Basis for individual learning at school. How to transfer a child to home schooling - reasons and documents. Bill on education in the Russian Federation

Part 1 clause 2 art. 17 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” lists the grounds for transferring a child to home schooling: family circumstances; medical indications (health problems do not allow the child to study at school).

Switching to homeschooling for family reasons

The law does not specify what kind of “family circumstances” are due to which parents transfer their child to home schooling. This is only the parents' decision. There are a few steps you need to follow to teach your child at home.

Step 1. We notify the regional education authorities (Ministry/Department/Division) that you are transferring your child to family education.

Parents are obliged to do this in accordance with Art. 63 part 5 of the new Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

The application is submitted in writing in two copies. The law allows you to give notice in person or by mail. If you notify in person, the institution will put a stamp and the date of receipt of the document on the second copy.

The application is of a notification nature. You simply inform the relevant authority of your choice. So that the regulatory authorities do not decide that the child is skipping school.

The education authority can only take note of your decision. Officials do not have the right to prohibit, not allow or disapprove of a choice.

Step 2. Go to school. At school, parents write a statement that they are transferring their child to home schooling and ask to expel him from school.

The application is written in free form. Within a week, the school is required to provide the student’s personal file and medical record.

The school principal does not have the right to refuse to expel a child from school for home education.

If the school refuses to expel you, we demand a written explanation from the director and complain about it to the education authorities.

After a child has been expelled from school, parents draw up an individual education plan. From that moment on, responsibility for the child’s education lies with the parents.

By the way, before (before 2012, when the current law “On Education” was adopted), parents signed an agreement with the school. It prescribed the forms and deadlines for certification, the timing of practical and laboratory work. The student was invited to educational, practical and other classes according to the school schedule. Now there is no need to conclude a contract.

Those parents who were dissatisfied with the school's requirements to attend tests or other classes at school breathed a sigh of relief. “Semeynik” acquires the status of “extern student” - he goes to school only for intermediate and final certifications. The downside is that those who regularly came to school for free consultations may forget about it. What subjects to study is decided by the school, and how to teach them is decided by parents. The school does not interfere in this process and does not check. Parents themselves determine the teaching methods, the time allotted for each topic, the amount of material that can be given outside the framework of the program, and much more.

You don’t have to buy textbooks - the school should give the “family student” free ones. The child also enjoys other rights of an ordinary schoolchild: he can participate in olympiads and competitions, use the school library, etc.

Until the 9th grade, a parent has the right not to report to the school at all about what and how he teaches the child. First mandatory exam- GIA in 9th grade. The next one is the Unified State Exam in 11th.

Request a list of schools where your child will take these exams (mandatory certification) from the education department. From the list of schools, parents choose the one where the child will take exams - and write an application addressed to the director. Like the notification, the application must be submitted to the school office against a signature on the second copy or sent by mail by a first-class letter with acknowledgment of delivery and a list of the contents.

After this, the school issues an administrative act, which will indicate the person’s admission to the educational institution for certification. The child undergoes such certification free of charge.

At the request of the child and parent, exams (intermediate certification) can be taken once a year.

Switching to homeschooling for medical reasons

The law allows children to study at home for medical reasons:

- with chronic diseases;

- with a protracted illness;

- who are treated on an outpatient basis for a long time.

Recommendations to switch to home schooling are given by your attending physician. Sometimes parents make this decision on their own. The school will allow the child to study at home during illness if there is a certificate issued through the control and expert commission (KEC). It is issued at the regular clinic to which the child is assigned.

Be sure to check it out! The certificate must contain the signature of the doctor who issued the document; doctor observing the child; head of the children's clinic; chief physician of the children's clinic. The document is affixed with the round seal of the clinic.

After parents have received the certificate in hand, they need to go to school. A free-form application is written to the school principal with a request to transfer the student to home schooling. A certificate is attached to the application.

The maximum period of study at home is one year (academic), the minimum is a month (usually for injuries and operations).

Useful instructions “Transfer your child to home schooling” with sample applications

Homeschooling is an alternative to schooling. Is it productive and how to organize it correctly?

In order to successfully organize a child’s education at home, it is necessary

  • Select the school to which the student will be assigned and in which he will subsequently undergo certification.

Since the beginning of the 90s, according to the law, any person who is a citizen Russian Federation, has the right to study at home, but to obtain the necessary educational documents, certification is required at a state educational institution suitable for the level.

Legally, parents have the right to enroll their child in any educational institution they wish, but in practice fewer questions and problems arise when choosing a school that already has a “staff” of home-schooled students.

  • Write an application addressed to the school director with a request to transfer the child to home schooling.

In fact, this is the only document (except, of course, copies of the parents’ passports, the child’s birth certificate and photographs) that is required from parents who decide that their child will be educated at home. In an oral conversation with the director, special family circumstances, for example, frequent business trips or a love of travel, should be cited as the reason for this choice. The statement must indicate that parents take full responsibility for the quality of the child’s knowledge due to the fact that this is their independent decision without any special objective reasons (such as the child’s health status).

After the child is officially enrolled in school, you will need to decide how often and according to what scheme he will be certified. Pass exams, practical and laboratory works he can either once a week or once every six months, again in agreement with the school administration.

  • If necessary, a medical certificate about the child’s health condition should be provided.

For home-based education, when school teachers come to a student’s home to teach a lesson, a special medical certificate is required, issued by the Clinical Expert Commission (CEC) of the medical institution. If a child suffers from diseases that prevent him from studying in a regular school, then, according to the conclusion of the EEC, he can count on free education on an equal basis with all citizens of Russia.

  • Receive a program and recommendations on the required volume and quality of knowledge that the child should have at the end of the reporting period.

It is important to remember that when choosing home schooling, parents should be seriously concerned about the quality of knowledge that their child will receive. At the end of the reporting period - a week, a month, a quarter or a half-year, depending on the agreement with the school - the child will have to successfully pass the required tests and exams in order to be certified. Otherwise, it will be considered that home schooling for him is not effective and is not possible.

In order to avoid getting into trouble and decide who will teach the child at home and how, it makes sense for parents to receive the curriculum in advance, discuss with the director or head teacher difficult issues, points to which special attention should be paid, etc.

  • Decide on the form of home schooling.

With the advent of the legislatively enshrined right of a citizen to choose for himself, and the corresponding documents on education, not only networks of private schools began to spread, but home schooling also began to develop. Currently, there are three forms of organizing education at home.

Homeschooling forms


Home-based education is organized by the school to which a student is assigned who, due to health conditions, is unable to study on a general basis. For those who choose to homeschool for no apparent reason, homeschooling may not be available.

Having provided the necessary medical certificates, the student has the right to have teachers from the school to which he is assigned to conduct individual lessons with him at his home. These lessons completely duplicate the school curriculum, and their quality depends entirely on how conscientiously they treat extracurricular activities.


Family education is also organized after acceptance of an application from parents for home education of a child in one of the schools and agreement on the procedure for certification of the student.

Family-type classes are created with the full initiative of and, who themselves act as teachers of the lower grades, and later as subject teachers. Taking responsibility for the quality of their children’s education, parents have the right to create their own program, add the necessary disciplines in their opinion to, say, primary school, and change the approach to studying a subject at their own discretion. But they must remember that at the end of the quarter or half-year, depending on the agreement with the school, the child will have to take an exam to confirm that he has received the same knowledge as his peers who have been at the school desk all this time. Otherwise, parents have the right to show imagination and creativity, inventing new forms and approaches to make learning more fun and interesting for their children.


Externship is the most famous form individual training and is often associated with gifted children such as Michael Kevin Kearney, who graduated high school externally at the age of 6, and at the age of ten he entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate.

For education and obtaining a certificate in the form of external studies, it is advisable to find a school with experience in such work, where there is someone responsible (usually one of the head teachers) for organizing external studies in this educational institution. As a rule, such a school already has a group of children with whom work is carried out using this form.

After filling out the relevant documents, parents receive a grade book, and then 2 times a year the child takes exams in subjects in order to move from class to class.

If a student has the opportunity and ability to absorb knowledge faster than is written in the plan, he can move to the next grade once every six months, and not once a year, like all other children. This is the essence of external studies.

As a rule, parents who are focused on external studies immediately hire tutors so that they can quickly and efficiently teach their child the subject.

According to official statistics available for 2007, out of 100 thousand children who received education at home, 19 and a half thousand children studied externally, almost 4 thousand children received family education, and the rest received home education for health reasons.

Homeschooling Parents

Leaving the child homeschooled, the mentor and educator that a teacher is called upon to provide in society. In order to successfully cope with such important responsibilities, parents require a certain set of skills.

  • Basic knowledge and erudition, willingness to answer questions.

It is necessary to revive your own knowledge acquired at school and throughout life in order to be able to answer your child’s questions, satisfying the curiosity of the new student.

  • Organized.

Parents must be able to effectively manage their own time and properly plan their child’s time.

  • To kindle and support the child’s cognitive interest.

You need to be able to present new information in a non-trivial way and with pleasure, then the child will be interested in gaining knowledge.

  • Promote the development of independence.

Starting with joint study of the material, over time you need to increase the child’s share. Thus, by the end of the seventh grade, the student is able to independently obtain the necessary information, select what is necessary and cut off the unnecessary, study and be able to talk about what he has read, and then pass the exam.

  • Development of goal setting skills.

Parents must be able to clearly and clearly explain to the child why they chose this form of education for him, what bonuses it brings for him and how he should use them. Otherwise, the child will not see the point in developing independence and generally acquiring knowledge without being under the daily supervision of a teacher.

Pros and cons of the method

As in any situation, when choosing homeschooling, you need to soberly assess the positive and negative aspects of your choice.

Weaknesses of homeschooling:

  • Lack of communication among peers or insufficient amount of it.
  • Parents must stop being just mom and dad, but also become teachers, and this can be painful for everyone in the family.
  • The need for one of the parents to work remotely or not at all.
  • Large expenses for manuals and other educational materials, as well as for tutors, if parents are not competent enough in a particular subject.

Homeschooling Strengths:

  • Comfortable atmosphere and routine, familiar surroundings and the absence of unpleasant people around.
  • Individual pace and form of studying the subject, and not designed for the average student.
  • The possibility of in-depth study and familiarization with other subjects within the framework necessary for writing the test.
  • Deeper and closer relationships with parents, thanks to daily contact, learning and discussing new things.

Expert opinion on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of home schooling (video)

Thus, transferring your child to home schooling is not difficult - just find a suitable school with experience in such work and write a corresponding application addressed to the director. Next, you need to agree on a plan for the child’s certification and receive a program that he will have to master in a certain period of time. After this, you need to decide on the form of home education in which the child will receive knowledge. By comparing all the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling, parents will be able to decide what their child really needs.

Why is there a need to homeschool children at all? The reasons can be very diverse: from health problems, disability, temporary inability to attend school, to psychological nuances. There are fathers and mothers who do not consider the current school education system acceptable for their child.

Sometimes this is associated with unpleasant memories of parents, the sad experience of being a victim of mobbing, that is, bullying by classmates. Sometimes mothers and fathers believe that the mass school does not take into account the individuality of the child, putting forward the same requirements for everyone, while abilities and talents are leveled out, and the desire for creativity is not developed. Whether parents who do not want their children to study in a general school are right or wrong, we will not consider now. Everyone's situation is different; some kids are really better off studying at home, if possible.

Without attending school, children can master secondary education programs in two forms - either family education or home education. A home-based form is organized when a student cannot attend classes at a child care institution due to health conditions. Teachers come to the child’s home and teach lessons according to an individual plan.

If your child does not have any health problems, and you choose a family form of education, you need to contact your local education committee. Here you will fill out an application to transfer your son (daughter) to family education. A commission will be held with the participation of the student’s parents, school administration, and representatives of the education committee. If the commission’s decision is positive, an order is issued to assign the student to this school to take state exams and intermediate certifications.

After passing the commission, you should contact the director educational institution where the student will take the exams. Here you again draw up an application and submit documents from the clinic or the education department, on the basis of which an order is issued from the school director to transfer the student to a family or home-based education.

If family education is chosen, the student's parents and the administration of the educational institution sign an agreement that contains a detailed listing of both the rights and responsibilities of the three parties: the student himself, his parents and the school. The contract must also indicate the dates for the certifications.

Parents receive a lesson log at school, in which they note the topics studied; in case of home education, indicate the number of teaching hours spent with teachers of this institution. Marks on the student's progress are also posted here. The school is obliged to provide the child studying at home with all methodological literature and textbooks.

If the family form of education is chosen, parents receive an allowance every month (approximately 500 rubles), this is compensation for state costs of educating one child in secondary school.

Since many readers of the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” are progressive mothers who strive to provide their children with the conditions necessary for comprehensive development, today’s article is devoted to the question of how to transfer to a schoolchild in our country.

If parents have firmly decided that their child will not attend regular secondary school, they need to specifically decide on the type of training outside of it.

Homeschooling: existing forms

In general, there are several types of distance learning, the most common of which are:

  1. Home-based education. With this form of educational organization, school teachers work individually with the child at home. All educational process is taken over by the school in which the child is enrolled. Home-based education was developed specifically for disabled children who cannot attend regular school. With absence medical indications It will not be possible to transfer a child to this form of education.
  2. Partial homeschooling. It is also possible to transfer a child to home schooling with free attendance at school lessons only if there is a medical certificate indicating the special needs of the child.
  3. Distance education. Studying in a modern online school is most convenient for children who live very far from the nearest external school or are abroad. Online school students can communicate with the teacher and each other via Skype and on forums. Monitoring the progress of students in this form is also carried out via the Internet, so when studying in this form the need for contact with a full-time school is minimized. The main advantage of distance learning compared to full-time home schooling is the ability to receive consultations from professional teachers at any time.
  4. Externship. This is the name given to the family form of education, in which children are taught by one of the parents. In order to switch to home schooling, a family needs to find an external school and enter into an agreement with it. Theoretically, there is nothing complicated in the design of this type of training.
  5. Unschooling. This freest form of education, which completely rejects school and the school curriculum, is prohibited in almost all countries of the world. However, this system can be used as a supplement to school education.

How to transfer to homeschooling

The law states that the transfer of a child to external education can be carried out at any stage of his education and is carried out on the basis of an application from the parents. Those who wish to homeschool their child must complete the following steps.

  • Find a suitable educational institution. It should be borne in mind that there are external studies both on the basis of regular schools and schools with in-depth study of subjects. External education will follow the same program as regular school students. Externs receive the same certificate as other graduates of this educational institution.
  • Write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the reason why the parents decided to transfer the child to home schooling. In addition, you must indicate the chosen form of family education: distance learning, partial home study or external study.
  • Conclude an appropriate agreement with the school. The contract must reflect information about the interim certification of the external student.
  • Take all the necessary textbooks and teaching aids from the school library.

To parents who pick up documents from regular school To transfer to an external study program at another educational institution, you do not need to provide the administration with any certificates. It is enough to inform the director about the child’s new place of education orally.

When transferring a child to home schooling, parents must remember that they assume all responsibilities for preparing him for tests, tests and exams. However, if any problems arise, they can contact the school teachers, who are obliged to help them methodological assistance. If parents are unable to ensure that the child completes the school curriculum, the school will have the right to terminate the concluded agreement and the student will return to class.

How to organize homeschooling

In order for a child to comprehend all the intricacies of general education, he must study with one of the adults every day for literally 2-3 hours a day. Therefore, those mothers and fathers who are just thinking about the question of how to organize their child’s education at home should decide who will be the child’s home teacher.

It doesn't have to be the parents themselves. The role of a teacher can be played by a competent and competent grandmother. Families with sufficient income can invite a tutor to their home.

As for homeschooling methods, each family has their own. There are already parents in our country who have some experience in teaching their children independently. They willingly share this experience in various forums.

The site site believes that organizing homeschooling does not require any particularly complex methods and techniques. The main thing is to take into account his inclinations and needs when working with a child and motivate him correctly.

Parents must understand that children are very inquisitive by nature. They listen with pleasure to all the stories of adults and, as a rule, remember everything easily. This is what you need to use. Cognition can take place unnoticed by the baby himself, in the form of a regular conversation. You can, for example, while walking in the park, answer the questions of a little why in as much detail as possible, pushing him to pay attention to certain points.

It is very important that an adult is well prepared for any of these walks or excursions. The erudition of the parent who will be involved in educating the child is one of the main requirements for organizing individual education at home.

But an even more significant factor in successful family education is the choice of communication style with the child and parenting methods.

They must be based on respect for the individual little man, love for him and unconditional faith in his talent and success. Even if he can’t learn to read fluently or learn the multiplication table for a long time, you shouldn’t bully him with long lessons, force him to re-read the same sentence twice or memorize something that he hasn’t yet been able to understand. After all, the main point of switching to home schooling is precisely to protect the child’s delicate psyche from negative impact imperfect educational system in schools.

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Homeschooling at school, what is it - a question that ignorant parents ask when they do not understand the situation with their child’s schooling. In the case of a health condition that prevents a child from attending school, everything is quite clear. What if the child is healthy?

Yes, as usual, parents get involved in the hustle and bustle of preparing for academic year with meetings, visits to clothing and shoe stores. And suddenly it turns out that someone’s child is forced to go to school, and someone else is trying to skip classes under any excuse.

What to do in this case? Punish? But this will not help the matter. Let's figure it out.

History shows that during the Soviet era, the question of studying at school was practically not raised - universal secondary education assumed that every child goes to school, and parents do not think about whether it is necessary or not. Of course, in some places there were deviations from this rule, but these were isolated cases.

Modern society has given rise to a certain possibility of democracy in education, which undoubtedly affected the quality of education and the results of graduates. There are at least two groups of reasons why children do not want to go to school. The first group comes, oddly enough, from the parents themselves, and the second from the children.

Why parents don't want to send their child to school

Certainly, Some parents not only do not want to send their children to school, but they doubt this need. Let us name only those doubts of parents that were identified during the research.

This is what my parents said:

  • there are doubts about the quality and depth of education - school is a waste of time;
  • the curriculum puts a heavy burden on students, which worsens the physical and psychological condition of children;
  • peers do not always have a positive influence on classmates, introducing them to smoking, drugs, alcohol, and also oppressing the weaker;
  • some parents advocated changes to the curriculum, even going so far as to introduce their own plan;
  • overcrowded classes do not allow the teacher to pay more attention to each student;
  • Living at a great distance from school introduces the problem of getting children to classes;
  • Some parents did not have a very positive experience of studying at school.

Each family has its own view of schooling, so someone can add their own vision to the above statements.

Why children don't want to go to school

Children. This is a separate story, but these are our children and their opinion is worth listening to. Their opinion will not always be correct - in this case, they should simply explain the correct point of view. But it happens that a child’s subtle, sensory perception of a situation will be difficult for an adult to perceive - in this case, parents should put themselves in the child’s place and try to feel what the child is talking about.

This is what children think and say:

Understanding all these reasons for not wanting to attend school leads to the question: homeschooling at school, what it is, how legal it is and how to organize it.

Turns out home or family education is not such an unknown form of education. Research conducted National Center education statistics have shown that home schooling covers different countries 5 to 10 percent of school-age children. And even in Russia, up to 100 thousand children of school age are annually recorded who receive education at home.

Home schooling. Legal grounds

IN modern Russia education was first legalized in 1992. However, over the years, the law has been constantly improved. Changes were sometimes made twice a year. The education system itself also changed. Moreover, having received a generation of schoolchildren with “mechanical knowledge” (USE), the state became concerned about the future of society and began to take steps to return the best of Soviet system training, which the USSR was rightfully proud of.

At the time of writing this material, the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273, adopted on December 29, 2012, is in force in the country. The changes that have occurred in the field of education in the last six months suggest changes in federal law in the near future.

However, the part that concerns teaching a child at home is unlikely to change, since the changes already made have changed the essence of this form of education.

In the current version of the law, Chapter V, Article 52 (clause 4) expands the interpretation of homeschooling. Currently, the opportunity to study at home is provided not only to disabled children (as was the case before), but the desire of the parents is accepted as an argument.

Such an amendment directly responds to the wishes of the society, whose doubts are mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The law gives home education the general name of family education and states that the parents themselves can teach the child, they can invite teachers from the school or use the services of paid tutors.

The same 4th paragraph gives the opportunity to a child who was home-schooled, if desired and with positive certification, to return to the standard (full-time) form of education in a comprehensive school.

This is an important clarification because the transition to homeschooling may not always be successful. In some cases, both parents and children themselves may be disappointed with this transition, and the law provides an opportunity to return to full-time education. Such a return is logical when a child switched to home schooling for health reasons, and after treatment has a desire to return to school.

Homeschooling at school, what it is and what options are there

There are six options for home schooling in global teaching practice.:

Pros and cons of home schooling

As in any business, home schooling has both positive and negative sides . Before starting registration, parents should think carefully and consult the Department of Education. Yes, you can change from full-time to home schooling at any stage of school, in any grade. You can also return back to school at any time. But the schoolchild’s opinion is also important here, since a change of environment, a change in the rhythm of life is unknown how it will affect a particular child.


  • for learning, you can develop a convenient schedule taking into account the child’s inclinations and his biological clock;
  • the child is protected from attacks from peers, as well as from possible troubles with teachers;
  • unloved school rules and rituals are not taken into account in life;
  • parents get the opportunity to fully control all the child’s actions, including protecting him from possible bad influences, which is especially important at the transitional stage of development;
  • for children with high IQ there is an opportunity to pay more attention to additional subjects and rare foreign languages;
  • the risk of viral diseases is significantly reduced, and there is also an opportunity to straighten your posture and work on improving vision in case of existing problems;
  • For a gifted child, there is an opportunity to complete the school program in an accelerated version.


  • a low level of communication with peers, including in resolving conflict situations, reduces the chances of success in a future independent life;
  • parents bear the burden of monitoring the child, including the quality of education;
  • the lack of school discipline and a “blurred” study schedule discourages the student, which may well affect educational results;
  • lack of constant communication with peers is tantamount to lack of life experience;
  • A student's long stay alone (without communicating with peers) can develop a “black sheep” complex.

So, you already know homeschooling at school, what it is, what options are available, how these options relate to the law, and after analyzing the situation, you have decided to transfer your child to homeschooling. Let's consider one option - family education. However, the basic principles other than collection medical documents when switching to home schooling, they work when switching to any of the current options.

First of all, you need to find a school that has a policy on family education. A sample of such a document can be downloaded for review here . It is not a fact that the school closest to you supports family education. The best option would be to contact the education department of your area, which knows for certain the schools in the area with which it is possible to conclude an agreement on family education.

Then you should:

  • collect Required documents(get the list from the Department of Education);
  • write an application addressed to the school director for a transfer to family education in free form, but refer to Law No. 273, adopted on December 29, 2012, “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

An application can also be written to the Department of Education, since a commission to resolve the issue is created on the basis of the department, and school directors do not really like to take responsibility.

Your application will be reviewed by a commission assembled by the Department of Education. Parents and their children may be invited to the committee meeting. Based on the results of the review, a decision will be made.

If your child was already in school and you decided to transfer him to family education, but to another school, they may try to force you to write an application for expulsion from the school you are leaving. No legal grounds to write such a statement. What if you change your mind and decide to return your child to full-time education and the school you are leaving is the most convenient for your child.

If the commission’s decision is positive, it is necessary to draw up an agreement on family education with the school administration ( ). It is advisable to perform all actions in summer time before the start of the new school year.

It should be kept in mind that The school administration has the right to terminate the signed contract in the event of poor certification results.

The possibility of terminating the contract should encourage parents to fulfill their obligations regarding the child’s education.

For your information
When transitioning to family education, the “Regulations on obtaining education in the family” assumes financial aid(most often this is 500 rubles per month - it’s worth checking with the education department, since the amount varies in the regions) and free provision of textbooks from the school library.

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