Predictions for Crimea for the New Year. Prophecies about the future fate of Crimea. Predictions about Russia and Crimea by a Jewish seer: what awaits the country in the future

We always want to know the future...especially when the country is in such a difficult situation, when the people are devastated and don’t know what to do next, so that it doesn’t get even worse!
Of course, all predictions are conditional and there is no need to blindly believe in them, but it’s worth checking out!


Exactly at last days In her life, the Bulgarian clairvoyant made the most interesting statements about Ukraine and Russia. For example, she said about international role Ukraine: “It (Ukraine) will become the main one among the five countries.

Perhaps this applies to GUUAM (the union of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova). But, as you yourself understand, it is possible. The statements of the prophets are always vague due to the inability to specify what they saw. Even if the future is visible, it must be interpreted verbally, and this is not always possible for various reasons.

About the lives of people, ordinary citizens, Vanga said that “After many difficulties, people will heal very well, and a wonderful time will come for Ukraine itself.”

Her most striking prediction concerns the events of 2013-2014. the following: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake, from this much will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east. And Sagittarius will come, and will stand for twenty and three years, and what stood for 20 and 3 years will be ground into powder...”

It can be explained or translated into understandable language as follows: “the land of underground holes and man-made mountains” is the Donetsk land, Sagittarius is Igor Strelkov - the leader of the defense of Novorossiya. “...and it will stand for 20 and 3 years” is a prediction of the future, but the second part “and what stood for twenty and three years will be ground into powder...” - this is Ukraine after the collapse of the Union and it existed for 23 years.

“There will be a cry, there will be gunpowder, there will be darkness, there will be a rabbit, but everything will scatter and be carried away by the wind...”

This is interpreted as follows: Poroshenko is gunpowder - this nickname was given to him in his youth, Klitschko is a cry, Yatsenyuk is called a rabbit for his eyes, and darkness is Tymoshenko. Further, everything is clear.

“Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.” Irrevocably...

Vanga also prophesied good things for Russia, and said that women would give birth to strong and healthy children, and they, in turn, would change the history and destiny of Russia.

There is no force that could break Russia... Russia will develop, grow and strengthen, we add that these are not her words, but the words of St. Sergius. “Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

"Russia will again become great empire. And above all, an empire of the spirit.”

As for the third world war, the Bulgarian Cassandra once predicted that it would not happen. She put it something like this: “there will be individual outbreaks, but they won’t affect everyone at once.”

She also said that “there will be no Kyiv Apocalypse.” And “we will overcome everything, there is no war and there will not be. Everything will work out..."

As for her prophecies regarding 2014, there are only predictions regarding diseases. “Many people will be covered in pustules, skin cancer and other skin diseases due to chemical warfare.” This is all. According to her forecasts (this is her next date of predictions), by 2016 Europe will be deserted due to the consequences of a natural disaster, namely a flood.

Vanga’s predictions about the future of earthlings are very interesting:

By 2028, a new source of energy will appear. Humanity will begin to conquer space.

In 2125, a signal from aliens will be received in Hungary. And in 50 years the first meeting will take place. Extraterrestrial civilizations They will transfer technologies that will make it possible to build houses under water and in the atmosphere.

In 2183, a colony of earthlings on Mars will demand independence.

In 100 years, scientists will invent a time machine.

In 2341, a threat from outer space will appear on Earth. By 3797, life on our planet will die, and humanity will be in search of a new home in the Universe.


Specifically about Ukraine or any other events directly or indirectly related to the current events in Ukraine, Casey was not found in the readings. There is an opinion that the events of the Maidan in 2014 will begin a chain reaction that could trigger the outbreak of the third world war. Like Vanga, Casey did not confirm the assumption that a third world war could happen. Most of all, his prophecies were associated with the onset of climate warming, and as a result of many natural disasters, climatic and seismic disasters will affect the entire planet and change the geography of the continental land, many cities will disappear.

As for Russia, Casey also had it connected with the future of the world. Here are quotes from his readings:

“Hope will come to the world from Russia. Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from liberated Russia! It will be years before this happens. The new religious development of Russia will give the world the last hope.”

“The mission of the peoples of Slavic Russia is to radically change the essence of human relationships. From the East will come liberation from selfishness and gross material passions. Relations between peoples will be restored on a new basis: trust and wisdom.”

Of all the foresights he has and presented related to the future, there are only those related to the collapse of the USSR. For the seventies of the last century, such a prediction was unthinkable and hardly plausible: “In 20 years, this country will not even have a monument... Russia will become a free new country!”

Until now, there are no predictions from Wolf Messing about the future of Russia! At least until his archive is declassified.

If the audience of his extraordinary sessions and performances asked him about the future of Russia, for example, in the 21st century, both they and perhaps we in our present would know about it. But everyone was interested in the present and the near future, which directly concerns a person personally. Would you become interested in the future 50 years from now, in which you may no longer exist, if you had the opportunity to talk with a great seer and the time of communication was limited?


It's no secret that Michel Nostradamus “encrypted” all his visions of the future in quatrains. Although it is certain that the encryption of predictions is not a fact, it is possible that he had difficulty interpreting his visions due to the lack of words and expressions to describe it. After all, neither the names of cities and countries, nor the characteristics of systems, forms of government, diseases, objects, things and much more that he could “look” at from the past did not exist then. All that remained was to express it allegorically and figuratively.

Most likely, the quatrains encrypted neither secret knowledge intended for the elite, but acceptable symbolism and imagery inherent in his time.

However, before the onset of great peace, union and harmony there will be for a long time severe trials.

Also, judging by the katrans of Nostradamus, China will take a dominant position in the world, which will allow it to place nuclear weapon in the countries of the Middle East and Africa, and thereby provoke a global conflict between China and the United States. Resolving the conflict will be extremely difficult, but Russia will act as a guarantor of security, whose influence throughout the world will incredibly increase.

Also, the deciphered quatrains of Nostradamus contain indications of cataclysms caused by climate warming. Their consequence will be the displacement of continents and changes in the boundaries of continental land. The most difficult years for humanity will be 11 years from 2055 to 2066.

Attempts to look into the future, to find out what awaits a person, a country, and the world as a whole, have been made by people at different times. Now this cannot be called simple curiosity. Thus, predictions for 2019 for Russians have become a justified necessity, a need that allows them to foresee the main impending dangers, possible risks, etc.

As you know, he who is forewarned is forearmed. Of course, avoid large-scale disasters, anticipate in advance and prevent everything possible dangers, financial crises and wars will not work. But preparing for such phenomena and taking the necessary measures in a timely manner means minimizing the consequences. That is why more and more Russians are eager to find out what awaits Russia in 2019. For this purpose, they turn to a variety of sources, using information from soothsayers, elders, famous religious and other figures.

Let's briefly look at information from various sources and try to analyze it.

Pavel Globa about Russia in 2019

Pavel Globa’s predictions inspire a certain amount of optimism. According to the psychic, nothing will happen next year negative events, the lives of our compatriots will gradually improve. At the same time, the widening gap between rich and poor may become a time bomb that can destroy all the achievements (and there are many) of recent years. The unpopular measures that the Government continues to take will lead to a decrease in the business activity of a certain part of the country's citizens, and a decrease in income due to ongoing inflation will increasingly affect the standard of living, primarily of ordinary people.

You should pay attention to the predictions about Putin for 2019 made by a Russian astrologer. Most likely, the President may begin to develop certain health problems. Deterioration in health, emerging illnesses and, as a result, decreased attention to internal political and economic issues will lead to an intensification of the internal political struggle for power. In 2019, this point will only begin to gradually emerge.

In the foreign policy arena, the country will continue to pursue an active policy. At the same time, there are all the prerequisites to minimize human and military losses in two conflicts (Syria and Ukraine), where the Russian Federation is directly or indirectly involved.

Pavel Globa’s general opinion about Russia 2019 is moderate optimism.

Vanga's predictions

This seer has been gone for a long time, but her predictions and prophecies continue to come true with enviable consistency and a great degree of accuracy. What awaits Russia in 2019 according to Baba Vanga? The seer advises paying special attention to increasing natural disasters. Climate change will likely affect the country's crop yields, which will have an immediate impact on the economy, inflation and a decline in the welfare of citizens. Unfortunately, Vanga’s verbatim predictions for Russia in 2019 are interpreted differently by different sources. There is even an opinion that a new war may be unleashed in the fall, in which our country will be drawn indirectly or directly. At the same time, if we manage to avoid a negative scenario, we can count on normal, consistent economic development.

Russia in 2019, according to the strongest participants in the battle of psychics

The opinions of psychics on the successful development of the country are divided. Some predictions for 2019 for Russia look quite attractive, others are very pessimistic. One of the most authoritative participants in the project, Natalya Vortnikova, predicts a small crisis in the country, but claims that particularly severe consequences will be avoided. Other predictions from participants in the battle of psychics indicate the main directions where any negative consequences can be expected:

  • the ongoing war in Syria;
  • unlifted sanctions in the Russian Federation;
  • natural disasters;
  • man-made accidents, etc. are possible.

However, in general, psychics believe that an extremely negative scenario (rising prices, inflation, increased unemployment, etc.) can be avoided.

Let's look deep into history

To complete the picture, it is important to find out the predictions of the elders.

The opinion of one of the most authoritative predictors, Elder Paisius, unfortunately, does not inspire optimism. He predicts that another military conflict will be unleashed in 2019 with Russia’s participation. Perhaps, thanks to the wisdom and compliance of politicians, it will be possible to delay it, but it is unlikely to be completely prevented. The predictions of other elders on this issue coincide - most likely, a full-scale world war cannot be avoided. You will only have to clarify the year it started.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

This saint is considered the patroness of the common people, their protector and benefactor. That is why the overwhelming majority of our compatriots listen especially carefully to everything that Matrona of Moscow says. The clairvoyant believed that with the emerging general economic recovery, it would not be possible to avoid difficult times in Russia in 2019. The authorities will finally turn their course towards developing economically beneficial relations in the East, with China, India, and partially with Japan. Expectations for restoration of ties in the West will not be successful.

Prophecies of Edgar Cayce

Recovered documents, which were compiled by the prophet in the 30s of the 19th century, indicate the approach of terrible man-made disasters. Most likely, according to Edgar Cayce, it will be a flood that could wipe out billions of people from the face of the earth. The predictor points to the disappearance of many countries in the depths of the sea; for example, the Maldives, the Netherlands will completely cease to exist, and only a small island will remain of Australia. For Russia the consequences will also be severe.

Nostradamus - time-tested predictions

The predictions of Nostradamus are the most optimistic for Russia. The soothsayer believes that it is in 2019 that the world center will begin to shift towards Siberia. On the one hand, this will be associated with a deterioration in living standards, climate disasters in Eastern and Western Europe. Many professional scientists and specialists in various innovative industries will move to the very heart of Russia. With their help, the revival of the country will begin. On the other hand, strengthening economic ties with the East is a chance for Russia to prosper.

From astrologers

Astrologers' predictions for 2018 were that by 2019 the cycle of crisis that began almost 40 years ago would approach. And the new cycle promises development and prosperity from 2019-2020. The prediction for Russia literally sounded like this: “Watch Russia - the way Russia goes, the rest of the World will follow the same way.” The ongoing floods, volcanic eruptions, and fires will have little impact on the Russian Federation and will practically not affect Siberia. The coming year is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This peaceful animal does not like conflicts and quarrels and, according to astrology, the enemies of the Russian Federation will reconsider their attitude towards Russia. It is written above that Vanga gave a similar prediction regarding Ukraine.

Russia has a bright future ahead of it, strengthening its authority and power on the world stage, according to the forecasts of Svetlana Dragan. The predictions don't stop there. Many allies will appear around Russia, countries with which Russia will support a good relationship. There may also be a need to demonstrate its military power to other states. First of all, the USA.

Maria Duval

Many visionaries spoke about what awaits us in 2019 several decades ago. Maria Duval's prediction promised the development of Russia economically, in contrast to impoverished Europe. Russia will become a superpower and will dictate its laws to other states. In addition to economic and political development, a cultural revolution is also predicted. Citizens of Russia will become more spiritually developed, their moral qualities will improve.


Paracelsus' prediction stated that a significant part of the Russian population were Hyperboreans, or Aryans. These are the representatives-progenitors of all nations that currently exist. They were destined to go through trials of disasters and wars. However, this only strengthened their character and their spiritual rebirth will begin, which will help Russia begin its path to the title of the supreme world power next year.

Predictions for Ukraine for 2019

Astrologer Pavel Globa predicts that Ukraine, with its changed borders, will join the Eastern European Union, which will be led by the Russian Federation. Ross prophesied the end of military conflicts in the country. The Crimean peninsula will return to Ukraine at the request of the Crimeans themselves. But this will happen in 15 years. The war in Donbass will not end this year.

Psychics have no predictions scientific justification however, most of them come true. Believe it or not is up to each person. The coming year will make it clear who really made the right predictions and who was wrong.

Video of prophecies:

Esoteric practitioner Oksana Orlova gives an exclusive forecast for 2016

The Akashic Chronicles - or “Book of Life” - is a repository of information about every person who has ever lived on Earth, about all his feelings, actions, thoughts and intentions. It is also information about past lives and the future of each of us. Access to this non-physical source of information was first opened by the famous medium Edgar Cayce. He claimed that the Akashic Records are accessible to everyone. Although they are not physical in nature, each person who tunes into them can hear, read and experience the information they contain. Chronicles are like a computer program that allows you to predict the outcome of every decision made or action taken. Thanks to this program, it becomes possible not only to foresee the personal future, but also to analyze the consequences of each person’s decisions on the world. Moreover, the slightest change in thoughts and actions can affect all options for the probable future.

What is said

2016–2017 will be a turning point in politics. Globalization in all structures. Personnel cleaning. Many leadership positions will be filled by new people with bright heads. Crimea will once again become a pearl; the historical Motherland will rise again and strive to take its rightful place in the world.

Will there be a war? There will only be threats in September-November 2016.


A hot day is approaching sunset, I see tanks at the ready. Terrain: paved road, and around there is a plain, empty fields, as if after harvesting. Russian tanks are waiting for orders. They will wait for three days, they will be tricked into fighting, but the enemies will not risk coming here, they will retreat in time and leave without a fight. Here Crimea will sing a happy song, and a beautiful bridge will cross the seas, wealth will flow like a river, when the lilac begins to bloom and new grass grows. 2017 - spring - 2018 - spring.

The Red Cross will create its own community in the center of Crimea. Nationalities from all over the world will unite in a health program. Many crippled souls will flow into Crimea for a while for healing. Every child and old person will be touched by the energy you need. But you will not suffer in any way, only in the future you will be alive. Only the dragon that suddenly explodes like a fire that sits there between the oceans will go crazy. He will be killed by his own people. After all, he is the devil in the flesh.

On January 26, 2024, an important decision will be made; Russia will pay off all debts. Bananas will be actively grown in Crimea. They will find a source of rejuvenation.

The location of gold in Crimea will suddenly be discovered, in the mountains closer to the South Coast, between Alushta and Yalta.

Social sphere: difficult and unstable. There will be a large influx of Israeli specialists, and medicines will also be supplied from Israel.

Tourism and entertainment: Will develop state reserves, excursions by car (safari) will become common. Another cable car will be built near the sea. IN steppe zone a gaming zone will be created, an entire city like Las Vegas. Golf courses will begin to be built in the Belogorsk area.

2020 - abundance of Crimea, discovery of eight large sources of water, three of them in the Feodosia region.

Karadag is associated with space. In 2024, activation of catching signals (installation with antenna).

Summer 2016 is very hot. August is dry. There will be a harvest, but not a bountiful one. Gardens are blooming, livestock farming is expanding. Construction of farms, greenhouses, hotels, roads.

The emergence of new settlements. Giving land to people. New settlements. Expansion of the borders of Simferopol. There will be proposals to build a metro.

When Putin’s term in the highest government post has passed, his successor will come to his place, unknown to anyone yet, but smart. Tall brown-haired, 36-40 years old. Putin will lead Russia through it until he is 68-72 years old.

Sanctions on Crimea will be lifted in 2016. The UN will sign the agreement, but not in full force. This will be the last document at the global level that officially recognizes Crimea as Russian.

Quarrels, disagreements and strengthening your boundaries. Every man for himself.

The disdainful attitude of the United States towards NATO countries will entail the refusal of many to cooperate with the States and withdrawal from the Alliance. Argentina will strive to improve relations with Russia, and cruise trips to the shores of Crimea will begin. Thus, Crimea will be part of a number of the world's largest resorts.

Identification of a disease that can be deliberately brought by train and then by bus to Crimea and contaminate the water. Local scientists will stop this fever. A woman’s dog will find her at the border in a suitcase with children’s things.

Education: development of the humanities. On the base medical university- creation of a laboratory unique throughout the world, specializing in genetics and the influence of the spiritual component on the human body.

The Jewish seer's predictions about Russia and Crimea turned out to be unpredictable. As you know, people love to look ahead and run ahead of horses. But haste can be harmful.

Nowadays, there are a lot of seers, psychics, magicians and other charlatans who are trying to tell people what they want to hear. Few of them actually tell the truth and see the distant future ahead. Wolf Messing is the person whose predictions have always come true. Let's hope that the information received will bring only positive emotions and impressions.

Predictions about Russia and Crimea by a Jewish seer: a brief preface about Wolf Messing

Messing is a very powerful seer who is covered in secrets and riddles. Hitler, Freud, and Einstein were amazed at his supernatural abilities. He saw everything so truthfully that his predictions could not be disputed.

Wolf Messing had the ability to hypnosis, flexible thinking, and shone with intelligence. He could easily, with the power of thought, subjugate a person, only if he was visible. The gift of a seer allowed him to see the destinies of people and read their thoughts. He could catch a person's experience in mental voices and combine them into one whole, thereby seeing a picture for the future.

Among Messing's prophecies that came true, the largest were: about the Second World War, who will win when it ends, the death of Hitler if he goes with his army to the East.

The fortuneteller helped people very much; he saw their destinies, problems, illnesses. In simple words or by deed, Wolf Messing was able to protect and save many lives, the Wordyou portal reports. A memorable case in history was when he was able to repeal a law in Poland that infringed on the rights of Jews, thanks to his abilities and help.

Predictions about Russia and Crimea by a Jewish seer: what awaits the country in the future

The most important and first prediction of the seer is that there will be a conflict between Russia and China that will last for several years. There will be clashes between the United States and Russia in the countries of the Middle East, but many settlements will try to maintain peace.

2018 brings dramatic changes for powerful Russia. Due to the change of government, the government will come to power new person, who knows what is needed to strengthen his country and maintain peace on the planet. The emergence of new political views and personalities will bring changes to the country that will have a positive impact on the development and strengthening of the economy. The new ruler will try to fight for the peace of the population. There will be no third world war, which is very pleasing. The conflict between Russia, Ukraine and Europe will not reach large scales that could lead to war.

New epidemics are coming that will affect the population. Thanks to the work of scientists to produce medicines, there will be a huge expenditure of money, financial position will decrease, which will affect wages person. Many predictions have already begun to come true.

Futurist and excellent analyst Domenic Ricciardi gave this interview in October 2000. Most of the predictions of “Quebec Nostradamus” came true. (Apparently, the President of Russia also believes his predictions.)

Born in 1946 into a family of immigrants. He spent many years alone in the Canadian north, in the province of Quebec, and also in northern Alaska, studying the consequences of technogenic influence on ecosystems. Polyglot - fluent in six languages, including Russian. One of the “founding fathers” of the “Cultural Alternative Movement” (Mouvement d/Alternative Culturelle).

A. Svetov:In anticipation of our conversation about the near future, I would like to remind readers that almost all of your previous predictions, Domenic, came true with amazing accuracy. And it’s not for nothing that many people call you the “Quebec Nostradamus”: it was you who predicted in the 70s the high probability of a stable cyclone catastrophic in its consequences in the Pacific Ocean, which was later called the “El Niño phenomenon”, and it was you, during “Watergate scandal,” he named the exact date of the resignation of American President Nixon, to within one day! In the mid-80s you predicted the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Yugoslav Federation. And finally, none other than you, back at the very beginning of 1987, he predicted the collapse Soviet Union by mid-1991, that is, four and a half years before real event! Many did not believe you and twisted their fingers at their temples. But time has shown that you were right.

Domenic, this may seem impolite to you, but I can’t wait to ask you a series of prepared questions regarding Russia and its immediate future. I confess to you that I would like to extract from you as much information as possible about the future of my country in the remaining time we have allotted for this conversation.

Domenic Ricciardi(Laughs.) I’m in your hands! Come on, torture me before our train arrives in Moscow!

A. Svetov:First question: where do you see Russia in ten to twenty years?

Domenic Ricciardi:I wouldn’t like to upset you, but I don’t see her...

A. Svetov: Explain what you mean? That at the moment you cannot say anything about the future of Russia or that Russia will not exist as an independent country and an independent state?

Domenic Ricciardi: The last option of the two, that is, that Russia will cease to exist as a separate state and cultural entity.

But before we talk about this in more detail, I would like to try to calm you down a little, since your excitement did not go unnoticed for me.

You, Russians, need to make an effort today to ensure that my forecasts (which, I note in parentheses, usually come true) do not come true this time! Great Russia, with its vast territory and 130 indigenous ethnic groups, is very dear to me personally as a cultural and historical space, and I don’t want something irreparable to happen to Russia! God help you to ensure that my predictions never come true!

Before I start talking about things that are scary for the Russian ear, I must state in advance: no matter what happens, I will “root for your team” to the end precisely because I love Russia; my soul and my conscience are entirely on your side!

A. Svetov: Then let’s pose the question differently: how do you see this territory that Russia occupies today?

Domenic Ricciardi: From east to west, this “territory”, as you put it, looks like this:

The southern part of Sakhalin Island, all the islands of the Kuril archipelago and the southwestern coast of Kamchatka are under Japanese protectorate. The boundaries of this zone are very rigid and well guarded. The Japanese also control the waters adjacent to these lands Pacific Ocean, the entire Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan from Vladivostok to the western coast of Japan itself. The military base and port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are jointly controlled by the United States and Japan.

The territory from the 65th parallel from south to north, and from Uelen in the east to Arkhangelsk in the west, is under the jurisdiction of the United States. (Further to the northwest begins the jurisdiction of Britain; to the northeast - Germany and Norway.)

Everything south of the 65th parallel, that is, almost all of Eastern Siberia south of the Arctic Circle, as well as Mongolia, are under the influence of China. The Chinese occupation regime will be very harsh, reminiscent of the Chinese regime in Tibet during the first years of occupation. A propaganda campaign will be launched in China itself, calling on people to settle the “northern provinces of China.” The Chinese authorities will actively help their settlers - the new “hua-qiao” - politically and economically. Tens of millions of Chinese will flock to Mongolia and Eastern Siberia. IN short term the ethnic composition of these areas will change radically: the Chinese will form the overwhelming majority in these areas. The currency is the modern Chinese yuan.

From the Ural Range to St. Petersburg and from Murmansk to Astrakhan, the territory is divided into directories under the unified command of NATO. The previous administrative division into regions will remain in full. The only difference is that each area is under the responsibility of a specific NATO member state. In particular, the Kursk, Bryansk and Smolensk regions are the future area of ​​​​responsibility of the French administration, Tver, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma - British, and Kaliningrad and Leningrad - German... And only in Moscow and the Moscow region will the administration be mixed: it will represent almost all countries are NATO members, excluding for some reason Greece and Turkey.

The official language of all these administrations is English. All documentation in the directories is in this language. But personal documents of civilians are compiled in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The civil administration of these regions is mixed, that is, it consists of the local bureaucracy and NATO representatives, who have real power in their areas of responsibility. The monetary unit is the ruble, but not the same as it is now.

Now a few words about Ukraine

Ukraine will be able to maintain formal independence by sacrificing the Crimean Peninsula to Turkey, which once belonged to the Ottoman Empire, which, with the help of NATO allies, will be separated from Ukraine, as they say, “peacefully” and “without firing a single shot.”

A. Svetov: Everything you just said looks truly monstrous! I think…

Domenic Ricciardi: Sorry, Andrey, I will interrupt you to insert one necessary remark. I take full personal responsibility for my words. I am ready to subscribe to every word of my forecast and am ready to answer for every phrase uttered here.

A. Svetov: Fine. Now this question:

It remains completely unclear to me what previous events will lead Russia to the situation you described? How can the West, China and Japan simultaneously decide to intervene and occupy Russia? Why won't Russia be able to successfully resist this invasion? What will happen to our country's nuclear arsenal? Will or will not nuclear weapons be used in these events?

Domenic Ricciardi: You yourself know very well that political and economic influence modern Russia is steadily weakening. The highest echelons of power are affected by endemic corruption. In terms of bureaucratic corruption, Russia seems to be second only to Nigeria, where this disease is even more glaring. This process of decomposition of the Russian legislative and executive system will continue until it reaches its maximum and the “bifurcation point”, after which the total collapse of the entire state machine will become inevitable.

At the same time, the demographic situation in your country looks very deplorable. The mortality rate far exceeds the birth rate, the population is aging, and the huge level of unemployment among the active part of the population results in an increase in crime and alcoholism. “I saw with my own eyes in Russian cemeteries entire alleys consisting of the fresh graves of Russian bandits killed in gangster wars. And how they drink in the Russian provinces - it’s not for me to tell you! I myself sometimes like to drink hard, which is why my wife calls me “Yukon drunk” and “Johnny the red nose” (this is a more affectionate version), but if she saw how Russian men drink and what they drink, then she - I swear by my gray beard! — would consider me an inveterate teetotaler!

It is clear that this situation cannot continue for long. It seems to me that the Russians themselves understand very well that their country, sparsely populated and economically weakened, but fantastically rich in natural resources, has long been the object of the closest attention of financial and industrial bosses in both the West and the Far East.

A. Svetov: And yet, you haven’t said anything about war and intervention yet...

Domenic Ricciardi: What war? Thank God, none great war it won't happen in Russia! The future occupation, despite its rapidity, will be relatively peaceful and organized. The change of local administrations throughout western Russia will take only a few weeks. (In the Chinese zone, this process will go slower due to a number of objective reasons, which I will not talk about in more detail now, due to lack of time.) Russia will not be conquered, it will be “surrendered to the mercy of the winner” - there is such a medieval formula. Military arsenals, including nuclear weapons, according to NATO’s agreement with China, will come under the full control of the Americans, and subsequently heavy weapons will be partially exported outside Russia and partially destroyed on site. Russian army will be disbanded and demobilized.

A. Svetov: Is the situation really hopeless for us? Is it really too late to even try to do something to save yourself from this scourge?

Domenic Ricciardi: No! The longer I live, the more I am convinced that there are no hopeless situations at all. You really are in a damn difficult situation, but so far this situation is by no means fatal or hopeless. Everything could still be improved if only there was the will of those people who live in this country.

Perhaps my point of view may seem naive and superficial, but it seems to me that the Russians in this century have been deadly consistently unlucky with leaders and leaders.

Tsar Nicholas II was a weak and indecisive man, which for the sake of problematic and petty benefits in insignificant Balkan squabbles and civil strife allowed the Russian Empire to be drawn into the First world war, — and thus signed the death warrant for himself, his family and his huge state.

Mr. Khrushchev is a typical country idiot from the Canadian outback: a straw hat and white patent leather boots. A real “crapeau rouge” - I don’t know how to translate it...

Brezhnev, in my opinion, was simply a very sick person: both physically and mentally. IN last years in life he resembled a poorly oiled antique Remington sewing machine. Between heart attacks, he awarded himself orders and medals, so that he soon began to resemble the fire dog tag collector I once saw in Chicago: he carried his entire luxurious collection, bent over from the weight, on his chest.

A. Svetov: And yet, Domenic, what do you think is the real spiritual basis in Russia that could unite our peoples in order to ensure their own survival and the preservation of the independence of our country?

Domenic Ricciardi: In any case, this basis cannot be either traditional secular ideologies or traditional religions.

Russia is a multi-religious country, and today’s absolutization of one of the confessions, that is, Orthodoxy, cannot but cause internal rejection and a deep spiritual “exodus” from Russia of Russian believers of other faiths, in particular, Muslims, of whom there are more than 20% in Russia. The thesis that “Russia is an Orthodox country” and “Moscow is the Third Rome” is not capable of inspiring either a Buryat Lamaist, a Jew in the capital, or a Kazan Muslim.

No I don't think so Orthodox Christianity could become the very force that could save Russia in its future trials. Let us remember the history of Syria and Egypt: few people still remember that these were once powerful Orthodox states. Orthodoxy did not save the “second Rome,” that is, Constantinople and the mighty Byzantine Empire, from lightning destruction by the Turks in 1453. It didn’t save either Russian Empire in 1917, although Nicholas II built more than 10,000 churches during his reign...

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