Gemini girl horoscope for May. Sexy, love horoscope of the zodiac sign Gemini free online. General horoscope for Gemini

Summer is approaching, but it’s too early for Geminis to think about a well-deserved rest. You still have a lot of unfinished business that requires immediate attention. In addition, the horoscope for May 2018 foretells a very difficult situation on the personal front for representatives of your zodiac sign. However, your natural charm, sociability and optimism will help you cope with all this!

While other representatives of the Zodiac circle are chasing ephemeral chances and resolving personal and work issues, Gemini continues to complete the projects and undertakings they have begun. All you have to do is show a little patience, and soon you will be able to enjoy your long-awaited vacation. Moreover, the Gemini horoscope for May 2018 predicts you financial well-being for the near future!

The “wind of change” will soon burst into the life of restless Gemini. Someone is facing a wedding or, on the contrary, a breakup. Others will be able to change jobs and finally do what they love. For Gemini businessmen, trips, meetings, and business negotiations are possible. One thing can be said with confidence - in all the “bedlam” that is happening, you will play a key role.

This is interesting! Friday May 18, 2018 is Museum Night. This event is widely celebrated throughout the world and will appeal to people who want to experience cultural life. Moreover, you don’t have to pay for it! One of the glorious traditions of the holiday is free access to all visitors, without exception, to both public and private collections.

The Gemini horoscope for May 2018 predicts several lucky and unlucky dates for representatives of your zodiac sign this month. For example, on the 5th and 7th the Moon will be in a negative aspect with Mars, which leads to an increased risk of colds and infectious diseases. Gambling is not recommended on the 19th. And if you have planned a major deal or other important event, then try to time it for May 15, 20 or 25, 2018.

Happy (favorable) days for Gemini in May 2018: 3, 9, 15, 20, 25, 31.

Unlucky (unfavorable) days for Gemini in May 2018: 5, 7, 19.

Gemini love horoscope for May 2018

Lonely Gemini V Lately luck in amorous affairs smiled quite rarely. But your astrological forecast says that the situation will change, and very soon! According to the horoscope for May 2018, you will have a chance to meet a handsome and charming representative of the opposite sex, and one who occupies a high position in society. But you will have to try to prevent the “charming prince” (or “princess”) from being intercepted by a more agile rival (or rival).

The horoscope states that the planet Venus will have a particularly strong influence for the zodiac sign Gemini on May 2, 6, 12 and 15, 2018. It is on one of these days that you will be able to meet your destiny and form a strong union. You have been warned, be fully prepared! Therefore, if you have been postponing a visit to the hairdresser, beauty salon or fashion boutique, then it's time to do it!

Family Gemini this month they will get a chance to change their surroundings and take a break from their home routine for a while. Some will go fishing or barbecue with friends, others will go on a business trip. As you know, love grows stronger in separation, so after a few days of such a “rest”, you will feel that you are drawn “to your homeland”. If this happens, then you can be congratulated: there has been a renewal of feelings, and this is very important in any marriage!

By the way, Gemini horoscope for May 2018 for family people indicates that this month is a good time for conception. So if you have been thinking about adding to your family, now is the time to do it! Moreover, there is a high probability that after a short separation, your mutual feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Gemini money horoscope for May 2018

It is better for representatives of your zodiac constellation to avoid serious spending this month. The stars indicate that your financial position will be shaky, although serious material problems will not follow. One way or another, Gemini should not get involved in risky adventures or make unplanned expenses that are not particularly necessary. And the worst thing you can do in May 2018 is to take out a consumer loan or microloan.

Gemini employees, in the near future you better not attract the attention of management. First of all, this applies to employees who already have a series of tardiness or other violations of labor discipline. Perform your duties punctually, and then even the strictest boss will not be able to “undermine” you.

Gemini entrepreneurs, keep your eyes open! Your horoscope for May 2018 says that you will have a chance to hit the big jackpot! But in pursuit of profit, do not forget to carefully document all the legal details of the transactions being made. Otherwise, cunning scoundrels from your environment will have the opportunity to appropriate the benefits you have earned for themselves. The horoscope also recommends that Gemini businessmen take a closer look at the people you have recently hired.

Gemini health horoscope for May 2018

Gemini is not expected to experience any serious health problems this month. Unless weather-dependent people may experience slight malaise at the end of the month. The peak of geomagnetic activity caused by the tense aspect of Uranus and Saturn will occur on the 18th and 19th. These days you should not overexert yourself, watch action-packed films, news, and especially political programs. On such days, it is better not to be nervous, and especially not to expose yourself to stress for no reason.

Belshazzar advises: if relationships with the opposite sex are not going well, then . However, don’t expect the magic to work if you sit at home all the time or are afraid to even approach the person you like. Taking the first step is not easy, but it is not as scary as it may seem. And our love spell will help create a favorable situation for a romantic acquaintance.

Full description on the topic: " love horoscope Gemini woman (girl) for the month of May 2019" from the best astrologers.

To find not a fleeting love, but deep feelings for life, you need to get to know yourself and the aspirations of your partner. We offer a love horoscope for women of the zodiac sign Gemini for 2019, the Year of the Yellow Pig.

Find out what period of the coming year will be favorable for love and relationships. And in what months should you not start a love affair, so as not to experience the bitter aftertaste of disappointment? The love horoscope for 2019 for the Gemini woman will tell you this by month, because it is about them, the ladies of the zodiac sign of the air element, that will be discussed in this article.

Do you want to know what your soul desires? A free love horoscope for a girl for 2019 will help you find your chosen one and not make a mistake in your choice. Find out what awaits you in your personal life in the near future: love, tenderness, adoration or vain affairs, carelessness, disappointment? The stars know everything and are ready to tell you through the love horoscope for a woman of the Gemini sign.

Love horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini for 2019

Gemini is ruled by the element of Air. This is a spiritual sign aimed at overcoming internal disunity and doubt, at gaining spiritual comfort. In a constant search for harmony, girls can become secretive and wary even towards their spouse or lover.

Typically, relationships with representatives of this sign bring partners a feeling of lightness and sweet flight. True, provided that the partner is able to understand the character of Gemini and adapt to their often changing, capricious mood. The love horoscope for 2019 advises the companion of a girl of the Gemini sign to keep her in suspense and concentrate her attention on herself. These girls are attracted by a mystery, and the partner should be exactly like that - unsolved to the end, with a twist.

Men, advice for you: having chosen such a unique girl as Gemini as your companion, do not lock her in a golden cage, for this is Air, the wind. She will not sit in one place. And a man’s jealousy and possessive aspirations will only accelerate the breakup. However, a true astrological forecast for the Gemini woman for the coming year warns that over time she will become bored with the role of a faithful friend or wife, and she will go on the hunt, in search of a secret exciting connection.

Gemini ladies rarely think about whether this will enrich her spiritually or bring bitterness of disappointment. They follow the wind, their desires, and involve men in their game. In adulthood, these women enter into very successful and strong marital unions. Their approach remains subtle, but their patience is already colossal.

Women of the astrological constellation Gemini can wait a long time for their time. And suddenly, under the influence of some secret impulse, they suddenly open up to the feeling. Namely, the love horoscope for women for 2019 especially emphasizes the sensuality of Gemini.

In relationships, if they last long enough, Gemini girls become more sophisticated and seductive year after year. But they play the game exclusively according to their own rules, and they look for variety in intimate relationships. Geminis have a sophisticated nature, however, they find it difficult to cope with their emotions.

  • Romantic relationships, a graceful and subtle connection can arise in Gemini girls with Aquarius, as well as with representatives of the Libra sign. Not excluded happy marriage with the signs Cancer and Leo.
  • Avoid close relationships love forecast for 2019 for a woman Gemini constellation recommends with Pisces and Scorpio sign.

The country's chief astrologer revealed the secret attracting wealth and prosperity for the three zodiac signs, you can test yourself for free ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ….

Love horoscope for 2019 for Gemini woman by month

Each coming year brings us something new, gives us luck, luck, happiness. Troubles, hardships and trials also happen. But, if you know in advance how to get around sharp corners, you may not encounter serious problems.

Read love forecasts for girls of the astrological constellation Gemini for each of the 12 months of the coming year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for January 2019

In January 2019, girls born under the sign of Gemini will be lucky. There will be no acute and difficult emotions; everything will be calm and easy. Home is a complete idyll. I have excellent relationships with friends.

Some women of the Gemini sign will have an office romance, which, surprisingly, will turn out to be fruitful. The result of such a relationship can be a wedding. But the girl will make the decision.

In the first month of the year, you can safely count on luck in any endeavor. As the love horoscope for the Gemini zodiac sign promises, any desire is real, and any goal is achievable. Don't miss out on your fortune in January!

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for February 2019

February for women of the Gemini sign will be a fun month. Married ladies will feel in the center male attention. This will certainly stroke their pride and increase their self-esteem. Perhaps they will decide to have an amorous relationship on the side. But, love horoscope for Gemini woman for February 2019 warns: this may negatively affect your health.

Representatives of this sign who do not have a partner, on the contrary, will feel the desire and need to be at home. I wonder how fate will behave with hermits? Arrange a meeting with your future soulmate.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for March 2019

The first month of spring 2019 of the Yellow Pig will bring a renewal of feelings for Gemini girls. Now is the opportunity to begin implementing a positive scenario for an ideal relationship with a partner.

March will provide an excellent opportunity for relaxation and travel, says the love horoscope for the sign of Gemini for 2019. It is far from home that you will unexpectedly meet an interesting and influential man who will play a special role in the life of a woman of the Gemini sign.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for April 2019

It is not advisable for ladies to plan anything serious related to love and relationships in April. Events during this period will unfold in the most unexpected ways. First of all, this is due to lonely representatives of this sign.

The love horoscope for a Gemini girl for 2019, compiled by expert astrologers, promises: if you have a young man in mind with whom you have been counting on a romantic relationship for a long time, you can hope that this spring month will give you the long-awaited opportunity to begin intimate communication with your chosen one.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for May 2019

The last month of spring will bring with it the desire for big changes. Gemini girls will not only want to change their lives, they will selflessly do it. In the first ten days of the month, representatives of this sign, who are not bound by marriage promises, will meet their love. This could turn out to be an office romance. Very successful, by the way.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for June 2019

June 2019 will be a time of fun and pleasant meetings for women of this zodiac sign. Summer will have a stimulating effect on the feelings and emotionality of Gemini. Ladies who have been married for a long time will become closer to their spouse, marking the beginning of a new romantic period.

Those women who are still among the free ones will be the first summer month incredibly active and dynamic. This will increase the chances of making a new promising acquaintance. There is a possibility that strong feelings will flare up.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for July 2019

July will be full of pleasant events related to the personal life plan of unmarried Gemini girls. Relationships among married ladies of this sign will be marked by passions in July. Frequent loud quarrels will be replaced by no less noisy reconciliations, after which they may soon learn about the upcoming addition to the family.

For lonely Geminis, the love horoscope for 2019 does not promise significant changes, although there will certainly be interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. Midsummer is a great time to start a new relationship.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for August 2019

In August, stars advise girls to stop complaining about failures associated with feelings and relationships. Of course, not everyone will fail. But, having suffered a fiasco, having broken off relations with your chosen one, thank fate for what you have. A new fateful meeting is being prepared for you.

IN family life, according to the love horoscope for women of the zodiac sign Gemini, disagreements with adult children or a spouse are possible. Show restraint and rationality, this will protect you from serious family dramas. The storm will subside in the second ten days of the month, and will come new novel tic stage.

The stars promise pleasant excitement for free Gemini girls, and a bright and fleeting romance is possible.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for September 2019

Gemini will have a lot of plans in September. New horizons will open, so astrologers advise to doubt less and act boldly without worrying about the consequences.

The beginning of autumn can bring unmarried women of this sign a love affair. In the near future, moving to another country is not excluded, since an affair could happen with a foreigner. The love horoscope for 2019 for a girl of the Gemini sign for September says: if you dreamed of adding to your family, September is a good period for conception.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for October 2019

In October 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig, problematic periods in the personal relationships of girls of the Gemini sign will alternate with successful ones, warns the love forecast for the second autumn month 2019 for a woman in the constellation Gemini.

Married representatives of this sign will have a short but stormy secret romance. The stars say: this will benefit the relationship with her husband, since the Gemini woman will see him in a new way and appreciate his leading role in her life.

Girls who have not yet found their partner for life will not be too happy about October. However, interesting and even romantic acquaintances are expected.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for November 2019

In November, Gemini will experience a bright streak of life. It would be good for girls to know that everything bad, all the negativity of the Year of the Yellow Pig is left behind. You need to forget about troubles and enjoy every day of late autumn in anticipation of the coming winter and happy holidays.

The astrological forecast for the Gemini woman warns that you need to listen to your intuition. A woman's instinct will not let you down. In addition, the stars themselves say: beware of making new friends now.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman for December 2019

In the last month of the year, girls of this sign will want freedom. They will not be able to restrain themselves, and this is not necessary. A short vacation alone will do you good. After all, it is on this trip that you will meet your destiny.

For single girls, such a meeting can be the beginning of a new deep and happy relationship. It is possible that for married women, new meeting will be the end of the marriage. Deciding to divorce for the sake of love, emphasizes the love horoscope for women for 2019, is quite in the spirit of Gemini.

A love horoscope for zodiac signs is able to describe upcoming events in the near future, and give accurate forecast for representatives of each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. In the astrological love horoscope you will find tips and advice that will help you avoid unwanted moments in your relationship with your chosen one.

An accurate love horoscope for 2019 will help you find out how family relationships will develop when love comes, and how not to miss your chance in the coming year of the Yellow Earth Pig. If you are careful, you will be able to see dangerous moments in time before they appear, avoid negative situations, or not say those words that could harm the relationship.

A competently compiled online horoscope will help representatives of all signs of the zodiac circle create the ideal image of a partner for a romantic relationship or marriage. Read love horoscope for all signs for 2019 Yellow Pig, and be happy in love!

What does the love horoscope promise us for 2019 - feelings and emotions

Each astrological sign has its own love horoscope for 2019, which, as we all know, will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig. Such a personal online horoscope is a great way to create successful romantic relationships and a happy family life.

As soon as we are born, we are not Blank sheet paper. We initially have a certain set of characteristics. And it is they who determine our behavior in love, our sensuality, and our ability to fall in love. Love temperament, and even subjective ideas about beauty and sexual attractiveness - we have all this from birth, by nature. The stars and planets influence each of us, and the love horoscope for the zodiac signs shows us ourselves.

Gemini is the most controversial sign of the zodiac. The struggle between the material and the spiritual begins in them from birth. Therefore, the Gemini horoscope regularly promises them many ambivalent situations in various areas of life. The coming year has prepared a big bag of surprises for them. Pleasant changes will await them in their personal lives, and in their professional environment there will be a large number of favorable situations. In order not to miss an important moment and make the right decision in the Year of the Pig, check out the most important predictions!

What can Gemini expect in the Year of the Pig?

  • Love horoscope.
  • Financial forecasts.
  • Family and Children.
  • Health.
  • What does the horoscope promise for Gemini women?
  • Gemini man: what will please the year of the pig?

General horoscope for Gemini

Representatives of this sign know how sometimes they can surprise not only those around them, but also themselves. Spontaneous decisions often lead to a result that is completely different from what was expected. In the Year of the Pig, such situations will be a carriage and a small cart. Family relationships will be the most stable. There will be some stability and even peace. But at the workplace you should expect anything - in winter the issue of a change will be especially acute professional activity. However, even such changes will be for the better, so don’t get upset in advance.

Leaders by nature, Geminis know how to gather around them the right people. With their enthusiasm and fiery speeches they can attract even a casual passerby. And it doesn’t matter what they talk about – it’s enough for them to believe in themselves. In 2019, this ability can be used in relation to friends. Yes, they have long known that sometimes your hasty conclusions and decisions can lead to the collapse of a common cause. But this time new ideas and interesting ideas will not go unnoticed. You can direct your energy to developing long-cherished plans for a joint vacation!

In love, Gemini will have to be extremely careful - too many emotions and temper can jeopardize your mutual feelings. Especially if they are just starting to emerge. If a person is dear to you and you want to spend the rest of your life with him, you should reconsider your behavior and learn to cope with your feelings. This also applies to family people - even the strongest marriages can be destroyed, in a word.

Love horoscope for 2019

Tender feelings will flood with the arrival of spring. It will be difficult to resist temptations even for those whose relationship has only recently begun. It has always been difficult for Geminis to cope with the passions that overwhelm them. A very loving animal, the Pig will only add adrenaline to their blood. Avoid temptations! They will be waiting everywhere - at work, during vacation, and even in their own home! The only way to overcome a series of sudden temptations is to immerse yourself in work for a while. With the onset of summer, this period will end, and all Geminis will be able to return to relative stability.

The best and most pleasant time will be autumn - the time of romance and warm, tender feelings will begin. For those who have not yet found their soulmate, there will be a chance to find love. But don’t forget - charm alone is not enough to create a strong and lasting union. Excessive emotionality and uncontrolled emotions can scare away unfamiliar people. A pig can bring lonely hearts together. So, separate them in the shortest possible time. Closer to winter, it will be possible to achieve reciprocal feelings from the person you like. At this time, the most favorable time will come for bold actions that will not go unnoticed. You can safely propose marriage, invite you on a date, and even bring back your lost love!

Money horoscope in the year of the Pig

The duality of the nature of this zodiac sign has always prevented them from achieving their goal. In material terms, this was clearly noticeable last year. There are too many expectations and very few fulfilled plans. People whose activities are related to art have received good dividends from the Dog, and can now continue what they started. Nothing threatens their career - this time emotions and natural inconstancy can play into their hands. You shouldn’t get hung up on one thing: all doors are open. Any undertaking will be successful and bring a well-deserved reward.

Geminis who happen to occupy leadership positions should be careful about their close colleagues. There is a possibility that employees may take advantage of your good location and stab you in the back. Do not rely on the opinions of others and always keep your finger on the pulse! You should not rely on someone else’s opinion - you will have to take risks that will be justified. Even the most unrealistic projects at first glance will be successful. Do not wait for the approval of colleagues or family - you will not have helpers in this matter. Only your own instinct and analysis will help you make the right decision. The horoscope advises you to adhere to some rules: listen only to yourself, rely only on your own strengths and boldly trust your sixth sense! In moments of strong doubt, it is worth taking a break so that you can look at the matter with a clear head.

Family horoscope

If love relationships resembled a swing and were not stable, then there was a positive dynamic among relatives. The home environment of this sign has always been warm and favorable, despite their fickle nature. Calm as a rock, Gemini could instantly become like a raging sea. Such changes were smoothed out by quiet, heartfelt conversations, which ultimately led to a certain stability. Wives and husbands quickly understood the secret of this sign and learned to find an approach to them.

The Year of the Pig is considered a family year, and it should be noted that sensitive and sometimes vulnerable people of this sign have always put the well-being of their relatives first. Fortunately, all the sacrifices made on the altar of family happiness in the Year of the Dog have had a positive impact on the situation and now you can relax. There may be some problems with mutual understanding, but they should only be expected by the end of the year.

It has always been important for Geminis to know that their opinion is decisive. This quality will help them solve some problems concerning children and parents. Deception and concealment of important information from loved ones will not the best way strengthen family ties. Listen to your children more often - they will need support and participation. Parents will also need your help, but it must be timely! Don't put off such important moments for later.

Health horoscope

This sign loses eloquence and openness when it comes to their own health. Despite their natural forgetfulness and tendency to downplay problems, they always take care of their condition. It is not surprising that Geminis are distinguished by their longevity. They are well aware of their weak joints, problems with blood pressure and chronic diseases of the pulmonary system. Once again it is worth recalling that vision is of no small importance in life. It is better to get tested in the year of the Pig, because during this period there is a tendency for the rapid progression and development of any diseases. IN winter time You should take care of your throat and beware of being in the cold for a long time. Take vitamins in the spring - the immune system may fail in April. In summer and autumn, take care of proper nutrition: Stomach problems can start suddenly and quickly become chronic.

What will 2019 be like for the Gemini woman?

The beautiful half of humanity will experience an incredible uplift in many ways. First of all, big changes await them in their personal lives. A lover will appear or return with whom you can begin new life. Pigs are not the most loyal animals, which can affect the similar nature of Gemini. If you manage to avoid temptations, then a good reward awaits you.

As for having children, don’t rush if you had other plans. Let everything take its course - don’t play with nature. The same can be said about relationships with people. Take your time to accept new friends into your close circle. The horoscope foretells many lies from strangers. This can have a negative impact on your reputation and even your job.

In a team, try not to take part in discussions that are not related to professional activities. Envy and intrigue can consume you completely. Devote more time to new projects, interesting offers, or simple physical labor. Exercising will not only help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but also improve your health.

Gemini men: horoscope for 2019

Last year was quite successful, so we have to work hard to consolidate the result. This applies primarily to professional activities. Frivolity and frivolity will try to take you away from work worries, so you need to constantly monitor your time consumption. The time for reckless and regular shirking has passed. It is you who will become the fulcrum on which the entire team will rest. Your decisions will be the most important.

The pig will prepare you a gift in love relationships. You will have to break all damaging ties in order to give all your attention to your family. A joint vacation or just a long-term trip out of town will help restore warm feelings with your other half. Don't get carried away alcoholic drinks- there is a high probability of getting into an unpleasant situation at the end of the year. The Gemini horoscope calls on all men to give up gambling - you risk losing everything and getting into a lot of problems.

Every person was born under some zodiac sign, and most people read their horoscope regularly. But even those who do not believe in such forecasts still sometimes look into them to find out what awaits them. And the horoscope for 2019 for Gemini is no exception. Representatives of this constellation were born between May 21 and June 21 under the sign of Air and the auspices of Mercury. These are independent, wise and witty people with whom it is never boring. They need frequent changes of environment, both spiritually and materially. They easily get along with people and can start and maintain a conversation on any topic.

Geminis are distinguished by unpredictable reactions and actions, sometimes they can get nervous and irritated over trifles, and do not always finish the job they start. The most favorable areas of activity for them are literature, creativity and art. They make good writers, artists, fashion designers and performers.

What awaits Gemini in 2019?

For this sign, the Year of the Pig will generally be successful and fruitful. But this does not mean that everything will go smoothly and without problems. Gemini will have to work hard to achieve certain goals. But obstacles for representatives of this sign will only benefit them, because without downs there are no ups.

You will gain valuable experience and have a great opportunity to change your future for the better. The main thing is not to give up and not be afraid of new opportunities, as the stars advise. Because this sign is characterized by some slowness and passivity, and if you don’t “shake yourself up”, you can easily miss a good chance. In 2019, it's time to part with all doubts and take action, otherwise you will remain stuck in place. But don’t forget to give your body rest, otherwise you risk overwork.

For Gemini men

Gemini men need support and care, even a good kick. Because if they are not convinced that they need to act, they can endlessly talk about their plans without doing anything. And 2019 will provide the stronger sex with immense opportunities to realize their plans and ideas! You just need to “catch luck by the tail”, don’t hesitate, and boldly implement them! After all, if you sit still and do nothing, there will be no point. The Year of the Pig is the very year when Gemini gets every chance for a favorable outcome in their endeavors. Try, act, be more confident in yourself - and everything will work out.

Horoscope for 2019 for Gemini women

Gemini ladies are fickle natures; they tend to “switch” from one thing to another. Their interests often change: today they are passionate about needlework, and tomorrow, for example, oriental dancing. They quickly absorb information, but if the hobby has passed, they also quickly erase it from memory as unnecessary. Gemini women are very capable people; they easily master languages ​​and creative professions. Another thing is that they are “thrown” from side to side, they want to master everything at once. And this, as we know, is impossible. In 2019, the stars will align in such a way that Gemini ladies can be very lucky both materially and spiritually. But on one condition: if they focus on something specific and make their choice, if not their profession, but at least a very serious hobby. Only in this case do representatives of this sign have every real chance to succeed in life. Weigh everything, choose one thing - and go for it!

Love horoscope

Representatives of this sign are jealous natures, so in 2019, be careful with your emotions. Otherwise, without even wanting it, you can easily provoke a conflict out of nowhere. However, Gemini family men should be on their guard in the year of the Pig: a new romance will loom on the horizon, which will not bring them anything good. Is it worth risking your family relationships for a passing hobby? But if you are a single person, then you have every chance of meeting your love. Don't miss it!

With Gemini women, things are a little more complicated. Due to the fact that they do not know how to control their feelings, their novels fail one after another. And if you do not learn to control your actions, then the Year of the Pig will become a mirror image previous years. The stars recommend that you keep your ambitions to yourself and listen to your partner. As for the ladies who have already found their soulmate, 2019 will be quite stable, but under one condition: you will keep your emotions to yourself.

Money horoscope

At the beginning of 2019, the financial situation of Gemini men is unstable, in some places even in a deplorable state. But by the middle of the year, if the work is done well, there will be significant changes in material terms. It all depends on your desire to earn money: if you put in some effort, then the results will be on par. If there is no special effort on your part, do not be surprised that you are left with stable income. Your financial situation depends only on you.

For Gemini women, the Year of the Pig also does not promise bright prospects, but do not worry ahead of time - your work will pay off later. And, perhaps, when you don’t expect it at all. Just do your job, make an effort, work fruitfully, but don’t expect that a “cornucopia” will immediately fall on you - sometimes you should be patient and just wait. Perhaps payment for your work will come completely unexpectedly - remember the “golden” rule that every work is always rewarded.

Career horoscope

The first thing Gemini men should refrain from in the year of the Pig is decisions made spontaneously. Business negotiations, meetings with partners, even planning meetings with the boss - do not rush to speak out thoughtlessly. Save your opinion for a more opportune moment, perhaps a private conversation with your boss. This way you have a chance not to “lead” your thoughts to your competitors and get the opportunity to move up the career ladder. You shouldn’t give your colleagues what you came up with. Your ideas belong only to you.

The first half of 2019 will be stable in terms of career for Gemini ladies, without any additional bonuses. But already in the second half of the Year of the Pig, there will be significant changes in terms of promotion - as a reward for decent work. If you are a businesswoman, then you should monitor the dynamics of developments. If you are a simple employee, then the stars advise you not to close yourself in your “cocoon”, but to boldly put forward your proposals. Perhaps they will help you advance in your career.

Health horoscope

Busy workdays in the year of the Pig will leave Gemini men little time for rest. Be careful with your digestive tract - irregular snacking at work can have a detrimental effect on your stomach. Don't neglect your well-deserved vacation, forget about working from home! During the required rest, it is better to turn off your phone and change the situation - go somewhere, for example, to the sea or even to exotic countries. This will help you relax, recharge your batteries and gain strength.

The stars also recommend that Gemini women go to the sea. If it doesn’t work out, then best vacation for them it is meditation. Representatives of this sign love loneliness, they are comfortable alone with themselves. If you don’t want to go somewhere, then just take time for yourself. Do yoga, set up a home spa with beauty treatments, even just watching a TV series will allow you to relax and put your thoughts in order. Don't neglect rest!

Famous personalities born under the sign of Gemini

  • Arthur Conan Doyle (May 22) – English writer.
  • Isadora Duncan (May 27) – American dancer.
  • Angelika Varum (May 26) is a Russian pop singer.
  • Kylie Minogue (May 28) is an Australian singer.
  • Carl Faberge (May 30) – Russian jeweler.
  • Marilyn Monroe (June 1) is an American film actress.
  • Marquis de Sade (June 2) - French writer.
  • Alexander Pushkin (June 6) - Russian poet and playwright.
  • Daria Dontsova (June 7) is a Russian writer.
  • Peter I (June 9) – the first All-Russian Emperor.
  • Judy Garland (June 10) is an American film actress.
  • Jacques-Yves Cousteau (June 11) – French oceanographer.
  • Che Guevara (June 14) - Latin American revolutionary.
  • Paul McCartney (June 18) is a British musician.
  • Nicole Kidman (June 20) is an Australian actress.

Look video with characteristics of twins:

Eastern horoscope for 2019

Other horoscopes for 2019

In short, 2019, the year of the loving and easy-to-contact Pig, promises women and men of the zodiac sign Gemini a number of pleasant romantic acquaintances, love surprises, lyrical moments in relationships with the opposite sex, and for some even life changes in their destinies.

It should be noted that this year is favorable for those who intend to start a family again, but only for those whose age is closer to 30 years or older. A marriage in which there is a fairly noticeable age difference will also be successful.

Single women and men born under the sign of Gemini will enter 2019 with the hope of finding love and starting long-term relationships. The stars and the horoscope, in turn, promise them this. Geminis have a great mood for this year; they have countless interesting and unrealized plans, most of which they will strive to solve during this period.

As for the family representatives of Gemini, their relationships will be quite difficult; they will face pressing questions with possible consequences. However, it is worth noting that a similar situation will be observed in family relationships, only in the first half of the year, in the second half will relationships improve, reach a qualitatively different level, and gain a second wind.

Love horoscope for Gemini woman in 2019

The beginning of the year will be marked by the zodiac representative of Gemini with her unexpectedly active behavior in the field of love relationships with the opposite sex, she will be active in her search, easily make contact in the hope of finding someone with whom she can link her destiny.

The love horoscope for 2019 for Gemini women promises them a dizzying romance at the very beginning of the year, of course, if they themselves are active in the search and are ready to make contact, which can change a lot in their lives, even force them to change their plans.

These women will spend most of the year with their new partner, they will no longer belong to themselves, and all free time will be dedicated only to him. In addition, a strong and sincere feeling can even quarrel with her relatives if they suddenly do not approve of her choice.

There is also a possibility that the Gemini woman will decide to move abroad, following her loved one. Be that as it may, no matter how the love relationship ends this year, it is these that will influence all the processes taking place in 2019 around this lady.

It is worth mentioning separately that sometimes these people seek their own benefits from new relationships, but not this year, because the love horoscope says that this year Gemini will look for a mate not for the sake of self-interest.

Love horoscope for Gemini man in 2019

For this representative of the Zodiac, the year 2019 promises many fateful acquaintances, and sometimes fatal encounters, which to a certain extent will force this person to look at himself from the outside, and as a result, reconsider his attitude towards others and his life in general. It will be much more difficult for a Gemini man to change himself, who sincerely falls in love; he will reasonably consider that his new partner likes him more just the way he is.

Love will make this man soft and pliable, the way he is not used to being; in addition, he still does not know that for his love he will still have to compete with the former partner of his new chosen one, having withstood serious competition with him. And it is not a fact that it is Gemini who will ultimately enjoy the victory, and therefore the reciprocity of his love partner.

The stars and the love horoscope for 2019 advise these men not to take everything to heart, not to fall into a depressed state if suddenly the choice of a partner turns out to be not in his favor or he receives a refusal. Show decency, perceive this situation as one that will help you find your person, that is, this woman was not yours.

You just need to believe in a better future, because in the second half of the year, especially at the end, Gemini will not only have a chance to meet a worthwhile person, but can even quite seriously count on a serious continuation of the relationship, right up to the creation of a full-fledged family.

Spring will awaken in the family Gemini a strong, sometimes uncontrollable sexual attraction, which he will be ready to satisfy with any partner, the first person he likes, regardless of his status, whether this person is married or not.

The love horoscope predicts for Gemini in 2019 quarrels and showdowns with a loved one, which will occur from time to time. There will also be suspicions on the part of the partner, which are by no means groundless.

In such a situation, representatives of Gemini can only count on their sincere repentance, as well as on their acting skills, which have helped these people out more than once in their lives.

The Gemini must understand that if he has received forgiveness for his affairs on the side, he may not be forgiven for more such mistakes, and therefore most of them themselves will decide to stop behaving this way and will begin to devote themselves more to their family, their children and their partner.

In order for a Gemini to have a friendly family, with common problems and goals in life, he needs to take his family on vacation, for example, to the sea, or somewhere in the village to visit his grandmother. Such trips bring the family closer together; you can also take a vacation at the same time and start renovating your home, or building a house in the country.

In conclusion to the Gemini love horoscope 2019

For most of the year, a representative of the zodiac sign Gemini will not belong to himself, and his whole life will revolve around the love sphere, he will always be in search of love until he finds it. Finding your soulmate will be quite simple, because the owner of 2019, the Pig, is sociable and easy to make contact with, ready to get acquainted and even further develop relationships.

Everything else for Gemini in this time period is unimportant and secondary, as if in the background; it is the love sphere, the search for a partner and the establishment of relationships with the opposite sex for the rest of their lives that will become the main topic, influencing all processes occurring with representatives of this zodiac sign during this period.

Gemini love horoscope 2019 in the year of the Pig/Boar

Taking into account the fact that according to the eastern calendar, the mistress of the future time period of one year, starting from February 5 and ending on January 24, 2020, will be the Pig, and by another name the Boar, all women and men of the sign Twins the characteristics of this animal should be taken into account, especially in terms of building relationships with the opposite sex.

First of all, you must remember that the Pig, on the one hand, is very sexy and easily makes contact, easily makes acquaintances with the opposite sex, on the other hand, she is to some extent reckless, amorous and easily loses her head. This is exactly what we should all be afraid of in the upcoming period of this animal’s reign: making a mistake in our choice, drawing hasty conclusions, which we will regret in the future.

In 2019, the reign of the Pig/Boar according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, women and men of the Zodiac sign Twins, must be reasonable, not be led by their emotions, try not to succumb to emotions. The pig is a very trusting animal, in addition, it is romantic and dreamy, open to communication and easy to make contact, because it is looking for its ideal in life, although it often makes mistakes, so you should take into account such features of the future time period, because they will influence everyone from U.S.

Lonely Gemini they will probably be lucky in 2019, they will finally find their soulmate, their search will probably be successful, they just don’t want to make a mistake in choosing their destiny. In any case, women and men of the zodiac sign Twins have the right to count on success in finding their soulmate, but they should not count on pure chance; they themselves also need to take the initiative, boldly offer themselves, do not hesitate to be the first to make contact, and declare themselves. Love to everyone Gemini next year of the Pig/Boar, find your loved one!

... Horoscope for a man - men's horoscope by birthday ...

In May 2018, the situation for representatives of the Gemini sign will be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, this month the positive will surprisingly alternate with the negative, and they will have to maneuver very flexibly in order to be able to use the power of the former and reduce the effect of the latter. The horoscope for Gemini for May 2018 will tell you more about this.

Gemini will be able to say with all confidence that May 2018 is a period that they would dream of living again and again and again. Their life will become a kaleidoscope of various events, which will include unexpected acquaintances, entertainment and even very close communication with representatives of the opposite sex.

Therefore, take advantage of this favorable moment to improve your personal life while the stars are on your side!

How the stars will affect you in May 2018

Such an amazing time as now is due to the influence on the life of Gemini of not one, but several planets at the same time. But, of course, you can’t get by with positive things alone, and therefore the tandem of your patron planets will have to fight your May enemy planets, who will try to worsen your life.

What planets will suddenly decide to attack Gemini in May 2018? These are two celestial bodies at once, namely Neptune and the Moon. These planets are distinguished by their “thoughtfulness”, so their bad temper will also affect you - you, too, risk going to wander through the tangled wilds of your soul, unpleasant moments from the past will begin to emerge, causing a whole stream of negative emotions.

The positive point is that for the most part Geminis are optimists; they are not used to just giving up and falling under pressure. negative impact. Therefore, you don’t have to worry - you definitely won’t suffer from depression, but thanks to frequent reflections on the meaning of your life, you’ll probably even be able to find a couple of ideas to improve your life.

And besides, we should not forget about the powerful May patrons who will protect Gemini in every possible way in the last spring month and will not allow their opponents to do anything bad to them. They will be Mercury and Venus.

Mercury acts as the habitual leader of the people of this sign, which patronizes them. The planet will not allow material problems to arise and will ensure financial well-being.

Venus, responsible for love and feelings, will make every effort so that Gemini can learn to feel even more subtly the world and opened your heart to new love. As a result of this, the spiritual potential of Gemini will noticeably increase, they will be able to experience a whole range of new emotions.

Characteristics of personal life

In personal matters, Gemini people have never been characterized by hypocrisy. The end of spring 2018 will be no exception. Those representatives of this sign who are already in a relationship will want to do everything possible and impossible to ensure that their chosen one feels their love 24 hours a day.

In addition, in May you will make various interesting acquaintances in couples, which will add even more variety to your life.

Lonely Geminis in the last month of spring will want to start a new affair with a seductive representative of the opposite sex, which, of course, will relieve your life of boredom and routine.

Plus, there is another positive point here - out of several acquaintances, you can focus on one, which subsequently promises to become significant in your life.

Career Features

The horoscope promises Gemini excellent prospects in career matters and in the business sphere. But you need to try to act step by step, not to rush, as haste will not benefit you.

In the second half of May, do not plan to hold important events, as their implementation in life will be greatly delayed (the same applies to financial payments).

In addition, in May 2018 you are likely to encounter public speaking, social activities, concluding large contracts and searching for new business connections. You will also prepare plans or financial reports, and also deal with tax and insurance issues.

For representatives of the Gemini sign in May 2018, there is a very high probability of obtaining an unprofitable loan or turning to a government or criminal structure for help. You will not be given much time to think, so there are very high risks of making rash decisions.

Due to a crisis situation at work, most likely you will be forced to work seven days a week or will take some of your work home, which will negatively affect your health.

also in last month In spring, Gemini will be forced to do a lot through force, coping with external and internal circumstances that will actively interfere with them.

In the middle of the month, the emergence of conflict situations, even very tough and irreconcilable ones, cannot be ruled out. Therefore, before starting a confrontation, you should think carefully about whether all this is necessary? If you decide for yourself that yes, then stick to your opinion to the end. Otherwise, it is recommended to give away what is possible and forget about the problem once and for all.

In the period from the first to the seventh, do not rush to rejoice too early. There are likely to be strong obstacles in your life that you didn’t even know about, or deception on the part of a loved one.

From the eighth to the fifteenth of May - get ready to make all decisions responsibly now. The stars advise you to weigh everything carefully, to be guided by logic and common sense, and not to act in a fit of emotion.

From the sixteenth to the twenty-second of May - get ready for various surprises. Some of them you will even be happy about, while others will make you upset and discouraged. The most important thing in such a situation is not to give up and not get depressed. Learn to act in an unusual position, then the situation will very quickly change for the better.

From the twenty-third to the thirty-first of May - you need to prepare for the fact that problems that were unresolved at the time or some unpleasant person from the past will arise. The best solution in this case would be to close all questions so that there is no need to return to this topic anymore.

The last month of spring promises to be very stormy and eventful for Gemini, filled with various interesting and exciting events. You can get more information from astrologers in the next video.

You should roll up your sleeves and get ready for a busy period. Problems will arise out of nowhere, disagreements will arise with friends, and scandals may begin in the family. It will be difficult for you to cope with this mentally, so every effort will need to be made to normalize your nervous system. Otherwise you will simply lose your temper.

To make some progress towards your intended plans, you must develop the right strategy. You need to stop looking around, expecting approval and censure from your environment. Understand that you will never be able to please everyone. Start doing something for yourself, and not for a box given to you by society.

In the family you will have to play the role of an eminence grise. Get ready for all your advice to be met with hostility. Therefore, if you want to help your household, do it unobtrusively, skillfully, with guidance, and without pointing out certain mistakes.

Be sure to spend one of the weekends of the month actively. It’s better if it’s some kind of team sport, where you can throw out your energy and thereby allow your internal system cheer up well. But stay away from passive rest, especially if it takes place alone. In such a situation, you will be completely absorbed in your dark thoughts.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for May 2019

Your perseverance will finally be noticed and appreciated. You can receive a tempting and interesting offer that will improve your standard of living and make you much happier. But before accepting such an offer, consult with your loved ones. During such a dialogue, you will be able to identify possible risks that you will have to face one way or another.

Stop doubting yourself. You are so used to delving into your shortcomings and imperfections that it has become your daily ritual. And it is precisely this quality that will prevent you from winning the man you like or expressing yourself at an interview.

When the blues set in, don’t be left alone with yourself. Better spend this time with your children. They will help you get distracted and give you incredible emotions, which can become the best and most effective kick for you.

This month you can try changing your look a little. This applies not only to changes in appearance, but also to your manner of communication. You can sign up for special trainings where you learn to look at yourself from the outside and not be afraid to change. This will help you become more confident and then no one will resist your pressure.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for May 2019

In May, you will have to stubbornly defend your opinion. You will stand your ground even in the most difficult and intractable situations, which, of course, not everyone will like. Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that the number of your ill-wishers will increase.

If you see that the interlocutor does not hear you and, moreover, does not want to listen to your points, do not waste your time on him. You will reach the point where you will be completely devastated mentally and physically. And you need strength now more than ever. Therefore, save them for more important matters than trying to prove something to a stubborn person.

When helping friends, do not infringe on the interests of your family. Especially it concerns monetary issues. You are always ready to help your loved ones, and in May they seem to become more active. But by meeting everyone halfway, you will thereby bring discord into the family. Therefore, here you need to set your priorities correctly. You should live with your family, not with friends.

If you feel the slightest discomfort, do not delay visiting a doctor. Poor health can become an impetus for the development of a serious illness. And it’s better to identify this at the initial stage, when the complex and effective treatment It will be easier to choose.

You are on the verge of great achievements in your life, and for them you will need a lot of strength and hard work. Now the stars do not recommend doing something that can radically change your life, because most likely it will not bring you moral satisfaction. All currently visible prospects for such changes will turn out to be false and will only disappoint you.


Therefore, work now to the best of your ability, but at the same time fulfill all your official duties conscientiously and do not do anything drastic. It is better to direct all your energetic energy to communicate with friends, visit distant relatives, and be welcome guests at social events. It is there that you can make acquaintance with a person who will patronize you and provide positive influence on your life for many years.

If there is no way for you to avoid a conversation with your superiors, and you assume that this conversation will not be very pleasant for you, try to carefully think through this conversation and be prepared to argue your points convincingly, otherwise the spontaneity and uncertainty in such a conversation may damage your professional reputation.

The second half of May may turn out to be fertile for significant cash receipts, which Gemini did not expect at all. This is especially true for Solar Gemini (June 11-21). Be prepared to receive an inheritance or cash bonuses.

Towards the middle of the month, you will be required to fulfill previously made promises. Most likely, you will have to regret that you promised in the heat of the moment, but you will have to fulfill your promise so as not to be branded as a person who does not know how to keep his word. And the opinion of others about their own person is always of paramount importance for Gemini.

Try to be sure to pay off your debts if you owe anyone, especially if it is someone who lent you money at interest or a banking institution. Otherwise, this debt will grow like a snowball, and its return can throw you out of financial balance for a long time.

Business trips and business trips are extremely undesirable for Gemini in May. You are not at your peak and your business acumen is weakened. If possible, it is better to postpone travel until early June.

For a vacation, it is better to choose a time closer to the end of summer. Gemini is not in a bad place right now. physical fitness, and can still work without much effort for a month or two until a more suitable time for vacation. But since the application for vacation has been signed, then try to change the climate zone, change your lifestyle during the vacation, break out of your usual environment. This will help you get a good emotional charge and improve your already good spring mood.


The influence of Venus will make free Geminis extremely attractive to people of the opposite sex and will reveal all their hidden reserves. However, Gemini women will have to work hard for this. Although it would not be very correct to call it work. Beautiful representatives of Gemini should very meticulously reconsider their wardrobe and mercilessly say goodbye to old things. Get rid of them, and in return you should make a few purchases that you really need now in order to feel more attractive.

In May, the relationship between Gemini and their partners is filled with contradictions. Very often there will be conflict situations based on jealousy. The same trend can be observed not only between couples in love, but in the lives of married Geminis, whose relationships have already been tested by difficulties and time. In May, Geminis will very often hear reproaches of infidelity from their other halves, and in many cases these reproaches will not be unfounded. In May, Gemini will have to resolve the situation and choose between old affection and new sympathy. This choice will not be easy, but it simply must be made, otherwise Gemini’s life may become simply unbearable. It is very difficult for Geminis to hide their feelings, secret betrayals are abhorrent to their character, and it is difficult for them to hide from others for a long time. Gemini's sins very quickly become known to others. And, if you nevertheless decide to break up with your partner and plunge headlong into a new relationship, behave nobly, and do not wait for the moment when your former partner finds out about this relationship from the outside.

May 2020 is also fraught with tension in relations with relatives. The reasons for the disagreements will most likely lie in your love relationships. Do not try to resolve the conflict on your own; most likely, it will resolve itself by the end of the next month, otherwise there is a possibility of getting bogged down in squabbles for a very long period of time.


Gemini's health is in perfect order in May, there is no reason for concern. A good mood and the absence of major financial shocks help to maintain an excellent psycho-emotional state for representatives of the sign. But we must not forget about the danger from outside. Geminis should be extremely careful when driving a car and using public transport. The risk of injury is highest. Watch closely technical condition car and strictly follow the rules traffic. Try to control your interactions even with ordinary household appliances. Carefully follow all safety rules at work, especially if your work involves large mechanisms and components.

The negative influence of Uranus throughout the month increases the risk of injuries, fires and other unfavorable situations. Injuries, bruises and cuts await representatives of the sign literally at every turn. It is hardly possible to eliminate injury 100%, but try to at least minimize harm to health - take precautions at home and in the workplace, be extremely careful when driving a car and when using high-risk places such as the subway, stairs, entrances, etc. .

Be sure to pay off your debts.
Be careful on the roads in May 2020, there is a high risk of injury.
Horoscope for Gemini for May 2020.

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