makovey

In mid-August honey, poppy and wildflowers turn into powerful magical tools. Rituals are aimed at improving marital relations, reconciliation of household members, receiving a marriage proposal. We couldn’t do without love spells, but we can’t wish evil on this day, the negativity will return. Money magic is not prohibited.

Bouquet for daughter's happiness

Witchcraft created my own mother on a holy holiday, has special power. On Makovey you can improve your daughter’s personal life, bring her wedding closer and endow her with beauty. In the morning, the girl must go to church and bless a bouquet of poppies and wildflowers, tied with a red ribbon. After the service she returns home and gives the bouquet to her mother, who says:

May your destiny be as beautiful as a flower, and as happy as you are now, come home with your betrothed.

The bouquet is kept in my daughter's room. If there are icons - near them, otherwise hang it from the ceiling.

Conspiracies for honey

Spas is a reason to prepare honey for the whole year. If there is a quarrel in the family, honey is added to tea with a spell:

Honey, honey, soften your ardor, calm your anger, take away your resentment.

Every family member should try the charmed tea. Ideally, this should happen at one table, but you can drink tea separately, in different rooms - it will still work.

Milk with honey - folk remedy from a cold. It will be made more effective by honey consecrated on the Savior and the following spell, which is recited over the finished potion:

Disease witch, get off me! Go beyond the swamps, beyond the forests, beyond the fields, go away forever! You taste bitter and cold! I'll sweeten myself with honey, warm myself with warm milk. Let it be so!

A spell on suitors and attractiveness will help you find yourself in the center male attention. On the night of August 14-15, lubricate your lips with honey with the following words:

You'll be drawn to the honey, you won't be able to tear yourself away from it.

In the process, you can imagine a specific person or a whole crowd of suitors showering them with attention and gifts. You need to make a honey lip mask before Assumption (August 28).

You can read a spell for money on consecrated cellular honey. Place it on the dining table, cross yourself and say:

God, Creator of all, bless and multiply the seeds, and make them useful for our use: through the intercession of John the Baptist and the Baptist, graciously heeding our prayers, bless these bees and sanctify with your compassion, let them bring their abundant fruits to your temple and your holy altars for beauty, and it is good for us to use it, O Jesus Christ our Lord, honor and glory to you, forever and ever. Amen.

Take a small bite, chew and say at the same time:

Just as honey is sweet, so is money. Just as a bee collects honey a little at a time and accumulates a rich hive, so I will accumulate wealth. Just as honey sticks to a bee, let money stick to me.

Only you should eat the charmed honey while reading the second spell. Collect the wax in a box. When the honey runs out, melt the wax, add coins to it and roll into a ball. Keep it at the doorstep of your home or business.

Rituals with poppy seeds

They use poppy seeds to talk the husband out of cheating when he is at home. The wife goes out the door and sprinkles poppy seeds at the threshold with these words:

Just as you, poppy, are gray and shallow, so everyone who has breasts, let the servant of God (husband’s name) fade and become shallow before me, the servant of God (your name). Key, lock, tongue.

Arrange so that the husband steps over the scattered poppy seeds. He will no longer look at other women; his wife will get all the attention.

A poppy spoken for reconciliation will help improve relationships in a team or family. Read 9 times per handful:

Just as the sun pleases all living things, as a mother takes pity on her child, so may I, the servant of God (name), be dear to the servant of God (name). Amen! Amen! Amen!

The product, saturated with the energy of reconciliation, is poured into the pockets and shoes of those with whom friendly relations are needed.

The plot for successful trading can be read at waxing moon. If you need a new handkerchief, lay it out on the counter. Pour a glass of poppy seeds blessed for the Savior onto a scarf. Read 9 times:

Whoever steps on this poppy will buy all the goods from me.

Scatter poppy seeds in front of the counter so that customers don’t leave without their goods. Repeat the ritual from New Moon to Full Moon every working day, and there will be no end to clients.

Poppy is an important attribute of money magic that affects any sources of income. To gain wealth, take a new scarf made of green cloth. Draw a circle on it with soap that no one has used before. Place poppy seeds in the center of the circle - the more, the better. With the ring finger of your working hand (right finger for a right-handed person, left finger for a left-handed person), draw a cross on the poppy and say:

There is one island on the sea-ocean, on it there is land where the Lord God, the Mother of God lives, and I will go there, I will come closer to them, I will bow lower and say more quietly: Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your hands, paid for it with the money you carried in your wallet. They won't give you bread without a penny, they won't weave clothes, they won't sell candles in church. Give me, Lord God, as much money as there are poppies on this scarf. Let it be so!

Divide the poppy seed into two equal parts. Keep the first one in your wallet. Add the second one to warm bath. Sitting in it, imagine material goods, which you need.

Honey Savior is a holiday with a rich history, dedicated first to agrarian and then to Christian events. Honey, poppy and wildflowers take on special significance. With their help you can attract wealth and improve relationships with people. Folk signs and customs of the Savior on Water will help you spend this summer day correctly.

The Honey Savior came to us from ancient times, and it has taken root, delighting adults and children with the colors of the fading summer and the imminent autumn. It does not go out of date and is always celebrated on August 14th. This is the first of a series of celebrations that take place at the end of summer.

It is often called wet Spas, since on this day people bless water in wells and reservoirs, after which they wash themselves and their pets with it.

Another common name for it is Makovey. It is on this day that women collect poppies, making delicious fillings for pies and amulets from them.

Signs noticed by the people

The most pleasant thing was that all the observations that were marked by this blessed day still remain unchanged:

  • cranes at Honey Spas are forming flocks to fly away for the winter - the humidity and amount of dew in the morning will increase;
  • the swallow and the swift are flying south - the nights will now become several degrees colder;
  • the bees in the hives completely fill the honeycombs with honey and will not carry it anymore this year - all the flowers and herbs have bloomed;
  • raspberries picked on this day have the most healing properties and cure any disease;
  • winter crops sown on August 14 will sprout well and smoothly, without loss or damage - there will be a lot of grain, no one will go hungry;
  • wild or home-grown poppy collected at Honey Spas has special properties - it protects against evil spirits and witches, and prevents a scandal from breaking out in the house;
  • a cleaned threshing floor on this day guarantees the health of livestock;
  • The weather on this day speaks about what the next year will be like.

Folk signs on Honey Spas

People put all these observations into one proverb: “The Honey Savior has come - prepare mittens in reserve.” This means that summer is over and it’s heading towards winter.

Today, older people continue to believe that summer ends on Makovei, when the sun sets. Therefore, even on hot subsequent days, they always have warm clothes with them.

Beliefs suggested by old people

The most pleasant folk omen on August 14 is the healing water in all wells and springs. And for the owner who digs a well on this day, the water in it will never fall below its original level. And those well owners who clean the springs on Makovey will receive clear, tasty water for many years after cleaning.

It used to be believed that the dew that falls on Honey Spas gives beauty to all the girls and women who wash their faces with it that morning. Girls and young women got up at dawn and went to a field or grove to collect dew and wash their faces with it or wipe their bodies. The dew this morning really has a strong effect, as many flowers give up their power on the night of Makovei.

A sign of this day is also the forgiveness of any sin to a woman. On this day, a daughter may confess to her parents for unsightly actions. And her parents should forgive her everything. Wives told their husbands on August 14 about all their troubles. Husbands helped solve them and forgave sins.

A sign of the Honey Savior is the forgiveness of any sin to a woman.

Another wonderful folk sign of the first Savior - helping orphans, widows, and the poor on this day brought people good luck and prosperity for a whole year. Moreover, if a helping person did a good deed without any self-interest, then he was rewarded a hundredfold. And for those owners who helped for the sake of a holiday or because it was customary, this act did not bring good luck.

On the night of August 13-14, roses fade and fall off. This means that the water in reservoirs can now become dangerous, causing convulsions. After the holiday, people no longer swam in open water, as the likelihood of contracting a severe pulmonary disease or drowning increased several times.

There are many beliefs associated with water and the Honey Savior, which have been confirmed in practice for many centuries. So, on August 14th of each year, it was customary to wash the body with water from reservoirs. And the livestock certainly had to be thoroughly washed with the healing water of the Savior. All the sores that were on people’s bodies went away much faster. And in villages and villages where animals were washed on this day with water from a river or lake, there was no loss of livestock.

The surprising thing is that folk signs do not lose their relevance even after several centuries. So, if it rains on Makovey, then autumn and spring will be moderately rainy, and summer will not be very hot. In addition, on this day the weather can change unpredictably throughout the day. Rainy in the morning, sunny or windy in the afternoon, calm in the afternoon, and cloudy or stormy again in the evening. Therefore, they carefully monitored the changes, guessing in this way how the weather would change before the first Savior of the next year.

Some signs based on observations

Old people have several other signs that came to us from our great-grandfathers. People tried to remember these folk observations in the form of proverbs and sayings that are easily remembered by children and adults:

  • in Honey Spas there is everything in reserve - sun, rain and different weather;
  • Macovey came: everyone, rich and poor, eat and drink honey;
  • the first Savior saved the widow's sin;
  • whoever drinks from the well in the morning on Makovey will find happiness more than once in a year;
  • poppy amulet - the road is always smooth, the poppy protects the traveler and returns him home unharmed;
  • rain on Makovey - the fire will not break the fast;
  • Help orphans on the Savior - welcome happiness and good luck;
  • whatever Makovei wears, we will break our fast with.

These sayings carry true information, because they have been collected by the people for more than one generation. An example of this is the poppy amulet. This item comes in different sizes and is decorated with ribbons and dried flowers.

Even today, many people living in villages and villages, when going on a long or long journey, take with them a talisman made from poppy heads collected on August 14th. This amulet helps drivers, truckers, geologists, businessmen and simply traveling tourists return home safely.

Another example of the veracity of the observations on Makovey is getting rid of thrush in the mouth of babies with the help of honey collected on Spas.

Not all signs collected by the people can be trusted these days. After all, the environment has changed, people’s perceptions have changed. But the basic signs continue to remain effective, despite any changes in plant and human nature.

The Second Spas, which is called Yablochny, is celebrated on August 19. This event does not go unnoticed among people. signs and beliefs that are relevant to this day are known for the fact that on this day all fortune-telling, as a rule, turns out to be true.

A little about the holiday

Apple Spas is a sign that a warm or hot summer is gradually giving way to a cooler autumn. On this day it is necessary to harvest. Observant people notice that on August 19 it becomes cool, and birds and animals, sensing the approach of cold weather, begin to behave cautiously and fussily.

Jesus Christ is considered the Savior, that is, the savior of the human race. It was thanks to him that the holiday received its name. Traditions, customs, rituals and signs on Apple Spas (August 19) are very diverse. If you are observant enough and believe in magic, you will notice how, by following all the rules, your life will change for the better.

There are many signs that indicate that good luck will soon visit your life. Here are the most popular ones:

  • If on August 19 a fly lands on your hand twice, then good luck will follow you for a whole year. It has been noted that even if you don’t like flies, you should be patient and wait until the insect flies away.
  • If you treat a poor or needy person on this day, you can expect a good harvest next year.

Many signs that exist on Yablochny Spas are dedicated to women.

Signs for women

A lot of new and even mystical things happen to the fair sex at Yablochny Spas. Signs for women, the observance of which helps not to commit sins, are as follows:

  • As everyone knows, Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because of one apple they ate. After Easter and before the Apple Day, a woman should not eat apples, so as not to violate God's commandment. If a girl breaks this tradition, she will take upon herself a grave sin.
  • A woman should not come to church wearing a skirt above the knee or with her head uncovered. This means disobedience to the laws of the Lord.

Such traditions have existed at Yablochny Spas since ancient times. Signs for women occupy special place in holding this holiday, since it is the fair sex who are the keepers of the hearth and provide family comfort.

There are also many folk beliefs that help predict the future course of events.

Popular beliefs are not limited to signs for women. For example, there is a tradition that obliges you to eat an apple with honey on this day. This will help you improve your health and give you strength for the whole year. Besides:

  • On this day it is customary to harvest peas and apples.
  • For good luck to follow you, prepare dishes that contain apples for Apple Spas.
  • If you do not harvest your grain crop by August 19, then after this day all weather conditions will harm it.
  • After August 19 the weather will become much colder.
  • If it’s hot on Yablochny Spas, then the winter won’t be very snowy, but if it’s cold, expect cold and snowstorms.

In addition, there are several conspiracies and fortune telling that young girls often resort to on this day:

  • Cut a red ripe apple into equal halves, put a note between them with the name of the person you like. Place the apple on the windowsill and watch which half begins to deteriorate and darken first. If it’s on the right, then the person you’re interested in doesn’t have warm feelings for you, and if it’s on the left, then most likely your loved one will soon take the initiative to bring you closer together.
  • If you want to perform a ritual that will show whether your dream will come true, take 3 apples of different colors. Let one be red, the second yellow, and the third green. Place the fruits in one container. Imagine that your wish has come true. Do it in colors. After this, take one apple out of the box. If you come across red, then your wish will come true, and this fulfillment will not take long to arrive. If the apple is yellow, then you will have to make some efforts to achieve your dream. If you pull out a green fruit, then your wish will not come true.

You can not only guess at Apple Spas. Signs, conspiracies, and rituals are also popular among believers.

Rituals and conspiracies for Apple Savior

Signs for Apple Spas on August 19 boil down to the fact that you can attract good luck in your personal life, career and other important areas on your own. This must be done using the following rituals:

  • Pick 3 linden branches and place them in a vase next to your bed. After this, for 9 days, every morning, take the branches out of the vase, walk around the whole house with them, whipping them in the corners. This way you will attract wealth into your life.
  • To bewitch your loved one, take an apple, cut it into equal halves, put a nettle leaf between them, and again connect the parts into one whole. Next, bring the apple to your lips and read the spell: “Fly to me, my destiny, like stinging nettles. Let it be for the good of you, me and everyone around.” After that, hide the apple in a place where no one will find it. Wait until the fruit dries, then bury it in the ground near your loved one's home.
  • To rid your home of bad energy, on August 19, take a large apple and cut it into 2 equal parts, cut out the core from one. Next, take a candle, place it on a saucer, light it and walk around every corner of your house with it. The wax will drip from the candle, you should pour it into the cored apple half. Cover it with the second part of the fruit and fasten it tightly with threads. After this, take the apple outside and bury it deep in the ground.

Signs for Apple Spas on August 19 are not limited to this. There are several other beliefs that seem to look mystical.

  • If parents whose child has recently died do not eat apples before the Apple Savior, then in the next world the baby will receive gifts in the form of heavenly apples.
  • On this day, peas also need to be blessed in church. Good luck will follow the one who shares the blessed fruits with poor people.

Apple Savior is considered an Orthodox holiday, so people who believe in God observe all the traditions of this holiday.

On August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Origin (destruction) of the trees of the Cross of the Lord. And people often call this day - Honey Spas.

You should know that Honey Spas is the first day of the Assumption Fast, which ends on the eve of the Assumption.

The Assumption Fast is the only multi-day Orthodox fast in honor of the Mother of God and her Assumption.

Therefore he is very strict.Strict, but sweet, just like the life of worthy people, believing Orthodox Christians after death.

What you can eat during the Dormition Fast:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry food (and this is bread, vegetables and fruits);
  • on Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil;
  • on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil;
  • Only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and on the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary can one also eat fish.

Spas Honey arrived in time,
Seeing off the summer
The honey is already ripe in the honeycombs,
Promising a holiday.
This calendar day
They don’t call it Lakomka for nothing:
First Spas, Honey Spas,
He has something in store for us,
Prepared sweets
For honey joy!

The very word “Savior” is associated with Jesus Christ, who is called the Savior. It is to him that the Orthodox Church dedicates these holidays. It must be said that each feast of the Savior in the church calendar has a different, so to speak, official name.

Honey, the very first one saved, V church calendars is called The Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Apple saved, which is celebrated on August 19, according to church canons it is called the Transfiguration of the Lord.

And the last one, third Nut Spas, which is called not made by hands, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church in memory of the transfer of the Not Made by Hands image of the Lord Jesus Christ to Constantinople.

Why are holidays called Spas?

It turns out that this word has ancient, even pagan roots. The Slavs, long before the advent of Christianity, revered the God of the Savior, to whom they prayed for successful collection and safety of the harvest. After the baptism of Rus' Slavic traditions intertwined with the Orthodox, and the holidays of the Savior acquired another meaning: Jesus gave each of us the opportunity to sweeten our souls from evil forces, to take care of it even before the autumn of life comes. And now, during Spasov, we remember Him, trying to think at least for a moment: how do we live?

Our ancestors always swam in ponds on Honey Spas. It was believed that on this day all water acquires magical powers - it washes away sins, saves from troubles and illnesses. But swimming after August 14 was prohibited - you could get sick and even drown.

There is another name for the holiday on August 14 - Makovey. Those who often visit church know that on this day in churches they remember the martyrdom of the seven Maccabee brothers for the faith. But the Maccabees have nothing to do with the harvest festival. It’s just that on August 14, people began to collect poppy seeds in the fields and bake pies with this filling.

Makoveychik - a magical amulet bouquet

On the holiday of Macovei earlier, in pre-Christian Rus', people created special bouquets-amulets - poppy flowers, who protected the family from harm throughout the year. They did not stop collecting poppy seeds even after the advent of Christianity. True, now they are consecrated in the church.

In the old days, poppy seed was made from 17 herbs. Over time, the number of components has changed.

What must be in a bouquet?

1. A symbol of incredible beauty, sincere love and loyalty to each other - Kalina;

2. A symbol of bright sun, warmth and mutual gratitude - Sunflower;

3. Strong protection against various diseases and ailments - Rue, Marigold (Calendula);

4. For excellent harvest and prosperity - Oats;

5. In order for peace, tranquility, understanding and trust to always be present in the family - Mint;

6. So that, as they say: “there is no translation” - Oregano (Materinka);

7. Sincere affection and tenderness will be added by - Laskovets;

8. A large number of gentlemen suggests the presence of Tirlich;

9. In case of a quarrel, reconciliation favors - Donnik;

10. Poppy heads are an essential component of a bouquet; it also helps a lot with a small child’s insomnia if you put a consecrated poppy head under the baby’s pillow;

11. A sprig of wormwood - from evil spirits.

Tie the collected herbs with a red ribbon of any length...

Have you prepared a bouquet? Now it should be consecrated in the church and protected like the apple of your eye for a whole year - it will protect the house and all family members from illnesses and troubles.

The dried poppy seed is best placed on the windowsill. And to protect your home from witchcraft spells. Scatter poppies around the house (at least at the threshold and in the corners of each room).

And remember: on Makovei women are forgiven all unforgivable sins.

By the way, if a child has trouble falling asleep or sleeps restlessly , a consecrated poppy head is placed under his pillow.

Popular belief says: The First Savior atones for a woman’s sins. It’s probably no secret to anyone that living a life without sin is an impossible task, unless the saints can cope with it, but an ordinary person cannot do it. The circumstances are like this. that, even in small ways, everyone sins. This sign speaks of that. that if a woman has a sin for which she cannot beg forgiveness in any way, then on this day such a sin will definitely be forgiven her.

For greater confidence in the forgiveness of sins, it was necessary to help widows and orphans with housework - “Throw at least a sliver of wood into the widow’s yard at Honey Spas.” By wood chips they meant firewood. People tried to help in preparing firewood, working in the garden, and doing chores around the house. After all, that one. whoever helps those in need on this day will receive the blessing of the Lord.

Signs for Honey Spas

After the Honey Spa we no longer swam: summer is coming to an end, the water is blooming, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not paying their fees, the rooks are gathering in flocks and preparing to fly away, the roses are fading, the departure of the first swallows and swifts is celebrated.

The farewell to summer begins with Spas. They say: The Savior has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather.

The weather of this day is used to judge what the third Savior will be like.

  • On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
  • Plow this winter, this winter.
  • On Maccabees they collect poppies.
  • Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
  • Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
  • From the first rescue the dew is good.
  • The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
  • The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
  • Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
  • Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
  • The first Savior is to stand on the water, the second Savior is to eat apples, the third Savior is to sell canvases on the green mountains.
  • On Makovei, summer ends and autumn begins.
  • The Savior has everything in stock: rain, wind, buckets, and different weather conditions.
  • For the first time, the Savior and the beggar will try the honey.
  • This day was also called the Wet Savior, religious processions to the water were held everywhere, and after the blessing of water they bathed themselves and for the last time this year they bathed all livestock.
  • Help widows on Makovey - help the weak, and happiness for you
  • In the Urals and Siberia, cedar trees begin to cone from the first Savior.
  • After the first Spas they do not go into the water.
  • For those who are afraid of witches: on this day you need to collect wild poppy seeds and sprinkle them on the house - not a single witch will enter the house.

Associated with August 14th various signs and superstitions, which, in turn, have been noticed for many centuries.

The signs of the Honey Savior helped our ancestors not only get rid of problems and troubles, but also look into the mysterious future. We invite you to familiarize yourself with all folk signs Poppy Spas:

  • The state of the weather at Honey Spas speaks about what the weather will be like at the Assumption Fast;
  • It is believed that absolutely everyone is simply obliged to eat honey on the first day of the Savior, since it has very healing properties, and is able to raise even an extremely seriously ill person to his feet;
  • It's worth expecting enough snowy winter in the event that migratory birds have flown away very early. There will be a warm autumn, an extremely long winter and a cold spring if the birds are a little late;
  • In order not to be left without a harvest, they strictly observed the following sign of the Honey Savior: it was from August 14, not a day earlier, that winter crops began to be sown;
  • There was also a belief that it was necessary to start “breaking the honeycombs” on the day of the Savior, otherwise other people’s bees could “pull everything out”;
  • A sign about happiness on Maccabees: it has always been believed that the one who helps any widow on this holiday, that is, a woman who absolutely always needs any support from the outside, will definitely find happiness and will never need food;
  • Few fires should be expected only if it rains on Honey Spas;
  • All housewives always believed and knew for sure that any baked goods would turn out quite excellent if you add poppy seeds collected on August 14th to it, since it has not only decent culinary qualities, but also medicinal properties;
  • It was also believed that poppy collected at the Honey Savior could ward off all the intrigues of witches if you sprinkled it on your house;
  • Previously, absolutely all women believed that if on the day of the holiday they prayed to their Guardian Angel with a sincere request for help to atone for their sins, then the Angel would definitely help her. Only a woman must first forgive herself, and only then turn to To higher powers;
  • They always tried to dig a new well before the Savior of Honey and consecrate it on the day of the holiday. Since such water was always supposed to please its owners not only with clean, but most importantly - with healing water.

Even a beggar must eat honey on Macabei

On Honey Savior, which is popularly called Maccabeus, every person tried to go to church and bless honey. People say that such honey has special healing powers. He is able to raise even a seriously ill person to his feet. In such cases it is often said that a miracle happened.

In addition, blessed honey can make any wish come true, but you just need to make your wish on the first spoon. By the way, the first Spas is called honey precisely because at this time the honeycombs are filled with honey and beekeepers begin to harvest.

It was from this day that people began to sow winter crops. The old people argued that if you start sowing earlier, there will be no harvest at all.

What does it mean for people living on earth to have no harvest? This is hunger. Therefore, they sacredly believed in this sign and strictly observed it.

On Macabei, help widows - help the weak, and happiness for you

This sign was mandatory for all people living in villages. Life is hard enough for widows. All the work, both male and female, is on her fragile shoulders. It was believed that whoever on this day completely disinterestedly chops firewood for such a woman, brings water or helps in some other way will definitely be happy in life and will never go hungry.

Collect poppies for Maccabees

By this day the poppy is ripening. Now you can safely collect it. But good housewives have little secret, which allows you to make buns especially tasty and aromatic.
Poppy seeds for baking need to be collected on August 14, then it will have not only valuable culinary qualities, but also medicinal properties.

After the first Spas they don’t go into the water

According to folk calendar It is on this day that real autumn begins. The heat is declining, the nights are becoming cold, and the water in reservoirs is no longer heating up as much as in summer. Currently there is abnormal heat, people continue to swim in the river even in September, but this was how it used to be.

In the first Savior, any woman’s sin will be forgiven

Women have always believed in this sign. Therefore, on this day they turned to their Guardian Angel with a prayer asking for help to atone for their sins. But it was believed that if a woman does not forgive herself, then the Angel will not be able to help her. First you need to forgive yourself, and then turn to the Higher Powers for forgiveness.

Honey Spas sanctifies new wells

In the old days, they tried to dig a well and bring it to life just in time for this holiday. Moreover, before the well was consecrated on the Honey Savior, no water was taken from it. It was believed that a well consecrated on this holiday would always delight its owners with clean and healing water. No one can even harm or poison the water in such a well.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs associated with the holiday of the Honey Savior . And in order to take advantage of this day, modern man needs to prepare. Unfortunately, today we do not know what our grandparents knew. But in vain! We need to revive the knowledge of our ancestors.

Honey Savior - celebrated on August 14, the first day of the Assumption Lent. This is the first of three Spas. It is also called Poppy Spas or Spas on the Water. As often happens, the Honey Savior is both a folk and Orthodox holiday. We will find out how to celebrate the Honey Savior, why it received such names, what signs exist for the Honey Savior, as well as what traditions our ancestors observed on the Honey Savior. We’ll also figure out what to cook for Honey Spas or Poppy Spas.

Honey Rescue 2017

On August 14, 2017, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Origin (destruction) of the trees of the Holy Cross. And among the people this day is often called the Honey Savior. You should know that Honey Spas August 14- this is the first day of the Assumption Fast, which ends on August 27 on the eve of the Assumption. Honey Spas falls on Sunday in 2017. All three Spas are somehow linked not only to the great Orthodox holidays- The carrying out of the Cross of the Lord and the beginning of the Dormition Fast (Honey Savior), the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (Nut Savior), but also with rural field work, namely, harvesting: honey, grapes, pears, apples, grain. The main thing is that during the religious ritual of blessing the fruits, people do not forget about the significance and solemnity of these Orthodox holidays.

Dormition post

Assumption Post- This is the only multi-day Orthodox fast in honor of the Mother of God and her Assumption. Therefore he is very strict. Strict, but sweet, just like the life of worthy people, believing Orthodox Christians after death.

What you can eat during the Dormition Fast:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry food (and this is bread, vegetables and fruits);
  • on Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil;
  • on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil;
  • Only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and on the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary can one also eat fish.

Why is Spas called Honey, Poppy and Spas on Water?

In different regions, Honey Spas can also be called First Spas, Poppy Spas, Wet Spas, Spas on the Water, Lakomka, Honey Festival, Medolom, Bee Festival, Farewell to Summer, Spasovka, Maccabee. Therefore, on Honey Spas it is customary to consecrate not only honey, but also water, and also poppy seeds.

  • Honey Spas

    • Honey Spas is called so because the honeycombs in the hives are full by mid-August, and beekeepers begin collecting honey. It was believed that if the beekeeper did not break the honeycomb, the neighboring bees would take out all the honey. According to tradition, it was allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church from this day on. Honey was eaten with bread or various dishes. Housewives baked honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds. The villagers knew that honey had special powers and was suitable for treating many diseases. In the morning, beekeepers diligently looked out for hives, making the sign of the cross, choosing among them the richest in honey reserves. Having taken a fancy to the hive, they “broke out” the honeycombs from it and, putting part of them into a new, unused wooden vessel, carried them to the church. After mass, the priest blessed the “new product” from the summer labors of the bee, “God’s worker,” and began to bless the honey brought in the honeycomb. The clerk collected the “priest’s share.” Part of the blessed honey was immediately handed over to the “beggar brethren”, who congratulated the beekeepers on the Honey Savior - “On the first Savior, even a beggar will try honey!” And then most of this holiday took place in the apiary. In the evening, a crowd of children and teenagers surrounded each beehouse, with rags or a burdock leaf in their hands - they received a “children's share.”
  • Poppy Spas

    • This is why August 14th is called Poppy Spas. August 14 is also the day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees. And, as has happened more than once in Russian history, Christian customs uniquely overlapped with Russian customs and rituals: the day of remembrance of the Maccabees merged with the ancient Russian rite of seeing off summer and is celebrated among the people as the holiday of Macabei or the Poppy Savior - in the dishes served at the festive table, There is always poppy present, which is ripening by this time. On this day, Macans and Machniks bake Lenten pies, rolls, buns, gingerbread cookies with poppy seeds and honey. The meal began with pancakes with poppy seeds. Milk of the poppy was prepared in a special bowl for grinding poppy seeds - a poppy-honey mixture into which pancakes were dipped. Poppy is mentioned in many proverbs, sayings, choral songs and riddles: “A poppy with honey makes you lick your mustache,” “The poppy is black, but the boyars eat it,” “Jacob is glad that the pie is with poppy seeds,” “When you remember the poppy, don’t be angry anyway.” , “There is a town on the stamen, there are seven hundred governors in it.”
    • On Macabee’s Day, young people danced in circles with the song “Oh, there’s a poppy on the mountain,” with playful round dance flourishes; the girls showered the guy with poppies, pinched him, tickled him, chanting: “Poppies, poppies, poppies, golden heads!”
  • Spas on the Water

    • Savior on the Water The Honey Savior is named in honor of the small consecration of water. In Rus', it was customary to make processions of the cross to natural bodies of water to bless the water. After the procession they bathed in water and bathed livestock to wash away sin and be healthier. It was also at this time that new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned. The First Savior is called the Wet Savior, because, according to the establishment of the Church, on this day religious processions on water, prayer services and blessings of water were held on rivers, lakes, and wells were blessed. According to A.S. Ermolov, before the First Savior, as after the Baptism of the Lord, “the laundry is not washed for three days” (that is, they are not washed or rinsed in reservoirs) so as not to contaminate the water blessed at the blessing of water. Bathing in blessed water was considered beneficial for people (from fever, from the evil eye, etc.) and livestock (especially horses). It is interesting that the place where the blessing of water took place could be called Jordan, by analogy with the Epiphany ice hole. They even said that “swimming at Spas in Erdani means unforgivable sins will be forgiven.” Horses, like all livestock, were usually bathed for the last time on this day. If you buy a horse after the First Savior, the peasants explained, then it will not survive the upcoming winter cold, its “blood will freeze.”

Signs for Honey Spas

Rescues or Rescues begin - popular name the first half of August according to the old style, when three Spas and Obzhinki are celebrated. It is believed that the names are given in honor of Jesus Christ the Savior (Savior). According to folk etymology, the meaning of the word “saved” comes from “to be saved,” that is, to save oneself, to survive by eating something, namely: honey (Honey Spas), apples (Apple Spas), bread, nuts (Nut or Bread Saved).

After the Honey Spa we no longer swam: summer is coming to an end, the water is blooming, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not paying their fees, the rooks are gathering in flocks and preparing to fly away, the roses are fading, the departure of the first swallows and swifts is celebrated.

Farewell to summer begins with Spas. They say: The Savior has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather. The weather of this day is used to judge what the third Savior will be like.

  • On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
  • Plow this winter, this winter.
  • On Maccabees they collect poppies.
  • Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
  • Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
  • From the first rescue the dew is good.
  • The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
  • The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
  • Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
  • Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
  • The first Savior is to stand on the water, the second Savior is to eat apples, the third Savior is to sell canvases on the green mountains.

Traditions at Honey Spas

On the First Savior, “women’s sins” are atoned for: women are forgiven all their unforgivable sins.

According to tradition, on this day it is performed small consecration of water, as well as honey of the new collection, its consumption is blessed - they bake honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds.

For the peasant it is a time of suffering, field work, haymaking, harvest. Peasants are preparing threshing floors, barns for the new harvest of bread, and arable land for winter crops. The church also illuminated wreaths of ears of new grain., the first fruits of the harvest. On this day, the first sowing of winter rye was organized in the central and southern zones of Russia.

On the eve of Makovia they prepare “Makovia flower”: A bouquet of different flowers and plants including mint, thyme and calendula. Each plant has its own magical meaning, and they are all together, with several poppy heads, consecrated in the church. After this, the blessed poppy heads are kept at home for peace and well-being in the family. IN folk medicine A bouquet of dry heads is placed by the bed of those who suffer from insomnia - for a restful sleep.

In spring, blessed poppies are scattered in the garden, and girls weave dried flowers into their hair to prevent their hair from falling out.

Honey was consecrated in new containers that had not yet been used., where the beekeeper, wearing clean clothes, placed part of the honeycomb from the richest hive. It was customary to treat the poor with blessed honey; parents were also commemorated with it. Part of the honey remained in the church; the clergy, beggars and children were treated to it.

On this day, they organized the so-called “widows’ and orphans’ help” - that is, they helped them with the housework and brought refreshments: “You are for yourself, We are for you, And Christ’s Savior is for us all!”

What to cook for Honey Spas

On this holiday, dishes and drinks are prepared from honey, pies or gingerbreads are baked, and poppy seeds are used for decoration and filling. We bring to your attention a small selection of recipes that are appropriate and can be prepared on Honey Spas.


1.5 l. water,
500 gr. honey,
5 gr. carnations,
5 gr. cinnamon,
5 gr. ginger,
5 gr. allspice,
50 gr. yeast.

Bring the water to a boil, add honey to it and bring to a boil again, constantly skimming off the foam. Then add ginger, cloves, allspice and cinnamon. Boil everything again and cool. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and mix with honey infusion. Pour the finished sbiten into bottles and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. Then close the bottles tightly and leave them in the cold for 2-3 weeks to allow the sbiten to ripen.

    Honey kvass

5 l. water,
800 gr. honey,
25 gr. yeast,
2 lemons.

Boil water, add honey to it and stir thoroughly. Cool the honey to a temperature of 20 ° C, add yeast, juice of 2 lemons and leave at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Cool the finished kvass in the refrigerator, pour into bottles or serve immediately.

    Honey gingerbread


500 gr. honey,
500 gr. rye flour,
1 tbsp. mixtures of cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom,
2 tbsp. cognac or vodka,
2 tbsp. starch,
vegetable oil.

Mix flour and spices, melt honey over low heat and bring it to a boil, add flour to it and start stirring very quickly until the dough turns white. Then add vodka or cognac, knead the dough until smooth and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Roll out the dough, adding starch to it, cut out the gingerbread cookies using cookie cutters, place them on a greased baking sheet and, without browning, finish cooking in the oven.

    Salad of carrots, soy sauce, honey and garlic


Carrots - 2 pcs (large)
soy sauce - 1-2 tbsp. l.
liquid honey - 11.5 tbsp. l.
garlic - 1-2 cloves
olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
water - 1-2 tbsp. l.


1. Grate one clove of garlic and carrots on a coarse grater, then fry on olive oil within two to three minutes.

2. Add a little soy sauce and honey to the garlic and carrots, then add a little soy sauce and honey, another clove of garlic (squeeze it through a garlic press), mix all the ingredients and cover the pan with a lid. Let it cook for another three minutes.

3. After three minutes, taste the contents of the pan, and if necessary, add a little more soy sauce, honey, garlic, plus 1-2 tbsp. l. water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

This dish can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish for meat or fish.

    Poppy pie

Sugar - 180 - 200g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Butter - 120g
Flour - 250g
Poppy - 100-130g
Baking powder - 1 tbsp. lie
Water -60 ml
Vanilla sugar - 7g
Vegetable oil for mold
Powdered sugar for sprinkling

How to make poppy seed pie:

In a small saucepan, combine poppy seeds with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add water and stir. Place the bowl with the poppy seed mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave until the poppy seeds swell and the mixture cools completely. Butter room temperature grind with some sugar (2-3 tbsp.). Separate the yolks from the whites and add to the cream mixture. Mix the contents thoroughly (can be beaten with a mixer or whisk). Add sifted flour and mix again. You should get a fairly thick mass. In a dry, low-fat bowl, mix the chilled egg whites with vanilla sugar and the rest of the granulated sugar. Using a mixer, beat the whites with the remaining ingredients (sugar and vanillin) into a stable cream. Add the cooled poppy seed mass to the resulting dough (from step 6) and mix everything thoroughly. Stir baking powder into the dough. Add the whipped whites and mix the contents with gentle movements (so as not to disturb the airy consistency). Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. Pour over the finished dough and smooth it out. Place the pan in a hot oven. Bake the poppy seed cake until cooked at a temperature of 180 0C for about 40-50 minutes. Remove the finished poppy seed cake from the oven and leave in the pan to cool slightly.
Before serving, sprinkle the poppy seed cake powdered sugar and cut into portions.

    Poppy roll

2 eggs
50 grams sugar
6 grams yeast
150 grams butter
0.5 glasses milk
1 pinch salt
150 grams poppy seed


Pour milk or water into a bowl, add yeast and leave to dissolve for about ten minutes. Using a fine sieve, sift the flour into a clean plate and add salt and sugar. Then we start kneading the dough with water. Pour in the yeast, melted in a saucepan butter over medium heat, add salt and mix everything. Then knead the elastic dough on the table with your hands, constantly sprinkle it with flour, it should not end up sticking to your hands. Afterwards we form it into a lump and leave it in a deep bowl, the edges of which are greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a towel or cotton cloth. Leave in a warm place for a while, the dough should rise and double in size.

Steam the poppy seeds and chop them. To do this, pour boiling water over the poppy seeds, let it stand for ten or fifteen minutes, and then evaporate over low heat. excess water. Using a blender, grind the poppy seeds almost into a puree. Then pour sugar into it. In the meantime, roll out all the dough into a layer, the thickness of which is one and a half centimeters. Place the prepared filling on it and roll it into a roll. Preheat the oven in advance, then grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the roll on it. Bake for about forty minutes, brush the risen roll with beaten egg and continue baking until done.

We hope that the proposed recipes for dishes with honey will help you in preparing for Honey Spas!

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