How not to get tired during running

To get less tired during running, you need to know some of the features of the right run.

Gively breathe

During running. Remember this condition. Many sources on the Internet are recommended to breathe only to the nose. But this benefit will not bring you, and fatigue will increase. The fact is that during the easy run, our body takes energy from oxygen. Accordingly, the more it enters the body, the easier it will be to us. Acceleration of the heart during training is just due to the need to supply muscles with a large amount of oxygen than usual. But if you during the run purposefully reduce the access of the air into the lungs, trying to breathe only to the nose, then you forcing the heart beat faster. Thus, you will increase the pulse, but at the same time the oxygen will not be enough, and it will not work for a long time, especially unprepared organism. Therefore, breathe full of breasts and desirable and mouth and nose.

Follow the pulse

Many professional athletes run no feeling, but on the pulse. It is believed that a good indicator for the training process is the pulse at the level of 120-140 beats per minute. On such an emergency, you can train as much as possible and not to get tired. Therefore, during the run periodically stop and measure the pulse. If it is less than 120, then you can run faster. If the pulse is on the verge of 140 or higher, then it is worth a slightly slow down. An ideal digit will be 125-130 shots.

Without special devices. To do this, you need to have a stopwatch. Rush with a finger with a pulse on the wrist or on the neck. Keep it within 10 seconds, and multiply the resulting digit to 6. This will be the frequency of cardiac abbreviations of your heart.

Do not Clearn

Many people have a problem with pressure during running. This is manifested by raised shoulders, compressed in a fist with their hands, as well as a heavy splitting step. Clamp categorically impossible. You need to run in a relaxed state. This is especially true of the hull, neck and.

Shoulders should always be omitted. Palms are a bit collected in the fist, but not clamped. Connect your fingers as if you keep the invisible ball for large tennis in your hand.

The legs beginner runners are desirable to put on the heel, and then ride on the sock. From the point of view of the tempo, this technique slows down a little speed, but in terms of convenience, it is most useful, since it does not beat off the legs and does not have a large load on the joints.

Eat carbohydrates

In order for the body to come from where to take energy, it needs carbohydrates, so you can eat buckwheat porridge or any products with a high carbohydrate content. Or half an hour drink a cup of tea with the addition of one or two tablespoons of honey. If you are trying to lose weight, then carbohydrates cannot be consumed, since your task burn fat, so you will be powered while running your fat surplus.

Do not think about running

What is good for a long uniform load, that during her you can think about everything in the world, but not only about running. Scroll home affairs, work. Best run into the company and take a conversation during training. Thus, you will be distracted, and get rid of the main factor that takes place is psychological. Sometimes a person himself inspires himself that he cannot run and he is hard, although in fact there is still a sea, just wanted to regret my body and myself.

Run everywhere

To run very boring in the stadium. Especially if the running takes not 10 minutes, and half an hour or more. On the streets, parks, the embankment, run into stadiums, sports grounds and other places. Variety will also help you distract.

Listen to music or your own body

On the question of whether to listen to music during the run, should be answered exclusively you. It is worth trying one or twice all over and understand whether you are convenient to run with music in the ears, audiobook. Or better to hear the world around. It all depends on you, but if it is convenient for you, do not be afraid of headphones and feel free to run with the player.

To improve your results in running on medium and long distances, you need to know the bases of running, such as proper breathing, technique, warm-up, the ability to make the right eyeliner to the day of the competition, perform the right power to work for running and others .. for readers of the site video tutorials are completely free . To get them, it is enough to subscribe to the newsletter, and after a few seconds you will receive the first lesson from the series about the basics of proper breathing during running. Subscribe here :. These lessons have already helped thousands of people will help you.

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