Night wolves surgeon Zaldostanov. Surgeon. Dossier of Novaya Gazeta. A hobby that determined your destiny

As the biker Surgeon, it is necessary to say a few words about the movement of which he is a prominent representative, and the negative image of which this man managed to radically change.

History of origin

The biker movement, like all other nonconformist subculture phenomena, originated in America back in the 50s. People for whom the motorcycle became a determining factor in their existence were strikingly different from the stupid and good-natured hippies, although both of them arose as a protest to society.

The very name “bikers” has always been associated with aggression. Their communities were called gangs or, at best, factions that endlessly feuded with each other and, united, attacked small towns. It is impossible to list the number of American films dedicated to this movement. But they also did not contribute to the emergence of sympathy for bikers. All their symbols, some of their ammunition, speak of obvious sympathies for the fascists. Sociologists in their works call them representatives of a subculture, and compare primitive ideas of domination with nonconformism.

Fundamental differences between the domestic movement

The movement reached the Eurasian continent in the 70s and was enveloped in the romance of a “free country.” Soviet rockers also allegedly expressed some kind of protest, but these were young people who would never have dreamed of attacking the city, burning, raping and killing the population. And the current Russian movement does not deserve any blasphemy, as clearly evidenced by the award - the Order of Honor, which was awarded to the biker Surgeon in 2013.

Leader as he is

Alexander Zaldostanov is undoubtedly a bright, large-scale and gifted personality. But at the very beginning of the description of his life and work, it must be said that he would have remained a leader, known only among his supporters, if not for his enormous sense of patriotism, which he is not shy about and which made him famous not only in Russia. World fame is evidenced by the lists in several countries of Europe and the USA in which the biker Surgeon is included. And it is not difficult to assume that the only reason for including him in these lists is his personal acquaintance with V.V. Putin and the human sympathy that exists between them. And their joint, wheel-to-wheel, motorcycle ride is capable of driving not only McCain to a state of hysteria.

The popularity associated with this page in the life of Alexander Zaldostanov is also evidenced by some articles on the Internet, the obvious envy and malice of the authors of which cannot but cause bewilderment. Although the meaning of bullying is absolutely clear. Well, what kind of liberal would like the slogans “Faith. Church. Motherland" or "They are shooting at the Patriarch - aiming at Russia", under which a motorcycle rally took place in October 2012! Or the protection of buildings in Simferopol during the referendum. You must have a certain personal courage to defend your position in life and not react to anger.

The nickname is completely justified

The biography of the biker Surgeon was no different from most biographies of young people of the same age as him. He was born in Kirovograd in 1963, on January 19, and I would like to note that for 51 years old he looks more than beautiful. Back in the days when Alexander was a student of the 3rd and during his residency years, the future biker Surgeon was the owner of a Java motorcycle and the leader of a small group of motorcycle fans, surrounded by a non-criminal hooligan flair. In general, this handsome man is an example of the fact that a good hero should not always cause a yawn. And he deserves his nickname; it’s not just a cute nickname. The biker leader, the surgeon, really worked in his specialty quite for a long time, took on operations that others refused, he had a name in the professional community. Working in the field of post-traumatic facial deformation, he performed a number of operations, the trophy of which was beads collected from the teeth of patients.

Beginning of a biker's career

The first group of extreme motorsports fans he created was called “Surgery”. She was not distinguished by high moral qualities, but chivalrous relationships between members of society, like the real male friendship, have already been laid into its foundation. The personal life of the biker Surgeon is firmly connected with the Night Wolves motorcycle club created in 1989. According to Alexander himself, his mother still believes that he will return to the profession, but his current activity requires maximum return. In addition to the Night Wolves, Zaldostanov created, as he promised his German friend, the Sexton club.

The essence of the "Night Wolves"

The Night Wolves association joined the international biker movement in 1992. The club's branches are located in many Russian and foreign cities. The club's objectives and principles of existence are the most worthy. The ban on alcohol while driving and strict adherence to the rules are of paramount importance. traffic. Great importance is given to educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, defending Orthodoxy, and providing assistance to organizations and movements in need. Annual bike shows are timed to coincide with dates that play a big role in the history of the Russian state.

The funds raised with their help are also used for noble purposes. In addition, the biker center has its own workshops, in which not only existing motorcycles are repaired and improved, but new types of them are created, for example, the Ural-Wolf. So why does this activity of the club make it incompatible with the biker movement, as some claim? Of course, a showdown with the use of weapons and a person dying as a result does not decorate the movement. But the Night Wolves biker died, and the shooter was a representative of the Three Roads club. The trial is ongoing.

Information about personal life is prohibited

The surgeon does not give interviews. And this also evokes sympathy - journalists do not exaggerate the names of loved ones. There is nowhere to get data on personal life and the number of wives. It is only known that the President of the Russian biker movement is a hereditary doctor. My parents were doctors, my sister is also a representative of this profession, but lives and works abroad. From the words accidentally dropped by Alexander himself, we can conclude that he had many girlfriends in life. Who would doubt that. Once the honorary title “biker surgeon’s wife” was borne by a German woman, and for a certain period of time he lived and worked in Berlin. It seems that Alexander is now single and has a son.

Alexander the Surgeon Zaldostanov is known for being one of the first to found the biker movement in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia. Among motorcyclists, he is better known as the Surgeon. He founded the Night Wolves motorcycle club and the famous Sexton biker center. Biker Surgeon is one of the main founders of such a movement as “Anti-Maidan”.


Childhood and family

Zaldostanov grew up and was born (January 19, 1963) in Kirovograd, in a family of medical workers. My father worked as a surgeon and was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and my mother worked in the field of intensive care. The biker also has Native sister, who is also a health worker and works as a doctor abroad.

Alexander’s mother was an Orthodox, strongly religious woman, she worked as a resuscitator, and in her political views she was an opponent of the communist system, but at the same time an ardent supporter of Joseph Stalin. Dad and sister worked as doctors. Parents sought to raise their children adhering to the principles of Orthodoxy.


After graduating from the 3rd Moscow Institute in 1984, in his youth, Alexander completed his residency, choosing the profession of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, after which he was assigned to dentistry, where he achieved good results.

Family life

At the age of 22, Zaldostanov the Surgeon married Matilda, the daughter of the director of the famous German automobile concern Mercedes-Benz, which is located in Stuttgart. She works as a journalist in Germany and soon the newlyweds move to live in West Berlin. It was not easy for Alexander in a foreign country, perhaps this was the reason for the divorce.

After the divorce, Alexander had more wives and, according to rumors, a large number of mistresses He also has a son, his name is Gosha, Gosha has brothers. The biker recognizes his children and takes an active part in their upbringing.

Black Aces

Constantly participating in endless street battles, Alexander attracted the attention of the leader of the youth movement of metalworkers, Rusu Tyurin. The community had the name “Black Aces” and stood out for its fighting character. Its participants wore leather jackets and listened to hard rock music, which was banned at that time. Not everyone could get there. Sasha the Surgeon, unlike Ruso, knew how and loved to communicate with the press, which is why the leader of the Tuzov entrusted this responsibility to him.

Being a very ambitious and enthusiastic person, the Surgeon attracted an increasing number of like-minded people. Apparently, a more than friendly atmosphere reigned among them. And soon Alexander managed to organize his own personal group, simply called “Surgery”, and calling himself “Surgeon”.

At the same time, Zaldostanov bought his first Java motorcycle. This motivated him to turn his group into a motorcycle club. Traveling with his wife around Europe, Alexander made friends with members of the largest European motorcycle community, from whom he learned the peculiarities of biker culture and hierarchy. Due to the lack of information, it was very difficult to attract new participants; fortunately, at that time, video rental stores began to appear, where you could rent any video tape for little money. At that time, such foreign films as “Streets on Fire” and “Savage” were very popular. From such films, people learned about the culture of moto gangs, and it was not difficult for Alexander to attract their attention.

The groups sought to imitate the brutal style of bearded men on cool bikes, armed to the teeth with weapons, bats and chains. This style helped Alexander become a leader among informals. The surgeon dreamed that his community would become famous even outside his homeland, for this he began to give various interviews in which he talked not about his life, but in every possible way promoted the views and beliefs of the community.

"Night Wolves"

Once while traveling, Alexander Zaldostanov bought a mountain of things for fartsovka. His comrades simply wrote "NightWolvesMG" on his clothing. This was the end of the existence of “Surgery” and the beginning of a new movement in the form of a motorcycle gang. Not everyone liked the idea of ​​breaking up “Surgery” and creating a motorcycle club instead; this was due to the need for all members of the community to obtain licenses and purchase a motorcycle.

At the age of thirty, the Surgeon finally decided that he would become a leader among bikers. However, he was not the only one with this idea. His competitor was Alik Goch, who captivated his foreign colleagues with his long cloak made of leather. Having gained experience abroad, he applied his knowledge at home and organized his own club called “CossacksMC” and at first took a leading position in the race of leaders, often hosting Danish bikers from the Hell’sAngels club.

Alexander often left his community, traveling to Germany. The absence of a leader did not affect the functioning of the club in any way. all issues were resolved collectively. One of the important events of that time included the confrontation with the putschist movement, which was not without the use of force and loud squabbles. After this situation, the bikers were awarded the medals they earned while defending the White House.

Returning to Moscow from abroad, the motorcyclist surgeon always attracted a lot of attention. But his competitor Goch by that time was driving around the city on a new motorcycle from the famous Harley brand, wearing a Danish club T-shirt. By that time, Alexander was an example of style for bikers and was only trying to attract the attention of the West.

Waging a war for leadership, Zaldostanov became involved with the Cossacks club, and at the first mention of them he did not mince words. They say that there was even a shootout between the clubs, but this was not officially confirmed. One way or another, by that time only the “Night Wolves” remained in Moscow, who monopolized the biker movement. Other communities were not formed unless they received approval from the Wolves.

The surgeon was tall and strong, this helped him fully realize his fighting skills. There were rumors that he single-handedly, armed only with a chain, dispersed several dozen outcasts. Alexander became the patron of informals. No one in the club dared to disobey him, and those who had the audacity to contradict him were severely punished and stripped of their club stripes. Even in textbooks for high school English language the Surgeon was mentioned.


After perestroika ended, bikers had to adapt to modern world and at the same time earn a living. Helped them with this unusual style and favorite music. So the “wolves” became co-owners of the first 24-hour rock club in Moscow, named after the famous Berlin club “Sexton”.

All over Moscow they were talking about the new rock club. The Wolves organized motorcycle rides with the “Angels” who were visiting them. Bikers now had a reputation as avid party animals and rockers. There was always music playing in the club and there was a whole lot of alcohol. Whoever has visited this semi-basement room, there are rumors that there were many famous people, including politicians.

In the first half of 1995, Sexton was destroyed by fire, and the bikers again had to look for money and new shelter. Thus, large-scale bike shows appeared in Russia.

In 1998, Zaldostanov terminated relations with the Hell’sAngels club. This may have been because the Angels were reluctant to take on the Wolves due to their peculiar board structure, which included annual elections for the club's president, which apparently displeased the Surgeon. After all, according to rumors, the Night Wolves do not have such elections to this day, and Zaldostanov is the only leader. Currently, it is forbidden to mention Angels among Wolves. According to another version, American bikers sent the Surgeon a letter telling him not to chase the West, but to develop his own style.

The collapse of the Wolves monopoly and the accident

The year 1999 was eventful. This year, a new bike center was opened, somewhere in the Mnevniki area, and Alexander got into a terrible accident, which occurred due to jammed front brakes. As a result, our hero receives a traumatic brain injury and falls into a coma on the way to the hospital. It was not known how long this condition would last.

It is not known what brand of motorcycle he had at that time and why the brakes failed.

Alexander the Surgeon spent two weeks in a coma and only came to his senses on the 15th.

Subsequently, the Wolves' monopoly collapsed. Other clubs began to appear, for example fans of certain brands of motorcycles and others. The Wolves were busy promoting their own bike center and did not interfere with the development of newly formed clubs.

Immediately after the hospital, Alexander took up his club. It was necessary to complete the construction. The new club was located in the area of ​​​​an old vacant lot where bars, services and various shops were soon formed. The club retained its old name “Sexton”, and the interior was made in a post-apocalyptic style. After the accident, Alexander became more religious and began to often go to church. While other bikers dreamed of being part of the world movement, the surgeon did not care about this, he wanted to move in his own direction and only in his homeland.

Among motorcycles, Alexander preferred not foreign cars, but domestically produced motorcycles. For himself, the Surgeon chose the Ural motorcycle as an iron horse. At that time, the Wolves had a frequent guest famous actor and the director who later became their chaplain Ivan Okhlobystin.

Soon the Surgeon had to look for a new place for the club, because the authorities were going to demolish the old one. In this matter, Alexander was helped by the clergyman Father John, who advised him to build a new center on church territory in order to gain immunity. A businessman whom a monk he knew helped him find such a place. The emergence of a religious component in the movement became the cause of contention among the Wolves, because now there were disagreements among the participants on key issues. Now it was difficult to call it brotherhood. Newcomers began to appear in the club, not so close in spirit and views to the Wolves, but useful to the Surgeon. Among them were entrepreneurs and small managers.

In 2001, the club split completely. The reason was the bike center, which now, according to documents, belonged only to the Surgeon. The brothers in the club did not expect such an act from him and left, saying that they would only return with “Angels” stripes on their backs. In 2004, Alexander faced another unpleasant blow in the form of the departure of his friend and right-hand man Frolov from the club, who proposed opening a branch of Hell’s Angels in Russia. Now among the Wolves there were no disagreements with Alexander, and he remained the only leader.

The bike shows organized by the Surgeon became more and more patriotic. In one of his interviews, Alexander said that the conflicts between the clubs had been resolved and no showdowns were expected. The conversation also turned to politics, in response to which the Surgeon replied that he did not seek power and was not going to get involved in politics. However, the opposite situation was observed; people involved in politics sought to get into the bike community.

Organizing more and more motorcycle races and being active in public activities, the Surgeon began to appear more and more often on television and in the press. In one of the interviews, he spoke about the problem of Russophobia. Critics often reproached the nationality of Alexander, who lived in Russia and was born in the small Ukrainian town of Kirovograd.

The Surgeon's Beliefs

Sasha is involved in quite active social activities. When asked by journalists, he always answers that he does not want to go into politics, but despite this, the Night Wolves community has a significant influence on society. The main biker of Russia promotes love of the fatherland and patriotism among young people, and also promotes Orthodoxy. For his active work in 2013, he was awarded the Order of Honor.

In honor of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, bikers organize festivals and various bike shows. The surgeon takes part in religious processions along with the clergy, although many bikers do not approve of this. The Surgeon’s friendship with the Russian President is known throughout the world. Vladimir Putin personally visited Sexton three times and participated in motorcycle rallies that took place in 2010–2011.

Alexander, together with Mikhail Porechenkov and mixed martial arts fighter Yulia Berezikova, initiated the formation of the Anti-Maidan movement in 2015, criticizing the situation in Ukraine and opposing revolutionary trends.

At the same time, the Surgeon put forward an initiative to include such clubs as “Hells Angels” and “BandidoNation” in the list of undesirable clubs in the Russian Federation, as capable of providing Negative influence on other bikers and start a revolution.

The formidable Kremlin biker Surgeon, the standard of the patriotic movement, turned out to be an ordinary gay. It was in this capacity that he used to shock German photographers.

Archival photographs of German rocker photographer Petra Gall, who at one time made a name for herself in the Soviet subculture, have leaked online. The photos that appeared immediately blew up the Internet, as they revealed previously unknown pages in the history of the current favorites of the Kremlin.

The fact that the formidable Surgeon, threatening to trample gay Europe, in the old days officially represented the few sexual minorities Soviet Union since Perestroika, reports the German resource Erich Hartmann, citing archival materials from the blogger skif-tag.

The photo from the Perestroika period shows Alexander “The Surgeon” Zaldostanov and Kirill Frolov, who turned out to be the most famous gay couple at that time. In fact, they were the ones who officially represented the sexual minorities of the Soviet Union. A couple of homosexuals, Surgeon and Frolov, had to prove to the West that we “have everything like people” - there are even married couples of homosexuals.

Future preachers of Vladimir Putin's ideas - Alexander Zaldostanov and Kirill Frolov, an employee of the Institute of CIS Countries, who was expelled from Ukraine and a number of other countries, hug cutely, posing in front of a German photographer's camera.

As it turned out, in the late 80s of the last century they were a liberated gay couple who openly embraced on Pushkinskaya Square in the center of perestroika Moscow.

For several years now, the leader of the Moscow bikers “Night Wolves” Alexander Zaldostanov, who speaks in public under the nickname “Surgeon”, being a latent gay, is demonstrably friendly with the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The surgeon in the Russian patriotic movement personifies the stern, uncompromising masculine principle, merciless to all violations of Orthodox canons.

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  • Alexander Sergeevich Zaldostanov was born on January 19, 1963 in Kirovograd (Ukrainian SSR) into a family of doctors.
  • He studied at the 3rd Moscow Medical Institute, but was unable to complete his studies.
  • Subsequently, Zaldostanov did not study or work anywhere else except in a German nightclub.
  • In 1985, Zaldostanov fictitiously married a German woman and left for West Berlin. Worked as a door bouncer (German: Türsteher) at the Sexton nightclub in West Berlin. In Germany, he learned a new subculture for him, in particular, the Hells Angels.
  • In 1989, the first in the USSR was founded in Moscow, which still exists today as public organization, the Night Wolves biker club, where Zaldostanov is the chairman.
  • Zaldostanov calls himself a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In this capacity, he secured financial support for the club from the state, including a presidential grant and other funding, totaling at least 56 million rubles per year.
  • In December 2014, Zaldostanov wrote an appeal to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin with a request to rename the future Mnevniki station of the Third Interchange Circuit of the Moscow Metro to “Crimean Peninsula”.
  • In January 2015, together with actor Mikhail Porechenkov, member of the Federation Council Dmitry Sablin and mixed martial arts fighter Yulia Berezikova, he initiated the creation of the Russian Anti-Maidan movement, the goal of which is “to counter illegal attempts to overthrow the current government in the manner of the Ukrainian Euromaidan.” Zaldostanov said that Anti-Maidan is ready to resort to violence to stop anti-government protests.

State awards:

  • Order of Honor (March 13, 2013) - “for active work in the patriotic education of youth, participation in search work and perpetuating the memory of fallen defenders of the Fatherland”;
  • Medal “For the Return of Crimea” (April 2014) - “for an active patriotic position and support for the citizens of Crimea in their self-determination”;
  • Badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic “For Distinction in the Fight against Terrorism” (March 7, 2016) - “for the enormous contribution to the development of interethnic relations, the patriotic education of youth, as well as countering extremism and terrorism.”

As a result of the presidential grant competition, a total of 970 organizations from 79 regions became winners - they were allocated 2 billion 250 million rubles. On the eve of the announcement of the results, the chief curator of the Kremlin’s domestic policy, Sergei Kiriyenko, said: 83.5% of organizations that received financial support had not previously received a grant.

As a result of the presidential grant competition, a total of 970 organizations from 79 regions became winners - they were allocated 2 billion 250 million rubles. 83.5% of organizations that received financial support had not previously received a grant.

The main goal was to make the presidential grant competition more accessible to NGOs, primarily from the regions, Kiriyenko said.

Projects aimed at social support for children and the disabled, the fight against drugs, employment of pensioners, activation of the human rights movement, etc. received state support. Particular attention of experts and the media was attracted by the fact that this time “Orthodox bikers”, led by the Surgeon, in the world - Alexander Zaldostanov, were left without state money.

The project of the biker community “Night Wolves”, submitted to the competition, concerned... the organization Christmas trees and cost 9.5 million rubles. “The action recreates the atmosphere of Russian folk tale. The historical and spiritual heritage of the Russian people and today’s problems of Russia are taught in a fairy-tale manner that is understandable to children,” the description says. Alas, taking into account the “general course” announced by Kiriyenko, as well as against the backdrop of a critical mass social problems in the regions, the Kremlin did not have money for the “Orthodox bikers” desperately trying to please children. The public reaction to this from the Surgeon himself was quite nervous.

In total, the Wolves submitted three applications to the competition in 2017. The project “Map of Tourist History” (worth 2.6 million rubles) and the travel festival “Brother” (3.6 million rubles) were not even allowed to participate in the competition “due to non-compliance with the criteria.”

We lived quietly without presidential handouts for 20 years - until 2012. We didn't give a damn about them. It’s okay, we’ll continue to live without grants,” the Surgeon said irritably. - So, someone more worthy was found for presidential assistance. We served our Motherland without grant money in the most difficult years, and we will serve without it. But we will not stop making the Christmas trees for children that they are waiting for,” he concluded with resentment.

In Zaldostanov’s statement one can feel the “handwriting” of an experienced grant recipient. As experts noted, in 2017, the “wolves” submitted three applications to the competition. The project “Map of Tourist History” (worth 2.6 million rubles) and the travel festival “Brother” (3.6 million rubles) were not even allowed to participate in the competition “due to non-compliance with the criteria.”

The bike club has been holding children's parties since 2004. In 2015, Duma communist deputy Valery Rashkin even contacted the Prosecutor General’s Office, asking to check the legality of grants for these events. Rashkin noted: “The performances organized by bikers have a clear political background that does not correspond to the status of a children’s holiday.”

If you think about it, it seems that our children don’t have any particular need for biker Christmas trees. Today there are enough concerts, charitable and other organizations in the country that organize leisure time for little Russians on New Year's Eve. And 9.5 million rubles would be enough for other mass entertainers to hold New Year’s parties in the entire region. So the sheer size of biker requests raises suspicions...

The end of a strange friendship

The history of the relationship between the Kremlin and the Night Wolves is quite remarkable. Night Wolves have officially existed since May 1989. In 1995, they registered the NGO “Russian Motorcyclists” - it actively cooperates with the Russian Orthodox Church and even coordinates his actions with her. Bikers are also involved in military-patriotic education of youth. The position of president of the bike club has been occupied by the Surgeon since its foundation (according to the club’s charter, there simply cannot be another leader). Concurrently, Zaldostanov is one of the leaders of the Anti-Maidan movement.

After the 2012 inauguration, Vladimir Putin's rating was relatively low (less than 58% support). In this situation, any support from Russian informals was important for the Kremlin. The “wolves” were among those forces that willingly lent their shoulder to the supreme power.

As is known, in Western countries where the biker movement is developed, its participants are considered marginal in decent society. At the same time, they distance themselves from the authorities in every possible way, often lead an asocial lifestyle, and openly hate the police. But Russian bikers had an unexpected romance with the Kremlin in 2012.

After the 2012 inauguration, Vladimir Putin's rating was relatively low (less than 58% support). At the same time, the “swamp movement” led by Navalny was at its peak, being very popular among young people. In this situation, any support from Russian informals was important for the Kremlin. The “wolves” were among those forces that willingly lent their shoulder to the supreme power.

Another “reference point” for bikers was their active support for the “Crimean Spring.” After the referendum on the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, members of the bike club were among the first to go to the peninsula to provide forceful support to its authorities. After this, the “Orthodox motorcyclists” in the Kremlin seemed to be finally recognized as “theirs.” State funding in the form of various grants flowed to Zaldostanov like a river. As a result, the Surgeon’s head, as they say, went spinning. As political scientists note, “Zaldostanov began to declare too often and intrusively that he and Putin were friends.”

The cup of patience was filled with the Surgeon’s visit to the Gaidar Forum in January 2017, says political scientist Anton Orlov. - The dress code there is strict - suits and ties, but he showed up there in colorful biker attire. The surgeon came to the podium and declared: he intends to reconstruct the Patriot Park in Simferopol, and even with money from the Ministry of Defense. Then many noted: the Surgeon’s clownery exceeded acceptable limits,” says the analyst.

State funding in the form of various grants flowed to Zaldostanov like a river. As a result, the Surgeon’s head, as they say, went spinning. As political scientists note, “Zaldostanov began to declare too often and intrusively that he and Putin were friends.”

Soon after this, caustic comments appeared on the Internet: they say that if you ride Putin on a bike, you will immediately become a politician and a grant collector. Kremlin image makers understood: the president’s image takes on ambiguous features due to his close friendship with bikers. After all, in public consciousness Russians “Night Wolves” and bikers in general are still associated with marginalized people, and not with patriots, and especially not with “Putin’s friends.”

People who claim such status, as a rule, bear little resemblance to dashing bearded men in leather jackets. These are serious, taciturn gentlemen who run state corporations and scientific institutes - like the Kovalchuk brothers or the Rotenberg brothers. Well, or like the rector of the Mining University, Vladimir Litvinenko, who recently came to the center of media attention, whose fortune the media estimated at a billion dollars. All of them bear high “social responsibility” (that is, they finance the most important government projects) and do not like to appear in the press. And even more so, none of them would think of shouting at every corner about “friendship with the president,” as Zaldostanov did.

After the story at the Hyder Forum, the president began to carefully distance himself from the Night Wolves. He no longer rode with them on motorcycle rallies and did not discover their lavish parties in Crimea. The sensible, but very expensive idea of ​​creating a Patriot park near Simferopol was initially shelved. And then the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation received the contract for its implementation - near Kronstadt and with completely different funding.

Another argument is not in favor of the Surgeon - Putin’s personal rating now exceeds 85%, the 2018 elections are just over six months away, and the Kremlin no longer needs the support of “clowns on motorcycles.” So the current refusal to issue 9.5 million “for children’s Christmas trees” has become a kind of point in the “romance with bikers”: they say, they played at being friends and ended it.

However, it is too early to conclude that the Kremlin has finally “pushed the Night Wolves” and other “grant-seekers” away from the trough. After all, only the first stage of the competition has been completed so far, and before the end of 2017 the Kremlin will hold another grant draw. Acceptance of applications starts on August 16, and the total “prize fund” will be twice as high - 4.75 billion rubles. It seems that here the “wolves” will certainly try to snatch their usual piece. As usual, “for the Christmas tree.”

Parties: Anti-Maidan Movement, Night Wolves Motorcycle Club
Soviet and Russian biker, founder and leader of Russia's oldest biker club "Night Wolves", president of the Russian Bikers Association.
Alexander Zaldostanov grew up in a family of doctors. Father - Sergei Zaldostanov- doctor, passed the Great Patriotic War. Mother is also a doctor. Alexander Zaldostanov honors Stalin, his portrait still hangs in her house. In response to the negativity towards the legendary Secretary General, he gives an unequivocal answer: “Breshut.”
Alexander Zaldostanov has a sister who is a doctor. Currently, Mr. Zaldostanov unpatriotically lives and works abroad.

In 1985 Alexander Zaldostanov married the German journalist Mathilde, daughter of the director of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Stuttgart. They subsequently divorced.
After the divorce from Matilda, according to rumors, Zaldostanova there were several more official wives and many mistresses. There is definitely a son, Gosha. They say that Gosha has brothers. Alexander recognized all his children and participates in their upbringing.

One of the sons Alexander Zaldostanov tried to get involved in the biker business. Unfortunately, everything ended badly - the boy received serious injuries to both legs. During the operation, a titanium plate was inserted into him. Alexander Zaldostanov, whose family is his bikers and whose home is a bike center, avoids any questions about his personal life. He immediately takes the topic into the usual direction - a bike show, friendship with the president, Orthodoxy and patriotism.

Alexander Sergeevich Zaldostanov born January 19, 1963 in Kirovograd (Ukrainian SSR).
After finishing school, Alexander Zaldostanov chose the profession of a doctor and went to the capital to receive it. In 1984 he graduated from the 3rd Moscow Medical Institute and residency. He worked in a dental clinic as a surgeon, specializing in post-traumatic facial deformities.
During the day Alexander Zaldostanov led the life of an ordinary Soviet citizen, at night - leather clothes, hanging out with friends, listening to forbidden rock music, drunken brawls. The pugnacious informality was noticed and introduced to Rus Tyurin, the leader of the metallers “Black Aces”.

He liked Sasha the dentist and began to play the role of an information front worker under the leader and communicate with the press. At that time, many people rode around Moscow on motorcycles, and Alexander Zaldostanov in 1987, under the influence of rocker friends, bought his first Java motorcycle.
Ambitious, charismatic, unstoppable in battle, fearless Alexander Zaldostanov He acquired more and more friends and fans in his circle and eventually created his own group, “Surgery,” and took the nickname “surgeon” for himself. Having passionately fallen in love with motorcycles, the long-haired guy turned from a metalhead and a gopnik into a biker.

Alexander loved to communicate with journalists. He felt confident with the microphone and looked boldly into the lenses. Thus, he met his future wife, just during the interview. The German journalist's name was Mathilde.
She was the daughter of the director of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Stuttgart. Alexander Zaldostanov and his wife left for West Berlin. There he made a living by participating in theatrical athletic shows, posing as a model, and working as a car mechanic and watchman.

Later Alexander Zaldostanov got a job as a doorman (something like an errand concierge) at the Sexton nightclub, which was notorious for its Satanist members and drug den. There he also met the Hells Angels, members of one of the world's largest motorcycle clubs. Apparently, it was from them that Sasha gained basic knowledge about the structure and hierarchy of the bike club. Returning to Moscow in the early 90s, the “surgeon” devoted himself entirely to the biker business.
Alexander Zaldostanov From a young age I fought a lot and successfully. And now he has confidently removed his only serious competitor from the path - Alik Goch, the leader of the Kozaks biker group, pushing him out of the way to Rostov-on-Don.

From then to this day, created Surgeon The Night Wolves motorcycle fan club holds a monopoly in Moscow, cracking down harshly on rivals. His bikers behaved independently, sometimes even aggressively. Without a muffler, we rushed around Moscow at night, organized motorcycle rallies with burning torches, and the highest aerobatics was to rush past a traffic cop and kick the baton out of his hand.

In addition, the "wolves" provided protection - points of sale of clothing for rockers, music stores, and several cafes. The surgeon and his associates became co-owners of a Moscow rock club, which Alexander Zaldostanov named "Sexton" after the German in which he worked. Music, striptease and drugs are closely intertwined here. This club burned down in 1995.

In 1999 Surgeon got into a serious accident. Having received a severe traumatic brain injury, Alexander spent two weeks in a coma. Returning to the world, he and his comrades built a base in Mnevniki. The style is post-apocalyptic. A lot of crumpled iron, a sign "Don't get in - he'll kill you!" and the massive debris makes it seem like the occupants of this "bike house" survived a nuclear war.
On the territory of the base there is a profitable shop, a bar and a new club "Sexton". In addition, legal money is brought in by regular bike shows on a grand scale and with aplomb.
IN last years course of the "eternal" president of the bike club Alexandra Zaldostanova changed dramatically. Now the “Night Wolves” promote Orthodoxy and ride on their Harleys Russian flag, take patronage over third-graders of the Sevastopol school, give Volgograd a children's fountain and plan to launch the production of Russian motorcycles that will be cooler than the Harley-Davidson.
There is one thing in the charters of almost all motorcycle clubs in the world: general rule- don't get involved in politics. Surgeon he flirts with the authorities in every possible way - after several meetings with Vladimir Putin, he calls him his friend and regularly invites the president to the Night Wolves motorcycle festivals.

Vladimir Vladimirovich even rode several times with a convoy of bikers, although for the safety of the head of state, they put him behind the wheel of a more stable three-wheeled motorcycle. In response, Putin awarded Alexandra Zaldostanova the Order of Honor (2013), a copy of which the Wolves leader now always wears on his leather vest.
In December 2014, the United States attacked the Night Wolves club, including Surgeon personally, economic sanctions were imposed in connection with the Russian Federation’s policy in eastern Ukraine.

In January 2015, along with actor Mikhail Porechenkov, member of the Federation Council Dmitry Sablin and world champion in ultimate fighting Yulia Berezikova, he initiated the creation of the Anti-Maidan movement, the goal of which is to counter attempts to repeat the Maidan in Russia.
Alexander Zaldostanov He is also an actor: in 1989 he played a cameo role in the film “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter.” In 1992 he played in episodes in the films “Luna Park” and “Dancing Ghosts”.

Rumors, scandals about life Alexandra Zaldostanova

They say that during work Alexander Zaldostanov The dentist collected beads from human teeth. At first he wore them himself, then gave them to a friend, fashion designer Yegor Zaitsev. The biker either confirmed this information in the media, emphasizing that the teeth were caries, or denied it with a laugh, pointing the finger at Zaitsev’s fantasies.
In the dashing 90s, dozens of gangster groups operated in Moscow, but none of them could capture the entire city. What the bandits failed to do, they managed to accomplish To the Surgeon and his Night Wolves. For several years in the capital of Russia without knowledge or approval Zaldostanova not a single new motorcycle club could appear, and those who dared to disobey were dealt with quickly and mercilessly by the wolves.

However, it takes a long time to keep everything in your hands Surgeon it didn’t work out - at the end of the 90s, fan clubs of various motorcycle models began to appear, which were no longer possible to influence.
Also, new motorcycle gangs gradually began to be organized by bikers who left the Night Wolves as a result of several splits. Disillusioned with their leader and his autocracy (foreign motorcycle gangs, paradoxically, build their structures on democracy - the command is re-elected and it is possible to change it) they no longer asked his opinion about whether they could open their own club.
It would seem that the division of territory and “protection protection” of clubs are all things of the past, however, quite recently, in October 2012, the “Night Wolves” staged an attack on the small Zelenograd club “Three Roads”. The composition of the participants in the battle was unequal from the very beginning - 50 “wolves” against 7 “three-roaders”. However, the latter put up a worthy rebuff.

The conversation in a raised voice escalated into a brawl, and then shots were fired from both sides, as a result of which one of the “wolves” received a bullet in the stomach and died in the hospital, and the representative of “Three Roads” accused of murder is still in jail. According to rumors, he Alexander Zaldostanov I did not participate in these events, but at that moment I was in Zelenograd.
The Surgeon simply took the Sexton Club away from his friends: they built it together, and then it turned out that according to the documents Alexander Zaldostanov- sole owner. There was a conflict, a showdown and a break with old comrades.
There is information that Zaldolstanov was a KGB agent. Not confirmed by anything. But the opposite has not been proven.
In April 2015, the Night Wolves organized a motor rally to Berlin, but the bikers encountered obstacles from the Polish authorities. On April 30, Alexander Zaldostanov reported that Russian bikers managed to enter the territory of the European Union.

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