Caucasian Wars of the Russian Empire. Russian generals of the Caucasian War. Prerequisites of the Caucasian War

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"Caucasian War of 1817-1864gg."

Russian history


student c. BTPZ-11-21P. S. Ivanov


art. Lecturer S. N. Didenko

Salavat 2011g.

1. Historiographic review

Terminological dictionary

Caucasian War 1817 - 1864.

1 causes of war

2 Military Procedure

4 Results and consequences of war

1.Historiographic review

In the historical development of Russia, the territorial expansion has always played a big role. The attachment of the Caucasus in this case occupies an important place in the formation of a Russian multinational state.

The approval of the Russian authorities in the North Caucasus region was accompanied by a long military confrontation with the local population, which went down in history as the Caucasian War of 1817-1864.

According to the chronological principle, all of the domestic historiography of the Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864 can be divided into three periods: the pre-advistical, Soviet and modern.

In the speakers of the history of the Caucasian War, 1817-864 were engaged, as a rule, military historians who participated in hostilities in the Caucasus. Among them should be noted N.F. Dubrovina, a.l. Zisserman, V.A. Potto, D.I. Romanovsky, R.A. Fadeeva, S.S. Esadze. They sought to reveal the causes and factors of the emergence of war in the Caucasus, to identify key points in this historical process. Also introduced in circulation of various archival materials, illuminated the actual side of the question.

The determining factor in a certain internal unity of pre-revolutionary Russian historiography is the so-called "imperial tradition". This tradition is based on the statement that Russia in the Caucasus has led the geopolitical necessity, and increased attention to the Civilizative Mission of the Empire in this region. The war herself was considered as the struggle of Russia with the Islamism and Muslim fanaticism established in the Caucasus. Accordingly, there was a certain justification for the conquest of the Caucasus, the historical significance of this process was recognized.

At the same time, pre-revolutionary researchers touched upon their work the problem of assessing this historical event with contemporaries. They focused on the views of state leaders and representatives of the military command in the Caucasus. So, historian V.A. Potto considered in detail the activities of General A.P. Yermolov, showed his position on the accession of the North Caucasus. However, V.A. Potto, recognizing the merits of A.P. Yermolov in the Caucasus, did not show the consequences of his tough actions against the local population and exaggerated the incompetence of his successors, in particular I.F. Passevich, in the question of conquering the Caucasus.

Much attention to the work of pre-revolutionary researchers deserves work A.L. Zisserman "Field Marshal Prince Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky", which still remains the only full-fledged biography on one of the most prominent military leaders in the Caucasus. The historian paid attention to the assessment of the final period of the Caucasian War (II half of the 1850 - the beginning of the 1860s.) State and military leaders of Russia, publishing their correspondence in Caucasian affairs as applications in their monograph.

From the work affecting the assessment of the Caucasian war with contemporaries, you can note the work of N.K. Schilder "Emperor Nicholas First, his life and reign". In his book, he as an application published a diary A.H. Benkendorf, which recorded the memories of Emperor Nicholas I on a trip to the Caucasus in 1837. The estimate of Nicholas I was given to the actions of Russia during the war with the mountaineers, which to a certain extent discloses his position on the accession of the North Caucasus.

In the works of historians of the speakers, attempts were made to show the points of view of contemporaries on the methods of conquering the Caucasus. For example, in the work of D.I. Romanovsky as applications published notes Admiral N.S. Mordvinova and General A.A. Veljaminova on the ways to conquer the Caucasus. But it is worth noting that pre-revolutionary historians did not devote special research to the views of the participants of the events on the methods of integrating the Caucasus to the national structure of the Russian Empire. The priority task was to show directly the history of the Caucasian War. The same historians who appealed to the assessment of this historical event with contemporaries concerned mainly the views of state and military leaders of the Russian Empire, and only at a certain temporary stage of war.

The formation of the Soviet historiography of the Caucasian War was a great influence of the revolutionary democrats about it, for whom the conquest of the Caucasus was not so much scientific, as a political and ideological and moral problem. Role and authority N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, A.I. Herzen in Russian public movement did not allow ignore their position. In this case, it is worth noting the work of V.G. Hajiyev and A.M. Pikman, dedicated to the consideration of views on the problem of the Caucasian War A.I. Herzen, N.A. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky. The advantage of this work is that the authors managed to allocate representatives of the democratic direction of the social and political thought of Russia to their assessments of the Caucasian War. A certain disadvantage of work is the desire to show the condemnation by revolutionary democrats of tsarism policies in the Caucasus, from here - a certain ideological stretch. If, A.I. Herzen really condemned the war in the Caucasus, then N.A. Dobrolyubov considered it appropriate to the accession of the North Caucasus and advocated his integration into the national structure of the Russian Empire. But it can be noted that the work of V.G. Hajiyev and A.M. Pikman and is currently a scientific interest in consideration of the problem of assessing the Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864 by representatives of the revolutionary-democratic thought, as it remains the unique study in domestic historiography.

In Soviet historiography, there were also works devoted to the views of representatives of Russian literature on the war of Russia with the mountaineers M.Yu. Lermontova, L.h. Tolstoy. In these works, it was mainly an attempt to show that Russian writers condemned the war and sympathized with the Highs of the Caucasus, leading an unequal struggle with tsarism. So, for example, V.G. Hajiyev only mentioned that P. Pestel could not figure out in Russia's relations with the Gorish peoples, which explains its extremely sharp judgments about the mountaineers of the Caucasus.

The space in Soviet historiography was that the problem of the accession of the Caucasus by state and military leaders of the Russian Empire was practically not considered, with the exception of several personalities - A.P. Yermolova, N.N. Raevsky, D.A. Milyutin. In the Soviet work on the Caucasian War, it was only indicated that the position of the government was subordinate to the desire for conquest. At the same time, the analysis of the views of statesmen was not conducted. True, in some works it was noted that in the environment of the Caucasian administration they sounded thoughts and for the peaceful conquest of the Caucasus. So, for example, in the work of V.K. Gardanov was given a statement of Prince M.S. Vorontsova on the need to establish peaceful and trade relations with the mountaineers. But as already noted, Soviet historiography does not represent a fairly complete analysis of the views of state and military leaders on the problem of the Caucasian War.

Despite the foregoing, until the beginning of the 1980s, the study of the Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864 was in a state of a deep crisis. The dogmatic approach to the interpretation of historical sources predetermined the further development of this issue: the process of entering the region to the Russian Empire was one of the least studied historical phenomena. As already noted, first of all the ideological limitations affected, and foreign researchers naturally did not have sufficient access to the necessary sources.

The Caucasian War turned out to be so complicated and in dodious for official historiography that for half a century there was not even the factual history of this phenomenon, where the most important military events, the most influential figures, and so on, would be presented in chronological orderliness. Historians, hitting the ideological control of the party, were forced to develop the concept of the Caucasian War in relation to the class approach.

The approval of the class-party approach to the study of history for the Caucasian war turned around in the 1930-1970s by the tesning of the "anti-colonial" and "anti-flameal" accents. A noticeable influence on the historiography of the Caucasian War was provided by the militant atheism of the 1920s and 1930s: historians had to look for an option to evaluate the liberation movement of the hillows under the leadership of Shamil, in which the "anti-refortal" and "anti-colonial" components were impaired "reactive-religious". The result was the thesis on the reactionary essence of Muridism, softened by an indication of its role in mobilizing the masses to fight oppressors.

The term "royal autocracy" was introduced into the scientific turnover, which united everyone who was associated with the colonial policy of Tsarist Russia. As a result, "Depersonalization of the Caucasian War" was characterized. Such a tendency was traced until the second half of the 1950s. After the XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956 and the cultivation of the cult of the personality of Stalin Soviet historians, called to get rid of dogmatism of the Stalinist era. At the past scientific sessions of the Soviet Caucasian historians in 1956 in Makhachkala and Moscow in Soviet historiography, the concept of the Caucasian War was finally adopted in Soviet historians. historical events.

The process of "inclusion" of Shamil and the resistance of the horses in the overall picture of the liberation movement in Russia was very complex. In the 1930s, Imam Shamil - a fighter against the colonial policy of tsarism - was included in the list of folk heroes of the liberation movement along with S. Razin, E. Pugachev, S. Yulaev. After the Great Patriotic War, such a status of Shamil looked strangely against the background of the deportation of Chechens, Ingush and Karachayvtsev, and he was gradually accustomed to the historical figures of the "second category".

When, in the early 1950s, a solemn procession of the thesis on the "progressive meaning" of joining the National Okrain, Shamille was transferred to the discharge of enemies and their Russian peoples to the discharge of the enemies and the Russian peoples. The setting of the Cold War contributed to the transformation of Imam in religious toysouper, the British, Iranian and Turkish mercenary. The case came to the emergence of the thesis on the agent nature of the Caucasian War (according to some authors, it began due to the registers of the "agents" of the world and, first of all, English imperialism, as well as under the influence of supporters of Panyurkism and Panislamism).

In 1956-1957 In the course of scientific discussions about the nature of the Caucasian War, two groups of historians have quite clearly stood out. The first included those who considered the activities of Imam Shamil progressive, and the war of the anti-colonial, part of the fight against autocracy. Scientists called the second group, called the chamille movement with reactive phenomenon. The discussions themselves turned out to be low-productive, characteristic of the "Khrushchev thaw" era, when it was already possible to put questions, but still could not be offered answers. The famous compromise was achieved on the basis of the Leninsky thesis on the "two Russia" - one represented by the tsarism and oppressors of all species, and the other, with the face of advanced, progressive figures of science, culture and liberation movement. The first was the source of oppression and enslavement of non-Russian peoples, the second brought them enlightenment, economic and cultural ascent.

One of the bright illustrations of the situation that existed in the Soviet period in the field of studying the Caucasian War is the fate of the monograph N.I. Pokrovsky "Caucasian Wars and Imamat Shamil". This book, written in the highest professional level and has not yet lost its importance, has suffered consistently in three publishing houses from 1934 to 1950, and only published in 2000. The publication seemed to employees of publishing houses dangerous - ideological settings changed sharply, and participation in the publication containing "erroneous views" could end tragically. Despite the real danger of repression and the need to perform work in the appropriate methodological and ideological bed, the author managed to demonstrate the complexity of such a historical phenomenon as the Caucasian War. By the starting point, he considered the hikes of the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries. And, recognizing the great importance of the military-strategic factor in the development of events, carefully talked about the economic component of the Russian expansion. N.I. Pokrovsky did not avoid references to the raids of the mountaineers, about the cruelty, manifested by both parties, and even decided to show that a number of motors' performances cannot be unequivocally defined as anti-colonial or anti-flameal. An extremely difficult task was the analysis of the struggle between supporters of Sharia - the Code of Muslim Law - and Adats - Codes of Local Customary Law, since a purely scientific text could be interpreted as the propaganda of religious prejudices or remnants.

In the mid-1980s, the liberation of historians from ideological restrictions would seem to have created conditions for a serious, weighted, academic approach to the problem. However, due to the exacerbation of the situation in the North Caucasus and in the Transcaucasus, the history of the inclusion of these regions to the Russian Empire adopted a painful in nature. The superficial interpretation of the thesis on the significance of historical lessons is transformed into attempts to use research results in political struggle. At the same time, the sides go on a frankly biased interpretation of evidence and on an arbitrary selection of the latter. Incorrect "transfers" of ideological, religious and political structures from the past at present and vice versa. For example, from a formational point of view, and from the standpoint of europecentrism, Caucasian peoples were at a lower level of social development, and it was an important justification for their conquest in the XIX century. However, in modern literature, there are absurd accusations of historians in the "justification of colonialism" if they explained the actions of the royal government accordingly. There was a dangerous tendency to silence the tragic episodes and various kinds of "delicate" themes. One of these topics is the raid component of the lives of many ethnic groups who inhabited the Caucasus, the other is the cruelty of both sides when conducting war.

In general, there has been a dangerous growth of "nationally colored" approaches to the study of the history of the Caucasian War, the revival of unscientific methods, the translation of scientific controversy into the moral and ethical channel followed by the non-constructive "search for the guilty".

The history of the Caucasian War was very deformed in the Soviet period, since the study of this phenomenon in the framework of the formation teaching was unproductive. In 1983, M.M. The article was blisted in the journal "History of the USSR", which was the first attempt to break out beyond the "anticolonial anti-food concept". She was published in that situation when ideological restrictions were still unshakable, and the delicacy of the topic assumed maximum caution in the wording and emphasized the correctness in relation to those whose point of view the author challenged. First of all, M.M. Bloisy expressed his disagreement with the thesis dominated in the domestic historical literature that the Caucasian War was eating a national liberation, anti-colonial nature. He focused on the powerful military expansion of the Highlanders of the North Caucasus in relation to its neighbors, is that the capture of prisoners and production, the extortion of Dani became the usual phenomenon in the relationships of the mountain tribes and residents of the plains. The researcher expressed doubt about the validity of the traditional chronological framework of the war, having put forward the thesis on the intersection of two expansionist lines - the imperial Russian and raid rustic.

Since the early 1990s, a new stage can be noted in domestic historiography in considering the issues of the Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864. The current period is marked by pluralism of scientific positions, the lack of ideological pressure. In this regard, historians have the opportunity to write more objective scientific works on the history of the accession of the Northern Caucasus, conduct an independent historical analysis. Most of the modern domestic researchers seek to find the "golden middle" and, pulling away from ideological and political emotions, to make a purely scientific research in Caucasian issues. If you ignore frankly conjunctural writings, the circle of research on this problem has recently been completely small. It is made up by the monograph N.I. Pokrovsky, M.M. Bliene, V. V. Maeleva, N.S. Kinyadina, Ya.A. Gonde. In addition, a whole group of young scientists is successfully operating on this topic, as evidenced by the materials of conferences, round tables, etc.

Article V.V. Dellow "The Caucasian War of XIX War: The historiographic results" became a kind of summarizing the study of the Caucasian War to the beginning of the XXI century. The author clearly defined the main flaw of most preceding research on the history of the Caucasus of the XIX century: "Theoretical schemes for moral estimates prevailed over the system of evidence." A significant part of the article - a demonstration of how domestic historians who were in the vice of the official methodology, who have experienced permanent fear that, with the next change of the "course", they will be under the excitement of the Grandma and not scientific criticism, entailing and the tragic consequences for them, tried to construct Something acceptable from the point of view of the "only right teaching" and from the point of view of professionalism. The thesis of refusal to recognize the anti-colonial and anti-flame element in the Caucasian war in the Caucasian war is very productive. The theses of the historian about the impact of geopolitical and climatic factors on the development of events are important and very productive and very productive, and there was a permanent war with each other, since the geographical conditions, the features of the development of ethnic groups prevented their association to the powerful protortment.

From the East and the West, they were cut off from the rest of the world by the sea, in the south and in the north were hostile ecosystems (steppe and arid Highlands), as well as powerful states (Russia, Turkey, Persia), which turned the Caucasus to the zone of their rivalry).

In 2001, a collection of articles V.V. was published. December "Big game in the Caucasus: history and modernity", in three sections of which ("History", "Historiography", "Historical and Political Journalism") presents the results of many years of scientific research and reflections of this scientist. Article "Papers of Glory: A man with a gun on weekdays of the Caucasian War" is devoted to the every week opposition of the horses and the Russian army. The special value of this work is the fact that it is almost the first in domestic historiography an attempt to analyze the life of the wars of the colonial type. The popular style of the material is not deprived of scientific significance and another book V.V. Dellow "Imam Shamil: Prophet, Ruler, Warrior."

Noticeable phenomenon in the historiography of the Caucasian War of Recent years, the Book of Books Ya.A. Horde "Caucasus, Earth and Blood", which shows how a certain imperial set of ideas was implemented in practice, as these imperial ideas were transformed in accordance with the situation and external "challenges".

Summing up the analysis of scientific works on this topic, in general, it can be said that domestic historiography is represented by a minor number of work on this problem, and the ideology has had a strong impact on the study of the issue.

tsarsky War Imam Shamil

2.Terminological dictionary

Dubrovin Nikolai Fedorovich (1837 - 1904) - Academician, Military Historian.

Zisserman Arnold Lvovich (1824-1897) - Colonel, participant in Caucasian War, Military Historian and Writer.

Potto Vasily Aleksandrovich (1836<#"justify">3.Caucasian War 1817 - 1864.

3.1 Causes of War

"The Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864. - Military actions associated with the accession of Chechnya, Mountain Dagestan and the North-West Caucasus of Tsarist Russia.

Caucasian War is a collective concept. This armed conflict is devoid of internal unity, and for the productive study it is advisable to divide the Caucasian war against a number of sufficiently isolated parts allocated from the total flow of events on the principle of the most important component of this particular episode (group of episodes) of hostilities.

Resistance to free societies, military activity of the local elite and the activities of Imam Shamil in Dagestan are three different "wars". Thus, this historical phenomenon is devoid of internal unity and acquired modern outlines exclusively due to territorial localization.

Unbiased analysis of combat chronicles in this region allows you to consider the beginning of the conquest of the Caucasus Persian campaign of Peter Great in 1722-1723, and its ending - the suppression of the uprising in Chechnya and Dagestan in 1877. Earlier military enterprises of Russia XVI - early XVIII centuries. can be attributed to the prehistory of events.

The main goal of the Russian Empire was not easy to establish themselves in the region, but to subordinate to their influence the peoples of the Caucasus.

The direct impetus provoked by the war was the Manifesta of Alexander I on accession to Russia Kartli and Kakheti (1800-1801). It did not make themselves waiting for the reaction of the reaction with Georgia states (Persia and Turkey) - a long war. Thus, in the XIX century. The political interests of several countries agreed in the Caucasus: Persia, Turkey, Russia and England.

Therefore, the early conquest of the Caucasus was considered the urgent task of the Russian Empire, but there were no problems for one Russian emperor.

3.2. Military course

To illuminate the passage of the War, it will be advisable to allocate several stages:

· Ermolovsky period (1816-1827),

· The beginning of Gazavat (1827-1835),

· The design and operation of Imamata (1835-1859) Shamil,

· Completion of the War: Conquest Circassia (1859-1864).

As noted, after the transition to the Russian citizenship of Georgia (1801 - 1810) and Azerbaijan (1803 - 1813), the accession of the land, separating the Transcaucasia from Russia, and the establishment of control over the main communications was considered by the Russian government as the most important military-political task . However, the hustances did not agree with such a state of events. The main opponents of the Russian troops were made in the west of the Black Sea coast and Skubani, and in the east - the mountaineers, united in the military-theocratic Islamic state of Imamat Chechnya and Dagestan, which was headed by Shamil. At the first stage, the Caucasian War coincided with Russia's wars against Persia and Turkey, and therefore the military actions against Hortin Russia was forced to be limited.

The reason for the war was the appearance of General Alexey Petrovich Yermolov in the Caucasus. He was appointed in 1816 by commander-in-chief of Russian troops in Georgia and the Caucasian line. Yermolov, the European man formed, the hero of the Patriotic War, spent in 1816-1817 the greatest preparatory work and in 1818 he proposed Alexander I to finish the program of his policy in the Caucasus. Yermolov put the task to change the Caucasus, to end with a raid system in the Caucasus, with what is called "predatoryness". He convinced Alexander I as needed to pacify the horses solely by the power of weapons. Soon, the general moved from separate punitive expeditions to the systematic promotion of Chechnya and Mountain Dagestan, by environment of the mountainous areas with a solid ring of fortifications with a disk in difficult forests, gasket, and the destruction of "unprofitable" aules.

Its activities in the Caucasian line in 1817 - 1818. The general began with Chechnya, moved the left flank of the Caucasian line with Terek on the r. Zunju, where he strengthened the Reduced Nazranovsky and laid the strengthening of the barrier in its middle course (October 1817) and the fortress formidable in the lower reaches (1818). This measure stopped the uprising of the Chechens who lived between the Sunya and Terek. In Dagestan, the horses were grated, threatening Chamhalu Tarkovsky captured by Russia; For keeping them in humility, a fortress sudden was built (1819). An attempt to attack her, taken by Avar Khan, ended in complete failure.

In Chechnya, Russian detachments destroyed Auly, forcing Chechens to leave further and further from the seasy to the depths of the mountains or move to the plane (plane) under the supervision of Russian garrisons; Through the dense forest, a view was cut down to Aul Hermenechuk, which served as one of the main protective points of the Army of Chechens.

In 1820, the Black Sea Cossack army (up to 40 thousand people) was found to be the composition of a separate Georgian corps renamed to a separate Caucasian corps and also enhanced. In 1821, the fortress was built violently, and the creation of Avarian Khan Ahmet was broken, which was trying to interfere with Russian works. The ownership of the Dagestan rulers who united their strengths against Russian troops on the Sunzhenskaya line and victims of defeats in 1819-1821 were either transferred to Russian vassals with the subordination of Russian commandants, or became dependent on Russia or were eliminated. On the right flank of the line, Zubbansky Circassians with the help of Turks are stronger than the previously disturbed borders; But their army, invading in October 1821 in the Earth of the Black Sea Troops, was defeated.

In 1822, for the complete pacification of the Kabardians, a number of fortifications were arranged at the soles of the Black Mountains, from Vladikavkaz to the Verkhovyev Kuban. In 1823 - 1824. The actions of the Russian command were directed against the downtown horses, who did not stop their raids. A number of punitive expeditions were held against them.

In Dagestan in the 1820s. The new Islamic current - Muridism (one of the directions in Sufism) began to spread. Yermolov, visiting Cuba in 1824, ordered Aslanhana Kazikumukhsky to stop excitement, initiated by followers of a new teaching. But he was abandoned by other affairs and could not follow the execution of this order, as a result of which the main preachers of Muridism, Mullah-Muchomet, and then Kazi-Mullah, continued to disperse the minds of the horses in Dagestan and Chechnya and exploring the proximity of Gazavat, that is, the sacred war against the wrong . The movement of the mountaineers under the flag of Muridism was the impetus to expanding the scale of the Caucasian War, although some mountain peoples were not joined to this movement (Kumyki, Ossetians, Ingush, Kabardians, etc.).

In 1825, there was a general uprising of Chechnya, during which the mountaineers had time to master the post of AmiRiiururt (July 8) and tried to take the strengthening of the Herzel, reversed by the detachment of Lieutenant General D.T. Lisanevich (July 15). On another day, Lisanevich and the former general Greek general were killed by Chechens. The uprising was suppressed in 1826.

From the very beginning of the Kuban, from the very beginning, 1825 began to undergo raids of large batches of Shapsov and Abadsekhov; Kabardians also worried. In 1826, a number of expeditions were committed in Chechnya, with the cutting of pros in the dense forests, laying new roads and the guidance of order in the Aulah free from the Russian troops. This ended the activities of Yermolov, in 1827, with the Caucasus withdrawn from the Caucasus and dismissed for communication with the Decembrists.

Period 1827-1835. associated with the beginning of the so-called Gazavat - the sacred struggle against the wrong. New Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasus Corps, General Adjutant I.F. Paskevich, refused to be planned progress with the consolidation of employed territories and returned mainly to the tactics of individual punitive expeditions, especially since at first he was mainly busy with wars with Persion and Turkey. The successes who wished to them in these wars contributed to maintaining outdoor calm in the country; But Muridism was increasingly more and more, and Kazi-Mullah, proclaimed by Imam in December 1828 and the first called to Gazavat, sought to connect the east Caucasus tribes scattered in one hostile to Russia. Only the Avarian Khanate refused to recognize his power, and attempt by Kazi-Mullah (in 1830) to master Hunzah ended with defeat. After that, the influence of Kazi-Mullah was strongly shaken, and the arrival of the new troops sent to the Caucasus after the conclusion of the world with Turkey, he entered him to escape from his residence, Dagestan Aul Gimra, to Belokan Lezgin.

In 1828, the Karachai region was attached in connection with the construction of the military-Sukhum road. In 1830, another defensive line was created - Lezghinskaya. In April 1831, Count Passevich-Erivanian was withdrawn for the command of the army in Poland; In his place were temporarily appointed by commander of the troops: in Transcaucasia - General N.P. Pankratyev, in the Caucasian line - General A.A. Velijamins.

Kazi-Mullah suffered its activities in Shamkhalitan possessions, where, by choosing a selection of a low-cost tract of Chumkent (not far from Temir-Khan-Shura), it began to call all the mountaineers to fight incorrect. His attempts to take the fortress stormy and sudden failed; But it was not crowned with the success and movement of General G.A. Emanuel in Aukhovsky forests. The last failure, greatly exaggerated by the skilled carriers, multiplied the number of Kazi-Mullah's adherents, especially in the middle of Dagestan, so in 1831 Kazi-Mullah took and plundered Tarka and Kizlyar, but unsuccessful, with the support of the rebels of Tabasaranov (one of the mountainous nationalities Dagestan) master Derbent. Under the rule of Imam, significant territories were (Chechnya and most of Dagestan). However, since the end of 1831, the uprising began to decline. Casi-Mullai detachments were pushed into a mountain dagestan. Attacked on December 1, 1831, Colonel M.P. Micklyshevsky, he was forced to leave Chumkent and gone to Ghimra. Appointed in September 1831, the Commander of the Caucasus Corps Baron Rosen on October 17, 1832 took Gimons; Kazi-Mullah died during the battle.

The second Imam was proclaimed Gamzat Beck, which, thanks to the military victories, almost all the peoples of the mountain Dagestan, including part of the Avars, were proclaimed. In 1834 he invaded an accident, Hunzah aggravated changed, destroyed almost the entire Khany family, who adhered to the pro-Russian orientation, and thought already on the conquest of all Dagestan, but died of a killer's hand. Soon after his death and the proclamation of Shamil to the Third Imam, October 18, 1834, the main stronghold of Muridov, Aul Gotsatl, was taken and ruined with a detachment of Colonel Kitchen Cooks. Clubenau. Chamil's troops retreated from the accident.

In the Black Sea coastal, where the mountaineers had many convenient items for messages with the Turks and bargaining by slaves (the Black Sea coastline then did not exist), foreign agents, especially the British, spread anti-Russian appeals between the local tribes and delivered military supplies. This chose Baron Rosen to instruct General A.A. Veljaminov (in the summer of 1834) a new expedition in the backier, for the device of the cordon line to Gelendzhik. She ended with the construction of the fortifications of Abinsky and Nikolaevsky.

So, the third imam became a crazy shamil from s. Gimra. It was he who managed to create Imamat - the United Gorso State in Dagestan and Chechnya, which existed until 1859

The main functions of Imamat were the defense of the territory, ideology, ensuring the rule of law, the development of the economy, the solution of fiscal and social tasks. Shamil managed to unwind the polyethnic region and form a slim centralized management system. The head of state is the Great Imam, the "father of the country and checkers" - was a spiritual, military and secular leader, had a huge authority and a decisive voice. The whole life in the town of city was built on the basis of Sharia - Islam laws. Year after year, Shamil replaced the unwritten right of customs with laws based on Sharia. Among the most important acts are the abolition of serfdom. Imamat had effectively existing armed forces, including the Connection and the path of militia. Every god of troops had his division.

The new commander in chief, Prince A.I. Baryatinsky, the main attention was paid to Chechnya, the conquest of which was entrusted to them on the head of the left wing line, General N.I. Evdokimova - old and experienced Caucasian; But in other parts of the Caucasus, the troops did not remain inaccessible. In 1856 and 1857. Russian troops have reached the following results: on the right wing of the line is occupied by the Adagum Valley and the strengthening of Maykop is arranged. On the left wing, the so-called "Russian road", from Vladikavkaz, in parallel to the Black Mountain Range, to the strengthening of Kurinsky in the Kumyk plane, was completely completed and strengthened by newly arranged fortifications; In all directions, wide requests are worn; The mass of the hostile population of Chechnya is communicated to the need to conquer and evaluate to open spaces, under state supervision; District Auchis is busy and strengthening it in the center. In Dagestan finally occupied by Saladavia. By Labe, Urup and Sunzhe arranged several new Cossack villages. Troops are close to advanced lines everywhere; rear is secured; The huge spaces of the best lands are cut off from hostile population and, thus, a significant proportion of resources for the struggle is escaping from Shamil's hands.

On the Lezghine line, due to the deforestation of forests, predatory raids changed with small steam. On the Black Sea, the secondary exercise of the GAGR marked the beginning of providing Abkhazia from the invasions of the Circassian tribes and from hostile propaganda. The actions of 1858 in Chechnya began the occupation of the impregnable Gorge of the Argun River, where N.I. Evdokimov ordered to lay a strong fortification called by Argunsky. Lifting up the river, he reached, at the end of July, Ayov of the Chateauological Society; In the upper reaches of Argun laid them had a new fortification - Evdokimovskoye. Shamil tried to distract the attention of the diversion to Nazrand, but was broken by the detachment of General I.K. Mishchenko and barely managed to escape into an unemployed part of the Argun Gorge. Making sure that his power is finally undermined, he retired to the serving - his new residence. From March 17, 1859, it was attached to the bombardment of this fortified aul, and on April 1, he was taken by storm.

Shamil fled to Andiy Kois; All Ichkeria told us humility. In taking the leading, three detachments were concentrated in the valley of Andiy Kois: Chechen, Dagestan and Lezgin. Shamil, who temporarily settled in Aula Karate, strengthened Mount Kilitl, and the right bank of the Andiy Koisu, against Konchidat, covered with solid stone slabs, having visited their defense to his son Kazi-Mom. With any energetic resistance of the latter, the crossing of the crossing in this place would be worth the huge victims; But he was forced to leave his strong position, due to his exit to him in the flank of the troops of the Dagestan detachment, who committed a wonderful brave crossing through the Andiy Koisu at the Sagrohtlo. Shamil, seeing danger from everyday, fled to his last refuge on Mount Hunib, having only 332 people with him. The most fanatic murids from all over Dagestan. August 25, Gunib was taken by storm, and Shamil himself captured by Prince A.I. Baryatinsky.

Conquest Circassia (1859-1864). Guniba and Shamil's capture could be considered the last act of war in the Eastern Caucasus; But there was another western part of the edge, inhabited by militant and hostile Russia tribes. Actions in the Zebansky region were decided to lead according to the system of assimal in recent years. Native tribes were supposed to be subjugated and moved to the plane point indicated by them; Otherwise, they were pushed further into fruitless mountains, and the land left by them settled with the Cossack styles; Finally, according to the poverty of the natives from the mountains to the seabed, they remained or go to the plane, for our closest supervision, or move to Turkey, which was supposed to provide them with possible assistance. To rather make this plan, I.A. Baryatinsky decided at the beginning of 1860, strengthen the troops of the right wing very large reinforcements; But the uprising that flashed in just soothered Chechnya and part in Dagestan, made temporarily abandon it. Actions against the local shakes, who were led by persistent fanatics, were dragged to the end of 1861, when all attempts to indignant were finally suppressed. Then it was only possible to start decisive operations on the right wing, the leadership of which was entrusted to the conqueror of Chechnya, N.I. Evdokimov. His troops were divided into 2 detachments: one, Adagumsky, acted in the land of Shapsov, the other - by the Laba and Belaya; A special detachment is sent for action in the lower reaches. PSHICH. In the fall and winter, Cossack Stitsa are arranged in Natuhai district. The troops, acting on the part of the laba, finished the structure of the beds between Laba and White and cut through the entire foothill space between these rivers, which entered the society's local society to move to the plane, part of the passage for the passage of the Main Range.

At the end of February 1862, the squad Evdokimov moved to r. Pshch, to which, despite the resistance of Abadsekhov, was worn by the break and the comfortable road was laid. All ordinary people who live between rivers and Belaya, velated was to immediately move to Kuban or Laba, and for 20 days (from March 8 to March 29) was resettled to 90 Aulov. At the end of April, N.I. Evdokimov, going through the Black Mountains, descended into the Dakhovskaya Valley on the road, which the mountaineers considered us inaccessible, and arranged a new Cossack village, closed by Belorechensk line. Movement of our depth of the backbone was encountered everywhere with the desperate resistance of Abadsekhov, supported by slaughters and other tribes; But neglence attempts could not be crowned with serious success. The result of the summer and autumn actions of 1862 on the side of Belaya was a solid statement of Russian troops in space, limited from the West by the Rivers of the Pshish, Pzhah and Kurdjipse.

In early 1863, the opponents of Russian dominion, on the entire Caucasian Territory, remained alone in the northern slope of the main ridge, from Adagum to Belaya, and the tribes of seaside chapsov, slaughters, and others who lived on narrow space between the seabed, the southern slide Main Ridge, Aerbi and Abkhazia Valley. The final conquest of the country fell to the share of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, appointed by the governor of Caucasian. In 1863, the actions of the Kuban region's troops. They should have spread the Russian colonization of the region at the same time from two sides, relying on Belorechensk and the Adagum line. The actions of these went so successfully that they put Highlanders of the North-West Caucasus in a hopeless position. Already from half of summer, 1863, many of them began to evaluate in Turkey or the southern slope of the ridge; Most of them was submitted, so by the end of the summer the number of immigrants placed on the plane, in the Kuban and Laba, reached 30 tons. man. In early October, Abadzhekh Germans appeared to Evdokimov and signed an agreement on which all the one-billings of them who wanted to adopt Russian citizenship were obliged not later than February 1, 1864. Start moving to the places mentioned by him; The rest was given 2 1/2-month deadline for eviction to Turkey.

The conquest of the northern slope of the ridge was completed. It remained to go to the southwest slope to, go down to the sea, clean the coastal strip and prepare it to settle. On October 10, our troops rose to the most pass and in the same month they took the gorge r. Pshad and mouth r. Jubgi. The beginning of 1864 was marked by unrest in Chechnya, excited followers of the new Muslim sect of the ZIKR; But these unrest were rapidly grave. In the West Caucasus, the remnants of the northern slope horses continued to evaporate in Turkey or the Kuban plane; From the end of February, it was attached to actions on the southern slope, which ended in May by the conquest of the Abkhaz tribe Akhchipsou, in the upper reaches of the river. Mzymti. The masses of the native ordinary people were pushed to the sea shore and the arrived Turkish ships were disappeared into Turkey. On May 21, 1864, in the camp of the combined Russian columns, in the presence of the Grand Prince Commander-in-Chief, there was a thanksgiving prayer on the occasion of the end of the long-term struggle, which costs Russia of innumerable victims.

4 Results and consequences of war

The process of integrating the North Caucasus was a kind of a unique event. Here were reflected both traditional schemes that meet the national policy of the empire in the associated lands and their own specificity, determined by the relationship between the Russian authorities and the local population and the policies of the Russian state in the process of approving their influence in the Caucasus region.

The geopolitical position of the Caucasus determined its importance in expanding the spheres of Russia's influence in Asia. Most of the estimates of contemporaries - participants of hostilities in the Caucasus and representatives of the Russian society shows that they were clear to the meaning of Russia's struggle for the Caucasus.

In general, the understanding of the contemporaries of the approval of the Russian authorities in the Caucasus, shows that they sought to find the most optimal options for the end of hostilities in the region. Most of the representatives of state and Russian society united the understanding that the integration of the Caucasus and local peoples in the general socio-economic and cultural space of the Russian Empire required a certain time.

The results of the Caucasian war was the conquest of Russia of the North Caucasus and the achievement of the following goals:

· strengthening geopolitical position;

· increased influence on the states of the Middle and Middle East through the North Caucasus as a military-strategic bridgehead;

· acquisition on the outskirts of the country of new markets for raw materials and sales, which was the goal of the colonial policy of the Russian Empire.

The Caucasian War had huge geopolitical consequences. Reliable communications established between Russia and its Transcaucasian lands, due to the fact that the barrier disappeared, which was the territory uncontrolled Russia. After the end of the war, the situation in the region became much more stable. Raise, insurgents began to happen less often, in many ways because the indigenous population on the captured territories has become much smaller. Fully stopped the slave trade on the Black Sea, which was previously supported by Turkey. For indigenous peoples of the region, a special system of management - military-folk was established for their political traditions. The population was given the opportunity to solve their internal affairs on folk customs (Adam) and Sharia.

However, Russia has permanently provided itself with problems, including "restless", freedom-loving peoples - the echoes are heard to this day. The events and the consequences of this war are still painfully perceived in the historical memory of many peoples of the region, significantly affect interethnic relations.

List of used literature

1.500 of the greatest people of Russia / Avt.-Cost. L. Orlova. - Minsk, 2008.

.World War History: Encyclopedia. - M., 2008.

.Deheev V.V. The problem of the Caucasian War of the XIX C.: Historiographic results // "Collection of Russian historical society", Issue 2. - 2000.

.Zuev M.N. Russian history. Textbook for universities. M., 2008.

.Isaev I.A. History of the Fatherland: a tutorial for applicants to universities. M., 2007.

.History of Russia XIX - early twentieth century: textbook for universities / ed. V.A. Fedorova. M., 2002.

.History of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. M.N. Zueva, A.A. Chernobayeva. M., 2003.

.Sakharov A.N., Buganov V.I. The history of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XIX century. - M., 2000.

.Semenov L.S. Russia and international relations in the Middle East in the 20s of the XIX century. - L., 1983.

.Universal school encyclopedia. T.1. A - L / chapters. Ed. E. Hlebalina, Vedas. Ed. D. Volodichin. - M., 2003.

.Encyclopedia for children. T. 5, part 2. History of Russia. From palace coups to the era of great reforms. - M., 1997.


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During the first Chechen war, the author of this book, General Kulikov, was the commander-in-chief of the united grouping of federal troops in the North Caucasus and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. But this book is not just a memoir, more than a personal experience of one of the most informed participants of the tragedy. This is the complete encyclopedia of all Caucasian wars since the XVIII century to the present day. From the campaigns of Peter the first, exploits of "Catherine Orlov" and the voluntary accession of Georgia to the victories of Yermolov, the capitulation of Shamil and the outcome of Circassians, from the Civil War and Stalinist Deportations to both Chechen campaigns, forcing Tbilisi to the world and the latest counter-terrorism operations - you will find in this book Only comprehensive information about hostilities in the Caucasus, but also a guide to the "Caucasian Maze", in which we wander so far. It is estimated that since 1722, Russia fought here a total of more than a century, so that this endless war was not in vain nicknamed "centenary." It is not finished to this day. "Already 20 years in the minds of the Russian people there are" Caucasian Syndrome ". Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the once gracious edge flooded our cities, "privatized" industrial facilities, outlets, markets. It's no secret that today in Russia the overwhelming number of immigrants from the Caucasus live much better than the Russians themselves, and new generations of people who are hostile to Russia will grow high in the mountains and deaf aulah. The Caucasian labyrinth is not completely passed today. But from any labyrinth there is a way out. You only need to show mind and patience to find it ... "

From the series:All Russians of Russia

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Company LITRES.

The first war of Russia in the Caucasus

Caucasian region at the beginning of the XVIII century

Caucasus, or, as it was customary to refer to this region in past centuries, the Caucasian Territory, in the XVIII century, in geographically, was a space located between the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. It is diagonally crossed by the mountain chain of the Great Caucasus beginning with the Black Sea and ending with the Caspian Sea. Mountain spurs take more than 2/3 of the Caucasian Territory. The main vertices of the Caucasian Mountains in the XVIII-XIX were considered to be Elbrus (5642 m), the breath (Dykhtau - 5203 m) and Kazbek (5033 m), today their list has replenished another vertex - Shhara, also having a height of 5203 m. In The geographical attitude of the Caucasus consists of the Caucasus, the Greater Caucasus and Transcaucasus.

Both the nature of the terrain and climatic conditions within the Caucasus Territory are extremely diverse. It is these features most directly affected the formation and ethnographic life of peoples living in the Caucasus.

A variety of climate, nature, ethnography and historical development of the region formed the basis of his division in the XVIII-XIX centuries on the natural components. This is the Transcaucasia, the northern part of the Caucasian Territory (Pre-Caucasus) and Dagestan.

For a more correct and objective understanding of the events in the Caucasus in the past century, it is important to represent the characteristic features of the population of this region, the most important of which: heterogeneity and transmission of the population; The diversity of ethnographic life, various forms of public device and socio-cultural development, a variety of beliefs. The causes of this phenomenon are several.

One of them was that the Caucasus, located between the North-West Asia and Southeast Europe, was geographically on the ways (two main ways of movement - northern or steppe and southern or low-monazine) movement of peoples from Central Asia (the great relocation of peoples) .

Another reason, many states, adjacent to the Caucasus, were trying to disseminate and approve their dominion in this region during their heyday. Thus, they acted from the West Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Turks, from the south of Persians, Arabian, from the north of Mongols and Russians. As a result, the residents of the plains and the available parts of the Caucasian Mountains were constantly mixed with new peoples and changed their rulers. Disposable tribes were removed into hard-to-reach mountain areas and centuries defended their independence. Of these, the militant risk tribes were folded. Some of these tribes have been connected to each other due to common interests, many have retained their originality, and finally some tribes as a result of various historical destinies were divided and have lost any connection among themselves. For this reason, in the mountainous areas it was possible to observe the phenomenon when the inhabitants of the two closest villages were significantly different in the outer view, and in the language, and in the businesses, and by custom.

With this reason, the following - the nearest - tribes, displaced in the mountains, were deprived of isolated gorges and gradually lost the relationship between themselves. The division into individual societies was due to the severity and wildness of nature, its inaccessibility and the closedness of the mountain valleys. These privacy and closure, obviously, are one of the main reasons that people from the same tribe live a different life, have unequal morals and customs and even speak at adverbs, often difficult to be understood by the miniments.

In accordance with the ethnographic studies conducted by scientists of the XIX century, Shardner, Chiffiner, Chuck, Rosen, etc., the population of the Caucasus was divided into three categories. An Indo-European Race was assigned to the first: Armenians, Georgians, MingRelts, Guriy, Svwants, Kurds, Ossetians and Talyshans. To the second - Turkic race: Kumyki, Nogai, Karachay, and other mountaineers, occupying the middle of the northern slope of the Caucasian Range, as well as all the Transcaucasian Tatars. Finally, the tribes of unknown races were the third: Adyge (Circassians), Church (Chechens), killes, Abkhazians and Lezgins. Indo-European Race was the majority of the Caucasus population. These were Georgians and single-bred Imeretins, Mingrals, Guri, as well as Armenians and Tatars. Georgians and Armenians were at a higher degree of social development in comparison with other peoples and Caucasian tribes. They, despite all the persecution by neighboring strong Muslim states, were able to preserve their nationality and religion (Christianity), and Georgians, moreover, their originality. Gorish tribes lived in the mountainous regions of Kakheti: skews, carcasses, pshaws and hevsurs.

Hevseur soldiers of the second half of the XIX century.

The Transcaucasian Tatars constituted the bulk of the population in Khunnov, subject to Persia. They all confessed the Muslim faith. In addition, Curtains (Kurds) and Abkhazians lived in the Transcaucasus. The first was a militant nomadic tribe, which partially occupied the territory of border with Persia and Turkey. Abkhazians are a few tribe, which is a separate ownership on the Black Sea coast of north of Mingrelia and bordering the Circassian tribes.

The population of the northern part of the Caucasian Territory had even wider spectrum. Both Skate of the Chief Caucasus Range west of Elbrus occupied the mountain peoples. The most numerous people were Adygi (in their language means - island) Or, as they were usually called, Circassians. Circassians were distinguished by their excellent appearance, good mental abilities and indomitable courage. The Circassian social device, like most of the rest of the Highlanders, can most likely be attributed to the democratic forms of coexistence. Although the Circassian society is based on aristocratic elements, but their privileged clauses did not use any special rights.

The people of Adygov (Circassians) were represented by numerous tribes. The most significant of them were Abadzekh, who held the entire northern slope of the main ridge, between the heads of the Laba rivers and Sups, as well as Chapsuga and Natuhaians. The latter lived west, on both slopes of the ridge, until the mouth of Kuban. The remaining Circassian tribes, which occupied both the northern slopes and the southern, on the east coast of the Black Sea were insignificant. Among them were Bzheduhi, Khamishevtsy, Cherchev, Khatuhaevtsi, Temirgoevtsy, Jegorukhavtsy, Makhoshevtsy, Barakeevtsy, Beslenevtsy, Bugovitsa, Shahkhigirevtsy, Abazinians, Karachay, Kuchay, Vardané, Djigets, and others.

In addition, the Circassians could be attributed to the Kabardians who lived east of Elbrus and held the foothills of the middle part of the Northern Slope of the Chief Caucasus Range. They in their customs and public devices were largely similar to Circassians. But, making significant successes on the path of civilization, the Kabardians differed from the first softer gears. It should be noted and such a fact that they were the first of the tribes of the northern skate of the Caucasian Range, which entered into friendly relations with Russia.

The territory of the cabarda by the River Ardon river geographically shared on a large and small. In Big Kabarda, the tribes of the Benemones, Chegemtsev, Halams, Balkarians lived. The small cabarda was settled by the tribes of Nazran, Karabulach and other.

Circassians, like the Kabardians, confessed the Muslim faith, but between them, at that time there were still traces of Christianity, and Circassians and traces of paganism.

Ossetians lived east and south of the Kabarda (they called themselves - Irona). They were settled upper ledges of the northern slope of the Caucasian ridge, as well as a part of the foothill between the Ryka Rivers and Terek. In addition, part of Ossetians lived in the southern rocks of the Caucasian Range, west of the direction where the military Georgian road was laid in the subsequent. This people were minor and poor. The main societies of Ossetians were: Digorscans, Alagirs, Kurtatans and Tagairsnitsa. Most of them confessed Christianity, although there were those who recognized Islam.

In the pool of the rivers of the Sunja, Argun and the upper current of the Aksai River, and Chechens lived on the northern slopes of the Andiy ridge. The social structure of this people was quite democratic. In the Chechen society, ancient times existed TEYPOV (TEYP - trivial-territorial community) and the territorial system of social organization. Such an organization attached to him a strict hierarchy and strong internal ties. At the same time, such a social device has determined the features of relations with other peoples.

The fundamental function of Tape was the protection of the Earth, as well as the observance of land use rules, it was the most important factor in its consolidation. The land was in the collective use of Teip and did not share between its members into separate sites. Management was carried out by elective elders based on spiritual laws and ancient customs. Such a social organization of Chechens largely explained that unparalleled resistance to their long-life struggle with various external enemies, including the Russian Empire.

Chechens of the plain and foothill areas provided their needs at the expense of natural resources and agriculture. Highlanders, in addition, were distinguished by passion for raids with the aim of robbery of plain farmers and capture people for subsequent sales of their slavery. They confessed Islam. However, the religion in the Chechen population was never given a key role. Chechens were traditionally not distinguished by religious fanaticism, they put freedom and independence at the head of the corner.

The space is east of Chechens between the mouths of Terek and the Sulaca was settled by the Kumykov. Kumyki in their indispension and in the language (Tatar) were very different from the mountaineers, but at the same time, in the customs, the degree of social development they had a lot in common. Public device of Kumykov was largely determined by the division of them for eight basic classes. The highest estate was the princes. The last two crashes of Chagars and Kula were in full or partial dependence on their owners.

Kumyki, as well as the Kabardians, one of the first to entered friendly relations with Russia. They considered themselves submissive Russian government since Peter the Great. Just like most tribes of the Highlanders, they preached the Moometan faith.

However, it should be noted that, despite the close neighborhood of two strong Muslim states, Sefavoid Persia and the Ottoman Empire, many mountain tribes at the beginning of the XVIII century were not Muslims in the strict sense of the word. They, confessing Muslim, at the same time had different other beliefs, performed rites, of which some traces of Christianity, other traces of paganism. This was especially characteristic of Circassian tribes. In many places, the mountains worshiped with wooden crosses, brought them gifts, honored the most important Christian holidays. Traces of paganism were expressed at the Highlanders with a special respect for some protected groves, in which to touch the tree to the tree was considered holy, as well as some special rites, observed at weddings, funeral.

In general, nationality, inhabited in the northern part of the Caucasian Territory, constituting the remnants of various peoples separated from their roots in various historical periods and with very different degrees of social development, in their public apparatus and in their intensives and customs, represented a wide variety. As for the internal and political device, and above all the mountain peoples, it was an interesting example of the existence of society without any political and administrative authorities.

However, this did not mean the equality of all classes. Most of the Cherkes, Kabardians, Kumykov and Ossetians have existed privileged princes, nobles and free people. Equality of classes in one degree or another existed only among the Chechens and some other less significant tribes. At the same time, the rights of higher classes applied only to the lower classes. For example, Circassians are three lower class: OB (people who depended from the patron), pivoters (suspended barking) and Yasyr (slave). At the same time, all public affairs were solved at the people's assembly, where all the free people had the right to vote. Decisions were implemented through elected persons in the same meetings that were temporarily endowed with power.

With all the diversity of life of the Caucasian Highlanders, it should be noted that the main foundations of the existence of their societies were: family relations; blood revenge (blending); property rights; the right of each free person to have and apply weapons; respect for elders; hospitality; Generic unions with a mutual obligation to protect each other and responsibility to other generic unions for the behavior of everyone.

The father of the family was a full-fledged master over his wife and minor children. Freedom and life were in his power. But if he killed him without guilt or sold his wife, he was talled by her relatives.

The right and obligation of revenge were also one of the main laws in all mountain societies. Do not revenge for blood or resentment at the Highlanders was considered a matter of extremely dishonest. For blood allowed payment, but only with the consent of the offended side. The fee was allowed by people, cattle, weapons and other property. At the same time, payments could be so significant that one guilty was not able to give them, and it was distributed to the full name.

The right of private property was distributed to cattle, houses, processed fields, etc. The empty fields, pastures and forests did not make a private property, but were separated between the names.

The right to carry and apply weapons at its discretion belonged to every free person. The lower estates could only apply weapons on the orders of their master or to protect it. Respect for the eldest at the Highlanders was developed to such an extent that even an adult could not start a conversation with an old man until he spoke with him, and could not sit with him without an invitation. The hospitality of the mountain tribes obliged to give refuge even the enemy if he was in the house. The duty of all members of the Union was to protect the security of the guest while he was on their land, without a sparing life.

In the labor union, the obligation of each member of the Union was that he had to take part in all matters relating to common interests, in a collision with other unions, to be under the general requirement or anxiety with weapons. In turn, the Society of the Generic Union patronized to each of the people belonging to him, defended their own and revenge for each.

To resolve disputes and quarrels, both between members of one union and between members of foreign unions, the Circassians were used by the Court of Mediators, called the court on Adat. To this end, he elected trusted people, as a rule, from old people who used particular respect for the people. With the spread of Muslim, the general spiritual spiritual court on Sharia, executed by Mullah, began to be applied.

As for the welfare of the mountain tribes who lived in the northern part of the Caucasus, it should be noted that most people had only funds to meet the most necessary needs. The reason was primarily in their bushes and customs. Active, tireless warrior in hostilities, at the same time, Highlanders reluctantly performed every other work. It was one of the strongest traits of their folk nature. At the same time, in case of extreme necessity, the horses were engaged in righteous labor. The device of terraces for crops on rocky, barely affordable mountains, numerous irrigation channels, conducted at considerable distances, serve as the best proof.

Congratulating a little, without refusing to work when it is absolutely necessary, willingly be pumped into raids and predatory attacks, the mining remaining time usually spent on the idleness. Home and even field work were mainly the responsibility of women.

The most rich part of the population of the northern part of the Caucasian ridge was residents of the Kabarda, some of the worst tribes and residents of the Kui possessions. A number of Circassian tribes did not inferior to the above-mentioned peoples in their sleep. The exception was the tribes of the Black Sea coast, which, with a decrease in trafficking in persons, were in the constrained position. Such a situation was characteristic of the mountain societies that occupied the stony top ledges of the main ridge, as well as most population of Chechnya.

The militancy of a folk nature, which prevented the mountaineers in the development of their welfare, passion to seek adventures was at the heart of their small raids. Attacks with small parties from 3 to 10 people, as a rule, was not planned in advance. Usually they are in their free time, which at the Highlanders, with their lifestyle, was enough, gathered at the mosque or in the middle of aula. During the conversation, one of them offered to go to the raid. At the same time, on the part of the initiator, the idea was required to treat, but for this he was appointed elder and received a bartee part of the production. More significant detachments were gathered usually under the authorities of famous riders, and numerous formations convened to solve the people's assembly.

Such in the most general traits ethnogeography, social structure, life and the morals of the mountain peoples living in the northern part of the Caucasian ridge.

Differences in the properties of the terrain of the internal (Nagorno) and coastal Dagestan significantly affected the composition and consideration of its population. The main mass of the population of domestic Dagestan (the territory of Chechnya, Caspian Caspiani and Georgia, was made by the Lezghian peoples and Avars. Both of these people were spoken in the same language, both differed their strong physique. For those and others, the sullen temper and high resistance to deprivation were characteristic.

At the same time, there was some difference in their social development in their social development. The anvarians were famous for their loose and large military abilities. They have long since the public system in the form of Khanate. The Lezgin Public Device was a democratic and represented by separate free communities. The main ones were: Satalatans, Gumbety (or Bakmolali), Adians, Koisba (or Hindatl), Kazy-Kuyyi, Andalyali, Karakh, Ancuha, Kaput, Ankrathasque Union with his societies, Dido, Ilanhevi, Unkratal, Boguli, Tehnuval, Karat , Buni, etc. Less significant societies.

Mountain settlement assault

The Caspian Territory of Dagestan was populated by Kumykov, Tatars and part of Lezgins and Persians. The basis of their social device was laid by Khanate, Shamkhalli, the abilities (possessions), based on the conquerors penetrating here. The very northern of them were Tarkovsky shamhamility, its south was the ownership of Karakaytag, Khanate Mehtulinsky, Kumukh, Tabasaran, Derbent, Curin and Cuban.

All free societies consisted of free people and slaves. In possessions and khanaters, in addition, there was another class of nobles, or becks. Volnaya societies like the Chechensky had a democratic device, but were preparing closer unions. Each society had his chief aul and subordinate to Kadia or the elderly elected by the people. The circle of power of these persons was clearly not determined and largely depended on personal influence.

Muslim has developed and strengthened in Dagestan since the times of Arabs and had an incomparably greater influence here than in other Caucasian tribes. All the population of Dagestan mainly lived in large auls, for the construction of which the places most comfortable for defense were usually chosen. Many of the Dagestan Aules were surrounded from all sides with cliffs and, as a rule, only one narrow path led to the village. Inside the village of the house formed narrow and curves of the streets. Water pipelines serving to deliver water to Aul and for the irrigation of the gardens, were sometimes spent over long distances and are arranged with great art and work.

Coastal Dagestan in welfare and improvement issues, with the exception of Tabasrani and Karakaytach, was at a higher degree of development, than its inner areas. Derbent and Baku Khanate were famous for their trade. At the same time, in the mountainous regions of Dagestan, people lived quite poorly.

Thus, the terrain, social structure, life and morals of the population of Dagestan were largely different from similar issues of the northern part of the Caucasian Range.

Between the territories covered by the main peoples of the Caucasus, the land was inserted into small nodes where small peoples lived. Sometimes they constituted the population of one village. An example is the residents of the villages of Kubachi and Rutulz and many others. They all spoke in their tongues, had their own traditions and customs.

The submitted overview of the life and the morals of the Caucasian Highlanders shows the inconsistency of the opinions in those years about the "wild" risk tribes. Of course, none of the mountain societies cannot be compared with the provision and social development of the society of civilized countries of that historical period. However, such provisions as ownership, the attitude towards the elders, respect for the management of national assemblies deserve respect. At the same time, the militancy of character, robbing raids, the law of blood, the unbridled freedom largely formed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "wild" mining.

With the approach in the XVIII century, the southern frontiers of the Russian Empire to the Caucasian Territory, the diversity of his ethnographic life was not quite studied and in solving military administrative issues it was not taken into account, and in some cases simply ignored. At the same time, the morals and customs of the peoples living in the Caucasus were developed by centuries and were the basis of their lifestyle. The wrong interpretation led to the adoption of unreasonable, ill-conceived decisions, and the actions without their accounting - to the emergence of conflict situations, to unreasonable military losses.

The Military Administrative Bodies of the Empire Already at the beginning of the XVIII century, faced problems associated with various forms of the social structure of the selept population of the region. These forms were presented from primitive feudal possessions to societies without any political and administrative power. In this regard, all issues ranging from negotiations of various levels and character, the solution of the most common household issues up to the use of military force required new, non-traditional approaches. Russia has not yet been completely ready for such developments.

The situation was largely complicated by the large differences in the socio-cultural development of people both inside the tribes and as a whole, the admission of its population to various religions and beliefs.

In the matter of geopolitical relations and influence on the Caucasian edge of the Great Power, the following should be noted. The geographical position of the Caucasus predetermined the desire of many of them at different historical stages to extend and approve their influence in political, trade and economic, military and religious areas of activity. In this regard, they sought to seize the territories of the region or at least to carry out their patronage in various forms, from alliance to protectorativeness. So, in the VIII century, Arabs were established in the coastal Dagestan, the Avarian Khanate was formed here.

After Arabs, Mongols, Persia and Turks dominated in this area. The last two people in the continuation of the two centuries of the XVI and XVII, continuously challenged the power over Dagestan and above the conquer. As a result of this confrontation by the end of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII centuries, Turkish possessions spread from the eastern Black Sea coast on the Earth of the Mountain Peoples (Circassians), Abkhaz. In the Transcaucasus, the dominance of the Turks spread to the province of Georgia, and continued almost to half the XVIII century. Persian possessions in the Transcaucasia spread up to the southern and southeastern borders of Georgia and to the Caspian Khanate Dagestan.

The northern part of the Caucasian Territory by the beginning of the XVIII century was in the zone of influence of the Crimean Khanate, Vassal of Turkey, as well as numerous nomadic peoples - Nogai, Kalmykov and Karanoites. Russian presence and influence in the Caucasus at this time was minimal. In the northeastern part of the Caucasian Territory, at Ivan Grozny, the TERSKY TRABLE was laid, and the free Cossacks (descendants of the Grebensky Cossacks) was resettled with the Sunii River to the northern banks of Terek to five villages: Novogladkovskaya, Shchedrian, Staroglakovskaya, Kudryukovskaya and Chervor . The Russian empire from the Caucasus separated a huge steppe zone in which the steppes tribes were nomaded. The southern frontiers of the empires were north of these nomads and were determined by the boundaries of the Astrakhan province and the lands of the troops of the Donsky.

Thus, the main rivals of the Russian Empire, Sefavoid Persia and the Ottoman Empire, who sought to establish themselves in the Caucasus Territory and thereby solve their interests, by the beginning of the XVIII century was in a more profitable position. At the same time, the attitude towards them from the population of the Caucasian Territory was to this time in most of the negative, and Russia is more favorable.

Caspian campaign of Peter I

At the beginning of the XVIII century, Persia has intensified its activities at the East Caucasus, and soon all the coastal owners of Dagestan recognized her power. Persian ships were full owners in the Caspian Sea and held all his coast under control. But the arrival of the Persians did not put the end of the cross-visits between local owners. In Dagestan, there was a fierce massacre, in which Turkey was gradually retracted, begging with Persia.

The events that took place in Dagestan could not not automatize Russia, which through his land was active trade with the East. Trading routes from Persia and India through Dagestan, in fact, were cut. The merchants suffered huge losses, suffered from the state treasury.

For the purpose of intelligence in 1711, Prince Alexander Bekovich-Cherkasy, a leaving from the Kabarda, who knew many eastern languages \u200b\u200band the customs of the Highlanders, and Artemia Petrovich Volynsky was sent to the intelligence situation in Persia in 1715.

Upon returning in 1719 by A.P. Volynsky from Persia, he was appointed Astrakhan governor with great powers of both military and political character. The next four years of its activities were based on the activities of the Dagestan rulers and the preparation of the Russian troops in the Caucasus in the citizenship of Russia. This activity was very successful. Already at the beginning of next year, through Volynsky, Moscow received the petition of the Dagestan Shamhal Tarkov Adil-Gurya on adopting it to Russian citizenship. This request was welcomed benevolently, and Shamkhal himself granted "as a sign of his state grace" with valuable furs for 3 thousand rubles.

Almost only coming out the winner from the Northern War, Russia, proclaimed by the empire, began to prepare for the campaign in the Caucasus. As an occasion, the beating and robbery of Russian merchants organized by the Lezghine owner of Daud-Beck in Shemakhs. There, on August 7, 1721, the crowds of armed Lezgin and Kumykov attacked Russian benches in the living room, broke and dispersed the cuzzers who were at them, after which they plundered the goods totaling to half a million rubles.

A.P. Volyn

Having learned about it, A.P. Volynsky urgently conveyed to the emperor: "... By the intention of your definition, it is no longer impossible to be the reasons: the first thing that ignore it is for its own; The second, not against the persian, but against their enemies and their own. In addition, you can offer persians (if they would stand to protest) that if they will pay your losses, then you can give your majesty. So it is possible to show it before all the light that you ignore the true reason. "

On this letter in December 1721, Peter unsubscribed: "Ato, your opinion is responsible; With this case, not to miss the beer is pretty, and we are already satisfied part of the troops to marching you ... ". In the same 1721, the Terek-Ring Cossacks were determined in the management of the Russian military board and are decorated as a military estate.

In early 1722, the Russian Emperor became known that the Persian Shah near his capital was defeated by Afghans. University began in the country. There was a threat that, taking advantage of this, the Turks will strike first and earlier than Russians will appear on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Further postpone the campaign to the Caucasus became risky.

In the first days of May 1722, the Guard was immersed on the ships and sent down the Moscow River, and then - along the Volga. Ten days later, Peter was touched in the path of Peter with Catherine, who decided to accompany her husband in the campaign. Soon the expeditionary corps focused in Astrakhan, where Volynsky prepared a good material base for him in advance. Atamans of the Donets, the military leaders of the Volzhsky Tatars and Kalmykov, the commander of the Volzhsky Tatars and Kalmykov, the commander of the Volzhsky Tatars and Kalmykov, who were trained in the campaign, arrived. The total number of Russian troops intended for the invasion of the Caucasus exceeded 80 thousand people.

In addition, Kabardian Princes should be attended by the campaign: Alexander Bekovich-Cherkasy Murza Cherkasy and Araslan-Beck. With his military detachments, they had to join the Russian army on August 6 on the Sulak River.

On July 18, vessels with regular infantry and artillery came out of Astrakhan to the Caspian Sea. Nine thousand dragoons, twenty thousand Don Cossacks and thirty thousand equal Tatars and Kalmykov followed the shore of the sea. Ten days later, Russian courts moored to the shore at the mouth of the Terek in the Agrahaan Gulf. Peter first stepped onto the land and determined the place for the camp device, where he intended to wait for the cavalry approach.

The fighting began earlier than expected. On July 23, a detachment of a veteran brigadier on the approach to the Enderi village in the gorge was suddenly attacked by Kumykov. Highlanders, hiding in the rocks and behind the trees, a tidy rifle fire and arrows brought out 80 soldiers and two officers. But then the Russians, having recovered from the surprise, they themselves went to the offensive, defeated the enemy, captured the village and turned it into ashes. So the military expedition began, then obtained the name of the Caspian campaign of Peter the Great.

Subsequent Peter acted very strongly, combining diplomacy with armed force. At the beginning of August, his troops moved to the pack. On the approaches to the city, they were met by Shamhahal Alda-Gyrey, who expressed humility to the emperor. Peter accepted him before the guard of the guard very kindly and promised not to repair the ruin of the edge.

On August 13, the Russian shelves solemnly joined Tarka, where they were met with honorable Shamhal. Alda Garya gave Peter Gray Argamak in the Golden Chape. Both of his wife delivered a visit to Catherine, bringing her a gift to her the best grape varieties. The troops received food, wine and fodder.

On August 16, the Russian army made a campaign to Derbent. This time the path was not quite smooth. On the third day, one of the columns was attacked by a major detachment of the Utemisian Sultan Mahmud. The soldiers relatively easily reflected the opponent's blow and captured many prisoners. In the edification of all other enemies, Peter ordered to execute 26 prisoner commanders, and the place to take place, which consisted of 500 houses, turn into ashes. Private soldiers were given freedom under the oath until he was not fighting with the Russians.

Attack Horstsev

The loyalty of the Russian emperor to the submissive and its cruelty to resisting soon became known throughout the edge. Therefore, Derbent did not resist. On August 23, his ruler with a group of eminent citizens met the Russians for the vest from the city, fell on his knees and brought Peter two silver keys from the gate of the fortress. Peter Laskovo accepted the delegation and promised not to introduce into the city of troops. He kept his word. The Russians smashed the camp near the walls, where a few days rested, celebrating a bloodless victory. All this time, the emperor with his wife, fleeing from the unbearable heat, conducted a dugout, covered with a thick layer of turf for them. The ruler of Derbent, learning about it, was very surprised. In secret message, Shahu he wrote that the Russian king is so wild that he lives in the ground, from where it comes from sunset. Nevertheless, giving an assessment of the state of Russian troops, Naib did not bother to praise.

After mastering Derbent in the Russian camp began to prepare for the campaign on Baku. However, the acute shortage of food and forage forced Peter to postpone him next year. Leaving a small detachment in Dagestan, he returned the main forces to the wintering in Astrakhan. On the way back the troops in the place where the Agrahan River flows into the Sulak River, the Russians laid the fortress of the Holy Cross.

At the end of September, by order of Peter, Ataman Krasnoshekin with Donets and Kalmykov inflicted a series of blows on the Utemschi Sultan Mahmuda, defeated his troops and ruined everything that survived from the past of the pogrom. 350 people were captured and 11 thousand heads of cattle were captured. It was the last victory surrounded in the presence of Peter I in the Caucasus. At the end of September, the imperial couple sailed to Astrakhan, from where he returned to Russia.

After the departure of Peter, the command of all Russian troops, which was in the Caucasus, was instructed by Major General MA. Matyushkin, who used the particular confidence of the emperor.

Turkey spun in view of the appearance of Russian troops in the Caspian coast. In the spring of 1723, the 20,000th Turkish army took space from Erivani to Tavriz, then moved to the north and occupied Georgia. Tsar Vakhtang was hiding in Imereti, and then moved to the Russian fortress of the Holy Cross. From there in 1725, he was shipped to St. Petersburg and adopted Catherine I. Astrakhan was appointed for residence, and the Russian treasury was released on the maintenance of the courtyard annually. In addition, he was granted land in various provinces and 3000 serfs. Expressible Georgian king has lived peacefully in Russia for many years.

Performing the will of the emperor, in July 1723, Matyushkin with four shelves, made a sea transition from Astrakhan and after a short fight took Baku. 700 Persian soldiers and 80 guns were captured in the city. For this operation, the commander of the detachment was produced in Lieutenar General.

In Isfahani scored alarm. The internal situation in Persia did not allow Shah to engage in Caucasian affairs. We had to negotiate with Russia. In urgency, ambassadors were sent to St. Petersburg with an urgent order with Turkey and with a request to help Shah in the fight against his inner enemies. Peter decided to focus on the second part of the proposals. On September 12, 1723, an agreement was signed at the conditions beneficial for Russia. It was indicated: "Shahovo Majesty is inferior to his imperial Majesty of All-Russian in the eternal possession of the city of Derbent, Baku with all of them owned by the Caspian Sea, the following lands and places, de and the provinces: Gilyan, Mazandran and Astrabad, in order to keep the army that Imperial Majesty His Shahov Majesty against his rowers to help send, without demanding for money. "

Sea Derbent View

In the fall of 1723, the Persian province of Gilaan was threatened by the occupation by the Afghans, who entered into a secret collapse with Turkey. The ruler of the province, in turn, asked for help from Russian. MA Matyushkin decided not to miss such a rare opportunity and prevent the enemy. For a short time, 14 ships were prepared for swimming, which came the two battalions of soldiers with artillery. The squadron of the courts commanded the captain-lieutenant of Soymanov, and the infantry squad is a colonel of spikes.

On November 4, the squadron came out of Astrakhan and a month later she became on the raid of Enzeli. Looking around a small landing, spikes without a fight took the city of Solt. In the spring of next year, an increase in Gilyan from Astrakhan was sent - two thousand people of infantry with 24 guns, who were commanded by Major General A.N. Levashov. The combined efforts of Russian troops occupied the province and established control over the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Their individual detachments were seeping into the depths of the Caucasus, scaring the vassal Persias of the Sheki and Shirvan Khan.

The Persian campaign was generally completed successfully. True, capturing huge territories on the coast of the Caspian Sea, Russian troops lost 41,172 people, of which only 267 died in battles, 46 drowned, 220 deserted, and the rest died from wounds and diseases. Hike, on the one hand, showed weakness to resist the rulers of the Eastern Caucasus, on the other, the unpreparedness of the Russian army to carry out operations in southern latitudes, the disadvantages of its medical support, supply and much more.

Peter highly celebrated the combat merits of his warriors. All officers were awarded special gold, and the lower ranks - silver medals with the image of the emperor, who were worn on the ribbon of the first Russian Order of St. Andrei the First-Called. This medal has become the first of the numerous series of awards established for fighting in the Caucasus.

Thus, Peter the Great, proceeding, above all, from the trade and economic interests of Russia, the first of its rulers set the task of joining the Caspian coast of the Caucasus at the head of the corner of the empire policy. He personally organized a military expedition to the Eastern Caucasus for the purpose of its conquest and achieved certain success. However, the appearance of Russian troops in the Caucasus intensified the conciliatory activities of this region also from Persia and Turkey. Military actions in the Caucasus on the part of Russia were the character of expeditions, the purpose of which was not so much the defeat of the main forces of the opposition opponent, how much the seizure of the territory. The population of the captured lands was entrusted with the contribution, which was mainly used to keep the occupation administration and troops. During the expeditions, the introduction of local rulers into the citizenship of Russia through the oath was widely practiced.

Excuse Figure of Palace Intrigues

Empress Ekaterina I tried to continue the politics of the spouse, but it was poorly managed. The war with the Persion did not cease to sign the St. Petersburg Treaty, which was refused to recognize many Schaha subjects. Their squads did the attacks on Russian garrisons, the forces of which were gradually melted. Some Dagestan rulers continued to aggressively. As a result, the interest of the Petersburg yard to the Caucasus began to fall noticeably. In April 1725, a session of the Senate took place on the Persian issue. After a long debate, it was decided to send Matyushkina Decree to temporarily stop the conquest of new territories. The general was required to gain a foothold in the previously captured areas and, above all, on the coast of the Caspian Sea and on the Kura River, after which the main efforts to focus on the guidance of order in the rear of the Russian troops, where the aggressiveness of some Dagestan rulers marked. The reason for such a solution was the fact that the commander of the Saliance Detachment Colonel Zimbulatov and the group of his officers were minedly killed during lunch at the local ruler. While there was a consequence of this case, Shamhal Tarkovsky Alda-Garyra also changed the Union with Russia and, gathering a big squad, attacked the fortress of the Holy Cross. It has been reflected with the biggest losses. But since then, all the movement of Russians in the vicinity of the fortress has almost become impossible.

Ambush potsers at the road

Guidance of the order of Matyushkin decided to start with Shamhal Tarkovsky. According to his order in October 1725, Major General Kropotov and Sheremetyev committed a punitive expedition to the land of the traitor. Alda-Gire, having three thousand troops, did not solve the superior forces of the Russians and left the carcass to the mountains together with the Turkish Messenger who were at him. His possessions were devastated. Twenty villages died in fire, including the capital of shamhamnity, consisting of thousands of yards. But on this active actions of the Russian troops in the Caucasus ceased. Matyushkin was withdrawn from the Caucasus by order Menshikov.

The weakening of the Russian positions immediately took advantage of the Turks. Pressing on Shaha, they have made the signing of the treatise in 1725, according to which casicubles and part of the Shirvan were recognized by the subject to Sultan territories. By that time, the Shirvan ruler of Duda-Beck had time to guess in front of his Turkish patrons; He was called to Constantinople and killed. Power in Shirvan moved to his long-time rival of Klot-Surhu, with the approval of him in the rank of Khan.

With difficulty collecting forces, in 1726 the Russians continued the "doubt" of shamham, threatening it to a deserted desert. Finally, Alda-Girey decided to stop resistance and for May 20 surrendered to Sheremetev. He was sent to the fortress of the Holy Cross and entered into custody. But the problems of the edge did not solve it. In the absence of a higher command among Russian generals there were no unity of designs and actions. Hold busy territories in such conditions was becoming more difficult.

Frequent disagreements between the generals suggested to the Russian government the need to appoint an experienced commander to the Caucasus, entrusted to him the fullness of military and administrative power in the region. The choice fell on Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.

Arriving in the Caucasus, the new commander was struck by the deplorable state of the Russian troops there. In August 1726, he wrote to Empress: "... ... the local corps of the general, headquarters and ober-officers without an increase in a salary to impregnate themselves on the most high costs; The officers came to the extreme poverty that was already one major and three captains crazy, many more signs laid their scarves ... ".

The official Petersburg remained deaf to the words of long-term. Then, general at his own fear and the risk made overwhelming among the local population and issued a salary for the troops. In addition, he eliminated the material inequality between the Cossacks and mercenaries. "In Russian troops, he wrote to Empress," there are two foreign companies - Armenian and Georgian, of which each receives state content; Russian Cossacks do not give anything, and meanwhile they serve more and the enemy is worse. I also identified cash issuance, because, in my opinion, it is better to pay your own, rather than someone else. True, Armenians and Georgians serve pretty, however, the same Cossacks act much bravely. " It is not surprising that with this approach, the morale of the troops increased significantly. This allowed the commander to continue the case started by his predecessors.

In 1727, Vasily Vladimirovich with a small detachment traveled throughout the coast of the sea, demanding to confirm the local rulers on the sentence of Russia. Upon returning to Derbent, he wrote to Empress: "... In the passage he led to the citizenship to your imperial majesty of provinces lying on the banks of the Caspian Sea, namely: Kergevsky, Astarinskaya, Lankan, Kyzyl-Agatskaya, Udjarutskaya, Salian; Steppes: Murana, SHEEVENSKA, MAZARIG, from which there will be income for a year about one hundred thousand rubles. " According to him, these funds should have been enough for the maintenance of the detachment of only 10-12 thousand people, which could not provide the solid power of Russia to the land occupied by it. The Dolgoruk offered either to increase the cost of the treasury on the content of the corps, or to establish local rulers with a special tribute, or reduce the number of troops and the area controlled by them. However, none of his proposals found understanding and support in St. Petersburg. The heirs of Peter the Great did not see prospects for Russia in the Caucasus and did not want to spend strength, time and money on him.

Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky

The death of Catherine I, which happened in 1727, and followed the struggle for power for some time distracted the attention of the Russian government from the Caucasus. Peter II on the day of coronation, February 25, 1728, produced V.V. Dolgoruky in General Field Marshals and withdrew to St. Petersburg. Upon departure from the Caucasus, Vasily Vladimirovich divided the territory's subordinate to him into two parts, appointing to each individual chief. Lieutenant General A. Gilan remained Levashov, and in Dagestan, the command of the troops adopted Lieutenant General A.I. Rumyantsev - Father of the Great Communication.

At the beginning of the reign of Anna John, another attempt was made to strengthen the positions of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus. For this it was necessary to achieve from Persia significant political concessions and official recognition of the territories captured by it in the Caspian region. The complexity of the problem was that it also affected the interests of Turkey and local rulers, some of whom did not want Russia's presence in the Caucasus. To solve this issue, there were not so many experienced military leaders as diplomats.

To unravel the "Persian Knot" was entrusted to the commander of the Caspian Corps Alexey Nikolayevich Levashov, who was produced in Annephny General and endowed with special authority. It was a fairly experienced commander, but an extremely weak diplomat.

Vice-Chancellor Baron Peter Pavlovich Shafirov was sent to the help of Levashov to conduct diplomatic negotiations with Persians. They were prescribed "to try to make an agreement profitable for Russia with Persian Shah and consumed all the ways to deviate it from the contract with the port."

Negotiations began in the summer of 1730 and managed unsuccessfully. But Levashov and Shafiers were in vain sought the reasons for failures in place - they were buried in St. Petersburg, where the case took her hands the favorite of Empress Ernst Johann Biron. His palace secretly visited not only by Persians, but also by Austrians. Persians promised Russian support in the war with Turkey, subject to a gratuitous return of the Shah of all Caspian territories. Austrians also strongly sought in their interest to challenge Russia with Turkey. Biron himself, becoming an intermediary in these negotiations, did not think about the benefits of Russia, but only about his own interests. Therefore, in St. Petersburg, the bargaining about the Caucasus was much more active than at the negotiations of Levashov and Shafirov.

In June, the Austrian Messenger Graf VROTISSlav handed Biron to the County of the Holy Roman Empire, the portrait of the emperor, shrouded with diamonds and 200 thousand thalers, which the favorite bought the estate in Silesia. After that, he began to stubbornly recommend the Empress "the most optimal way to solve the Caucasian problem."

In the spring of 1731, Levashov and Shafirs received new instructions of the government. They said the following: "The Empress does not want to leave a single of the Persian provinces and commands at first to clear all the lands on the Kuru River, when Shah will order to conclude an agreement on the restoration of neighboring friendship and ratifies it; And other provinces from the Kura River will be inflicted when Shah will drive the Turks from his state. "

Thus, going for the concessions to Shah, Russia put himself on the edge of the war with Turkey, which, gradually ousting Persians, continued the policy of conquesting the entire Caucasus. Their emissars were flooded by Caspian Khanate, imposing anti-Russian sentiments there, which often fell on a favorable soil and gave a bloody shoots.

In 1732, the command of the Russian troops in Dagestan received the goldenman of Biron Lieutenant General Ludwig Wilhelm Prince Hesse-Gomburg. At that time, the prince was only 28 years old. He did not have a military nor diplomatic experience beyond the shoulders, but passionately wanted to heal.

The new commander with enthusiasm undertooks and took a number of private expeditions. This caused a response, and in the fall of 1732 cases of the attacks of the horses on Russian detachments increased. So, in October they were defeated by a semi-and-a-half squad of Colonel P. Koha. As a result of a sudden attack, Russians lost 200 people killed and so many prisoners. Aboriginal attacks on Russian military troops and posts took place in the next two years.

At this time, the Turkish Sultan sent a 25-thousand Horde of the Crimean Tatars to Persia, the path of which was distributed through the territory of Dagestan controlled by Russian troops. Prince Ludwig decided to put a barrier on the enemy's way. With difficulty, a detachment of four thousand people was collected, which blocked two mountain faces in the village of Gorachi.

The Russians met Tatars by friendly rifle and artillery fire and reflected all their attacks. The enemy retreated, leaving on the battlefield over a thousand people killed and wounded, as well as 12 banners. The latter were delivered to St. Petersburg and were attracted to the footsteps of the Empress. The losses of Russian themselves amounted to 400 people.

The prince could not take advantage of the fruits of the victory. Without believing the persistence of subordinate troops, without spending an opponent's intelligence, he took part of the Sulak River at night, and then to the fortress of the Holy Cross. Taking advantage of this, Tatars broke through Dagestan, delivering everything in their path.

The victories in Dagestan, in 1733, Sultan sent troops to Persia, but they were defeated under Baghdad. After that, the Turks were forced to give the Persians all the previously conquered land, including in Dagestan. However, the ruler of Dagestan Surhei Khan did not obey Shah. In response to this in 1734, Persian troops invaded Shemakhu and defeated Surhai Khan, who began to move to the north with the remnants of the troops. Pursuing him, Nadir Shah occupied casic and several other provinces.

The Russian commander-in-chief Prince Hesse-Gomburg did not affect the events developed in the Caucasus, and actually lost power over the rulers of Dagestan. In 1734, he was withdrawn to Russia.

The command of the troops in Dagestan again was entrusted to General A.N. Levashov, who at that time was on vacation in his estates in Russia. While he was going to go to the Caucasus, the situation was sharply complicated. To improve the situation, decisive measures were required, primarily forces and funds. General A.N. Levashov repeatedly appealed to Petersburg with a request to send reinforcements and improve the material support of the troops of the lower (Astrakhan) corps, promising in this case in a short time to clean up the controlled area. But Biron stubbornly rejected the request and supply of the commander. At the same time, he persistently recommended Empress Anna Ioannovna to bring troops from the Caucasus. And the efforts of the favorite were not in vain.

In the Gangzhi Treaty of March 10, 1735, Russia stopped hostilities in the Caucasus, returned to Persia all lands on the west coast of the Caspian Sea, eliminated the fortress of the Holy Cross and confirmed the design of the border along the Terek River.

To strengthen the line of the new border in 1735, a new fortress Kizlyar was laid, for many years he became the county of Russia on the coast of the Caspian Sea. This was the last case of General A.N. Levashova in the Caucasus. Soon he received an appointment to Moscow and left the mountain region forever.

In 1736, the war between Russia and Turkey began, the purpose of which Empress Anna John put the destruction of the Prothesky Treaty humiliating for Russia. In the spring, the body of General Feldmarshal P.P. was moved to Azov. Lassi, which took possession of this fortress on July 20. Russia re-appeared on a bridgehead on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, from where their individual detachments began to leak south, and, above all, in Kabarda. There Russians quickly found a common language with some princes, which have long been striving for the Union with Russia. As a result of the Belgrade Peace Treaty, signed in September 1739, Russia left the Azov, but she went to concessions to the Turks against the Kabarda. The large and small cabarda were declared a kind of buffer zone between the possessions of Russia and the Ottoman Empire in the Caucasus. Russian troops left these lands.

The signing of the Hanzha and Belgrade Contracts was essentially a betrayal in relation to the Caucasian policy of Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great. Russian troops left strategically important areas that provided control over the Caspian Sea and a land connection with the Persion, and through it - with the Middle and Middle East, China and India. At the same time, without having the strength to hold and master the new lands, the Russian empire annually carried the losses, in tens of times overlapping profits. It became the main goat in the political game of the Biron, who was able to bring it to the end with the benefit for himself.

Thus, as a result of political games, Russia in the Caucasus did not receive anything other than huge human and material losses. So unsuccessfully completed her first attempt to establish himself in this region, which was worthy, according to the most approximate estimates, more than 100 thousand human lives. At the same time, Russia did not gain new friends, but she has become more enemies.

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Led Book Foreign Fragment All Caucasian Wars of Russia. The most complete encyclopedia (V. A. Runov, 2013) Granted by our book partner -

200 years ago, in October 1817, the Russian fortress was built on the Sunza River (now Serneodskoye village in the Chechen Republic). This event is considered the beginning of the Caucasian War, which has lasted until 1864.

Why in the XIX century Highlanders Chechnya and Dagestan declared Russian jihad? Is it possible to relocate the Circassians after the Caucasian War to consider genocide? Was the conquest of the Caucasus of the colonial war of the Russian Empire? This was told by the candidate of historical sciences, a senior researcher and the Netherlands Institute for promising research in the field of humanitarian and public sciences Vladimir Bobrovnikov.

Ultipical conquest

"": How did it happen that first the Russian empire joined the Transcaucasia and only then - the North Caucasus?

Bobrovnikov: Transcaucasia had greater geopolitical significance, so it was conquered earlier. The principalitys and the kingdoms of Georgia, Khanate in Azerbaijan and Armenia became part of Russia at the end of the XVIII - the first quarter of the XIX century. The Caucasian war was largely caused by the need to establish communications with the already included in the Russian Empire. Shortly before it began, the military-Georgian road was laid, tied Tiflis (the name of the city of Tbilisi until 1936 - approx. "") With a fortress built by Russians in Vladikavkaz.

Why was Russia so necessary for the Transcaucasia?

This region was very important from a geopolitical point of view, so Persia, Ottoman and Russian Empire fought for him. As a result, Russia won Russia in this rivalry, but after the joining of the Transcaucasia, to establish communications with the region interfered unmearantable, as they said then, the North Caucasus. Therefore, I had to conquer it.

Picture of Franz Row

The well-known publicist of the XIX century justified the conquest of the Caucasus by the fact that its inhabitants are "natural predators and robbers, who never left and cannot leave their neighbors alone." What do you think - was it a typical colonial war or forced surprise of "wild and aggressive" mountain tribes?

The opinion of Danilevsky is not unique. A similar way was described by their new colonial subjects in the UK, France and other European colonial powers. Already at the later Soviet times and in the 1990s, the historian from North Ossetia Mark Blies tried to revive the rationale for the Caucasian war with the struggle with mining raids and created the original theory of the rag system, at the expense of which, in his opinion, the Gorso society lived. However, his point of view in science did not accept. It does not withstand critics and from the point of view of sources that testify that the means of existence of the potseas mined from practicing cattle and agriculture. The Caucasian war for Russia was a war of colonial, but not quite typical.

What does it mean?

It was a colonial war with all concomitant cruelty. It can be compared with the conquest of India by the British Empire or the conquest of Algeria France, which also delayed for decades, if not half a century. It was atponed to participate in the war on the side of Russia Christian and partly the Muslim elites of Transcaucasia. Of these, famous Russian politicians came out - for example, Mikhail Tarielovich Loris Melikov from Armenians of Tiflis, who served before the post of the head of the Teresk region, later appointed by Kharkiv Governor and, finally, the head of the Russian Empire.

After the end of the Caucasian War in the region, a regime was installed, which can not always be characterized as a colonial. The Transcaucasus received the all-Russian provincial management system, and in the North Caucasus various modes of military and indirect management were created.

The concept of "Caucasian War" is very conditional. In fact, she was a series of military campaigns of the Russian Empire against the Highlanders, between which there were periods of truce, sometimes long. The term "Caucasian War", invented by the pre-revolutionary military historic Rostislav Andreevich Fadeev, who wrote the book "Sixty-Afage of Caucasian War" in 1860, was established only in late Soviet literature in 1860. Until the middle of the twentieth century, historians wrote about the "Caucasian Wars".

From Adat to Sharia

Was the Sharia movement in Chechnya and Dagestan by the reaction of the mountaineers for the onslaught of the Russian Empire and the policy of General Yermolov? Or vice versa - Imam Shamil and his Murids only spurred Russia to more decisive actions in the Caucasus?

Sharia movement in the Northeast Caucasus began long before Russia's penetration into the region and was associated with the Islamization of public life, life and horseship rights in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Rural communities were increasingly inclined to replace the mountainous customs (adats) on the legal and domestic norms of Sharia. Russian penetration in the Caucasus was originally perceived by the mountaineers loyally. Only the construction of the Caucasian line through the entire North Caucasus, which began with its north-western part in the last third of the XVIII century, led to the displacement of the mountaineers with their lands, responding resistance and a protracted war.

Pretty soon resistance to Russian conquest took the form of Jihad. Under its slogans at the end of the XVIII century, the Chechen Sheikh Mansura (Ushurma) occurred, which Russian Empire with difficulty suppressed. The construction of the Caucasian line in Chechnya and Dagestan contributed to the beginning of the new jihad, on whose wave was created by Imamat, more than a quarter of a century resisting empire. His most famous leader was Imam Shamil, who managed the Gihad state from 1834 to 1859.

Why did the war in the northeast of the Caucasus ended earlier than in the North-West?

In the Northeast Caucasus, where the center of resistance to Russia (Mountain Chechnya and Dagestan was held for a long time, the war was over due to the successful politics of the Caucasian Prince, blocked and captivated in 1859, Shamil in Dagestan Aul Gunib. After that, Imamat Dagestan and Chechnya ceased to exist. But the mountaineers of the North-West Caucasus (Zabran Circassia) Shamil almost did not obey and continued to lead the partisan struggle against the Caucasian army until 1864. They lived in hard-to-reach mountain gorges near the Black Sea coast, through which help received from the Ottoman Empire and Western powers.

Picture of Alexey Kivshenko "Delivery to Imam Shamil"

Tell about Circassian Muggy. Was it a voluntary relocation of hustras or their forced deportation?

The resettlement of Adygs (or Circassians) from the Russian Caucasus to the territory of the Ottoman Empire was voluntary. No wonder they like themselves to the first Muslims, which in 622 voluntarily left with the prophet Mohammed from Pagan Mecca in Yasrib, where the first Muslim state was built. Both those and others called themselves the Mughamors who made the relocation (Hijru).

Nobody deported the inside of Russia of Circassians, although the entire families referred to the criminal offenses and disobedience. But at the same time, the Muggystone itself was a violent exile from their homeland, since his main reason was a sagon from the mountains on the plain at the end of the Caucasian War and after it. The military authorities of the northwestern part of the Caucasian line saw in Circassians harmful items for Russian and pushed them to emigration.

But did Cherkess-Adygi initially did not live on the plain, around the Kuban River?

During the Russian conquest, which lasted from the end of the XVIII century until the mid-1860s, the place of residence of Circassians and other indigenous people of the North-Western and Central Caucasus changed more. Military actions made them seek asylum in the mountains, from where they, in turn, evicted Russian authorities, forming large settlements from the Circassians to the plain and in the foothills within the Caucasian line.

Caucasian Muchadzhiy

But were the plans to evict the Highlanders from the Caucasus? Recall at least the project "Russian truth" Paul Pestel, one of the leaders of the Decembrists.

The first mass relocations occurred during the Caucasian War, but they were limited to the North Caucasus and Predfabcasses. Russian military authorities have vespersed horses in the limits of the Caucasian line. The Imam of Dagestan and Chechnya was a similar policy, creating the village of his supporters from the plain in the mountains and relocating recalcitable villages. The outcome of the mountains beyond the Caucasus, the Ottoman Empire began at the end of the war and went to the fall of the royal regime, mainly in the second third of the XIX century. Especially he touched on the North-West Caucasus, the overwhelming majority of the indigenous population of which went to Turkey. A rapid relocation from the mountains on the plain was the impetus to the Muggirism, the surroundings of the Cossack Stanz.

Why did Russia drive him on the plains of only Circassians, and in Chechnya and Dagestan spent a completely different policy?

Among Mughadzhirov were also Chechens and Dagestanis. There are many documents about it, and I personally know their descendants. But the overwhelming mass of emigrants was from Circassia. This is due to disagreements in the Military Administration of the Region. Supporters of the eviction of Hytsev on the plain and further, to the Ottoman Empire, prevailed in the Kuban region, created in 1861 in the territory of the current Krasnodar Territory. The bosses of the Dagestan region opposed the resettlement of the mountaineers to Turkey. The heads of the divisions of the Caucasian line, transformed after the war in the region, were broad authority. Supporters of the eviction of Circassians were able to convince the Caucasian governor in Tiflis in their rightness.

The resettlement was later affected by the Northeast Caucasus: the Chechens were deported from the Caucasus Stalin in 1944, the mass resettlement of Dagestanis on the plain occurred in 1950-1990. But this is a completely different story that has no relation to Mughary.

Why did the policy of the Russian Empire regarding the resettlement of the huts been such an inconsistent? At first she encouraged the resettlement of the mountains to Turkey, and then suddenly decided to limit him.

It was associated with changes in the Russian administration of the Caucasian Territory. At the end of the XIX century, the opponents of Mughards came to power here, who considered him inexpedient. But by this time, most Highlanders of the North-West Caucasus have already left the Ottoman Empire, and their lands took the Cossacks and colonists from Russia. Similar changes in the policies of colonization can be found in other European powers, in particular, France in Algeria.

Tragedy Cherkesov

How many Circassians died when relocation to Turkey?

Nobody considered exactly. Historians from Circassian diaspora talk about the extermination of entire peoples. Such a point of view has appeared still from contemporaries of Mugharygia. The winged was the expression of the pre-revolutionary Caucasian Adolf Berez that "Circassians ... are laid on the cemetery of peoples." But not everyone agrees with this, and the sizes of emigration are evaluated in different ways. The famous Turkish researcher Kemal Carpath has up to two million Muhadzhirov, and Russian historians speak of several hundreds of thousands of emigrants.

Where does such a difference in numbers come from?

In the North Caucasus, statistics were not conducted before his Russian conquest. The Ottoman side recorded only legal immigrants, but there were still many illegal immigrants. Those who died on the road from the mountainous dealers to the coast or on the ships, no one really believed. And there were still Mughair, who died during quarantine in the ports of the Ottoman Empire.

Picture "Asturm Aul Gimra" Franz Roule

In addition, Russia and the Ottoman Empire could not immediately agree on joint actions on the organization of resettlement. When Mugharysto moved down in history, studying it in the USSR until the late Soviet time was under the unlawful ban. During the years of the Cold War, the cooperation of Turkish and Soviet historians in this area was almost impossible. A serious study of the Muggysture in the North Caucasus began only at the end of the twentieth century.

That is, this question still remains poorly understood?

No, this is already written quite a lot and seriously in the last quarter of a century. But the field for a comparative study of archival data on Mugharygira in the Russian and Ottoman Empires still remains - no one has yet specifically made such a study. To any figures about the number of Mughadzhirov and those killed in the emigration, which appear in the press and the Internet should be treated with caution: they are either strongly understated, because they do not take into account illegal emigration, or are very overestimated. A small part of Circassians then returned to the Caucasus, but the Caucasian War and the Mugharian movement completely changed a confessional and ethnic map of the region. Muhadzhira has largely formed the population of the modern Middle East and Turkey.

Before the Olympics in Sochi, they tried to use this topic for political purposes. For example, in 2011, Georgia officially recognized the "mass destruction of Circassians (Adygs) during the Russian-Caucasus war and their violent expulsion from a historical homeland as an act of genocide."

Genocide - Anachronic for the XIX century and, most importantly, an excessively politicized term, primarily associated with the Holocaust. It is guessed by the requirement of political rehabilitation of the nation and financial reimbursement from the legal successors of the Genocide perpetrators, as is done for the Jewish diaspora in Germany. It probably also caused the popularity of this term in activists from the Circassian diaspora and Adygov of the North Caucasus. On the other hand, the organizers of the Olympiad in Sochi unfortunately forgotten that the place and date of the Olympiad were connected in the historical memory of Circassians with the end of the Caucasian War.

Picture of Peter Georgian "Leaving Highlanders Aula"

The injury caused by Circassians during the Muggyry cannot be sick. I can not forgive this bureaucrats who were responsible for organizing the Olympics. At the same time, the concept of genocide - the historian is inconvenient to work with him, he limits the freedom of study and is little consistent with the realities of the XIX century - by the way, no less severe in relation to Europeans to the inhabitants of the colonies. After all, the natives simply did not mind people, which justified any cruelty of conquest and colonial control. In this regard, Russia behaved in the North Caucasus no worse than the French in Algeria or Belgians in the Congo. Therefore, the term "Mugharism" seems to me much more adequate.

Our Caucasus

Sometimes you have to hear that the Caucasus has never finally grudge and forever remained hostile to Russia. It is known, for example, that even under the Soviet power in the post-war years there was not always calm, and the last Abrec Chechnya was shot only in 1976. What do you think to this account?

The eternal Russian-Caucasian confrontation is not a historical fact, and an anachronic propaganda cliché, newly demanded during the period of two Russian-Chechen campaigns of the 1990-2000s. Yes, the Caucasus survived the conquest of the Russian Empire in the XIX century. Then the Bolsheviks are secondary and no less bloody conquered it in 1918-1921. However, the works of historians today show that the conquest and resistance did not define the situation in the region. A much greater importance to interaction with Russian society. Even chronologically periods of peaceful coexistence were longer.

The modern Caucasus is largely a product of imperial and Soviet history. As the region, he formed at this time. Already in the Soviet era, its modernization and Russification occurred.

It is significant that even the Islamic and other radicals opposing Russia often publish their materials in Russian. More relevant truths seem to me that the North Caucasus did not voluntarily enter into Russia and voluntarily out of it will not be released.

Caucasian War 1817-64, military actions related to the accession of Chechnya, Mountain Dagestan and the North-West Caucasus of Tsarist Russia. After the accession of Georgia (1801) and Azerbaijan (1803), the lands of Chechnya, Mountain Dagestan were separated from Russia (although legally, Dagestan was attached in 1813) and the North-West Caucasus, inhabited by the militant global peoples who made raids to the Caucasian fortified line, They prevented interchanges with conquer. After the end of the wars with Napoleonic France, Tsarism was able to intensify the fighting in the area. Sentified in 1816 Commander-in-Chief in the Caucasus General A.P. Yermolov moved from separate punitive expeditions to a systematic promotion into the depths of Chechnya and Mountain Dagestan by the environment of mountainous areas with a solid ring of fortifications with a disk in difficult forests, laying of roads and the destruction of "unprofitable" auls. This forced the population either to move to the plane (plain) under the supervision of Russian garrisons, or to go into the depths of the mountains. The first period of the Caucasian War began with the order of May 12, 1818, General Yermolov to go to Terek. Yermolov was compiled a plan of offensive actions at the head of the angle of which there was a wide colonization of the edge of the Cossacks and the formation of "satchecks" between hostile tribes by resettlement of the devotees of the tribes. In 1817 The left flank of the Caucasian line was transferred from the Terek on the r. The Suna in the middle of which was in October 1817. Strengthening the Bloaching Store was laid, which was the first step of planned progress in the depths of the territories of the mountain peoples and actually marked the beginning of K.V. In 1818, the fortress of Grozny was founded in the lower reaches of the singer. The continuation of the Sunzhen line was the fortress sudden (1819) and violent (1821). In 1819, a separate Georgian building was renamed a separate Caucasian building and was reinforced to 50 thousand people; Yermolov also subordinated to the Black Sea Cossack army (up to 40 thousand people) in the North-West Caucasus. In 1818, a number of Dagestan feudal and tribes were united and in 1819 began a campaign on the Sunzheny line. But in 1819-21. They suffered a number of defeats, after which the possessions of these feudalists were either transferred to the Vassalam of Russia with the subordination of Russian commandants (the land of Khan Kazikumukh Khan Kurinsky, Khan Avar Schamhahal Tarkovsky), or became dependent on Russia (Earth Udzmy Karakaytagsky), or eliminated with the introduction of Russian management ( Hanice Mehtulinsky, as well as the Azerbaijani Khanate Shekinsky, Shirvan and Karabakh). In 1822 26 A number of punitive expeditions were held against the Circassians in the Zebbye.

The result of Ermolov's actions was the subordination of almost all Dagestan, Chechnya and Zakuban. Changed in March 1827 Ermolova General I.F. Paskevich refused to be planned promotion with the consolidation of employed territories and returned mainly to the tactics of individual punitive expeditions, although it was created by the Lezginese line (1830). In 1828, the Karachai region was attached to the construction of the military-Sukhum road. The expansion of the colonization of the Northern Caucasus and the cruelty of the conquest policies of the Russian tsarism caused the echrical mass performances of the Highlanders. The first of them occurred in Chechnya in July1825: Mountainees led by Bay Bulat mastered the post AmiRiiururt, but their attempts to take the Gerzel and the Terrible failed, and in 1826 the uprising was suppressed. In the late 20s. In Chechnya and Dagestan, the movement of the horses under the religious shell of Muridism arose, the part of which was Gazavat (Jihad) "Sacred War" against "incorrect" (ie Russians). In this movement, the liberation struggle against the colonial expansion of tsarism was combined with the performance against the neot of local feudal. The reactionary side of the movement was the struggle of the top of the Muslim clergy for the creation of the feudal-theocratic state of Imamata. It was isolated by supporters of Muridism from other peoples, the fanatical hatred of non-Muslims, and most importantly, preserved backward feudal forms of the social device. The movement of the mountaineers under the flag of Muridism was the impetus for the expansion of the scale of K.V., although some nations of the North Caucasus and Dagestan (for example, Kumyki, Ossetians, Ingush, Kubardinians, etc.) did not join this movement. This was explained, firstly, by the fact that some of these peoples could not carry the slogan of Muridism due to their Christianization (part of Ossetians) or the weak development of Muslim (for example, Kabardians); Secondly, by the tsarism of the "Knut and Gingerbread" by the tsarism, with the help of which he managed to attract part of the feudalists and their subjects to his side. These peoples did not oppose Russian domination, but their position was heavy: they were under the double negle of tsarism and local feudal.

The second period of the Caucasian War is a bloody and terrible time of Muridism. In early 1829, Kazi-Mullah (or Gazi-Magomed) arrived in Tarkan Shanmalia (or Gazi-Magomed) in the late 15th and early 19th century) with his sermons, while having received complete freedom of action from Shamhala. Collecting associates, he began to bypass Aul for Aul calling "sinners to stand up on the righteous way, to instruct the borrowed and crush the criminal authorities of the auls." Gazi-Magomed (Kazi-Mullah), proclaimed by Imam in December 1828 and nominated the idea of \u200b\u200bunification of the peoples of Chechnya and Dagestan. But some feudalists (Khan Avar, Shamhal Tarkovsky and others), who adhered to Russian orientation, refused to recognize the power of Imam. Attempted by Gazi-Magomeda to seize in February 1830, the capital of the Hunsakh accident did not have success, although the expedition of the royal troops in 1830 was incurred in Ghimra and led only to strengthening the influence of Imam. In 1831, Murids took packs and kizlyar, besieged violent and sudden; Their squads were also acted in Chechnya, under Vladikavkaz and Grozny, and with the support of the rebels, Tabasaran was asked by Derbent. Under the rule of Imam, significant territories were (Chechnya and most of Dagestan). However, since the end of 1831, the uprising began to decline due to the departure of the peasantry from Murids, dissatisfied with the fact that Imam did not fulfill its promise to eliminate the estate inequality. As a result of major expeditions of Russian troops in Chechnya, undertaken on September 1831, the Commander-in-Chief in the Caucasus General G.V. Rosen, Gazi-Magomed detachments were pushed into a mountain dagestan. Imam with a handful of Murid was hidden in Himra, where he died on October 17, 1832. When taking Aulu, Russian troops. The second Imam was proclaimed Gamzat-Beck, whose military successes attracted almost all the peoples of mountain dagestan on his side, including part of the Avars; However, the Governor of the accident Khansha Pakhu Beik refused to oppose Russia. In August 1834, Gamzat Beck captured Hunsh and destroyed the Avarian Hanov family, but as a result of the conspiracy of their supporters was killed on September 19, 1834. In the same year, Russian troops in order to prevent Circassian intercourse with Turkey with the expedition in the backway and laid the fortifications of Abinsk And Nikolaevskoe.

The third Imam in 1834 was proclaimed Shamil. The Russian command sent a large detachment against him, which destroyed Aul Gotsatl (the main residence of Murids) and forced the troops of Shamil to retreat from the accident. Believing that the movement is mostly suppressed, the Rosen has not been active actions for 2 years. During this time, Shamil, by choosing, by his base Aul Ahulgo, subjugated his part of the elders and the feudalists of Chechnya and Dagestan, severely painting with those feudals who did not want to obey him, and won wide support among the masses. In 1837, the detachment of General K.K. The flasus took Hunzakh, Unzucul and part of Aula Tilitle, where the chillers were moved away, but because of the big losses and lack of food, the tsarist troops were in a difficult situation, and on July 3, 1837, Fesus concluded a truce with Shamil. This truce and the departure of the tsarist troops was actually their defeat and strengthened the authority of Shamil. In the North-West Caucasus, Russian troops in 1837 laid the fortifications of St. Spirit, Novotroitsky, Mikhailovskoye. In March 1838, Rosen was replaced by General E.A. Head, in which in the North-West Caucasus in 1838, the strengthening of Navaginskoye, Veliamin, Tenginsky and Novorossiysk were created. A truce with Shamil turned out to be temporary, and in 1839, military actions resumed. Detachment General P.h. Grabbe after the 80-day siege on August 22, 1839 mastered the residence of Shamil Akhulgo; Wounded Shamil with Muridi broke into Chechnya. In 1839, the Chernomorsk, Lazarevskoe and the Black Sea coastline from the mouth of the river were laid on the Black Sea coast. Kuban to Megrelia borders; In 1840, the Labinskaya line was created, but soon the royal troops suffered a number of major defeats: the rebels of Circassians in February of April 1840 seized the strengthening of the Black Sea coastline (Lazarevskoye, Veljaminovskoye, Mikhailovskoye, Nikolaev). At the Eastern Caucasus, the attempt of the Russian administration to disarm Chechens caused an uprising that swept the whole Chechnya, and then overlooking the mountain Dagestan. After stubborn battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gakhinsky Forest and on the river. Valerik (July 11, 1840) Russian troops occupied Chechnya, Chechens went to Chamil's troops who operated in North-West Dagestan. In 1840, 43. Despite the strengthening of the Caucasian Corps of the Infantry Division, Shamil won a number of major victories, took an accident and approved his power in a significant part of Dagestan, expanding the territory of Imamata more than twice and bringing the number of his troops to 20 thousand people. In October 1842, Golovin was replaced by General A. I. Neigardt and the Caucasus were transferred to another 2 infantry divisions, which made it possible to somewhat pushed the forces of Shamil. But then Shamil, again capturing the initiative, took on November 8, 1843 G. Gergebil and forced Russian troops to leave the accident. In December 1844, Neighardt changed General M.S. Vorontsov, who in 1845 captured and destroyed the residence of Shamil Aul Dargo. However, the mountaineers surrounded by the detachment of Vorontsov, who hardly managed to escape, losing 1/3 of the composition, all guns and travels. In 1846, Vorontsov returned to the Ermolov tactics of the conquest of the Caucasus. Shamil's attempts to rip the offensive of the opponent did not have success (in 1846 the failure of a breakthrough in Kabarda, in 1848 the fall of Gergebil, in 1849 the failure of Temir-Khan-Shura storming and breakthrough in Kakheti); In 1849-52 Shamil managed to take Kazikumuch, but by the spring of 1853 his detachments were finally displaced from Chechnya to Mountain Dagestan, where the position of the huts also became heavy. In the North-West Caucasus, in 1850, a Urudition line was created, and in 1851 the uprising of the Circassian tribes led by Shamil Mohammed-Emine was suppressed. On the eve of the Crimean War of 1853-56, Shamil in paying for the aid of Great Britain and Turkey has intensified its actions and in August 1853 tried to break through the Lezginese line from sunset, but failed. In November 1853, the Turkish troops were broken down at Bashkadiklar, and the attempts of Circassians capture the Black Sea and Labine lines are reflected. In the summer of 1854, Turkish troops were transferred to the offensive on Tiflis; At the same time, Shamil's squads, breaking through the Lezghin line, invaded Kakheti, captured Cinananda, but were detained by Georgian militia, and then broken by Russian troops. Defeat in 1854-55. The Turkish army finally scatter the hop of Shamil to help outside. By this time, the beginning of the 40s began in the late 40s. The internal crisis of Imamata. The actual transformation of the governors of Shamil Naibes in the cruel-loving feudalists, who caused the perturbation of the horses to their cruel government, aggravated social contradictions, and the peasants began to gradually move away from the Shamil's movement (in 1858 in Chechnya in the area, the rebellion of the Shamil's power broke out in Chechnya). The weakening of Imamata also contributed to the ruin and large human losses in a long unequal struggle in the conditions of lack of ammunition and food. The conclusion of the Paris Peace Treaty of 1856 allowed the Tsarizm to focus against Shamil's significant forces: the Caucasian Corps was transformed into an army (up to 200 thousand people). New Commander-in-Chief General N. N. Muravyev (1854 56) and General A.I. Baryatinsky (1856 60) continued to squeeze the ring of the blockade around Imamata with a solid consolidation of occupied territories. In April 1859 fell sidelines of Shamil Aul conducted. Shamil with 400 Murida fled to Aul Gunib. As a result of the concentric movements of the three detachments of Russian troops, Gunib was surrounded by August 25, 1859 taken by storm; Almost all Murids died in battle, and Shamil was forced to surrender. In the North-West Caucasus, the disunity of Circassian and Abkhaz tribes facilitated the actions of the royal command, which was selected from the Highness fertile lands and passed their Cossacks and Russian migrants, carrying out a mass eviction of mountain peoples. In November 1859, the basic forces of Circassians (up to 2 thousand people) led by Mohammed-Emine was capitulated. Circassian lands cut the Belorechensk line with a Maikop Fortress. In 1859 61 The device was conducted, roads and settlement of lands captured at the mountaineers. In the middle of 1862, the resistance to the colonizers intensified. For the occupation of the remaining territory of the territory with a population of about 200 thousand people. In 1862, up to 60 thousand soldiers under the command of General N.I. Evdokimov, who started promotion along the coast and deeply. In 1863, tsarist troops occupied the territory between PP. White and Pshish, and by mid-April 1864 the entire coast to Navaginsky and territory to r. Laba (along the northern slope of the Caucasian ridge). Only the mountains of Akhchips and a small tribe of Hakuchi in the valley of the river were not submitted. Mzymt. The Circassians and Abkhazians, pushed to the sea or drunk in the mountains, were forced to either move to the plain, or, under the influence of the Muslim clergy, emigrate to Turkey. Inappropriateness of the Turkish government to receive, placement and nutrition of the mass of people (up to 500 thousand people), the arbitrariness and violence of local Turkish authorities and the difficult living conditions caused greater mortality among immigrants, a minor part of which returned to the Caucasus again. By 1864, Russian administration was introduced in Abkhazia, and on May 21, 1864, Tsarist troops occupied the last focus of resistance to the Circassian tribe of the beggars in Kbaudda (now Red Polyana). This day is considered the end date of K.V., although in fact, military actions continued until the end of 1864, and in the 60s of the 70s. In Chechnya and Dagestan, anticolonial uprisings took place.

With the entry at the beginning of the XIX century. Russia of Transcaucasian Khanate and the Kartl-Kakhetian kingdom arose about the accession of the entire North Caucasus. As you know, a number of areas (Kabarda, Ossetia) have previously become voluntarily entered into Russia. However, the desire of tsarism to subjugate the remaining territories of the Caucasus met the stubborn resistance of the peoples of Dagestan, Chechnya, Adygea. In 1817, a long Caucasian War began, who completed Russia to many forces and ended only in 1864. The war began under Alexander I, covered the entire period of the reign of Nicholas I and was completed by Alexander II.

The Caucasian War is conventionally disintegrated into five major periods. The first (1817-1827) is associated with the start of large-scale hostilities by the governor in the Caucasus and the Commander-in-Chief Russian Troops Alexey Petrovich Yermolov. The second (1827-1834) is characterized by the formation of the military-theocratic state of the Hitters in the North Caucasus and the strengthening of resistance to Russian troops. At the third stage (1834-1855), the movement of the huts headed Imam Shamil, who won a number of major victories over the royal troops. The fourth (1855-1859) is associated with the internal crisis of Imamata Shamil, the Russian onset, defeat and the captivity of Shamil. Fifth period (1859-1864) $ - $ Completion of hostilities in the North Caucasus.

With the end of the overseas campaign 1813-1814. The Government of Alexander I has stepped up military operations in the Caucasus. The position of commander of the Separate Georgian corps and the Governor-General of the Caucasus and the Astrakhan province was appointed A. P. Yermolov, Popular General, War Hero of 1812, he developed a plan of military and administrative activities in the Caucasus, which included, among other things, bringing the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus to the citizenship. Yermolov conducted a rigid policy of displacing recalcitrant horses from fertile valleys in highlands. For this purpose, the construction of the Sunzhenskaya line, which separated the resident of Chechnya from mountain districts. IN 1818 G. The fortress was laid Terrible And after it, other fortresses on the rivers Sunzhe, Terek, Kuban, in which the Cossacks were settled and quartered regular troops. In addition to Russian soldiers, the local population was attracted to the construction of fortresses and roads, for which the construction of a strengthened line was a grave service.

At the beginning of 1818, the peoples of Dagestan raised the uprising, which embraced the extensive area. Acting decisively, Yermolov defeated the rebels and joined the North Dagestan to Russia. In 1819-1820 He suppressed separatist performances in Imereti, Guria and Mingrelia. In 1822, Yermolov began building a line of fortresses in Kabarda and the presets in 1825. Attempt to the peoples of Chechnya and the Kabarda raise the uprising.

J. Dow. Portrait A. P. Ermolova

The administrative activities of Yermolov in the Caucasus had and positive consequences. He stopped interethnic disintegration, struggled from the slave trade. Yermolov encouraged the development of sovereign and viticulture in the region, built fortresses and roads, reconstructed the Milgian Road. In Tiflis, with him, a mint of the courtyard, a medial and powder factories were erected. Since 1819, the first Georgian newspaper began to be published. Yermolov was engaged in the device of schools in Georgia, opened an officer club with the library in Tiflis, built a hospital for soldiers.

For the development of agriculture in the buban, German colonists were settled. In 1822, the settlements of the Cossacks moved from Poltava and Chernihiv provinces appeared in Kuban. For the management of Ermolov migrants, I established a special committee, "in order to ensure the fate of the settlers and prevent their needs." In 1824, he developed rules for the management of Kalmyks in the Astrakhan province to protect this people from the arbitrariness of local officials. On November 28, 1824, according to Ermolov, the royal decree on the right of redemption in Georgia serfs in the will was approved.

F. A. Roubo. Cossacks at the mountain river

From the second half of the 20th. XIX century Among the peoples of Dagestan and Chechens apply muridism $ - $ Sufi movement, exacerbated Caucasian War. It was based on the teaching, consolidating religious fanaticism and the "sacred war with the wrong" ( gazavat.). With the spread of Muridism, the formation of the theocratic state is $ - $ Imamat, first imam (ruler) of which in 1828 became Gazi-Magomed.. He sought to unite the peoples of Dagestan and Chechnya to combat "incorrect." The movement of the Caucasus Highlanders had a complex character: along with the liberation struggle of the peasantry, local feudals and clergy tried to strengthen their power and influence among the mountain peoples.

F. A. Roubo. Caucasian horse reconnaissance

In 1827, General Yermolov changed I. F. Passevich. He refused the initial plan to move deep into the Caucasus with the consolidation of occupied territories. Pasavich's punitive expeditions and the beginning of Gazavat led to the exacerbation of the struggle. The government of Nicholas I was constantly increased the number of Caucasian troops. The struggle against the mountaineers was accompanied by burning disorderly aules, cutting down forests and the resettlement of Chechens under the control of Russian troops. In 1830, the Lezginese line of fortifications was built. In response, the hills committed constant raids on Russian settlements controlled with the seizure of hostages and livestock. The advantage of Russian troops in weapons and military training, the hills opposed excellent knowledge of the terrain and the opportunity to hide in impassable mountain forests.

Imam Shamil

IN 1834. Third Imam was proclaimed Shamil, Talented warlord, volitional and cruel administrator. He rallied under his authority scattered East Caucasian tribes and aules, created a disciplined army of 20 thousand people. He managed to carry out a number of successful military operations. (Ichkerinsky battle 1842 g.) Against Russian troops.

F. A. Roubo. Assault Aul Ahulgo

IN 1839 Russians captured Aul Akhulgo, Residence Imam Shamil. IN 1845 G. By the order of the king, an expedition was carried out by an expedition of a separate Caucasian corps under the command of Count M. S. Vorontsova, a new Caucasian governor, to Aulu Dargo, the purpose of which was to capture the new Shamil's bet. Having done a difficult transition through the grooves, arranged by the mountaineers, on July 7, Russian troops entered Dargo. However, Nikolai I expectations at the beginning of negotiations on the capitulation conditions were not justified. Shamil left a semi-free and empty Dargo. Aul was captured, but the mountain peoples of Dagestan and Chechnya are not subcined.

The reason for the failure of the Dargin Expedition was to intervene the emperor, after her Nikolai provided the opportunity to dispose of his governor. Shamil and It naist $ - $ Ombudsmen who carried out military administrative power on a certain territory, $ - $ considered themselves the owners of the situation. In 1848, Shamil's power was declared hereditary. However, at the end of the 40s $ - $ early 50s. Shamil began to endure failure. With the beginning of 1853 of the Crimean War, the command of the Russian troops led advantageously defensive actions, although the forest clearing continued on a limited scale.

In 1856, the Commander-in-Chief of the Separate Caucasian Corps and the governor, Emperor Alexander II appointed Prince Alexandra Ivanovich Baryatinsky. He returned to the plan of continuous and methodological promotion of deep into the Caucasus. Baryatinsky's associates were generals Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov and Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin, Head of his headquarters.

A. I. Baryatinsky engraving G. I. Gracheva. Count N. I. Evdokimov

In April 1859 Mr. Evdokimov, General Evdokimov, took the new capital of Shamil $ - $ aul Kept $ - $ and destroyed it. In the end of August 1859 year after long and hard resistance Shamil was surrounded in aul Gunib. And surrendered to captivity. He was watered with his family in Kaluga. With the permission of Russian authorities, a pilgrimage to Mecca, then in Medina, where he died in 1871.

In 1859-1864, the latest foci of the resistance of Circassians, Abkhaz and Adygs in Western Cherkessia were eliminated. Russia was able to suppress the armed resistance of the mountaineers. The local population who did not accept her power was forced to leave the Caucasus and move to Turkey and the Middle East. Russia's consolidation in Transcaucasia established peace of mind in the Caucasus, which was provided to the presence of armed Cossack troops.

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