How to choose a big tennis racket to an adult and a child?

To date, large tennis is enjoying great popularity. Newcomers in this sport are often wondering how to choose a racket for large tennis. After all, there are many on sale. Choose the necessary inventory is not so difficult if you know simple rules.

The article will tell about how to choose a racket for large tennis, as well as weight and shape. Below are the selection rules for each player level. Therefore, it will be not difficult to understand which inventory to choose.

What is required for big tennis

The problem is with how to choose a racket for a large tennis to a child or an adult, becomes more and more relevant. To date, anyone can sign up to the section and understand all the advantages of this sport. Someone wants to reach the court to just distract from domestic problems and enjoy an active holiday. And for someone sport is great value. Despite the chosen goal, you will have to spend money on the purchase of a racket for large tennis. How to choose an inventory newcomer, knows not every tennis lover, but there are no such problems with professionals.

  • string surface area (Head Size);
  • weight (weight);
  • balance;
  • length.

The rest of the same parameters can rarely be seen on the racket, so they must be clarified by the seller before buying.

How to choose a racket for big tennis novice

People who are just starting to engage in this sport and go to the court only at the weekend, do not need to deepen much in the characteristics of the inventory. To deal with how to choose a racket for tennis adult newcomer, quite simple. After all, there are no special rules. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to some details, among which there is a length, string surface, weight and handle characteristics. The remaining parameters are not considered.


Adults often ask how to choose a racket for a big tennis beginner player. The racket is designed for them, the length of which is about 69 cm. On sale, of course, there are options with a greater length, but they are buying more experienced players, since their purpose is to increase the strength of the impact. At the initial stage, it is not even necessary to spend time to choose too long racket.

Square of string surface

The beginnings are ideal for a racket with a string surface of more than 670 square meters. See this option will well shift itself in the hands of an inexperienced player. Thanks to such an area of \u200b\u200bstrings, all the inaccuracies of the ball in the very center of the racket are perfectly smoothed. And this newbies happens quite often. In addition, a large string surface helps reduce the burden on the joints. Therefore, the risk of injury during training or the game is significantly reduced.


When solving a problem with how to choose a racket for a large tennis, you must remember the weight of the product. Heavy options, of course, increase the strength of the strike. Although it does not affect the accuracy of hits during the game. If a person is confident that he will be able to get on any ball without much effort, it is recommended to choose a racket with a mass of no more than 275. It will be dispersed simply enough, while not particularly straining a brush. The impact force will be slightly less, but it should not pay attention to this, as learning to play without errors is necessary for light rackets. The weight of the inventory, and therefore the power of the blow and the speed of the ball of the ball, it is necessary to gradually increase in order not to get injured.

A pen

Often, novice players are interested in how to choose a tennis racket for a large tennis in the width of her handles. When picking up between the fingers and the palm, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 1.5 - 2 cm. But it should be noted that such a rule is not always valid, since in most cases the players rely only on their own sensations. The racket must be comfortably lying in the hand at a swing and impact, so that the brush and fingers themselves are not very strained.

The length of the handle should not be chosen too much, but not small. It should be enough in order to take both hands at the same time. This moment is especially important in cases where the beat from Beckkend is carried out. It is for him that two hands can be used immediately. Beckkend call a blow, which the player makes a side with an uncomfortable side, that is, left-handed to the right, and right-handed - left.


Most players who have decided to associate their lives with this game, know how to choose the right tennis racket. If a person is engaged in a similar sport for several years, then he will not have problems with the choice. But still approach this issue is required in more detail. In this case, it is necessary to take into account your own preferences in the game itself, as well as using the racket to allocate benefits for yourself.

String surface

To increase the strength of the blow, it is required to choose not only a large string surface, but also the minimum stiffness of the string tension. If you buy exactly such a racket, the blow will be, of course, strong, but the control over the ball will decrease. This moment in no way is imposed without attention.

Professional players are encouraged to buy rackets where the string surface is not more than 645 square meters. See In addition, they need to consider options with the most rigid string stretch. Thanks to this, players will be able to better control the ball at the moments of reflection of the most powerful strikes of the enemy.

Strong composition

As you know, there are two varieties of strings: natural and synthetic. The first are made of live animals and are considered the most comfortable. Thanks to the development of technologies for creating synthetic options, nylon strings are no longer inferior to natural on game qualities.

They have a lot of other distinctive properties. The first advantage of synthetic strings is the available cost. Therefore, to afford such a racket every player can. In addition, nylon strings have quite greater wear resistance. For these reasons, a racket for large tennis with strings of synthetic production are actively used not only by amateurs and professionals, but also beginners.

Layout pattern

Few people know that it is the string stretch diagram indicates the amount of transverse, as well as longitudinal strings in the racket for large tennis. Their number is written through the fraction in which the first number denotes the longitudinal, and the second, respectively, transverse.

The rigidity of the string surface directly depends on the amount of strings. What are them less, the weaker this indicator, and vice versa.

Width rim

When choosing an inventory for a professional player, it is necessary to take into account the width width, which, in turn, affects the size of the shock spot. So the term denote the site in the very center of the string surface, according to which the ball should get to be better to repel it.

If the rim width is increasing, then the stain becomes more. But at the same time, the aerodynamics of the racket deteriorates significantly. That is why experienced players need to pick rackets whose rim width is no more than 2 cm.

Perfect weight

As mentioned above, the impact force depends on the weight. Professionals in this sport is required to take rackets whose weight will not be less than 310. Thanks to this inventory there is a good opportunity to strengthen the brush and significantly increase the strength of the strike.


The choice of inventory must match the style of the game. Check the balance of the racket can be quite simple: put the center to the index finger, placing the handle on one side and the head on the other. If it deflects her head, then it should be used for powerful innings and attacks. But if you wish to strengthen the protection, it is best to buy a racket whose balance will be outweigh towards the handle. Universal are the options with a balance in the center. They are perfectly suitable for players who know how to change tactics, based on the situation that happens on the field.

What racket to choose for big tennis children

By buying his first racket, you should not pay attention to expensive instances. While he has no experience in the game and there is no accumulated technique of impact, to feel the difference between rackets worth 400 rubles and 4 thousand rubles will not work. When choosing a latage for large tennis, a small child should consider only its length and weight. Other parameters do not matter. Therefore, spending time on them and money simply does not make sense.

Inventory length and weight

The first and most important criterion of choice is the length. Too long racket will not be comfortable for a child, as he simply will not be able to direct the ball to the center of the string surface. To date, many manufacturers are produced on sale it is children's products that are ideal for young athletes. They are beautiful not only on design, but also at a comfortable length.

The weight of the racket for the kid also should not be too big. It should be remembered that during the game the child needs to be enjoyed, and not toolate yourself with heavy physical exertion. Otherwise, the young player quickly bother to engage in large tennis, and he will refuse him. Inventory weight should be selected for each child individually. Most importantly, the racket must rotate freely in hand without delivering inconvenience.


There are many nuances in choosing a suitable inventory for the game. It is worth remembering that the perfect racket does not guarantee constant victories in competitions. Therefore, if you wish to achieve any vertices in this direction, you need persistent workouts and the power of the will.

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