Correct diet for a 7 month old baby. Baby nutrition at seven months: what foods to give? Such delicious fruits

The baby has grown older. Many children at this age explore the world while sitting. As soon as the baby assumes an upright position, he is ready to introduce complementary foods. But small man I'm tired of eating the same thing! How to diversify a child's diet at 7 months?

By this age, habits appear and a certain schedule of his childhood activities is developed. And the mother is thinking about how to diversify the children's menu, because the curious little one is already looking into the parents' plates.

Baby food contains vegetables and cereals, in addition to formula or mother's milk. By this age, children are starting to cut their first teeth: you can give them a cracker to scratch their gums to make teething easier. If the baby does not belong to the category of children with allergies, then they give baby cookies, which are pre-soaked in milk until mushy.

However, the child's diet at 7 months is artificial feeding different from breastfeeding. Infants try foods that are already included in their diet much later 7 one month old baby artificial, since mother's milk contains much more nutrients and vitamins. Babies who consume the mixture begin to get acquainted with meat, and infants are just trying cottage cheese and kefir.

When choosing a cooking method, it is better to pay attention to the dishes industrial production. Homogenized products are made from selected vegetables and fruits and do not contain chunks. Manufacturers of baby food follow safety precautions when preserving any puree, and exclude the addition of sugar and salt. A large assortment children's meat, vegetable or fruit purees makes it possible to choose a product to taste.

If you still prefer to cook for your little one yourself, then you need to purchase a blender. If such equipment is not available, you will need a sieve, but the cooking process will take longer. There are few foods included in the diet of a 7-month-old baby: porridge, vegetables, fruits. But for a child, this is a new world of taste sensations.

Features of the diet

The diet is formed in parallel with the daily routine. Daytime sleep at a constant time forms the concept of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Basically, children at this age eat about 5 times a day. The time varies according to your daily routine:

Breastfed baby's diet

The baby is introduced to complementary feeding a month later than the artificial baby. For a better understanding of what to include in a 7 month old baby’s diet breastfeeding, the table is presented. Some people wake up earlier or later, the times are approximate.



  • Porridge made with breast milk with butter 82.5%.
  • Fruit puree.
  • 150 g + 5 g.
  • 30 g.


  • Vegetable puree with sunflower oil and yolk.
  • Fruit juice.
  • 150 g + 5 g + ½ yolk.
  • 50 ml.


  • Children's grated cottage cheese.
  • Fruit juice or puree.
  • Cracker or cookies.
  • Breast milk.
  • 40 g.
  • 40 g.
  • 2 pcs.


  • Breast milk.
  • 200 ml.

Chicken yolk appears in the diet of an infant. If your baby does not suffer from lactose intolerance, he can try cottage cheese. But keep in mind that not every cottage cheese can be given. Carefully read the instructions on the label that this product is adapted for baby food for children from 6 months. This type of cottage cheese is homogeneous, so your baby won’t choke on a random lump of cottage cheese. For the first complementary foods, it is better to opt for a product without fruit additives to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Formula-fed baby's diet

The nutrition of a 7-month-old baby on artificial feeding already includes yolk and curd products. Meat dishes appear in the diet. Complementary feeding should start with easily digestible types of meat, for example, rabbit. Some children suffering from iron deficiency anemia try meat as early as 6 months. Pork is difficult for a child's tummy to digest. But you should not introduce chicken or beef into complementary foods for a child prone to allergic reactions.

An approximate diet for a 7-month-old breastfed baby is as follows.


  • Milk mixture.
  • 200 g.


  • Porridge with the yolk of a chicken or quail egg.
  • Fruit puree.
  • 150 g + 5 g.
  • 80


  • Vegetable puree with butter.
  • Meat soufflé.
  • 170 g + 5 g + ½ yolk.
  • 50 g.
  • 30 ml.


  • Curd soufflé.
  • Fruits.
  • Rusk.
  • Milk mixture.
  • 40 g.
  • 40 g.
  • 2 pcs.
  • 150 g.


  • Kefir.
  • 200 g.

Meat has become an important component of children's nutrition. You should not cook meat yourself for a baby at this age: he has not yet mastered the skill of chewing and may choke on any vein he gets. Industrially produced meat puree is more like a mousse. If you buy canned food for children, look for the “for children from 7 months” on the label.

Diet for a child with allergies

Every year there are more and more children suffering from food allergies. Parents begin to panic, as the list of food restrictions is long.

Complementary feeding for children with allergies has its own characteristics. If a breastfed child gets acquainted with vegetables and porridge at six months, and a formula-fed child at 5 months, then a baby with atopic dermatitis tries the first porridge at 7 months.

The allergy sufferer's diet consists mainly of mother's milk or hypoallergenic formula. Manufacturers of children's products also offer soy substitutes or lactose-free formulas. By 7 months you can try porridge or vegetables. If the baby is not gaining weight well, he is offered gluten-free, dairy-free porridge (rice, buckwheat, corn). If the child has a strong physique, then vegetable puree will become his first dish.

But the baby will try the meat and yolk only in a month. You should not risk children's health and offer such dishes earlier than recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Of course, you need to adhere to a certain diet; it’s up to the baby to decide what and when to eat. Don't view complementary feeding as a child's responsibility. A little picky child will not always follow the food schedule, eating the prescribed amount of purees and porridge.

Five meals a day is a recommendation. A child aged 7 months can eat 4 or 6 times a day. In this case, adjust the diet so that the little one consumes the daily amount. Baby on mixed feeding, eats less complementary foods than formula-fed babies.

If you prefer industrially produced products homemade food, then cook for the baby separately, without adding salt and sugar. Prepare dishes according to children's recipes. Avoid fried and spicy foods.

Play with your baby. Let him learn by eating. Food is a game for him. Give your toddler a separate high chair for feeding, give him a spoon - let him explore the world on his own.

If the baby refuses to eat, then try to find the reason for the refusal. Perhaps the dish was too hot or too cold. Optimal temperature porridge - up to 36 degrees. Remove this product from the menu for a few days, and then offer it again.

The diet already contains vegetables and fruits. Vegetables in complementary foods: broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin. From fruits - applesauce, prune puree. You can also try carrots or pears.

Monitor your child’s mood and physical condition when introducing new foods into complementary foods. If his stomach hurts and the baby cries all the time after feeding, exclude the product from the diet.

Alexandra is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

A child at the age of 7 months becomes more active and independent. He is tirelessly engaged in “research” activities that require adult attention and absolute safety. Intensive growth and development against the background of constant mobility require additional nutrients, which no longer replenish the previous feeding norms. What should you feed a seven-month-old baby, and how should this relate to his daily routine?

A seven-month-old baby surprises and delights his parents with new skills every day.

  1. Just recently he began to sit unsteadily, but at 7 months he can already stand up on his own from a support, step with his legs, sit on his knees and squat.
  2. Interest in the world around him is manifested in the desire to get acquainted with all the objects that are in his field of vision. The child grasps large toys well and confidently transfers them from hand to hand.
  3. He begins to crawl, and equally well both forward and backward. This method of movement opens up new opportunities: independently take an object of interest, get acquainted with the space of the room.
  4. Interest in the surroundings is not limited to contemplation, and at the first opportunity, the little researcher always checks everything that comes to hand.
  5. The child is happy to find familiar objects at the request of adults, and turns towards the speaker when he hears his name. At this age, attachment to family is especially pronounced. The baby recognizes loved ones and is happy to meet them even after a short sleep. Warning towards strangers appears.
  6. Waking time is accompanied by babbling - repeated syllables that adults mistakenly perceive as conscious speech.

Baby babble is the first attempts at communication, expression of emotional state and imitation of adults. From a listener, the baby turns into an active interlocutor, willingly repeating not only syllables, but also intonation.

Features of feeding

The ability of a seven-month-old baby to sit and confidently hold objects in his hand allows him to organize meals throughout the day in a new way:

  • Feeding the child should be done in a sitting position, and it is better if he takes a seat at the common table in a high chair;
  • feed only from a spoon, and to gain skills in using cutlery, give a spoon to the baby;
  • drink from a cup and invite the child to drink from a sippy cup or Avent sippy cup;
  • allow you to get acquainted with the contents of the plate in a not very neat, but very educational “manual” way;
  • set a personal example of behavior at the table, which will form the rules for eating in the future.

What, how much and when?

The feeding regimen for children over 7 months of age includes 5 meals a day. A distinctive feature of nutrition is the formation of meals that correspond to future full breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Day after day, new products are replacing mother's milk, which is now given only in the morning and before bedtime.

Intervals between feedings of 4 hours correspond to the physiological capabilities of the child's body, without causing discomfort from the digestive system.

Existing food consumption standards are offered by pediatric nutritionists as recommendations. But the amount of food eaten largely depends on individual characteristics:

  • constitutions;
  • speed of metabolic processes;
  • physical activity.

An approximate diet for a child during the 7th month of life is presented:

  • breast milk or infant formula;
  • vegetable puree;
  • porridge (milk or vegetable broth);
  • egg yolk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • meat puree;
  • canned or freshly prepared fruit purees and juices;
  • crackers (cookies or crackers);
  • bread.

The method of calculating the total amount of food used by pediatricians is called “volumetric”. It is quite simple: a child of 7 months should receive a daily amount of food equal to 1/8 of his weight. For example, a baby weighing 8 kg needs 1 kg of food, taking into account the milk base in the form of mother's milk or infant formula. Having divided the daily amount of food by the number of meals, we focus on the volume of one feeding: 1 kg/5 = 200 g.

The increased need for energy with increasing physical activity is also reflected in the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (CPF) in the diet - 4:1:1, and the daily calorie content is 110-115 kcal per 1 kg of body weight.

There is a classic order of introducing complementary foods to the menu of a 7-month-old child: vegetable purees, after a month porridge is offered, after 2 weeks - egg yolk, butter, cottage cheese, meat, and closer to 8 months of age - kefir.


The introduction of complementary foods performs 2 key tasks - it compensates for the lack of mother's milk and prepares the child to receive adult food.

There is an opinion that if the mother has sufficient lactation, the timing of complementary feeding can be postponed to a later time.

But there is another point of view - in favor of the mandatory introduction of complementary foods:

  • acquaintance with new products stimulates the enzymatic and motor functions of the digestive system;
  • helps to master chewing skills in a timely manner;
  • gives to the child additional sources energy, construction material, vitamins and minerals that compensate for the costs of increasing physical activity, growth and development.

Now let’s see what determines the presence of certain dishes and products on the menu of a 7-month-old child.

Porridge is a source of energy for kids

Preference is given to rice and corn cereals. They are low-allergenic, gluten-free, easily digestible and supply the growing body with B vitamins and slow carbohydrates. Gradually digested and absorbed from the digestive tract, they maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

The “first” porridge must be liquid and always one-component. Only after its successful introduction into complementary foods can other ingredients be added. This will make it easier to determine which product the child has an allergic reaction to. You can prepare the porridge yourself or take advantage of store offers.

For preparation, they use one of two methods: grind the cereal before cooking, or grind the already prepared porridge with a blender. It is diluted to the desired consistency with breast milk, formula or vegetable broth.

  • To make a liquid 5% porridge, take 1 tsp per 100 ml of liquid. cereals
  • After a couple of weeks, you can switch to 8% -10%, adding 1.5 or 2 tsp to the same amount of water. cereals

A new dish for a baby is introduced from a teaspoon. If well tolerated, portions are increased daily, reaching 120-150 g by the end of the second week and completely displacing breast milk from one feeding. Best time for porridge - second breakfast at 10 am.

Eggs – only yolk and only boiled

Eggs appear on the menu of a seven-month-old baby after the introduction of porridge.

The fundamental difference in beneficial properties between chicken and quail eggs No. But both are dangerous in their raw form due to the risk of salmonellosis. Pediatricians constantly insist on following the rules for their preparation: wash thoroughly before cooking, check for freshness (stale ones float in the water or “stand” upright), cook for at least 10 minutes.

Like egg white, yolk can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is administered with extreme caution.

During the 10 o'clock breakfast, they offer an yolk ground with a small amount of milk on the tip of a teaspoon. In the absence of allergies, after 2-3 days the amount of yolk is increased to 1/4 tsp, gradually increasing to the age norm of 7 months - ½ yolk no more than 2 times a week.

This valuable product will provide the growing body with vitamins A, E, D, group B, selenium and phosphorus. If the baby refuses to eat the yolk offered in its pure form, the product is mixed with porridge or vegetable puree.

Butter and vegetable oil

From 7 months, they begin to add vegetable oil to vegetable purees, and a small amount of butter to porridge.

If the child reacts normally, the amount butter increase to 5 g, and vegetable (better if it is first-pressed olive) - to 5 ml.

Cottage cheese and kefir - classic “milk”

By the end of the 7th month, kefir and cottage cheese appear in the baby’s diet. The introduction of kefir requires the same rules as for any new product - starting with a small amount (1-2 tsp per day).

After introducing kefir to your baby, it is easy to introduce cottage cheese into the diet. 1 tsp. dilute with kefir to a homogeneous consistency, doubling the amount daily. To track the reaction to a new food product, it is offered to the child for second breakfast. If well tolerated, the intake of cottage cheese and kefir is transferred to the second half of the day, i.e., during the afternoon snack, when these products are best absorbed.

To feed a 7-month-old child, purchasing market cottage cheese and “adult” kefir in stores is unacceptable. Products from specialized children's departments or obtained from a dairy kitchen are considered truly healthy and safe. When purchasing, you should always ask about the date of manufacture and composition.

Fermented milk products can be given to a child daily, observing age norms. By the end of the 7th month of life, cottage cheese in the baby’s diet is 25-30 g, and kefir – up to 170 ml.

You should temporarily give up kefir if you experience unstable stools, and you should give up cottage cheese if the fontanelle quickly becomes overgrown and if you have kidney disease.

An example of a menu for a 7 month old breastfed baby.

For an artificial child

Artificial feeding (IF) does not, like breastfeeding, meet all the needs of a growing body. Even high-quality adapted formulas cannot provide the baby with the required amount of important nutritional elements. Therefore, the introduction of complementary feeding in this category of children is 1-1.5 months ahead of schedule.

Products unfamiliar to infants have long been present in the diet of formula-fed children - porridge, pureed meat, egg yolk. According to indications, meat, cottage cheese and kefir may be introduced earlier into the menu.

Meat broths and purees

From 7 months, meat in the form of puree appears on the baby’s menu. lean beef, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit.

The range of baby food departments is ready to offer a wide selection of products from foreign and domestic manufacturers (Heinz, Hipp, Gerber, Babushkino Lukoshko, Tema, Agusha, etc.). It is important to pay attention to the age recommendations that are indicated on each jar.

It’s easy to prepare meat puree at home:

  1. Boil the meat, cut into pieces, until cooked.
  2. Grind with a blender or mince twice.
  3. Before feeding, dilute the prepared broth to a soft puree consistency.
  4. If the child refuses the proposed dish, add it to porridge or vegetable puree.

Starting with 1/2-1 tsp, after 7-10 days the baby will reach daily norm– 30 g per day. Meat products take longer to digest, so children's menu they are given lunch time. Non-rich light broths are used to prepare porridges and vegetable puree soups. They stimulate the digestion process, increasing the activity of the secretory glands.

At the age of 7 months, a bottle-fed baby masters new types of cereals and gets acquainted with pureed vegetable soups. meat broth, multi-component purees of fruits and vegetables. Meat puree can replace liver puree once a week.

An example of a menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby.

Regardless of the type of feeding, infants aged 7 months should be offered solid foods. Crackers, baby cookies or snacks for an afternoon snack are an opportunity to stimulate the chewing process in a timely manner. From homogeneous purees, a slow transition begins to food containing small pieces and lumps. To prepare puree from fresh fruits and vegetables, it is used, and boiled vegetables are chopped with a regular fork.

The approximate daily routine for a child of 7 months is usually not particularly strict, since it is at this age that his actively developing body selects the most physiological options for life. The mother of a 7-month-old baby should be prepared for an unexpected and rather spontaneous restructuring of her usual daily routine. As a rule, this is associated with a decrease in the duration of daytime sleep and greater activity of the baby during periods of wakefulness.

Table with approximate daily routine

  • 6:00-8:30 The period of awakening, morning meal, washing procedure and hardening air baths.
  • 8:30-10:00 Morning dream.
  • 10:00-12:00 Time for the second meal and active wakefulness with mandatory gymnastics and a relaxing massage.
  • 12:00-14:00 An educational walk in the fresh air, gradually turning into sleep.
  • 14:00-16:00 The next feeding of the baby and active cognitive leisure, consisting of alternating educational games and gymnastic exercises.
  • 16:00-18:00 Second walk, sleeping in the fresh air.
  • 18:00-21:30 Fourth feeding of the baby, time to communicate with family members, evening bathing procedure.
  • 21:30-22:00 Evening meal.
  • 22:00-6:00 Night sleep.

Several Yet additional options with a daily routine (you will already choose the best option, taking into account the characteristics of your baby):

The proposed table is just an example of a rational alternation of routine moments (feeding, sleep periods, walks, classes and hygiene procedures) and should in no way be perceived as an instruction requiring strict adherence to each point.

An indicator of the success of any daily routine is the baby’s excellent health. If he eats with appetite, plays with pleasure and without problems, without throwing tantrums, falls asleep at the hours allotted for this, then the regime meets all his physiological needs.

About sleep mode

7 months is an age that clearly demonstrates how individual each child’s body is. One seven-month-old baby still requires three fairly long (1.5-2 hours each) periods of daytime sleep, while the other is already physiologically ready for his daytime rest to become biphasic.

Such children can be given the opportunity to relax in the morning (from 11-00 to 12-30) and evening (from 16-00 to 17-30) hours. It is easy to calculate that total duration Some babies sleep for thirteen hours (4.5 during the day and 8.5 at night), while others have only eleven. In the latter case, a significant moment comes in the life of a 7-month-old child: the duration of periods of active wakefulness begins to prevail over the duration of periods of sleep.

Let us repeat once again: if the baby is active enough and is in a great mood, the mother should not worry and try to put him to bed in accordance with the previous schedule. Reducing the duration of daytime sleep means only one thing: an older child simply needs a new daily routine.

There is another option for organizing sleep, which some 7-month-old babies choose for themselves: they prefer to sleep for 2-3 hours while walking in the fresh air, and rest for no more than an hour in the morning and evening. Within a month, the hourly intervals of daytime rest will be reduced to forty minutes.

About walks

A 7-month-old baby's daily routine must include time for at least two walks in the fresh air. They are unusually fruitful both for his physical and for intellectual development.

A little one who is well aware of the existence huge world outside the walls of the apartment, looking forward to the opportunity to gain many new impressions. He rejoices at meetings with people, animals, birds, listens carefully to his mother’s comments accompanying these meetings, reacts to them with active humming, lively facial expressions, and waving of his arms.

While walking with the child, the mother must take care to follow safety rules: an actively moving baby who can fall out of the stroller must be securely fastened. You should also carefully protect your baby’s delicate skin from exposure to bright sunlight.

About the feeding schedule

Feeding seven-month-old babies continues to be five times a day, and the intervals between feedings should be at least four hours. Some babies still continue to wake up at night to get some food (the number of such awakenings can be from one to three).

At 7 months, both infants and artificial babies have already adapted well to complementary feeding: cereals, vegetable and fruit soups and purees, baby cottage cheese and all kinds of juices have become full participants in their daily diet. The only difference in their diet is that infants continue to receive mother's milk three times a day, while formula-fed infants continue to receive a bottle of formula (at least twice a day).

Most young mothers often wonder which dishes are healthier for their children: factory-produced or home-cooked? If the mother is confident in the complete safety of the vegetables and fruits that she will use for making soups and purees (this is only possible if they are grown in her own garden), then preference should be given to food homemade. If you are not so sure, it is better to give your child juices and purees from store-bought jars..

Reading on the topic of complementary feeding: and introduce complementary foods

If the mother is going to feed the baby homemade porridge, she should grind the cereal to flour using a blender or coffee grinder. If they are unavailable, it is better to purchase a factory-made semi-finished product intended for baby food.

I would like to pay special attention to the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet of a seven-month-old baby. It should only be for children, adapted for an organism with an incompletely formed gastrointestinal tract. Its main difference from the adult product is its very low acidity and more delicate consistency.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

All these qualities are possessed by children's cottage cheese prepared in a factory specializing in the production of children's products. The closed production method carried out there eliminates the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the product. It is better to introduce your baby to cottage cheese by introducing it into fruit puree, starting with one teaspoon and gradually increasing to three or four.

The best time to introduce your baby to new products is during the daytime. Before napping, it is better to give your child a hearty sweet porridge: having eaten well, the baby will sleep much longer and more soundly. This point applies to both infants and artificial babies.

If the child gets hungry a little earlier than the established daily routine prescribes, the mother can deviate a little from it: 15-20 minutes don't solve anything. In the opposite situation, when the baby refuses to eat, you should not force feed him. The reason for refusal may be due to:

  • the child did not like the taste or smell of the product offered;
  • the baby is frightened by the too persistent behavior of the adult, forcing him to eat;
  • The baby is quite fed up with breast milk.

What to do with a child

A 7-month-old child is an active explorer of the surrounding space, tasting all objects by taste and touch. Many babies of this age not only crawl well, but also try to stand on their feet, and especially developed ones already confidently do so. This activity requires parents to be very vigilant: knowing that the inquisitive baby puts everything in his mouth, they must remove all small objects (needles, beads, coins, pins) from his path.

For the successful intellectual development of a seven-month-old child, the following activities will be useful:

  1. Reading books and looking at bright illustrations (pages in books should be made of thick cardboard).
  2. Rhymes with repeating sounds are useful for the development of a baby's speech. Having memorized constantly repeating sound combinations, the baby will begin to reproduce them independently.
  3. A 7-month-old child knows and distinguishes his favorite toys well. Having laid out 4-5 objects in front of him, you can ask him to find the one he needs among them. For every successful fulfillment of a request, the baby should be praised.
  4. When introducing your baby to the shape and size of objects, it is very useful to use a pyramid. Mom must first assemble it by stringing rings in descending order of size, commenting on her actions. After this, you need to give the baby the opportunity to disassemble the assembled pyramid, making him an active participant in the gameplay.
  5. You can buy your child several dynamic toys: a tumbler, a spinning top, or one of the modern toys, when rotated, new pictures appear. Observing their movement contributes to the development of the baby’s logical thinking.
  6. To develop the search skills of a baby actively crawling around the apartment, you can use the game “Hide and Seek”. First, they hide a bright toy in front of his eyes and ask him to find it. When the baby becomes interested in the process, you need to hide the toy again, but this time on the sly from him, not forgetting to put part of it on display: this will make the search easier and will make the baby happy. At the next stage, the mother can hide herself so that the baby can find her by her voice.
  7. Developing fine motor skills of the hands, you can give your baby a plastic bucket and ask him to collect scattered, for example, walnuts. The mother should set an example at the beginning of the collection. The baby will be happy to join in the process.
  8. The same purpose is served by special beads or spirals with balls, cubes and cones strung on them, which can be purchased in any toy department.

When teaching a baby new skills, you should create an emotional, joyful environment: only under this condition will the baby be happy to take part in developmental activities. The main task of developmental activities with a child is the desire to teach him to achieve his goal.

Let's read in detail: and about skills and . Also watch the video below:

About the importance of massage and a set of hygiene procedures

Considering the extreme activity of young children, who make a lot of energetic movements every minute, the mother should focus her main attention on massage sessions with elements of gymnastic exercises. With the technique of such massage and a complex of useful physical exercise An experienced nurse will introduce her during the next preventive examination.

Those who still doubt the advisability of subordinating the life of a 7-month-old baby to any regime should know that babies accustomed to a certain cyclicity of feedings, periods of sleep and wakefulness develop much more successfully than their peers who behave quite chaotically.

VIDEO GUIDE: Baby at 7 months: development, nutrition, sleep and daily routine, what he can do

The baby’s diet is expanding due to the introduction of flour products: bread, crackers and dry biscuits, and a new product appears - fish. If a child is healthy, he almost always eats with pleasure. Don't worry if he suddenly refuses one or two meals - this could be caused by a change in mood or the heat.

Diet of a 7-month-old baby

The habit of eating is gradually formed on almost the same schedule as in adults. Traditional breakfast, most often milk porridge, a full lunch, however, for now soups and borscht should be prepared without fried vegetables. Slowly there is a smooth transition to 4 meals a day - mainly in bottle-fed children. Sample menu 7 month old baby per day:

  • 07:30–08:00 - breakfast, some kind of porridge, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat, a little cottage cheese, as a drink you can offer fresh fruit compote (in summer) or freshly squeezed juice;
  • 12:00–12:30 - a full lunch: soup with a piece of bread (very small, because the child is not yet used to it), for the second - vegetable puree with grated meat and a quarter of an egg yolk;
  • 16:00–16:30 - afternoon snack, cottage cheese with fruit puree and sweet cookies will help the child hold out until dinner;
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner, mashed potatoes with fish or homemade liver pate, without spices and with a minimum amount of salt.
  • 21:30 - evening portion of kefir or breast milk.

Of course, your schedule may differ, it is important to maintain breaks between meals - at least 3.5–4.0 hours. Please note that the baby has grown and his portions have become larger, increasing from 150 g to 170. If possible, do not isolate the child, let him eat with adults, at a common table: by watching the elders, he will learn healthy habits from them.

Diet changes

At 7 months is the time to introduce flour products. Crackers and cookies will be a pleasant treat for your baby. Do not buy him confectionery products with creams, chocolate icing and other additions, the simplest baking is the best option. The cookies are still too hard, so it is better to soak them in milk so that the baby can chew them. Do the same with bread.

The share is gradually increasing fermented milk products. You should be very careful when purchasing them. Yogurts and kefir are only useful if bacteria survive in them. If the shelf life of the product is more than 5 days, most likely it contains preservatives - it is better not to give such food to children.

In pharmacies and baby food stores you can buy live microorganisms, for example, bifidum or lactobacilli.

Important! Before preparing yogurt or kefir, milk must be boiled. Do not put bacteria (they are usually sold in capsules) into hot drinks - if high temperatures they are destroyed. Wait until the milk has cooled to 38–40 degrees, then add the powder (or liquid starter) into it and place the container in a warm place.

At 7 months you can begin introducing a new complementary food - fish. Will fit low-fat varieties, for example, pollock, cod or pike perch. It is advisable to buy fresh fish that has not yet been frozen. Important! It is strictly forbidden to offer caviar and seafood to children - they often cause allergies, cases of poisoning are not uncommon - the child’s body is not yet prepared to eat such food.

Smoked, salted and dried fish - are strictly prohibited. The same applies to all types canned fish. The exception is products specially prepared for babies, which are sold in baby food stores. The weekly amount of fish for a 7-month-old baby is no more than 100 g. It can be given 2-3 times a week.

Getting used to the cup

Most often, mothers buy their children a special drinking bowl with a narrow spout. Its advantage is that the baby can easily handle the dishes and can use them independently without the risk of spilling the drink. But this cannot go on forever - sooner or later it’s time to switch the baby to a cup. Of course, it will be a beautiful unbreakable mug, intended only for a child.

First, give your baby an empty cup and let him play with it. Most likely, the baby has already seen how adults drink and will try to copy them. The first time, pour just a little compote or juice - almost all children like to drink from a mug. But sometimes the child is stubborn, demanding the usual bottle. Don’t try to convince him, it’s better to put off teaching him to use a cup until next time.

How to cook meat for kids

If you previously offered meat products to your baby exclusively in the form of purees, it’s time to move on to minced meat. Of course, it can only be prepared for those children who already have teeth and who have gradually adapted to solid foods. Tips for serving and preparing meat dishes:

  • It is preferable to serve meat in combination with vegetable dishes;
  • eating liver, preferably veal or beef, since it is devoid of the bitter taste characteristic of pork;
  • meat for minced meat should be passed through a meat grinder twice - it will come out softer and more tender, it is too early to make cutlets for babies, it can be added to vegetable purees and soups.

Never leave cooked dishes with meat until next time. The digestive system of a 7-month-old baby is still very vulnerable, so he can only be given freshly prepared foods.

Prepare soups mainly with meat, just do not put bones in them. Better - beef or veal, choose lean cuts. The broth should be simmered for two hours. After boiling, skim off the foam, then place the pan over low heat. For taste, put carrots and onions in water; it is not necessary to chop them, you just need to peel and wash them. Strain the finished broth and then boil again. The prepared soup will be more flavorful if, in addition to other ingredients, you add a little parsley to it at the end of cooking.

Delicious puree

For puree, it is important not only to choose the right meat, but also to prepare it well: first wash it under running water. cold water, then remove films and fat. For a quarter glass of water you will need 100 g of meat. Cut the product into small pieces, then cook over low heat with a little water. Boiled meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice, and then beaten with a blender or rubbed through a sieve.

The resulting mass is a little dry, so you should add a little broth (milk) to it. The prepared puree must be boiled, the final stage is to add salt and season with butter. The broth left over from preparing the meat puree will be useful for first courses.

Chicken soufflé

For one serving you will need 50–60 g of meat, 30–35 ml of milk, half an yolk, a little wheat flour and butter. Serving yield: 100 g. Boil chicken fillet, then pass it through a meat grinder (twice). Throw flour and yolk into the resulting minced meat, add milk heated to 70–80 degrees. Then mix all the products thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Place in a greased mold, then bake in the oven over low heat.

Always study your baby's reaction to new foods. At the first sign of an allergy or stomach upset, return to your usual menu; perhaps the new dish is not suitable for your child.

When planning the diet of a baby in the first year of life, it is very important to decide on those products that will benefit him. The first feeding at 7 months is no exception for a child. At this time, it is important for parents to understand which products are allowed to be included in the daily menu, and which ones should be postponed.

So, let's take a closer look at what features and norms of complementary feeding exist at seven months? And also, what can be offered from food for bottle-fed and breastfed infants?

Reasons for complementary feeding at 7 months of age

Everyone knows that the optimal period for introducing new products into a child’s daily diet is age. But sometimes, due to circumstances that have arisen, it is more reasonable to postpone this period by one month. Such objective reasons for introducing complementary foods world organization health (WHO) includes:

Mixed feeding. Closer to six months, the digestive system of infants is partially formed by the necessary enzymes and is ready to digest some adult foods. In babies who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed, the digestive process takes a little longer to mature. As before, they will require full breastfeeding. Therefore, for this category of children it is better to start introducing complementary foods from 7 months.

Weakened body or “toddler” disease" Teething of the first teeth, problems with stool, problems with the digestive system, ARVI or others infectious diseases- this is a signal that it is necessary to delay the introduction of a new diet, and postpone it for at least 1 month.

Stressful situations. It is known that constant conflict situations between parents negatively affect the child’s psyche. Therefore, it would be absurd to introduce complementary foods in this situation. It is better to wait one month until the relationship between mom and dad normalizes, and in the meantime the baby independently adapts to a calm and quiet home environment.

Features of the first complementary feeding at 7 months

Despite the individual development of each child, basic principles introduction to new foods is the same for all children 7 months of age. During this period, the intestinal microflora is already formed, so it is ready for reception and processing. new food introduced into the baby's diet.

Due to the fact that the digestive system has adapted to the new food, the baby spits up less, has no allergies, grows well and gains weight. We advise you to read about

As before, the mother must take care of her child and continue to breastfeed on demand during the day and at night. The same applies to babies on artificial nutrition. Formula feeding should not exceed the usual volume of the daily diet.

In nutritional terms, the task of complementary feeding is to provide the infant’s body with energy supplemented by the baby’s main diet. Therefore, foreign pediatricians have revised their opinion on food products with which they were introduced at an earlier age. Now they recommend adding only foods that have high energy value to the child’s diet. After all, the baby’s stomach is still small and you can’t offer a lot of food.

It is advisable that the first vegetable dishes are not too liquid. Otherwise, they will reduce calorie content and impoverish the baby’s diet. This will be especially noticeable when a new food replaces one of the feedings - formula or breast milk. Ultimately, the child may have poor weight gain and

Rules for complementary feeding for infants

Studying the WHO recommendations, one cannot but agree: “Breast milk is not only nutritious and good for health infant. This natural product is also known for strengthening the immune system and also serving as a source of restoring energy balance in the body.”

Complementary feeding for a breastfed baby at 7 months should be introduced gradually, and it is better to agree on the menu and food standards in advance with your pediatrician. If a child refuses to accept new foods, demonstrating this through his behavior, then it is better to wait a little.

Read the basic rules:

  • You cannot immediately replace the baby’s usual breastfeeding with additional products. At this age, mother's milk plays an important role in the digestion of additional food. Therefore, its presence in the children's diet is mandatory.
  • The first introduction to new food should be cautious. At the same time, it is very important to comply with the norms of products introduced into complementary foods from 7 months. Vegetable purees, cereals and other foods should be of normal consistency, without lumps, so that the child can easily swallow.
  • First offer complementary foods, and then you can supplement with breastfeeding. Although some breastfeeding consultants recommend the opposite. But this is only if the mother has problems with lactation.
  • You can use the tactics of “pedagogical complementary feeding”. The organization of nutrition is as follows: start giving the baby in small doses any food from the “home table”, without changing their consistency. Due to the fact that the mother continues to breastfeed, such babies are less likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and there are no allergic reactions to introduced foods.

Complementary feeding of a baby at 7 months with artificial feeding

Feeding of "artificial" babies is carried out according to the same principles that are typical for infants. The diet includes high-quality products - cereals, balanced mixtures, fruit purees and juices. The only difference between complementary feeding at 7 months for artificial babies is the feeding scheme. This is due to the peculiarities of their digestive tract.

Before introducing new foods 7 one month old baby on artificial feeding, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises adhering to the following recommendations:

Give preference to mixtures rather than regular food. It is too early to transfer such children to a full-fledged diet of adult food. Up to 1 year, the main source of nutrients should be an adapted formula. Unlike regular food, it contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that a child’s body needs. In addition, such food increases nutritional value diet and is more easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of a seven-month-old artificial baby.

Five meals a day. Every month, the food needs of young children increase - this is important for their proper development and growth. At seven months, the baby should eat 5 times a day. Introducing new products should begin in the first half of the day, 10-15 minutes before feeding with formula. If a new food is introduced into the child’s diet, then 1 teaspoon will be enough to start with. In the absence of a negative reaction from the baby’s body, the volume of proportions is gradually increased.

For breastfed babies, the new diet should contain foods that have a positive effect on the digestion process and the health of the body as a whole. If your baby suffers from constipation or is overweight, it is better to give preference to fresh vegetables. In case of underweight or loose stools at seven months, it is preferable to introduce the child to cereals.

Menu at 7 months: table, norms and products

The diet of a 7-month-old baby may contain different foods. It all depends on the start of introducing complementary foods and the baby’s well-being – the absence of allergic reactions to the introduced foods.

Approximate menu standards for 7 months can be established based on the table below:

  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge– 120-150 grams
  • Vegetable puree, recommended to be given up to 150 g, with a gradual increase in dose
  • Fruit puree, pediatricians advise giving no more than 50-60g.
  • Children's cottage cheese – 35-40g.
  • Butter – daily ration 2-3 g.
  • Egg yolk, norm – 0.25 -0.30 g.
  • White bread (loaf) – 3-3.5 g.

The specified menu diet standards are compiled taking into account the upper limit, that is, mothers must independently adjust them, taking into account the needs of their child. Giving more food can have adverse effects on the digestive system, so this is also worth considering.

A child's food at 7 months, if he is breastfed, can be prepared with less calories; the menu should include only cereals and vegetable dishes.

To make it convenient for the baby to swallow food, the consistency of the dishes offered should not be too liquid or thick. When the child’s body gets used to it and does not conflict, then you can introduce it to cottage cheese and fruit puree.

Vegetables in the diet

In addition to previously familiar foods to the baby, the following vegetables are added to the complementary feeding menu (no more than once every 7 days):

  • carrots + potatoes;
  • canned green peas;
  • zucchini + pumpkin.

They begin to give the baby 1 teaspoon of each vegetable in mashed form. To improve the taste, you can add a small slice of butter to such a tasty puree. To track how the body perceives a particular vegetable, it is better to keep a diary and observe the behavior of the baby.


As practice and reviews from mothers show, porridge is the most healthy and high-calorie product for first complementary feeding. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from; the best are considered to be: buckwheat, rice and corn. Before cooking, the cereal must be ground and cooked in water or milk, observing the proportions: 1/4.

It is better to cook the porridge over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Upon completion of preparing the delicious dish, you can still add a little butter. The baby will definitely like this porridge recipe for complementary feeding at 7 months, and its advantages are that it does not cause negative consequences.

Fruit puree and cottage cheese

Fruits: apples (green, red), pears, plums, grapes are offered to the child as an independent snack. It is necessary to start complementary feeding with fruit puree, as with cereals, gradually, in small quantities (portions).

Cottage cheese as a complementary food is more relevant for the body of babies 7 months old who are bottle-fed, but you can also start giving it to infants. Like fruit puree, cottage cheese is offered in small portions, at first 30-40 grams will be enough to see what the body’s reaction to the new product will be. With normal perception, the norm of the product in the daily diet can be gradually increased. For one year old child this dose should not exceed 50 grams.

What to do if a 7-month-old baby doesn’t eat solid foods well

Domestic and foreign pediatricians do not see any danger in the fact that a child refuses complementary feeding.

As at six months, mother's milk is still relevant in the life of a seven-month-old baby. Its nutritional properties help fill the body with energy properties, so it continues to grow and actively develop.

The main reasons for refusing complementary feeding:

  • incorrectly prepared consistency or taste qualities The child did not like the offered dish;
  • mother gives more food than indicated in the complementary feeding table for 7 months;
  • parents try to force-feed new food;
  • The baby’s body is not physiologically mature for consuming adult food.

A different situation occurs with “artificial babies” who refuse new food. Even adapted mixtures cannot fully satisfy the body with the necessary nutritional properties. Therefore, there is a risk of a lack of vitamins and microelements needed by the body in the diet.

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