Xxvi. Religious wars in France and the Nantes of Edict. Nante Edict


Nante Edict. - Fate of the Nante Edicta.

Finally, both sides came to a well-known agreement, and in 1598 was published Nante Edict, almost a century after that (1598-1685) regulated by French Calvinists. He allowed the free shipment of Protestant worship services in the noble castles (about 3500) with the previous restrictions and in two cities of each heneshiness or balsa, as in all cities and villages, where it has already been established earlier (until 1597). The government took, further, on the government account, the content of the Calvinistic clergy and schools. All the same rights were recognized for Protestants as for Catholics: because of the faith, for example, parents could not deprive the children of inheritance, raping their conscience. Each parliament has established a special mixed chamber (Chambre Mipartie, Chambre de L "Édit) to consider the controversial affairs. Calvinists were allowed to occupy all positions. They were allowed to convene religious meetings (consistory, synodes) and even allow foreign one for them, but the latter Could appear at political meetings equally permitted by Calvinists. Two hundred fortresses and fortified castles that were in their hands, temporarily (for 8 years, then for another 4 years) were left at their disposal, like "Places de Surête", and the king was obliged to contain Only Calvinists, their garrisons, and the heads of their garrisons, until other means are found to ensure the freedom of the Protestant religion. In the Nantes of Catholic and Protestants and Protestants, the Nantes of Catholics and Protestants were legally established - for the first time at that time, when Protestants pursued in Catholic states , and in Protestant - Catholics, but this religious freedom had purely The estate tint is not only agreement with the social system of the state itself, but also with the class character of the French Reformation. This freedom was introduced by the authority of the absolute monarch in the country, in the population of which was dominated by intolerance. Most of the parliaments have long refused to make the Nantes Edict in their registers. Paris's population is also not allowed the Protestant temple in the walls of his city. In the whole balsa and in a variety of cities, Protestants would expose themselves to a big danger if they just thought to publicly send their worship. Tolerance french state Even when they were in the twenties next century, in the twenties of the next century, with the minister, formerly at the same time Catholic Cardinal (Richelieu), rebelled twice against the government, they also appealed to English aid and were defeated. True, they were deprived of their republican organization, their political meetings, their fortresses; But the so-called "edict of grace" (édit de grâce, 1629) nevertheless left behind them their religious rights and their equal feasibility with Catholics in the amount of them in which the Nante Edict was installed. And it did a high dynamic of the Catholic Church regarding defeated Protestants in the very year, when a religious war was played in Germany, and the Catholic response tried a complete victory. After the twenties of the XVII century. Hugugenotes were already completely peaceful citizens, and there was little significant names that have previously made the power of Protestantism, began to move into Catholicism, so the reformed religion was made by the religion of small nobles and citizens, in one word, the "Meshchansky faith." Only the grandson of Heinrich IV (Louis XIV) began to stronger the rights of its reformed subjects (1665), and then completely destroyed the Nante Edict (1685), 87 years after his publication, 56 years after its secondary confirmation. In this case, not only a Catholic response triumphed, by no means desirable to recognize the existence of Protestants in France, a political principle: Cujus Regio, Ejus Religio. Valopeability was established in France with absolute power, seeing, however, in the Freedom of Faith, not the natural right of personality, and the talent of the royal mercy (édit de grâce): That's why power and considered himself in the right to take back this mercy with the general sympathy of subjects - and This, after the thirty-year war forced Germany to abandon this right of sovereigns over the conscience of subjects (according to the Westphalian world of 1648), and in England, the Independent movement marked the beginning of the freedom of conscience on a stronger basis than the consent of the state, i.e. on the teaching The fact that the state should not even interfere in the affairs of faith.

Cancellation of the Nantes Edict

Seventeenth of October 1685, Louis signs a decree on the cancellation of the Nange Edic. This will finally create a tyrant reputation in Europe.

He always treated Protestants with distrust and endured them only fastening the heart. He considers them at least "Republicans", as well as the Yansenists, due to the proclamation of the right to freedom of judgment. And although their loyalty towards the monarchy is not subject to doubt, the samples for them are still Geneva and Amsterdam. And therefore the surroundings of the king to give him pleasure, not the first year convinces him that almost all of them, if not everyone, turned to the Catholic faith of their ancestors, from which it is obvious that the Nante Edict is no longer needed.

And he signs a document that cancels the Nantes of Edict, sincerely convinced that it acts as a true Christian king, who performs the fervent desire of his people. And there is foundations. According to the poultry, if this question was asked for a referendum, most of the French would support their monarch.

By the time of the cancellation of the Nange Edict of Protestants in France, there are about 800 thousand. They no longer suffer unfair oppression, because the population of France is in its mass, as well as the king, is configured by anticalvinist. In Puat, for example, from the end of the 1660s, the Protestant temples began to destroy, erected after the publication of the Nange Edic. The king does not always know about it, but, even being aware, does not interfere with what is happening. Mixed courts are eliminated, which included magistrates belonging to both religions. Protestants are closed access to many professions: they can not be doctors, lawyers, printers, booksellers ... They are also closed access to most public posts. They remain an army, fleet and trade where their progress cause a burning envy. Catholics are forbidden to contact the Protestant faith and marry Calvinis. Back in 1681, Madame de Madennon wrote: "If the Lord extends the days of the king, in 20 years there will be no hugenic." Dragonada - Forced accommodation at the post from private individuals soldiers - began this year, that is, five years before the cancellation of the Nange Edic.

Luvua enthusiastically writes intenant to Puota Mariyaku: "His Majesty wishes you to personally give the appropriate orders to the mayors and Eschenam on the ground, without pointing out that His Majesty wants to force Huguenot to contact the Catholic faith."

Mariyakan immediately begins to act the most vile manner, sending the long lists of previously converted to the yard. Unable to endure this, residents of Poitu emigrate thousands and find shelter in England, Denmark and Amsterdam. Marquis de Ryuvinyi, the plenipotentiary representative of the Reformed Churches, it is possible to achieve an audience at the king. Kindly after hearing him, Louis says that he believes his higher and sacred duty to the true faith of his lost subjects and eradicate among them heresy, and therefore, to achieve this, his right hand would have to cut off his left, he would do it nor Seconds do not hesitate.

However, after this visit, the king was still withdrawn Mariyaka, putting Lamuanone de Bavilila in his place, which will observe the prescription not to resort to violent actions, which predetermined his predecessor.

At the same time, the king comes with Pope Innocent XI to a conflict associated with the issue of regalia. Regalia is an old royal right to receive income from vacant beneficias until newly appointed bishops are registered in the Accounts Chamber. In this controversy with Pontiff, Louis was to rely on the French clergy, nourishing the inexpensive hatred of Huguenotes and every five years expressed the paradoxical requirement to destroy the "destructive freedom of conscience that destroy the freedom of the Lord in his assemblies." And this support required tightening measures against Huguenots.

On June 1, 1682, the Constriction Assembly appeals to Protestants with a solemn warning, in which he threatens with misfortunes, much more terrible and disastrous than those that they have already brought themselves with their inconsistency and the rejection of the Catholic cult.

Perturbed Protestants of Languedoc and Southeland begin to arm. In 1683, in Vivar, they open fire troops. The commander of the Duke de Noai receives from Luvua the next order: "... in a word, to teach in this edge as much empty as possible, in order to fit the other reformats, showing them how dangerously oppose the king."

As for Louis, he would prefer to end with Protestantism otherwise, gently, as little as possible resorting to violence; But his ideas about himself and their debt do not allow him to stay within the framework of this good intention. "The king imagined himself as an apostle," Saint-Simon writes, "he believed that he returned apostolic times when baptism was given thousands of people at the same time, and this was intoxicated, supported by endless praises in verses and in prose, solemn speeches and exercises in the eloquence of ritizers, impermeable A vanity hid from him the gospel and did not allow him to see how different his manner to preach and turn to the true faith from what Christ did with his apostles. "

Faith questions became especially important for Louis after in 1683 he married Madame de Madhenon. She was very piety, and the king himself decided that it was necessary to make everyone forget about his past sinful hobbies.

Louis XIV, King of France. Rigo. 1701

Entrance Louis and Maria Teresia in Arras.

A. Van der Mouln. 1667

Osada Kortrijka French and troops.

A. Van der Mouln. 1667

The worst enemies of Louis.

Left - Great Pennsionary Jan de Witt. Ya de Ben. 1670

Right - Wilhelm III Orange. T. Murray. End of the XVII century.

Monastery pore-piano - the nest of Jansenism.

Cancellation of the Nantes Edic. 1685

Admiral de Turvil. XVIII century

Favoritsa Louis XIV.

Left - Louise de Lavalier. J. Petita.

Right - Maria Angelica de Fandard.

Below - Francoise de Montiespan with children.

Francoise de Mentenon, Morganatic wife Louis XIV. P. Miliar. 1694

Architect Louis Levo. The second half of the XVII century.

Versailles by the end of the reign of Louis XIV.

Landscape architect Andre Lenotr. K. Maratta. 1678

Versailles Park.

Versailles Palace and Orangery. J. Martin. 1695

On the second floor of the building in the depths of the marble courtyard there was a bedroom of the king.

Mirror gallery of the Versailles Palace.

Salon of war.

The Royal Family. In the center - Anna Austrian in the image of the goddess Demetra and Louis XIV in the image of Apollo. J. Nokre. 1670

Louis XIV with family. N. de Largener. 1710

Pyensing of the guesthouse in Saint-Sira play in front of Louis and Madame de Madhenon the tragedy of Rasin "Esphyr"

Allegory "Louis XIV is a patron of science and art." J. Garnier. 1667

Family of the Great Downey. P. Miliar. 1687

Sons of the Great Downey. Left - Louis Duke Burgundy, father of the future Louis XV. J. Vivien.

Right - Philip V Spanish. M. Melnendes.

Funeral Louis Xiv.

"The king died! Long live the king!" On September 1, 1715, five-year-old Louis Louis XIV rose to the throne of France.

Statue of Louis XIV in Versailles.

In Baarley in 1685 - this year became decisive - the intensity of Nikola Joseph Fucuto makes incredible efforts to achieve as possible more Appeals to Catholicism and please king. He comes to Louis with the longest lists and, turning his province card in front of him, shows how the Protestant temples are standing alone to another. He proposes to hold a kind of "weeding", leaving only five temples, and the other five, in connection with the accusation of edicts, destroy, and receive the king's approval. A month later, Protestant temples remain in Bearney.

The same Foucault soon comes up with "appeals as a result of public discussions." The prominent representatives of the so-called Religion Pretendue reformee ("Religions, who are reformed by reformed") are collected in some room where representatives of power, Fouco himself or a local bishop, or, in the absence of the latter, chief vicar, or commander of local military forces, stun them promises and threats. If the heretics persist, the dragoons are sent to them. Thus, Foucault can declare that from July, he achieved twenty-two thousand appeals and now, according to its calculations, no more than a thousand Huguenov remains in Buren.

Inspired by the "success" Foucault, all other interns begin to act the same methods. Notified of the Versailles prohibits this imitation to him. It is useless ... Thanks to the support of the fanatically tuned masses incited by the clergy, they feel invulnerable. And incredible happens: the orders of Louis, the first of absolute monarchs, are not executed. The administrative machine does not respond to commands.

Confirmation of this is an amazing letter of Luvua from November 8, addressed to Foucault, where the all-master minister, in front of which all France trembles, is forced to pretend to be a meek lamb: "The king gets every day of petitions of your departments with complaints about what you, without familiarizing them with their grants And even without requiring submitting it, includes them in the list of taxable Talia.<…> In this regard, I received from His Majesty the order to demand explanations from you regarding your complaints about these complaints and once again remind you that the sovereign repeatedly asked me to notify you from his name about banning to do anything without his permission .<…> If this does not force you to be more restrained, I will be forced to begging His Majesty to entrust you to write you about his requirements to someone who inspires you more trust and whom you give yourself a work in detail to notify about your actions. "

And at that moment, Edict Fontaineblo, by canceling the Nante Edict, is already sent by provinces.

For 300 years, historians have already been trying to figure out who pushed the king to this decision, for it is known that Louis not one year consulted with his advisers before deciding this step. Now the main culprit is considered the old chancellor of Michel Pwerle, Father Luvua. It is assumed that the Father and Son acted at the same time and Luvua hid from his Mr. Information that could make him think. "In the kingdom everything goes well, there are no more Protestants," the closest surroundings of the king told all the Lada, but no one believed in the sincerity of these forced appeals to Catholicism.

Another Saint-Simon wrote about this: the king "... remembered the lists of the county and hosting lists; He drowned in countless sacrements, believing that they had the result of his piety and his power, and no one dared to tell him that he really thought about it. "

Konde, who was spent towards himself in Chantius, knew a lot more about the situation than his cousin Louis.

Edict Fontainebleau proclaimed: Because the Protestantism "Ugaslo" in France is prohibited from sending a Protestant cult in the kingdom. Temples will be destroyed. Pastor has two weeks to make a choice between renunciation and emigration. The latest propestant adherents are forbidden to leave the kingdom; After detaining a man, the violators of this order will be sent to the galleys, and women in the monastery.

The popularity of Louis at this time is higher than ever. Waves of universal praises are fighting about the walls of Versailles. The tone sets Madame de Sevimier: "Never performed a single king and make nothing more glorious." Everyone left the bossyue behind, when in January 1686 in the tombstone dedicated to the memory of the Chancellor of Plythly, the deceased on October 30 of the previous year, said that Louis surpassed Konstantin, Feodosia, Marzian and Karl the Great. Paris Mobile rushed to Charenton to destroy the temple and throw away the dead cemetery from the graves of the bodies.

According to approximate estimates, between 1679 and 1730, about two hundred thousand Protestants flew secretly from France to the United Provinces, Palatinate, England, Switzerland, Porosania, Brandenburg and Cape Colon in South Africa. This emigration touched upon a predominantly elite of the kingdom, that is, most entrepreneurs and experienced artisans, whose departure caused a big damage of the nation. The most irreconcilable of those who remained exhausted by persecution are united to fight. Sevennas are empty, and the repressions are amplified. Still the ruthless Luvua requires "to take smaller prisoners, most of the killing on the spot, without a gentle of men or women." The failure of "associations" - Louis called "united" supposedly applied to the Catholicism of Protestants - very quickly becomes obvious. Despite all the efforts of approximately hide the reality from the king, it is quite clear to him, everything becomes clear; But it seems, he is humble with what is happening, although it does not approve of cruelty-friendly from his name and repeatedly recommends that condescension to dismissed. After a long time after making an erroneous decision, in 1698, two years before the end of the century, he will again turn to the initiants with a call to refrain from cruelty to "new Catholics", which refuse to listen to Mass.

Vaven, and not he alone, long before 1685 realized what the emigration of Huguenot would lead to. Speaking about the deepening of the channel of the two seas, already in 1679, he with annoyance indicates a significant decrease in the number of specialists and qualified labor and the destabilization of the situation in this until recently a calm edge. He makes up "Memoir on the need to return Huguenot," where he proposes to return to the Nante Edicut and regrets the flight of people and capital.

The failure is obvious, despite the inexhaustible enthusiasm of the clergy and most of the population. Up to the end of this reign, France gives an impressive picture of the union around the nation of his king, and historians believe that the cancellation of the Nante Edict in 1685 has repeatedly strengthened. The desire of each country for religious unity corresponding to the Spirit of Time. Based on the principle of Cujus Regio, Ejus Religio, some of them believe that Protestants would recognize the legitimacy of this principle if they allowed to leave.

From my book my life Author Gandhi Mohandas Karamch

XI Cancellation of the contracting system of workers will leave the Ashram with its internal and external storms and briefly touch another question that attracted my attention. Contracted were called workers emigrated from India to work under a contract concluded on

From the book Michelangelo Buonarot The author of Fisel Elen.

Another cancellation of the order on March 10, 1520 Cardinal Julio invited Michelangelo to the Medici Palace. The atmosphere was sad, they met at the exit from the chapel, where the Cardinal conducted a memorial Mass in the first anniversary of the death of young Lorenzo Urbinsky152, which

From the book stretching the point by the author Baldin Andrey

Cancellation of the punishment is often the presence of a certain imperceptible rule in our life (we live "correctly", but we do not notice whether it is confirmed by the back. We do not think about the fact that our life is subordinated to a certain law, and distinguish its action only after

From the book notes. From the history of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 1914-1920. Book 1. Author Mikhailovsky Georgy Nikolaevich

Cancellation of the London Declaration of 1909 However, our legal adviser was a legislative laboratory in matters relating to not only enemy subjects, but also military legislation in the international legal sense of the word. So, for example, the area

From the book of memories (1915-1917). Volume 3. Author Junkovsky Vladimir Fedorovich

Cancel offensive. The transition of our again in the 10th Army in the evening was completely unexpectedly received the news that the 35th corpus was ordered to perform urgently - it turned out to be moved to the south to support the coming southern army, we were left on the spot and transferred from the 4th again

1 provisions
2 under Louis XIII
3 Cancellation


Nantes Edict (FR. Édit de nantes.) - The law granted religious rights to French Protestants. Edicta's edition completed the thirty-year period of religious wars in France and marked the beginning of the centenary of the relative world, known as the "Great Century". The Edict was compiled according to the orders of the French king Henry IV and approved in Nantes (April 13, 1598). Canceled by Louis XIV in 1685.

1. Regulations

The Nantes of Edict consisted of 93 articles and 36 secret decisions; The latter were not considered by parliaments and are not listed in their protocols. The edition of Huggenov's countless complaints and prolonged negotiations with them were preceded by the publication. No edict of the XVI century in Western Europe provided such extensive tolerance as Nange. Subsequently, he gave reason to blame Huguenotov in the fact that they form a state in the state.

The Nante Edict gave complete equalization of Catholics and Protestants. The first edict article introduced Catholic worship everywhere where it was discontinued. The Catholic clergy returned all its former rights and estates. Calvinism was allowed everywhere where it was before. All the nobles that occupied the highest judicial positions were the right to commit Calvinist worship and to allow unauthorized persons to him. Protestant worship was allowed in the castles of simple nobles, if the number of Protestants did not exceed 30 people and if the castles were not in the area, where the Catholics owners enjoyed the right of the Supreme Court.

In cities and villages, where Huguenots were allowed to make worship until 1597, this right was restored. Calvinist worship was prohibited formally in Paris and some cities closed for him on the basis and prisoners of surrenders; But Protestants were allowed to live there. In all other places, Huguenotes could have churches, bells, schools, occupy public positions. According to religious reasons, it was prohibited to deprive the relatives of the inheritance, to attack Huguenots and to decline their children to the transition to Catholicism. All sentenced to punish religious beliefs were pardoned.

The Government pledged to help Huguenotes subsidies for schools and churches. In addition, Huguenotas provided a number of privileges of a political, judicial and military nature: they were allowed to convene periodic meetings (consistory, synodes), to keep deputies at the courtyard for the presentation of stages and complaints through suilli, Morne and d'Nine. In Paris, the Chamber De L'EDIT was established for Protestants of Normandy and Brittany, in the castle - for the Toulouse district, in Bordeaux and Grenoble - Mixed Chambers (Chambers Miparties), for Provence and Burgundy Protestants.

Exiles were returned to their homeland. Gugugotov was left for 8 years of fortresses and fortified castles that belonged to them until 1597 (Places de Sûreté); The garrisons were held here at the expense of the king, and the bosses were subordinate to Huguenotes. The main fortresses were: La Rochelle, Saumour and Montauban. Dad called the Nante Edict is wicked. Huguenotes demanded even more, interpreting the edict in the sense of its expansion of its content.

Henry IV, with a big tact, convinced parliaments to make an edict in his protocols; Only the Renan Parliament persisted until 1609. Combining the Edict of a large state seal, Heinrich called him "eternal and unworked", guarded him from the wrong interpretations, sometimes restricting it or expanding temporarily, especially in relation to the deadlines to the fortresses owned by Huguenots.

2. With Louis XIII

Under the topics of Louis XIII, the regency approved the Nantes of Edict, resolving that he must "be observed in an indispensable". Richelo took her political influence from the Protestant party, but the principle of violence remained in force.

In 1629, in Ale, after the completion of wars with Huguenotes, the Namiy Edict was published (édit de grâte), repeated articles of the Nange Edic. After the death of Louis XIII was published (July 8, 1643), a declaration in which Protestants were provided with free and unlimited confessions of their religion and the Nantes of Edict, "as far as necessary." Louis XIV said in the Declaration on May 21, 1652: "I wish that the Huguenotes do not cease to fully use the Nante Edict."

Submitting to the briefness of the Nanza Edict, the Catholic clergy under Louis XIV tried to destroy it or paralyze its meaning. Since 1661 religious persecution began. On October 17, 1685, Louis Xiv signed an Edict in Fontainebleau about the abolition of the Nange Edic.


· Élie Benoit, "Histoire de L'édit de Nantes";

· Bernard, "Explication de L'édit de Nantes" (H., 1666);

· Meynier, "De L'Exécution De L'édit de Nantes Dans Le Dauphiné"

When writing this article, the material from the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was used (1890-1907).

On April 13, 1598, in his castle in Nante, the French king of Heinrich IV Bourbon published Edict, granted religious rights to the French Protestants. The introduction of the new law completed the thirty-year period of religious wars in France and marked the beginning of the century of relative interfaith world, known as the "Great Century".

The publication of the Nante Edicta (L "Édit de Nantes) was an extremely bold and far-sighted step from Heinrich IV, which, like no one else, knew how enhanced for the state, the religious split of the French society. At 18, he himself is a Huguenot and King of Navarre , Heinrich almost died during the famous Wartholomeev night in Paris (August 24, 1572), which happened a few days after his wedding with Margarita Valua (Queen Margo). All his way to the French throne consisted of solid battles - even becoming a formal king. France after the death of His Schurin Heinrich III Valua in 1589, he still five years after that was forced to fight, defending his right to the throne.

The emergence of the Nante Edicta would be completely impossible without strengthening the royal power, which could be achieved only by force. There was no other exit to the king - causing Catholicism for the French crown, he did not acquire the support of Catholics, but began to lose the loyalty of his companions - Huguenot. The sharpness of the new government affected quickly - Brittany rebelled, Spaniards invaded the country, capturing Amiens. Therefore, Coroning and joining Paris in 1594, Heinrich IV almost immediately goes to a new war. Military happiness again did not change the king: after four years of war, Brittany was conquered, and the Spaniards were expelled. On April 13, 1598, Heinrich approved the Nantes of Edict, and on May 2 of the same year, the Verven World was concluded between France and Spain. After several decades civil wars France finally descended the world.

According to the provisions of the Nante Edic, Catholicism remained dominant religion of France, but the freedom of religion and worship in cities (except for Paris and some others) and a number of rural areas were provided. Huguenotes received the right to occupy judicial, administrative and military positions. With parliaments of Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Grenoble were created by special chambers to parse guegener's court cases. Half of these chambers was completed from the number of Huguenots. Edict allowed Huguenotes to convene their conferences and synods.

The Government pledged to help Huguenotes subsidies for schools and churches. In addition, Huguenotas provided a number of privileges of a political, judicial and military nature: they were allowed to convene periodic meetings (consistory, synodes), to keep deputies at the courtyard for the presentation of pasts and complaints of the king through his ministers, Morne and D'Nine. In Paris, the Chamber De L'EDIT was established for Protestants of Normandy and Brittany, in Castre - for the Toulouse District, in Bordeaux and Grenoble - Mixed Chambers (Chambers Miparties) for Provence and Burgundy Protestants.

Exiles allowed to return to their homeland. In addition, the Nante Edict contained secret additional articles. In particular, the Gugugotov was left for 8 years of fortresses and fortified castles that belonged to them until 1597 (Places de Sûreté); The garrisons were kept here at the expense of the king, and the bosses were subordinate to Huguenotes. The main fortresses were: La Rochelle, Saumour and Montauban. The Huguenote deputation, a far-sighted monarch, without obsteakov, said that the fortresses would be useful to them in the event of a possible cancellation of the Nantes of the Odekta by his successors.

The new law was hostile to perceive by the Catholic clergy led by the Roman dad, who called the Edict "wicked". Radically tuned guegenerals also tried to torped him, blaming the king in the accommodation and protection of Catholicism. So Henry IV cost more effort to convince the parliaments of the regions to make an edict in their protocols. What, however, he managed, though one exception: Parliament Rouen persisted up to 1609. Combining the Edict of a large state seal, Heinrich called him "eternal and unworked", guarded him from the wrong interpretations, sometimes restricting it or expanding temporarily, especially in relation to the deadlines to the fortresses owned by Huguenots.

However, there is nothing eternal in the world. After the war with Huguenotes of 1625-1629 in Louis XIII, La Rochelle Pala and secret articles of the Nante Edicta were canceled (peace treaty in Alila 1629). And in 1685, King Louis XIV Bourbon completely canceled the action of the Nange Edic.

Nante Edict

So, the long-awaited world did not bring full satisfaction to any of the parties, however forest war It was necessary to complete by all means, because it was impossible to pull the resolution of the internal confessional question, over the decision of which Henry IV advisers beat from the moment of its renunciation of Protestantism. Victoriously mastered by Amiens, Heinrich took the initiative to his hands, having achieved from the Assembly, meeting on Shatelro to send four deputies to him, "endowed with all authority to negotiate and decision making."

These negotiations devoted to the search for a difficult compromise between the requirements of the representatives of the two denominations continued for several months and ended with the preparation of a document included in the history called the Nantes of the Edict. This document consisted of several separate parts: the general articles number 98, signed on April 13, 1598, were complemented by on May 2 by special articles, even more expanding freedom provided by Protestants. The two royal privileges from the April 13 and 30 regulated the status of fortresses to Edict. These privileges were not registered by Parliament and kept exclusively on the Royal Word.

The Nante Edict was very close to the content to the Edict, adopted in Poita in 1577, but even more liberal: they were expanded by freedom, concerning the administration of the Protestant cult, and there was much more actual concessions to Protestants. Now they used the same civil rights as Catholics; They were supposed to be allowed to universities, and Catholic preachers were forbidden to expose their faith. In order to legally guarantee their rights, the Edict provided for the institution in the Paris Parliament of the Chamber, which included Catholics and Protestants in the parity principles. Similar chambers were created in Ruang, Rennes, Bordeaux, Castre and Grenoble. In addition to these legal guarantees, which in civilically equalized them with Catholics, Protestants received a number of privileges: they remained organized into the party, they retained their synods, received 100 fortresses for eight years, including such important as Montpellier, La Rochelle and Montauban. Thus, the Catholic State took on the burden of expenditures to ensure guarantees against him: the state was created in the state, more powerful than the royal power, at least in militarily, for the Protestants could assemble the army of 25 thousand people, then As the regular royal army did not exceed ten thousand. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Nante Edict came across the active resistance of the Catholic majority. However, during the initial euphoria, which was accompanied by the announcement of this document, he was able to sign without any special difficulties.

The main difficulties began after the celebration of the celebrations on the occasion of the signing of the Nange Edicta: a little was to sign this document, had to still register it with parliaments - Paris and provincial. In particular, one very remarkable case complicated this procedure.

Ekaterina Bourbon, Sister Henry IV, never rejected Protestantism and openly sent a reformat cult in Louvre, while collecting up to 1500 present and thus the roughly disturbing limits established by the Nante Edict. But what could be the sister of the king? Nevertheless, she was far from being so free in other respects. As we remember, a royal brother resolutely opposed her marriage with the Count Susson. He obstructed her to live in the shadow of Gabriel D'Estra, and, after all, decided to marry her married Henry Larring, Duke Bara. The forty-old Old Deva Catherine did not oppose this marriage concluded from considerations of state interest. The only obstacle was the difference in faith. She resolutely refused to renounce Protestantism, and a special permission from the dad was required for a mixed marriage. Caused objection and close rhodation of the bride and groom. However, Henry IV is neglected by all these circumstances. Wedding committed his brother on his father, illegitimate Karl Bourbon, who was made by Archbishop Ruan. True, he refused to hold a rite of marriage in the church, since Catherine was not a Catholic. Then Heinrich IV offered his brother-bastard to make the sacrament of marriage in the office of his hunting castle Saint-Germain. Rather, for the form, rather than the essence of the Archbishop was trying to protest, stating that this was not a consecrated place. "My office is a consecrated place," the king objected, "Mesca is worth my presence." Nothing remained, except to obey, and the prelate connected the bonds of Marriage Catherine and the Duke Bar.

So gross violation of the rules of the Catholic Church after just a few months after the publication of the Nante Edict, hesively insulted Catholics and made their opposition even more fierce. At the head of the opposition movement was the Paris Parliament, which, despite the numerous written royal orders, was postponed by the registration of the Edikta once again, which prevented the practical application of its provisions. Having decided to end this, Heinrich IV ordered the Parliament on February 7, 1599 to appear to him in the Louvre, in order to hear his will, and nothing else remained for the members of the parliament, how to obey: February 25, 1599, the Nantes of Edict was registered by the Paris Parliament.

It remained to break the resistance of the provincial parliaments. It demanded from the king of great patience: the latter registered the Edict Renna Parliament only on August 23, 1609. Several earlier, in the first months of the same year, after a long explanation about their unwillingness to register Edict, they made parliaments of Toulouse, Bordeaux and ex-en-provence.

As we can see, religious pacification was carried out not only by the power of weapons, but also thanks to the authority of the king - not so much moral (about morality), how much relying on the same strength. Since Heinrich IV could directly influence society by its authority, the world, although somewhat artificial, reign in the kingdom, allowing you to rebirth.

There was still a lot of problems to solve: the king did not have a legitimate heir, the country lay in ruins, neighboring states were hostile or unfriendly, the state treasury was in a catastrophic state. To solve them at the disposal of Heinrich IV was 12 years old. For this short term He earned the name that many later awarded his apologists of the Bourbon dynasty were awarded - Heinrich Great.

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