The best recipes for preparing sorrel for the winter at home in jars. How to close sorrel for the winter without salt How to make sorrel for the winter

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May begins, it’s time to think about preparations, and the first one is preparation of sorrel. In the winter we will make an excellent one from it. Here are some ways:

First way. First you need to get the sorrel itself. To do this, we take a basket and go to the garden plot or to the forest (we have excellent beautiful sorrel growing in our forests), or, as a last resort, we go to the market. Well, we got the sorrel, now we sort it out, removing weeds and damaged sorrel leaves. We wash it well from the sand and cut it into large pieces with a knife.

Then put a wooden grid on the bottom of an enamel bucket or large pan, pour 2-3 fingers of water and place clean half-liter jars on the grid.

Place on the fire, bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars for 10-15 minutes, covering the dishes with a lid. We also boil the lids for rolling up the jars in water. I even have a separate one, you can read it.

Place a separate enamel pan with 2-3 liters of water on the fire and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water boils, take the sorrel and put it in boiling water.

As soon as the sorrel changes color (this happens very quickly, in 20-30 seconds), turn the heat to minimum (to stop boiling), take a slotted spoon, remove the foam, scoop up the sorrel and place it tightly in the jar, as tightly as possible.

Finally, add a little water to the jar from the same pan where the sorrel was blanched. If there is still sorrel left in the pan, catch it with a slotted spoon and put it in another jar, cover it with a lid. And immediately roll up the full jar with the prepared boiled lid. Take the next portion of sorrel and perform the same operation.

Cool the finished jars in air.

The second method of preparation. We carry out preliminary preparation of the leaves: sort, wash, dry on a towel. Cut the sorrel into large pieces with a knife and mix with salt in a ratio of 100 g of salt per kilogram of sorrel.

Boil clean empty jars or sterilize them with steam (preferably with a capacity of 0.25 l). Pack the sorrel tightly into dry prepared jars (so that the juice begins to appear). We close the jars with plastic lids, which must first be boiled in water. This sorrel should be stored until winter in a refrigerator or cold cellar.

Third way. We pass the sorted, washed and towel-dried sorrel leaves (1 kg) through a meat grinder. Add 30 g of salt to this mass and mix thoroughly. Using a funnel, tightly fill the boiled glass bottles with the resulting mass and pour melted fat on top. We cork the bottles and tie them with twine. Store in a cellar in a horizontal position.

Sorrel with spinach. We sort fresh spinach and sorrel leaves and wash them from sand. Place the raw materials in an enamel bowl and add water. In this case, spinach should be 50%, sorrel and water – 25% each. Place the dishes on the fire and blanch for 3 minutes. We heat clean empty jars in a steam bath and fill them with hot herbs and water.

Cover the jars with boiled lids and place in a saucepan (preferably on a wooden grid). Fill with hot water (70 degrees) to cover the hangers of the jars. Bring the water to a boil and sterilize half-liter jars for 25 minutes, liter jars for 35 minutes. Immediately roll up, cool in air, turning over onto lids.

Hurry up to prepare sorrel and replenish your supply of vitamins for the winter!

One of the most anticipated spring dishes is herb soup. However, not everyone wants to wait until spring to make green sorrel soup. Therefore, many are interested in preparing sorrel for the winter at home, so that they can prepare a sorrel dish at any time of the year.

Preparing sorrel for the winter is quite difficult. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with how to seal sorrel in jars for the winter.

Short description

Before you can preserve sorrel for the winter, you need to read its brief description.

The homeland of this plant is Western Europe, but references to it can also be found in books from other countries. It came to the New World in the 16th century from France. Around the same period, it appeared on our lands. The plant quickly became popular, many people began to grow and eat it.

Currently, this plant is valued for the fact that it contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Quite often it is added to various medications. Many people use it in folk medicine for the treatment of certain diseases. However, it is most often used in cooking.

To add it to dishes not only in spring and summer, you need to figure out how to preserve sorrel for the winter.

Preservation with salt

Not everyone knows how to roll sorrel with salt. Today you can find a lot of information on how to pickle sorrel. It is recommended to do this in late spring or early summer, before the plant has had time to grow much. It is recommended to pickle salted sorrel and roll it into half-liter jars. Such containers are very convenient, since one can is enough to prepare a large pot of soup or borscht.

To prepare sorrel in jars for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of leaves;
  • 10 g salt for each jar.

To preserve sorrel using the cold method, add warm water to the fresh grass, then close the container with a lid and leave to infuse for half an hour. This is done so that all dirt, insects and other debris are washed off the plant.

Also, before preparing the plant for twisting, you should rinse it thoroughly under warm water. Then the wild beets are cut into small strips no more than one centimeter wide. The harvested plant is placed in containers to the very top.

If necessary, you can use a masher to thoroughly compact everything. After this, the contents of the jars need to be salted and filled with water.

When all the jars are filled, close the pickled sorrel with special lids. You can store canned products even at room temperatures, since such greens are stored for a long time under almost any conditions.

Without salt

The simplest preparation recipe that you can use is to pickle the leaves in jars without salt. This recipe is used by a large number of housewives and cooks. However, many warn that sorrel pickled in this way should be stored in a cold room. To prepare sorrel for the winter without salt, you don’t need many ingredients. To do this, you only need water and a kilogram of greens.

Canning sorrel for the winter begins with boiling water. It is brought to a boil, after which it should be cooled. In parallel with this, you should start preparing the greens. First, the leaves are thoroughly washed cold water and cut into small pieces. Some people refuse to cut and preserve whole sorrel for the winter.

The leaves are placed in prepared containers and filled with warm water. After this, each jar must be preserved with sealing lids.

Other harvesting methods

There are other ways to prepare canned sorrel.

Without sterilization

Some housewives prefer to roll greens without sterilization. This will allow you to prepare fresh sorrel for the winter to create fillings and pies. For this you will need:

  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 2 kg sorrel leaves.

First you need to start preparing the sheets. They are washed, dried and cut into small pieces. After this, they are placed in jars and sprinkled with a small layer of salt. After 10-20 minutes, oil is added to the container, which prevents the spread of mold.

The jars are sealed with special or regular plastic lids. After seaming the salted sorrel, all containers with it are moved to a cool place.

Without water

In some cases, cooking is carried out even without water. For this, small containers with a volume of no more than 300 g are used. You can also use other greens. Dill, parsley and onions are suitable for this. It is not necessary to observe certain proportions of products. In this case, it all depends on the preferences of the person and the greens used.

All ingredients of the preparation for the winter are chopped with a knife, poured into containers and sprinkled with salt. Then everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for several hours. You can start twisting after the greens begin to release salt.

For soup

Salting sorrel for the winter for cooking soup - best way preserving the greenery with which it is made tasty soup or gas station. To prepare the preserve you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of sorrel leaves;
  • 100 g parsley;
  • 150 g dill;
  • 250 g onions;
  • 35 g salt.

First you need to carefully examine the plants and get rid of damaged and dry leaves. After this, they are washed, dried and cut into small strips. Then you should take a small saucepan and fill it with water. It should boil for about 10-15 minutes, after which salt should be added to it. All ingredients are infused in the liquid for about 20 minutes. Then they are laid out in seaming containers and filled with marinade from the pan.

This method cannot be used without sterilization, so jars with lids should be sterilized in advance.


Not everyone prepares canned sorrel for the winter. Some people don’t want to figure out how to pickle sorrel for the winter and therefore prefer to freeze it. To do this, you need to sort out the fresh greens and thoroughly clean them of dry leaves and extraneous grass. It also needs to be washed thoroughly. The plant is placed in a container filled with water and soaked for several minutes. When washing sorrel, you should use only cold or lukewarm water.

There are many methods by which you can preserve the freshness and valuable properties of various greens. In winter, the issue of fresh vegetables becomes extremely relevant, so many try to stock up during the summer season. For these purposes, you should familiarize yourself with how to keep sorrel fresh for the winter: preparations, recipes, the best methods.

Considering the home environment, you should consider storage space in advance as this product will need a cool place. Preparation begins with harvesting or purchasing it at the store. Then each leaf is carefully examined and sorted. Then the leaves should be thoroughly washed, dried and cut. The stems of the plant can be left or removed.

Recipes for winter cooking

A variety of methods allows a person to choose the most suitable method of harvesting a plant for certain conditions. Also convenient is that salt is the only preservative required for pickling.

Canned sorrel in jars

It will be necessary to close the green product in containers with the addition of large quantity salt. For such a preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fresh leaves;
  • 10 grams of salt per container.

How to close: first you need to soak the plant in a bowl of warm water and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, wash the leaves and cut into thin strips. Place them in jars to the very top and compact them tightly. Add salt and water.

Drying sorrel

You can use two drying methods: in an open space or using an electric dryer.

How to prepare: sort through the harvested green crop. Soak in liquid and then wash. Dry well on a towel. Then collect the plant into tight bunches, tie it up and hang it outside. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

If the leaves are dried indoors, they will need good air circulation, otherwise the plant may die. To do this, they need to be placed on paper in a thin layer. To harvest the plant in an electric dryer, you need to grind the product. When finished it should have a dark green color.


This method of preparing a useful product is good because it does not require cooking. What you will need to pickle sorrel:

  • 15 grams of salt per 500 grams of leaves.

How to prepare: prepare half a liter screw-on container. Finely chop the green product. Transfer the leaves to jars and sprinkle with salt as directed in the ingredients. Mix the plant thoroughly with grains of salt and leave for 3 hours. During this time, the sorrel will give juice. Tighten and leave in a cool place.

Option without salt

This method is considered classic recipe preserving fresh leaves. For this you will need:

  • kilogram of leaves;
  • liter of water.

How to close without salt: prepare the main component. Boil water in a deep container and immerse the plant in it. Cover and steam for 5 minutes, stirring the sorrel constantly. Once it changes color, you can transfer it to sterile jars.

In its own juice

Pickled sorrel is a good addition to dishes to which salt or sugar cannot be added. For harvesting, any number of leaves is taken.

How to prepare: prepare the plant and fill the jars with it. Place the containers in a pan of hot water and wait until the leaves release juice. Cool the containers and cover with lids. Put it away for storage.

Method without sterilization

Convenient and quick method green product preparations. What do you need:

  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 2 kilograms of leaves.

How to prepare: process the plant - wash and chop. Pour into containers, add salt. After 30 minutes, add some oil. Cover with silicone lids and hide.

In brine

If you roll sorrel in brine, it will give the dish a special taste. For a liter of water you need a tablespoon of salt. How to roll: chop the leaves and fill the containers. Add salt and pour boiling water to the top. Seal with nylon lids and turn over.

Multi-component preparation for borscht

This is the best recipe for making soup additives. Component composition:

  1. Sorrel.
  2. Parsley.
  3. Green onions.
  4. Lavrushka.
  5. Garlic.
  6. Lemon acid.

Preparation instructions: chop all the greens and compact them into jars. Add garlic. Boil water with bay leaves and sorrel stems. Fill containers. The gas station is ready.


To quickly make green supplies, you should use the cold method of preparing sorrel. How to freeze: process the product. Pour boiling water over it and then dry. Transfer the leaves into containers or bags. You can also use a blender and make a homogeneous mass.

Storage rules

Dried sorrel leaves, stored in glass containers with plastic lids, can last for several years. When frozen, the leaves can last up to two years if you do not defrost them several times.

Pickled sorrel can be stored for about a year if the basic rules have been followed. The canned product can be stored for up to two years in a cool place.

Human ancestors stopped being herbivores a long time ago, but we still have a love for spicy or sour leaves. But how long do the leaves stay green in northern climates? That is why in the Russian culinary tradition a significant place is given to preparations for the winter. Seal young sorrel in small jars and enjoy green cabbage soup when there is a snowstorm outside - what could be more entertaining for a gourmet? Preserving sorrel at home is not difficult, try our recipe and you won’t notice how familiar this product will become in your kitchen.

And without the magic glasses of the gatekeeper Faramant, the young sorrel amazes with its bright emerald green. Its name is translated from Latin as “spear,” and indeed, its leaves, with their arrow-shaped base, resemble a formidable tip.

Young sorrel leaves are needed for harvesting

According to the botanical classification, sorrel is a relative of buckwheat, but it is not the seeds that are edible, but the leaves and tops of young shoots, just like tea.

Old leaves accumulate a lot of oxalic acid, which can provoke or aggravate kidney stones, gout, and arthritis.

Attention! Sorrel is absolutely contraindicated for people with impaired water-salt metabolism and kidney disease.

Sorrel did not immediately appear in the culinary section. For a long time he was among medicines from dysentery, indigestion, bleeding and even the plague. Perhaps the placebo effect worked, but what sorrel definitely helps with is scurvy: the vitamin C content in 100 g of fresh leaves is close to the daily norm.

There is a popular expression: “vitamin of joy.” So, sorrel fully corresponds to it. At the end of spring, when our bodies are exhausted from the fight against winter depression, and there are still practically no vitamin-rich plants, young sorrel leaves magically color the picture of the world. Tender green cabbage soup with the big-eyed oval of a hard-boiled egg or a fresh salad of sorrel with radishes will restore both efficiency and vitality like nothing else.

Advice. To avoid eating porridge and getting kidney stones, accompany it with a large amount of a product containing calcium. Not very useful oxalic acid forms insoluble compounds with calcium in the intestines and leaves the body without being absorbed into the blood.

Preparing sorrel for preservation

Like other vitamin crops, sorrel can and should be harvested for the winter. The plants will be ready in May, and that’s good: processing sorrel can be considered as a kind of warm-up before a larger campaign to preserve cucumbers and other garden produce. When working with this plant, you should remember some rules.

  1. In order not to harm your health with excess amounts of oxalic acid, pluck only young leaves.
  2. If heat treatment is not planned, the leaves should be washed with special care to remove soil and possible nests of insect eggs. To do this, the leaves are immersed in a bowl of water for an hour, then washed and dried on napkins or a towel.
  3. Before you lift the knife over the leaves, it is good to imagine how the canned product will be used. If, in family traditions, you add it to salads or filling for pies, then it is better to chop it. To prepare first courses, you can make a puree from the leaves.
  4. It’s more rational to take half-liter jars, since they hold the product for one pan of cabbage soup or a couple of salads, and it lasts longer open form will not be stored.

Sorrel for the winter: vitamin recipe

To create a tasty and healthy snack from sour leaves, you should prepare:

  • sterilized jars;
  • scalded metal lids;
  • chopped greens;
  • masher.

The recipe for making sorrel is very simple.

We put the greens in a jar and crush it with a masher so that more can fit. Add cold boiled water little by little. Salt to taste or do without salt at all. We roll it up and store it in the cellar. Oxalic acid itself acts as a preservative in such preparations.

If there is no cold storage room, it is better to use a different recipe. Pour about two fingers' worth of boiling water into a large saucepan, add chopped leaves and bring to a boil. The resulting boiling grounds are poured into hot jars one by one: filled, rolled up, then the next one. The magical vitamin sourness is ready for the winter.

Attention! Do not use aluminum cookware. When heated, the acid will destroy the protective oxide film on the surface of the cookware and react directly with the metal. As a result, aluminum oxalate, which is harmful to health, will form in the product.

Sorrel does not have to be canned alone. It can be accompanied by dill, parsley and onion feathers. It can be prepared like sauerkraut: cut, salt, pack tightly into a jar, wait for the juice under pressure, close, store in the refrigerator. In the freezer you can provide a place for flat bags of frozen sorrel.

In winter, when we quickly switch from crispy vegetables to pasta and potatoes, it’s so nice to spice up dinner with something summer-y bright: sauerkraut, pickled squash and, of course, sour leaves of timely prepared sorrel.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter: video

  • A storehouse of vitamins - there’s no other way to describe sorrel, which occupies a very small corner summer cottage. Vitamins of group B, A, C, E; acids – oxalic and ascorbic; as well as calcium and magnesium, potassium and iron. Therefore, by preparing sorrel for the winter, the housewife provides her household with not only tasty, but also very useful product. How to freeze sorrel, preserve it with or without salt, and how to prepare the filling for pies will be discussed in this article.

    The best ways to prepare sorrel for the winter

    Natural sorrel

    Carefully sort out the cut greens, remove yellowed, damaged leaves and weeds. Rinse very well, drain and place on a kitchen towel to dry excess water.

    Then the sorrel should be coarsely chopped and blanched. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire, and after boiling, put the sorrel in it. In just 30 seconds, the sorrel greens will turn olive green. Now you need to turn the flame to minimum and start filling the jars.

    It is best to use containers with a volume of 0.5 liters or less, so that in winter an open jar can be used at a time.

    Pour boiling water in which the sorrel was blanched into a container filled to the shoulders (so that it overflows) and immediately seal.

    Lids also need to be sterilized. Closed jars are checked for leaks by turning them upside down and cooled in this form. The workpiece is stored well even at room temperature.

    Another recipe for preparing natural sorrel. You don’t need salt, sugar, or even vinegar.

    The cooking method is very simple. Sorrel is not subjected to heat treatment and retains its taste.

    To work you will need:

    • cutting board and sharp knife
    • jars with screw caps, volume 0.5 l or o.25 l
    • boiled water room temperature
    • sorrel

    Only the leaves will be used for harvesting, so after carefully collecting the greens in a bunch, you need to cut off the petioles. The prepared leaves are filled with a large amount of water and changed several times. All dust and sand should be washed off the leaves. Then the sorrel is transferred to a colander or onto a kitchen towel to remove excess moisture.

    Now the drained greens should be cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, as a housewife usually does to prepare green cabbage soup or salad.

    The jars in which the greens will be placed must be sterilized. The same goes for lids.

    The sorrel is poured into containers, compacting each portion tightly. You can use a wooden masher or a spoon (also wooden), or you can just crush it with your hand.

    Now you should pour water into the filled jar. Gently, in a thin stream, while crushing the greens. This will allow the air remaining between the pieces of sorrel to be expelled. Very little water will go into the jar, but it should be flush with the top edge of the jar neck. In this form, it is immediately screwed on. Sorrel can be stored without salt for more than a year, while maintaining freshness.

    This preparation is universal. It can be used for soups and salads without the risk of oversalting the dish. For sweet baked goods you will need to add sugar.

    By the way, the petioles that were trimmed at the beginning of preparing sorrel without salt can be crushed in a blender and frozen. A small portion of this puree will add sourness to borscht or sauce. It is added to the soup just before turning off.

    SORREL for the winter: just add water

    Sorrel with salt

    Preparing sorrel with salt is not much different from the previous recipe.

    Washed sorrel leaves must be cut into strips or pieces - as you like - and placed in sterilized half-liter jars. The greens are compacted to avoid voids between the product. Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt on top. Salt should be ordinary, rock salt, without any additives. Now you need to pour boiled water room temperature. You should pour carefully, lightly pressing the leaves. wooden spoon so that they don't float up. Having filled the container with water flush with the edges, it is immediately sealed and sent for storage.

    Sorrel with green onions

    Sorrel can be prepared in a mixture with other herbs. This preparation is ideal for green borscht or salad.

    • fresh sorrel greens – 450 g
    • green onion – 450 g
    • young dill – 220 g
    • parsley leaves – 220 g
    • kitchen salt without additives – 80 g

    A wonderful preparation that saves the housewife time on preparing lunch or dinner.

    All greens must be carefully sorted, washed and allowed to dry, spread in a thin layer on a towel. Then all the components are crushed into small pieces and placed in a cup. Sprinkle salt on top and mix, lightly pressing down the mixture. Mechanical impact on the greens will speed up the release of juice.

    Half-liter jars are kept in low-boiling water for 15 minutes, and liter jars for 25 minutes. After time, the jars are sealed, cooled, turned upside down, and sent to the cellar for storage.

    Preparing sorrel without salt with sparkling water

    To avoid the unpleasant consequences of storing sorrel for the winter, it must be thoroughly washed. This applies to all recipes, without exception. Damaged and yellowed leaves are removed. Workpiece containers and lids are properly washed and sterilized.

    The housewife will need sorrel and sparkling water. Just sparkling water, no flavorings. It should be refrigerated before use. The sorrel is cut into pieces and placed in the prepared container as tightly as possible. Then fill it with sparkling water and immediately roll it up. The bottle of soda must always be kept closed so as not to lose the flavor of the product - the gas bubbles.

    The sequence of actions is as follows.

    1. First, fill the jars with sorrel until all the cutting is finished.
    2. Then fill one of them with soda,
    3. screw on a bottle of water and roll up the jar.
    4. And so on. It is very convenient to work with four hands.

    All the beneficial substances of sorrel are preserved when prepared in this way, and dishes prepared with it give the impression of using fresh herbs.

    Sorrel with sugar

    So that you can enjoy pies (or pies) with sorrel in winter, you should take care of this in summer. The preparation with added sugar will serve as an excellent filling for any baked goods.

    • Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize.
    • Cut the washed and dried sorrel into small pieces.

    For 1 kg of greens you will need 200 g of granulated sugar. The sorrel is packed tightly into jars, alternating it with layers of sugar. The top layer should be sugar. Store this preparation in the refrigerator. But it will justify its place when, on a winter evening, pies reminiscent of summer appear on the host’s table.

    Drying sorrel

    If there is a lot of sorrel, but there is no time for preparations, you can dry it. The main condition is the absence of direct sunlight.

    Cut sorrel leaves are washed and yellowed and damaged parts of the plant are removed. Dry on a towel or sieve. Next, the greens are chopped and laid out in a thin layer on paper in a well-ventilated and warm room. The cuttings must be constantly stirred so that drying occurs evenly. But it is also important not to overdry the sorrel, otherwise it will crumble and turn into dust. Store dried sorrel in paper bags or glass jars.

    Freezing sorrel

    A very simple option for preparing sorrel for the winter. You can freeze either chopped greens or the entire leaf.

    Before placing sorrel in the freezer, it is washed and dried. Then they are cut and placed in containers. You can use plastic bags. After placing the sorrel in the bag, you need to roll it tightly, thus removing excess air. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the volume of the convolution.

    You can also freeze a mixture of greens by adding dill, parsley and green onions to the sorrel.

    Containers should be small, for one preparation. The same principle applies to freezing in bags. Portions are made based on one pan of borscht. An important advantage of freezing is simplicity.

    If the sorrel leaves are washed, then putting them in the freezer takes a few minutes. In addition, frozen greens retain the maximum amount of nutrients.

    Sorrel jam

    Yes, yes... You can make jam from sour sorrel, which is often removed from garden beds as weeds. Its taste is unusual and is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of apple jam. You have to be a real gourmet to appreciate this type of sorrel preparation.

    Calculation of ingredients for preparing sweet delicacies

    For every 500 g of greens, you need to take 400 g of granulated sugar and 30 ml of water.

    Processing sorrel and making jam:

    • Wash the sorrel thoroughly in several waters, remove yellowed leaves and petioles.
    • Shake off excess water, and spread it on a towel and let it dry.
    • Then cut it into cubes or strips and put it in a pan. The bottom of the pan should be thick, this protects the jam from burning.
    • Water and sugar are also added here. When cooking, the product should be stirred frequently, and the cooking time depends on the desired thickness of the finished product.

    If the housewife intends to roll up the jam, then it is laid out hot in clean and dry jars and sealed.

    By adding a pinch of ground cinnamon you can change the taste of the finished product. This can be done at the very end of cooking. The cinnamon jam is left to simmer over low heat, covered, for a few more minutes.

    Sorrel and orange jam

    • sorrel – 500 g
    • granulated sugar – 400 g
    • water – 30 ml
    • citric acid - on the tip of a knife
    • orange – 1/2 part

    Clean sorrel leaves are finely chopped with a knife. Half an orange is minced in a meat grinder. The ingredients are placed in a saucepan and mixed. Cover with sugar, add a tablespoon of water and citric acid. The mixture must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Place hot into clean, dry jars and roll up.

    Sorrel jam with honey

    You will need 500 g of sorrel and 1 glass of honey.

    The leaves are washed, allowed to dry, separated from the petioles and cut. The chopped sorrel is poured into a saucepan, poured with honey and stirred. Cook the jam over low heat until thickened. Pour into jars and put away in the cellar until winter.

    When you decide to make sorrel jam, you should think about the container in which it will be cooked. Due to the large amount of acids in sorrel, preference should be given to an enamel basin or stainless steel pan.

    All types of jam can be used as a filling for sweet pastries or for sandwiches and toast.

    Be sure to prepare sorrel for the winter - vitamins will be at hand in winter!

    Preparing sorrel for the winter - best recipes with photos and videos. How to prepare sorrel in jars with salt, salt-free, sugar, drying, freezing, jam

    Sorrel for the winter - the best preparation recipes

    Sorrel preparations for the winter - the best recipes you haven’t heard of yet

    Hello, my dear hostesses! I want to inform you that the winter harvesting season is open! And we open it with the first healthy greens of May, which we will preserve for the winter.

    How to close sorrel - this question worries all housewives in May and June. Because this is the time to figure out how to preserve sorrel for the winter with minimal loss of vitamins.

    Today we will look at the best recipes for canning sorrel for the winter. For my family, I select preparations with minimal loss of vitamins. Therefore, I highly recommend methods without heat treatment. Does this happen? When it comes to sorrel, it happens! After all, it contains so much oxalic acid that preparing sorrel at home requires practically no effort from us!

    Sorrel benefits and harm

    The beneficial properties of sorrel can be listed for a long time - these include ascorbic acid, vitamins and carotene. It is actively used in cooking - green borscht with sorrel and eggs is cooked and loved by everyone. They add it to salads and even baked goods, which is why in the summer we are all so concerned about the question of how to preserve sorrel for the winter. Its calorie content is minimal, only about 20 calories per 100 grams.

    There are also contraindications - if you have gastritis or kidney disease, then this is clearly not your product.

    How to close sorrel for the winter

    1. With salt
    2. Without salt
    3. In jars with cold water
    4. With greens
    5. Without sterilization

    Canned sorrel for the winter

    How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter

    (my grandmother's recipe)

    • We prepare the greens and jars as in the previous recipe. Just add green onions, parsley and dill to the sorrel. Proportions 2:1:1 (half sorrel, a quarter of onion and a quarter of a mixture of parsley and dill).
    • Boil some water in a large cauldron. Add a little greenery to make the juice stand out more easily. We put it in a cauldron and wait for it to simmer a little and decrease in volume. Now put it tightly into the jars. A jar holds a lot of boiled greens, about a kilogram. It turns out greens in their juice practically, without adding water. This portion is enough for 3-4 borscht and can be stored well indoors or in an apartment.
    • Another way to roll up sorrel for the winter without sterilization. Fill jars with chopped herbs, add a teaspoon of salt, and pour boiling water. It is better to put a spoon in the jar so that the glass does not crack from the boiling water. We roll up the jars and store them indoors. But the previous cooking method is better; much more greens fit into the jars.

    Is it possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer?

    How to freeze sorrel for the winter? Very simple!

    • Carefully wash off the dirt and soil from the greens, dry them and chop finely.
    • Take about one serving of borscht, put it in a bag, release the air and form a flat cake. Place in the freezer.
    • When the greens freeze, put them in another bag to seal them and put them away for storage on the bottom shelf. freezer. They take up little space if placed in a flat cake shape. And it’s convenient to use - one package, one serving of green borscht.

    How to cook green borscht with sorrel

    • In winter, open a jar of herbs and add to borscht. The main thing here is not to forget whether you covered it with salt or not, so as not to over-salt the borscht.
    • Simply remove the frozen sorrel from the bag and, without defrosting, place it in the hot borscht. Remember that frozen sorrel is less acidic, so you can add a little acid to the finished borscht.

    As you have seen, canning sorrel is an absolutely simple process, and it is simply impossible not to prepare it for the winter. I showed you the best proven recipes, so get to work and open the season of delicious preparations.

    See my recipes for winter preparations, all of them have been tested for more than one year (I recommend strawberry recipes).

    Check out new recipes so you don’t miss them, subscribe and receive them by email.

    Sorrel for the winter - the best preparation recipes

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