Unified State Examination in History: reviewing assignments with the teacher. Texts on history, the reign of Ivan the Terrible History of the Unified State Exam part with

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in history becomes more effective not only with a thorough study of the material, but also with preliminary familiarization with typical tests and tasks of Part C. This section of the site will help future graduates understand the structure of Unified State Exam tasks and prepare an algorithm for solving the most difficult points of the exam. Part C requires a free written answer, which is quite difficult for students. The Unified State Exam format includes questions on the most important periods of Russian history - each task has an assigned scientific field. That is why a student who is familiar with several test options in advance is able to complete exam tasks correctly.

  • - Most often in part A there are questions about key dates of the national and world history, about the main provisions of the most important historical documents and about the general orientation of social movements. Almost all questions relate to the history of the twentieth century.
  • - Abstracts of answers to assignments at level P-7 in history are presented. To get a high score during the exam, you need to take these theses as a basis and, on their basis, compose a detailed account of events and justify your own attitude towards them.
  • - Working with tasks at level C-6 assumes that the examinee will not only describe the actual course of events, but also explain what options for action existed and why this particular scenario of action was chosen from a variety of possibilities.
  • - Questions from part C-5 require concise answers containing a comparison of two historical phenomena. For the convenience of preparing the applicant, the answers are presented in the form of tables, but during the exam itself the answer should be given in the form of a coherent text.
  • - Questions from section C-4 require short answers. The applicant must list character traits social movement, the results of a historical event, the parties that formed the government, etc. Answers must be clear and comprehensive.

1)_________ 2)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2.1Specify an object

characteristics this object

2.3Indicate how much examples


examples have taken place

What other wording

Development of Siberia;

The struggle for access to the seas;

1.Example: Name

2.Name causes(at least three).


other estimates Do you think most convincing? Bring no less three facts, provisions, which argue your chosen point of view.

"cold war"


Execution algorithm C5

2.1. Specify

first stage of work).

second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how much arguments

third stage of work).



"historical situation".

Vocabulary task C6


signs (attributes) situations more or

Execution algorithm C6

attribution of the situation).

first stage of work).

second stage of work).

Specify at least two reasons. IN Bring at least three judgments.

Give two reasons why 1237-1240- hikes Batu Novgorod Novgorod the Mongols did not capture, but tribute to the Horde its residents paid

1) _____ 2) _____ 3 )_______


1)____2) ____ 3)____4)___

Name I? Bring at least three provisions.

Reference diagram

Specify two reasons for the defeat in Saint-

speeches of the Decembrists: Petersburg - defeat- What is its impact?

1)____2) ____ 3) ____

Decembrist movement 2) _____ 3)_____



Lead differences:

Execution algorithm C7

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:


Start implementation steam engines -completion - hard rehabilitation

Compare And in 1929-1933 Please indicate what happened general various(at least three differences).

Compare Please indicate what happened general various(at least three differences).

Compare Please indicate what happened generalvarious(at least three differences).


Algorithm for solving part C tasks on the history of the Unified State Exam.

Task C4 is the systematization of the material, the presentation of general characteristics.


The introductory presentation of tasks of this type indicates that they involve systematization of the material and presentation of general characteristics. Ideally, the reception of a general (generalizing) characteristic includes: a brief listing of essential features, cause-and-effect relationships, historical significance facts, as well as an indication of the events that determined this or that historical phenomenon or process. Such a generalization is made on the basis of (1) analysis and (2) evaluation of the relevant blocks of information, (3) highlighting the main, essential elements in them, (4) presentation analytical material in a certain logic (systematization), (5) concretization with historical examples.

A. Name the main tasks that were solved in Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. (specify at least two tasks). Give examples of wars, campaigns and expeditions of the 17th century that were undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

This task consists of two parts:

1) theoretical - it is required to name/indicate tasks, problems, directions, causes, etc., that is, provisions accepted in historical science regarding certain facts of the Russian past;

2) factual - it is required to give examples of popular uprisings, economic achievements, socio-political reforms, military campaigns, etc., which can illustrate the above judgments.

The basic diagram of this type of logical tasks can be presented as follows:

Basic diagram. C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.

The main technique, its components. Characteristic object

Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1)_________ 2)___________

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1) _________2)_________ 3)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1Specify an object generalizing characteristics ( foreign policy, directions of reforms, problems (difficulties, Negative consequences) and its specific features: time, place, personalities.

2.2Indicate what and in what quantity is required to be named for characteristics this object (first stage of work, theoretical).

2.3Indicate how much examples must be given to illustrate the content of the characterized object (second stage of work, factual).

3.Remember what you know about this question, or try to collect the answer from the clues in the task itself.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

4.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “name...”. It is possible that you indicated the same characteristics, just in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it.

4.2. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give examples...”. It is possible that you named other facts not listed in the answer template. Check if yours is valid examples have taken place in the historical period specified in the assignment or characterized it from the perspective specified in the assignment (achievements/problems, domestic policy/foreign policy, etc.). “The examples should specify precisely those generalized characteristics and directions that are formulated in the first part of the assignment.”

4.3. Wording of answers in the paragraph “name...”. Try to formulate directions (tasks, problems, etc.) in general terms, without detailing seas, lands, names, actions, etc., in order to convey only the essence of the object you are characterizing.

4.4.Formulation of examples. Please note that in this case, on the contrary, an optimally specific answer is encouraged: date, name of the fact-event, main actor, summary of the reform, etc. - and listing the facts in chronological order.

C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1. Return of territories lost during the Time of Troubles.

2. Achieving access to the Baltic and Black Seas.

3. Further advance to the East.

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1. Smolensk War 1632-1634.

  1. Russian-Polish War 1654-1667
  2. Russian-Turkish War 1676-1681

4. Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn 1687-1689

  1. Expeditions of Russian pioneers to Eastern Siberia and the Far East (S.I. Dezhnev, E.P. Khabarov, V.D. Poyarkov, etc.).

What other wording directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Can high school students suggest without distorting the meaning of assignment C4?

Colonization of the eastern territories;

Discovery and development of new lands;

Development of Siberia;

The struggle for access to the seas;

1.Example: Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in Russia during the reign of Alexander I. Give at least three examples the most important transformations related to one of these areas.

2.Name at least three popular uprisings that occurred in the 18th century, and causes(at least three).

Task C5 - analysis historical versions and ratings. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Many Western historians believe Soviet Union responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War in the second half of the 1940s. Which other estimates Do you know the reasons for the Cold War? Which of the estimates Do you think most convincing? Bring no less three facts, provisions, which argue your chosen point of view.

Basic diagram. C5 - Analysis of historical versions and estimates

The main technique, its components. Discussion problem

Give other assessments of the reasons “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War?

"cold war"

1. West: USSR 2.........................? 3..................... ?

Choose an assessment that is convincing to you

Provide three facts and provisions to justify your choice:


Execution algorithm C5

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Specify problem of discussion (problematic issue), if possible, specify its features: time of discussion, participants, key concepts (“ cold war", "Great Reforms", "NEP", etc.).

2.2.Check the accuracy of the formulated problem in the cross-examination of the first question C7.

2.3. Briefly formulate the point of view on the problem of discussion given in the conditions of task C5: the protagonists (supporters), the essence of their positions.

2.4.Indicate how many other points of view need to be cited (1 or 2) on this issue.

2.5.By analogy, formulate another (two other) point of view ( first stage of work).

2.6. Analyze the variable versions and select one of them to justify the diagram; underline the desired version or indicate with an arrow - second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how much arguments it is required to provide an argument for the chosen point of view.

2.8.Formulate provisions justifying the chosen point of view ( third stage of work).

3. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

3.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “other versions alternative to the one given in the task” It is possible that you indicated the same provisions, only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the discussion problem indicated in it.

3.2. The presence in your answer of a clear indication of the point of view chosen for argumentation.

3.3. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give arguments...”. It is possible that you gave other reasons not listed in the answer template. Check if all your arguments really apply to given point of view, convincingly defend it, and are connected with it by objective cause-and-effect relationships.

3.4. Wording of answers in the paragraph “other versions...”. Try to formulate other versions briefly, laconically (the supporter is the essence of the idea), without explaining the reasons or similar judgments, without evaluating the latter.

3.5.Formulation of arguments. They are formulated in the form of simple, detailed sentences:

a) based on a generalization of the totality of specific historical events, indicating the consequences arising from them (“The refusal of the USSR and, under its pressure, countries of Eastern Europe from the adoption of the Marshall Plan further deepened the confrontation between the two states”;

b) in the form of trends characteristic of the policies/activities of the parties from the point of view of the issue being discussed (“The post-war foreign policy of the United States and its allies is aimed at establishing its leadership in the world”).


The new component in task C6 becomes "historical situation".

Vocabulary task C6

"Situation"- a set of circumstances, situation, situation.

Necessary for historical characterization signs (attributes) situations more or

less fully represented in the condition of logical task C6:

3) Time of action of the situation (chronological framework, historical period or year/month/day).

4) Location (country, region, city/village).

5) An event or set of events that determined the content of a specific situation.

6) People involved in this situation as participants or eyewitnesses of events/creators or victims of the current circumstances/defenders or opponents of the current situation.

7) Material objects that were related to the activities of people in a given situation as a goal, means or result.

8) Sources that document this situation and its consequences, often contradicting each other and differing in the presentation of details and comments.

The actions that need to be performed in task C6 look, at first glance, quite simple: consider the situation, indicate questions (signs, events, paths of development, etc.), characterize positions (position, choice, etc.). In fact, item writers consider C6 to be one of the most difficult and challenging. To successfully complete task C6, you need a good knowledge of facts, the activities of historical figures, and the ability to answer questions:

What lay behind the turning point in history?

What were the positions of the participants in the events?

What influenced the outcome of events, how did they end?

Execution algorithm C6

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Analyze the task condition and highlight all the known ones in it signs of the historical situation(dates, place, event, people, consequences, sources of information about it - attribution of the situation).

2.2.Indicate how many questions/ways to solve the problem/reasons, etc. required to result from the analysis of this historical situation.

2.3.Identify the key (most important) event for this situation and try to mentally imagine the situation (problem situation) created in connection with it.

2.4. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the task and your own knowledge, formulate questions/solutions possible in the context of this situation, in the position of people who find themselves as active participants and/or observers ( first stage of work).

2.5.Check whether all the data in condition C6 is used to complete the first part of the task.

2.6.Indicate how many judgments, provisions, reasons, etc. required to be given in the second part of the task and what they will refer to:

a) to all provisions given in the first part of the assignment,

b) or only one of them,

c) or to the historical situation itself.

2.7. Find out on whose behalf these clarifications need to be given.

2.8. Imagine how the question about the reasons (defeat or victory), motives for choice, etc., posed in the task, could be answered by the persons acting in this situation (“voice from the past”). Briefly formulate these answers ( second stage of work).

2.9.Check whether their content corresponds to the problems of the assignment as a whole and, specifically, its second part.

Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Khan Batu, after the defeat of Russian cities and lands, imposed tribute on them. The Mongols never “conquered” Novgorod, but the Novgorodians paid the Golden Horde tribute. Why didn’t the Mongols “conquer” Novgorod? Specify at least two reasons. IN Why were the Novgorodians forced to pay tribute to the Horde? Bring at least three judgments.

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation

Give two reasons why 1237-1240- hikes Batu to Rus' - the Mongols “did not conquer” Novgorod Novgorod the Mongols did not capture, but tribute to the Horde its residents paid

1) _____ 2) _____ 3 )_______

Give three statements explaining why Novgorodians were forced to pay tribute to the Horde, although they were not conquered by Batu’s troops:

1)____2) ____ 3)____4)___

C6 Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Participants in the secret societies that existed in Russia since 1816 spent a long time developing plans to seize power. However, the performance on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg was defeated. Name at least two reasons for the defeat of the Decembrists. What was the influence of the Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and on Nicholas’s internal policy? I? Bring at least three provisions.

Reference diagram.С6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation.

Specify two reasons for the defeat 1825 - Decembrist uprising V Saint-

speeches of the Decembrists: Petersburg - defeat- What is its impact?

on the society and politics of Nicholas I?

1)____2) ____ 3) ____

Give three statements about influence Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and internal policy of Nicholas I: 1)______ 2) _____ 3)_____

Task C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Comparative characteristics- a complex method of analysis, comparison and generalization along substantive lines of the essence of two or more homogeneous historical facts." An adequate means for this method of performing comparative operations and presenting their results is comparative summary table, a simplified example of which is in each version of control and measurement materials on the history of recent years.

Compare industrial production in Russia (types of enterprises, technical equipment, nature of the workforce used) With early XIX V. before the reforms of the 1860-1870s. and A after the Great Reforms until the end of the industrial revolution. Indicate what was common (give at least three general characteristics), and what is different (indicate at least three differences).

Basic diagram. C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.

The main technique, its components. Comparison object

Give general characteristics of industrial production in Russia: 1) ______2)______3)________

Lead differences: (1st component) (2nd component)

1800-1860/1870 1860/1870-1900

Execution algorithm C7

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Select an object comparative characteristics and its components.

2.2. If necessary, translate their parameters into a single sign system (chronological framework, verbal characteristics, marker symbols).

2.3. Find a logical or historical basis and combine two homogeneous objects into a single process or phenomenon.

2.4. Analyze the event that separates the two components of the comparative characteristics from the point of view of its influence on them (reform, war, change of ruler, etc.).

2.5.Indicate how many common characteristics need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.6.Indicate how many differences need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.7.Identify or formulate independently lines (questions for) comparison.

3.Remember what you know about each of the questions of comparative characteristics, fill out a comparative table in the areas: “General” and “Differences”.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines.

4.1.Common features of two homogeneous objects. It is possible that you indicated the same sign only in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it as a whole.

4.2.Differences. It is possible that you named signs that were not listed in the answer standard. Check whether your examples really refer to each of the two halves of the object (paired features) or characterize one of them (unpaired features).

4.3.Formulations " common features" They should be as accurate and generalized as possible, concise in conveying the essence of similarity (the transition from manufactory to factory, education Agriculture on socialist principles, persecution of cultural figures, etc.). There is no need to explain the causes and consequences of these signs, give them dates, evaluate the analyzed phenomena, etc.

4.4.Formulation of “differences”. On the contrary, they should, in the context of the question, emphasize what is special, distinguishing one object of comparative characteristics from another ( Start introduction of steam engines - completion technical re-equipment; usage market methods and mechanisms- hard command-administrative system; repression against representatives of culture - rehabilitation a number of previously convicted cultural figures, etc.).

Analysis of the content of variable tasks C5 led us to the conclusion that the objects of comparative characteristics are usually industrial production or the state of agriculture in different periods of time, directions of government policy in social, cultural, national and other spheres, forms of land ownership, political programs, historical figures, military events, etc.

Compare content of state policy towards the peasantry in 1921-1928. And in 1929-1933 Please indicate what happened general(at least two general characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).

Compare main features of cultural development in the USSR in 1945-1953. and 1953-1964 Please indicate what happened general(at least two characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).

Compare two forms of land ownership - patrimony and estate. Please indicate what happened general(at least two common features) that - various(at least three differences).

Compare the state of agriculture in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of 1860-1870.

after the reforms of the 1860-1870s. up to late XIX V. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (name at least three differences).

Algorithm for solving part C tasks on the history of the Unified State Exam.

Task C4 is the systematization of the material, the presentation of general characteristics.


The introductory presentation of tasks of this type indicates that they involve systematization of the material and presentation of general characteristics. Ideally, the reception of a general (generalizing) characteristic includes: a brief listing of essential features, cause-and-effect relationships, the historical significance of facts, as well as an indication of the events that determined this or that historical phenomenon or process. Such a generalization is made on the basis of (1) analysis and (2) assessment of the relevant blocks of information, (3) highlighting the main, essential ones in them, (4) presentation of analytical material in a certain logic (systematization), (5) specification with historical examples.

A. Name the main tasks that were solved in Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. (specify at least two tasks). Give examples of wars, campaigns and expeditions of the 17th century that were undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

This task consists of two parts:

1) theoretical - it is required to name/indicate tasks, problems, directions, causes, etc., that is, provisions accepted in historical science regarding certain facts of the Russian past;

2) factual - it is required to give examples of popular uprisings, economic achievements, socio-political reforms, military campaigns, etc., which can illustrate the above judgments.

The basic diagram of this type of logical tasks can be presented as follows:

Basic diagram. C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.

The main technique, its components. Characteristic object

Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1)_________ 2)___________

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1) _________2)_________ 3)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1Specify an object generalizing characteristics (foreign policy, directions of reforms, problems (difficulties, negative consequences) and its specific characteristics: time, place, personalities.

2.2Indicate what and in what quantity is required to be named for characteristics this object (first stage of work, theoretical).

2.3Indicate how much examples must be given to illustrate the content of the characterized object (second stage of work, factual).

3.Remember what you know about this question, or try to collect the answer from the clues in the task itself.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

4.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “name...”. It is possible that you indicated the same characteristics, just in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it.

4.2. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give examples...”. It is possible that you named other facts not listed in the answer template. Check if yours is valid examples have taken place in the historical period specified in the assignment or characterized it from the perspective specified in the assignment (achievements/problems, domestic policy/foreign policy, etc.). “The examples should specify precisely those generalized characteristics and directions that are formulated in the first part of the assignment.”

4.3. Wording of answers in the paragraph “name...”. Try to formulate directions (tasks, problems, etc.) in general terms, without detailing seas, lands, names, actions, etc., in order to convey only the essence of the object you are characterizing.

4.4.Formulation of examples. Please note that in this case, on the contrary, an optimally specific answer is encouraged: date, name of the event, main character, summary of the reform, etc. - and listing the facts in chronological order.

C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1. Return of territories lost during the Time of Troubles.

2. Achieving access to the Baltic and Black Seas.

3. Further advance to the East.

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1. Smolensk War 1632-1634.

  1. Russian-Polish War 1654-1667
  2. Russian-Turkish War 1676-1681

4. Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn 1687-1689

  1. Expeditions of Russian pioneers to Eastern Siberia and the Far East (S.I. Dezhnev, E.P. Khabarov, V.D. Poyarkov, etc.).

What other wording directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Can high school students suggest without distorting the meaning of assignment C4?

Colonization of the eastern territories;

Discovery and development of new lands;

Development of Siberia;

The struggle for access to the seas;

1.Example: Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in Russia during the reign of Alexander I. Give at least three examples the most important transformations related to one of these areas.

2.Name at least three popular uprisings that occurred in the 18th century, and causes(at least three).

Task C5 - analysis of historical versions and assessments. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Many Western historians consider the Soviet Union to be responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War in the second half of the 1940s. Which other estimates Do you know the reasons for the Cold War? Which of the estimates Do you think most convincing? Bring no less three facts, provisions, which argue your chosen point of view.

Basic diagram. C5 - Analysis of historical versions and estimates

The main technique, its components. Discussion problem

Give other assessments of the reasons “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War?

"cold war"

1. West: USSR 2.........................? 3..................... ?

Choose an assessment that is convincing to you

Provide three facts and provisions to justify your choice:


Execution algorithm C5

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Specify problem of discussion (problematic issue), if possible, specify its features: time of discussion, participants, key concepts (“Cold War”, “Great Reforms”, “NEP”, etc.).

2.2.Check the accuracy of the formulated problem in the cross-examination of the first question C7.

2.3. Briefly formulate the point of view on the problem of discussion given in the conditions of task C5: the protagonists (supporters), the essence of their positions.

2.4.Indicate how many other points of view need to be cited (1 or 2) on this issue.

2.5.By analogy, formulate another (two other) point of view ( first stage of work).

2.6. Analyze the variable versions and select one of them to justify the diagram; underline the desired version or indicate with an arrow - second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how much arguments it is required to provide an argument for the chosen point of view.

2.8.Formulate provisions justifying the chosen point of view ( third stage of work).

3. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

3.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “other versions alternative to the one given in the task” It is possible that you indicated the same provisions, only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the discussion problem indicated in it.

3.2. The presence in your answer of a clear indication of the point of view chosen for argumentation.

3.3. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give arguments...”. It is possible that you gave other reasons not listed in the answer template. Check if all your arguments really apply to given point of view, convincingly defend it, and are connected with it by objective cause-and-effect relationships.

3.4. Wording of answers in the paragraph “other versions...”. Try to formulate other versions briefly, laconically (the supporter is the essence of the idea), without explaining the reasons or similar judgments, without evaluating the latter.

3.5.Formulation of arguments. They are formulated in the form of simple, detailed sentences:

a) based on a generalization of the totality of specific historical events, indicating the consequences arising from them (“The refusal of the USSR and, under its pressure, the countries of Eastern Europe to accept the Marshall Plan further deepened the confrontation between the two states”;

b) in the form of trends characteristic of the policies/activities of the parties from the point of view of the issue being discussed (“The post-war foreign policy of the United States and its allies is aimed at establishing its leadership in the world”).


The new component in task C6 becomes "historical situation".

Vocabulary task C6

"Situation"- a set of circumstances, situation, situation.

Necessary for historical characterization signs (attributes) situations more or

less fully represented in the condition of logical task C6:

3) Time of action of the situation (chronological framework, historical period or year/month/day).

4) Location (country, region, city/village).

5) An event or set of events that determined the content of a specific situation.

6) People involved in this situation as participants or eyewitnesses of events/creators or victims of the current circumstances/defenders or opponents of the current situation.

7) Material objects that were related to the activities of people in a given situation as a goal, means or result.

8) Sources that document this situation and its consequences, often contradicting each other and differing in the presentation of details and comments.

The actions that need to be performed in task C6 look, at first glance, quite simple: consider the situation, indicate questions (signs, events, paths of development, etc.), characterize positions (position, choice, etc.). In fact, item writers consider C6 to be one of the most difficult and challenging. To successfully complete task C6, you need a good knowledge of facts, the activities of historical figures, and the ability to answer questions:

What lay behind the turning point in history?

What were the positions of the participants in the events?

What influenced the outcome of events, how did they end?

Execution algorithm C6

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Analyze the task condition and highlight all the known ones in it signs of the historical situation(dates, place, event, people, consequences, sources of information about it - attribution of the situation).

2.2.Indicate how many questions/ways to solve the problem/reasons, etc. required to result from the analysis of this historical situation.

2.3.Identify the key (most important) event for this situation and try to mentally imagine the situation (problem situation) created in connection with it.

2.4. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the task and your own knowledge, formulate questions/solutions possible in the context of this situation, in the position of people who find themselves as active participants and/or observers ( first stage of work).

2.5.Check whether all the data in condition C6 is used to complete the first part of the task.

2.6.Indicate how many judgments, provisions, reasons, etc. required to be given in the second part of the task and what they will refer to:

a) to all provisions given in the first part of the assignment,

b) or only one of them,

c) or to the historical situation itself.

2.7. Find out on whose behalf these clarifications need to be given.

2.8. Imagine how the question about the reasons (defeat or victory), motives for choice, etc., posed in the task, could be answered by the persons acting in this situation (“voice from the past”). Briefly formulate these answers ( second stage of work).

2.9.Check whether their content corresponds to the problems of the assignment as a whole and, specifically, its second part.

Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Khan Batu, after the defeat of Russian cities and lands, imposed tribute on them. The Mongols never “conquered” Novgorod, but the Novgorodians paid the Golden Horde tribute. Why didn’t the Mongols “conquer” Novgorod? Specify at least two reasons. IN Why were the Novgorodians forced to pay tribute to the Horde? Bring at least three judgments.

Basic diagram.C6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation

Give two reasons why 1237-1240- hikes Batu to Rus' - the Mongols “did not conquer” Novgorod Novgorod the Mongols did not capture, but tribute to the Horde its residents paid

1) _____ 2) _____ 3 )_______

Give three statements explaining why Novgorodians were forced to pay tribute to the Horde, although they were not conquered by Batu’s troops:

1)____2) ____ 3)____4)___

C6 Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Participants in the secret societies that existed in Russia since 1816 spent a long time developing plans to seize power. However, the performance on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg was defeated. Name at least two reasons for the defeat of the Decembrists. What was the influence of the Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and on Nicholas’s internal policy? I? Bring at least three provisions.

Reference diagram.С6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation.

Specify two reasons for the defeat 1825 - Decembrist uprising V Saint-

speeches of the Decembrists: Petersburg - defeat- What is its impact?

on the society and politics of Nicholas I?

1)____2) ____ 3) ____

Give three statements about influence Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and internal policy of Nicholas I: 1)______ 2) _____ 3)_____

Task C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Comparative characteristics- a complex method of analysis, comparison and generalization along substantive lines of the essence of two or more homogeneous historical facts." An adequate means for this method of performing comparative operations and presenting their results is comparative summary table, a simplified example of which is in each version of control and measurement materials on the history of recent years.

Compare industrial production in Russia (types of enterprises, technical equipment, nature of the workforce used) from the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of the 1860-1870s. and A after the Great Reforms until the end of the industrial revolution. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (give at least three differences).

Basic diagram. C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.

The main technique, its components. Comparison object

Give general characteristics of industrial production in Russia: 1) ______2)______3)________

Lead differences: (1st component) (2nd component)

1800-1860/1870 1860/1870-1900

Execution algorithm C7

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Identify the object of comparative characteristics and its components.

2.2. If necessary, translate their parameters into a single sign system (chronological framework, verbal characteristics, marker symbols).

2.3. Find a logical or historical basis and combine two homogeneous objects into a single process or phenomenon.

2.4. Analyze the event that separates the two components of the comparative characteristics from the point of view of its influence on them (reform, war, change of ruler, etc.).

2.5.Indicate how many common characteristics need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.6.Indicate how many differences need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.7.Identify or formulate independently lines (questions for) comparison.

3.Remember what you know about each of the questions of comparative characteristics, fill out a comparative table in the areas: “General” and “Differences”.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines.

4.1.Common features of two homogeneous objects. It is possible that you indicated the same sign only in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it as a whole.

4.2.Differences. It is possible that you named signs that were not listed in the answer standard. Check whether your examples really refer to each of the two halves of the object (paired features) or characterize one of them (unpaired features).

4.3.Formulation of “general characteristics”. They should be as accurate and generalized as possible, laconic in conveying the essence of the similarity (the transition from manufactory to factory, the formation of agriculture on a socialist basis, persecution of cultural figures, etc.). There is no need to explain the causes and consequences of these signs, give them dates, evaluate the analyzed phenomena, etc.

4.4.Formulation of “differences”. On the contrary, they should, in the context of the question, emphasize what is special, distinguishing one object of comparative characteristics from another ( Start introduction of steam engines - completion technical re-equipment; usage market methods and mechanisms- hard command-administrative system; repression against representatives of culture - rehabilitation a number of previously convicted cultural figures, etc.).

Analysis of the content of variable tasks C5 led us to the conclusion that the objects of comparative characteristics are usually industrial production or the state of agriculture in different periods of time, directions of government policy in social, cultural, national and other spheres, forms of land ownership, political programs, historical figures, military events, etc.

Compare content of state policy towards the peasantry in 1921-1928. And in 1929-1933 Please indicate what happened general(at least two general characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).

Compare main features of cultural development in the USSR in 1945-1953. and 1953-1964 Please indicate what happened general(at least two characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).

Compare two forms of land ownership - patrimony and estate. Please indicate what happened general(at least two common features) that - various(at least three differences).

Compare the state of agriculture in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of 1860-1870.

after the reforms of the 1860-1870s. until the end of the 19th century. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (name at least three differences).

Algorithm for solving part C tasks on the history of the Unified State Exam.

Task C4 is the systematization of the material, the presentation of general characteristics.


The introductory presentation of tasks of this type indicates that they involve systematization of the material and presentation of general characteristics. Ideally, the method of general (generalizing) characteristics includes: a brief listing of essential features, cause-and-effect relationships, the historical significance of facts, as well as an indication of the events that determined this or that historical phenomenon or process. Such a generalization is made on the basis of (1) analysis and (2) evaluation of the relevant blocks of information, (3) highlighting the main, essential elements in them, (4) presentation of analytical material in a certain logic (systematization), (5) specification by historical examples.

A. Name the main tasks that were solved in Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. (specify at least two tasks). Give examples of wars, campaigns and expeditions of the 17th century that were undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

This task consists of two parts:

1) theoretical - it is required to name/indicate tasks, problems, directions, causes, etc., that is, provisions accepted in historical science regarding certain facts of the Russian past;

2) factual - it is required to give examples of popular uprisings, economic achievements, socio-political reforms, military campaigns, etc., which can illustrate the above judgments.

The basic diagram of this type of logical tasks can be presented as follows:

Basic diagram. C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.

The main technique, its components. Characteristic object

Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1)_________ 2)___________

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1) _________2)_________ 3)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1 Clarify the object of the general characteristics (foreign policy, directions of reforms, problems (difficulties, negative consequences) and its specific characteristics: time, place, personalities.

2.2Indicate what and in what quantity is required to characterize this object (first stage of work, theoretical).

2.3 Indicate how many examples need to be given to illustrate the content of the characterized object (second stage of work, factual).

3.Remember what you know about this issue, or try to collect an answer from the clues in the task itself.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

4.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “name...”. It is possible that you indicated the same characteristics, just in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the characteristic object specified in it.

4.2. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give examples...”. It is possible that you named other facts not listed in the answer template. Check whether your examples actually took place in the historical period specified in the assignment or characterized it from the perspective specified in the assignment (achievements/problems, domestic policy/foreign policy, etc.). “Examples should specify precisely those generalized characteristics and directions that are formulated in the first part of the assignment.”

4.3. Wording of answers in the paragraph “name...”. Try to formulate directions (tasks, problems, etc.) in general terms, without detailing seas, lands, names, actions, etc., in order to convey only the essence of the object you are characterizing.

4.4.Formulation of examples. Please note that in this case, on the contrary, an optimally specific answer is encouraged: date, name of the event, main character, summary of the reform, etc. - and listing the facts in chronological order.

C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon. Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1. Return of territories lost during the Time of Troubles.

2. Achieving access to the Baltic and Black Seas.

3. Further advance to the East.

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1. Smolensk War 1632-1634.

2. Russian-Polish War 1654-1667.

3. Russian-Turkish war 1676-1681.

4. Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn 1687-1689

5. Expeditions of Russian pioneers to Eastern Siberia and the Far East (S.I. Dezhnev, E.P. Khabarov, V.D. Poyarkov, etc.).

What other formulations of the directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Can high school students suggest without distorting the meaning of assignment C4?

Colonization of the eastern territories;

Discovery and development of new lands;

Development of Siberia;

The struggle for access to the seas;

1. Example: Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in Russia during the reign of Alexander I. Give at least three examples of the most important transformations that belonged to one of these directions.

2.Name at least three popular uprisings that occurred in the 18th century and the reasons (at least three).

Task C5 - analysis of historical versions and assessments. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Many Western historians consider the Soviet Union to be responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War in the second half of the 1940s. What other assessments of the causes of the Cold War do you know? Which assessment do you find most convincing? Give at least three facts and provisions that support your chosen point of view.

Basic diagram. C5 - Analysis of historical versions and estimates

The main technique, its components. Discussion problem

Give other assessments of the reasons “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War?

"cold war"

1. West: USSR 2? 3?

Choose an assessment that is convincing to you

Provide three facts and provisions to justify your choice:


Execution algorithm C5

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Clarify the problem of the discussion (problematic issue), if possible, specify its features: time of discussion, participants, key concepts (“Cold War”, “Great Reforms”, “NEP”, etc.).

2.2.Check the accuracy of the formulated problem in the cross-examination of the first question C7.

2.3. Briefly formulate the point of view on the problem of discussion given in the conditions of task C5: the protagonists (supporters), the essence of their positions.

2.4.Indicate how many other points of view need to be cited (1 or 2) on this issue.

2.5.By analogy, formulate another (two other) point of view (first stage of work).

2.6. Analyze the variable versions and select one of them to justify the diagram; underline the desired version or indicate with an arrow - the second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how many arguments need to be given to justify the chosen point of view.

2.8.Formulate provisions justifying the chosen point of view (third stage of work).

3. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

3.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “other versions alternative to the one given in the task” It is possible that you indicated the same provisions, only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the discussion problem indicated in it.

3.2. The presence in your answer of a clear indication of the point of view chosen for argumentation.

3.3. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give arguments...”. It is possible that you gave other reasons not listed in the answer template. Check whether all your arguments really relate to this point of view, convincingly defend it, and are connected with it in objective cause-and-effect relationships.

3.4. Wording of answers in the paragraph “other versions...”. Try to formulate other versions briefly, laconically (the supporter is the essence of the idea), without explaining the reasons or similar judgments, without evaluating the latter.

3.5.Formulation of arguments. They are formulated in the form of simple, detailed sentences:

a) based on a generalization of the totality of specific historical events, indicating the consequences arising from them (“The refusal of the USSR and, under its pressure, the countries of Eastern Europe to accept the Marshall Plan further deepened the confrontation between the two states”;

b) in the form of trends characteristic of the policies/activities of the parties from the point of view of the issue being discussed (“The post-war foreign policy of the United States and its allies is aimed at establishing its leadership in the world”).


The “historical situation” becomes a new component in task C6.

Vocabulary task C6

“Situation” is a set of circumstances, situation, situation.

The signs (attributes) of a situation necessary for historical characterization are more or less

less fully represented in the condition of logical task C6:

3) Time of action of the situation (chronological framework, historical period or year/month/day).

4) Location (country, region, city/village).

5) An event or set of events that determined the content of a specific situation.

6) People involved in this situation as participants or eyewitnesses of events/creators or victims of the current circumstances/defenders or opponents of the current situation.

7) Material objects that were related to the activities of people in a given situation as a goal, means or result.

8) Sources that document this situation and its consequences, often contradicting each other and differing in the presentation of details and comments.

The actions that need to be performed in task C6 look, at first glance, quite simple: consider the situation, indicate questions (signs, events, paths of development, etc.), characterize positions (position, choice, etc.). ). In fact, item writers consider C6 to be one of the most difficult and challenging. To successfully complete task C6, you need a good knowledge of facts, the activities of historical figures, and the ability to answer questions:

What lay behind the turning point in history?

What were the positions of the participants in the events?

What influenced the outcome of events, how did they end?

Execution algorithm C6

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Analyze the condition of the task and highlight in it all the known signs of a historical situation (dates, place, event, people, consequences, sources of information about it - attribution of the situation).

2.2.Indicate how many questions/ways to solve the problem/reasons, etc. required to result from the analysis of this historical situation.

2.3.Identify the key (most important) event for this situation and try to mentally imagine the situation (problem situation) created in connection with it.

2.4. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the task and your own knowledge, formulate questions/solutions possible in the context of this situation, in the position of people who find themselves as active participants and/or observers (the first stage of work).

2.5.Check whether all the data in condition C6 is used to complete the first part of the task.

2.6.Indicate how many judgments, provisions, reasons, etc. required to be given in the second part of the task and what they will refer to:

a) to all provisions given in the first part of the assignment,

b) or only one of them,

c) or to the historical situation itself.

2.7. Find out on whose behalf these clarifications need to be given.

2.8. Imagine how the question about the reasons (defeat or victory), motives for choice, etc., posed in the task, could be answered by the persons acting in this situation (“voice from the past”). Briefly formulate these answers (second stage of work).

2.9.Check whether their content corresponds to the problems of the assignment as a whole and, specifically, its second part.

Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Khan Batu, after the defeat of Russian cities and lands, imposed tribute on them. The Mongols never “conquered” Novgorod, but the Novgorodians paid the Golden Horde tribute. Why didn’t the Mongols “conquer” Novgorod? Please provide at least two reasons. Why were the Novgorodians forced to pay tribute to the Horde? Give at least three statements.

Basic diagram.C6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation

Give two reasons why 1237-1240. - Batu’s campaigns against Rus' - the Mongols “did not conquer” Novgorod The Mongols did not capture Novgorod, but its inhabitants paid tribute to the Horde

1) _____ 2)_____ 3)_______

Give three judgments explaining why the Novgorodians were forced to pay tribute to the Horde, although they were not conquered by Batu’s troops:


C6 Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Participants in the secret societies that existed in Russia since 1816 spent a long time developing plans to seize power. However, the performance on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg was defeated. Name at least two reasons for the defeat of the Decembrists. What was the influence of the Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and on the domestic policy of Nicholas I? Give at least three provisions.

Basic diagram.C6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation.

Indicate two reasons for the defeat of 1825 - the Decembrist uprising in St.

speeches of the Decembrists: St. Petersburg - defeat - What is its impact

on the society and politics of Nicholas I?


Give three points about the influence of the Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and the internal policy of Nicholas I: 1)______2)_____3)_____

Task C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Comparative characteristics are a complex method of analysis, comparison and generalization along the substantive lines of the essence of two or more homogeneous historical facts." An adequate means for this method of performing comparative operations and presenting their results is a comparative-summarizing table, a simplified example of which is in each version of control and measurement materials on the history of recent years.

Compare industrial production in Russia (types of enterprises, technical equipment, nature of the workforce used) from the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of the 1860-1870s. and A after the Great Reforms until the end of the industrial revolution. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (give at least three differences).

Basic diagram. C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.

The main technique, its components. Comparison object

Give general characteristics of industrial production in Russia: 1) ______2)______3)________

Give differences: (1st component) (2nd component)

1800-1860/1870 1860/1870-1900

Execution algorithm C7

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Identify the object of comparative characteristics and its components.

2.2. If necessary, translate their parameters into a single sign system (chronological framework, verbal characteristics, marker symbols).

2.3. Find a logical or historical basis and combine two homogeneous objects into a single process or phenomenon.

2.4. Analyze the event that separates the two components of comparative characteristics from the point of view of its influence on them (reform, war, change of ruler, etc.).

2.5.Indicate how many common characteristics need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.6.Indicate how many differences need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.7.Identify or formulate independently lines (questions for) comparison.

3.Remember what you know about each of the questions of comparative characteristics, fill out the comparative table in the areas: “General” and “Differences”.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines.

4.1.Common features of two homogeneous objects. It is possible that you indicated the same sign only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the characteristic object specified in it as a whole.

4.2.Differences. It is possible that you named signs that were not listed in the answer standard. Check whether your examples really refer to each of the two halves of the object (paired features) or characterize one of them (unpaired features).

4.3.Formulation of “general characteristics”. They should be as accurate and generalized as possible, laconic in conveying the essence of the similarity (the transition from manufactory to factory, the formation of agriculture on a socialist basis, persecution of cultural figures, etc.). There is no need to explain the causes and consequences of these signs, give them dates, evaluate the analyzed phenomena, etc.

4.4.Formulation of “differences”. They, on the contrary, should, in the context of the issue, emphasize what is special, distinguishing one object of comparative characteristics from another (the beginning of the introduction of steam engines - the completion of technical re-equipment; the use of market methods and mechanisms - a rigid command-administrative system; repressions against representatives of culture - the rehabilitation of a number of previously convicted figures culture, etc.).

Analysis of the content of variable tasks C5 led us to the conclusion that the objects of comparative characteristics are usually industrial production or the state of agriculture in different periods of time, directions of government policy in social, cultural, national and other spheres, forms of land ownership, political programs, historical figures, military events, etc.

Compare the main features of cultural development in the USSR in 1945-1953. and 1953-1964 Indicate what was common (at least two characteristics) and what was different (at least three differences).

Compare two forms of land ownership - patrimony and estate. Indicate what was common (at least two common features) and what was different (at least three differences).

Compare the state of agriculture in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of 1860-1870.

after the reforms of the 1860-1870s. until the end of the 19th century. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (name at least three differences).

Algorithm for solving part C tasks on the history of the Unified State Exam.

Task C4 is the systematization of the material, the presentation of general characteristics.


The introductory presentation of tasks of this type indicates that they involve systematization of the material and presentation of general characteristics. Ideally, the reception of a general (generalizing) characteristic includes: a brief listing of essential features, cause-and-effect relationships, the historical significance of facts, as well as an indication of the events that determined this or that historical phenomenon or process. Such a generalization is made on the basis of (1) analysis and (2) assessment of the relevant blocks of information, (3) highlighting the main, essential ones in them, (4) presentation of analytical material in a certain logic (systematization), (5) specification with historical examples.

A. Name the main tasks that were solved in Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. (specify at least two tasks). Give examples of wars, campaigns and expeditions of the 17th century that were undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

This task consists of two parts:

1) theoretical - it is required to name/indicate tasks, problems, directions, causes, etc., that is, provisions accepted in historical science regarding certain facts of the Russian past;

2) factual - it is required to give examples of popular uprisings, economic achievements, socio-political reforms, military campaigns, etc., which can illustrate the above judgments.

The basic diagram of this type of logical tasks can be presented as follows:

Basic diagram. C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.

The main technique, its components. Characteristic object

Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1)_________ 2)___________

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1) _________2)_________ 3)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1Specify an object generalizing characteristics (foreign policy, directions of reforms, problems (difficulties, negative consequences) and its specific characteristics: time, place, personalities.

2.2Indicate what and in what quantity is required to be named for characteristics this object (first stage of work, theoretical).

2.3Indicate how much examples must be given to illustrate the content of the characterized object (second stage of work, factual).

3.Remember what you know about this question, or try to collect the answer from the clues in the task itself.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

4.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “name...”. It is possible that you indicated the same characteristics, just in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it.

4.2. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give examples...”. It is possible that you named other facts not listed in the answer template. Check if yours is valid examples have taken place in the historical period specified in the assignment or characterized it from the perspective specified in the assignment (achievements/problems, domestic policy/foreign policy, etc.). “The examples should specify precisely those generalized characteristics and directions that are formulated in the first part of the assignment.”

4.3. Wording of answers in the paragraph “name...”. Try to formulate directions (tasks, problems, etc.) in general terms, without detailing seas, lands, names, actions, etc., in order to convey only the essence of the object you are characterizing.

4.4.Formulation of examples. Please note that in this case, on the contrary, an optimally specific answer is encouraged: date, name of the event, main character, summary of the reform, etc. - and listing the facts in chronological order.

C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1. Return of territories lost during the Time of Troubles.

2. Achieving access to the Baltic and Black Seas.

3. Further advance to the East.

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1. Smolensk War 1632-1634.

  1. Russian-Polish War 1654-1667
  2. Russian-Turkish War 1676-1681

4. Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn 1687-1689

  1. Expeditions of Russian pioneers to Eastern Siberia and the Far East (S.I. Dezhnev, E.P. Khabarov, V.D. Poyarkov, etc.).

What other wording directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Can high school students suggest without distorting the meaning of assignment C4?

Colonization of the eastern territories;

Discovery and development of new lands;

Development of Siberia;

The struggle for access to the seas;

1.Example: Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in Russia during the reign of Alexander I. Give at least three examples the most important transformations related to one of these areas.

2.Name at least three popular uprisings that occurred in the 18th century, and causes(at least three).

Task C5 - analysis of historical versions and assessments. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Many Western historians consider the Soviet Union to be responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War in the second half of the 1940s. Which other estimates Do you know the reasons for the Cold War? Which of the estimates Do you think most convincing? Bring no less three facts, provisions, which argue your chosen point of view.

Basic diagram. C5 - Analysis of historical versions and estimates

The main technique, its components. Discussion problem

Give other assessments of the reasons “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War?

"cold war"

1. West: USSR 2.........................? 3..................... ?

Choose an assessment that is convincing to you

Provide three facts and provisions to justify your choice:


Execution algorithm C5

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Specify problem of discussion (problematic issue), if possible, specify its features: time of discussion, participants, key concepts (“Cold War”, “Great Reforms”, “NEP”, etc.).

2.2.Check the accuracy of the formulated problem in the cross-examination of the first question C7.

2.3. Briefly formulate the point of view on the problem of discussion given in the conditions of task C5: the protagonists (supporters), the essence of their positions.

2.4.Indicate how many other points of view need to be cited (1 or 2) on this issue.

2.5.By analogy, formulate another (two other) point of view ( first stage of work).

2.6. Analyze the variable versions and select one of them to justify the diagram; underline the desired version or indicate with an arrow - second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how much arguments it is required to provide an argument for the chosen point of view.

2.8.Formulate provisions justifying the chosen point of view ( third stage of work).

3. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

3.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “other versions alternative to the one given in the task” It is possible that you indicated the same provisions, only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the discussion problem indicated in it.

3.2. The presence in your answer of a clear indication of the point of view chosen for argumentation.

3.3. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give arguments...”. It is possible that you gave other reasons not listed in the answer template. Check if all your arguments really apply to given point of view, convincingly defend it, and are connected with it by objective cause-and-effect relationships.

3.4. Wording of answers in the paragraph “other versions...”. Try to formulate other versions briefly, laconically (the supporter is the essence of the idea), without explaining the reasons or similar judgments, without evaluating the latter.

3.5.Formulation of arguments. They are formulated in the form of simple, detailed sentences:

a) based on a generalization of the totality of specific historical events, indicating the consequences arising from them (“The refusal of the USSR and, under its pressure, the countries of Eastern Europe to accept the Marshall Plan further deepened the confrontation between the two states”;

b) in the form of trends characteristic of the policies/activities of the parties from the point of view of the issue being discussed (“The post-war foreign policy of the United States and its allies is aimed at establishing its leadership in the world”).


The new component in task C6 becomes "historical situation".

Vocabulary task C6

"Situation"- a set of circumstances, situation, situation.

Necessary for historical characterization signs (attributes) situations more or

less fully represented in the condition of logical task C6:

3) Time of action of the situation (chronological framework, historical period or year/month/day).

4) Location (country, region, city/village).

5) An event or set of events that determined the content of a specific situation.

6) People involved in this situation as participants or eyewitnesses of events/creators or victims of the current circumstances/defenders or opponents of the current situation.

7) Material objects that were related to the activities of people in a given situation as a goal, means or result.

8) Sources that document this situation and its consequences, often contradicting each other and differing in the presentation of details and comments.

The actions that need to be performed in task C6 look, at first glance, quite simple: consider the situation, indicate questions (signs, events, paths of development, etc.), characterize positions (position, choice, etc.). In fact, item writers consider C6 to be one of the most difficult and challenging. To successfully complete task C6, you need a good knowledge of facts, the activities of historical figures, and the ability to answer questions:

What lay behind the turning point in history?

What were the positions of the participants in the events?

What influenced the outcome of events, how did they end?

Execution algorithm C6

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Analyze the task condition and highlight all the known ones in it signs of the historical situation(dates, place, event, people, consequences, sources of information about it - attribution of the situation).

2.2.Indicate how many questions/ways to solve the problem/reasons, etc. required to result from the analysis of this historical situation.

2.3.Identify the key (most important) event for this situation and try to mentally imagine the situation (problem situation) created in connection with it.

2.4. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the task and your own knowledge, formulate questions/solutions possible in the context of this situation, in the position of people who find themselves as active participants and/or observers ( first stage of work).

2.5.Check whether all the data in condition C6 is used to complete the first part of the task.

2.6.Indicate how many judgments, provisions, reasons, etc. required to be given in the second part of the task and what they will refer to:

a) to all provisions given in the first part of the assignment,

b) or only one of them,

c) or to the historical situation itself.

2.7. Find out on whose behalf these clarifications need to be given.

2.8. Imagine how the question about the reasons (defeat or victory), motives for choice, etc., posed in the task, could be answered by the persons acting in this situation (“voice from the past”). Briefly formulate these answers ( second stage of work).

2.9.Check whether their content corresponds to the problems of the assignment as a whole and, specifically, its second part.

Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Khan Batu, after the defeat of Russian cities and lands, imposed tribute on them. The Mongols never “conquered” Novgorod, but the Novgorodians paid the Golden Horde tribute. Why didn’t the Mongols “conquer” Novgorod? Specify at least two reasons. IN Why were the Novgorodians forced to pay tribute to the Horde? Bring at least three judgments.

Basic diagram.C6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation

Give two reasons why 1237-1240- hikes Batu to Rus' - the Mongols “did not conquer” Novgorod Novgorod the Mongols did not capture, but tribute to the Horde its residents paid

1) _____ 2) _____ 3 )_______

Give three statements explaining why Novgorodians were forced to pay tribute to the Horde, although they were not conquered by Batu’s troops:

1)____2) ____ 3)____4)___

C6 Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Participants in the secret societies that existed in Russia since 1816 spent a long time developing plans to seize power. However, the performance on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg was defeated. Name at least two reasons for the defeat of the Decembrists. What was the influence of the Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and on Nicholas’s internal policy? I? Bring at least three provisions.

Reference diagram.С6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation.

Specify two reasons for the defeat 1825 - Decembrist uprising V Saint-

speeches of the Decembrists: Petersburg - defeat- What is its impact?

on the society and politics of Nicholas I?

1)____2) ____ 3) ____

Give three statements about influence Decembrist movement on the development of social thought and internal policy of Nicholas I: 1)______ 2) _____ 3)_____

Task C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts. SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Comparative characteristics- a complex method of analysis, comparison and generalization along substantive lines of the essence of two or more homogeneous historical facts." An adequate means for this method of performing comparative operations and presenting their results is comparative summary table, a simplified example of which is in each version of control and measurement materials on the history of recent years.

Compare industrial production in Russia (types of enterprises, technical equipment, nature of the workforce used) from the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of the 1860-1870s. and A after the Great Reforms until the end of the industrial revolution. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (give at least three differences).

Basic diagram. C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.

The main technique, its components. Comparison object

Give general characteristics of industrial production in Russia: 1) ______2)______3)________

Lead differences: (1st component) (2nd component)

1800-1860/1870 1860/1870-1900

Execution algorithm C7

2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Identify the object of comparative characteristics and its components.

2.2. If necessary, translate their parameters into a single sign system (chronological framework, verbal characteristics, marker symbols).

2.3. Find a logical or historical basis and combine two homogeneous objects into a single process or phenomenon.

2.4. Analyze the event that separates the two components of the comparative characteristics from the point of view of its influence on them (reform, war, change of ruler, etc.).

2.5.Indicate how many common characteristics need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.6.Indicate how many differences need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.7.Identify or formulate independently lines (questions for) comparison.

3.Remember what you know about each of the questions of comparative characteristics, fill out a comparative table in the areas: “General” and “Differences”.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines.

4.1.Common features of two homogeneous objects. It is possible that you indicated the same sign only in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it as a whole.

4.2.Differences. It is possible that you named signs that were not listed in the answer standard. Check whether your examples really refer to each of the two halves of the object (paired features) or characterize one of them (unpaired features).

4.3.Formulation of “general characteristics”. They should be as accurate and generalized as possible, laconic in conveying the essence of the similarity (the transition from manufactory to factory, the formation of agriculture on a socialist basis, persecution of cultural figures, etc.). There is no need to explain the causes and consequences of these signs, give them dates, evaluate the analyzed phenomena, etc.

4.4.Formulation of “differences”. On the contrary, they should, in the context of the question, emphasize what is special, distinguishing one object of comparative characteristics from another ( Start introduction of steam engines - completion technical re-equipment; usage market methods and mechanisms- hard command-administrative system; repression against representatives of culture - rehabilitation a number of previously convicted cultural figures, etc.).

Analysis of the content of variable tasks C5 led us to the conclusion that the objects of comparative characteristics are usually industrial production or the state of agriculture in different periods of time, directions of government policy in social, cultural, national and other spheres, forms of land ownership, political programs, historical figures, military events, etc.

Compare content of state policy towards the peasantry in 1921-1928. And in 1929-1933 Please indicate what happened general(at least two general characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).

Compare main features of cultural development in the USSR in 1945-1953. and 1953-1964 Please indicate what happened general(at least two characteristics), and what - various(at least three differences).


The introductory presentation of tasks of this type indicates that they involve systematization of the material and presentation of general characteristics. Ideally receptiongeneral (generalizing) characteristicsincludes: a brief listing of essential features, cause-and-effect relationships, historical significance of facts, as well as an indication of the events that determined this or that historical phenomenon or process. Such a generalization is made on the basis of (1) analysis and (2) assessment of the relevant blocks of information, (3) highlighting the main, essential ones in them, (4) presentation of analytical material in a certain logic (systematization), (5) specification with historical examples.

A. Name the main tasks that were solved in Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. (specify at least two tasks).Give exampleswars, campaigns and expeditionsXVII century, undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

This task consists of two parts:

  1. theoretical - it is required to name/indicate tasks, problems, directions, reasons, etc., that is, provisions accepted in historical science regarding certain facts of the Russian past;
  2. factual- it is required to give examples of popular uprisings, economic achievements, socio-political reforms, military campaigns, etc., which can illustrate the above judgments.

The basic diagram of this type of logical tasks can be presented as follows:

Basic diagram. C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon.

The main technique, its components. Characteristic object

Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

1)_________ 2) ___________

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

1) _________2)_________ 3)___________

Solution algorithm C4

2.1Specify the object generalizing characteristics (foreign policy, directions of reforms, problems (difficulties, negative consequences) and its specific characteristics: time, place, personalities.

2.2Indicate what and in what quantity is required to be named for characteristics of this object (first stage of work, theoretical).

2.3Indicate how much examples must be given to illustrate the content of the characterized object(second stage of work, factual).

3.Remember what you know about this question, or try to collect the answer from the clues in the task itself.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

4.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “name...”. It is possible that you indicated the same characteristics, just in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it.

4.2. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give examples...”. It is possible that you named other facts not listed in the answer template. Check if yours is validexamples have taken placein the historical period specified in the assignment or characterized it from the perspective specified in the assignment (achievements/problems, domestic policy/foreign policy, etc.). “Examples should specify precisely those generalized characteristics and directions that are formulated in the first part of the assignment”.

4.3. Wording of answers in the paragraph “name...”. Try to formulate directions (tasks, problems, etc.) in general terms, without detailing seas, lands, names, actions, etc., in order to convey only the essence of the object you are characterizing.

4.4.Formulation of examples. Please note that in this case, on the contrary, an optimally specific answer is encouraged: date, name of the event, main character, summary reforms, etc. - and listing the facts in chronological order.

C4 - General characteristics of the phenomenon. Name two tasks of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

  1. Return of territories lost during the Time of Troubles.
  2. Achieving access to the Baltic and Black Seas.
  3. Further advance to the East.

Give three examples of wars, campaigns, expeditions

  1. Smolensk War 1632-1634
  2. Russian-Polish War 1654-1667
  3. Russian-Turkish War 1676-1681
  4. Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn 1687-1689
  5. Expeditions of Russian pioneers to Eastern Siberia and the Far East (S.I. Dezhnev, E.P. Khabarov, V.D. Poyarkov, etc.).

What other formulations directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Can high school students suggest without distorting the meaning of assignment C4?

  • colonization of the eastern territories;
  • discovery and development of new lands;
  • development of Siberia;
  • the struggle for access to the seas;

1.Example: Name at least two main directions of transformations carried out in Russia during the reign of AlexanderI. Give at least three examplesthe most important transformations related to one of these areas.

2.Name at least three popular uprisings that occurred in the 18th century, and reasons (at least three).

Task C5 - analysis of historical versions and assessments.SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Many Western historians consider the Soviet Union to be responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War in the second half of the 1940s. Which other estimates Do you know the reasons for the Cold War? Which of the estimates Do you think most convincing? Please provide at least three facts, provisions, who argue your chosen point of view.

Basic diagram. C5 - Analysis of historical versions and estimates

The main technique, its components. Discussion problem

Give other assessments of the reasons “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War?

"cold war"

1. West: USSR 2? 3?

Choose an assessment that is convincing to you

Provide three facts and provisions to justify your choice:

1)_____ 2) _____3)______

Execution algorithm C5

2) Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1. Specify problem of discussion (problematic issue), if possible, specify its features: time of discussion, participants, key concepts (“Cold War”, “Great Reforms”, “NEP”, etc.).

2.2.Check the accuracy of the formulated problem in the cross-examination of the first question C7.

2.3. Briefly formulate the point of view on the problem of discussion given in the conditions of task C5: the protagonists (supporters), the essence of their positions.

2.4.Indicate how many other points of view need to be cited (1 or 2) on this issue.

2.5.By analogy, formulate another (two other) point of view (first stage of work).

2.6. Analyze the variable versions and select one of them to justify the diagram; underline the desired version or indicate with an arrow -second stage of work).

2.7.Indicate how much arguments it is required to provide an argument for the chosen point of view.

2.8.Formulate provisions justifying the chosen point of view (third stage of work).

3. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines:

3.1. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “other versions alternative to the one given in the task” It is possible that you indicated the same provisions, only in different words. It is important that the meaning of your answer option strictly corresponds to the task, that is, relates to the discussion problem indicated in it.

3.2. The presence in your answer of a clear indication of the point of view chosen for argumentation.

3.3. Elements of the answer in the paragraph “give arguments...”. It is possible that you gave other reasons not listed in the answer template. Check if all your arguments really apply to given point of view, convincingly defend it, and are connected with it by objective cause-and-effect relationships.

3.4. Wording of answers in the paragraph “other versions...”. Try to formulate other versions briefly, laconically (the supporter is the essence of the idea), without explaining the reasons or similar judgments, without evaluating the latter.

3.5.Formulation of arguments. They are formulated in the form of simple, detailed sentences:

a) based on a generalization of the totality of specific historical events, indicating the consequences arising from them (“The refusal of the USSR and, under its pressure, the countries of Eastern Europe to accept the Marshall Plan further deepened the confrontation between the two states”;

b) in the form of trends characteristic of the policies/activities of the parties from the point of view of the issue being discussed (“The post-war foreign policy of the United States and its allies is aimed at establishing its leadership in the world”).


The new component in task C6 becomes"historical situation".

Vocabulary task C6

"Situation" - set of circumstances, situation, situation.

Necessary for historical characterizationsigns (attributes)situations more or

less fully represented in the condition of logical task C6:

  1. The duration of the situation (chronological framework, historical period or year/month/day).
  2. Location (country, region, city/village).
  3. An event or set of events that determined the content of a specific situation.
  4. People involved in this situation as participants or eyewitnesses of events/creators or victims of the current circumstances/defenders or opponents of the current situation.
  5. Material objects that were related to the activities of people in a given situation as a goal, means or result.
  6. Sources that document this situation and its consequences often contradict each other and diverge in their presentation of details and comments.

The actions that need to be performed in task C6 look, at first glance, quite simple: consider the situation, indicate questions (signs, events, paths of development, etc.), characterize positions (position, choice, etc.). In fact, item writers consider C6 to be one of the most difficult and challenging. To successfully complete task C6, you need a good knowledge of facts, the activities of historical figures, and the ability to answer questions:

What lay behind the turning point in history?

  • What were the positions of the participants in the events?
  • What influenced the outcome of events, how did they end?

Execution algorithm C6

  1. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Analyze the task condition and highlight all the known ones in itsigns of the historical situation(dates, place, event, people, consequences, sources of information about it -attribution of the situation).

2.2.Indicate how many questions/ways to solve the problem/reasons, etc. required to result from the analysis of this historical situation.

2.3.Identify the key (most important) event for this situation and try to mentally imagine the situation (problem situation) created in connection with it.

2.4. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the task and your own knowledge, formulate questions/solutions possible in the context of this situation, in the position of people who find themselves as active participants and/or observers (first stage of work).

2.5.Check whether all the data in condition C6 is used to complete the first part of the task.

2.6.Indicate how many judgments, provisions, reasons, etc. required to be given in the second part of the task and what they will refer to:

a) to all provisions given in the first part of the assignment,

b) or only one of them,

c) or to the historical situation itself.

2.7. Find out on whose behalf these clarifications need to be given.

2.8. Imagine how the question about the reasons (defeat or victory), motives for choice, etc., posed in the task, could be answered by the persons acting in this situation (“voice from the past”). Briefly formulate these answers (second stage of work).

2.9.Check whether their content corresponds to the problems of the assignment as a whole and, specifically, its second part.

Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Khan Batu, after the defeat of Russian cities and lands, imposed tribute on them. The Mongols never “conquered” Novgorod, but the Novgorodians paid the Golden Horde tribute. Why didn’t the Mongols “conquer” Novgorod? Specify at least two reasons. IN Why were the Novgorodians forced to pay tribute to the Horde? Bring at least three judgments.

Basic diagram.C6 - Analysis of the historical situation

The main technique, its components. Signs of the situation

Give two reasons why 1237-1240 - Batu's campaigns against Rus' - the Mongols “did not conquer”Novgorod Novgorodthe Mongols did not capture, but tribute to the Horde its residents paid

1) _____ 2) _____ 3 )_______

Give three statements explaining why Novgorodians were forced to pay tribute to the Horde, although they were not conquered by Batu’s troops:

1)____ 2) ____ 3)____4)___

C6 Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

Participants in the secret societies that existed in Russia since 1816 spent a long time developing plans to seize power. However, the performance on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg was defeated.Decembrist movementon the development of social thought and internal policy of Nicholas I: 1)______ 2) _____ 3)_____

Task C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER.

Comparative characteristics- a complex method of analysis, comparison and generalization along substantive lines of the essence of two or more homogeneous historical facts." An adequate means for this method of performing comparative operations and presenting their results iscomparative summary table,a simplified example of which is in each version of control and measurement materials on the history of recent years.

Compare industrial production in Russia(types of enterprises, technical equipment, nature of the workforce used)from the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of the 1860-1870s. and A after the Great Reforms until the end of the industrial revolution.Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was notdifferent (indicate at least three differences).

Basic diagram. C7 - Comparison of two homogeneous facts.

The main technique, its components. Comparison object

Lead general characteristics of industrial production in Russia: 1) ______ 2) ______3)________

Give differences: (1st component) (2nd component)

1800-1860/1870 1860/1870-1900

Execution algorithm C7

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. Restructure the task text into a reference diagram:

2.1.Identify the object of comparative characteristics and its components.

2.2. If necessary, translate their parameters into a single sign system (chronological framework, verbal characteristics, marker symbols).

2.3. Find a logical or historical basis and combine two homogeneous objects into a single process or phenomenon.

2.4. Analyze the event that separates the two components of the comparative characteristics from the point of view of its influence on them (reform, war, change of ruler, etc.).

2.5.Indicate how many common characteristics need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.6.Indicate how many differences need to be identified during the comparison process.

2.7.Identify or formulate independently lines (questions for) comparison.

3.Remember what you know about each of the questions of comparative characteristics, fill out a comparative table in the areas: “General” and “Differences”.

4. Get acquainted with the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer. Compare the standard answer with your option along the following lines.

4.1.Common features of two homogeneous objects. It is possible that you indicated the same sign only in different words. It is important that meaning your answer option strictly corresponded to the task, that is, it related to the characteristic object specified in it as a whole.

4.2.Differences. It is possible that you named signs that were not listed in the answer standard. Check whether your examples really refer to each of the two halves of the object (paired features) or characterize one of them (unpaired features).

4.3.Formulation of “general characteristics”. They should be as accurate and generalized as possible, laconic in conveying the essence of the similarity (the transition from manufactory to factory, the formation of agriculture on a socialist basis, persecution of cultural figures, etc.). There is no need to explain the causes and consequences of these signs, give them dates, evaluate the analyzed phenomena, etc.

4.4.Formulation of “differences”. On the contrary, they should, in the context of the question, emphasize what is special, distinguishing one object of comparative characteristics from another ( Start introduction of steam engines - completion technical re-equipment; usagemarket methods and mechanisms- hard command-administrative system; repressionagainst representatives of culture - rehabilitation a number of previously convicted cultural figures, etc.).

Analysis of the content of variable tasks C5 led us to the conclusion that the objects of comparative characteristics are usually industrial production or the state of agriculture in different periods of time, directions of government policy in social, cultural, national and other spheres, forms of land ownership, political programs, historical figures, military events, etc.

Compare content of state policy towards the peasantry in 1921-1928. and in 1929-1933. State what was common (at least two general characteristics), and what - various (at least three differences).

Compare main features of cultural development in the USSR in 1945-1953. and 1953-1964 State what was common (at least two characteristics), and what - various (at least three differences).

Compare two forms of land ownership - patrimony and estate. State what was common (at least two common features) that - various (at least three differences).

Compare the state of agriculture in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. before the reforms of 1860-1870.

after the reforms of the 1860-1870s. until the end of the 19th century. Indicate what was common (give at least three common characteristics) and what was different (name at least three differences).

Option No. 1393464

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-19 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase). The names of Russian sovereigns should be written only in letters.

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Place historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in correct sequence to the table.

1) the first congress of Russian princes in Lyubech

2) baptism by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich of Rus'

3) Battle of Grunwald


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the transformative activities of Peter I.

1) board

2) seven-boyars

3) possessional manufactory

5) province

6) localism

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.


Write the missing concept (term).

A form of economic management that was established everywhere in rural areas in the USSR as a result of the “great turning point”, in which the means of production (land, equipment, livestock, seeds, etc.) were jointly owned and controlled public administration its participants is called ___________.


Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


A) development of relations between Old Russian state and Byzantium

B) expansion of the territory in the 16th century.

B) reform activities of Catherine II

D) economic reforms of A. N. Kosygin

1) annexation of Astrakhan to Russia

2) capture of Korsun by the army of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich

3) annexation of Left Bank Ukraine to Russia

4) the beginning of voucher privatization

5) adoption of the Resolution “On improving industrial management, improving planning and strengthening economic incentives for industrial production”

6) convening of the Statutory Commission



Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.


A) “In the year 6390 (chronology from the Creation of the world). Oleg set out on a campaign, taking with him many warriors: the Varangians, the Chud, the Slovenians, the Meryu, the whole, the Krivichi, and he came to Smolensk with the Krivichi, and took power in the city, and installed his husband in it. From there he went down and took Lyubech, and also imprisoned his husband. And they came to the Kyiv mountains, and Oleg learned that Askold and Dir reigned here. He hid some warriors in the boats, and left others behind, and he himself began, carrying the baby Igor. And he sailed to the Ugrian Mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your relatives.” When Askold and Dir arrived, everyone else jumped out of the boats, and Oleg said to Askold and Dir: “You are not princes and not of a princely family, but I am of a princely family,” and showed Igor: “And this is the son of Rurik.” And they killed Askold and Dir, carried him to the mountain and buried Askold on the mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, where Olmin’s court is now; on that grave Olma built the Church of St. Nicholas; and Dirov’s grave is behind the Church of St. Irene. And Oleg, the prince, sat down in Kyiv, and Oleg said: “Let this be the mother of Russian cities.” And he had Varangians, and Slavs, and others who were called Rus. That Oleg began to build cities and established tribute to the Slovenes, and Krivichi, and Meri, and established that the Varangians should give tribute from Novgorod 300 hryvnia annually for the sake of preserving peace, which was given to the Varangians until the death of Yaroslav.”

B) “And Vladimir began to reign in Kiev alone, and placed idols on the hill behind the tower courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, and Khors, Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargl, and Mokosh. And they made sacrifices to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters, and made sacrifices to demons, and desecrated the earth with their sacrifices. And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood. But the all-good God did not want the death of sinners, and on that hill now stands the Church of St. Basil, as we will tell about this later. Now let's return to the previous one.

Vladimir put Dobrynya, his uncle, in Novgorod. And, having come to Novgorod, Dobrynya placed an idol over the Volkhov River, and the Novgorodians offered sacrifices to him as to a god.”


1) after Oleg, Prince Svyatoslav ruled Russia

2) Oleg was the first of the princes to sign an agreement with Byzantium that was beneficial for Rus'

3) these events date back to the end of the 9th century.

4) Prince Vladimir ascended to the grand-ducal throne in Kyiv, according to the will of his father Svyatoslav

5) the chronicle speaks of the “pagan reform” of Prince Vladimir

6) “Pagan reform” failed, but did not stop the prince’s attempts to reform the sphere of religion

Fragment A Fragment B


Which three of these measures were implemented during perestroika? Match the numbers and write them down as your answer.

1) convening the Congress of People's Deputies

2) introduction of state acceptance

3) liquidation of central line ministries and their replacement with economic councils

4) price liberalization

5) adoption of the law on individual labor activity

6) liquidation of the KGB


Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) ______________ offensive Soviet troops dates back to the winter of 1941/42.

B) ______________ the battle ended with the destruction of the encircled enemy group on February 2, 1943.

B) ______________ the battle ended with the liberation of Kharkov.

Missing elements:

1) Rzhevskaya

2) Leningradskaya

3) Yassko-Kishinevskaya

4) Moscow

5) Stalingrad

6) Kursk

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Establish a correspondence between cultural figures of the second half of the 19th century. and their works.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read an excerpt from the memoirs and write the missing name in it.

“On the night of November 18, three members of the Directory - Avksentyev, Zenzinov and Argunov... were a group of officers... unexpectedly arrested... Immediately, upon receiving information about what had happened, the Council of Ministers met and, in view of the acute situation that had arisen, decided , having taken all the power, then transfer it into the hands of the military man, who alone could maintain order. There were two planned candidates: General Boldyrev and Vice Admiral ____________. The first received, however, only one vote, which is why ____________ was awarded the supreme power...

____________ wanted to immediately release the arrested officials of the Directory, taking only an obligation from them to immediately leave Siberia, to which, however, the arrested did not agree. A few days later, those arrested under foreign guard were taken to China.

____________ was not immediately recognized as the supreme ruler. Ataman Dutov, commander of the Amur Corps on Far East, General Ivanov-Rinov, Ataman Annenkov obeyed him. But Ataman Semyonov and Kalmykov fought against his power for a long time, not wanting to recognize him, and only by the summer of 1919 this issue was settled.”


Fill in the blank cells of the table using the information provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element.

Missing elements:

2) Vistula-Oder operation

5) J.V. Stalin, F.D. Roosevelt, W. Churchill

8) I. S. Konev

9) Iasi-Kishinev operation

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a participant in the events.

“Approaching the fortress, the Japanese decided to take it with open force, but a number of attacks on our center positions were unsuccessful. On August 3, General Nogi sent a parliamentarian with a proposal to surrender the fortress, but the council assembled by General Stessel rejected this proposal, and on August 6, the Japanese began artillery preparation for the assault and on the same day went on the offensive, sending the main his blow to the center of our positions, against the Eagle's Nest. The first assault on Port Arthur began.

During the first days, the Japanese advanced in thick columns, hoping to crush the defenders of the fortress en masse.

Strict discipline, harsh military law, fanaticism and personal valor of the Japanese led to the fact that the Japanese battalions, suffering incredible losses, still reached the target of their attacks, at least as part of several people, and fought with ours with hostility. In my brief overview It is impossible to describe everything that happened near the Eagle's Nest in the days from August 6 to 11 inclusive, days of continuous, uninterrupted battle. I will say one thing: valor was demonstrated on both sides. The two redoubts, Nos. 1 and 2, on which the battle was concentrated at that time, changed hands many times, and as a result of this seven-day battle, the Japanese only took possession of the destroyed front of these redoubts, while the inner one remained in our hands.”

Using the passage, choose three correct statements from the list given. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.

1) The events described took place in 1905.

4) The Russian general mentioned in the passage died during the defense of the fortress in question.

5) As a result of the war, during which the events described took place, a peace treaty was signed in the city of Portsmouth.

6) As a result of the war, during which the described events took place, Russia lost part of the island of Sakhalin.


Indicate the century in which the events indicated in the diagram took place. Write the answer in words.


Write the name of the river indicated by the letter “A” after completing the events shown in the diagram.


Write the name of the city, indicated on the diagram by the number “1”, in which the troops, whose actions are indicated by white arrows, won a victory.


Which judgments related to this scheme are correct? Choose three judgments from the six proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The diagram shows the course of the largest popular uprising.

2) A participant in the events depicted in the diagram was the Cossack ataman Vasily Us.

3) The armed detachments, whose actions are indicated by black arrows, consisted only of Cossacks and state peasants.

4) Near the city marked “2” on the diagram, the troops, whose actions are indicated by black arrows, won a major victory.

5) The number “3” on the diagram indicates the place of capture of the leader of the armed detachments, whose actions are indicated by black arrows.

6) After completing the events indicated in the diagram, Russian Empire provincial reform was carried out.


Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Summer Palace in the village. Kolomenskoye

B) "The Captain's Daughter"

B) "Chapaev"

D) "Domostroy"

2) This Soviet film is dedicated to the events of the Civil War.

3) This creation was created in the 15th century.

4) This work is dedicated to the events of the Peasant War under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

6) This monument was created during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Which judgments about this postage stamp are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The action of the picture depicted on the stamp takes place at the X Congress of the RCP(b).

2) The stamp was issued during the “thaw” period in the USSR.

3) The politician whose speech is depicted in the painting was the first Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars.

4) At the congress, the events of which are depicted in the picture, the Decree on Land was adopted.

5) The events depicted in the picture took place in Moscow.


Indicate coins issued during the leadership of the USSR by the same political figure under whom this postage stamp was issued. In your answer, write down the two numbers under which these coins are indicated.

1) 2)
3) 4)


Indicate the year in which the speech was given, a fragment of which is given in the assignment. Name the author of this speech. Indicate the name of the phenomenon in the relations of the USSR with its former allies in World War II, the preconditions of which are mentioned in the passage.

From a speech by a politician

“A shadow has fallen on the picture of the world, so recently illuminated by the victory of the Allies. No one knows what Soviet Russia and its international communist organization intend to do in the future and what the limits, if any, are to their expansionist and conversionist tendencies. I deeply admire and honor the valiant Russian people and my wartime comrade, Marshal Stalin. In England - I have no doubt that here too, there is deep sympathy and good will for all the peoples of Russia and a determination to overcome numerous differences and breakdowns in the name of establishing lasting friendship. We understand that Russia needs to ensure the security of its western borders from a possible resumption of German aggression. We are glad to see it in its rightful place among the world's leading powers. We salute her flag on the seas. And above all, we welcome the constant, frequent and strengthening ties between the Russian and our peoples on both sides of the Atlantic. However, I consider it my duty to present to you some facts - I am sure that you wish me to state to you the facts as they appear to me - about the present situation in Europe.

From Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an iron curtain fell across the continent. On the other side of the curtain are all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe - Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia. All of these famous cities and the populations in their areas found themselves within what I call the Soviet sphere, all of them in one form or another subject not only to Soviet influence, but also to the significant and increasing control of Moscow... Communist parties that were very are small in all these states of Eastern Europe, have reached exceptional strength... and are striving everywhere to establish totalitarian control...

I don't believe that Russia wants war. What it wants is the fruits of war and the unlimited expansion of its power and doctrines. But what we must think about here today, while there is still time, is to prevent wars forever and create conditions for freedom and democracy as quickly as possible in all countries."

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The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Indicate at least three events (phenomena) directly related to the complete cessation of the phenomenon in relations between the USSR and the West, the beginning of which is discussed in the text.

From a speech by a politician

“A shadow has fallen on the picture of the world, so recently illuminated by the victory of the Allies. No one knows what Soviet Russia and its international communist organization intend to do in the future and what the limits, if any, are to their expansionist and conversionist tendencies. I deeply admire and honor the valiant Russian people and my wartime comrade, Marshal Stalin. In England - I have no doubt that here too, there is deep sympathy and good will for all the peoples of Russia and a determination to overcome numerous differences and breakdowns in the name of establishing lasting friendship. We understand that Russia needs to ensure the security of its western borders from a possible resumption of German aggression. We are glad to see it in its rightful place among the world's leading powers. We salute her flag on the seas. And above all, we welcome the constant, frequent and strengthening ties between the Russian and our peoples on both sides of the Atlantic. However, I consider it my duty to present to you some facts - I am sure that you wish me to state to you the facts as they appear to me - about the present situation in Europe.

From Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an iron curtain fell across the continent. On the other side of the curtain are all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe - Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia. All of these famous cities and the populations in their areas found themselves within what I call the Soviet sphere, all of them in one form or another subject not only to Soviet influence, but also to the significant and increasing control of Moscow... Communist parties that were very are small in all these states of Eastern Europe, have reached exceptional strength... and are striving everywhere to establish totalitarian control...

I don't believe that Russia wants war. What it wants is the fruits of war and the unlimited expansion of its power and doctrines. But what we must think about here today, while there is still time, is to prevent wars forever and create conditions for freedom and democracy as quickly as possible in all countries."

In historical science, there are controversial issues on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical

1) 1425-1505;

2) 1762-1796;

3) 1941-1943

The essay must:

Indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to this period of history;

Name two historical figures whose activities are connected with the specified events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of a given period in Russian history;

Indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. During the presentation, it is necessary to use historical terms and concepts related to a given period.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Complete testing, check answers, see solutions.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in history becomes more effective not only with a thorough study of the material, but also with preliminary familiarization with typical tests and tasks of Part C. This section of the site will help future graduates understand the structure of Unified State Exam tasks and prepare an algorithm for solving the most difficult points of the exam. Part C requires a free written answer, which is quite difficult for students. The Unified State Exam format includes questions on the most important periods of Russian history - each task has an assigned scientific field. That is why a student who is familiar with several test options in advance is able to complete exam tasks correctly.

  • - Most often in Part A there are questions about key dates in national and world history, about the main provisions of the most important historical documents and about the general orientation of social movements. Almost all questions relate to the history of the twentieth century.
  • - Abstracts of answers to assignments at level P-7 in history are presented. To get a high score during the exam, you need to take these theses as a basis and, on their basis, compose a detailed account of events and justify your own attitude towards them.
  • - Working with tasks at level C-6 assumes that the examinee will not only describe the actual course of events, but also explain what options for action existed and why this particular scenario of action was chosen from a variety of possibilities.
  • - Questions from part C-5 require concise answers containing a comparison of two historical phenomena. For the convenience of preparing the applicant, the answers are presented in the form of tables, but during the exam itself the answer should be given in the form of a coherent text.
  • - Questions from section C-4 require short answers. The applicant must list the characteristic features of a social movement, the results of a historical event, the parties that formed the government, etc. Answers must be clear and comprehensive.

Unified State Exam 2017. History. Workshop. Part 2 tasks. Gevurkova E.A., Solovyova Y.V.

M.: 2017. - 96 p.

The workshop on the history of Russia is aimed at preparing high school students and graduates for successfully passing the Unified state exam. The manual contains a detailed analysis of all types of tasks in Part 2, typical mistakes when performing them and comments on them. The manual also offers tasks for independent practice of each type of task, answers and assessment criteria. The book is intended for teachers, parents, tutors, as well as high school students for independent preparation for the Unified State Exam.

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Preface 4
Section I. Place and purpose of tasks with a detailed answer in the examination paper 5
Section II. Tasks 20-22 9
Examples of completing tasks 20-22
and comments to answers 14
Tasks 20-22 for independent work 21
Section III. Task 23 28
Examples of completing task 23 and comments on answers 33
Tasks 23 for independent work 36
Section IV. Task 24 40
Examples of completing task 24 and comments on answers 44
Tasks 24 for independent work 50
Section V. Task 25 57
Example task 25 57
Examples of completing task 25 and comments on answers 71
Answers to tasks for independent work 80
Tasks 20-22 80
Tasks 23 85
Tasks 24 90

Among the tasks of the Unified State Exam, the tasks with a detailed answer of Part 2 are the most difficult to complete. They require from graduates not only deep knowledge of the history course, but also a whole range of skills when working with historical sources and other types of historical information, the ability to analyze the historical situation, the activities of historical figures, the ability to determine cause-and-effect relationships and argue their point of view, position on the most important historical issues, based on historical facts and knowledge of historiography to evaluate historical processes and phenomena.
These deep knowledge and skills are formed during school history education over many years; they are the result of the focused work of teachers, parents and, of course, the students themselves. None tutorial cannot form them if there has not been this many years of preparation.

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