Admission to the architectural institute. What subjects do you need to take to become an architect when entering a university?

The lucky owner of a talent for drawing sharpens his pencils and enrolls in preparatory courses at the Faculty of Architecture. In the summer, applicants will take exams, and the luckiest ones will be enrolled in the first year...

What to advise and what to warn about, and is it possible to become an architect without education? We asked graduates and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture of the Kyiv University of Civil Engineering and Architecture about this.

How to become an architect

Once you have entered, you no longer have “tomorrow”, there is only “today” and “yesterday”, - graduates of the Faculty of Architecture say. - There is no time, but you need to do a lot, otherwise you will regret it later. An architect must theoretically understand absolutely everything in order to create most fully and well. Believe me, every thing you missed, you will regret on your first day of work

It is not that simple. Few applicants understand what exactly they will have to do. I can draw a little and can become an architect myself, they say. But an architect is a serious profession; they are both humanists and engineers at the same time. How many different calculations have to be made, how many “uninteresting” objects need to be known - there will be strength of materials, and designs... And everyone thinks that they will draw their incredible ideas, they say teachers of KNUSiA.

Upon admission to a higher education institution to become an architect The following subjects must be taken:

  1. Literature;
  2. Story;
  3. Drawing, drawing and composition.

Don't forget to find time to sleep, no matter how hard it is. If possible, get enough sleep at the expense of the first class in sociology, for example, otherwise there will be a bloody nose and loss of consciousness.

Be sure to go to couples. It's better than sitting at home in vain. And if you are skipping, then hang out in the foreign library of the university and read architectural magazines. Yes, and in general! Go to the library!

Is it possible to become an architect without knowing how to draw? In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the architect is not required to be able to paint pictures, however, it is important to be able to draw and understand the composition because this is very important when designing.

read books. If anyone thinks that they can learn only through a little practice in pairs, then they are very mistaken. Just read not “The 1000 Best Cottages of 2012”, but, for example, “Masters of Architecture about Architecture”. Of course, sometimes you can and should disagree with what is written, but you will find out how they reasoned then, and you will understand why.

The main thing is to do something about your studies every day., at least for a few hours. Then suddenly it turns out that everything has been done.

Try to do everything on time, then during the session you won’t want to shoot yourself.

Envy, greatly envy each other. But not in a black way. Any success of another student should encourage you to do well too. Raise your bar, strive to do even better than yesterday.

Handwork develops taste and vision, which will then help you present your work beautifully on the computer

Never Don’t take the “criticism” of senile people to heart, it often ruins good ideas!

Main, show interest in the subject! Then all the “evil and callous” teachers will immediately become soft and kind, because they need a little respect. Over the years of work, they are tired of squeezing out a pitiful minimum from ungrateful, stupid lazy people. Just go to classes more or less regularly and work. Show your interest and then the entire department will immediately become interested in working with you.

By the way, no one has ever been kicked out or expelled for a constructive argument with teachers! Only then they don’t want to consult you if you asked a question that was inconvenient for the “architectural professor.”

Teach thoroughly history, structures, geometry, physics and all exact sciences indirectly or directly related to architecture. And only then declare that you did something cool! So work like you're sick!

On the one hand, the worst thing is to do dull nonsense, but it’s even more scary to make dull nonsense while declaring that these are “new approaches.”

Learn to think.

Most important subject in the first year this is archpro, archpro and again archpro. After the archpro - a sketch.

It is best to settle near the institute, otherwise you will have to travel with a tablet and layouts in public transport. And this is hell.

The best drink is tea. They are treated to it by classmates in the dorm. You can drink it in liters, unlike coffee.

Do not forget that future employment is influenced not by grades, but by skills. That's what's important! No one will need your grades at work.

And watch your posture!

Currently, the profession of an architect is in great demand. Therefore, many young people who are faced with the question of choosing a type of activity choose this direction.

To be confident in your choice, you need to know the features of the profession, the length of study and the possibility of employment after graduation.

Let's take a closer look at what an architect's job is, what categories of specialists there are, how to get this profession and how much money you can earn.

Who is an architect and what does he do?

An architect is a specialist who designs a building, which includes the development of space-planning solutions and interior design.

The work of an architect is considered independent: the designer is based on the knowledge gained in the process of training and personal professional experience. His imagination is limited only by his own ideas of beauty.

Despite the fact that this profession is classified as technical, it is also creative - after all, the architect creates new projects, many of which become unique. An architect is an artist whose works can be used to determine his authorship.

In the 20th century, the profession was divided into branches:

  1. Urban planning. When designing residential areas, the architect must take into account not only the location of highways, shopping areas, schools and kindergartens, but also prioritize the safety of buildings. This takes into account the terrain, the nature of the soil, the likelihood of earthquakes or floods. Only after studying the safety of the enterprise can you begin designing buildings.
  2. Volumetric design. An architect's responsibilities include designing buildings various types: residential, industrial and public buildings. The project must contain detailed drawings with descriptions.

What an architect should know - personal and professional qualities

A future architect must have a number of qualities that will help in mastering the profession:

  • spatial thinking;
  • creative mind;
  • organization;
  • responsibility;
  • originality and creativity;
  • realism;
  • good taste;
  • communication skills;
  • punctuality and tact.

In addition to personal qualities, it is important to have high-quality professional training. The technician must know and correctly apply:

  • building regulations;
  • computer-aided design systems;
  • methods of design and calculations.

The architect must master the basics of cartography and geodesy, have analytical and mathematical abilities to make correct calculations and draw up drawings.

Professions related to architecture

In order for architectural buildings to attract attention, it is important to work out all the details:

  • for the development of new neighborhoods, the work of an urban environment designer will be useful;
  • A restoration architect will help restore the historical building;
  • To decorate the local area, you should contact a landscape designer, and an interior designer will design the premises.

The narrow specialization of architects and designers allows them to completely immerse themselves in a certain area, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of their activities.

Also, do not forget about such specialties as civil engineer, mason, carpenter, builder and electrician.

The best architectural universities in Russia

When planning to master the profession of an architect, it is important to approach the choice of educational institution responsibly. After all, the knowledge that a future specialist receives depends on the quality of information presentation.

Among the universities in Russia we can highlight:

  1. National Research Moscow State construction university.
  2. Moscow Architectural Institute.
  3. Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. Bauman.
  4. National research university « graduate School economy".
  5. Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

What subjects do you need to take to become an architect?

To enter the Faculty of Architecture after 11th grade, an applicant must pass the following exams:

  • mathematics (profile);
  • story;
  • Russian language;
  • a creative exam including drafting, drawing and composition.

To study to become an interior or landscape architect, you should take literature instead of mathematics.

How many years to study

For higher education vocational education it will take 5 years, but the learning doesn’t end there, because everyone successful man studies all his life.

After graduation and employment, the architect will certainly take advanced training courses so that not only knowledge in the chosen field of activity grows, but also the level of skill, and therefore the salary.

Where can an architect work?

The work of an architect may be associated with the construction of new objects and complexes, and urban planning.

Good specialists are needed as industrial enterprises, and private construction companies.

In addition, architectural and restoration workshops, furniture showrooms and shops often use the services of specialists.

How much do architects earn?

It is not for nothing that the profession of an architect is very popular among applicants: it can bring not only high income, but also recognition.

Specialists working in private organizations have piecework wages. If the project is successfully completed, the author receives a percentage of the amount. Chief architects can expect up to 6% of the cost of the project.

Ordinary specialists work at a set rate with bonuses. An aspiring architect earns from $800 per month.

The average salary for an experienced employee is $1200-1500. It is worth considering factors that influence the level wages: city, company and project being developed.

Is the profession of an architect in demand?

It cannot be said that an architect will easily find Good work. There are quite a lot of offers, but not all of them meet expectations.

It is worth noting that It’s easier to find high-paying jobs in big cities- more vacancies from which to choose. And wages in large cities are much higher.

Career growth and development prospects

You should not hope that a high-paying job and a good position will immediately await a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture. Before taking on a profitable project, you need to earn a professional reputation, which will subsequently work for you.

First you will have to work in the shadow of your predecessors and gain practical experience. To move up the career ladder, you need to constantly improve your qualifications and skill level. As a reward - large projects or your own profitable business.

Is it worth studying to be an architect - pros and cons

Before deciding on a future profession, it is necessary to study the positive and negative aspects.

The advantages of the profession include:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • high earnings;
  • interesting, creative work.

A good architect can be a hardworking person who is ready for daily painstaking work. A creative mindset and spatial thinking are also important.

Before you go to study to become an architect, it is worth considering that:

  1. To achieve a successful career, you need to work day after day. This specialty is not suitable for those who like easy money. An architect's career begins as an apprentice and goes through all stages of growth.
  2. In order to climb the career ladder, you will have to make a choice: creativity or leadership. If you occupy a high position in a company, you will not have time for the creative process.

The work of an architect is very interesting; it attracts creative people. If you are ready to work day and night to master the skill and create successful projects, then this specialty is for you.

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture shares her experience: how to prepare for admission, what it’s like to study with Soviet teachers and why to become an architect

Architect, graduated from State University of Institution

I decided to study to become an architect by chance. About a year before enrolling, I realized that I wanted to do something tangible that I could touch. However, I have had a craving for organizing space for a long time: as a child, I loved rearranging furniture in a dollhouse and building huts.

In 2016, I graduated from the State University of Land Management. Now I work in my specialty in an architectural firm. I’ll tell you what difficulties I had on the way from admission to work.

What does an architect do?

An architect is a person who knows how to conveniently and reliably arrange objects in space. He designs buildings, supervises construction and handles project documentation.

There are also design engineers. If the architect rather thinks out how the building will look outside and inside, then the engineer develops and calculates the structures. You can work as an engineer with an architectural education, but it is better to finish your studies.

Where to apply

There are 10 universities in Moscow with an architectural specialty:

  • MARCHI - Moscow Architectural Institute
  • MGSU - Moscow State Civil Engineering University
  • GUZ - State University of Land Management
  • RUDN - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • MIIGAiK - Moscow State University geodesy and cartography
  • MASI - Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • MGAHI named after. IN AND. Surikov - Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov
  • Moscow branch of RMAT
  • IIR - Institute of Art of Restoration
  • RAZHVIZ – Russian Academy painting, sculpture and architecture by Ilya Glazunov

MARCHI is the main and oldest architectural university in the country; other institutes have only architectural departments. He is the one who asks learning programs and is quoted more than others. Therefore, it is difficult to enter MARCHI: there is a very high competition there. I know people who have been going there for several years.

Other universities are simpler, but, by and large, the quality of education is the same in all universities. Because the same teachers teach the same program - they move from one university to another.

When choosing an institute, status plays a role: many employers hire only graduates of Moscow Architectural Institute. It is also worth looking at the slope of the university. For example, in MGSU this is construction, in GUZ it is land management.

What is needed for admission

Exams. To enroll as an architect, it is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics and the Russian language. Creative exams are of greater importance: drawing and drafting. In the drawing you need to draw a head and a capital. In drawing - perform axonometry, that is, draw a facade, side view and top plan of a volumetric part. Also, some universities have painting as part of their entrance exams.

Drawing of head and capitals

Projection drawing of the part

Deadlines. I prepared in less than a year, but it was a critical time frame. It’s better to start a year or two in advance. Especially if you don’t have an art school behind you. Some of my classmates had graduated from art and already knew how to do what I was learning at an accelerated pace.

On the other hand, passing exams depends more on desire than ability. The more you want to go into architecture, the more chances you have of getting in.

Where to prepare. The main thing is to find a good teacher who will coach you on the main exams. I advise you to look for it at the institute where you are going to enroll. There are also preparatory courses at universities. But they give much less than individual lessons.

What's it like to study

Currently, architects study for a 5-year bachelor's degree program. I caught the time when all 6 were studying.

Items. The core subject in architecture is a project. It gives you objects that you have to come up with from start to finish. At first it’s something simple: a playground or a gas station. In subsequent courses we designed banks, museums, holiday homes and other complex public buildings.

Working on the project was interesting, but most of all I liked the history of architecture. We were especially lucky with a teacher in modern architecture - I discovered this direction only thanks to him.

In general, architectural art allows you to look at the space around you differently. Not the way the average person is used to seeing it. You walk down the street and understand the time, the style, why this happened to this particular street. You begin to understand art and become interested in painting. This is very nice and great.

Difficulties. From the very beginning of our studies, we had to get out. I don’t know how it is in other universities, but at the State University they taught poorly. Already in the first class we were asked to assemble a project, but were not explained how to do it. The teacher used terms that I had heard for the first time - for example, “general plan” and “explication”. But no one showed what they should look like. As a result, we had two days to get the drawings and information.

But it was a good lesson: in life you need to be able to find the information you need on your own. Self-education at the institute prepared me for this.

Another difficulty concerned computers and architectural programs. We were allowed to draw in them only in the fourth year - the teachers were sure that the computer did everything for us. For drawings made in the program, grades were even reduced. And the teachers who taught the programs did not know them. So we had to figure it out ourselves.

I think this has to do with the generation of teachers. For the most part, they came from the old Soviet school and were not interested in passing on information to us.

Of course, there were also worthy teachers who taught classes in an interesting way and willingly shared their knowledge. They came to us in the fourth year. One of them led projects, and he was a person passionate about his work, always wanting to learn something new. He supported our ideas and made working on the project a joy for us.


At the end of each course we had practice. In the first year we went for measurements to the city of Borisoglebsk. There we were divided into groups and sent to buildings - usually dilapidated or historical. The point was to take measurements, draw this building and submit it as a project.

A dilapidated church in the village of Bolshie Alabukhi, where we took measurements

In another course, we were sent to restoration practice at the Sukhanovo estate. This was interesting to me because we lived on the estate and could walk around all the buildings, look at them and touch them. But at first the organization of this practice was not very good: we were not given any tools, first aid kits, or normal stepladders. And we had to prepare the building for restoration: clean the walls and cornices, cut down the undergrowth. Then everything was given out, but at first you had to use the means at hand at your own peril and risk.

In the sixth year, as an internship, we had to find a place - an architectural firm, bureau or company - and work there for two months. But none of the employers wanted to hire a student, even for nothing. After all, in fact, we still didn’t know how to do anything, and no one wanted to waste time on us. As a result, we all got settled at the last moment only thanks to acquaintances, relatives and friends who had some connections in architecture.

Where to work

Specialties. After architecture, you can work in any applied specialty related to drawing and drawing: architect, designer, planner, design engineer. They are needed in architectural firms, bureaus, and design studios.

You can also become an artist and draw freely, for example, make scenery in the theater. Or become a teacher in these specialties.

Experience. In order to gain work experience by the end of your studies, you need to get a job as early as possible. But physically it is difficult: due to the workload and large tasks, we often did not sleep at night. I was unable to devote time and energy to work. Some guys managed to earn extra money, although at the expense of their studies. I think they did the right thing - in the end, employers are only interested in experience, not your diploma and grades.

How much do architects earn?

There are two ways to work as an architect.

In the office. It's a 9-to-6 job where you collaborate with other architects on a project. The tasks are distributed among everyone: someone draws, someone goes to take measurements or select materials. The project is controlled by the chief architect. He also communicates with clients.

💰 The salary of an office worker is somewhere from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles. The latter is the chief architect for the project.

To myself. An architect can leave the office and look for clients on his own. But if you go freelance, you must literally live by architecture. Because such people never rest, and architecture for them is a way of life.

A freelance architect manages the project entirely alone. He communicates with customers, draws drawings, travels to sites, selects furniture, supervises contractors and monitors construction. Plus, he has higher responsibility: he is also responsible for the reliability of structures.

💰 This is, of course, completely different money. Much more than you can get in the office. For example, on a project for an entire house, with complete installation and engineering, you can earn 600,000 rubles.

Why is it worth going to architecture school?

I can’t say that the profession of an architect is in demand. Finding a job is difficult. Now everyone needs IT specialists and programmers who create virtual reality.

But doing architecture is interesting: it’s great when you can create something pleasing to the eye. Therefore, if you go into architecture, you should love it very much. If you don’t feel like this is a vital necessity for you, don’t go. There is a lot of creativity in architecture, and it takes all of you.

Eventually, of course, you will take your place. But only with a great love for architecture will you achieve real success.

    IN Russian system education, a comprehensive program for preparing future architects. Therefore, already upon admission to most universities in the country, it is necessary to prepare for subjects from several fields of science at once.

    In 2014, in order to enter the specialty Architecture, need to hand over following exams: mathematics, which is a major, Russian language, and history. There will also definitely be an additional one - creative exam which can be: painting, composition, drawing, sketching, or the history of world artistic culture.

    Once upon a time, in my youth, I myself wanted to study to become an architect, I had a huge interest in architecture, but life decreed otherwise, of course, I don’t regret it. A rent to an architect, for example, in St. Petersburg at the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering need to:


    Russian language,

    and give 2 any additional tasks as a rule, this is creative tasks, the applicant does not know which ones, they can offer and even draw something.

    When entering a university to major in architecture, applicants need to take exams in mathematics and the Russian language. But the creative task is crucial. It usually consists of composition and head drawing (sometimes head sculpting).

    To enter one of the higher educational institutions to enter the architectural department, you must pass a series of entrance exams in subjects, one of which changes periodically. But basically these subjects include, first of all, the Russian language and mathematics; and no less important major subjects - drawing, drawing and composition. Sometimes mathematics changes to history or geography (in different years).

    To pass the entrance exams to the Faculty of Architecture for an applicant in mandatory pass Russian language (essay) and mathematics, as well as specialized subjects. This is a drawing of an architectural detail and a three-dimensional composition

    Now compulsory subjects When entering the university to major in architecture, mathematics and Russian are required; they can add history or geography. Plus a creative exam - drawing, drafting or a comprehensive exam.

    If you take the exam for the specialty Design of the Architectural Environment, then in addition to Russian and mathematics you will have to take analytical drawing or planar color composition as an additional creative test.

    According to published on Federal portal According to the list of entrance tests for universities in 2014, it is likely that some educational institution may choose social studies as an entrance exam.

    The general list of exams usually looks like this:


    Russian language

    Additional exam

    Given such a range of opinions in the answers, I would advise you to address this question directly to the educational institution that you have chosen. You can go to the admissions committee, or you can go to the website. And there will be no doubts.

    IN Russian Federation There are enough universities that train architects. The list of entrance exams includes mandatory subjects (EG results) and additional tests that are taken directly at the university.

    For applicants entering architectural university, you will need to submit for admission:

    • Unified State Exam results Russian language,
    • Unified State Exam results mathematics,
    • additional creative test - drawing(2 tasks),
    • additional professional test for drawing.

    Here's what you need to take to the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering:

    • Architectural detail drawing.
    • Volumetric composition of geometric bodies.
    • Mathematics (USE results).
    • Russian language (based on Unified State Examination results).
  • Upon admission to a higher educational institution in the field of Architecture based on 11 classes, the period of full-time study will be 5 years. The list of exams and the required average score for admission can be seen below:

    Russian language


    1. Architectural detail drawing
    2. Volumetric composition of geometric bodies
  • Nowadays, admission to universities is based on the Unified State Exam, so you need to take the Unified State Exam in Russian, the Unified State Exam in mathematics, and the Unified State Exam in computer science. I don’t know why architects need computer science, probably to use modern technologies when solving architectural problems.

Building is one of the most necessary, respected and interesting activities on earth. An architect is a person who largely determines how a building will look, whether it will be reliable, safe and comfortable for people. The competition among those entering universities that train such specialists is always great, and people want to know what subjects they need to take to become an architect. big number future applicants.

Engineer and artist

This profession is one of the most difficult. The results of the architect's work have a great influence on human living conditions, on the appearance of small settlements and huge cities. The example of the great architects of the past shows that it is impossible to achieve success in this profession without a harmonious combination of artistic taste, great culture and a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the construction business.

What subjects need to be taken as an architect are largely determined by the location of this specialty at the intersection of the humanities and the exact sciences. In addition to good preparation in mathematics, geometry, and other natural sciences, the need to possess visual skills is added. A true architect thinks only with a pencil in his hand. He cannot do without the ability to make his ideas visible and understandable to others, so those applying for “pure” architecture will have to complete a creative task at the entrance exams to the university. The content of this test is approximately the same among leading educational institutions of this profile.

House, interior, city, landscape

Creating a comfortable environment for people to live is the main goal of a person whose profession is an architect. What subjects need to be passed in order to begin training in this specialty are determined by the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. State standards indicate the main areas of training for specialists of this profile, who are assigned the corresponding codes in the documents:

  • 03/07/01 - Architecture. Profiles: architectural design, urban planning, restoration design.
  • 03/07/02 - Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage.
  • 03/07/03 - Design of the architectural environment.
  • 03/07/04 - Urban planning.
  • 03/35/10 - Landscape architecture.

Graduates of universities who have completed training in these areas are usually called architects and designers.

There are two levels of qualification - bachelor and master. They have their own training programs designed for different terms training. Some specializations (restoration and urban planning) usually only have a two-year master's degree, and you can begin to study them in depth only after becoming a bachelor. Having successfully studied for 4 years, learned which subjects to take to become an architect with a master's degree, and passed a creative competition, you can achieve the highest level of professional training after completing the training course.

Using the example of a capital university

Total Russian institutions and construction academies, where specialist architects are trained, are more than 20. The rating of such educational institutions changes annually and is largely determined by the results of admission of applicants and graduation of graduates.

They differ in the level of teaching, conditions for ensuring the educational process, and have their own history and traditions. But there is also something in common - what subjects need to be taken to become an architect, designer, what creative tests applicants pass.

Typical conditions can be shown using the example of one of the most famous universities in Russia - MARCHI. Metropolitan Architectural Institute, now called State Academy, has a quarter-century tradition of training architects of the highest professional level. It is prestigious to study here not only because of the location of the university in the center of Moscow. Among its graduates there are many outstanding personalities, who have clearly demonstrated themselves, and not only in the field of architecture.

Entrance exam program at MARCHI

The combination of creativity and engineering in future profession determines for applicants who have submitted an application to the MARCHI admissions committee what subjects are needed for admission to become an architect. The main area of ​​training - "Architecture" - includes entrance exams in the Russian language and mathematics, which are conducted based on the results of the Unified State Examination, and additional tests of a creative and professional orientation - drawing and sketching. Applicants to the "Architectural Environment Design" must pass the same exams, but the creative test program (drawing) is different.

All exams have a 100-point scoring system. The minimum in Russian is 36 points, in mathematics - 27, in additional tests - 20 points. If the number of points scored by applicants is equal, those who showed themselves better in creative disciplines have an advantage in the competition for admission, and a better result in drawing is a more powerful argument.

Creative challenge - drawing

For “pure” architecture, the drawing exam consists of two tasks. On the first day, applicants draw a “head” - a plaster cast of the head of an ancient sculpture. Antinous, Caesar, Aphrodite, Socrates - these names are familiar to those who have at least once studied academic drawing and know in advance what subjects are needed to become an architect.

The model's appearance and angle are a matter of chance: the applicants work ten people in a room, behind a strictly defined easel. On sheets of thick paper measuring 30x40 cm, you need to demonstrate in 6 hours the ability to correctly compose a drawing, construct and express the volume of a model without distortion, and convey the relationships of light and shadow.

At the second exam in drawing for the specialty "Architecture", models of geometric bodies are offered - cube, prism, cone, sphere, etc. From the given objects, two of which are mandatory, you need to complete an imaginary volumetric composition in 4 hours. All lines of construction of bodies are preserved - visible and hidden, areas of their intersection and perspective cuts. The sheet should contain several sketches of the composition. Hatching - only aid to add expressiveness to the drawing.

In the direction of "Architectural Environment Design" the first part of the creative exam is drawing a still life, a composition of several objects of geometric and natural shapes. A graphite or charcoal pencil is used, 6 hours are allotted for work. The second 4-hour test is a planar color composition, performed on the basis of a specific color scheme proposed by the examiners. Technique - water-based coating paints (gouache or tempera) on paper.

Drawing skill test

Anyone interested in the profession of “architect” should have spatial imagination. What subjects need to be taken - this can be found out and prepared in advance, but if there are no practical skills in performing orthogonal projections according to the proposed axonometry, there is little chance of enrolling.

Modern drawings are made in special computer programs, and the ability to draw lines using a gauge or compass seems archaic. But in addition to these professional skills, in a 4-hour drawing exam you need to show the ability to imagine from an axonometric image what the plan and side views of an object look like, with a section in one of the views. Theoretical knowledge on competent drawing design, making inscriptions, etc. is also assessed. Speed ​​of work is important - pencil lines must be outlined with ink. It is no coincidence that for many who passed the entrance exams and knew for a long time what subjects needed to be taken to become an architect, drawing turned out to be the most difficult stage.

Different universities, similar requirements

The requirements for future students wishing to engage in “pure” architecture are high: a passing grade budget places at MARCHI in 2015 - 328. Despite this, the number of applications submitted to the admissions committees of specialized universities is impressive. Many people are also interested in creative fields related to architecture. There are peculiarities in the rules for admission to full-time studies in such specialties. For example, what subjects do you need to take to become a landscape architect? It is logical that biology or geography is added to the Russian language and mathematics at the discretion of the academic council of the university.

There is an opinion that people become real architects by the age of 50. Too much knowledge and skills must be acquired in order to reach the top in this the most important profession. With the modern pace of life, there is no time to waste. If you ask in advance what subjects are needed to become an architect, and start preparing 2-3 years before graduation high school, you can get a tangible boost at the very beginning of the path to success.

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