Selection criteria for special forces. How to get into special forces by conscription: tips. Where to go if you want to serve in special forces

Special Forces is a profession for real men and exceptional women: strong, brave, strong-willed.

Service in the special forces of the army, FSB, SBU, prosecutor's office or police is a prestigious and highly paid job, which, however, cannot be called easy.

How to get into special forces? How to join the elite? How to get the opportunity to work for the benefit of your country?

It is not simple. You will have to go through a thorough screening process and prove that a better candidate than you cannot be found.

But can difficulties stop someone on the path to their dreams?

What is special forces and how to get there?

If you dream of joining the special forces, you must first figure out what it is and who they take there.

It is quite possible that you simply do not meet all the necessary requirements of a special forces soldier.

1) Who are special forces and what are their distinctive features?

Behind the cool word “special forces” there is a decoding: unit special purpose.

That is, it is a group of people trained according to a special program (most often men, but can be of both sexes), which is part of the army, gendarmerie, police, internal troops, etc.

It’s not for nothing that they say that one special forces soldier is worth ten ordinary people. Special Forces are an elite force that has a variety of useful skills to perform special operations.

Apart from them, only similar commandos from other countries possess such skills, and even then - not always.

This is why getting into special forces is so difficult.

There are 5 distinctive features special unit soldier:

    The highest level of readiness.

    It goes without saying that a special forces soldier must have excellent physical fitness, but his psychological, ideological and moral preparation, as well as the level of motivation, must also be high.

    Ability to perform complex tasks, including under extreme conditions.

    Special forces are needed in situations that the regular army or ordinary police cannot cope with.

    A special forces soldier must be able to perform the most difficult tasks, risk his life and work in extreme situations.

    Possession of a variety of weapons.

    Depending on what tasks the special forces soldier has to perform, his equipment, transport escort and weapons are formed.

    Since special forces often work either in combat conditions or in conditions close to combat, and take more risks, their equipment and weapons differ from those of soldiers of other units.

    Professional status.

    Almost all special forces units recruit fighters under a contract, which is concluded for several years at once.

    This is explained by both the high level of danger of the profession (a person must understand that he is risking his life and do it voluntarily), and the high costs that the state incurs when preparing special forces.

    A special regulatory and legal status within each individual department.

    Since most special forces have a narrow profile, are tailored to perform specific tasks, they need special equipment and weapons, their activities are regulated by separate regulations.

2) Joining special forces means doing difficult and dangerous work

The work of a special forces soldier is very difficult and dangerous, requiring enormous physical effort, good training, strict self-discipline and emotional stability.

If you want to get into special forces, then keep in mind that you will have to:

  • engage in sabotage and anti-sabotage activities;
  • conduct reconnaissance operations;
  • release hostages;
  • eliminate criminal groups, terrorist organizations and other dangerous elements;
  • disperse mass demonstrations whose participants have gotten out of control;
  • ensure order at the state border;
  • protect representatives of the ruling elite;
  • protect important government facilities;
  • capture and escort especially dangerous criminals;
  • perform other complex tasks that differ from the duties of ordinary military or police officers.

Special Forces- this is not only a mountain of muscles that is not capable of thinking on its own, but only follows orders, which does not care who it kills.

Special Forces- this is the elite of any kind of troops and law enforcement. And to join the elite, you will have to work long and hard on yourself.

Requirements for candidates who want to be in special forces

A person who does not meet all the stated requirements will not be able to get into the special forces. And the requirements for special forces candidates are really serious.

12 general requirements for candidates who want to join special forces

The first candidates for special forces are eliminated even further initial stage, because their physiological parameters, health status, age and other indicators are not suitable for service in a special unit.

  1. Be no older than 28 years old.
  2. Be at least 175 cm tall.
  3. Weigh at least 75 kg and not be overweight.
  4. Do not have baggage in the form of bad habits.
  5. Be a completely healthy person (any chronic diseases can lead to your being denied enrollment in special forces).
  6. Have an officer position or the position of warrant officer.

To get into special forces, it is desirable (but not necessary) to have:

  • diploma of completion of a military school or university / institute of internal affairs;
  • recommendation from employees of TsSN, Alpha, Vympel and other special units;
  • combat experience;
  • sports title, for example, master of sports in judo;
  • Special education, for example, there is a special forces department in Novosibirsk, Moscow and other military schools.

Girls often ask whether it is possible to get into special forces if you meet all the requirements.

Actually, you can get into it, but not in every special unit and not for every girl.

Do not rush to shout about oppression of rights. The workload in special forces is so enormous that it is difficult for the fair sex to cope with them.

If you still have excellent physical fitness, good health, strong character and superhuman endurance, then you can get into one of the special forces.

Start your path as a special forces soldier by serving in the army or joining the ranks of the police, show all your talents and abilities during your service, and then the path will definitely lead you to realizing your dream, if, of course, you are suitable for this job.

Tests for future special forces

Almost all special forces personnel who have passed the initial test will undergo thorough testing, primarily concerning physical fitness and endurance.

General physical training requirements for a special forces soldier:

ExerciseThe time in which you need to complete the task, or the number of repetitions of the exercise
Running 3 km
10.5 minutes
100m run (this test is carried out 5 minutes after the 3km run)
12 seconds
Pull-up on the bar
20 – 25 times
Ab exercises
75 – 90 times
Complex strength exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, torso twists, crouching - lying down, etc.)
15 times each

In order to be well prepared for such tests and definitely get into the special forces, during self-training you can take tests that apply to candidates for the Vympel special forces unit:


    Run for 12 minutes. What is assessed is not only whether you passed the test or not, but also the distance that you managed to cover during this time.

    Strength endurance.

    A number of different exercises are performed: reverse twisting of the torso, squatting while lying down - squatting, push-ups, etc.

    Pull-ups or parallel bars exercises.


    The designated section of the distance must be run in the specified time.

    To prepare yourself as well as possible, you can even take a few lessons from a running coach.


    Here they practice splits (longitudinal, transverse), and bending the body to the floor from a standing position, etc.


    They may be asked to do several exercises. For example:


    This quality is tested in different ways. They may offer to box with a sparring partner or undergo some other test.

Anyone who wants to join the special forces must undergo a special test

But even if you managed to pass the preliminary test of a candidate for a special forces unit and prove that you are a strong, resilient person with excellent physical fitness, do not rush to rejoice.

Your torment did not end there. Further tests await you before you can get into the special forces unit itself.

Special training for those who want to join special forces:

    Biography revision.

    Moreover, get ready for the fact that they will check not only your biography for dark spots and incriminating evidence, but also the biography of your close relatives.

    Psychological testing.

    Your emotional and mental preparation should be no worse than your physical one.

    For unstable individuals and individuals without a row positive qualities there is no place in special forces.

    Lie detector test.

    Since you want to get into the special forces, the army or law enforcement elite, you should not have any secrets from your homeland.

    Conversation with close relatives.

    This could be parents, husband/wife. They require written consent for your enrollment in the special forces, so it is better to settle this issue with your relatives in advance.

    Such measures are taken due to the fact that service in special forces is associated with a serious risk to life and loved ones must understand what you are doing and then not make a claim to the state if you die or are injured during a special task.

If you successfully complete the final stage of training, you can consider that you have managed to get into the special forces.

The main thing now is to stay in it and prove that you were not chosen among other candidates by chance and that you are not taking someone else’s place.

By what criteria are they selected for the FSB special forces?

Watch the video below for details:

Even if you managed to get into special forces, this does not mean that you will stay there

The following topics are often discussed on forums dedicated to the question of how to get into a special forces unit:

  • Is it possible to buy a certificate stating that you are completely healthy;
  • Is it possible to become a special forces soldier if your height is below the required height;
  • is special forces open to women;
  • who needs to be “greased up” to be enrolled in the special forces, etc.

Let's say you somehow managed to get into the special forces, deceiving the doctors and withstanding the checks with grief. But, if you are not suitable for this job, then no one will keep you in the ranks of the special forces. Sooner or later you will be expelled as unfit for work.

Another option is that you will leave on your own, unable to withstand the colossal loads.

For example, on the forum of the website, I read the story of a certain Alexander, who, by hook or by crook, joined the special forces because he dreamed of getting there since childhood.

He really worked hard and hard to improve his physical performance and endurance in order to begin to meet all the requirements of army special forces. And three weeks later I asked to join another unit because I couldn’t withstand such colossal loads.

Alexander says that he knew about the grueling training and difficulties of the profession, but he had no idea how difficult it was, and that such work was only possible for a select few.

Alexander advises everyone who, driven by romance, dreams of getting into special forces, to really evaluate their strengths, and not try to jump in over their head. Dreams are dreams, but no one has yet canceled their professional incompetence.

If you are sure that this job is just for you, then it will be difficult to how to get into special forces, you won't have a problem. Sets in special units happen all the time. The main thing is to prove that you are exactly the candidate they need.

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The special forces are subordinate to the General Staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate under the Ministry of Defense. The structure of the Main Directorate includes 13 main and 8 auxiliary departments and departments.

Anyone who dreams of contract service in special forces, first of all, must decide in which unit he would like to serve. This could be the FSB or the customs service, an anti-terrorist center or foreign intelligence, drug control service or military topographical department and others.

Requirements for candidates

Special forces are elite military units Russian Federation, who are in a higher degree of combat readiness, ready to carry out the most complex and risky tasks. In order to get into them, you need to have high physical, moral and psychological qualities. More often, these troops recruit the best representatives of the younger generation who have already served in the army, especially in the Airborne Forces.

Military personnel applying for service in special forces are subject to special requirements:

  • physical health;
  • military service;
  • age up to 28 years;
  • higher education;
  • rank of warrant officer or officer;
  • height not lower than 175 cm.

But there are also exceptions.

As a rule, they concern those who have combat experience or come to serve from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies.

There is a specific methodology for selecting military personnel who will subsequently undergo training and serve in special forces. With the help of the latter, strength, endurance, agility, speed and other necessary qualities of candidates are determined. Therefore, future candidates applying for service in elite units should start playing sports as early as possible and develop the necessary qualities.

To check the physical fitness of applicants, there are special standards. This is running (3 km in 10 minutes), pull-ups (at least 25 times), push-ups (at least 90 times), press (90 times in 120 seconds).

An advantage in selecting candidates will be the presence of a rank in any sport.

The main task of the Main Intelligence Directorate is reconnaissance, so not only strength and physical endurance are important here. You also need to be able to work with your head; intellectual abilities play a big role in selection.

The medical board will check you from “A” to “Z”, thus determining your readiness for this service. A psychologist will talk to you, identifying all aspects of your moral and psychological readiness.

But this is not all the requirements for those wishing to join the special forces. In addition to the above, you must have no criminal record, your immediate family will be checked and their consent to your service in such units. You will also have to take a lie detector test.

Where to go if you want to serve in special forces

Anyone who meets the stated requirements must contact the military registration and enlistment office at their place of registration. There, at the Main Selection Point for contract soldiers, tests will be carried out. If you pass them, you will move one step closer to your dream. After all, serious trials await you ahead - daily workouts, even on weekends and holidays, you may be thrown into an unknown area without provisions, you will be given tasks that will require not only strength and endurance, but also your ingenuity and intelligence. Every six months, those who cannot cope with such loads are eliminated, so endurance, perseverance and patience will not be superfluous.

For persons holding an officer rank, general military training is carried out at the Higher Military Command School located in the city of Novosibirsk, and special training is carried out at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Academy includes Higher Academic Courses, as well as adjunct courses. For those who have the rank of warrant officer, a prerequisite is a higher education. Only in this case can he receive the rank of officer.

Do you think all conscripts run away from the military registration and enlistment office, hide with distant relatives, don’t sign on summons, and invent illnesses? No! There are those who want to serve in the army. If earlier such people were told in jokes, today this is a pattern. The guys come to the military registration and enlistment office on summons or earlier, before the offensive, and ask how to get into this or that branch of the military. Many people are interested in the Marine Corps, airborne troops and, of course, special forces. So they ask: how to get into the special forces upon conscription. The military registration and enlistment office is not omnipotent, but it answers such questions.

Life time

Before we touch on the service itself, let's consider how its conditions have changed over the years. In the Soviet Union, since 1925, the Law on Compulsory military service, and every man has the honorable obligation to serve 2 years in the army, and junior officers - 3 years. Before the start of World War II, the size of the army was about 5 million, by the end of the war - more than 11 million people in ground units alone. In 1948, post-war demobilization ended, the number decreased by almost four times. And in 1949 a new law on service in ground units and aviation was issued. Its duration is 3 years, in naval units - 4 years, with conscription once a year in winter. Please note that at that time conscript soldiers were actually trained to pilot an airplane and operate various complex equipment; the training was complete and varied. After Stalin's death, the size of the army was reduced, the length of service was reduced by one year, and spring conscription was introduced. Institute graduates had the right to serve only for a year.

In those days, a guy who asked how to get into the special forces by conscription could well end up in a situation where he was taken to an unknown place, on an unknown basis, brought to a tent where he was military unit, the street is dirty, and there was a clean checkered towel at the entrance. This was the first test, if the conscript did not understand the meaning of the towel, then his life became very difficult, if he understood, it was also difficult, but a little easier. Do not forget about the tough confrontation between the two poles of the world, the USA and the USSR. A lot of attention was paid to the training of soldiers.

In October 2007, the service was shortened to 18 months, and in January 2008 - to 12 months. It seems like we are serving less, we should be happy. But this system has some disadvantages. The period for training soldiers has been significantly reduced and it is now difficult and sometimes impossible to train them as specialists.

How to get into special forces

You won't be able to serve in the special forces - the real one - by conscription. Sorry, but that's how it is. The very name of the special forces lies its essence - it is a group that performs non-standard tasks, not general military ones. That is, carrying out sabotage is the task of reconnaissance groups, which are in every military formation, and special forces are specialists, masters of their craft, ready to complete the task in any conditions.

Everyone knows the Alpha group. Is it possible to get into special forces by conscription? Here are some brief conditions, and you will understand everything yourself. FSB special forces recruit warrant officers and officers; you must have a recommendation from current FSB employees or veterans. Your height must be at least 175 cm. This does not take into account psychological and physical tests.

FSB special forces standards

Physical standards do not look scary and are quite achievable for a sports man. This is 25 pull-ups, 90 push-ups, presses - 100 times, in the 100-meter dash you need to do it in 12.7 seconds, do 10 times bench press of your own weight, run 3 km in 11 minutes. In addition to all this, you need to show your skills and perseverance in hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to close work with a psychologist, immediate family members will be checked for criminal records, and the candidate himself must undergo a polygraph test.

Airborne Forces

Before you think about how to get into airborne special forces, get into the Airborne Forces itself. Airborne troops- these are units with great history and traditions. Today, in order to get there, you need to have absolute health, athletic shape, otherwise you’ll be forced into forced marches, and desire.

Details such as smoking, alcohol, heart disease should be absent from your personal file. Even if you have already quit or recovered, they will most likely take another candidate.

If your dream is special forces, then you need to be in an air assault battalion. This is the best power unit that a conscript can get into; reconnaissance battalions already recruit only contract soldiers. It will be a plus if you have a rank or belt in some martial art. All that remains is to prove yourself in the DSB and, perhaps, you will receive an invitation to transfer to a contract in an intelligence or special forces unit.


This is the most multifunctional type of troops in Russian army. Soldiers can land from water and air, act in isolation from the main forces, in naval operations, capture and hold positions. Although they are subject to small physical requirements, it is believed that everything else will be instilled in the troops. Health requirements are similar to the Airborne Forces.

You are probably thinking, why write about different types of troops when there is a specific question: how to get into the special forces by conscription? The fact is that soldiers of the airborne assault units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps most often receive an invitation to join special forces with the condition of switching to a contract, since no one will spend money to educate and train a special forces soldier for a year, and then he will go to civilian life.

Intelligence service

Military registration and enlistment office

For a conscript who does not have an official deferment from the army, the military registration and enlistment office looks like a king and a god who can send him anywhere and give a certain recommendation. If you have decided for yourself, then it is better to immediately ask the commission how to get into conscription to serve in special forces. They will make a note about your desire and zeal, and perhaps give you practical advice. Most likely you will end up in the Airborne Forces or marines, this is entirely within the power of the military registration and enlistment office if you are physically fit, healthy and pass all the tests.

The military registration and enlistment office knows when and from which troops buyers are coming, and can send you to the collection point at the right time and with the right recommendations. The rest will depend on you, because the interview will be conducted by the buyer himself.

Preliminary preparation

Are you determined to qualify for special forces? Do you agree to contract service and the physical and psychological stress that you will have to overcome? And besides this, have time to study, learn new things, get military specialization? Great! People like this always make me happy.

In this case, you need to lead healthy image life, do not smoke, drink to a minimum or give up alcohol altogether. Playing sports and receiving sports awards is a must. Sports will teach you discipline and it will be easier in the army. Do exercises, take a shower cold water, boost your immunity. If you have a patriotic club in your city, start visiting it. Usually you can learn to shoot in them and learn basic army skills. If there is little time left before conscription, then also learn army combat, it is brutal, but it pays off when trained large quantity people in a short time. If you have more than a year left before your draft, then you need to find a good martial arts trainer. Many people love martial arts, but it is better if it is closer to our mentality and better applicable in life.

Special forces "Vityaz" is a unit of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was created to perform particularly important tasks in conditions of increased danger. On September 1, 2008, the “Vityaz” and “Rus” detachments merged. The 604 Center for Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was created, the symbol of which continues to be the same maroon beret that adorned the “Vityaz” banner. It is this formation that will be discussed in the article.

Distinctive features of special forces

  1. Special status within the relevant department. WITH The specific form of activity of a unit is characterized by certain qualities that leave a corresponding imprint within the unit. Be it Army, Navy or Air Force, training the required skills requires proper training centers. And this, in turn, entails the need for additional funding.
  2. Professionalism. As a rule, the special group includes military personnel who have entered into a contract. They are given preference, since it is believed that a soldier who consciously goes into battle is a more effective combat unit than one who is forced into battle.
  3. High requirements. The level of high moral, physical, combat and psychological training required of a volunteer joining the ranks of special forces.
  4. Availability of special weapons. The narrowly focused nature of the activities of special forces forces requires equipment modern types weapons for attack and defense.
  5. Autonomy— this term refers to the readiness of small special forces groups to carry out tasks while being thrown deep behind enemy lines. In these conditions, throwing a detachment directly to the target is impossible due to its high remoteness and enhanced security. Therefore, the group has to get to the goal on foot, moving away from all kinds of settlements, transport highways, communication lines, etc. All equipment (including food and ammunition) has to be carried on oneself, and communication is often provided upon arrival at the site and completion of the operation. It should also be pointed out that often when meeting an enemy you have to eliminate him without using firearms- engage directly in contact combat, relying only on your own physical strength. Such measures must be resorted to in order to maintain secrecy on enemy territory.

After carrying out sabotage or completing a mission to obtain the necessary intelligence data, the actions of enemy forces, as a rule, intensify. In this case, the group is required to leave enemy territory undetected as quickly as possible.

It should also be said that the above-mentioned signs are to some extent stereotypical and are imposed on the consciousness of modern man by means mass media and cinema.

Creation of "Vityaz"

In the 70s, in connection with the threat of terrorism in a number of European countries, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to create a special detachment to ensure security in Moscow at the Olympics. This task was assigned to the commanders of the Dzerzhinsky motorized rifle division.

Subsequently, over the course of several years, the need arose to attract a detachment of extremely complex combat missions, which led to the decision to withdraw the detachment from the specified division and form a unique army unit.

On May 5, 1991, the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Vityaz” were formed, and subsequently renamed the 1st Red Banner Special Purpose Regiment “Vityaz”.

Special forces "Vityaz". Contract service and more

The headquarters is located in the city of Balashikha, Moscow region. Anyone wishing to apply for contract service must meet the age criterion of 19 to 35 years, have already completed military service and have no criminal record in order to be considered for admission to the Vityaz special forces. The contract gives the serviceman a number of benefits and advantages. But getting into the ranks of the “knights” is not easy; you need to go through many tests. A volunteer wondering how to get into the Vityaz special forces must be prepared for endurance tests such as:

- Run continuously for 12 minutes. The greater the distance the candidate covers, the more points he will score, and, accordingly, the higher the chances of being accepted.

Another test is complex strength endurance test, which includes squatting, leg bending and extension, push-ups and leg lunges.

- Overhand grip pull-ups on the bar. Swaying, feet touching the ground and incomplete extension of the arms are not counted.

- Shuttle run 10 to 10, The applicant's speed is assessed.

-Longitudinal and transverse twine. Flexibility is assessed.

- Agility test, consisting of five consecutive exercises: through a partner; somersaults forward and backward; walking on hands 7 meters; 10 meters crawling on your bellies; Kip-up 3 times in a row from a lying position.

- Test of courage: manifestation of self-control and composure in a duel (one against one and one against two).

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “Vityaz”, advantages of contract service

Contract service in the ranks of Vityaz has a number of advantages and benefits. Namely:

  • Housing is provided to military personnel and their families. And if one rents an apartment in Moscow or the Moscow region, an amount from 3,600 to 22,500 rubles is paid. monthly.
  • If a service member enters into a second contract, the opportunity to participate in the military mortgage program is provided.
  • Special forces "Vityaz" calculates the service life in its ranks as one day and a half.
  • Military personnel are granted leave for 30 days, excluding the time of arrival at the place and the journey back.
  • Military personnel and their families are provided with the opportunity to receive medications and medical care in military medical institutions.
  • Special forces "Vityaz" provides its soldiers with vouchers to Russian sanatoriums (Kislovodsk, Sochi, Tuapse, Essentuki).
  • There is an opportunity to enter a university without competition for correspondence courses, as well as further career growth.
  • A veteran's certificate is provided when performing tasks in combat conditions.


A monthly salary is paid to military personnel in sergeant and soldier positions. It ranges from 20,500 to 40,000 rubles.

A uniform

The standard uniform for fighters is the combined arms camouflage. When participating in anti-terrorist operations, soldiers of the Vityaz special forces dress in black uniforms with appropriate stripes, chevrons with blood type and a flag


The Vityaz special forces took part in a number of operations to counter terrorism in Chechnya in 1994-1996, in the battles of Pervomaisky in 1996, and in 1999-2003. - in a number of anti-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus in order to eliminate the leaders of illegal armed gangs and terrorist groups.

In the same 2002, the “Vityaz” detachment participated in the operation to liberate the Theater Center on Dubrovka from terrorists who had taken hostages.

The maroon beret became a symbol of the courage of the special forces soldiers, which took its place on the “Vityaz” banner. It still appears on the emblem to this day.


As mentioned above, the special forces detachments “Vityaz” and “Rus” were united, but among the people you can still hear that the new special center is habitually referred to as special forces “Vityaz”. Military service in this unit is the dream of many teenagers conscripted into the army. But getting there by conscription is a matter of chance. There are no “royal ways”. They recruit only the best of the best, with good health and iron will. Candidates for master of sports in karate, sambo and other contact martial arts are tested according to an individual program.

Many hunters of army romance strive to join the ranks of the elite, but only half of them manage not to be disappointed and not pull the long burden of difficult military service, paying for their mistakes. Special forces "Vityaz" is not a romance, it is hard work for those born to fight, to stand guard over Russia and protect its interests, as well as to maintain order.

Special forces are special forces created in different years in most countries of the world. Many young guys are concerned about the question of how to get into special forces, but it must be said right away that it is not so simple and even excellent physical preparation is not always the key to it.

How can you get into special forces?

If you are interested in how you can get into the special forces by conscription, you don’t have to rush: in any case, you first need to serve in the army. Although it is worth aspiring to get into reconnaissance, airborne troops, etc. It is necessary to rise to the rank of ensign, and to become an officer, you need a diploma from a higher military university or any other educational institute of a similar kind. Special training can be completed at the Military Diplomatic Academy. There is only one way to get into special forces from the army: it won’t work out any other way - lower ranks don’t get there.

The requirements for candidates are very strict: height must be at least 175 cm, and age must not exceed 28 years. Physical fitness is excellent. A special forces warrior trains seven days a week and seven days a week. He needs to pass certain standards, for example, a 3-kilometer run in 10 minutes, a hundred-meter run in 12 seconds, and pull-ups on a crossbar - 25 times. All standards are passed in a row, and the rest between exercises can only be called such a stretch, and upon completion of the entire complex, the warrior will face three series of hand-to-hand combat with a trainer or a well-trained person from the officer corps.

Moreover, the candidate is expected to show activity, and not just passively hold the defense. In addition, in the barracks, soldiers often secretly test each other to always be in shape. But even if you get into the ranks of special forces, you can “fly out” of them without going through the test of hunger for a week and lack of sleep for up to several days.

What does it take to get into special forces?

The decisive role in making a decision can be played by the recommendation of a person already serving in the special forces, or a high-ranking official in the armed forces. A person must be absolutely healthy both physically and psychologically. The candidate will have long conversations with “healers of souls,” a lie detector test, and a check of all immediate relatives for criminal records, police reports, problems with drugs or alcohol, etc. Even a bad bite can block a guy’s path to joining the special forces.

Those who are interested in how you can get into special forces should answer that you should achieve heights. You can often get into such a unit if you have a maroon beret. In any case, the more outstanding achievements and records are documented in the personal file, the higher the chances of joining the ranks of the special forces. The parents and wife of the future candidate are also interviewed. They must sign the document and agree that their son or husband will serve in such a unit.

The nationality of the applicant does not matter, but citizenship should not give reason to doubt that a person lives in this particular country. This is especially relevant in light of recent events in the world, but in any case, all these issues are considered individually ok. Additional higher education, knowledge foreign languages, especially if it is reconnaissance. The price includes classes in martial arts, boxing, and wrestling. But it’s even more important to show yourself in mountaineering, athletics, rowing, parachuting, swimming, biathlon, and, of course, shooting. Special forces have a saying that a warrior must shoot like a cowboy and run like a horse. Now it is clear that random people do not end up in special forces. As a rule, the applicant makes such a decision as a child and begins to devote at an early age free time sports.

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