Useful properties of cedars. Cedar - description, properties of cedar, application, interesting facts Does cedar grow?


Many of us know that cedars grow in the Siberian taiga, that pine nuts are very tasty and that there are also such birds - nutcrackers.

Yes, indeed, these nuts are very tasty and such birds exist, but cedars do not grow in Siberia. In Russia, cedar colloquial speech called Siberian pine.

And real cedar is Lebanese cedar. It grows in the mountains of Turkey, Lebanon and Syria.

This tree is mentioned in the sacred Christian book- The Old Testament. King Solomon sent expeditions after it to build a temple from its durable and fragrant wood.

The Russian people who explored Siberia read the Old Testament, but never saw cedar. Seeing huge trees with “fluffy” needles, they decided that these were cedars.

Botanists know 4 types of cedar: Lebanese, Atlas (grows in North Africa), Cyprus (grows in the mountains on the island of Cyprus) and Himalayan (in the Himalayas, Northern India, in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan).

Cedars are powerful trees 25-50 m high with a spreading crown. Leaves are needles with 3-4 edges. On elongated shoots, the needles sit one at a time, on shortened shoots they are collected in bunches of 30-40 pieces. The cones are large, 5-11 cm long.

Cedars are one of the most ancient trees on Earth. Cedar pollen grains were found in rock formed about 250 million years ago. And specimens of Lebanese cedars are among the oldest on Earth, both in age and in the antiquity of the species. They are guarded and are depicted on the Lebanese coat of arms.

Cedar wood has a pleasant bright yellow or yellowish-red tone. Many wooden antiquities found during excavations on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea are made of cedar. These are, for example, wooden parts of the sarcophagus (coffin) of the Egyptian king Tutankhamun. The coffin was perfectly preserved for more than 3,200 years. The Palace of Versailles in Paris has a carved gate made from cedar grown on the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean Sea.

Cedars love warmth and cannot tolerate cold winters (especially Siberian ones). Therefore, they were able to take root only in the warm climate in the south of France, Italy, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia.

Cedar is a tree from the Pine family. Our message will tell you about it in detail.

Description of appearance

Cedar is a giant evergreen coniferous tree that grows up to 60 meters in height. The plant has a wide spreading crown, a slender trunk, and dark gray bark, which is smooth on young trees and cracked on old ones. The wood is very aromatic and resinous, strong and does not rot. The needles are short, hard and prickly, dark green or silver-gray. Needles live from 3 to 6 years. The roots are located close to the soil surface, so strong wind Even a powerful tree can be knocked down.

Cedars live for a very long time - up to 3000 years!

Where does cedar grow? His doubles

In fact, there are only 4 species that are truly cedars:

  • Atlas - grows in the mountains in northwestern Africa;
  • Lebanese - found in Asia, most often in Libya and Syria;
  • Cypriot - inhabits the island of Cyprus;
  • Himalayan - grows in the Western Himalayas.

Siberian cedar is widespread in Russia, which is actually a cedar pine.

Other trees are also often confused with cedar:

  • European and Korean - are actually European and Korean pine;
  • Canadian red is Thuja plica;
  • Canadian white - thuja occidentalis;
  • eastern red - correctly called juniper virginiana;
  • Alaskan yellow is actually Nootka cypress.

There are also other plants in the world that are called cedars, but in fact they are not.

Russian Siberian cedar (cedar pine) grows in Siberia, the Urals, Altai, and even in the Arctic.

Real cedar and, for example, Siberian cedar have the following differences:

  • the seeds of real cedar are inedible, but pine nuts are tasty and very healthy;
  • cedar lives up to 3000 years, cedar pine - 600-800 years;
  • True cedar is a heat-loving plant, it does not grow in Russia at all, but cedar pine is widespread in our country and tolerates cold well.

How does it reproduce

Cedar - monoecious plant, that is, male and female cones are on the same tree. The cones look like barrels, are scattered throughout the crown, are 6-10 cm long, and up to 6 cm wide.

Cedar blooms in autumn. Fertilized female cones remain on the mother tree to mature. After 2 years they will ripen and crumble. Resinous seeds 12-17 mm long have one wing, with the help of which they are carried over long distances by the wind.

Cedar in nature reproduces only by seeds, although botanists can breed them vegetatively.

The forest in which Siberian cedars mainly grow is called cedar forest or cedar forest. Most often these forests are mixed. Pine and aspen grow nearby.

There are no true cedar forests left on the planet. There are only cedar groves, which are also very few. The Lebanese cedar grove of only 8 trees is the largest on Earth.

Why is it useful?

Cedars have very durable and valuable wood, from which houses and ships are built, expensive furniture is made. The ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs only in cedar sarcophagi.

These trees are very decorative, therefore, they are planted in parks and gardens and used for landscape design.

Fragrant cedar resin (resin) used in perfumery and in the creation of cosmetics, in aromatherapy for calming, relieving anxiety.

Long known beneficial features, which cedar oil has. This strong antiseptic, active fat breaker.

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It would seem that everyone has long known where cedar grows. The seeds of this tree, known as pine nuts, are a very tasty and healthy delicacy loved by many. But in fact, it turns out that the tree that is considered cedar in Russia is scientifically called cedar pine. The seeds of a true representative of this genus of conifers are inedible. But there is general signs, after which this tree began to be called so. Spruce, cedar, pine and some other representatives of conifers belong to the same family. All of them have beneficial properties and have long been used by humans for various purposes. But it especially stands out among cedar. Several species of it now grow in the world.

Real cedar

Photos of these trees show their differences from pine and spruce. But in botany, only four species growing in the south are considered true cedar. They have been known since ancient times and are mentioned in the Bible.

1. is a symbol of this country, and it was its valuable wood that was used to build temples and make icons.

2. Atlas cedar is common in North Africa. It is very unpretentious and grows in high mountain areas, withstanding frost and drought.

3. There is also Cypriot cedar. Its photo shows that it differs from other relatives in its small needles. That's why it is also called short-coniferous. This rare tree is found only in the mountains on the island of Cyprus.

4. grows not only in the Himalayas, but also in the mountainous regions of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This tree is very beautiful and unpretentious, therefore it is often used for landscaping.

Features of cedar

It has many beneficial properties and has been widely used by humans since ancient times, like all conifers. Cedar is one of the most unpretentious and beautiful trees of this class. What features made it so famous?

This tree has very durable, beautiful wood, which also has antiseptic properties and is not subject to rot and insects. Furniture, musical instruments, ships and much more are made from it.

Cedar needles are soft and release phytoncides that disinfect the air.

All cedar trees are very beautiful. Their needles are painted silver or light green, the branches are very fluffy, and the crown is most often pyramidal in shape.

All parts of cedar have a strong, pleasant odor, which is considered beneficial to humans.

Where does real cedar grow?

In nature, trees of this genus are found in southern mountainous areas. Cedars are common in the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East. They are quite unpretentious, but cannot withstand frosts below 25 degrees. Cedars need well-moistened, lime-poor soils, preferably sandy loam or loamy soil. But they do not like stagnant water and severe drought. Cedars grow best on mountain slopes that are well lit by the sun, but they are also found in shady areas. In the last two hundred years, these trees have been used for landscaping in many countries. Cedar is planted especially often in the south. Where this tree grows in Russia is known to those who went on vacation to the Crimea or the Caucasus. Beautiful, fluffy trees, along with cypresses, are now a symbol of many resorts on the Black Sea coast.

Description of cedar

It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 50 meters. It has dark gray smooth bark and a spreading crown. The needles are triangular, prickly, collected in bunches of up to 30-40 needles. Their color can be different: light or dark green and even silver-gray or blue. The cones are ovoid or barrel-shaped, large. The tree begins to bear fruit after 50 years. The seeds of true cedar are inedible. This tree is one of the oldest on Earth; its pollen was found in a layer that is 200 million years old. Cedar is long-lived; Himalayan species can stand for about 3,000 years. But usually there are trees 250-300 years old. Their wood is a pleasant yellow or reddish hue, very strong and durable.

What trees are also called cedar?

If you ask any resident of Russia where cedar grows, everyone will answer that in Siberia. But scientifically this tree is called cedar pine. Although in many books the name has already taken root. It is believed that this was the name of a pine tree, the wood of which had a strong, pleasant aroma. It also looked like a real cedar with its spreading fluffy crown, large cones and height. But the main difference between the cedar pine is that its seeds, called nuts, are edible and very healthy. And their lovers are sure that it is cedar that gives them. Where does this tree grow in Russia? most common in Siberia, Altai and Transbaikalia. But also found in the north European Russia and even beyond the Arctic Circle. On South Far East, Korean pine pine, distinguished by larger seeds, is common in China and Japan. In these places, dwarf cedar also grows - a shrub no more than 5 meters high. But its seeds are also edible and eaten. And in the mountainous regions of Europe, European cedar is found - a very ancient and rare cedar.

Useful properties of Siberian cedar

Its main advantage is nuts. They are nutritious, tasty and have long been used to produce healing oil. contain many vitamins, amino acids and needed by a person minerals. They improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis and increase efficiency. Tincture of nut shells is used for hemorrhoids and stomach diseases. Cedar needles also have healing properties. It contains phytoncides, a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene. Used for restorative baths and preparation of vitamin infusions. Cedar needles contain five times more essential oils than in pine needles. Therefore, it is widely used in cosmetic and perfume industry. Cedar resin, also called resin, has long been used to heal wounds. Scientists have determined that it has an antiseptic and anesthetic effect. Cedar wood also has valuable qualities. It is easily processed and releases phytoncides and a pleasant aroma for a long time. Therefore, it is often used in construction and furniture making.

How to grow cedar

Already two hundred years ago this tree was brought to the territory of Russia. But real cedar can only grow in the southern regions. Cedar pine is more unpretentious. Its heavy seeds cannot be carried by the wind; they are spread by nutcracker birds, carrying the nuts over long distances. Everyone knows where cedar grows, but this tree can be grown in any region of Russia. It requires sandy or loamy soils with good drainage, moderate watering and weeding. Most often, cedar trees are grown from seeds, sown in the fall and covered with spruce branches. It will be important in the spring to protect the seedlings from birds and rodents. This tree grows slowly and only after 10-15 years it will be able to please you with a fluffy crown, and cones will appear even later.

He was and remains the embodiment of courage and bravery. The shamans of Siberia believed in its magical power and decorated ritual staffs with a cedar branch.

In Russia Cedar has always been a symbol of the endless harsh Siberia.

Cedar names

The giant we used to call Cedar- one of the types Pines, namely cedar Pine or Siberian Cedar. Its Latin name is "Pinus Sibrica". It is this name that appears in ancient chronicles.

Unfortunately, accurate information about the origin of the word “Cedar” has not survived to this day. There are several theories.

It is quite possible that the Russian Cedar owes its name to its Lebanese counterpart. In the past, when making icons, the base was taken from Lebanese Cedar, which had to be exported.

In the northern regions of Russia, the most popular species for making bases for icons were conifers. Being very soft for carving and not brittle, Siberian Cedar wood was well suited for such purposes.

Another theory of origin suggests that the name "Cedrus" is originally European and originates in ancient Rome.

Where does Cedar grow?

Under natural conditions, Siberian Cedar grows only in Altai, Siberia and the Urals. There are many varieties of it, growing in the Crimea and the Caucasus. This is mainly Lebanese Cedar.

Siberian Cedar is of great importance in the national economy and food industry. Nutritious cedar seeds are an irreplaceable source of microelements and vitamins.

Thanks to their nut-bearing reputation, Cedar and its brethren have earned special attention from biologists and breeders. Industrial nut plantations have existed in our country for decades. These plantations are designed to stop the barbaric methods of extracting cedar seeds from natural sources without restoring forest productivity.

There are a considerable number of representatives of Cedar. Let's focus on the Siberian Cedar.

Despite the fact that this species belongs to the “pine” species, the diameter of the Cedar trunk can reach 2 meters.

Cedar lives up to 3-5 centuries. Between the ages of 20 and 70, it begins to bear fruit. The tree is distinguished by a dense green crown and brown-gray bark.

The famous pine cones are bluish-purple when unripe and turn dark brown when ripe. Cedar cones are different large size and can reach a width of 8 cm and a length of 13 cm.

When the Cedar blooms

Siberian cedar blooms in June. It takes 12-14 months for the cones to ripen.

Under natural conditions, Cedar begins to bear fruit on average at the age of 40-50 years. Modern breeders have achieved results in which cedar bears fruit at 15 years of age.

Medicinal properties of Cedar

Cedar seed kernels contain a huge amount of vitamins and fats, so they are widely used in medicine and the food industry. Microelements contained in Cedar seeds help improve memory and are a valuable source of vegetable proteins and fats.

Moderate consumption of seeds improves immunity and restores the nervous system, strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

It is known that Cedar wood kills microbes, so they tried to make the bottom of the famous birch bark tues from Cedar.

Cedar milk from ground seeds is used in the treatment of tuberculosis diseases.

Cedar resin, like pine resin, promotes wound healing and is used in the fight against colds and for lung diseases. Cedar needles are recommended as a means of combating asthma.

Since ancient times in Siberia, cedar needles were considered an excellent remedy for scurvy, and were also the basis for healing tinctures.

Application of Cedar

Cedar seeds are used in the production of high-calorie cream, butter and cedar milk. In addition, table oil is obtained from the seeds, and halva is obtained from the cake.

Science has also found a use for this magnificent tree. When cutting Cedar, resin is extracted, from which immersion oil is obtained. A drop of immersion oil is placed between the microscope objective and the object of study. Oil improves the quality and clarity of images of objects by directing and concentrating light at the required point.

Moderately soft and dense, Cedar wood is used in making pencils.

Cedar wood is a favorite material for carvers, cabinetmakers and joiners. Skillfully crafted chests and cabinets also have a practical purpose. Insects, including moths, will never live in such a product.

Planting Cedar trees in parks and gardens helps clean and disinfect the air.

In Siberia, when laying the foundation for a house, carpenters planted a young Cedar tree in the corner of the yard so that the hut would be strong and durable.

In Russia, cedar fishing still exists, which is a rather dangerous and barbaric occupation. The fact is that “cone pounding” is carried out using a large wooden hammer, which is used to hit a tree trunk to extract cones. This method is a relic, which is gradually being replaced by modern methods of selection and cultivation of nut crops.

Mentions of Cedar can be found in the Bible. For example, the material for Noah’s Ark was the wood of this mighty tree.

Cedar does not obey biological rhythms. Depending on the weather and conditions, the tree itself regulates the movement of juices and biological processes, adapts to external conditions. This confirms the hypothesis that Cedar has a Soul.

Of course, almost everyone knows that there is a tree called “cedar”. Moreover, many have probably tried delicious and very healthy ones. But where, in what natural area this very cedar grows, not everyone can answer. Our article will help correct this small defect.

Where does cedar grow?

Botanists distinguish 4 types of cedars:

  • Lebanese;
  • Atlas;
  • Cypriot;
  • Himalayan.

The first two varieties of cedar can most often be found in mountainous areas North Africa, Cypriot on the island of Cyprus, and Himalayan - in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan. In addition, Lebanese and Atlas cedars have taken root well in south coast Crimea, as well as in many Mediterranean countries, where winter temperatures do not fall below -25 degrees. Where does Siberian cedar grow and why was it not included in the list of 4 known to science species? The thing is that, strictly speaking, Siberian cedar is not a cedar at all. When talking about Siberian cedar, they usually mean Siberian cedar pine - a powerful tree reaching about forty meters in height and about two and a half meters in girth.

Where does Siberian cedar grow in Russia?

Wild cedar forests in Russia can be found in Transbaikalia, Siberia and the Urals. Cedar cultivation has also proven to be quite successful in other regions. For example, Siberian cedars planted in the Moscow region, Leningrad and Yaroslavl regions not only took root successfully, but also bear fruit regularly. True, you have to wait quite a long time for the first harvest - from forty to seventy years in natural conditions and about twenty-five years when grown in a summer cottage. Siberian cedars reach their peak fruiting at the age of one to two hundred years. The average lifespan of this tree is usually from three hundred to five hundred years.

Cedar, thanks to its bark, has a decorative appearance at any time of the year. Possesses healing properties, and the pronounced aroma of cedar wood gives a good mood and relieves stress and depression. The non-sweet aroma is effectively used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Also used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. In ancient times, cedar was considered sacred plant, was a symbol of longevity and greatness.

Cedar looks like an evergreen tree, up to 50 meters high. On average, he lives up to 250 years. They begin to bear fruit between the ages of 20 and 70. It has soft, long needles, which are collected in bunches of four or five needles each. The needles can be dark blue, green and even grayish. Her life expectancy is 9−11 years. Due to its structure, it retains maximum moisture in the plant.

The bark is dark gray and very dense. Due to its strong resin content, it is avoided by insects and is resistant to rotting. Has a mighty root system, which allows the tree to withstand adverse weather conditions.

Cedar cones are barrel-shaped, up to ten centimeters long. Both male and female cones can grow on the same tree. Pollinated by wind. They mature two or three years after emergence. Cedar seeds triangular shape from ten to seventeen millimeters long. They are highly resinous and unsuitable for consumption.

Real cedars love warmth and are common in subtropical latitudes. In northern countries, all growing cedars are pine trees. There are such types of cedar trees:

Cedar is a beautiful tree that can easily be grown at home. To do this, you need to select a fresh cone and extract the nuts. They should smell good, not have mold and be intact. In order to germinate nuts, you need to choose a box with a hole. Place dry grass at the bottom, place a seed and cover with a layer of grass. Leave it on the snow in winter until spring. If this cannot be done, you can place the box in the refrigerator.

In spring, plant the grain in a pot with peat soil and sand (1:1). The tree must receive enough water. Place on a windowsill with sufficient lighting.

Transplant into open ground Possible from the age of three. It is necessary to prepare the landing site in advance:

European or Siberian cedar is better suited for planting at home. You should not use means to increase soil fertility: this will lead to the appearance of a large number earthworms.

Beneficial features

Cedar has useful biological substances that are found in cones, nuts, resin, bark and needles. Cedar kernels are rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and contain glucose, lecithin and ash. Protein is rich in amino acids. Nuts also contain vitamins B, D and E. The needles contain the following beneficial properties:

  • vitamin A;
  • essential oils;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • ascorbic acid.

Wood resin and pine needles emit a substance that kills microbes.

People have long noticed the beneficial properties of cedar and began to use it for various purposes. Houses are built from wood and furniture is made. Also used in folk medicine and cooking.

Siberian cedar in Russia appeared among people at the end of the 17th century. Despite the fact that the tree is called cedar, it has nothing to do with real cedars: the Himalayan and Lebanese.


Siberian cedar is an evergreen tree that belongs to the Pine genus. The height of cedar can reach 44 meters, the trunk of old trees can reach 2 meters in diameter. The lifespan of cedar is about 500 years. The needles of the tree are dark green in color and can reach 14 cm in length. The needles grow in bunches of five needles. The root of the tree is short, taproot, branching.


Cedar is especially common in Western Siberia, in the Urals, in Eastern Siberia, in Altai, in Mongolia, in Northern China, in the Sikhote-Alin mountains. There are also artificial plantings of cedar in the European Northern part of Russia: in the Arkhangelsk region, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Kostroma regions. Siberian Cedar is often confused with Korean and European cedar, but these trees have some differences.

Collection and storage

Siberian Cedar blooms in July, and the seeds ripen in August - early September, when the cones are collected. To extract seeds from a cone, the latter is heated in a special drying machine, where, under the influence of temperature, the scales bend and the seeds themselves fall.

In case of poor separation of seeds from the cone, mechanical treatment is used. After the seeds are removed, they are laid out in the sun to dry. It is very important not to miss the moment when the peel has already dried, but the seed inside is still soft. It is during this period that the seeds must be removed from the sun.

Seeds can be stored for no more than 6 months. After this period, their composition begins to change dramatically: toxic products appear. The seed changes shape, color, taste. Seeds are also susceptible to moisture. Accordingly, they need to be stored in a ventilated place, in a fabric bag, periodically pouring them into a container and allowing the accumulated moisture to evaporate.


Cedar forests are famous for their fresh air and pleasant aroma. The thing is that cedar releases substances such as phytoncides into the air. They disinfect the air. Walking through cedar forests is also very useful for mental disorders and nervous diseases.

For bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, decoctions and tinctures are used. Also when various diseases oral cavity, to improve blood quality, to cleanse blood vessels, and for uterine bleeding, it is recommended to use a decoction of pine needles. Tincture of pine needles is used for skin inflammation.

For rheumatism and similar diseases, alcohol tinctures and turpentine baths are used as rubbing. To relieve fatigue, it is recommended to take baths with an infusion of cedar needles. When treating gastrointestinal inflammation, drink a tincture of cones. Camphor oil of Siberian cedar is excellent in treating diseases nervous system as aromatherapy.

Siberian cedar, or rather its fruits and needles, are used for the following diseases:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Tracheitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumonia
  • Angina
  • Stomatitis
  • Runny nose
  • Purulent skin lesions
  • Mastitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines
  • Pneumonia
  • Nervous disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Scurvy
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Gum inflammation

Beneficial features


Infusion of cedar needles for rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the gums prepared according to this recipe: Siberian cedar, pine needles, in the amount of 5 grams, are ground in a mortar. Fill with a glass of warm water. Place on fire and cook for 20 minutes. After this, remove from the stove, leave for another half hour and strain. Rinsing should be done several times a day, in addition, the same solution can be used internally to saturate the body with vitamin C, which is so necessary for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

For external use, infusion of cedar needles prepare as follows: 0.5 kg of pine needles are poured with 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 6 hours, filter. Add to a bath with warm water. Take this bath for 30 minutes every other day.

For respiratory diseases prepare an infusion from cedar buds: crushed 10 grams of buds are poured with a liter of boiling water, infused in a warm place, for example, in a thermos, for 3 hours. Strain. Take 3 times a day, a tablespoon, after meals.

As a diuretic and choleretic agent prepare a decoction according to the following recipe: Siberian cedar, buds, 2 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for about 30 minutes. After this, leave for another 40 minutes. Strain. Take daily for a week, 3 times a day, half a glass.

For uterine bleeding, mastitis, drink a decoction of nut shells: pour 1 glass of shells with a glass of boiling water, then cook for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 2 hours. Express. Take half a glass before meals 3 times a day.

At peptic ulcers intestines and stomach Siberian cedar oil is recommended. Take it one teaspoon half an hour before meals - in the morning, and 2 hours after meals - in the evening.

For respiratory diseases make compresses from turpentine and Vaseline, in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Restrictions on use

  • Angina pectoris
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncological neoplasms
  • Individual intolerance

This type of cedar has several distinctive features:

  • flat top;
  • barrel-shaped lump;
  • dark triangular projection on the upper edge of the seed scale.

The plant lives at an altitude of 1000-2000 m above sea level in the Turkish Taurus and Antitaurus mountains, in Lebanon and Syria. In Russia, this tree grows on the coast of Crimea.
The lifespan of the Lebanese is 2000-3000 years. Crimean representatives of the species live less - 150-200 years. This is due to the calcareous soil, which is unsuitable for the plant.


The crown of the plant looks like a wide cone. The branches are located horizontally, bending down at the ends. In its natural environment it lives in East Asia: in the north-west of the Himalayas, in the mountains of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, India. It grows at altitudes up to 3500 m above sea level.

The lifespan is 1000 years. In favorable conditions it lives up to 3000 years.

Cyprus (short-coniferous)

This species differs from its relatives in short needles up to 1 cm, short height up to 12 m and smaller cones. The shape of the crown changes with age. At first it looks like a cone, then it takes on a wide-spreading shape, and in old age it becomes like an umbrella.

The Cyprus cedar lives in the lower zone of dry coniferous forests islands of Cyprus. Some biologists classify it as a variety of Lebanese cedar. The plant lives up to 500 years.


It has a pyramidal crown. With age, the top becomes flat. The leaves and cones are smaller than those of the Lebanese variety, but larger than those of the Cyprus cedar. Some botanists classify the tree as a Lebanese species.

Lifespan – 800 years. IN wildlife grows at an altitude of 1300-2000 m above sea level on Mount Atlas in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Thanks to artificial propagation, all plant species, except short-coniferous ones, now grow in Russia on the Black Sea coast and the south of Central Asia.

Where do cedar pines grow?

Siberian pine is a much more common species. In the wild it lives in the taiga, mountains and swamps. Found in Mongolia and Northern China.

In our country it grows mainly in Western Siberia. In Eastern Siberia it grows closer to the southern border. Grows in Central and Southern Altai. To the west of the Ural Mountains, the tree is distributed as far as the Timan Ridge.

Cedar pine is also found in the European north of Russia. In these areas it predominates in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. Several trees remain in the Kostroma region.

Pine nuts

What we used to call pine nuts, has nothing to do with cedar. The seeds of true cedar are inedible. Siberian nuts are eaten as food.
Pine nut shells are widely used. Their oil has found application in cosmetology.

Cedar pine seeds are rich in vitamins and microelements.

They have many useful properties:

  • increase physical and psychological tone;
  • improve brain function;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens skin, hair, and nails;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous and reproductive systems;
  • increase potency;
  • normalize blood clotting;
  • stimulate independent production of vitamins;
  • maintain normal hemoglobin;
  • promote the production of collagen necessary for joints and skin;
  • normalize water-salt balance;
  • strengthen bones;
  • increase attention;
  • improve memory.

Infusions and decoctions are made on the shells of cedar seeds. Due to their anti-inflammatory effect, they are used to treat wounds, ulcers and other manifestations of skin diseases. When consumed internally, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

The oil is used in medicine as part of ointments and inhalations. How cosmetic product helps in the restoration of hair, eyelashes and skin. It is added to creams and masks.

Is it possible to grow real cedar in the middle zone?

It is believed that true cedar can withstand frosts down to -30 C. But this is only true for a short-term drop in temperature. The tree will not survive winter.
In our country, real cedar is found only on the Black Sea coast.

In colder regions, dwarf breeds are grown at home. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to enjoy this mighty beauty in your garden.

Features of growing cedar pine

But Siberian in Russia is successfully grown in any climate. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to choosing a site for planting and properly care for the plant.
For the first 5 years, the tree is grown at home in a pot. Only after reaching a height of 1 meter is the plant transplanted into open ground.

The sprout or seed is planted in a spacious container so that the root system is comfortable. The pot must have drainage holes and a tray to drain excess liquid.

The soil should be loose and fertile, without peat. To protect against pests, oxidizing agents are added to the soil.

A root growth biostimulator is used as a top dressing. Preference is given to special fertilizers for coniferous plants. Excessive use of additives will harm the pine tree.

Siberian pines love abundant water in the hot season. In summer, the soil around the tree is moistened as it dries. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter it is stopped altogether.
To bring the conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat, the tree is placed on a balcony or outside for the winter. There is no need to cover the plant.

When planting in open ground, the choice of site is important. It should be taken into account that the pine tree has a spreading crown. A mature tree will need enough space.

When planting in groups, maintain a distance of at least 7 m between plants. It is necessary to retreat at least 3 m from the walls of buildings.

Cedar pine loves sunlight. At the same time, it is resistant to cold and winds. A well-lit hill will be optimal for planting. It is worth giving preference to loamy, loose soil without an excess of groundwater.

Siberian pine is frost-resistant. In winter it is not covered or mulched. It does not need fertilizing or watering.

Tree pruning is done in the spring. It is enough to remove dried branches. Decorative shaping is usually not required. For the procedure, use sharp pruning shears disinfected with alcohol. The cut areas must be treated with varnish.

Cedar is a beautiful and powerful plant. Unfortunately, only residents of the southern regions can become its owner in our country.

The rest of the gardeners can only enjoy Siberian in their garden plot. She has little in common with a true cedar, but she is also very beautiful.

Get even more information about Siberian pine by watching the video:

We all ate pine nuts. But actually they are not cedar, but pine. However, we are so accustomed to “pine nuts” that ask somewhere “pine nuts” and they won’t understand you. What's the matter? But the fact is that in Russia there are no and never have been cedars!

“What about Siberian cedar?!” - the bewildered man in the street will ask. So the fact of the matter is that there are no Siberian cedars in nature!

But let's take things in order.

In the era of the sailing fleet, ships were built from cedar, because... it was the best wood for shipbuilding. Cedar was a strategic raw material, and a country with cedar forests had a significant source of budget replenishment. Peter I was haunted by the fact that his power was great, but there were no cedars in it - only fir trees and birches. And a brilliant idea came to his mind. The Moscow Tsar ordered his scientists to officially name the Siberian pine “Siberian cedar.” And so it turned out that one day all of Siberia became a nursery for a certain unique “Siberian cedar”, which... That's right! Which began to be sold abroad at a price Lebanese cedar. And representatives Russian Academy scientists could confirm that this is indeed cedar, real Siberian cedar.

Of course, everyone now knows about this forgery, and from international classification plants, the mystical “Siberian cedars” disappeared, but the hoax was so strong that we still buy “pine nuts” in the store.

But Wikipedia reports: “Siberian cedar pine (lat. Pinus sibirica) is one of the species of the genus pine, an evergreen tree, reaching 35-44 m in height and 2 m in trunk diameter. In Russia, the plant became known at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries under the name “Siberian cedar,” although from a scientific point of view this species belongs to the genus pine and is a close relative of Scots pine, and not true cedars (Lebanese, Atlas and Himalayan).”

Cedar (lat. Cedrus) is an oligotypic genus of trees in the pine family (Pinaceae). In nature, the range of the genus covers the southern and eastern mountainous regions of the Mediterranean and the western regions of the Himalayas. Cedars have become completely naturalized on the southern coast of Crimea in the area from Sevastopol to Kara-Dag, in areas where the absolute minimum temperature does not reach -250C, and self-seeding. Cedar of Lebanon is also found and self-seeding in the Odessa region (it can withstand an absolute minimum of -270C without damage).

This means that Russia is not a country of cedars, while in Ukraine cedar grows beautifully.

Professor from Kharkov Gennady Aleksandrovich Shandikov writes in “The Tale of the Siberian Cedar”: “Notice it on your nose,” our school biology teacher said, “no cedars, especially Siberian ones, exist in Russian nature. Pines grow in Russia, and cedars grow in Lebanon or the botanical garden. This is how our “biologist” brought clarity to my ideas about the Russian forest beauty and about my favorite pine nuts.”

What is called cedar in many European languages ​​is referred by botanists to the extensive genus pine (Pinos). So it turns out that Russian cedar is an ordinary Siberian pine, Korean cedar is a Korean pine, and dwarf cedar is a dwarf pine.

Real cedars (Cedrus) are southern evergreens coniferous trees. They grow only in the mountains of Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, the Western Himalayas, Cyprus, North-West Africa and even here in Ukraine. The most famous of them is the Lebanese biblical cedar, the same one that flaunts on the flag of Lebanon and from which the first temple was erected by order of King Solomon.

As for the famous “pine” nuts, they have nothing to do with cedars. Cedar seeds are not at all like nuts - they are small, inedible and with wings designed for better dispersal with the help of the wind.

Having quickly looked through commercial advertisements on Russian websites (“The Siberian Cedar Company offers a cedar barrel, a cedar font, cedar furniture in Yekaterinburg”, “Medicines from Russian cedar”, etc., etc.), I realized that our neighbors still continue to push bullshit not only in propaganda, but also in biology.

If you have any questions, write to my email (), I will answer through the newspaper or in a personal message.

Vladimir Pechenyuk

P.S. In the Odessa region there is a park in which many Lebanese cedars grow. Many of them look impressive - 60-90 cm in diameter and 15-20 m in height. Some trees are 50-70 years old.

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