Yellow peeling effect. Yellow peeling (retinol peeling). What will happen after the procedure

Unfortunately, as we age, our skin loses its regenerative abilities. But cosmetology offers more and more new methods for caring for the body and face.
One of them is yellow peeling, thanks to which you can fight aging, pigmentation, as well as some skin diseases.

Staying young and beautiful with healthy, glowing skin is a woman’s natural desire. With the development of cosmetology, achieving this goal is becoming increasingly easier. One of the most popular products in this area is chemical peeling, especially yellow peeling, which has its origins in Hollywood.

What is yellow peeling

Yellow peeling is a cosmetic procedure characterized by rapid recovery and effective results in renewal and rejuvenation of the skin. Refers to superficial-medium chemical peels. Used for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. During the procedure, the substance on the skin, thanks to the active component of vitamin A, acquires yellow, hence the corresponding name.

Types of yellow peeling

  • Yellow Peel peeling – superficial with a medium effect. The composition includes synthetically obtained retinoic acid (yellow retinoic peeling). Most often performed by specialists in beauty salons.
  • Peeling Retises CT Yellow Peel – soft, gentle, purely superficial. It is based on natural retinol (yellow retinol peeling), which is extracted from an extract of the Urukum bush that grows on the banks of the Amazon.

You can use Yellow Peel once a month. Suitable for sensitive skin and can even be applied to the eyelids.

Composition of yellow peeling

Composition ingredients:

  • natural retinol or retinoic acid (main active elements);
  • ascorbic (citric), kojic, azelaic and phytic acids (strengthen the effect of the main element).

Properties of retinoic acid

In nature, retinoic acid can be found in plant and animal resources. It forms connections with nuclear receptors, through which the activity of epidermal and dermal cells is stimulated.

In its effect on the skin, this acid is similar to vitamin A, which activates cell division and regeneration.

In addition, retinoic yellow peeling:

  • activates dermal blood circulation;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • cleanses;
  • restores a comfortable level of humidity.

Most often, peelings with a concentrated content of retinoic acid are used to avoid its accumulation in tissues.

Benefits of retinoic peeling

TO useful results Applications of retinoic peeling include:

  • Improving skin texture and rejuvenation.
    Retinoic acid normalizes metabolism in the superficial tissues of the skin, stabilizes cell membranes, protecting against the influence of free radicals, and accelerates the formation of collagen and elastin. As a result, skin aging slows down, its elasticity increases and microwrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Lightening the skin and getting rid of pigmentation.
    The lightening effect is achieved by exfoliating the top layer of the skin and blocking the synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for the occurrence of post-acne spots, freckles and some other causes of uneven skin color.
  • Increasing local skin immunity.
    The effect of retinol and its derivatives protects against pathogenic bacteria, which reduces the likelihood of purulent wounds. In addition, retinoids damage abnormal cells, which prevents cancer formation.
  • Restoration of epithelium in skin diseases.
    The influence of the active components of yellow peeling leads to rapid healing of acne and burns (sunburns too), preventing the appearance of pigmentation at the site of ulcers.

    Retinol can also be used to treat dermatitis and psoriasis.

  • the presence of deep and fine wrinkles;
  • moisture disturbance;
  • withering and photoaging of the skin;
  • the need to lighten the epidermis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • have acne or post-acne.

In addition, the session can be performed to heal and refresh the skin. After all, it improves its texture, deeply cleanses and has a lifting effect.

  • Tendency to allergic reactions. Retinol increases the activity of the dermis, which may contribute to its increased response to the procedure.
  • The presence of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic skin reactions, which indicates a special sensitivity of the skin.
  • Pregnancy or its immediate planning, lactation period. Retinoids cause toxic effects on the embryo.
  • Liver failure. Also in case of previous hepatitis.
  • Tendency to photosensitivity and hyperpigmentation.
  • Use of medications that contain retinoids. It is best to consult a specialist when taking any medications.

Preparation for the yellow peeling procedure

It is necessary to prepare the skin before the procedure, since keratinized skin will interfere with the action of the active components.

Pre-peeling preparation involves the following stages:

  • The skin is cleaned and thoroughly examined using a lighted magnifying glass and a Wood's lamp.
  • Together with the doctor, the type and condition of the epidermis is diagnosed. The safety of the procedure is also determined depending on past illnesses and the presence of contraindications.
  • Acid creams (glycolic acid) are used for 2-4 weeks before the procedure. They soften the skin and the penetration of retinoids is facilitated.
  • Some experts recommend resorting to mesotherapy or biorevitalization in order to prevent the active components of the substance from drying out the skin. In addition, the result will improve and the possibility of negative consequences will decrease.
  • A week before the procedure, you should avoid exfoliating products, going to the solarium, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Without full preparation, the possibility side effects increases, but performance decreases significantly.

Yellow retinoic peeling procedure

Before you do yellow peeling for your face, you need to clean it of dirt and makeup. Then a solution is applied to the prepared area, which includes: chitosan, resorcinol, salicylic and glycolic acid. The solution helps eliminate dead cells and prepares the skin for the application of the peeling consistency. During the action of the solution, a slight burning sensation may be felt, which is absolutely normal.

Then the peeling composition is applied. The duration of its effect is 15 minutes – 12 hours. Afterwards it is washed off.

Mediderma night yellow peeling is especially popular among cosmetologists.

The consistency, which is applied for a short time, is washed off on site in the salon or clinic. If it is designed for long-term exposure (up to 12 hours), then it is washed off at home on its own. The latter type is also called “night peeling”, since it is carried out in the afternoon and washed off the next morning.

Skin care after yellow peeling

The skin always needs careful care, even more so after peeling. After all, the quality and consolidation of the result depends on this. For a week after the procedure, you should cleanse your skin only with neutral products.. To eliminate peeling and nourish the skin, apply Vaseline or other post-peeling ointments, gels or creams prescribed by a specialist.

The session is repeated 1 or 2 times a year. Histological studies have confirmed that stimulation of cellular structures persists for six months after peeling.

Yellow peeling at home

Although the session is considered a salon session, yellow peeling can be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special anti-acne cream. You need to rub it onto clean, oil-free skin. Then apply an even rougher layer, leaving it on the skin. Redness, peeling, and burning may appear, so before performing the procedure at home, it is better to check the skin reaction.

If done in the summer, do not forget about the negative effects of the sun and the use of appropriate products.

The effect of using yellow peeling

After yellow peeling, rejuvenation, lightening and smoothing of the skin texture are noted. Her health improves and her immune abilities improve. In addition, there is a powerful antioxidant effect.

The use of this procedure is safe, the recovery period is painless and fairly short, complications are extremely rare, and the effect is amazing.

Video on the topic: yellow peeling

When performing step by step instructions this procedure seems simple. But like every procedure, it has its own characteristics that guarantee success. Many of them have already been written in our article, but there are others that we have compiled in this video review.

Find out the specifics of yellow peeling, what are its benefits, and how to care for your facial skin after it.

A procedure such as yellow peeling is especially popular, as it helps eliminate signs of skin aging and restores its natural firmness and elasticity.

Features of yellow peeling

Retinoic or yellow peeling refers to a type of cosmetic procedure, after which the skin is restored quite quickly and returns its attractive appearance. appearance. The peeling contains an artificial form of vitamin A, which provides the right environment for normalizing the process of skin cell regeneration and metabolism.

Yellow peeling activates blood circulation and protein production. This procedure is ideal for caring for the skin of the neck, face, and décolleté. The main advantages of this type of peeling include the fact that they practically do not appear. Negative consequences, and the treated skin returns to normal very quickly.

Every year, yellow peeling becomes more and more popular and in demand among representatives of the fair half of the planet. And this is not surprising, because just one cosmetic procedure helps to solve quite a lot of problems in a relatively short period of time. a large number of various problems associated with the condition of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Today there are several types of yellow peeling.

Yellow peeling with artificial retinoic acid

This type of peeling contains retinoic acid, which is of artificial origin. The main incentive for its use is that the skin recovery period after the procedure is only a few days.

The medium type of peeling has a gentle effect on the epidermis, so it is recommended for use by girls over 23 years of age. But before it is carried out, you need to undergo a special preparation procedure for 14 days, when the skin is treated with a special product that contains the main ingredients for yellow peeling. Thanks to this preparation, the skin gradually gets used to the action of this substance and it becomes possible to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Directly on the day when the yellow peeling procedure will be carried out, you must first lubricate your facial skin with a solution of glycolic acid, after which retinoic acid is applied. Over the next two days, the skin gradually acquires a rich pink tint and peeling of the epidermis begins. After this transition period is completed, the surface of the skin is leveled, it becomes perfectly smooth and silky, and natural elasticity returns.

Yellow peeling with natural retinoic acid

This type of yellow peeling contains natural retinol natural origin, the extraction of which occurs as a result of processing such tropical plant, like urukuma, which grows in the depths of the Amazon. During the production of this substance, kojic acid is added to its composition, which is why the cleaning carried out will be superficial.

The main feature of yellow peeling is that it has long action, because it is left on the surface of the skin for 10 hours, which makes it different from other types of procedures. Yellow peeling should be done once every 6 months, but not more often.

Indications and contraindications for yellow peeling

Yellow peeling is one of the mildest methods for cleansing facial skin, which is why it can be used at almost any age. As a rule, this procedure is prescribed to remove deep wrinkles and severe pigmentation, with the appearance of facial wrinkles, scars and the effects of acne. It is recommended to use yellow peeling before dermoplasty (an operation aimed at restoring the skin).

The peeling mixture contains a large amount of acids, but do not worry, as they are completely safe, so they are often added to various products intended for facial skin care.

The yellow peeling procedure is completely painless, but after it, a feeling of discomfort appears. Taking into account what type of peeling was used, the rehabilitation period will be determined, the duration of which can be 2-4 days.

However, despite the positive effect of yellow peeling, there are certain contraindications for its implementation, which include:

  • herpes virus;
  • prohibited during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • for liver diseases;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to individual elements included in the peeling mixture.

If there are violations of the integrity of the skin, the yellow peeling procedure should be postponed for a while.

How to prepare your skin for yellow peeling?

First of all, you need to seek help from a dermatologist, who will conduct the necessary examination and select the ideal type of yellow peeling. The cosmetologist determines your skin type, after which the degree of sensitivity to retinol is determined.

Retinoids have a negative effect on the development of the child, which is why, before visiting a cosmetologist, you need to take a pregnancy test. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in cases where you have recently had viral hepatitis or have liver failure.
After yellow peeling, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, including artificial ultraviolet radiation, on the treated skin. Before going outside, be sure to apply a special sunscreen to your skin.

As a rule, pre-peel preparation of the skin is carried out independently at home. The cosmetologist prescribes the use of certain creams that contain glycolic acid, as they will soften the epidermis over a certain period of time and prepare it for the application of chemical peeling.

The duration of preparation is about two weeks, but those with dark skin will need at least 21 days. The fact is that dark skin is more sensitive to the effects of retinoid drugs.

Also today there is a fairly large number of different additional products that need to be used during skin preparation - a gentle exfoliation procedure using fruit enzymes or acids. It is recommended to carry it out several times before the main retion peeling.

About a week before the start of the procedure, it is necessary to avoid sunbathing and visiting a solarium, since it is better to limit the skin from additional external influences.

Directly on the day when the yellow peeling will be carried out, you need to soften the skin so that all the beneficial substances can freely penetrate into its deeper layers. In this case, the procedure will bring maximum benefit, and the result will remain for a longer period of time.

How is the yellow peeling procedure performed?

It is best to use yellow peeling products only from companies that produce high-quality products. Depending on this, the recovery period of the skin after the procedure will also change.

The standard version of peeling will be carried out in 1-2 procedures, with a break of 5-6 weeks between each one. Special skin preparation and after care are required.

Most manufacturers add fruit acids to peeling mixtures to enhance the positive effects and minimize the likelihood of negative consequences.

There is a certain difference in the drugs, including different times of their action:

  1. Yellow peelings, which act on the skin for 60 minutes - rich peelings that provoke a burning sensation and itching after the procedure.
  2. Retinol peels left on the skin for 3–12 hours (the duration of exposure is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin). Full course This type of peeling consists of two procedures that are done once a month.
After yellow peeling, a feeling of a thin film appears on the skin of the face, while it almost immediately becomes much lighter, its condition improves, the pores significantly narrow and become less noticeable. Over the next 30 days, positive trends increase.

Recovery period

It is recommended to treat the skin with yellow peeling in the evening, and in the morning it will need to be washed off.

The manifestation of yellow peeling is divided into several stages:

  1. After the composition is applied to the skin, a slight feeling of tightening of the skin appears, and the face acquires a yellow-red tint.
  2. On the second day, slight peeling of the treated area begins. This symptom will be a sure sign that deep cleansing of the facial skin is taking place, so there is no need for additional use of any cosmetic moisturizers.
  3. If you use a nourishing or moisturizing cream, there is a risk that after the peeling stage ends, wrinkles will become more noticeable.
  4. 3 days after the procedure, peeling of the skin increases several times. You should not try to tear off pieces of skin yourself, otherwise you can cause serious harm.
  5. On the fourth day, a slight itching sensation will become noticeable, and not very large red spots may appear.
  6. The feeling of itching and flaking completely disappears on the penultimate day of recovery, while the face acquires a slight pinkish tint.
  7. Complete reconstruction of the skin occurs on day 6, after which it becomes perfectly smooth, the face takes on a rested and fresh appearance.
The resulting rejuvenation effect lasts for six months. But in order for it to last as long as possible, cosmetologists advise using moisturizing creams, thermal water, enzyme masks, as well as products that protect from negative impact ultraviolet rays, especially if the yellow peeling procedure was carried out during the hot season.

The skin of the face is very sensitive and often suffers from the effects of various negative factors from the outside environment. Therefore, she needs careful and constant care using high-quality cosmetics. Don’t forget about the benefits of peeling, because thanks to this procedure, dead skin particles are removed and the face becomes perfectly smooth.

More about yellow retinol peeling, see here:

Yellow, retinoic, retinol - why so many names? In fact, we're talking about about the same procedure, the only difference is the active ingredient used for exfoliation. If the peeling is retinol, then natural retinol (true vitamin A) is used, and the effect will be quite gentle. Retinoic peeling involves the use of retinoic acid (a synthetic analogue of retinol), which gives a more pronounced effect. However, these differences are very conditional, since the result depends, rather, on the technology of applying the chemical composition and the duration of its exposure (presence on the face). Yellow peeling, a general term for this type of exfoliation, is used because after the procedure the face turns a characteristic yellowish tint.

Well, the terminological educational program is over, now let’s get to the point and tell you about all the subtleties and pitfalls of yellow peeling.

What are the benefits of retinol peeling?

Yellow peeling has been among the most popular in the world for several years now. this segment cosmetic care. This procedure is recommended rather for more mature skin: if you are under 35, give preference to other methods. Yes, cosmetologists can recommend you retinoic peeling to solve a number of significant problems, including pigmentation, expression lines, and enlarged pores. However, you must understand that yellow peeling is not the highest priority procedure for these purposes. We would call this type of exfoliation, rather, gentle, and definitely one of the softest among the superficial ones.
Yellow peeling is especially good for oily and combination skin: both exfoliation and recovery are much gentler, and the final result will be more pronounced. Dry skin may react more difficult to this type of exfoliation, and peeling will last longer.

Yellow (retinol, retinoic) peeling – contraindications.

Contraindications for chemical peels, as a rule, are always the same, but in the case of yellow peeling, several more points are added to the standard list. They are associated with the special effect of retinol on the body, therefore, when carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to exclude any other drugs that contain retinol.

So, it is better to refrain from the procedure if you have one or more of the following problems.

Review of brands

Are you asking the cosmetologist what brand of drug he will use for the procedure? If not, we recommend that you definitely do this in the future. Take the same retinoic peeling: not just a lot depends on the brand, but almost everything!

Men&Moy System (USA)

This is one of the most powerful yellow peelings, which contains a complex of active acids - phytic, azelaic, retinoic, kojic and ascorbic. It is recommended to do it no more than once every six months, since after it the effect is simulated within 6 months.

The disadvantages include severe erythema and subsequent rather intense peeling not only of the treated area, but also of adjacent areas.


The yellow peeling in this brand is represented by the Retices line, which includes several products. The concentration of retinol varies from 1% to 10%, and this makes this peeling unique, since an experienced cosmetologist can competently combine these products in one procedure.


Peeling from Kosmoteros is less traumatic, which is why it has gained well-deserved popularity. The main active ingredient is trans-retinoic acid (5%), responsible for evening out skin tone and texture. In addition, the composition contains the following auxiliary components:

  • vitamin E - promotes intensive restoration of skin cells;
  • vitamin C - gives radiance, stimulates renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • beta-carotene - serves as a powerful barrier against the negative influence of the environment.


We love this peeling because the exfoliating solution includes a cream with an spf filter, two serums and a soothing cream. The cosmetologist will give you all this with you, and it’s mega-convenient! Firstly, you won’t have to rack your brains about how to save your skin after peeling, and secondly, the amount of these products will be enough for you to take care of after 1 session, so you won’t have to buy or refill anything. If you decide to try yellow peeling for the first time, we strongly recommend this brand. Retinol peeling "Arcadia" is distinguished by a mild post-peeling period (the next morning you will find a tightened face with a tanning effect, and peeling will be very gentle), and an increasing effect over 4-5 months after the session.

It is believed that the importance of pre-peeling preparation is very overestimated, so many people neglect this stage. But not in the case of yellow peeling.

The fact is that retinoic acid has a fairly low degree of penetration, so without proper pretreatment you risk getting zero effect or seeing only minor changes. How to prepare for yellow peeling at home? 1-2 months before the procedure, you can start using skincare cosmetics with a small acid content (night cream and toner are enough), the rest of the cosmetics can be ordinary.

Home care with acids is an important stage in preparation for peeling.

A few weeks before the main session, as a rule, several superficial peels are prescribed, for example, two almond and one glycolic. In addition, on the eve of the procedure (3-5 days), the cosmetologist can offer you cosmetics of the same brand that will be used for peeling. As a rule, this is an acidic wash foam and cream. Both products perfectly prepare the skin for the procedure; moreover, primary peeling can begin as early as these days.

Yellow peeling: procedure protocol

The procedure protocol depends not only on the chosen brand, but also on your interaction with the cosmetologist. A competent specialist who has thoroughly studied your condition and learned your goals can vary, for example, the peeling intensity or exposure time. But so that you can imagine how the procedure will take place, we offer for your reference the yellow peeling protocol using the Mediderma brand as an example.

Mediderma Yellow Peel Protocol.

What will happen after the procedure

What can you REALLY expect after yellow peeling?

It is important to understand that you should not expect instant and dramatic changes from yellow peeling, however, if you undergo this procedure regularly (several times a year), the final result will be excellent. We are warning you only because often the expectations of those who do retinol peeling do not coincide with reality. Let's be honest and indicate what you DEFINITELY get after the procedure.

  1. More even complexion;
  2. Visual narrowing of pores;
  3. Fresh, pinkish skin tone;
  4. Reduced sebum secretion and, as a result, fewer clogged pores;
  5. Elimination of small post-acne marks;
  6. Visual sensation of a “rested” face.

In addition, after yellow peeling, the face will respond much better to skincare products - creams, masks, serums. You will feel this cool effect very quickly: the skin will literally “eat” the product and as a result you will see a noticeable effect from the cosmetic products in the mirror.

After yellow peeling, your skincare products will work much better.

Yellow peeling does not produce immediate dramatic changes. Moreover, after a single procedure, you will most likely still have age spots and wrinkles. But don't panic. Firstly, retinoic peeling is wonderful because it has a “delayed” effect: that is, positive changes in your skin will occur over the next 3-4 months.

Secondly, you can enhance the effect of the procedure with the help of a course of procedures. This tactic is typical for most medium peels: if you can afford a whole course (most of all, in this case, many are stopped by a few days of rehabilitation), but the result will, without exaggeration, be stunning.

After the yellow peeling procedure, as well as between sessions, cosmetologists often recommend retinol in small concentrations (0.25%). This tactic will enhance the effect and reduce itching and irritation during subsequent retinol peels. In addition, antioxidants are prescribed as additional drugs - vitamins C and E, ferrulic acid. It is during this period that the popular in last years nutraceuticals - collagen and collagen stimulators, as well as Omega-3.
If you feel severe dryness after retinoic peeling, we recommend using emollients. Work best:

  • "Locobase Ripea"
  • "Emolium"
  • Mustela Stelatopia;
  • Topikerm.

A week of using these products is enough for the skin to fully recover after exfoliation.

What should you not wait for?

Any peeling is not magic, but a very specific procedure from which you should expect a certain effect. We wrote above what you can count on. Now let’s talk about what you shouldn’t especially expect after this manipulation.

Changes after retinol peeling are not always obvious.
  1. Colossal transformation. Since yellow peeling is a fairly gentle procedure, you should not expect “erasing” of wrinkles and radical facial rejuvenation. In advertising brochures you can often find fabulous promises - from smoothing nasolabial folds to tightening the oval of the face. Of course, by definition, no medium peeling can solve this problem.
  2. Visible care for skin accustomed to peelings. If regular exfoliation is an essential part of your skincare routine, the effect of a retinoic peel may be very limited. According to cosmetologists, the most pronounced results are seen in those who have never encountered acid treatments and have not performed any peelings.

Yellow peeling: questions and answers

4 weeks have passed since the peeling and my skin is still peeling, is this normal?

Yes. After yellow peeling, progressive peeling is allowed for several weeks. In addition, increased exfoliation can occur due to unfavorable weather conditions, improper care, or sensitive and too dry skin.
Is it possible to do yellow peeling if I take systemic retinoids (for example, Roccautane) orally?

No, it is better to refrain from the procedure until the end of the course of treatment.

How many days after yellow peeling can contouring be performed?

Not earlier than 2 weeks, since contour preparations (fillers) prevent skin regeneration after peeling.

How long before you can get pregnant after yellow peeling?

If you become pregnant, it is recommended to refrain from any cosmetic procedures without the permission of your attending physician. However, if you did the peeling without knowing you were pregnant, don’t worry: the concentration of retinol in the yellow peeling is too low to enter the systemic bloodstream.

How to enhance the effect of yellow peeling?

It is recommended to use a cream with retinol in increasing concentrations between procedures (or after completion).
How to combine retinol peelings with mesotherapy/biorevitalization?
It is recommended to carry out mesotherapy or birevitalization in the intervals between exfoliation sessions. This will smooth out the post-peeling period, nourish the skin and significantly increase the effect of the procedure. It is better to give preference to revitalization or mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid in combination with oligoelements or organic silicon.

Can yellow peeling be applied to eyelids?

Yes, however, after the procedure and for the next few days, swelling may be observed.
A few days after peeling, the face is red and inflamed, is this a complication?

Yes, most likely, this is retinoid dermatitis - one of the typical ones after yellow peeling, which, however, many experts consider a normal variant. This condition will improve within 3-4 days, but if this does not happen, and the situation only gets worse, we recommend contacting your cosmetologist.

Severe itching after yellow peeling, what to do?

Itching of varying degrees is a common reaction to retinol. It is recommended to take an antihistamine.

Is it possible to do yellow peeling for neoplasms on the face?

Only if the neoplasm is benign. Moreover, retinoic acid inhibits the division of atypical cells.
Is it possible to drink alcohol after yellow peeling?

Any alcoholic drinks It is recommended to exclude both before and after retinol peeling. Firstly, you create additional stress on the liver, and secondly, you worsen recovery after the procedure.
Why do the eyelids and ears peel off after yellow peeling, and not just the treated area?

This is how the effect of retinol manifests itself: it covers 1-2 cm more of the treated area.

Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is aimed at renewing the skin and improving the appearance of the skin. But it has a number of features that fundamentally distinguish it from its “colleagues”, be it acid, mechanical or hardware versions of peeling. What is its unusualness and why is it called “peeling from the inside”?

Composition and mechanism of action

The main component is retinoic acid. It stimulates the growth and proliferation of keratinocytes, accelerates cellular renewal. It also turns the product yellow. To make it easier to understand how retinoids work with skin cells, let's compare them with their main competitors - for example, glycolic acid. Its goal is to damage the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in the exfoliation of old cells and their replacement with new ones. Retinoids act differently: they do not destroy anything, moreover, they do not work directly at all either with the cells of the stratum corneum or with intercellular structures.

Retinoic peeling is a yellow mask. © Getty Images

The target is not the surface of the epidermis, but the deeper basal layer in which cells originate. Being small lipophilic molecules, retinoids easily reach their destination and significantly accelerate the division of keratinocytes, or, more simply, the formation of new cells. Young keratinocytes en masse begin to move upward, to the surface of the skin, and literally push out the overlying layers. Hence the effect of exfoliation and renewal.

Retinoic peeling does not destroy dead structures, but stimulates living ones by contacting cell nuclei through special receptors. Moreover, retinoic acid interacts not only with keratinocytes, but also with fibroblasts and melanocytes, improving the condition of the skin in several indicators, including density, elasticity and uniformity of pigmentation.

In addition to retinoic acid itself, the peeling preparation includes auxiliary components, mainly acids, that can enhance one or another cosmetic effect. For example:

    whitening: Fetinic, kojic, azeloic acids;

    exfoliation: salicylic acid;

    fight against free radicals: vitamin C;

    calming and anti-stress effect: allantoin, aloe and chamomile extracts.

Indications for use: who will need it and when?

The abilities of retinoic peeling are multifaceted. In addition to standard indications for peelings, including dullness, increased greasiness, uneven surface, retinoic acid works with age-related skin changes, such as:

Therefore, the majority of fans of retinoic peeling are women who have crossed the forty-year mark.


Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is done in a course. Although the result in the form of fresh, renewed, radiant, smooth skin can be noticed after the first session. The final effect depends on the number of procedures, the concentration of the chemical agent, and the peeling application regimen. As a result, you can achieve:

  1. 1

    smoothing superficial wrinkles and reducing deep ones;

  2. 2

    lightening or complete disappearance of age spots;

  3. 3

    even out skin texture and tone;

  4. 4

    skin tightening and light lifting.

How often can you do it

Types of retinoic peeling for the face

Among cosmetologists and patients, retinoic peeling is known as “Yellow Peel”. The fact is that retinoic acid, like all synthetic analogues of vitamin A, has a bright yellow or orange color - hence the name.

The composition of the peel and the concentration of the main substance vary depending on the specific preparation and manufacturer. Typically, professional Yellow Peel contains 5-10% retinoic acid.

Retinoic acid gives the peeling its yellow color. © Getty Images

As for the usual classification of peelings (superficial, medium, deep), in the case of retinoids it is very arbitrary. Strictly speaking, retinoic peeling cannot be superficial, since it only works in the deep basal layer of the epidermis. However, with Yellow Peel you can achieve:

  1. 1

    light exfoliation;

  2. 2

    medium and medium-deep peeling, renewing all layers of the epidermis.

There is a type of retinoic peeling that works only to tighten the skin turgor and does not cause peeling at all.

How is peeling done?


Two weeks before the “yellow peeling”, start using products with acids in your home care. This will help your skin clear the way for retinoids to penetrate into the deeper layers. Usually, special cosmetics are recommended by a cosmetologist. We provide examples of products that meet the requirements of pre-peeling preparation.

    Two-stage peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme consists of two parts, each of which is designed for two weeks of use. The first phase, just the preparatory phase, includes a low concentration of fruit acids and quinoa husk extract. These substances provide easy exfoliation and accustom the skin to the active action of peeling agents.

    Cleansing toner for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age Solution, SkinCeuticals Suitable for preparing skin for salon peeling. Contains glycolic, salicylic and capryloyl-salicylic acids for gradual gentle exfoliation.

    Night peeling that activates skin radiance, Idéalia, Vichy The formula contains glycolic acid 4% + Hepes 5%, as well as antioxidant blueberry extract. Renews skin and enhances its radiance with fermented black tea extract.

Carrying out the procedure

Before applying the yellow peel, the skin is cleansed and treated with an acid-based lotion to loosen the stratum corneum and facilitate the penetration of retinoic acid.

The peeling itself is a yellow cream mask, which is applied in a thin layer to the entire face (including the skin around the eyes) or to individual areas using rubbing movements. This ends the mandatory stages of the protocol - further options are possible.

    Peeling can be tolerated on the face 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with a solution with neutral pH.

    Maybe repeated(and repeated) application and rinsing of retinoic peeling during one session.

    Another option: leave the mask on for six hours, and then the “yellow-faced” patient goes home and washes off the composition on his own.

The procedure is painless, the maximum discomfort is a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth.

Retinoic peeling solves the problems of aged and young skin. © Getty Images

How to care for your skin after a retinoic peel

The rehabilitation period after a procedure with a moderate effect (that is, causing active peeling and renewal of the skin) takes an average of a week.

    A feeling of tightness occurs on the 2nd day.

    Peeling begins on the 4th day after peeling.

Note: superficial peeling does not cause discomfort and violent peeling, but the effect of such peeling is less expressive.

During the post-peeling period, you will need cosmetics that meet special requirements. The main one is the complete absence of acids in the composition.

Rules for skin care after peeling

  1. 1

    Washing with gel-like products that do not contain aggressive surfactants and oils. Our recommendation - cleaning micellar gel for face and eyelids Rosaliac Gel, La Roche-Posay, which contains hyaluronic acid in its composition, provides comfort and freshness when washing.

  2. 2

    Care including products with the function of protecting and restoring the skin barrier. They need to be applied several times a day for 3–5 days after peeling.

  3. 3

    Mandatory sun protection with maximum SPF.

We recommend a restorative soothing agent La Roche-Posay - Cicaplast balm SPF 50 with madecassoside for better skin regeneration and panthenol for a calming effect and restoration of the protective mantle. The solar screen and the prokerad component provide prevention of post-peeling pigmentation.

Precautionary measures

Yellow peeling reduces the skin's immunity, making it susceptible to infections. Often, an exacerbation of herpes occurs as a side effect. Usually cosmetologists prescribe special medications before peeling to prevent this reaction.

Retinoids in high concentrations cause large-plate peeling. Plus, the manifestation of retinoic dermatitis in certain areas of the skin is considered normal, which manifests itself:


  • increased sensitivity;

    mild swelling.

Usually these troubles go away on their own after the rehabilitation period.

Medical expert Vichy Elena Eliseeva believes: “Retinoic peeling is a safe and effective procedure.” Below we list its main advantages.

This procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation; for liver diseases; during the season of active ultraviolet radiation (and in the case of already developed tanning). Contraindications also include damage to the epidermis (due to dermatological diseases or as a result of banal squeezing of pimples).

Facial cleansing using retinoic acid is a popular technique offered by cosmetology, and proper care after yellow peeling is an important condition to improve results. The further condition of the skin and the duration of the effect depend on the fulfillment of the requirements and recommendations. Preparations for post-peeling care should be selected individually, and this should be done by a cosmetologist. You need to take into account the type and characteristics of the dermis, age, chemical composition used for cleaning, the degree of damage to skin tissue. How to properly care for your face so that the recovery process goes quickly and unnoticed, without complications or unpleasant consequences?

Retinoic facial peeling is a procedure that uses chemicals. Retinoic acid is an aggressive substance that acts on the surface of the skin, completely removing the upper layers of the dermis. Active components stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This allows you to observe how your face rejuvenates over a long period of time without additional measures.

Retinoic yellow peeling can take place in one or two stages. The process is quite long, and often patients at the salon have to complete the manipulations themselves and remove the aggressive composition from their faces at home. This does not affect the effectiveness of the procedure, although you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of cosmetologists.

After using retinoic acid, you can observe the following results:

  • complete renewal of the skin;
  • disappearance of wrinkles, irregularities, folds;
  • lightening of freckles, pigment spots;
  • alignment of the shade of the dermis;
  • removal of small rashes, blackheads.

Do you know? The results do not always depend on the work of the cosmetologist or the chosen drug - post-peeling care is no less important than exposure to retinol-based products. After cleaning, be sure to find out from the specialist exactly how to carry out further care - this will avoid unpleasant surprises.

Can yellow peeling have a bad effect on the dermis, and what unpleasant consequences can be expected in case of improper care or a failed procedure? Usually, serious complications do not arise if manipulations were performed by an experienced cosmetologist. Careful study of the prohibitions on the use of retinolic acid also plays a significant role. If there were no contraindications, and after cleaning all instructions were carefully followed, side effects usually disappear on their own in just a few weeks.

The consequence of the procedure is usually peeling, which usually indicates that the retinol has successfully completed the task and skin renewal has begun. It is recommended to use preparations containing hyaluronic acid or oil. Usually, in the absence of complications, peeling stops in just a week.

A red face after manipulation with retinoic acid is another problem that can await women. If a superficial effect on the skin was carried out, the redness usually disappears after a few days; with deeper penetration of the active components, the trouble can drag on for half a month. It is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity, which stimulates blood flow to the affected epidermal tissues.

Often after manipulation, swelling appears, which can cause a lot of trouble. Treatment after a retinol peel for this side effect includes the use of antioxidants. You can use a cream that reduces swelling, but it is better to do this only with the doctor's permission.

Rashes are another problem that can appear on the face after using aggressive medications. Most often this happens due to the fault of a cosmetologist who did not test the composition on the dermis. In such cases, facial skin care will have to begin with taking antihistamines, selected individually by the doctor.

Do you know? Often women complain of infection in the epidermal tissue. Most often this happens due to the fault of the ladies themselves, who cannot wait for the peeling to end and remove pieces of the skin on their own. It is these actions that contribute to the penetration of infection into the dermal tissue, which can lead to unpleasant complications.

The peculiarity of using retinoic acid is that a few sessions are enough to completely cope with dermal defects. IN mandatory It is necessary to carry out three cleanings; if the flaws on the face are too serious, you will have to increase the number of manipulations to five.

Retinol peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, so after the first session you need to monitor the skin’s reaction to the use of drugs. If there are no unpleasant complications or lingering side effects, you can go for subsequent cleanings. There must be breaks of about a month between sessions. This time is enough for the dermis to fully recover from damage.

Skin care after retinoic peeling is quite simple and usually does not differ much from usual home procedures. The cosmetologist will certainly recommend the use of panthenol-based preparations, which promote rapid recovery. You need to start applying the products the very next day after the manipulations in the salon. The ointment will partially relieve the unpleasant sensation on the face and prevent inflammation.

Care after acid peeling should include regular use of masks that contain enzymes. Sprays will not be superfluous; the active component in them should be thermal water. You can consult a cosmetologist and find out which brands are suitable for your dermis type.

Post-peeling care should include the mandatory use of protective medications. They need to be applied in a thick layer within a week - ultraviolet radiation can cause an uneven shade to appear.

There are several prohibitions that you need to remember when caring for your face at home:

  • refuse sunbathing, visiting a solarium, bathhouse, sauna;
  • avoid playing sports - increased sweating can cause complications;
  • do not dye your hair or perm your hair;
  • review all decorative cosmetics and care products - they should not contain retinol;
  • stop abusing alcohol and hot spices;
  • do not carry out treatment during which hormonal compounds are used - they can significantly prolong the recovery period of the skin.

The recovery period, if all requirements are followed correctly, will take only a week. On overly sensitive skin, regeneration can take half a month, but this happens quite rarely if you carefully care for the skin.

The question that is one of the main ones for many women is how much it will cost them to cleanse with retinoic acid. This may depend on several factors, among which the most important are the region and the reputation of the beauty salon. Most often, in large cities, procedures cost at least 15 thousand rubles. In small provincial towns, salons will provide such a service for 12-14 thousand.

A cosmetologist will definitely tell you a more accurate price for cleaning after a thorough examination of your face. At the same time as determining the cost of the manipulations, the specialist must tell you the specifics of peeling, possible risks, and how to properly care for your skin.

Do you know? Be sure to study reviews about the chosen beauty salon in advance, make sure of its impeccable reputation, and ask friends who have already undergone cleaning. Often the results of the entire procedure depend on the experience of the cosmetologist, so it is better to find out in advance whether it is worth going for manipulations with such an aggressive drug.

Regardless of which particular product will be used for cleansing, it must be remembered that much depends on the patient, especially on how the woman cared for her face. Proper preparation for the procedure, and, most importantly, following all the requirements during the post-peeling period will help your dream come true. Clean, blemish-free skin, the disappearance of defects that appear even through a layer of cosmetics, a youthful and fresh look - these are only some of the pleasant surprises that await a woman after a yellow cleansing.

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