The benefits of lemons for the human body. Lemon: benefits and harm for the human body. What healing properties does it have? Medicinal properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, people have known the benefits of lemon for the body. They considered it a cure for all diseases and even used it as an antidote for snake bites. The juice of the fruit was drunk by warriors to support physical health, and the ancient inhabitants of Europe believed in its ability to resist the plague. The healing properties of lemon still help today with many diseases. It has become an indispensable yellow fruit on our tables. We use it in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Even Small child knows that this is an indispensable fruit for colds. So what other benefits of lemon are they loved for?

Healing properties of the fruit

  1. Due to the presence in the fruit citric acid it has bactericidal properties. This acid is an antioxidant that maintains youthful and elastic skin. It also helps the body eliminate toxic substances.
  2. The fruit contains malic acid. It speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. With the help of pectins, which are found in this citrus fruit, the body stabilizes recovery processes and improves intestinal motility.
  4. Thanks to the presence of keratin in lemon, the health and shine of hair is maintained for a long time.
  5. Phytoncides in lemon help cope with respiratory diseases and strengthen the immune system.
  6. Vitamin P in the composition maintains the health of blood vessels and prevents swelling.
  7. Lemon, with the help of ascorbic acid found in it, participates in the processes of fat breakdown, enhances the effect of vitamin C, fights free radicals and participates in the process of hematopoiesis.
  8. Lemon juice is a powerful alkalizing agent that becomes alkalizing during digestion. Bacteria, viruses and fungi actively develop in an acidic environment. When the body is alkaline, these harmful creatures die.
  9. Lemon is rich in potassium, which is essential for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems.
  10. Fruit juice is recommended for fever, atherosclerosis and urolithiasis.
  11. Due to the antiseptic properties of lemon, it is useful for inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa.
  12. Lemon improves appetite. Therefore, it is recommended for exhaustion or underweight.
  13. The smell of lemon has invigorating properties and relieves symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women.
  14. The yellow fruit is important for the liver, it helps it remove toxins and regulate calcium levels in this important organ.
  15. Lemon is a low-calorie product. One hundred grams of fruit contains only 30 kcal. It is impossible to recover from it.

Possible harm to the fruit

When consumed large quantity lemon on an empty stomach irritates the gastric mucosa. But due to the beneficial alkalizing properties, it is recommended to drink water with a small amount of lemon juice in the morning. Contraindications to consuming this fruit are:

  • pancreatitis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • individual intolerance of the fetus,
  • increased acidity gastric juice,
  • the presence of allergic reactions to lemon and its zest,
  • kidney diseases.

If the above contraindications are present, before assessing beneficial features lemon, consult your doctor.

Benefits of lemon water

Just by drinking lemon water you will feel... healing properties fruit. Lemons contain many beneficial substances. In particular, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and pectin, which help strengthen the immune system and help fight infections. It is an excellent energy accumulator when we wake up in the morning, as our tissues are dehydrated and in dire need of fluid to expel toxins.

There are more reasons why you simply must start drinking lemon water:

  1. Lemon juice removes unwanted toxins from the body.
  2. The atomic composition of the drink is similar to that of saliva and of hydrochloric acid gastric juice. Therefore, it activates the production of bile, which is necessary for digestion.
  3. Scientists who have studied the development of cancer recommend warm lemon water to prevent this disease.
  4. Lemon water helps the absorption of iron in the body.
  5. Lemon water taken regularly can help reduce overall acidity in the body. Including acid in the joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation and pain in them.
  6. The vitamin C in such water is vital for healthy and glowing skin. Due to its bactericidal properties, lemon water helps destroy acne-causing bacteria.
  7. Lemon water energizes you in the morning and gives you vigor. It reduces anxiety and depression.
  8. Lemon juice in water will help cope with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and give freshness to your breath.
  9. Thanks to lemon water, you will strengthen your immune system and avoid respiratory diseases.

Lemon in cosmetology

How is lemon useful in cosmetology? It has rightfully earned a place of honor next to your tubes of creams and shampoos. Because of what, you ask?

It brightens perfectly, so its juice is used to whiten teeth by mixing it with soda. This paste is applied to the teeth with a cotton pad and then brushed. You should not use this paste for a long time; citric acid destroys it with prolonged contact with tooth enamel.

Mix olive oil with lemon juice to create a nail strengthener. Rub the mixture into the nail plate and leave for a while, rinse off. This product is also great for softening cuticles.

To restore radiance to the skin of the body, use citrus scrubs. The most popular is lemon. It is expensive in stores, but it is easy to prepare such a scrub at home. You need to remove the zest of one fruit, mix with the juice of half a lemon, add fine sea salt, honey and a little olive oil. The scrub is ready. Apply it all over your body, leaving it on for 5-10 minutes. Then actively massage your body with a washcloth. After this procedure, the skin will become radiant and elastic.

To get rid of age spots, mix lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide one to one. Dip gauze or bandage into this mixture, squeeze it out and apply it to the areas where the pigment spots are located. Hold for 5–10 minutes. Use once a day for a course of 14 days. After the procedure, apply a rich cream.

How to choose a lemon

A beautiful lemon is not always healthy. If it is very shiny, this is a reason to avoid such a fruit. It is coated with wax and rubbed for a presentable appearance. It may be beautiful, but it is not safe.

Young lemons contain the most beneficial substances. They have a greenish appearance and a tail of the same color. They also have thin skin. Old fruits are thick-skinned and good only for using the zest in cooking. There should be no black spots on the lemon; such fruits are affected by disease or have been frozen for storage purposes.

When choosing a fruit, apply a thin napkin to its skin; stains from the essential oil should form on it. When eating the fruit, remove the seeds: they can cause excessive bile production and a severe allergic reaction. And the most useful thing about lemon is its white layer; it contains the most vitamin C.

No more wondering if lemon is good for you. He's useful! The fruit is given to us by nature as a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. Adding this citrus fruit to your diet is easy and reliable way be healthy and full of energy.

It is believed that lemon originated in India and then came to Mesopotamia. Its healing properties have been used by people since ancient times, because it contains not only proteins, fats and saccharides, but also organic acids, fiber, and essential oil. This citrus fruit occupies a leading position in terms of vitamin C content. It also contains vitamins B, P, E, beta-carotene, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Lemon juice

What are the benefits of lemon? The secret of the healing properties of this unusual fruit is its vitamin-rich juice. A sour drink is a great helper for various diseases. So, it is actively used at elevated temperatures, during colds and flu. Moreover, there is much more vitamin C in the zest than in the fruit itself. By the way, when you have a severe headache, apply lemon juice to your temples, and after a while the pain will subside. Also, the yellow fruit is an excellent antiseptic and an excellent flavoring agent. When a person experiences problems with the digestive system, you can try treatment with lemons. Citrus juice is an appetite stimulant; it helps remove waste and toxins from the body, which promotes gradual weight loss.

Lemon - folk healer

This fruit cleanses the blood, so people suffering from rheumatism and experiencing problems with the cardiovascular system are recommended to use lemon for treatment: as a result, blood pressure is normalized, memory is significantly improved, and the body as a whole becomes healthier.

Additional benefits of lemon

You can also wipe the skin with citrus fruit juice to get rid of a number of problems: acne, blackheads, enlarged pores. The skin begins to look healthier. This is how lemon is useful if you take it not only internally. After a long day of work, a foot massage with the juice of this citrus fruit will not only relieve fatigue, but also soften calluses and rough skin. Lemon can be used as a remedy for dandruff and hair loss. To get rid of itching after insect bites, you can wipe the bite area with a fruit crust.

So, let’s list the benefits of lemon:

  • rejuvenates the body;
  • strengthens nervous system;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • reduces pain;
  • stimulates the functioning of the digestive system.

Health Recipes

1. Lemon oil for flu prevention: the whole fruit must be dipped in boiling water, then crushed through a meat grinder, add butter (100 g) and a little honey. Eat as usual butter with bread 6-8 times a day.

2. If you have a severe sore throat at the very beginning of a sore throat, it is recommended to eat half a lemon along with the peel. A few hours later, eat the second one without drinking or eating.

Now you know about the benefits of lemon for the body. It needs to be added to the diet more often to make the most of its healing properties.

Dear readers, we are so accustomed to this citrus that sometimes we don’t even think about where it came from in our cold regions (I don’t mean the presence of this fruit in our stores) and why they think that lemon is only useful for colds. I will surprise you a little and tell you not only about its medicinal properties, but also unusual ways of using it.

Tropical and subtropical forests of southwest Asia are considered the homeland of lemon. Although nowadays lemon trees can be found in the Mediterranean countries, America and the Caucasus countries. Lemons are brought to our stores from China or Turkey. Of course, in order to bring them to our shelves, lemons are picked unripe and therefore they often have a bitter taste. Tree-ripened lemons have a pleasantly sour taste and aroma. But we northern people rarely have to eat real, fully ripened fruits.

But let's be content with what we have. The benefit of lemons lies in its chemical composition. What are the health benefits of lemon? The pulp of the fruit contains organic acids, most of all citric acid, pectins, sugars, vitamins (A, B, D, E, P), minerals and essential oils, which give the fruit its characteristic smell.

There is a lot of vitamin C in fresh citrus; without it, normal metabolism and the body’s protection from pathogenic agents are impossible.

Vitamin P is citrine, which is found only in fresh citrus fruits and is completely destroyed when frozen. This vitamin is extremely important for the elasticity of blood vessels and prevents the rupture of capillaries.

Organic potassium in combination with citrine, which lemon is rich in, helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, and improves metabolism in the body. Therefore, lemons must be included in the diet of people suffering from atherosclerosis.

Thanks to phytoncides, lemon has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Phytoncides have a detrimental effect on various microbes, viruses, fungi, and protozoan microorganisms. For a more pronounced effect, herbalists recommend adding a slice of fresh lemon to tea made from shaley, mint, and plantain. In addition, they claim that this combination maintains the necessary level of calcium in the body.

Lemon, due to its diuretic and laxative effect, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, regulates the functioning of the digestive tract. By reducing intoxication, headaches are reduced, the course of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is alleviated, rashes, pimples and small boils that arise as a result of slagging in the body disappear. It also has a positive effect on liver function.

Lemon fruits are an excellent antioxidant. Essential oils will help with oral hygiene and eliminate unpleasant odors. Interesting point: Lemon is sour, but helps reduce stomach acidity.

Lemon, its juice and fruit peel - zest are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of malaria, scurvy, atherosclerosis, joint diseases, gastritis, kidney and liver diseases. As an analgesic, it will help with headaches and periodic pain in women.

How to take lemon for a cold

Tea with lemon is a surefire remedy not only for the initial symptoms of a cold, but also an excellent preventative when you are chilled or

But there are several nuances of preparing tea so that it brings the greatest healing effect.

  • A lemon drop should not be poured with boiling water, otherwise vitamin C will lose its healing properties. The temperature of the tea should not be more than 50º.
  • To prevent the tea from cooling down quickly, you should not drink it from a large mug. It is better to pour the tea into a small cup and, if necessary, it is better to pour a fresh portion.
  • Lemon juice lightens the tea leaves, so the tea should be brewed stronger.
  • When you have a cold, you need glucose, so it is better to make tea with lemon sweet by adding 1-2 teaspoons of sand per glass of tea. But it will be better if instead of sugar you add a tablespoon of honey.

The beneficial properties of lemon and tea will be noticeable when you take the drink several times a day on an empty stomach. Do not be afraid that you have a diuretic effect. This is exactly what you need, this way you will wash away the waste products of microorganisms and reduce intoxication.

The benefits of lemon zest and harm

Don't throw away the lemon peel! After all, lemon zest is also useful, as is the lemon pulp itself. It contains all the same beneficial nutrients: fiber, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium and magnesium.

Regular consumption of the peel along with the pulp will prevent osteoporosis, relieve inflammation in polyarthritis, help neutralize carcinogens and radionuclides accumulated in the body, and help slow down the development of malignant tumors.

Lemon zest has all the same qualities as lemon pulp: it will help with respiratory infections, improve the condition and elasticity of blood vessels. If you have a sore throat, chew a slice of lemon along with the peel and you will feel relief. If you find it too sour, sprinkle the slice with granulated sugar or dip in honey.

Finely grated lemon peel and zest can be added to tea; it will have no less beneficial properties than the whole fruit. The zest is a necessary component in cooking, especially when baking cakes or making desserts; it will give the finished product a pleasant lemon aroma.

But those who have individual intolerance and allergic reactions to this fruit should be careful.

You should not get carried away with eating the peel if you have inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines or peptic ulcers. Don't forget that excessive consumption may cause heartburn or nausea.

Lemon juice - benefits and harm

In addition to the beneficial properties that I have already described, lemon juice can neutralize the bites of some poisonous insects. For example, when a scorpion bites, it is recommended to apply one half of a lemon to the bite site, and squeeze the other half and drink the juice.

Lemon juice successfully whitens the skin, gets rid of freckles, age spots and acne.

Essential oils from lemon juice help you relax and calm down. They are added to aroma lamps and when colds, sore throat, tracheitis.

Lemon juice is used in cooking, most often for pickling, it is sprinkled on salads instead of oil or mayonnaise, and it is better to use lemon juice to make homemade mayonnaise. Cutting an apple or avocado will not darken if you also sprinkle them with lemon juice. And how beautiful a dish with meat or fish, decorated with lemon slices on top, will look.

It is important to know that lemon juice should not be consumed if you have ulcerative-inflammatory processes in the mouth and stomach. In its pure form, juice negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel, so to refresh the mouth or strengthen the gums, it should be drunk diluted with water or other juices. And after use, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.

Pure lemon juice should not be given to children under 3 years of age or to pregnant women, as this can lead to the development of unexpected allergic reactions.

Unusual uses of lemon in everyday life

Well, my dears, we have figured out the benefits for our body from eating lemon. But housewives are resourceful people and have adapted to using lemon not only for medicinal purposes. It turns out that it was useful on the farm too.

  • If you have moths in your closet, then instead of mothballs or fresh newspaper, put fresh lemon in the corner of the closet. For better effect, stick a few cloves into the peel. Lemon will not only repel insects, but will improve the smell of your laundry.
  • Lemon juice will help get rid of stains on your laundry and at the same time give it a pleasant aroma. To do this, just add the juice of one lemon to the washing powder. To enhance the effect, soak laundry with old stains for half an hour in water before washing, adding equal parts baking soda and lemon juice. For tougher stains, rub with a slice of lemon.
  • Rub the chrome parts of mixers and taps with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, and then rinse clean water and they will shine like new. And at the same time, you can deal with rust on plumbing fixtures and mold in the bathroom.
  • Glass surfaces of dishes, microwave doors or electric kettles can be easily cleaned of dark deposits using half a lemon. Rub the surfaces, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with clean water and dry.
  • You can remove scale from your kettle using a solution of lemon juice in water. Boil this mixture and the scale will disappear. And if it does not disappear, repeat the procedure, increasing the concentration of lemon juice, and leave for several hours, then boil again and rinse the kettle.
  • Are there ants in your house? And this problem can be solved by simply lubricating door thresholds and window sills with lemon juice: ants cannot stand the smell of lemon.
  • You can even get rid of weeds with lemon juice. Spray the weed generously with lemon juice from a spray bottle and it will die in 2-3 days.
  • Bringing back the white color of shoes. Take equal parts of washing powder, lemon juice and 6% table vinegar. Rub your shoes. Wipe more dirty areas with a mixture of menthol toothpaste and a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Unpleasant smells and dirt from a countertop or wooden cutting board can be cleaned with half a lemon dipped in salt. Scrub surfaces and then rinse with clean water. However, this method will not work if you have a marble countertop.
  • Cleaning silver. Wipe the product with a mixture of cigarette ash and a few drops of lemon juice, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Dear readers, this is not all I could tell you about lemon; this topic will be continued.

Lemon, like his close relative, cannot be called unique view plants. This is a hybrid of other types of citrus fruits, which appeared in India and China and is known to a large part of civilization as a separate variety. fruit trees. Today, scientists cannot find out exactly which ancestors of this citrus fruit became, but they have well studied the benefits and harms of lemon.

It is the beneficial properties of the lemon tree that have played a huge role in the fact that today this fruit is so famous in most countries of the world. Our body needs such products, but we need to know when to use them in moderation, not forgetting that if taken unwisely they can have negative impact on the human body.

What are the beneficial properties of lemon? Yes, in almost everything, starting from the so-called peel and ending, which contain an abundance of biologically useful, active substances.

  • Enhances the effectiveness of treating colds. Always, when we have a cold, we remember this citrus fruit. But lemon is useful not only during illness, because it is no less effective means and for the prevention of colds and flu, especially in winter. For this purpose, it is recommended to take the fruit yourself fresh or add it to a warm one, since with this drink the body receives a much larger amount of vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system and activate reserve resources to speed up the treatment of the disease. In addition, lemon has a diaphoretic effect, so it is recommended to use it to reduce fever;
  • It has an anti-purulent, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect in the beginning stages of tonsillitis. If you notice the first signs of this unpleasant disease, it is recommended to eat citrus or gargle with its juice. You can also chew slowly and after this procedure do not eat or drink anything for another hour. During this period, citric acid and essential oils interact with the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat. This procedure should be carried out every 3 hours;
  • Contains large amounts of iron and potassium. Iron is known to increase the number of red blood cells, and potassium in turn has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls. As a result, these microelements make a lemon effective product to maintain normal blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Vitamin P also helps lemon with this;
  • Eliminates digestive problems. The abundance of fiber characterizes the beneficial properties of lemon by its ability to relieve a person from regular constipation and improve appetite due to the penetration of citric acid into the digestive tract. Lemon stimulates the production of enzymes and digestive juices in the gastric mucosa, and this helps improve the body's absorption of iron and calcium from food. This fruit also supports the full functioning of the liver, activates the production of its enzymes, dilutes bile;
  • Lemon is a powerful antioxidant. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, consuming lemon not only strengthens the immune system and increases the body's protective functions, but also helps eliminate damaging free radicals, slows down the aging process, and prevents development oncological diseases, saturates the body with energy, breaks down bad cholesterol and quickly removes its excess from the body;
  • Renders positive influence on the condition of the skin and hair. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of lemon, namely its essential oil, for acne, freckles, sunburn and other skin damage. As you know, the components that make up lemon can save a person even after a scorpion sting. Lemon juice can be used for cosmetic purposes to give the skin a natural color, whiten it, have a rejuvenating effect, prevent wrinkles, and treat age spots. It is also used for fungal skin infections. Lemon peel is effective for rubbing calluses. Shampoos containing lemon juice strengthen hair and accelerate its growth;
  • Has an analgesic effect. For headaches, a peel of lemon pulp, cleared of white matter, can be applied with the wet side to the temple. This will cause a red spot that will itch and burn, but the painful symptoms will go away very soon. Lemon also helps relieve colic in the stomach;
  • Relieves seizures. If you have leg cramps, you can apply fresh lemon juice to your soles in the morning and before bed, but do not wipe off the juice. After two weeks you will forget about cramps;
  • The fruit has a powerful antiseptic effect. Thanks to this, lemon juice can be effectively used for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, feverish conditions, atherosclerosis and hemorrhoids;
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to vitamin B and potassium, regular consumption of lemon fruits helps strengthen sleep and the nervous system, relieving a person of stress and depression. Scientists have proven that the aroma of lemon oil improves mood;
  • Calcium, which makes up citrus, strengthens bones, nails and teeth. And in combination with magnesium, this component improves the quality of blood, thins and cleanses it, and participates in the processes of albumin formation;
  • The antitoxic and cleansing properties of lemon are known. Eating the fruits of this citrus helps eliminate toxic substances, waste and uric acid from the body, an excessive amount of which can cause damage. internal organs and fabrics;
  • The potassium contained in lemon is useful for maintaining normal brain function;
  • Citric acid reduces the acidity of gastric juice and dissolves kidney stones, removing them with toxic substances and waste;
  • Vitamin A allows lemon to be used to maintain vision;
  • The beneficial properties of the fruit also appear in the prevention and reduction of symptoms:
    • Rheumatism;
    • Arthrosis;
    • Gout;
    • Cholera;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Rickets;
    • Malaria;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Hypotension;
    • Worms.

Harm of lemon

Like other citrus fruits, lemon has a number of contraindications for use.

  • Citric acid irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. For a healthy person, this property of lemon can be dangerous only when overeating the fruit, but for people suffering peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, enteritis, acute nephritis, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, citrus intake should be strictly limited, as it can cause heartburn, pain and cramps;
  • Damages tooth enamel . Although lemon strengthens teeth due to its calcium content, stops bleeding gums, helps remove plaque and whiten teeth, dentists recommend brushing your teeth after eating the fruit, since the juice of this citrus fruit negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel;
  • Irritates wounds and aggravates severe inflammatory processes. This fruit has an anti-inflammatory effect, but only in the initial stages of inflammatory processes. If the inflammation is already too strong, then lemon will only increase irritation, aggravate pain and bleeding of wounds, and prolong the healing process;
  • Prohibited for use by patients with pancreatitis. Despite the fact that consuming citrus fruit stimulates liver cleansing, it is contraindicated during the period of inflammatory processes of the pancreas;
  • May cause allergic reactions. Excessive consumption of lemon leads to allergies because it is a powerful allergen. Also side effects may manifest as skin irritation in people with individual intolerance to the components of this product;
  • Overeating lemons increases blood pressure. In this regard, the intake of this fruit should be approached with special caution in case of hypertension;
  • Lemon is also contraindicated for children under three years, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

One way or another, the benefits of lemon for the human body are quite significant, therefore, if you use this product in moderation, you will receive only positive properties from it. The harm from lemon appears mainly only when you overeat it, so proper intake of this fruit makes it absolutely safe.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of lemon

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements

Calorie content 34 kcal
Proteins 0.9 g
Fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 3 g
Organic acids 5.7 g
Dietary fiber 2 g
Water 87.8 g
Ash 0.5 g

Vitamin A, RE 2 mcg
beta carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.04 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.02 mg
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.06 mg
Vitamin B9, folate 9 mcg
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 40 mg
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.2 mg
Vitamin RR, NE 0.2 mg
Niacin 0.1 mg

The beneficial properties of citrus fruits for the human body have been well known for a very long time, and lemon is no exception. This fruit contains large quantities of not only vitamins, but also many microelements. The medicinal and healing properties of lemons are widely used both in our country and abroad.

What are the benefits of lemon for the human body?

Lemons have been celebrated by the people for a long time and deservedly so. This citrus fruit is very good for health, it can quickly restore strength and strengthen the human body. Particular importance is attached to the increased content of vitamin C, which takes part in oxidative and reduction processes, normalizes the functioning of the immune system, and also improves the absorption of iron.

A lack of this vitamin is the main cause of loose and bleeding gums, and can also cause frequent nosebleeds caused by increased permeability or fragility of the circulatory system. Regular consumption of lemon, which can be added to tea or used in many dishes, helps:

  • significant strengthening of the immune system;
  • increasing endurance;
  • accelerating the treatment of many diseases;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;

The benefits and harms of lemon (video)

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • improving brain function;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • improving liver function;
  • removing toxins and waste from the body.

The beneficial effects of lemons are observed when these fruits are consumed by both men and women. It helps relieve a pregnant woman from toxicosis, improves overall well-being, helps strengthen nails and bone tissue, slows down the aging process of the skin and the body as a whole, improves mood and relieves depression. The beneficial properties are also reflected in the antiseptic effect, and the juice helps to quickly heal wounds.

Lemon: chemical composition and vitamins

The benefits of lemons are due to their chemical composition. The obvious usefulness is due to the fact that the fruit contains many vitamins and other healing components.

ComponentNutrientAmount in mg
Vitamin complexVitamin A"2.0 mcg
Pantothenic acid0,20
Folates9.0 mcg
Ascorbic acid40,0
Alpha tocopherols0,20
Vitamin "PP"0,20
MicroelementsBor175.0 mcg
Copper240.0 mcg
Molybdenum1.0 mcg
Fluorine10.0 mcg

They contain approximately three percent sugars. The amount of protein in the pulp is about 0.9 g, fat – no more than 0.1 g, and carbohydrates – approximately 3 g per 100 g food product. Among other things, the composition includes organic acids in the amount of 5.7 g, dietary fiber in the amount of 2 g, about 88 g of water and 0.5 g of ash. The total ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1: 0.1: 3.3 with a calorie content of 34 kcal.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Very often, the pulp and zest of lemons are used not only as one of the most popular culinary ingredients, but also for medicinal purposes. Knowing what indications and contraindications exist for the consumption of tropical fruits, Citrus fruits can be used in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • help with almost any cold due to the fact that it does not allow pathogenic microflora to multiply;
  • contribute to the cleansing of vascular walls from atherosclerotic deposits, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, and prevent the likelihood of hemorrhages in the brain;
  • lower the level of bad cholesterol and normalize blood clotting, which reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic strokes;
  • With constant dosed consumption of food, blood pressure levels are very clearly stabilized.

Among other things, citrus fruits, including lemon, speed up metabolic processes in the body, which, along with reducing cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, improves the breakdown of fat. That is why lemons are used in many diets aimed at losing excess weight.

The main contraindications for consuming lemons include the following painful conditions and characteristics of the body:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions to any citrus crops;
  • violations of tooth enamel and carious changes in teeth;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including stomatitis;
  • heartburn, as well as increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • exacerbation or stage of unstable remission of peptic ulcer;
  • diarrhea.

Caution must be exercised by persons with a history of pancreatitis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Complications can also occur if too much lemon juice or citrus pulp is used. You need to start feeding your children lemon with extreme caution, after a year, starting with a small piece in tea.

Folk recipes

There are a great variety of folk remedies and recipes that are based on the use of lemon and allow you to cope with various diseases.

  • At infectious diseases It is recommended to use crushed lemon with the addition of 150 g butter and a couple of tablespoons of flower or linden honey.
  • If there are diphtheria plaques in the throat, lubricating the injured surface with freshly squeezed lemon juice helps.
  • Applying lemon peel, peeled from the white layer, to the temples helps to cope with severe headaches.
  • In case of exacerbation of gout, you need to drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice three times a day for a couple of weeks with the addition of a small amount of warm boiled water.
  • In order to prevent tachycardia, it is recommended to eat on an empty stomach a tablespoon of a mixture prepared from ½ kilogram of crushed lemons, 500 ml of flower honey and twenty apricot kernels.
  • For prevention diabetes mellitus: You need to grind five lemons along with the peel and half a kilo of celery root. Heat the mixed ingredients for a couple of hours in a water bath and take a tablespoon in the morning before breakfast for a month.

Many cosmetic masks are based on the addition of lemon juice., which helps whiten freckles and nourish facial skin. Lemon pulp and juice go very well in masks and lotions with low-fat yogurt, honey and egg yolk. Lemon juice is also recommended to be added to water for rinsing hair and rubbed into nails, which makes them strong and healthy. Essential oil lemon is very popular and in demand in aromatherapy.

Lemon in cosmetology (video)

Lemons are very tasty and healthy, but it is important to remember that ripe citrus fruit differs from not fully ripe fruits not only by the presence of a subtle and refined taste, but also by its medicinal properties, so the tropical fruit must be ripe, aromatic and fresh.

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