When is the best time to go on vacation to Crimea? When is the best time to vacation in Crimea Velvet season in Crimea

The climate of Crimea is very diverse, ranging from temperate continental in the north, west, east and subtropical in the south to mountainous, characteristic of deciduous forests, in the Crimean uplands. In Crimea, the maximum number of sunny hours is close to 2500, which makes it possible to characterize the peninsula as very sunny.

The climate of the northern part of Crimea causes hot, extremely dry summers and windy winters with little snow. On the southern coast of Crimea, summers are also hot but humid, and winters are mild and snowless. Speaking about the Crimean Mountains, summers here are moderate and dry, winters are wet and cold.

Regarding precipitation - on the southern coast and southern slopes of the mountains, most of it falls in December and January; in summer there is practically no rain; in the center and north of the peninsula - in June and July; in the west and east, precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. The amount of precipitation in the steppe zone is approximately 350 mm of precipitation per year, in Feodosia and Sevastopol about 400 mm, and in Yalta about 480 mm.

Four seasons - Four faces of Crimea

spring weather in Crimea it is established in the month of April, but has a different character. It is possible that there is still snow on March 8, and maybe there are bright sunny days, complemented by the cheerful chirping of birds. Snow begins to melt from the Crimean mountains and meltwater fills the rivers. The active time of flowering of the most diverse flora of Crimea begins. In May the weather is already very similar to summer.

Summer season begins in early June, when it becomes quite hot, especially on the southern coast, where there is a high level of air humidity; In July there are frequent showers, thanks to which everything begins to be surrounded by greenery. In the steppe regions in mid-summer the picture is a little different; due to the heat they acquire a scorched yellow tint. In the mountains at this time the weather is more moderate, and in the gorges there are very low temperatures at night. In the evening hours, the high daytime temperature drops, bringing the desired coolness. The beach season can be considered open as early as the 20th of May, but you can really enjoy the sea only at the beginning of June. By this time the water temperature is about 20 °C - 21 °C. In the second half of summer, the water warms up to 24 °C -26 °C, but on the South Coast these levels are a couple of degrees lower.

Crimean autumn- very warm, but towards the end of the season it becomes rainy. This is one of the best times of the year. Autumn is much warmer than spring, since after warming up in summer months the sea turns into a huge pool of heat that maintains warm weather. From September to mid-October there is definitely still a swimming season, the so-called velvet season. The sun becomes less active, the air temperature drops slightly during the day, but the sea still remains comfortable for swimming from 20 °C to 22 °C. With the arrival of autumn and the end of the holiday season, the price level falls along with the number of vacationers, which is an attractive advantage of the velvet season in Crimea. And only in November does autumn come into its own, and then most likely in the last ten days. At this time, the foliage turns a huge number of golden-crimson shades. The frequency of precipitation increases towards the end of autumn and is accompanied by winds.

September October November
Temperature average +18 +13 +8
Temperature during the day +23 +17 +12
Temperature at night +13 +8 +4
Water temperature +21 +17 +15

Concerning winter, then we can say that snow is typical only for the mountains, where the ski season opens in January. On the rest of the peninsula, if snow falls at all, it is in small quantities and does not last long, from several days to a week, depending on the region. The weather is mild, although cold snaps are frequent. At this time, northeastern winds blow and are stormy on the coast. Therefore, an air temperature of +7 °C can give a feeling of minus.

We conclude that the best time beach holiday on the peninsula the beginning of summer, the second half of August and September. Well, winter extreme lovers have at their disposal all three months of the cold season on Ai-Petri.

What is the climate in Crimea? The weather on the peninsula is so varied that we can talk about it for a very long time. In this article we have collected useful information about the climatic conditions of this place and we hope that it will help all vacationers, travelers, tourists and pilgrims.

For those planning a trip, we recommend focusing on the average temperature of the area chosen for vacation and the seasonal period. Crimea is divided into 3 climatic zones, so we will present average temperature indicators for each region: southern coastal, mountain and steppe.

Crimea: annual weather and average air temperature by month

Crimea: climatic conditions and average annual temperature

The average annual parameters are different in each region. The further west you go, the lower the temperatures:

  • On the southern coasts the range is from +12 to +14 °C, and these are the warmest areas.
  • IN steppe zones the difference ranges from 9.7 to 11 °C.
  • In the foothills the average temperatures are from 8 to 10 °C.
  • On the yailas the lowest values ​​are from 3.5 to 6 °C.

The data provided allows us to understand how different the weather will be on the peninsula. Everyone can find a comfortable climate zone for living and relaxing here. After carefully studying all the data, you can easily decide which area is preferable for you.

Climate of Crimea: climate map

In the northern steppe regions it dominates temperate climate: In the cold season it can be quite snowy and windy here. But spring comes quickly, and the summer months are hot and rainy. Mild weather conditions with high humidity prevail on the plains. The reason lies in the abundance of deciduous forests: the mountain ranges are covered with them.

The southern Crimean coasts are located in a subtropical climatic zone with a sub-Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by a late spring and a long “velvet season”, as well as a rather late autumn.

We briefly examined the features and type of climate in Crimea, identified the main climatic zones and zones. We hope that we were able to highlight what conditions the nature of the peninsula offers you in each type of terrain. The overall picture looks like this: it is dry, warm and very sunny. The most comfortable period is considered to be the beginning of the summer and autumn seasons: the heat has not yet gained strength or has already subsided, but the land and sea have already warmed up.

The main forces influencing the local climate are the Crimean mountains and forests, impressive flat territories and steppes, as well as two seas washing the peninsula on three sides - the Black and Azov. Thanks to the powerful influence of all these factors, as well as the influence of a large amount of sun and winds, an incredible variety of very diverse, and sometimes even unique, weather phenomena. This is what gave rise to the saying that Crimea is a separate planet.

Brief characteristics of the climate of the Crimean Peninsula: atmospheric pressure, air humidity, wind and precipitation

Despite the difference in weather conditions for different territories of Crimea, one parameter remains practically unchanged. This is air pressure. Its performance varies between 758 mm (summer) and 765 mm (winter).

Relative humidity is extremely low in summer time, but increases noticeably in winter. Geographically, it is distributed as follows: the foothill areas and the southern coast are characterized by low parameters (from 65 to 74%), and the rest of the territory is quite high (from 73 to 82%).

The variety of winds here is due to territorial location and the rich landscape of the peninsula, which creates and maintains air flows. Moreover, in mountainous regions they are stronger than in steppe regions. On the southern shores and in the foothills, wind gusts rarely exceed 3 m/sec, in yayla they reach a maximum of 7 m/sec, and on Ai-Petri gusts of 40 m/sec are recorded.

Precipitation is unevenly distributed over the seasons: rain - about 86% of the annual norm, snow or hail - about 9%, and the rest are mixed. The number of rainy days in the steppe regions is from 81 to 135, and in the mountainous ones from 151 to 172. During the entire summer on the peninsula, it rains no more than 5, maximum 10 times.

When is the best time to vacation in Crimea: water temperature by month

The Crimean peninsula is designed for year-round recreation. There are three main climatic zones and up to 20 subregions with unique natural and weather conditions. Come any time and you will definitely enjoy it.

In February, tourists fill the mountain slopes. IN spring months many come to boarding houses and sanatoriums for treatment, since the air at this time is considered especially healing. Resort holidays are limited to the summer period (June-August). At the same time, vacationers who can’t stand the heat usually go here in May or during the “velvet season.”

If the purpose of your trip is to get acquainted with the numerous historical values ​​of these places, then there are no restrictions for you. Those interested ancient history Crimea and pilgrims come to the peninsula all year round.

There are many forested areas and mountain ranges, and Russians have long been convinced that the Crimean region has a particularly healthy climate. The main Russian hospitals, sanatoriums and health resorts, popular among the residents of our country, are located in these parts.

There is an impressive range of water temperatures on the peninsula. We present averages by month, characterizing the warmest areas in the south and the coldest in the north.

  • In January, the sea temperature ranges from +3 to +9°C.
  • February is the coldest period. Ice forms near the coast, and in the water column the indicators vary from 0 to +7°C.
  • In March, the levels are also low, from +3 to +8°C.
  • In April, warming begins: from +7 to +10°C.
  • May opens up for some swimming season, but the water is still refreshing (from +13 to +16°C).
  • In June, swimming becomes available to everyone: at sea from +18 to +22°C.
  • In July, at the height of the holiday season, the water reaches 26 °C. The average numbers look like this: from +21 to 24°C.
  • August is a period of very warm seas. Vacationers compare the water with “fresh milk” (up to 28 °C). On average: from +22 to +25°С.
  • September. The “velvet season” is coming: from +18 to +22°C.
  • In October the numbers drop to +15.
  • In November up to +13°C.
  • December closes our list with the following indicators: from +4 to +11°C.

We tried to collect and analyze the most relevant information about climate conditions so that our readers understand what the climate is like in Crimea. To sum up our review, we state: soft and dry.

Season after season, Russian Crimea demonstrates a steady increase in the flow of tourists. Soviet nostalgia is mixed with patriotism, and already in the summer of 2015, the Simferopol airport on some days receives up to 100 pairs of flights per day from all over Russia, overtaking even the air harbor of the former capital - Kiev Boryspil.

According to rumors, even Rockefeller brought Crimean pines to his estate. The azure Black Sea in picturesque bays is still waiting for its artists. Sand and pebbles on the beaches, mountains covered with relict forest, red mullet in restaurants, ancient fortresses, sacred Chersonesos and the power of the Navy Day in Sevastopol - all this is Crimea.

When does the tourist season come to Crimea?

Since the second half of the 19th century, Crimea has become a favorite holiday destination for the Russian elite. The laws of fashion were determined by the emperor, and if the court went to Livadia for the summer, then all the ranks and money from St. Petersburg followed him. Sochi was then a remote backwater, where the battles with the highlanders had just ended. But Crimea was completely developed, Crimean Tatars changed overlord, took an oath of allegiance to the Russian crown and security imperial family and the numerous nobility were not in danger.

After Russian Empire On the territory of the Crimean peninsula, numerous palaces of the nobility remained, which with their beauty eclipsed all the previous dwellings of the rulers of the Crimea. Since the 30s of the 20th century, Crimea has become an all-Union children's health resort - a pioneer who visited Artek became a step above his classmates. The entire elite of the young Soviet country vacationed in Crimea, some combined rest with work, and for all experts on Russian history, Koktebel is inextricably linked with aviation, because it was here that gliders built by future great Soviet aircraft designers took to the skies.

Crimea has repeatedly become the scene of fierce battles. Two defenses of Sevastopol forever entered the annals of Russian military glory. In the post-war period, Crimea became a mecca for active tourism. People came here not only and not so much to lie on the beach, but to go to the mountains and look at the pristine natural beauty. The Yalta film studio in the Soviet Union became an analogue of American Hollywood, and the phrase “he took me to Yalta” for a long time was an indicator of a beautiful life.

For 23 years after the collapse of the USSR, Crimea was part of Ukraine. But times have changed and the peninsula returned to Russia. Of course, for the most part, the Crimean tourist service does not yet reach even the Turkish hotels lying across the Black Sea. But in the niche of budget tourism, Crimea is certainly a huge competitor to the nearby Krasnodar region.

But what cannot be taken away from Crimea is the climate. There is no sweltering summer heat here, like in Egypt or Turkey. It was not for nothing that the Russian imperial family chose Crimean Livadia as their summer residence. This means that it was the best climate point in the empire. And nothing else. This tradition was continued by the rulers of the USSR, it was in the Crimean Yalta that Joseph Stalin convened a meeting of the leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, it was in the Crimea that Nikita Khrushchev received the news of his resignation, and the latter’s dacha Secretary General The Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev was in Foros, on the southern coast of Crimea. It is unlikely that the general secretaries would vacation in a bad place.

When is the high tourist season in Crimea?

If we talk about the high season as about high prices, then the rush demand for tours to the Crimean peninsula begins in the second half of June. It was at this time that Simferopol airport began to receive planes with the frequency of trains in the Moscow metro, and the Kerch ferry was fully loaded. Hundreds of thousands of tourists, organized and “savages” flock to the beaches surrounding the entire peninsula.

There is a place for everyone here: lovers of a calm, civilized holiday on an all-inclusive program (there are few such hotels, but they exist, for example, the famous Yalta Intourist with its own elevator to the beach), and lovers of a “wild” holiday, as shown in the film "Two Plus Three".

Children's health camps also contribute to the high tourist flow. “Artek” has not yet been launched at full Soviet capacity, but this “children’s health factory” is already adding its trickle to the Crimean tourist wave.

Tourists come both to the coast and go on excursions into the peninsula. The “Fountain of Tears” in Bakhchisarai, sung by Pushkin, the Crimean Observatory, pastoral national villages with their own shows and holidays - the excursion program in Crimea is presented quite well.

When does the low tourist season begin in Crimea?

By the end of summer, the main flow of tourists trying to get to Crimea dries up. The subsidy program that keeps airfare prices relatively low is ending. Children are returning to school (although such “monsters” as Artek work year-round and have permanent schools on their territory). In September and October there is a velvet resort autumn on the Crimean peninsula. And by the end of October, Crimea is plunging into hibernation, which will last until the next holiday season.

But the peninsula is not completely empty. And in late autumn and winter and in early spring resort capacities in Crimea are loaded from 20 to 50 percent. Despite the not very comfortable weather, vacationers remain on the peninsula. These are mainly visitors to specialized sanatoriums, which, in addition to relaxing on the beach, also offer a treatment program.

When is the best time to relax on the beach in Crimea?

The entire coast of the Crimean peninsula, with rare exceptions, is beaches. There is also the sandy coast of the shallow and warm Azov Sea, the romantic beaches of Koktebel, the cozy bays of the New World, the elite southern coast, and the children's resorts of Evpatoria. And sand, and tracing paper, and small gentle entrances and deep bays with clear water. In fact, the swimming season opens at the end of May, but then only seasoned tourists enter the water.

For comfortable water treatments, the water warms up on the shallow sandy beaches of Azov a little earlier, but in the second half of June people are already swimming almost everywhere on the Crimean coast. The water on the beaches of the peninsula warms up to +21 degrees. Occasionally, cold currents may approach the southern beaches of Crimea, which reduce the sea temperature to +17 degrees. At the peak of the high season, the sea on the southern coast of the peninsula warms up to +26 degrees, but in Azov the water is slightly warmer.

The Azov coast of the Crimean Peninsula is ideal for a family holiday with children. A long, gentle entrance to the sea, clean, fine sand allows even the smallest tourists to feel comfortable. During the high holiday season, from June to August, the Crimean Azov coast has warm, even weather, and the sunny heat is softened by a light sea breeze.

Velvet Crimean autumn

The very concept of “velvet season” originated in Russia specifically for the Crimean sea coast. At this time, the August heat subsides, but sea ​​water It is still quite warm for swimming, its temperature is up to +22 degrees. A little earlier, the velvet autumn ends on the Azov coast, the shallow sea cools down faster and by the end of September the beach season ends there. You can relax on the Black Sea coast of Crimea a little longer; the larger volume of Black Sea water retains heat a little longer. Accommodation prices are reduced and during this season they remain at the level of May or June. But at this time the harvest is ripening and numerous Crimean vineyards produce the first young wine.

When is the best time to come to Crimea on excursions?

In addition to a leisurely beach holiday, the Crimean peninsula can also offer a lot of historical and natural attractions. Monuments of ancient civilizations are scattered throughout the peninsula, from ancient Kerch in the east to ancient Chersonesos in the west. The historical monuments of Crimea do not at all resemble the compact monuments of Europe. As a rule, there is no convenient infrastructure near them, so to see all the sights in detail you will have to walk. In order not to fry under the scorching sun and not freeze during the hike, it is recommended to visit historical monuments in Crimea from the end of the spring period to the beginning of the beach season, that is, until June. A good time for excursions and a velvet season: the first half of autumn.

When is the best time to come to Crimea for festivals and celebrations?

The festival and holiday season in Crimea is just developing. After returning to Russia, the main state celebrations on the peninsula are Victory Day, celebrated in early May, and, of course, Navy Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of every July. These days, the Sevastopol military base hosts grandiose military parades, including demonstrations of warships and aircraft. In addition, on the eve of Victory Day, a magnificent show of the Night Wolves bike club is held in the vicinity of Sevastopol. Behind last years Russia Day turned into a grand show. It is celebrated on a grand scale on June 12 on the main embankment of Yalta. Pop and cultural festivals are gradually returning to Crimea, and films are starting to be filmed again on the streets of Crimean cities.

When is the best time to come to Crimea to improve your health?

Since Soviet times, Crimean sanatoriums have been positioned not only as hotels for beach holidays, but also had a serious medical base, which made it possible to use them all year round. Unfortunately, not all of the sanatorium facilities are currently in good condition; some of them have just begun to be restored for specialized medical activities.

But, nevertheless, there are about 600 boarding houses and sanatoriums on the peninsula. Each of them has its own specific features that allow it to treat certain diseases.

In order to get acquainted with the period of operation of a particular sanatorium, just go to its website. But in order to feel comfortable both during medical procedures and on the coast, it is recommended to schedule health treatment for spring or early summer and the first half of autumn. At this time it is not so hot, but quite warm weather will allow you to additionally help the body with air baths.

The undoubted advantage of Crimea over other resorts will be mud therapy. The resorts of Evpatoria itself and nearby surrounding areas are most famous here. But dirt can be transported, so it would not be surprising to find mud therapy in other parts of Crimea, in places where it would seem that it should not exist.

Treatment with mud is not a “scam”; in reality, it is still Soviet times Even children were sent to Crimea under sanatorium treatment programs. And in these programs for musculoskeletal diseases, say, mandatory dirt was also provided. They were included in pediatric treatment programs and courses in neurology and many other diseases. And, believe me, in Soviet times they fought against charlatans. So - there are no options here: mud therapy works at least based on this argument.

When can you go skiing in Crimea?

The specific ski infrastructure in the Crimean mountains is not as developed as, for example, in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, but nevertheless, on Mount Ai-Petri there are equipped slopes for skis and boards. From the beginning of January, a permanent snow cover is established on the slopes of this mountain. Which continues until the end of March. At this time it is cool here, the air temperature can drop to 10 degrees below zero.

Climatic conditions in Crimea

On the Crimean peninsula there are no unified climatic conditions, the weather depends on the location of a particular region. In Crimea, three main climatic zones can be distinguished:

  • In the west and east, as well as in the north of the peninsula, continental climate moderate type. In summer it is very hot and dry, severe droughts are common, and in winter strong winds blow over the little snow cover.
  • The southern coast of Crimea is located in the subtropical climate zone. Summers here are hot and humid. There is no snow in winter, and the weather is quite warm.
  • The Crimean mountains form a special mountain climate with moderate summers with little humidity and rather cold winters with high rainfall. Most snowfalls occur between December and January.

During the year, 2470 hours of sunshine are recorded in Crimea.

Dry weather in Crimea in spring

March-March... Surprisingly, in the spring months the minimum amount of precipitation is recorded on the Crimean peninsula. But during this season the weather is still very unstable, the climate turns to summer around April. Different years can bring different weather surprises, and in other years on March 8 you can still see snow in Crimea. But March in another year may please you with bright sunshine and widespread blossoming of nature and the murmuring of streams. average temperature air + 5 degrees.

Real warmth comes to Crimea in April. At this time, regardless of the year, the entire flora of the peninsula begins to bloom. The indescribable aroma of spring subtropics spreads around. The air temperature rises to +9, the water temperature is the same.

In May, almost everything blooms on the Crimean peninsula. Lilacs are the last to join the flowering relay: they usually bloom around Victory Day, and then acacia begins to bloom. The thermometer rises to +14 degrees, and the water warms up even a little more - up to +16 degrees.

Weather in March Weather in April Weather in May
Temperature average +5 +9 +14
Temperature during the day +8 +13 +18
Temperature at night +1 +5 +10
Water temperature +8 +9 +16

Summer resort Crimea

The beginning of June on the Crimean peninsula means widespread bright sunshine and lush greenery. Already in July and August, such a pastoral picture will be diluted in the steppe regions with yellow grass from sun-bleached grass. However, the lush green foliage will not leave the southern coast all summer.

Flowering plants in the south of Crimea are supported by subtropical summer rains. In the mountains it can be cool in summer, especially at night.

In June, the average air temperature reaches +19 degrees and rises to +23 by July and August. In June, the water is quite comfortable for swimming - its temperature is +21 degrees, rising by a degree or two in July and August.

Weather in June Weather in July Weather in August
Temperature average +19 +23 +22
Temperature during the day +23 +27 +27
Temperature at night +14 +18 +17
Water temperature +21 +22 +23

Velvet autumn Crimea

Perhaps early autumn is one of the most comfortable periods for a holiday on the Crimean peninsula.

Unlike the spring period, the weather is much warmer, as the sea begins to release what it has accumulated over the summer. solar heat. In September the average air temperature is still +18 degrees, dropping to +13 by October.

The swimming season may last for the first one and a half years autumn months, just towards the end October the water temperature drops from +21 to +17 degrees. Smooth, warm weather with cool nights is well suited for those whose health can tolerate an exceptionally mild climate.

In November Autumn comes to the peninsula, the average air temperature drops to +8 degrees. The end of autumn brings precipitation to the peninsula, and winds begin to blow. Duration daylight hours decreases, nights become much colder.

Weather in September Weather in October Weather in November
Temperature average +18 +13 +8
Temperature during the day +23 +17 +12
Temperature at night +13 +8 +4
Water temperature +21 +17 +15

Winter in Crimea: not quite a low season

December in Crimea- Although this is the beginning of winter, it is an unusual winter for a Muscovite.

Depending on the state of weather conditions, winter can develop differently in Crimea every year. Snow can only fall on a small part of the peninsula, and it will last no more than a week.

Permanent snow cover will remain only in the mountains, in January Ski slopes open on their slopes. Storms brought by northeastern winds may come to the sea coast.

Strong winds can cause even positive temperatures (the average air temperature gradually drops from +5 in January to +3 in February) will be felt as negative.

If you want to visit Crimea and combine a beach holiday with sightseeing, then it is better to choose the end of spring - the beginning of summer or September. In July and August it is quite hot on the peninsula, but this heat cannot be compared with the July heat in Egypt or Turkey.

Weather in December Weather in January Weather in February
Temperature average +5 +3 +3
Temperature during the day +8 +6 +6
Temperature at night +1 0 0
Water temperature +10 +8 +7

If you preferred Crimea to fashionable European resorts, honor and praise to you, because behind all the beauties of the world, we sometimes forget that there is something very important and interesting nearby. Rarely a country can compare with such a rich history as Crimea. The number of excursions is off the charts, the climate is mild, there are places to go, places to hang out and things to do. It's definitely worth a try!

Country score -5 (minimum 1, maximum 5) out of 5475
JanFebMarchAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Alushta8 7 8 9 13 18 22 23 21 17 15 10
Evpatoria4 3 5 8 15 19 22 22 20 16 8 4
Kerch3 0 3 8 16 22 24 24 20 15 9 5
Saki8 7.1 7.6 10.1 16.2 21.3 24 25 22.2 17.7 13.3 10
Sevastopol7 7 7 9 14 20 22 22 20 17 12 7
Simferopol9 8 8 10 16 22 24 25 22 18 14 11
Zander3 0 3 8 16 22 24 24 20 15 9 5
Feodosia8 5 7 10 14 18 21 22 18 14 10 8
Yalta8 7 8 9 13 18 21 23 21 17 15 10

Climate of Crimea

The climate is different in different regions of Crimea: the peninsula has three climatic macroregions and up to 20 subregions. The diversity of climatic zones is explained by several factors, including relief features and the influence of several seas.

Considered most comfortable climate of Southern Crimea, or rather, the southern coast of the peninsula: it is defined as subtropical Mediterranean. The main resort region of the peninsula is characterized by long, dry and even hot summers, autumns are warm and dry, winters are mild and rainy, and spring is windy. Positive temperatures are maintained all year round thanks to the warm Crimean Current and the influence of the mountains.

Steppe Crimea noticeably different from the coast: the region is characterized by a temperate continental climate, mostly dry. Summers are hot (on average up to +27 °C) and long, and winters are mild, but snowy and short. The weather in Crimea is unstable throughout the year due to the influence of several cyclones and can change dramatically.

Climate of the Crimean mountains and foothills moderately cold, humid, with Mediterranean features. In winter, the weather can change dramatically, the air temperature often drops to -10 ° C, and snow cover forms on the upper parts of the slopes. Summer in the mountains is dry and hot, characterized by temperature changes during the day: at night it can get cold to 0 °C.

In Crimea, eastern and northeastern winds predominate, with the exception of Feodosia, where the northwestern wind blows. Different regions are characterized by the influence local winds: breezes and hairdryers.

The amount of precipitation is unevenly distributed across the peninsula's regions and months. Thus, in the steppes, usually no more than 350 mm falls per year, in Feodosia - almost 400 mm, the average in Yalta is 476 mm. The maximum precipitation occurs on the foothills of the northern slope of the Crimean Mountains - more than 1000 mm with heavy summer rains, while on the southern slope the winter is rainy.

You can find out what the weather is like in Crimea now using online cameras installed in popular resort towns and villages.

Weather, climate in Crimea by months and resorts

In January The weather in Crimea is favorable excursion tourism and skiing. During the day on the coast at this time it is about +7 °C, in the depths of the peninsula it is a little colder. The main tourist destinations in January are the slopes of Ai-Petri and ancient architectural monuments, sights of large cities: Sevastopol, Simferopol, Yalta.

In February in coastal regions it often becomes even cooler than in January, but only by a couple of degrees. This does not interfere with independent trips, hikes, excursions: on the contrary, in the low season there is an opportunity to study the trails more carefully and protected places.

March brings changeable weather to Crimea, spring can already be felt: the air warms up to +10 ° C and above, and there is still a lot of rain, but sometimes there are warm, sunny days. At this time of year, the popularity of excursions in Sevastopol, Yalta, Alupka and other cities is gradually growing.

In April The peninsula is warm and very comfortable for traveling. Nature appears in all its glory and increasingly attracts lovers of hiking and long hikes. At the end of the month, the Tulip Parade starts in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta. At this time it warms up to +13…+15 °C along the entire coast.

May continues to delight with general flowering. The number of sunny days is gradually increasing, and travelers can only be amazed at the clear blue of the Crimean sky. The weather in the mountains of Crimea is favorable for hiking, and on the coast the thermometer increasingly rises to +20 °C. At the end of the month, resort weather sets in in Sudak, Alushta, and Yalta.

June— the beginning of the holiday season on the Crimean coast. The water temperature in Crimean resorts rises to +18 °C, which is required for swimming. The weather conditions are ideal for those who avoid the heat: are planning to combine a beach holiday with trips around the peninsula or want to improve their health in sanatoriums.

In July The peak of the high season is coming in Crimea. Along the entire coast - in Feodosia, Sudak, Yalta, Saki, Nikolaevka, Chernomorsky and other resorts - the climate is favorable for beach holidays and recreation, water activities and gliding sports. The weather forecast in Crimea does not foretell any surprises. During the day, the air temperature generally exceeds +27 °C, and at night the proximity of the sea softens the differences: the thermometer rarely drops below +16...+18 °C. Water temperature +22 °C.

At the beginning of August Crimean resorts are often hotter than in July. During the day, the air temperature in Crimea generally does not drop below +30 °C, and the water warms up to a maximum of +23 °C. It’s fresh at night, about +17 °C. In the heat, it is better to prefer excursions to museums and exhibitions over hiking. Second half of the month— the beginning of the velvet season in Crimea. The popularity of the main resort destinations, Yalta and Alushta, and the villages of Ordzhonikidze, Koktebel, Primorsky, Novy Svet and others is still high. You can check the accuracy of the weather forecast for Yalta using webcams showing the resort in real time.

In September The weather in Crimea allows sunbathing and swimming. At the same time, the beaches become much freer, but all the attractions are preserved, and summer cafes are open. The water temperature on the South Coast is +21 °C, in the vicinity of Evpatoria it is a degree cooler. Warm clothes will not hurt: at night you can already feel autumn, the air temperature drops to +13 °C.

October makes you forget about the swimming season: the water quickly cools down to +16 °C, and the number of sunny days is reduced to 7-8 for the entire month. However, the mild climate of the Crimean coast makes it possible to comfortably travel independently, exploring protected areas and city monuments. Regional differences boil down to the following: the coast is warmer than in the interior of the peninsula, and at the same time rainier. Online cameras also allow you to compare the weather in cities: for example, with their help you can find out if it is raining in Feodosia or Alushta, see Koktebel Bay and look at all the surroundings of Sudak, ultimately deciding on the direction of your trip.

November brings with it true autumn weather, it is at this time that regional climatic differences become most noticeable. In Simferopol during the day it is about +9 °C, at night it gets cold to +2 °C; in Evpatoria, temperatures are the same or one or two degrees higher. On South coast Crimea is warmer: during the day about +12 °C, at night +4…+6 °C.

December In the central and at times in the coastal regions of the peninsula, frosts occur at night, and snow falls in the mountains. Frequent occurrence— rains and fogs, while the weather in Crimea in winter is changeable. This month, a surge in tourism is observed only in the run-up to the New Year.

No wonder Crimea was so popular not only among the Soviet “elite”, but also among famous writers, aristocrats and other influential people. Luxurious hotels and guest houses sprang up on the coast and in the mountains, and the number of sanatoriums increased. And all thanks to the unique location of the resort.

Political changes and the annexation of Crimea to Russian Federation significantly increased the flow of tourists to this region. Inexpensive flights from Moscow and other large cities are subsidized by the state, which has a positive effect on the development of new vacationers on the peninsula. The uniqueness of Crimea lies in the fact that its characteristics are comparable to the famous Mediterranean resorts of France, Italy and Spain. The specific climate and healing air allow you to relax here not only in summer, but also in winter. But which period deserves special attention?

Weather in January

Calm and mild winter- this is a common thing for Crimea. In January it usually costs dry and clear weather. If snow does fall, it does not last more than a couple of days. However, there are also winters when the cover remains untouched for about a week.

Average air temperature this month is about +5 degrees Celsius. In the south, this figure is noticeably higher, about +15 degrees.

Water temperature one of the lowest and amounts to +9, +10 degrees. This month you cannot swim in the sea, which, however, does not stop many vacationers. A small number of cloudy days, above-zero temperatures and lack of precipitation make January an excellent month for hiking, excursions to the mountains and museums.

Weather in February

The coldest month on the peninsula. At this time, the average air temperature remains at the same level of +5 degrees, but the number of frosty days increases. Even on the coast it becomes uncomfortable. The main reason for such a sharp change in weather conditions is strong wind . Precipitation occurs frequently, and the snow remains densely covered for up to several weeks.

Water temperature also decreases to a minimum value +8 degrees. In coastal areas, the formation of an ice crust can be observed. Storms are also common, and being near the water at this time is life-threatening. Gusty winds and strong waves - this is the picture that awaits tourists on the coast.

But vacationers who come to the mountains have a great time hiking in the mountains. On snowy days you can go skiing and snowmobiling, and cloudy and rainy days can be spent exploring. The museum continues to operate even in winter.

Weather in March

Spring comes to the peninsula quickly and very impressively. The average temperature is increasing gradually, but in the south the buds are already swelling and snowdrops and daffodils are blooming. Here daytime temperature can reach +20 degrees. Average +10. Tourists should take warm clothes, because at night the thermometer shows 0.

You still can't swim. Water temperature rarely exceeds the mark in +9 degrees. But this period is always in demand among tourists. Many come to Crimea in holidays to see early spring. In addition, March is considered one of the best months for undergoing treatment in sanatoriums.

Weather in April

April continues to have wonderful weather for most of the month sunny and calm. Temperatures in the south rise to +20 degrees, which allows you to move calmly without warm jackets. The sun is actively warming, but its rays are still soft. However, people with particularly sensitive skin may burn, so we recommend taking a protective cream with you.

The water hasn't warmed up yet. average temperature +10+11 degrees. But towards the end of the month, at the height of the day, many tourists decide to take short swims.

April is the last chance to visit museums and historical monuments without the fuss and huge tourist groups.

Weather in May

From this month the “season” begins in Crimea. Numerous tourists come both on May holidays and on weekends. Taking a vacation to relax on the peninsula at this time is not a good idea. The fact is that the weather in May is unstable. The sun may shine for several days in a row and then suddenly change to rain. Showers bring humidity and coolness. With average air temperature +20, and in the southern part of the peninsula it’s still +30, after rain the thermometer can show +15. If you are going on vacation in Crimea in May, take an umbrella and a couple of warm clothes with you.

Yet this month is usually sunny and warm. The sea is finally warming up to +17+20 degrees, so the swimming season opens either in mid-May or closer to June.

Many tourists combine a beach holiday with excursions, which are especially popular in May.

Weather in June

Real summer begins in Crimea in May, but June is perfect month to relax. First of all, it is worth noting air temperature- it does not exceed the mark in +32 degrees. The sun's rays have lost their former softness, but they cannot yet be called scorching. June is a unique month, combining green forests and blooming flowers, excursions to unique nature reserves and, of course, a beach holiday.

There is no longer any point in wearing warm clothes, but hats and sunscreen are becoming a necessity. The risk of heatstroke is not that high, but it is there.

The water temperature reaches +22 degrees. During this period, you can swim and engage in active recreation.

Weather in July

One of the two most popular tourist months of the year. Summer in Crimea is dry and hot, the sun is hot and scorching, but this does not stop vacationers. The air temperature during the day is approaching +40, and in the sun it can exceed this figure. Staying in open areas for a long time during the day is dangerous: you can get heatstroke or sunstroke. That is why in July there are few people who want to travel through the mountains and visit attractions.
But beach lovers will enjoy spending time at sea. Off the coast to carry high temperatures much easier. At this point the water warms up to +24 +26 degrees, so you can swim to your heart's content.

At night, the entire coastline is illuminated by lasers from nightclubs and beach discos. Therefore, tourists can have fun around the clock.

Weather in August

Still, August is considered the hottest month, when air temperature exceeds +40 in the shade. The scorching sun completely burns out all the greenery, so during this period you won’t be able to admire the beautiful landscapes. And there are few people who want to climb the mountains and explore the wilderness, because the hot and dry climate makes it difficult to move during the daytime. However, the thermometer does not show at night either low temperatures. The coolness of the coast beckons. Water cools a hot body. Sea temperature this month reaches a record +28 degrees.

All types of activities related to water are especially popular: diving, water skiing, jet skiing and catamaran riding.

Weather in September

The Velvet season will please everyone who does not like to relax in the crowd of tourists. Begins academic year, so families with small children leave the coast. Besides in September the heat begins to subside. The air temperature drops to a more pleasant +30, the sun becomes less aggressive.

At that time you can enjoy the sea, it warms up to +24, sunbathe and swim. But excursion groups and various agencies are also starting to gather. At this temperature, you can safely visit museums and palaces, historical monuments and various exhibitions.

Weather in October

Autumn in Crimea can seem like a real fairy tale. The number of rainy days is minimal, and there is very little precipitation. But even rain can please vacationers, because it will be short-term and warm, “mushroom-like.” Air temperature continues to decline I, the average for the southern part of the peninsula is +20 degrees. But on sunny days the thermometer can show +28+30.

There are few tourists at this time, so prices for both excursions and entrance tickets to galleries are reduced. In October you can learn the history of Crimea without fuss and at a low price.

The water temperature at the beginning of the month is +20 degrees, so many vacationers enjoy swimming.

Nightlife is gradually fading away, but sanatoriums are expecting another influx.

Weather in November

Another calm and fairly warm month, which allows you to enjoy all the beauties of Crimea. The rains that fell in October “revived” nature, so that vacationers in November are surrounded by fresh greenery. During this period, you can walk and go on short hikes. The air temperature remains at +20 and decreases only closer to December. The end of the month may surprise you with night frosts, but this is rather rare.

In November, mushroom pickers, fishermen and hunters meet in Crimea, as last month autumn is considered best time for such a fishery.

Weather in December

A mild winter is coming into its own. Snow in December is an exceptional phenomenon, and frosts only occur at night. The average temperature on the peninsula is about +5 degrees, in the southern part it can reach +15 degrees.

The time is not the best for multi-day hikes, since it often rains and there is fog most days. The hunting season is closed, and you cannot catch fish in December.

But you can relax in sanatoriums and take care of your health, study the culture and life of local peoples, visit palaces and museums.

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