Ulgu admissions committee lists of applicants. I wave. Recommended for enrollment. There is no training cost required under the contract.

I’ll say right away that we're talking about only about the Admission Rules of Ulyanovsk State University. There are not so many changes in the new edition of the Rules for applicants in 2016, but they exist. I will try to gradually tell you about all the innovations. And today we’ll start with changes in the assessment of the so-called individual achievements of applicants - Let's refuse to use the foreign term that has set our teeth on edge portfolio.

First of all, I would like to note that, just like last year, individual achievements will be taken into account by awarding additional points . They can also be useful in in case of equality of the sum of competition points two or more applicants for one budget place. All other things being equal, the advantage will be given to the owner of more significant individual achievements.

The following basic provision of the rules, which states that when admitted to bachelor's and specialist's programs, the applicant may be awarded for all documented individual achievements no more than 10 points in total .

This was the case before. But in my opinion, the procedure for recording individual achievements lacked certainty. This year, the necessary transparency and specificity has appeared. Virtually all considered UlSU individual achievements are now ranked. Moreover, the specific coefficients are clearly stated in the Admission Rules. Of course, it was clear before that a certificate with honors means more than the final essay written by the applicant. The whole question is how much. At the same time, the ministerial list of “good” school deeds and merits for which universities can add points to their applicants is quite extensive and it is simply impossible to take them into account without a clear gradation. It would have been easier for the admissions committee of any university to reject most of this list. But now the USU Admission Rules spell out a simple and unambiguous scheme for calculating the total score for various achievements.

Let's turn to the original source (excerpt from the Rules for Admission to Ulyanovsk State University in 2016):

44. When admitting students to undergraduate and specialist programs, the university awards points for the following individual achievements:

1) presence of the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who took first place at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, presence golden insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a certificate of the established form for it - upon admission to training in specialties and areas of training not related to specialties and areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports (not used to obtain advantages when enrolling in training based on specific conditions for admission and specific reasons for admission) – 1 point;

2) availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal, a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors - 5 points;

3) carrying out volunteer (volunteer) activities (if from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the day of completion of receipt of documents and entrance examinations no more than four years have passed) – 1 point;

4) participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to study according to specific conditions for admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sporting events held in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in accordance with Appendix No. 3 - 5 points.

5) a grade given by the university based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the state final certification in educational subjects of secondary general education - up to 2 points.

I will also give the contents of the above Applications No. 3

List of individual achievements taken into account when applying for undergraduate and specialist programs

1. Availability of a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of Olympiads and professional competitions of Ulyanovsk State University, held no earlier than three years before the deadline for accepting documents;

2. Availability of a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad, the School Olympiad, the winner and prize-winner of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad (for persons recognized as citizens), a member of national teams (not used to obtain special rights and benefits in accordance with Section III of the Rules);

3. Availability of a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of Olympiads, professional and creative competitions of Ulyanovsk universities, regional intellectual games of scholars “We are strong in all sciences”, Open interregional competition of innovative projects for children and youth “New Generation”, held no earlier than three years before the end of admission documents;

4. Availability of a certificate or other document of the participant regional stage All-Russian Olympiad, Olympiad for schoolchildren, held in Ulyanovsk state university no earlier than three years before the deadline for accepting documents;

5. Availability of a diploma or medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region, issued to the winners or prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2014-2016.

Let me remind you once again that the total amount accrued cannot exceed 10 points. That is, if you have a gold medal and you are the winner of this year’s specialized Olympiad at Ulyanovsk State University, then you have already earned your maximum 10 points. And even a brilliantly written final essay will not add anything more to your applicant’s bag.

That seems to be all there is to this question. I wish all 2016 applicants to do right choice and of course, realize your intentions by enrolling in the chosen direction or specialty, in the faculty you like, in the university that best meets your aspirations and criteria.

And in conclusion, another quote from the Rules:

47. To take into account individual achievements, a subcommittee is created within the admissions committee to check and take into account the individual achievements of applicants.

The subcommittee draws up a protocol for recording the individual achievements of applicants, which is attached to the applicant’s personal file. The protocol indicates the points for each individual achievement and the total amount of points awarded to the applicant for individual achievements.

Documents confirming the applicant's individual achievements (originals or copies certified by the commission) are attached to the applicant's personal file.

July 31 - universities begin publishing orders for the admission of applicants entering without entrance examinations (winners and prize-winners of Olympiads), according to a target intake, out of competition, and also publish competitive lists ranked by the amount of points scored, highlighting a list of persons recommended for admission. in the first wave. What should you pay attention to?

First of all, on the number of remaining vacant places. To do this, you need to take the enrollment plan and subtract from it the number of enrolled Olympiads, target students and non-competitors, which are included in the relevant orders.

It should also be taken into account that the procedure for admission to universities provides for the allocation of a separate list of persons recommended for enrollment in the general competitive list. It can be done in color, font or other way. If this is not the case, please clarify this issue with the admissions committee.

Please read the university website carefully. It is possible that you will find a mention of guarantees for those recommended for enrollment there.

Please note that even being included in the guaranteed recommended lists and timely submission of originals does not mean further enrollment in a specific specialty, because Recruitment can be carried out for enlarged areas of training. Further redistribution within them must be finally recorded in the enrollment order, and any deviations in this regard are illegal.

Remember that many universities are trying to recruit applicants as quickly as possible, and therefore the presence of originals in personal file applicant can facilitate enrollment. Although, to a greater extent, this is an exception rather than an established practice.

It is also important to understand that those recommended for enrollment are required to bring original documents no later than August 4. Otherwise, they are eliminated from the competition.

At the same time, the withdrawal of an applicant from the competition in one area of ​​study does not mean his automatic exclusion from all other areas where he was not recommended. Moreover, this does not apply to other universities where he could also apply.

How many budget places are there at USU?

and for what areas and specialties?

In 2016, UlSU was allocated 1,398 budget places for bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, residency, and secondary vocational education, incl. 1363 from the federal budget and 35 from the regional budget.

USU provides training in 57 areas of bachelor's and specialty degrees, of which 32 are humanitarian, 18 are information and technical, 7 are medical and natural sciences. In addition, there are 24 specialties of secondary vocational education. At USU, every applicant will be able to find a specialty according to their abilities and inclinations. After completing a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree, you can continue your studies in a master’s program (18 specialties), residency (42 specialties), and postgraduate studies (33 specialties).

The number of budget places for technical and information areas of training, as last year, significantly exceeds the number of places allocated by the state for other specialties and areas. Applicants can significantly increase their chances of getting hired budget places, if they choose promising specialties related to information technology, automotive manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, defense in emergency situations, other modern, high-tech areas. For admission, Unified State Examination results in mathematics, physics or computer science are required.

What benefits are possible

upon admission to USU?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 " On approval of the Procedure for admission to educational programs higher education "certain preferential categories of citizens have the right to be admitted to undergraduate and specialist programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for a separate competition within the established quota. These are:

a) disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, for whom, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, education in relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated;

b) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.

The admission quota for persons with special rights is established by the university for each direction, each specialty in the amount of no less than 10 percent of the total number of budget places allocated to the university.

What is the passing score?

in 2016?

The passing score is different every year and is determined only in early August, when everyone has already submitted documents for admission. Compiled common list applicants, ranked downwards by scores. Based on the recruitment plan, 80% of the places should be taken in the first wave. They make up the first wave. Applicants have several days to confirm their desire to enroll at USU and present an authentic certificate or diploma of their education. If the first applicants on the list do not bring documents to the admissions committee within the prescribed period, they will not be enrolled, and the next applicants on the list will be enrolled in the vacant places. In the second wave, the remaining places will be filled by applicants who have submitted the originals of their certificates and have a greater number of competitive points. The sum of points scored by the last applicant in the second wave will be the passing score for this year.

The passing scores of previous years can be found on the Ulsu website www.ulsu.ru in the section “For applicants” - “Statistical information”.

Objectively assess your own strengths, level of preparation, and desire to enroll. Start preparing in advance, you can attend preparatory courses.

What are the individual achievements of applicants?

are taken into account at Ulyanovsk State University?

Ulyanovsk State University has established a list of individual achievements that entitle an applicant upon admission to Ulyanovsk State University to additional points to the total Unified State Examination points: This is the presence of a gold or silver medal, a certificate of secondary general education or a secondary vocational education diploma with honors, the presence of a gold GTO badge, as well as results participation of applicants in Olympiads, professional and creative competitions and other events, namely:

  • diploma of a winner or prize-winner of Olympiads and professional competitions of Ulyanovsk State University;
  • a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of Olympiads, professional and creative competitions of other Ulyanovsk universities, regional intellectual games of scholars “We are strong in all sciences”;
  • certificate or other document of a participant in the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, Olympiad for schoolchildren.
  • Students’ final essay and participation in volunteer activities are also taken into account.
  • Is it necessary to submit the original certificate (diploma)

    when applying to study at USU?

    Applicants, at their discretion, submit the original or a copy of the education document with an attached statement of consent to enrollment when submitting documents, except for applicants entering places within the target admission quota or entering places within the admission quota of persons of a preferential category, who are required to submit the original document about education.

    To participate in the competition for budget-funded places, you must submit, within the established time frame, the original document of education accompanied by a statement of consent to enrollment:

    Is it true that for enrollment in places with payment

    There is no training cost required under the contract.

    providing the original certificate of education?

    Is consent to study sufficient?

    In fact, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 " On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education", for admission to study places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, a copy of the education document and a statement of the applicant’s consent to study is sufficient. Consent is expressed by signing a study agreement and paying for the first period of study.

    What is the validity period

    certificates of USE results?

    The validity period of the Unified State Examination Certificate has been increased to 4 years following the year of receipt of the certificate. In 2016, the results from 2013–2016 are valid.

    Who has the right to submit

    exams at UlSU (not Unified State Exam)?

    College graduates with secondary vocational education, as well as separate categories applicants on the basis of secondary general education can enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently. This:

    a) persons with disabilities, disabled children, disabled people;

    b) foreign citizens;

    c) persons who have passed the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education not in the form of the Unified State Exam (including in foreign educational organizations) for 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive.

    Persons who have passed the GIA not in the form of the Unified State Exam in individual subjects can take entrance tests at Ulyanovsk State University in these subjects.

    What exams do people with secondary education take?

    professional education? Do they have

    the right to enter a university based on university qualifications

    entrance exams?

    The number and list of entrance tests for applicants to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs based on vocational education are the same as for applicants to secondary general education. The list of entrance tests is established by the admission rules.

    Admission of persons with secondary vocational or higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by Ulyanovsk State University or the Unified State Examination (at the discretion of the applicant).

    Is deferment from the army provided?

    According to federal law, the right to a deferment from conscription for military service citizens who are studying full-time in universities with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) for bachelor's degree programs and specialist programs have for the duration of their studies if they have not taken advantage of this type of deferment earlier (for example, when studying in educational institutions secondary vocational education).

    It is planned to create an interuniversity center in Ulyanovsk military training on the basis of the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation, where students from civilian universities in Ulyanovsk will have the opportunity to undergo military training.

    What faculties are in Ulyanovsk State

    universities today are most in demand

    among applicants? To what extent is this demand

    on the part of applicants correlates

    with the expectations of potential employers?

    If we are talking about the highest competition, then these are primarily areas in the field of economics, law and government controlled, which still firmly hold the palm compared to natural science areas. In 2015, the most popular areas among applicants were in the fields of economics, law, government and municipal government. Yes, a competition for economic directions amounted to more than 40 people per place, for the directions "Jurisprudence", "Sociology", "Translation and Translation Studies" - more than 20 people per place, for the directions "Tourism", "Political Science", for medical specialties - more than 10 people per place.

    Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine are certainly in demand among employers, since there is currently a significant shortage of medical personnel. As for the demand for other graduates from employers, here we observe a 100% anti-correlation. It’s sad, but what the real sector of the economy needs today is not very popular among applicants. For example, at Ulyanovsk enterprises specializing in information technology, more than 500 jobs open annually, and Ulyanovsk State University graduates no more than 150 specialists in these areas. This is due to the fact that an insufficient number of graduates of Ulyanovsk schools are properly prepared in mathematics, physics and computer science for training in information and technical areas and specialties.

    Is it difficult to study? What do they do

    students outside of class?

    USU pays great attention not only to the educational process, but also to the comprehensive development of the personality of the future specialist. UlSU students engage in football, basketball, volleyball, fitness and weightlifting in equipped halls, attend various hobby groups, participate in KVN games, show programs and various projects, study foreign languages and organize various intellectual competitions. Studying is not easy, but the programs are structured so that students have enough time for sports, recreation and favorite activities.

    Is hostel provided

    upon admission to USU?

    UlSU has 3 student dormitories, which are located at the following addresses: st. Vodoprovodnaya, 3, st. Ablukova, 31a, st. Sviyaga River embankment, no. 152.

    Orphan students and disabled students of groups I and II have priority rights to accommodation in a dormitory.

    What are the features of admission

    for a master's degree in 2016?

    Master's programs are second-level higher education programs that require applicants to have completed higher education.

    In 2016, UlSU was allocated 58 budget places for admission to master's programs. Master's studies are carried out both within places financed by federal budget allocations, and at places where tuition fees are paid.

    Persons who have a bachelor's degree or a certified specialist, who have not previously received a master's or specialist's degree (with the qualification of a "specialist" within the federal government) have the right to apply to budget-funded master's programs. educational standards).

    Applicants to the master's program take entrance examinations in the relevant field of study in writing.

    What are the deadlines for submitting documents?

    Acceptance of documents for training programs for bachelors, specialists, masters, as well as for secondary vocational education programs begins on June 20, 2016.

    Acceptance of documents for the first year of study in bachelor's and specialty programs for budget places and places with payment of tuition fees for full-time, part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of study ends:

    – for persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are carried out: “Physical education”, “ Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive Physical Culture) ", "Journalism", "Customs", "Acting", "Folk artistic culture", "Design", "Musical and instrumental art" "Conducting", " Musicology and musical applied arts" – July 7;

    – for persons entering the university based on the results of entrance tests conducted by Ulyanovsk State University independently – July 10;

    Acceptance of documents for master's programs in full-time and part-time forms of study ends on August 15.

    Is it possible to send

    documents by mail?

    Applicants have the right to send an application and other Required documents by mail. Documents are not accepted by the university upon receipt later than expected established for submitting documents to the university in 2016 to complete the acceptance of documents.

    The application form is posted on the Ulsu website www.ulsu.ru in the section “Applicants” – “Admission Documents”. The application for admission must be accompanied by a copy of the passport, a copy of the education document, two photographs measuring 3x4 cm, and for young men - a copy of the registration certificate.

    Documents are sent by mail arriving through public postal operators with a receipt receipt and a list of attachments, which are the basis for confirming the receipt of the applicant’s documents. Address: st. L. Tolstoy, 42, Ulyanovsk, 432017.

    "Ground transport and technological means".

    Specialties of secondary vocational education:

    "Installation and technical operation industrial equipment (by industry)".

    A medical certificate is recognized as valid if it is received no earlier than a year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations.

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