Who is Solovyov and his biography. Eight truly beautiful children of Vladimir Solovyov, born from three women with unusual appearance. Vladimir Solovyov with sons and daughters

“Wherever I am - at an important official reception or at a meeting with big people - if my mother calls me, I always answer,” the famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov once admitted. The only moment when he cannot answer his mother’s call is on air. And he spends more time on air than anyone else in the world. He recently entered the Guinness Book of Records for the longest stay on air in one week - 25 hours 53 minutes and 57 seconds. And that's just his work on television. Three times a week he spends another four hours on live radio. Plus two full-fledged sports training sessions a day. Moreover, before each program he still has to read about a hundred pages of text.

His broadcasts are the most emotional on TV. It is impossible to remain indifferent to him - they selflessly love or hate him, write petitions for his removal from work, delve into his biography in search of compromising information. But his program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” has long been one of the highest rated.

“This record is not entirely accurate. In other weeks I worked even more. I just live on air! I have a feeling that even if you turn on the iron, then I’ll be there too,” the presenter commented on his entry into the Guinness Book of Records .

He has been a TV presenter with Elga Sapp for almost 20 years. They met on the set of a video for the group “Crematorium”. Soloviev gave his phone number to a pretty girl who worked part-time as a model, with the words: “If there are problems, call.” And she called him to consult about her thesis about the death penalty. Already on the third date, he proposed to her.

“Relationships with women are always a secret. You should never get to the bottom of them. They should have their own space, their own territory, the opportunity to be independent. There is no need to try to dominate and tie them hand and foot. Trust them and your feelings!” - the journalist told Boris Korchevnikov.

The TV presenter is used to always keeping everything under control, and this applies not only to his work on television. He is the author of many books, the father of eight children, five of whom were born in his third marriage to Elga. By the way, he even supervised their birth personally and was present at all births.

"There are many children, they are the most different ages. Why bother them? It’s already hard for them that they have such a father. The more recognizable you become, the harder it is for them,” admitted Solovyov. For example, his son is a brilliant director. But the young man does not want to exhibit his work in Russia, he is afraid that they will say that it is all only thanks to his father. He is a TV presenter of all his children considers very bright people, he never imposes his will on them. But he will not just go out in public with them. “These are unnecessary risks,” Vladimir Solovyov is sure. And his mother instilled in him a simple and clear approach to his own children , who argued that we must love people.

Soloviev always played a lot of sports. He liked boxing since childhood, and he still boxes often. He also runs five to six times a week. Vladimir Solovyov strives to have at least seven training sessions per week. Initially, his goal was to lose weight, because he once weighed 160 kilograms. And the main incentive for this was... his work on television. Then he was fired from one channel, and on another they set a condition - to appear before viewers in a different image.

“I adore Ukraine. My grandparents graduated from the Kharkov Aviation Institute. My aunt still lives in Gorlovka. I do not separate the people of Ukraine from ours. We are all one giant Soviet people, - noted the TV presenter. - But I hate Banderaites and Nazis. This is the story of our family, when six of my relatives were buried alive during the war."

Vladimir Solovyov helps other people a lot, but tries to do it non-publicly. "When I see people suffering, it's real to me physical pain", the journalist admitted.

What did Soloviev teach Boris Korchevnikov? Who did the TV presenter play in the series "National Security Agent"? What was he doing in America? How did you feel during the birth of your children? And what picture does he imagine of absolute happiness? The answers are in the program of Boris Korchevnikov.

with mom, uznayvse.ru

As a child he was transferred from regular school to an institution with in-depth knowledge in English. The children and grandchildren of the party elite went to school No. 27 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but Vladimir managed to enroll and study there successfully. In the 9th grade I became interested in martial arts and philosophy, and before that I played football. But his main vocation was debate. The future journalist had no equal in them.

In 1980, Vladimir graduated from school and tried to enter first MEPhI, then the physics department of Moscow State University, but they did not accept him there, allegedly because of his Jewish origin. As a result, he entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), from which he graduated with honors (specialty “metallurgical engineer”) in 1986. Afterwards there was postgraduate study at the Institute international relations and the world economy. He defended his PhD and received a PhD in Economics.


He was then invited to teach economics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. But almost immediately, according to Solovyov himself, management terminated the contract at the insistence of the FBI. All his life Soloviev did not shy away from any kind of work. And now I did everything to stay in the USA and “get back on my feet” (cleaned, mowed lawns, etc.). And he succeeded. He began his career as an entrepreneur, took over a factory for the production of disco equipment, and later sold it to Russia. After this, Vladimir took over the recruitment agency. He sold the business, successfully invested his savings and secured a comfortable existence for himself.

First wife

Vladimir Solovyov was married three times. His first chosen one was a girl named Olga, whom he met on the subway. At the time, the journalist was 22 years old. As Soloviev later admitted in an interview, his marriage took place late by family standards: his grandfather got his wife at the age of 16, and his father got married at 18. From Olga, Vladimir has two children - Polina and Alexander. Olga never forbade her father to communicate with the children, so he helped them financially and raised them, albeit at a distance.

eldest son Alexander with his wife, instagram.com/vrsoloviev

They have been adults for a long time. Alexander studied in London, got married in 2016 in Moscow and works in the film industry. Fans are sure that the eldest son is simply a copy of his father. Polina received her education in Moscow, graduated from the Institute of Television, and received a degree in broadcasting. She dreams of repeating her father's career. The eldest daughter is married and even gave birth to a girl, so Vladimir Rudolfovich is already a grandfather.


Second wife

During his graduate studies, Vladimir became interested in the girl Julia, who became his second chosen one. She followed her husband abroad, where he was invited to teach. The couple returned with their daughter Katya. Subsequently, she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School and works in her specialty. Alas, this marriage was short-lived.

Third wife

The third wife of Vladimir Solovyov is the daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin with the sonorous name Elga Sepp. They met on the set of the video for the group “Crematorium”. At that time, the journalist was friends with the group leader Armen Grigoryan. Their acquaintance looked like this: a 140-kilogram, mustachioed man handed her a business card with the words: “If you need anything, call!” “And if you don’t need anything, can you call?” Elga joked. In response to these words, Soloviev asked on what date it would be appropriate to propose marriage. “On the third!” - he heard in response and, indeed, asked Elga to marry at their third meeting. The girl was taken aback by such a proposal, thought for a long time, but eventually agreed.

with Elga Sapp and children, alabanza.ru

Five children of Solovyov

They got married in 2005, in one of the castles in Normandy. Elga gave her beloved five children. Son Daniel was born in 2001. He looks very much like his mother and has long blond hair. Fans predict a career as a model for him. Now he is studying at the Moscow elite school named after Lomonosov.

Daniil is on the far right, alabanza.ru

Sofia-Betina Solovyova was born in 2004 and is growing up to be a real beauty! She has blue eyes and blond hair. The star's daughter is still studying at an elite school, but already dreams of becoming an actress.

Sofia-Betina in the middle, life.ru

Emma-Esther Solovyova was born in 2006. She simply loves nature. The little celebrity especially loves the country family home. By the way, all the children from previous marriages meet them there and communicate as equals.


Vladimir Solovyov Jr. was born in 2010. When Elga became pregnant, the couple immediately decided that if a boy was born, they would name him the same as his father. Now he is 8 years old and goes to second grade. Little Vladimir wears glasses and is always very serious and focused. For this reason, his family calls him “Professor.” In the future he wants to become a scientist.

Ivan, 07a.ru

In 2012, Elga gave birth to another son to her husband, who was named Ivan. He is the youngest and most beloved child in the family. Vladimir Solovyov himself does not rule out that he and his wife will have more children. Well, one can only envy their courage!

Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov. Born on October 20, 1963 in Moscow. Russian journalist, TV presenter, writer, actor, singer, public figure.

Father - Rudolf Naumovich Solovyov, teacher of political economy.

Mother - Inna Solomonovna Solovyova (Shapiro), art critic.

The parents met as students at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin, separated when Vladimir was four years old.

Maternal grandfather - Solomon Lvovich Shapiro, grandmother - Polina Petrovna, they worked at the machine-building plant named after M. V. Khrunichev.

I went to school at school No. 72 in Moscow. But from the second grade he studied at the elite special school No. 27, studying a number of subjects in English, where the children and grandchildren of members of the CPSU Central Committee, diplomats, etc. studied. comprehensive school No. 1232 with in-depth study of the English language.

As a child, I played football and karate.

He said: “As a child, I was with the ball all the time. Moreover, I could never chase or be technical, but I liked to give a beautiful pass, cut, deceive. I once read from Nikolai Petrovich Starostin how he and his brother developed speed, accelerating among the crowd. I also started working on acceleration. A friend of my father got me a job at the FSM, whose director was Valentin Bubukin (an amazing person, I love him!). I suffered through the season there, although gradually the quantity turned into quality - I began to get into the first team, played well as a left back. But then I had to quit - an English special school started, and it was far away to go to Luzhniki. It took a lot of time, but there was no talent. I always fanatically loved football, but he didn’t love me. And how could I go to football? An intelligent family! My grandfather loved joke: “The father had three sons, two smart and a football player.” Then he studied in Fili, in Soviet time All the boys were taken there, even the not particularly gifted ones. Our coach once played for Lokomotiv; due to alcoholism, he ended his career early and went to work with children. As I remember now: I’m sitting in the reserves (me and the main team - different worlds) - and he told me: “Get ready!” I’m warming up, and he says to one of the parents: “Well, how can I not let him out? He loves football so much! Really, I have zero abilities...” I think: “As soon as I get out there, as soon as I show something!”... Karate started at the age of 14, and in parallel with this, my abilities in football suddenly grew.”

In 1980 he entered and in 1986 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with honors. At the same institute, Vladislav Surkov and Mikhail Fridman, whom Solovyov had known since 1981, studied a year younger.

Graduated from graduate school at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He defended his dissertation on the topic “Main trends in the production of new materials and factors of the efficiency of their use in the industry of the USA and Japan” and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Until 1990, he taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at school No. 27, where he himself studied at one time.

Since 1990, he has taught economics at the University of Alabama.

In 1992, he returned to Russia, was engaged in business, in his words, “I had my own factories, in Russia and the Philippines. They produced disco equipment in the 90s and sold it all over the world. There was an employment agency in Moscow.”

In 1998, he sold the business and invested money in Gazprom shares.

From July 10, 1998 to July 29, 2010 - host of the morning show “Nightingale Trills” on the “Silver Rain” radio station. Since September 2010, he has been a presenter on Vesti-FM radio (the program “Full Contact” with Anna Shafran).

Vladimir Solovyov was a member of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. He played football for the Russian Jewish Congress team.

In 2005, Vladimir Solovyov participated in the founding congress of the “Nashi” movement, created by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and also trained members of this movement.

In 2012, by Decree, he was included in the Council for Public Television.

Vladimir Solovyov. Why do you need Crimea?

Conflicts and scandals of Vladimir Solovyov

On October 19, 2006, he participated in a television debate as a presenter between candidates for the position of head of the Samara city district, Viktor Tarkhov and Georgy Limansky. During and after the broadcast, Tarkhov was insulted by Solovyov. After this, the candidate filed a lawsuit for 10 million rubles against the journalist. A year and a half later, the court of first instance partially satisfied the claim, ruling to recover 70 thousand rubles from the defendant.

In April 2008, an employee of the presidential administration, Valery Boev, filed a lawsuit against Solovyov for the protection of honor and dignity. In the program “Nightingale Trills,” Solovyov made statements compromising him: “there are no independent courts in Russia, there are courts dependent on Boev.” However, in May of the same year, Boev decided to withdraw the claim.

In 2011, the Religious Community of Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan sent a note of protest to the management of the Vesti FM radio station, as well as to the Russian Jewish Congress, against Solovyov’s statement about the Republic of Azerbaijan on Vesti FM.

In February 2014, the National Research University graduate School Economics" considered the mention of the university offensive during Solovyov’s discussion with students of the educational institution. On February 19, on the air of the “Full Contact” program on Vesti FM radio, he announced that “under the auspices” of the Faculty of Applied Political Science at the university there are “organized terrorist groups” that are preparing the “Maidan underground.” The statement indicates that the university had a negative attitude towards both Solovyov’s statements and the students’ remarks, and attempts to connect the educational institution with political position the participants in the scandal are regarded there as a provocation.

In June 2014, businessman Sergei Polonsky filed a claim in the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow for protection of honor and compensation for moral damage in the amount of 200 million rubles against the Vesti FM radio station and journalist Solovyov because of his broadcast in November 2013.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the war in the South-East of Ukraine.

According to the government procurement website for 2014-2016, the company SV-Consulting, in which Vladimir Solovyov is one of the owners, received 316.5 million rubles from Sberbank on a non-alternative basis as the only supplier (the bank refers to clause of the Procurement Regulations OJSC "Sberbank of Russia", according to which such a competition can be held in the case "when the identity of the counterparty is of fundamental importance due to its exclusive experience"). Instead of procurement documents in all three contracts there are empty files. According to journalist Alexey Kovalev, the intermediary from Sberbank, Nikolai Bogaty, indicated in one of the contracts, who works in the department for dealing with problem assets of the bank, is married to Solovyov’s daughter.

In June 2016, he intervened in the election campaign, harshly criticizing the “passing place” in the primaries. United Russia" By Sverdlovsk region KVN actress. After this, Yu. Mikhalkova-Matyukhina withdrew her candidacy.

In June 2017, the journalist called the participants in the June 12 protests “the eternal two percent of crap,” “children of corrupt officials,” and “majorist idiots,” and also stated that “if it weren’t for the police, the people would simply tear them to pieces.” This statement was criticized by protesters.

August 15, 2017, assessing the deputy’s struggle State Duma with the scandalous film “Matilda”, Solovyov called Poklonskaya “illiterate”. The journalist criticized her statement about the myrrh-streaming image of Nicholas II in Crimea. Her supporters criticized these statements by Solovyov.

In particular, the oppositionist pointed out that in 2004, with the help of the Moscow authorities, the TV presenter received an apartment in the city center at a reduced price. In addition, Solovyov owns a dacha in the Moscow region and a villa on Lake Como in Italy. The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) estimated the total value of these real estate properties at more than a billion rubles. Navalny also indicated that Soloviev has an Italian resident certificate.

Apartments, dacha and Italian villa of Vladimir Solovyov

In response, Vladimir Solovyov advised not to make a sensation out of his financial well-being, because he does not hide his wealth.

“I’m a rich man, didn’t anyone know about this? I don’t really understand what the complaints against me are, that I don’t hide it? I was involved in business in the nineties and am a rich man. I understand that Navalny is haunted by this, but I don’t know why he should extrapolate his complexes to me. Because I didn’t do business in Montenegro? Well, sorry. Of course, these are all complexes. I don’t understand what the complaints against me are. Am I an official, a civil servant? No. “I’m just rich,” Solovyov noted.

Vladimir Solovyov's work on television:

“Silver Galosh” (RTR, 1997);
Current interview “Passion for Solovyov” (TNT, 1999-2001);
Talk show “The Process” (together with, ORT, 1999-2001);
Documentary observation “Breakfast with Solovyov” (TV-6, TVS, 2001-2003);
Musical program “Nightingale Night” (TV-6, 2001-2002);
Current interview “Look who came!” (TVS, 2002-2003);
Talk show “Duel” (TVS, 2002-2003; Russia-1, since 2010);
Talk show “To the Barrier!” (NTV, 2003-2009);
Talk show “Orange Juice” (NTV, 2003-2004);
Annual program “Golden Nightingale” (NTV, 2004-2005);
Analytical talk show “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” (NTV, 2005-2008; Russia-1, since 2012);
Televised debates of candidates for the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation (Russia-1, 2011-2012);
“Direct Conversation” (Moscow region, 2013);
“Blue Bird” (Russia-1, 2016).

At the end of February 2014, together with a number of Russian journalists, public and political figures, he signed the appeal of the “We Are All Berkut” Foundation, created to support employees of the Ukrainian special forces Berkut, which opposed activists at the Euromaidan.

In a relationship armed conflict in eastern Ukraine took a very definite position, declaring in July 2014: “This is a direct reference to the Great Patriotic War, to the times of the “heroes of Ukraine” - Bandera and Shukhevych. In Novorossiya, anti-fascists are fighting fascists.”

In 2015, I had a long interview with the president Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which was used in Saida Medvedeva’s documentary “World Order”.

Vladimir Solovyov. Interview with Putin. World order

After the start of the Russian military operation in Syria in the fall of 2015, he was the only journalist to whom the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave an interview.

In June 2016, he intervened in the election campaign, harshly criticizing KVN actress Yu. E. Mikhalkova-Matyukhina, who took the “passing place” in the United Russia primaries. After this, Yu. Mikhalkova-Matyukhina withdrew her candidacy.

Has awards: Order of Friendship (June 27, 2007) - “for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful work”; Order of Honor (September 13, 2013) - “for his great contribution to the development of national culture and art, television, and many years of creative activity”; Order of Honor (Armenia, December 6, 2013); Order of Alexander Nevsky (April 22, 2014) - “for high professionalism and objectivity in covering events in the Republic of Crimea.”

In October 2019, for the longest stay in live during one week. According to the Guinness Book of Records website, from March 18 to March 24, 2019, Solovyov was on television for 25 hours, 53 minutes and 57 seconds.

Vladimir Solovyov's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladimir Solovyov:

Was married three times. Father of eight children from three wives.

In the first marriage, two children were born - daughter Polina (graduated from the M. A. Litovchin Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting) and son Alexander.

In her second marriage, a daughter, Ekaterina Solovyova, was born in 1991; she graduated from the Theater School. Shchukin.

The third wife is Elga Sepp (born 06/01/1972), daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin.

Children from the third marriage: Daniil Solovyov (born October 12, 2001), Sofia-Betina Solovyova, Emma-Esther Solovyov was born in December 2006, Vladimir Solovyov was born on February 14, 2010, Ivan Solovyov was born on October 6, 2012.

Professes Judaism.

In the early 2000s, Vladimir weighed about 150 kg. Then I lost 70 kg. His secret is simple: proper nutrition(often, but little by little), sleep more (at least 7 hours), once a week eat a single product (watermelon, plum, low-fat kefir).

Filmography of Vladimir Solovyov:

2000 - National Security Agent - 2 - Boris Lopatin, businessman
2004 - Only you... or rich Lisa - TV presenter
2005 - Prime Time Goddess - cameo
2006 - Soviet period park - cameo

Documentaries Vladimir Solovyov:

Discography of Vladimir Solovyov:

2004 - Nightingale trills
2007 - The Wizard
"Russians folk tales» (audiobook on 2 CDs)

Bibliography of Vladimir Solovyov:

2005 - The Gospel of Solovyov
2006 - Russian Roulette
2007 - Us and Them. A short course in survival in Russia
2007 - Apocalypse from Vladimir
2008 - Putin. A guide for those who care
2008 - Chronicles of the Second Coming
2009 - Confrontation: Russia - USA
2009 - “We are Russians! God is with us!"
2009 - Solovyov vs. Solovyov. To lose weight or not to lose weight?
2009 - Minus 80 kilograms! Who is bigger?
2010 - Putin - Medvedev. What's next?
2010 - 1001 questions about the past, present and future of Russia
2010 - Russian Roulette. Notes on the margins of recent history
2011 - Manipulation. Attack and defend!
2011 - Enemies of Russia
2012 - Empire of Corruption. Territory of the Russian national game
2014 - Russian turn. Where is Russia going?
2014 - Breaking the pattern

He has long become a popular TV presenter, whose credits include such well-known TV shows and programs as “To the Barrier!”, “Sunday Evening” on NTV, “Duel”, “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” and others, and he is also a journalist, writer, actor, singer and public figure, candidate of economic sciences.

Viewers are interested in knowing more about such a popular media personality, including what the real name of Vladimir Solovyov is.

He was born into an intelligent Moscow family, his mother, Inna Solomonovna Shapiro, an art critic, worked at the Battle of Borodino museum. She met her future husband and father Vladimir Rudolf Naumovich Vinitkovsky while studying at the Pedagogical Institute. Lenin. Later father Vladimir Rudolfovich took his mother’s surname and became Solovyov, and his son began to bear this surname.

The family relationships of Vladimir Rudolfovich's parents did not work out, and they separated when he was only six years old, although they were able to maintain normal friendly relations. After his parents' divorce, Vladimir continued to communicate with his father, and also spent a lot of time with his grandparents - Solomon Lvovich and Polina Petrovna.

Soloviev studied at an elite special school with in-depth study of the English language, and together with him in this educational institution The children and grandchildren of high-ranking officials and the party elite studied, and after graduation he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

Having received the specialty “metallurgical engineer” and a diploma with honors, Solovyov continued his postgraduate studies at the Institute of International Relations and World Economy, defended his dissertation on the topic “Fundamentals of production trends the latest materials and factors of the effectiveness of their use in industry in Japan and the USA.”

In the photo - Soloviev with his family

The personal life of Vladimir Solovyov was no less eventful - he was married three times, and became the father of eight children who bear his last name. His first wife, Olga Solovyova, gave birth to two children: a daughter, Polina, who now works as a PR manager for the Melodiya record company, and a son, Alexander, who currently lives in the UK, where he films music videos.

Married to his second wife Evgenia Zhvakina, Vladimir Rudolfovich had a daughter, Ekaterina, who later graduated from the Theater School. Shchukin. Most of all the children Solovyov bore were his third wife, Elga Sepp, with whom he is happily married and currently lives. Elga gave Vladimir Rudolfovich three sons - Daniil, Vladimir and Ivan, and two daughters - Sofia-Betina and Emma-Esther, and they all bear his last name

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Biography, life story of Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov

Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov - Russian journalist, TV presenter, radio host, public figure, singer.

Children's and teenage years. Education

Vladimir Solovyov was born on October 20, 1963 in Moscow. Father - Rudolf Naumovich Soloviev. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology Pedagogical Institute them. and worked as a teacher of political economy at a statistical technical school. Mother - Inna Solomonovna Shapiro. She graduated from the same department of the same university and worked as an art historian at the Battle of Borodino panorama museum.

In 1980, Vladimir graduated from the elite English special school No. 27, where the children and grandchildren of members of the CPSU Central Committee, diplomats and other high-ranking parents studied. Since childhood, he loved literature, history and theater. In the 9th grade I became interested in karate and Eastern philosophy. Participated in the school production of "Macbeth" by. I have always been drawn to art. In his youth he wrote stories.

After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, which he graduated in 1986 with honors.

In 1989, Vladimir graduated from graduate school at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO). He defended his dissertation on the topic “Main trends in the production of new materials and factors of the efficiency of their use in industry in the USA and Japan” and received the title of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Career path in radio and television. Social activity

Until 1990, Vladimir Solovyov taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at school No. 27, where he studied. Then he went to the USA, Alabama, to teach economics at the university. Actively participated in political life then America. In 1992 he returned to Russia. Leads Scientific research in the field of high technology efficiency. Together with friends he opens a small business. V. Soloviev is a member of the American Entrepreneurship Committee in Moscow, vice-president of the Association of Young Economists.

From 1997 to 2010, he hosted the “Nightingale Trills” program on the “Silver Rain” radio station. Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7.00 to 11.00. V. Solovyov discussed with listeners live the most various questions modern life, affecting wide range topics: from culinary recipes, fashion, etiquette, social and political life, computers and cars to reading the poetry of Chinese philosophers.


He began his television career in 1999, appearing as a host simultaneously in two talk shows: “The Process” on the ORT channel and “Passion for Solovyov” on TNT. Then there were the original programs “Breakfast with Solovyov” and “Nightingale Night” on TV-6, as well as “Look who came!”, “Duel” on TVS and “Orange Juice” on NTV. Since 2010, “The Duel” began airing on Rossiya-1.

In 2003 and 2005, respectively, two more popular talk shows appeared on NTV with host V. Solovyov - “To the Barrier!” and "Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov." In 2004-2005, the program “Golden Nightingale!” was broadcast on NTV. In 2005-2008, and then from 2012, the talk show “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” was broadcast on television. In 2013, the show began airing on the Podmoskovye channel “Direct conversation.” In 2016, “Blue Bird” started on “Russia-1”.

In 2005, Vladimir Solovyov took part in the founding congress of the “Nashi” movement and taught members of this movement the basics of “Nashi” ideology.

In 2010, Soloviev began hosting the morning show “Full Contact” on Vesti FM radio.

In 2012, Soloviev joined the Council for Public Television.


V. Solovyov is the author of the books “Russian Roulette” (2005, Eksmo Publishing House) about true face power, technologies of corruption, scams of oligarchs; "The Gospel of Solovyov" (2005, "CoLibri") - an adventure novel with elements of a psychological thriller, mysticism and philosophical parable; “Soloviev vs. Solovyov” (2004, Arbor Publishing House) – about methods of losing weight. This was the beginning of an exciting writing journey. Subsequently, Vladimir Rudolfovich created many books on political, social, historical topics, and on weight loss topics.


In December 2004, V. Solovyov released his debut CD album “Solovy trills”, where he performs as a singer. The disc consists of 12 songs by different authors, including “Red Army” by S. Pokrass, “Summer” by M. Naumenko, “Banderlog”, “I am what you need”, “Dubrovsky”, “Why”, “There is snow in the moonlight” silver", "Murka", "Hava Nagila"... All songs were recorded together with the musicians of the group " ". Sound engineer – S. Ovsyannikov.

In 2007, Vladimir Solovyov presented his second album entitled “The Wizard”. A little later, a collection of audio fairy tales, “Russian Folk Tales,” appeared on sale, where Soloviev acted as a reader.

Awards and prizes

In the spring of 2005, the official website of Vladimir Soloviev www.vsoloviev.ru received an award for the best website in the VIP category at the Golden Website competition. In the fall of the same year, V. Solovyov was awarded the TEFI Prize as the best interviewer. In 2017, the journalist also received a “TEFI” in the “Evening Prime” category.

In 2007, Vladimir Solovyov was awarded the Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to the development of domestic television. In 2013 he received the Order of Honor for his contribution to the development of culture and art. In 2013 he received the Order of Honor in Armenia. In 2014, Solovyov became the owner of the Order for a high level of professionalism and objectivity in covering events in Crimea.


V. Solovyov is actively involved in sports - he plays football for the Russian government team, and is the owner of a black belt in karate.

Personal life

Was married three times. He has children from different marriages. From his first wife: daughter Polina, studied at Humanitarian Institute television and radio broadcasting named after M.A. Lithuania; son Alexander, studied at British College. From his second marriage: daughter Ekaterina, born in 1991, graduate of the Shchukin Theater School.

The third wife is Elga Sepp, a psychologist, daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin. This marriage produced a boy, Daniil (born in 2001), a girl, Emma-Esther (born in 2006), a boy, Vladimir (born in 2010), and a boy, Ivan (born in 2012).

News from Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov

Journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov shared rather personal information with his subscribers. The man said that he was experiencing some problems with sleep. This is what Vladimir Rudolfovich said: “When you’re young, everything...

"How sad. What a wonderful writer has left us,” wrote journalist and presenter Vladimir Solovyov on his Twitter. This sad phrase refers to Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, the most talented writer of modern times...

Very soon, Russian journalist, writer and public figure Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov will delight his fans with new conversations about daily matters. On May 25 this year at exactly 19:00 at the Moscow Art Theater named after Maxim Gorky there will be a...

Photos of Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov


Alexander and Elena (Kerch, Crimea)

We are proud that on TV there are such smart, knowledgeable, witty, true professionals, patriots devoted to their country as Vladimir Solovyov. No wonder only about him positive reviews truly loving Russia, real people. Several reviews got here obviously by accident - people thought they were writing about Gamnuel, Gozman, Drandin, Sytin, offended Yabloko members, etc., but accidentally pressed the wrong button. This is the only way to justify these misdirected writings.

2017-06-09 23:48:29

Oleg (Moscow)

Our person.

2017-06-07 01:00:32

Sergey (Tolyatti)

I don’t know why there is so much dirt and stupidity in the comments addressed to Solovyov? An intelligent, competent, sharp and tactful, humorous, intelligent person who knows his business. Whoever thinks that he is engaged in empty chatter, I believe that this person is not pure in soul. The argument “Loves money” – is this a sinful position? See how it works. Up to 2 hours on the TV screen live, and at 7 again live on the radio.
He has a humanitarian background, and graduated as a technician with honors. Oh yes, he learned at the expense of others, as Evgeniy from Ufa believes.
Nikolai from Shebekino, without people like Nadezhdin and Company, his programs will be from the series “Cockerel and Cuckoo” (Krylov I.S.).
Alexander is from Chelyabinsk, and so what if Solovyov is a Jew? So Russia should be proud of such Jews, unlike some Russians.
Lyudmila from Shakhty, who forces you to listen to him, and especially every (!) day? There is a sea of ​​television and radio airtime, there is a choice. Better yet, find yourself a loved one, so you can take a break from being kind.
There are moments in his programs that I don’t like, but this is not a reason to reject the uniqueness, giftedness and talent of this person.
Lyudmila (Krasnodar), I agree with you!!!

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