Nostardamus' predictions are verbatim. It's good to have keys. About the future of Russia

More than 450 years have passed since the death of the French astrologer and alchemist Michel de Nostredame, better known to us under the Latin name Nostradamus. And during this time, humanity managed to become convinced of the veracity of his numerous prophecies.

Nostradamus was able to predict the Bourgeois Revolution in France, and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler followed by the World War, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the USA, and the disaster in Japan in 2011, and many other significant events for human history.

It's amazing how a common person was able to see and predict events that occurred hundreds of years after his death. After all, now it seems that the future is in our hands, and not destined by fate.

Nostradamus also made a number of interesting predictions for 2018. In his works, he expressed confidence that 2018 will bring almost nothing good to humanity. It is in the coming year, if you believe the prophecies of the French predictor, that the Third World War will begin.

Nostradamus was confident that large-scale and bloody actions would begin in France and then spread throughout Europe. And only after 27 years they will end, when the leading countries are exhausted by the war.

In addition to war, humanity in 2018 will also suffer from natural disasters. According to the prediction of Nostradamus, Mount Vesuvius will erupt, as strong as in 79, when the entire city of Pompeii was buried under volcanic ash.

But, in addition to the volcanic eruption near Naples, we should expect an increase in volcanic activity around the world. A western part North America should be completely covered by a wave of terrible earthquakes. It will seem as if nature itself has rebelled against humanity.

Nostradamus also spoke about global warming, noting that this problem would lead to a large number forest fires.

But a positive forecast from Nostradamus can be considered the increase in life expectancy to 200 years that he predicted. This is how long people will live after significant progress in medicine. In addition, a person will learn to talk with animals.

Note that earlier predictions about the outbreak of the Third World War guided us to 1999. The fact is that Nostradamus wrote his prophecies in a special code: a mixture of French, Italian and Latin languages. Therefore, deciphering his work is not so easy.

Sometimes researchers have to simply guess what is hidden behind the vague formulations of the predictor in his manuscripts. Moreover, during all the time they worked with the “Prophecies” of Nostradamus, scientists have not found a universal formula for decoding.

Let's hope that the most gloomy forecasts of the predictor were interpreted incorrectly by scientists and many good events await us in 2018.

Do you believe in the predictions of Nostradamus? Have your say in the comments.

Prophecies of Nostradamus

December 14, 2017 marks the 514th anniversary of the birth of the great prophet Michel Nostradamus. Dedicated to this event.

Sensational transcripts: the world is on the verge of big changes

Nostradamus predicts that in 2018, the attempt to destroy Russia and a possible assassination attempt on Putin threaten to turn big war and the destruction of America

Predictions should not come true. They are made in order not to come true. How road sign“There is a cliff ahead” does not mean at all that you must fall into this cliff. And the prophecies of Nostradamus are no exception.

Another thing is that the name of Nostradamus has long become a household name. Rumor ascribes all sorts of predictions to him. Nostradamus himself wrote that he made his predictions "much more obscure than other prophets" So what “no one will be able to find their rules, much less interpret any of them” . At the same time, however, he made a reservation that “When the time comes, things will become clearer” . And judging by the results, that time has come.

It's good to have keys

The key to the prophetic treasures turned out to be surprisingly simple and ingenious. Nostradamus’s quatrains are literally full of incomprehensible images: “red”, “white”, “cunning”, “ships”, “debauchers” and so on.

But as soon as you translate the incomprehensible texts into Latin, half of these images suddenly change their meaning and become obvious: the “reds” turn into “Russians” (from the Latin “russus”), and the “whites”, accordingly, turn into the “white island”, "Albion" as the Latins called Britain. And then phrases like “Reds and Whites will blame each other for everything” (quatrain 1:3) take on obvious meaning: “The Russians and the British will enter into an irreconcilable dispute” .

The second part of incomprehensible images is revealed when translating these same texts into Ancient Greek and Hebrew, which Nostradamus mastered perfectly. For example, the word “depraved” (and this image is often found in quatrains), translated into Greek sounds like “omerikos” - how can one not remember America here?

The emotional aspect does not play a role here - all these are just elements of the charades and puzzles of Nostradamus. Russians in quatrains are also not always depicted with positive images. For example, “cunning people” and “deceivers” in quatrains designate our country (in consonance with the French “ruse”, “cunning”). And Rus' in quatrains is encrypted in the form of such images as “angry”, “furious” and so on, but this code is a little deeper. I call all this a “bilingual cipher.”

But the most amazing thing is that after such a decoding, the mysterious predictions of Nostradamus turn into a meaningful speech in which each quatrain is connected with the others by a single storyline.

Terrible 2018

So what do the deciphered texts of the prophet promise us? The first thing that catches your eye is, of course, the predicted war between Anglo-Saxon America and the Islamic world. Nostradamus has so many prophecies on this topic that they can be noticed even without decoding. Decoding simply allows you to specify events.

It all had to start with the fact that a certain “a large army following the path of the crusaders will invade Mesopotamia” (Quatrain 3:61), that is, to the territory of modern Iraq. This prophecy was fulfilled in March 2003 when the United States launched its invasion of Iraq. As a result of this “liberation of the Iraqi people from a dictator,” the country was destroyed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed, and instead of “liberation,” the state plunged into the chaos of civil war. Then there was a similar “liberation” of Libya, Syria, and so on.

Now comes the responsibility for these wars: “Innocent blood will be demanded from the British, the blood of Muslims burned by America will be demanded in 2018” (quatrain 2:51).

There are not very many details of this “response for blood” in the quatrains, but they are there - America will suffer serious damage, and America’s enemies will act from within: “The Mohammedans will strike America because an American will betray his country.” (quatrain 3:20). In a word, America will not be able to avoid retribution for the war in the East, because the blow will be delivered from within and will be carried out by someone who is considered an honest patriot (quatrain 3:41).

Only this is not the worst thing. All this pales against the background of the main disaster - a possible war between America and Russia. And Muslims will play a very important role in this war!

America's Very Bad Deal

The fact that you cannot kill has been known since the time of Cain. And it doesn’t matter what motives the killer has. By the way, the biblical name Abel literally means “insignificant, vain, absurd,” so the wise biblical parable has a deeper meaning: you cannot kill even those who seem even to be completely insignificant.

But here we will talk about a sadder murder: in the deciphered quatrains of Nostradamus, a red, or rather black thread runs through a prophecy about the possible murder of a certain ruler of “Tartaria” and “Byzantine Rus'”. For example, quatrain 1:58 states that “when the prophetic secrets are collected, the prediction of death will affect the ruler of Byzantine Rus'” . Well, quatrain 3:96 makes it clear that this murder will be organized by the Capitol and that “Rus' must stop America” .

This will happen at a time when "The New World will dictate its laws in Syria and Palestine" (quatrain 3:97).

Whether this predicted murder will come true or not, I don’t know. According to Nostradamus, this can and should be avoided. But the main goal will not be the elimination of a ruler that America dislikes, the goal will be the elimination of America’s main strategic rival, that is, the actual collapse of Russia.

Unfortunately, this can happen. Rus' may indeed fall apart, but America will not achieve its goals, because “a certain Byzantine, trying to restore his destroyed state in Moscow, will turn the main cities of America into ruins”(quatrain 1:79).

From other quatrains it also becomes obvious that the collapse of Rus' will be perceived by the Russian people as a declaration of war. And the war, apparently, will become nuclear.

However, this is not the worst thing. The predicted destruction of several American (and most likely not only American) cities is the beginning of a more terrible threat, which Nostradamus calls the “plague.” The point is that the war between America and Russia will provoke mass unrest in the United States, which will end civil war. Moreover, the war will be interreligious and interracial in nature. And as a result of this war, the United States risks disappearing completely from the face of the earth.

Then God will separate the New World from the rest,
He will deprive him of his court and advice.
America's lot will be decay and extinction,
All its inhabitants will be dead, expelled, scattered throughout the world.

Quatrain 1:81

In short, if the United States decides to provoke the collapse of Russia, it will be a very bad deal for them.

It will come true - it won't come true

As Nostradamus wrote in his “Message to his son Caesar”: “There the great eternal God will complete his revolution, there the images [of these prophecies] will again begin to move, and this higher movement will make our earth unshakable and firm, and will not bow forever and ever, unless his will will be done, and nothing else.” And “his will” is simple and obvious: enough wars and politics.

If you believe the predictions, the planet is on the verge of unprecedented changes. Old world, in which it was so common to solve problems through political intrigue and war, must leave, giving way to something new and, according to Nostradamus, very bright.

Based on materials from the book by Dmitry Zim: "Nostradamus-2018".

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Nostradamus is considered by many to be one of the most accurate prophets in history and has left us with a legacy of some shocking prophecies for 2018.

His book, The Prophecies, contains over 1,000 quatrains, each consisting of four lines, often written in a cryptic style. His writings were completed in the 16th century, and since then some of them have already been proven to be true. Some of his early predictions include, for example, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the rise of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, and today's persecution of the spiritual group Falun Dafa in China.

Many believe that his words are nothing more than assumptions that periodically come true. Whether this is indeed the case remains open. Events predicted for 2018 are designed to turn existence on our planet upside down and possibly “erase” life itself. Here are some prophecies that have come true and what we can expect during this year.

  1. The Ongoing Persecution of Falun Dafa in China

This is one of the most famous prophecies Nostradamus regarding our days. This is also the only quatrain with a specific date.

He wrote:

In the seventh month of 1999

Will the great terrible king descend from heaven,

Raise King Angulmus

Before and after Mars will rule luck

(Centurie X, verse 72)

July 20, 1999 (In the seventh month of 1999, as written in the prophecy, former head The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Jiang Zemin began persecuting millions of Falun Dafa practitioners in China and undermined their fundamental right to believe,

Some interpretations of the above prophecy of Nostradamus as the “great king of fear” by the “third Antichrist” represented by the CCP. The atheistic CCP adheres to the Marxist ideology mentioned in the prophecy: "before and after Mars will rule luck." The Party saw Falun's beliefs, including the existence of the divine and heavenly, as incompatible with their Marxist ideals.

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a self-cultivation meditation practice based on the moral values ​​of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This practice was introduced to the public in China in the 1990s by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Due to its extreme health benefits, it soon became popular nationwide, with an estimated following of 70 to 100 million in China alone.

This event in July 1999 became the world's worst genocidal seventh month disaster. The persecution of 100 million innocent people is still happening today. Moreover, this persecution gave birth to a new form of evil. Thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners have been killed for their healthy organs and then sold as part of the CCP's lucrative trade.

  1. Powerful earthquakes in the USA and the rest of the world

Nostradamus predicted powerful seismic activity that would shake western North America and send shock waves throughout the world. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a 25,000-kilometer-wide drainage area in the Pacific Ocean where 90 percent of the world's earthquakes occur. The region also has 452 volcanoes, one of which, according to latest news, erupted last month.

Just recently, on September 19, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 occurred in Mexico. Less than a day later, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck an area 175 miles east of Fukushima, Japan. On September 20, New Zealand, 585 km south of Invercargill, was rocked by a magnitude of 6.1. This was followed by another 5.1 earthquake in Wellington.

Vanuatu, a small island country in the east Pacific Ocean in Australia, experienced a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 on September 21. Another magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck 125 km northeast of Surabaya, Java, raising fears of an eruption of the Mount Agung volcano. Since September 18, the surrounding areas have been in a state of alarm. This volcano last erupted in 1963 and killed more than 1,000 people.

Nostradamus said the "Pacific fire belt" would be especially active in the winter of 2018, leading to earthquakes and three volcanic eruptions.

  1. Floods

Further forecasts from the French seer include record floods with typhoons and extreme weather conditions in China, Japan, Russia and even Australia. Recent hurricanes and floods have already caused significant damage and destruction in some parts of the world.

  1. sunlight causes severe fires

Nostradamus wrote: “The kings will steal the forests, the sky will open and the fields will be burned with heat.”

According to recent NASA reports, quite strong solar flares are occurring. On September 6, the US SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) detected two huge solar flares. The energy released in these recent eruptions is comparable to that of billions of hydrogen bombs.

Some scientists say this is a warning about the destruction of our forests and the widening gap in the ozone hole, leading to increased radiation on Earth.

  1. World War III and rampant terrorism

In his quatrains, he indicates that the war in France will begin with Islamic extremists after terrorist attacks.

He wrote: “ Great War begins in France, and then all of Europe will be attacked, it will be long and terrible for everyone.”

Mourners light candles in front of a Cambodian restaurant under attack in Paris.

But according to the seer, there is hope that this war will end soon in 2025 and peace will return soon.

He wrote in the last line of his quatrain: “From the ashes of destruction, the world is being reborn, but few will like it.”

  1. Eruption of Vesuvius

He prophesied that a volcanic eruption would shake all of Italy. According to geologists, this is expected by the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019. Typically, this volcano erupts every 20 years. However, it has been exerting pressure for about 70 years, since the last eruption occurred in 1944. About 3 million people live in nearby Naples.

Nostradamus's predictions should be considered in the light of all events taking place on the planet. It is noteworthy that some of these five-century-old predictions have already come true. Today we realize that we are indeed in a period of great social and political unrest.

Thus, our humanity, as well as mutual assistance, is becoming more and more in demand.

Every year life becomes more interesting and eventful. New gadgets, programs appear, items are developed to increase our comfort. Many people wonder what else life has in store for us? 2018 is just around the corner, one of the most famous will tell you what surprises it has hidden for us clairvoyants of the world. Nostradamus's predictions for 2018 have gone down in history, and today they are one of the most truthful and global predictions.

In this article:

World-class scientists: historians, philosophers and psychologists have studied the prophecies of Nostradamus and have mostly come to the conclusion that if there is such a seer on earth who can be trusted, it is none other than Michel de Nostradamus, known as Nostradamus. His ability to see the future was called phenomenal, because many important events voiced by him came true. Although you can argue with them in many ways, more on that below.

Michel was the smartest man not only of his century, but also of subsequent ones. He studied physics, healing, alchemy, mathematics, foreign languages. The healing power of this man made it possible to prolong the lives of many people. Unfortunately, he was born at the most difficult time for the universe, during the period of the Inquisition, which persecuted him for his unconventional views on the world and science in general. Fleeing from persecution, he discovers the gift of seeing the future. He transformed his visions into quatrains, some of which have survived to this day. Of course, you can challenge any words, but if you look at the situation more broadly, the picture will begin to emerge. Nostradamus saw his immediate future very well; he saw later centuries in a kind of allegorical, allegorical form, for example, the airplane was an iron bird for him, and computers and robots were a phenomenon from the dark side of the world.

Natural disasters

Many cataclysms were predicted precisely clairvoyant people, lived at one time or another, unfortunately, most of them were destined to come true. Nostradamus also predicted certain natural and weather changes for us in 2018, which are difficult not to believe. There will be big changes in the weather in Russia. Nostradamus, in general, saw a lot in a dark light; most likely, this is explained by the fact that later predictions were made by him already in adulthood, when the blinders were removed from his eyes and the world was not seen as beautiful as in his youth.

The northern winter will drag on, and sudden warming will make hypotensive and hypertensive patients suffer. Magnetic storms will often cause headaches, it is impossible to avoid this, but healthy image life will help you stay on track. Strong winds will hit the northern and southern parts of Russia, storm warnings will no longer be a rare occurrence. Summer in the south will be hot and slightly dry, but the country's harvest will be enough to feed it throughout the coming winter. But Siberia may suffer from drought, according to Nostradamus, there is even a threat of large fires.

The European part of Russia will face large amounts of precipitation both in winter and in the autumn-spring period, but summer, on the contrary, may be dry. That part of the Russian territory that is surrounded by mountains is at risk of being affected by floods. “People will anger nature and the earth,” said this great person, she will answer them according to their deserts.

Predictions about geopolitics

The great predictor saw the Third in 2018 world war. Moreover, before this fact there must be some kind of sign: a born child, whose deformity the world has not seen to this day. Children with varying degrees of deformity have been born at all times, perhaps here we're talking about not about birth, but about the creation of someone, a robot, a cyborg. In our time, this is not at all such a miracle as, say, in the time of the fortuneteller. Military operations, he believed, would begin from the East or Asia, people would begin to move towards the north in panic, and the southern lands would be deserted by the year 19. Is this really so, let's try to figure it out.

The Seer tells us that actions will take place through chemical weapons. Even if he studied a science such as chemistry, it is hardly possible to know about its possible application already in the 16th century. As for the East or Asia, the time of Nostradamus was the time of the heaviest conquests by the Ottoman Empire, which captured the eastern territory too, and then planned to take over the whole world; it is possible that this was what influenced his dreams. After all, he did not see a threat from other countries, because in his time they were too undeveloped. Today, the largest and most actively developing state of that predicted side is China, and to some extent India, with which we are establishing very friendly relations both economically and politically.

Today Russia is trying to strengthen its political positions and surround yourself with allies on all sides. In addition, life in the 21st century has become more valuable than in other centuries; people are striving to prolong it, to gain health and a comfortable stay on earth. That is why neither scientists nor ordinary people believe in such a prediction.

The only thing that all the predictors agreed on was that the Great Migration would begin in 2018. And, perhaps, even geographically, Nostradamus was not mistaken, because the inhabitants of the eastern and Asian lands fill not only European states, but also the territory of Russia. And military operations are also ongoing there, so to some extent he was not mistaken, because even the ancient oracles spoke only allegorically, and not with facts.

Economic forecasts

Despite the above predictions, Russia will take a strong economic position along with some other countries. Its economy will grow and it will become a strong power, giving peace, protection and tranquility to many of its inhabitants globe. The Great Migration will affect not only Europe, but also our lands, so the population in the eighteenth year will increase significantly. The growing birth rate will also contribute to this. New trade routes will open, although today this phrase seems outdated, it still has its place.

The niche of artisans will be in demand, the soothsayer believed. Perhaps he lived in the age of prosperity of crafts and understood the benefits of their actions, but still our world today has come to the conclusion that everyone cannot be scientists and educated people occupying high positions, someone must continue to create conditions existence with your own hands.

Other predictions of Nostradamus for 2018

Despite all of the above, Nostradamus, in general, spoke little about both our state and other currently major powers. This is very understandable: consciousness and subconsciousness gave out the information that was in front of his eyes, i.e. personal fears were the general fears of humanity. And we see from history what happened from 1503-1566. The cataclysms he foresaw are most likely true; scientists admit that this may be some kind of knowledge, since there are too many coincidences. For the countries of the USA, Europe and Asia, he predicted heavy rains, literally like a wall, lasting for a long period. Whether this is true or not, only time will tell us.

America will deal with personal problems and will temporarily withdraw from the political and economic arena, which will be entered by three other powers: Russia, China and India. The language barrier and culture will be broken. This period will mark the beginning of the emergence of not only a new race, but also a new faith, although Nostradamus promises a real transition by the 23rd-24th century.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in Nostradamus’s predictions for 2018. But we should remember the difficult conditions in which our soothsayers lived; perhaps it was the circumstances that influenced their negative visions. Or maybe we are really leading the world to self-destruction, something that each of us should seriously think about: nature is where human life began. And if we want to save this life, we should start with nature.

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