“If I were a deputy. Essays on Russian language and literature Essays on the topic deputy

January 27 was the Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade. The Drama Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya has prepared a new literary and musical composition “ Secret weapon Leningrad" and invited schoolchildren of the city to attend. Students from our gymnasium also attended this very important event.

CHOU "Perfect - Gymnasium" joined the memorial campaign "Siege Bread"

The All-Russian memorial event "Siege Bread" - an event dedicated to the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade, recalls the tragedy of the entire city, which unfolded amid the general grief of the Great Patriotic War. The main goal of the action is to preserve the memory of the tragedy that the residents of Leningrad faced.

"Young Inventors"

January 27, 2020 at the Station Young technicians The exhibition “Young Inventors” opened, dedicated to the Day of Children's Inventions. Children's Invention Day is celebrated around the world on January 17th. This day is dedicated to all young inventors, without whom we would not know today. Children's Invention Day is celebrated on the birthday of Benjamin Franklin, a statesman, scientist and inventor.

Library lesson on the siege of Leningrad.

A library lesson dedicated to the siege of Leningrad was prepared and conducted by school librarian Lyudmila Petrovna on January 22-25. Students in grades 6-8 at the gymnasium learned that Leningrad survived the siege for almost 900 days; the bread ration was 125 grams per day. The city of Leningrad is now St. Petersburg, the northern capital of Russia.


In Udmurtia, in the city of Izhevsk, on a warm January day, an unusual sports competition called “Bibliobiathlon” was held among schoolchildren. These competitions were organized by the city sports committee and the central library of Izhevsk. The idea of ​​these competitions is this: schoolchildren run a certain distance on skis, where instead of shooting with weapons, they answer questions from librarians.

January 22 is the third day of the Week of Russian Language and Literature.

In 8th grade there was a quiz “I love my native language.” The children had to answer questions testing their knowledge in the field of spelling, vocabulary, phraseology, syntax, and also remember the history of our native language, solve puzzles and charades.

“The Great Victory is the pride of generations!”

“The Great Victory is the pride of generations!”, under this motto, on November 18, the “75 Years of Victory” campaign started in our gymnasium. From this day on, in preparation for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, the School Self-Government Council is conducting search work to collect material about the relatives and friends of our teachers and high school students.

The first day of the week of Russian language and literature.

Today there is excitement in our gymnasium. The walls of the halls are decorated with colorful newspapers, illustrations for works of art, crosswords and puzzles. What's going on? On January 20, the Week of Russian Language and Literature started.

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy State Duma».

The most important and important person in Russia - the president. But one person cannot rule such a huge country. For this, emes need helpers. Deputies are such assistants. They are chosen by the smartest, most competent and honest people. Any person possessing these qualities can become a deputy.

If I were a deputy, I would listen very carefully to the requests of the population and try to fulfill them. As a deputy, I would watch how roads are repaired, how many houses, hospitals, schools and kindergartens are built. I would ban the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. I would increase my pension and salary.

It is necessary to increase the number of jobs so that everyone who wants can work in their specialty. Also increase the number educational institutions, and most importantly, make medical care and education absolutely free.

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy.”

I would like to change a lot of things in our legislation.

Firstly, I would make education free, both at school and at universities in our country, since we need to pay more attention to education and science. If science develops, then Russia will develop.

Secondly, I would pay more attention and assistance to the poor and disabled.

Thirdly, I would allocate money for the construction of new houses for young families, open kindergartens, homes for the homeless and orphans.

If I were a deputy, I would do everything that depends on me to improve life in our country.

Pegusheva Nastya, 8th grade

I would do a lot for our country: I would help orphans, provide them with housing so that they could live in abundance, would not wander the streets, would not ask people for food, so that they would not steal.

First of all, I would help schools so that they are provided with textbooks, computers, and make repairs. But not everyone can become a deputy. It is very difficult. I want our country to be in good hands.

Ryzhkova Alena, 8th grade

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy.”

In the future I want to get a good profession. But to get it, you need to study well. Required good conditions At school.

If I were a deputy, I would allocate money for a major overhaul of our school. Each classroom was equipped with an interactive whiteboard, a computer, and a bookcase. I would replace all the machines in the workshop and buy new, modern ones.

I dream of a separate office with exercise equipment.

It would be a good idea to replace the heating to make the classrooms warm and cozy.

I would cancel the Unified State Exam, as it is stressful for children.

But I only dream about this!

If I were a deputy, I would renovate the school. I installed a computer in every classroom, multimedia, and interactive whiteboards.

I want our school to have more learning opportunities. To have a lot of sports equipment.

My dream is a gym.

I would put new machines in the workshops.

I live in the village of Zhuravlevo. This is where I was born and where I study. I am surrounded by beautiful nature.

If I were a deputy, I would improve life in the village and do everything in my power for my small Motherland.

Boretskikh Ksyusha, 6th grade

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy”

If I were a deputy, I would propose making education free in schools and institutes, allocate money for new computers, new windows, and renovation of classrooms.
I would make medicine free, allocate money for free medicines for everyone, to improve conditions in the wards, new equipment and the construction of new hospitals.
I would achieve an increase in salaries, including for teachers and doctors, scholarships, and child benefits.
I would take control of prices for gas, heating, gasoline and food. I would suggest banning the sale of alcohol and cigarettes.
I would work to improve people's living conditions: reducing housing prices, renovating houses and apartments.
I would also run for president in order to make everything “WOULD” come true.

Tolmachev Andrey, 6th grade

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy”

I live in a large, beautiful democratic country - Russia. I am proud of this and love my Motherland. Based on the Constitution of our country, every person has the right to vote. When I turn 18, I will also take part in elections, but now I can only dream.
A deputy is a person who must take care of the interests and needs of the people, and therefore of our country. So, if I were a deputy, I would do the following: take care

About affordable treatment and education,

Providing jobs for youth,

About housing for young families,

About salary increase

For everyone to live in peace and friendship.
I would be involved in the development of sports in the village. I would build a new gym, an indoor ice skating rink, and buy a new hockey uniform for our team.
But for now my main task is to grow up, gain knowledge, and help my parents and friends.

Klygin Kirill, 8th grade

Essay on the topic “If I were a deputy”

I'm in eighth grade. I'm approaching my fourteenth year. At this age, people usually think about choosing a profession, about how their future, independent life will turn out. And of course, I understand that with the onset of adulthood, I will have to take responsibility for the fate of my country, exercising the right of a citizen to elect and be elected. But in order to choose a worthy representative of the interests of many people or to be a people’s representative yourself, you need to clearly understand what a deputy can and should do.
Let's imagine that I am a deputy of the State Duma. Where would I start? From reforms and publication of laws. But what laws, in my opinion, are paramount? Everyone knows the truth that the well-being of a country is judged by how its elderly and children live. And it’s no secret that we still have many problems here. I would try to ensure that pensions provide our veterans with a decent life, and for this, of course, we need to increase salaries and benefits, and make changes to the benefit system.
I am sure that money should not be spared on children, because they are the future of the country. Kindergartens, secondary schools, sports schools and art schools - all this must not only be equipped with last word science and technology, but also accessible to any child, regardless of the thickness of his parents’ wallet.

Mikhail Mezentsev, 8th grade

Meteleva Valeria 10 B grade

Being a deputy is not just a privilege, but also a serious responsibility. Unfortunately, many people now believe that deputies and officials are only engaged in trying to lobby for laws that improve their lives. Of course, this happens, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Your shirt is closer to your body.”



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 named after. A.A. Arakantseva

Semikarakorsk" Rostov region

/346630 Rostov region, Semikarakorsk, Arakantseva st., 2; tel. 4-68-79/

“If I were elected as a deputy...”

Performed by Valeria Sergeevna Meteleva

10 "B" class,

DOB 09.10.1996

346630 Rostov region


st. Koroleva, 10-5

tel: 89614101356

Scientific supervisor Elena Leontievna Meteleva

teacher of Russian language and literature

May 2013

Who talks a lot, although he speaks the truth,

not appreciated by people. The ever-noisy river

Although it is useful, people do not pay attention to it.

Indian wisdom.

Being a deputy is not just a privilege, but also a serious responsibility. Unfortunately, many people now believe that deputies and officials are only engaged in trying to lobby for laws that improve their lives. Of course, this happens, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Your shirt is closer to your body.”

I think that few of us high school students have thought about the question: “How do I imagine a deputy? What qualities do you need to have to become a people’s representative?”

In many sources you can find information that a deputy is a person authorized to exercise legislative power and other powers provided for by federal legislation. Of course, the elected representative of the people must carry out the orders of his voters, act thoughtfully, responsibly, knowledgeably, and delve into all the details. My aunt is a deputy of the Semikarakor urban settlement. This is not the first year I have been observing her work and I can say with confidence that a deputy is a person competent in legal, economic, cultural and aesthetic issues, a person who thinks less about himself and more about his people. He must have such qualities as honesty, hard work, responsiveness, and patriotism.

If I were elected as a deputy, then first of all I would pay attention to ecological problems. In our region, as in many other regions of our country, they are caused by economic activity person, which is expressed in pollution atmospheric air, aquatic environment, soil

Every year, industry and transport in the Rostov region emit a huge amount of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. It is necessary to pay close attention to the installation and the most effective use at all industrial enterprises areas of dust collection and gas cleaning equipment, as well as tighten control over inspections of automobile enterprises, car service stations, cars on highways for toxicity and smoke, develop more effective measures to reduce air pollution: create diagnostic posts equipped with modern monitoring devices, organize repair and adjustment areas engines and others. In my opinion, we should not forget that the health of the nation directly depends on the state of the environment.

To learn better about the problems of my fellow countrymen, I would meet with them as often as possible. different people. In my opinion, veterans deserve special attention. Therefore, I would try to help resolve the issue of medicine, telephone, housing, and transport services.

Also in our region people of many nationalities live in peace and harmony. The region is thriving: new high-rise buildings, schools are being built, and kindergartens are opening. As a deputy, I would try to adopt additional priority programs that take into account national interests all citizens of the Rostov region. Of course, for last years The socio-economic situation in the region has improved significantly, but even more can be done.

I love my motherland, rich in natural resources, thanks to the golden hands of its skillful and enterprising inhabitants. I would try to direct this wealth in the right direction, for the benefit of people. Our pride is watermelons and tomatoes. And here is an important task that I would set for myself. To prevent products from dying in the fields, it is necessary to help farmers with harvesting and selling them. What needs to be done for this? I think that we need to work together with farmers to make the right economic balance, calculations that are beneficial for everyone.

It is no secret that the hardest time is now for the low-income category of our citizens - the disabled, the frail elderly, and orphans. Sometimes it becomes a shame for our elderly people who are forced to vegetate on a small pension, although they have worked honestly and with dignity all their lives. Questions inevitably arise as to why the same grandparents abroad can move to warm countries to maintain health, ensure a childless old age, travel? Therefore, as a deputy, I would come up with a proposal to organize a Fund to help unprotected, low-income categories of citizens. This Fund could include entrepreneurs of large and small businesses.

The main question for me as a deputy would be the question of the lives of young people. After all, youth is the future that awaits each of us somewhere out there, beyond some indefinite line. What would I do to make this future more prosperous? Why do young people often go to extremes? Maybe she just needs something to do? And for this, in my opinion, it is necessary to create more sports sections, various clubs, entertainment events, competitions, youth centers, where everyone would do what they like. After all, each person has his own inclinations, his own fire in his soul, which must be gradually supported so that it does not go out.

There is another, no less important problem - the problem of employment. I believe that we cannot allow young people, having received an education, to be unable to get a job just because this specialty turned out to be unclaimed.

There are, of course, many problems. Can you really list everything?! But I am sure that each of us can take an active part in the fate of the country, in the fate of our region. Let's just try to be a little kinder. I live with the dream that everything in our life will be fine. And for this you need to study, live and work for the people

Almost every person is dissatisfied with something in his life, some things he can change, but some things, alas, he cannot. We want more power, but it is only given by the deputy of the country in which we live.

If I were a deputy, I would introduce a number of innovations that would improve the lives of citizens. The first thing we changed was the training system. Schools should not impose knowledge, because in this way they will never be used for future use. School knowledge should be presented to students in a playful way or in some other way, but in such a way that children want to learn something new. Such a system will greatly improve the level of education in my country.

The following changes would affect parks and other public places. While walking, I often notice many young people who allow themselves to break the law; they smoke and drink on playgrounds. This situation can be corrected by introducing high fines, which will be feared, and the police will monitor this. Of course, now there is already control over this, but it is not enough, people still violate it. The number of police officers should be increased and then citizens will be much more law-abiding.

Crime is present in any country, so you need to figure out what causes this problem. The first is the financial crisis, so the number of jobs should be increased. If people are satisfied with their salary and live in abundance, then crime will decrease to a minimum. The second is a large amount of free time. Citizens should be occupied as much as possible. There are many types of activities, let them engage in self-education/self-development. For this scheme to work, the population needs to be stimulated to do something.

If I were a deputy, I would organize cleanup days. Exists global problem, which is associated with forests. There are fewer and fewer green areas on our planet, people are exhausting their resources. Subbotniks would greatly improve this situation. Each family will plant at least 2 trees a day and this is already a huge contribution to environment, after all, every family in the city has already planted a couple of hundred trees.

Being a deputy is very hard work, which makes a person responsible not only for the country, but also for every person who lives in it. He should be concerned about each of us and make sure that our lives are happy and prosperous.

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