Easily accessible poison from improvised means. Deadly poisons for humans. Obtaining cadaverine (cadaverine poison) Poison from improvised means

Recipes for such dangerous drugs can be found in chemistry books, on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself. The main thing is not to forget about precautions.

Preparation of poisons from plants

Before you find out the recipe and make the original poison, you should familiarize yourself with the dangerous composition of some plants.

  1. Aconite– all parts of the plant contain alkaloids, most notably aconitine, which is dangerous to humans.
  2. Podbel– its leaves and flowers contain a deadly poison – rhodotoxin, which, when entering the body, first leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, and then to its depression, which leads to death.
  3. Kutra– the glycoside cymarin, contained in all parts of the plant, causes severe arrhythmia and cardiac arrest in people who do not have health problems.
  4. Asarum– contains three substances that can poison a person or animal. Glycosides, the alkaloid azorine and asarone, are “strong killers” of plant origin.

Just 20-25 g of raw materials from each plant separately is enough to prepare poison at home. To do this, you need to pour the required amount, or rather 500 ml of boiling water, leave for several hours and that’s it, the poison is ready.

The most popular household poison at home can be prepared from castor beans. This plant can be found in the wild, but today more and more housewives use it to decorate flower gardens.

During military operations, ricin contained in castor beans was used to kill terrorists. To do this, the dried fruits of the bush were ground into powder and added to water.

Today, the fruits, which are very similar in appearance to the Colorado potato beetle, often fall into the hands of children and the consequences of such interaction are disastrous for parents. To protect yourself, and especially your children, from the deadly influence of castor beans, it is better not to plant them near the house or in the garden.

Poisonous properties of mushrooms

About 37% of the world's inhabitants do not eat mushrooms for fear of getting poisoned.

The most popular types of mushrooms that can poison a person are toadstool and fly agaric. Toadstool contains amatoxin, which is not destroyed by heat treatment.

Amanitas are also rich in deadly poison, but its name is muscarine. Both components are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Whole raw materials need to be crushed, pour boiling water over them, and boil for 30-40 minutes. The resulting decoction should be added to aromatic food for rodents (for example, cheese, mixed nuts). It is important to protect yourself before preparing the decoction - put on a respirator and gloves before starting the procedure.

What medications can turn into poison?

To make a homemade poisonous product, use recipes based on medications. The most popular drug is isoniazid, used to treat tuberculosis. It is sold in liquid and powder form in ampoules. It can be obtained at any pharmacy.

Few people know that it is not only the product that is popularly called poisonous that is fatal to a living organism. At first glance, seemingly harmless medications used daily in large doses can poison.

These include: the sleeping pill and sedative Barboval, the tranquilizer Seduxen and even paracetamol, which is present in every home.

To avoid becoming a victim of fatal poisoning, you should not take high doses of these drugs.

Potassium cyanide- another substance from which medicines against rheumatism were made back in the 19th century. Today it is used to create electroplating and can be purchased, but not in a pharmacy, but in special stores.

But there are people who use it to get rid of animals - dogs, cats, rodents. It is important to remember that the person who created such a substance, and as a result it caused the death of a person, will face criminal liability.

It is better for people who do not understand poisons at all not to start experiments. According to statistics, in 50% of cases, poisonous products prepared at home carried a mortal danger to humans or pets.

1. Botulinum toxin

Many poisons can be lethal in small doses, so it is quite difficult to single out the most dangerous one. However, many experts agree that botulinum toxin, which is used in Botox injections to smooth out wrinkles is the strongest.

Botulism is a serious disease leading to paralysis, caused by botulinum toxin, which is produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This poison causes damage to the nervous system, respiratory arrest and death in terrible agony.

Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, double vision, facial weakness, speech impediments, difficulty swallowing and others. The bacterium can enter the body through food (usually poorly canned foods) and through open wounds.

2. Poison ricin

Ricin is natural poison obtained from castor beans castor bean plants. A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea and diarrhea (possibly bloody), low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death may occur within 36-72 hours.

3. Sarin gas

Sarin is one of the the most dangerous and deadly nerve gases, which is hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide. Sarin was originally produced as a pesticide, but the clear, odorless gas soon became a powerful chemical weapon.

A person can be poisoned by sarin gas by inhaling or exposing the gas to the eyes and skin. Initially, symptoms may appear such as runny nose and chest tightness, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Then the person loses control over all functions of his body and falls into a coma, convulsions and spasms occur until suffocation occurs.

4. Tetrodotoxin

This deadly poison found in the organs of fish of the genus pufferfish, from which the famous Japanese delicacy “fugu” is prepared. Tetrodotoxin persists in the skin, liver, intestines and other organs, even after the fish has been cooked.

This toxin causes paralysis, convulsions, mental disorder and other symptoms. Death occurs within 6 hours after ingestion of the poison.

Every year, several people are known to die painful deaths from tetrodotoxin poisoning after eating fugu.

5. Potassium cyanide

Potassium cyanide is one of the fastest deadly poisons, known to mankind. It may be in the form of crystals and colorless gas with the smell of “bitter almonds”. Cyanide can be found in some foods and plants. It is found in cigarettes and is used to make plastic, photographs, extract gold from ore, and kill unwanted insects.

Cyanide has been used since ancient times, and in modern world it was a method of capital punishment. Poisoning can occur through inhalation, ingestion and even touching, causing symptoms such as seizures, respiratory failure and in severe cases death, which may occur in a few minutes. It kills by binding to iron in blood cells, making them unable to carry oxygen.

6. Mercury and mercury poisoning

There are three forms of mercury that can be potentially hazardous: elemental, inorganic and organic. Elemental mercury, which found in mercury thermometers, old fillings and fluorescent lamps, non-toxic on contact, but may be fatal if inhaled.

Inhalation of mercury vapor (the metal quickly turns into a gas at room temperature) affects the lungs and brain, turning off the central nervous system.

Inorganic mercury, which is used to make batteries, can be fatal if ingested and cause kidney damage and other symptoms. Organic mercury found in fish and seafood is usually hazardous over long-term exposure. Symptoms of poisoning may include memory loss, blindness, seizures and others.

7. Strychnine and strychnine poisoning

Strychnine is an odorless, white, bitter crystalline powder that can be acquired by ingestion, inhalation, solution, and intravenous injection.

They receive it from the seeds of the chilibuha tree(Strychnos nux-vomica), native to India and southeast Asia. Although it is often used as a pesticide, it can also be found in drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The degree of strychnine poisoning depends on the amount and route of entry into the body, but a small amount of this poison is enough to cause a serious condition. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle spasms, respiratory failure and even lead to brain death 30 minutes after exposure.

8. Arsenic and arsenic poisoning

Arsenic, which is the 33rd element in the periodic table, has been synonymous with poison since ancient times. It was often used as a poison of choice in political assassinations, because Arsenic poisoning resembled cholera symptoms.

Arsenic is considered a heavy metal with properties similar to those of lead and mercury. In high concentrations it can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as abdominal pain, cramps, coma and death. In small amounts, it can contribute to a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

9. Poison curare

Curare is a mixture of various South American plants that were used for poison arrows. Curare has been used for medicinal purposes in a highly diluted form. The main poison is an alkaloid, which causes paralysis and death, as well as strychnine and hemlock. However, after respiratory paralysis occurs, the heart may continue to beat.

Death from curare is slow and painful, as the victim remains conscious but cannot move or speak. However, if artificial respiration is applied before the poison settles, the person can be saved. Amazon tribes used curare to hunt animals, but the poisoned animal meat was not dangerous to those who consumed it.

10. Batrachotoxin

Fortunately, the chances of encountering this poison are very small. Batrachotoxin, found in the skin of tiny dart frogs, is one of the most powerful neutrotoxins in the world.

Frogs themselves do not produce poison; it is accumulated from the foods they consume, mainly small bugs. The most dangerous poison content was found in a species of frogs terrible leaf climber, living in Colombia.

One specimen contains enough batrachotoxin to kill two dozen people or several elephants. I affects nerves, especially around the heart, makes breathing difficult and quickly leads to death.


Many doctors know how to poison a person at home and how to avoid suspicious signs, however, such an act is criminally punishable. Nevertheless, today some people resort to this method in order to eliminate a rival, often this happens in criminal communities.

Natural products are dangerous if you know what can poison a person. Death is influenced not only by pathogens, but also by compounds. A well-known poison is botulinum toxin, which is produced by special microbes that can multiply intensively in a protein environment. It is the cause of intoxication after eating spoiled canned food, mushrooms and other foods. In the digestive tract, this toxin is not destroyed by enzymes and is absorbed into the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Persons who choose what to poison a person to death rarely choose botulinum toxin, since death in this case is rare.

However, signs of illness can always be attributed to the last meal, during which canned goods, sausage and other unsafe foods were consumed. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting and dry skin, followed by paralysis of the striated muscles.

Most people are familiar with castor oil, but few are aware of ricin, a toxin found in castor bean seeds. Criminals looking for something to quietly poison a person often settle on this poison. It appears as odorless white crystals that dissolve in liquid, however, when the aqueous solution is boiled dangerous properties ricin disappears.

The toxic substance does not penetrate the skin; it acts only when it enters the body. In case of ricin poisoning, the latent period of intoxication varies from 15 to 24 hours, sometimes symptoms appear earlier. Thus, intestinal colic, bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are detected, and hemorrhages occur on the retina.

If a significant portion of castor bean seeds enters the body, death occurs after 6 days due to damage internal organs, as well as extensive bleeding.

This poison is sometimes chosen by attackers who think about how they can quickly poison a person. However, death is rare.

The poison of the toadstool was known to medieval politicians and healers, who knew how to poison a person to death. Today, scientists have found that the mushroom contains toxins such as phalloidins and alpha-amanitins, which act quickly and irreversibly; these substances are not destroyed by heat treatment.

The latent period without alarming signs lasts up to 40 hours before the poison enters the blood in large quantities and causes depressing signs of poisoning. It is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration, as well as pale skin and increased heart rate. After a few days, extensive damage to the internal organs - the liver and kidneys - occurs, toxic hepatitis develops, after which death is declared.

How can you poison a person, if you do not take into account the above-mentioned means? The following components are used for this purpose:

  • atropine;
  • solanine;
  • aflatoxin.

Atropine is a substance from the group of alkaloids, found in plants - belladonna, datura, henbane and others. Intoxication occurs 1 hour after taking the poison; the degree of poisoning may vary.

Atropine is known to affect the structure of the brain, causing loss of coordination and damage to the heart and lungs. Death occurs infrequently due to an insufficient dose of toxin.

How to briefly poison a person? In this case, the solanine found in root vegetables is a suitable option. It can be found not only in potatoes, but also in tomatoes and eggplants.

Intoxication manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, cramping pain in the abdomen and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. However, it is unlikely that it would be possible to consume a large dose of solanine, which is why victims are not at risk of death.

In addition, aflatoxins are a common method of poisoning - a group of toxic substances secreted by a microscopic fungus. If stored incorrectly, it affects various food products, for example, dried fruits, milk, rice, tea and much more.

The poison in large quantities causes the death of liver cells, however, the poisoning passes without serious consequences and is limited to a temporary deterioration in health

In the old days, people knew the best way to poison a person. This can be easily done with the help of ordinary mercury; the dangerous metal causes fatigue, headaches, and memory loss. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature and a decrease in blood pressure. The digestive system also suffers, and diarrhea and a metallic taste in the mouth are often observed. When a significant amount of mercury vapor is inhaled, death is inevitable, which is why this drug has been a weapon for centuries for criminals who understood how to poison a person without any trace of a crime.

There are a sufficient number of natural and artificially produced poisons in the world. The effects of all toxic substances are different. Some can instantly take life, while others destroy the body gradually, forcing a person to suffer for a long time. There are potent substances that in small doses poison a person asymptomatically, but there are also the most dangerous poisons that cause severe pain, which even in small quantities can be fatal.

Chemical compounds and gases


Hydrocyanic acid salts are an extremely dangerous poison. Many lives have been taken using this potent substance. On the battlefield, they poisoned the enemy with cyanide, spraying poison that instantly killed soldiers, getting on the mucous membranes and affecting the respiratory system. Currently, cyanide is used in analytical chemistry, in the mining of gold and silver, in electrochemistry, and in organic synthesis.

One of the salts of hydrocyanic acid, the potassium salt, known as potassium cyanide, is a powerful inorganic poison. It looks like granulated sugar, and can easily be classified as an instant poison. Entering the human body through the gastrointestinal tract, death occurs instantly; only 1.7 mg per 1 kg of weight is enough. Potassium cyanide prevents oxygen from entering tissues and cells, resulting in death from oxygen starvation. Antidotes for this poison are compounds containing hydrocarbons, sulfur and ammonia. Glucose is considered the strongest anticyanide, so in case of poisoning, its solution is administered intravenously to the victim.

Apparently, in order to avoid prolonged death throes, this poison was chosen by some famous Nazis to commit suicide, since it acts instantly. According to one version, Adolf Hitler himself was among them.

The vapors of this poisonous element are extremely toxic and insidious, because they have no odor. Mercury affects the body through the lungs, kidneys, skin and mucous membranes. Soluble compounds of this substance are more dangerous than pure metal, but it tends to gradually evaporate and poison a person.

It is especially harmful for the population when mercury compounds enter a body of water. IN aquatic environment the metal is converted into methylmercury, and then this powerful organic poison accumulates in the organisms of the inhabitants of the reservoir. If people use this water for domestic needs and engage in fishing in such places, this is fraught with mass poisoning. Regular inhalation of mercury vapor is a slow-acting poison. Toxins accumulate in the body, which leads to nervous disorders, up to the onset of schizophrenia or complete insanity.

Exposure of a pregnant woman to mercury can lead to irreversible consequences, as it spreads quickly through the blood and easily penetrates the placenta. Even a seemingly harmless broken thermometer, which contains a small amount of this potent toxic substance, can provoke the development of defects in a child inside the womb.


The extremely poisonous sarin gas, which was developed by two German scientists, kills a person in one minute. It was used as chemical weapons in World War II and civil wars, after which both the USA and the USSR began to produce sarin and stockpile it in case of war. Following an experimental incident that resulted in death, production of this poison was discontinued. Nevertheless, Japanese terrorists managed to obtain this poison in the mid-nineties - the terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway, during which about 6,000 people were poisoned with sarin, received wide attention.

Sarin affects the body both through the skin and through the respiratory system, affecting the nervous system. Severe intoxication is observed due to ingestion of this substance by inhalation. This nerve gas kills a person quickly, but at the same time brings hellish torment. First of all, the gas affects the mucous membranes, a person begins to have a runny nose and blurred eyes, then vomiting and severe pain behind the sternum appear, and the last stage is death from suffocation.

Ingestion of this poison in large quantities is fatal. It is a white fine powder, which can be purchased even at a pharmacy, only with a prescription. With constant poisoning in small doses, arsenic can provoke the appearance of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. This poison is often used in dentistry - arsenic is used to destroy the inflamed dental nerve.

Formaldehyde and phenols

Literally everyone has encountered these household poisons that are dangerous to humans.

Phenols are contained in varnishes and paints, without which no cosmetic repair can be done. Formaldehyde can be found in plastics, fiberboard and chipboard.

With prolonged inhalation of these potent toxic substances, breathing is impaired, various types of allergic reactions, dizziness and nausea appear. Constant contact with these poisons can result in malfunctions of the reproductive system, and with severe intoxication, a person can die from swelling of the larynx.

Poisons of plant and animal origin


Amatoxin is a poison that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The source of poisoning is some types of mushrooms, for example, toadstool and white toadstool. Even in acute poisoning, amatoxin has a slow effect on an adult, which makes it possible to classify this potent substance as a delayed-action poison. In case of poisoning, severe vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines, and continuous bloody diarrhea are observed. On the second day, the victim’s liver enlarges and the kidneys fail, followed by coma and death.

A positive prognosis is observed with timely treatment. Despite the fact that amatoxin, like all slow-acting poisons, causes irreparable harm gradually, there have also been lightning deaths, mainly among children.

Batrachotoxin is a powerful poison that belongs to the alkaloid family. It is almost impossible to meet him in everyday life. It is secreted through the glands of leaf frogs. This substance, like other instant-acting poisons, instantly affects the nervous system, causes heart failure and leads to death.


This plant poison is six times more toxic than the instant killer cyanide. One pinch is enough to kill an adult.

Ricin was actively used as a weapon in war; with its help, intelligence services got rid of individuals posing a threat to the state. They found out about it quite quickly, since lethal doses of this potent substance were deliberately sent to recipients along with letters.

Bacillus anthrax

It is the causative agent of an infectious disease that represents great danger for domestic animals and humans. Anthrax is very acute and, as a rule, the infected person dies. The incubation period lasts up to four days. Infection most often occurs through damaged areas of the skin, and less often through the respiratory tract.

With the pulmonary form of infection, the prognosis is unfavorable and mortality rates reach 95%. Most often, the bacillus is localized in certain areas of the skin, so anthrax is one of the most dangerous contact poisons, fatal to humans. With adequate and timely treatment, a person is on the path to recovery. The infection can affect the intestines and affect internal organs, leading to sepsis. Another severe form, which is cured only in very rare cases, is anthrax meningitis.

Despite the fact that mass infection with this poison in everyday life, fortunately, has not been observed for a long time, cases of this terrible disease are still being recorded in Russia.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service regularly conducts veterinary surveillance on the territory of pig farms and agricultural enterprises that keep cattle.

You should not assume that potent toxic substances are only the hard-to-reach poisons listed above. Any chemical in large quantities can be a deadly poison for humans in everyday life. This includes chlorine, which is used for disinfection, and various detergents, and even vinegar essence. To be wary of toxic substances, to take precautions when handling them and to hide them from children is the strict responsibility of every conscious adult.

Castor bean is an annual bushy plant. The height of the stems reaches two and even three meters, their color is varied - green, red, brownish. The leaves are large, pinnate, green, located alternately on the stem on long petioles. Castor bean blooms with beautiful small flowers collected in racemose inflorescences.
The fruits look like a red spherical box with thorns. The box contains seeds; in appearance they resemble ticks, which is where the plant got its name. Castor bean looks beautiful, grows quickly and is often used as an ornamental plant in landscape design. In addition, it is grown as an agricultural crop to obtain castor oil. It is produced by cold pressing, as a result of which all hazardous substances remain in the cake.

In addition to castor oil and proteins, castor bean seeds contain ricin. This is a high molecular weight protein compound classified as a natural toxin. Its seeds may contain up to 3%, as well as from 0.1 to 1% of an alkaloid with a similar effect - ricinin. Next, let’s combine them under the general name “ricin.” The plant contains these poisons in small quantities in its leaves and shoots, but for clinical cases of poisoning only the seeds are important.

Effect of ricin

Ricin poisoning develops after ingestion of very small doses. Thus, the lethal dose for humans is 0.003 mg of pure substance per kg of weight, which corresponds to eating 6 castor bean seeds for children and 20 for adults. When administered intramuscularly under experimental conditions, the lethal dose for mice is 0.0075 mg/kg, for cats 0.0002 mg/kg, for dogs 0.0006 mg/kg.

Properties of ricin in its pure form:

The poison does not penetrate the skin; it acts only when ingested or through injection. Cases of castor bean poisoning occur quite often, so the toxic properties of the poison have been well studied. In laboratories, ricin is used to provoke cancer in experimental animals.

The effect of ricin occurs at the cellular level. Penetrating into cellular structures - ribosomes, the toxin disrupts protein synthesis and, accordingly, the functioning of the cell as a whole. A curious property of ricin has been proven - by splitting into subunits, it can form bonds with molecules of other toxins or polypeptides, resulting in a new toxic compound not found in nature.

Symptoms of Ricin Poisoning

In cases of ricin poisoning, symptoms develop within 15 to 24 hours. If poisoning occurred by inhaling a toxin, then signs may appear earlier - after 4–8 hours. In an allergic reaction, symptoms develop immediately after contact with the poison.

Primary symptoms:

A characteristic sign of ricin poisoning is hemorrhages (bleeding) on ​​the retina of the eye.

In severe cases, the following symptoms develop:

  • convulsions;
  • cyanosis;
  • collapse (sharp drop in blood pressure);
  • prostration.

Death occurs after 6–8 days due to severe damage to the liver and spleen, extensive hemorrhages in the stomach and intestines, and toxic kidney dystrophy. The pancreas is severely affected. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, protein and cylindrical cells appear in the urine. Characteristic changes are found in the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity.

When in contact with skin, ricin has no effect negative impact. After contact of ricin powder with mucous membranes, burning, redness, watering or stinging in the eyes is possible. You should consider the possibility of poison getting ingested, for example, if it was left on your hands and then you ate or smoked.

Poisoning by inhalation does not occur under practical conditions. The situation was recreated in laboratory conditions, and the size of the aerosol particles must be of a certain size - too large droplets settle in the upper respiratory tract, small ones come out back with exhaled air.

First aid and treatment

There is no antidote for ricin. In case of poisoning with this toxin, general measures should be taken to prevent further absorption of the poison and the victim should be immediately taken to the hospital.

First aid is provided as follows.

  1. Give 2-4 glasses of water with a suspension of activated carbon to drink.
  2. Take a mucous solution inside - rice or flaxseed broth, starch, jelly.
  3. Give 5–15 g of sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda) to support the kidneys.

In the hospital, the victim’s stomach is washed with a solution containing a suspension of activated carbon.

In addition to the fact that there is no antidote for ricin, this substance has a large molecule size and, therefore, is poorly excreted by the kidneys. Standard methods of cleansing the body - forced diuresis and hemodialysis - are ineffective in case of poisoning with castor bean seeds. Measures are taken to remove poison from the intestines, symptomatic and supportive treatment:

  • restore blood pressure;
  • alkalinization of urine is carried out to prevent precipitation of hemoglobin in the kidneys;
  • Enveloping drugs are given orally to take;
  • laxatives (magnesia) and deep enemas to cleanse the intestines;
  • blood transfusion;
  • for severe pain, morphine is administered together with atropine.

What is ricin?

In the courtyards of private homes, you can sometimes see a tall plant with large leaves, somewhat similar to maple leaves, and red balls containing seeds. Castor beans are often used for decorative purposes; they grow well and quickly. The plant got its name for its similarity appearance seeds with mites.

IN agriculture Castor oil (ricin oleum) is obtained from castor bean seeds, so it is grown in large quantities. By the way, on sale you can sometimes find “Zinc ricin” ointment with castor oil, which is used for dry dermatoses.

However, few people know that in addition to its benefits, this plant can cause quite serious harm to the human body. Its seeds contain poison - ricin. This substance is present in all parts of the plant, but the seeds are the most dangerous.

The chemical production of ricin comes from castor bean cake. The result is a powdery substance that is white in color. There is no smell. In modern science, it is possible to produce poison in the form of crystals. The compound has good solubility in aqueous solutions. Becomes non-toxic when high temperature(above 90 degrees).

Where is it located and for what purposes is it used?

Where does castor grow? Its main habitats are China, India, and Bangladesh. However, in Russia you can also often find this plant, because castor oil is a fairly popular medicinal product.

Where is this poison used? Where can I find this substance?

Ricin has not found its use for medical purposes. Although many scientists have tried to use it to produce medicines from oncology.

In most cases, the toxic properties of ricin are used specifically for criminal purposes. Powder or aerosol with such a substance is fatal to humans.

On the Internet you can sometimes come across a question about how to obtain this poison at home. This is possible, but it is always worth remembering that such actions may be considered a criminal offense. Many terrorists have developed their own recipe for making such poison.

Effect of ricin on humans

What happens to the body during ricin poisoning?

It is worth noting that accidental intoxications are quite rare. Most poisonings are planned. There are several options for this.


  • Ingestion with food or drinks,
  • Inhalation of airborne powder
  • Use of solution for injection.

Ricin does not have a negative effect on the skin. It is not absorbed through them in its pure form. Poisoning in this way is possible when mixing the poison with any solvents.

When ingested, ricin disrupts protein synthesis. It has a destructive effect on red blood cells, which either die or stick together as a result. As a result, cell destruction occurs and the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted.

The result can be death after quite a long period of suffering. The lethal dosage for an adult is twenty seeds; six is ​​enough for children.

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

What should you pay attention to in order to detect ricin poisoning in time?

Symptoms do not begin to appear immediately, but after certain time(approximately 15 hours) if the toxin enters the mouth.

If poisoning occurs through the respiratory tract, the first signs can be noticed within four hours.

List of signs:

  • nausea, vomiting,
  • burning sensation on the mucous membranes,
  • diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood,
  • pain in the stomach and intestines,
  • bleeding in the eyes,
  • convulsive state
  • decrease in pressure,
  • the skin becomes bluish,
  • coughing,
  • respiratory dysfunction,
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity,
  • muscle paralysis.

In the absence of help, death occurs in about a couple of days. The man dies in severe pain. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for ricin.

First aid and treatment of intoxication

In case of ricin poisoning, it is very important to provide first aid to the person in a timely manner. The further outcome and life of the victim depends on this.


  • Doctors must be called
  • The victim should rinse the stomach with plenty of water with the addition of activated carbon,
  • Then the poisoned person should be given a decoction of rice or jelly to drink,
  • A person needs to be given a small amount of soda to alleviate the “suffering” of the kidneys.

Therapy is carried out in a hospital. There is no antidote for ricin. The medical institution takes all necessary measures to provide the necessary assistance.


  • If necessary, additional gastric lavage is performed,
  • Various means are used to restore the functioning of systems and organs,
  • Laxatives are used
  • Blood transfusion is performed
  • Various painkillers are prescribed.

Particular attention is paid to the kidneys due to the fact that ricin is excreted rather poorly by them, and they are subject to heavy load.

In the future, vitamin therapy is used, treatment is carried out until the entire body is completely restored.

What could be the consequences?

Ricin poisoning can cause quite serious consequences. With such intoxication, all body systems suffer.

What could be:

  • The functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, the intestines suffer.
  • The liver and pancreas also suffer quite severely. In the future, it is possible to develop toxic hepatitis and disrupt insulin production.
  • The functioning of the urinary system may also be disrupted, and chronic diseases may worsen.

Ricin poisoning poses a great danger to humans. You should not plant this plant if there are small children in the house. After all, babies are very curious and put everything in their mouth. As a result, severe ricin toxicity may occur.

If signs of poisoning are detected, first aid must be provided to the person as quickly as possible, his life depends on it. And then transfer the victim to doctors for further treatment.

Ricin in the hands of terrorists and doctors

Food for thought

In early January 2003, British police arrested a group of terrorists, some of whom were trained in Chechnya. They didn't make bombs or hijack planes, but had their criminal activities been successful, the consequences could have been no less catastrophic.
In an underground laboratory, the criminals set up the production of ricin, a powerful poison, and meanwhile one of the detainees worked at a military base and had access to preparing food for soldiers. Adding a dose of poison into the cauldron that could kill hundreds of people at the same time would not be too difficult - the lethal dose of ricin is 80 times less than that of potassium cyanide, and is about 1 mg for a person. In 1978, Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was killed in London using this poison. He died from an injection with an umbrella, in the needle-tip of which a capsule with ricin was hidden.

Origin and effect of the poison

Where did this deadly substance come from and who invented it? It turns out that nature itself. The poison contains the seeds of a widespread plant that has been used for centuries ethnoscience, is the castor bean (Ricinus communis).

Fig 1. Castor bean (Ricinus communis)

“But how can that be? - the knowledgeable reader will be surprised. - After all, castor oil is obtained from castor beans. More recently, it was used not only for the production of motor oils and strengthening hair, but also taken orally as a good laxative!” Indeed, ricinoleic acid triglyceride, known as castor oil, can be bought at the pharmacy without any prescription - this substance is completely harmless. Even if you swallow castor bean seeds whole without chewing, there will be no harm: they will pass through the entire digestive tract without being destroyed by enzymes.
But if the surface of castor bean seeds is damaged, the one who swallowed them - be it a person or a pet - will die. The fact is that after extracting the oil from castor bean seeds, all the poison remains in the cake. It is this that serves as the raw material for the production of ricin. Each fruit contains three spotted seeds from 5 to 15 mm long (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Castor bean seeds - a source of ricin

Ricin poisoning can occur not only through food. If you inhale a powder or aerosol containing poison, the consequences can be equally dire. Meanwhile, the first signs of poisoning are sometimes mistaken for symptoms of an infectious disease. They do not appear immediately, but only a few hours after the poison enters the body. If it ends up in food, a person experiences weakness, abdominal pain, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea with blood. Then the body becomes dehydrated and blood pressure drops. When ricin enters the lungs, the symptoms of poisoning resemble severe bronchitis or pneumonia. And the saddest thing is that there is no antidote for ricin yet. If a person is poisoned, he dies within 1-5 days, since the poison irreversibly damages the lungs, liver and kidneys.
Both in America and in countries Western Europe, frightened by terrorist attacks, doctors are specially introduced to the symptoms of ricin poisoning and tell the population about them, since in the hands of criminals this substance can be extremely dangerous. Ricin poisoning almost never happens in everyday life. The poison, fortunately, is very unstable and quickly decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, that is, simply put, under the rays of the sun.

Mechanism of action

But what kind of poison is this? How does it work and why is it so dangerous?
Ricin is a glycoprotein, that is, a protein whose amino acid chains form complexes with carbohydrate structures. This protein is a dimer, that is, it includes two protein chains - A and B. Chain A consists of 267 amino acid residues, with some of its fragments folded into spherical structures, and others into spirally twisted ribbons; one of the tapes contains
adenine ring (Fig. 3.). Proteins that closely resemble the A chain are not that rare. Wheat, barley and some other grains have them, which are not at all poisonous.

Figure 3. Three-dimensional representation of ricin chains modeled from X-ray diffraction data. In the upper part of the figure, the dotted line indicates circuit A, and in the lower solid line, circuit B.

In castor beans, such a protein turns into poison because it is cross-linked by a disulfide bridge with another protein chain - the B chain. This chain, consisting of 262 amino acid residues, is formed like a dumbbell. Monomer B is a lectin, a protein that can bind carbohydrates. At both ends of the dumbbell, it contains areas cross-linked with the sugar galactose, which, in turn, can form hydrogen bonds with other sugars galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine located on the surface of the cell membrane.
Due to this feature, lectins have a high affinity for receptors located on cell membranes and are able to deliver substances to which they are connected; Ricin enters the cell through normal endocytosis. In this case, monomer B facilitates the penetration of protein A into the cell. Once inside, it becomes very dangerous - it attaches to the ribosome (a kind of molecular machine for protein synthesis) and disrupts its functioning. A single ricin molecule in the cytoplasm can inactivate more than 1500 ribosomes per minute due to depurination of RNA in the protein-synthesizing apparatus. As a result, protein synthesis in the cell stops and it dies.

Ricin - for peaceful purposes

The mechanism of action of the poison has been studied quite well, and this opens up opportunities for using the substance for peaceful purposes. Medical science has more than once succeeded in taming and even taming poisons - there are many examples of this.
So they are trying to use ricin for medical purposes, making it kill not all cells, but only cancer cells or, say, some cells of the immune system when they interfere with transplantation.
To create an immunotoxin, the ricin monomer (chain A) is attached to antibodies - now they will perform the function of the lectin part. This product is highly specific and destroys only cells to which antibodies have affinity. When bone marrow is transplanted into a patient, ricin-based immunotoxins successfully destroy T-lymphocytes present in the donor's bone marrow. This reduces the possibility of rejection of the tissue transplanted to the recipient. Bone marrow transplant operations thus become more successful.
A similar approach is used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. To do this, the patient's bone marrow is taken and treated with a ricin-based immunotoxin to destroy cancer cells. This bone marrow is then implanted back into the patient. Targeted delivery of small amounts of toxins to cancer cells gives better results than chemotherapy, in which large doses of poisons lead to the death of not only diseased but also healthy cells.
But that's not all. The scope of ricin is constantly expanding. Thus, scientists used its ability to interact with cell membranes in order to better understand the peculiarities of the nervous system. It turned out that by injecting ricin into the membrane of the nerve bundle, neurons can be selectively destroyed. At the same time, the peripheral nerves responsible for sensory and motor functions turned out to be especially sensitive to the poison. Neurons of the central nervous system are more resistant to it, which can be explained by the absence of sugars on the surface of their membranes, to which the ricin molecule has an affinity. Well, since there is no receptor, it means that the poison cannot penetrate the cell and paralyze the work of ribosomes. Thanks to the research, it became possible to model various types of neuronal damage and find ways to eliminate them, as well as draw up an anatomical map of neurons, noting on it the characteristics of the receptors of many of them.
In general, the conclusion from all that has been said is obvious: the substance itself, be it gunpowder, medicine or poison, is not good or bad, it all depends on whose hands it falls into.

E.V. Moskalev, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Based on materials from the magazine “Chemistry and Life XXI Century” No. 3, 2003

Omega is a highly toxic substance that is part of hemlock. Just 100 milligrams of it (8 leaves) will be enough to kill a person. How it works: all body systems gradually fail, except the brain. As a result, you, being in your right mind, begin to die slowly and painfully until you suffocate.

The most popular hemlock was among the Greeks. Interesting fact: This plant caused the death of Socrates in 399 BC. The Greeks executed him in this way for disrespect for the gods.

Source: wikipedia.org

No. 9 - Aconite

This poison is obtained from the fighter plant. It causes arrhythmia, which ends in suffocation. They say that even touching this plant without gloves can result in death. It is almost impossible to detect traces of poison in the body. The most famous case of use is that Emperor Claudius poisoned his wife Agrippina by adding aconite to her mushroom dish.

Source: wikipedia.org

#8 - Belladonna

In the Middle Ages, belladonna was used as a women's cosmetic (rouge for cheeks). Special drops were even obtained from the plant to dilate the pupils (at that time this was considered fashionable). You could also swallow belladonna leaves - one is just enough for a person to die. Berries are also not a miss: you only need to eat 10 of them to die. In those days, a special poisonous solution was made from the latter, which was used to lubricate arrowheads.

Source: wikipedia.org

#7 - Dimethylmercury

This is the slowest and most insidious killer. This is because even 0.1 milliliter that accidentally gets on your skin will be enough to be fatal. The most notorious case: in 1996, a chemistry teacher at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire dropped a drop of poison onto her hand. Dimethylmercury burned through a latex glove; symptoms of poisoning appeared after 4 months. And 10 months later the scientist died.

Source: wikipedia.org

#6 - Tetrodotoxin

This poison is found in blue-ringed octopuses and pufferfish. With the former, things are very bad: octopuses deliberately attack their prey with tetrodotoxin, imperceptibly pricking it with special needles. Death occurs within a few minutes, but symptoms do not appear immediately - after paralysis sets in. The venom of one blue-ringed octopus is enough to kill 26 healthy men.

It’s easier with fugu: their poison is only dangerous when you’re about to eat the fish. It all depends on the correct preparation: if the cook is not mistaken, the tetrodoxin will all evaporate. And you will eat the dish without any consequences, except for incredible adrenaline rushes...

Source: wikipedia.org

#5 - Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive poison for which there is no antidote. The substance is so dangerous that just 1 gram of it can kill 1.5 million people in a few months. The most sensational case of the use of polonium was the death of Alexander Litvinenko, an employee of the KGB-FSB. He died in 3 weeks, the reason was that 200 grams of poison were found in his body.

Source: wikipedia.org

#4 - Mercury

  1. elemental mercury - found in thermometers. Instant death occurs if it is inhaled;
  2. inorganic mercury - used in the manufacture of batteries. Lethal if swallowed;
  3. organic mercury. Sources are tuna and swordfish. It is recommended to eat no more than 170 grams per month. Otherwise, organic mercury will begin to accumulate in the body.

The most famous case of use is the poisoning of Amadeus Mozart. He was given mercury tablets to treat syphilis.

Below I will try to provide explanations for those who came to the topic of poisons and poisonings the hard way. If I don’t touch on something, or you want to get more detailed instructions and explanations - don’t be shy, ask questions, we’ll sort everything out.

1. Common sense. You shouldn't grab potassium cyanide, ricin or anything like that, just because these are the most deadly and effective poisons. These poisons are very difficult to obtain, therefore accidental poisoning is extremely unlikely. It is better to choose a less effective poison that will look more natural in this situation.

A BANAL EXAMPLE: if a person suffers from insomnia, then an overdose of sleeping pills mixed with alcohol looks much more natural than cyanide poisoning. Potassium cyanide does not promote deep and sound sleep, no?

2. Don't underestimate your opponent. The investigator is not at all the stupid and grotesque character that flashes on TV screens. Having the results of the examination in hand, he will understand perfectly well that the death was not accidental at all. Using the magical principle “Who benefits from this anyway?”, he has a great chance of getting on the trail of the poisoner.

3. Single poisoning - fight! You should not poison a person one-on-one if you are not 100% sure of the effectiveness of the poison and your alibi. Best time to use the poison for its intended purpose - a feast. Witnesses!!sudden!! there must be a lot of death. There should be no witnesses to your involvement in this. A person who feels unwell during a feast is unlikely to immediately admit it - he will blame it all on alcohol and too fatty food. And he will lose precious minutes that could save his life.

4. Alcohol is a friend for all times! Even the most harmless substances are not friends with Mr. Ethanol. Poisons even more so. Many substances dissolve in alcohol, and alcohol itself dulls the senses - an ideal companion!

5. Don't be too clever. If the target is ordinary drunks, methanol will do a much better job than cyanide. If you have a heart disease, it’s easier to replace the medicine with a more effective one. If you are a drug addict, choose the substance so that it looks like an overdose.

*** For those who like to smoke, you can find options for going completely psychedelic. Optionally - with cruelty, in order to ensure the target a vacation in a madhouse through a berserk rage against a neighbor and her cute dog. For speed lovers, drive a heart into a board, which is not at all that difficult.

6. Preparation. You should not indulge in such matters without considering all the consequences. It is worth carefully thinking over an alibi for yourself: for example, if your wife decided to die, then you should tell everyone a month before this event how bad everything is, how your relationship is collapsing, perhaps you should make an appointment with a psychotherapist. All your words and actions are your alibi. This should not be neglected.

7. Is all this necessary... The responsibility always lies with you. Poisons may give a false sense of freedom and impunity, but this is not the case. You can be easily found and easily detained. Remember to be safe and ask if something is not clear. And remember:

You are responsible for what you do. Killing a granny/mother/wife for the sake of an inheritance or killing a pedophile maniac are completely different things. Use your power wisely.



Nicotine is a dark brown sticky/oily liquid. The lethal dose of pure nicotine is considered to be about 0.06 grams, but for the homemade version it is about 3-4 drops. Death from poisoning occurs within 12-24 hours.

1. Remove tobacco from ten cheaper cigarettes.

2. Grind the tobacco very well, then place it in a small beaker.

3. Pour in isopropyl alcohol (bourbonal can be used in a pinch).

4. Cover the beaker with aluminum foil.

5. Place the beaker in a Bunsen burner or electric fireplace and heat it carefully and gently. Don't let the alcohol get out of hand. If the alcohol is boiling, remove the beaker with tongs and return it back when the bubbles from boiling stop appearing. If you don't do this, the alcohol vapor will ignite! If this happens (the vapors ignite), you should remove the beaker, blow off the flame and continue heating the alcohol.

6. After one hour of heating, filter the contents of the beaker using filter paper. Discard any residue remaining on the filter paper.

7. Evaporate the resulting liquid on high sunlight or by gently heating it. The remainder after the procedures remaining in the container will be nicotine.

With ten cigarettes you can get a dose for about 3 people.

1. The liquid was applied to the shaved back of the rabbit's neck (the rabbit could not lick the liquid). The rabbit immediately showed slower movements. After 11 o'clock the rabbit went berserk and died.

2. 2 ml was given orally to the rabbit. These were the same effects as above, but the rabbit died after 12 hours.

Nicotine is a good skin abuser and touching it is strictly prohibited. The best way To give it orally - in the form of strong coffee - 3-4 drops from a pipette will be enough.

According to some sources, the lethal dose is not 0.06 grams, but 0.5-1 grams.

Potato alkaloid


Green-gray liquid. Lethal dose: 0.06 g. Time to death: less than 2 minutes.

Preparation and Precautions

The preparation procedure is exactly the same as for nicotine except for the fact that the spuds on GREEN potato skins are used instead of tobacco.

Test results

1. 3 ml were given orally to a healthy rabbit. The rabbit immediately began to scream. Blood started coming out of his mouth. After 100 seconds the rabbit died.

2. The same dose was given to a small rabbit. After 7 seconds the rabbit died.


Cannot be used through the skin - only orally or by injection.



Ricin (castor bean poison) appears as a white powder. Lethal dose of ricin: 0.035 g. Death occurs within a couple of minutes from oral administration and several hours from injection.

Manufacturing (only with medical gloves!)

Ricin is obtained from castor beans, the fruit of the plant Ricinus communis (Russian name for castor bean).

1. Take the skins of several castor beans and weigh the white part of the nuts.

2. Grind the beans and add 4 of their weight of acetone.

3. Leave the mixture in a plastic container for three days.

4. Filter the mixture. Dry the remainder. The resulting powder is ricin.

If the mixture is left in acetone for another three days, we obtain ricin in liquid form.

Test results

1 ml of liquid ricin was given orally to the rabbit. The rabbit has problems breathing. There was mucus coming from the mouth. After four hours the rabbit died.

2 ml of liquid ricin was given orally to the rabbit. After 2 minutes the rabbit died.


The liquid version is most convenient for mixing, especially into alcohol. The powder form may be difficult to dissolve, but can be used in food since ricin powder does not have a strong taste.


Buy yellow blood salt (yellow, not red, these are different substances, do not be confused!). Dehydrate with low heat on a baking sheet (no higher than 150 degrees) so that it turns white, but does not burn (if it turns black, it means it is overheated). Then mix 3 parts of dehydrated blood salt with 5 parts of potash, place in a hermetically sealed iron container and heat in a muffle furnace at 600-700 degrees for several hours. (can be left overnight). Turn off the heat and wait until it cools down.

Knock the resulting stone out of the container with a hammer. Its upper part will be pure cyanide, and its lower part will be potash, they are visually different. You break this stone into large pieces in a basin with a hammer, grind it into powder in a mortar and store it only in an airtight container.

A muffle furnace is a must. It needs to be heated for a long time and the temperature should not be exceeded.

Safety precautions: work in a ventilated area, do not eat cyanide with spoons or sprinkle it on yourself, wear gloves. After the synthesis, do not allow pets into the room for a few more days, since grains of cyanide that will fly far away when breaking the stone with a hammer will remain on the floor; this will be enough for them.

An antiserum-based antidote for venomous animal bites includes a mixture of at least two antisera produced against different venoms. The antivenom administration kit includes an antivenom and an injection agent. The antidote has a higher immunogenicity. 4 s. and 7 salary files, 3 tables, 2 ill.

The invention relates to antitoxins and a method for their production. More specifically, the invention relates to snake antivenoms and a method for producing them. A number of animals, including gilamonsters snakes, spiders and bees, produce venoms that are dangerous to humans, for example, around a million people worldwide suffer from bites every year poisonous snakes, and it is established that 100,000 of them die, and 300,000 others suffer during the rest of their lives from one form or another of disability. This is likely a large underestimation due to the lack of detailed reports from some parts of the world. Venoms secreted by snakes mainly to kill prey or for protection purposes are complex biological mixtures consisting of more than 50 components. Death of a snakebite victim occurs as a result of respiratory or circulatory failure caused by various neurotoxins, cardiotoxins (also called cytotoxins), coagulation factors and other substances acting alone or synergistically. Snake venoms also contain a number of enzymes that, when ingested by the victim, begin to break down the tissue. Thus, poisons contain substances designed to affect vital processes such as nervous and muscular functions, heart function, blood circulation and permeability of the membranes. Main components Snake venoms are proteins, but low molecular weight compounds such as peptides, nucleotides and metal ions are also present. Venomous snakes can be divided into 4 main families: Colu bridae, Viperidae, Hydrophidae and Erapictac. The taxonomy of these snakes is described in Table. 1 and 2. Rattlesnakes, which are found exclusively in the Americas, are members of the subfamily of venomous snakes of the family known as Crotalinae, species Crotalus or Sistrusus (rattlesnakes) Bothrops, Aqka strodon and Trimerisurus. Both types of rattlesnakes can also be divided into species and subspecies. These snakes are also called "pit vipers" due to the presence of facial heat-sensitive pits, but their most famous feature is the ring, which, when present, distinguishes them from all other snakes. Each species or subspecies is distributed in a distinct geographic region in North or South America. The venom of each species of rattlesnake contains components that may be common to all rattlesnakes, common only to some small groups, or it may be specific to only one species or subspecies. The antivenom is serum or a partially purified antibody fraction of serum from animals that have been made immune to the toxicity of the venom by a regimen of injection of increasing doses of snake venom. Scientific research antivenom research began with the development of Henry Seawell in 1887 and has continued throughout the present century. Currently, a large number and variety of monospecific and polyspecific antivenoms are produced throughout the world. Classification of poisonous snakes. Class Reptilla (reptiles)

Order Sqamata (snakes and lizards)

Suborder Serpentes (snakes)

Subsuborder Alethinophidia (spectacled snakes)

Superfamily Colu broidea (creeping snakes)

As used herein, the term "Monospecific antivenom" refers to an antivenom produced against the venom of one species or subspecies of venomous animals. The term "polyspecific antivenom" refers to an antivenom produced against a mixture of two or more venoms from different species or subspecies of venomous animals. The terms monospecific and polyspecific antiserum are used herein to avoid confusion that may be caused by the use of the common alternative expressions "monovalent" and "polyvalent" antiserum. This terminology is used because the term "valency" is used by immunologists to express the number of bonding sites (binding sites) present in an antibody or antibody cleavage product, so, for example, an Ig G molecule is divalent while an F (ab) fragment which has only one bond site is monovalent. The use of the term "specific" in the description of the antiserum eliminates any confusion. In G. Seawell's first research work, pigeons were inoculated with sublethal doses of rattlesnake venom, followed by injections of increasing doses to levels above those that would initially cause death when administered. Thus, it was revealed that the birds have developed resistance to the poison. In 1889, Kaufmann obtained similar results using the European snake Viperk beras, and in 1892, Calmette, working in Saigon with cobra venom, reported that resistance could be imparted by gradual injections of venom. However, it was Kanthak who first instilled resistance in another animal, after mixing venom with blood from an immunized animal, he discovered resistance to lethal doses of snake venom. Calmette's main goal was to habituate the animal to frequent, repeated, gradually increasing doses of poison (usually cobra venom). He found that after 16 months, immunized horses became tolerant to 80 times the lethal dose of the poison. He also showed that antiserum obtained from blood taken from these horses had a neutralizing effect of 20,000 units when administered to rabbits, i.e. 1 ml of serum could neutralize the minimum lethal dose of poison for 20,000 g of rabbits. The main known antivenoms are refined concentrates of equine serum globulins, prepared in liquid or dry form. Antivenoms are obtained from horses that have been immunized against only one venom to produce a monospecific antivenom or a mixture of venoms to produce a polyspecific antivenom. Antidotes have been prepared to treat the major types of snake envenomation. Since then, over the last century, the methods of obtaining have changed little. Immune equine serum may be subjected to a crude purification step, usually using ammonium sulfate to isolate the globulin fraction, and in some cases this is the form of the final product. Since antidotes in this form can cause severe serum reactions, it is known to use pepsin digestion to remove the Fc portion of the immunoglobulin, which is primarily responsible for such immunogenic reactions. The effectiveness of known antidotes in neutralizing both the harmful and apparently non-harmful effects of a specific poison can vary greatly and depends on a number of factors. Most important among these factors are the specificity of the antivenom, the titer of the antibodies produced, and the degree of concentration or purification of the final product. In general, the most specific antidote with a great future is the one that will neutralize the provoking poison. Monospecific antidotes, developed against one poison, are therefore more effective against the corresponding poison. However, such antivenoms are only used to treat snake bites if the species or subspecies of the attacking snake has been identified. If the attacking snake is not identified, as is usually the case in a field situation, a polyspecific antivenom, formulated against a range of different venoms, is preferred to increase the likelihood of an antivenom that is effective against the venom of an unidentified snake. Known multispecific antivenoms, however, lack the specificity of monospecific antivenoms and are therefore less effective at neutralizing the pharmacological activity of the venom. The unexpected discovery was made that an antivenom (referred to here as a "mixed monospecific antivenom") containing a mixture of different antisera developed separately for different venoms is more effective in neutralizing the pharmacological activity of the venom than the known polyspecific antivenom obtained by producing a single antiserum for a whole range of venoms , but retains the broad specificity of polyspecific antivenoms. According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided an antidote comprising a mixture of at least two different antisera raised against different venoms. It is believed that antivenoms containing a mixture of different antisera are more effective than known polyspecific antivenoms, since the former may contain a higher proportion of antibodies directed against low molecular weight and/or insufficiently immunogenic components of venoms. Snake venoms are complex multicomponent mixtures of protein, nucleotides and metal ions. These components differ in molecular weight, in the degree of their antigenicity and in their concentration in the venom. When a venom is injected into an animal to produce antiserum, a range of antibody populations can arise. The concentration and medium of the antibodies produced will vary according to various criteria, for example the number of epitopes on the surface of the component, the immunogenicity of each epitope, the concentration of each component. Lethal, neurotoxic venom components (including, for example, rattlesnake venoms) often include low molecular weight, weakly immunogenic components present only in low concentrations. It is unlikely that such components will cause high antibody titers. This problem is believed to be exacerbated in the production of a multispecific antivenom by the use of an immunizing mixture comprising a mixture of venoms in which low molecular weight and weakly immunogenic components are further diluted with highly immunogenic components. The production of a polyspecific antivenom results in an antivenom in which antibodies to some components do not exist or are present in such low concentrations that their effectiveness is negligible. In contrast, the mixed monospecific antivenoms of the invention contain a mixture of antisera raised against different venoms in separate groups of animals. In the production of antisera, the individual number of possible antibody populations that are available for each serum is the same, but the number of epitopes in the immunogen is much smaller. Thus, it is believed that antiserum components contain a higher proportion of protective antibodies against low molecular weight, weakly immunogenic components than multispecific antivenoms. Combining monospecific antisera to produce a mixed monospecific antiserum results in an antidote that has all populations of the monospecific serum and therefore provides better protection , and also has the advantages of a polyspecific antivenom in the sense that the cross-reactivity of the antivenom becomes maximum. It will be appreciated that each antivenom component of the mixed monospecific antivenom according to the invention may itself be a monospecific antivenom or a polyspecific antivenom. For example, a mixed monospecific antivenom may include a mixture of a polyspecific antivenom produced against poisons A+B and a monospecific antivenom produced against poison C. Preferably, each antivenom component is a monospecific antivenom. For example, a mixed monospecific antivenom may include a mixture of monospecific antivenoms raised against poisons A, B, and C. Antisera that include a mixed monospecific antivenom can be mixed in any suitable proportion. Preferably, the mixed monospecific antivenom contains antiserum mixed in a proportion appropriate to the geographic area in which the mixed monospecific antivenom is intended for use. Factors that may be considered in the preparation of such a "custom" mixed monospecific antivenom are the population, distribution, behavior and toxicity of the particular venomous animal in a particular area. The composition of a mixed monospecific antivenom can be determined by statistical analysis of human bites in a specific geographic area by specific species or subspecies of venomous animals. Preferably, each component of the mixed monospecific antivenom antiserum is present in direct proportion to the relative frequency of bites to humans in a particular geographic area by the particular species or subspecies of the venomous animal against which the venom is produced. For example, the Diamond-back rattlesnake is classified into two geographic types known as the Eastern (C. ademauteus) and Western (C. atrox/Diamoud-back). Therefore, a mixed monospecific antivenom can be prepared that is suitable for snakes in a particular geographic area. The inclusion of an antiserum against snakes that are not found in the area, which would dilute the effectiveness of any product, is therefore unnecessary. This ability to produce custom antivenoms allows the compounded monospecific antivenoms of the invention to approach or even improve upon the effectiveness of a homologous monospecific antivenom without conducting a statistical study of snakebite patterns in a geographic area. Antisera including the antivenom can be produced in any suitable animal, for example mice, rats, sheep, goats, donkeys or horses. It is preferable to develop the antiserum in sheep. The production of antiserum in sheep is particularly advantageous over the traditional method of production of antiserum in horses, since the antiserum selected in sheep does not contain any of the particularly immunogenic Ig Gu Gg G(T) components of equine antiserum, which cause unwanted immunogenic serum reactions in humans or animals. , to which such an antidote is administered. The antiserum that includes the antivenom may be a whole antiserum. Preferably, the antiserum may be partially cleaved (digested) into F(av 1) 2 or F(av) fragments. It is advisable to remove Fc fragments to reduce the patient's immunogenic response to the antivenom. The production of antibody fragments can be accomplished using conventional techniques, for example by digestion of pepsin or papain. An antiserum, which includes an antivenom, can be produced against the venom of any venomous animal, including snakes, Gila monsters, spiders and bees. An antivenom may contain an antiserum produced for the venom of only one type of animal, e.g. various types or subspecies of snakes. Alternatively, the antivenom may include an antiserum raised against the venom of more than one type of animal. Preferably the venom is snake venom. Even more preferably, the poison is rattlesnake venom. The venom against which each antiserum is raised may consist entirely of venom, partially purified venom, or one or more selected components of the venom. Preferably, the poison is a whole poison. According to another aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for producing an antidote according to the first aspect of the invention, comprising mixing at least two different antisera. According to a third aspect of the invention, there is provided a pharmaceutical composition comprising an effective amount of an antidote according to the first aspect of the invention in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent or excipient. Preferably, the pharmaceutical composition is suitable for parenteral administration to a patient. Even more preferably, a pharmaceutical composition suitable for internal injection. According to a fourth aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of neutralizing a poison, comprising administering to a subject suffering from the effects of a poison an antidote according to the first aspect of the invention in an effective amount. According to a fifth aspect of the invention, there is provided a kit for administering an antidote to a human or animal body, comprising: a) an antidote according to the first aspect of the invention, b) a means for injecting an antidote into the body. In fig. Figure 1 shows the activity of A2 phosphate in 1 μg of four crotalide poisons; in fig. 2 - the amount of antidote required to neutralize 50% of A2 phospholipase activity in 1 μg of crotalide poison. It is understood that the invention has been described by way of example for illustrative purposes only, and modifications and other changes may be made within the scope of the invention. Experimental studies. 1. Obtaining antidotes. The antidote was obtained by immunizing a group of Welsh sheep with poison according to the well-known immunization scheme of Sidki et al. (Table 3). The poison for immunization was proposed by Professor F. Russell of the University of Arizona. The poison was collected from large number snakes of the same species. Individuals were included of different ages and geographical location, and the poison was collected throughout the year. These factors are known to influence the composition of the venom and are therefore important for efficient antivenom production. Blood (300 ml) from the group was collected and drained monthly, and the serum was aspirated after achieving clot formation at 4° C. for 18 hours. The concentrate was prepared from the antiserum stock by sodium sulfate precipitation. The immunoglobulin fraction is then partially purified by precipitation of sodium sulfate from the antiserum stock. Volumes of antiserum are mixed with different volumes of 6% sodium sulfate, and the resulting mixture is stirred for 1.5 hours at room temperature to precipitate immunoglobulin. After centrifugation at 3500 rpm for 60 min, the clot is washed twice with 18% sodium sulfate, and the final clot is then reconstituted with phosphate buffer solution (PBS) to a volume equal to that of the original antiserum depot. The solution is then cialized against 20 volumes of PVA and the product is stored at 4° C. until required. The product can be analyzed by micro-Kjeldahl to determine the exact protein concentration in the sample. If required, this Gg J can be cleaved to form F(av 1) 2 and F(av) using pepsin or papain, respectively. These products can also be analyzed by S S/PAGE, micro-Kjeldahl and ELIZA to ensure retention of potency. 2. Comparison of the antidote "in vitro". Introduction

Snake venom is a multicomponent mixture of proteins, metal ions and nucleotides. Although the exact nature of each individual venom is specific to the snake's genotype, there are some common proteins. One such common protein is the enzyme phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2). This enzyme is primarily responsible for the breakdown of body fats, but may also have a number of other activities, such as cell rupture due to lipid hydrolysis products and neurotoxicity due to the pharmacologically active site of the enzyme. PLA2 activity in crotalid or rattlesnake venoms can be determined by a simple colorometric assay. PLA2 hydrolyzes fats, producing fatty acid and glycerol, resulting in a drop in the pH of the system. PLA2+fat ___ fatty acid+glycerol

This drop in pH can be controlled by introducing a colored pH indicator into the system. Assessment of PLA2 activity. The following assay can be used to regulate phospholipase A2 (PL K2. EC activity of specific venoms. The activity of poisons is assessed by measuring the release of free fatty acid from a phospholipid substrate (phosphatidylcholine) from Sigma Chemical, product number P-9671 (using pH indicator Cresol red, Sigma Chemical, product number C-9877). Buffer sample:

1. 100 mm NaCl

2. 100 mm KCl (All grades of GPR reagent)

3. 10 mm CaCl 2

For routine analysis, take 500 ml of this solution and adjust the pH to 6.8 using dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Preparation of the indicator: 10 mg of red creosol (sodium salt, Sigma, N C-9877) is dissolved in a buffer sample (10 ml) and the vessel is wrapped in thin foil. Substrate preparation: phosphatidylcholine (1.2 g from egg yolk, type XY-E, 60% L-alpha form, Sigma, N 9671) is dissolved in methanol (1 ml) and the solution is adjusted to 10 ml with buffer (final concentration 120 mg/ ml). This should be done again for each series of experiments. Method: Crude freeze-dried monovalent venom is dissolved in distilled water to a final concentration of 10 mg/ml. Typically, 10 ml of poison solution is taken for each series of experiments. The substrate solution is then prepared as follows. To 1 ml of freshly prepared lipid suspension add 25 ml of assay buffer and 0.3 ml of Triton-X-100 (VDN N 30632). Stir the solution thoroughly until it becomes clear. Adjust pH to 8.6 using dilute sodium hydroxide. Add 1 ml of the resulting indicator solution and adjust the final volume of the substrate solution to 30 ml with buffer. The substrate solution should be red in color, otherwise the pH of the buffer should be checked. This solution should also be wrapped in silver foil. 100 μg of buffer is added to 2.8 ml of substrate solution in a plastic 3-ml cuvette and CD 573 nm is measured. Add 100 mm of poison solution and start the stopwatch. To a second cuvette containing 2.8 ml of substrate solution and 100 µl of buffer, another 100 µl of buffer is added to adjust for any occasional drop in pH. This is carried out in parallel with the analysis cuvette. Readings were made every minute for 30 minutes. Then plot OD as a function of time, taking into account the prerequisites for the drop in pH of the control sample, and subtract this value from the value obtained by adding the poison. After this, all readings are expressed as a percentage of the systematic control reading. Neutralization studies. Neutralization experiments were carried out using Ig G sections of the appropriate antiserum. These preparations are prepared by salt precipitation from the entire antiserum (18% sodium sulfate, 25°C for 1.5 hours). The assay and substrate buffers used for these studies were identical to those used in the experiments described above. 1 liter of antivenom in a 10-fold dilution in buffer (stock solution) is diluted two more times and 100 µl of the amount is added to 100 µl of a solution of a particular venom (10 µg). Prepare two additional sets of samples to control the pH drop (200 µl assay buffer) and general hydrolysis (100 µl buffer and 100 µl venom solution). Then the samples are kept for 30 minutes at room temperature. During this period, prepare the substrate solution and check the pH. After this, the zero OD time of 2.8 ml quantities of the substrate solution is measured. This is done immediately before adding 200 µl of venom/antivenom solution (after a 30-minute incubation period). An additional 15 min incubation is carried out at room temperature, and then the OD is read. The results are then processed as described above and expressed as the percentage of poison neutralized by hydrolysis. Results. The above tests were carried out using the venoms of four rattlesnakes, which were Apiscivorous, C. adamanteus, C. atrox and C. scutulatus. In fig. Figure 1 shows that each of these venoms contains potent PLA2 enzymes and shows the order of activity: A. piscivorous > C. adamanteus = C. scutulatus > C. atrox. The PLA2 neutralizing ability of the antidotes described above is then determined. A neutralization study was carried out using a mixed monospecific antivenom prepared by mixing equal volumes of equal concentrations of monospecific Ig G obtained by immunizing four groups of sheep against the venom of A pisivorous, C. adamanteus, C. atrox and C. scutulatus. Concentrations were determined using the Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis method and equalized by adding appropriate amounts of PVA. Control neutralization studies were also conducted using multispecific antidotes prepared for each of the venoms and using multispecific antidotes prepared for a 1:1:1:1 mixture of these venoms. The control experiments used exactly the same protocols, including venom sources, immunization, purification, and testing, as the mixed monospecific antivenom experiment. The results are shown in Figure 2, which shows that the mixed monospecific antivenom has greater or equal potency than the corresponding multispecific antisera in neutralizing PLA2 venom activity. Indeed, three of the four venoms tested required significantly less antivenom to achieve 50% neutralization. In addition, mixed monospecific antivenoms also have similar or greater potency than homologous monospecific antivenom, indicating that mixed monospecific antivenom has a higher degree of cross-reactivity. These results led to the conclusion that in the case of PLA2 neutralization, the mixed monospecific antiserum is much more effective than its polyspecific counterpart.


1. An antidote for the bite of a poisonous animal based on an antiserum, characterized in that it includes a mixture of at least two antisera produced against different poisons. 2. Antidote according to claim 1, characterized in that each component of the antiserum is monospecific. 3. Antidote according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that each antiserum includes F(ab 1) 2 or F(ab) fragments obtained by partial digestion of the IgG of the entire serum. 4. Antidote according to claims 1 - 3, characterized in that each antiserum is a sheep antiserum. 5. Antidote according to claims 1 - 4, characterized in that each antiserum is present in an amount determined by the toxicity and frequency of bites of people in a specific geographical area by a specific poisonous animal, against the venom of which each antiserum was developed. 6. The antidote according to claim 5, characterized in that each component of the antiserum is present in direct proportion to the frequency of bites of people in a specific geographic area by specific species or subspecies of a poisonous animal, against the venom of which each antiserum was developed. 7. Antidote according to claims 1 - 6, characterized in that each antiserum is developed against snake venom. 8. Antidote according to claim 7, characterized in that each antiserum is developed against rattlesnake venom. 9. A method of obtaining an antidote for the bite of a poisonous animal, including mixing antisera, characterized in that at least two antisera are taken. 10. A method of antidote to poison, including administering the antidote to a subject suffering from the action of the poison, characterized in that the antidote is administered according to claims. 1-8 in effective amount. 11. A kit for introducing an antidote into the human or animal body, including an antidote and a means for injecting the antidote, characterized in that as an antidote it contains the antidote according to claims 1-8.

Today, the topic of poisons is of interest to most of the people inhabiting our planet. And this is not surprising, because we live in difficult times, during terrorist attacks and armed clashes, when morality is gradually forgotten. Many people are now interested in how poisons are made at home. First of all, it is worth remembering that this kind of activity can not only deprive a person of freedom for a long time, but also be very dangerous for the manufacturer himself, since one can easily be poisoned by inhaled toxic fumes or even dust.

What is poison?

So, first of all, let's find out what poison is. Poisons are substances that cause poisoning of the body or its death. Moreover, their effect and nature depend on the dose and composition used. In this case, it is customary to divide toxic substances into twelve groups. Among them are those that affect the circulatory (hematic), nervous (neurotoxins), muscular (mitotoxins) systems, as well as those that affect cells (protoplasmic poisons).

What is it made of?

The production of poisons at home most often occurs from some components of plants and other improvised means. There is even a so-called list of the most toxic poisons that you can create at home. Let's look at it in more detail.


So, in last place is a fungus that forms on rye and is called “ergot”. This substance causes hallucinations that are accompanied by inappropriate behavior, it also provokes convulsions and often gangrene of the limbs.

Foxglove (buttercup)

The plant contains poisons such as digitalis and digitoxin, which in large doses can stop the heart. In this case, the person first begins to feel dizzy, the pulse drops, shortness of breath appears, and then cyanosis, and death occurs.

Lily of the valley

Making poisons at home can also be done from lily of the valley, because the convallomarin it contains causes the most severe poisoning.

Castor bean

Castor beans contain one of the most dangerous toxic substances - ricin, which is fatal after five days of suffering. In this case, colic, vomiting, internal bleeding, destruction of tissue proteins, and decomposition of the lungs are observed. It should be noted that there is currently no antidote for this toxic substance.


Making poisons for homes was practiced by the Indians South America. They used the curare plant. An arrow dipped in its juice can kill a large animal within ten minutes.


The toadstool is also capable of killing a person, since it contains a potent poison - amanitotoxin, which cannot be destroyed even with prolonged heat treatment.

Wrinkled sapling

The production of poisons at home can also be made from wrinkled saplings, the stems of which contain the toxic substance tremetol. By the way, it is often confused with nettle leaves, which is what caused the poisoning of several hundred people in the last century.

How are poisons used?

Thus, it is not enough to prepare poisons at home; they also need to be applied correctly. So, some of them are effective only when they enter the circulatory system, but in the stomach they simply decompose without causing harm to the body.

One of the symbols of Thailand is mythical plot, depicting the victory of the bird Garuda over the snake Naga. And this is no coincidence: for many centuries, the inhabitants of Siam - as Thailand was called until 1949 - literally thousands died every year from poisonous snake bites. And there are a lot of them in this country: out of more than 175 species of all living ones, 85 are poisonous.

Problems of medical research in the field of toxicology have been dealt with in Siam for a very long time. The local Red Cross Society was founded in this country back in 1893 and was under the patronage of royal family. Currently, 10 species of snakes from the region are bred and studied at the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute. Moreover, the poison of each species is used to produce a specific antidote (antidote). For example, an antidote made from the venom of the Siamese cobra is effective only against the bites of this type of snake and is completely useless against the bite of a viper or king cobra.

Horses are used to produce antidotes in Thailand. They serve as a kind of living biological factory for the production of antidotes. The process of obtaining antidotes looks like this: healthy horses are given small injections of snake venom, immunity is developed in their blood over several months, and only then the horse’s blood is taken, which serves as the starting material for making antidotes. Ampoules are sent from here throughout the country to special centers. And there are hundreds of them in Thailand. Every adult knows exactly where to go in case of danger.

According to WHO, in the middle of the 20th century, the number of people affected by snake bites was 500,000. Before the use of modern antidotes, 20 40%, and in some countries up to 70% of people bitten, died. Thanks to the use of serum, the number of deaths was reduced to 2 3%, occurring mainly in India, the countries of Southeast Asia and South America. In Europe, deaths from snake bites are rare.

Now in Thailand, on average, no more than 20 people die per year, while at the beginning of the 20th century this figure was 10 thousand. Moreover, only those who did not manage to seek medical help in time die. For comparison: in India, the number of deaths for the same reason is 20 thousand people per year. These figures eloquently demonstrate how necessary the work of such institutions is.

Snake breeding is a later addition to the institute's activities. In 1993, since some species of snakes became difficult to catch in the wild, it was decided to start breeding them. Nowadays, several species of cobras and vipers are bred to obtain poison. The snakes are fed in the nursery once a week. Their diet is 1 2 mice. Some species feed only on live water snakes. Although, as a result of training, even these fastidious reptiles learned to eat mice and even fish sausages.

The most difficult species to breed in captivity is the ribbon krait. And Malayan vipers and Siamese cobras feel most comfortable in these conditions. These snakes lay up to 30 small eggs, resulting in 200 to 500 snake farms of these two species each year. All female snakes arriving at the farm are checked for pregnancy. If there is one, the females are placed in the most favorable conditions for incubating eggs.

The breeding of venomous snakes has also led to research into the diseases they suffer from, since only healthy reptiles are needed to produce venom. Therefore, veterinarians carefully monitor their condition and treat them if necessary.

Although it must be said that snakes are not aggressive creatures at all, they attack a person only if they are provoked to do so, voluntarily or involuntarily. So the first rule when accidentally meeting a snake is to never make sudden movements and, if possible, move away slowly.

By the beginning of the 20th century, it became obvious that most of the imported antivenoms available at that time were unable to provide the necessary treatment. Therefore, there was an urgent need to create a local production facility for the production of drugs capable of creating effective antidotes based on the venom of snakes from this region.

The then ruler of Siam, King Vajiravudha, no less than his subjects, was concerned about the problem of high mortality from snake bites. In 1920, after the death of his mother, Queen Saovabha, in memory of this sad event, the king donated significant funds to the local Red Cross organization for the construction of new buildings needed for expansion research work in the field of toxicology. And in December 1922, with the direct participation and assistance of specialists from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, a research center for the study of vaccines and serums, called the Queen Saowabha Memorial Institute, was opened in the capital of the state, Bangkok.

The main areas of biomedical and clinical trials Institute of Steel: study life cycle and physiology of snakes, classification of poisons and their effects on humans, creation and improvement of vaccines against poisons, rabies and other infectious diseases

In order to obtain poison, the snake must be placed on a smooth table surface where it has no support and, therefore, cannot rush at a person. Then, with a stick with a hook at the end, the snake is picked up and placed on the table, and then rotated several times, causing it to become “dizzy.” After this, the snake’s head is pressed to the table and picked up. To ensure safety, the operator clamps the snake's cheek bones, then brings it to the venom receptacle and allows it to bite.

If the snake does not want to voluntarily give up venom, it is stimulated by massaging the venom glands. The operation to take the poison is stopped when it stops flowing from the glands. Venom is taken from snakes every two weeks.

snake poison

Snake venom is produced by the temporal salivary glands and has the appearance of a yellowish transparent liquid. When dried, it retains its poisonous properties for decades.

Snake venom is a complex mixture of proteins that have the properties of enzymes and enzymatic poisons. They contain proteolytic enzymes that destroy proteins, protease and estarase enzymes that clot blood, and a number of others.

According to the nature of poisoning, the venom of Thai snakes can be classified into two groups: neurotoxic and hematovasotoxic. The first group includes cobras, kraits and sea snakes, the second group includes vipers. Neurotoxic poisons, having a curare-like effect, stop neuromuscular transmission, resulting in death from paralysis. Hemovasotoxic poisons cause vascular spasm, followed by vascular permeability, and then swelling of tissues and internal organs. Death is caused by hemorrhage and swelling of parenchymal organs - the liver and kidneys, and in the affected part of the body the internal loss of blood and plasma can amount to several liters.

After being bitten by some types of snakes, a person who does not receive medical care in time can live no more than 30 minutes.


The Thai Red Cross horse farm is located in Hua Hin (near Bangkok). The average lifespan of a horse is 25 years.
and it is used as a donor only from 4 years of age to 10 years of age. Blood from horses for the production of antidotes is taken no more than once a month, and its quantity is

5 6 liters. Despite such an impressive blood draw, the horse’s body is able to quickly restore the number of red blood cells.

The blood plasma is then transported to Bangkok where it is highly purified and tested for safety and effectiveness as required World Organization healthcare.

It must be said that the Thais have great respect for this noble animal. After the horse can no longer be a donor, it is “retired” to special farms, where it lives out its life on full government support.

Dmitry Vozdvizhensky | Photo by Andrey Semashko

The Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus famously said: “All substances are poisons; there is not a single one that is not. The right dose makes the difference between the poison,” and he’s right. Even too much water will kill you. However, some substances require very small amounts to cause death - sometimes just enough for a drop to fall on a gloved hand - which is why they initially fell into the class of poisons. From flowers to heavy metals, from man-made gases to actual poison, here are the 25 most dangerous poisons known to mankind.

25. Cyanide can be in the form of a colorless gas or crystals, but in either case it is quite dangerous. It smells like bitter almonds, and once ingested, it can cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, and weakness in just a few minutes. If left untreated, cyanide kills because cells are deprived of oxygen. And yes, cyanide can be obtained from apple seeds, but don't worry if you eat a few. You will need to eat about ten kernels before you have enough cyanide in your body to have any effect. Negative influence. Please don't do this.

24. Hydrofluoric acid (Fluoric acid) is a poison used, among other things, in the production of Teflon. In its liquid state, this substance can easily seep through the skin into the bloodstream. In the body, it reacts with calcium and can even destroy the underlying bone. The scary part is that the contact doesn't cause any pain at first, leaving more time and opportunity for serious damage to occur.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

23. Arsenic is a naturally occurring crystalline semimetal and perhaps one of the best known and most common poisons used as a murder weapon in the late 19th century. However, its use for such purposes began in the mid-1700s. Arsenic poisoning can cause death within hours or days. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting and diarrhea, which made it difficult to distinguish arsenic poisoning from dysentery or cholera 120 years ago.

Photo: maxpixel

22. Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade is a very poisonous herb (flower) with a very romantic story. What makes it poisonous is an alkaloid called atropine, and the entire plant is poisonous, with the root containing the most poison and the berries the least. However, even two eaten are enough to kill a child. Some people use belladonna for relaxation as a hallucinogen, and in Victorian times women would often drop belladonna tincture into their eyes to dilate their pupils and make their eyes sparkle. Before you die under the influence of belladonna, you may experience a seizure, increased heart rate, and confusion. Don't play with belladonna, kids.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

21. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is an odorless, tasteless, colorless substance and slightly less dense than air. It will poison and then kill you. Part of what makes carbon monoxide so dangerous is that it is difficult to detect; sometimes called the "silent killer". This substance prevents the body from delivering oxygen to where it is needed, such as to cells, to keep them alive and functioning. Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to the flu without fever: headache, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, nausea and confusion. Fortunately, you can purchase a carbon monoxide detector at almost any specialty store.

Photo: wikimedia commons

20. The deadliest tree in all of North America grows in Florida. Otherwise, where else would he grow? The Manchineel tree or Beach apple tree has small green fruits that look like apples and look like they would taste sweet. Don't eat them. And don't touch this tree. Don't sit next to it or under it, and pray you never end up in the wind under it. If the sap gets on your skin, it will blister, and if it gets in your eyes, you may go blind. The juice is contained in both the leaves and the bark, so do not touch them. Probably, the juice of this plant killed the conquistador Ponce de Leon, who discovered Florida.

Photo: nps.gov

19. Fluorine is a pale yellow gas that is highly poisonous, corrosive and will react with almost anything. For fluorine to be lethal, a concentration of 0.000025% is sufficient. It causes blindness and asphyxiates the victim like mustard gas, but its effects are much worse.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

18. The pesticide used is Compound 1080, also known as sodium fluoroacetate. It is found naturally in several plant species in Africa, Brazil and Australia. The scary truth about this deadly, odorless and tasteless poison is that there is no antidote for it. Oddly enough, the bodies of those who die from ingesting this poison remain poisonous for a whole year.

Photo: lizenzhinweisgenerator.de

17. The most dangerous man-made poison is called dioxin, and it only takes 50 micrograms to kill an adult. It is the third most toxic poison known to science, 60 times more toxic than cyanide.

Photo: wikimedia commons

16. Dimethylmercury (a neurotoxin) is a terrible poison because it can penetrate most standard protective equipment, such as thick latex gloves. This is exactly what happened to a female chemist named Karen Wetterhahn in 1996. A single drop of colorless liquid fell on my gloved hand, and that was it. Symptoms began to appear FOUR MONTHS later, and six months later she was dead.

Photo: wikipedia.org

15. Wolfsbane (Fighter) also known as "Monk's Hood", "Wolfsbane", "Leopard's Venom", "Women's Curse", "Devil's Helm", "Queen of Poisons" and "Blue Rocket". In fact, it is an entire genus of over 250 herbs, and most of them are extremely poisonous. The flowers can be either blue or yellow, and while some of the plants are used for traditional medicine, it has also been used as a murder weapon over the past decade.

Photo: maxpixel

14. The toxin found in poisonous mushrooms is called amatoxin. It attacks liver and kidney cells and kills them within a few days. Sometimes it also affects the heart and central nervous system. Treatment is available, but results are not guaranteed. The poison is temperature stable and cannot be removed by drying. So unless you are 100% sure they are safe, don't eat mushrooms.

Photo: maxpixel

13. Anthrax is actually caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. What makes you sick is not so much the bacteria, but the toxin they produce when they enter the body. Bacillus Anthracis can enter your system through the skin, mouth, or respiratory tract. The mortality rate from airborne anthrax reaches 75% even with treatment.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

12. The hemlock plant is a classic poisonous plant that was regularly used for executions in ancient Greece, including the philosopher Socrates. There are several varieties, and in North America, water hemlock is the most common plant. You could die from eating it, but people still do it, thinking hemlock is a perfectly acceptable salad ingredient. Water hemlock causes painful and severe convulsions, cramps and tremors. Those who survive may subsequently suffer amnesia or other long-term problems. Water hemlock is considered the deadliest plant in North America. Serious note: Supervise your children, even older ones, when they are outside. Don't eat anything unless you are 100% sure it is safe.

Photo: flickr.com

11. Strychnine is commonly used to kill small mammals and birds, and is often the main ingredient in rat poison. In large doses, strychnine can also be fatal to humans. It can be swallowed, inhaled, or enter the body through the skin. The first symptoms: painful muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting. Muscle contractions ultimately lead to suffocation. Death can occur within half an hour. This is a very unpleasant way to die, for both humans and rats.

Photo: flickr.com

10. Most of those who understand such things consider maytotoxin to be the most powerful marine toxin. It's found in a dinoflagellate algae called Gambierdiscus toxicus, and if those words confuse you, just think of deadly plankton to get the point across. For mice, meiototoxin is the most toxic among non-protein toxins.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

9. Mercury, the silvery liquid in old school thermometers, is a heavy metal that is quite toxic to humans if inhaled or touched. If you touch it, it can cause your skin to peel off, and if you inhale the mercury vapor, it will eventually shut down your central nervous system and you will die. Before then you will probably experience renal failure, memory loss, brain damage and blindness.

Photo: flickr.com

8. Polonium is a radioactive chemical element and has been implicated in the deaths of everyone from Yasser Arafat to Russian dissidents. Its most common form is 250,000 times more toxic than hydrocyanic acid. It is radioactive and emits alpha particles (they are not compatible with organic tissues). Alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, so polonium must be ingested or injected into the victim. However, if this happens, the result will not be long in coming. One theory is that a gram of polonium 210 could kill up to ten million people if injected or ingested, causing first radiation poisoning and then cancer.

Photo: flickr.com

7. Suicide tree or Cerbera odollam acts by disturbing the natural rhythm of the heart and often causing death. A member of the same family as Oleander, the plant was often used to perform the "innocence test" in Madagascar. An estimated 3,000 people a year died from drinking Cerberus poison before the practice was outlawed in 1861. (If you survived, you were found innocent. If you died, it didn't matter because you were dead).

Photo: wikipedia.org

6. Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, and it is an incredibly powerful neurotoxin. It causes paralysis, which can lead to death. You may know botulinum toxin by its commercial name, Botox. Yes, that's what the doctor injects into your mom's forehead to make it less wrinkled (or into her neck to help with migraines) to cause muscle paralysis.

Photo: flickr.com

5. Pufferfish is considered a delicacy in some countries, where it is called Fugu; it's a dish that some would literally die for. Why? Because the insides of the fish contain tetrodotoxin, and in Japan, approximately 5 people a year die from eating puffer fish as a result of improper preparation technology. But gourmets continue to persist.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

4. Sarin gas will give you the opportunity to survive the worst moments of your life. Your chest tightens, tighter, tighter, and then... it relaxes because you are dead. Although Sarin was outlawed in 1995, it has not stopped being used in terrorist attacks.

Photo: flickr

3. Golden Poison Arrow Frog - Tiny, adorable and quite dangerous. Just one frog the size of the end of your thumb contains enough neurotoxin to kill ten people! A dose equal to about two grains of salt is enough to kill an adult. This is why some Amazon tribes used poison to coat the tips of their hunting arrows. One touch of such an arrow will kill you within minutes! Here's a great rule: if you see a frog and it's yellow, blue, green or red, don't touch it.

Photo: maxpixel

2. Ricin is more lethal than anthrax. This substance is obtained from the castor bean, the same plant from which we obtain castor oil. This poison is especially toxic if inhaled, and a pinch of it will kill you very quickly.

Photo: wikimedia commons

1. Codenamed “Purple Possum”, a VX gas, is the most powerful nerve gas on Earth. It is entirely man-made and we can thank the United Kingdom for that. It was technically banned in 1993, and the US allegedly destroyed its stockpile. Other countries are “working on it.” Which we should trust completely because governments are known to be 100% honest about these things.

Photo: wikimedia commons

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