The most optimal temperature for. Room temperature standards: comfortable indoor conditions for human habitation. Comfortable sea water temperature for pregnant women

Coziness and Comfort are subjective assessments of a person’s feelings from the perception of the environment. The concept of “comfortable temperature” is so broad that it does not exist in technical vocabulary and regulatory documentation. The term “optimal air temperature” is used here. Big difference.

  • The value of “comfortable” air temperature is a subjective assessment of the acceptability of environmental conditions, which is determined solely by human sensations
  • The value of the “optimal” air temperature is determined on the basis of complex physiological experiments and calculations. The value of this value depends on many factors and, most importantly, takes into account the needs of the average human body. Each value of the “optimal” temperature for various conditions is supported by many years of research and observations. All information on the “optimal” air temperature is official legislative nature and is recorded in the requirements of sanitary standards - SanPiN


SanPiN- Sanitary Rules and Norms
(not to be confused with SNiP - Construction Norms and Rules)

SanPiN-s - the general name of the collection of Russian sanitary standards.
Just from the name alone it is clear that this is sanitary regulatory documentation that defines sanitary and hygienic standards for all spheres of human existence and life.

SanPiN-s(along with GOST, OST, SNiP, etc.) have the status of medical technical legislative documentation, mandatory for execution. Failure to comply with SanPiN requirements is punishable by law.

In the case of determining the optimal air temperature, the most interesting are the Sanitary Rules, which establish optimal and maximum temperature intervals for working, residential and children's premises.

  1. working room

    SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.” A similar document can be found in Ukraine, it is called DSN “Sanitary standards for the microclimate of industrial premises”

  2. Determining the optimal temperature for residential premises

    SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises”

  3. Determining the optimal temperature for preschool organizations

    SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations”

    Download in .zip format:
    SanPiN (downloads: 156)
    DSN (downloads: 214)
    SanPiN (downloads: 174)
    SanPiN (downloads: 63)

    Download in .doc format:
    SanPiN (downloads: 203)
    DSN (downloads: 163)
    SanPiN (downloads: 165)

    Download in .pdf format:
    SanPiN (downloads: 119)

    Note The documentation offered for download is for informational purposes only. All normative documents are periodically updated by their publishers. See updates on official websites Russian Federation or the required country

    Optimal temperature for work areas

    The optimal temperature in the workplace is established administratively, according to SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”

    The air temperature for work areas should ensure the preservation of the thermal balance of the working person with environment and maintaining optimal or acceptable thermal state body. For this purpose, in the Sanitary Rules, all types of work are divided into energy consumption. At the same time, for each category its own temperature and its maximum deviations are indicated. And also, the time a person spends at the workplace, in case of non-compliance with the specified temperature range.

    Characteristics of individual categories of work

    According to SanPiN All types of work are divided into five categories (depending on the intensity of labor). In this case, the amount of energy consumed by the employee’s body in kcal/h (W) is taken as the determining equivalent.

    1. Category Ia
      Work with energy intensity up to 120 kcal/h (139 W)
      This is work that is performed while sitting and involves little physical strain. For example, a number of professions in the field of management and service, in watch and clothing production enterprises, etc.
    2. Category Ib
      Work with energy intensity 121 - 150 kcal/h (140 - 174 W)
      This is work that is performed while sitting, standing, or walking and involves some physical exertion. For example, a number of professions in the printing industry, at communications enterprises, controllers, craftsmen various types production, etc.
    3. Category IIa
      Work with energy intensity 151 - 200 kcal/h (175 - 232 W)
      This is work that involves constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects while standing or sitting and requiring a certain amount of physical exertion. For example, a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops machine-building enterprises, in spinning and weaving, etc.
    4. Category IIb
      Work with energy intensity 201 - 250 kcal/h (233 - 290 W)
      This is work that involves walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kg and is accompanied by moderate physical stress. For example, a number of professions in mechanized foundries, rolling, forging, thermal, welding shops of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, etc.
    5. Category III
      Work with an energy intensity of more than 250 kcal/h (more than 290 W)
      This is work associated with constant movement, moving and carrying significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort. For example, a number of professions in forge shops with manual forging, foundries with manual filling and casting of flasks in machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, etc.

    Optimal temperature in the workplace

    Depending on the intensity of work, SanPiN sets the following optimal temperature in the workroom:

    (Excerpt from SanPiN

    Optimal values ​​of microclimate indicators in workplaces
    production premises

    Limiting temperature and time spent at the workplace

    In addition to the optimal temperature in the workroom, SanPiN sets maximum deviations for the air temperature in the workplace, and also imposes restrictions on the working time if it (temperature) is higher or lower than the maximum permissible. It is noteworthy that the temperature gradation above the permissible level (26°C) occurs every 0.5°C.

    Time spent in the room, no more for categories of work, hours
    Ia Ib IIa IIb III
    6 1
    7 2
    8 1 3
    9 2 4
    10 1 3 5
    11 2 4 6
    12 1 3 5 7
    13 1 2 4 6 8
    Table continuation
    Air temperature at the workplace, °C
    Ia Ib IIa IIb III
    14 2 3 5 7
    15 3 4 6 8
    16 4 5 7
    17 5 6 8
    18 6 7
    19 7 8
    20 8
    26,0 8
    Table continuation
    Air temperature at the workplace, °C Stay time, no more for categories of work, hours
    Ia Ib IIa IIb III
    26,5 7
    27,0 8 6
    27,5 7 5,5
    28,0 8 6 5
    28,5 7 5,5 4
    29,0 6 5 3
    29,5 5,5 4 2,5
    30,0 5 3 2
    Table continuation

    Optimal temperature for residential premises

    The optimal temperature for residential premises is established in accordance with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises”. Setting the optimal temperature in residential buildings and premises seems to be a simpler procedure, since in a residential area human energy activity is stable and minimal.

    The air temperature for residential premises should ensure the preservation of the thermal balance of a person at rest and the maintenance of the optimal or permissible thermal state of the body.

    (Excerpt from Appendix 1. SanPiN

    Optimal and acceptable standards
    temperature and relative humidity in residential premises

    Name of premises Air temperature, °C Relative humidity, %
    Optimal Acceptable Optimal Acceptable
    Living room 20-22 18-24 45-30 60
    Inter-apartment corridor 18-20 16-22
    Kitchen 19-21 18-26 not standardized
    Toilet 19-21 18-26
    Bathroom, combined toilet 24-26 18-26
    Lobby, staircase 16-18 14-20
    Storerooms 16-18 12-22

    Optimal temperature for preschool organizations

    The optimal temperature for the premises of preschool organizations is established in accordance with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work in preschool organizations.” Setting the optimal temperature for the premises of preschool organizations seems to be the most important task, since children are the most susceptible to temperature changes.

    The air temperature for the premises of preschool organizations should ensure the preservation of the child’s thermal balance with the environment and the maintenance of the optimal or acceptable thermal state of his body.

    In contrast to the optimal temperature in working and living spaces,
    the optimal air temperature in the premises of preschool organizations is set very strictly and has practically no intervals for maximum deviations

    (Excerpt from Appendix 3 to SanPiN

    Air temperature in main rooms
    preschool educational institutions

    Table continuation

The microclimate in an apartment depends on many factors, not the least of which is room temperature. The main requirement for it is to be comfortable for the people living in the room.

How many degrees is room temperature? This indicator is very diverse and ranges from 18 to 23 degrees.

Even small deviations from the set temperature, up or down, can complicate a person’s life.

Constant hypothermia is fraught colds, especially for people who do not have good immunity.

Young children are at greatest risk from hypothermia. They often play on the floor, where the temperature is even lower.

Frequent overheating also does not have the best effect on the general condition of the human body. High temperatures disrupt the body's water balance and the cardiovascular system suffers.

Elevated temperatures are a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi in the room itself, especially if the room has high humidity.

What does temperature depend on?

Factors influencing temperature regime few, but each of them is important:

  • climate features of this region;
  • season;
  • features of the premises;
  • human factor.

The normal temperature regime will primarily depend on the region.

Yes, for southern regions and northern ones there are significant differences. For southern regions, where the air temperature is higher, the temperature norm in the apartment will be higher.

The warming sun heats up the walls of houses, resulting in higher indoor temperatures even in winter.

For the northern regions this is normal room temperature will be slightly underestimated. The walls of houses that are severely chilled by frost take away some of the heat they receive, which affects the quality of the final temperature in the room.


Temperature conditions depend on the time of year. In winter, standards provide for the air temperature in the apartment to be lower than in summer.

It is clear that in the summer, when the sun is hot, the air warms up better and the temperature in the apartment rises higher. In winter, you have to make allowances for wall heating.

The temperature in the room depends on the purpose of the room itself. So, the difference between the temperature in the kitchen and the bedroom will be noticeably different.

The first involves frequent use of various household appliances heating air - microwave, oven, hob.

That's why it often happens here heat air. A person rests in the bedroom; it is better to do this when there is more low temperatures, as provided by the regulations.

Human factor

Each person has his own concept of normal temperature; some people freeze in the summer, while others Epiphany frosts The windows are being ventilated.

That is why the temperature norm is not one specific temperature, but an interval, and heat supply companies are guided by it.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Temperature standards are specified in regulatory documents. It clearly indicates in which room what temperature should be.

The range ranges from 12 to 27 degrees:

A slight fluctuation in temperature in the apartment depending on the time of day is acceptable. So from midnight to 5 am, when people are mostly still sleeping, a slight decrease in temperature relative to normal is allowed. But it should not exceed 3 degrees.

There should not be too much space between rooms in the same apartment.. The optimal run-up should not exceed 2 degrees. Then a person will be able to calmly move from room to room without experiencing discomfort.

What to do if the apartment is very cold? Non-compliance with temperature standards is a reason for a complaint and further investigation.

But in order for the complaint to have good grounds, it will be necessary to take measurements according to all the rules:

Before calling a measurer, it is best to visit your neighbors in advance and find out how warm it is in their apartments.

It may well turn out that you are the only owner of a cold apartment, and your neighbors have a completely normal room temperature.

Then calling the commission will most likely not give any result. Blame the property owner for the low temperature.

But if the survey shows that neighbors are also suffering from the cold, it makes sense to join forces and take measurements in all apartments.

To determine the temperature in the room, the thermometer should be placed correctly. According to the rules, the distance from the thermometer and the outer wall should be at least a meter.

The distance from the floor must be at least 1.5 meters. This will prevent the measuring device from entering the draft area and help avoid inaccuracies.

Measurements should be taken over 10 minutes. If in the daytime the temperature is below normal by 3 degrees, and at night by 5 degrees, there is a reason to draw up a report.

As soon as you are convinced that there is a problem with the temperature drop, feel free to call the dispatch service of your management company.

An employee of the management company is obliged to record your appeal and inform you when the commission will come to you. That, in turn, after all the measurements made in your presence, should draw up two identical acts.

One copy remains in the hands of the apartment owner, the second copy is taken by the commission representatives for themselves. The report must indicate the date of measurements and record all readings of measuring instruments.

If you do not agree with the results of the measurements taken, a new time is assigned for the commission’s visit.. On her in mandatory Specialists from the state housing inspection must be present.

By the way, some residents, bypassing their management company, directly contact the State Housing Property Inspectorate. This will not be a violation of the law.

If, as a result of measurements, the fact of a decrease in temperature was established and documented, you have the right to receive a recalculation for heat. You will only be charged for the degrees actually obtained.

After the commission’s visit, the owner of the cold apartment should have two documents in his hands:

If you have a certificate of measuring the temperature in the apartment and an application report, you are required to recalculate the heat consumed in the current month.

If the company that calculates the rent refuses to recalculate, you have the right to go to court with a claim for consumer protection.


With the arrival of summer, each of us dreams of relaxation. Fresh air, gentle sun and warm water help you improve your health, relax and forget about your problems. Find out what is a comfortable temperature for the human body for swimming in different ages, what conditions are recommended.

At what water temperature can you swim?

In order for a person to benefit and enjoy bathing, the water must be in an acceptable state for the body. The indicator depends on physiological characteristics, habits, individual characteristics of the body. It is believed that normal temperature sea ​​water is about 22 degrees, but many calmly swim even at 18. It is known that a large number of“Walruses” swim in the cold months at +10°C. However, it is better for unaccustomed people not to take risks, otherwise hypothermia may occur.

Very low and high temperatures should be avoided. A pond with a temperature of 24°C is suitable for refreshing, enjoying sea baths and calmly swimming. If the degree is higher, there is a danger of developing diseases. This leads to the active development of rotavirus and other infections that are harmful to children and adults. This situation is typical for mid-July-late August among the southern regions and on the Azov coast, so you should be especially careful when taking sea baths.

Air temperature plays a big role. If a man for a long time is in the sun, then immersion even in cold water may not bother him: the body requires refreshment. In addition, habit matters. If for our people the comfortable water temperature in the sea for swimming is already 20-22 degrees, then for the residents of hot Egypt it will seem cold. For local inhabitants, the optimal temperature is 24-26°C. The situation is completely different on the Baltic coast. There the water practically does not exceed +20°C, so it is acceptable for the locals.

Optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea for children

The most comfortable temperature for a child to stay in water is considered to be 22-24 degrees. If the baby is going to bathe for the first time, then he needs to be prepared, otherwise it threatens a decrease in immunity and a cold. You should go to the pond with the baby in June or mid-season, when the water is not so dirty. The baby's stay should not exceed 2-3 minutes, after which he is wiped dry with a towel.

Comfortable sea water temperature for pregnant women

The properties of sea salts have a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus, so bathing is very useful for young mothers. For a pregnant woman to feel normal, the temperature should not be below +22. Before entering, the girl needs to cool down in the shade so that her body does not feel much contrast. In addition, experts recommend not staying in a body of water for a long time so that the body does not begin to lose heat. The optimal bathing time is 10-20 minutes.

At what temperature can you swim in the sea at night?

On the beaches of the Southern Coast of Crimea and the Azov Sea, many people prefer to swim at night, do beautiful photos in water. While this is permitted in the vast expanses of our region, navigation abroad is strictly controlled by the coast guard. It is best to swim at night when the sea is calm, there are no waves, and the water is not lower than +21-22°C. Such conditions will help you refresh and are completely safe for the human body.

When is the most comfortable water temperature for swimming?

Depending on the location of the reservoir on globe change and climatic conditions around. The most comfortable sea water temperature for swimming is observed in the summer, although some people begin to swim outdoors from May, continuing until September. In addition, a lot depends on the air temperature: if you are very hot in the sun, then a pond with +19°C will bring pleasure to a child and an adult.

In the Black Sea

In Crimea, the beach season begins at the end of May and ends almost in October. The warm and mild climate allows the water to remain warm for a long time. In addition, sunny weather creates excellent relaxation conditions. Comfortable temperature water in the Black Sea for swimming – from +18 to +24°С. You can take a dip in cooler weather, but there is a risk of leg cramps.

On the Azov coast

Due to the intense heat and sun activity on the Azov coast, experts recommend swimming before 12 noon and after 4 pm. This period will allow you to enjoy sunbathing and refresh yourself. All summer months have a suitable temperature regime. June and July are especially favorable. In August, the water can heat up to +26 and above. It is believed that at this degree the content of healing components decreases.

How is the comfortable sea temperature for swimming determined?

To understand at what temperature they swim in the sea, it is necessary to distinguish how the human body reacts to different conditions:

  • Sea water 0 degrees. Swimming is only possible for a short time, otherwise hypothermia will occur. People who are accustomed to winter swimming can afford such conditions a little longer.
  • From 1 to 8°C. Even for those who are prepared and seasoned, the procedure of dipping and immersion can be dangerous. Such water allows staying for no more than a couple of minutes.
  • From 9 to 13°C. Unacceptable conditions for swimming, but safer for human health. Seasoned swimmers can swim for 5-7 minutes.
  • From 14 to 16°C. Sea baths are possible, but not long-term. Staying in such water for more than 2 hours can lead to loss of consciousness.
  • From 17 to 22°C. A cool body of water that makes you feel fresh. Acceptable conditions for dipping or immersion, but not for everyone.
  • From 23 to 26°C. Optimal conditions for long periods of time in the pond.
  • From 27°C. Comfortable conditions in the sea for long-term swimming, but the development of microbes in such an environment is possible. Even the pleasant warmth of the sea becomes bacterially dangerous.
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For comfortable living in an apartment, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of room temperature. The norm may differ depending on the climatic environment and time of year, as well as the needs of the body. Deviation from the norm can lead to poor health or the development of diseases.

Be sure to monitor the room temperature

Feeling good when the body overheats

Regardless of the season, too hot conditions in the apartment can cause poor health. A comfortable temperature for a person should not exceed or be equal to +26 degrees.

When the body overheats, the heart is the first to suffer. Heat causes the body to use more fluid, which thickens the blood and makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. Therefore, people with cardiovascular problems are advised to carefully monitor the temperature at home.

In this video you will learn what the temperature in the room should be:

Dry and hot air often leads to dehydration. To normalize body temperature, a person sweats profusely, which causes fluid loss. Because signs of dehydration appear gradually, you may not have time to replenish water balance. Prolonged dehydration can lead to performance problems nervous system, dry skin and constant fatigue.

In addition, maintaining a hot atmosphere leads to the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Heat is the main condition for creating a favorable environment for the appearance of bacteria. To avoid unwanted infections, you should adhere to the recommended temperature regime for winter and summer.

The effect of hypothermia on well-being

If a sufficient level of heat is not maintained in winter, there is a risk of developing a mild stage of hypothermia. A decrease in ambient temperature causes increased heat transfer from the body. Being in a cold room for quite a long time, the body can no longer replenish heat loss and maintain the required temperature (not lower than 36 degrees). Hypothermia can cause a number of diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory processes.

Various diseases have several reasons, for example, hypothermia

It is especially important to maintain a comfortable environment in children's rooms, since the body of young children is not able to retain enough heat on its own.

Thus, the minimum room temperature is the number of degrees the body needs to stay warm.

Room temperature standards

The optimal room temperature for a person largely depends on individual needs and other factors. At the state level, this value is regulated by the document GOST 30494–2011 and R 51617−2000. According to GOST, standard indoor microclimate parameters are:

  • living rooms - from +20 to 23 degrees. Celsius;
  • kitchen and toilet - from +18 to 21 degrees. Celsius;
  • bathroom - from +23 to 25 degrees. Celsius;
  • corridor, pantry, staircase - from +14 to 19 degrees. Celsius;
  • in summer - from +24 to 28 degrees. Celsius;
  • in winter - from +22 to 24 degrees. Celsius.

In winter, the temperature in the premises should be 3-4 degrees higher than in summer

Depending on the purpose of the room, average temperature conditions are determined. For example, it is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of about 22 degrees. In a hotter environment it will be more difficult to sleep, and in a cold environment you will have nightmares.

If the question concerns a children's bedroom, then the temperature in the room should be adjusted depending on the age of the child. Thus, for the baby’s comfortable well-being, it is best to adhere to the maximum permissible temperature regime (+23…+24 degrees). As you grow older, the norm will decrease to the minimum levels comfortable for adults (+19…+20 degrees).

The bathroom has the highest humidity in the apartment, so following the standards of sanitary rules and regulations (SANPIN) in the bathroom is important for personal hygiene. If the indicator deviates from the norm, dampness occurs in the bathroom and mold begins to form.

The appropriate temperature in the kitchen is determined by the type of household appliances that are used in the kitchen, as well as the intensity of their use. Thus, if the kettle and stove are often used in the kitchen, the temperature in the room will be too hot, so you should reduce the degree. However, when using electrical appliances, the temperature in the room will not change, since such devices have a lower level of heat transfer.

Factors that determine comfortable conditions

Standard indicators for a comfortable indoor temperature for a person are based on ideal conditions in which there are no significant seasonal fluctuations, no additional measures are used to increase or decrease the temperature, and all people have the same preferences. In life Determining the optimal living room conditions may depend on a number of factors:

  1. Various climate zones.
  2. Significant fluctuations in outside temperature.
  3. Features of the structure of the house (brick retains heat better than panel ones).
  4. Human factor. Some people enjoy being in a well-ventilated area, while other people prefer air-conditioned air.
  5. Women prefer warmth, and men - vice versa. Children feel comfortable staying in a room where it’s +21…+23 degrees.

Given the different preferences of each person, it is recommended to adhere to standard norms. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for a particular person.

Self-measurement of deviations and adjustment

In order to maintain normal temperature conditions, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the microclimate of the apartment.

To obtain detailed information You can use a regular thermometer and hygrometer to determine what the air temperature and humidity level are.

Measuring instruments should be placed at a distance of at least 1 meter from the external walls and at a height of at least 1.4 meters. If there is a suspicion that the temperature balance in the room has been disturbed, it is recommended to carry out control measurements every hour during the day.

In case of deviation from the standard by 3 degrees during the day or 5 degrees at night, you can submit a report on the measurements taken, on the basis of which payment for utilities will be recalculated.

You can adjust the microclimate of the room yourself using one of the methods:

  • ventilation of rooms using a draft;
  • using an air conditioner that can heat or cool the air, as well as ventilate, purify and humidify it;
  • install traditional heat sources - convectors or electric fireplaces.

It is important to remember that in winter the average room temperature should not fall below 19 degrees Celsius. A significant decrease in temperature is a sign of poor quality heating services.

The microclimate in an apartment is determined by many factors. This includes air temperature. The word temperature is of Latin origin and means “normal state.” Approximately normal room temperature according to scientific calculations is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. But, undoubtedly, the main requirement for it is to be comfortable for the people living in the apartment. In addition, the temperature regime in the house may depend on numerous nuances. It is worth considering them to create a comfortable atmosphere in your home.

Factors influencing the temperature in the apartment

First of all, let's take into account external factors that affect the temperature in the apartment. So, room temperature may differ due to:

  • General climatic terrain features;
  • Shift season;
  • Age and preferences residents;
  • Features specific premises.

How the amount of energy allocated for heating is measured is explained in this article:

Climatic features

The normal temperature in the room varies for each specific area. So, for example, she will different for northern and southern regions, for eastern and western. For African countries it will be one, and for Asian or, for example, European countries, another.

Climate different countries is different. And climate is not just temperature. This concept also includes air humidity in the apartment and outside, as well as Atmosphere pressure. The combination of these factors influences the determination of the normal air temperature in the room. As a rule, in hotter countries with high air humidity, temperature standards for living spaces are higher than in northern countries with cold climates.

Change of season

Depending on the change of season, the temperature in the apartment may also vary. For example, in winter it will not be too high, but in summer it will increase accordingly. On average, for the European climate, acceptable temperatures during the cold season 19−22 degrees Celsius, and for roast 22−25. The difference at first glance seems insignificant, but begins to matter with constant exposure.

Human factor

The main purpose of regulating the temperature in an apartment is to create a comfort zone for the people living in it. Some people feel comfortable even in hot weather and don’t think about buying an air conditioner, while others live with the windows open even in cold weather. However, we should not forget that human preferences do not always correspond to the correct temperature regime. Overheating of the room, as well as its excessive hypothermia, can be extremely adversely affect human health.

It is definitely worth considering the difference in temperature standards for people of different genders and ages. For example, the comfortable temperature differs for men and women by approximately by 2−3 degrees. Women are more thermophilic than men.

Particular attention must be paid to the temperature in the apartment where he lives. Small child. For example, a baby’s body’s thermoregulation has not yet developed, so it is very sensitive to temperature changes, quickly freezes and overheats. Therefore, the temperature in the children's room should be stable. On average it is 20−23 degrees Celsius.

Temperature for each room

Depending on what functionality a particular room in the apartment performs, the temperature standard changes.

You should also remember that there should not be too much temperature difference in different rooms. A difference of 2-3 degrees is considered ideal, so that when moving around the apartment, a person does not feel the difference.

Normal temperature in the apartment regulated by one of the GOSTs, as well as rules for the provision of utility services. It is noteworthy that this standard only has a lower temperature threshold of 18 °C, but does not have a higher one. That is, the highest standard must be set by themselves, based on their own preferences and focusing on research in this area.

There is also a table that shows the recommended indoor air temperature for housing, as well as the speed of movement and air humidity.

Despite personal preferences, temperature norm should still be adhered to at least minimally. This is especially true during summer and winter, when the temperature in the apartment and outside are radically different. Consequently, going out and returning home, we constantly exposed to temperature changes. First of all, it is worth considering that the difference between the air temperature inside and outside the apartment should not exceed 4−5 degrees. Failure to do this leads to the body receiving a certain amount of stress. Having, for example, cardiac problems can cause a heart attack. Also, failure to comply with the temperature regime can lead to overheating or hypothermia of the body. Both conditions have dangerous consequences, about which a few additional words are worth saying.

Overheating of the body

An excessively hot atmosphere in the apartment creates conditions favorable for the proliferation of all kinds of bacteria. As a result we get infectious diseases in a seemingly inappropriate hot season.

First of all, overheating has a detrimental effect on the heart. In conditions of excessive heat, the human body begins to lose moisture, the blood begins to thicken and, accordingly, the heart requires hard work to distill the blood. This can be a serious problem for people with cardiovascular disease.

Overheating of the body is also dangerous dehydration, because, trying to maintain a balance of external and internal heat, we begin to sweat and, accordingly, lose moisture. Without replenishing it from the outside, we get dehydration of the body, which can lead to serious disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance and the nervous system.

To maintain optimal temperature in winter, you need to choose high-quality heating radiators:

Hypothermia of the body

Hypothermia, in medicine " hypothermia", is extremely dangerous for human health. Hypothermia affects the entire human body as a whole and can cause serious illness.

When the temperature drops, heat transfer from the body increases; with prolonged low exposure, the body does not have time to compensate for heat loss and maintain normal temperature. Body temperature is considered low below 36 degrees Celsius.

Hypothermia can cause acute respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system. Hypothermia is especially dangerous in little children, since their body does not have adult heat emission and therefore cools much faster and suffers more from it.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that ambient temperature has a significant impact on human health. She can help him carry out hardening of the body, and vice versa, it can create conditions for the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the acquisition of new diseases.

That is why you should be careful about maintaining a comfortable temperature in the apartment. This will be easy to do by following the above recommendations.

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