What influence does the family have on the child? The influence of the family on the development of the child. Family and School Alliance

It is not true that the family only influences the development of the child, and adults are not subject to this influence. The importance of such a social institution as the family cannot be overestimated even in adulthood. How does family influence a person’s life and attitude?

Family aspects

The existence of the family is determined by the need of people for reproduction - both physical and mental. The following aspects of the family are distinguished:

  • Biological aspect: parents and children.
  • Family as one of the social institutions, which is characterized by its social norms, patterns of behavior, rights, responsibilities, sanctions. All these norms are designed to effectively regulate family relationships.
  • Economic aspect family: a family unit bound by economic interest (family budget).
  • Territorial aspect family: an association of people living together.

Social functions of the family

In different historical eras and in different types societies, certain functions of the family came to the fore. It would seem that today's family has already lost some of the functions that it had in the past, for example, security and production. However, it retained some of its functions. Probably, this is exactly what did not allow and is not allowing the family as a social institution to die, as some scientists predicted.

  1. Reproductive function. The problem of childbirth is one of the main problems in the family. Psychologists recognize that the strength of the family and marital love largely determine sexual relations. On how harmonious it will be this area, the future of the family and the climate within it will depend.
  2. Regenerative. Associated with inheritance – surname, status, social status and, of course, property. Even when your grandmother gives you family earrings or an album with old photographs, all this will be a manifestation of the regenerative function of the family.
  3. Socialization function(or educational and upbringing). Satisfying the needs of men and women in fatherhood and motherhood, raising children, self-realization of parents in children.
  4. Economic. Everything related to the budget and daily activities: food, purchases and maintenance of various property, purchasing clothes, organizing life and everyday life, etc.
  5. Social control. In a family, certain norms (regulations) are established for the relations between its members, the behavior of children and parents, their responsibilities to each other, as well as responsibilities to the older generation.
  6. Recreational function. Rest, organization of leisure and entertainment, caring for the health of family members.
  7. Function of spiritual communication, mutual enrichment and development.
  8. Status. Allows you to provide family members with a certain status in society (mother, wife, father, husband).
  9. Psychotherapeutic function. Support, advice and approval from our family is extremely important to us. This function has begun to occupy one of the first positions in our time. Today, the future of the family depends on the stability of positive emotional relationships within the family.

Thus, for any adult, family is very important. It allows you to satisfy a number of individual needs. This is a small team that places varied and often very complex demands on its members.

Many have watched the movie “Always Say Yes”, almost everyone has heard the saying: “it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret,” but there are things in life that you need to categorically refuse, and we will talk about them in this article.

From time to time, all creative people are familiar with the feeling of inner devastation and mental burnout. These days your mood becomes bad, new ideas don’t come to mind, you don’t want to create and you can’t do it. This state can occur after prolonged creative work or as a result of life shocks and stresses not directly related to creativity. Of course, you can give your body rest, sleep, eat tasty food, go on vacation and, as a result, regain strength. But how can you subsequently regain inspiration and find yourself back in the realm of ideas?

Negative emotions can arise in anyone. Everyone has problems, stressful situations, difficult days... All this pumps a ton out of a person vital energy, makes him lethargic and tired, doomed and sick. Because of negativity, quarrels with loved ones, rude communication with others, curses between people and hatred of the whole world arise.

A crisis situation is characterized by internal or external events that make the usual pattern of life impossible. As a rule, such changes are accompanied by negative feelings and thoughts, and the emergence of a new life status. A crisis period makes it necessary to reconsider life, change priorities and values. This is a time of change.

How to attract love into your life, what should you do for this and is it necessary? Firstly, there are no universal recipes, tips or manuals to follow. Secondly, if in this case the word “work” is in principle appropriate, then the work should start with yourself, the changes should be primarily internal.

Everyone had problems associated with low mood, stress, and lashing out at loved ones over trifles. This must be dealt with, as it can cause discomfort to the human body. After all, physical and psychological health are interconnected.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned goods, and soap are just some of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not purchases out of necessity, but purchases out of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be gotten rid of. They can be so strong that even doing something interesting doesn’t help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions, which add painful sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to overcome such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

The influence of the family on the formation of a child’s personality is difficult to overestimate. A person learns the most important life lessons in his own family. It would be completely unfair to diminish its importance and necessity. The influence of family on personal development is enormous. What the father and mother teach their child depends on further fate, role in society. Without the necessary skills, a person cannot count on successful career advancement and will not be able to build harmonious relationships with his soulmate. Let's consider the role of parents in shaping the child's personality. What influence do they have on him? What should you pay special attention to when raising your son or daughter?

Relationship experience

In any case, a child in a family gains relationship experience. He does not live in isolation, but from the very early childhood has the opportunity to observe how adults interact with people around them and tries to adopt this experience. It is laid automatically, without any effort. Unbeknownst to himself, a small person discovers a whole world of feelings and moods that reign in society. The desire to imitate adults is dictated by the natural desire to be like them. Usually a boy closely monitors the behavior of his own father and tries to copy him. The girl unconsciously reproduces the behavior of her mother. This behavior is completely natural and indicates normal development.

Of course, adults make mistakes too. Sometimes they do not notice that children also learn negative lessons. Influence family relations The burden on raising a preschooler is especially great. Personal development is impossible without a living example. The child notices even the smallest details of the parents’ relationship, although in most cases he does not say them out loud. Father and mother need to be extremely careful not to set a bad example. Very often parents make mistakes for which they are subsequently ashamed. The experience of relationships begins in childhood and remains with a person for life. The influence of parents on the formation of family values ​​is enormous. As a rule, a person in adulthood unconsciously copies the behavior of his parents, their manner of communication, etc.


Forming a child’s personality in a family is not an easy task. Sometimes you need to put in a lot of effort and patience in order to achieve a certain result. Family like social institution personality formation has great importance. Only in a family can a person develop the skills necessary for later life. By acquiring self-development skills, the child develops fully, without delving into strong feelings and self-blame. If parents are engaged in spiritual practice or simply work on themselves in a different way, then their son or daughter has a good chance of becoming truly successful person. Personal development always occurs gradually, under the influence of many factors.

Overcoming difficulties

The role of the family in the development of a child’s personality is extremely valuable. The ability to overcome significant obstacles is very important in order to feel comfortable. The more a person works on himself in this direction, the easier it becomes for him to overcome accompanying fears, doubts and uncertainty. Overcoming difficulties and obstacles that come along the way, a person will definitely become stronger. He finds within himself additional resources for achievement. To learn how to cope with difficulties, you need to cultivate the necessary skills. For some, it becomes easier to enlist the support of loved ones than to act independently. However, the formation of a strong personality occurs when a person has to overcome many obstacles. When there is nowhere to retreat, a person begins to act more actively and productively than with a certain amount of time left.


Education of a child's character also takes place in the family. Parents greatly influence the formation of both positive and negative qualities your child. The father and mother set an example that can become a source of inspiration for their son or daughter and become a kind of guide for them for many years to come. Part of the character is individual for each person, but a lot of it is laid down by society. Family has a direct impact on the character of a little person. The influence of the family on the formation of a child’s personality cannot be ignored even in the case where the parents were unable to teach their child anything good. Such a person will still experience Negative influence the environment in which she grew up, no matter how hard she tried to deny this fact. Even involuntarily, a person begins to reproduce the experience of his family in the future. A person's character will be what he has been allowed to develop. Personal development is a deeply individual process. It cannot be predicted in advance. It is impossible to predict what the character of an adult will be by looking at a small child. The role of family education in the formation of personality is incredibly significant.

Social skills

The ability to communicate is incredibly important in life. Without this skill it is impossible to build any satisfying relationships and be happy. The family as a social institution for the formation of personality creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual. If a person did not have such support from loved ones, he would not be able to move forward systematically and be confident in his future.

The acquisition of social skills also occurs in the family. It is surrounded by close people that every child learns to communicate and build individual relationships. Social skills learned in the family will definitely be useful in later life. How the child was treated in the family, so he will then treat himself and expect the same from communicating with others.

The development and socialization of personality in the family leaves a serious imprint on a person. The way he is raised by his father and mother is how he lives in the future. Even if an individual verbally denies the influence of his parents on his life, he is more susceptible to it. No matter how much a person wants to isolate himself from his family, he will not be able to do it. Most people simply do not notice how they copy the habits of people related by blood, how they reproduce similar situations, and create identical events. Many people tend to complain about life, one way or another. But not everyone finds the strength to engage in self-improvement.

Work on yourself

Each person also learns to improve their skills in the family. It is impossible to imagine an individual who would not absorb the behavior model of both parents. The influence of the family on the formation of a child’s personality is, in fact, enormous. It is from their immediate environment that people learn the ability to communicate, trust each other, and build personal relationships.

Working on yourself is an integral step in building strong and trusting relationships. Typically, parents teach this to their children, passing on these skills to them, consciously or not. The functions of the family are quite numerous. The formation of attachment and trust occurs at a subconscious level. A person sometimes doesn’t even think about it, he simply lives by inspiration, obeying the guidance of inner strength.

The development of a child’s personality is influenced not so much by how others treat him, but by what his own parents taught him. It is next to loved ones that most people go through their individual karmic lessons. If every person really worked on himself, the world would become kinder and more beautiful in many ways. The more a person is open to communicating with others, the happier she feels. The role of the family in the formation of a spiritual and moral personality is extremely high.

Unfortunately, at present, not all families can boast that both parents take part in raising a child. Often a situation arises when a child is raised by one mother, and the father is not even present in the field of view of the son or daughter. Even if dad sometimes meets with his offspring, but does not live in the same apartment, we can talk about an incomplete family. This situation cannot but depress and sadden.

Another thing is that nowadays many people do not consider this situation a problem. Very often, children grow up surrounded by the attention of their mother and grandmother, without experiencing for themselves what a father’s care is like. What is the impact single-parent family on child development? Scientists argue on this issue, their opinions differ. In most cases, the dominant idea is that the absence of a second parent negatively affects the child’s psyche, affects personal development, and prevents the formation of a trusting attitude towards the world. And it’s hard to disagree with this!

In any case, an incomplete family leaves a powerful imprint of inferiority on the individual. It is not necessary that a person will develop some kind of negative trait. Only he will always feel some loss, self-doubt, some rejection and depression. The child does not understand why his family is different from others, what he has done wrong, and often feels that he is somehow worse than others. Such a person definitely needs support. Of course, in our time no one is surprised by single-parent families, but they still represent, in a sense, a sad sight. And it can be very difficult to explain to a child, especially a teenager, why he lives only with his mother. In any case, there is some effect on the psyche, on the ability to perceive the surrounding reality. The role of the family in shaping a child’s personality is truly enormous.

Honesty and integrity

These two components are inextricably linked with each other. The acquisition of these character traits, no doubt, occurs in the family. A person simply would not be able to develop them on his own, or by experiencing negative manifestations. Relationships in the parental family always become a role model. Even if everything does not happen as we would like, the child perceives them as normal, ideal for him.

The family, as a factor in the formation of a child’s personality, undoubtedly has a strong impact on the individual. One might even say that it is the determining factor to which all others are subject. The more decent and sincere the relationships in the parental family are, the easier for a child in the future I will build my own family. Why is this happening? It’s just that from childhood a person learns to trust, build relationships on noble feelings, and take care of loved ones.

Honesty and integrity are components necessary for the development of a happy personality. When a child grows up in a prosperous family, he begins from a young age to perceive joy and happiness as integral attributes of a normal life. He does not consider them an exception or something for which we must fight with all our might. In the family, he learns the skill of successfully overcoming all kinds of difficulties. This is a successful experience that everyone should wish for.

Self confidence

It turns out that even such personal characteristics are laid down in the family! Many people argue about this, but in the end they agree that without the support of those closest to you, it is unlikely that you can achieve anything truly significant in life. In fact, it is impossible to imagine a successful person without a strong and friendly family. If he does not have this, it means that the well-being acquired at some point may be seriously shaken. The more confident a person feels among his immediate family and significant other, the greater his chances of realizing his potential.

Self-confidence is an essential component of a happy and self-sufficient life. However, most people cannot boast of unshakable self-confidence. Some people have doubts about their talents and capabilities, others do not find sufficient reasons to simply start acting. Sometimes too much time is spent in doubt and worry. If every person could realize their intrinsic value, the world would change. This is how upbringing influences the formation of personality.

Personal Beliefs

They are also formed in the family. It is difficult to imagine a person who is not guided by the opinions of his immediate environment. When an individual lives under the same roof with his relatives, then to some extent he becomes dependent on their opinion. A person is emotionally susceptible to outside influence. Personal beliefs do not appear out of nowhere; they are formed in a family environment. As a rule, parents pass on their personal views to their children. This is why, in many cases, children tend to rely on the opinions of their parents: they look for support and support from them. Their outlook on life becomes a personal belief.

Moral values

These are categories that become of great importance in the eyes of the public. Moral attitudes sometimes have a significant impact on people. People in the most difficult life situations reflect on what they should do, obeying the voice of their conscience. In many cases, they manage to reach the correct answer within their soul, to find the golden mean.

As a rule, life forces you to make ambiguous and difficult decisions that control a person. Well-informed decisions do not always come from the heart, but they are guided by the voice of conscience. In some cases, a person is forced to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the happiness and well-being of loved ones. Moral values ​​are brought up in the family. The way parents treated the concepts of duty, responsibility, and morality undoubtedly affects their children. If a child grew up in love, care, and was taught to be patient with others, then in later life he himself will be based on these same concepts. Moral values ​​are sometimes too strong to be overcome by the mind alone.

Spiritual formation

Thus, the influence of the family on the formation of the child’s personality is enormous. Small man completely absorbs the values ​​of the environment in which he finds himself most of the time. Moral attitudes and opinions are of great importance here. The more attention a child is given, the happier and more self-sufficient he will grow up.


    1. Stages of personality formation

    The influence of family on personality development

    1. Factors influencing the development of personality

      Family relationships.

      The influence of an incomplete family on the development of a child.




From birth, a person enters society. It grows, develops and dies in it. Human development is influenced by many different factors, both biological and social. The main social factor influencing the development of personality is the family. Families are completely different. Depending on the composition of the family, on the relationships in the family with family members and in general with the people around them, a person looks at the world positively or negatively, forms his views, builds his relationships with others. Family relationships also influence how a person will build his career in the future and what path he will take. Family gives a person a lot, but may give nothing. There are also single-parent families and families with disabled parents or children. It goes without saying that relationships and upbringing in these families are radically different from upbringing in an ordinary two-parent family. Parenting in large families is also different; in families where there are frequent conflicts between parents; in families with different parenting styles, i.e. There are so many options for individual education as there are families. In addition, a person may not become a person if he does not have his own opinion, his own beliefs, if he submits to everything that is wanted from him. And in this case, too, a lot depends on the family.

The family can act as both a positive and negative factor in education. The positive impact on the child’s personality is that no one except the people closest to him in the family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister - treats the child better, loves him and cares so much about him. And at the same time, no other social institution can potentially cause so much harm in education.

In connection with the special educational role of the family, the question arises of how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative influences of the family on the behavior of the developing individual. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define intrafamily socio-psychological factors that have educational significance.

It is in the family that an individual gains his first life experience, makes his first observations and learns to behave in various situations. It is very important that what the parents teach the child is supported by specific examples, so that he sees that in adults, theory does not diverge from practice; otherwise, he will begin to imitate the negative examples of his parents.

Stages of personality formation

Most psychologists now agree with the idea that a person is not born, but becomes a person. However, their points of view on the stages of personality formation differ significantly.

Each type of theory is associated with its own idea of ​​personality development. Psychoanalytic theory understands development as the adaptation of a person’s biological nature to life in society, the development of defense mechanisms and ways of satisfying needs that are consistent with his “super-ego.” The theory of traits bases its idea of ​​development on the fact that all personality traits are formed during life and considers the process of their origin, transformation and stabilization as subject to other, non-biological laws. Social learning theory represents the process of personality development through the prism of the formation of certain ways of interpersonal communication between people. Humanistic and other phenomenological theories interpret it as the formation of the “I”. E. Erikson, in his views on development, adhered to the so-called epigenetic principle: the genetic determination of the stages that a person goes through in his personal development until the end of his days. The formation of personality in Erikson’s concept is understood as a change of stages (crises), at each of which there is a qualitative transformation of a person’s inner world and a radical change in his relationships with people around him. Let's look at this periodization in more detail.

Stage I : infancy (from birth to 2-3 years).

During the first two years of their lives, children change so quickly and dramatically as in no other two-year period of their lives.

The first month after birth is a special period in a child’s life. It is at this time that the baby must get used to the fact that he has left the sheltering and nurturing mother’s womb, and adapt to the external environment. The first month after birth is the recovery period after childbirth and the time of restructuring of the child’s basic functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and thermoregulation. In addition, this is a period when the rhythms of life are established and a balance is found between the lack and excess of stimulation from a rather variable external environment.

After long-term observations of infants, P. Wolf was able to identify and define 6 behavioral states of infants: even (deep) sleep, uneven (shallow) sleep, half-sleep, quiet wakefulness, active wakefulness and screaming (crying). These states have a constant (typical for each of them) duration and, at least at first glance, correspond to a predictable daily cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Both parents and researchers quickly realize that a child's level of receptivity depends on the state in which he or she finds himself.

At first, babies spend most of the day in a state of sleep (even and uneven). As the body matures and the newborn’s cerebral cortex “awakens,” the ratio of sleep and wakefulness changes, and by the fourth month the average baby is already sleeping most of the night.

The baby's behavior is controlled by many other reflexes. Some of them, such as coughing and sneezing, are necessary for survival; others seem to be the heritage of ancestors; the purpose of the third has not yet been clarified.

Infancy for a child is a period of discovery in the sphere of perception and action. Every day brings with it new knowledge about the people, objects and events that make up the baby's environment. This is one of the most important periods of human development, as he develops greatly both physically and mentally. For example, by the end of the fourth month, the child’s weight almost doubles, and his height increases by 10 cm or more. The skin is significantly different from that of a newborn; new hair appears on the head. The baby's bones also change; By the 6th-7th month the first tooth appears. Around the same time, self-discovery begins. The baby suddenly discovers that he has hands and fingers, and can look at them for several minutes at a time, following their movements. By five months, the baby goes from reflexive to voluntary grasping; the grasping becomes more and more perfect. By eight months, most children can already transfer an object from one hand to the other.

Nutrition is important in the development of an infant. Serious disturbances in the volume and structure of nutrition in the first 30 months of life are almost impossible to compensate. The main source of nutrition for babies is breast milk. Unless the mother is seriously ill, eats normally, and does not use alcohol or drugs, breast milk is the ideal food for the infant.

From birth, children are involved in the communication process. Very soon they learn to communicate their basic needs to their parents. Around one year of age, most children say their first word; by the age of one and a half years they connect two or more words, and by the age of two they already know more than a hundred words and are able to carry on a conversation.

Language acquisition, although difficult, is a natural process. Factors such as imitation and reinforcement play a huge role here. A child learns his first words thanks to developed hearing and imitation, because the child cannot invent words and discover their meaning to himself. With regard to reinforcement, the child is certainly influenced by the reaction of adults to his attempts to speak.

During the period of language acquisition, all children make similar mistakes. Two types of such errors are expansion and narrowing of the meanings of words, which is associated with the specifics of the child’s concepts and understanding of the words they use to express them.

During the period of 3 years, the formation of the first relationship occurs

between the child and the adults caring for him. The child’s temperament begins to develop, new emotions and fears appear. The fears of an 8-12 month old child are most often associated with parting with loved ones, with an unfamiliar social environment, with a new environment. A child, for example, may suddenly burst into tears when he sees stranger and even his own mother in an unfamiliar appearance. Fears are most pronounced between 15 and 18 months of life, and then gradually disappear. Most likely, fear during this period plays the role of an adaptive reaction, protecting the child from troubles in an unfamiliar environment.

During the first year of life, a child develops a sense of attachment. The strongest attachment occurs in a child whose parents are kind and attentive to him, always trying to satisfy his basic needs. During this period, the child’s personal socialization begins and his self-awareness develops. He recognizes himself in the mirror, responds to his name, and begins to actively use the pronoun “I”. Then three-year-old children begin to compare themselves with other people, which contributes to the formation of a certain self-esteem, and a pronounced desire to meet the requirements set by adults appears. Next, children develop a sense of pride, shame, and a level of aspirations.

The child begins to become more or less aware of his capabilities and his own personality traits at about one and a half years of age. In the third year of life, when performing an action, the child describes it.

With the advent of self-awareness, the child's ability to empathize - to understand the emotional state of another person - gradually develops. After one and a half years, children can observe a clearly expressed desire to console an upset person, hug, kiss him, give him a toy.

In general, a child's achievements by the age of three seem quite significant. According to some researchers, by this age a child can notice the manifestation of internal emotional life, the presence of certain character traits, abilities for various types of activities, social needs for communication, achieving success, leadership, as well as the manifestation of will. However, the child still has a long way to go in life before he becomes a real person.

Stage II: early childhood (from 2 to 5 years).

The early childhood years are characterized by dramatic changes in a child's physical capabilities and marked development of his motor, cognitive and speech skills. In the period from 2 to 6 years, as the body changes its size, proportions and shapes, the child ceases to look like a baby. Compared to the very rapid rate of growth observed in children during the first year and a half of life, early childhood is characterized by a more even and slower rate, which persists until the pubertal growth spurt. Children take advantage of this even growth rate during early and middle childhood to acquire new skills, especially motor skills. The most noticeable changes during this period affect gross motor skills - the ability to make movements of large amplitude, which include running, jumping, throwing objects. The development of fine motor skills - the ability to make precise movements of small amplitude, such as writing, using a fork and spoon - occurs more slowly.

Family influence on child development

Family upbringing is more emotional in nature than any upbringing, because its “conductor” is parental love for children, which evokes reciprocal feelings in children for their parents.

Family as the basis for a sense of security

Attachment relationships are important not only for the future development of relationships - their direct influence helps reduce the feelings of anxiety that arise in a child in new or stressful situations. Thus, the family provides a basic sense of security, guaranteeing the child’s safety when interacting with the outside world, mastering new ways of exploring and responding to it. In addition, loved ones are a source of comfort for the child in moments of despair and worry.

Patterns of parental behavior

Children usually tend to copy the behavior of other people and most often those with whom they are in closest contact. In part, this is a conscious attempt to behave in the same way as others behave, in part, it is an unconscious imitation, which is one of the aspects of identification with others.

Interpersonal relationships experience similar influences. In this regard, it is important to note that children learn from their parents a certain way of behavior, not only by assimilating the rules directly communicated to them (ready-made recipes), but also by observing the models existing in the relationship between parents (examples). It is most likely that in cases where the recipe and the example match, the child will behave in the same way as the parents.

Family and life experience

The influence of parents is especially great because they are a source of necessary life experience for the child. The stock of children's knowledge largely depends on the extent to which parents provide the child with the opportunity to study in libraries, visit museums, and relax in nature. In addition, it is important to talk a lot with children.

Children whose life experiences included a wide range of different situations and who know how to cope with communication problems, enjoy versatile social interactions, will adapt better than other children to a new environment and react positively to the changes happening around them.

Discipline and shaping behavior

Parents influence the child's behavior by encouraging or condemning certain types of behavior, as well as by applying punishment or allowing an acceptable degree of freedom in the child's behavior. In childhood, it is from the parents that the child learns what he should do and how to behave.

5 Family communication

Communication in the family allows the child to develop his own views, norms, attitudes, and ideas. The child's development will depend on how good conditions for communication are provided to him in the family; development also depends on the clarity and clarity of communication in the family.

Problems of child-parent relationships and the well-being of the child in the family

A child goes through certain stages in his development, each stage has its own specific tasks, characteristics and difficulties. Children in a family are an addition and enrichment to the lives of two people who have tied the knot. A child needs both parents - a loving father and mother. The relationship between husband and wife has a huge impact on the development of the child's personality. A conflictual, tense environment makes the child nervous, whiny, disobedient, and aggressive. Friction between spouses usually has a traumatic effect on the child.

Two styles of parenting.

Democratic– characterized by the following: high degree verbal communication between parents and children, the inclusion of children in the discussion of family problems, the success of the child when parents are always ready to help, the desire to reduce subjectivity in the child’s vision.

Controlling – presupposes significant restrictions on the child’s behavior in the absence of disagreements between parents and children regarding disciplinary measures, and a clear understanding by the child of the meaning of the restrictions. The parents' demands may be quite strict, but they are presented to the child constantly and consistently and are recognized by the child as fair and reasonable.

Types of educational activities of their parents.

Authoritative parents- proactive, sociable, kind children. Parents love and understand their children, preferring not to punish them, but to explain what is good and what is bad, without fear of praising them once again. They demand meaningful behavior from children and try to help them, being sensitive to their needs. But such parents often show firmness and rigidity.

Children of such parents are usually inquisitive, try to justify, and not impose, their point of view, they take their responsibilities responsibly. Self-esteem and self-control are better developed, it is easier for them to establish a good relationship with peers.

Authoritarian parents- irritable, conflict-prone children. Authoritarian parents believe that the child should not be given too much freedom and rights, that he should obey their will and authority in everything. Parents, trying to develop discipline in their child, without leaving him the opportunity to choose behavioral options, limit his independence, depriving him of the right to object to elders, even if the child is right. Strict control over a child’s behavior is the basis of their upbringing. A common method of disciplinary action is intimidation and threats.

Such parents exclude emotional closeness with their children, they are stingy with praise, so a feeling of affection rarely arises between them and their children.

However, strict control rarely gives positive result. In children with such upbringing, only a mechanism of external control is formed. A feeling of guilt or fear of punishment develops and, as a rule, poor self-control. Children of authoritarian parents have difficulty establishing contacts with peers due to their constant wariness. They are suspicious, gloomy, anxious.

Indulgent parents- impulsive, aggressive children. Parents are not inclined to control their children. They allow children to do whatever they want. More often than not, there are problems with discipline; often their behavior becomes simply uncontrollable. And parents become desperate and react very sharply - they rudely and harshly ridicule the child, and in fits of anger they can use physical punishment. They deprive children of parental love, attention and sympathy.

Parenting in the family through the roles played by the child.

"Scapegoat"» ---Role occurs in a family when marital problems are transferred to the child. He takes on the emotions of his parents, which they actually feel for each other.

"Favorite" ---- When parents do not have any feelings for each other, and the emotional vacuum is filled with exaggerated concern for the child.

"Baby" ----- The child is alienated from his parents, he is forced out of the family community, he is ordered to be only a child in the family, on whom nothing depends. This role occurs when the spouses are very close to each other.

« Sampler » -----A child in such a role becomes involved in difficulties early family life, occupies an important place in the family, regulating and eliminating marital conflicts.

One of the most important functions of the family --- well-being child in the family, creating conditions for raising a healthy personality.

The influence of parental attitudes on children's development.

Negative attitudes Positive attitudes

Having said this

Think about the consequences

And correct yourself in time

If you don't listen, no one will be friends with you...

Closedness, aloofness, subservience, obsequiousness

Be yourself, everyone has friends in life

My grief

Feelings of guilt, alienation, conflicts with parents

My happiness, my joy

Crybaby, whiner

Containment of emotions, anxiety, deep experience of even minor problems, fears, emotions. voltage

Cry, it will be easier

Here, fool, I’m ready to give everything away

Low self-esteem, greed, hoarding, communication difficulties, selfishness

Well done for sharing with others.

It's none of your business

Lack of opinion, timidity, mental delays. Development, alienation

What do you think?

Dress warmly, you'll get sick

Increased attention to your health, anxiety, fears

Be healthy, toughen up

You are just like your dad... (mom)

Difficulty communicating with parents, stubbornness, inadequate self-esteem, repeating parental behavior

Our dad is a wonderful person, our mom is smart

You can't do anything, you're incompetent

Lack of self-confidence, fears, delayed mental development, lack of initiative, low motivation to achieve

Try once again, y everything will work out for you

Don't shout like that, you'll go deaf

Hidden aggression, increased psycho-emotional stress, conflict, throat and ear diseases

Tell me in my ear, let's whisper

Get out of my sight, stand in the corner

The solution is mutual. With parents, secrecy, mistrust, anger, aggressiveness

Come to me, let's figure it out together

Sloppy, dirty

Feelings of guilt, fear, absent-mindedness, inattention to oneself and one’s appearance, illegibility

How nice it is to look at you when you are clean and neat

Parent-Child Communication Scale

Parenting methods that cause a child

Positive emotions

Negative emotions



Do you approve




You sympathize

You empathize


You admire

Make pleasant surprises

You reproach




You judge


You pull it back


Reading notations

You're depriving yourself of something you need


Put it in the corner

It is important to remember that the child communicates with you, and the climate in the family mainly depends on you and YOUR emotions. And the climate of the family is an indicator of how the child lives in the house, what does he feel when he is next to YOU: humiliated or soaring in the skies, is he comfortable!?

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