Diet of a 5 month old bottle-fed baby. What does the diet of a five-month-old baby consist of when breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed? Rules for feeding a child of this age. Delicious and quick recipes for children every day

Five months is a new stage in a child’s development. The baby’s behavior is modified, and changes occur in the internal organs.

Saliva began to be actively produced quite recently, but the baby does not yet know how to swallow it. The stomach of a five-month-old baby is not similar to that of an adult, but it stretches well, and by one year it will hold 200-250 g of food. Digestive enzymes are already maturing. The swallowing reflex gradually develops.

Do these changes mean physical development five one month old baby moving to a new menu? There is no clear answer. There are at least two opinions on this matter: official pediatrics (or the so-called old school) and the opinion of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky. Let's try to figure it out.

Official pediatrics believes that at the age of five months, more nutritious foods should be introduced into the child’s diet, including additional doses of vitamins and microelements. Proponents of this theory loudly declare:

The components of mother's milk cannot meet the growing needs of the baby. Therefore, complementary feeding should begin strictly at 5 months, possibly earlier, but not later than 6.

Traditional menu options

The diet of a baby at the age of five months has its own characteristics. The total volume of food is approximately 900 ml per day. Of them:

  • breast milk or formula – 700 ml;
  • juices and fruit purees - approximately 40 ml;
  • vegetable puree - from 10 g to 100 g on artificial nutrition and from 15 g to 150 g when breastfeeding;
  • cereal porridge – from 10 to 50 ml;
  • butter(added to purees and porridges) – from 1 to 4 g per day; just don't forget: we're talking about about a real, rustic product, and not about the surrogate that fills supermarket shelves.

Complementary foods are introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a couple of drops for juices and teaspoons for cereals and purees.

Do not mix cereals. The mass should be homogeneous and liquid. There is no need to sweeten anything. Some experts recommend adding mother's milk or an adapted formula, which cannot be pre-boiled.

Artificial feeding is advised to be introduced with even greater caution, since they are prone to allergies to new components of the diet.

A child of 5 months should not be given new foods too often. First, monitor the reaction of the child’s body for 3-7 days. If your baby doesn't like a new food, delay introducing it to it for a week or two.

At artificial feeding It is recommended to introduce complementary foods earlier than with breastfeeding. But the roots of this recommendation go back to the distant past, when there were no fortified adapted mixtures with which children today receive necessary elements for development and growth.

Doctor Komarovsky: opinion

A competent doctor, whose opinion is listened to by many, recommends not starting complementary feeding before 6 months. Until the child reaches this age, the family must feed the mother healthy, tasty and varied food. If the baby is bottle-fed, parents try to buy him the highest quality adapted formula.

The main functions of the liver are neutralization and removal of undigested food debris from the body. If this organ fails to cope with the tasks assigned to it, allergies and other negative reactions appear. Children's livers are very weak and are only fully formed by the age of 12. It is important to remember this when creating a menu for a child at 5 months.

If there is no single point of view regarding the age of complementary feeding, then regarding the products with which it is advisable to start, experts are unanimous. These are porridges, fermented milk products and vegetable purees.

For a child’s first acquaintance with new food, Komarovsky recommends fermented milk products, because in composition they are closest to the usual dairy nutrition. In addition, kefir reduces the load on the liver and improves digestion, fights harmful microbes.

After 4-5 days, you can gradually add cottage cheese to the kefir. After about 10 days, one feeding will be completely replaced by complementary foods. The rest of the food is still milk or formula.

They are fed this way for about another month, after which the last feeding begins to be replaced with porridge. They are prepared not with cow's milk, but with formulas for children from 6 months.

Recipes for kids

The most suitable foods for feeding a child aged 5 months are:

  • oatmeal;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • plum.

Porridge based on a mixture

For baby food, porridge is cooked from buckwheat or oatmeal in water. When the dish has cooled, add the mixture, but only half of the proportion recommended on the box.

You can buy special flour or ready-to-eat baby cereals for the appropriate age, or you can grind the cereals in a home coffee grinder. At the same time, Komarovsky advises including sugar.

Rice porrige

  1. Wash the rice, dry it, grind it to flour. Instead of rice, you can use buckwheat or oatmeal.
  2. Boil 100 ml of water.
  3. Add a tablespoon rice flour, stirring.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  5. Once cooled slightly, stir in mixture or breast milk, about a quarter cup.
  6. Offer it to your child only warm.

Fruit puree


  1. Cut the apple into slices, cutting out the core.
  2. Place the slices in a saucepan and add enough water to cover the apples.
  3. Boil it.
  4. Blend the fruit with a blender.
  5. Cool. You can also add formula or mother's milk.


  1. Wash a banana with small brown spots on the peel (a sign of ripeness).
  2. Peel and pass through a blender or food processor.
  3. Enter the milk component.


  1. Cut the pears in half and remove the core.
  2. Place in a steamer for 10 minutes.
  3. Pass through a blender.
  4. Let cool slightly, pour in the mixture or breast milk.

You can cook peaches and plums, broccoli and young zucchini in the same way.

These homemade recipes are suitable for children from 5 months, but they can remain in your baby's diet for quite a long time, regardless of whether he is breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed.

Mom and dad must choose the right tactics for feeding their five-month-old baby and decide which theory of introducing complementary foods to believe and follow.

Five months is a very exciting period in a baby’s life. Right now he begins to babble, sing various sound combinations and even sit. A child's nutrition at 5 months also changes. In some cases, complementary feeding may need to be introduced at this age.

There is no clear opinion about the introduction of complementary foods: some experts say that a child should be introduced to new foods from four months, others - no earlier than six months. There is no universal solution for all children. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on many nuances, so it is determined individually for each child. As a rule, at five months, formula-fed children or infants who are underweight begin to be fed additionally.

Formula-fed and mixed-fed babies are introduced to complementary foods earlier than breastfed babies. This is due to the fact that their digestive system is better prepared to accept new food. Recommended age for complementary feeding is 5 months.

As the first “adult” dish, such a child can be given vegetable puree. They make it themselves at home or buy ready-made ones. To prepare puree at home, you need to use only high-quality vegetables, preferably homemade ones. For the first complementary feeding the following are acceptable:

They should be steamed or boiled. There is no need to add salt, sugar and spices to baby food. It may seem that the food will be bland, and the baby will refuse to eat it. This is not true: young children’s receptors are not yet spoiled by different tastes, so they will be interested in trying different foods in their pure form.

The puree cannot be stored for long periods of time. The shelf life of an open jar is 1 day.

In addition to vegetable purees, a child’s menu may consist of: fermented milk products, meat, fruit juices and purees, butter and vegetable oils. The range of fermented milk products for children aged 5 months is very small - cottage cheese and kefir without additives. Here is a larger selection of fruits:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • plum.

Of course, these products are introduced into the diet gradually and in consultation with the pediatrician.

Names of products and dishes for complementary feeding of a small child for every month up to a year

When breastfeeding

According to WHO, children who are fed exclusively breast milk, do not need other food for up to six months. But in some cases, for example, if you are underweight, your pediatrician may recommend starting complementary feeding at five months. Or the mother just really wants to feed the child “adult” food.

So, if a child begins to receive complementary foods at 5 months, then his diet should look something like this:

  • 700 - 750 ml of mother's milk or formula;
  • 30 ml fruit or vegetable juice;
  • 30 g fruit puree;
  • 50 g vegetable puree;
  • 3 g butter.

Butter in baby food should be exclusively natural, preferably from a farm. If it is not possible to buy such oil, it is better to replace it with vegetable oil.

As you can see, the menu of a 5-month-old baby is quite varied. But, as already mentioned, all foods need to be introduced into the diet little by little. Juices start with a few drops, and purees - with half a teaspoon. Increase this amount little by little, bringing it to the amount indicated above. Only one product is introduced at a time so that it is possible to monitor the child’s reaction to each new food. If, a few days after the introduction of one ingredient, the baby does not experience any changes in stool or allergic reactions, you can give the next one.

At 5 months, the child should receive only one-component purees. You can prepare them yourself at home. To do this, vegetables or fruits need to be boiled and chopped until smooth. You can add breast milk or formula, as well as butter, to the finished puree.


Nutrition at 5.5 months

At 5.5 months, chicken or chicken yolk is added to the usual feedings. quail egg, porridge and cottage cheese. An approximate daily menu for a 5.5 month old child in the table:

This menu is suitable for both infants and infants, but you should still not neglect consulting a pediatrician.

Vegetable puree Pelenok, Frutonyanya and Babushkino Lukoshko are suitable for complementary feeding and are one of the main dishes of the baby’s diet

How to feed?

We figured out what to feed a 5-5.5 month old baby. Now it is important to understand how to do this so as not to harm the developing organism. Let's highlight a few basic rules:

  1. Everything has its time. There is no need to rush things! No matter how much you would like to quickly move the baby to the common table, you need to have patience. For cutlets and borscht, he still has his whole life ahead of him, but mother’s milk is only the first months of life.
  2. Enter products one at a time. On this issue, the opinions of pediatricians and grandmothers will most likely be divided, since the latter may advise feeding the child vegetable soup almost from birth. This is understandable, because in their time there was no high-quality baby food. Only parents choose whose point of view to support. But if you decide to trust modern medicine, then, we repeat, for a 5-month-old child, complementary feeding should only be monocomponent. Mixing foods into purees or soups begins around 8 months. And these should only be ingredients that are well known to the child.
  3. Set mode. This rule will help establish proper digestion in a 5-month-old baby.
  4. Don't force it. Under no circumstances should you force-feed a child. If he doesn’t like the new dish, that’s normal. You need to be patient. The baby needs time to get used to new food. It is better to remove a dish you don’t like and then offer it again in a day or two.
  5. Feed carefully. It is better to choose a silicone spoon for the first feeding - it is soft, due to which it will ensure safety for the baby. When eating, you need to be as patient as possible. There is no need to rush the child, because swallowing solid food is still a difficult task for him.
  6. Complementary foods are administered only to a healthy child. During illness, it is better not to load the body with new food.

If you follow these simple rules and consult with a pediatrician, introducing the first complementary foods for a 5-month-old baby will be easy and pleasant.

Cook or buy?

Broccoli puree is one of the healthiest and most commonly used foods in complementary feeding.

When the child reaches the age of 5 months and the time comes for the first complementary feeding, mothers think - is it better to prepare baby food at home or buy ready-made?

There is no clear answer to this question. Both options have their pros and cons.

The main advantage of ready-made baby food is, of course, saving time and effort. As a rule, ready-made baby food only needs to be heated, if we are talking about purees and juices, or diluted boiled water if it's a mess. In addition, purchased food guarantees variety. all year round, regardless of the season. Ingredients for children's food are grown specially and undergo careful quality control. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about products sold in supermarkets.

Therefore, it is advisable to prepare baby food yourself only in cases where it is possible to buy quality products. Homemade children's meals have one undeniable advantage - their cost. If there is no financial opportunity to buy ready-made food, then preparing it yourself is an excellent solution.

How to cook?

As mentioned above, best products for feeding children 5 months old - these are vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin), fruits (apple, pear, plum, apricot, banana, peach), cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice). What to prepare from these ingredients for a five-month-old baby so that it is tasty and healthy? Here are some recipes.

  1. Buckwheat . Rinse the cereal thoroughly, dry it on a clean towel and grind it into flour using a coffee grinder. You can buy ready-made buckwheat flour. In this case, you must check its composition to ensure there are no foreign impurities. Add a tablespoon of flour to half a glass of boiling water, stirring continuously. Cook for 10 minutes. over low heat. Cool the finished porridge slightly and add 50 ml of formula or breast milk to it.
  2. Zucchini puree. Wash the zucchini thoroughly, remove the peel and seeds, and cut into small slices. Place in a steamer for 20 minutes, then strain the cooked zucchini through a very fine sieve. You can also use a blender.
  3. Baked pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and place in a baking dish. Pour a little water on top so that the pumpkin pieces are 1/3 covered. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the size of the pumpkin pieces. When they are ready, rub them through a fine sieve or grind them in a blender.

These recipes are suitable for children from 5 months to several years.

It is important to properly organize the child’s nutrition. This is collateral good health, harmonious development and commitment to healthy image life.

The child grows, and along with him, the foods that he can now, and sometimes even need to eat, change. We will tell you below how to correctly create a menu for a 5-year-old child, what you need to remember, and what features you need to take into account when preparing his birthday.

Parents should pay special attention to their child's diet. At the age of five, not only the number of meals changes, but also the menu itself. Food should fill the baby’s body with the necessary substances for growth and development, as well as provide energy.

Things to remember

When your child is 5 years old, think about organizing his proper nutrition.

However, before you create a new menu for your baby, take into account a few simple truths that will make the feeding process easier.

As a rule, a 5-year-old child is already quite independent (unlike a child of 1 year and a little older) and decides for himself whether he is hungry or not, what he would like to eat now. Parents can only listen to the wishes of their baby and, if anything happens, correct them correctly.

Basic Rules

So, what are they? important aspects when feeding a 5-year-old child.

  1. You should only feed your baby when he is really hungry.. Sometimes parents unconsciously try to feed the little one so that he does not feel hungry. First of all, this is wrong. Secondly, it will lead to digestive problems and excess weight. To find out whether a child is hungry or not, just ask him about it.
  2. If a child does not want to eat, there is no need to force it. There are several reasons for refusing to eat: the baby is not hungry; Perhaps he is sick or just capricious. In the second case, suggest baby's lungs food so that the body's strength is spent on fighting the disease, and not on digesting food. In the third, use ingenuity and cunning: use phrases like “Well, you probably won’t eat this soup, porridge, orange? Then I’ll eat it!” which will immediately awaken the baby’s interest in food.
  3. Removing snacks from your diet. To ensure that your diet is balanced and clearly distributed throughout the day, forget about snacks. The menu should have only 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, lunch, dinner. If at the age of 4 a child ate 5 or even 6 times a day, now this time is being reduced. At the same time, the volume of food, naturally, does not become smaller, but on the contrary, it increases due to new products that are included in the menu.
  4. Show your child the product to get his opinion.. In order for the little one to quickly decide on the dish that he wants most now, he must see it with his own eyes. Show your baby both food options (for example, porridge or banana, yogurt or a sandwich), so it will be easier for him to understand what exactly he wants at the moment.

These 4 simple truths are often forgotten by parents. In pursuit of feeding the child, they simply stop hearing the baby himself, depriving him and himself of the opportunity to easily and quickly decide on food.

When it comes to feeding a child, it is not enough just to ask, you also need to hear what he answers.

New baby menu

The menu for a 5-year-old child should be varied and balanced. If previously it was impossible to serve, for example, fatty and smoked dishes, now this can be done. However, in order not to overdo it, when creating a new menu, follow a few rules:

  • First and most important - start eating right yourself. If a child constantly sees chips, candy and sausage on the table, then this is what he will want to eat next time. Add to your personal diet healthy food, and your baby will follow this example.
  • Choose only healthy treats. If your baby requires something sweet, choose only healthy foods for him. They contain no sugar and mostly contain honey or stevia.
  • The total calorie content of meals each day should not exceed 2000 kcal. It’s quite easy to distribute the entire amount: 25% for breakfast, 40% for lunch, 10% for lunch, 25% for dinner.
  • 2 or 3 times a week the menu should include fish, eggs and cottage cheese. These products will provide the growing body with the missing substances.
  • Children's menu must be balanced, contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are found in the above-mentioned fish, eggs and cottage cheese. Fats can be served in the form of butter or vegetable oil; the required amount of carbohydrates can be provided by eating vegetables, fruits, cereals and sweets.
  • Avoid spicy and junk food. It’s too early to include coffee, spicy and bitter foods, and foods in the diet of a 5-year-old child. instant cooking and fast food, smoked dishes.
  • Give up chemistry. Make sure there are no chemical ingredients in your food. Healthy foods- the most common ones.

Keep track not only of what your baby eats, but also pay due attention to the quality of your diet. This way you will set the right example for your child in eating behavior.

How to create a child's weekly menu

Many mothers, in order not to rack their brains about what to cook for their child, prepare a menu for the week in advance. Here again, 2 points are key - variety and balance. Ask your child what he would like to eat. Find out at the kindergarten what the children are fed, and then it won’t be difficult for you to prepare a really interesting menu.

A sample menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: it may be cottage cheese casserole, bun with butter and herbal tea with honey, porridge with berries, omelette, bun with butter and cocoa.
  • Lunch (at least four hours after the first meal): vegetable soup with bread, cheesecakes with sour cream, turkey or chicken cutlet, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: fruit salad, cookies and yogurt or milk with honey and a bun.
  • Dinner (at 19-20 hours): omelette with tomatoes, bread with cheese, Herb tea or potato and pumpkin casserole, bread and cocoa.

Now you can serve your baby not just tea, but also cocoa for breakfast. This delicacy is a great start to the day.

Make sure that dishes are not repeated during the day. Don't forget to serve fish or cottage cheese 1-3 times a week. Experiment and pamper your little one.

What difficulties might there be?

If your baby categorically refuses to eat, find out the real reason. This could simply be a child’s protest or whim against a particular dish, or an attempt to attract attention. Another option is health problems. Therefore, try to determine exactly why the baby does not want to eat.

Watch not only what your baby eats, but also pay due attention to the quality of your diet. This way you will set the right example for your child in eating behavior.

Sometimes a child may, on the contrary, have an increased appetite. Here, too, you need to understand what is the reason for this. You should not recklessly indulge all the desires of your child. You must clearly know what and when your baby needs to eat so that he is not hungry.

By the age of 5, a child, as a rule, has already formed his own taste; dishes appear that he likes and does not like. Listen to what the child says, as this The best way understand his desires.

Birthday of a 5 year old child

At the age of 5, children are not as important about the ingredients of dishes as they are about how they are presented. In the menu for the birthday of a child who is 5 years old, try to include appetizers, main courses, sweets and cake and make it as bright and colorful as possible. They can be served in the form of cute animals, decorated with figures of your favorite cartoon characters (if we are talking, for example, about a cake or pastries), fruits and berries can be laid out in the shape of a rainbow. In a word, ideas on how to design festive table for my birthday, a lot.

Children aged 4-5-6 years, in addition to eating tasty and sweet food, also love to play a lot and have fun. Therefore, spend 50% of your energy in organizing a birthday party on creating an interesting program. And take into account that the menu should not be too rich and fatty, so that after the meal the children can actively spend time together.

Some parents celebrate their children's birthdays thematically. This approach, on the one hand, makes it easier, and on the other hand, complicates the preparation of the holiday. Therefore, before deciding on a topic, consider all the pros and cons, because there may be difficulties with organization.

Ideas for parents to note

  • Fruits can be laid out in the form of palm trees: the base will be tangerine slices, the trunk will be banana slices, and the foliage will be kiwi slices.
  • As one of the main dishes on the menu, you can serve mini pizzas in the shape of cats: line the eyes and nose with olives, the antennae with cheese strips, the mouth with ketchup, and the ears with pieces of dough.
  • If it is a girl's birthday, the snacks are prepared in the form of canapés in the shape of flowers: the base - 2-3 different types of ham and hard cheese - is cut out in the shape of a six-leaf clover and laid out in layers. Decorate the whole thing with a pea of ​​curd cheese in the middle.
  • Also on your birthday you can serve meat kebabs, boneless fish roll, various salads and soups. The main thing is that it is simple, but tasteful.

If you are expecting friends of your birthday boy on his birthday, then you should prepare in advance. Find out from parents about possible allergies of children and take this into account when preparing dishes.

The menu for a children's birthday should not include newfangled and exotic dishes. Children aged 5 years prefer simple and recognizable food.

Cake as the main symbol of the holiday

You should take care of the cake for a children's party in advance. You can order it, buy it ready-made right away, or prepare it yourself. However, in any of these cases, one must not forget about the features of the main symbol on the child’s anniversary:

  • If you are expecting a lot of guests, make sure there is more than enough cake for everyone.
  • You need to choose a product without fatty cream; a product filled with sour cream or yogurt is best.
  • For a birthday you need to decorate the cake brightly and beautifully. For this they use cream flowers, princesses for a girl, biscuit weapons and favorite book or cartoon characters for a boy.
  • There is no need to remind you that the cake must be fresh, made from quality ingredients on the eve of the holiday.
  • It is mandatory to have burning candles on the birthday cake. The child will be happy to make a wish on his birthday and blow out the candles. This magical ritual is important for the baby, don’t forget about it.
  • To make other children have fun, come up with a way for them to make their wish on a friend’s birthday. This will strengthen friendly ties and make the holiday even more interesting.

Start preparing the menu in advance, and then you will definitely not forget anything.

Your baby has been waiting for his birthday all year. It should be a bright, cheerful and interesting holiday with a huge number of gifts and invited friends.

At the age of five, the child has almost formed taste preferences, so pay attention to drawing up a balanced and delicious menu for the baby. To do this, study your baby’s preferences and remember that it is much easier to immediately teach the correct nutritional culture than to later deal with the reluctance to eat certain foods, as well as treat the serious consequences of poor eating behavior.

Your baby has grown to five months, and you have a natural question about how to feed him now. How to organize a child's nutrition at 5 months?

The timing of introducing complementary foods matters!

The general position of allergists and pediatricians is that the ideal age for introducing a certain set of foods is between 4 and 6 months. This time is called the “window of tolerance” because it is during this period that the child’s immune system is ready to become familiar with such a different set of food antigens.

Pediatricians today are increasingly less likely to offer the so-called delayed introduction of complementary foods. According to specialists from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, this practice is currently considered erroneous.

Previously it was believed (and even today you can still see similar information on various sites) that later introduction of complementary foods is a kind of allergy prevention. However, many years of experience and modern research show that this is not the case.

Even 10-15 years ago, there were often recommendations that until 8 months a baby should be breastfed only and not introduce complementary foods. These children are 15 years old today. The diagnostics of their health showed that those who later received complementary foods are more likely to suffer from food allergies. Therefore, everyone has come to the understanding that you should not delay complementary feeding, regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding. However, there is no need to start it earlier.

The ideal age for complementary feeding is 4-6 months. By this time, according to experts, the child’s immune system is ready to get acquainted with a new set of antigens

  • So, if you are the mother of an artificial baby, then you can introduce him to new products from 4 months.
  • If your child is breastfed, then complementary foods are introduced from 6 months. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, however, in “ Methodical recommendations» No. 225 states that when breastfeeding, complementary feeding can also be started at 4 or 5 months.

New foods in the diet

To begin with, let me remind you once again that no types of complementary feeding are recommended until 4 months. The baby receives either breast milk or an artificial formula, selected taking into account his needs and characteristics of the body.

By the 5th month, the baby still receives two types of complementary foods - vegetables and porridge. Only other types of vegetables and cereals are added to them.

If you followed this pattern, then at 5 months it’s time to introduce your baby to new products.

At 5 months, the baby is ready to try new foods such as porridge, fruit puree, cottage cheese, and meat puree.


The next complementary food is meat. Meat puree is introduced into the diet of a 5-5.5 month old baby. To begin with, it is better to take ready-made canned food - hypoallergenic, which will not contain broth. Despite the intuitive feeling that broth is healthy, it is too early for children of this age to eat such food. The broth clearly stimulates the digestive organs and increases intestinal permeability. Therefore, never use canned baby broth for five-month-old babies!

Meat should be introduced with ½ teaspoon, this should be done during the day (at lunch) to see how the child tolerates it. The next day - already 1 hour. l., and gradually increase to 20 g - that’s 4 parts. l. no slide. You can stop at this amount until the baby is 5.5 - 6 months old.

Advice: add meat to vegetables, since the product is new to the baby and its taste will be unusual for him.

When introducing a product for the first time, it is better to take a one-component puree in order to understand how the child reacts to a particular fruit. If no allergies or signs of diathesis have been identified within a week, then you can try a puree made from several ingredients. You need to start with ½ ch. l. puree, gradually increasing to 20-30 g per meal. It is ideal to add fruit puree to porridge or cottage cheese.

Fruits are sources of vitamins and minerals, so the baby’s growing body definitely needs them. Fruits are given in the form of fruit purees consisting of 1 or more components

Cottage cheese

You can also include cottage cheese in the menu of a 5-month-old baby. This applies to those children who do not suffer from allergic rashes. Allergic rashes in the first year of life are in 99% of cases a reaction to cow's milk protein. Therefore, the issue with cottage cheese is resolved individually with a pediatrician and allergist. If the child has no reactions and tolerates everything well, then at 5.5 months you can offer the baby cottage cheese. Here, too, you need to start with 1 teaspoon and increase to a volume of 20-30 grams.


If you didn't introduce porridge at 4 months, now is the time to do it. A good option is industrial porridge, which can be diluted with breast milk and formula, or with boiled water. Among them there are milk porridges and dairy-free ones. To prevent allergies, it is better to start with dairy-free foods.

And just like with other foods, you should start eating porridge with 1 or 2 spoons - no more.

Porridge made from hand-ground oats, barley and wheat is not suitable for baby's first feeding. They contain a lot of gluten, which will cause digestive upset. If you prepare porridge for your child yourself, it is better if it is buckwheat, rice or corn.

This does not apply to industrial cereals, since the grains in them are free of gluten, which causes allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is better to feed allergenic children with ready-made “semi-finished products”.


The menu for a 5 month old baby looks something like this.
Baby menu - 5-5.5 months:

  • 9.00-11.00 – vegetable puree (50 g), breastfeeding or formula feeding;
  • 13.00-15.00 – breast milk or formula; fruit puree or cottage cheese (6 teaspoons);
  • 18.00-20.00 – breast milk or formula; juice (10-15 ml);

Baby menu - 5.5-6 months:

  • 6.00-7.00 – breast milk or formula;
  • 9.00-11.00 – porridge (150 g), breastfeeding or formula feeding;
  • 13.00-15.00 – vegetable puree, meat (up to 20 g), juice or compote;
  • 18.00-20.00 – either fruit puree, or cottage cheese, or porridge (if the child has not mastered the morning portion, then it can be divided into two doses - 75 g in the morning and 75 in the evening, just prepare fresh each time), breast milk or formula;
  • 22.00-24.00 – breast milk or formula.

Such wide time intervals are taken because each baby has his own individual lifestyle. This diet is intended to guide you according to your nutrition schedule, and not to indicate exact time feeding the baby.

Important: These two baby diets are approximate. That is, you can vary the products, using only what is recommended for your baby by the pediatrician, and also create your own nutrition schedule.

The baby is not eating well: what to do?

Are you having difficulty establishing complementary feeding, but your baby refuses to eat? This problem is very relevant. Many mothers complain that their child does not eat well. In order to help solve this problem, you need to understand how objective it is and not far-fetched.

When a problem is not a problem

First, weigh the baby. If his weight is normal in all respects, then there is nothing to worry about. Check the standards using special weight tables (you can view the tables here). Don't focus on the neighborhood kids and don't panic because your tomboy's cheeks don't rest on his shoulders. Excess weight, as has been proven by scientists, only harms the health of children.

All children are individual. Some eat a lot and quickly, others eat little and slowly. Maybe your little one is from the second category.

Advice: Do not under any circumstances stuff your baby with excess food. Force feeding can reinforce in the child's subconscious the idea that food is torture.

Before you panic about your baby not eating well, you need to determine how far-fetched the problem is. Perhaps your child is just a toddler

When the problem is objective

If your baby does not eat and the weight is not growing enough, then we can talk about a problem. What could be the reasons for poor appetite?

Disease. Often, lack of appetite is a symptom of some illness, so you shouldn’t wait for other symptoms to appear. You should consult a doctor. If the doctor does not diagnose anything wrong, then the problem should be looked for elsewhere.

No mode- one of common reasons poor appetite. This applies to those children who are fed “at any time and at any time.” The parents' task is to create a schedule that will be convenient for the baby. IN certain time he will be tuned specifically to food, and not to “sleep” or “play.”

Not very active. When a child is active, he spends a lot of energy, which is replenished through nutrition. Simply put, after active games, gymnastics, swimming and similar activities, children’s appetite increases. Low activity in itself is suspicious, so it is better to consult a pediatrician.

I don't like the food. This is the most common reason for refusing to eat. Moreover, a child can happily drink time-tested formula or breast milk, but flatly refuse broccoli and cauliflower. There’s nothing wrong with this either, because he doesn’t yet know that it’s tasty. Eat a spoonful from his jar and smack your lips to show how much you like the food. But if your baby doesn’t want to eat broccoli at all, replace it with zucchini and offer broccoli next time.

Individual approach

Yes, not everyone’s process of establishing nutrition goes smoothly. There are such “gourmets” who refuse everything, even seemingly delicious fruit purees. There are children who react to the most hypoallergenic products with severe rashes.

That is why your diet should be discussed with your pediatrician. Only he will be able to adequately assess the baby’s condition and, based on this information, set the start time for complementary feeding and make required menu JUST FOR YOUR CHILD.

Five months is the age when parents healthy baby begin to plan the introduction of complementary foods into the diet. If until now all the needs of the baby were fully satisfied with breast milk or an adapted milk formula, now the diet should become more varied, meet the needs of the growing body and provide it with all the necessary resources.

The introduction of complementary foods to a bottle-fed child begins at 4.5-5 months, to a breast-fed child at 6 (see also:)

Baby's diet at 5 months

According to the standard scheme for introducing complementary foods, formula-fed children begin to expand their diet earlier than breastfed babies, namely at 5 months. At this age, their digestive system is already ready to get acquainted with new food.

Unlike breastfeeding, with IV there are no problems of underfeeding, since the amount of formula during feeding can be adjusted and, if necessary, more can be done. As a result, complementary feeding can be delayed for more late date, especially in cases where the baby does not want to eat anything other than the usual mixture.

When breastfeeding complementary feeding usually starts at 6 months. However, already at the age of five months, the baby may not have enough breast milk.

If the baby cries and continues to look for the breast after she has completely eaten one, then this may be a signal that it is time to start introducing the first complementary foods (we recommend reading:). Consult your pediatrician.

Vegetables as a first food

For a healthy child of normal weight or for an overweight baby, pediatricians advise starting complementary feeding at 5 months with pureed vegetables. They contain many useful elements that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegetable puree can be used first for complementary feeding.

For the first tests, it is better to opt for zucchini or any type of cabbage, with the exception of white cabbage. Due to the fact that initial stage If the child eats them in small quantities, then for convenience it is preferable to buy ready-made one-component homogenized purees in jars.

The input principle is standard. The initial volume of the proposed puree should be half a teaspoon. If there is no negative reaction, and if the baby has eaten the entire portion, the next day it can be doubled. Thus, over the course of a week the volume will gradually increase until it reaches the required 150 grams. After this, vegetable puree can replace one of the feedings.


Liquid cereals are chosen as the first complementary food in cases where the child is underweight. The basic rules of introduction remain unchanged. An important point is to first give your baby gluten-free cereals. This protein can cause stomach pain and digestive problems. It is best to start with buckwheat, rice or corn porridge, semolina and oatmeal should be introduced no earlier than 8-9 months.

Cereals are the second complementary food after vegetable puree

Also, you should not cook porridge with milk. No matter how useful this product is, the children’s body does not yet produce enzymes that break down the starch contained in milk. It is better to introduce the baby to milk later, not earlier than 9 months of age.

It is better to give your preference to ready-made dry porridges. They are produced taking into account all the needs of the child's body. Their production is based on environmentally friendly raw materials. Plus, they have a constant composition, enriched with vitamins, prebiotics and other beneficial elements.

Juices and fruits

Unfortunately, neither juices nor fruits are suitable as a first complementary food. Juices are the strongest allergens. In addition, they can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. It is worth giving them to drink at 10-11 months, after the baby has tried porridge, vegetable purees and meat.

A child's menu at 5 months does not yet have a wide range of dishes. This is a completely normal situation, since the intestines are not yet prepared to digest heavier foods. For this reason, there is no butter or other animal fats in the diet of a 5-month-old child.

It also excludes sugar, salt, spices, cookies, meat and fish. The only thing allowed to be added to the puree is a little vegetable oil, breast milk or formula.


The baby's diet directly depends on the type of feeding

One of the main issues in building a baby’s diet at the age of five months is how many times and in what quantity he needs to be fed. These volumes directly depend on the type of feeding. Children who are fed formula require less food due to its higher calorie content.

Below are two tables of the daily diet of children at 5 months for artificial/mixed and breastfeeding. Data on the volume of products is indicated for already prepared dishes.


Artificial feeding:

The daily food intake is 900 ml, which does not include water, herbal tea or compote. They are provided upon request throughout the day.

According to the graphs, a general conclusion can be drawn: a child’s nutrition at 5 months consists of five feedings. A sixth night feeding is also possible, possibly due to the baby’s hunger.

Principles of introducing complementary foods

In order for the introduction of complementary foods to be as safe as possible for the baby, he needs to be fed correctly, observing a number of basic principles:

  • start complementary feeding with one product;
  • the next unfamiliar product is introduced only in the absence of allergies or other negative manifestations to the previous one;
  • 5-7 days is the time required for the child to get used to the new product;
  • porridges and vegetable purees are introduced starting with half a teaspoon;
  • every time after feeding the baby, it is necessary to supplement it with breast milk or formula, but do not do this by force;
  • the time to try a new product is morning;
  • It is advisable to keep a diary for introducing complementary foods with the menu, volumes and reaction of the baby (we recommend reading:).

The introduction of any new type of food should begin with one product

Having started introducing complementary foods with one product, you should first of all bring its quantity to the norm, and then add the following products. Using the example of vegetable puree, you can first start with zucchini and increase its volume over 6 days, and only after that add half a teaspoon of broccoli or cauliflower. Then continue to increase the total portion. The best option is vegetable puree, consisting of three components. Subsequently, they can be replaced with other types of vegetables.

Example of a weekly menu

Below is a table with sample menu baby at 5-6 months. It presents a diet for children who are already familiar with all vegetables and cereals. If necessary, each feeding is accompanied by subsequent supplementary feeding with breast milk or an adapted milk formula.

All porridges should be boiled in water or added to them with mother’s milk or the formula that the baby eats. You can add vegetable oil to the puree.

Menu for the week:

Day of the weekFirst breakfastSecond breakfast (porridge)Lunch (one-ingredient vegetable puree)DinnerSecond dinner
Mondaybuckwheatzucchinibreast milk or formulabreast milk or formula
Tuesdayricecauliflower (we recommend reading:)
Fridayricezucchini (we recommend reading:)

Recipes for baby feeding


Rice porrige for babies

There are two ways to prepare porridge for complementary feeding. In the first case, you need to make flour from the cereal. For this you will need a coffee grinder. With its help, you need to grind the cereals, after sorting them out, rinsing them several times and drying them on napkins or paper towels.

Next, the resulting cereal flour is gradually added to boiled water or vegetable broth. In this case, you should continuously stir the future porridge. Then continue to cook it until full readiness, continuing to stir periodically to avoid the formation of lumps and burning of the porridge.

The second method boils down to pouring regular cereal with the required amount of water and simply boiling it. After this, it is passed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. Depending on the ratio of water and cereal, the porridge may turn out to be more liquid or, on the contrary, semi-viscous:

Vegetable puree

It is very important that when preparing baby puree there are no lumps left.

Before cooking vegetables for puree, they should be prepared. To do this, they need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Once cleaned, they are washed again under hot water. It is advisable to pour boiling water over them or even leave them in it for 1-2 minutes. Vegetables that have undergone this kind of preparation should be cooked over low heat, covered, in a small amount of water until they are ready.

The next step is to rub the cooked vegetables through a sieve or grind them in a blender, add the broth in which they were cooked and vegetable oil. Everything is mixed and brought to a boil.

Vegetable broth

To prepare vegetable broth you will need:

  • vegetables – 50 grams;
  • water – 100 ml.

The vegetable that is introduced to the child, for example, broccoli, potatoes or zucchini, must be thoroughly washed, peeled and chopped into small pieces. Then place it in cold water and cook over low heat, covered, until it is ready. After this, strain using sterile gauze and let it boil again. Next, pour into a sterile container. Vegetable broth can act as an additional drink between your baby's meals.

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