What is the effect of water aerobics? How to do water aerobics for weight loss. Water aerobics - a set of simple exercises

Water is considered one of the main sources of healing for the human body. Today, water aerobics is considered the most effective sport for maintaining tone, overall health restoration and weight loss. Water aerobics is a set of exercises performed in the pool. This sport, as a rule, has no contraindications. There are no huge loads on the body, so the exercises are allowed for older people, patients with diseases of the veins, back and joints, and pregnant women.

Water exercises help reduce tension in nerve cells and strengthen the body as a whole. During water aerobics lessons, a so-called massage effect occurs, while lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles, as a result, after such classes there is no feeling of pain. By doing this sport, you can work out all areas of the body; in water, the spine is completely unloaded, and specially performed exercises allow you to correct your posture.

As you know, swimming in the pool itself has a huge positive effect on the spine. Due to the fact that during water aerobics all muscles are involved, this type sports is considered an excellent alternative simple workouts held in gyms. The enormous benefits of combining elements of fitness and swimming will be noticeable almost immediately after the first lessons.

One of the huge advantages of water aerobics is the low stress on the joints. This is very useful for people who are overweight, have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and are elderly. The risk of joint injury during water training is zero. Water aerobics is especially important for heart-healthy people; its benefit lies in the fact that in water, when playing sports, the heart has less stress than on land. Another advantage of water exercises is the improvement of the functioning of the heart muscles, the outflow of blood is activated and increased.

The water creates a massage effect that has a beneficial effect on the skin, it becomes firmer and more elastic. Water promotes the process of hardening the body, which in turn has a positive effect on the nervous system, appetite, increases efficiency, and eliminates the consequences of overwork and stress. Doing water aerobics does not create a feeling of fatigue, like after training in the gym. This is due to the low presence of lactic acid in the muscles after training. During standard exercises, an unpleasant burning sensation appears in all muscle areas. Water aerobics is also suitable for people who cannot swim, since all exercises do not take place deep in the water.

When starting to engage in any sport, it is worth remembering that depending on the individual characteristics of health and the body, there may be contraindications. Water aerobics is no exception, the benefits and contraindications of which should be taken into account. Basic precautions when engaging in water sports:

        People who have previously suffered a heart attack are not recommended to engage in water aerobics, as convulsive conditions may occur.

        For people with asthma, it is best to give preference to pools with shallow depths, where the water level will be waist-deep, as there may be increased pressure on the chest.

        People with ear diseases should use special cotton swabs when exercising in water; they will help prevent water from getting into their ears.

        In the event that there are problems with vascular insufficiency, the vestibular apparatus, as well as diseases of the neck and spine, it is recommended to choose shallow pools.

        For colds, classes should be held no longer than 40 minutes, the water temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees.

In addition, before starting water aerobics training, a preliminary recommendation from a doctor is required. After monitoring, the specialist will be able to correctly prescribe an individual training program, taking into account all possible complications. You cannot increase the load level on your own; exercises must be performed strictly under the supervision of a trainer.

For fast weight loss and a beautiful, toned body there is a well-known formula - exercise + a balanced diet. Water aerobics is considered the most effective form of fitness in the fight against excess weight. This water sport is characterized not only by a beneficial effect on the human body, but also significantly corrects the figure.

Many people have contraindications to exercise in gyms on treadmills. This primarily applies to people with an increased weight ratio. Due to increased physical activity and heavy weight, joint injury and overload of the heart muscles are possible. In addition, it is not advisable for people over 50 to actively engage in sports. There is an excellent alternative to working out in gyms: callanetics, yoga or Pilates. With these exercises you can achieve excellent results, but you won’t be able to lose a huge amount of extra pounds. Therefore, water aerobics is considered the best option for fast and safe weight loss.

The principle of losing weight with the help of water aerobics is that the body in the water experiences a completely different effect during training, in contrast to exercises carried out outdoors in gyms. As a result, high efficiency is observed, the figure becomes fit and slender. There is a buoyant effect in water, which reduces the load on the back, ligaments, and joints. Therefore, water aerobics for weight loss can be performed by people with weak musculoskeletal system. Exercises will not only help you lose excess weight, but will generally strengthen your body and increase your flexibility.

When doing water sports, there is a high resistance, due to which much more energy and strength is expended than during training on land. In an aquatic environment, the static tension of the body decreases, so force loads are not felt and are more easily tolerated. When performing exercises in the pool, the entire muscle group is in good shape; to perform movements in the water, it is necessary to overcome the resistance of the water surface. As a result, there is a consistent relaxation and tension of muscle groups, the consequence of which is a correctly formed and beautiful silhouette.

The main indicator for losing weight is temperature regime water in the pool. The body has to waste much more energy in cold water to constantly maintain body temperature. Therefore, unconscious weight loss occurs. The benefits of water aerobics for the figure also lie in the overall strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The flow of oxygen in the body increases, which acts as the main stimulator for the breakdown of fats, improves metabolism, and is eliminated from the body faster.

Water sports are especially useful for pregnant mothers. By performing specially selected exercises, there will be a load on all parts of the body, without having negative consequences for a child and a woman. Such exercises help pregnant women to constantly be in good shape, actively burn calories and lose excess weight.

In addition to the general improvement of the pregnant woman’s health, external results will be observed; water aerobics helps prepare the body for the birth process. Water aerobics for pregnant women has great benefits. Therefore, by doing water exercises, mothers will be able to get the following results:

        Constantly controlled weight, good shape;

        training correct breathing, which will be useful during childbirth;

        Strengthening the pelvic and abdominal muscles;

        Getting rid of stress and negative thoughts, as water perfectly relaxes;

        Improving blood circulation processes, preventing varicose veins, which many pregnant women are exposed to;

        Relieving stress from the spine;

        Prevention of stretch marks.

The benefits of water aerobics for the figure of pregnant women are not limited; they are especially important for those expectant mothers who have problems with edema. Presence in the body excess water leads to the formation of swelling of the limbs and face. Which, in turn, is unsightly and inconvenient; in addition, with increased swelling, there is a risk of deterioration in the baby’s health, blood pressure rises, and metabolic processes become more complicated. Water aerobics is recommended for those women whose baby is in the wrong position. Water exercises help the baby to find the right position; to do this, it is enough to complete at least a few exercises.

Pregnant women who regularly attend water aerobics endure the pregnancy period much easier, and childbirth is quick and painless. The expectant mother can start water sports training at any stage of pregnancy, the only thing is that up to 12 weeks, the loads should be controlled, they should be minimal. Physical activity becomes more active during the second trimester of pregnancy.

To ensure that water aerobics classes do not harm a pregnant woman and are successful, you should adhere to certain rules:

        If you have allergic reactions to chlorinated water, you need to choose pools with sea ​​water. Today, there are many swimming pools whose water is purified without chemical solutions, using modern technologies.

        The first water aerobics classes should begin with the most minimal loads, after consulting with a trainer. Loads should increase gradually.

        Lessons per week begin with a one-time visit to the pool, then you can increase training up to two times. You cannot take long breaks from your studies.

        If during water aerobics you experience discomfort or a feeling of fatigue, you need to rest immediately.

        It is best to eat food an hour before exercise; after training, a light snack consisting of fruit is allowed. You can drink water during exercise.

        A special swimsuit will be suitable for the exercises; it will be comfortable in movement.

As a rule, the duration of one lesson for a pregnant woman in the pool is no more than one hour and includes: initial warm-up, basic water aerobics exercises, stretching and breathing exercises. The main stage in water aerobics for pregnant women is considered aqua fitness, which consists of walking in the pool and exercises. Squats and leg rotations are also done.

Is one of the most affordable and useful species physical activity. Experts recommend doing water aerobics for almost everyone, regardless of age and health. This species will help improve health, as well as prevent and cope with many diseases.

What is water aerobics?
Water aerobics is gymnastics performed in water to rhythmic music. Classes are usually held in groups of up to 15 people. Depending on your health, age and level of physical fitness, exercises can be of varying degrees of difficulty and intensity. For water aerobics classes, additional equipment is often used - special belts, gloves, dumbbells, weights, aquasteps, soft floating sticks, and so on. Water aerobics can be practiced by people who cannot swim, as classes can be conducted in the shallow part of the pool.

The benefits of water aerobics.

  • It has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, strengthens it, and increases immunity.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation. Helps normalize blood pressure. Useful for varicose veins.
  • Water aerobics has a good effect on the respiratory system.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps cope with stress and insomnia, improves mood, and increases performance.
  • Water aerobics trains almost all muscle groups without exposing the body to the increased stress that a person often experiences when working out in the gym.
  • It has a great effect on joint mobility, while minimizing the risk of injury to joints and ligaments during exercise.
  • Water aerobics helps to form beautiful posture and is very beneficial for the spine.
  • Water aerobics exercises have a massage effect on the entire surface of the body.
  • Promote healthy weight loss and help get rid of cellulite.

Who is suitable for water aerobics?
Water aerobics is suitable for people of any age and any level of physical fitness. For this purpose, groups are created for different age categories, and different levels intensity of classes. Water aerobics is often prescribed to people with excess weight, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Some pools have treatment groups for water aerobics; the program of classes is specially selected for people with specific diseases.

Water aerobics for weight loss.
Water aerobics is a great way to lose weight. Weight loss occurs gradually, without causing negative impact on the body. At the same time, a person not only loses extra pounds, but also gains a toned figure and elastic skin. At the same time, the main condition for losing weight is regular exercise.

Water aerobics for pregnant women.
Many pools that offer water aerobics classes have groups for pregnant women. This type of physical activity is very useful for pregnant women, as it helps prepare the body for normal childbearing and childbirth. Water aerobics, on the one hand, helps to train muscles that experience increasing stress every day of pregnancy, and on the other hand, it helps relieve increased stress from the spine and muscles. Before starting water aerobics, a pregnant woman should undergo examination and consult with a doctor. Only after this the lesson program is selected.

Pcontraindications for water aerobics.
Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor, as water aerobics may be contraindicated for some diseases. This is especially true for people who have had a heart attack, heart attack or stroke, or who have illnesses internal organs and systems especially in the acute stage.

Have fun doing water aerobics and be healthy!

Everyone has heard about the benefits of water treatments and physical exercise. Their combination is called water aerobics and helps to achieve the most positive training results. Regular exercise helps strengthen the body, improve body shape and improve psycho-emotional state.

What is water aerobics

Today, water aerobics is understood as a set of rhythmic exercises performed while standing in the water to music. Overcoming the natural resistance of water, a person trains all muscle groups at once. At the same time, the supporting properties of water facilitate training and reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to this, classes are less stressful, without injuries and contribute to the uniform development of all muscles.

It’s difficult to say who invented water aerobics. Back in the days Ancient Rome Mayums were popular - mass games, the mandatory program of which included spectacular performances on the water. At the same time, we find descriptions of water training in handwritten scrolls of Ancient China, whose novice fighters practiced their strikes while standing in the water.

In our time, the idea of ​​performing physical exercises in water was perfected by Glen McWaters, an American track and field athlete. Having received a serious wound in the thigh during Vietnam War(1957 - 1975), the athlete developed his own training program to maintain physical fitness. This is how aquajogging appeared - a type of fitness reminiscent of water aerobics, during which a person’s feet should not touch the bottom of the pool.

What are the benefits of water aerobics?

The influence of water aerobics on the human body is comprehensive. With an average duration of one lesson of 40 - 50 minutes, you can achieve the following results.

  • Developing muscle endurance and strength, increasing their elasticity.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminating swelling and congestion in tissues.
  • Improving the general condition of the musculoskeletal system and preventing age-related diseases.
  • Posture correction.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Getting rid of extra pounds and normalizing weight.
  • Formation of the desired shape of the figure, smoothing out the appearance of cellulite.
  • Increasing skin tone and preventing signs of premature aging.
  • Hardening the body and strengthening its immunity.
  • Relieving muscle and emotional tension.
  • Neutralization of the negative effects of stress, strengthening nervous system.
  • Normalization of sleep.
  • Improving general well-being, mood, increasing performance.
  • Getting rid of complexes, uncertainty and increasing self-esteem.

In order to experience all the benefits of aquatic fitness, you need to exercise regularly - at least 2 - 3 times a week and not miss classes. The first tangible results will appear after just 1 workout. Visible changes in body contours and muscles - by the end of the first month of classes.

A big advantage during training will be adjusting your diet and avoiding bad habits- smoking, alcohol abuse. This will help achieve positive result much faster and easier.

Interesting to know! The main advantage of water aerobics over other types of fitness is that its classes are very pleasant and comfortable. During their implementation, lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles of the body, causing soreness - delayed muscle pain after physical activity. Therefore, the morning after training a person does not feel exhausted or overwhelmed. On the contrary, he is cheerful and full of strength.

Cons and contraindications

Regular water aerobics classes do not harm the body. The only disadvantage of training is chlorinated water, which pool visitors may encounter. The problem is that implementation modern methods and installations for high-quality water purification are quite expensive. And wanting to save money, the administration of a fitness club with a swimming pool can use the tired method of disinfection - chlorination. Chlorinated lime kills pathogens infectious diseases and disinfects water well, but at the same time it is harmful to humans. After regularly bathing in chlorinated water, he may encounter a number of unpleasant symptoms- dry and itchy skin; brittleness, stiffness and loss of shine of hair; exacerbation of allergies; the appearance of candidiasis (thrush). To avoid this, you should choose a swimming pool for your classes in which there is no chlorine in the water, or take measures to protect against its harmful effects - use a rubber cap to protect your hair and scalp, take a shower after classes, lubricate your body with nourishing, moisturizing products, strengthen your immunity.

Another disadvantage of aquatic fitness is its contraindications. The fact is that, despite the great benefits, water aerobics may not be allowed for everyone. The following conditions and diseases are relative contraindications to them.

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tendency to seizures.
  • Predisposition to heart attack.
  • Allergic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Osteochondrosis, accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
  • Serious spinal injuries.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to bleach.

It is important to know! Regardless of your health status, you should consult your doctor before starting classes. Visit the pool during periods of exacerbation of chronic illnesses, colds And high temperature bodies are prohibited.

Who is suitable for water aerobics classes?

The beauty of aquatic fitness is that people of any age and level of physical fitness can do it. People with the following conditions will especially benefit from training.

  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system and posture.
  • The period of rehabilitation after injuries, recovery of the body after illness.
  • Excess weight, signs of cellulite.
  • Previously suffered a stroke.
  • Pregnancy, restoration of the body and body after childbirth.
  • Varicose veins, swelling.
  • Signs of age-related aging of skin and muscles.
  • Private stress, depression, bad mood and sleep disorders.
  • Weakened immunity.

It is important to know! In addition to consulting with your physician, you should notify your water aerobics trainer about your medical condition. The instructor will select exercises and loads that meet the capabilities and needs of the body.

Is it possible to practice if you can't swim?

It is possible and necessary! Swimming skills are not required for aquatic fitness. During training, a person stands chest-deep in water, feeling the support of the bottom of the pool - nothing threatens his life. If necessary, he can exercise using inflatable armbands or a belt.

Is it possible for pregnant women to exercise?

Can! But only after consultation with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy. If the condition expectant mother does not cause concern, then regular exercise will help her maintain her muscles and skin in tone, which will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, training allows you to ease the load on the musculoskeletal system and normalize the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Thanks to them, you can get rid of swelling, improve vascular function, and relieve spasms in the lower back. A visit to the pool in the third trimester of pregnancy will help the baby take the correct position and prepare him for the future process of childbirth.

The effectiveness of water aerobics for weight loss

Water fitness classes promote weight loss. Their high efficiency is based on the natural and artificially created properties of water.

  • Resistance - to overcome it, all muscle groups will be involved, and it will be spent a large number of calories.
  • Massage movements of water stimulate muscles and skin, tone them, and speed up metabolic processes.
  • Water temperature is lower than body temperature - a difference of 6 - 10 0 C causes the body to expend more energy (calories) in order to warm up and feel comfortable.

Thus, a person loses weight not only under the influence of physical exercise, but also of water. At the same time, extra pounds disappear gradually - without stress for the body, which guarantees a stable long-term result, without re-gaining body weight.

By doing water aerobics, you can lose weight from 2 to 20 kg or more. In this case, everything depends only on the desire of the person, his efforts and discipline. To comply with the latter, training cannot be skipped - they must be regular, at least 3 - 4 times a week.

It is important to know! Extra pounds accumulate over months, or even years. Therefore, you should not expect very quick weight loss results. It will be noticeable no earlier than after 3 - 4 weeks of regular training. Over time, its manifestations will increase. And if you comply healthy image life (diet, physical exercise) the achieved result will remain for life.

Basic exercises for weight loss

For effective weight loss you can use the following set of exercises.

  • Warm up - for 5 - 10 minutes
  • “Rinsing hands” - turns the body in the water, with arms extended forward, overcoming the resistance of the water.
  • “Screw” - pressing your back against the side of the pool, you must turn from side to side with your knees bent or your legs straight.
  • “Scissors” - with emphasis on the side, you need to rhythmically cross your legs extended forward.
  • “Boxing” - intensively box with your hands while standing in water up to your neck level.
  • “Jumping” - you need to jump up out of the water (as far as possible), while simultaneously trying to straighten and bend your legs.
  • “Kicks” - an exercise similar to “boxing”, only done with the help of the legs.

Important! To achieve the desired result, each exercise is repeated 15 - 20 times. Perform at least two approaches, gradually increasing their number. At the end of the workout, relaxing exercises are recommended - leisurely swimming or simply smooth movements in the water with your arms, body and legs.

How many calories are burned during water aerobics?

In just 1 water aerobics session, a person can spend about 400 - 700 calories. This table clearly demonstrates calorie consumption depending on body weight.

Of course, these figures are approximate, since everything depends on the intensity of the workout, the individual characteristics of the body and metabolism. But they also give a clear idea that with the help of water fitness you can successfully lose weight and keep your body in excellent physical shape.

How do group water aerobics classes work?

Before starting classes, a beginner in aquatic fitness is assigned to a group whose participants have a similar level of physical fitness. There are three such groups.

  • Entry level - group members perform simple exercises for 30 - 40 minutes.
  • Intermediate level - a slightly complicated set of exercises, which are performed at a comfortable pace for 50 - 60 minutes.
  • Advanced level - a complex set of exercises performed almost without breaks for 60 minutes.

Important! If after 1-2 workouts you feel that you cannot cope with the load or, conversely, that it is not enough for you, then you should inform your trainer about this. The instructor will move you to another group that meets your fitness level. To achieve the desired result, you will be offered an effective set of exercises.

Exercises for legs, thighs and buttocks

This can be walking or running in place (or moving along the bottom of the pool). Various jumps, hops, leg swings and lunges. Exercise "Screw" and "Scissors".

Exercises for the waist and abdomen

These are various tilts and rotations of the body and (or hips). Good results are achieved by leg lifts and pulling bent knees towards the body.

Basic equipment for water aerobics

To increase the load on the muscles of the body, arms and legs, you can use various sports equipment for water fitness - noodles (flexible floating pole), aquadisk, modular aquastep, expander, ball, weights for arms (legs), special dumbbells and a barbell for water aerobics.

Important to remember! To avoid injury, ordinary sports equipment made of metal or wood should not be used for exercise. Also, when training with equipment, it is necessary to observe safety precautions - group members must maintain a comfortable distance for exercise.

For regular exercise, you will need an elastic swimsuit or swimming trunks (for men). It is also advisable to have a protective rubber cap. If you do not have swimming skills, you can use a special belt, arm sleeves or a vest. And in order to achieve the most positive effect from training, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations.

  • Do not convey before training - eat food approximately 1 - 1.5 hours before training.
  • After training, eat within the next 90 minutes - while the so-called “anabolic window” is open in the body. Despite the appetite that usually appears after water procedures, you should not overeat! It is better to give preference to dairy products, cereals, low-fat varieties meat, fish, nuts.
  • Before visiting the pool, you should definitely take a hygienic shower.
  • After visiting the pool, take a shower and lubricate your body skin with a nourishing product.
  • During training, you should drink enough fluid, depending on your own feeling of thirst. It's better to give preference mineral water still, freshly squeezed juices, green tea or homemade compotes.
  • During training, you should carefully monitor your well-being - if your condition worsens, you should stop exercising.
  • You cannot visit the pool if you are under the influence of alcohol or any other substance or if you are feeling generally unwell.
  • Any loads need to be dosed, their pace is increased gradually - you don’t need to push yourself to the point of overwork.
  • During the lesson, you must follow all the recommendations of the fitness trainer.

Try not to miss workouts - this will help you achieve your training goal.

Results and reviews

I have a sedentary lifestyle and Last year I realized that I just needed to do something urgently, otherwise the pain in my back and neck would finish me off. I decided that I needed to try water aerobics and I was not mistaken.
In fact, this is ordinary physical education with different movements, but in water, and it is very difficult to do them in the first lesson, after 10 minutes I was ready to fall powerless, but then I got a second wind and felt better. In fact, there is nothing particularly difficult, but the resistance of the water makes simple movements difficult, and besides, it’s difficult for me to stand on one leg; I always float up. It’s also incredibly difficult for me to handle some projectiles that weigh grams in the air, but simply float in the water, which makes it very difficult.
After the first lesson, my neck began to hurt less, after the second it became even easier and there was relief in my back. Unfortunately, if I miss a week of classes, the pain returns, but I think if I exercise thoroughly for a couple of months, the effect will be longer.

The lesson itself lasts about forty minutes, and time flies, according to my observations, very quickly. All classes are held in a dynamic mode and accompanied by music. First we do a warm-up. It includes walking, body turns and amplitude movements of the arms. Then comes the main dance part.
I go to water aerobics with great pleasure. I notice changes in both my figure and the condition of my skin. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic. In my opinion, water aerobics is the best remedy for cellulite.
The benefits of water aerobics include the good mood it gives. My feelings and impressions from the classes can easily be described in one word - delight.

I’ve always been on a diet for as long as I can remember)) and whatever I did to myself, I twirled hoops and did fitness... there were results... but then I got lazy and that’s it... I missed it once... then the second time... and let's go... SYSTEMATICITY IS A DEFINITE NEED!!! otherwise everything is useless.
One day in February I got into a conversation with a friend.. I hadn’t seen her for 3 months and I was stunned.. SHE HAS LOST WEIGHT.. and the person eats everything (unlike me). I started asking for a miracle recipe... IT TURNS OUT WATER AEROBICS! I refused for a long time.. I don’t want to.. I’m scared.. suddenly I’m the fattest, suddenly there are a lot of people.. I feel sorry for the money.. But I decided.. At the lesson there were 15-20 people, all aged from 45-56.. from those there are only three people under 26.. At the same time, our figures are clearly better than others.. I looked around.. I stopped being shy..

Everyone knows the benefits water has on the body: it relieves stress and tension, and heals the body. This is why swimming and also doing physical exercises in water are beneficial. Water aerobics – one of the relatively young, but very effective in terms of health and getting rid of extra pounds, areas of health-improving physical culture.

The most pleasant fact is that everyone can do water aerobics: both small children and older people.
In what cases can you do water aerobics on your own? What is benefits of water aerobics, we will talk about all this in this article.

What are the benefits of water aerobics?

As mentioned above, water aerobics has a healing effect on the entire body:

  • promotes good posture
  • relieves tension in the spine with osteochondrosis
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • strengthens the muscles of the entire skeleton
  • the body's defenses increase
  • relieves stress, nervous excitability, improves psycho-emotional state
  • promotes weight loss

One of the ways to develop good posture is to start doing water aerobics, since when performing exercises in conditions of water resistance, the skeletal muscles are strengthened, and it is easier for a person to keep his body straight. In water, as in in space, a person becomes almost weightless, so the spine is unloaded, and at the same time pain and tension in previously clamped muscles go away. Aerobic exercises in water strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, since both the lungs and heart function in easier conditions for them. The benefits of water aerobics affects people suffering from hypertension, as exercise reduces blood pressure levels high blood pressure and bring it back to normal. In addition, everyone knows that water has a hardening effect on the body, thereby making its contribution to strengthening the body’s defenses and increasing resistance to viruses and infections. Those who regularly engage in water aerobics feel calmer and more balanced after exercise, which is easily explained - the effect of water on the body balances the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. Therefore, a person feels “inspired” and renewed.

Why water aerobics is beneficial for older people

Water aerobics classes are very beneficial for older people. When performing exercises, the water pressure exerted on the body has a massaging effect, blood circulation and blood supply to all organs improves, the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system improves, which has a positive effect on the heart. Water relieves tension from the muscles, and the resistance provided by water has a gentle, positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. In addition, with intense exercise in water, weight loss occurs, which somehow relieves the joints and significantly improves overall well-being. That is why water aerobics is a useful, convenient, safe type of water activity for older people.

Water aerobics contraindications

However, there are contraindications to water aerobics: pre-infarction and post-infarction conditions, severe ischemic disease, individual intolerance to chlorine (when exercising in the pool), skin diseases.

Water aerobics for weight loss

Water aerobics will also help those who want to lose weight. When you start regular exercise, your weight first stabilizes. It stops increasing, and then slowly but surely it decreases. This is an important positive aspect of water activities, because rapid weight loss is harmful to health, especially in old age. Water aerobics perfectly solves this problem - the weight is lost gradually, and therefore safely. Not to mention the fact that having a fairly high load in the water, there is no stress on the joints, which would not be realistic when exercising in the gym. In order to achieve good results in terms of weight loss, you need to exercise in water 2 to 4 times a week for 40-45 minutes. Even just running in the water on the spot you will get results. And if you add water self-massage to this, the effect will increase! In this case, you don’t have to follow a certain diet, but of course you shouldn’t overeat. It is only important to follow the rules of eating: do not eat less than 1.5 hours before and after classes.

A set of exercises for water aerobics

No one probably doubts the fact that human health directly depends on the condition of the spine. For For the spine, exercises that involve the large muscles of the abdominals and back are very useful, because it is through them that the entire muscle corset is supported. You can do exercises in the water on your own; you don’t have to go to a water aerobics group to do this. In summer, this is much easier to do; any body of water that you can enter so that the water is up to your chest will do. It is important that the water temperature is comfortable for you, since you will not be able to exercise for a long time in cool water. Water should also not exceed 30 degrees.

Water aerobics - complex simple exercises
Exercise 1 – walking and running in place

You need to start the lesson by walking or running in place, vigorously moving your arms for 2-3 minutes. Running can be done in two ways: either by raising your hip high or by bending your shin back.

Exercise 2 - jumping

Make jumps in the water, moving left and right, forward and backward.

Exercise 3 – jumping on your feet

Jump in one place, first on one leg, then on the other and finally on both legs at the same time, without jumping out of the water.

Exercise 4 – jumping on your feet

Jump one time - feet together, two jumps - feet apart, while jumping up, also make energetic movements with your hands.

Exercise 5 – tuck jumps

Group up by jumping and lower your feet to the bottom, placing them apart.

Exercise 6 – swings

First swing with one leg back and forth, sideways and back, diagonally. Then do the same movements with the other leg.

Exercise 7 - lunges

Do lunges with your arms bent at the elbows and then with your arms straight.

Exercise 8 – lunge swings

Swing from a forward lunge position with your leg straight and bent.

Exercise 9 – water massage

Massage your lower leg with quick movements, then your thigh and stomach. This massage helps to get rid of fat in problem areas and the disappearance of cellulite.

Exercise 10 – stretching

The hand slides down the side of the body - stretch along with the hand. Then do the same with the other hand. Make a wave-like movement with your whole body.

Don't miss this opportunity and spend more active days while in the water - get benefits of water aerobics. This will allow you to strengthen and temper your body, significantly improve your well-being and mood.

All human life is closely connected with water from the moment of conception. This craving for life-giving moisture remains with him throughout his life. Therefore, a whole system of exercises related to water was developed and helps in cases where other workouts are powerless. It's called water aerobics.

The benefits of water aerobics

Classes using this system are held in the swimming pool. At the same time, the instructor stands at the side and shows all the exercises to the students on land. Using water you can adjust the level of difficulty - if you want to increase the load, just go deeper.

You can do water aerobics at any age, but you don’t have to know how to swim. For such people, there are special devices that help prevent drowning and keep the body in one place. Water aerobics is especially useful for older people. Indeed, due to poor health in old age, serious exercise is already contraindicated. And water relieves stress from joints and loads muscles.

Water aerobics is also beneficial for people with heart problems. Exercises using this system actively stimulate blood circulation due to the specific massage effect of water. For the same reason, it is useful to do water aerobics for varicose veins.

The relaxation that a person receives as a result of water aerobics is highly recommended for maintaining the nervous system. In addition, these activities are great for relieving stress.

Even active water aerobics does not allow lactic acid to be deposited in the muscles. Therefore, you will not feel muscle pain after training.

Contraindications for water aerobics

As you can see, the benefits of water aerbics are obvious. But at the same time, like any thing, water aerobics also has its harmful sides. In particular, not everyone can study using this system.

What cases are contraindicated:

  • You should not do these exercises if you have any diseases of the female genital area. In addition, cool pool water can cause cystitis.
  • It is harmful to do water aerobics for patients with bronchial asthma. The chlorine contained in the water has a bad effect on breathing, and the water compresses the chest.
  • If you are prone to seizures and have had a heart attack in the recent past, you should also not do water aerobics.
  • If you suffer from osteochondrosis, then exercising in water can lead to nausea and dizziness.
  • If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should engage in such exercises with caution.
  • Children should not engage in aerobics - this can provoke the development of allergies, lung disease, and asthma.

Water aerobics for pregnant women

In water they bring great benefits to expectant mothers. Such exercises strengthen almost all the muscles of the body, tone the skin, which very well prevents the formation of stretch marks. As a result of classes, you can significantly improve your mood and accumulated extra pounds. After all, many women continue to follow the instructions of their grandmothers and eat “for two”, quickly accumulating excess fat. Water aerobics will help you get rid of accumulated weight.

At first, many women doubt their abilities and do not believe that they can perform complex exercises. But do not forget that water reduces the load and many exercises become accessible. With each session, the body becomes more and more trained. Soon you will be able to easily perform any suggested exercise.

With such physical activity, you will be able to strengthen those muscle groups that are very necessary during childbirth. These are the muscles of the peritoneum, perineum and. During training, it improves blood circulation, digestion, muscles relax and their oxygen supply improves.

Water aerobics for weight loss

For people who are forced, water aerobics brings invaluable benefits. Water significantly relieves stress from the joints and spine. Being in constant motion, water environment affects your body. As a result, you do not experience any discomfort the next day, since lactic acid does not stagnate in the muscles.

Cool water gradually hardens your body and tones your skin. As a result of a water massage, the skin is smoothed and blood circulation improves. Exercising in water is suitable for those who want to burn fat deposits without building up excessive muscle.

In addition, exercise in water removes the psychological barrier and neutralizes complexes. In the water you cannot see your body and you cannot see how you move. Therefore, you feel free and can fully concentrate on the exercise. As a result, in just 60 minutes of training you can get rid of 700 extra calories.

Results from water aerobics

Many girls who dreamed of losing weight and did not get any noticeable results with other methods received excellent results from water aerobics. Moreover, the result came literally after several training sessions. Almost everyone notes that classes are held in an excellent emotional atmosphere, with a good mood. In addition, almost all girls note that water aerobics is much easier to do than other types of physical activity.

Water aerobics: video

In conclusion, watch a short video about how water aerobics classes take place.

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