Melon dried in the oven. How to dry melon in an electric dryer. When breastfeeding

Dried fruits are an excellent source of nutrients in winter. Such preparations contain a more concentrated amount of elements than the raw product. In the article we will consider whether it is possible to dry melon and how to do it, as well as whether dried melon will be useful and whether there are contraindications to its consumption.

Benefits and harm to the body

When dried at low temperatures, this fruit retains many vitamins and minerals in its composition.

  • Thanks to this, the dried product has the following beneficial properties:
  • helps fight negative impact environment;
  • has a positive effect on nervous system, improves mood;
  • gives a boost of energy;
  • stimulates work gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps with constipation;
  • supports the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the urinary system;
  • helps maintain the necessary hormonal levels for women during pregnancy, as well as during menopause;
  • improves appearance skin and hair;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • useful for vitamin deficiency.

Despite useful qualities, dried melon fruits can be harmful in some cases.

Did you know? The number of calories in 100 g of dried melon is 341 kcal. This melon fruit contains vitamins necessary for the body (A, C, D, PP), as well as amino acids.

  • There are the following contraindications for taking this product:
  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • should not be given to children under 1 year of age;
  • Women who are breastfeeding should refrain from eating this fruit, as it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

These dried fruits should not be consumed with dairy products, honey or alcoholic drinks: This combination can lead to intestinal upset. Those who want to lose weight should treat this product with caution - it contains a lot of calories. Also, you should not eat too much dried melon to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Selection and preparation of melon

You should choose fruits with sweet but firm flesh. For preparing dried fruits from melon, varieties such as Kolkhoznitsa, Torpeda, Persian, Pineapple, Gulyabi are suitable. Before drying, the selected fruits must be peeled and seeds removed, and then cut into slices 5–7 mm thick.

Recipe No. 1

How to dry melon in an electric dryer

It is best to dry melon in a special dryer for fruits and vegetables.

Did you know? Melon is considered to come from Central and Asia Minor. They make dried fruit by simply withering it in the sun for about 1014 days- just as their distant ancestors did.

Step-by-step instruction


1 ingredient

    Melon (already prepared)

    5 kg

  1. On the first tier, where we will lay out the melon slices, we need to put a plastic insert for drying the marshmallows to protect the dryer from the juice that will drip from the fruit. To prevent the pieces from sticking to the insert, a mesh should be placed on top of it.
  2. Place the cut melon slices around the opening of the electric dryer, gradually filling all tiers.
  3. Cover the dryer with a lid and take it to a ventilated area.
  4. Turn on the dryer and select the mode for drying fruits and vegetables (approximately 45°C).
  5. After a day, check how the pieces are drying. Drying time largely depends on their juiciness and can take 1–2 days.
  6. Video recipe

    How to dry melon in an electric dryerVideo recipe: How to dry melon in an electric dryer

From 5 kg of the original product, 600 g of dried fruit are obtained.

How to store dried melon at home

After removing the melon slices from the electric dryer, they should be stored in a container separate from other dried fruits. The dried pieces can be folded into flagella, and then into braids. Then you should place them in glass jars. The jars should first be lined with parchment to prevent mold.

Fabric bags (cotton or linen), as well as paper bags, are also good for storage.

The product can also be stored in transparent containers or plastic bags. For these purposes, you should choose a transparent container in order to promptly notice the appearance of insect pests that can spoil the dried fruit.

When storing in boxes, make sure that there are no holes or cracks through which pests can get through. It is best that the storage container is airtight.

Periodically, once every 2-3 weeks, you should inspect containers and storage bags to identify pests or spoilage of the product. If damaged areas are found in the workpiece, it is necessary to sort through the entire stock in the container and throw away the unusable pieces.
The storage temperature should not be higher than +30°C, and the air humidity should not be more than 70%. Recommended temperature regime for storage - 0...+10°С. In such conditions, dried fruits can be stored for no more than a year without access to sunlight.

Important! If the packaging is depressurized, pests can enter it. Then, in order to preserve the product, it must be sorted anddrypreserved pieces in the oven for half an hour at 75°C .

At home, it is best to dry the melon in a special electric dryer, as this will preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the product: it will be a tasty and healthy treat in the winter.

Among the well-known dried fruits, dried melon is deservedly popular. This fruit, related to pumpkins and cucumbers, amazes with its juiciness, sweetness and aroma in summer time.

However, in winter time Melon lovers have the opportunity to treat themselves to their favorite delicacy. To do this, the fragrant dessert is dried (cured) using special dryers, ovens, or simply in the fresh air.

Fans of sweet and fragrant delicacies will undoubtedly benefit from learning about the benefits or possible harm this product.

Dried melon - composition and calorie content

The sweet and fragrant product, even in dried form, practically does not change its chemical composition. In order to draw a conclusion about the benefits and harms of this fruit, it is necessary to clarify what exactly is included in its composition.

The list of vitamins, nutrients and minerals looks like this:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Saccharides.
  • Vitamins: A, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 9, C, E, PP.
  • Acids: malic, citric.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Chlorine.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Zinc.
  • Fluorine.
  • Manganese.
  • Phosphorus.

The taste and fragrant aroma of the fruit are affected by the organic acids it contains. The dried product has a fairly high calorie content, 10 times higher than the calorie content of fresh melon - 341 Kcal.

The benefits of your favorite treat

Saturated with vitamins and minerals, melon, even in dried form, brings certain benefits to the body:

  • Strengthens the central nervous system, increases resistance to stress and depression, and prevents insomnia.
  • Produces endorphin (the hormone of happiness).
  • Improves the color and appearance of the skin.
  • Strengthens hair roots, gives hair shine and strength.
  • Strengthens gums.
  • Gives strength to bones and teeth.
  • Provides mobility to joints.
  • Establishes acid-base balance.
  • Strengthens intestinal motility.
  • Gives elasticity to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Promotes the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Counteracts pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Normalizes lipid metabolism.
  • Strengthens vision.
  • Increases hemoglobin, prevents the development of anemia.
  • Cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins, eliminates constipation.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates swelling.
  • Prevents stagnation of bile, facilitates its outflow.
  • Charges the body with energy and increases physical endurance.
  • Serves as a prophylactic against vitamin deficiency.
  • Normalizes hormonal levels, helps to cope with ailments during menopause and the menstrual cycle.
  • Increases tone and strengthens the immune system.
  • Resists viral infections.

Attention! Dried melon pulp can affect the intensity of your tan due to the pigments it contains.

How to prepare oriental sweets at home?

A dried (dried) delicacy made from the fragrant fruit, it is very common in the countries of East and Asia Minor. You won't surprise anyone there with this product. It is added not only to confectionery, ice cream and salads, but is also a completely independent dish.

In order for your favorite fruit to be available at any time of the year, you can prepare it at home.

Recipe for making a fragrant delicacy in the oven

To ensure that the cooking process does not go in vain, you need to carefully select the fruits from which the oriental sweet will be prepared. These should be sweet melons with dense flesh. Overripe specimens are not suitable for this.

The thoroughly washed fruit must be peeled and then cut into long thin slices. This is the optimal type of cutting in order to dry the melon as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The prepared slices should be placed on a clean cotton or linen towel. This is done so that excess moisture is absorbed and does not slow down the drying process.

Lightly dried slices are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and placed in a preheated up to 100 o oven. The oven door should be left slightly open.

The heating temperature should be reduced up to 75 o, and close the oven door completely. After 20-30 minutes, the oven should be turned off and the slices should be allowed to cool gradually with the door open.

Then you need to remove the baking sheet, turn the melon slices to the other side and put them back to dry at a temperature of 75 o. This process is repeated 3-4 times, depending on the juiciness of the fruit and the thickness of the slices.

The finished product should be elastic, sweet and sticky. The process of preparing a sweet and fragrant delicacy is, of course, not quick. But he's worth it. On long winter evenings, a piece of oriental sweetness will give you a pleasant memory of summer.

Possible harm of dried melon

Like any other product, a fragrant dried dessert can have not only a healing effect on the human body, but also possible harmful effects.

  • Disease diabetes mellitus.
  • Disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
  • Breastfeeding a child.
  • Obesity and overweight.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.

Particular care must be taken when choosing foods and drinks that can be consumed with dried sweets. In order to avoid negative consequences, you should avoid combining dessert with honey, milk, water and alcoholic beverages.

Failure to comply with this precaution can lead to severe diarrhea, which in turn provokes dysbiosis and dehydration of the body.


In order to receive not only gastronomic pleasure from your favorite delicacy, but also real health benefits, you must adhere to simple rules and restrictions.

Only a qualified specialist can dispel all doubts regarding the benefits and harms of the product.

Many people are looking forward to the end of the summer season, when juicy and sweet melons will appear on the markets and supermarket shelves. Its aroma and taste can leave few people indifferent. But melon has one significant drawback - its fresh shelf life is too short. People have learned to dry it. As studies show, dried fruits and candied melons are not inferior in characteristics to fresh fruit.

Choosing a melon variety for drying

In order for dried melon to be stored for a long time, at the preparation stage you need to choose the right variety of this berry. The melon should have sugary, fairly hard pulp. There should be as little water as possible. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • Collective farmer.
  • Gulyabi.
  • Pineapple.
  • Torpedo.
  • Ditma.
  • Persian.

Dried and candied fruits should be made exclusively from ripe fruits without damage. After all, only then will dried fruit be equal to fresh melon in terms of vitamins and microelements.

Drying melon at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy dried melon at the market or in a store. It is much more economical to dry the fruits in the summer and enjoy them in the fall and winter. To do this, there are several ways to prepare treats. But regardless of the chosen preservation method, it is important to properly prepare the fruits. To do this, they are washed, cut in half, the seeds are removed, the skin is removed and cut into thin slices. The thicker the fruit pieces are, the longer they will take to dry.

The melon can be dried naturally in the sun, but then the process will take about 2 weeks. Therefore, to save time and effort, you can use modern kitchen appliances:

    Gas or electric oven. The process takes place in two stages. The baking tray is covered with baking paper, the slices are cut to a thickness of no more than 0.7 mm and laid out on the prepared sheet. Maintain the product at a temperature of no more than 75 degrees with the fan on. If there is none, open the oven slightly to remove excess moisture. Then the oven is turned off and the slices are allowed to stand for several hours so that the moisture level is equalized. After this, the melon is dried at 60 degrees for about fifteen hours.

  • Electric dryer. To prepare drying in an electrical appliance, berry slices are placed in trays of the appliance and dried for eight hours at a temperature of 55 degrees. Warm air rises from below and is dispersed by a fan throughout all trays. Therefore, a maximum of three pallets should be used. Then the slices will dry evenly.

To get dried melon, the melon is cut into thicker slices and dried for a little less time.

Preparing candied fruits

You can prepare melons for the winter by making candied fruits from it. To do this, use a slightly unripe berry, wash it and peel it from seeds and peel, cut it into small cubes, prepare a syrup from sugar and water and boil the melon pieces until soft, then leave the future candied fruits in a cool place for 12 hours and repeat the cooking-cooling process for more 2−3 times.

When the pieces are cooked for the last time, add citric acid, then the candied fruits are drained in a colander and dried in the open air under gauze or in the oven.

Store the sweet in a glass jar lined with paper, sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar on top.

Storing dried fruits and their use in cooking

After the drying process, the melon ribbons are twisted into ropes and then into braids. It is best to store braids in a glass jar lined with parchment to prevent mold from appearing on the product. Linen bags or paper bags are also suitable.

Dried cantaloupe or Thai melon is a very popular delicacy among confectioners. It is combined with dried apricots, prunes, raisins, cashews and almonds in many desserts and baked goods. And if you sprinkle it with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or ground nuts, it will be an excellent substitute for chocolate and other store-bought sweets.

Useful properties of dried melon

Thanks to drying at low temperatures, the dried slices retain all the vitamins and minerals only collected from the melon field. The rich composition of vitamins and microelements in the product supports the overall tone of the body, helps fight external negative factors, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It is recommended to consume this delicacy for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, nervous and psychological diseases. Women during pregnancy and menopause are also recommended to consume dried melon. Folic acid is necessary to maintain hormonal levels during such difficult periods for the female body. Dietary fiber from melon helps normalize metabolism, eliminate constipation, and promote weight loss.

The harm of treats

Dried melons are not recommended for consumption with dairy products, honey and alcohol. This combination can cause serious stomach upset. People with diabetes should also avoid sweets due to the high glycemic index. It is also better for women during lactation to refrain from eating treats. The product is quite allergenic, which can cause not only rashes on the baby’s skin, but also Quincke’s edema. And sugar causes fermentation in the baby’s fragile digestive tract.

Only by consuming the product in moderation can you feel its beneficial effects on the body. Abuse of such a high-calorie product threatens negative changes in the body even for a healthy person.

Step 1: Prepare the melons.

For drying, you need sugary melons with firm, juicy pulp, and only ripe, healthy fruits that are not damaged by pests are suitable. Our very first action in this preparation is preliminary drying. That is, the melons that we plan to dry need to be laid out in the yard on the ground or on the balcony on 2 days. After the expiration date, check the melons, removing overripe fruits or fruits with signs of rotting.

Step 2: Wash the melons.

Prepared melons need to be washed running water and soapy water, and then allow to air dry. You can speed up the drying process by removing excess moisture with paper towels, but the melon will still need time to dry. fully dry.

Step 3: Cut the melons.

When the melons are dry, we begin cutting. We'll cut in half lengthwise along with the peel. What do we see? A soft core with seeds that needs to be removed with a tablespoon.
The remaining hard part of the fruit must be cut into strips about 3 centimeters. From each slice we cut off the crust and the green layer adjacent to it.

Step 4: Dry the melons.

We place the cut melon pieces on a tray, baking sheet or wire rack so that they Not came into contact with each other. Cover them gauze- this must be done so that wasps do not damage the melon slices. Every 2 days You need to carefully turn the melon strips with a spatula so that the process of removing moisture occurs evenly. Melons should be in this state 12-14 days.

Step 5: Put away the dried melons for storage.

The finished dried melons need to be divided - we will serve some for tea, for testing, and some will be placed in small wooden boxes or boxes, the bottom of which must be covered with parchment. Melons should be woven tourniquet or in a braid - this is how they are stored better.

Step 6: Serve the prepared dried melons.

Dried melon is a tasty and healthy dried fruit, and you can eat it in the same way as any dried fruit that is more familiar. This product can be used as a filling for pies or casseroles. Try serving a braid of dried melon with aromatic freshly brewed tea - you will be pleased! Bon appetit!

You can dry melons in another way - when cutting slices, do not cut them completely, leave 3-4 centimeters at the edges. Such slices should be hung on hangers and also covered with gauze. But there is no need to turn the melons over during drying.

Ready dried melon has a light brown or light yellow color.

The following varieties of melons are best suited for drying: Gulyabi, Kolkhoznitsa, Persian, Pineapple, Ditma.

A juicy fruit with a sweet aroma and bright taste - that’s what a melon is, which is more correctly called a berry from the pumpkin family. Even one slice will improve your mood, improve your well-being, and give you a boost of energy thanks to its beneficial properties. However, one must be careful with the gift of nature. If you like melon, you should know the benefits and harms of the product.

Health benefits of melon

Fragrant melon is not only a delicacy, but a storehouse of medicinal substances necessary for human health, a large set of vitamins and microelements:

  1. The product contains folic acid - very useful for women, and ascorbic acid.
  2. Phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, sodium strengthen the body, renew cells, and improve metabolism.
  3. Iron, chlorine, iodine activate brain activity and help the thyroid gland work.
  4. Calcium protects bones from fractures, potassium and magnesium are saviors of the cardiovascular system, zinc is a natural immunostimulant.

The benefits of melon for the body are great. B vitamins support the nervous system, improve memory, and restore damaged tissue. Vitamin A regulates reproductive function body, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, improves vision. The berry enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics while reducing their toxicity. It should be noted that this delicious product It can also act as a gentle laxative. In a word, you need to eat melon delicacy, but there are contraindications to its use.

Is melon good for pregnancy?

Pregnant women love juicy fruits; their pulp helps produce the “joy hormone.” Is melon good for pregnancy? Yes, because it is non-caloric, increases hemoglobin in the blood, effectively relieves edema, improves intestinal motility, regulates stool, and relieves the problem of hemorrhoids. However, its pulp is very sweet, the sugar in its composition is easily digestible, harmful if exceeded. Melon - its benefits and harms - is strictly taken into account during breastfeeding, since even one juicy slice eaten by the mother can cause stomach upset in the baby.

Is melon harmful for pancreatitis?

The properties of melon are such that a ban on it is imposed in the acute phase of the disease, and during the period of remission you can eat it, but not on an empty stomach and not after a hearty meal. For diseases of the pancreas, this berry should not be eaten in unlimited quantities. A high percentage of fiber and sugar can cause flatulence and aggravate the disease. You need to choose ripe, sweet fruits to protect yourself from of hydrochloric acid, which is produced under the influence of melon juice.

Is melon harmful for diabetes?

Sweet temptation tempts even patients with diabetes and is quite acceptable for this disease - provided that the person eats little, monitors blood glucose levels, and takes prescribed medications. It is worth listening to the advice:

  • It is necessary to choose a fruit that is not very ripe; it contains less fructose.
  • It is better to eat the product separately, no earlier than an hour after another meal. When combined with other foods, it causes strong fermentation in the intestines.
  • Melon for diabetes during the season is consumed as follows: the patient should give up other foods with a large amount of carbohydrates.

Dried melon - benefits and harm

Delicious, very tasty product - dried fruits. What are the benefits of dried melon? The same as fresh culture. The beneficial properties of the fruit are perfectly preserved during heat treatment, so it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and nervous diseases, genitourinary diseases, jaundice. Women should definitely pamper themselves with this wonderful dried fruit: it contains a lot of folic acid, which has a healing effect:

  • responsible for the hormonal sphere;
  • fights depression;
  • improves immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body.

The harm of dried melon, or, more correctly, its side effects, manifested in the fact that it is not combined with certain foods, and this threatens digestive upset. Alcohol, milk and dairy products, as well as honey should not be present in the stomach. Patients with diabetes and those suffering from obesity should avoid it: dried melon has a high calorie content, and it also contains a lot of natural sugar. It is worth considering that the dried product purchased in a store or at the market may have been treated with chemicals; it must be washed before use.

Seeds - benefits and harm

Melon seeds are good, the benefits and harms of which are obvious. The oil from them normalizes the functioning of the intestines and liver, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, relieves cough, and helps reduce sugar levels. Melon seeds are recommended for men with problems with the prostate gland, impotence, prostatitis. In addition, the zinc content in the seeds makes them a powerful aphrodisiac. Harmful properties This is not an unusual product, but its fat content is high. You should not get carried away with eating seeds, so as not to overload the spleen.


Dried melon: properties

Calorie content: 341 kcal.

Dried melon prepared on the basis of sweet, high-quality fruit. The finished product is a real delicacy that is loved by both adults and children. In industrial conditions, special chambers are used for drying.

Beneficial features

The benefits of dried melon are identical to the fresh version, since all minerals and vitamins are preserved in it. The fruit is an ideal product for rejuvenating the body. Dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and hair. If you regularly eat dried melon, your cardiovascular system will improve. It is recommended to include the product in your diet for dropsy, jaundice and urolithiasis. Dried melon has a positive effect on the nervous system.

It is useful for pregnant women to consume dried melon, as it contains folic acid. It also contains an enzyme that Helps cope with insomnia, stress and loss of energy. Dried melon contains beta-carotene, which is necessary to nourish the skin, and it also improves the condition of hair and nails.

Dried melon contains dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines of waste products, which in turn improves the functioning of the digestive system. The product contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves brain activity and is involved in large quantities processes in the body.

Dried melon contains chlorine and sodium - minerals that are responsible for water balance. Dried fruit contains large quantities of potassium, which has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Use in cooking

Dried melon is used as an independent snack, which is served for dessert. It is also used as a filling for baked goods, or as an addition to various desserts. If desired, dried melon can be used to prepare various drinks.

How to dry melon at home?

In the summer, you can prepare dried melon at home yourself. The fruit must be washed, cut and seeds removed. Then the melon is cut into slices, the thickness of which should not be more than 2 cm. Remove the peel and the hard part next to it. Take a baking sheet and place the slices so that they do not touch each other.

The oven needs to be preheated to 220 degrees, and only then place the baking tray with fruit into it. Drying time at this temperature is 15 minutes. After this, reduce the temperature by 85 degrees and open the door slightly. Cooking time 6 hours. Every 30 minutes. The pieces need to be turned over. After this, place the melon in a room that can be ventilated until it is completely dry.

You need to store melon in a glass jar or bag.

Harm of dried melon and contraindications

Dried melon can be harmful when combined with the wrong foods, as this can cause eating disorders. First of all, it is not recommended to combine the product with honey, fermented milk products and alcohol. It is not recommended to consume dried melon for people with diabetes. The calorie content of the product is high, so it is not recommended to abuse the sweet dessert. You should not eat melon if you have problems with the liver or stomach.


Properties of dried melon

How much does dried melon cost? average price for 1 kg.)?

Melon is a sweet, nutritious and aromatic false berry that can weigh up to 25 kilograms. There are a large number of different varieties of this wonderful product, which may differ not only in taste, but also in color, shape, size, but they all have one thing in common - properties that give health, strength and beauty. Dried melons are an exquisite and unusual delicacy that will appeal not only to adults, but also to the younger generation.

Dried melons are made exclusively from the best fruits. Farmers put a lot of effort into growing good melon. After the seeds have been planted, it is necessary to wait several months before it is possible to collect the finished fruits, from which, in the future, dried melons will be made. It is believed that the melon was born in the open spaces Central Asia. The beneficial properties of dried melon are absolutely the same as those of fresh melon, since it does not lose its substances and vitamins in the process. The calorie content of dried melon allows girls to eat it while following a diet, and in addition, melon is an excellent means for rejuvenating the body.

Benefits of dried melon

The benefits of dried melon are undeniable, primarily due to the content of a large number of trace elements and amino acids. Melon pulp is an excellent remedy for strengthening bones, hair and capillaries. The beneficial properties of dried melon also apply to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as to those suffering from dropsy, jaundice, urolithiasis or nervous diseases. Pregnant women and women during menopause need folic acid, which is contained in this wonderful dried fruit; it helps balance hormonal composition, and also eliminates depression, while strengthening memory and improving immunity.

In addition, the benefits of dried melon also lie in the content of an enzyme, thanks to which the body fights insomnia, impotence and irritability. This enzyme has a protective effect on cells from destruction. Beta-carotene, contained in microelements, provides nourishment to the skin and gives hair a rich shine, as well as strengthens nails and maintains a tan on the skin in the summer. If desired, you can get rid of freckles, acne or age spots using this wonderful plant fruit.

Harm of dried melon

The harm of dried melon is that it can conflict with various foods, which can lead to digestive disorders. It is strictly not recommended to eat dried melon in combination with alcoholic beverages, dairy products and honey. Also, dried melon will not be beneficial for diabetics.

Calorie content of dried melon 341 kcal

Energy value of dried melon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 1%|0%|96%


Melon is a very aromatic, tasty and nutritious berry, which is also called false. Which is not at all surprising, considering that the weight of one such berry can reach about 25 kg. IN modern times There are many different varieties and varieties of melon, the fruits may differ in taste and shape, color and size, but they all have a lot of beneficial properties for health and beauty. Dried melon retains all the healing qualities of the fresh fruit, and in addition is rightfully considered an exquisite delicacy with an unusually sweet taste.

Producers care about the quality of melon even at the time when the seeds are just planted in the ground. After all, before you start drying the product, more than one month must pass until the plant sprouts, buds and produces juicy fruits. To prepare dried melon, the best berries of full ripeness without damage are selected.

The countries located in Central Asia are considered the birthplace of sweet melons. It was the peoples living here who first came up with a way to preserve beneficial features these fruits and prepare dried melons, which, even despite processing, retain all the vitamins and natural elements that are of particular value for the human body.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of this very sweet dessert is relatively low. Therefore, this product can be safely included in the diet. dietary nutrition for those who want to lose weight and at the same time rejuvenate. The last factor is greatly facilitated by the rich chemical composition of dried melon. Dry fruit pulp contains natural amino acids and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, bones and capillaries.

Eating dried melon for cardiovascular diseases has undoubted benefits. This product has a therapeutic effect for dropsy, jaundice, nervous disorders and urolithiasis. This dried fruit contains considerable amounts of folic acid, which is necessary for women during periods of special hormonal surges, in particular during pregnancy and menopause. The same substance helps normalize the body’s hormonal levels, helps cope with depression, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on memory.

In addition, dried melon contains a special enzyme that is involved in the fight against insomnia, irritability and loss of strength. It also protects living cells from destruction. Dried melon contains a real beauty vitamin called beta-carotene. Thanks to it, hair acquires a healthy shine, nails become stronger, and the tan on the skin remains unchanged for a long time.

It is believed that dried herbal product Helps remove freckles, acne and age spots.

However, dried melon may be harmful to health due to its ability to conflict with others. food products, which usually manifests itself in the form of digestive disorders. For example, dried melon is completely incompatible with dairy products, honey and alcohol. In addition, this too sweet dried fruit, like many others, is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Fresh fruits contain the maximum amount of nutrients, but, unfortunately, have a limited ripening period. Therefore, methods of canning and drying have long been mastered. Thus, dried melon is a valuable product that should be included in the menu.

Why is it useful?

The benefits of dried melon are due to its composition:

  • vitamins A, C, D, PP;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • beta-carotene;
  • mineral salts;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • sugar (mostly sucrose);
  • proteins.

At the same time, the calorie content of the product is 341 kcal per 100 g of dried fruit.

The delicacy is sold in the form of individual pieces or braids. Recommended for dietary nutrition. But it is important to know how many calories are in dried melon in order to correctly calculate the portion. Usually it is an additive to baked goods, porridges, and people drink tea with it instead of sweets.

The beneficial properties of dried melon include saturating the body with potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

  1. Sodium helps to better transmit nerve impulses.
  2. Calcium is responsible for bone health and is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D.
  3. Phosphorus is also indispensable for the body.
  4. Magnesium has a positive effect on the psychological state.

Dried or dried melon pulp cleanses the liver, removes toxins, normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder, expelling excess bile. Thanks to its diuretic effect, dried melon in pigtails or in pieces relieves problems with the kidneys and bladder. Numerous vitamins and microelements will serve as an excellent source of protecting the body from overwork, insomnia and vitamin deficiency.

Melon can only be harmful to those who suffer from diabetes or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried Thai melon contains almost the same calories, but it contains less sugar than regular melon.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The sweet delicacy is good for pregnant and lactating women. This is an excellent vitamin supplement that will provide the body with the necessary elements needed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is only important not to overdo it, so as not to cause allergic reactions or increased blood sugar. In this case, you should add pieces of dried fruit to compote or porridge.

You should choose only a high-quality product - the braid or slices of dried melon should not be covered with seeds or unpeeled peel, or other impurities. The dried fruit tastes like the rich aroma, texture and sweetness of banana.

How to make dried melon - varieties

If you wish, you can make candied melon yourself. In this case, you will get a truly natural product, especially if the fruit was grown on own plot and without pesticides.

Not all varieties are suitable for drying. The optimal ones are:

  • Pineapple;
  • Collective farmer;
  • Gulyabi;
  • Torpedo.

Dried or dried melon has Uzbek name kauyndak and is widespread in Uzbek and Turkmen cuisines.

Dry the melon either in the oven or in an electric dryer.

There is a method of drying in the sun and wind. The fruit is cut in half, seeds and peel are removed. The half is cut into strips, but not completely. It is laid out on a wire rack and dried for a couple of days, constantly turning over. Then it is hung on ropes in the sun. Dries better in windy weather. Then it is braided into a pigtail.

Drying melon at home

The ideal option is an electric dryer. A medium-sized melon fruit needs to be washed and dried. Cut and remove the seeds, remove the peel and the unsweetened hard part near the peel. Cut the pulp into 0.5 cm strips.

Heat the electric dryer to 70°, place the slices on trays so that they do not touch each other. Drying melons takes up to 12 hours, but every 2 hours you need to turn off the electric dryer for 10 minutes to prevent it from overheating.

A more troublesome method is cooking in a gas oven. The fruit is also cut into strips and laid out on parchment, the baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 70°. For better evaporation of moisture, you should turn on the ventilation mode or open the oven door slightly.

It is important to periodically change the parchment so that the slices are not in their own juice, otherwise they will bake and not wilt. Cooking time is 10 hours.

Cooking recipes

Candied fruits can be consumed throughout the year, as they retain their beneficial properties for a long time. You just need to store the product correctly - in a glass jar or a cotton or linen bag, since dried fruits must “breathe”. Before use, you need to check for the absence of mold and traces of insects.

The delicacy can be served cut into pieces or with the addition of other products:

  • sprinkle the strips with finely chopped nuts and wrap them in rolls;
  • Roll dried melon slices into balls and roll in poppy seeds;
  • sprinkle strips or slices of melon with water, dry and sprinkle with sesame seeds;
  • add raisins and dried apricots to the slices - it will work healthy salad. You can season it with yogurt or add cottage cheese.

When mixing candied fruits with other dishes, you should remember that the calorie content per 100 grams of dried fruit changes, especially if it is added to cereals and baked goods. You need to be especially careful with honey, which makes the melon even sweeter. For those who are on a diet, it is useful to have a tablet with the calorie content of different foods to calculate the number of calories in dishes with several ingredients.

The properties of dried melon make them useful for children over one year old, and it is better to introduce it into the diet from the age of three, when the child’s digestive system is able to cope with such a product. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with candied fruits either, otherwise the child may develop diathesis or allergies. You need to start with small portions so that the child’s digestive system gets used to the new dish.

Summer has passed. Now you can enjoy the fruits if you take care of canning. The best way Drying it will preserve the beneficial properties of melon. But it is not possible to completely turn a melon into a dry, brittle slice. Due to the high sugar content, the melon slice is always elastic and is woven into a braid and wrapped in a protective film for better packaging. The dried melon, the photo of which is on the page, has retained its valuable properties, even vitamins.

Preparing melon for storage

The peculiarity of melon is that it cannot be kept fresh even for a short period of time. But the benefits of dried melon have been known since biblical times. Not all varieties are suitable for making dried slices. For this purpose, some varieties are used that are distinguished by their firm pulp and aroma. An example of such varieties are melons:

  • Collective farmer.
  • Pineapple.
  • Gulyabi.

For harvesting for future use, only undamaged medium-sized fruits are selected. Their preparation consists of drying them as a whole for two days. After this, damaged fruits are discarded, the rest are thoroughly washed and cut into slices. The crust and green subcortical layer are removed.

How to dry melon at home

If the preparation is done at home in the open air, naturally, then the melon slices are cut lengthwise, but at the end a jumper is left so that two slices can be hung on wires or ropes stretched in a ventilated room. The thickness of the strips is 2-4 cm. Drying in the open air lasts about two weeks, while the slices are turned over every day so that the moisture evaporates evenly. The weight reduction relative to the original occurs by approximately 10 times.

After this, the elastic strips can be woven into braids, wrapped in film so that the product does not attract moisture, and left for storage. Another way to store dried melon is in glass jars, in which the slices are placed vertically and sealed tightly. Since drying a melon at home in the air takes a long time, and bad weather can interfere, special devices, ovens, and drying cabinets are increasingly used for drying.

How to dry melon using devices

You can dry melon slices, like chopped apples, carrots and other fruits, in the oven or in an electric dryer. In any case, thin strips are cut to make drying faster. The slices should be no more than 0.7 cm thick. When exposed to warm air The temperature in the oven should not be higher than 75, it is better if there is a fan in the cabinet. Drying is carried out in two stages. The first 7 hours are dried at elevated temperatures. After a break of several hours, dry at 60°C. Total time drying for about a day, including a break to equalize the humidity inside the strips.

However, it is much more convenient to dry the melon like other juicy products. In this case, no more than three racks are used to make drying faster. The dryer is set to a temperature of first 55, then 45 degrees and periodically turn the slices over. The process is carried out within 24 hours.

The electric dryer is a housing with perforated trays installed inside, through which an installed fan blows air out through the openings of the lid. The air is heated and supplied from below or distributed into trays on the side.

The device is low noise, takes up little space and energy costs depend on the performance of the device. For household use, you need to choose a medium-power dryer.

Consumer properties of dried melon

The dried product has all the same properties as fresh melon, only in greater concentration. The main energy component of the product is carbohydrates. Therefore, the dried slice is not recommended for those who are losing weight and diabetics. Like fresh melon, the dried slice should not be consumed with milk, alcohol or honey. The sweet delicacy can be eaten with warm tea, but in small quantities, since 100 grams of the product contains 341 Kcal, of which 329 are quickly digestible sugar. Carbohydrates are represented by mono- and disaccharides.

The dried product preserves the entire spectrum of vitamins B, PP, E, A. Vitamin C is contained in large quantities. Minerals are present in all their diversity, making this product useful for everyone who benefits from fresh melon.

If you bought an unsuccessful melon at the market, do not rush to throw it away. Cut into thin slices and lightly dry the product on a porous surface. Then hang the slices to air dry. She should be in the sun for two hours a day. When the plates become limp, twist them into a rope or braid them and air dry them for three days. Store in linen bags or cling film.

If you cut the strips into small pieces and roll them into balls, you get a convenient form for consumption. And if you sprinkle sesame or poppy seeds on the sticky surface, the delicacy will become even more attractive. You can roll the melon into a roll with nut filling and cut into small pieces.

In an age of abundance there is no surprise for festive table factory-made sweets. But delicacies made from dried melon and served for dessert will add a special charm to the hospitality of the hosts.

Drying melon in slices - video

There are few people in the world who are indifferent to the aroma and taste of ripe melon. But, like all other varieties of melons, this “false berry” has one significant drawback - the fresh shelf life is too short. In an effort to find opportunity all year round To savor the fragrant gift of nature, which was written about in the Bible itself, people learned to dry melon. And it turned out that dried melon is in no way inferior to its fresh prototype either in taste or in terms of healthiness. So what is dried melon useful for, what vitamins does it contain?

All the beneficial properties of dried melon are based on the fact that in their fresh state, these melons are a storehouse of microelements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the human body. Drying, carried out correctly, allows you to preserve vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine in the product , zinc, starch, fluorine, sugar, fiber, proteins and mineral salts. As a result, this delicacy can eliminate many diseases and improve the functioning of the body, in particular the digestive system.

A treat that heals: the benefits of dried melon

The microelements and vitamins present in melon, preserved in the form of dried fruits, have a positive effect on the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, healthy hair, skin, capillary vessels and bones. Despite the fairly significant caloric content, dried melon helps to lose kilos due to its beneficial effect on the digestive system: constipation is eliminated, all “garbage” is removed from the intestines and even kidney stones are removed.

Calorie content of dried melon

Fresh melon is considered a low-calorie product: only 35 kcal per 100 g. But the calorie content of dried melon is an order of magnitude higher: 100 g contains 341 - 385 kcal, depending on the type of “false berry”. However, candied melons do not become harmful product for those who watch their own weight. Dried melon can be used instead of sweets and cakes.

Harm of dried melon

As in its fresh form, dried melon is categorically not acceptable for simultaneous consumption with sour milk, honey and alcohol.

In such combinations, a product useful for the digestive system turns into a provocateur of the development of disorders. Children under one year of age are not given such dried fruits due to insufficient development of their digestive system.

You should not eat dried melon if you have the following diseases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. obesity;
  3. liver diseases;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases.

Considering the above, it should be noted that the benefits and harms of dried melon for the body are completely incommensurable. Chronic patients with the above diseases, of course, should beware of this product, and for healthy people this delicacy can be harmful only in case of excessive overeating.

Dried melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dried melon is often called a feminine product. During pregnancy, such a melon can eliminate the risk of developing vitamin deficiency and, with the help of the enzymes and microelements it contains, will help “build” the baby’s skin, nails and hair and keep the affected person healthy. interesting position appearance expectant mother. You can eat candied melon during any trimester of pregnancy, without forgetting that the amount of calories in dried melon is significant.

But the question is, is it possible to have a melon at breastfeeding, causes doctors to have a less clear answer. False berries, both ripe and dried, can provoke the development of allergic reactions in infants. In addition, elements from melon that get into milk can “come back to haunt” the baby with digestive disorders in the form of gas or stomach colic.

It is necessary to decide whether a nursing mother can have melon in the form of dried treats in the following way: you need to monitor whether the child has allergies and gases after introducing vegetables and fruits that are more familiar to the place of residence into the diet. If not, then the mother can eat a little melon and see how the baby’s body reacts to it. If the reaction is positive, candied melon can be eaten. After all, it provokes an increase in milk production by the female body.

Use of dried melon in cooking

On the shelves today there is dried melon in the form of small candied fruits, a larger dried melon Pigtail - the standard in the form of a product braided from strips, and other shaped delicacies from this melon crop. This product can be used as an independent dessert or as a component in the preparation of complex desserts, baked goods and drinks. The most popular is Thai dried melon.

Drying melon at home

If we're talking about O industrial production candied melon, special drying chambers are used there.

But if you wish, you can make your own delicacy at home.

You can dry the melon:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the drying chamber.

Algorithm for making melon sushi at home:

Melon helps make blood vessels elastic, nails and hair strong. The sweet fruit helps fight depression and removes toxic waste from the body. How to dry melon at home to enjoy a healthy treat in winter?

How to dry melon at home to preserve its beneficial properties?

How to dry melon in an electric dryer

Stages of drying melon:

  • wash, remove seeds, peel, all unsweetened pulp;
  • cut the fruit into thin strips no more than 5 mm thick, the length can be any;
  • warm up the closed electric dryer for 5 minutes;
  • place the pieces of product on trays in one layer, leaving a small distance between them;
  • place the trays in the drying device;
  • set the temperature to 55–70 degrees, dry the melon for 10–11 hours.

During the drying process, the trays can be swapped, since the temperature below is higher. Every 3-4 hours you need to turn off the electric dryer for 7-12 minutes.

You can store melon preparations in bags made of thin natural fabric or in glass containers with a lid.

How to air dry melon and oven

If you don’t have an electric dryer at home, you can dry the melon in the usual way - in the oven or in the fresh air.

To dry in the oven, cut the melon into pieces 6–7 mm thick, set the oven temperature to 70–75 degrees.

Drying occurs in several stages:

  • on initial stage which lasts 7 hours, the melon must be dried at the maximum permissible temperature;
  • take out the workpieces, cool;
  • Continue drying for 2-3 hours at 60 degrees.

To dry in the open air, small slices of peeled melon 4-8 cm thick should be cut into 2 parts lengthwise, but not all the way - a small partition should remain, the prepared pieces should be hung on a fishing line or rope. If drying is carried out indoors, it should be well ventilated. The drying process lasts 12–14 days; the pieces must be turned over daily to ensure uniform evaporation of moisture.

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