Shchetinin Mikhail Strelnikova breathing exercises. Breathing exercises by Strelnikova. Breathe correctly, improve your health Breathing bristles gymnastics Strelnikova 1000 bread baking

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Mikhail Shchetinin
Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

© Shchetinin M.N.

© AST Publishing House LLC

From the author

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova was created at the turn of the 20-30s of the last century in our country and after a decade and a half it was a complex breathing exercises, involving in active work not only the respiratory organs, but also the entire body as a whole, all parts of the body from head to toe.

The official “birthday” of Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises is April 29, 1941. I quote the document from People's Commissariat Healthcare, stored in the archives of A.N. Strelnikova: “Your proposal entitled “Method of treating asthma with breathing exercises” was received by the Bureau of Inventions of the Technical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR on April 29, 1941, registered under No. 4268 and sent for conclusion...”

But the war began, and the country had no time for Strelnikov gymnastics. And only in 1972, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received author’s certificate No. 411865 for “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice.” I emphasize – “METHOD OF TREATMENT”, not recovery. Certificate of usefulness was given by the clinic of the Bolshoi Theater, the ENT office of the Institute named after. Gnesins and the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky.

Alexandra Nikolaevna understood perfectly well that the gymnastics she invented was THEREAL. That is, she doesn’t just “knead” and “train” the body like any other physical exercise which are done in the morning after sleep or during physical education classes in schools and educational institutions. And it has a healing effect, first of all, on the respiratory organs and with them on the entire body as a whole. Here are the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary system; diseases of the endocrine and nervous system and much, much more. That is why next to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova there were always doctors who not only treated themselves, treated their children and grandchildren with this unusually effective gymnastics, but also tested its effect on various organs and systems in the medical institutions in which they worked.

Having been using Strelnikovsky breathing exercises at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for more than 25 years, I never cease to admire its truly miraculous properties in the treatment of various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Fulfilling the will of my teacher, I patented the gymnastics she invented with three patents for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Again, for TREATMENT, not recovery. Over the course of her half-century of collaboration with doctors, Alexandra Nikolaevna has always listened to their opinions and advice when treating diseases (and who doesn’t have them now?!..) that require professional medical knowledge. She was always happy when doctors referred their patients to us, strongly recommending that they do Strelnikovsky breathing exercises. A.N. Strelnikova also treated instructors, physical education teachers, and heads of various sports sections with respect. But she was absolutely convinced that their knowledge and practical experience were applicable in fitness, aerobics and sports, and not in medicine. And ONLY doctors should treat her with therapeutic exercises.

That is why I am ready to teach this unique treatment technique to doctors who know the anatomy and physiology of the human body and are able to provide assistance to patients with a variety of diseases. And not only the respiratory system.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

“The only thing I have in life is my gymnastics and my Misha!”

“Our gymnastics is an absolutely independent healing system. It should not be combined with any other healing techniques. If the author of another method reinforces his system with Strelnikov’s exercises, then his “creation” is either ineffective or completely useless!..”

A.N. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova (1912–1989) – opera singer, theater teacher. In the 1930s she was a soloist at the opera house under the direction of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Having lost singing voice, developed together with her mother A.S. Strelnikov's complex of breathing exercises, which later turned into a harmonious health system. And now this system is successfully used in the treatment of a number of different diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, central nervous system.

But like many inventors, Alexandra Nikolaevna had to go through a difficult path from the rejection of her method by official medicine to nationwide popularity.

She was an absolutely healthy woman before her last day, when she tragically died in a traffic accident. She was 77 years old.

But she left her life’s work – unique breathing exercises – to us, her compatriots. She passed on and bequeathed her discoveries to her student, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin.

They met when Mikhail Shchetinin was a student at the directing department. He came with his misfortune - his voice completely disappeared. With the help of Strelnikovsky gymnastics, he not only regained his lost voice, but also restored nasal breathing and got rid of bronchial asthma. Amazing gymnastics captivated him with its truly ingenious simplicity and effectiveness. Since then, he has become a follower of Strelnikova, her devoted student and assistant. Following her instructions, he receives a second, medical education and is now completely “immersed” in medicine, testing “singing” breathing exercises into an unusually effective non-drug therapeutic method.

When Alexandra Strelnikova was once asked at a press conference if she had any students, she said: “The only thing I have in life is my gymnastics and my Misha!” Mikhail Shchetinin was next to his teacher for the last 12 years of her life. Alexandra Nikolaevna taught him how to stop an attack in a choking asthmatic, how to help the heart, how to get rid of prostatitis, prostate adenoma and impotence, how to deal with severely ill patients bedridden, how to restore flexibility to the spine and joints, how to make the speech of a stutterer smooth, improve the sound of an actor or singer's voice.

Currently, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin is actively popularizing the Strelnikova method in the press, on radio and television, and is successfully introducing it into the practice of medical institutions. Mikhail Nikolaevich has preserved the richest archive of Alexandra Nikolaevna: her notes, photographs, joint sketches and developments of new exercises. She could have done a lot more, but she didn’t have time...

Mikhail Shchetinin is a spiritually generous and selfless person. He does not skimp on good things: he has given numerous free lectures for the elderly and disabled, free classes with seriously ill children in tuberculosis clinics, and emergency telephone consultations for patients in critical conditions.

Mikhail Nikolaevich says that he happy man: he was cured himself, he saves others. Shchetinin’s patients are very grateful to the tireless propagandist and talented student of Alexandra Strelnikova. And there are more and more supporters of Strelnikov-style health improvement every day. After all, Shchetinin gives free lectures in centers social services(CSO), children's centers, centers for disabled children, kindergartens and schools, military units. And every time his listeners are amazed at the amazing effectiveness of paradoxical breathing exercises. And no wonder: Strelnikova’s gymnastics makes it possible, with the help of simple breathing exercises, to improve the condition of almost any disease in a short time.

Dear readers, we wish you good health and success in mastering Strelnikovsky breathing exercises!

O.S. Kopylova - presenter of the program “Dialogues about health” on Radio Russia.

Review by Egorkina N.D.

IN modern world There is no shortage of breathing exercises, and doctors use different techniques. I, a phthisiopulmonologist, over my many years of practice have used many techniques in the treatment of patients with bronchopulmonary pathology, but for more than thirty years I have unconditionally given preference to the breathing exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. Why?

Firstly, this gymnastics is amazingly effective!

Secondly, the exercises are accessible to almost everyone, regardless of age and psychophysical status.

Thirdly, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises can be performed anywhere (at home, in a medical facility, at work, while traveling...) and in any way (lying, standing, sitting...)

After the tragic death of Alexandra Nikolaevna, with whom we were close friends and collaborated for many years, Mikhail Shchetinin, Strelnikova’s only and long-term student, became the successor of her ascetic work. He, a physician by training, is fluent in all the nuances of exercises and is a highly qualified specialist. Moreover, for decades he has been applying, developing and adapting this therapeutic complex for each patient, depending on his age and severity of the disease. That is why, having more than thirty years of experience in using this gymnastics in medical practice (for patients and for myself personally), I periodically turn to Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin for help, and I continue to learn from him.

Why to him? The answer is simple: only M.N. Shchetinin is the bearer of the original method, who received it from the hands of the author and preserved all the best and valuable. In Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, the most basic and necessary thing to obtain a therapeutic effect is precisely the exercise technique, without amateur performances and lazy manipulations. And here Mikhail Nikolaevich is a standard and mentor, helping to discern and correct mistakes and shortcomings that are invisible to amateurs. He, like no one else, feels the line between a possible compromise and an impossible simplification that negates the efforts of a person practicing the breathing complex of A. N. Strelnikova.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation,

Egorkina Nadezhda Dmitrievna

Review by Severin A.E.

We owe the emergence and development of breathing exercises that restore the voice and improve the functions of various organs and systems of the human body to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. Therefore, gymnastics deservedly bears her name. The use of Strelnikova’s gymnastics in patients, the spread of gymnastics in Russia and abroad is the merit of the only student and successor of the work of A.N. Strelnikova - Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin. With the name of Mikhail Nikolaevich and thanks to his selfless activity, gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova gained truly national popularity.

Currently, not all therapeutic effects of gymnastics have been studied and understood. However, its use, without a doubt, brings great benefits to many, many people, allowing one to refuse drug therapy or, at least, reduce the dose of drugs. Thousands of people breathing “like Strelnikova” under the leadership of her student M.N. Shchetinin indicate a significant therapeutic effect. It is important to correctly apply the technique, learn proper breathing under the supervision of a specialist, and then practice independently. And many ailments will recede. Breathe according to Strelnikova’s method and you will not only preserve, but also significantly strengthen your health!

Severin Alexander Evgenievich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department normal physiology of the Medical Institute of RUDN University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Review by Evfimievskaya Z.V.

Unfortunately, many people relate to A.N.’s gymnastics. Strelnikova as for regular physical exercise: he went out to the stadium, waved his arms and legs, and everything was fine - he improved his health! Actually this is not true. Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is a serious method of treatment. And here an individual approach to each patient is very important. It is important not only to correctly perform the breathing exercise technique, but also to observe a strict tempo-rhythm and dose the load, taking into account the age characteristics of each patient, his diagnosis, anamnesis, physical condition at this moment. Therefore, it is very important to obtain qualified assistance from a specialist who is fluent in this method. So far there is only one such specialist - Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin. He was next to the author of this gymnastics for 12 years, is the only official successor of its work and knows this technique perfectly.

My deepest conviction is the gymnastics of A.N. Strelnikova should only be practiced by doctors who have been trained in this technique directly by M.N. Shchetinina.

Phthisiopediatrician, doctor of the highest category,

Honored Doctor of Russia Z.V. Evfimyevskaya

Review by Anokhin M.I.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was lucky with her student. It is possible that her wonderful technique would have been forgotten if M.N. had not energetically promoted it with his publications and speeches on radio and television. Shchetinin. Thanks to him, millions of people are successfully practicing Strelnikova’s gymnastics today.

Over the three decades during which his teacher was not around, he, following her behests, not only preserved the unique healing technique in the author’s version, but also in every possible way protects it from various kinds of distortions and interpretations.

Over more than twenty years of collaboration with M.N. Shchetinin, I became convinced that this healing method should only be practiced by doctors. Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova herself wanted this, registering her gymnastics in the State Register of the USSR as a “Method of TREATING diseases associated with loss of voice.”

Chief Specialist

Moscow Health Department on functional diagnostics in children,

Chief specialist in non-drug treatment of bronchial asthma, Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor M.I. Anokhin

Strelnikova’s gymnastics: physiological foundations and results

Anokhin M.I., Severin A.E., Shchetinin M.N.

Department of Normal Physiology, RUDN University, Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

A special feature of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (DGS) is the combination of physical exercises with sharp breaths through the nose. At the same time, airway clearance improves and pressure in the pulmonary circulation decreases. The effectiveness of DGS, confirmed by spirometry, is shown in the treatment of 30 children with moderate-severe bronchial asthma. Observations were also carried out on 1000 patients with various diseases who had been practicing DGS for many years.

Key words: breathing, exercises, non-drug therapy, bronchial asthma.


Department of normal physiology PFUR. Moscow, Russia Abstract. Exercises of Strelnikova (ES) are a combination of exercises with strictly nasal fast breath-in. Forced inspirations through the nose hasten a clearance of airways and decrease a lung arterial pressure. Under the control of spirometry we have demonstrated an effectiveness of ES in 30 children with bronchial asthma. Also it has watched 1000 patients with different diseases practiced ES for many years.

Keywords: breathing, exercises, therapy without medications, bronchial asthma.

In gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova (DGS) intensive movements of the arms and the whole body are combined with short sharp inhalations through the nose, while exhalation is passive through the mouth. Experience shows that DGS is quite effective in chronic lung diseases, especially bronchial asthma (BA). Although physical activity provokes an attack, the positive effects of short exercise in this disease have also been described.

It is very important that the therapeutic effect of most non-drug methods weakens after 2-3 years of use, obviously due to the fact that the placebo effect plays a major role in them. Such weakening is not observed with DGS, and patients continue to exercise sometimes for decades. The popularity of DHS is growing every year.

Among the pathophysiological mechanisms of DGS, we note a decrease in systemic blood pressure and acceleration of clearance of the upper respiratory tract, while the level of CO 2 in the exhaled air does not decrease. Acceleration of clearance (cleaning) of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during DHS has been proven using the “saccharin test” and it improves the evacuation of mucus, which is useful for patients with bronchopulmonary pathology.

The condition of 1000 patients who practiced DGS for 6 months was monitored. up to 20 years. The best clinical results were obtained in asthma (147 patients), diseases of the nasopharynx (109), logoneurosis (29), as well as in chronic prostatitis (14) and enuresis (6). 30 children aged 10–13 years with moderate-severe atopic asthma, who had been ill for more than 5 years, underwent DGS courses of 12 sessions under the control of spirometry. Improvement was noted in all patients, and seasonal exacerbations of asthma in the future were easier for all and required less drug treatment. Spirometric indicators underwent positive dynamics.

Getting rid of snoring with the help of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova

Shchetinin M.N. 1 , Shchetinina A.M. 1 , Severin A.E., Anokhin M.I.

1 Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

2 Russian University friendship of peoples 1

Orthodox Lyceum under the Moscow Patriarchate, Moscow, Russia

The use of breathing exercises by A.N. is analyzed. Strelnikova to eliminate obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Key words: Sleep apnea, prevention, gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova, snoring.


Schetinin M.N. 1 , Shchetinina A.M. 1 , North in A.E. 2 , Anokhin M.l.

1 Research Institute of Tuberculosis 2 PFUR

1 Orthodox Lyceum of Moscow Patriarchate, Moscow, Russia

Analyzers application date gymnastics of A. N. Relay to eliminate obstruction sleep apnea and grape.

Keywords: sleep Apnea, prevention, gymnastics of A.N. Strelnikova, snoring.

There is a completely unfair opinion that snoring is not a particularly pleasant phenomenon, but is completely safe for humans. In fact, severe snoring during sleep predicts the development of a disease called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is a disease characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. One of the causes of sleep apnea is a decrease in the tone of the genioglossus muscle and other muscles of the nasopharynx, retraction of the root of the tongue and the inability to inhale with the usual effort of the respiratory muscles. As their contraction increases, inhalation becomes possible, but it is accompanied by snoring, which is not only an inconvenience, but also a serious symptom of respiratory failure. Treatment and prevention of this type of pathology, in addition to the use of special breathing apparatus (CPAP therapy), also includes various phonation exercises. Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova can also have a significant effect in this pathology. Voluntary diaphragmatic breathing through the nose, used in gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova at a high tempo in combination with a blockade of costal breathing, allows you to activate the reflex contraction of the geniohyoid muscle (m. geniohyoideus) and other muscles of the diaphragm of the mouth, which arise when the diaphragm contracts. These contractions relieve pressure from the root of the tongue on the epiglottis and free the larynx for inhalation. Inhalation through the nose plays a big role. Multiple repetitions of exercises during gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova strengthens the reflex and subsequently increases the tone of the geniohyoid muscle. With regular breathing exercises, A.N. Strelnikov's sleep improves, and manifestations of obstructive sleep apnea are stopped.

Physiological rationale for therapeutic and recreational gymnastics by Strelnikova

M.I. Anokhin, A.E. Severin, M.N. Shchetinin, Clinic of Children's Diseases MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov, Department of Physiology, RUDN University, Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Effective drug treatment for many diseases, which appeared in the 20th century, did not completely solve the problem, for example, allergic diseases and, in particular, bronchial asthma. Also, in healing and strengthening the body, a healthy lifestyle, sports and therapeutic exercises are more important than medications.

In Strelnikova’s technique, when practiced by an experienced methodologist, there is always a psychotherapeutic element, but it is based on certain positive physiological effects. Using the “saccharin test,” it was proven that forced breathing through the nose dramatically improves blood circulation in the respiratory tract, and as a result, the cleansing of the respiratory tract is accelerated. The second mechanism is a decrease in the average pressure in the lungs during forced breathing through the nose. As a result, systemic blood pressure also decreases, which is useful for hypertension. In addition to forced breathing, movement (physical education) and changing the breathing pattern are also important in Strelnikova’s therapeutic gymnastics. All this explains the effectiveness and advantages of this gymnastics over other non-drug treatment methods, in particular, bronchial asthma, and allows us to classify the technique as what is now called “evidence-based medicine.”

The technique has been used in several thousand patients with various diseases, about a third of whom are children with bronchial asthma.


In 1996, the leading dermatologist in our city gave me a terrible diagnosis: psoriasis. However, she said that it is impossible to cure this disease. I was registered at the dispensary and was prescribed injections, tablets, ointments, and quartz to relieve the itching. But the relief was short-lived.

Every year my condition worsened. The disease began to progress: large scaly sores were already creeping up on the face and ears, not to mention the fact that the whole body was covered with them.

In 2001 I learned about Dr. M.N. Shchetinin and about breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova. I turned to Mikhail Nikolaevich with my problem. He gave me an affirmative answer that with the help of breathing exercises I would get rid of my illness.

After the first days of classes, an aggravation occurred: the arms, stomach, back, ears became covered with a small red continuous rash, accompanied by severe itching.

“Where have you taken me? - I told my mother. “I won’t go to the doctor anymore!” With great difficulty, my mother persuaded me to continue treatment.

With each subsequent lesson I became better and better. Gradually the itching went away, the rash disappeared and first the legs, knees, hands, and then the elbows became clear. After 15 daily sessions (I diligently performed the exercises 3 times a day), the result exceeded all my expectations. My skin completely cleared up and I felt like a full-fledged person. After all, I was sick for 5 years, constantly wore trousers and sweaters with long sleeves to hide red spots on the body. And she recovered in a matter of days thanks to breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova.

And I want to say that for two and a half years now, thanks to the breathing exercises of A.N. Strelnikova (although I do it irregularly), my psoriasis has not returned.

In September 2003, Ella went to the Sea of ​​Azov with her husband and son. Returning back through Moscow, she attended several of my treatment sessions, demonstrating excellent exercise technique and her beautiful appearance.


Over the past 3 years, various “sores” have begun to overcome me. After I was on sick leave for 2 weeks, injected intravenously with paracetam, gained 4 kg, and then they prescribed me a lot more injections and pills for three months, I decided to overcome my laziness. I saw your book in the store and bought it. Although I am generally against breathing exercises without an instructor, I tried it and felt that it was for me.

After starting gymnastics, my heart rate once increased to 100 beats. I did “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. After 10 minutes, the pulse became 70, and there were no more cases of rise. From the first exercises, I felt pain first appear in the center of the head (where the parting is usually), then in the back of the head, spread to the back, then to the buttocks and went down the legs. During the next lesson, the shoulder on my arm, which was broken at the wrist, hurt. Then more pain appeared and went away in those places where something once hurt.

On the tenth day of classes, visible changes began. My hair is completely gray, I am a dyed brown-haired woman. When I started classes, my undyed hair had grown 1 cm, the contrast was clearly visible. So, the hair on the top of the head darkened from the midline about five centimeters. And if you part it further down, your hair turns gray and turns black after a few hairs. My natural hair was closer to black. I wanted to wait until it was completely dark, but I dyed it. True, she boasted and demonstrated her success to many of her friends.

Now, after a month of training 2 times a day, I have achieved the following results:

Part of the hair has darkened;

The whites of the eyes became whiter, otherwise they were more like “dirty yolks”;

Shortness of breath when getting up has disappeared, and if something appears, I quickly relieve it with gymnastics;

The condition of the facial skin has improved;

I became calmer.


Diagnosis: chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component, chronic runny nose, periodic headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression (she buried her husband in October 1998), osteochondrosis (especially in cervical spine spine).

On February 28, 1999, while passing by the Central House of Culture of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, I noticed an announcement about the People’s University of Health and its meeting on the topic “Breathing gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova." Lecturer - Dr. M.N. Shchetinin. This interested me. I went in and found out about the existence of gymnastics, which I had never heard of. M.N. Shchetinin showed (and the whole hall did it) the first 4 exercises from his just published book. When I went outside, I noticed that I was breathing differently... I wanted to breathe only through my nose, which was constantly blocked and I had to breathe through my mouth (as a child, my mother, on the doctor’s recommendation, did not cut out my adenoids).

The next day I bought a book at the store and read it from cover to cover. I immediately realized that this was what I needed. Before this, I had never been treated by anyone or anything, even by sorcerers and psychics, not to mention ordinary doctors. I myself am a pharmacist and worked in a pharmacy for 28 years.

At Dr. M.N. Shchetinina I underwent a course of treatment in 12 sessions and since then I have been doing exercises 2 times a day for half an hour, morning and evening. I can say in one phrase: “I wanted to live on this sow!!!” The headache disappeared, I stopped feeling magnetic storms, the runny nose disappeared (breathing only through the nose), blood pressure was 120/80 (I measure it every day), depression disappeared, my performance increased, I stopped feeling my spine, shortness of breath went away (I run like a girl), when I cough ( if this happens) she stopped suffocating.

March is the hardest month of the year for me. At Dr. M.N. I trained in Shchetinina in March, and it flew by for me like one day. My deepest bow to Mikhail Nikolaevich for radically changing my life.

In November 2003, T.A. Barsova was with me for a control treatment session. I feel great, my condition is stable. Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova practices every day.


I have been doing breathing exercises using the method of A.N. for 2 years now. Strelnikova. Thank you for continuing her work. Unfortunately, many people do not realize how much they are missing out on in their lives by missing out on this excellent technique. Thus, they damage their health by swallowing pills instead of 25-30 minutes of breathing exercises!

More than 2 years ago my cousin Galya, who lives in St. Petersburg, told me about this gymnastics over the phone and explained the exercises. This interested me because my sister suffered a serious illness - partial paralysis of the right side of her body. Doctors she knew recommended she do breathing exercises. Behind short term my sister restored herself using this method, she still does not part with this gymnastics, recommends it to her family, friends, etc. Full of energy, walks and runs in heels, looks younger, her appearance has changed in the best possible way.

Now about myself: fatigue, joint pain, blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, vision, memory, skin, bones, headaches, cardiovascular dystonia, colds, flu, weak immunity - all this affects our age, interferes live.

Literally a few days after communicating with my sister, I turn on the radio and hear your voice speaking about Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, your teacher (blessed her memory!) and her words: “You need to do breathing exercises from birth to death.”

Over the past 2 years I celebrate positive results: cheerfulness, joint pain has subsided, blood pressure is normal, the gastrointestinal tract does not bother me, my vision has improved, my memory is stronger, there are no headaches, my skin has become firm and elastic, my bones are less fragile, I don’t get colds, flus are not scary. Now there are no epidemics for me. Energy allows you to do everything around the house. Live alone. The kitchen renovation was done a month ago. I did it myself, without helpers. And what kind of repair is better than hack specialists! Money saved for other purposes... And all this thanks to breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova.

Every person who loves himself and loves his neighbors is obliged to take care of his health. The nation must be healthy and attractive in all its manifestations. A healthy nation helps not only itself, but also its state. The state is us! Strong, strong, healthy, beautiful, successful in school and business!

P.S. Being 68 years old, even young people are surprised how I have preserved myself: I look no older than 55. My answer to everyone: breathing exercises every day!


I had fluctuating blood pressure for a long time. The upper numbers reached 240 units, in addition, I suffered from a cough and severe headaches. I was prescribed drug therapy, but there was no improvement, although I took the medications regularly.

She was sent for examination to the consultative and diagnostic center of the War Veterans Hospital No. 3, then to the “Integral Medicine” center, Cardiology Dispensary, Cardiology Center, etc.

Diagnosis: stage II hypertension, aortic atherosclerosis, cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.

In addition, I suffered from severe coughing attacks for many years. I work as a teacher at an institute. The load on the vocal cords is enormous. The cough really bothered me - it created additional stress on the blood vessels of the brain. From the beginning of this year there was a sharp deterioration, and from February 1 I was no longer able to go to work.

All the proposed drug therapy did not bring any improvement. I was offered to apply for disability.

In April I was admitted to the hospital. Solovyov, from where I was discharged after 40 days without the slightest improvement in my health.

In such a deplorable state in May, I went to Strelnikovsky breathing exercises classes with Dr. M.N. Shchetinin. I could not breathe normally due to an almost continuous cough, and I could not tilt my head down due to high blood pressure. In addition, I was hampered by a severe cold that appeared during an examination at the cardiology center.

I performed the first breaths and the first movements with difficulty, but for me this gymnastics was almost the last hope. And I did everything that M.N. recommended to me. Shchetinin. After 3 weeks, the cough disappeared and the headaches decreased. The head became light and clear. Almost simultaneously with the start of classes, the need to take medicines disappeared despite the fact that I was prescribed to take them constantly and in a fairly large dosage.

Gradually, I stopped feeling sick, had a surge of energy, increased efficiency, and decreased fatigue. I returned to the normal working rhythm of life. Over the last 3 weeks I have started swimming, which was out of the question before. I swim freely, easily, I swim 600-800 meters with pleasure and I want to swim more.

I perform a set of exercises according to the Strelnikova system twice a day - morning and evening. Each session lasts approximately 25 minutes and I enjoy the workout. Indeed, the old saying is true: “Health is good - thanks to exercise!” Thanks to gymnastics Strelnikova!!!

For the last 2 years, Irina Aleksandrovna has periodically shown herself to me during control sessions. Her health condition is stable.


I got sick 4 years ago. In early May, as always on her feet, she suffered from an acute respiratory infection, but after the illness she continued to cough. By autumn, with the onset of cold weather, difficulty breathing appeared when walking quickly. In November, I woke up at night from a severe coughing attack, which I had difficulty stopping with soda inhalation. I went to the doctor and the examination began. The cough did not stop, sputum periodically came out, and without receiving treatment, she rubbed her chest and shoulder blades with lard.

By the following spring, the pulmonologist made a diagnosis: bronchial asthma of a mixed form of mild course in remission, pulmonary emphysema. Recommended treatment: ditek, ketotifen. And after another protracted attack, treatment was prescribed: Trichopolum, Kestin, Ventolin, Tailed...

In the fall, I turned to Buteyko. She was trained in his breathing technique, after which she continued without taking inhaler medications with shallow breathing from October 1998 until April 1999. In the second half of April, she again felt difficulty breathing and began taking Ventolin. Breathing worsened, and at the next visit the pulmonologist again prescribed anti-inflammatory treatment - taking inhalers (ventolin-bekatide) 3-4 times a day. Bekatide was prescribed to be taken for at least a month. During a severe attack at the end of May, a diagnosis was made: bronchial asthma of a mixed form of moderate severity - exacerbation, chronic, obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema.

In the fall of 1999, I attended an asthma school, where we were told in an affirmative form that bronchial asthma is incurable - only the inflammatory process is treated, how and by what means - they explained to us during the training process. They were convinced that taking hormonal treatment through inhalers was not harmful to health. They provided us with relevant literature and brochures for the proposed medications.

No matter how hard I tried to improve my health with the help of the proposed treatment, my general condition did not improve, but on the contrary. The time has come when I realized that by intensifying hormonal treatment I will not achieve positive results, they lead me to a dead end, my health is getting worse, but how can I give up hormones?

My medical friends tried to help me with their recommendations. I took flummucil for 6 months, and then 2 more every day, a series food additives for the immune system. It was recommended to see a homeopath. The homeopath, conducting diagnostics, said that all my bronchi were clogged with phlegm and there was an infection in my body. Long-term treatment was prescribed from November 2000, and subsequently the homeopath approved my desire to do Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. I learned the whole set of exercises, but their implementation was difficult - difficulty breathing and weakness got in the way. I realized that without the help of Dr. Mikhail Nakolaevich Shchetinin it would be difficult and difficult for me to overcome my illness.

After calling the doctor, I received permission to undergo treatment under his supervision. At the first lesson at the end of December, I was surprised that I was able to complete all the exercises allowed to me at the required tempo-rhythm. But then at home I felt worse, now I realized that it was an exacerbation. By this time, I had been taking homeopathy for the third month, gave up hormones, and instead sharply increased my intake of Ventolin (up to 7 times a day), otherwise I could not breathe.

At the beginning of April 2001, I attended another lesson with Mikhail Nakolaevich. Before this arrival, not wanting to part with therapeutic gymnastics, carefully, overcoming my painful condition, 3-5 exercises at a time, adding one at a time, often sitting, I went to the full range of exercises. And yet, the first classes were about overcoming my illness. The doctor's strong desire to get better and his talent did their job. My dreams began to come true. I didn’t believe myself and was afraid to rejoice out loud. Ventolin intake began to drop sharply to 1-2 times a day. And then the day came when I took Ventolin for the last time. It was May 9, 2001, halfway through the course of treatment. The exercises turned into pleasure: the knowledge that after them I would feel even better, the ease of doing the exercises (without much effort, just attention) attracted me with an attractive force.

Now I breathe freely again, sing my favorite songs, and lead the same active lifestyle. I don’t stop doing breathing exercises, as expected: at least 2 times a day. I hope to continue to improve my health in the future.

I am eternally grateful to Dr. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, his kindness, love for people and the obsession with which he takes the Hippocratic Oath. I sincerely wish Mikhail Nikolaevich that his life’s work is Russian breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova - took its rightful place in Russian medicine, so that the doctor would have many like-minded people, assistants and followers, so that more and more people could practice and be treated by this miracle gymnastics.

I wish that our traditional medicine, represented by the leaders on whom the implementation of Strelnikov breathing exercises depends, pays the most serious attention to the obvious benefits of this technique and abandons an ambitious attitude towards what has not been sufficiently researched.

In the spring of 2003, A.B. Kretova came for a control treatment session. Her condition remains stable.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich! I’m telling you how Strelnikova’s breathing exercises helped me get rid of the following diseases: chronic bronchitis, cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, radiculitis, chronic runny nose, gastritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pain in the gall bladder.

After an illness suffered in childhood (dry pleurisy), a scar formed on the right lung. Whenever I took a deep breath, I always felt severe pain in my right side. Only thanks to breathing exercises did this scar resolve, as fluorography showed. I have been doing breathing exercises since the very beginning of your radio lectures. I still continue to do it every day for 30 minutes in the morning and evening, doing the whole range of exercises. I bought 8 books “Breathing Gymnastics by Strelnikova” and sent them by mail to my relatives who live in different regions of our country.

Let them, like me, be treated without any drugs and medications that do not help, but only poison our body. I thank you with all my heart, Mikhail Nikolaevich, for a unique method of treatment that brings health to many people!


At 68 years old, I felt completely disabled. Myocardial infarction, stomach ulcers and many other major and minor health problems are a thing of the past.

By the time I became acquainted with the treatment method of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova and personally with Mikhail Nakolaevich Shchetinin, I already had a group II disability due to severe hypertension, coronary heart disease and mixed asthma.

A battery of bottles and boxes of pills was my constant companion and did not always save me from frequent attacks of angina. Being an active, athletic person in the past, I could not walk 100 meters without shortness of breath.

I searched unsuccessfully for a way out. Desperate, I started Strelnikovskaya gymnastics classes without faith in success. Studying first from the book, and then in person with Mikhail Nikolaevich, I experienced uncertainty and fear. During the third lesson, a turning point occurred. Against the background of heavy breathing and weakness, with a fairly large load in the exercises for me, I suddenly felt relief, increasing vigor. A fulcrum appeared, an opportunity to fight for a normal existence.

The improvement in my condition was rapid. After 4 months of classes, I did without a single pill. The pressure is always normal. I can withstand physical activity no worse than my healthy peers.

I bow to the genius of two wonderful women - Alexandra Severovna and Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikov! Without a medical education, using the centuries-old experience of singing voice directors and on the inspiration characteristic of all creative people, they discovered a simple and accessible method of healing for everyone. The dedication of their student Mikhail Nakolaevich Shchetinin evokes a feeling of surprise and deep gratitude. Communication with him during classes greatly enhances the success of treatment. There is no continuous scientific research in his book. This book by a practicing physician is a precious gift to a sick person.

It is deeply puzzling that such a successful method has not yet been studied by the luminaries of our medicine and is not supported by the official leadership. One can understand why Soviet time persecuted A.N. Strelnikov. But even now the situation has changed little.

As a doctor, I can imagine why this treatment is so successful. Paradoxical breathing in combination with tension of various muscle groups allows you to consciously influence the walls of the pulmonary vesicles. A unique opportunity is created to control the vast capillary network of the lungs. From my point of view, it is fair to call this gymnastics also vascular. First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the pulmonary capillaries and then has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels of other organs and tissues.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics allows you to influence the processes of restoration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which are disrupted in patients suffering from shortness of breath (hyperventilation). Thus, the formation of oxygen tightly bound in red blood cells is reduced. Therefore, it is clear why this method is successful in a number of diseases.


Over the years, she has acquired a whole bunch of diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, thickening of the maxillary sinuses, swelling of the nasal mucosa. The nose was practically unable to breathe. Constant colds... The nails on my feet became yellowish-brown, not straight, but clumsy.

In the city of Mytishchi there is a health school at the Palace of Culture. M.N. Shchetinin was invited to give a lecture and give a practical session. That’s how I learned about Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. I had hope of restoring nasal breathing. I bought the book and started doing Strelnikov breathing exercises on my own at home. Soon I turned to M.N. Shchetinin, completed the entire course of therapeutic breathing exercises. Nasal breathing appeared, and cervicothoracic osteochondrosis disappeared. To my surprise, normal, smooth white nails began to grow on my feet. I thought that nails become so clumsy with age, but it turns out - nothing like that!


Dear Mikhail! You asked to write about the details of my healing many years ago with the help of the miraculous gymnastics of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

Contrary to my wishes, I had to graduate from a technical university. But when I started working as an engineer, I realized that I can’t! She cried and tossed about. It was impossible to relearn. My husband studied (after the army), my son grew up - what a learning experience! And suddenly they suggested that I could work as a tour guide. This is already in Tallinn. At first they didn’t even take me to the courses! Non-partisan... And they didn’t hire me. And I already realized - this is mine! I worked with gusto and saw how much people, especially children, enjoyed it! I loved one and knew how to work with children. But finally, with torment, I got settled. And suddenly... After a severe flu, I went out early “to the panel,” as we joked, for a walking tour, strained my voice so that everyone could hear (the groups were huge, and there was also a compressor working nearby), and something cracked in my throat!

And I started visiting doctors. Threatened - search engineering work, again hateful hard labor. Mom accidentally saw a note in the newspaper with A. Mironov, I wrote a long pitiful letter to Alexandra Nikolaevna (at the address of the Mossovet Theater). A month later I received a postcard with the hasty line “Come at least for a few days,” and the address on the back!

Again a miracle! The bitch director was away, and her deputy treated me well. And then she allowed me to take Friday and Monday at my own expense.

So I had 4 days! With bated breath, in my best jersey suit (it was May 1973 or 1974 - I don’t remember), I looked for the A.N. Clinic. Strelnikova. If she treats “people like” Mironov, then it’s probably a whole complex! Naive - we had this, and even in Soviet times! It turned out that it was a wooden house, with 2 walk-through rooms! There's a line outside. In the first room there is a piano, behind the piano there is a gray-haired woman, very middle-aged (she was over 80, it seems) - Alexandra Nikolaevna’s mother, and above the piano there is a portrait of a beauty in a luxurious dress (it seems something pink and white). He works with the singers and tells something (I remember, about a barren woman whom she forced to breathe while squatting and who then gave birth). In the next room, in the middle, our beautiful Alexandra Nikolaevna is sitting on a high chair, surrounded by those waiting in line. He teaches and also tells something, lively and with humor: “The great Caruso (or Gigli - I don’t remember exactly) when he hit a high note, he imperceptibly put out his leg and carried the entire weight of his body with it. I read this in a book, which was later stolen from me, and included in the complex.” Do you recognize her manner?

When she heard that I was from Tallinn, she cast a very sharp look at me, just straight through (I felt something that is now called powerful energy). Then she paired me with another woman, an older one, and said: “Well, let’s do it!” I was confused: “I can’t.” “Why did you sit here for 2 hours and watch? Let's!" Well, I started as best I could. Of course, I immediately cursed my wool suit and got wet. And she leads - with her voice, with her eyes! I’ll say it again - your beginning is brilliant - “palms facing out, psychic pose”! “Hug your shoulders” is very difficult to do right away, especially while squatting.

Out of desperation, I trained heroically, continuously. Truly, “patience and labor...”. But my muscles hurt terribly, I could barely walk! She was with me, my dear, and on Saturday, her day off, she studied - she regretted it!

Well, on the third day my husband called from Tallinn to Moscow. When I left, he was on a business trip. And so he calls and asks to call Lida. I say: “Yes, it’s me!” But he doesn't believe it. At home they are already used to the fact that I wheeze. And here is such a sonorous contralto. Miracle!

And so, happy, I return to work and say: “That’s it, guys. I have brought you salvation. No more colds, concerns about your voice, medications and rinses! Sniff around - and everything’s in order.” Next - you know.

I’m actually small - 154 cm, prone to being overweight, melancholy, a weak type comrade. True, in childhood, and even then, I was not sick with anything (except chickenpox). But - weak, a child of war, she had to starve - both under Stalin and under Khrushchev. Therefore it is unbearable. And I got terrible sinusitis. It got worse from time to time, knocked me off my feet - literally. Only antibiotics helped temporarily. And here is salvation!!!

My granddaughter was born, and my children are still students. And in the middle is me. Like a pillar on which alone a building rests. And we have to work! So - I’m telling you exactly - the spirit was sustained by the work I loved. The guide, like the actor, is fueled by the energy of the listeners. But physically, great breathing exercises saved me! Only!!! Without any grandiloquence, I can confirm that this is a brilliant discovery that came from above! And I am so happy for you and grateful that you have been given this happiness - to help people like this! I hope, I believe that goodness comes back, and you deserve it! It was God who brought you to Alexandra Nikolaevna to save you to continue the great work!

I myself am so pleased to talk about Alexandra Nikolaevna. Memories of her are some of the brightest, most sacred in my life. I felt and realized then that I had encountered a rare, special person. One of those who prevent humanity from becoming wild and crushed.


I, Shmaliy Larisa Fedorovna, valeologist, psychologist-hypnotherapist, practice the method of breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova is about 30 years old. Thanks to this gymnastics, I got rid of many diseases, namely: heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, tachycardia, sinusitis, fibroma, pregnancy failure, constant colds, etc. And here’s an amazing case: I met such a wonderful woman in life - Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. My life has completely changed. I became healthy, not sick, I had a great joy for life, and now I can’t imagine my life without the gymnastics of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

And it happened like this. With Alexandra Nikolaevna

I met Strelnikova in the 70s after I read the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” with Andrei Mironov showing exercises. Since I had relatives living in Moscow, I turned to them for help - to find A.N.’s address and telephone number. Strelnikova.

Having found out the phone number of A.N. Strelnikova, I immediately called and asked permission to come to her. And I came to Moscow.

A.N. Strelnikova, having listened to what I understood from the magazine as a description of the exercises, offered to demonstrate several exercises. I received comprehensive recommendations.

I left for Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk with complete information. I repeatedly came to Moscow to see A.N. Strelnikova, called by phone if any questions arose. And there were a lot of them, and Strelnikova kindly answered all questions.

Arriving in Dnepropetrovsk, I did miraculous amazing gymnastics everywhere: at home, on the street, at work, on the train, on the plane, at sea, etc. I repeat once again - everywhere. They started paying attention to me because... I was ready to shout to the whole world: “I’m getting better!”

Thus, fibroma, sinusitis, and other diseases gradually began to disappear. All these years, I have been convinced of the effectiveness of Strelnikova’s method, how useful it is for everyone and at any age. ...My husband Vasily and I began to teach our son this healing gymnastics. Pediatricians came to us more so that they could learn from our son how to take breaths and movements correctly!

At the age of 5, my son went with me to the University of Health, where we also demonstrated Strelnikov gymnastics. Son Evgeniy told and showed exercises to visiting professors from different universities, and one of them, named Chuck, leaving for Israel, said: “Zhenya, I’m taking this amazing gymnastics with me and there I’ll do it myself and show it to others.”

Now my son Evgeniy is 28 years old, he himself has a small son, and already at 8 months he tried to make movements with his nose - inhalations (like a hedgehog), and he liked it. Thus, a child from a very early age can learn this breathing preventatively.

During the next conversation with A.N. Strelnikova, I learned from her about Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin... I really wanted to meet Mikhail Shchetinin, the only student of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. But fate did not smile on me, and the meeting did not happen. And here is the joy. After 20 years, I realized my dream. The long-awaited day has arrived.

It was January 29, 2003. Fate gave me a meeting with my like-minded person - Mikhail Shchetinin. M.N. Shchetinin invited me to a class in the teenage department of the Central Scientific research institute tuberculosis. At the institute we met with the head of the children's and adolescent department, TB doctor of the highest category, Zinaida Vasilievna Evfimievskaya. A group of teenagers were looking forward to the start of classes. And so Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin began teaching classes. My delight knew no bounds. Severity was replaced by a kind word. Everything is clear and the explanation is short but precise. And what a voice! While he was singing on the count of 32, first one and then another Russian folk song sounded. I was lucky enough to witness such an activity.

Having seen the qualified classes of M.N. Shchetinina, at the moment my wishes are:

Organize the “World Health Center” for breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova under the leadership of Mikhail Nakolaevich Shchetinin;

Organize medical instructors for schools, hospitals and children's institutions, conduct seminars and lectures not only in Moscow, but also in other regions and countries;

Meet with like-minded people at least once a year to exchange experiences and to avoid distortions in teaching. In order to discourage false healers and in order not to discredit the miraculous gymnastics according to Strelnikova, it is necessary to conclude agreements on taking training courses from M.N. Shchetinin - the only student of A.N. Strelnikova.

Paradoxical breathing exercises are a worldwide achievement of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.


During the autumn-winter period of 2000, I took a course of Strelnikov breathing exercises with Dr. Mikhail Nakolaevich Shchetinin. In 1998, after I suffered an acute respiratory viral infection, I began to experience prolonged coughing attacks with difficulty breathing. After hospital treatment and consultations at the Institute of Pulmonology and allergists, I was diagnosed with bronchial asthma, the atopic form. I was prescribed an Intal inhaler (4 times a day). Treatment was carried out with antihistamines and homeopathic drugs. Considering my concomitant pathology - aortic heart disease, allergic dermatitis, vasomotor rhinitis, I began to worry about my further condition, because... I could no longer live normally without inhalers.

I have heard about Strelnikov gymnastics for a long time. After reading the book by Strelnikova’s student and follower, Dr. M.N. Shchetinin, I wanted to meet its author and learn the basics of this method. The positive result did not come to me right away, but faith in Dr. M.N. Shchetinin and Strelnikov gymnastics, as a last resort in the fight against a terrible illness, forced me to continue my studies. By about the 9-10th lesson, my paroxysmal cough began to disappear, nasal breathing became free, various colds became easier to bear and, most importantly, I stopped using the inhaler!

Having mastered M.N. in classes. Shchetinin, the basics of the Strelnikov method and having fully experienced its positive results, I continued practicing breathing exercises at home.

I am eternally grateful to Dr. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin for his hard and necessary work, for his faith in getting rid of the disease and for his ability to preserve the unique Strelnikov method for the benefit of people’s health.


Over the past 4-5 years, constantly high pressure 150-160/100 with rises up to 170/110. Drug treatment gave an unstable decrease to 140/90 for a short time. Working capacity began to decline, and the quality of life deteriorated.

I first heard about Strelnikova’s gymnastics while on vacation in Crimea in 1982, but since there were no health problems at that time, I happily forgot about it. In the fall of 2000, quite by accident, I opened the magazine “Sports Store” on an article by M.N. Shchetinina “Strelnikova’s gymnastics are useful for everyone!” and immediately remembered the wonderful reviews from twenty years ago.

I went to the doctor for treatment. The beginning of the classes was quite difficult; at the 5th lesson, pain in the legs appeared, which intensified significantly during the 6th and 7th lessons. I started practicing daily at home. After 8 sessions the pain began to decrease and stopped after 10.

The pressure remained until the 5th session, after the 7th it dropped to 130/80 and stabilized, performance increased sharply, and sleep became sound. After six hours of sleep, I get up completely rested. Daytime sleepiness has disappeared. The acuity of perception of events and the speed of reaction have increased. The physical load capacity of the body has increased significantly.

For me, breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova became an excellent weapon in the daily struggle for the quality of her own life.


Diagnosis: coronary artery disease, stage II hypertension, angina pectoris, rhythm disturbance, extrasystole, dyscirculatory encephalopathy. She was hospitalized several times with hypertensive crises (on an ambulance call). Constantly on medication.

Strelnikova began practicing breathing exercises on March 1, 1999, after a lecture at the VOS Cultural Center. After 2 months of regular classes 2 times a day, positive results appeared: I began to get tired less when walking and when doing household chores, I walked lightly, my performance increased, I became less dizzy, I began to write poetry.

In recent months (since January 2002), new positive results have appeared:

There was activity in business, it became easier to “get up”;

There was a desire to communicate;

Improved mood;

Became more optimistic;

My head stopped spinning;

My knees stopped hurting;

I began to write more poetry;

My sleep improved (it became longer, without waking up, I began to fall asleep quickly.

Blood pressure has returned to normal. If before breathing exercises blood pressure was constantly 180/110-200/110, and during crises 220/120-240/120, now it has decreased significantly. During the day, blood pressure does not “jump” sharply and is 130/80-120/70. The latest ECGs (in February and March 2002) showed positive dynamics in the anterior wall. There are also improvements in heart rate.

I continue to do gymnastics. I hope to completely get rid of medications.


Having worked for Far North 23 years old, came to live with her parents in 1990. In 1989 she fell ill with asthmatic bronchitis, which in 1991 turned into bronchial asthma.

I will forever remember the day when my sister called an ambulance (I had frequently recurring, severe, severe attacks of suffocation). The ambulance arrived, but the doctors did not relieve the attack of suffocation. With that we left. Gasping, I thought that this would probably be the end of my life. But, probably, there is a God in the world. My sister remembered that a friend gave Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova’s phone number, saying that she was doing “some unusual gymnastics that treats asthma” with people. Smearing tears down my face, I dialed this number.

Instead of a female voice, a calm, friendly male voice was heard on the phone: “Hello, I’m listening to you!..” In response to my request to invite Alexandra Nikolaevna to the phone, the same voice answered: “Alexandra Nikolaevna died... she was hit by drunken motorcyclists.. .” Then he asked me in alarm: “Do you have asthma?.. Sit on a chair: bend your back in an arch, head down... Place the tube close to your ear... Listen to how I breathe: take a short, noisy breath in through your nose, and let the air out through mouth". After taking several noisy breaths into the tube, the same voice said: “Breathe into the tube... Wrong! Listen to me breathe." And he again slipped into the telephone receiver several times. “Do you hear? Now you can breathe!”

This lasted for about fifteen minutes. The spasm was lifted! In response to my question about who I was talking to, the voice on the phone just as calmly said: “The assistant of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, spoke to you.”

If only you knew how grateful I was to you for saving me then from that seemingly inevitable and terrible thing that awaited me!

Having borrowed the magazine “Physical Education and Sports” from the library (at your order), I began doing breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova. The attacks of suffocation soon almost all passed, and my studies ended there. If only I knew how insidious my disease is!

Six months later, I began to choke with renewed vigor. I was admitted to the hospital and put on the hormonal drug prednisolone. After going through all the procedures: injections, IVs, plasmaphoresis, UVR (ultraviolet irradiation), I realized that I had become disabled because of the hormonal drug.

In 1992, I called you again, Mikhail Nikolaevich. I said that I want to study with you. I arrived in Moscow on your non-reception day. And again, I am still grateful to you, Mikhail Nikolaevich, - you worked with me alone for an hour and a half. During the break, when I was resting, they talked about the creation of this gymnastics, about Alexandra Nikolaevna.

Arriving home, I again began to intensively practice Strelnikov gymnastics, and again I did not have enough willpower. When my condition improved, my classes stopped again. Instead of prednisolone, I started taking polcortolone. All this continued until 2002, until “with the help” of polcortolone I “earned” deep vein thrombophlebitis. It ended with the detached blood clot flying into the brain and, scattering into fragments, lodged in the cervical spine. So I had another misfortune - a stroke.

After spending 21 days in the hospital, when I arrived home, I lay in bed for a month and a half. At home my legs were paralyzed. Then, as a consequence of the stroke, I developed heart failure.

And I started calling you again, asking if it was possible to do your gymnastics in my current condition? And again your calm, benevolent voice told me: “It’s not possible, but it’s necessary!”

And again, I once again began, with your help, to get out of my difficult situation. I can’t remember without tears how, overcoming suffocation and pain in my legs, I began to practice while lying down. The first 5 days I felt bad with my heart. But in those bitter days for me, I swore to myself that I would never give up this gymnastics again. Moreover, I knew perfectly well that I would call you any day, and you would not refuse to help me! This was such a support for me!

With the help of unique gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova and with your help and support I have overcome all the consequences of the stroke;

I can't feel my heart, that is. My heart failure went away;

I walk on my own feet, free from pain;

At the moment I am taking only 1/2 tablet of polcortolone and I hope that I will completely “go away” from hormones.

Thank you, Mikhail Nikolaevich, for your kindness, attention to us, sick people, for your help in word and deed! This is so important in our difficult, difficult times.


I am addressing you from a distant Siberian city, I myself am a former physician, whom official science has given up on. Diagnosis: stage III sarcoidosis, stage III respiratory failure, emphysema, pneumosclerosis, the whole “bouquet”. Group II disabled for life, so I had to quit my job after such a conclusion from the State Scientific Center for Pulmonology, where my doctor friends sent me. This was in 2000.

After that, I began to treat myself:

I started doing gymnastics on the asculptor;

Reduced the use of corticosteroids, and in 2001 completely abandoned them;

Currently I take vitamins and asparkam (2 tablets per day);

I tried Frolov’s apparatus and mastered it. The shortness of breath seemed to be less, but I caught the flu and purulent bronchitis, and had to give up this idea;

I went to classes on Norbekov;

And I was horrified: in a city of a million people Medical Academy there is not a single teacher who has mastered Strelnikova’s gymnastics! Neither pulmonologists nor phthisiatricians know this technique.

I started to learn things myself with the help of a poke. After mastering “Palms”, “Pogonchiki”, “Pump”, I did it persistently 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening 96 times. Then a sharp pain appeared in the right upper lobe of the lung. Having no one to consult, I decided to rest for 2 days so as not to “break” the adhesions. And at my own risk I began to study further. I felt better. But most importantly, I have very great faith in this gymnastics. And what’s most important is that my asthma attacks have decreased in 2 months.

With deep respect to you. God bless you!


Thank you very much for your book! I have known about A.N.’s breathing exercises for many years. Strelnikova, but I managed to buy the book only recently. I am a hypertensive patient with 25 years of “experience”, I have group III disability, in addition to this I acquired a whole “bouquet” of diseases by the age of 58: rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis (stones in the left kidney were crushed 4 times), varicose veins (a vein in the left leg was removed), bradycardia, arrhythmia.

I started practicing according to your method on January 5, 2003. After performing even one “Palms” exercise, my blood pressure drops from 200/105 to 160/95. The first time I didn’t even believe it, but every day it was confirmed. Even the ambulance, having given 4-5 injections, could not lower the pressure so quickly...


I became acquainted with gymnastics in January 2001 with the goal of getting rid of headaches that I had been suffering from since the age of 15, which became more frequent after surgery on both eyes due to the possibility of retinal detachment.

Surgery to remove uterine fibroids (1988), surgery to remove the gallbladder (1995), high myopia, complicated, staphyloma of the choroid, laser surgery (2000). Stooped posture, frequent back pain, headaches - only pentalgin helped.

After 5 months of classes (once a day, an incomplete set), the headaches disappeared (very rarely, in 2 years there were 3 times), there is no back pain, the back is straight, the shoulders are turned, the gait is easy, I feel normal.

I’m sure that I need to do much more, I’m surprised by people’s attitude towards gymnastics: it’s so easy to do - and there’s such indifference!

God bless you and your family! Thank you! God bless you!


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

Thank you so much for the chance to feel like a normal, healthy person. I stopped thinking about my inferiority due to poor health since childhood. Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova helped me cope with chronic bronchitis, when doctors had already diagnosed an “asthmatic component.” After a head injury at the age of 5 and after 3 operations in the nasal cavity at the age of 15, I suffered for a long time from severe migraine-like headaches. In recent years, a neurologist has determined that I should live with vegetative-vascular dystonia, and therapists predict a tendency toward hypertension after my hypotension.

I became acquainted with gymnastics in 1994 and immediately mastered it thanks to you after phone call in response to my letter. After your lecture at the Farmakoptevo warehouse, I was finally convinced of the correctness of the exercises and will continue to practice. Already inspired a neighbor and her daughter, both smokers, to the need healthy image life.

Thank you for your noble heart and kind soul! We wish you great success and good luck!


Thank you very much for the book on breathing exercises. She, one might say, resurrected me.

I am a pensioner; I recently turned 70. I worked in underground mines for more than 20 years. A heavy smoker for over 50 years. On occasion, he did not refuse alcohol. More than once it happened that there was too much to go through, especially in my youth. All this taken together could not but affect my health. I acquired a whole “bouquet” of all kinds of ailments: gastritis, stomach ulcers, weakening of the muscles of the left ventricle of the heart, chronic bronchitis, and, possibly, bronchial asthma (he began to choke too clearly and seemingly for no reason, especially when there was a sudden change in the weather).

And then your book fell into my hands. I've been training for about 8 months now. And a miracle happened! I can't call it anything else.

My severe shortness of breath disappeared without a trace. And I don’t feel any other ailments. I am actively working on my 6 acres. And not just a little, but in full force. My mood has improved, I feel cheerful, and others have already begun to notice this.

Somehow it happened naturally that I began to smoke 10-12 cigarettes a day. This is half as much as before. I feel like I might as well stop altogether.

Why am I writing to you? Then, to sincerely and from the bottom of my heart thank you for what you have done for me.

And not only for me.


Mikhail Nikolaevich, thank you! I read and re-read your message: everything is clear, everything is understandable. We continue to study. On Monday morning we do breathing exercises by A.N. early in the morning. Strelnikova (DGS) completely, the whole complex. During the lessons there is a physical education lesson once, sometimes we just sit at our desks and breathe a little (exercise “Palms”). We promote, I issue certificates: family instructor for child health. And so it has been for 5-6 years.

Results: children were sick 2.5 times less than in the control class (for the 1996-97 school year), 1.5 times less for the 1995-96 school year, etc.

One boy was sick every month, cough, bronchitis from 2 years to 6. He was in bed, was in a sanatorium 2 times, and was in the hospital again. They injected me at home monthly (according to my parents). We decided to change kindergarten to school, and at the age of 6 we started studying. Came. In the first grade, 77 lessons (19 days) were missed, in the second grade - 43 lessons (9 days). Parents are happy! And the doctors say: exempt from physical education (obstructive bronchitis). And he does both physical education and daily health care. And I’m more happy than anyone else - and I keep quiet. And according to her age, she’s normal!

I saw it: it was briefly shown on TV in “Health” - DGS, temp. It would be nice to see you in this program during classes with children, there is no money to go. We try to keep everything according to your description, but it’s better to see once than...

People in the area are asking to speak because... There are no healthy children everywhere. Now I have 3 classes. At the Kirov Pedagogical University I was with this at the Department of Anatomy and Physiology. Approved! And their regional methodologists said that they were incompetent.

The head of the Kirov department was at our DGS and the head of the regional department, they promised a business trip to you. Yes, but “things are still there”... Then I would be an “ace”! No one has money, not just teachers. Salaries were not paid for several months...

I have a daughter, a teacher-nurse, so she would have the cards in her hands. Moreover, he lives in Shchelkovo-7, runs a private “school” to prepare children for school. But she takes her boy to clinics and sanatoriums. She would like my beliefs and attitude towards the DGS!

Well, it’s as if I was talking to you, Mikhail Nikolaevich... Thank you very much!


I do gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova since February 2001 and, naturally, I fully feel the results of these classes. If I have time (on weekends, during vacations), I do it twice a day. During the week I’m in a hurry to get to work in the morning (I work at school), so I do it completely only in the evening.

The first thing I get from gymnastics is pleasure! I just love doing it, no matter what my mood. And since my work is hard and stressful (I work as a teacher of Russian language and literature, now the workload is 30 hours a week, there are still a lot of notebooks, I also work part-time, if possible, with external students), then by the end of the days I just often collapse off your feet. But always, as soon as I start doing gymnastics, and especially towards the end of the complex, I really feel a surge of strength and some kind of special enlightenment. It was as if I had taken a hearty walk in a quiet pine forest. But I live not just anywhere, but next to the Varshavskoe highway, where cars make noise for days, there is such a gas pollution! Our house is old, we live on the fifth floor. But all this does not in the least prevent you from feeling completely different after gymnastics.

I turned to her because life forced me. Since 1987, my thyroid gland began to enlarge (diagnosis: diffuse toxic goiter of the third degree). The treatment was periodic; I categorically refused and still refuse surgery. Therefore, in 2001, an exacerbation of the disease began for the third time, which provoked atrial fibrillation. And the upper pressure is already 170-190. I refused hospitalization, and began doing breathing exercises in parallel with blood pressure and heart pills, as well as a set of thyroid medications (metizol, thyroid).

More than a year has passed. I slowly tapered off my thyroid medications. Then she refused Enap, because... The pressure rarely rises anymore, and then it’s somewhere around 140, no more. Maybe I’ll give up Sotalex and Asparkam (these are heart medications).

Thank you! Bright memory To your mentor Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova! While I’m moving and thinking, I’ll do this gymnastics.


I am a pensioner, 66 years old. “Bouquet” of diseases. I have been doing breathing exercises for 1 year and 3 months after I heard your advice on the radio. Then I started looking for book 41 and was happy that I found it.

The improvements started small: snoring decreased and then disappeared, my heels became very soft (they had been like a grater all my life). The “nets” on the legs, etc., have become smaller. But most importantly, the stones came out of the kidneys. In 1997, there was an operation to remove stones from the kidney (there were 2 of them - a little less walnut size). I wore them for more than a decade, because... Urolithiasis has always been in question since the age of 30.

In 2000, during the next attack, it was determined that there were stones in both kidneys. And then - gymnastics. And after six months of training, brown sand began to come out in the urine in the mornings for a month. I thought it would never stop. Of course, I was interested in the condition of the kidneys. Upon examination, it turned out that there were no stones in the kidneys. This is a miracle!

My delight could not be hidden, and I, of course, shared it with the doctor. I must say that doctors are not particularly supportive or believe in your gymnastics. But I think this neglect is simply out of envy.

As for hypertension, it’s true: 10 minutes of gymnastics - and the pressure is 120 over 80.

I am writing because there were no examples of kidney stones passing in your book.


I live in Buryatia, I am already 73 years old. At the age of 46 I fell ill with bronchial asthma. Doctors treated me for two and a half years, but there was no result. I should have gone on disability and died. I heard about the “miracle” from doctors and started doing breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova independently from the magazine “Physical Culture and Sports” (corresponded with Steve Shenkman). I couldn’t go to Alexandra Nikolaevna, the doctor forbade me: she said that I could die on the road. So I had to learn gymnastics myself.

I want to brag that I have not gone to the doctor for 21 years. I am healing myself thanks to Alexandra Nikolaevna - her miraculous gymnastics. She extended my life, gave me a second wind. I have never sung in my life, but now I sing as well as any artist. My illnesses: vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, colitis, gastritis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypotension (in youth, in old age - hypertension), tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. And on top of that, my weight was 105 kg with a height of 1 m 65 cm.

Now these diseases do not exist. If they appear, I “destroy” them with breathing exercises. My weight gradually dropped to 65-67 kg. I feel great, I walk in any weather (I walk easily). No matter how difficult it is to live now, your health cannot be compared with anything!


Breathing exercises by A.N. I have been studying Strelnikova for a long time - since 1992, but with interruptions. The first 2 years - continuously. I had 3 years left until retirement, and the “bouquet” of illnesses was large. But most importantly, the voice was dull and weak. During my lessons, the students (gallery) were noisy. They couldn't hear my voice.

I remembered about therapeutic gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova, about whom I once read in the magazines “Inventor and Innovator” and “Worker and Villager”. And so, according to the description, I began to master the complex. He considered himself physically prepared (in 1954 he completed the III category norm in artistic gymnastics). But it turned out - not so. For example, when I approached the “Big Pendulum” exercise, beads of sweat were dripping from my nose and ears. And these stains were visible on the floor. Not even spots, but small puddles. I did a complex of exercises 3 times a day, which consisted of 5 exercises.

About a month later, I come to class, say hello to the students, as always, and hear the noise in the classroom subside. I take roll call (this is mandatory in our technical school), and there is silence in the classroom! I look for the inspector with my eyes, but he is not there, and there is silence in the class! What's happened? I'm starting to explain new material. And suddenly I catch the reflection of my voice (I was standing half-turned towards the class): a clear, ringing, distinct voice! And I realized that my voice had truly become an instrument that people talk about in pedagogy, but don’t tell us how to use it!

But... the trouble passed, the asthma disappeared, the pressure was stable at 120/80, and laziness set in. Retired, no voice needed. And I began to notice that I was getting fatter, it was becoming difficult to wake up, etc.

I resumed classes in October 2002. Now I’m back to normal, they even ask for my pension certificate on the bus! Breathing is excellent day and night.


I take Dr. M.N. for treatment. Shchetinin of his grandson, who is 8 years old. I myself do not participate in the treatment process, but only watch how Mikhail Nikolaevich deals with seriously ill patients.

About myself: I have had chronic pyelonephritis for 20 years now. Last years exacerbations pass with high temperature and severe cystitis, from which I was cured with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Recently I started having cystitis, I took my temperature - 37.4. Before taking the pills, I decided to try to relieve the exacerbation with breathing exercises. I did the whole complex three times - the temperature became 36.9.

I added exercises from the urological complex and did them 3 times a day. In 3 days I recovered from the exacerbation without pills. Now I finally believed in this breathing exercises. As soon as my head starts to hurt, I immediately start doing it. The headache goes away during exercise. This is a miracle! You just need to not be lazy.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

Thank you very much for the book “Strelnikova’s Breathing Gymnastics”! After 8 months of training, I felt that my nighttime cramps in my limbs (especially my legs) had stopped. I was treated for osteoporosis for many years. I drank a lot of calcium, Alpha-D3, but there were no positive results.

Perhaps the seizures were associated with other diseases, but, nevertheless, they stopped. Only one night did I experience a cramp in the thigh of my right leg. It was previously broken: a triple fracture of the tibia. I got up and did 20 minutes of breathing exercises. The pain has gone away.

Secondly, my vestibular apparatus has improved. When I started practicing, I could only do “Rolls” and “Steps” by holding onto the back of the chair with one hand. Now I do these exercises without support, and with my hands I add the “Riders” movement.

Third, after gymnastics my headaches stop. However, sometimes the pain may return after some time.

I have trouble bending my fingers into a fist (especially my ring fingers). That's why I added arm movements to Rolls and Steps. Due to many limb fractures, I do more exercises for my arms and legs.

Thank you very much again!


Once on the radio I heard that now the only student of A.N. Strelnikova Doctor M.N. Shchetinin will teach breathing exercises. I heard about this gymnastics a long time ago, back in 1974, when I was seriously ill. But at that time it was difficult to get through to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova; she was forbidden to receive treatment.

By June 2000, I was in a very serious condition. And I fell ill in 1957 - hypertension and hyperthyroidism. In 1974, she suffered from pneumonia with pleurisy and complications, rheumatism, myocardiosclerosis, and heart rhythm disturbances. I consulted with Professor V.E. Grechko and was diagnosed with diencephalic syndrome with frequent attacks.

Life went on, and illnesses increased. In 1988, the first and very serious one: atrial fibrillation. I ended up in the intensive care unit of the Botkin Hospital, where with great difficulty they brought me back to life. In the medical report, the diagnosis was: diencephalic syndrome, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.

In 1990, resuscitation again at hospital No. 50. In 1991, left-sided hemorrhage and hematoparesis. In 1997 - cardiopulmonary failure, chronic bronchitis, lungs filling with water - doctors could barely get out. But I can’t walk well, I’m out of breath, etc. In October 1999, my husband died, I took his death very hard and ended up in hospital No. 45 with a pre-heart attack condition.

She’s bent over, she’s grown old and she doesn’t want to live, everything around her has gone dark. I go to church, pray at home, and this is the only thing that keeps me alive - faith in God!

And then - this transmission. I started exercising, not the word “exercising” - barely moving and breathing. But she didn’t quit.

And here is the result: I walk without a cane, I walk for 2 hours a day, I walk without sitting!

In August I was able to go to the dacha. And once on the train I was seen by a friend who came to see me in the winter. She even screamed: “Tom, is that you?!” I answered: “Yes, me!” I began to ask what happened, why I became so much prettier. I told her about the classes, about M.N. Shchetinin, about the miracle that he brings to people. She bought the book, but still doesn’t have the willpower to start studying.

I am grateful to Mikhail Nikolaevich for his kind heart, for his attitude towards us, sick people.


A 72-year-old pensioner addresses you with words of gratitude. I have a “bouquet” of age-related ailments: angina pectoris, hypertension (group II disabled), etc. In the last six months, the spine (osteochondrosis), inflammation of the knee and ankle joints began to torment me the most. Walking in pain takes your breath away.

But I was lucky. On March 23, I managed to attend your lecture on breathing exercises by Strelnikova. There I signed up for your classes. And - lo and behold! The pain has subsided. True, at the beginning of classes it worsened. But my very qualified attending physician Elena Viktorovna Davydova and her experienced nurse Lidiya Georgievna Skopinova, who knew A.N. Strelnikov was advised to overcome the pain and continue his studies.

And indeed, by the end of this short course of your classes, the pain began to recede and soon completely disappeared. In addition, the blood pressure began to normalize. If previously it reached 180/100 in the morning, now after exercise it drops to 138/74. And progress is felt every day.

And all this thanks to you, thanks to Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.


Hello, dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

On June 17, 1999, the article “Strelnikova’s Magic Wand” was published in Rural Life. From it I learned that Alexandra Nikolaevna’s file was not lost. And I have been familiar with her gymnastics since 1980, when I prescribed FiS for my son. At that time, he was diagnosed with such a condition that he could not even go near the military school. Only 2 exercises were published in the article. He increased his training to 2,000 inclinations per day and entered flight training. He flew in the Far East, now retired.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

In 1986, I fell ill with bronchial asthma and, on the advice of friends, turned to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. In 1988, I underwent a course of treatment with breathing exercises. After completing the course of treatment, the number of attacks decreased sharply. A few months later the attacks stopped completely. To this day I don't think about asthma.

It’s joyful to think that there are people on earth who can and do help to forget about a serious illness.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

I purchased your book. For 4 months with two friends, we have been doing your gymnastics 2 times a day for 64 breaths and movements (at work we lock the room for 15 minutes). Tatyana (47 years old) stopped having headaches. We are very pleased with our community, we get a boost of energy, and fatigue goes away!


Our kindergarten is a municipal special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities (a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils). The entire teaching staff has been using breathing exercises by A.N. for the past 7.5 years. Strelnikova in working with children preschool age from 3 to 7 years.

Teachers carry out this type of therapeutic gymnastics in combination with other therapeutic and recreational activities. The work being carried out has had a pronounced positive effect, as evidenced by the graph of the decrease in the incidence of children, for example, for 1997-1999. In total, 240 children were healed during this period.

Experience of our kindergarten in using this method of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova was repeatedly shown at methodological associations of teaching workers in Essentuki, where he received approval. Other kindergartens began to use it too.


At the time of writing this material, I am already 32 years old, I am married, and I practice law. Behind the school, two institutes, classes various types sports, in general, everything that can be accessible to any healthy person. I repeat, healthy. My repetition is due solely to the fact that my health was not inherent in me from birth, but was restored as a result of a meeting with Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

IN early childhood, at about 4 years old, I was diagnosed with bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Over time, the disease practically turned into asthma. Frequent coughing attacks, leading to suffocation, and bronchitis became my constant companions for years. As a result of this, I was not only deprived of the opportunity to lead a normal lifestyle, including playing sports, but I was also unable to attend child care. preschool, and later had to miss school.

My mother, Alymova Valentina Ivanovna, spent a lot of time, effort and money on my treatment. Everything has been tried, from so-called traditional medicine to homeopathic remedies and traditional medicine. Treatment in hospitals, taking homeopathic medicines and bee products gave a temporary result, affecting the attacks as a consequence of my disease, but not the cause of its occurrence. At that time we lived on Walter Ulbricht Street (now Novaya Peschanaya, next to the Sokol metro station). One of my mother’s friends told her that A.N. lived and taught breathing exercises on Tukhachevsky Street. Strelnikova. That’s how, at the age of eight, I was first brought by my mother to classes with this wonderful man. At that time, and it was 1979 or 1980, Strelnikova had already healed more than one thousand people (perhaps more).

I remember the maps that Alexandra Nikolaevna kept in books similar to accounting books. Such books contained the medical history of her patients, the dynamics during treatment, as well as reviews of the former patients themselves after recovery. In addition to treating asthmatic diseases with the help of her system of exercises, Alexandra Nikolaevna successfully provided voices for famous Soviet pop singers and dramatic actors. I remember that Strelnikova also said that by using her breathing exercises in boxing, athletes could go longer without breaks. Later, while practicing fencing, I further appreciated the possibilities of her exercises and the correctness of her statements.

So, I took a course of 10 lessons in her small apartment on the street. Tukhachevsky. During treatment with Strelnikova, I stopped taking any medications and during attacks I successfully coped with breathing exercises. After I stopped studying directly with Strelnikova, I did not stop my studies for several years, even after my illness was completely forgotten. Only by the age of 13, when I was already actively involved in sports and was not inferior to my friends in my physical development, I stopped breathing exercises. However, even after this, with the help of Strelnikova’s system, he repeatedly got rid of a runny nose without medication.

Since my first acquaintance with Alexandra Nikolaevna, 24 years have passed, of which 21 years have passed since attacks of illness completely left me. Over the past time, I have repeatedly remembered with gratitude this modest man, who, without exaggeration, successfully replaced entire medical clinics, centers, etc. for a huge number of people. with their large staff.

Not long ago I refreshed my memory of A.N.’s breathing system. Strelnikova, when he showed my friends some exercises for their son, who was sick, as I myself had been sick before. Having become interested, friends began to look for followers of A.N. Strelnikova. Imagine my surprise when I learned from my friends that with the tragic death of Alexandra Nikolaevna, the good that she brought to people did not stop.

In good memory of Alexandra Nikolaevna, I address these lines to Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, who is the only continuer of teaching the respiratory system according to A.N. Strelnikova. Having developed a set of previously available exercises, Mikhail Nikolaevich made it possible to bring healing a large number people affected not only by respiratory diseases, but also by other diseases, including urological ones. I would like to believe that M.N. Shchetinin will also prepare worthy students, thereby preserving the memory, and therefore life of the work of A.N. Strelnikova, and will benefit many people in need of healing.

With gratitude and respect - Pavel Alymov.


Thank you very much for your work. It is impossible to tear yourself away from the book. Everything is very interesting. Every word is chewed, it probably couldn’t be simpler. You, like a kind nanny, take care of your pets.

When I did the warm-up exercise for the first time, it felt like my head was clearing up and my lungs were straightening. For many years I sang in the church choir and choir director. So, it seems to me that this gymnastics is completely related to prayer.

I think that if parents and children were involved in this, we would not have a single drug addict in Russia, much less a drunkard. And subsequently, a child, becoming an adult, who grew up on this gymnastics, would never swear, would never get into bad company.

This gymnastics seems to protect against everything bad and evil. Gives calm and peace to the soul. And most importantly - health!


Mikhail Nikolaevich, dear, glorious doctor and savior of my and many thousands of sick, infirm, beggars who learned this miraculous gymnastics of A.N. Strelnikova, whose holy work you continue with unquenchable energy, continuing to save from illness, destruction and death!

I bow before you and ask the Almighty to give you health, wisdom, patience, the gift of divine love and long years of active, creative life. Until the end of my days I will be grateful to you that you exist and continue the work of your teacher and mentor.

I was lucky enough to meet her on June 15, 1981 after a year of training with children who stutter and working on myself, because... the bouquet of my illnesses did not give me rest day or night (combined heart disease, stenosis and insufficiency of the mitral and aortic valve). According to the conclusion of the chief cardiologist of the regional hospital, Bella Mikhailovna Borisova, I cannot undergo any operations, but I have already done breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova, she approved and watched, blessing me.

Stomach ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, chronic bronchitis, kidneys often became inflamed, cardiac asthma began, often after a severe runny nose sinusitis, tracheitis, pneumonia began, 2 times a year she was in the hospital for a month or more, in 1976 she suffered from jaundice (serum hepatitis ), after a female operation (prolapse of the uterus after childbirth), 400 g of blood was infused from a sick woman (it was very difficult to obtain blood at that time, and the blood was of poor quality).

In 1980, after my mother’s funeral and nervous stress, sugar appeared in the blood, and the endocrinologist registered me for stage I diabetes (I took pills and dietary food). A year later, they were removed from the register, the blood was normal (I had already been doing breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova for a year according to an article by Steve Shenkman from FiS magazine, I did it in the morning and in the evening).

Until May 1980, I felt like “wrap yourself in a sheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery.” In 1981, I was offered a disability, which I refused, citing the fact that as long as the “candle” burns, I will be satisfied. The Almighty gave me a chance to survive thanks to breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova and spiritual awakening. Harmony of soul and body gives strength, energy, relieves tension, stress, improves brain function, heart function, gives vigor, normalizes temperature and blood pressure, cleanses the nose and lungs if you have a viral infection or cold, relieves tachycardia during; nervous overload. I'm driving big community service, I sleep little, and when I’m overloaded, I do breathing exercises more often. On May 20, 2003, it will be 23 years since I have been constantly doing this wonderful gymnastics.

At the Scientific Council of the USSR Ministry of Health on June 16, 1981, where I was lucky enough to be, see and hear not only Alexandra Nikolaevna, but also other members of the Academic Council, I had to answer many questions from Chairman V.N. Siluyanova. My answer was short and clear: “Until I die, I will do this miracle gymnastics.” Over the course of a year of training, I became convinced that she was my salvation and life. I believe in its effectiveness and healing from various ailments, it helps to cope with stressful situations in these turbulent times.

I turned 72 years old in May of this year. Feel; I feel pretty good. From my life during these 23 years of activities I have so many interesting cases that a whole day is not enough to talk about them. I'll tell you just one case.

In January 1980, I visited my elderly parents living in the city of Tutaevo (43 km from Yaroslavl, accessible only by bus). The regular bus broke down, leaving only in 1.5 hours. Frost - minus 28°C, it is impossible to wait in such cold weather. Returned to parents' house, where the stove had just been lit and the temperature in the house was +28°C. My father and I played his favorite checkers. 10 minutes before the last bus left, I got out and 500-600 meters before it I saw that it was already accelerating and was about to start. I had to run with the load in both hands.

I made it, the bus started moving, the people were like sardines in a barrel. Thank God, the bus is old, the doors have cracks - it blows, blows out snowflakes, and the core - as long as it has something to breathe. They gave up a place to sit, there are still gentlemen... Such a barking cough began that the passengers began to look at me more and more often, and I was very ashamed, I did not know how to stop it. What I knew from folk tricks was that I did everything to stop the attack, but no. She inhaled cold air, and her tonsils were completely removed after a rheumatic attack and heart complications in 1953. And the cold air went straight into the bronchi and lungs - everything, I think, caused inflammation. But suddenly a thought crossed my mind: try to breathe along Strelnikova! The door was thin, close to me, there was enough fresh air.

Sitting on the sofa, she bowed her head, her hands were on her knees. People are standing, no one is looking at me. And I started sniffling, bending my finger after every figure eight (in June, i.e., after a month of training, I was already breathing 12x8 without rest). And then I, too, was breathing at 96, the coughing attack stopped, a break of 1-2 seconds and again 96. I don’t know how many such series of 96 I did, but for 45 minutes before the end of the trip I was breathing and there were no more attacks. I came home - I don’t cough, went to bed - I don’t cough, did breathing exercises in the morning - I don’t cough. I was surprised by such a miracle and managed without tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia...

Now a little from the practice of my work as a speech therapist with children who stutter. From May 1989, after retiring, she continued to work with a group of weakened children aged 5 and 6 years until May 2000. The children were different, and the results were different. In prosperous families, where parents behaved conscientiously and with all seriousness and responsibility, the results are positive. I want to talk about 3 children and their parents.

Vova Novikov, born in 1984, was admitted to the speech therapy group in June 1987 with a diagnosis of logoneurosis of neurotic etiology, grade II adenoids. Conclusion of the ENT doctor: an operation to remove the adenoids was scheduled for the fall of 1987. The parents were very responsible about their son’s treatment, especially his mother Irina Borisovna. Having learned Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, they worked with the boy at home on Saturday and Sunday and continued hardening procedures, working in contact with us. The boy's adenoids resolved, he began to breathe well through his nose, became somatically stronger, and no surgery was required.

While teaching children, I often told children about this boy, the winter vacation 2000 asked Vova to come visit us. He came with his mother, and everyone heard that his nose was breathing perfectly, there was no surgery and there was no stuttering either. The speech is clear. On March 2 of this year, I called my home phone to find out more about him, talked to my father, because... Vova...serves in the army. Speech is clear, there was no relapse, he graduated from the Yaroslavl Chemical-Mechanical College. He goes in for sports, remembers gymnastics, but doesn’t always do it.

Artem Sorokin, born in 1981, was admitted to a speech therapy group with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease, neurosis-like stuttering (severe), and general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level. Was in speech therapy group 3 years... He grew up and developed in a dysfunctional family, his father... often abused alcohol, caused scandals and pogroms. After the divorce, the situation in the family improved, the mother devoted herself entirely to her son. Together with him I did gymnastics using the Strelnikova method and hardening. When passing the commission before entering the 1st grade of school, doctors did not find a heart defect, and the boy was removed from the register. The boy has become physically stronger, his speech has improved, and he is prepared for school. Unfortunately, I don’t know Artem’s future fate.

Igor Sazanov, born in 1976, was admitted to the speech therapy group on September 1, 1981 with a diagnosis of clonotonic stuttering, severe form, muscle cramps in the articulatory-respiratory muscles. I was in a speech therapy group for 2 years. Somatically weakened, he was sick every month - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis, even in the summer months.

During the school year, I did not miss a single day due to illness, I practiced breathing exercises with desire, at home too. The conversation with Igor’s father took place on June 17, 1986. He entered the 4th grade with good grades, his speech was clear, and his pronunciation was normal. He does breathing exercises.

I thank you for everything and praise you. Now I work in church with sick elderly and young people who do not want to get sick and swallow pills. Before the service, I tell them and read examples from your book, and during the 15-minute breaks everyone goes into another room where the windows are open, and I train them in proper breathing. At the request of the students, I ordered 25 copies of your book.

I will be waiting for your next book.

Goodbye. I hug you and bow deeply.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich! I would like to thank you for the wonderful book you wrote about Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. I live in Toronto, I received the book from my friend T.N. Sobolev. I received it in September 2001 and started studying. Before this, a year ago, I practiced training with a straw through water using the Buteyko-Frolov method for 4 months. We managed to extend the pause from 8 to 25 seconds, but in general these exercises did not help me. Your book is very well written, it is kind, like the author - this is clearly visible, and it is very easy to study from it.

I started everything according to the book, counting by 4, changing the corners in the room - I turned sequentially from the first corner, then by 8 and now by 16. The first two weeks I had very severe pain - my legs, lower back, neck. Then for 2 weeks almost everything calmed down and it was very cool. There was energy, a lot of ideas on what to do (I haven’t worked here for 4 years, I have a disability). Before that - 40 years of experience in science. There are many diseases, but the main background is degeneration of intervertebral discs with constant pain (less, more), exacerbations. Here it is also called osteoarthritis.

This good condition lasted for about 2 weeks, and then again there was a streak of exacerbations. I continued to do the exercises, and gradually my condition improved. In 5 months I have made great progress: the pain is very slight, I move my neck and body much more freely, I walk without a stick, I almost don’t feel my heart.

My set of exercises, which I did for 20 years, did not give such results. I did and do a lot of things now (a little with dumbbells, a cold shower, fasting, walking every day), but there was no such result. We do these exercises with my grandson (14 years old), but, unfortunately, with him only 2-3 times a week. Each time his breathing changes during the exercises (30 minutes) - sharp and loud is replaced by more or less normal towards the end. His nasopharynx is always stuffy, at first there is sputum coming out (allergic asthma), and then everything improves.

Once again, let me thank you for your work. It’s great that you wrote a book with a technique and gave it to people. Living in Moscow, I heard about this gymnastics many years ago, but, unfortunately, I did not know the technique.

Thank you. Be healthy and happy!


Since childhood I wanted to become a singer. And even after receiving a musical education (music school, conducting and choral department), I understood that in addition to traditional voice production, there was something else that would help remove all obstacles and unpleasant sensations and allow the voice to sound light and free.

And then one day I saw a book by M.N. Shchetinin “Strelnikova’s Breathing Gymnastics” and - oh eureka! - I found what I was looking for for so long. I read the book in one sitting and immediately started studying on my own. This went on for 6-7 months. And although I did not do the exercises with absolute technical precision, after a month I felt positive changes.

As you know, there is no limit to perfection, and to make sure of this once again, I found Mikhail Nikolaevich’s phone number and began going to classes. It came as a shock to me that the Strelnikova Center is a tiny apartment. It even became a shame that some mediocre doctors have luxurious clinics, but the authorities cannot allocate premises for practicing unique gymnastics, which restored health to tens of thousands, and maybe millions of people. So much for caring about the health of the nation.

I went to see Mikhail Nikolaevich with a diagnosis of incomplete closure of the vocal cords. This meant that my upper register did not sound. I started training my voice. The result was not long in coming - inner freedom appeared, the range expanded, the voice began to sound smooth and - lo and behold! - top notes appeared.

It’s amazing that with the help of breathing and special sound exercises, amazing changes occur in the voice. At the same time, you don’t have to think about where to direct the sound, how to sing “into a mask,” how and where to take your breath. But all these terms used by vocal teachers only interfere and create additional inconvenience for beginning singers.

In general, it is very strange to me that Strelnikova’s gymnastics are not used in music universities. If it were used (only correctly, because during this time my friends, actors and musicians, showed me so many options that it becomes creepy), then every year wonderful singers would emerge from the walls of conservatories and schools. It is no coincidence that this national Russian gymnastics is performed in the largest opera houses in the world!

In addition to the improvement of the voice (friends say that even the speaking voice has changed a lot), lightness appeared throughout the body, and my main culprit for the “non-sounding” upper register - osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine (and this is in my 20s!) - disappeared and more than me doesn't bother me. My neck is free, my spine is supported in the form of a so-called muscle corset. It turns out that walking with straightened shoulders is comfortable and pleasant!

Now I have been doing gymnastics for 3 years with joy and ecstasy, because I understand: if I follow all the recommendations, then all my achievements will only multiply.

Do breathing exercises with persistence and pleasure, and it will definitely give you health,

joy and beauty, because the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.

P.S. Many thanks to Mikhail Nikolaevich for his talent, kindness and patience.


Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are familiar to me firsthand. For half a month I trained in Moscow at the Respiratory Gymnastics Center named after. A.N. Strelnikova" under the guidance of the talented doctor Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, the only student and assistant of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

I worked at school as a physical education teacher for many years. I worked in a sports school, I have many years of experience working in health groups and various health sections. It seemed like I knew a lot, but Strelnikova’s breathing exercises shocked me. During the classes I began to feel great. The body was filled with energy and strength, the posture became straighter, the gait became more mobile. The lethargy in the arms and legs has disappeared, I want to run, dance, do something, create!

With each subsequent lesson, I felt a new surge of life-giving forces, the appearance of vigor, and an improvement in my mood. How can you breathe after this gymnastics! Breathing is easy and free, it feels like every cell of your body is breathing.

The mood is high, the head is bright, thoughts are joyful. Only those who deal with it will understand me. How can I convey in words the feelings that overwhelmed the people studying with me? How can one understand the state of a girl who cried with joy because she spoke freely for the first time at a treatment session with Mikhail Nikolaevich, without any tension or fear (and she had a severe degree of stuttering).

The doctor’s sensitive attitude towards patients, his kindness, his optimism instills in every patient confidence in recovery. During his classes, he literally charges everyone with his energy. He is not just a doctor, he is a Teacher and, precisely, with a capital T.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics are called fantastic, miraculous, unique. This is a priceless gift that could only be given by a person who sincerely loves his people and wants to see this people healthy and happy. Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova did it!

As a teacher, I am convinced that Strelnikov gymnastics is ideal for general education and sports schools, children's and youth sports and recreational sections and kindergartens. It should be done like morning exercises right at school at your desk before classes and in the middle of the lesson (sniff your nose for a few minutes). And then the assimilation of new material will be much better.

This is especially important for schoolchildren primary classes. “We wrote, we wrote - our fingers were tired!” And do the first Strelnikov gymnastics exercise “Palms” with the children while sitting at the table. After playing Strelnikov style with your children for just a few minutes, you will see how effective it is. I advise teachers: learn to do this gymnastics yourself - it will come in handy for you too, teach your children - they will be less likely to miss lessons.

Learn to do it right! This is your health. This is our health. This is the health of the Russian people.


Despite breast-feeding child during the first year of life, as well as decent medical care for the child, I was faced with the fact that at 2.5 years old the child began to suffer from ARVI at intervals of 2 times a month. Over time, a lot of other diseases have appeared that I would not like to list. Let me just say that the most unpleasant thing that happened was the stuttering that developed at the age of 3.5 years. It should be noted that by the age of 5, negative psycho-emotional character traits began to appear against the background of stuttering. Having undergone numerous courses of treatment from psychologists and speech therapists and having almost lost hope of a cure, by chance I turned to M.N. Shchetinin.

My gratitude to Mikhail Nikolaevich knows no bounds! After 5 lessons, the child began to have a desire to respond with words, and not with head movements; after 10 lessons, the child began to try to speak; after 24 lessons, he began to respond adequately, laugh, and speak, stuttering a little. After 48 lessons I stopped stuttering! Over the course of 8 months (with 3 lessons per month), which we devoted to consolidating the results obtained, the child suffered from acute respiratory viral infection 2 times in a mild form ( Maximum temperature 37.1°C for 1 day).

Due to the characteristics of the child at that time, I had to study with him. I was very happy, because the sensations that arise after 2000 breaths in Strelnikov gymnastics, taught by M.N. Shchetinin, can be compared to the state of a person when he slept well and won the lottery.

As a person with a higher medical education, I constantly ask myself the question, why does Mikhail Nikolaevich have such good results?

I assume that due to the rhythmic, balanced work of the diaphragm, which participates in the act of breathing, the tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity are indirectly involved in the work. Because of this, intra-abdominal pressure changes, affecting the normal functioning of body systems, the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm are stimulated and strengthened, which leads to an acceleration of the fight against pathology of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. It must be remembered that all this happens with increased oxygen consumption by the body.

In the end, I would like to say the warmest words of gratitude that come from a mother who faced great misfortune, from a patient who quit smoking after 10 years of experience, from a doctor who had the opportunity to see the complete recovery of people with various pathologies in an incredibly effective way.


Dear Mikhail Nikolaevich!

Thank you so much for restoring my health, for giving me the opportunity to give birth thanks to Strelnikova’s gymnastics. And now I am very happy, because my daughter is already 2 years old, and my family has already forgotten that I once suffocated from asthmatic attacks.

Now I’ll try to tell you in order. After the birth of my first child, I was not in good health, and my mother had a bunch of different health problems. There were terrible headaches (which, as it turned out later, are called migraines with partial loss of vision), vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, chronic hyperplastic rhinosinusitis, allergies, gynecological problems.

My asthma started with an allergy, I had a terrible condition - my nose couldn’t breathe, while it was leaking, my eyes were watering. I tried all known antihistamines, but they only helped for a short time, and then it all started all over again. And then one night I woke up from an attack, but at that time I still didn’t know what it was. The attacks began to recur every night. I went to the hospital. I visited both allergists and pulmonologists, did allergy tests, tried to avoid contact with allergens, took pills, took drops, sprayed sprays, but all to no avail.

When I was tested for external respiration, the doctor diagnosed me with bronchial asthma. And he prescribed treatment: Intal Plus, Teopec, Zyrtec. Yes, inhalers relieved the attack. At first one dose was enough, then I had to spray it twice, but my nose still couldn’t breathe. The condition was terrible. There were already attacks in the morning, during the day, and at night. They started when traveling on the subway and from strong odors. I tried to be treated with homeopathy, but realized that it did not help me.

And then I started to think that I needed something different. But what? I knew about Strelnikova’s gymnastics from my mother-in-law, who once did it, because... she had chronic bronchitis. She underwent 5 operations and said that before and after the operations she does gymnastics (those exercises that she can) and it helps her a lot. She said that she saw people die from pulmonary failure after surgery. At that time, my mother-in-law lived in Kyrgyzstan. She sent us a book about Strelnikova’s gymnastics for my husband, because... he practically couldn’t breathe through his nose - he had polyps. But no one read the book then; it seemed impossible to recover from anything with some kind of breathing exercises.

And when my mother-in-law arrived in Russia, she asked me to return the book to her. Our life developed in such a way that we often moved from place to place, and I thought that she got lost during the moves. But since my mother-in-law constantly asked about it (she had forgotten some exercises), I decided to look in bookstores for something about this gymnastics. I found a book by Mikhail Nikolaevich in Biblio-Globus and almost at the same time I found that old book at home, which I returned to her. And Mikhail Nikolaevich’s book was still lying with me. And I remembered it, read it and realized that this was exactly what I needed.

I started doing gymnastics, exercise after exercise - the whole complex. I felt somehow better. I decided to take it seriously. I found out Mikhail Nikolaevich’s phone number by calling the editorial office.

I started studying in a group, it was, of course, difficult, but after just a few lessons I was able to stop the attack with the help of gymnastics. I took 15 lessons from Mikhail Nikolaevich and already completely managed without Intal. But the whistling (wheezing) remained, the nose was still breathing with difficulty. And I took 15 more classes. Improvements came with each session. The fear of a new attack disappeared (I finally stopped carrying an inhaler with me everywhere) and my headaches and lower back pain, which tormented me even before asthma.

I also brought my daughter, who also had practically no breathing in her nose (she had adenoids), frequent colds, and she suffered from pneumonia twice. My daughter completed a course of treatment, and we began to regularly study at home 2 times a day, morning and evening. As a result, I didn’t go to the hospital with her anymore. If she got sick, we brought down the temperature with gymnastics, and treated a runny nose and cough with gymnastics. It's just a miracle, no one believed it.

When my main illness, for which I turned to Mikhail Nikolaevich, subsided, I decided to start doing a urological gymnastics complex. My menstrual cycle was disrupted and I had very severe pain before menstruation.

And the most important thing: we had lived with my husband (by that time) for 12 years, and after our daughter was born, we had no more children. When I wanted to have a second child, the doctors, after an examination, said that I had a multifollicular ovary, hormonal disorders, and that because of this I would no longer have children. And if I still want to have more children, then I will need to be treated with hormones for a long time. But then I decided: okay, I won’t undergo treatment, I have one child, let it be one.

But then I started doing the urological complex, and my pain before menstruation disappeared, my cycle returned to normal. And after a while I became pregnant. And now my youngest daughter is already 2 years old, and none of the doctors believes me that apart from Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, I have not been treated with anything else.

But this is the honest truth. And I am very happy that I was able to overcome asthma, and even give birth to a child. Many, many thanks, Mikhail Nikolaevich, for existing and for helping people regain their health and gain confidence in their own abilities.


At the age of 23, I developed an allergy - severe itching and swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and palate. The doctors at that time could not tell me anything intelligible, and I stopped contacting them about this.

As a career officer, I served in regions with different natural conditions. The range of allergens expanded, and in 1989, in June, attacks of suffocation began, accompanied by gurgling and wheezing in the lungs. The doctors made the diagnosis quickly and without hesitation - an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, which, in general, I had not suffered from. This diagnosis was confirmed annually until his transfer to the reserve in 1996.

Particularly long and severe exacerbations occurred in the autumn, in damp weather. I quickly realized that this was not bronchitis, and began to look for a way out. At first, I stopped attacks of suffocation, which happened mainly at night, with cold baths, dousing myself with cold water in the morning and evening. For 3 years, this technique saved me, and there was even hope for recovery. Then the situation worsened, and allergies to house dust, wool and other irritants appeared. I became a typical asthmatic and a regular user of the Astmopent inhaler.

In December 1996, in connection with my dismissal from military service, I passed a military medical commission in the pulmonology department of the hospital of the Moscow Military District. Although at that time there were no external manifestations of the disease, bronchoscopy showed deformation of the bronchial orifices, and based on the examination, a diagnosis of bronchial asthma was made. With this diagnosis and wishes for success in my new capacity, I retired to the reserve under the supervision of doctors at the garrison clinic.

In the fall of 1997, the condition worsened sharply, attacks of suffocation were repeated more and more often, and the ability to work was almost completely lost. I already knew that constantly using an inhaler was harmful, I didn’t rely on medicine, but I still went to the clinic. I was pleasantly surprised by the human concern with which the therapist treated me. I refused hospitalization because I saw and knew how and with what they treat asthmatics in the hospital. I was prescribed a course of aminophylline intravenously, daily for 10 days. The doctor strongly recommended that I contact Dr. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, for which I am eternally grateful to her. Her words sounded confident that he would cure me, and I followed her advice.

The treatment turned out to be surprisingly effective. Improvement was felt after the first session of breathing exercises. After the fourth, the asthma attacks disappeared, and I stopped the aminophylline course halfway through. Since the beginning of the gymnastics sessions I have not used the inhaler even once.

After the eighth session, sputum production practically stopped, but the next day I fell ill with the flu. Severe runny nose, headache. Despite this, I continued to do breathing exercises. In 3-4 days, the signs of flu disappeared, leaving only a complication in the form of mild bronchitis, which disappeared after the 12th session - a month after the start of treatment.

Soon, a week later, I had to work in a very dusty, unventilated room, and the dust was from sawing chipboard, to which I had a strong allergic reaction. This time it was not there, and, in general, the manifestations of allergies stopped.

Of course, a month and a half is not a long time to draw conclusions, but, of course, it is obvious that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are extremely effective when applied. The only problem is that its use should be regular and constant, which is not acceptable for every average patient with his “pill” psychology.

In January 2004, I called V.N. Dorokhov and asked about his well-being. Currently, his health has improved significantly, despite the fact that he does not do gymnastics regularly, but only during periods of exacerbation. “If I did gymnastics every day,” Vladimir Nikolaevich told me, “there would be no problems at all... But, alas, our Russian laziness!..”


From a letter from patient M.N. Shchetinina to the editor:

Illnesses have haunted me since the moment of birth. When I was born, my legs were bent behind my head (a freak girl was born), and they could not be straightened. In early childhood, waking up at night, I was afraid to see fireballs flying at my face. Over the course of my life, I have been given so many diagnoses, I can’t count them all! But the love, care of loved ones and my desire to be healthy helped me cope with illnesses. However, after misfortunes in the family (loss of parents, brothers, husband), they returned with a vengeance. At the age of fifty she was placed on disability without the right to work, because... the brain vessels had scars (examination at the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery). In 1999, the only son died...

Depression, killing melancholy, and the threat of blindness led me to Dr. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, who helped me master Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. In the spring I went to the village, to an old house - a gift from my late husband. There, after a nervous overstrain, my left leg began to hurt. The volume of the leg doubled and it turned red. The skin became inflamed from the foot to the knee, itched, and soon an ulcer appeared, which festered and smelled bad. The ulcer grew larger, the pain intensified and made it impossible to sleep. At night I started doing breathing exercises. The pain subsided and I fell asleep.

The emergency doctor said it was a trophic ulcer and would last for a long time. Soon the ulcer spread and already resembled the size of a chicken egg.

Every morning I began to go to the river and there, completely naked, I breathed according to Strelnikova for 2 hours, doing 4 complexes. After each complex, I dived into the water and then breathed again. The pain went away. I washed my leg with hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, applied plantain all the time (I didn’t buy ointment), and breathed again...

All around there was air, sun, water, greenery, birds, fish swam to the very shore. The pain completely went away. All this filled my soul with some kind of light, joy and gratitude. When I came home, I immediately fell asleep. Back then I ate mostly vegetables and herbs from the garden.

Gradually the size of the ulcer decreased, only clear liquid was released from it. After two and a half months, the ulcer healed completely.

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Mikhail Shchetinin
Breathing exercises by Strelnikova. Breathe correctly, improve your health

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“Our gymnastics is an absolutely independent healing system. It should not be combined with any other healing techniques. If the author of another method reinforces his system with Strelnikov’s exercises, then his “creation” is either ineffective or completely useless!..”

A.N. Strelnikova

From the author

“A person who exercises moderately and regularly does not need any treatment to eliminate the disease.”


The size of an adult's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist, and the weight ranges from 250 to 350 grams, and the weight of the heart in women is 10–15% less than the weight of the heart in men. At rest, it pumps 4 to 5 liters of blood per minute. Strelnikovsky breathing exercises increase blood flow to the muscles. As a result of its regular implementation, capillaries increase and lengthen (according to capillaroscopy). As a result, blood supply to all organs and tissues of the human body improves. That is why this technique is so necessary for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Strelnikov exercises not only expand the coronary vessels of the heart. While performing breathing exercises in gymnastics A.N. Strelnikov’s blood is actively saturated with oxygen and the blood flow seems to polish the vessels from the inside. Thus, regular performance of Strelnikov breathing exercises not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also renews blood vessels, which is very important for diseases such as hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia and atherosclerosis.

Well-known medications, which help to achieve dilation of blood vessels, have an unstable therapeutic effect, act for a short time and in most cases have undesirable effects. side effect. In this regard, I would like to recall the words of the famous American clinician Michael Oppenheim: “Aspirin relieves acute pain for a couple of hours. Cough medicines do not cure coughs, they only suppress them. Antihistamines do not cure allergies, they only relieve the severity of the attack. Cortisone makes almost everything easier, but it doesn’t cure anything... Therefore, ask yourself more often: “Do I really need this?”

And here is what the famous doctor Tissot, who lived in France in the 18th century, said: “Movement can replace any remedy, but all the healing remedies in the world cannot replace the effect of movement.” So take your laziness in hand, ladies and gentlemen, and go ahead, attack your illnesses with the help of Strelnikov breathing exercises.

Basics of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises

Attention!!! If you decide to master a set of Strelnikov breathing exercises, start with the first three exercises. These are “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. All Strelnikov breathing exercises are performed in the rhythm of an army march: everyone has seen how soldiers march.

“Palms” is a warm-up exercise in our gymnastics. During the first lesson, when performing this exercise, you should take only 4 noisy short breaths through your nose. Then - rest, (pause) 3-5 seconds and again in a row without stopping 4 noisy breaths through the nose. And so you need to do 24 times with 4 inhalations-movements. A total of 96 breaths-movements (in our opinion, “a hundred”). The exhalation should go out through the nose or through the mouth after each inhalation through the nose. Under no circumstances should you hold in or, conversely, push out the air. Inhalation is extremely active, exhalation is absolutely passive. It’s just noisy, you can smell the air throughout the entire apartment. Just think about inhaling. If you think about exhaling, you will immediately become confused! A.N. Strelnikova often said in class: “Play an acting sketch: it smells like burning, alarm!” After all, in a fire, sniffing the smell of smoke, no one thinks about exhaling. Everyone sniffs the air anxiously, and the exhalation leaves on its own (without our help) through the nose or mouth after each inhalation.

The moment you inhale, your lips close slightly. Some patients have their lips tightly closed all the time, so exhalation also goes out through the nose. Others, on the contrary, tensely keep their mouth slightly open all the time (inhalation is done through the nose, but with the mouth slightly open). It is not right.

In our gymnastics, a noisy short inhalation through the nose is done with closed lips. You cannot deliberately compress your lips tightly at the moment of inhalation; they close slightly, absolutely freely and naturally. When you exhale, let the air leave through your nose. But if this is difficult for you and you are “bloated” from the residual air, release the exhaust air through your mouth.

In this case, after a short noisy inhalation through the nose, the lips (again on their own, without our help) unclench slightly, and the exhalation leaves on its own through the mouth, neither seen nor heard. Helping your inhalation with your facial muscles (grimacing) is strictly prohibited.

It is also impossible to lift the palate at the moment of inhalation, send air deep into the body, while protruding the stomach, etc. Don't think about where the air goes. Just think about sniffing the air noisily and briefly (like clapping your hands). The shoulders do not participate in the act of breathing, therefore, in no case should you raise your shoulders at the moment of inhalation. Watch this closely. And if, at the moment of inhalation, your shoulders still rise and your chest protrudes, stand in front of the mirror and, taking 4 noisy short breaths through your nose in a row, try to forcibly keep your shoulders in a calm state, holding your trousers on the sides with your hands.

At the very beginning of training, you may feel slightly dizzy. Don't be alarmed. Do the "Palms" exercise while sitting. Apparently, your cerebral cortex vessels are out of order (see recommendations for vegetative-vascular dystonia).

When performing the second exercise – “Epaulettes” – do not 4, but 8 breath-movements in a row without stopping. Then rest for 3-5 seconds and again 8 breaths-movements. And so 12 times 8, that is, 96 (“hundred”).

In the first lesson you need to do one more exercise. This is the “Pump” exercise (restrictions on performing this exercise are in the description of the main complex). The “pump” also needs to be done 12 times with 8 breaths-movements, resting 3-5 seconds after each “figure eight”.

So, in the first lesson you did the “Palms” exercise – 24 times with 4 breaths-movements, the “Shoulder straps” exercise – 12 times with 8 breaths-movements and the “Pump” exercise – 12 times with 8 breaths-movements. There were 3 “hundreds” in total. These 3 exercises usually take 10 to 20 minutes.

You should conduct classes 2 times a day (morning and evening). Repeating the lesson in the evening, do the very first exercise – “Palms” – not 4, but 8 breaths-movements in a row without stopping. And so 12 times with 8 breaths-movements, resting after each “eight” for 3-5 seconds. It will turn out like this: “Palms” – 96 (12 times 8 breaths-movements), “Shoulder straps” – 96 (12 times 8 breaths-movements), “Pump” – 96 (12 times 8 breaths-movements).

Each subsequent day, master one new exercise. The next day, add one more exercise to these three exercises - “Cat”. The “Cat” exercise also needs to be done 12 times with 8 breaths-movements, resting for 3 to 5 seconds after every 8 breaths-movements. Repeat the lesson in the evening.

And so every day you should gradually master one new exercise: after “Cats”, include the “Hug your shoulders” exercise, then “Big pendulum”, “Head turns”, “Ears”, “Head pendulum”, “Rolls”, finally "Steps".

The newly mastered exercise should also be done 8 times in 12 sets, resting 3-5 seconds after each figure eight. If you have already mastered the previous exercises quite well and do them quite easily, do them no longer in 8 breaths-movements, resting 3-5 seconds after each “eight”, but in 16 (2 times 8 breaths-movements) or even 32 each (4 times 8 breaths-movements). After completing 16 or 32 inhalation movements without stopping, pause. That is, now rest not after every “eight”, but after 16 or 32 breaths-movements.

Both after 16 and after 32 breaths-movements you need to rest for 3 to 5 seconds. If this is not enough for you, you can extend the rest to 10 seconds, but no longer.

Remember that if you have already mastered the first few exercises well and do them, for example, 32 breaths-movements without stopping, then each new exercise should be done in a row, still only 8 breaths-movements, be sure to rest 3-5 seconds after each "eights". And only after a few days of training, this exercise can be done for 16 or 32 inhalation movements without stopping.

If you are doing the exercise not for 8, but for 32 breaths-movements without stopping, then you should still mentally count only in “eights”!

Important points

Each lesson should take approximately 30 minutes (try to keep it within this time).

Do 3 “thirties” of each exercise. Rest for 3 to 10 seconds after every 32 breaths. If it is difficult to take 32 breaths without stopping, rest 3-5 seconds after every 8 or 16 breaths-movements.

Do the whole complex at each lesson (and not several “hundreds” of one exercise). Exercise for an average of 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. If you feel unwell, do Strelnikov breathing exercises several times a day. And you will feel better.

If you don’t have much time, do the entire complex of our gymnastics not in 3 “thirties”, but in one “thirty” of each exercise, starting with “Palms” and ending with “Steps”. This will take 5-6 minutes.

Mentally count only by “eights.” If you get confused, rest 3-5 seconds after every 8 breaths-movements. For each “eight”, set aside a match (12 matches).

Strelnikovskaya gymnastics can be practiced by children from 3-4 years old and older people. Age is not limited. It can be done standing, sitting, and in serious condition even lying down! It's universal!

On average, you need a month of daily exercise, 2 times a day, to feel the therapeutic effect for any disease.

I advise you to never quit this gymnastics. Exercise for the rest of your life at least once a day for 30 or even 15 minutes, and you will not need medication. This gymnastics can be performed both for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of many diseases.

How to perform the main complex

I don’t remember who was the first to utter the phrase that the nation should be healthy, but what was said, of course, is absolutely true. The nation itself probably wants to be healthy, but what is being done for this is a very, very complicated question. My deepest conviction: to improve health, the nation must still choose a natural, non-drug method. And the breathing exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova fully correspond to the basic requirement of everyone who wants to become healthy: in the shortest possible time - maximum results!

Every time at his lectures, answering the question why it is necessary to give preference to the methodology of A.N. Strelnikova, I’m talking about two colossal advantages of this gymnastics over all others:

By doing Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, you kill two birds with one stone - you ensure both the external development of all parts of the body, starting from the head and ending with the legs, and internal “cleaning”, i.e. internal massage of almost all organs.

Our gymnastics is universal: it can be done standing, sitting, and in serious condition even lying down, for children from 3-4 years old and for elderly people who are well over 80.

It will help a child to grow up as healthy as possible and be formed correctly, and for an elderly person it will prolong life and make old age not decrepit, infirm, but active and productive!

IN ideal Gymnastics should be performed 2 times a day. In the morning - before breakfast or an hour and a half after it. If your breakfast is not too heavy, you can “breathe” after 40 minutes or even half an hour. In the evening - before dinner or an hour and a half after it. If you do gymnastics before meals, then you can start eating 10 minutes after breathing according to Strelnikova, but if you started exercising an hour and a half after dinner, then do not rush to go to bed immediately after training. Take a warm shower and slowly start getting ready for bed.

It happens that our gymnastics invigorates the body very much, and a person cannot fall asleep. In this case, do it before dinner, so that you can eat slowly and calmly prepare for bed.

Does the sequence of exercises matter? Of course he plays! You need to start training with harmless warm-up exercises, which I recommend in all my articles and books. These are the “Palms” and “Shoulder straps” exercises.

I realized the essential importance of the sequence of exercises during Alexandra Nikolaevna’s lifetime during my work in the clinic with seriously ill patients in the early postoperative period. Some authors, who rewrite Strelnikov’s exercises in the most shameless manner, offer gullible readers a different sequence, either composed by themselves, or taken from old publications 30 years ago. But Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova constantly improved her invention, and I, being next to my teacher for 12 years, took an active part in this. And I treat patients and conduct examinations in the clinic, too, and not those gentlemen who disfigure our gymnastics, making money on someone else’s technique!

So be careful, dear readers, and do not risk your health, do not do Strelnikov breathing exercises based on other publications.

The main complex consists of the following exercises:





“Hug your shoulders”;

"Big Pendulum"

"Head turns";

"Pendulum head";

“Rolls” with the right leg in front:

“Rolls” with the left leg in front;

"Forward Step";

"Back step."

The norm for each exercise is 3 “thirties”, i.e. 3 times 32 breaths-movements. This amounts to 96 breaths-movements, or Strelnikov’s “hundred”.

But doing 3 “thirties” in a row is difficult and quite tiring. Therefore, I suggest readers do all the exercises in the same sequence, but one “thirty” at a time, and repeat the entire sequence three times. That is, first perform the exercises, starting with “Palms” and ending with “Backward Step”, 32 inhalations-movements for each exercise. Since there are 13 exercises in total, and this is a “bad” number, let’s add another “thirty” of the “Pump” exercises. A total of 14 exercises – this is one approach, one “circle”. After resting for 3–5 seconds (you can extend the pause to 10 seconds), repeat the approach (these are the same 14 exercises), rest again for 3–10 seconds and repeat the approach for the third time, 32 inhalations and movements for each exercise.

It's enough. This is the norm for one lesson, for example in the morning. In total there were 3 rounds of one “thirty” of each exercise. Performing a lesson in 3 sessions is much easier than in one session, but with “hundreds” of breaths and movements of each exercise. The muscles do not have time to get tired during 32 inhalations and movements, and the next exercise loads another muscle group.

If you are not yet sufficiently trained, rest 3-5 seconds after every 16 or even 8 breaths-movements. The same should be done if you, having started doing 32 inhalations and movements, got tired, and it became difficult for you to continue training in the same mode.

If you don’t have much time in the morning (you overslept and are in a hurry to get to work), you don’t need to do the whole complex in 3 passes. Make one visit and you will already have a boost of energy for the first half of the day. Maybe during the day you will be able to “snatch” 5 minutes to complete one more approach. And in the evening you can calmly, without rushing, complete all 3 passes.

I remind you: if you practice on your own according to my book, do not change the order of the exercises of the main complex. Any deviation from the rules will not allow you to achieve the positive therapeutic effect that you expect to receive from our gymnastics.

Patients who have undergone a course of treatment with me and have worked out the technique of performing the main complex well, sometimes have to change the sequence of exercises, focusing on those exercises that in this particular case can give the maximum therapeutic effect. These changes depend on the nature and severity of the disease, which once again confirms the need for an individual approach to each patient in the treatment of any disease.

Remember! Each person is individual! During my treatment sessions, I strictly take into account age, diagnosis, past illnesses and surgeries, the condition of each patient, and the body’s genetic (hereditary) predisposition to a particular disease. Based on this, I recommend a strictly dosed load.

Attention! You should not try to introduce any new elements into Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. This may harm your health.

Exercise restrictions

Bend the cores in the “Worm” exercise only legs, lying on your side - otherwise the load on the heart increases.

The exercises “Big Batman”, “Twist”, “Charleston”, “Circular movements of the knees” (on an incline), “Prance with the hips”, “Scissors”, “Forward take-off”, “Backward take-off”, “Wall push-ups” are not recommended for heart patients. ", "Press-ups from the floor", "Steps with the buttocks", "Squat walking".

Do not do exercises on your own that cause pain; they should be done under the supervision of a specialist.

* * *

Strelnikovsky breathing exercises should be done 2 times a day - morning and evening. For example, in the morning you did the entire main complex, repeating all the exercises three times for 32 inhalations and movements (3 sets). After this, do all the exercises of the auxiliary complex that I have proposed (and there are more than 30 of them) one “thirty” of each exercise, which will amount to more than 1000 breaths and movements. All together this will amount to more than 2000 breaths and movements. This is a lot, not every person can do it. And, as a rule, time is running out. Therefore, if you really want to perform all the exercises of the auxiliary complex (and not just a few selected ones), then perform them in a volume of 16 or even 8 breaths-movements - it will take much less time.

The exercises of the auxiliary complex of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises are perfectly combined with traditional physical exercises, sports games, running, swimming, etc. But before starting any other exercises, I advise you to first do our breathing exercises. You will “warm up” your body, and heavy physical activity will not be as tiring for you as before.

Having breathed on Strelnikova, any housework and work summer cottage you will do it faster, better and with less physical effort.

In addition, Strelnikov breathing exercises have a pronounced analgesic effect. We overexerted ourselves, our arm, leg, neck, lower back, head hurt... We breathed like Strelnikov for 10-15 minutes, and in the vast majority of cases it becomes much easier. Even a severe headache becomes dull and gradually disappears.

Breathing exercises, which involve intense inhalation, create a kind of dominant in the cerebral cortex, which suppresses all other sources of excitation. Therefore, our gymnastics serves as an excellent means of relaxation (relaxation). Patients who attend my treatment sessions, as a rule, do not have a single extraneous thought in their heads, and this is relaxation. How many times have my patients told me: “Today I was so tired at work - I thought I wouldn’t get to you... But after your session it became so easy - as if I hadn’t worked!”

But with any other gymnastics the opposite happens! That is why, in my sessions, patients usually take more than 2000 breaths and movements. And no shortness of breath, no fatigue... The so-called muscular joy appears - and you want to continue again and again.

Errors when performing breathing exercises by Strelnikova

For 25 years I have been treating people, teaching them the method through which I was cured myself. Over the years of practice, communicating with thousands of my patients, giving lectures and conducting practical classes, I became convinced that the breathing exercises created by my teacher have no equal in their medicinal properties. But, unfortunately, it has one drawback - it is unusually specific!

In principle, gymnastics is not difficult: even four-year-old children can easily master it, and it is performed by elderly people who are well over eighty. Our gymnastics can be done standing, sitting, and for seriously ill, bedridden people, even lying down.

However, there are rules, violation of which can reduce the effect of classes to zero. Strelnikov breathing exercises must be done at a certain tempo; certain restrictions in movements should be adhered to for various (especially severe) diseases. Each person is recommended to perform strictly dosed exercise, taking into account his diagnosis, age, and physical condition.

In our gymnastics it has great importance counting: while performing breathing exercises, you need to mentally count only by 8. This may seem strange, but if you count by 5 and 10, then Strelnikov breathing exercises will not help you.

Taking these features into account, I want to draw your attention to the mistakes that are most common among my patients when mastering Strelnikov breathing exercises.

Strelnikovsky breathing exercises was created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice, because A.N. Strelnikova was a singer and lost it. Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is the only one in the world in which a short and sharp breath is taken through the nose using movements that compress the chest.

Gymnastics was registered by the State Institute of Patent Examination in 1972. Its author, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, was issued an author's certificate number 411865 in the State Register of the USSR for “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice.”

The only gymnastics in the world in which active inhalation through the nose is done while compressing the chest.

“A method for treating diseases associated with loss of voice” (the author’s certificate is registered in the State Register of the USSR) - turned out to be a unique method of natural healing of the WHOLE ORGANISM. By activating nasal breathing, gymnastics ensures a high level of oxygen supply to the entire body, improves metabolic processes, increases immunity. (Indications: diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, stuttering, neuroses. Gymnastics relieves fatigue, relieves depression, increases sexual activity.)

In addition, gymnastics according to Strelnikova activates the human immune system, helps to overcome stressful conditions, get rid of excess weight and nicotine addiction. The method is an effective additional tool in the treatment of long-term chronic diseases.

Of the four functions of the respiratory organs: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing, singing is the most difficult. Consequently, gymnastics, which restores even the singing voice, that is, the most complex function, on the way to the goal inevitably restores simpler functions, and above all breathing.

The phenomenon of the so-called paradoxical breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova is known far beyond the borders of our country. Her results are truly amazing. With the help of several simple dynamic breathing exercises, some of which are performed while compressing the chest while inhaling, it was possible to stop an attack of suffocation in bronchial asthma, get rid of chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, overcome stuttering, and regain a lost voice.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, a unique healing method created several decades ago and which has already cured more than one thousand sick people, is finally becoming available to everyone who wants to master and apply it.

Shchetinin Mikhail Nikolaevich- student, assistant and sole creative heir of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, the author of unique breathing exercises. Currently, Dr. M.N. Shchetinin heads the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics named after. A.N. Strelnikova, is a consultant to several medical institutions in Moscow, including the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Why the method “works”

Modern man breathes shallowly. It is natural for him to inhale when he extends or extends his arms. In Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, everything is different, and therefore it is called paradoxical. At the moment of inhalation, on the contrary, a tilt is made. The chest is compressed, and the narrow apex of the lungs is pinched. This prevents the air from diverging, and an intense inhalation purposefully pushes it to its maximum depth. Thus, the air goes into the wide lower bases of the lungs, and they are filled one hundred percent. Much more oxygen enters the blood than usual. Such oxygenated blood “polishes” the vessels from the inside, clearing atherosclerotic plaques from their walls, and expands the narrowed capillaries. In addition, the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to the diseased organ activates general metabolic processes at the cellular level and thus heals it. As a result, people get rid of many diseases, ranging from a runny nose to bronchial asthma. In smokers, a strong air stream removes nicotine plaque from the bronchial tree and vocal cords. Thanks to air massage of the nasopharynx and velum, their swelling is eliminated, as a result, night snoring disappears.

Unpleasant sensations

During exercise, you may feel dizzy, which is due to intense oxygen saturation of the blood. If this does not go away after two or three hundred breaths and movements, you can do gymnastics while sitting. Another nuisance is dryness and pain in the nose as a result of the fact that the air stream massages the mucous membrane quite strongly. This is a natural process and is not considered a deviation from the norm.


The main complex of breathing exercises consists of 12 exercises, each of which is normally performed 96 times. For trained people this takes no more than 20 minutes, but beginners face difficulties. It is especially difficult to take the Strelnikov breath correctly. It is so intense that the nostrils must practically stick together. Exhale lightly, through the nose or through the mouth. Under no circumstances should you hold air in your chest.

Your actions

It’s not worth starting to learn gymnastics on your own, especially if you have a bunch of diseases that have developed over the years. First, consult a specialist who will select an individual complex for you and show you how to perform exercises with contraindications. For example, if you have high blood pressure, intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, kidneys, or myopia of more than 5 diopters, you should not bend low, and if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to raise your legs high. The doctor will advise how to do the exercise in these cases so as not to harm yourself.

On a note

On the basis of the ninth clinic of the Moscow garrison of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the department of physical therapy, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises were used to treat bronchial asthma, pneumonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic prostatitis and other diseases. Classes were conducted in two groups. In the first, according to the Strelnikova method, in the second, according to the generally accepted method recommended by the Ministry of Health. As a result, it was revealed that treatment using the Strelnikova method is more effective. Rehabilitation time was reduced by more than half. The patients' breathing rhythm improved, shortness of breath, heart pain, fatigue, depression disappeared, blood pressure and ECG normalized, and sexual activity increased.

Allergist's opinion

Tatyana Grashchenkova, employee of the Clinical Diagnostic Center of Children's City Clinic No. 69:

We have been doing breathing exercises according to Strelnikova for more than two years. During this time, more than 100 children aged 10 to 15 years old with a diagnosis of asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma studied in our groups. Most children showed a decrease in cough and the frequency of asthma attacks, and improved nasal breathing. Children who have been doing gymnastics for more than a year and a half have become physically stronger and have become interested in sports, which was out of the question before.

Phthisiatrician's opinion

Zinaida Evfimievskaya, head of the department of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

In our adolescent department, breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method were carried out for more than five months with sick children and adolescents with various forms of tuberculosis. The first positive results were obtained within a month - in patients who, in addition to tuberculosis, suffered from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Their heart pain stopped, their blood pressure, temperature, and ECG returned to normal.

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A unique Russian technique that has no analogues in world medicine is Strelnikovsky breathing exercises: restores impaired nasal breathing; cures stuttering and diseases of the vocal apparatus; highly effective in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system; relieves pain in the heart, eliminates vascular spasm; strengthens the musculoskeletal system; helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. In this book you will get acquainted with exactly those exercises that have already saved the lives of many people and are now helping to fight diseases. Breathe like Strelnikov - and maintain youth, health and beauty! Second edition. Revised and expanded.

“You need to attack the disease, not defend yourself!” (the most popular questions from listeners at the lectures of Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin)

Strelnikova’s miraculous set of exercises is gaining ever wider popular popularity. But those who first heard about a unique method of healing have many questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that listeners ask at Mikhail Shchetinin’s lectures.

What diseases does Strelnikova’s gymnastics help with?

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is a method of complex effects on the entire body as a whole. It helps with a number of diseases. Since breathing is the most important function of the human body, with which all metabolic processes are associated (a person can live without food for several weeks, and without air for several minutes), saturating the body with oxygen activates the work of almost all internal organs, thereby helping the body resist a number of diseases.

For example, gymnastics strengthens the heart. Let me remind you that the size of an adult’s heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist, and the weight ranges from 250 to 350 grams, and the weight of the heart in women is 10–15% less than the weight of the heart in men. At rest, it pumps 4 to 5 liters of blood per minute. Strelnikovsky breathing exercises increase blood flow to the muscles. As a result of its regular implementation, capillaries increase and lengthen (according to capillaroscopy). As a result, blood supply to all organs and tissues of the human body improves. That is why this technique is so necessary for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


Strelnikovsky breathing exercises increase blood flow to the muscles, improving blood supply to all organs and tissues.

Strelnikov exercises not only expand the coronary vessels of the heart. While performing breathing exercises in gymnastics A.N. Strelnikov’s blood is actively saturated with oxygen and the blood flow seems to “polish” the vessels from the inside. Thus, regular performance of Strelnikov breathing exercises not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also renews blood vessels, which is very important for diseases such as hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia and atherosclerosis.

Well-known medications that help to dilate blood vessels have an unstable therapeutic effect, act for a short time and in most cases have undesirable side effects. In this regard, I would like to recall the words of the famous American clinician Michael Oppenheim: “Aspirin relieves acute pain for a couple of hours. Cough medicines do not cure coughs, they only suppress them. Antihistamines do not cure allergies, they only relieve the severity of the attack. Cortisone makes almost everything easier, but it doesn’t cure anything... Therefore, ask yourself more often: “Do I really need this?”

Practice also shows: by breathing like Strelnikova, you will do any work around the house and at your dacha faster, with better quality and with less physical effort.

In addition, Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises have a pronounced analgesic effect. We overexerted ourselves, our arm, leg, neck, lower back, head hurt... We breathed like Strelnikov for 10-15 minutes, and in the vast majority of cases it becomes much easier. Even a severe headache becomes dull and gradually disappears.

Breathing exercises, which involve intense inhalation, create a kind of dominant in the cerebral cortex, which suppresses all other sources of excitation. Therefore, our gymnastics serves as an excellent means of relaxation (relaxation). Patients who attend my treatment sessions, as a rule, do not have a single extraneous thought in their heads, and this is relaxation. How many times have my patients told me: “Today I was so tired at work - I thought I wouldn’t get to you... But after your session it became so easy - as if I hadn’t worked!”


Strelnikovsky breathing exercises have a pronounced analgesic effect.

But with any other gymnastics the opposite happens! That is why, in my sessions, patients usually take more than 2000 breaths and movements. And no shortness of breath, no fatigue... The so-called muscular joy appears - and you want to continue again and again.

How does Strelnikova’s gymnastics differ from other breathing techniques?

The main difference between our gymnastics and all existing ones is that it is the only one of all that trains only inhalation! Moreover, an unusual inhale - noisy, short, active... Like an injection, like a blow from a whip, like a shot from a pistol!.. In Strelnikovskaya gymnastics there is a cult of inhalation! It is forbidden to even think about exhalation.

No wonder Alexandra Nikolaevna liked to say: “You need to attack the disease, not defend yourself!”

What is the mechanism of action of Strelnikovsky gymnastics?

A short, noisy inhalation through the nose goes to the maximum depth of the lungs. When you inhale, the lungs expand. Due to this, the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) increases. The uniformity of ventilation and gas exchange in the lungs improve.

With a noisy short “Strelnikov breath”, the lungs are filled with air instantly from bottom to top. During Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, there is an active flow of blood to all internal organs, and they are “recharged”. And if some organ is acting up, then over time it begins to work much better.

About the mechanism therapeutic effect Strelnikovskaya gymnastics was superbly written in one of the books by the outstanding Soviet and Russian physiologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Agadzhanyan.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.A. Agadzhanyan

The use of breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, the creator of which I knew personally, for the treatment of various diseases and pathological conditions and for prevention purposes should not cause confusion. There are strong physiological grounds for obtaining a therapeutic effect, which are confirmed by scientific research and many years of practice in the use of this gymnastics in a number of medical and preventive institutions.

The gymnastics are well done. She is independent remedy, not requiring any additions. Alexandra Nikolaevna herself was against combining gymnastics with other procedures (enemas, etc.). The physiological basis of breathing exercises are: intensification of diaphragmatic breathing, which helps to increase ventilation of the lower lobes of the lungs and enhances the venous return of blood to the heart, facilitating its work, as well as simple physical exercises that must be done along with breathing, which prevents a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar air and blood, ensures the preservation of the constancy of the internal environment in the body and distinguishes this gymnastics from others. In this case, physical exercises are selected to match the intensity of breathing movements. As a result, the development of hypocapnia (a condition caused by insufficient carbon dioxide in the blood) is prevented.

Some experts call A.N. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises “paradoxical” due to the fact that in a number of exercises, when inhaling, an obstacle is created to the expansion of the chest. This achieves an increase in the diaphragmatic component of breathing and an increase in ventilation of the lower lobes of the lungs, in which, due to various reasons, ventilation is reduced. This is the originality and one of the “know-how” of Strelnikovskaya gymnastics. Another distinctive quality is the high frequency of the breathing rhythm.

Short breaths in Strelnikovskaya gymnastics improve nasal breathing, eliminate congestion in the paranasal sinuses of the upper respiratory tract, strengthen the muscles of the velum, eliminating snoring, increase the strength of the respiratory muscles and, especially, the diaphragm, and increase the vital capacity of the lungs by 10-15% or more. This normalizes gas composition blood: the partial pressure of oxygen increases and the carbon dioxide tension returns to normal.

Activation of the venous return of blood to the heart during Strelnikova’s gymnastics is extremely useful for the blood supply to organs and tissues, for the functioning of the heart, for providing the body with oxygen and removing metabolic products. This process is the basis for the use of gymnastics as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for arterial hypertension and diseases associated with blood circulation disorders.

Separately, it should be noted the extremely beneficial effect of Strelnikovsky gymnastics on the condition of the lungs. The results of many years of research by Alexandra Nikolaevna and her student and follower Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin indicate the beneficial effect of gymnastics on the course of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, etc. One of the treatment factors for these diseases is an increase in mucociliary clearance during gymnastics - cleansing the lungs of mucus, phlegm, dust particles.

All this testifies to the physiological nature of Strelnikovskaya gymnastics and at the same time places high demands on compliance with the methodological techniques developed by Alexandra Nikolaevna. In this regard, I would like to warn readers against various kinds of plagiarists who, without proper qualifications, use Strelnikova’s name for commercial gain.

What is the advantage of Strelnikovskaya gymnastics over others?

Every time at his lectures, answering the question why it is necessary to give preference to the methodology of A.N. Strelnikova, I’m talking about two colossal advantages of this gymnastics over all others.

Firstly, Strelnikova’s gymnastics are unusually effective. And often my patients feel its healing effects literally after the first treatment session. The nose begins to breathe better, vigor appears, mood improves, blood pressure normalizes, headaches go away and even the temperature drops.

But the fact is that by doing Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, “you kill two birds with one stone” - you ensure the external development of all parts of the body, starting from the head and ending with the legs, and internal “cleaning”, that is, internal massage of almost all organs.

Secondly: it is universal. It can be done not only standing, but also sitting, and in serious condition even lying down! It can be done on the go, between times, walking around the apartment, doing household chores. Or while walking in the park. It can be done by going up to the top floor. This gymnastics will help you climb the stairs without shortness of breath and without heart pain. Try to rise like this, “sniffing” your nose at the same time as you place your foot on each subsequent step, and mentally counting by 2 or 4. The result will pleasantly surprise you!


Gymnastics can be done not only standing, but also sitting, and in severe condition, even lying down.

It can be done to children from 3-4 years old and to elderly people who are well over 80. It will help a child grow as healthy as possible and form correctly, and for an elderly person it will prolong life and make old age not decrepit, infirm, but active and productive!

How many times a day should you do gymnastics?

Twice a day - morning and evening. In the morning: before breakfast or 30-40 minutes after it. And in the evening: either before dinner, or some time (30-40 minutes) after eating. If it is possible to do gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova during the day - please! This will be even better. Three times a day is more effective than two. If you do gymnastics before meals, then you can start eating 10 minutes after breathing according to Strelnikova, but if you started exercising an hour and a half after dinner, then do not rush to go to bed immediately after training. Take a warm shower and slowly start getting ready for bed. It happens that our gymnastics invigorates the body very much, and a person cannot fall asleep.

One workout should take an average of 30-40 minutes. If it’s a little more or less, it’s not scary. Thirty minutes should not be strictly adhered to.

Does the sequence of exercises matter?

Of course he plays! For example, you should definitely start your workout with light warm-up exercises “Palms” and “Epaulettes”.

I realized the essential importance of the sequence of exercises during Alexandra Nikolaevna’s lifetime during my work in the clinic with seriously ill patients in the early postoperative period. Some authors, who rewrite the Strelnikov exercises in the most shameless manner, offer gullible readers a different sequence, either composed by themselves, or taken from old publications more than 30 years ago. But Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova constantly improved her invention, and I, being next to my teacher for 12 years, took an active part in this. And I treat patients and conduct examinations in the clinic, too, and not those gentlemen who disfigure our gymnastics, making money on someone else’s technique!

So, be careful, dear readers, and do not risk your health, do not do Strelnikov breathing exercises based on books by other authors!

What mistakes do people most often make when doing gymnastics?

Sometimes I receive calls like this: “Mikhail Nikolaevich, I visited you 7 years ago, I completed a course of treatment, everything was fine. But recently I got a bad cold. I started doing your gymnastics, but for some reason, like before, it doesn’t help me...” And when I call such a patient (or patient) for a “control” treatment session, I usually see two very common mistakes. These are: fast pace and excessive overexertion. The opposite situation is very rare - the patient begins to do gymnastics more slowly than necessary. Therefore, she stops helping him. These nuances are very important.

There are rules, violation of which can reduce the effect of classes to zero. Strelnikov breathing exercises must be done at a certain tempo-rhythm, and certain restrictions in movements should be adhered to for various (especially severe) diseases. Each person is recommended to perform strictly dosed exercise, taking into account his diagnosis, age, and physical condition.


While doing breathing exercises, you need to mentally count only in 8s.

In our gymnastics, counting is of great importance: while performing breathing exercises, you need to mentally count only by 8. This may seem strange, but if you count by 5 and 10, then Strelnikovsky breathing exercises will not help you.

Does gymnastics have any disadvantages?

I don’t know whether this is a disadvantage or an advantage, but Strelnikova’s gymnastics is unusually specific. This is hidden behind the apparent simplicity and accessibility. There are no trifles in Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, everything is important in it: the technique of performing breathing exercises, the tempo-rhythm (you can’t go faster or slower), and the dosage (you need to give each patient exactly the number of breaths-movements necessary for the body of a particular person to move for "correction"). After all, there are no two absolutely identical people in nature. This is why an individual approach to each patient is needed, taking into account the diagnosis; medical history; age; current physical condition; heredity; hormonal levels; character and much more, which is noted by an experienced specialist only during personal communication with the patient. Therefore, only at an appointment with a doctor, and in no case in absentia, can a patient receive the help necessary for recovery.

Are there any contraindications to performing gymnastics?

I am often asked if there are any contraindications to Strelnikova’s gymnastics? Alexandra Nikolaevna always answered this question like this: “Is there really a disease for which training in correct inhalation would be contraindicated?! An inhalation that goes to the maximum depth of the lungs, without distorting their natural cone-shaped shape, is the inhalation that our gymnastics trains!”

But, you cannot do breathing exercises in a room with a freshly painted floor, in a dusty, very stuffy and heavily polluted room, as well as near a highway and in close proximity to a car exhaust pipe. I do not recommend doing it in front of a fire with a suffocating acrid smell of smoke.

When performing Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, there are certain restrictions on the load: it must be strictly dosed for injuries to the head, spine, stones in the liver, kidneys, bladder, etc.

The ONLY contraindication for performing breathing exercises is A.N. Strelnikova is suffering from internal bleeding. In this case, there can be no talk of any physical therapy at all. Immediate, urgent hospitalization, otherwise the person may die!..

Does Strelnikova’s gymnastics have any side effects?

From my 40 years of practice, I know that sometimes (not everyone and not always) may experience slight dizziness at the beginning of a workout. But it usually goes away by the end of the treatment session. Minor muscle soreness is possible: the neck, arms in the elbow and shoulder joints and legs under the knees ache slightly. But after a couple of days of regular daily workouts(if you perform breathing exercises correctly, without muscle strain), unpleasant sensations in the body disappear, and it becomes more mobile and obedient.

These “side effects” that I am writing about can sometimes occur in a person who has started doing Strelnikov gymnastics. I repeat: I just started studying. And, as a rule, at the beginning of training, that is, in the first two or three classes.

Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova, activating all metabolic processes at the cellular level, “hooks” the diseased organ, including it in the active and coordinated work of all organs and systems. This is the so-called “diagnostic exacerbation”. And as the diseased organ heals, the unpleasant sensations disappear.


At the beginning of training, a person who has started practicing Strelnikovsky gymnastics may experience slight dizziness.

If a person is very tense, makes too sudden movements (bows low, turns sharply, etc., etc.), that is, in fact, he does not control correct technique performing Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, his arms, legs, neck, lower back and even head may hurt.

That is why any practical method is best performed under the supervision of a specialist.

At what air temperature can you do gymnastics outside?

I recommend doing our gymnastics at +5 °C. It is impossible to go lower, otherwise a person may become hypothermic. Many people with a weakened respiratory system have a cold allergy, that is, an allergy to cold air. Therefore, do Strelnikovsky gymnastics outside at a temperature of +5 degrees and above.

At what age can a child be taught Strelnikov gymnastics?

I take children for treatment starting from the age of 4. Sometimes I make an exception for those kids whose parents managed to teach them to “sniff” their nose correctly even after 3 years.

In general, Alexandra Nikolaevna and I have always had and still have the following “unshakable” rule for children under 7 years of age: one of the parents comes to the first treatment session alone, without the child. And he receives a full-fledged treatment session, at the end of which the parent is explained how to work at home with the baby.

Firstly, there are practically no healthy people now, so our gymnastics will be useful for the parent himself. Secondly, he will know the specifics of classes with young children (it is described in detail in my manual book “Strelnikovsky breathing exercises for children”).

At home, such an adult will be able to independently teach his child. The child is brought to me already prepared and trained. And, as a rule, he already performs our breathing exercises without any whims. The effectiveness of treatment from this is undeniably higher.

What exercises should you start learning Strelnikovsky gymnastics with?

From the very beginning, that is, from the first three exercises: “Palms”, “Shoulder straps” and “Pump” (under no circumstances should you bow low, do not actively work with your arms and hands). These are the initial exercises of the “Basic” complex of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises. These first three exercises are not only possible, but also should be done for any, I repeat: absolutely any, diseases, because breathing, and especially breathing correctly, has never been contraindicated for anyone!

In the “Pump” exercise, you should bow slightly, barely indicating the movement. The back is round, the head is lowered (we look at the soles of our feet), the hands are free (fingers are twenty centimeters above the knees). No effort or tension, the lower back is “rubber”.


You need to master gymnastics from the first three exercises: “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”.

How long does it take to feel the healing effects of gymnastics?

When will the result be?

The result of treatment depends on many factors. First of all, three factors are important:

1. What is the person sick with?

2. How old is he.

3. How correctly and seriously does he practice Strelnikov breathing exercises?

On average, you need one month of daily classes twice a day (morning and evening for 30 minutes) in order to feel the effectiveness of our gymnastics. Although there are improvements not only after several days of regular classes, but even after the very first treatment session in the clinic where I see my patients. Breathing improves, shortness of breath is relieved, blood pressure normalizes, vigor appears, mood improves, anxiety goes away, cough decreases and even stops, headaches may stop hurting and temperature drops. This is why I recommend doing our gymnastics when you feel unwell, not twice a day, but several times a day (every 2-3 hours). And you will definitely feel better.

Is it possible to take medications in parallel with gymnastics?

You can, because they were prescribed to you by the doctor you were treated by. How can a patient diabetes mellitus Type I can do without insulin? Or a severe hormone-dependent asthmatic without steroids? He may simply suffocate during another attack of suffocation, because a regular inhaler no longer helps.

I don’t treat with drugs, I get rid of drugs. Any patient who comes to me - a heart patient, asthmatic, hypertensive, taking medication - my task is to get rid of medications. Which is what I do in the vast majority of cases.

But under no circumstances should you immediately cancel all medications prescribed by the doctor and which the patient has been taking for several or even many years! It is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage against the background of daily correct breathing exercises under the supervision of a doctor who is well aware of the principle of action of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises.


The dosage of medications should be gradually reduced against the background of daily proper breathing exercises.

I tell my patients this: “The human body is not a chemical plant for processing pharmaceutical products: we treat one thing, we “heal” something else!” – considering that almost all medications have side effects. But I repeat once again: only a specialist should participate in any treatment method!

Is it necessary to do the entire “Main” complex or is it better to give preference to some individual exercises depending on the disease?

You definitely need to do the entire “Basic” complex of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, and not “drag” on just two or three exercises. It harmoniously affects all internal organs. There is no organ in the human body that functions separately (autonomously) from the whole organism. The human body consists of many organs and systems, on the “coordinated work” of which his well-being, his health, and his life expectancy depend. Therefore, it is impossible to influence only one organ or one part of the body (it is inappropriate to train only the arms or only the legs). Should happen harmonious development of all parts of the body, all internal organs of the human body.

Therefore, if you have very little time to strengthen your health and fight your “sores,” do at least one “thirty” (32 breaths-movements), but the entire “Main” complex. This will take you 7-8 minutes. Well, if during the whole day you don’t even have these few minutes, then... keep getting sick!

Is it possible to include dumbbell gymnastics and additional strength exercises in the complex?

In fact, our gymnastics does not need “improvement”; it is already unusually effective without it. My teacher has long passed away, but all these years I have been fighting for the authenticity of Strelnikov’s breathing exercises, fighting with plagiarists who “take apart” the unique technique, disfiguring its description, emasculating the unique, purely Strelnikov’s manner of explaining the natural physiological processes occurring in the human body, thereby reducing the phenomenal effectiveness of the unique domestic therapeutic method.

As a student and the only creative heir of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, I recommend doing our gymnastics exactly in the unique version in which it was performed during Alexandra Nikolaevna’s lifetime, as it is described in my books and in the way it helps my patients in the medical institutions where I work.


First, do our gymnastics, and then you can run cross-country, ski, swim, engage in wrestling, and any sports games.

Many times at meetings with readers of my books, I heard, for example, the following words: “Working at the dacha, I get very tired: my blood pressure jumps, my heart hurts. But the dacha feeds me; you can’t live on a pension alone... I started attending your classes at the clinic. I took several treatment sessions and went to the dacha to plant a vegetable garden. It was necessary to dig up a bed for onions. Before this, I “breathed” for about 20 minutes, as you taught me. I started digging. I came to my senses when I dug up almost half of the plot. And no fatigue, no shortness of breath, nothing!..”

First, do our gymnastics, and then you can run cross-country, ski, swim, engage in wrestling, and any sports games. After any physical activity, do a couple of “hundreds” of the “Pump” exercise, and your breathing will quickly recover. As for exercises with dumbbells, the load is selected strictly individually. The only recommendation that I can give, without seeing a young man who wants to “pump up” the muscles in his arms (biceps): first do our entire “Main” complex of 3 “thirties” (i.e., “a hundred” of each exercise) from start to finish. And only after this do 96 (“hundred”) exercises “Hug your shoulders” with dumbbells of 0.5 kg (i.e. 500 grams in weight), resting after every 16 or even after every “eight” breaths-movements.

What are “sound” exercises and when should they be performed?

When actors and singers with “broken” voices come to me for treatment (with singing nodules on the vocal folds, with hemorrhage, with “failure to speak”, etc.), then in addition to breathing exercises at the end of the treatment session, I also give them special “sound” exercises for “staging” the voice. I give the same exercises to people who stutter. In this way, laryngospasm of any severity is eliminated. That is, our gymnastics, together with “sound” exercises, cures diseases of the vocal apparatus, including stuttering.

During my treatment sessions, I force not only singers and actors to sing, but also people who stutter. In general, singing is good for health, singing improves your health. It not only strengthens nervous system, but also the psyche, increases emotional and vitality.


Singing strengthens not only the nervous system, but also the psyche, increases emotional and vitality.

People who love to sing and often sing (not necessarily professionally, but “for themselves,” in everyday life) are healthier and longer-lived. And after all, Strelnikovsky breathing exercises were originally invented specifically for singers who had lost their voices. This is why the voice improves even from breathing exercises alone. Before a concert or before a performance, it is enough for a singer or actor to “breathe like Strelnikova” for 10-15 minutes, and his voice sounds louder, clearer, and more resonant. So sing, gentlemen, sing to your health!

Is it possible to do Strelnikova’s breathing exercises while walking?

Can. First of all, you can do it, moving from room to room, around the apartment. For each step, “sniff” your nose, mentally counting your breaths in steps: one, two, one, two (these are 2 breath-steps). Or one, two, three, four. And again: one, two, three, four. Step - inhale, step - inhale. There is no need to count 8 breaths-steps, because most people have apartments Russian citizens not very big, you won’t run away. Therefore, it is better to count 2 or 4 inhalation steps. And just like that, “sneak around”, walking around the apartment, moving from room to room. You can squat slightly for each step, do a light, dancing squat. Walk around the apartment and dance, briefly and noisily “sniffing” your nose with each step and squat.

In the same way, you can “walk” along the boulevard, along the square, along the street. But, I remind you that the temperature in the open air should not be lower than 5 degrees above zero.

Is it possible to combine Strelnikova’s breathing exercises with Buteyko breathing? How do you feel about this radically opposite system?

I have a normal, positive attitude. Even before Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, I attended classes with Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, hoping to be cured of bronchial asthma. That was a long time ago. Konstantin Pavlovich then still lived in Novosibirsk and visited Moscow on visits. I “caught” him on every visit, working with other asthmatics in different parts of Moscow. Konstantin Pavlovich told me: “You are breathing deeply!..” And I was perplexed: how can I breathe deeply if at the same time I do not have enough air?!

I studied very hard and persistently for a year, but it didn’t make me any better. On the contrary, fear also increased - I tried to control every breath I took, and began to have difficulty sleeping at night. On one of his visits to Moscow, Konstantin Pavlovich, seeing my deteriorating condition, advised me to start taking hormones. Other doctors whom I had previously consulted also offered me hormonal medications. But, I tried to grasp at any straw to avoid taking hormones. So I left K.P. Buteyko to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

And for 40 years now, I thank the Lord every day for leading me to Strelnikova! If this had not happened, it’s scary to imagine what would have happened to me.


Each person has the right to choose the method that, in his opinion, is more effective, which helps him.

Of course, if Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko could cure me, I would be his devoted student (my parents taught me to say “thank you” for everything good in life).

But it wasn’t Buteyko who saved me, A.N. saved me. Strelnikova. That’s why I treat patients not with Buteyko breathing, but with breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova.

I have seen patients who were helped by Buteyko breathing. Therefore, each person has the right to choose the method that, in his opinion, is more effective, which helps him. Buteyko or Strelnikova – the right to choose is everyone’s.

However, these two methods are completely incompatible. Try both. And, of course, leave and practice only the method that helps you personally.

Is it possible to do gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova based on books by other authors?

You can, but you don't need to! Because the task of other authors is not to cure, but to earn money! Thanks, of course, to all the other authors who write books about Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, but it does not need such advertising. Because all these authors, trying not to copy my text one-to-one, make changes to the descriptions of breathing exercises. And this not only distorts their meaning, creates complete confusion, but also disrupts the technique of performing the exercises. I lost count of the number of patients I had to retrain (and this is always more difficult), who got worse, and who stopped doing our gymnastics because of this. But in many cases it is the only salvation from pain, from suffocation, from a bad mood. Therefore, do not do our gymnastics based on books by other authors, you risk harming your health!

  • We learn to train only inhalation, without thinking about exhalation at all.
  • A series: Honestly about health

    * * *

    The given introductory fragment of the book Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova (M. N. Shchetinin, 2018) provided by our book partner -

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