The best facial treatments after 30. How to maintain the youth and beauty of your facial skin after thirty years? Superficial and medium peels

By the age of 30, any lady reaches the peak of her beauty, femininity and sexuality. But it is at this time that the first signs of skin aging appear. It becomes less elastic, drier and not as elastic as before, and pigment spots appear. Even very well-groomed and beautiful woman, looking at her reflection in the mirror, she begins to see drooping corners of her mouth, nasolabial folds and a network of fine wrinkles, which greatly bother her.

This is due to the fact that just at this time a number of age-related processes occur in the body:

The skin begins to lose moisture;
blood flow in tissues worsens;
metabolism slows down;
muscle tone decreases.

Of course, there is no need to panic in this case - this is a natural physiological process that no one can stop. But any woman can slow down the intensity of this process and try to look younger than her age. And for this, skin care after 30 years should become more thorough, systematic and competent. Ideally this is A complex approach, which includes regular moisturizing of the skin, its nutrition, cleansing, and protection. Salon aesthetic procedures in the clinic have also shown their high effectiveness, which today are affordable to almost everyone and are considered safe.

Skin rejuvenation methods

There are several modern popular methods of facial rejuvenation and beauty maintenance:

1. Facial cleansing and peeling

These procedures effectively tighten the skin, provide it with “breathing” and gentle care, and rid the epidermis of sebaceous plugs and dead cells. Thanks to peeling, you can effectively smooth out the first wrinkles.

The procedure can be done no more than 2 times a month.

2. Mesotherapy

A procedure that involves introducing a small amount of active substances – antioxidants – directly into the so-called “problem area”. Strengthens the skin well and allows short time get effective results. In combination with other cosmetic procedures, facial mesotherapy gives one hundred percent the expected effect: it slows down the aging process of the skin, eliminates pigmentation, removes scars and stretch marks.

3. Biorevitalization

An injection procedure reminiscent of mesotherapy. The difference is that under the skin in those places where there is “ problem areas» – corners of the lips, eyes and nasolabial folds – hyaluronic acid is injected. It does not penetrate inside, but is embedded in the structure of the skin, forming a film on the surface that prevents the evaporation of moisture - the skin remains moisturized and elastic. Thanks to this procedure, you can effectively remove facial wrinkles and improve complexion, increasing the ability of cells to renew. Hyaluronic acid injections have become a real sensation in aesthetic medicine.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a year. Course: 3-4 sessions depending on the patient’s age and skin condition.

4. Redermalization

An effective procedure that combats existing signs of aging and fading of the skin: fine and deep wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of definition of contours and stretch marks. Hyalual, which is injected under the skin and contains hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate, penetrates deep into the lower layers of tissue and eliminates the causes of skin aging at the cellular level.

After 30 years, the course consists of 4 sessions with an interval of 3 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

5. Laser carbon peeling

A modern procedure that starts the process of regeneration and renewal of skin cells. Effectively eliminates wrinkles and age spots, promotes collagen production. Carbon laser peeling is performed using a neodymium laser and carbon nanogel. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the ability of the gel to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and remove dead cells. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed, its color improves, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

To achieve results, 3-5 procedures are enough. If necessary, they can be increased to 7-8.

Should you take care of your skin yourself or go to a salon? Every woman asks herself this question sooner or later. And she herself finds the answer to it when she realizes that even with a thick layer of cosmetics she is no longer able to hide deep wrinkles and aging skin. Just the age after 30 years is the ideal time when you should seek qualified help from professional cosmetologists.

Girls, let's talk about the most intimate? What do we not admit to our friends, loved ones, relatives and colleagues? What scares each of us? Let's talk quietly, almost in a whisper... about old age. About small wrinkles under the eyes, about those nasty circles under the eyes, about dullness of facial skin, in general, about what we all struggle with every day.

What is facial rejuvenation after 30 years? This is a set of simple and safe procedures, the main condition of which is regularity and appropriateness. I remember with a smile my twenty-five years, when after a stormy night in a nightclub, having slept only a couple of hours, I washed my face, applied mascara and powder and calmly went to work.

My young body did all the hard work for me. What now? I’m thirty-five and the slightest stress, lack of sleep, and any holiday immediately shows up on my skin. The primary signs of aging can and should be fought. And age 30+ is a good period to start this fight!

At home or your own director

What can we do at home? Almost everything! The fight against wrinkles begins not in a beauty salon, but at home. Using ordinary products, means, desire and your own hands. I suggest ten main ways:


Each of us is unique, just like our skin, but absolutely everyone needs cleansing. Without effective cleansing, all subsequent procedures (creams, masks, serums) bring absolutely no effect. The most important thing is to do it correctly. For those with oily skin, I advise you to wash your face twice – morning and evening. In this case, you need to use gels containing salicylic acid(until 3%).

They will remove oily shine, muffle inflammation, prevent acne and prepare you for the use of anti-aging products. For girls with normal skin type, one wash is enough - in the evening. Herbal gels and foams are suitable. In the morning, you can wipe your face with cubes of frozen herbal infusions. I advise girls with dry skin to use light foams and mousses for washing. It is advisable that they include vitamin E, shea butter and herbal extracts.

Do not rub your face after washing - this will damage the thin top layer of the epidermis. It is enough to blot your face with a napkin or towel.

And remember that cold water blocks skin nutrition and impairs blood circulation. Hot water expands the walls of our blood vessels, but at the same time dries out the face, depriving it of elasticity. Optimal temperature water for washing – 36-39°C.

Deep cleansing

Facial peeling is the key to healthy skin. Every day we expose her to hundreds of negative influences: dust, poor ecology of large cities, unfavorable weather conditions, bacteria, etc. In this case, daily washing means maintaining the cleanliness of the upper layer of the dermis, while peeling means keeping the skin clean from the inside.

I'm afraid to disappoint you, but when you are over thirty, an ordinary scrub no longer works. It is necessary to introduce stronger agents little by little.

I have been using all the well-known pharmaceutical products for many years now - badyaga. I dilute the powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to the face for 10-15 minutes. I wash it off with warm water. Another great remedy is calcium chloride and baby soap. Using a cotton swab, apply a 5% chloride solution to your face. We are waiting for it to dry completely. We repeat three times. After this, using baby soap, roll the solution off your face with your finger and wash with warm water.

A drug " polysorb" It has wide range Applications – from hangover prevention to body cleansing. Its unique absorbent properties will help cleanse our skin. To do this, dilute the powder with water and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
All of the above types of peelings will cleanse pores, tighten the skin, and give you a feeling of freshness and youth.

But I do not recommend deep cleansing for girls with thin, inflamed and very dry skin. When applying the preparations to the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area - after all, they are also susceptible to aging and the formation of wrinkles.


After each wash and deep cleansing, it is necessary to moisturize the skin, because dryness and dullness are the first signs of aging. To do this, we select a complex of creams and serums.

Main conditions when purchasing creams:

At the age of 30+, we need two types of hydration - light, non-clogging pores in the morning and deep, most effective at night. We buy two creams – day and night.
The composition of the cream must be tailored to our skin type and age.

Read product labels carefully. The cream should contain as many natural ingredients as possible and as few preservatives as possible.

The issue of saving should be in last place. Face cream is not something you can skimp on in the fight for youth.


Anti-aging face masks are the most popular cosmetic products in Europe. But we don’t chase trends, we just want to avoid wrinkles. Therefore we do effective masks at home.

Procedures based on yolks, honey and oils are recognized as the best in the fight for youth. I use this: I grind three quail yolks with a spoonful of peach or almond oil, add a couple of drops of honey and apply it to my face for twenty minutes.

Another simple recipe is warm milk and rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Ten minutes is enough. For oily skin, an express method is suitable: oatmeal flour and one egg– half an hour and the skin glows with health.


You can help your body fight aging not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In autumn and spring, introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into your diet. Buy mono vitamins in winter and summer. Beneficial for our skin:

Vitamin E(promotes tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the skin)
Vitamin C(helps collagen production)
Omega-3(prevents wrinkles)
Vitamin A(keratin prevents skin from sagging)

Now let's move on to salon rejuvenation methods:

Mesotherapy - a cocktail of youth

You can start the fight against wrinkles in the salon with a more or less safe method - mesotherapy. It is based on the introduction of special drugs deep under the skin. This technique is quite effective, has few contraindications and gives good long-term results.

Botox is a radical method

There are probably no women left who have not heard about Botox injections, which can smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead in a matter of hours. After reading a lot of literature, I came to the conclusion that Botox is really effective means, however, I still recommend using it for those who are approaching the forty-year mark.

Elos - let's cool our wrinkles

I mean the ELOS system for combating age-related skin changes. Perhaps one of the most comfortable and gentle techniques. Cooling gel promotes cell renewal and regeneration. Suitable for all skin types.

Laser - nanotechnology

With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can “awaken” our cells and force them to fight wrinkles on their own.

Lifting - for dessert

Last on the list, but definitely not in terms of effectiveness! With its help, you can tighten the oval of the face and restore the muscle frame. 100% guarantee of youth for a long time.

Read my other blog articles, stay young and attractive! Smiles and gifts to everyone!

With love Galina Baksheeva

You need to take care of your face from a young age, so as not to resort to emergency measures in later periods. Already by the age of thirty, changes occur in the body, which is why it is so important to perform anti-aging facial procedures after 30 years. You should visit a cosmetologist at least once a year to get professional advice on caring for your facial skin.

When a woman is a little over 30

Rejuvenating facial procedures after 30 years are a set of independent cosmetic measures, or special rejuvenating sessions in a salon. To look younger, you need to undergo regular rejuvenation procedures. By the age of 30, the skin undergoes the following changes:

  • the production of collagen (a substance responsible for the condition of tissues) is significantly reduced, which leads to a loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • the epidermis loses moisture over the years and becomes drier;
  • complexion becomes dull;
  • the outlines of the face are gradually erased;
  • Bags and swelling may appear under the eyes.

When experts talk about facial rejuvenation procedures after 30, they mean preserving the condition of the skin, and not global anti-aging measures.

Home events

Even if facial rejuvenation procedures at the age of 30 are carried out in a salon, they must be combined with home techniques. While at home, it is necessary to perform certain cosmetic procedures to help your skin stay youthful.

Cleansing for rejuvenation

Regardless of the type of skin and the age of the woman, it is necessary to carry out facial cleansing procedures twice a day. This is washing with special products appropriate to your skin type, which is performed in the morning after waking up, and removing makeup in the evenings. If you neglect washing, then any rejuvenation sessions, even salon ones, will not cope with age-related changes in the skin.

Washing your face twice means cleansing your pores. So, if you do not remove makeup in the evenings, the skin will stop breathing and blackheads will begin to form, turning into purulent inflammation.

For the washing process to be beneficial, it must be done correctly. Pick up cosmetical tools only for skin type.

Even with very oily skin, you should not use soap while washing, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to work more actively. It is better to use products that contain salicylic acid.

For washing, special gels or foams are selected. Products that contain herbal extracts have a good effect.

Water for washing should not be hot or ice-cold. Hot water expands the pores, but at the same time dries out the skin, while cold water does not allow nutrients to reach the deep layers of the epidermis. Plain cool water is the best option for morning and evening washing. If your skin is too sensitive, try washing your face with mineral water or boiled water.

Peeling and scrubs

Facial rejuvenation after 30 at home involves performing procedures such as peeling and scrubbing. Such rejuvenating sessions can be carried out no more than once a week. If the epidermis is too dry, the components of home scrubs should be gentle, and the procedures should be performed once every two weeks.

Try making a homemade anti-aging scrub using pharmaceutical products. You can use bodyagu (in powder). To prepare the anti-aging product, you need to dilute the powder with water to obtain a homogeneous mixture with the consistency of sour cream. It will take 15 minutes to treat your face. The remaining composition is washed off with cool water.


Since the face loses moisture with age, the skin must be constantly moisturized. When a woman is over 30, she needs to moisturize her face after every wash. Signs of skin aging include excessive dryness, dullness and lethargy. The listed signs also indicate loss of moisture.

When choosing an anti-aging face cream after 30, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. read the product description;
  2. creams can be light (for daytime use) or heavier (applied at night);
  3. When choosing a cream, be sure to read what skin type the product is intended for.

On some cream packages, in addition to the type of skin, it is also indicated for what time the product is intended (day, night, or effective for 24 hours).

Homemade masks for rejuvenation

As for anti-aging face masks after 30 years, you can purchase ready-made products, or prepare the mixture yourself.

The most effective compositions for preparing homemade anti-aging face masks after 30 are considered to be products using yolk, honey and essential oils. Try preparing the following mask:

  1. take quail egg yolk (3 pieces), peach oil (1 tsp), honey (2 drops);
  2. the components are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

The finished composition is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. The remains of the natural mask are washed off with warm water.

Another recipe for a homemade anti-aging mask made from natural ingredients goes like this:

  1. take rye flour and slightly warmed milk (ratio 1:1);
  2. The composition is kept for only 10 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

There is a good homemade option for express relief for oily skin. Oatmeal is ground into flour, then one chicken egg is added to it. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. The mask lasts for half an hour and is washed off with cool water. The result is noticeable immediately - the skin is revitalized and literally glows.

Vitamin complexes for rejuvenation

Helping your skin stay young isn't just about the outside. It is important for the skin to receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Facial rejuvenation at 30 years old should include mandatory vitamin complexes.

Regardless of the time of year, the skin needs vitamins such as A (maintains facial elasticity) and E (saturates the skin with nutrients, helps cellular metabolism). Be sure to take vitamin C, which promotes natural collagen production. Food should contain foods rich in Omega 3 acids, which prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Salon techniques

There are various effective cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30 years, carried out in a salon. Even after performing rejuvenating salon procedures, it is necessary to perform proper washing and deep cleansing at home. Thus, with a combination of home and salon rejuvenating procedures, the face will remain young for a long time.

Let's look at the most common techniques offered by cosmetology studios to rejuvenate your face at 30.

Botox injections

One of the most effective means in cosmetology for facial rejuvenation after 30 years, Botox injections are considered. The result after the procedure is visible immediately. Botox eliminates wrinkles on the forehead, lips and around the eyes.

Botox injections need to be done regularly to maintain facial contours. Such rejuvenating procedures should be performed without waiting for the facial contour to sag.

That's why optimal age, from which you need to do anti-aging Botox injections - this is when a woman reaches thirty years of age.


Mesotherapy is the introduction of active substances into the deep layers of the epidermis that promote rejuvenation. The composition of the substances administered depends on age, and for thirty-year-old women these are vitamin complexes in combination with antioxidants.

Thanks to the procedure, the facial contour is strengthened and internal rejuvenation processes occur.


The procedure is carried out using special equipment. During the session, facial muscles are stimulated using electrical impulses at low frequencies.

To achieve the desired result, you must undergo a course of myostimulation, which includes from 10 to 15 sessions. After the course of the procedure, the skin gradually becomes more elastic.


When performing a salon rejuvenation procedure, plasma is first taken from the patient, then it is purified with special compounds. Purified plasma is injected into the subcutaneous layers of the face.

Plasma helps the production of collagen, helps cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis, and the formation of new tissue. The effect is observed after the second session, and the entire course includes 6 cosmetic events.

Use of ozone

To improve the nutrition of the skin, it is necessary to saturate the epidermis with oxygen. For this purpose, a special salon technique has been developed - ozone therapy. The essence of the procedure is to artificially saturate the skin of the face with ozone.

The technique can be performed in three versions. In the first case, the face is irrigated with a saturated ozone solution. Another option for using ozone is through injections, which are injected into a vein or under the skin of the face. The third technique is carried out by blowing the face with an ozone-based cocktail. Which ozone therapy technique to choose depends on the client’s preferences.

Peeling with chemical ingredients

For chemical peeling of the skin at the age of 30, lactic, glycolic and retinoic acid are used.

The essence of salon peeling comes down to active exfoliation of the surface layer of the epidermis and the simultaneous elimination of wrinkles.

Due to the special composition of the peeling, the upper stratum corneum of the skin becomes much thinner. A controlled burn of the epidermis is performed, which promotes rapid renewal of cellular tissue.

Salons offer the following types of peeling:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

The duration of the course depends on the depth of penetration of the active components of the peeling. Usually 8 rejuvenating procedures are enough.

RF lifting

The procedure refers to a hardware rejuvenating procedure that helps keep your face young. To perform the session, radio frequency energy is used, which heats the deep layers of the skin.

Due to intense heating, the tissue fibers of the epidermis become denser during the session. The skin becomes denser, firmer and more elastic. To achieve the desired effect, only one session is needed.

Hyalual injections for rejuvenation

To activate facial skin metabolic processes after 30 years, Hyalual injections are used. Thanks to rejuvenating injections, hyaluronic acid begins to be produced, which helps saturate the epidermis with moisture.

The result comes smoothly, accumulating after each rejuvenating procedure. The usual course is 5 or 7 sessions.

In conclusion

Regardless of the chosen anti-aging facial procedures, do not forget about daily cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Do your own facial massage, homemade masks and scrubs.

Protect your face with special creams from external influences. Avoid exposure to the sun. Learn gymnastic exercises aimed at maintaining skin tone.

Young and healthy skin will be radiant and beautiful, even if you don’t take care of it. But over the years, the restoration processes of cells, natural hydration, and nutrition begin to slow down. The covers lose their natural elasticity, firmness, color, and dry out more.

After 30-35 years, the number of collagen fibers decreases, a woman begins to notice puffiness, wrinkles, folds. The face becomes dull, the skin becomes more demanding, dark circles become more difficult to combat, and the signs of aging appear more often. We cannot stop old age, but delaying its onset and prolonging youth is easier than it seems. Let's consider what techniques and cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30 years will help maintain beauty and radiance.

Keeping you young at home

The aging process and its external manifestations begin quite early in some women, even after 25 years. In order to look young and fresh, you need to take time to take care of yourself.

The nature of changes in the face depends on many factors:

  • Lifestyle;
  • Presence of diseases;
  • How often is a woman exposed to stress?
  • If she has children;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Living place.

Wrinkles begin to appear, reserve reserves of the epidermis are depleted, the dermis layer becomes thinner, collagen synthesis decreases, dead cells accumulate, and elasticity deteriorates. Cells lose moisture faster, and pigment spots appear.

It’s time to start thorough and systematic skin care at the first signs of aging. The best way out is a comprehensive, systematic approach to the problem. One single cosmetic product will not give lasting results. Let's consider effective ways home care, as well as effective anti-aging facial treatments after 30 years and a little older. Where to begin?


Before any manipulations and anti-aging procedures for the face after 30 years, the skin must be cleansed of dirt and fat. In the evening all the smog is washed away, in the morning - toxins that come to the surface at night.

The cleanser is selected individually. First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. The components should not cause allergies.
Purchase three cleansing products. Their purpose:

  • Remove makeup (milk, lotions);
  • Wash off dirt (gel, foam, special soap);
  • Tone the skin.

After cleansing, a light peeling is done to remove the top layer of the epidermis with toxins. This could be special cosmetics with acids or products made from natural ingredients. Cores walnut crushed into powder. Mix with freshly squeezed lemon, orange, carrot or cabbage juice until you get a paste. If the skin is too dry, add a little milk. You can apply lemon juice, but you should soften its effect with olive oil.

Water is the main assistant in cleansing. Herbal infusions and milk are added to it. Too much low temperature the solution will narrow the blood vessels, which can lead to their rupture. The red mesh is not the most attractive thing. Too much hot water leads to the same unpleasant effect. The main stage of washing is carried out with warm water. The final one is cool.

Cleansing can be daily or periodic. The epidermis should be cleansed of dirt and makeup twice a day. Deep cleaning with peelings and masks, which are designed to get rid of dead cells, activate local metabolism, and even out the relief, is carried out twice a week. Cleansing cosmetic procedures for the face after 35 years - once a week.

Additionally, some ladies need regular cleansing from acne, rashes, and comedones. It is better to trust a specialist in this matter. Not all methods that the Internet is replete with may suit you. The salons offer the following types of cleaning:

  • Mechanical;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Vacuum.

Other home care options

In combination with cleansing and facial rejuvenation procedures at the age of 30, twice a week you should make nourishing masks that nourish the epidermis with useful substances, smooth it out, and make it healthier. They are also applied to the neck and décolleté area. Wash off 20 minutes after application. Masks with cream, honey, sour cream, and oils nourish well.

After cleansing manipulations, the skin better perceives hydration and nutrition. Creams with vitamins and oils fill the skin with useful ingredients. Other essential ingredients: plant extracts, various active ingredients. They maintain moisture balance longer. In summer and during the day it should be moisturized, in winter and in the evening it should be nourished. Creams with hyaluronic acid protect, retain moisture, and prevent the epidermis from drying out. The cream may also contain a substance that stimulates collagen production, coenzyme Q10.

A scrub made from oatmeal will help get rid of the stratum corneum. Salt and coffee scrubs are suitable for oily skin. Sensitive - ground herbs with milk.

Gymnastics and massage are another effective method. A cosmetologist will tell you and show you the massage technique. Afterwards you can do it yourself. Massage is done in courses of 10 sessions, gymnastics - daily.

The correct order of caring procedures for a person after 30-35 years always begins with cleansing and ends with nutrition.

The best time for peelings and masks is in the evening. The tissues will have time to recover, and the body will accept the manipulations well.

The effect will be even more pronounced if you visit a cosmetologist once a week. Let's find out more about what facial procedures are done in the salon after 30-35 years.

Professional anti-aging facial procedures after 35 years are a more radical and effective method to preserve beauty. At this age of creams, masks, good rest(as in youth) it becomes insufficient to restore and care for aging skin. You should contact a professional in a reliable clinic or beauty salon.

First, the specialist must find out about the diseases that the patient has ever suffered, the presence of allergies, and other contraindications.

He will help you choose effective methods fight against aging. You may need to do some cleansing to get rid of rashes and other unwanted manifestations.


This is one of the most popular and effective cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30-35 years. Vitamin cocktails with amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and other beneficial substances that affect the dermis, epidermis and general health are injected.

Mesotherapy activates regeneration processes, heals the skin, increases elasticity and turgor. There are injection and non-injection techniques. The punctures heal on the second day. Non-invasive mesotherapy does not cause discomfort and does not require a rehabilitation period, but is considered less effective.

Deep peeling

This facial procedure after 35 years is very effective not only for rejuvenation, but also for cleansing. The following peeling techniques are used:

  • Chemical;
  • Fruit;
  • Diamond;
  • Dermabrasion.

The top layer and part of the epidermis underneath are removed. The processes of self-healing and rejuvenation are launched. Small wrinkles disappear, color is evened out, pigment spots are removed, and the condition of the skin improves.

This is a rather traumatic way. Peeling is carried out only by a professional cosmetologist. Specific time It’s better not to go outside and treat your face with compounds prescribed by a cosmetologist.

Filler injections are a useful procedure for facial rejuvenation at 35 years of age and older. Their basis is hyaluronic acid. Thanks to it, the skin acquires elasticity, a fresh look, and wrinkles are filled. With this manipulation you can raise eyebrows, make features more symmetrical, and change volumes. This is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

Preparations for contour plastic surgery:

  • Based on hyaluronic acid, they are used to replenish the volume of facial tissues;
  • Biorevitalizants are fillers with hyaluronic acid intended for moisturizing;
  • Botulinum toxin type A blocks contractions of facial muscles.

The drugs disintegrate over time and are eliminated from the body. The effect lasts from six months to a year and occurs immediately. Fillers are used to increase the volume of the lips, model an oval shape, and correct the shape of the cheekbones and nose. Anesthesia is usually not required.


Facial procedures after 35 years include lifting. They tighten the facial muscles, get rid of the double chin, wrinkles, and reduce nasolabial folds.


  1. Manual massage, ultrasonic, vacuum. The goal is to prevent and correct the manifestations of aging, therapy of skin and cosmetic defects. Provides a pronounced effect, improves blood circulation, tones muscles, produces elastin and collagen. Swelling goes away, metabolic products are removed. Massage should be entrusted only to a specialist. Contraindicated for inflammatory elements, ulcers, dermatitis.
  2. As a procedure for facial rejuvenation after 35 years good reviews has radiofrequency lifting. Exposure to radio frequency radiation occurs. Promotes the formation of new collagen fibers, smoothes the skin. About 8 sessions are required. First, a special gel is applied, then the device is used. Microcirculation improves, metabolic processes. Contraindicated in oncology, presence of implants, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, scars, and other diseases.
  3. Gold, platinum threads. Threading is a popular procedure for facial rejuvenation for people aged 35 and older. After insertion they are tightened. Such threads do not dissolve. But there are also absorbable threads. They are eliminated from the body over time, but the collagen framework remains, providing long-lasting results. APTOS threads have notches that, after installation, cling to fabrics. Absorbable threads are easy to install and can eliminate moderate signs of fading. This is a serious operation that should be classified as cosmetic surgery. Despite anesthesia, many patients complain that this technique is painful. The rehabilitation period takes 2-4 weeks.

One of the effective procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30-35 years. The work of the lymphatic system is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and swelling is eliminated. Impulse currents affect problem areas, strengthening muscles, smoothing wrinkles, and toning. Muscles contract at different times.

After such exposure, the skin better perceives various drugs and products. Myostimulation is safe and does not cause discomfort, but it is not done for inflammation or wounds.

The following tips, in combination with the above methods, will help improve the condition of the epidermis:

  1. The skin needs timely cleansing from impurities, cosmetics, toning, nutrition, and hydration.
  2. Adjust your diet. healthy, fractional meals preserves complexion. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  3. Drink clean water two liters a day.
  4. Exercising will help speed up your metabolism. Especially in the fresh air.
  5. Try to get enough sleep.
  6. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Don't drink coffee too often.

All of the above cosmetic procedures for the face after 35 years and techniques help to achieve excellent results. A woman can look 10 years younger in appearance.

With regular, competent, thorough care, the skin will look fresh, tightened, and glowing for a very long time.

But cosmetic procedures are not performed during exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnancy, lactation, ARVI, inflammation, rashes in the affected area. A cosmetologist will tell you more about contraindications.

Each modern woman always tries to be well-groomed, beautiful and healthy. Looking great is one of the main callings of every woman. To always be young and perfect, many ladies can constantly take care of their skin by performing cosmetic facial procedures after 30 years. To begin with, it is important to understand exactly what exactly your skin needs, and only after that you can begin to carefully select cosmetic procedures.

What should you do to rejuvenate your skin?

Facial rejuvenation after 30 years must necessarily include salon procedures, special cosmetics and folk remedies, healthy image life and proper nutrition. At the same age, the first wrinkles begin to appear and the skin becomes less elastic. Even if you look good, your face shines the same way it did five years ago, it is important to remember that your biological clock has begun to go against you.

Over time, everyone's skin fades, but the intensity of its aging usually depends on heredity and how carefully you previously took care of your face, as well as what kind of lifestyle you lead.

At the age of 30-35, the metabolism in women's skin gradually slows down, and the production of sebum significantly decreases, the stratum corneum thickens and the lipid layer thins. In addition, there is a significant decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, which can lead to the formation of numerous wrinkles. The tone of the muscles, including the facial muscles, gradually decreases, pronounced nasolabial folds form, the cheeks gradually sag, and the corners of the mouth droop. This usually does not happen in one day, so facial procedures at the age of 30 from a cosmetologist can significantly slow down the process while carrying out methodical and constant facial skin care.

It is recommended to start the morning with a thorough cleansing of the face from fat, as well as other secretions that formed during sleep. It is recommended to use foam for washing, it will help cleanse oily and normal skin. As a cleanser for dry skin, you can choose a special cosmetic milk.

Try to use water to wash your face as often as possible. room temperature, because cold water usually leads to a significant constriction of blood vessels and a significant loss of elasticity, and hot water leads to a noticeable dilation of blood vessels and rapid loss fat layer.

Cosmetic procedures for the face at 30 years old are best carried out using melted or boiled water, because tap water contains a lot of chlorine. Prepared infusions of parsley, chamomile, rosemary, sage (one tablespoon of dry herbs per glass of boiling water) are an excellent remedy for effective morning and evening cleansing of facial skin.

Toning procedures should be included in your morning care. With their help, you can complete this cleansing process, as well as prepare your face for applying cream and restore moisture balance. You can use ready-made toners, but it is important to choose them for the appropriate skin type, or prepare them yourself.

The most affordable and simplest tonic option for use at any time is considered to be a product prepared from one teaspoon of honey, one tablespoon of lemon juice and 5-6 tablespoons of ordinary boiled water. IN summer time women can use natural juice of young nettle or a slice of watermelon. If you have oily skin, then you can wipe it with brewed green tea and add a few drops of lemon juice.

You should not use regular moisturizers as skin care around the eyes because they are too heavy. There is no fat layer on the skin here, so it is especially thin and vulnerable. It would be better to buy special cosmetics that allow you to quickly and completely cleanse it, thoroughly nourishing and moisturizing it. It is best to apply the product with your ring finger (as it will have minimal impact) along massage lines (from the outer corners of the eyes directly to the inner corners with light circular movements).

If the eyelids swell very much, you can do it in morning time special compresses made from parsley, boiled or raw potatoes and grated carrots. Hold it for 10 minutes, after which the swelling will completely disappear.

In the summer, the skin should be thoroughly moisturized and reliably protected from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation. Give preference to moisturizing cream, as well as decorative cosmetics for the care and rejuvenation of the face at 30 years old, containing sun filters. It is highly advisable to choose creams containing vitamins C and E, substances that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid, which can enhance the effect of moisturizing components. If you are thinking about what facial procedures should be done by a cosmetologist at the age of 30, then remember that the use of anti-age cosmetics is mandatory.

Facial skin care in the evening

Facial procedures after 30 years in the evening usually include the same steps as in the morning. The only thing that is important to consider is using night cream instead of day cream.

Be sure to choose a product that suits your skin type.

Remains of moisturizer can be removed with a regular napkin after about 15-20 minutes. Most often, night cream has a more complex composition, which contains much more fat than day cream, and also does not contain UF filters. Try to choose a product that contains vitamins, ceramides, retinoids, peptins, collagen, hydroacids, natural ingredients (aloe, essential oils, calendula), coenzyme.

For evening skin care, you should use moisturizers with hormones, phytoestrogens, amino acids, enzymes and biologically active substances.

Salon facial treatments after 30 years are recommended to be supplemented with cleansing using a special scrub or gommage. Women with very dry skin are recommended to cleanse once a week, and women with normal or oily skin- twice. This scrub is very easy to prepare even at home. As a base you need to take milk, banana pulp or sour cream, then add ground nuts, sea salt, cereals or coffee grounds.

Masks are a must-have procedure to rejuvenate your face at 30 years old. Try to carry out the procedures regularly, twice a week. An excellent option are the following compositions of anti-aging masks:

  • Mix honey and warm milk in proportions 1 to 7;
  • Sour cream and parsley juice in equal quantities;
  • Banana pulp, one teaspoon of cream, and half a teaspoon of potato starch;
  • Honey, cosmetic clay and tea leaves;
  • Yolk and one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of boiled beans, which must be rubbed through a sieve, the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

If you have not decided which facial treatments to choose at the age of 30, then it is better to give preference to summer masks made from strawberries, peach, black currants, cucumbers, and raspberries. If the pulp of berries and fruits turns out to be very liquid, then it is recommended to add sour cream, oatmeal, cottage cheese or flour to the mask.

It is important to consider that lemon and cucumber contribute to intense skin whitening, so when you need to maintain a tan, it is better not to use masks with the addition of such components.

Facial procedures at 30 years old must necessarily include cosmetic serums (serums), but only when there are no problems with blood vessels. They are preferably applied in the evening and morning before starting to use the cream, but not always, but only in 1-2 monthly courses twice a year. Such serums act very quickly, gradually returning excellent elasticity to the skin, effectively tightening it, reducing wrinkles, evening out color and lightening age spots.

Do not neglect the services of modern beauty salons. Efficient and proper care facial care at 30 years old requires a mandatory monthly visit to a cosmetologist, who will provide massage courses, peeling and other similar procedures that are recommended by specialists.

It should be remembered that absolutely all diseases immediately affect the condition of the skin of the face. Turning thirty is the best time to give up forever. bad habits, consumption of fatty and starchy foods, frequent consumption of sweets.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and protect your face from sunbathing.

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