Russian Institute of Cultural Studies. Seminar N16 Socio-cultural methodology for analyzing Russian society

The topic of the seminar: theoretical foundations of destruction in society (on the material of the history of Russia of the XIX century

Speaker: Andrey Alekseevich Troin

A. Estroshin: The subject of my report is the complete destruction of the social structure, which is determined by her itself. It can be either appropriate for society - in the event that the history of this society has been prepared, or a random - some catastrophe and adaptation to it. In this report, I am interested in destruction as a suitable social action.

I follow the maximum methodological reduction: everything communicates to the information transfer system. Near information is understood by any distinction that produces any distinction.. The destruction of me is interpreted as the process of discharge, the destruction of social information, which has become a society is not needed, which is not adequate to the situation, is not able to adapt a person to the conditions outer Life. For example, knowledge of standing in queues or on the conduct of May Day demonstrations in these conditions is not relevant. If some social groups are guided by such information, it is obvious that the society should be somehow wasolate this information, destroy. How the net idea information is not destroyed. Therefore, the meaning of destructive processes is the destruction of information carriers, in which a decrease in intrapopulation pressure should occur. That is, the number of communications is sharply reduced, and at the same time the information that was dominant for society loses its status, and marginal information is updated and in conditions of destruction can take a leading place in the creation of a new society.

There are three possible forms of destruction. . First - forgettingwhich I treat as a loss of personality, personal identity, part of personal identity and replacing her other. This is the only type of destruction, which has a source of occurrence at the personal level. At the level of society, if the forgetting does not work, two mechanisms are consistently included. Degeneration- violation of reproduction (usually - human reproduction, but it is possible to apply this word to a violation of the reproduction of symbolic objects). The highest form of degradation, the most complete and perfect - mechanical reduction in population number.

For a person, destructiveness is a component of culture, which encourages the emerging social, behavioral, symbolic structures. All social processes are reduced to action. Based on this, the subject of consideration can only be actions and design of these actions into the system. To protect against the strange character of the examples that will be given, I defend the main postulate of the sociology of Durkheim: no institution created by a person could not be based on delusion or lies. If he were not based on the natural nature of things, he would not exist. That is, in any, even the most strange actions there is some meaning.

If destruction is a sanction on actions, how is it transmitted in society? Here is a logical paradox: if the destruction is the destruction of society, then the ability to destroy should be transmitted. If we have determined degradation as the destruction of the social structure, the continuity of destructive actions can be based only on attitudes towards a separate person. The value of human life as an ontological concept is the basis of sociocultural destruction. It seems to me that the associated sanctions and are genuine and the only marker of the ethnos. The concept of an ethnos can actually be derived precisely in relation to culture, based on which sociocultural sanctions exist in it.

The first controversial thesis: in the purest form of destructive sanctions (ontological value of human life) manifest themselves in relation to the dead . All read the famous translation of the book of F. Tag "man in front of death", where in the preface it is said: you want to know the true value of human life, visit the cemetery. In Russian society, everything is obvious. The only custom of the Russians, which can be traced on sources for more than a thousand year period, and on the basis of which we, by the way, can prove the connection of generations, this is the so-called cult of the beddown. In the Russians initially the dead shared two categories - the died natural death (in a broad sense - parents) and the died unnatural death (Domoviki, the dead of the mortar), which could not be buried. They were taken out of swamps or ravines, where they were to "live" a period. After Christianization there was a very serious conflict between the entity imposed by the state and real ethnic behavior. He found his strange resolution at the Sciences Institute. Scandalizer is a place allocated for a fraternal grave, or rather, a morgue, where all those who died from the disease had been folded during the year, and then, once a year, drove out. It was a very important institution, the highest form of public repentance. And when Catherine II in 1771 canceled this institute in connection with the plague epidemic, a very strange thing began to occur in Russian society. The ethnic community responded to this measure by mass defense of the graves. In Russian right to 1771, it was only about "looting", but the number of desecrated graves after the abolition of Scales was so mass that already in 1772, in the full meeting of laws, the concept of "sacrence" is introduced against the robbery of the grave. It punishable with a whip on the square or on the very place of the crime, tightening the nostrils, branding and reference to hard work. During the XIX century, punishment softens. In deposits about the punishments of 1845 for the rupture of the graves as superstitial actions, a reference to the settlement to Siberia was envisaged. The same act with the purpose of robbery punishable by Katoroga (up to 12 years), and in pranks or drunkenness - from four to eight years in prison. And in the criminal deployment of 1903 this imprisonment for a period not over six months. But the liberalization of punishment did not mean the loss of its need. At the end of the XIX century there are peak of reliably described cases of execution of the rite of this cult. The last criminal case of this kind was in 1914. But it is known that in the twenties, such phenomena took place.

Any failure in society (cripples, mass diseases) called the object of compensatory violence. The meaning of the destruction is a universal community response. The resource of the answer is not an external environment, not rational actions in relation to the environment, and members of the society itself, even the dead, this is universality - so that it does not happen, the community always has compensatory violence .

At first, it was dead unnatural death. I will give a typical case. In the summer of 1864, a strong drought was stood in the Saratov province, bread and herbs burned to the root. Once in the morning, the tenant was noticed in the Lordsk pond sticking out of the water legs. From the water pulled the coffin. It turned out that the local cemetery burst the grave. The dead man was a strong drunkard. According to the popular superstition, to cause rain, you need to drown the dead drunkard. When Russian men in the Lower Volga lacked the deunions-drunks, they found a replacement - frogs. In the drought they were hanging on the trees. Until today, the syncred forms of this cult are preserved: children's belief - if you crush the frog, it will rain.

The transformation of the cult of the beddowed dead has become the basis for routine practices common in Russia. And the real life of the Russian community was based on the culture of magic and witchcraft operating in the society the functions of compensatory violence and sources of determination for various forms of mass psychopathies. WTT is proved on numerous examples. Now many literature is published on ethnographic topics. But this literature is not equipped with theoretical comments and the fact that it is set out, produces a terrifying impression.

It is an endless black mass . For example, the custom of "feasting death" is the main form of the behavior of Russian women in the epidemics of any origin. There are several dozen variants of this cult. In the "Voronezh Literary Collection" (Voronezh, 1861) describes one of them. Women and girls in alone shirts with flowing hair gather in a secret place. By choosing three widras from its environment, they give the first image of God's Mother, the second candle and incense, and the third harbor in the hijah, behind which two pregnant women put. The procession is closed by all other women and girls who gathered for the overthrow of the rite, the crowd bypasses the village of the village, spending a deep furrow. The action is accompanied by singing. All the living, which is found to them on the way, is killed (according to the belief, the disease takes the appearance of not only an animal, but even a person). Dozens of criminal cases can be brought about the brutal killings by women of unfortunate passersby.

At the end of the XIX century, phallic carnivals existed in Russia . Eighties, Kostroma. So-called Jarily Funeral. This is a female Mystery, at which or buried a doll with developed genitals, or chasing around the city of some hired, as they would say, a homeless, which then "drown" in the Volga.

Based on the foregoing, based on the experiences of the cult of the founded dead and the monstrous faith in the witchcraft, which was determined by Russian life, sociocultural destruction was presented in five types of sanctions characteristic of the entire Russian ethnic volume (in various versions). I relate to them on degenerative sanctions and sanctions aimed at mechanical reducing the population.

Degenerative sanctions Two: Labority and Music . These are the requirements of cultural behavior that make people engage in such forms of social behavior. This is described in the work of V.I.Zhmakin "Russian Society of the XVI century", I.V.Preparensky - "The moral state of the Russian society in the XVI century ..." and others. Until the early XVII century, the main form of the behavior of Russian men was homosexuality as a gender norm. Men Women's society preferred little chubby boys. The monasteries were forbidden to start boys. Professor N.D. Sergeevsky writes that a two-year lag in the development of school in Russia is explained by monstrous pedophilia in monks. Professor V.S. Iconnikov proves that Russian homosexuality has two sources (A.P.Shpov, S.S. Shashkov wrote about this). This, firstly, the influence of nomadic peoples with their contemptuous attitude towards a woman as a burden and, secondly, Byzantine Christianity. The entire ideological program of homosexuality was from Byzantium. Already in the flavor of Svyatoslav (1073), translated from Greek, there is an article about women in which, starting with the fall of Eva and based on a number of biblical examples, the newest look at the woman. These reasoning repeats Daniel Charpener and others.

The first attempt to combat homosexuality, which failed completely, was . Officially, homosexuality was first banned at the Ecumenical Moscow Councils at the end of the XVII century. It was punished by burning on the bonfires. According to the evidence of foreigners, on the ice of the Moscow River simultaneously burned for several hundred fires, on which homosexuals were burned. Icons of homosexual content (Lord God Savaof, Fatherland, etc.) were prohibited. Traditional homosexuality remained in the XIX century. Classical studies of homosexuality were carried out by V.O. Mergevsky, B.I.Pyatnitsky. In the 60s, mass affairs in St. Petersburg are known about the prostitution of young bankoves on the artistic principles and about the prostitution of cabmen. Such phenomena did not cause a special protest from the Russian peasant, except for Old Believers.

In Russia from the XII to the XVI century, mass psychopathy of a homosexual sense is known when the female population has been cut completely. This particular is especially characteristic of the upper and middle Volga region. Genonianship as a socio-cultural design of homosexuality and the cult of the beddowns are two facts that induce mass psychopathies and appeared the basis of such a phenomenon as a cliking (extremely low status of a woman and faith in witchcraft).

Another three forms of sanctions aimed at mechanical reducing populations are allocated: detectivity, murder, cannibalism. All these forms of behavior are traditional for Russian society in the past. As for cannibalism, all sects of whip and scopers were based on ritual cannibalism. For the first time, he wrote to St. Dmitry Rostovsky (XVII century), in the XVIII century, this is evidenced by the investigative cases that the rector of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy F. Lopatinsky, and in the XIX century - the investigative cases of the cannibalism from Skobstsov (what popularly wrote P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky). In the twentieth century, classic studies in Portugueva School, for example, the criminological work of Elena Kozhevnikova, where she proves that the loss of disgust emotions, on the one hand, is induced by cultural forms (cannibalism is forced by cultural tradition), and on the other hand, this is a mechanism that runs "Reverse development" of ethnic groups.

As for the detebide, that is, the mass of its descriptions, for example, the work of A.S.Prugavin "self-repair" (magazine "Russian thought, 1895, books I, II, VII). It describes the classic decay case: in May 1870 In the village of Kernino Shadrinsky county, the Permian province, the peasant woman killed his only daughter year with a little from the family. This victim in her conviction was to save not only her daughter, but also her, "great sinner". Once in the morning, deciding, she threw the child in Burning oven. Making sure that the child died, she glorified God, came out of the hut and took up the usual deeds on the housework. When the Snoch came back home found a child's corpse and began to reproach this woman, she answered: "fullness, pray, better God, the Blessed Virgin Yes, Mother Alliluie. "

The so-called "song about the Allerious Wife of Mercy" is a monument of spiritual culture, known for one and a half centuries. There are several thousand criminal cases associated with this monument. In this song, "Allyluweva's wife" throws his child to the oven to take the hands of Christ and save him from the persecution of antichrist. When she began to kill in a child, Christ ordered her to look into the oven, and she saw the "Vertograd beautiful" there, where she was walking and sowed the songs of her child. And Christ in this song calls all Orthodox Christians to rush in the fire and throw their sinless babies there.

Scripture was perceived as a direct action document. . What was the basis of the cannibalism of the Skoptsov? It is said - commitory flesh and blood. They perceived it literally. There are decisions based on the plot of the sacrifices of Abraham - the axes struggle the children.

A lot of criminal cases are known when the murders of the sorcerers and the sorcerer did not be punished. Or pumped out in this way: three months of weeding of the garden - church repentance. And it was all in the XIX century, until the beginning of the twentieth century.

What happens in society? The theory of the classic of our Masonic sociology Gregory Vyrubova is: religion there is a complete code of life, society cannot simultaneously live in two voluntarily adopted code of life, so Russians are pagans, and not Christians and Christianity ever actually did not in Russia. Modern theory sounds like this: There are two types of cultures (as society management methods): polychron and monochronic. Typically known monochronous cultures. What it is? Time is not absolute given, time is a reference, it is invented by people. Monochrous cultures, these are cultures that are managed by a regular calendar. The classic German Burger is an exemplary example of a monochrous culture when a formal calendar with church holidays and agricultural affairs manages the entire life of society. And the Russians are an example of a polychronous culture when the reference time is in several dimensions. There is a formal calendar and there is something transcendent. Something similar was, for example, in the Spaniards. But the Russians are interesting in that this is an unstable type of polychronous culture. There is a special state that can be called Akhronia: this is a complete absence of a reference time. When moving to mass psychopathy and sectarianism, it is necessary to understand this cultural feature, when the time "stopped" in society.

Clicks are common in Russia from the XVI in the twentieth century. There are a lot of excellent work at the Bekhterev school, it is proving. Last work - 1928 (N.P. Brukhansky), when the Komsomol organization is struggling at the Moscow province with the Clicker. With the slightest failure in society, induced insanity began, more precisely - the illusion of an insanity. Women began to fight in the historian, ride the floor. At the same time, women have a complete cessation of the ability to conduct a household, the ability to childbear.

There is another very important fact. Russian society was based on drug addiction. The culture of the ardines was widespread. There are three actors. One of them is an adrenaline antagonist, leading to exteroidal climax in women. With the argument, the work "aroused", the ardor was considered the main advantage of bread. It was impossible to fight this. N.N.reformatsky describes cases of one hundred percent defeat of the inhabitants of the ardines. Seven forms of psychopathy were distinguished against the background of sporing poisoning. Not a single healthy person was. That is, factors causing psychopathy are many, including defeats nervous system caused by ardines. It happened that in two or three years the village died completely. Men migrated, throwing families, women and children died with hunger or became poor. But the cliks are constantly present in Russian society.

According to a specialist in psychopathies of P.I. Jobia, the only one who tried to write the anthropological history of Russia, every year more half population covered by those or other forms of mass psychopathies. And when we are trying to explain the incredible prevalence of sectarianism in Russia, it is quite easy to prove that the sectarianism and was a consequence of mass psychopathies.

In Russia, there was an unstable polychronized culture, the behavior had an emotional determination, and not rational. At the same time, the Russian community is a situation of double isolation: territorial and communicative.In fact, communication was so strongly developed in the ethnic community, which performed the function of the insulation of this community, since the information was rejunction. If you explore the Russian folklore, there are too much information - any texts exist in several dozen options, there is a huge number of plots.

That is, real behavior was redistributed by the norms that were served in this array of information through the requirements of fairy tales, songs, rites, custom, etc. Thus, all this led to the relative overcrowding of Russian society. In rural areas there was a situation of a megapolis characteristic of large cities - marginal structures appeared. And this was not in Europe. This overflow of a closed system, its emotional, informational overload led to mass psychopathy. Hence strange phenomena with fertility in Russian villages (works F. Erisman, work A. Ishgareva "Degeneration of the Russian Village", etc.).

It turns out that large families in the Russian village are a myth. During the XIX, the actual population growth occurred only by migration . The number of indigenous population decreased due to the fact that with a huge fertility, children's mortality was even greater, as well as through mass psychopathies. Migration walked from Belarus, Ukraine, Siberia. In fact, the same picture was in the XVII century, when the entire Great Russian ethnical changed completely. It did not disappear biologically, but the cultural heritage was interrupted. Let's say, Yaroslavl region - there live, oddly enough, people from Belarus, from Little Russia. (We do not take Cossack districts and the Russian north - the Vologda province. There was a specific situation.) This led to the extreme instability of the social structure. And all heritage is the legacy of sanctions of a destructive nature. Structure as such not inherited.

If we want to fully understand the phenomenon of the Russian revolution, then this feature must be taken into account. What is the point of building communism? In the destruction of excess peasant people. It was the only possible way out - a mechanical reduction in the number of population (what tried to make stispin by migration). Hostels, communal apartments, the socialization of women - all this had a place to be only in a very short period of time.

Low culture creates a relative oversupply of the population, where a significant part interrupted with others.


A.Davydov: What was the attitude of Orthodoxy to these destructive processes?

A. Estroshin: Orthodoxy as a single structure and as a single ideology did not exist. In the XIX century in Orthodoxy there was an intellectual elite, a perfectly understanding the picture and trying to fight the bad inside, in fact, since the XVII century. But not the gift of Bekhterev demanded the closure in Russia of all monasteries. They had the same phenomena as in society: Clicks, raising girls.

R. Maxudov: What is the point of investing destructiveness? What is today a cultural condition for the destruction of post-Christian culture (including mechanical population reduction under Stalin)?

A. Evroin: The meaning of destruction is the destruction of the carrier of unnecessary information, the destruction of unnecessary information at all.

Destruction can occur in three forms. Soft shape - forgetting (which in our society now is happening), further - degeneration, and the extreme mechanism is a mechanical cut. Using the example of sectarianism history, it is easily viewed. The destruction exists as a sanction, that is, the requirement of society to do something like a traditional form of behavior.

For me, the culture is a biological sign of man, and nothing else, except for the regulation of the human population, does not represent culture. Culture is only a tool and continuity does not possess. Take a modern sectarianism. And today it is caused by overpopulation. In Moscow, this is a conditional overpopulation. Or a small provincial city where some kind of factory closed and an excessive population was formed. Any social action is drawn to the biological source. As a rule, these are women of fifty years - the usual medium for mass psychopathy, for any sect and now. That is, the reasons for the existence of sectarianism are the same as the century ago. Communist Movement - One of the forms of ecstatic psychopathy of destructive type (I do not mean the theory of Marxism, and how it is represented in reality). These are extra people whose behavior is determined by the information that does not adapt them to this life. Someone was able to forget this information, lose their identity, some part of it and replace it with another, and someone cannot. And it enters into the mechanism of degeneration. These are or young ecstatic people (nihilism, monasticism), or older people, or unclaimed intelligentsia. And they form different sects. Or a mechanical abbreviation of the population occurs (people are filmed from the place, migrate and die there). Sectarianism - primitive biological mechanism. The meaning is that the society needs these people to isolate from active activities. They are given some sewage structure in which they are boiled - sect. This is a closed world in which they disappear from public Life. There is nothing else, in addition to mechanical reducing the population behind this surge of sectarianism and psychopathy.

A. Davydov: Which you see an alternative to this process?

A. Estroshin: If the society reached such a state, that real life is determined by this kind of destructive processes, there are no alternatives. If these mechanisms turned on, they must be finalized to the end. The theory is needed in order to block these processes in the early stages.

S.Kyrdina: If society still exists and is even somewhat developing, then, apparently, along with the processes of public destruction, there are other parallel?

A. Storm: Let's remind you that we are talking On degradation as an expedient process. In society, of course, there are parallel constructive processes - socialization, etc., but in this moment We actualized destruction, no constructive.

L. Kitaev-Smyk: You talked about relative overpopulation and that isolation was characterized for Russia. Overpolenity Do you apparently in quotes?

A.Transšin: Relative overpopulation is a special demographic term. These are not a lot of people, but a lot of unnecessary people. This is what you call the death and change of civilization when information is not adequate to reality. Isolation is also relative. If you see a real story, the Russians were not isolated. Under an isolated it is meant that inside Russia circulated a lot of surplus information, which it was impossible to be rationally processed. Institute of Surroundings, Call of Things, Beggars. It is nonsense that in the Russian village was an information hunger. Exactly the opposite. The information was too much (we are not talking about what information was this).

I.Yakovenko: Does somehow change the proportions of degradation? Are they set by the level of education, the measure of urbanization or are it constant things? For example, such a phenomenon as a cliking in bulk characteristics is clearly narrows.

A. Storm: Clicks killed collectivization in the 1930s. But it was a specific form that arose on the merger of the cult of stovered dead, witchcraft and magic, homosexuality, the extremely low status of women. Now the status of women is another, there is no such witchcraft, homosexuality is no longer the norm. But there are attempts to eliminate cliking in a clean version. A number of not very conscientious ministers of the Orthodox Church are trying to raise their credibility, pull the clikhood. At one time, it was the main resource of Simonov Monastery in Moscow. They were specially generated by this clikism and, as it were, they studied. However, the Clicks will not happen again, this is a specific phenomenon that has a special mechanism.

V.Kagansky: Is there some controversy that with such powerful degradation, if we take your picture, is this society, this ethnic has highlighted a gigantic amount of energy?

After all, the destruction of the landscape in the territory of 5 million square meters. km - the thing is extremely energy intensive. Second question. I have a feeling that much of what you talked about, this is a lot of archaic societies. Is it so? Third question. You only flashed hints that the destructive background was distributed on the territory very uneven, and that there were spots, more or less free from destruction. So, you mentioned the Russian north. Is it possible to refine?

A. Estroshin : Only in Mazzon Society and can allocate so much energy. Nowhere in the West can not be this. There are no resources. And here they are. Burning forests, fighting the steppe ... As for archaic. Here a lot depends on the definitions. How to define religion? In Durkheim, any emotionally painted stereotype of behavior is called religion. Religion - Primary Institute. In this regard, any society whose behavior is not rationally verbal, but a non-verbal emotional lining, these are archaic societies. In this regard, you can talk about archaic societies in modern megalopolis.

Now as for the Russian North. There is an extremely low population density and there is very specific adaptation.

V.Kagansky: There is an anthropological substrate another.

A. Estroshin: And this too. The only places where the Russians killed old people, this is the Vologda region. To not interfere. Like Samoyedov. There in the XIX century in Veliky Ustyug was a bride fair. They became on the square, samples of their sewing and culinary skills were laid out. Guys walked and chose a bride. They took it for a year, and if they do not like, in a year they returned. These are adaptive mechanisms with an extremely low population density in a huge territory. Destruction in pure form there could not be, there were very thin survival mechanisms.

As for South Russian territory, then those places where there was once complete destruction (chernozemie) were populated by emigrants, for example, from Malorus, or an artificial ethnic nest area was formed - the Cossacks created initially for a certain rational plan (I do not have see Zaporizhia Schish). There could not be destruction, since there was no historical continuity. Destruction, in a form that was discussed is more characteristic for the traditional territory. This is the middle strip of Russia and the Zone of the Volga region.

V. Nazhovskov: The mechanisms described by you are characteristic precisely for Russian society or can they be considered universal?

A. Estroshin: In Europe of the XIX century there were similar processes with the same structure, but at this time there is a transition to monochrous culture - bourgeoisie, industrialization. There in the XIX century destruction exists in very limited territories. Although mass psychopathy as induced insanity is also characteristic of Europe. Suppose the endless bank scams of depositors. But such as in Russia, there was no already in Europe the XIX century. Although such destructive processes were there earlier, in the Middle Ages. In the XIX century, it was preserved only in the Balkans, partly in Spain and in Austria-Hungary.

V. Nurbinskov: Neoarhaica - does she say that the archaic, mythological foundations and elements of culture are inexperienced?

A.Transšin: When the bark does not work physiologically, then the feeder works. When verbal designs do not act, emotional determination begins. Why is our scientist youth, students, especially physics, so susceptible to sectarianism? Because they have a normal human functioning brain, which should call every two phenomena at least three words. The choice of term for the designation is the principle of the functioning of thinking. And they are learned by complex scientific constructs, where one word corresponds to each phenomenon. When verbal constructs are overloaded, then real life begins to compensate for the emotional sphere. The same thing happens when people learned a huge amount of words (some polytheph), who do not make any sense. In adulthood, they cannot refuse from these verbal constructions. Therefore, in this case, the behavior is determined by the emotional sphere, emotionally painted stereotypes of behavior. The same thing happens in megalopolis - the culture of adolescents, where it is important to know Slang, Argo, with the help of which the whole life of the teenager is regulated, and from here is so important an emotional sphere and they also. Therefore, here is a direct analogy: scientists, teenagers and our peasants.

B. Ores: This is a very interesting and informative approach to the problems of modern Russian society. But at the same time, it seems that the emphasis on actually biological factors leads to the fact that biology becomes an explanation and justification of destructive processes. No alternative is not built, no constructive processes opposing them are not considered. There is no explanation of the ability of such a society to survive for a large period, there is no comparative position. Comparison of Russian material with materials of other civilizations would show that this kind of processes are characteristic of all complex societies at a certain stage of their development. Let me remind you some examples.

The decomposition of the Roman Empire is the destruction of the population, total destruction, self-destruction including. In the days of early Christianity, people went to the catacombs in the masses, where there were no offspring. If it was offspring, it is flexible in the youngster. Such movements like Bogomila is a strong and influential sect. In order to stop these destructive processes, it had to carry out constructive work for the rethinking of Christianity for several centuries, to destroy Bogomylov - Crusades, the destruction of the blooming province of Provence. The population that does not want to live, just cut out . In Muslim, Buddhism is the same. Buddhism is an ideal model of destructive, anomatic behavior, first well thought out through the preaching of the Buddha and the corresponding canons, and then a purely irrational movement to self-destruction, total denial of the very fact of the existence of an individual and a person as such. It took, however, several centuries, but Buddhism has consolidated. Negative aspects were suppressed or driven into the monasteries. It turned out that monasteries with their peace-rowing trends also perform some of the desired function. And so far in countries that cannot complain about the absence of population, Buddhism performs an important constructive function along with other religions.

Let us remind such well-known phenomena as the destruction of folk culture, Vedovo processes, interreligious wars, when they were destroyed until half of the population in some territories. Such processes are inherent at a certain stage to all societies. And sooner or later, society with these processes coped. The Roman Empire did not cope.

Your explanations regarding information redundancy as the cause of destructive processes is an important addition to the biological factor that deepens your concept, but it is unlikely to be taken in this form. The fact is that information redundancy is a very relative, theoretical criterion. Because of what this redundancy occurs as an excess of some measure? And here it is necessary to introduce not only purely biological, spatial, but also cultural factors.

Here I would add to those designs that A. Aacheser developed in his book "Russia: Criticism of Historical Experience." This redundancy occurred by the virtue of the antinomicity of Russian culture, due to the lack of the developed field of the median culture, by virtue of its inclination to the extremes. Inability to introduce information into a narrow space of everyday life and led to extremes - either to one or another. Either to the desire for death, to self-destruction, or to people, to the Universal Mission of Russia, etc. How do other cultures coped with this? They expanded the culture field, created organic civilization. Why China, India and to a lesserly Muslim East cope with these problems, why there are no overpopulation? After all, there is no less complex space. Because there there is a very developed, complex, ordered civilization. And there is all the information, and there is a population. And what we have an excess, there is a deficiency, or with this excessive launched until time. Grepe and breed. The solution of these problems is in culture, through the development of the field in which a much large mass of the population can live. This is created largely spiritual efforts. Prohibition, persecutions of this kind of sects, as described by you, the development of life-affirming, viable trends, images and meanings.

A.Davydov: The Rapporteur stressed the high degree of deadlock of the development of Russian traditional culture. For the first time, Chayadaev came to this conclusion in the first philosophical letter. The same conclusion made Lermontov in the "Duma" when he pointed to the degenerativeness of the Russian traditional society. The high degree of degenerativeness and destructivity indicated Gogol in the "Dead Souls" and especially in the "Revolution". Take each line of Saltykov-Shchedrin. A large number of elements of the same output can be found in Griboedov in the "grief from the mind", at the island, etc. That is, the conclusion, which we heard today were not born in the author's head of the report on the material that he outlined to us, and this is a certain trend in Russian cultural studies.

This trend could be continued in closer time - the creativity of Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov, a laughter culture today. And there is another trend that says that our traditional culture is not a dead end, it carries a healthy potential, a healthy core that must be proud of. This trend began with Dostoevsky. Belinsky, the first to wrote a review on the "scored people" Dostoevsky, calls him an excellent novice writer, but amazed how he can trust common sense and the healthy nature of the Russian people. I do not speak now how successfully the concept of "Russian people" was applied, but Belinsky spoke of Russian traditional culture.

This trend was fed by the illusory idea that there is no impasse that there is a way out of the position, it's just necessary to search for it that the whole thing is misconceptions of the same Gogol, Lermontov, etc. It began to people of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, The concept of Gorky is the elements of this misconception, we find both Mayakovsky and the block. True, there were Czechs. This is another tradition, I do not put it in this row. Thus, there are two traditions in Russian cultural studies. I do not take the Russian religious philosophy, which sees the source of morality in the sky, and the Russian revolutionary democratic tradition, which makes the people of God and calls for catastrophes, revolutions and extremes. Nevertheless, an alternative trend is also divided into two parts. It is important to understand that there is no exit on the paths. Only then will we find a constructive way out.

I.Gr.Yakovenko: For me, destruction is the moment of self-development of the whole. She was always in any society, it is natural. It may be greater or less, but this is a moment without which a lively cycultural body cannot be thought. Therefore, when we are talking about destruction, it is necessary to deal with either the staging characteristics, or about some kind of civilization specificity present in a particular society. It seems to me that the forms of destruction, which was discussed in the report, cast light on the qualitative characteristics of the whole that we explore. We are dealing with archaic, peripheral civilization, in which there is a pane-Christian syncresis, and the pagan, as it turns out, dominates, and Christian is only a design.

These figures presented to us today are already out of themselves. Such things as universal education, mass communications somewhat change the psychology, change reality. Today there are more such forms of destruction, how forgetting, like a sharp change of semantics, when the day before yesterday, unnecessary things lose their meaning and take a day before yesterday's texts can not read, they are reasonable. This is a destruction mechanism, that is, the excretion of unnecessary information from being. That is, there is a change in volumetric, and, apparently, the qualitative characteristics of destruction. In this sense, something in society changes and it is therefore coming out of the impasses of the historical situation.

The catastrophe is not a purely negative phenomenon. It turns out to be a factor mobilizing, it mobilizes society and for some mutations, and at some meaningful changes, and in addition, the catastrophe allows you to raise the energy threshold and go to a potential barrier that closes the system-forming structures of society from random changes. The more powerful catastrophe, the greater the chances of changing the depth, traditional foundations of culture and society. That is, the catastrophe must be realized in a positive plan. Another thing is that in its a result, society can collapse. But this means that it has exhausted the possibility of self-development and change.

L. Kulikov: Russia is some hypernity, the same as the USA, Germany, India, etc. In the system of these hypernals, someone survives, someone is not. The process of historical selection comes from the moment mankind appeared. Of course, I really do not want, purely on the emotional level, belong to civilization, which has no future. Russia is in the form in which it exists today, with its archaic culture - will not survive.

A. Achiezer (Seminar Head): The speaker presented the material that was extremely interesting, even mysterious in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. It requires theoretical understanding. The author claims that he does not apply for an explanation. Meanwhile, this is not quite so. Attempts to theoretical understanding in the report is. This is, first of all, an attempt to consider these phenomena as biological, as well as an attempt to consider the facts of accumulation in various groups of information that prevent these groups to adapt as the prerequisite of their death. This should be discussed.

However, these explanations are preventable. It seems to me that the biological interpretation of these phenomena conflicts with an informational explanation. It is indisputable that deadaptation to the medium can lead to the death group. Nevertheless, this explanation here is doubt. First, what environment is we talking about if the material indicates an isolated life of groups immersed in natural economy in closed local worlds? The history of Russia shows that peasant societies lived relatively closed, almost self-sufficient life. It seems to me that here we are faced with something else.

Secondly, in principle, there is a critical element in culture, that is, the accumulation of dangerous and harmful information does not necessarily require the destruction of media, but requires its criticism. Christianity believes that it is necessary to destroy sin, and not carriers of sin. This, of course, does not exclude the existence of the mechanisms of destruction, the death of people as a result of the accumulation of dangerous, harmful information. But in this case, we are talking about archaic culture, where the ability to criticize the accumulated information has not yet reached the minimum required level. You can build a hypothesis that I cannot prove that non-functional culture has been formed in these communities, that is, a culture that did not provide its subject with the opportunity to make effective solutions. In other words, solutions can provide the basis for the reproduction of the subject of the culture for their own survival.

The fact that such cultures arise not so rarely, indicates the fact that many of the existing peoples and societies died, that is, they could not accumulate and form a cultural potential that gives the basis for confrontation with these hazards. We still not sufficiently know the internal mechanisms of culture in order to understand how this happens in the culture itself, which is exactly there, which leads the subject to decay, ceases its reproduction. Troshin gives a rich material for thinking about this. In any case, undoubtedly, this is not a biological process. Obviously, in the culture itself there may be some "short circuit", which displays the corresponding subculture, its subject.

The report caused a certain splash of pessimism about the further fate of the country. It seems to me that the speaker spoke of some local phenomena, and not about the country as a whole. Of course, we are talking about Russian negative phenomena, but the author did not claim that he sees a common threat here. In any case, in all this it is necessary to see the task for further research. It must be said that Russia is highly disorganized destructured society. It seems to me that the report makes a certain step in understanding this phenomenon. There are mechanisms in society or in any case, there is significantly disorganizing. They go deep into history.

Apparently, the disorganization of any industrial or agricultural enterprise is meaningless if we do not understand what a cultural basis developed collective farms and enterprises, etc. developed. Today's report hints to us that there are serious processes in the culture of which you need to know to understand what the collective farm is, and maybe it can be understood and what is the Great October Socialist Revolution, what is the Soviet system, what is modern Russia.

The destruction should be understood as the aspect of the existence of society. If, as a result of this destruction, the Company is not destroyed, but continues to exist, it means there are some other processes in addition to destruction. This is some kind of couple, without which we cannot understand what society is. You need to find this pair.

The report has some ambiguities. The speaker believes that destruction is the reaction of society to some negative processes, including a higher population density. Is there a rating of such a density, perhaps historically changing? Destructive reaction, as I understood from the report, exists in order to bring this density to some acceptable state. This scheme is syrupted from biological processes, but it needs to be worked out on the Company's material.

What we heard today is a rustic phenomenon. This is an archaic culture of archaic people in small settlements. But the problem of disorganization is the problem of our daily life, the problem of large cities. That is, the problem of the disorganization of hierarchical, it is historically constantly complicated. The problem requires theoretical understanding against the background of the global process.

We agree with the speaker that the life of people is experiencing at some stages a powerful crisis associated with anything, including with the density of the population, and that the society is laid by the mechanism, bringing this density to some standard. But here immediately the question arises, without an answer to which the cultureologist will not be able to sleep peacefully: why does this society solve this problem of high density in this way, and not some others? Immediately arises the assumption that there are some different, historically established cultures, simultaneously being programs of people's activities in this area. There are visible to essential cultural differences. But in this case, we must operate the material of culture. The peasant for whom the whole world was in his village, and we already live in another, the big world, various values, aspirations, actions. That is, in different cultures, different mechanisms for solving the same problem, and the problems are already the others.

What the speaker told us today makes it thinks that we do not understand and do not know the mechanisms of events that occurred in Russia in the twentieth century and occur in our eyes. What if in Russia there was such a massive reaction to some negative processes that the speaker spoke about, then we do not use it when analyzing, say, the mass behavior of the Russian peasantry, which has established Soviet power from us. Mechanisms of mass behavior make us also think about the pathological, unprecedented in the history of large societies in which we were. And the speaker hints to us where to look.

Seminar N16 Socio-cultural methodology for analyzing Russian society

Independent theoretical seminar


Andrei Troin
Standardization of small forms in architecture of the 1960-70s. as a marker of two types of organization of the urban environment

The article put forward the assumption that in the 1960s and in the 1970s and 1980s, Soviet city planning practices were based on various models of the urban environment. These were not just different types of planning, but different systems of control over human behavior. This difference is most marked by a change in small architectural forms.

Troshin Andrei Alekseevich,
candidate of Philosophical Sciences
leading Researcher, Russian Research
institute of Cultural I. natural Heritage them. D.S.Likhacheva (Moscow),
e-mail: [Email Protected]

Urban planning in general is large, and therefore in many ways the inertial process. He, of course, reflects public trends, but does it with a "big step", in a significant time period. On changes occurring in society, much more quickly indicate changes in small areas of architectural creativity. Analyzing them, we, for example, we can talk about the principal difference in two periods of modernism in the Soviet architecture.

Offensive in the 1950s. The epoch of town planning modernism has become for soviet man The cultural revolution, surpassed on the degree of impact on the structure of society, the influence of Stalinsky neoclassical style. The reason for this is that modernism was artificially brought by external experience, while the "big style" was a historically deterministic cultural phenomenon, the social reasons for the appearance of which were purely internal - poverty and a small technical equipment of the country. In architecture, it is these factors, coupled with social stereotypes of well-being "from huts to the palace", determined the return in the 1930s. To the artistic language of symbolism, with the person inherent in the poetic handicraft. A specific shaped row of this poetics, all these campaigns, orders, vases, balustrades with balusters, etc. were not so principled. However, when "modernity" came, precisely with the external manifestations of the previous poetics - symbolism, allegorism and genreality in any forms - it was necessary to demonstratively to donate. "Otherwise, we will stay in aesthetics with prisoners of aesthetism or revaluation of the image (and as a result - decorations in architecture) to harm the concept (and, consequently, the necessary and useful for a person), for which a modern revolutionary movement in architecture has successfully performed." This quote from the works of Italian Marxist is quite clearly pronounced by the "legend" of the actions of modernists - "images to replace the concepts", "although nothing explains nothing in it.

What are the concepts, in relation to Soviet reality, can we talk about? The fact that architectural solutions of the main massif of urban planning of the 1960-80s are A little to enrich the visual memory of compatriots, it was somehow immediately understandable to the creators themselves. Already in 1957, there was a question: how to avoid monotony and template in the planning and development of new cities in Moscow, in the questionnaire of the International Union of Architects, dedicated to conduct in Moscow.

So "the concepts of the need and utility" in the urban planning practice of Soviet modernism, they certainly had no relation to the sphere of aesthetic problems. Their root cause was political: after the period of the mid-1950s, armed with the newly formed Kanon "Soviet", the authorities tried to cope with the rapidly updated, first of all - technologically - reality, opposing it ideologically unchanged, i.e. living out of reality, man. "One of the most important tasks of communist construction is the formation of a new person - harmoniously developed, comprehensively educated, widely educated, selflessly devoteed people, the great cause of Lenin. The composite part of the Communist Education is an aesthetic education. " And this is such a variety of aesthetic education, which is intended to only help the intelligence of the average woman in the fact that no technological modernization in any perspective of development is not able to shake the unshakable ideological foundations of social life.

The simplest technique of beliefs used in this case "aesthetic propaganda" is a demonstration of the quantitative increase in reality. And typical development is the most prominent example of such an increase. After all, "big style", with all its unity, retained regional binding: construction has always been perceived as construction in a particular place. And faceless Khrushchevka is a new building "in principle." Infinite "cereals" throughout the country, who is obeying or the principle "here, as everywhere", or "everywhere, like here."

An amazing relationship between the quantitative increases of a visually simplified and standardized urban environment and the growth of people's welfare. It is difficult to understand what is primary. It is obvious only that the reconciliation of people with life in such space is explained not only by the mythology of flight from communal and getting bad, but separate housing. Here is a partial loss of cultural memory, and on rather deep levels that determine identity; After all, the type of hostel "Cherryomushki" did not have the prerequisites even in the practice of life in the barracks.

I believe that this amnesia contributed to the change in the methods of vision and perception of the surrounding; At least among citizens. What was promoted, in a number of other things, the growth of film distribution and a change in his social role, as well as the emergence of television. It will be burned out here to work the French author of the Virillo field, carrying medical theories of dyslexia, establishing the relationship between the state of vision and speech, into a wider general cultural sphere. It describes how typical, the situation when the "frequent weakening of the central (fovyal) view is occurring, the focus of the most acute sensations, in combination with the normal strength of the peripheral, in one degree or another diffused. There is a dissociation of vision, homogeneity is inferior to the place of heterogeneity, and this process leads to the fact that, as if under the influence of anesthesia, a series of visual impressions seem to be meaningless, not ours; They simply exist, as if all the post will obey now the only speed of light. " He also refers to Walter Benjamin, saying that in the twentieth century the image came to change the word, and then he had nothing to replace him; Words no longer had images, the images did not cause words, and the growth of visually illiterates was obvious in society. Here is such an architecture that implies the dyslexia of view, "the architecture of the television era, followed by the edge of the eye" and there is the basis of Soviet urban planning 1960-1970.

Soviet man in the 1960s. Laste this space. And if the Stalin's heights have become for him at this time "imprinted in memory of a stereotype", because he did not know anything about their symbolism-allegics and could not read it, then, for example, about "Mishkaya books" (Creation of Mikhail Sourokina on Kalinin Avenue in Moscow) He knew everything. Just because there was nothing to know about it. Language "Books" In this case, the mosaic text perceived only peripherals. Well, besides holidays, when the words "USSR" or "CPSU" were highlighted from the illuminated windows.

With small architectural forms, commensurate person, the situation is somewhat different. Soviet ideology found it dangerous that, along with the state-defined pragmatic systems (regulating the relationship between the iconic systems and those who use them), in society can develop into relatively sustainable pragmatics forms, their origin obliged to traditional cultural resources, for example, ethnic. What partly happened in the practice of designing places of burials, for example. In order to avoid the spread of such practices, state control was necessary to "fill" the space of the city of some symbolic goods. This role in the 1960s took on the transfiguration standardized small forms, with which by the end of the 1970s it has happened new transformationindicating the emergence of another type of urban environment, excellent and from the city of the 1950s and from the city of the 1960s.

The formats of two different types of the city of Soviet architectural modernism we compare - for a start, on the example of sculptural images of man-fate animals.

Here is a fragment of the text dedicated to the description of the end-cutting relief "Lan with a young", performed by I.S.Efimov for a sanatorium in Tskhaltubo: "... Lack of volume and contour structurality, through which the foliage of trees is visible, creates an impression of a pulsating variable and live image. A visual relationships are created, successfully expressing the character of these grateful animals. All this suggests that the choice of artistic form and fine reception is entirely coincided with image image, helps its disclosure.<…> However, the first thing that rushes into the eyes when considering this relief, this is the convention and the unusual relationship of the form with the surrounding space. "

12 years have passed, and here is a fragment of another text of another author: "So, the cross-cutting relief of the sculpture" deer "is succeeded in the absence of volume and opening of the contour. Through the sculpture is always visible to the foliage of a close planted shrub. Its movement from the wind creates a variable and lively image expressing the character of this pousy animal. That is, the artistic form and the pictorial reception coincided and, in addition, ensured the flow of space of the site enriched with architecture, sculpture, landscape.

In these two texts, the similarity of the descriptions of the real sculptural lani with a hypothetical sculpture of deer is not very interesting. Interesting differences. And, of course, it is not that in the first case the trees are visible through the outline, and in the second - shrubs.

In the first case, the author (A.N.Burganov) still allows himself on the old man to use the word "image" and talk about the relationship of form and space. Let it be an extremely abstracted form: "In the conditions of modern construction, blocks of standard houses, created with the help of machines, have clear outlines and dramatically stand out among the surrounding nature. So-called "small architectural forms" - splashing pools, benches, vases, etc. - Must comply with this modern architecture. Decorative sculpture, naturally, should also not break away from the general style of the ensemble. It is forced to take the generalization of forms, which is characteristic of modern architecture. "

For a person in this space, manifestation of individual behavior is allowed. But this behavior can only be static - to measure and observe. Therefore, the best sculpture is a grille, or a decorative fence with a multitude of holes that does not distinguish anything. Such a sculpture simply indicates a person to the possibility of place, the point (ob) of the world. Figure is unified, especially in the design of playgrounds or intended for children buildings, embossed images sea fish on such lattices. Their paradoxicality - fish on land - as it would imply a new one, and therefore "his" look at the surrounding.

In the text of the second author (B.M. Merzhanov), the image is not completely naturally mentioned; We are talking only about the concept of "bustiness". There is no relationship between the subject and the surrounding space, since the main thing is the inclusion in the overall process of functioning of the city system ("flowing"): "... two graphics must be combined. The first is a functional schedule of human streams; The second is the graph of the aesthetic perception of the fragment of the residential environment by the person, for which it is created. Thus, a complex of visual impressions should be maximally detected from the most effective points in the course of the movement. This consists of a certain compositional pattern in the design of small architectural forms - the functional unity of the residential environment. "

For a person, only the dynamics is allowed in this space and, as a result, the lack of his own opinion, because the visual impressions are already prescribed by him. Even the rest is a temporary stay within a dynamic system in a specially limited and delimited subsystem, built, with the help of small forms, according to "concepts": "Stone, wood, plants in a vase personify nature,", etc. The basic principles of the formation of space are the maximum use of natural conditions of the landscape (nothing paradoxical), which is important due to the psychological overloads of citizens. The goal is to create an urban environment as an operational closed system that is not able to orient a man in the ability to take action for its borders, nor react to the actions from the outside. In this culture, in the 1970s, the best small architectural form becomes a monotonous deaf reinforced concrete fence - the main decoration of the outskirts of Soviet cities, their fortress walls (gradually penetrating - through construction sites, industrial and different closed objects - to the city center).

Check the same evolution on another example. Here, besides, texts will belong to one author.

In 1963, a children's healing town "Sunny" arose at the Karelian Isthmus. It was designed for 2300 children of preschool age living there six months or a year. The planning project belonged to the workshop No. 3 of the Lenproekt Institute, construction led Trust No. 104 Glaveningradstro. "The creation of" Sunny "is essentially one of the first in Leningrad in large experiments in the field of art synthesis, which opens a wide way to further creative search. In 1965, the work of the designers and builders of the Children's Health Town "Sunny" was deservedly marked by the first award at a review-competition, annually by Gosstroof RSFSR. "

For decorating the playgrounds "Sunshikov" is characterized by the use of decorative concrete partitions with passages and gates, nothing without distinguishing and not designations of some "transition zone". It's just a binding of children on the ground. Especially interested in educational children an allegorical solution to the idea of \u200b\u200bmodern architecture. "The vestoscope is adjacent to the construction games. Compositions from multicolored concrete cubes form on this site "Maze", "Cities", "Fortresses". The teacher distributes colored wooden liners cubes that can fill the concrete cube or to "complete" it. The equipment of this site is designed to develop the creative fantasy of children. "

The experience of the 1960s Yu.B. Chrome summed up in the book published in 1973 and already in 1974 his ideas about the ideal children's construction site changed: "The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating sites with the provision of building materials and the corresponding equipment is belonging to the Danish landscape architect Sughrensene. One of the first construction sites of this type was built in the park of the Danish city of Hamdrup. Rectangular in terms of the size of 6300 m² was surrounded by an earthen shaft with green slopes, decorated with flower beds, alive hedges from shrub and trees groups. At the site there is a pavilion where there are two workshops for amateur labor with machines and workbenches, toilets, games for games, for storing equipment and equipment, a room for the educator. The Pavilion composition includes pérgola, under the canopy of which there are tables for the manufacture of models and building elements.

The playground is open from April to November. During this period, children are built on the territory of the town of 100 gaming houses. After completing the construction of houses, children split small kindergartens, plant flowers. In the fall of the house are dealt. Materials for construction - boards, bricks, brushes and paints gives children a teacher in the service pavilion. Near the playground is a large flower garden, where children get seedlings for their little garden. " Those. We observe not just the point of binding children to the space occupied by adults or "nature", as in the case of "sun", and their isolation from these spaces in the formed operational closed system; Only instead of the fence, an earthen shaft for Soviet experience is used here. A similar ideal was to form a new Soviet city environment. And the fact that he is a foreign - nothing surprising, for its effectiveness and is based on the fact that this is entirely introduced by external experience.

The point of the final transition from one format of the existence of the art of small forms to another is 1972, in October, on the initiative of the board of the Union of Architects of the USSR, the All-Union Creative Meeting "Modern appearance and artistic flavor of the city" took place in Chisinau. The interest in the topic was explained by the reduction of the working day, which caused the need to transfer ideological control from the production sector in the field of leisure. The form of control, among other things, was the reconnect of the city. So, children's playgrounds preferably had to be in the territory of the kindergarten, and not in the public courtyard. Which, as such, should not be.

Love for lattices, and more - to concrete fences as a means of distinction and registration of urban space in those years was conceptual, and came from the state of the spirit. The fundamental concepts of which were expressed around us, along with the fences, also border stones ... Fortunately, for a while, - the society gradually collapsed, approached the era of graffiti, when private invaders again conquered a public world relaxed.


Questionnaire MSA: Construction and reconstruction of cities 1945 - 1957. - M., 1958. - 12 p.

Bartenev I.A.Kindergartens, schools. A series of "Children surrounds Art." - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1966. - 68 p.

Burganov A.N. Artistic solution of residential buildings // Applied art and modern housing. Sat P / R S.M. Tenerina. - M.: Publisher of the Academy of Arts, 1962. - with. 122 - 148.

Virillo P.Machine view [Text] / Paul Virillo; [Per. With Fr. A.V. Shestakova ed. V.Yu. Bystrov]. - SPb.: Science, 2004. - 144 p.

Wolpe G. Criticism of taste [Text] / Galvano della Wolpe; [Prepared. and total. ed. KM Dolgova; per. G.P. Smirnova, E.V. Flower]. - M.: Art, 1979. - 352 p., L. Il.

Merzhanov B.M. Small forms in the architecture of residential building. - M.: Knowledge, 1974. - 58 p.

Chromes Yu.B. New in the landscaping of Leningrad. - L.: Lenzdat, 1973. - 128 p.

Chromes Yu.B.Planning and equipment of gardens and parks. - L. Stroyzdat, 1974. - 160 s.

Sociocultural methodology for analyzing Russian society
Independent theoretical seminar
December 17, 1997

The topic of the seminar: theoretical foundations of degradation in society (on the material of the history of Russia XIX century)
Speaker: Andrey Alekseevich Troin


Founding Members:

A. Aachezer, A.Davydov, E.Turkattenko, I.Gr.Yakovenko.


Yu.Bausov, I.Besidin, A. Bodrill, Yu.Veshninsky, J. Glayzner (United Kingdom), B. Heres, V. Nazkov, V.Kagansky, S. Kyrdina (Novosibirsk), L. Kitaev-Smyk, L. Kulikov, I. Rule, R. Maxudov, A.Neklesz, A. Pelipenko, I.Petrov, M.Rumyanseva, R. Revikina, E.Saiko, A. Etroshin, N. Fedotova, Y. Sayakin, V. Sherst.

A. Estroshin: The subject of my report is the complete destruction of the social structure, which is determined by her itself. It can be either appropriate for society - in the event that the history of this society has been prepared, or a random - some catastrophe and adaptation to it. In this report, I am interested in destruction as a suitable social action.

I follow the maximum methodological reduction: everything communicates to the information transfer system. The information is understood to be any distinction that produces any distinction. The destruction of me is interpreted as the process of discharge, the destruction of social information, which has become society is not needed, which is not adequate to the situation, is not able to adapt a person to the conditions of external life. For example, knowledge of standing in queues or on the conduct of May Day demonstrations in these conditions is not relevant. If some social groups are guided by such information, it is obvious that the society should be somehow wasolate this information, destroy. How the net idea information is not destroyed. Therefore, the meaning of destructive processes is the destruction of information carriers, in which a decrease in intrapopulation pressure should occur. That is, the number of communications is sharply reduced, and at the same time the information that was dominant for society loses its status, and marginal information is updated and in conditions of destruction can take a leading place in the creation of a new society.

There are three possible forms of destruction. The first is forgotten, which I treat as a loss of personality, personal identity, part of personal identity and replacing its other. This is the only type of destruction, which has a source of occurrence at the personal level. At the level of society, if the forgetting does not work, two mechanisms are consistently included. Degeneration is a violation of reproduction (usually human reproduction, but it is possible to apply this word to a violation of the reproduction of symbolic objects). The highest form of destruction, the most complete and perfect - mechanical reduction in the population number.

For a person, destructiveness is a component of culture, which encourages the emerging social, behavioral, symbolic structures. All social processes are reduced to action. Based on this, the subject of consideration can only be actions and design of these actions into the system. To protect against the strange character of the examples that will be given, I defend the main postulate of the sociology of Durkheim: no institution created by a person could not be based on delusion or lies. If he were not based on the natural nature of things, he would not exist. That is, in any, even the most strange actions there is some meaning.

If destruction is a sanction on actions, how is it transmitted in society? Here is a logical paradox: if the destruction is the destruction of society, then the ability to destroy should be transmitted. If we have determined degradation as the destruction of the social structure, the continuity of destructive actions can be based only on attitudes towards a separate person. The value of human life as an ontological concept is the basis of sociocultural destruction. It seems to me that the associated sanctions and are genuine and the only marker of the ethnos. The concept of an ethnos can actually be derived precisely in relation to culture, based on which sociocultural sanctions exist in it.

The first controversial thesis: in its purest form, destructive sanctions (ontological value of human life) are manifested in relation to the dead. All read the famous translation of the book of F. Tag "man in front of death", where in the preface it is said: you want to know the true value of human life, visit the cemetery. In Russian society everything is obvious. The only custom of Russians, which can be traced on sources for more than a millennial period, and on the basis of which we, by the way, we can prove the connection of generations, is the so-called cult of the beddowns. In the Russians initially the dead shared two categories - the died natural death (in a broad sense - parents) and the died unnatural death (Domoviki, the dead of the mortar), which could not be buried. They were taken out of swamps or ravines, where they were to "live" a period. After Christianization there was a very serious conflict between the entity imposed by the state and real ethnic behavior. He found his strange resolution at the Sciences Institute. Scandalizer is a place allocated for a fraternal grave, or rather, a morgue, where all those who died from the disease had been folded during the year, and then, once a year, drove out. It was a very important institution, the highest form of public repentance. And when Catherine II in 1771 canceled this institute in connection with the plague epidemic, a very strange thing began to occur in Russian society. The ethnic community responded to this measure by mass defense of the graves. In Russian right to 1771, it was only about "looting", but the number of desecrated graves after the abolition of Scales was so mass that already in 1772, in the full meeting of laws, the concept of "sacrence" is introduced against the robbery of the grave. It punishable with a whip on the square or on the very place of the crime, tightening the nostrils, branding and reference to hard work. During the XIX century, punishment softens. In deposits about the punishments of 1845 for the rupture of the graves as superstitial actions, a reference to the settlement to Siberia was envisaged. The same act with the purpose of robbery punishable by Katoroga (up to 12 years), and in pranks or drunkenness - from four to eight years in prison. And in the criminal deployment of 1903 this imprisonment for a period not over six months. But the liberalization of punishment did not mean the loss of its need. At the end of the XIX century there are peak of reliably described cases of execution of the rite of this cult. The last criminal case of this kind was in 1914. But it is known that in the twenties, such phenomena took place.

Any failure in society (cripples, mass diseases) called the object of compensatory violence. The meaning of the destruction is a universal community response. The resource of the answer is not an external environment, not rational actions in relation to the environment, and the members of society itself, even the dead, this is the universality - so that it does not happen, the community always has compensatory violence facilities. At first, it was dead unnatural death. I will give a typical case. In the summer of 1864, a strong drought was stood in the Saratov province, bread and herbs burned to the root. Once in the morning, the tenant was noticed in the Lordsk pond sticking out of the water legs. From the water pulled the coffin. It turned out that the local cemetery burst the grave. The dead man was a strong drunkard. According to the popular superstition, to cause rain, you need to drown the dead drunkard. When Russian men in the Lower Volga lacked the deunions-drunks, they found a replacement - frogs. In the drought they were hanging on the trees. Until today, the syncred forms of this cult are preserved: children's belief - if you crush the frog, it will rain.

The transformation of the cult of the beddowed dead has become the basis for routine practices common in Russia. And the real life of the Russian community was based on the culture of magic and witchcraft operating in the society the functions of compensatory violence and sources of determination for various forms of mass psychopathies. All this is proved on numerous examples. Now many literature is published on ethnographic topics. But this literature is not equipped with theoretical comments and the fact that it is set out, produces a terrifying impression. This is an endless black mass. For example, the custom of "feasting death" is the main form of the behavior of Russian women in the epidemics of any origin. There are several dozen variants of this cult. In the "Voronezh Literary Collection" (Voronezh, 1861) describes one of them. Women and girls in alone shirts with flowing hair gather in a secret place. By choosing three widras from its environment, they give the first image of God's Mother, the second candle and incense, and the third harbor in the hijah, behind which two pregnant women put. The procession is closed by all other women and girls who gathered for the overthrow of the rite, the crowd bypasses the village of the village, spending a deep furrow. The action is accompanied by singing. Everything is alive, which is found to them on the way, is killed (according to the disease, the disease takes the appearance of not only an animal, but even a person). Dozens of criminal cases can be brought about the brutal killings by women of unfortunate passersby.

At the end of the XIX century, phallic carnivals existed in Russia. Eighties, Kostroma. So-called Jarily Funeral. This is a female Mystery, at which or buried a doll with developed genitals, or chasing around the city of some hired, as they would say, a homeless, which then "drown" in the Volga.

Based on the foregoing, based on the experiences of the cult of the founded dead and the monstrous faith in the witchcraft, which was determined by Russian life, sociocultural destruction was presented in five types of sanctions characteristic of the entire Russian ethnic volume (in various versions). I relate to them on degenerative sanctions and sanctions aimed at mechanical reducing the population.

Degenerative sanctions Two: Labority and Music. These are the requirements of cultural behavior that make people engage in such forms of social behavior. This is described in the work of V.I.zhmakin "Russian Society of the XVI century", I.V.Prepezhensky - "The moral state of the Russian society in the XVI century ..." and others before the beginning of the XVII century, the main form of the behavior of Russian men was homosexuality as gender norm. Men Women's society preferred little chubby boys. The monasteries were forbidden to start boys. Professor N.D. Sergeevsky writes that a two-year lag in the development of school in Russia is explained by monstrous pedophilia in monks. Professor V.S. Iconnikov proves that Russian homosexuality has two sources (A.P.Shpov, S.S. Shashkov wrote about this). This, firstly, the influence of nomadic peoples with their contemptuous attitude towards a woman as a burden and, secondly, Byzantine Christianity. The entire ideological program of homosexuality was from Byzantium. Already in the flavor of Svyatoslav (1073), translated from Greek, there is an article about women in which, starting with the fall of Eva and based on a number of biblical examples, the newest look at the woman. These reasoning repeats Daniel Charpener and others.

The first attempt to combat homosexuality, which failed completely, was stamp. Officially, homosexuality was first banned at the Ecumenical Moscow Councils at the end of the XVII century. It was punished by burning on the bonfires. According to the evidence of foreigners, on the ice of the Moscow River simultaneously burned for several hundred fires, on which homosexuals were burned. Icons of homosexual content (Lord God Savaof, Fatherland, etc.) were prohibited. Traditional homosexuality remained in the XIX century. Classical studies of homosexuality were carried out by V.O. Mergevsky, B.I.Pyatnitsky. In the 60s, mass affairs in St. Petersburg are known about the prostitution of young bankoves on the artistic principles and about the prostitution of cabmen. Such phenomena did not cause a special protest from the Russian peasant, except for Old Believers.

In Russia from the XII to the XVI century, mass psychopathy of a homosexual sense is known when the female population has been cut completely. This particular is especially characteristic of the upper and middle Volga region. Genonianship as a socio-cultural design of homosexuality and the cult of the beddowns are two facts that induce mass psychopathies and appeared the basis of such a phenomenon as a cliking (extremely low status of a woman and faith in witchcraft).

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Chapter 1. Study of the phenomenon of social degradation in the domestic science of the end of the XIX - early XX centuries.

1.1 The formation and development of the theory of sociopsychiatric epidemics in connection with the development of medical and social science disciplines. nineteen

1.2 Flusted and journalistic statement of factographic material on the issue of sociopsychiatric epidemics.

1.3 Psychological Direction 47 -

1.4 Anthropological direction 55

1.5 Sociocultural Direction 59 -

Chapter 2. Cultural specificity of the phenomenon of a sociopsychic epidemic for Russia.

2.1 The dual character of Russian religiosity as a detected generalizing characteristics of traditional culture. 69.

2.2 Attitude to the burial as a specific feature of ethnic culture. 72.

2.3 Attitude towards women and children as a specific feature of ethnic culture 77

2.4 Polychron reference time as a mechanism of cultural dynamics

Chapter 3. The phenomenon of destruction in the caticult of socio-cultural regulation and communication.

3.1. Generalized ideas about society as a communication system. 104.

3.2. The phenomenon of social destruction as a form of sociocultural regulation. Conclusions. 121.

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Social destruction as an object of cultural analysis"

The relevance of the problem, goals and objectives of the study.

Justification of the problem of research and its relevance. The study of the processes of social destruction - the collapse and destruction of social structures, substructures and various sociocultural education, occupies a very small place in the spectrum of humanitarian research. At the same time, if you turn to the real history of society, the place of destructive processes will be quite different, probably quite comparable to the processes of creation. If you describe the modern civilization as an amount of information, it is quite possible to prevent the quantitative predominance of the "forgotten" and "lost" in relation to the existing one. It is unlikely that there will be objections to the statement that without "liberation" the place is unable to submit any real development. The principle, the most detailed argued in biology and successfully expressed by the city of Zimmel Temma "Life acquires a form, because the living dies", in a methodological relationship and to the subject of the study of social sciences. The identification of the logic of cultural development, patterns and mechanisms of the dynamics of culture is fully impossible without a generalized understanding of degradation processes. Thus, the theoretical and cognitive interest in the topic of destruction is fully justified, and it needs to be ceased to be marginalized in any humanitarian, including cultural, research.

The fact that currently destructive phenomena is by no means in the domestic science with a generally accepted research object, largely related to the question of the legitimacy of their status in the traditionally established context of the perception of history.

One of the reasons for ignoring destructive phenomena is a progressive orientation in the Soviet period in the Soviet science, which did not recognize the ontological equanimity in the public life of the processes of creation and destruction. If the first relied in the necessary pattern, the destruction of society was considered or as an accident (natural disaster), or as self-purification (class approach and patos of class struggle). Taking the nature of the state ideology, declared faith into the linear development of nature and society was projected on the basis of a scientific analysis of historical events, which were considered above all from the position of their feasibility in the adaptive sense, as adaptation to reality, and from the position of the female social processes requiring social proceedings reality transcendental, a certain inaccessible goal. In this case, the requirement of completeness of the analysis of the empirical material was replaced by the assessment of the compliance of the studied phenomena taken for the "point of reference". With this approach, essential ideological restrictions were introduced into science, which, among other things, identified the degree of adherence to plots related to destructive processes, as a legitimate, thematic approved research subject.

Last time Limiting cognitive activity in the field of studying social destruction phenomena led to a situation of explicit insufficiency of their understanding, which is a weighty argument in favor of enhancing research practice in this direction.

To turn to a broader study of the place and role of degradation in the sociocultural process, not only scientific interest, but also the realities of the social development of Russia. Both those belong to its historical past, often aware of today and those that can be found to the so-called "negative moments", the costs of radical reform of Russian statehood and public life (the destruction and loss of social institutions, changes in the structure of social inequalities, "crisis and decline of culture", etc.). There is no doubt that the development of conceptual foundations of the study of the degradation phenomenon in the sociocultural process makes it possible to make a deeper and definite understanding of this kind of phenomena.

However, in turn, the theoretical analysis of the specified phenomenon, the philosophical generalization associated with the understanding of the nature of social destruction, its role in public life, suggest support for the study of a particular historical material. Such material allows you to trace the phenomenology of destruction, identify its modifications during cultural historical Development Material, and see not only starting points, but also the final results of the process.

In this regard, significant interest for the author was the allocation and study of those phenomena in Russian history, which could be a significant empirical base for analyzing the degradation process. As such a base, mass-shaped phenomena were chosen, which are, on the one hand, the form of a social destruction process, and on the other hand, the remaining kind of "white spots" of domestic history, which still have not become the subject of special analysis of researchers. We are talking about the so-called "mental epidemics".

The temporal boundaries for consideration of this phenomenon defined XIX - the beginning of the 20th century. The choice of this temporary period as the basic was largely made because at the time the phenomena of interest to us were enough full description In various kinds of historical documents and serious scientific analysis in a number of special works of domestic researchers.

In connection with the introduction to a cultural study that is not characteristic of him, the concept of "mental epidemic", borrowed from psychology and psychiatry, it should be noted that in the domestic science of the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries, the term "mental epidemic" was designated cases of mass psychopathy and hysteria during which was subordinated to the behavior of the famous number of people a certain "idea", expressed in the form of emotionally painted stereotypic actions. For a separate person, these actions were spontaneous, and the subordination of the idea here should be distinguished from the subjectivity of the task: the latter (for example, the task of salvation) implies a rational, verbalized and definitely agreed plan, consistently implemented and aimed at a specific result. The subordination of the same idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation is expressed in clearly irrational, first as a rule chaotic actions of a massive nature.

Mental epidemics "were a recognized object of research during the course of the XIX and the first half of the XX centuries. Historically enshrined in the title, the use of the word "epidemic" concluded not an indication of the dissemination of the disease as deviation from the norm of human nature, but was an indication only on the intensity of propagation on a mass scale abnormal for her state expressed in a sequence of irrational actions. In this regard, since the subject of action in the mental epidemic is the institutionalized community, the author considers it possible to use the term "sociopsychiatric epidemic" as a more accurate characterizing the subject of the study. The term "mental epidemic" is maintained only in the analysis of the process of historical formation of views on the problem.

The proposed study does not pretend to build a common theory of social destruction. In many ways, because the problem allocated in this work and to be considered is one of the first steps to eliminate a serious dissonance between a significant amount of actual material related to destruction in social Life, and the degree of understanding of this material at the theoretical level. The formation and development of the theory of culturalogenesis occurring in modern domestic science also implies and encourages the occurrence of works, the authors of which seek to give the philosophical understanding of individual phenomena of social life, both constructive and destructive in it, which in the aggregate only forms a single sociocultural process.

It seems that one of the important steps to eliminate the inconsistency between the huge facts contained in the materials of the studies accumulated by the "archive" of historical science, and the selectiveness, the locality of their theoretical generalization, is the actualization of this knowledge, the introduction of the relevant historical material on the environment of active scientific discussions, " Records "established interpretations with parameters such as objectivity, validity, adequacy. An important value of the factual series has an important meaning in order to ensure adequate tasks of the study of empirical foundation for generalization.

Appeal to the corresponding array of specific historical ch\u003e and data reflecting the aspect of social life in Russia of the XIX - the beginning of the 20th centuries, it makes it possible to analyze the characteristics of the phenomenon being studied in comparison with similar phenomena of European life. In particular, such specifics should first of all revealed in the peculiarities of the institutional continuity of destructive oriented actions, behavioral stereotypes and related cultural sanctions.

The degree of development of the problem. Theoretical research backgrounds. This is especially important, since in modern humanitarian knowledge there is a "reverse process". In the broad sphere of scientific and humanitarian activities, interest in the problem of understanding "mental epidemics" and socopsychiatric phenomena close to them is mostly allowed in deprived comments by the reissue of the classical works of European authors, with the participation of which at the time of the study of sociopsychiatric epidemics (DVD, G. Leboon, M.Nordau, Ch. Lombroso and others), as well as minor compilations (for example: Orlov M.A. "History of a man's relationship with the devil"). Thus, we are talking about a peculiar substitution of the publishing and book-moving policy of modern scientific analysis of phenomenon of sociopsychiatric epidemics, its semantic and value content, consideration of the relationship and interaction of sociopsychiatric epidemics with a holistic structure of society. Exceptions are insignificant, for example, transfers of the works of the French researcher from Voskovichi, but there is no correlation of Western theoretical heritage with the material of domestic history.

All this despite the fact that in Russian science of the XIX - early XX centuries a huge material on behavioral and social organization, specific culture of mass psychopathic phenomena and orgiastic-ecstatic religiosity. Significant work was carried out on the theoretical study of mental epidemics, their mental, social and cultural mechanisms. Among psychological research, the works of N.P.Brukhansky, V.Kh.Kantinsky, V.M. Bekhtereva, N.N.Bagazova, V.S. Yakovenko, N.N.reformatsky, M.I. Gurevich, A. A.Tokarsky, P.E. Astafieva, A.D. Kotovsky, P.A.Preparensky, I.A.Sikovsky,

N.V. Krainsky, S.O.Steinberg, D.G. Konovalova; As an example of sociological analysis, it is possible to bring the work of A.I.Shingareva, N.N. Firsova, M.N. Hernet, N.A. Volubova; An example of cultural analysis are the works of V.I.Zhmakina, E.A. Kozhevnikova, F.E. Budda, D.N.Dubakina, I.V.Prevechansky, A.P.Schapova, S.S.Shashkova, N. D . Sergeevsky, V.S. Iconnikova and others. Therefore, the dissertation study consciously placed emphasis on the study of precisely the national scientific tradition, since the return to the forgotten domestic cultural heritage today is sufficiently relevant in itself.

In Soviet times, the study of sociopsychiatric epidemics was artificially interrupted in favor of the ideological doctrine on the construction of a classless society that did not have, allegedly, internal contradictions capable of providing mass psychopathy. Studies on this topic Even in psychology and psychiatry were partly completely discontinued, partly translated into the category of research closed to the public. By virtue of this circumstance, socopsychiatric epidemics and could not be a traditional and object of study for humanitarian sciences, and their study could not have an independent status.

It can be stated that in modern domestic humanitarian science there are practically no special work devoted to the study of sociopsychiatric epidemics, an array of historical facts is not in demand. Of course, we are not talking about the full disappearance of the problem of mass psychopathies from the field of view of humanitarian. But it was mentioned mainly due to excursions to the special areas of pathopsychological or psychiatric studies, as an exceptional object of medical science or psychoanalysis. Such mentions, as a rule, were morally evaluated or journalistic, but not strictly scientific. This situation was characteristic even for medieval, on the material of which, as it seems, it is difficult to avoid the theme of historical and cultural analysis of such mass psychosis as the struggle against witches or children's crusades.

Return to the topic began in the early 1990s as part of social psychology. The first serious work, energizing with the thesis, was the study of V.A. Alexseeva and M.A. Maslin about the "psychological school" in Russian social philosophy. However, the sections devoted to the topic of mass psychopathies are missing in textbooks and manuals on history, social philosophy, sociology and cultural studies. In subject indexes to this kind of publications, as a rule, there are no terms affecting this topic. Due to the oblivion of the developed non-terminology, which covered by it, a significant amount of factual material is simply ignored.

It should be noted that a position is possible, a fundamentally denying significance of sociopsychiatric epidemics in the industrial and post-industrial society, and as a consequence of such a position, the negotiation of these phenomena in the modern science into a special category of sociocultural phenomena. But regardless of this, the historical significance of the former sociopsychiatric epidemics is not doubtful, and their study has theoretical significance.

Only relatively recently accumulated in science in science a huge array of empirical material on the genesis and historical transformations of cultural forms began to receive fundamental scientific generalization in the domestic humanitarian knowledge at the current theoretical level.

It originally happened in the framework of interest in the cyclic concepts of sociocultural dynamics. It suffices to recall that the institutionalization of cultural studies in the 1990s largely passed due to a significant return to the sphere of public scientific discussion of the works of N.Danilevsky, O.Shpengler, A.Tunby, P.A.Sorokina. Later, the subject of discussions was the concept of long economic waves M.I.Tugan-Baranovsky, Parvus (A.I.Gelfanda), N.D. Kontratyev. Currently in the field of social science principles scientific research The wave dynamics of sociocultural processes were most developed by A.S. Ahiser. It can be said that at present the provision on the repeatability of the stages of the processes of self-organization of sociocultural systems is a kind of axiom.

Today, the holistic concepts of the essence of cultural form, the conditions and mechanisms of its genesis, functioning and variability are being developed. As an example, the famous work of A.Ya.Fliera "Culturogenesis" can be given. Studies appear, covering and destructive processes as the most important component of cultural genesis (Research A.P.Nazareyan, L.A. Kitaeva-Tsmya). Private (personal, and including pathopsychological) aspects also find their reflection in cultural research. You can select the works of Irina Papinno, and including "suicide as a cultural institution". Interesting experience of a generalized study of the characteristic psychological and cultural characteristics of the Russian ethnicome is proposed in the work of K. Kasyanova "On Russian national character».

Still, the cultural development of material related to the destruction of society has not yet become a full direction scientific activity, and there is a research perspective. From research based on the ideographic, descriptive-systematizing method, it is necessary to move to the problem-logical method, to the generalized understanding of the facts and events described in the history of society and the culture of facts and events, to their typology using comparative analysis, to the construction of models.

Based on the above:

The object of the study is social destruction as a component and one of the mechanisms of the sociocultural process.

The subject of the study is the factors and forms of manifestation of social destruction - the phenomenon of the sociopsychiatric epidemic, which has found its manifestation in the social history of Russia XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries.

The purpose of the study and generalized tasks:

The purpose of the study was to identify the peculiarities of destruction as a socio-cultural phenomenon and analysis of its place in the process of cultivogenesis, which creates the prerequisites for the further development of the cultural theory on the way of developing a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of socio-cultural dynamics mechanisms.

Achieving this goal involves the solution of the following research tasks:

1. An analysis of the process of formation of views on the problem of sociopsychiatric epidemics as manifestation of social destruction, in the domestic science of the XIX - early XX centuries; The identification of the main directions and approaches with an emphasis on the specifics of socio-cultural ideas in this area.

2. Actualization and study of a documented material accumulated in the history of domestic science on the chosen topic, including, by introducing data to the scientific turnover before the data; Ordering and systematization of this material.

3. Analysis of empirical material describing the manifestation of social destruction of society in the form of sociopsychiatric epidemics, identifying the peculiarities of this phenomenon and its role in the sociocultural process.

4. Analysis of the impact of social and cultural factors On the occurrence and development of sociopsychiatric epidemics, including objective impacts, targeted practices and their media and values.

5. Determination of the cultural specificity of the phenomenon of sociopsychiatric epidemics as a mechanism of social destruction, in Russian society in the XIX - early XX centuries.

Source research base:

As the main sources for the study were allocated: works of domestic scientists of the XIX - early XX centuries, official documents, reference and bibliographic publications, statistical collections, periodic printing, proceedings.

The scientific novelty of the study is: in the implementation of a special analysis of the process of social destruction as an integral part of culture genesis; in the development of knowledge of the forms of this process on the example of the analysis of sociopsychiatric epidemics; In generalizing a significant amount of previously ignorant historical material related to both the highlighting of the most phenomenon of sociopsychiatric epidemics in Russia and the domestic traditions of their study.

The main provisions endowed with the defense:

1. Processes of social degradation, that is, the decay and destruction of social structures, substructures, cultural and subcultural systems should become a recognized object of study in the philosophy of culture and cultural studies. Their study is the most important component of the theory of cultural genesis, since only in the aggregate and relationships of the design and destruction this process can be implemented.

2. Studying in the cultural studies of social destruction processes implies the consideration of society as a combination of strategies aimed at optimizing resource consumption as one of the methodological parcels. In this case, the culture should be defined as a set of behavioral models and means of their implementation and control over them.

3. One of the visual manifestations of the phenomenon of social destruction is the process of a sociopsychiatric epidemic. The concept of "mental epidemic" was sufficiently developed and verified by domestic scientists the end of the XIX - in the first centuries. This concept can be in demand by modern cultural philosophy and cultural studies with an interpretation appropriate scientific context.

4. The study allows you to form a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomenon of a psychic epidemic that it is possible to formulate in the following positions:

The sociopsychiatric epidemic is determined by such conditions for the existence of people, adaptation to which by the gradual, evolutionary transformation or modernization of existing forms is impossible or ineffective; It requires the emergence of fundamentally new forms of activity and interaction of people. In other words, the cause of the sociopsychiatric epidemic is the crisis of the adaptation of the community and the function of the sociopsychiatric epidemic - to eliminate unnecessary sociocultural information from society (institutions, statuses, roles, cultural norms and values) and this prepare a new stage of sociogenesis.

The adaptation crisis can cover only a part of the settlement community allocated by territorial sign or by nature of property and cultural inequality. The society can speak towards its part covered by the sociopsychiatric epidemic as an external environment. This fundamentally changes the situation of the development of a mental epidemic, making it possible to institutionalization of destructive elements in relatively sustainable sociocultural forms.

The change in the nature of the human attitude with its natural or social environment is possible only in a socially protduzerficted medium, under conditions of low intrapopulation pressure on human behavior. Achieving low population density is objectively a mental epidemic.

Achieving low intrapopulation pressure is possible in three ways: a reduction in the birth rate (degeneration of the population), a mechanical reduction in the form of mass murders or suicides, migration. All these processes are associated with sociocultural regulation.

A sociopsychiatric epidemic is impossible without a constant presence in the society of a set of traditional cultural sanctions of a destructive nature and their institutional carriers. 5. Refilitation of social destruction occurs in the form of cultural sanctions. For Russia of the XIX - the beginning of the 20th centuries, specific sanctions were the following: a group of degenerative sanctions - consignment and lobby, as traditional behavior; A group of sanctions determining the mechanical reduction of society - sanctions on religious decisions, suicide and murder of a symbolic victim. The main institutional form of re-configuration of destructive sanctions was sectarianism.

5. Based on the analysis of the documented material related to the processes of social destruction in Russia of the XIX - early XX centuries, it can be concluded that the ethnic community of Russian and associated ethnic groups was a special type of culture in the nature of the time reference. The awareness of the time sequence in the settlement communities was dual character: on the one hand, the correlation of routine practices with a formal calendar associated with the agricultural cycle and, regardless of this, based on ecstatic religiosity, transcendental reference behavior. This type of culture is indicated as "polychron", and it relies with one of the factors of society's predisposition to the processes of social destruction, specific to that period for Russia.

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Theory and History of Culture", Troshin, Andrey Alekseevich

2. The results of the study on the topic of the thesis within 19941998 were presented in reports and reports for 11 international, All-Russian and inter-university conferences. Among the most significant may be called: "Russian Province" (Kostroma, 1994); "Higher education in Russia" (Yaroslavl, 1994); "Urbanization and cultural life of Siberia" (Omsk, 1995); "Peasantry and power" (Tambov, 1995); "Interaction of National Cultures" (Astrakhan, 1995); "Russia in the XVIII century" (St. Petersburg, 1996); "Russia in a new time: personality and peace in historical space" (Moscow, RGTU, 1997); "Social anthropology on the threshold of the XXI century" (Moscow, 1998).

3. The main conceptual provisions of the study were tested in the author's pedagogical practice, including in reading special courses "sociocultural foundations of historical destruction" and "Comments on a special part of Russian law: crimes against faith and morality" in 1995 -1996 and 1996 -1997 academic years In the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGU).

1. Preservation of the pagan tradition of the cult of beddowed dead in the Russian tradition of the late XIX - early XX centuries // All-Russian Scientific Conference "Russian Province". Abstracts. Part 1. Kostroma, 1994. P. 173-175. (0.1 p.);

2. The role of higher natural science education in the Russian society of the second half of the XIX century // International Scientific Conference "Higher Education in Russia". Abstracts. Vol. 1. Yaroslavl, 1994. P. 145-147. (0.1 p.);

3. Limpinization as a component of urban processes // All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Urbanization and Cultural Life of Siberia". Abstracts. Omsk, 1995. P. 20-22. (0.1 p.);

4. "Dark" sects as a form of lumenization of the Russian peasantry of the XIX century // All-Russian Scientific Conference "Peasantry and Power". Abstracts. Tambov, 1995. P. 157 -159. (0.1 p.);

5. Emergency and pagan taboo as a source of reconstruction of agriculture // All-Russian Scientific Conference "Actual problems of archeography, source studies and historiography." Abstracts. Vologda, 1995. P. 243-245. (0.1 p.);

6. Syncret transformation of tradition in the interaction of national cultures // Regional Scientific Conference "Problems of Interaction of National Cultures". Abstracts. Part 2. Astrakhan, 1995. P. 107-108. (0.1 p. L.);

7. Russian Poreform Peasantry as a model of research of psychological anthropology // All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "History of Russia XIX - XX centuries: Historiography, source studies." Abstracts. Nizhny Novgorod, 1995. P. 113 - 114. (0.1 p.);

8. Novgorod province according to criminal statistics of the last third of the XIX century // Scientific Conference "Past Novgorod and Novgorod Land." Abstracts. Novgorod, 1995. P. 120 -122. (0.1 p.);

9. Psychopathic epidemic in Russia XVIII century // Republican scientific conference "Russia in the XVIII century: Wars and foreign policy, domestic policy, economy and culture. " Abstracts. St. Petersburg, 1996. S.89- 90. (OD P.L.);

10. Representation of the icons as a source of information about the Russian Society of the XVII century // Questions of Art Credit. Moscow, 1997, No. 1. C.208 - 214. (0.6 pp);

I. Women's hysteria as a reference time // Scientific Conference of RGUGU "Russia in a new time: personality and peace in historical space." Abstracts. Moscow, 1997. P. 67-69. (0.1 p.);

12. Reproduction of agents of destruction of society and culture as an object of research of cultural studies // Cultural studies and cultivation: conceptual approaches, educational practices. Digest of articles. Moscow, 1998. P. 120 -126. (0.5 p.).


Specificity of the study.

The philosophical content of this work is the experience of a rational assumption about the nature of social degradation. The formulation of plausible hypothesis is initial stage Any study, and this stage must be associated with the philosophical discourse: the reasoning about the problem allows you to create a source theoretical material that allows for the scope of scientific methods. about

In the theoretical part of this work, the leading was the desire to maximize the clarity of the developed hypothesis, which, allow, can create the impression of some simplisticness of the actual philosophical component of the thesis. The reason for this was noted in the introduction of public interest in studies on the study of social degradation, which makes it first to think about creating a discussion field, which makes it possible to maintain a meaningful discussion of the problem. The desire to "throw" the discussion material justifies the actualization of the scientific archive, which is an important component of the study.

The heuristic meaning of the results of the study of social destruction processes.

As a result of solving the tasks in the dissertation study, it was possible to achieve his goal:

Remove the features of Destrukia as a cooocultural phenomenon. Determine the essence of sociocultural transformations of destructive type in the social system, identify the conditions for the manifestation of such transformations, + to identify and combine the patterns of the flow of destructive processes into the holistic system, showing its three-level character.

Show the significance of Destrukia in the proesis of culture genesis is the constancy of its presence. Social destruction exists in society in the form of a set of traditional sanctions,

The specificity of destructive sanctions for Russia of the XIX - early XX centuries has been established, the institutional nature of social destruction was identified, + it was shown that social destruction is an object of cultural research, and moreover, since the destruction is always manifested as a sociocultural process, it is a predominant object of cultural analysis.

Create prerequisites for the further development of the cultural theory, in the process of the dissertation study, a significant amount of factual material was revealed and updated, which is the empirical base for the further development of cultural theory, in the study, summarized the significant amount of historical and scientific material in the study.

The dissertation study in the dissertation study shows the possibility of formalizing cultural knowledge on the example of modeling socio-cultural transformations.

The practical significance of the work is determined by the possibility of using its results:

For the further development of cultural theory and in particular, the factory of sociocultural dynamics,

To develop mechanisms for analyzing modern social processes in terms of their design or destructiveness,

IN educational system In the preparation of specialists in the field of social and cultural history of Russia.

Approbation of work took place in the following forms:

1. The thesis was discussed and recommended to protect at a meeting of the sector of cultural problems of education of the Russian Institute of Cultural Culture of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation and Russian Academy Sciences February 24, 1999.

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For manuscript rights

Safronova Marina Nikolaevna

The emergence of the phenomenon of the scientific archive

In the first half of the XIX century.

(on the example of scientific activities

Alexandra Ivanovich Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky)

Specialty 24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture

dissertations for a scientific degree

candidate culturology

Moscow 2007.

The dissertation was performed in the sector of cultural problems of socialization of the Russian Institute of Cultural

Scientific Director: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Troin Andrey Alekseevich

Official opponents:

doctor of Historical Sciences Mokhnacheva Marina Petrovna

candidate of Culturalology Kudryavtseva Elena Borisovna

Leading organization - Moscow Pedagogical State University

Protection will take place "23" April 2007 at ____ hours at the meeting of the dissertation council D 210.015.01 at the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies at the address: 119072, Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, d. 20, room. 13.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies.

moscow, Bersenevskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b20.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council,
candidate of Philosophical Sciences V.O. Cleaner

I. General performance characteristics

The relevance of research. Problems of cultural memory and memorialization as the basis for rethinking the past and the search for sociocultural identity occupy a noticeable place in modern Russian society. This problem affects a variety of activities, including it is actively discussed and in relation to such a field of social practice as scientific activities. The appeal to its roots, the rethinking of many and many in the domestic history of science - the processes that have become an integral part of the development of Russian statement, analyzing the history of science in the context of a more common cultural and historical process.

One of the most important institutions through which the culture memorialization process is also provided and is represented, there is an inclusion of a particular scientific event, achievement, the result in cultural time and space is a scientific archive. In Russia, the scientific archive as a cultural phenomenon appears in the XVIII century, thanks to the activities of academics and correspondents of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. An important role for studying the practice of memorialization is played by the scientific archives of the first half of the XIX century, since their formation was closely related to the development of historical practices, which in modern humanitarian knowledge are treated as significant cultural practices.

In historiography, the principles of historical letters N.M. Karamzina, M.T. Kachenovsky, I.F.G. Evers, N.A. Field and other historians of the first half of the XIX century. Culture historians special attention was paid to N.M. Karamzin, however, on the example of his work, it is impossible to consider a number of cultural problems, in particular: the phenomenon of the scientific archive, the problems of the relationship between the practices of the historically painting and collecting, the functioning of memoiristics in the cultural tradition of the era.

One of the most vivid and most important examples of the Institute of Scientific Archive, with all its features, attributes that can see the nature of the emergence and operation of the scientific archive in a socio-cultural context is the scientific archive of Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (1789-1848). This is one of the few meetings of the first half of the XIX century, the composition of which can be reconstructed with a fairly high degree of compliance with the "original" state. A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky is a major military historian of the XIX century. The most famous work of the scientist "Description of the Patriotic War in 1812", created on the command of Emperor Nikolai I, thanks to the factual and extensive source base, was immediately recognized as classical and re-competened for the upbringing of students in civilian and military educational institutions. For the course of just five years, he endured three reprints. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, on the command of Emperor Nicholas I, also created a number of research on the Russian military history The end of the XVIII - the first quarter of the XIX century, designed to compile a unified range of research on the military history of Russia of the reigns of Paul I and Alexander I.

Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was collected a huge scientific archive, which included his own memoirs, official sources from local and central archives, memories of participants of the wars. His archival heritage was poorly studied due to the fragmentation of the meeting after the death of the scientist.

The degree of development of the problem. The topic of this dissertation study is interdisciplinary in its nature, it is developed at the junction of the history of culture, history of science, source studies, historiography and archival. It should be noted that the study of science as a cultural phenomena is the current research area represented in the domestic literature such names as N.S. Zlobin, V.N.Porus, I.T. Kasavin, Volkov, etc.

Of the various form of collecting forms, artistic collections have been most studied, for the memorial functions of which include, first of all, the formation of collective memory, and natural-scientific collections, defined as target assemblies of objects, the emergence and growth of which are caused by the needs of science and at the same time stimulate Development of the latter.

Scientific archives are definitely relate to the forms of scientific collecting, which is why their functioning is closely related to the development of research practices and methodologies of historically pain. However, practical studies of scientific archives are usually focused on studying narrowly special issues, historiographic, source and archived and archived. The definition of an interdisciplinary research field that combines this problem belongs to C.O. Schmidt, who called this direction "source of historiography". An example of such an interdisciplinary research is the PhD dissertation A.V. Melnikova, who studied the relationship between the "laboratory" of a scientist with the formation of a scientific archive. It should be borne in mind that the source studies of historiography does not consider historical and cultural issues, so it can only be a starting point in the study of the phenomenon of the scientific archive as a form of memorialization and representation.

Scientific archives were not considered as part of the study of memorialization, researchers of which, as a rule, focus on memory, actualized in oral communications and cultural heritage. In the works of M. Halbwax and P. Nora, memory is opposed to history. Since the beginning of the 1990s. Memory and history began to be considered as parallel phenomena, which led to the study of the influence of memory for the history and historical narrative with perfect ignoring the role of scientific archives in the work of the scientist.

Biography and scientific heritage A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was often the subject of a special study. In the first biography of the scientist L. Brand, relying on the track record, writings and published memoirs of the scientist, the memories of his near one friend A.T. Ilyina and relatives, tried to characterize the personality of the historian. In the 1890s. N.K. Scholeder introduces the "magazines" of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (so he called his diaries), on the basis of them, constitutes a more complete biography of the scientist, overestimates his contribution to the military history of the Alexander Epoch and indicates the significance of his scientific archive. Works L. Brand and N.K. The stitch has become the basis for pre-revolutionary encyclopedic editions and the subsequent study of the biography of the scientist.

In parallel, the development of the scientific heritage of A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky. Starting from the book 1855, I.P. Liprandi, who considered the cause of the defeat of the French army in Russia, develops a critical attitude towards the works of Mikhailov-Skog-Danilevsky.

Soviet historiography developed more suspended assessments of the scientific heritage of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky. L.G. The bloodless first among Soviet historians was the biography of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, focusing on the "Description of the Patriotic War". The disadvantages of bloodless work should be attributed to the fact that it evaluates the compositions of the scientist in terms of the principles of historical history of the XX century, demanding from the historian of the source analysis, a dialectical approach and reliability, the ideas about which developed only during the primacy of positivism.

Separate aspects of the scientific activity of the historian in the works of A.G. Tartakovsky, I.A. Zhervakova, L.I. Bucking. Tartakovsky found that Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky left the greatest number of memories than any other of the participants in the war of the 1812 year. In order to study the functioning of memoiristics in the culture of the XIX century. A.G. Tartakovsky studied the archival heritage of the scientist. His observations over the scientific archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky are not deprived of individual inaccuracies. In general, Tartakovsky considers a scientist as one of the creators "... loose-based and protective-nationalist installations."

I.A. Zhevakov studied the issue of Publication A.I. Herzenom abroad of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky's "magazines". Diaries for 1814-1815 g. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky became the object of study L.I. Bucking. In both works, the process of creating and exporting "magazines" after the death of the historian is studied.

Starting from 1987, when the 175th anniversary of the Patriotic War celebrated, an interest in the work of A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky. In the candidate dissertation S.A. Malyshkin "Russian military historian A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky and his "Description of the Patriotic War in 1812" "(M., 1990) studied part of the scientific archive of a scientist stored in RGVIA. S.A. Malyshkin also belongs to the first special work on the historian archive, which focuses on the crushing of the meeting and identifies the directions for further identifying documents and the reconstruction of the scientific archive. The significant building of the materials of the scientific archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, stored in the Russian National Library (RNB), was studied by A.I. Sapozhnikov. Publications of these researchers who have developed certain issues of the life and creativity of the scientist, provided the possibility of a holistic study of the biography, scientific creativity and archive of Alexander Ivanovich.

Object The dissertation research is a scientific archive as a sociocultural phenomenon.

Subject Research is the formation and socio-cultural functioning of the scientific archive on the example of the archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (the first half of the XIX century).

purpose The dissertation study consists in identifying the characteristics of the scientific archive as a socio-cultural phenomenon, factors determining its occurrence, development, institutionalization in the context of memorialization processes on the example of a typologically significant for Russian culture of the first half of the XIX century. Archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky.

Research tasks: To achieve the goal, the author solves the following tasks:

1. On the basis of the developments available in the scientific literature on memorialization processes, identify the methodological principles and grounds that are important to study the archive phenomenon in this context;

2. To identify and subjected to theoretical analysis factors affecting the emergence and development of the scientific archive as a special sociocultural phenomenon;

3. Reconstruct the composition of the scientific archive of A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky as a phenomenon of culture of his era;

4. To analyze the sociocultural functioning of the scientific archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky.

Source Overview. The dissertation used two groups of sources: published and unpublished.

Edition of "magazines" A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was resumed only in 1990 A.G. Tartakovsky and L.I. Buchina, published by "Journal of 1813". In 2001 A.I. Supozhnikov were published "Magazines" for 1814 and 1815. . The publication of these magazines allowed us to consider the first stage of the formation of the scientific archive of Alexander Ivanovich the period of foreign campaigns of the Russian Army 1813-1815.

In addition to the publications of the diaries, a significant value for determining the personal characteristics of A.I. Mihai-Lovsky-Danilevsky represent testimonies of his friends and acquaintances, for example, diaries and letters N.I. Turgenev and letters A.F. Briggen.

Unpublished Scientific Archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky is dispersed in five repositories: Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA. F. 241, 474, VU), St. Petersburg branch of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPb Fa Ran. F. 295), Handwritten Department of the Institute of Russian Literature (RO Irley F. 527), Handwritten Department of the Russian National Library (RNB. F. 488), Scientific Archives of the Museum of A.V. Suvorov in St. Petersburg.

Among the unpublished materials, the main source for studying the service activities of the Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky became the formal lists of scientists and materials from cases established in the Inspector Department of the Military Ministry regarding the direction of Mikhailovsky-Dani-Levsky to Poland in 1831, awarding Russian and foreign orders and etc.

In the personal foundation of a scientist in RO, Irley studied the records of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky in Russian history, compiled during study at the university, his correspondence for 1815-1845. In the letters of constant correspondents - the head of the main headquarters P.M. Volkonsky, partisan D.V. Davydova, General P.P. Konovnitsa and others contain valuable information on the formation and use of the scientific archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, already in 1810 - 1820.

In the Personal Fund of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, "magazines" and the correspondence of the historian, which are of the greatest interest in the formation of the tradition of fixing historical events, were involved in the RNB.

The most important for research is an episristolar group, which is kept in the historian's personal fund in the St. Petersburg branch of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, incl. A significant number of letters of his friends A.T. Ilina, G.S. Lichkarev and relatives. The big set of letters was also postponed for 1836-1839, when the scientist worked on the "description" of the war of the 1812 year.

In a number of funds, RGVIA, we revealed the greatest complex of materials telling about the creation of a historian scientific papers, and especially his laboratory of creative thoughts. Among them, correspondence of the scientist about admission to the archives and, most importantly, about copying documents; On the publication of "descriptions" of wars, etc. The study was involved in individual cases collected from the material on the history of the Patriotic War, foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814. etc.

In RGVIA, our attention was attracted, among other things, unpublished "Materials serving to the opi-Sani War of the 1812 war" (copies of documents, discharge, permouy on the Patriotic War) from the scientific archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky. The final version of the description of the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 is also stored in RGVIA. It has many-numerical litters of Nikolai I, which make it possible to submit editorial work.

Front study of archival funds in which the scientist's archival materials can also potentially be identified, allowed to track the steps of spraying the holistic complex of his scientific archive as the consequences of numerous contemporaries, scientists who followed epochs, as well as the purchase of his papers after the death of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, and even Theft. So, a significant part of the Papers of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky acquired N.K. Schelder. In his foundation in the Republic of Sciences, documents relating to the creation of historical descriptions of Wars 1805, 1806-1807, 1809 are stored. .

The history of disassembly, systematization and distribution on the archives of the Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky paper is restored on the basis of a scientific and reference department of the Military Topographic Depot (hereinafter - VTD). Here was identified "inventory handwritten materials left after the death of Lieutenant-General Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky", which shows the numbers of cases, enrolled in the archive of VTD. In the Foundations of the military-scientist committee and archive of the military-scientist AR-Hiva (hereinafter referred to as Voua), information on the storage of the historian documents in the following years was revealed. The historical and archival study undertaken in the second chapter clearly reflects the archive restructuring processes tracked by us.

Methodological basis research. The interdisciplinary nature of the topic causes the need for integrated methodological tools, the use of several approaches to its study: the method of historical reconstruction, the method of historical cultural studies, comparable in combination with system-structural approaches to the archive study part of the study. The author comes from recognition by the hermeneutic approach of the decisive role in the study of the specifics of humanitarian knowledge, in our topic - the phenomenon of the scientific archive on the basis of traditional for the XVIII century. narrative practice of historiography of war. Thanks to the collecting of office work documentation, as well as personal memoiro-making of its collector, there was a transformation of the "War" stories in a full-fledged scientific and historical study of the military history of the first third of the XIX century. The historical view of the topic required usage, along with the named, historical, descriptive, analytical, biographical and biobibyometric research methods. Only, in our opinion, it is possible to know the gnoseological paradigm prevailing in the theory of cognition throughout the new time, from the standpoint of a modern ontological understanding of the appearance of the essence of the scientific archive's phenomenon throughout the history of its functioning.

Scientific novelty of research First of all, in the development of techniques for historical and cultural study, the practices of the scientific archive, which makes it possible to determine the new direction of studying memorialization and collecting in the context of the development of scientific creativity and the institutionalization of scientific areas and schools in historical studies in Russia in the subject field of military history. Except for Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, this field was allocated as an independent. A valuable result of the dissertation study presents the comprehensive reconstruction of the archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky and its spraying process, which also makes it also to expand the circle of sources that characterize the features of the personality of researchers of the military history of the first third of the XIX century.

Practical application of work . The provisions formulated in thesis, ideas and conclusions can be directed to the further development of the theory of cultural memory and the processes of memorialization and methods of their analysis.

The dissertation research materials can be used in scientific and teaching activities, when developing courses of the history of culture, domestic history of the XIX century, historiography and archival business.

Protection :

1. The scientific archive is a special cultural institution, characteristic of which are the special type of acquisition and accounting of documents within the Fund and openness for specialists.

2. At a certain stage, the process of memorialization of historical memory must be included in the emergence of a scientific archive, through which the broadcast of cultural practices and technology of historical "writing" is ensured; The author's corps of the scientific community is tracked; The responses of public and scientific thought are recorded on the event series of history and its interpretation.

3. The emergence of scientific archives in the first half of the XIX century in Russia has become a significant phenomenon in the context of memorialization processes, as well as in terms of their sociocultural significance for the subsequent development of domestic science.

4. One of the most striking and complete examples of the scientific archive as a special sociocultural institute was the archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, one of the first Russian collectors-historians, who is the first collector of documentary evidence of the war of 1812 and at the same time its first "historiferry".

5. Developed during the collectibles, a two-level accounting system for documentary evidence on the history of wars determined as the general historical and archiving approach A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky to study the oral and documentary memory of hostilities. This, in turn, determined the stability in his practice of the memorialization of this type of historical "letter" as "Description".

6. The transition from the nominal gathering to themed collectibles, and then to the professional formation of the scientific archive, entailed new approaches of the historian to the study of the memoir heritage, which led to the creation of his own original model of historical history.

7. Scientific Archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky became the first-axis memorialization of historical memory and historical knowledge about the military history of Russia of the first half of the XIX century.

8. The cultural paradigm of the phenomenology of the scientific archive is a complex, high-tech, but also the most productive path to comprehending the phenomenon of self-organization of the historian archive, such in which the dynamics of external influences on it cannot disrupt its "internal state" (principles and methods of gathering, collecting and scientific - Archive science processing by the historian himself), can not destroy the "archive trace", even if the archive was disbanded, lost, disappeared as "physical integer."

Approbation of dissertation research: The dissertation study was discussed and recommended for the protection of the sector of the cultural problems of socialization of the Russian Institute of Cultureologists. The main provisions and conclusions of the thesis are presented with articles, theses and speeches at scientific conferences.

II. The main content of the work

The thesis is stated on 180 pages, consists of an introduction, three chapters, concluding and a list of references, which includes 70 items in Russian and 20 on foreign.

In Administeredthe relevance of the chosen theme is substantiated, the degree of study of the problems under consideration is analyzed, the object and subject matter of the study are formulated, the goals and objectives are determined, the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research results are disclosed.

The first chapter "Scientific Archives in the context of the institutionalization of memorialization processes in the domestic culture of the first half of the XIX century."

In the first paragraph "Memorialization as a basis for the common space of sociocultural experience" Memorialization is described as the relationship of the three components: appeals to the past, ideological imagination facing the present, and folding the sociocultural tradition. The practical organization of these components appears as the institutionalization of the processes of memories, develop identity and folding the mechanisms of cultural continuity. So in culture there is a "symbolic world of meaning", which connects a person with his contemporaries, forming a common space of experience. Even if historical plots are removed in time, it is still possible to talk about the general (including for modern Russians), the space of experience, for example, about the war of 1812.

This common space of experience is expressed in the following components: 1) General skills of temporary, spatial and symbolic orientation: knowledge of chronology, knowledge of socio-cultural labeling, etc.; 2) General forms of activity: from participation in historical reconstruction, as a limit form of general experience, to symbolized children's games or forms of honor; 3) Mutual confidence based on the recognition of the common experience and skills with it related, and the overall waiting for the results of the experience, the following from mutual trust.

The historical form of the cultural institution related to memorialization processes is primarily with the institutionalization of memories processes, is a scientific archive. The emergence of a scientific archive is natural at a certain stage of sociocultural development.

Second paragraph "Scientific Archives as a Socio-Cultural Institute It contains the rationale for the allocation of the following criteria for the scientific archive as an independent cultural institution: 1) the function of the cultural institution is the solution of a socially significant task. In this case, these tasks are determined by memorialization processes; 2) The Cultural Institute is a necessary condition for public life, and its activities are ensured by the historical change of events; 3) The cultural institution creates norms and samples of behavior established in sociocultural life (in this case, not just norms and samples of the behavior of a historic scientist, but also the standard forms of such behavior); 4) The Institute designs structural and communication links in society; 5) The structure of the institution itself is characterized by orderliness and specificity.

In the third paragraph "The scientific archive in the Russian culture of the late XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. By comparative analysis, it is shown that the type of scientific archive as a cultural institute, which arose as a result of AI, corresponds to all previously established criteria for the cultural institution. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky.

The factor that influenced the emergence in the domestic culture of the phenomenon of the scientific archive is the conflict of the influence of Western European educational ideologies and discussing the problem of war and peace and the opposability of their protective state ideology. The desire to form a Russian culture as a "promptly closed system" (determining the terms of the semiotic concept of N. Luman), most characteristic of the reign of Nicholas I, who spent the customer of the works of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky. The purpose of this order can be defined as the development of the original cultural code of the description of domestic history. The role of the personal characteristics of the scientist is also important, primarily its aristocracy and dendism.

Second chapter "A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky: Formation of copyright strategies of the military and court historian " opens a brief reference about the life of a scientist to the Patriotic War of 1812 after studying in Petropavlovsk school in St. Petersburg A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky from May 1808 to June 1811 he studied at Göttingen University. Upon returning to Russia, he was admitted to the post of assistant to the scientist in the office of the mini-spin of finance, where along with the career of the official intended to devote himself to studying the problems of state lending.

First paragraph "The official activity of a collector-historian and the nominal principle of systematizing documents of its archive"it begins with the analysis of his service as part of the metropolitan militia. Thanks to the acquaintance, he was admitted to the headquarters of Ko-Manduer by Petersburg militia M.I. Kutuzov, where in a short time it developed its own behavior style. University education, scientific activities and dendism (as a style of behavior) allowed him to distance themselves towards the surrounding and surrounding. From the very beginning of the service, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky established himself in the position of the "impartial" observer.

In connection with the appointment of Kutuzov, the commander-in-chief of Russian troops, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky turns out to be in the current army, where he performs the duties of the adjutant commander. Inevitable conflicts between him and other assistants surrounded by commander-in-chief managed to overcome thanks to the fact that Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was entrusted with a concrete business - drawing up a "military journal". This reporting document was also considered by the author, and some contemporaries as a historical essay (historical called not only research, but also compile, and factographic work). Therefore, p.p. Konovnitsin called the author of the "Journal of Military Action" "The historia-Fom of the Army."

As part of the headquarters of the army, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky witnessed the largest battles of the Patriotic War of 1812 in the Tarutinsky battle, he was wounded. After recovery, he returned to the headquarters, where he was again in demand as an indispensable specialist in the conduct of reporting documentation - "military journal". Kutuzov instructed him also to compose in Russian, German and French "Izvestia about our military actions ", a peculiar journalistic nature of essays designed for the European reader. The commander of the rules himself, individual Izvestia, considered the published and some of them read Alexander I, not forgetting at the same time recommend the king of their compiler as an excellent official.

During the service of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, in the main apartment of Emperor Alexander I, he was carried away by the preparation of biographies of military commander P.P. Konovnyna (in April-May 1813) and M.I. Kutuzov (in the summer of 1814). The main biographical source was our own and other people's memoirs, which historian recorded in their "magazines", which, in our opinion, can be interpreted as evidence of the prevalence of personal representation in terms of the genre of memoir sources over the representation of historical events, hostilities in 1812-1814. Once in Moscow, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky immediately publishes fragments of his memoirs about the foreign campaign of the Russian army in the form of journal publications in 1813-1814.

In 1823-1831, after resigning from office in the main apartment of Emperor Alexander I, employment in service and remoteness from St. Petersburg did not allow Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky to significantly replenish his scientific archive. But he continues to be interested in the military history of the reign of Alexander I. Publishers of magazines repeatedly offer him to publish their memories of Alexander I and the last war.

Thus, it is quite obvious that during this period the historical source determined the nature of the historian's classes, from the gathering and collecting documents to the sample of the pen in the separation practices of historical history (news, description, memories, biography).

The second paragraph "The scientific activities of the military historian during the period following the thematic principle of systematization of documents in the composition of the personal archive"covers the period after leaving public service to the death of the researcher, 1831-1848.

After resigning, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was fully immersed in research and publishing. Published his memories of the campaigns of 1814-1815. , I started writing "Notes on the campaign of 1813", which became the first "historical composition" of the scientist. These historiographic works were already based not only on their own and other memoir testimonies, but included a large reservoir workshop, which allowed Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky to gradually "withdraw the author from the story and develop elements of the research analytical approach to the description object, that is, close to approach Awareness of the principles of constructing scientific text. However, at the beginning of the 1830s, the courtesy did not mean in his understanding of objectivity, which, in particular, was celebrated contemporaries, which spoke that in the "Notes on the campaign of 1813" the author paid special attention to those who were in power in 1830 -E-gg. To the detriment of the description of the feats of war heroes.

The new principles of historically pain influence the composition of the personal archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, the principle of configuration of his scientific part, in which they begin to strengthen, and in a significant amount by the number of pages and names, copies and extracts from the documents of the archives of his own imperial Majesty Office, Military Ministries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vedentil and Provincial Archives, as well as personal and family collections of documents.

In the course of work on the "description of the campaign in France in 1814" (SPB., 1836), "Description of the Patriotic War in 1812" (SPB., 1839. Part 1-4) is significant (compared with preliminary and early journal publications of fragments) expansion source base of each of these studies. Working on the history of the campaign of 1814, the historian did a great independent work on identifying and picking up the memories of his participants, which then included the text of the historical narration in the form of independent fragments ("hostest texts"). This technique is then developed in the training and educational and methodological editions of the middle - the second half of the XIX century.

The principle of gathering all that at least somehow was associated with a military history, was even more rooted when A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilev-Sky worked on the history of the Finnish war 1808-1809. He attracted almost all archival materials to the study, which was kept at the time of the Ostsey provincial archives and on the territory of Finland itself. In this work, private individuals were helped by private collectors who acquired the orders, reports, proclamation abroad, published by Swedish military leaders during the war, other materials, all that was interested in the scientist. At the same time, a large amount of applicants received for the first time seriously think about the principles of their storage and systematization in the scientific archive.

Finishing work on the history of the Russian-Turkish war 1806-1812, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky suggested Nicholas I "... SO-or-tore for the glory of Russia Great Labor: Describe 25-year-old kings of Alexander in the whole space: in relation to civil, foreign policy and military. " But he was instructed to write only the history of Russian-French wars 1805 and 1806-1807.

In the 1840s, the Military Ministry and personally, the emperor provided A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky Unhindered the opportunity to study the personal archives of the military leaders of the Alexandrovskaya era: Prince H.A. Livena, M.I. Kutuzov, etc.

Scientific work was interrupted by death during the cholera epidemic, on September 9, 1848. If it were not for a sustainable end, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky finally overcame the style and syllable of the "descriptions" by turning to the scientific analytics with the "presentation" of the goals, tasks, research methods inherent in it .

Third Chapter "Scientific Archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky and his fate in the history of historical science and culture " designation, acquisition and systematization of the scientific archive A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, it is also dedicated to the phenomenon of his archival heritage in the history of science and culture.

In the first paragraph the stages of formation of the scientific archive of A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, whose "primary" was the Personal Archive of the Father, Ivan Lukyanovich, who, along with the Economic Paper Management of "Scientists" on the history of financing and lending, as well as correspondence with A.S. and MA Miloradovichi.

The focused configuration of the personal archive of the Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky his personal cigarette and diaries, abstract lectures, as well as various types of history, began with his time trip to Gottingen University.

During the period of the Patriotic War of 1812, diaries are postponed in his archive, in which he records evidence of participants in certain events, military operations, as well as drafts of individual documents and correspondence with friends, war participants. In the first postwar years, the Scientific Archives of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky is still completed mainly by the correspondence materials and diary records. Before the wedding in 1817, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky conducts a revision of the archive, excludes some personal documents from it: letters, writings, translations, projects and poems.

The scientific part of the personal archive of the historian of those years can be divided into three groups. The first includes materials created by him: lists of identified archival documents; records of viewed documents; Pre-order calculations of the number of troops, deployment of the Russian army, and so on. Such records were made by Alexander Ivanovich when creating every "description" of war. The second group form copies of archival documents and the current workshop, and the number of copies, SDE-lynna for individual works, will vary significantly: documents of the central departmental archives Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky copied selectively, and the documents of local archives have been copied and delivered to it in full They are materials according to the topics. The third group form memoirs of the participants of Russia's wars of the late XVIII - the first third of the XIX century, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky starts to collect them from 1816. The work of the greatest work on the collection of memories acquired in 1836-1839, when he works on the "description of the father-teta war In 1812. " Scientist addresses requests for the sending of manuscripts not only to individuals, but also to local authorities, as well as to the church department. For several years, his archive receives memories of the participants of the past battles from the number of landowners who survived the Francesque occupation in Belarus, the priests of the parish churches of the Moscow, Smolensk, Kaluga province, and others.

In the period of active scientific activity in the archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, a significant complex of correspondence is collected. In the composition of the authors, the frequency of receiving letters from Corres-Pondent and the content of the correspondence of this time is distinguished from the preceding period. The bulk of correspondents participates in the correspondence in connection with the work of the historian over one or another work. As a rule, he wrote one, rarely two letters, but each is extremely informative in content. These letters contain actual and memoir information, instructions on archival materials and the availability of documents in the third persons. As a rule, Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky supported correspondence with his constant correspondents, which indicates the circle of lovers, devotees of historical surveys formed around him around him. Their letters cover a large range of issues and are confidential. Letters of the relatives of this period in his archive are rare, perhaps because he lives solitary, but in the circle of family. He is written sons who served in those years of the army.

Personal and economic documentation in the archive is small, it can hardly be allocated to an independent group, and the historian himself did not. If in the 1820-1830s is the dument of village elder, then subsequently, the materials related to the costs for book publishing, as well as individual feels are beginning to prevail. In the last years of life, the historian has compiled several versions of the brand name. The archive also keeps letters, spiritual testament, economic documents of his wife, Anna Pavlovna, and Leschi - K.I. Suitcase.

The scientist collected not only documents on military history, but also kept private materials P.M. Volkonsky, p.h. Wittgenstein, I.F. Passevich, I.I. Dibica, p.p. Konovnitsa and others. This part of his archive, it is relatively small, was not subjected to a special study, since the process of its identification of other funds was not completed, where she fell after the death of the historian.

An independent group of materials forms a significant system of documents from the archives of the Military Ministry, the General Staff, Mini-Sorces of Foreign Affairs, the Maritime Ministry and other institutions and departments. These materials were provided by the Historian for use when working on the history of wars: Russian-French 1799, Russian-Persian 1804-1813, Russian-Pruss-Ski-French and Russian-Austria-French Wars.

Analysis of the process of the acquisition and systematization of documentaries in the composition of the scientific archive of the historian allowed to identify the cultural phenomenon of targeted gathering and collecting, as well as the specific features of the attitude of the collector and the owner of the archive to themselves, as well as to those who surround it, and those who, as he, was passionate about the military history.

In second paragraph the principles of systematization of the archive are considered, in the development of which two stages are highlighted: before and after the start of the asset scientific activity.

Throughout the period of the recruitment of the archive, the scientist system of documents, first of all, on nominal sign. Family correspondence historian separated from correspondence with other persons. Letters received from acquaintances, he systematized on chrono-logical principle, so every case included letters of different persons. All cases with letters were intertwined, numbered, letters were also numbered. Family correspondence was divided into sections.

With the beginning of scientific activities, a row of systematization of documents and registration of cases has changed, which was due to the scope of work, a significant quantity and species diversity of documents entering the archive. The basic principle of systematization remains nominal: Scientific Tru-dy (draft and white), correspondence, memories of participants in wars, etc. The correspondence is grouped by thematic signs in accordance with the name of one or another scientific work. Cases with letters re-plead into soft covers or stored in the "wrapper", but have a table of contents. Memoirs are stored separately, together with the accompanying letter, have a numbering. Only sometimes they were involved in cases with a correspondence.

IN third paragraph the fate of the scientific archive of A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky after his death. The work of Mikhailov-Skog-Danilevsky in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Military Ministries and other departments, as well as sending archival cases to it for temporary use, created a solid opinion in the military mini-country A.I. Chernysheva about the presence of a scientist's most valuable secret materials in Russian military history. The emperor also believed that the scientist was in service and, therefore, fulfilled his official duties in the form of compiling "descriptions", therefore, its correspondence and paper belong to the service documents. After the death of the scientist, his office was sealed. The description of the scientific archive was carried out by the Commission under the leadership of the Director of the Military Topography - Caucasian Depot P.A. Tuchkov, the Emperor followed the work of the commission.

Initially, it was supposed to divide the entire archive on the document "state", family and personal. During the work, the Commission has developed a different classification: 1) Family documents, 2) taken by the historian to temporarily use from archives for completed and unfinished work; 3) manuscripts of his works; 4) memories and documents of individuals transferred to the historian to temporary use.

On October 8, 1848, the Commission completed the work and introduced A.I. Chernyshev report and 12 describing. When classifying the documents, the Commission adhered to the thematic feature, but in compiling describing No. 1, 7, 8, 10, it proceeded from the principle of the authorship of the document, which significantly confused future researchers and historians-archivistov engaged in the reconstruction of the archive of the scientist. The connection of several classification principles predetermined the subsequent crushing of the scientific archive. Documents taken from departments and used in published products returned to their affiliation. The Military Top-Graphic Depot followed the materials listed according to Obii No. 3: manuscripts of writings with litters of Nicholas I and draft materials to them; Documents from private archives; Manuscript "Descriptions" of war with France in 1799 with all the information collected; Preparatory materials for work on the Russian-Iranian war 1804-1813. Materials for regimental stories entered the Ar-Khiv of the Inspector Department. The heirs were transferred by the biographies of the participating generals of the Patriotic War of 1812. Relatives should also leave also "purely literary" works.

Subsequently, the case of the scientific archive of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was repeatedly re-refinished. In particular, in connection with the reform of the archive of the Military Topographic Depot in 1867, the document was systematized on the subject-chronological basis with the extender of "complex or mixed" cases. A certain threat to the preservation of the scientific archive was the non-return of cases in archives and theft, which was due to the shortcomings in teaching and storage. Some documents stolen from vua later were acquired by N.K. Splatser.

The fate of the part of the scientific archive of the historian, who remained at the heirs, turned out to be quite complicated. After his death, the documents remained in the family of his daughter Antonina Aleksandrovna. Then they began to diverge on private and state archives when mediated by V.F. Drisena and N.K. Schilder. Some of the affairs of this part of the archive are still not found.

In 1906, a collection of historian N.F. received a collection of the Academy of Sciences. Dubrovina, which included letters of various persons to Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, in 1938. The archive acquired a folder with the documents of the scientist. On their basis, the Personal Fund of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky was formed, which included scientific work of the father of the scientist and documents of Alexander Ivanovich himself, as well as correspondence. The RGVIA also has a personal fund A.I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (F. 1266), received in 1955 from Tsagali USSR. In 1951, the documents of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky in Oerry Irley passed scientific and technical processing, and the personal foundation of the scientist was formed. Thus, the process of reconstruction of the personal and scientific archive of the historian cannot be considered completed.

IN conclusion the results of the study are summed up and the main conclusions are formulated that allow you to confirm the validity of the payments endured on protection.

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