Professions of people related to bread production. Methodological development on the topic: baker profession. Bread is the head of everything! Important personal qualities

Only men are trusted to shovel bread

When buying bread and bakery products in a store, few people think about how and by whom they were made. Perhaps because many are sure: now only machines work in bakeries, and people are assigned the role of an outside, albeit very attentive, observer. Indeed, this often happens. However, there are products where direct human participation is necessary. Having worked in workshop No. 5 of the Irkutsk Bread Factory CJSC, the journalist learned from her own experience how difficult it is to get our daily bread, and at the same time learned how in demand a good baker is these days.

Borodino epic

As experts say, a baker is a profession that if you like it right away, you will like it forever. At the same time, this is hard and responsible work, so not everyone can master this craft. This requires a calling, and random people, as a rule, immediately leave here.

We were lucky not only to look into the very heart of this profession, bread production - from preparing dough to packaging and sending to retail outlets - but also to take an active part in the production process.

Workshop No. 5 of CJSC Irkutsk Bread Factory is located in Irkutsk II at the address: Krasny Put, 96. It is here that we came to develop new profession. The workshop has been busy since the morning. Day shift takes over night work. They begin to knead the dough, and put the finished dough into molds. There are four teams working in the workshop: bakers, bakers, crouton makers, breadsticks and small-piece products. Each has its own specifics of work.

In the bakery department, where we first decided to try our hand at it, we were already busy preparing Borodino bread. These products of the KaSeS brand are well known to Irkutsk residents. The choux pastry is already ready, and the first thing is to divide it into portions. Each is weighed and placed in small molds designed specifically for this type of product.

You need to press it like this, smooth it out, give it a smooth shape. Now lay it down and sprinkle a little coriander on top. Everything is ready, now just go to the oven.

In the hands of Lyudmila, a worker in workshop No. 5, the dough quickly and easily turns into a product familiar to every consumer. My attempts to repeat the same process turn out to be long and inept.

It’s okay, it always happens the first time. You need dexterity, you’ll learn quickly, “colleagues” reassure.

The finished molds are folded onto sheets and mounted on pins, the name given to the large wheeled structures that guide the raw product into the hot ovens.

While one group prepares the bread, the second starts making buns. The quantity of products here depends on the batch, and this, in turn, depends on the application. The chief technologist oversees the preparation of the dough. Everything is taken into account: recipe, consistency, proportions and much more.

Recipes are born in the laboratory of the Irkutsk bakery. The necessary analyzes on raw materials and finished products are also carried out here. By the way, there are 17 people working in the laboratory - a very large staff. All employees have a special higher or special technical education, and the laboratory itself is equipped with modern equipment. It is clear that this is a serious guarantee of the quality of products manufactured under the KaSeS brand. According to Valentina Nesteruk, head of the production and technological laboratory of Irkutsk Bread Factory CJSC, new products appear here two to three times a month.

Austrian buns

At this time, in the neighboring brigade, everything is ready for making croutons.

They are similar to kirieshki, but only larger breads. This is not an acquired taste, but they are in demand, they explain to me. - We have several types of them: with sour cream and dill, as well as with cheese, mushrooms, garlic...

We were not allowed near the equipment with which whole loaves of bread are divided into small pieces. The knives installed in the machine are very sharp and must be handled with extreme caution. All workers undergo safety training before starting work; without this, they are not allowed to access the equipment.

Last year, CJSC Irkutsk Bread Factory began producing new products under the KaSeS brand - Austrian buns. Here they are produced in several names: “Kaiser”, “Baby”, “Turtle”, etc. special equipment The dough is prepared, and with the help of a computer control system it goes through several technological stages. As a result, small buns are born. The workshop workers just have to add various ingredients required by the recipe. According to Marina Gaifulina, director of workshop No. 5 of Irkutsk Bread Factory CJSC, German, Turkish and Austrian equipment is installed here. The workshop is periodically updated with new equipment, new technologies are developed.

By the way, many disabled people work in this workshop. Thus, the bakery provides employment and social rehabilitation for this, perhaps, the most vulnerable category of the population. Moreover, according to the management of the enterprise, the bakery is ready to hire several more disabled people.

Steam for gloss and volume

The plant's workforce consists mainly of women. Only one brigade is entirely male. These are bakers. They are the ones who cut the usual notches on the loaves, which are their indispensable attribute. The men place the finished products on a loading belt in hot ovens and supply steam, thanks to which the loaves acquire a beautiful, appetizing gloss and gain the required volume. Bakers take out the piping hot, golden-crusted buns with special shovels. You can get six loaves out at a time. Women cannot do such work, so these properties belong only to men.

I like it, I've been working here for seven years. The work is, of course, hard, but we are already used to it. The main thing is dexterity,” says Alexander, the baker of workshop No. 5. All day long the work process goes on in the workshop, which continues at night when the next shift arrives. Bakers have the most workload.

We produce 4-4.5 tons per day bakery products. Bread “Narodny”, “Borodino”, and rye “Diabetic” are in particular demand. Most of all we produce bakery products,” says Marina Gaifulina.

Revival of the profession

Maria Likhova worked at the plant for 40 years and is now retired.

I was transferred here in 1972, before that I worked at other enterprises where they produced bread for military units: kalach “Tarasovsky”, first grade bread. There I worked as a process engineer. Here she took up the position of director,” says Maria Ivanovna. - They produced a lot: 2 tons of crackers, 4 tons of lamb, poppy seeds, tea, a Donskoy bagel, vanilla. 130 people worked. Young children also worked for us - in the summer, during the holidays, they packed crackers.

The veteran remembers economic reforms without joy. Production began to fall, and at one time it seemed that the enterprise would not survive. But thanks to competent management, the workshop was saved.

Baking is one of the oldest crafts. Since ancient times, bakers have enjoyed special respect and veneration. In Germany, the profession of baker is passed down from generation to generation; entire dynasties of bakers live here. All over Europe there are bakeries, croissants and other similar establishments.

In our country, over the past decades, baking has been mainly carried out at state-owned enterprises. Those baking traditions that existed in pre-revolutionary Russia, were lost. Now in the country the process is underway the formation of a new baking elite, which has already begun to create new baking traditions.

This gives reason to confidently declare the revival of the prestige of the baker profession and its good prospects. Since ancient times, bread has been a truly popular and most sought-after product. Accordingly, people who can make bread tasty and of high quality will always be in price.

Industrial preparation of bread and bakery products

The production process of bread and bakery products at all bakeries is the same, only the type, quality and quantity of components included in the dough change.

The main ingredients for making bread are flour, water, yeast, and salt. Much depends on their quality and percentage the nutritional value of bread.

Depending on the type of baked goods, various dough additives are used: sugar, fats, milk and its products, eggs and egg products (melange, powder), raisins, poppy seeds, candied fruits, vanillin, cinnamon, etc.

First, the raw materials are prepared: the flour is sifted, the water is heated, the yeast is activated, salt and sugar are dissolved and filtered, and the fats are melted. Then everything is dosed.

Preparation wheat bread consists of the following basic operations: kneading the dough (from flour, water, yeast) - fermenting the dough - kneading the dough on the dough (with the addition of salt, sugar, fats) - fermenting the dough - kneading the dough and checking its readiness - cutting the dough - molding products - proofing dough pieces - baking bread. The finished bread is placed on trays.

Machines for preparing bakery products

The production of bakery products in bakeries and confectionery factories is carried out using high-performance machines and various mechanisms that facilitate the work of workers, improve the quality of products and increase the productivity of workers.

There are various dough mixing machines: for kneading stiff dough used for making dumplings, dumplings, chebureks, homemade noodles; for kneading and yeast-free, for preparing puff pastry.

The picture below shows a machine for making choux pastry and fudge.

1 - mixer,
2 - boiler,
3 - stirrer,
4 - electrical panel.

Beaters and mechanisms are used to whip creams and biscuits. The dough is rolled out using dough sheeters.

The figure below shows mechanisms for sifting flour, starch, granulated sugar, salt; for whipping creams.

a - sifter,
b - beater.

In production there are many different machines and mechanisms that facilitate labor and improve the quality of products.

Professions of workers in a bakery, bakery, confectionery factory


At biscuit factories, the technological process of manufacturing biscuits, high-grade cookies, gingerbread and baked goods is carried out on units and mechanized production lines. He must know the recipe and technology for preparing biscuits, gingerbreads, pastries, creams, fillings; methods for determining the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.


In confectionery factories or in special bakery workshops, he produces cakes, pastries, muffins, and rolls. He must know the types of products, raw materials, types of flour and its properties; recipes and modes of preparation of confectionery products, methods of finishing finished products; be able to maintain equipment.


At bakeries and bakeries bakes bread, bakery and confectionery products in ovens of various systems. Calculates the amount of raw materials and product yield rates. Must know the technological process of production of bread, bakery and confectionery products; methods for determining the readiness of dough for baking and the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products; requirements for all types of bread and bakery products; stove maintenance rules.


Using dough mixing machines and dough preparation units at bakeries, he prepares dough according to a specific recipe for baking baked goods, bagels, and crackers. Must know: varieties and properties of flour and other raw materials; recipe and technological process for preparing various types of dough, dough; methods for assessing the quality and determining the readiness of raw materials and dough; equipment maintenance rules.

Questions and assignment

  1. What is bread dough made from?
  2. Tell us about the production process of making bread.
  3. What bakery products are baked in your city or region?
  4. What profession does a worker bake bread? What is his job?

“Service labor”, S.I. Stolyarova, L.V. Domnenkova

Bakery production engineer controls technological processes, ensuring uninterrupted production of a high-quality product. He spends most of his time on the move, most often works in shifts, and has a wide range of powers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

A process engineer working in the field in question is a technical specialist who carries out quality control at all stages. He checks the raw materials, monitors compliance with GOSTs and other established standards, analyzes the quantity of good products, develops methods aimed at reducing total share marriage.

Process engineers are in demand at all enterprises where flour and products made from it are used to create products. These are companies producing pasta, bakery products and others. To work in the segment under consideration you need to obtain higher education and undergo practical training.

Features of the profession

The profession in question is quite interesting, because process engineers not only monitor quality, but also create technological maps, introduction of modern equipment. They must have a good understanding of chemistry and microbiology, and constantly refresh their knowledge regarding equipment and production processes. The main responsibilities of this employee include:

  • studying new technologies, developing recommendations and their subsequent implementation into production;
  • work in a group developing new recipes;
  • reduction of costs for the manufacturing company, but without loss of quality;
  • marriage prevention;
  • development of plans necessary for arranging equipment and placing workers in the workshop;
  • working with programs aimed at improving products;
  • consideration of complaints about products received from consumers;
  • interaction with workers: safety precautions, qualifications, sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • interaction with management and inspection authorities;
  • stopping production when low-quality raw materials are detected or until the cause of the defect is identified;
  • making recommendations regarding expanding the range, as well as increasing consumer interest.

A process engineer working in bakery production is required to keep trade secrets. This specialist is a person who is fully responsible for the area entrusted to him - from products to providing comfortable workplaces. He receives an average salary, but prospects for industrial training and advanced training open up before him.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. It’s easy to get an education; there are specialized universities in many Russian cities.
  2. Inexperienced specialists who have received diplomas as industrial engineers are gladly hired.
  3. Stability and official employment.
  4. The profession is important, because without process engineers it is impossible to produce the most valuable product - bread.
  5. Business trips to other regions, visits to production branches, which helps improve skills.


  1. Working with flour and other ingredients used to make bread is unsafe. After 40 years, a technologist may encounter chronic diseases, the first of which is asthma.
  2. Constant nervous tension, because this employee interacts with staff, management, suppliers and the end consumer.
  3. Inconvenient work schedule a large number of night shifts.
  4. Low wages.

Important personal qualities

An experienced process engineer is distinguished by communication skills, integrity, and competence. He knows how to find mutual language With different groups employees. When communicating with management, he uses the gift of persuasion; if necessary, he can be a tough and persistent person. The work requires flexible logical thinking and deep professional knowledge. What is important is the desire to constantly learn, the ability to think broadly and outside the box.

Training to become a bakery production engineer

A specialist who wants to work in the bread production industry must receive an education at an agricultural or any other specialized university. Today in the Russian Federation there are a sufficient number of higher educational institutions open that give students the opportunity to master this specialty.

Before entering, you need to concentrate on studying the subjects in which you will have to take the Unified State Exam. To pass exams you need deep knowledge in physics and chemistry (at the university's choice), as well as mathematics and Russian, the latter is required for all applicants. The profession is not taught in courses, but they can be a good additional source of knowledge.

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At educational institution technologist courses open food production, which can become the first step towards obtaining basic vocational education. Attending the courses will allow you to better learn the specifics of working in food enterprises; the duration of the classes is 1.5 months. Students will learn to calculate raw material standards, learn more about product quality, and the features of working with documentation. The course is divided into theoretical and practical parts and will be of interest to people who are just choosing a profession.

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A technician who has chosen to work in a bakery production has the opportunity to improve his qualification category every 3 years - from category III to category I. The next step is the position of process engineer.

Professional knowledge

  1. Chemistry, microbiology, mathematics.
  2. Rules for organizing production document flow.
  3. Technologies for storage and preparation of raw materials.
  4. Stages and rules for the production of bakery products.
  5. Quality control - from raw materials to customer feedback.
  6. Causes of marriage and methods for eliminating them.
  7. Safety precautions, GOST standards.
  8. Methods for studying raw materials, increasing the efficiency of the entrusted area.
  9. Workshop management skills.
  10. Rules for placement, improvement of production lines.

Scheme technological process Bread production includes the following main stages:
Reception and storage of raw materials;
Preparation of raw materials for production;
Dosing of components;
Preparation of dough;
Cutting the dough;
Baking bread;
storage and release of bread;
A number of auxiliary operations;
Preparing flour
Flour is supplied to the silo-sifting department for production by aerosol transport. The sifted flour from the sifters is fed into a bunker above the scales, weighed automatically by portion scales and then transported through a pipeline to production bunkers from which it is fed by feed augers to the dough mixing machines of the dough preparation units and flour dispensers.
Reception and storage of main and additional raw materials
Salt is delivered by dump trucks or in bags and unloaded into a metal or other container; sugar solution, liquid yeast, milk, whey, fats are delivered in tanks and transferred to the warehouse container. Perishable raw materials are stored in refrigerators.
Dosing and transport of components
For the preparation of dough and semi-finished products, dough is supplied to dough mixing machines and devices. different kinds raw materials provided for in the recipe for making bread. Solutions are pumped into intermediate supply tanks, from which they are supplied to dispensers.
Preparing the dough
The dough is prepared in the dough preparation department, where the stages of dough kneading, dough fermentation or sourdough, and dough kneading pass in succession.
Cutting the dough
The prepared dough enters the receiving hopper, from which it is fed into the funnel of the long-lasting machine. Dough pieces from wheat dough after the divider enter the rounder, which gives them a spherical shape, then onto a conveyor or container pre-proofing cabinet (for 3-5 minutes); after which the dough goes into a seaming machine, which gives it the shape of a loaf, rolls, etc.
Baking bread
Produced in furnaces of various designs. These ovens are equipped with automatic dough planters and mechanisms for unloading bread. Finished bakery products are fed through conveyors to circulation conveyors, from which the products are placed into trays and containers.
Bread storage
The baked product arrives in containers via floor chain conveyors to bread storage facilities, from there on an expedition for shipment to stores.
The bakery bakes various types of bread and bakery products: Stolichny tin bread, Podmoskovny tin bread, Wheat tin bread, Mustard tin bread; city ​​roll, butter cone, milk loaf, sliced ​​loaf.
Bakery professions:
Presser of semi-finished pasta products
Dough former and bakery stacker
Bakery production technologist.

In order to become more familiar with the technique of baking bread, my dad and I went to the Ryabinushka bakery.

Bread is produced here from rye-wheat flour, from wheat flour premium, health-improving types of bread, sweet baked goods and confectionery products. IN confectionery shop cookies, muffins, buns and medicinal types of bread are baked.

Almost all work here is done by hand. In his workshops, everything is made by human hands. Hard-working hands, skillful, fast! In just one day and one night they manage to bake

bread for the whole city. And what path does the bread take until it gets to the store counter? Who is involved in this? We also asked the guys about this.

The video allowed us to introduce the children to the work of the bakery.

The diagram “Stages of the bread route” clearly shows what idea children have about how long the path of bread to the store counter is. (see appendix, diagram 5.)

Packaged products are stored longer, do not go stale, and their unique taste and aroma are preserved. A label is affixed to packaged products. It contains all the necessary information about the product: name, manufacturer and address, composition, nutritional value, vitamin content, weight of the product, date of manufacture, terms and conditions of storage.

CONCLUSIONS. The production of white bread is fully automated. It includes a number of stages: quick kneading of the dough - dividing into “sausages” - turning them into “koloboks” - preliminary proofing in the oven - shaping and cutting strips to release carbon dioxide

gas - three-stage baking in an oven. The loaves are then placed by hand, cooled and packaged by machine.

A lot of manual labor is used to produce black bread. First of all, the starter is prepared. The following stages follow: automatic kneading of the dough - semi-automatic molding - preliminary proofing in the oven - manually moving the dough into the oven - baking - manual laying of the finished bread. In addition, brown bread takes longer to bake than white bread. The buns are made by hand and baked in a special oven.

The guys learned about all this from Danila’s story and video recording.

Professions and bread

Another important stage of our work was to learn about the professions that are necessary to make our bread tasty and healthy.

Many people from various professions are involved in the making of bread and its appearance on our table. First of all, the profession of BAKER is associated with bread. Since the time man learned to bake bread, the technology of its production has changed significantly, but the profession of a baker still remains respected and in demand. The baker bakes various types of bread and semi-finished products for confectionery.

In large enterprises, dough production is carried out special person- TEST PRODUCER. He prepares dough from flour strictly according to technology, controls dough mixing units, and determines the degree of readiness of the dough and dough.

The FORMER helps give the dough the shape of our usual bread loaves, loaves and rolls. Since the production of white bread is often automated, the molder is usually engaged in the production of black bread (see Appendix, Fig. 3).

Bread needs to be prepared for easy transportation from the bakery to shops and canteens. Therefore, the finished products are sent for stacking. The STACKER rejects substandard products and puts quality products into trays.

For the convenience of customers and compliance with all storage requirements for bakery products, products go through the packaging stage. A long shelf life is achieved, compliance with all sanitary standards, protection of products from environmental influences. The PACKER places ready-made plastic packaging, sticks a label on it with information about the product: name, manufacturer and its address, composition, shelf life and conditions, weight of the product, etc.

But even before the bakery it begins important work many professionals. AGRONOMIST selects suitable crops for sowing, taking into account environmental and geographical features terrain. He monitors the growth and development of plants, provides nutrition and plant protection. The agronomist plans when to sow and harvest crops and manages other workers in the fields. They can be a tractor driver and a combine operator. TRACTOR OPERATOR - a tractor driver who plows and performs other types of work preparing, sowing and growing wheat and rye. COMBINEER - driver of a complex agricultural machine - a combine. He participates in the grain harvest.

Currently, the DRIVER is helping to transport flour and other products necessary for making bread to the bakery. In addition, it is the driver who delivers the finished bread to shops, market stalls and other places.

Bakers usually say that they were inspired to choose this profession by the smell of freshly baked bread, familiar from childhood. For many, this profession becomes hereditary. Bakers and representatives of other bread-related professions are distinguished by love and interest in their work, and a sense of its importance. After all, fresh and tasty bread on the table is joy and comfort in every home.

And during the Second World War, bread was given out on ration cards. How expensive these cards were! Losing them is a tragedy, fear that there will be no more bread and you will die of starvation! The cruel enemy, having captured our lands, starved the people to break and defeat us.

The bread quota for a worker per day was only 250 grams, for children and employees 125 grams. (see Appendix, Fig. 4)

The bread of 1941 included coarse rye flour, oatmeal, malt, sunflower seed cake with pieces of peel.

And that’s why the bread that you and I are eating now is delicious, wonderful and very useful product. And eat it for your health!

I remember bread, military, bitter, It was almost entirely made from quinoa. In every crumb of it, in every crust there was the bitter taste of human misfortune. (A. Morozov)

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