Shelf life of breast milk after pumping. What to do when mom is not at home, or how to store expressed breast milk? Video - How long can breast milk be stored after pumping?

Breast milk is healthier for a newborn baby than formula. But feeding it fresh all the time is not always possible. Work, personal matters, and emergency circumstances become obstacles to breastfeeding. And, in order not to leave the child hungry, young mothers express milk. The question of its shelf life becomes relevant.

Breast milk is not sterilized or pasteurized. IN as soon as possible it needs to be used, and not tried to be prepared for the year ahead!

Expressed breast milk can be stored in the following formats:

Shelf life depends on the temperature at which the milk is stored. The longer you plan to store, the lower the temperature should be.

Breast milk at room temperature

If you plan to use expressed milk quickly, then it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator or freeze it. It can be stored in a warm room within 15-25 degrees for 6 to 24 hours.

Breast milk in the refrigerator

You can store milk in the refrigerator for up to 8 days. In a tightly closed container specifically designed for this purpose. Keep directly on shelves, not on the door.

Frozen milk

Freezing allows you to store milk in the freezer for up to one year. Rarely does anyone really need this, but you can prepare supplies for weaning your baby. Depending on the temperature, the shelf life is 6-12 months.

After the expiration date

After expiration date breast milk, it should not be eaten by a child. It's losing its beneficial features. The likelihood of harmful bacteria developing in it increases.

Rules for storing breast milk:

  • the container must be sterile and sealed;
  • For freezing, sealed disposable plastic bags are used;
  • label the containers, indicate the date of pumping so as not to overexpose;
  • fresh milk can be frozen and kept in the freezer;
  • It’s just not recommended to store containers in the compartments on the chamber door in the refrigerator.

The main thing is to store milk correctly and use it as soon as possible. Then breast milk will retain its properties and will not harm the baby.

It doesn't matter how you feed your baby breast milk - from the breast or from a bottle. In any case, questions about expressing and storing milk should be of interest to you. How to express milk? How to store breast milk? Where to store breast milk? How long can breast milk be stored?

Breast milk: how to express and how to store

Today, there are not as many questions as those related to infant feeding. How to feed, for how long... And if we focus specifically on breastfeeding, we will understand that the most a large number of Controversy arises around the topic of expressing milk. Yes, someone manages to feed their baby without pumping, we can only praise them and rejoice. But in most families, feeding with expressed milk is the norm, so they have a lot of questions. So let's answer them.

Do you need to express milk until the last drop?

The vast majority of grandmothers and aunties unanimously tell young mothers that in any case and always they need to express milk to the last drop. If simply persistence does not work on young mothers, they begin to scare them with mastitis, stagnation, or the complete disappearance of milk...

First, we want to reassure you, your relatives and doctors want only the best for you. After all, it’s true that 40 years ago there really were such recommendations! And they were only for the reason that at that time the concept of “feeding on demand” did not exist; the baby was put to the breast exactly on the clock. The baby at that time ate only once a day. But the woman’s body was not “ready” for such rare feeding, so milk was produced in excess. And that is why mastitis and other problems were frequent; women were forced to pump after each feeding, because much more milk was produced. And of course, with this approach, women almost always developed mastitis first (they produced a lot of milk, but the baby rarely ate), and then the milk disappeared completely.

Times have changed, and so has the attitude towards feeding. Therefore, if you feed your baby not according to the clock, but on demand, then you are in no danger and should not express after each feeding.

But sometimes pumping is necessary.

Reasons to express milk after each feeding:

  • Mom has too much milk. BUT in this case you shouldn’t get carried away, you need to “free” the breasts only until relief comes;
  • There is very little milk. In this case, you need to stimulate the breasts as often as possible: latch on to the baby more often or use a breast pump more often.

What to do during hyperlactation:

  • Many lactation consultants will advise you to simply not express milk and to latch on to your baby as much and as often as possible to give you relief. If the baby is full, and your breasts hurt from excess milk, express yourself, BUT only until RELIEF. Remember the golden rule: the more you pump, the more milk will come in next time. The baby is growing, his needs for milk are increasing every day, so be patient, everything will get better soon;
  • Try to avoid anything that stimulates lactation, namely: hot tea, baths;
  • If things are really “bad” and the milk does not decrease, then express it, but only a little, and freeze it. It may be useful to you in the future, when you go away and leave the baby with someone or during the first feedings, you can use it to make porridge or even cottage cheese for your baby.

How to express breast milk

When you express milk, what happens in your body is a little different from what happens when you naturally breastfeed your baby. The body perfectly distinguishes the baby from the breast pump; when expressing, the breast does not receive enough stimulation, so milk production deteriorates slightly.

Therefore, there are several recommendations for best quality pumping. Before pumping, mom needs to stimulate her body, for example, by drinking a cup of hot tea. Also, if there are no contraindications, you can put something hot on your chest, for example a towel soaked in warm water, or just take a bath or warm shower. It is important that the mother relax and think about the baby. In this state, the hormone oxytocin is released, which is responsible for the production of breast milk. You can also massage your breasts with light movements so that when expressing the milk comes out better and faster.

How to express breast milk

Manual method of expressing milk

  1. Place your thumb on the upper border of the areola (approximately 2.5-3 cm from the nipple), the index and ring fingers opposite the thumb, on the lower border of the areola, the points of the fingers should be at the 6 and 12 o'clock position, if you imagine a watch dial.
  2. Gently squeeze your chest towards your ribcage.
  3. Roll your fingers forward towards the nipple.
  4. When the milk comes out, release the pressure.
  5. Do it all over again. Move the position of your fingers throughout the breast so that milk is released from all lobes. Ideally, pumping should be painless.

Express carefully and delicately, breast tissue is very delicate, it can be damaged due to strong pressure or friction.

But most mothers now use breast pumps. We can advise them to sometimes resort to manual expression, since it is with manual expression that breast massage and kneading occur. And this contributes to good milk production.

How to choose a breast pump

Many women are surprised to find breast pumps in pharmacies, which are glass tubes with a rubber bulb. We strongly advise you to avoid this purchase, if you decide to buy a breast pump, do not save. For most women, such a device cannot even suck out anything, and besides, it can cause harm.

There are no essential requirements for breast pumps. It all depends on your desires and capabilities. But the only thing that is definitely worth paying attention to is that the breast pump can be completely sterilized without difficulty. Please note that some Chinese or other cheap breast pumps are marked “not subject to boiling or sterilization.” With such a breast pump there is a high risk of infecting the baby.

Another important question for many mothers is whether to choose a manual breast pump or an electric one. It's all up to you. They both have their advantages. Manual is more under your control; you can constantly adjust the degree and frequency of its operation. And the electric one will free you from, albeit small, but still physical activity. We can probably say that electric is convenient to use for those who need to pump both breasts; some models have this option

How to store breast milk

The safest place to store breast milk is this moment are special sterile bags for creating a breast milk bank. Baby bottles and baby food jars are not suitable for such purposes. This can even be dangerous, because plastic bottles, after use, washing, and sterilization, can begin to release harmful substances. The only plastic jars that can be a good container for storing breast milk should be made from high-quality medical polypropylene. The packaging of such jars must be marked accordingly. Glass baby food jars can, in principle, serve as a storage area for your breast milk, but glass has a little twist. When milk is stored in a glass, important substances from the milk stick to it, so a baby with such nutrition runs the risk of seriously lacking important microelements.

How to store expressed breast milk

How to store breast milk:

  • If you are going to use the milk within a week, store it in the refrigerator on a shelf. This way it will not lose, at least a little, its usefulness compared to frozen milk;
  • In the refrigerator, milk should not be stored in the door;
  • If you want to freeze freshly expressed (still warm) milk, then cool it in the refrigerator before doing so;
  • Mark the date of pumping;
  • In the freezer, place the milk against the far wall, so temperature fluctuations when opening the freezer will affect it less;
  • Defrost the milk gradually, first in the general compartment of the refrigerator, then at room temperature;
  • Milk can only be heated to body temperature (36-37 degrees), otherwise beneficial enzymes are destroyed;
  • We recommend heating it in a special bottle warmer. It is very easy to overheat it in the microwave or on the stove, and in the microwave you can also kill some of the beneficial properties;
  • It is completely normal that frozen milk changes color and smell, this is how some fatty acids manifest themselves when frozen;
  • It’s very easy to check if milk is spoiled - smell it. A spoiled product has a pronounced smell of sour milk;
  • If you plan to be away often, then a milk bank is essential. Well, if not, then 4-5 servings will be enough just in case of fire.

How long can breast milk be stored?

Calculation for a healthy full-term baby

Every nursing mother has had to express breast milk at least once.

There are various situations that force you to express milk, but if the mother does not intend to stop breastfeeding and the child does not have lactose intolerance, then mother's milk should be preserved (provided that it is not possible to breastfeed directly).

Common situations that lead to storage of mother's milk:

  1. At the birth of a weak or premature baby.

Typically, children born at 30-35 weeks do not develop the skill of sucking, much less intensive suction from the breast. To feed such babies, softer pacifiers are used, through which it is quite easy to drink the product.

  1. If the milk in the breast stagnates and forms solid formations.

When straining such compactions, there is no need to store it obtained from these dense accumulations. If during the process of pumping, the breast has already become soft, and there is still milk left, then it can be saved for feeding the baby.

  1. If the mother needs to leave and skip natural feeding of the baby, then she should express required amount food for bottle feeding.
  2. If the product is brought by wet nurses for children in intensive care or a shelter.

There is no need to store milk when the mother is ill, taking medications, drinking alcohol, or breaking up clots formed in the breast.

How to store breast milk after pumping

There are several storage methods and it all depends on how long the milk should be stored.

At room temperature in a bottle

Milk stored without refrigeration must be consumed within the first 3-4 hours after pumping.

A dairy product is a comfortable environment for the growth of bacteria, so after four hours, the milk, if it does not sour, will probably cause flatulence in the baby.

Room temperature in summer should be 19-20°C, in winter from 21-23°C.

Storage utensils, for example, a bottle, must be pre-washed and sterilized. During storage, the liquid must be tightly covered with a lid.

Options for utensils used: baby bottle, glass jar, plastic container, special bag.

In a cooler bag

It can be stored in a portable cooler bag for up to 12 hours.

When using this storage method, it is better to clarify the information from the instructions for the bag.

The advantage of this cooling function of the bag is that you can stock up on more than one portion of the product. But if the product stored in the bag has not been drunk within the specified time, it must be poured out.

It is better to store in a container that will not open or break.

Thermal containers for bottles

The bottle container works like a thermos and is very convenient when walking with your child. The freshness of milk in such a container is ensured for 4-5 hours.

The advantage of storing this way is that the temperature of the milk remains the same as immediately after expression.

Since such containers have special holes in the shape of baby bottles, milk is supposed to be stored in them too.

Keep in the refrigerator

The product can be stored in the main compartment of the refrigeration equipment for no more than a day.

You cannot place a container with mother's milk in the door, because when you open the refrigerator, the temperature on the doors drops.

Choose better place closer to the far wall of the refrigeration equipment.

Glass or plastic dishes are suitable for babies.

Long-term in the freezer built into the refrigerator

Preservation by freezing is the longest. If you access the freezer only by opening the main door of the refrigerator, then the milk can be stored for no more than 2 weeks.

This freshness limitation period is associated with regular churning temperature regime due to the doors opening.

It is better to freeze in special bottles or bags to preserve breast milk.

If the freezer has a separate door, the time for which you can leave the product increases to three months.

In a free-standing freezer

Can be stored for six months.

You will learn how to express milk, how to store it in the refrigerator, defrost and heat it from the video.

If the product is kept in the cold for such a long time, you should not use non-specialized containers.

Features when storing in the refrigerator and freezer

  1. Milk may separate when stored in the refrigerator; stir a little before serving. You can't shake it.
  2. The cooled food should be brought to the temperature required for feeding (from 25-36°C) by pouring warm water over the container or leaving it in a water bath.
  3. Ice cream cannot be heated immediately; it must be left in the main compartment of the refrigerator to thaw.
  4. Milk stored for a long time in the freezer, may change taste and color. The beneficial properties will not be completely lost, but due to changes in taste, the child may refuse it.
  5. You cannot heat the product too much, much less boil it. In the moment heat treatment beneficial properties disappear from it.
  6. Thawed food cannot be stored if not used, much less frozen again.
  7. When choosing dishes for storage, follow the rule of fewer transfusions.
  8. When frozen for a long time, the product loses half of its beneficial properties.
  9. If there is a need to save the product, then you need to sign the date and time of pumping.
  10. Storage containers should contain no more than one serving of milk.
  11. You can add freshly expressed milk to defrosted or previously cooled milk.

How can you tell if breastfeeding milk is spoiled?

If storage rules are followed, it also happens that breast milk spoils.

Signs of being unfit for consumption:

  • When defrosting, a sour smell is felt;
  • tastes bitter or sour;
  • separation according to the principle of sour products, i.e. there is a kefir-like mass at the bottom, and water (whey) on top.

If you are confused by the color of the product, then you should know that bluish or, conversely, too yellow milk is only an indicator of its fat content. Color has nothing to do with freshness.

It is better to feed your baby breast milk for as long as possible. Long-term breastfeeding provides the baby with the necessary vitamins and microelements for proper development and resistance to colds and viruses. If it is not possible to feed the baby directly and you need to store milk, then this must be done correctly so that the baby does not suffer from stomach pain or go hungry at all.

If parents want the child to continue to eat breast milk, but the mother is unable to do so, then they can resort to pumping and storing milk.

Is it possible to store expressed milk?

Breast milk is the most valuable product for a baby, so the process of expressing and storing should be taken very seriously.

  • Before starting manual expression or breast pumping, a woman’s breasts and nipples should be washed with warm water (preferably boiled);
  • Expressing is carried out in a specially prepared and sterile container. Today, plastic and glass containers are offered, which can be purchased in pharmacies;
  • Before purchasing a container for storing milk, you should determine the shelf life. For example, for long-term storage you need to use special plastic bags that can be conveniently placed in the freezer.

Methods for storing breast milk

The rules for storing breast milk depend directly on the period for which it needs to be stored. There are two ways to store milk so that it does not lose its beneficial properties:

  1. Cooling.
  2. Freezing.

The first method is suitable for short-term storage. For example, a mother cannot be with her child during one of the feeding schedules. In this case, after expressing, breast milk should be placed in the refrigerator. In this state it can be stored for no more than 24 hours.

The second method is perfect for long-term storage. In the freezer, milk will not lose its beneficial properties for 3 months. A working mother can easily stock up on breast milk in sufficient quantities. And don’t worry that her baby isn’t eating properly.

Natural food is the healthiest for your baby, so you should not only store it correctly, but also reheat it. Compliance with heating rules will allow you to save everything healthy vitamins and microelements contained in milk.

  • Heat water in a saucepan to 70 C°;
  • Remove the container of breast milk from the refrigerator;
  • Place a bottle of milk in hot water and let stand until it reaches 37 C°.

After this, you should drop warmed milk on your wrist to check the temperature.

How to reheat breast milk after freezing?

Frozen breast milk should be removed from the chamber and left for 2 hours at room temperature. After the milk reaches a liquid state, heat it in hot water or in a special electric heater.

An electrical appliance most suitable for properly heating milk. You can set it to the required temperature and immerse the bottle inside. After heating, the electric heater will turn off itself, thereby overheating can be easily avoided.

Shelf life of breast milk

  • If breast milk is stored at room temperature, it must be used within 5-6 hours after expressing;
  • Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours;
  • In the freezer for more than 2 months.

Storing milk while walking and traveling

Many parents prefer to travel a lot or take long walks outside, where breastfeeding is impossible for some reason. However, it is not recommended to disrupt the baby’s feeding schedule. For these reasons, you can express your milk beforehand and take it with you on a walk.

In summer, milk must be stored in a special bag. It will keep the milk at the required temperature for several hours. If necessary, take out a bottle of milk and feed the baby. However, storing milk in such a bag should not exceed 8 hours.

In winter, you can use a thermos. The thermos does not allow the milk to cool down and feeding can be done at any time, in a convenient place.

Some caring parents worry that the milk may cool down and preheat it until it is hot. This is not recommended due to bacterial growth and loss of beneficial vitamins.

How to recognize spoiled milk?

Fresh breast milk has a sweet and pleasant smell. Color varies from transparent white to deep white. Liquid state without impurities and sediments.

If mommy has any doubts about the suitability of milk, then it should be determined by its smell. If there is a sour smell, then milk should not be given to the baby. In addition, its deterioration may be indicated by the state of condensation, that is, it is already beginning to coagulate and is not recommended for consumption.

How to monitor the timing of expressed milk?

After the birth of a baby, mothers have a lot of responsibilities. This is caring for the baby, feeding, playing. Therefore, it is not always possible to remember exact time when the milk was sent for storage.

Before storing breast milk in the freezer, each container should be marked with the date and time of expression for timely use. Even if mommy assumes that she should use it on the same day, the date and time must be indicated on the container.

For proper development and growth, the baby requires only high-quality and fresh nutrition. That is, for expressed breast milk, it is necessary to comply with all storage standards and rules. If stored incorrectly, it can harm the baby's health.

  1. Breast milk should not be stored on the refrigerator door. If the door is constantly opened, it does not maintain a regular temperature, and, consequently, the milk begins to deteriorate and becomes unfit for use. The best place for storage is the middle shelf in the refrigerator.
  2. Store milk in tightly closed containers. When air enters, pathogenic microbes can develop.
  3. Do not overheat the milk. The heating temperature should not exceed 40 C°. At high temperature all useful microelements and vitamins disappear and it is not recommended to give milk to the child.
  4. All utensils must be sterile.

Which container is better to choose?

To ensure that expressed milk does not lose its beneficial properties, it is necessary to select airtight and sterile containers.

To date it has been proposed a large assortment storage utensils:

  • Plastic containers;
  • Glass;
  • Plastic bags.

Plastic bags are most convenient for storing milk in the freezer. They seal tightly and take up little space in the freezer. However, it can only be used once.

Glass and plastic containers also very comfortable. They are hermetically sealed and after use they can be washed and used again.

Which dishes to choose depends directly on the choice of the parent.

Can breast milk be stored without refrigeration?

Sometimes it happens that a mother is forced to go to work and cannot feed her child on time. However, the milk comes in and needs to be expressed to avoid stagnation in the milk ducts. But the enterprise does not always have a refrigerator to preserve milk for later use.

In such a situation, if a mother wants to work and feed her baby breast milk, it is worth purchasing a refrigerator bag. You can store milk in such a bag for a long time and not worry about it going bad. At the same time, all its beneficial properties are completely preserved.

Studies have shown that breast milk contains a natural preservative that prevents the milk from spoiling at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

During breastfeeding some are faced with a shortage of milk and begin to introduce various mixtures into complementary foods. However, this can be avoided by using expressed milk.

During good lactation, you can express excess milk and store it in the freezer. When lactation decreases and the baby does not have enough milk, he can be supplemented with previously prepared food.

You can take expressed milk with you on long trips and walks. And when the baby wants to eat, just heat it up according to the recommendations.

In addition, if you plan to be separated from your baby for a long time, expressed milk is reliable way feeding healthy and vitamin-enriched milk, without resorting to artificial formulas.

A mother who feeds her newborn baby with her own breast milk provides the baby with good immunity and frees up the time needed to sterilize bottles. But there are situations when a woman needs to express milk for further feeding.

4 reasons indicating the need to pump

Use Breast milk is much better than formula, but only if a responsible mother knows how to store expressed breast milk and follows all the nuances of storing food that is natural and healthy for the baby.

Naturally, breastfeeding directly is much more convenient for the mother and more emotionally beneficial for the baby. A woman decides when to express breast milk for a variety of reasons, common ones include:

  • Forced absence of mother for a long time. A woman can undergo treatment, go to work or leave home to resolve necessary issues. In such situations, the burden of feeding falls on the immediate family, and if you have several bottles of mother’s milk in stock, then you don’t have to worry about the baby’s satiety and his health.
  • Problems with breasts and nipples in a nursing mother. Cracks in the nipples are very painful, and when the baby suckles for half an hour or more, the wounds take a very long time to heal. By switching your baby to a bottle of breast milk, your nipples can heal in two to three days.
  • Baby's refusal to breastfeed. Some babies have a weak sucking reflex and therefore it is easier for them to drink from a bottle.
  • Insufficient lactation. Constant pumping stimulates the mammary glands, which leads to the production of the required volume of milk. By expressing even a few milliliters of milk, the mother will be able to supplement her baby’s milk at the next feeding.

You can feed your baby expressed breast milk for several months. How long can expressed milk be stored is the main question that concerns a nursing mother.

Subject to all storage conditions milk does not spoil in the freezer for up to six months and retains all the nutrients and microelements necessary for the body.

Many mothers prepare porridge for their baby using expressed milk.

6 Important Steps to Pumping

There are breast pump models that express milk directly into bottles.

Before storing milk, it must be properly expressed.

The quality of milk depends on compliance with all stages of pumping., its taste and sterility.

  1. You can express breast milk using your hands or a breast pump. If you decide to use a breast pump, then you need to buy one that includes boiling and sterilization.
  2. Before expressing, hands and breasts should be washed with soap and dried well.
  3. Express milk only into a clean, washed container.
  4. Containers with milk must be marked with the date and time. This is necessary so as not to make a mistake with the storage period in the future.
  5. Do not fill the container to the brim. When frozen, milk expands and may overflow the bottle.
  6. There is no need to boil milk before freezing.

Where to store expressed breast milk?

If you decide to express and store milk, you need to choose the right container.

Plastic and regular bottles are not suitable for these purposes..

In order to maintain complete sterility, human milk is placed and stored:

In medical containers made of polypropylene with hermetically sealed lids. You can buy such containers in pharmacies or by looking at a specialized section of an online store.

Such containers have appropriate markings indicating that they can hold food and be frozen.

In glass bottles and baby food jars. Such containers must be sterile and their lids must be tight.

Purchase special bags made specifically for storing breast milk.

Such bags are sold sterile, tightly sealed, and many types can be directly attached to a breast pump. On the outside of the packages there is a special information field for writing the date and time.

Another sure thing The advantage of such containers is the small volume of the freezer required for their storage.

Expressed milk is usually bluish in color, but may change to pink or greenish. Color changes depend on.

You cannot store milk if the mother is already undergoing treatment. medicines , since it is unknown what processes will occur during long-term storage. Do not express or store milk if the mother is sick, has previously drunk alcohol or cannot refuse bad habit– smoking. It is also necessary to reschedule pumping to prepare milk for storage when the milk becomes pinkish in color due to the ingress of blood microelements from cracks in the nipples.

Doctor Komarovsky advises choose different containers for storing expressed milk. If you only need to supplement your baby, you will only need 30 to 70 ml. If you plan to replace an entire feeding with expressed breast milk, then the bottle should contain between 120 and 180 ml.

How and for how long to store?

How to store expressed breast milk? Another question that requires detailed clarification.

Prepared in containers milk can be stored directly in the room, in the refrigerator or freezer, naturally, the timing of its aging will be different.

  • Expressed breast milk at room temperature up to 25 degrees, milk can be kept in a clean container for up to 6 hours. If the temperature is not higher than 22 degrees, then storage lasts up to 10 hours.
  • In the refrigerator, on shelves where the temperature is maintained at 0-4 degrees, milk is stored for up to 8 days. Remember no need to put it in the door.
  • In a freezer located directly in the refrigerator, that is, without a separate door, human milk remains sterile for two weeks.
  • In freezers with a separate door, milk can be stored for up to 4 months.
  • IN freezers With deep freezing and temperatures down to minus 19 degrees, human milk retains all its properties and sterility for six months.

If you need to take expressed breast milk with you on the road in the summer, you need to purchase special portable refrigerators. Storage in such containers depends on the temperature inside the chamber.

Try to feed your baby breast milk for as long as possible and the chances of seeing it will be minimal.

Main parameter safe storage expressed milk is the creation of the necessary conditions.

Before freezing in the freezer, the container of milk must be pre-cooled for two to three hours in the refrigerator and only then placed in a deep-freezing chamber.

How to properly prepare such milk for feeding?

Stored in the refrigerator or freezer milk must be heated before feeding and this must be done correctly.

  • Unfrozen milk is heated in a special heater or in a container with hot water. IN microwave oven This is not recommended, since some beneficial microorganisms die, and individual layers of milk become very hot and can burn the baby.
  • Taken out of the freezer frozen milk is first kept in the refrigerator for it to melt. This will preserve all useful microelements. After the milk has melted, it is also heated directly in the container in water or in a heater.
  • After heating, the milk must be shaken well to ensure uniform mixing of all particles. When frozen, the fattest part of the milk collects at the top of the bottle, leaving liquid at the bottom. By stirring the milk, achieve its homogeneity.
  • After heating, you need to determine whether the milk is suitable for consumption. If the product has deteriorated, it will have a sour smell.
  • In some cases, after freezing, milk acquires a soapy smell resulting from separation fatty acids. You can get rid of this smell by boiling. Such milk will retain its nutritional value, but will lose some of the necessary microelements.

Thawed milk is not re-frozen; it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. If the baby does not drink the milk completely, then it must be drained immediately, without leaving it for the next feeding.

Storing human milk creates additional convenience for the mother and the whole family.

When expressing and storing It is important to always maintain cleanliness and all conditions of safe exposure product. Despite its convenience and sterility, pediatricians advise using frozen milk in cases where it is really necessary.

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