How to arrange fasting days for yourself correctly. Fasting days for weight loss at home: menu options. Fasting days on oatmeal

The benefits of fasting days have been proven by nutritionists for a long time. After all, their main goal is not to deplete the body by losing weight, but to cleanse it of harmful substances. Just a few fasting days a week or a month will do a lot of work:

  • improve and speed up metabolic processes in organism;
  • remove toxins and waste;
  • improve the condition of blood vessels;
  • will break down long-standing fat accumulations.

How to arrange a fasting day

To achieve a good result and properly prepare your body for a low-calorie day, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Plan fasting days on weekends or choose a time when physical and emotional stress is minimal. Otherwise, spending the whole day on a low-calorie diet will be very difficult, or even fraught with health consequences.
  2. Stock up on plenty of clean still water – at least 2 liters. The liquid will help remove toxins, impurities, and improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  3. Include choleretic tea in the daily menu (once a day). During a fasting diet, bile may stagnate, and a decoction will prevent this phenomenon.
  4. Don't plan on next days after fasting, no holidays or feasts. This day should be full of light and healthy food: , vegetable soups, boiled meat.

These few points should become the rule, because observing them is not at all difficult, and the effect on the body will be colossal.

Menu for fasting days

There are many completely different types of nutrition for fasting days. The food in each of them is radically different, or, on the contrary, the menu in them is very similar. This variety of mono diets is due to the fact that each of them has its own function and result. So, there are fasting days for weight loss, then the menu consists of non-calorie foods. You can unload the body after long holidays, such nutrition will bring maximum benefit for the health of the body. Or, a fasting day may have a purely therapeutic mission. It can be used several times a week. Types of fasting days:

  • apple fasting day;
  • protein fasting day;
  • fasting day on buckwheat;
  • fasting day on milk;
  • fasting day on fruits;
  • fasting day on cottage cheese.

The most popular fasting days combine all of the above possibilities; all that remains is to determine for yourself the most delicious fasting menu:

Fasting day on cottage cheese

One of the most easily tolerated and digestible diets. After all, cottage cheese is not only enough delicious product, but also nutritious, although practically non-caloric. Cottage cheese is practically a panacea for a bad mood and a tired state of the body. After all, it contains important minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus. There are vitamins B, A, C, fats, proteins, carbohydrates. This diet can be repeated several times a week.

Sample menu No. 1

  • Cottage cheese 1 kg (low-fat) or 0.5 kg (medium fat);
  • Still water 1.5 l

Cottage cheese can be consumed both in its traditional form and in the form of cream or mousse made using a blender. To dilute the taste of the dish a little, you can add some seasonal berries (banana is not recommended).

A fasting day on cottage cheese can be arranged often, because during it you do not feel a loss of strength. But this is subject to the condition that there is another protein component in the menu.

Sample menu No. 2

  • Cottage cheese 0.5 kg (low-fat);
  • Still water 2 l
  • Herbal tea without sugar 0.5 l.
  • Poultry or veal 250 gr.

Divide foods into equal portions and eat throughout the day. It is optimal that the number of meals is at least 4. Water consumption may not be limited to 2 liters.

Apple fasting day

An easy and tasty way to lose excess weight, as well as replenish the body’s reserves of iron, vitamins C and B. Protect yourself from malignant tumors and reduce.

Sample menu:

  • 1 kg unsweetened fresh apples;
  • 0.5 kg baked apples;
  • 1.5-2 liters of clean water;
  • green tea.

The apple fasting day is pleasant because you can distribute food at your own discretion, but the main rule is that you should eat only when you want. Otherwise, you need to hold on.

Cucumber day

1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, tea, coffee without sugar. The calorie content of cucumbers is extremely low (2 times less than cabbage, and 3 times less than apples).

Raw vegetable salad

1.2 -1.5 kg of vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers) You can prepare a salad from vegetables and season with a small amount of oil or a spoonful of sour cream.

Kefir day

Divide 1.2-1.5 liters of kefir or yogurt into 5 servings.

Protein fasting day

By choosing this unloading option for yourself, you can saturate the body with a vital component in human nutrition - protein. A protein day will not only help cleanse the body of toxins, but will also set the right rhythm for the functioning of other systems of the human body.

Sample menu No. 1:

  • meat low-fat varieties(preferably turkey or veal) – 350 gr.;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • still water – 2-2.5 l.

The meat can be eaten boiled or baked. Do not season it with salt or sauces with preservatives. You can diversify your daily meal with meatballs or steamed cutlets. Before going to bed, use kefir instead of meat. A protein fasting day should be accompanied by constant saturation of the body with fluid. Number of meals – 4 times.

Sample menu No. 2:

  • fish (cod, bream, pike, hake) – 400 gr.;
  • rosehip tea 0.5 l;
  • water 2 l.

A protein fasting day on fish meat is very easy to tolerate. The number of meals should be 5 times, between which you should drink a small cup of rosehip tea without sugar or drink water

Fasting day on buckwheat

In any mono diet, there is a risk of a slight shock to the body from an imbalance of the substances it needs. If you choose a fasting day on buckwheat as a wellness day, the body will feel virtually no changes. After all, this miracle cereal contains a lot of essential vitamins and microelements. Just look at iodine, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, each of which is vital for all body systems. In addition, regular consumption of buckwheat products improves appearance skin, nails and hair.

Buckwheat is capable of saturating the body well with a minimum amount of calories. But if it’s a fasting day with buckwheat, then you need to cook it a little differently than in the traditional way. The main condition for preserving the maximum amount of useful substances inherent in it by nature itself is to avoid prolonged heat treatment this cereal. That is, you cannot cook buckwheat. The best way is to steam it with boiling water overnight in a ratio of 1 to 2 (one part cereal, two parts water).

Sample menu:

  • Steamed buckwheat 300 gr;
  • Non-carbonated water 2-3 liters.

Buckwheat is easily tolerated even by those who like to eat well. After all, the norm of 300 grams is very arbitrary; in fact, you can eat as much buckwheat as you want. But the trick is that, as a rule, you can’t eat a lot of it, it’s too nutritious. Don't forget about the absence of salt in the daily menu. Can be used more than once a week.

Fasting day with milk

Milk is a valuable natural product containing all the substances necessary for the body. Its use improves the quality of sleep, prevents headaches of any origin, strengthens nervous system, and also helps fight viral diseases. A fasting day with milk allows you to lose excess weight. The principle of its operation is that vitamin B2 contained in milk activates metabolism, which promotes weight loss. There is no need to spend a day on milk more than once a week.

Sample menu:

  • milk 1.5 liters
  • honey 1 l.

Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink only milk; other liquids are not recommended. You should get at least 5-6 doses per day. Before going to bed, you can add honey to slightly warmed milk. Any additional food is not needed.

Fasting day on fruits

During the summer period, it is simply necessary to please your body with a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. A day on fruit is a great way not only to saturate the body with the necessary seasonal vitamins, but also to lose excess fat accumulation. This The best way Lose weight not only quickly, but also deliciously.

Sample menu of the day:

  • seasonal fruits (preferably apples, peaches, strawberries, cherries, watermelon, citrus fruits) – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l.

People with allergies need to pay special attention to unloading fruit. After all, all fruits with bright colors are quite strong allergens. In the absence of individual contraindications, it can be used once or twice a week.

Everyone can and should do fasting days, especially after 40.

People with acute and chronic diseases should consult their doctor about how many times a week they should follow this diet.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fasting days for the body. By arranging such a day at least once a month, after a short period of time you will already be able to see results that will be noticeable on the scale. Fasting days are ideal for those who cannot maintain a diet and break down after the first day. Here, you only need to survive without high-calorie food for one day, and most people, even with weak willpower, cope well with the goal they have set for themselves.

A fasting day allows you to quickly cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and, having “unloaded”, you can continue to eat your usual food. By limiting yourself to your favorite treats for one day, you will feel a great surge of strength and an improvement in your general condition.

Many people worry that by limiting themselves to food all day, the next morning the feeling of hunger will be so great that, having satisfied it, no results will be visible. In fact, the next day after such a “unloading” you simply will not be able to eat much and will gradually return to your previous portion sizes.

The fact that such days are called fasting days does not mean that you need to completely give up food. True, for a more noticeable effect, it is better to limit yourself exclusively to liquids and remove even dietary products. There are types of fasting days when you should eat foods that help cleanse the body.
For example, you are allowed to drink two liters of green tea with milk without sugar. Naturally, you should take milk with minimal fat content. Not only will it improve the taste of regular green tea, but it will also make it a little more filling. This drink will help the body remove accumulated harmful substances. To make it more convenient, prepare 2 liters of green tea with milk in the evening. To do this, bring 2 liters of milk to a boil in a saucepan, then throw in a few tablespoons of leafy green tea.

Let the resulting drink boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and cool. Place the pan in the refrigerator overnight and in the morning you will get a delicious cocktail. As soon as you feel hungry, pour yourself a cup of green tea with milk and do so all day. Also, during fasting days, some drink special teas for weight loss with a laxative effect, but at the same time, it is better to stay at home all day and not go anywhere

Today you can often hear that fasting days help you lose weight. But nutritionists say that this is not so. Such days can help in maintaining shape, but not in losing extra pounds.

You need to arrange fasting days regularly. Optimally - 1-2 times a week. Larger amounts will cause serious stress to the body.

It is worth doing unplanned unloading after major holidays. If the day before you ate too much and feel heavy, then a short break in nutrition will only be beneficial.

How to properly arrange a fasting day

  • There is no need to torture yourself and choose foods that you don’t like. There are many options for such days. The best one for you is the one based on your favorite products. Some people like watermelons, some like kefir, and some like buckwheat.

  • There is no need to eat up before such a day. Don't eat too much for dinner beforehand. Although this behavior is often an example of a psychological barrier or anxiety, do not indulge it.

  • Exiting the mono-diet also needs to be done gradually. In the morning after the event, you need to have breakfast, but something light - oatmeal on water, fruit or yogurt.

  • During a fasting day, you need to drink a lot of water. Tea is allowed, preferably green, and mineral water. This will help cleanse the body.

  • During the liberation of the body, you need to eat in small portions, but several times a day. Optimally - 5-6 times. This is very convenient on fruit mono days.

  • If suddenly during a fasting day you feel severe discomfort, stop refusing food. This may be the cause of discomfort.

  • Do not use such food and be careful when diabetes mellitus.

Types of fasting diets

The most common fasting diet is based on kefir. You can drink 2 liters of low-fat kefir and an unlimited amount of water per day. This method of eating is laxative, this must be taken into account.

A buckwheat or rice mono-diet gives a good effect. The rice is boiled, but not until it becomes crunchy. full readiness. And if you choose buckwheat, then just soak it overnight in hot water. And in the morning you can eat without heat treatment. It is not recommended to add salt or sugar to porridge. And of course you can’t use butter.

Vegetable fasting days are also effective. You can only have tomatoes, but this is not suitable for increased acidity. Or choose a carrot. And eat it boiled or fresh. Cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, and cabbage are also suitable.

It is good to use fruits for unloading. You can't just cleanse yourself on bananas and grapes. The best option is green apples. You can eat up to 2 kilograms per day. Oranges are also suitable, but be careful not to cause allergies or stomach problems.

Special fasting days are protein days. Many nutritionists argue whether they are worth using, but more on that next time.

Fasting days are a great way to maintain beauty and health. But you need to use it regularly, and not just once in a while.

Fasting days are carried out with the aim of cleansing the body of toxins and losing weight. The body needs to periodically cleanse itself and rest, which is why it is necessary to periodically do unloading. It will not be possible to lose all the extra pounds at once, but the metabolism will be restored and fat reserves will gradually be broken down.

Fasting days

Fasting days are suitable not only for women who are actively dieting, but also for those people who simply monitor their health. During such periods, the gastrointestinal tract takes a break from digesting and eliminating heavy foods, they help you begin to feel lighter and better.

In order to lose weight while dieting, it is recommended to do it during a “plateau” period, when the scales no longer show changes. Any diet goes through a plateau, it is they that become common reasons breakdowns. Does the weight stop coming off? Time to push your diet with a fasting day and some rest for yourself.

It is recommended to spend such days 1-2 times a week. At proper nutrition and normal weight once is enough, if available excess weight- two. You shouldn’t get carried away with them more often; fasting does not lead to positive results.

Fasting days are usually spent on one product. The most common are apples, cucumbers, rice and kefir. Often the choice of product depends solely on taste preferences person.

The benefits of fasting days

There are several reasons to make a fasting day for yourself:

  • Removing toxins and waste.
  • Rest for the body.
  • Additional stimulation of metabolism.
  • The ability to reset your diet to the right one.
  • Personal willpower training.

A lot of toxins and waste accumulate in the body; something needs to be done with them. And it’s days like these that help you fully cleanse yourself, and at the same time give you a break from constant hard work. internal organs. These days the metabolism is actively stimulated, the body begins to work more correctly. Yes, and willpower will be required so as not to break down in the middle of unloading and not snack on something else.

When switching from junk food to healthy eating or diet, you also need to properly arrange a fasting day for yourself. This will remove excess fluid and the body will be ready for change. You can make the transition gradually by simply adjusting your diet until it is properly balanced after each fast. First you can give up snacks, then start eliminating different harmful products and components from the basic diet. You can’t put extra stress on yourself this way, and the habit of eating right will gradually form.


Fasting days also have contraindications that must be taken into account:

  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Diabetes.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Menstruation in women.

During pregnancy, lactation or menstruation, fasting days are not recommended. The body of an expectant and nursing mother needs a double portion of resources, and the female body during menstruation is already weakened by copious amounts of blood. You can consult a gynecologist on this topic, but you should not spend fasting days without indications in these cases.

If you have gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes, you should not further deplete yourself. It is also not advisable to spend such days during the recovery period from any other illness, after operations, or while undergoing intensive care. It is best to start this procedure if you are healthy and do not feel any malaise. Internal systems you need to relax, and not tense up even more.

Unloading on rice

When cooking rice on a fasting day, you cannot add salt, and you must eat the finished product without additional spices and sauces. Brown rice or uncooked white rice works best. Before cooking and eating, rice is soaked in water for several hours or even days. The entire volume of cooked rice on this day can be simply divided into five servings, eaten one after every three hours.

On kefir

One day a week can be dedicated to fasting on kefir. To carry it out effectively, you can only consume low-fat kefir. Every 2-3 hours, drink 1-2 glasses of kefir. It turns out tough, but the body is relieved and cleansed this way best of all. If you can’t survive on kefir alone, you can combine it with a small amount of cottage cheese, oatmeal or vegetables. But the main advantage of the fasting diet is still given to kefir.

On cucumbers

A fasting day on cucumbers allows you to lose about 3.5 kilograms at once. For the most part it will be excess water, because cucumber is a watery vegetable, but cleansing the body will be more effective. The calorie content of this vegetable is very low, so you need to spend the day without unnecessary physical activity so that energy is not wasted and you do not overeat cucumbers to the point of nausea.

Take 1.5 kg of cucumbers and eat them throughout the entire unloading period. A small amount of bran and egg are allowed. Salt and spices are not allowed for cucumbers.

on apples

Apple unloading is tasty and effective, allowing you to lose up to 3 kg at a time. Nutritionists allow you to eat not only fresh apples: you can also make baked ones. Sugar, cinnamon, spices are unacceptable. You need to choose neutral or sour apples; you can’t take sweet ones. It will be enough to buy, as with cucumbers, 1.5 kilograms of fruit for the whole day. Apples stimulate appetite, this is their main disadvantage for fasting. But there is no need to supplement them with anything to ensure unloading occurs correctly.

Spring is the time when people get rid of everything unnecessary that has accumulated over the winter: garbage in the apartment, unnecessary and outdated things. Isn't it time to do the same with your body and relieve it of extra pounds?

Any representative of the fair sex who wants to lose at least a couple of kilograms has heard about fasting days. But most women do not know what they are and how to do fasting days correctly without harming their body.

Their uniqueness lies in the fact that by consuming one product throughout the day, you help your body get rid of constant food overload. At this time, all metabolic processes are activated, fluid removal is enhanced, and blood supply to organs and tissues is improved. But how to unload correctly?

Correct positive motivation

In all our life endeavors, a positive attitude is already half the success. And in the fight against extra pounds - even more. Tune in to the fact that you not only want to get a slim body, but also to significantly improve the condition of your body, cleanse it of accumulated toxins and waste.

Choosing a diet for fasting

The opinion that on a fasting day you should completely abstain from eating is erroneous. There are many options for a daily diet that do not allow the body to experience a painful feeling of hunger, but at the same time perfectly relieve the digestive system and reduce body weight. The following days are perfect for beginners:

Kefir-buckwheat fasting day, the basis of which is a glass of buckwheat steamed without salt and spices and a liter of low-fat kefir, divided into 5-6 doses.

Curd fasting day, during which you can eat up to 600 g of low-fat natural cottage cheese.

Fasting day on vegetable soup, the diet of which consists of 1.5-2 liters vegetable soup, cooked without meat and artificial additives (stock cubes and powders).

For those who already have experience in carrying out such unloadings, who are confident in their willpower or need to eliminate large quantity fat deposits, stricter nutrition options are suitable:

Kefir fasting day during which you can consume only 1-1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of up to 2%.

Apple fasting day, the basis of which is 1-1.5 kg of unsweetened raw apples without peel.

Rules for fasting days

Fasting days seem complicated and difficult to accomplish only at first glance. By observing several simple rules, you can easily incorporate them into your daily life and notice the results in just a few weeks:

  • Unload only when you feel well. Acute diseases food poisoning, headache and other ailments are not the best companions of a fasting day.
  • The evening before unloading, refuse a hearty dinner. It can be replaced with a light salad or just a glass of kefir.
  • Don't limit yourself to fluids. It is necessary for the body to fully eliminate toxins and waste.
  • Plan your fasting day so that you have as little time as possible to think about food: clean your apartment, organize a walk around the city, or simply get distracted by your favorite activity.
  • Divide the foods for the fasting day into 5-6 meals and try to consume them at regular intervals.
  • If you feel hungry between meals, you can drink a cup of weak green tea with lemon and honey. Be sure to weigh yourself in the morning and evening. In one fasting day you can lose up to a kilogram.
  • The next day, there is no need to increase the usual portions and eat up from yesterday, this will only harm the body and will not allow the achieved result to consolidate.

By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of fasting days. Your body will gradually become slimmer and more attractive, your overall health will improve, and your mood will always be wonderful in spring!


Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-Melnikov

Fasting days for weight loss. How to properly spend fasting days.

Diets are not something that will help bring your weight back to normal, but most importantly, maintain the results achieved.
It's clear.
You need to eat wisely and correctly all the time. Only this will give you the desired volumes, parameters and good health.
But sometimes, for various reasons, something more radical is needed. And in order not to turn your attention towards unproductive, dangerous and strict diets, it is better to arrange for yourself, as needed or regularly, effective fasting days.

Effective fasting days are quite suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who are happy with their weight. Just fasting day will allow the body to rest and cleanse itself a little.

Fasting day for weight loss will give you a little break gastrointestinal tract, as well as other systems, which, when overeating, are also forced to work in an enhanced mode, because The body directs its main forces to digesting food.

Effective fasting days You can arrange it in different ways and with different frequencies - once a week, two or three times a week, as needed - for example, after the holidays.

The main thing that fasting day was a joy. Unload yourself only when you want it. Your emotional state is of paramount importance. You must understand, realize, feel that fasting day good for you . You should feel not like a prisoner of Buchenwald, but like a slimmer beauty!!

You need to unload with the feeling that you are being cleansed and healthier.

Unload when you don't want to, and against fasting day your whole indignant mind is boiling, - don’t. Fasting day out of imitation - because it is fashionable or because a friend does it and Marya Ivanovna advises it at work - unreasonable.

Listen to your body, your mood. Reviews about fasting days prove that a favorable emotional mood is half the success.

And if you decide that you really want arrange a fasting day, then read how exactly this can be done.

Effective fasting days

Most fasting days, there is something in common. Namely: limiting the calorie content of the daily diet, limiting the list of foods consumed, etc.

How and what fasting days can you arrange it? Which products are most suitable and how often should it be used? fasting days?

With the greatest benefits for health and psychological comfort, it is better to arrange fasting days no more than once or twice a week.
Choose the most suitable and favorite products for you. Of the most useful, of course. These are especially popular fasting days:

fasting day on kefir,

fasting day on watermelon,

fasting day on apples,

fasting day on rice,

Especially popular with many women fasting day on buckwheat,

Let's look at these and others effective fasting days

Curd fasting day.

Stock up on the products you need for the whole day in advance. You will need 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar, 60-100 g of low-fat sour cream. You can add a couple of glasses of rosehip decoction.
You need to divide all of the above foods into five meals and do not add other foods during the day. It is possible and recommended to drink water.

Fasting day on kefir.

You will need 1.5-2 liters of kefir, bifidokefir, or yogurt without sugar.
That's all. Such a tough fasting day. Of course, as on other fasting days, it is possible and advisable to drink water.

Fasting day on apples.

Buy 1.5-2 kg of apples - this is your main food that day.
Apples should be eaten raw without peeling.
Also, if possible, drink natural (homemade, freshly squeezed and without sugar) apple juice 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on cucumbers.

You will need approximately 1.5-2 kg of fresh cucumbers. The difficulty may arise in the fact that nothing can be added to them: neither salt nor bread. Only greens. And, of course, freshly squeezed juices are welcome on this day. Meals are exactly the same as on the fasting days described above - 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on fruits and vegetables.

You need to stock up on about 2 kg of a variety of vegetables and fruits. Plus, you will need fruits or vegetables for juices, of which you should drink at least 0.5-1 liter that day.
Treat yourself to a feast! Any vegetables, fruits and herbs, both in their original form and in the form of salads. For salads, it is recommended to use lemon juice as dressings, spoiled milk(kefir) and unrefined vegetable oil in small quantities.

Fasting day on vegetable soup.

1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, cooked without meat, cubes, etc. harmfulness. Only vegetables. It is desirable that the main component be cabbage.

Fasting day on watermelon.

Buy a watermelon for 7-8 kilograms. The main weight will still fall on the crusts. Eat as much as you want. All day - just watermelon and water. Cleans very well.

Fasting day on buckwheat.

Buckwheat fasting day - we eat only buckwheat. Buckwheat is very beneficial for the body, it contains a lot of protein (more than meat), iron, and other useful substances. Reduces allergic reactions of the body.

Fasting day on milk tea.

Brew one and a half tablespoons of green tea with milk (two liters) 1.5-2.5% fat content. That's what it is milk tea. Plus, as usual, we drink at least two liters of water a day.

Daily fasting.
This is a strict unloading. 24 hours no food. Only water. Much water. Minimum two liters.

Listed options fasting days- not a dogma, but a model. As was said, everything should be done with pleasure and joy, so you can make up your own fasting days by following a few simple tips.

For example, you cannot arrange fasting days on meat or eggs. Even on ordinary days, this food is not for the beautiful, healthy and slender, but on fasting days- just a blow to the body, because meat and eggs are very heavy foods that will not give you cleansing, but an additional amount of toxins.

Last meal before fasting day and the first one after it should be simple and easy on the stomach. Ideal - vegetable salad. Maybe with a piece of cheese.

Fasting day You can arrange it from morning to morning or from evening to evening - as you like.

The best and most useful fasting days - vegetable and fruit. Vegetables and fruits not only saturate the body with useful and necessary components, but also give strength, energy, vigor and cleanse the intestines of old deposits and toxins, which also contributes to health improvement and weight loss.
Not only can you create your own options for fasting days, but also add some vegetables or fruits to the listed options. In reasonable quantities, of course.

And, of course, on all other days when you are not unloading, you need to eat wisely. According to the needs of the body, and not according to the desires of the mind and taste buds. Otherwise one fasting day won't be able to compensate for even just two or three deep and hard loading days.

And let us emphasize once again - fasting day should be comfortable and joyful. Listen to yourself and your body. Be sure to try to move, get enough sleep and be in a joyful mood!!

You are not torturing yourself - you are getting healthy, cleansing and becoming prettier, so radiate happiness, and the effect of the fasting day will increase MANY TIMES!!

I wish you success!!

Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-MelnikovProvided by the authors specifically for the site

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