Which nettle is better? Nettle: medicinal properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. Healing properties of nettle and contraindications for use

Nettle is a weedy perennial plant of the nettle family. The plant grows almost all over the world.

Nettle has been used for centuries different countries. It was eaten, applied to the skin, drunk as Herb tea and even used to make fabrics. Nettle as a medicinal plant is still used in folk medicine.

The most important health benefit of nettle is its ability to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation. The herb protects the kidneys and gallbladder, regulates hormonal activity and prevents the development of diabetes.

For joints

Nettle reduces arthritis pain. Antioxidants in the plant have been found to reduce inflammation.

Taking nettle extract or applying it to the skin can relieve osteoarthritis pain.

For the heart and blood vessels

The herb normalizes blood circulation and improves cardiovascular health, as it is high in iron and vitamin C. It also contains a lot of potassium, which relieves spasm of the arteries and reduces the risk of strokes.

Research has proven that regular consumption of nettle tea helps reduce tension and stress on the cardiovascular system.

Nettle has long been used to treat high blood pressure.

For the lymphatic system

Nettle is an ideal detoxifier for the body. It stimulates the lymphatic system, cleansing the kidneys of toxins.

For the bronchi

Nettle benefits have been linked to the treatment of respiratory conditions, including hay fever, asthma and seasonal allergies. Regular consumption of aerial tea helps with allergies and other breathing problems.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Healing properties nettle benefits are that it improves the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the herb are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

For the pancreas

Studies have proven that nettle lowers blood sugar levels, so doctors recommend adding the plant to the diet of people with diabetes.

For kidneys and bladder

Nettle is a diuretic and helps flush out harmful chemical substances and excess fluid from the body. This herb is also called a “spring tonic”, which cleanses the body of toxins.

For the reproductive system

Nettle root helps prevent prostate growth. It reduces frequent urination in this disease.

For skin and hair

Nettle extracts applied to the skin get rid of acne and kill infections. Thanks to its antioxidants, nettle speeds up wound healing, reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes, and smoothes wrinkles and discoloration of age spots.

The healing properties of nettle for hair, skin and nails have long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Creams and shampoos for eczema and dandruff have been developed based on nettle.

Nettle in gynecology

Nettle contains active components that improve women's health:

In gynecology, nettle teas and decoctions are used, for which you can take both fresh and dried leaves of the plant. You can buy them in pharmacies - medicines based on nettle are presented in different forms and dosages. Consult your physician before use.

Almost every person knows prickly nettle. In our plot or garden, we try to remove it with everyone accessible ways, without even knowing what benefits it has for the human body. Accumulates in its green leaves and stems during growth a large number of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. This plant is used in medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology and cooking. Ointments, creams, decoctions, infusions, teas, soups and fresh salads are made from nettle.

But it should also be remembered that this plant has both its advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account before using it frequently.

There are two types of nettle found in our area – stinging nettle and stinging nettle. Dioecy is considered much more useful for humans. This plant can be found in your yard, in the forest, near the river and road, in vacant lots. It reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. It has bright green equilateral leaves and small flowers with a light green tint. Stinging nettle can be distinguished from other species by the finely dense hairs located on the leaves.

This product can be purchased in a package, or collected independently, and then either consumed fresh or dried for the winter.

A very long time ago, people began to use this plant for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, because it contains a large amount of much-needed and beneficial substances for the human body.

  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, K, E, H and niacin, cartine, carotenoids.
  • Microelements: iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, chromium, aluminum.
  • Macroelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus.

It is important to take into account that the rich and varied composition of nettles is also valuable in that there is much more vitamin C than in lemon and apples, and the amount of carotene is greater than in carrots and sea buckthorn.

The benefits of nettle for the human body

People say “Nettle is stinging and powerful,” which is completely confirmed in reality.

  1. Vitamins, minerals and biological substances speed up the metabolism in the human body and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Helps in the fight against chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and tuberculosis.
  3. Decoctions from this medicinal plant are recommended for use with digestive problems, especially with nausea and bloating.
  4. Nettle leaves are used to treat throat diseases, as well as nosebleeds.
  5. In dermatology, decoctions, soups and teas are consumed as a remedy for irritation caused by allergies, various rashes, dermatitis and urticaria.
  6. Decoctions from the roots of this plant are an excellent diuretic.
  7. Nettle is very nutritious in its composition, but low in calories, so it will be a useful product for those losing weight.
  8. The composition of greens and roots includes a substance that produces interferon - proteins. They protect our body from the appearance of cancer cells and various viruses.
  9. Formic acid found in this plant has a general purifying effect, which has a positive effect on all human systems.
  10. Nettle decoctions have a healing effect on the liver, kidneys and bladder.
  11. In medicine, this green is used to treat anemia, it normalizes the menstrual cycle, and also helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
  12. Eating various dishes and teas made from nettle improves blood clotting.
  13. This plant contains a large number of carotenoids, which have a positive effect on the functions of the visual organs.
  14. Nettle contains a valuable substance called secretin, which helps normalize blood sugar levels. At the same time, the body produces insulin, which is so necessary for people suffering from diabetes.
  15. For external use, this product is also very useful. Prepared compresses from the leaves stop bleeding from small wounds on the knees, elbows and other parts of the body.
  16. Nursing mothers are recommended to drink nettle teas in order to improve the quality of mother's milk and strengthen the baby's body.
  17. The flowers of this plant are used to support male power. They are brewed and consumed 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day.

Nettle and its benefits in cosmetology

Due to the fact that nettle is rich in a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, it has a beneficial effect on our hair.

  • Helps in the fight against scalp diseases.
  • The plant prevents hair loss.
  • Rinsing with a decoction of the leaves improves the hair structure and makes it stronger.
  • Using various masks and infusions, you can get rid of hair breakage, dandruff, split ends, as well as constant oily hair.
  • With regular use of prepared cosmetics Nettle will give your hair shine, thickness and a healthy appearance.

Recipe for strengthening hair from fresh nettle

Wash fresh nettle leaves and stems thoroughly under running water. Place 50 g of this plant in a saucepan and pour 0.5 liters. water. Then boil it and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, rinse your hair with it, after washing it with shampoo.

Nettle mask for oily hair

Grind the freshly cut leaves of this plant in a blender. Next, add a spoonful of sea salt to the bowl, if not, then you can use regular salt. Stir thoroughly and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Apply the green paste to the scalp using light rubbing movements. Distribute it evenly over the hair roots and wrap with film and a towel for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Use of nettle for medicinal purposes

Juice for general strengthening of the body and strengthening the immune system

Rinse fresh nettles. Cut the leaves along with the stems and pass through a meat grinder. Then squeeze thoroughly through cheesecloth. Adults take 1 tbsp of nettle juice. l., and for children 1 tsp. on an empty stomach once a day and wash down with water. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Nettle decoction to improve blood composition

2 tbsp. l. Finely chopped nettle pour 200 g of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. This decoction should be consumed three times a day, 1 glass.

Nettle to reduce blood pressure

Beneficial features Nettle also has an effect on human blood pressure. Pass green and fresh nettles through a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, add a couple of tablespoons of kefir and a spoonful of honey. This infusion should be used 3 times a day before meals.

Vitamin tea from dry nettle

1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over nettles, dried black currant leaves, rose hips, lingonberries and dried carrots in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Add a couple of spoons of honey and drink warm instead of tea. This drink helps cleanse blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. Before consuming, be sure to consult a doctor in order to receive benefits and not harm from this plant.

Use in cooking

Green nettle is tasty and useful in cooking.

Fresh nettle soup

Boil vegetable broth or chicken meat. Then add potatoes and cook until done. When the vegetable is cooked, add finely chopped nettle and sorrel leaves to the soup. Wait for everything to boil and cook for another minute. Serve the finished dish hot with sour cream, boiled egg, dill and parsley.

Fresh nettle salad

This salad is prepared only from young nettle leaves. Rinse the plant thoroughly and finely chop. Add dill, parsley, green onions to it. Pepper, salt and season everything with olive oil.

Cottage cheese with added nettles

Salt low-fat cottage cheese and add finely chopped fresh green nettles to it. Stir and you can eat. This dish is very useful for those who watch their figure or want to get rid of extra pounds.

Harm of nettle to humans

In addition to the burning stem and leaves, this plant has other contraindications. Nettle is a valuable plant whose benefits for the body are priceless, but it should be used with caution, and in some cases, consulting a doctor is recommended.

  • Since this product affects the blood, you should not take it if you have varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.
  • It is prohibited for atherosclerosis, and especially for those with thick blood.
  • During pregnancy, you should absolutely not include dishes or decoctions with nettles in your diet. This can cause premature labor or early miscarriage.

The benefits of nettle for the human body are undeniable, but contraindications must also be taken into account in order to avoid harm to health.

Young leaves or dried powder are brewed to improve blood circulation and hematopoiesis, for anemia, and for blood clotting during bleeding.

The decoction is useful for diabetes, reduces blood sugar. For stomach diseases Nettle is an indispensable plant for the healing of mucous membranes, and for heart disease - to reduce blood pressure.

Decoctions are used to gargle and rinse the mouth for sore throats, stomatitis and periodontal disease. Apply compresses with a decoction to clean and speed up healing of the wounded skin. They use solutions that have bactericidal and cleansing properties for acne, furunculosis and dermatitis.

With the help of a decoction, they get rid of dandruff, flaking of the scalp epithelium, and strengthen the hair. The product is used to prevent hair loss. It is forbidden for pregnant women, people with accelerated blood clotting, and people with kidney problems to drink decoctions.

The beneficial properties of nettle leaves have been known since ancient times. Avicenna in his treatise recommended it to all girls and women as effective remedy from infertility. Today, the positive effect of his recipes is explained by the fact that a decoction of nettle leaves saves from anemia, accelerates blood circulation, and promotes a rapid and complete supply of oxygen to the cells of the genital organs.

What is so unique about the chemical composition of nettle that it can speed up the recovery of even a seriously ill person?

1. The leaves of plants contain a huge amount of vitamin C; the content in nettles is 10 times higher than the amount in green onions.
2. Nettle is rich in carotene, which is responsible for cell growth and good vision. Vitamins PP and B, which improve the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates and regulate the functioning of nerve cells.
3. Nettle leaves contain a lot of vitamin K, which is rarely found in green vegetable plants. It is responsible for the function of hematopoiesis, blood supply, and has the ability to increase blood clotting, which is especially useful in healing wounds, external and internal, to stop bleeding.
4. Nettle leaves contain essential acids that the body itself is unable to produce, but really needs them. They are rich in pantothenic acid, which promotes the speedy healing of diseased integuments.

5. The protein content in nettles is higher than in legumes, which makes it possible to include decoctions in the menu of people who are engaged in building muscle mass.
6. Nettle leaves lead in the presence of chlorophyll, this natural ray accumulator solar energy, so important for people living in areas where there is little sunlight.
7. They are extremely saturated with phytoncides and mineral elements: iron, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, chromium, biological active substances.

All useful elements nourish the decoctions, enter the brain, blood and body tissues, prevent the development of diseases by increasing immunity in healthy people and help sick patients overcome illnesses.

What do nettle infusions heal?

Herbal decoctions are prepared from stinging nettle or stinging nettle. But, before consuming them, you need to consult a doctor whether you can take home remedies or not. What is treated with nettle infusion? Basically, it is taken in the following cases:

1. To strengthen the immune system

As a remedy for vitamin deficiency and its prevention. The decoction has a strengthening effect and improves immunity.

2. As a hemostatic

To speed up the blood clotting process - for internal or external bleeding.

3. For anemia

For anemia, to increase the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin.

4. As a bactericidal

For the healing of purulent wounds, ulcers on the surface of the skin, as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory agent.

5. Anti-inflammatory

For tonsillitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease, rinse the throat and mouth with decoctions.

6. To cleanse the skin

As a means for cleansing the skin, internal blood purification for furunculosis, acne, prickly heat, skin lichen.

7. For patients with diabetes mellitus

Nettle decoction helps lower blood sugar, therefore it is useful for patients with diabetes.

8. For people with cardiovascular diseases

In case of heart and vascular diseases, it remarkably lowers blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels.

9. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

It is advisable for patients suffering from dysbiosis or other gastrointestinal problems to drink decoctions in courses.

10. Antihemorrhoidal

As an effective remedy for getting rid of hemorrhoids.

11. To strengthen hair

To strengthen the roots and structure of the hair, rinse with nettle decoction, which prevents hair loss, gives natural shine and fluffiness, and eliminates dandruff and flaking.

12. For skin elasticity

Since ancient times, nettle brooms brewed with boiling water have been used for washing in the bathhouse. After the steam room, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, scratches and wounds heal quickly, the steam causes rapid cleansing of the lungs.

13. For rheumatism and osteochondrosis

Nettle is added to medicinal baths to increase skin tone and improve its health, treat rheumatism and osteochondrosis, and improve the functioning of respiratory processes.

14. For weight loss

To reduce body weight, cabbage soup and borscht made from nettle broth are included in the diet, and for skin elasticity after losing weight, external compresses and wraps are made with it.

Application and preparation of medicinal decoctions

In order for the effect on the body to be effective, it is important to know how to take nettle infusion. The main difference between the method of processing nettle raw materials and other plants is that nettle leaves cannot be boiled, they just need to be slowly poured with boiling water and left to steep under a lid.

The infusion time for the decoction for drinking and for lubricating, rinsing or compresses is different.

The concentration of the solution is also not the same. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to prepare a decoction of nettles, recipes for various methods of consumption:

  • Multivitamin decoction for anemia, to improve immunity

Take 4-5 leaves of young nettle, and dry - 1 tbsp. with top. The raw material must be very slowly poured with a glass of not quite boiling water. Leave covered for 25 minutes. Drink it before meals, 1/4 of it, in portions.

  • To improve blood composition

You can improve the composition of the blood and the rate of its clotting by increasing the number of red blood cells if you consume a decoction of 1.5 tbsp daily. l. dried leaves or 5 pieces of fresh leaves, brewed with 250 ml of boiling water. Take the drink in 4 equal doses.

  • For skin imperfections

For skin diseases, acne, furunculosis, steam 50 grams of dry leaves in a liter of boiling water. You need to drink ¼ glass before meals until the inflammatory process passes.

  • For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes take a decoction of nettle with blueberries or lingonberries every day for one month, then a break, and after two weeks they start taking it again. For the decoction take 20 grams. nettles and a large spoon of berries per 300 ml of water. The daily portion is 1 glass divided into 4 times. Doctors recommend that in spring and summer they eat borscht and cabbage soup made from fresh brewed nettles.

  • Hemostatic agent

For internal bleeding, hemorrhoids and prolonged heavy menstruation, prepare a drink from 60g of nettle and 3/4 liter of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour, drink a glass of decoction three times a day. If severe pain bothers you, then the daily norm is increased to 4 glasses. Cold lotions are applied to the hemorrhoids.

  • Decoction for rinsing and external treatment of mucous membranes

10-15 grams of leaves are brewed for 15 minutes with ¾ cup of boiling water. Each time a new solution is prepared, rinsing should be done after 4 hours.

  • Decoctions for washing wounds and applying compresses

300 ml. Boiling water is poured into 2 full tablespoons of leaves and steamed for 20 minutes. Strain the solution and perform the procedures.

  • Decoction for weight loss

When losing weight, nettle decoction removes fluid from cells and tissues, due to its diuretic effect, accelerates carbohydrate metabolism and protects against stress. Pour a tablespoon full of a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for 25 minutes. The serving is divided into 3 doses. By wrapping or lubricating the skin, the decoction tones sagging skin and muscles.

  • For hair care

3 tbsp. brew 0.5 l. hot water, heat until boiling, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse clean, washed hair; there is no need to rinse off the decoction. It is not recommended to do the procedure for blondes, so that the hair does not acquire a greenish tint.

  • For medicinal baths

For a therapeutic bath for rheumatism or osteochondrosis, fill containers with fresh nettle, then fill it with water at 55-60 degrees, cool to 42 degrees. Take it for 15 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of nettle decoction

1. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are prohibited from drinking the decoction.
2. Patients suffering from kidney disease should not use nettle products, which have a diuretic effect.
3. It is prohibited to use solutions in patients with increased blood clotting, and if there is a predisposition to the formation of blood clots.

Each person may have an individual, personal intolerance to any herbal collection. In addition, the decoction can destroy the effect of tablets or other medicines prescribed by a doctor. For people with chronic and genetic diseases, consultation with doctors is vital. For some types of diseases, you should absolutely not drink nettle infusion.

Translated from Latin, the word nettle means “stinging.” The plant is unpretentious, perennial and popularly known as a weed. However, despite this, it has enormous healing potential, thanks to which it has been successfully used for centuries, both in professional medicine and at home to treat an extensive list of diseases. Avicenna also described medicinal properties this plant. Currently, in some European countries, the plant is grown specifically for further use for medical, cosmetic and culinary purposes.

The leaves of a fresh and dry plant, hung in the house, rid the house of annoying insects and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Composition of nettle

One hundred grams of blanched nettle contains:

Nettle - 22 beneficial properties

  1. Arthritis Cure

    Nettle leaves can help patients with fibromyalgia, a disease that provokes diffusely symmetrical musculoskeletal pain. Commonly called gout. Drinking a cup of brewed nettle infusion will have a positive effect on symptoms of tendinitis, joint stiffness, and will relieve swelling in the area of ​​burned tendons and joints. Daily consumption of brewed plant leaves, in in the form of a decoction, it will have a mild diuretic effect, emptying the bladder and alkalizing muscle tissue.

  2. Benefits for women

    Presence in chemical composition nettle contains a huge amount of iron elements, which gave the plant the first right to resist such a disease as anemia, characterized by a decrease in the presence of red blood cells in the blood. Unique properties plants replenish lost strength in the body and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. Women have long known the properties of this plant and have successfully used them. The substance lactogen galactagogue, present in nettle, allows you to increase the secretion of milk. Nettle also has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of women during menopause. Many women use an infusion of the plant to reduce heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. In the form of tonics, it is used to treat uterine fibroids.

  3. Benefits for hair loss and skin diseases

    Tea made from nettle reduces the presence of acne on the face, having a rejuvenating effect on the condition of the skin of the body. Frozen infusion cubes are recommended for use as morning hygiene procedures, washing your face with them. Rinsing hair after washing with nettle infusion improves hair growth, restoring the hair structure and having a preventive effect on the manifestations of seborrhea.

  4. Benefits for the digestive tract

    The leaves of the plant are used as an additional remedy for symptoms of indigestion of celiac disease associated with damage to the intestinal villi, helping to get rid of such unfavorable symptoms as nausea and bloating. Nettle is distinguished as a highly effective remedy in the treatment of sore throat, inflammation of the oral cavity, and nosebleeds. Napkins soaked in nettle infusion can relieve external hemorrhoids.

  5. Use for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

    In European countries, stinging nettle is successfully used to solve the problems of prostate adenoma. Studies have shown that stinging nettle in combination with saw palmetto is particularly effective in relieving symptoms of BPH such as incomplete bowel movements and drip urination. These negative symptoms occur against the background of an increase in the size of the prostate gland, which in turn puts pressure on the bladder. Research conducted in this area notes that stinging nettle chemical properties similar to the composition of the drug finasteride, used in the treatment of BPH. The properties of the plant do not reduce the size of the gland itself, but have a beneficial effect on relieving the symptoms of the disease itself. This is possible due to the ability of nettle to influence the hormones testosterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the functioning of the gland.

  6. Prevention of arthrosis

    Applications of fresh nettle leaves relieve symptoms of arthritic joint pain. Nettle extract in combination with taking non-steroidal drugs enhances their effect, and tea brewed in the proportion of 1 spoon of plant leaves per glass of boiling water will reduce the dosage of anti-arthritis medications.

  7. Prevention of hay fever

    The ability of nettle to reduce the amount of histamine in the body is used to relieve the manifestations of allergic rhinitis. A dried, lyophilized, and freeze-dried preparation based on nettle is taken as a prophylactic during the flowering season of plants and helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses.

  8. Nettle as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Scientific studies aimed at studying the properties of stinging nettle have noted the presence in its composition of substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of cytokines. The plant is successfully used to solve problems causing swelling.

  9. Prevention of intestinal diseases

    Drinking tea with the addition of nettle infusion will help activate intestinal motility, having a laxative effect. However, this procedure should not be abused, since excessive consumption of the drink can cause discomfort in the stomach.

  10. A storehouse of nutrients

    Stinging nettle is rightfully considered a multivitamin gift from nature. It perfectly combines both organic acids and biologically active substances. The presence of vitamins and minerals in the plant makes it possible to use its leaves for culinary purposes. At the beginning of spring, the young leaves, which are the most tender, are added to salads and hot dishes. During this period, the body, which is especially in need of replenishment of minerals and vitamins, can receive them in full from nettle. Housewives have long used the leaves of the plant in cooking, adding it to first courses and salads. Vitamin C, E, iron, zinc, potassium - this is not a dusty list of useful plant components that have a beneficial effect on human performance and rapid restoration of strength after illness.

  11. Using specks to stop bleeding

    Combinations of the herbs knotweed, common thyme, licorice and stinging nettle have effective hemostatic properties. These combinations are reflected in the creation of a hemostatic agent used in dentistry, as well as in the healing of deep superficial wounds and abrasions. Ankaferd Blood Stopper hemostatic wipes stop heavy external bleeding when in contact with a bleeding wound.

  12. The use of nettle for joint inflammation

    Nettle can bring relief to people suffering from high levels of uric acid in the body. Uric acid, accumulating, forms crystalline formations in the area of ​​​​the compounds, which causes inflammation, swelling, and pain. Nettle infusion can remove excess uric acid from the body, reducing signs of the disease.

  13. Nettle as a remedy for infectious diseases

    Tea made from stinging nettle and lingonberry helps fight bladder infections. Both plants contain not only a lot of useful substances, but also a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps reduce the presence of bactericidal infections leading to inflammation of the urethra.

  14. Nettle for nail care

    To strengthen the nail plate and give it a healthy color, it is enough to use applications of nettle and vegetable oil. By steaming your nails in warm water and applying a pre-prepared mixture to them, you can strengthen the nail plate and protect them from hangnails.

  15. Nettle for healthy hair and scalp

    A decoction of fresh or dry nettle is a natural, cheap and affordable remedy for hair loss. It will perfectly relieve the problem of oily scalp, prevent split ends and give a silky, healthy shine to the hair. Brewed leaves of the plant in the form of an infusion are used in cosmetology in the treatment of seborrhea. Rinsing with this infusion strengthens hair follicles, has a beneficial effect on the production of subcutaneous fat and prevents the appearance of dandruff.

  16. Antifungal effect

    In the reference book on medicinal herbal remedies you can find another beneficial use stinging nettle. It is successfully used as a powerful antifungal agent that can resist fungal diseases.

  17. Painkiller

    Stinging nettle brewed in equal proportions with buckthorn bark acquires the properties of an anesthetic and can help with headaches and pain in the joints.

  18. Prevention of respiratory diseases

    The chlorophyll contained in the leaves of the plant gives the brewed nettle infusion a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract, which allows it to be used in the treatment of bronchitis and tuberculosis.

  19. Nettle's ability to increase testosterone levels

    Nettle contains a substance known as 3, 4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran. The substance can increase the level of testosterone, the main male hormone, and is widely used by bodybuilders.

  20. Healthy teeth and gums

    The decoction used as a rinse can relieve inflammation of the gums and prevent the formation of plaque and tartar.

Nettle also helps with:

  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease, stopping the formation of senile plaques in the cerebral cortex;
  • correction of neurological conditions MS, als;
  • childhood enuresis;
  • preventive actions aimed at treating helminths;
  • work disorders endocrine system, improving the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Properly formulated therapeutic dosages of nettle do not cause side effects and complications. However, there are also contraindications for its use.

  • uterine bleeding;
  • elevated blood pressure (hypertension);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neoplasms in the form of cysts and tumors;
  • pronounced indicators of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, since it greatly thickens the blood and increases its coagulability;
  • It is not recommended to use nettle infusions in the afternoon;
  • Nettle is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women; its use can provoke premature birth.

Since ancient times, nettle has been valued as a means of extending the shelf life of products. Rich in phytoncides, the plant is able to prevent the process of decomposition of meat, preserving its properties for a long time. The leaves were used to cover the carcasses of butchered animals, this helped stop the development of bacteria in the meat and extended its shelf life.
Nettles were used to weave fishing gear and make rough ropes.
In England, wine is made from nettles; only 40 kilograms of raw materials are consumed to prepare 3000 liters of drink. And they hold an annual competition “Who can eat the most burning leaves?” This competition has been going on for over 20 years.
Nettle is also used for mystical purposes, making all kinds of spells on it. Remember the fairy tale about how Elsa wove shirts for her brothers from nettles? Superstitious people are wary of plant thickets on their property, trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
But in Tula region, whose coat of arms depicts a plant, holds annual festivals. There it is valued for its qualities used in industrial production, where nettles are used to make an environmentally friendly green dye.
If the nettle in our regions only stings painfully, then plants in tropical latitudes can cause significant burns and even cause death.
In folk medicine, there is a saying that one nettle replaces “seven doctors,” and this is indeed a true statement, considering all the beneficial properties that this plant gives us.

The flowering plant nettle (Urtica) is a member of the nettle family. This genus unites more than 50 various types. In the wild they can be found in areas with temperate climate on both hemispheres. In mid-latitudes, the most common species are stinging nettle (lat. Urtica urens) and stinging nettle (lat. Urtica dioica), which is also called stinging nettle, stinging nettle or stinging nettle. Plants belonging to these species are very valuable medicinal and food raw materials, and chlorophyll is also extracted from them on an industrial scale, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

A perennial or annual plant such as nettle can be dioecious or monoecious. Solid oppositely located leaf plates have a serrated, jagged or three-to-five dissected edge. On the surface of leaf blades and shoots there is often a large number of stinging bristles. The false-spike inflorescences include staminate or pistillate flowers. The fruit is a compressed nut flat shape which is covered with perianth.

The structure of the stinging hairs of this plant, which are a fairly large cell, is similar to a medical ampoule. They contain juice containing formic acid, choline and histamine. If you touch such a hair, its upper part breaks and sticks into the surface of the skin. The juice trapped under the skin causes a sensation of a sharp burn only in the place that came into contact with the nettle. As a rule, such burns do not harm human health. However, there are several tropical species of nettle whose burns can be fatal to humans. In Russia, nettle prefers to grow near fences, in vegetable gardens, damp meadows, wastelands, forest clearings, near roads, along the banks of reservoirs, in ditches, and also in ravines. The fact that stinging nettle has healing properties has been known to people for a very long time; therefore, this weed plant is grown both by gardeners and cultivated on an industrial scale.

Growing nettles

Nettle can grow quite normally without special care, but if it is planted in specially prepared and fertilized soil, the growth and development of the bush will noticeably improve. This plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings of rhizomes. It is not necessary to prepare seeds before sowing, but if they are stratified for 4 weeks at an air temperature of 0–5 degrees, their germination will increase by 20–30 percent.

Stinging nettle, which is perennial, is recommended to be grown in a well-lit area or in partial shade; the soil should be sandy or nutritious and well-moistened. The area must be cleared of rhizomatous weeds. Sowing is done in early spring or before winter, and the appearance of the first seedlings can occur already at an air temperature of 8 degrees. First, the seeds are mixed with sand and then buried 10–15 mm into the soil; a distance of 0.6 to 0.7 m should be left between the rows. The surface of the area with crops should be covered with a thin (about 0.5 cm thick) layer of humus or peat, and if the sowing was done at the beginning of spring, then until the first seedlings appear, you need to make sure that the soil is always a little moist. If the sowing was done before winter, then the first seedlings will appear in April, and if in the spring, then in May.

To propagate nettle by vegetative means in spring, its rhizome should be removed from the soil and cut into pieces, their length varying from 8 to 10 centimeters. Then the divisions are planted in a new place to a depth of 8 centimeters, while a distance of about 0.6 m should be maintained between the holes. In nettles propagated in this way, the beginning of budding is observed 4 weeks earlier compared to those grown from seeds.

Nettle care

For the first 2 months, the seedlings will be very weak, and their growth and development will be extremely slow. But then the bushes will begin to grow very quickly, and will soon become dense and branchy. There is absolutely nothing complicated in caring for this plant. He should ensure timely watering, loosening, fertilizing and weeding. For irrigation, it is recommended to use water from a spring, well or rain, and it must first be heated in the sun.

Nettle needs a large amount of nitrogen, but it is not recommended to use mineral fertilizers for feeding. It is better to replace them with rotted compost or manure.

Caring for this plant is made easier by the fact that it is highly resistant to pests and diseases. However, caterpillars of urticaria butterflies can still settle on it; they will have to be collected manually in June. Collecting them is quite easy because they settle in clusters, but do not forget about safety measures, as nettles can leave severe burns on your hands.

Nettle collection and storage

Nettle rhizomes, seeds and leaf blades are used as medicinal raw materials. The foliage of stinging nettle is collected in June–September, when the plants are in flower. Some gardeners advise collecting leaves by simply wearing gloves, others mow the grass, and when it completely withers, tear off the leaf blades with bare hands. It is believed that the best time to collect foliage is on Tuesday at dawn in the first quarter of the moon. According to allegations lunar calendars such raw materials will have special healing powers.

The collected foliage should be laid out somewhere in a shaded place (in the attic or under a canopy), having first spread a cloth or paper. It should be noted that the thickness of the layer should not exceed 3–5 centimeters. If you dry them in the sun, then some of the healing properties will be lost, and the leaves themselves will become colorless. To dry them, if desired, you can use the oven, but set the temperature to 50 degrees and leave the door open. On completely dried leaves, the midribs and petioles will break off without effort. They will have a slight aroma, dark green color and a slightly bitter taste. It should be noted that at the output the volume of raw materials will be equal to 1/5 of the original volume. The dried leaves need to be sorted out, and all yellow, black and brown leaf blades, as well as debris, must be removed. For storage, they are poured into bags made of fabric or paper, which must then be placed in a well-ventilated, dry, dark place. Raw materials can be stored for no more than two years.

Stinging nettle and stinging nettle seeds should be collected only after they are fully ripe. As a rule, this happens 20 days after the plant blooms, in September. The upper parts of the nettle should be trimmed, slightly dried and threshed.

It is recommended to extract stinging nettle rhizomes in spring or autumn. All dirt is removed from them, and then they are dried at a temperature of 40 degrees. For storage, choose a dark, dry and ventilated place. Keep theirs useful qualities rhizomes for three years. If you are harvesting nettle rhizomes, then keep in mind that you will need to leave 10–15 percent of the bushes on the site for renewal, because during the collection of raw materials you have to destroy the entire plant. At the same time, you need to know that in this area it will be possible to collect rhizomes again only after 3 years.

Types and varieties of nettles with photos and names

Types of nettles with healing properties:

This herbaceous perennial plant has a strong root, while its rhizome is horizontal and branched. The height of the bush varies from 0.6 to 2 m. Stinging hairs are located on the surface of all above-ground parts of the plant. On the elongated shoots there are straight or ascending hollow stems. The leaves are arranged crosswise opposite. Dark green, simple, solid, equilateral leaf blades have long petioles. Their length is about 17 centimeters and their width is approximately 8 centimeters. The leaves may have an ovate-lanceolate, oblong or ovate-cordate shape; elliptical plates with a deeply heart-shaped base are less common. The panicle-shaped axillary inflorescences include small light yellow unisexual pistillate and staminate flowers. The fruit is a compressed biconvex achene of pale brown or light yellow color. About 22 thousand seeds can ripen on one bush.

This is an annual dioecious herbaceous plant has grooved, tetrahedral, erect shoots, the height of which can reach 15–35 centimeters; on their surface there are glandular, hard hairs. Dark green, serrate, oppositely located leaf plates are oval or ovoid in shape, and reach a length of 20–60 mm. There are a large number of burning hairs on their surface. Small axillary flowers are colored green, they are collected in a spike or are solitary. Such flowers are either staminate or pistillate. The fruit is a nut or multi-seeded capsule.

Properties of nettle: harm and benefit

Healing properties

Nettle leaves contain vitamins A, H, C, E and K, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, niacin, macroelements chlorine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, trace elements copper, barium, aluminum, molybdenum, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese. Lemon contains a couple of times less ascorbic acid than nettle. Moreover, the amount of vitamin A in this plant is slightly greater than in sea buckthorn, carrots, spinach and sorrel. This plant also contains tannins, phytoncides, chlorophyll, flavonoids and organic acids - gallusic and formic.

The foliage has a hypoglycemic and hemostatic effect, and it also fights inflammation. The leaves also help increase hemoglobin levels, uterine tone and the number of red blood cells in the blood. These medicinal raw materials are used to treat diseases of the bladder and liver, anemia, radiculitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism and disorders metabolic processes in organism. Nettle has also proven to be highly effective in the treatment of non-infectious chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

In alternative medicine there are recipes for remedies that have a laxative, diuretic, anticonvulsant, wound-healing, expectorant and restorative effect. If you use the foliage of this plant systematically, you can quickly get rid of small wounds and ulcers, while nettle infusion, used as baths, compresses and lotions, can save hair from loss. Since ancient times, this plant has been used to treat hair. To do this, you need to combine 200 ml of just boiled water with 2 or 3 large spoons of dried leaves, after 1 hour, strain the infusion. Nettle infusion can be used for the same purpose. To prepare it, you need to combine 1 tbsp. water, 1 large spoon of dried crushed rhizome and the same amount of dry foliage. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes and then cool slightly. It should be rubbed into the scalp, but there is no need to wash your hair afterwards; just lightly dry it with a towel.

This plant is also used to create a nutrient mixture that is recommended for feeding tomatoes. To do this, healthy leaf blades and shoots must be cut off before seeds form. Take a large container and fill it with nettles, which is mixed with the remains bakery products. As a result, the container should only be ¾ full. Then water is added to the mixture, in which the yeast must be dissolved, but the intended level cannot be exceeded. Place the container in a sunny place for 3–5 days, which will allow the mixture to ferment, but do not forget to stir it systematically. Tomatoes should be fed with this mixture once every 7 days.

Nettle soup is very popular. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and simmer nettle leaves and white onions in it for 7 minutes. Salt the water and boil the potatoes in it, from which you prepare mashed potatoes using a blender. In this case, the container with potatoes is not removed from low heat and cream, cow’s butter and milk are gradually introduced into the puree. At the end you should add the onion with nettle leaves and mix everything at low speed. You can add grated Gaudi cheese or sour cream to the soup, poured into bowls. For 1.5 kg of potato tubers, take 0.5 liters of milk, 0.3 liters of cream, 2 small spoons of cow butter, and a bunch of fresh nettles. The remaining ingredients are added to taste.


Pregnant women should not use nettle or products made from it, especially in the last trimester. People suffering from thrombophlebitis should also avoid it.

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