Types and types of libraries and their typological features. Types of libraries. Vatican and Alexandria libraries

The National Library - as the main library of the country and a conglomerate of the total national library collection of the largest state libraries (universal scientific and special diversified) federal level. general characteristics RNL, RSL, VGBIL, GPNTB, TsNSKhB, TsGNMB. Specifics of the social purpose of the national library. Basic typological and additional functions of the national library. Types and subtypes of national libraries. The mission of national libraries in the modern information society. Basic typological features of universal libraries. Features of the universal library as a public library. The universal library is the leading link in the library system of an administrative-territorial unit. Types of universal libraries. Typological features of universal scientific libraries, expansion of their functions as public libraries. Mass (municipal) libraries, their functional features and organizational forms activities. Children's libraries. Youth libraries. Mass libraries public organizations(trade unions, etc.). The main type-forming features of a special library. Types and subtypes of special libraries. Typing of libraries based on parallel characteristics: the degree of universality (complexity) of the information needs being satisfied, the relationship to forms of ownership, the scale of the service area, connection with specific areas of life or a specific contingent of readers. Working classifications of libraries used by state statistics bodies.

Practical work 9

Compilation of the table “Typological and species characteristics of the library”

Workshop 6

1. The existence of various libraries as the basis for their typology.

2. Definition of the terms “typology”, “classification”, “typologization”, “classification”.

3. Modern approaches to solving the problem of library typology (late 20th – early 21st centuries).

4. The importance of library typology for the development of librarianship.

5. Existing concepts of library typology.

Practical work 2

Basic operations and logical techniques in solving analytical problems of scientific research

Practical work 3

Sociological methods and their application in the study of information and library processes

Practical work 4

Basic general scientific methods scientific research and their application in research practice

Practical work 5

Private scientific methods of library research, their application.

6. List of educational and methodological support for independent work by discipline

Topic name Number of hours. before/zo Self-study questions Independent work control form
Genesis, formation and development of library science 4/6 1. Reasons for the emergence of library science as a scientific and educational discipline. 2. The main stages of development of domestic and foreign library science.
2. Essence, functions and structure of modern library science 2 hours 4/8 3.Scientific interpretations of the concept of “library science”. 4. Connection of library science with related disciplines. Summary of answers to questions
3.Methodology and system scientific methods in library science 4/12 5.Methodological foundations of library science. 6. General scientific, special scientific methods of library research Summary of recommended literature

Subjects of abstracts:

1. The essence of modern library science.

2. Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign library science.

3. The problem of object and subject in library science.

5. Comparative library science.

6. Regional library science.

7. International relations in the field of library science.

8. IFLA's contribution to the development of library science.

9. International library cooperation.

10. Objectives of libraries’ activities in modern stage.

11. Social features modern library.

12. Librarianship and the NTI system.

13. Typology of libraries as a general theoretical problem of library science.

14. Public libraries as a type of universal ones, their typological

features, tasks and purpose.

15. Universal scientific libraries, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

16. Libraries serving children - RGDL.

17. Libraries serving youth - RSL for youth.

18. National libraries, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

19. Russian State Library - RSL.

20. Russian National Library - RNL.

21. Russian Book Chamber - RKP: tasks and purpose.

22. Centralized library systems: their types, features, tasks and purpose.

23. Special libraries, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

24. Educational libraries, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

25. Depository libraries, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

26. Libraries of scientific institutions, their typological features, tasks and purpose.

27. Library network of the country.

28. Electronic libraries of Russia: problems and prospects.

29. Russian Library Association - RBA.

30. Standardization in librarianship.

31. Past, present and future of the library profession.

32. Book and library during the Great Patriotic War.

33. Portrait of a prominent librarian.

34. Patrons of librarianship.

35. Educators and their role in the organization of public libraries.

36. Library dynasties are a profession by inheritance.

37. The largest libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

38. Development of library education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

39. From the history of libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan

40. Library and bibliographic cooperation of regional libraries.

Types of libraries

"...2. In accordance with the order of establishment and forms of ownership, the following main types of libraries are distinguished:

1) state libraries established by authorities state power, including:

federal libraries;

libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

libraries of ministries and other federal executive bodies;

2) municipal libraries established by local governments;

3) libraries Russian Academy sciences, other academies,

research institutes, educational institutions;

4) libraries of enterprises, institutions, organizations;

5) libraries of public associations;

6) private libraries;

7) libraries established by foreign legal and individuals, and international organizations in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation..."


Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009) “On Librarianship”

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Types of libraries” are in other dictionaries:

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    All-Russian Library Day- The All-Russian Day of Libraries, which is celebrated annually on May 27, was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dated May 27, 1995 On the establishment of an All-Russian Day of Libraries on the initiative of the Russian Library Association (RBA). This day… … Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    GOST 7.60-2003: System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Main types. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 7.60 2003: System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions original document: dissertation abstract: Scientific publication in the form of a brochure containing a compiled ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Public library - Reading room Libraries of Congress, USA Library (Greek: βιβλιοθήκη, from βιβλίον “book” and θήκη “place of storage”) an institution that collects and stores works ... Wikipedia

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    Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic- RSFSR. I. General information The RSFSR was founded on October 25 (November 7), 1917. It borders on the north-west with Norway and Finland, on the west with Poland, on the south-east with China, the MPR and the DPRK, as well as on the union republics that are part of the USSR: to W. from... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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    Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic- (Azerbaijan Council Socialist Republics) Azerbaijan. I. General information The Azerbaijan SSR was formed on April 28, 1920. From March 12, 1922 to December 5, 1936, it was part of the Transcaucasian Federation (See Transcaucasian ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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  • Methodology and methods of conducting scientific work on physical culture and sports, Evdokimov Vladimir Ivanovich, Churganov O. A., The manual presents the methodological characteristics of science. The types, forms, types of scientific research and methods of their implementation are considered. General scientific and applied methods are briefly outlined... Category: Textbooks for universities Publisher: Soviet Sport, Manufacturer:

A book is an object that has accompanied humanity since ancient times. Therefore, it is no coincidence that people came up with storage for books. Our distant ancestors sought to preserve the wisdom accumulated over centuries and pass it on to us, our descendants. Modern man continues this tradition. Today we will talk about what a library is. What functions is it intended to perform? What's her story?

The word and its meaning

The very concept of “library” is a compound noun, and it is formed from two Greek words - “biblio”, which means “book”, and “theka”, that is, “storage”. Accordingly, the literal translation of the word “library” from the Hellenic language is “book depository”.

Indeed, today even a child will not have difficulty determining the meaning of the word “library”. What is a library and what is it for? This is an institution that houses printed and written collections of works intended for public use. There are similar book depositories in every city. They can be universal or include works of a specific focus. The classification of such institutions is presented below.

Libraries carry out work of a reference and bibliographic nature, namely: counting available book items, systematizing publications, helping the population in choosing necessary materials, consulting readers. Such organizations are an integral element of a developed state. After all, they reflect the people’s need for preservation and enhancement, accumulation of knowledge, intellectual and cultural development. This primarily concerns national literature, because it is predominantly represented in the libraries of each specific country.

The emergence of the very first libraries

Who and when came up with the idea of ​​creating such a treasury of human knowledge? Research by scientists indicates that this first happened in the Ancient East. Today the world knows who owned the most famous and extensive library - its creator was Ashurbanipal from Nineveh. It houses a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the last king of Assyria.

The most famous library of the Antiquity period is the Alexandria library. It was founded at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC, and in the Hellenic world it was the center of culture, science and education. The holdings of the Alexandria Book Depository totaled about 750,000 scrolls!

Unfortunately, more than 1500 years ago it was destroyed. According to one version, this happened during the capture of Alexandria by the Ottoman Turks. IN beginning of XXI centuries it was restored. Today, the Library of Alexandria is one of the key institutions of this kind in Egypt, located on the shores of the Mediterranean, all in the same Alexandria.

Medieval library

What is a library is clear. The answer to the question about its creator is also presented above. But it is necessary to say a few words about the Middle Ages. At this time, establishments that operated scriptoria or workshops where manuscripts were copied began to become popular. In this way, the number of copies of books was increased. After the 15th century Johannes Gutenberg created the technology of book printing, the need for scriptoria disappeared, and the number of libraries began to increase rapidly. New times brought another round in the history of the development of libraries: the widespread spread of literacy led to an increase in book lovers.

Types of libraries

So, if everything is clear about the questions of what a library is, what a book depository is, then the topic concerning the types of institutions of this kind remains unsolved. Currently, they are presented in a great variety: there are regional, national, special, public and educational (at schools, institutes and universities). Of course, in each of them the set of materials will be different.

Libraries for children

The children's library, which began to take shape in Russia since the 19th century, thanks to the work of bibliologist A.D. Toropov, who opened the first Moscow public institution with a collection of works for children at the end of the nineteenth century, currently includes three main components. Namely:

  1. Adapted editions.
  2. Works specially created for young readers.
  3. Books that were originally intended for adults, but over time have firmly established themselves in the list of children's literature.

In the 20th century, children's libraries were separated from public ones, which was associated with increased attention to the need to study the child's soul, thoughts, feelings and emotions. The productive work of psychologists, writers and teachers of that period gave rise to a large number of articles, notes, essays and various publications on the topic of child development and, as a result, led to an awareness of the need for library services for the younger generation. At the same time, children's book depositories were a qualitatively new phenomenon. By the early twenties, there was a school library in almost every educational institution.

Today, children's libraries have managed to get rid of such elements as the predominance of ideology over free choice, authoritarianism, manifested in the imposition of certain lists of literature on the population by employees. And yet new problems have arisen in place of old ones. Since 72% of families have income below the subsistence level, and 40% of families spend money only on food and household needs. In such a situation, the children have no opportunity for minimal cultural development. They can only dream of a family library (books passed down from generation to generation cannot be seen in every home today) and a collection of new, just purchased publications.

Today, children's libraries are trying to fight illiteracy and “restlessness,” providing a compensatory function and simultaneously playing the role of children’s clubs, interest clubs, and cinemas. However, it becomes more and more difficult for such institutions to act in the face of regular reductions in funding every year.

Electronic library: what is it?

A relatively new phenomenon for the book world is the concept of an electronic (or digital) library. This term does not have a universal, generally accepted scientific interpretation, but can be defined as a set of ordered collections of electronic heterogeneous documents, which, for user convenience, is equipped with aids search and navigation.

The advantage of using such libraries is that to use the materials stored in them, you do not need to leave the walls of your home: the required file can be downloaded to a computer or any other electronic medium, opened and read. Currently, electronic libraries are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Free. For example, “Maxim Moshkov Library”, “Military Literature”, ImWerden and many others.
  2. Commercial full-text databases. Namely: “Scientific Electronic Library”, “Integrum-Techno”, “Public Library” and so on.

The largest electronic scientific library

This honorary title belongs to the World Digital Library, the grand opening of which took place in April 2009. Founder of this project truly global - Library of Congress. The project includes numerous treasures of culture, science and education of the most different countries the world, including Russia. It contains archives and materials in seven languages. Today millions of people from all over the planet have access to this library.

The largest library in Russia

The Russian State Library, which in the past bore the name of Lenin, is not only the largest book depository in the country, but also the second largest in the world after the aforementioned Library of Congress. Created on the basis of the Rumyantsev Museum, the Russian State Library is located in Moscow, has 42 million items in its collections, and the total length of its bookshelves is 275 kilometers.

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