Cutting diet plan for men. Workouts while cutting. Take slow carbohydrates

After successful training with weights, both novice and experienced bodybuilders, in addition to muscle mass gain a lot of excess fat. The predominant anabolism in the human body does not allow an athlete to pump up only muscles, without the appearance of a fat layer. To create a sculpted figure and burn fat, athletes use the so-called drying. This efficient process of lipid breakdown is based on the reduction of glycogen in the muscles.

Glycogen is a storage site for carbohydrates. That is, the acquisition of lean and clean muscle mass occurs by burning carbohydrates. Drying the body involves drawing up a special diet and performing certain exercises aimed at developing body contour.

Under no circumstances should you go on a ketone diet. With a deficiency of carbohydrates and glucose, the body begins to consume glycogen, and then fats. Complex nutrients are burned rather slowly, but the main problem is that ketone bodies are left behind as a result of a lack of glucose. They make the blood acidic and poison the body, which negatively affects the kidneys. This is especially dangerous if you use various muscle growth boosters.

To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, a man must reduce the amount of carbohydrates he consumes gradually; they cannot be eliminated completely at once. Therefore the first requirement proper nutrition during the period of drying the body - reducing the volume of portions while maintaining multiple meals. The daily number of meals is from 4 to 6 times, portions should be small, protein levels must be maintained at the proper level.

Due to the decrease in muscle glycogen as a result of training, the amount of energy is greatly reduced. In this regard, it is necessary to restore its reserves. This can be done by reducing the time between meals. How much carbohydrates should you eat? The required amount is absolutely individual for each person.

Everyone should select this indicator for themselves, taking into account their goal during the weight loss period (how many kilograms of weight need to be lost to obtain the best muscle definition). You can't give up carbohydrates completely! Their amount in the daily diet should be at least 40-45% of the total calorie content (at least 2 grams per 1 kg of weight). Porridge, nuts, vegetables and unsweetened fruits can be good suppliers of carbohydrates.

Food during drying should be rich in protein. Per kilogram of body weight you should consume at least 1.1-1.5 grams of protein, preferably 2-3 grams(to preserve muscles from destruction as much as possible). Protein (protein) is always necessary for muscles during the drying period of the body. It should only be obtained from lean sources (a good option is to get 60-70% of your protein from food and the rest from sports nutrition).

Due to the consumption of large amounts of water, a little excess weight may appear, but it will disappear within 1-2 days. The day before a competition or photo shoot, you should reduce your water intake to a minimum - this will allow you to get deeper relief. To remove excess water, be sure to give up salt - it retains fluid in the body.

Authorized products

Food should be consumed in reasonable quantities. The main dishes of the daily diet should be:

  • White chicken or turkey meat without skin (boiled, steamed or stewed).
  • Chicken egg whites.
  • Boiled squid fillet.
  • Lean fish(it’s better to steam or stew it).
  • Dairy products can be consumed kefir and cottage cheese, but their fat content should not exceed 3%. It should be eaten only during the first two weeks of drying. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with water, rye pasta, broccoli, greens, zucchini and lettuce, grapefruit and green apples will also be beneficial.
  • In hot weather it will be useful to eat green or Herb tea(ginger or chamomile).

Remember that the result of drying the body will largely depend on the number of calories consumed by the athlete. Therefore, it will not only be useful, but even advisable to keep track of the calories you get from food and weigh yourself daily. The result of this difficult period in the life of any man will be a beautiful and sculpted figure that will for a long time to please its owner.

Sample diet

Using the following daily diet as an example, you can create an appropriate menu for drawing muscles or contact a nutritionist for help:

  • breakfast - oatmeal, pair boiled eggs soft-boiled;
  • second meal – protein shake, fruit;
  • lunch – low-fat broth, a piece of meat (chicken fillet or beef), a couple of bran breads;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese with honey or salad, vegetables and fruits;
  • dinner – steamed cutlets, light salad;
  • second dinner - low-fat kefir or bran.

You will have to choose the amount of food you eat yourself. It is impossible to write a specific number of grams, as this is an individual question that depends on the daily routine, dew, weather, physical fitness, body type, etc.

In any case, it is better not to eat more than 200-350 grams of food at one sitting, so as not to burden the stomach.

So, the training should also be changed during the drying period. Emphasis should be placed on high-intensity loads with high repetitions. It would be good to use supersets and dropsets.

Since there will be minimal energy with minimal doses of carbohydrates taken, reduce working weights by 20-30%. This will help avoid microtraumas and stress in the body, which means the muscles will recover faster. But at the same time their growth will stop.

Drawing up a circuit program will help you achieve even better results. Its essence is as follows: we take 7-8 exercises for all muscle groups and run them 2-3 times in a circle (in one cycle of each exercise we do 2 approaches).

The ideal number of repetitions is 15 times, although everyone has their own characteristics, so this number is not a constant.

You can give the following example of two training days for drying male muscles:

Day 1

Day 2

Remember that your training should not be strength training, but volume training.

Don't forget about cardio

It is imperative to add aerobic exercise to your training week, as thanks to it the body will burn fat not only during training, but also during rest. Once or twice a week you can allocate 30-60 minutes of time for such activities. This could be running outside or on a treadmill, cycling, or using other cardio equipment.

  • Be sure to have breakfast every day, as the body’s normal metabolism must not be disrupted.
  • The complete exclusion of fats can negatively affect the athlete’s condition: hair will begin to fall out and the skin will deteriorate. It is recommended to exclude mainly saturated fats – cheeses, milk, yolks chicken eggs, lard, pork and lamb, mayonnaise and butter, cocoa powder. good and healthy fats contained in various types sea ​​fish and in all types of nuts (hazelnuts, pine and walnuts).
  • Forget about sweet foods and flour products while drying, avoid eating snacks that are harmful to the stomach: chips, crackers and ketchup. The prohibited list will include any salted and canned foods.
  • Never eat before bed. If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple, but it is best to take a portion of protein in water.
  • You need to eat often (every 3 hours), but in small portions.
  • Forget about alcohol and smoking.
  • Try to drink enough water every day. The athlete should drink 2-3 liters of water daily during the drying period.
  • The carbohydrates consumed should be healthy and contain fiber (vegetables and fruits, grains).
  • Try to move more every day - this will help burn extra calories.
  • You can add 10-15 minutes of cardio before and after your workout. It is also advisable to take before and after training

There are probably a lot of questions: should I run or swing, or both? How to run correctly, and how to swing correctly while drying?
Let's start with running. You can run in 3 options:

1st) In the morning on an empty stomach. It’s familiar and familiar to everyone, because so often before summer you can see people at stadiums diligently trying to lose weight.

2nd) After strength training, when you have already run out of glycogen reserves for hard work with weights.

3rd) Before bed, i.e. after all meals.

It’s not just that, it’s all about glycogen reserves in the muscles. Muscles consume a lot of energy, and this energy accumulates in your muscles in the form of glycogen. To put it simply, glycogen is your food (carbohydrates), everything you eat. Fat does not burn while there is a lot of glycogen in the body, because... There is no need to use fat as energy as long as there is another source of energy. Glycogen is lowest in the morning after sleep, because... You didn’t eat anything during sleep, and your muscles consume quite a lot of energy even when inactive. Also after strength training, it is used as a source of energy. The same situation applies before bed, when you haven’t eaten for some time. These are the best options when you need to run.

How to run to lose weight?

Fast or slow? How many times a week? It’s best not to run, in the usual sense of the word, but walk quickly (slow jogging). The time ranges from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, although it can be longer depending on your fitness level. How often? 3-4 times a week is enough. But I’ll say right away that running is not the only thing in losing weight. It is also important to monitor the carbohydrates entering your body. To be honest, I never liked running, and I dried out mainly by cutting carbohydrates and not exhausting myself with running (I ran 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes). By the way, I already talked about nutrition in the article: I advise you to read it.

Can you use strength training to lose weight or get lean?

Of course it is possible and even necessary! Usually you hear only one thing here: shorten the rest, do more repetitions, suffocate between sets, etc. Actually this is not true. So that fat, and not muscle, would go away (this mainly applies to men, since women do not have the task of preserving muscle), MUSCLES SHOULD BE USED, but NOT exhausted by work. They need to be trained so that the body knows that you are using them and you need them, then at the end you will really get a lean, muscular body, and not a flabby body with burnt muscles.

How to train while cutting/losing weight?

I advise you to train in the same way as for weight. These are 6-10 repetitions, 2-4 exercises per muscle group, in 2-4 approaches. Why? Firstly, during cutting you have little energy reserves, and if you do 15 or more repetitions in a set, you will simply burn your muscles. Secondly, for a straight person it is much more effective to train in a small number of repetitions - in the range of 6-10 (I speak from my own experience). Don't chase weight gain, because... doing this during drying will be very difficult and traumatic. Just try to maintain the weight, or reduce it if you feel that you have less strength. Moreover, do not go to failure on your sets! Because This is a pointless exercise, especially when drying. The point is to make your muscles work, but do not suck all the glycogen out of them. By the way, you can read whether a refusal is necessary in the article: You need to lose weight gradually. If you have sudden surges, i.e. Either you sharply limited carbohydrates, or exhausted yourself with running all day, then you will not only burn extra muscles, but also harm your health, because. you need to understand that internal organs you also need energy, and if it is in sharp deficit (severe stress), then the body will not thank you, to put it mildly... What matters is the result in the long term. Don't aim to lose weight in just 1 month. Of course, you can lose weight in a month, but it would be more correct to say that you will simply “lose weight” along with your muscles and with serious consequences for your health. Expect a period of approximately 4-6 months. The slower you lose weight, the better the results will be.(i.e. after drying is completed, you will not gain weight excess weight, which, by the way, often happens to people who suddenly lose weight in just a month). The approximate amount of pure fat you can lose in a month without harming your health or burning muscles is about 3-4 kg, no more! If a person loses 5-6 kg or more in a month, then he is 100% detrimental to his health, not to mention the lost muscles.

Here's a good example:

Let's say a person lost more than 5 kg in a month. But besides the fact that it is harmful to his health, in 90% of cases after this he will gain more than the weight from which he began to dry, because. the body will slow down the metabolism very much and will work in “emergency” mode, storing fat.

Another case:

Here the person gradually lost weight by 3-4 kg per month. The body gradually lost fat and did not adapt to a slow metabolism, because... there were no stress conditions for the body in the form of severe energy limitation. These graphs are conditional, but the main thing is to understand the essence, and this is the most important thing. Again, I repeat, on average expect 4-6 months. Yes, it is hard, but the harder the goal, the more pleasant the result will be when achieving the goal! :)

Returning to training, it is impossible to say which is better - strength work or running, because... Everywhere has its pros and cons. It is best to combine weight training and running. By the way, here I would like to add that the work of the brain consumes approximately 20% of a person’s total energy (provided, of course, that we use it) This is not a joke, friends. This is why mental work is so tiring... Therefore, try to train your brain too :))

Another important point concerns vitamins. This will be very useful during drying. You can buy a complex of vitamins at any pharmacy.

Try to feel your body, if suddenly you get sick, for example, then do not mock your body, and Until complete recovery, consume as much food as your body requires.

Thank you all for your attention! :) You can ask all questions on the forum.

Your personal trainer online

Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to as soon as possible to achieve your goal (lose weight/reduce weight or dry out your body by properly creating a diet/meal plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

The training program for drying the body is intended for those who want to lose weight and make a grand revision of their body for the beach season. But this program solves not only the problem of excess weight, it is also suitable for more experienced bodybuilders, for example, those preparing for competitions. And at the end of the article about.

Training program for drying the body: goals and objectives

The goal of this program is to burn subcutaneous fat. It is designed for six lessons per week in gym. The duration of the program is 4-12 weeks and depends on whether you have achieved the desired level of weight loss or not. Those athletes who have an average level of training behind them should engage in the presented program. Therefore, it is not for beginners.

To perform the exercises you will need:

  • simulators
  • dumbbells
  • rods

Training program for drying the body: conditions for implementation

The program involves working out each muscle group twice a week. The scheme is as follows: three days of training and a day of rest. You will have to give your best in each workout, since you need to burn the maximum number of calories. Rest between exercises is only 30-35 seconds. The number of repetitions of each exercise is 12-15.

As for the weight of the burden. The maximum weight used for the first approach is such that the specified number of repetitions can be completed. To perform the remaining approaches, the weight should be reduced by a couple of kilograms. However, you shouldn't find the workout easy. She must master herself to the limit. Otherwise you will not achieve the effect.

Training program for drying the body: additional exercises, nutrition

Working out to lose weight is inevitable without exercises such as cardio, which should not be tiring. It is advisable to do cardio exercises twice a day: 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening. IN morning time before breakfast, in the evening - three hours before bedtime.

Why is it not advisable to include cardio training immediately before lifting weights, because the effect of the main workout will be reduced.

Warm up before your workout and stretch the muscles involved afterward.

If your goal is to lose weight and burn fat, then you will need to reconsider your diet. Otherwise, all your efforts in the gym will be in vain. To do this, choose a special diet for weight loss. It is advisable to consult with specialist nutritionists.

In addition to a diet for weight loss, you need to take sports nutrition.

Training program for drying the body: a set of exercises

Now let's move on to getting acquainted with the complex.

Day 1. Training the chest, triceps, and abs muscles

  • Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Incline dumbbell flyes. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • French bench press. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Triceps extension with two hands of the upper block. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • One-arm triceps extension. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Twisting on the top block. Approaches: 4, repetitions: 20-25.

  • Hanging leg raises. Perform Approaches: 4, repetitions: 20-25.

Day 2. Back and biceps training

  • Pull-ups. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Pull the lower block to the waist while sitting. Approaches: 3, reps: 12

  • Hyperextension. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Concentrated dumbbell curl for biceps. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Biceps curl with EZ bar. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

Day 3. Training the muscles of the shoulders, legs and abs

  • Squats. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Leg extension in the simulator while sitting. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Deadlift on straight legs. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Shin sitting. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Seated dumbbell press. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Retracting the arm to the side on the lower block. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Dumbbell lateral raises. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Shrugs with a barbell. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Crunches on the block. Approaches: 4, repetitions: 20-25.

  • Hanging leg raises. Approaches: 4, repetitions: 20-25.

Day 4. Chest, triceps and abs training

  • Incline dumbbell press. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench, lying down. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Dumbbell raises on a horizontal bench, lying down. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Bringing your hands together in a crossover. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Upper block triceps extension. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • French press, standing. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Raising the body on an inclined bench with weights. Approaches: 4, repetitions: 20-25.

  • Leg lift. Sets: 4, reps: 25

Day 5. Back and biceps training

  • Pulldown of the upper block to the chest while sitting. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Dumbbell row to the waist while standing on an incline. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Rowing a barbell to the waist while standing bent over. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Barbell curls on a Scott bench. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

Day 6. Training the muscles of the shoulders, legs and abs.

  • Leg press in the simulator. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Lunges with a barbell. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Leg bending in the simulator, lying down. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Deadlift. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Standing shin. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Seated barbell press. Approaches: 4, reps: 15.

  • Lifting dumbbells through the sides while standing. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Raising dumbbells to the sides on a support. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Barbell rows to the chest while standing. Approaches: 3, reps: 12.

  • Lifting the body. Approaches: 4, reps: 25.

  • Simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs. Approaches: 4, reps: 25.

That's the whole training program for drying the body! Train according to this program and the results will not keep you waiting!

Good luck!

Simple cardio workout for weight loss

There are a huge number of myths surrounding the combination of cardio and strength training. Women are often told that without the traditional hour and a half of walking, they won't burn fat. This is not physiologically justified.

Any cardio exercise for weight loss not only burns fat, but also strengthens the heart, and an intensity above 60% of the maximum heart rate will be more effective than the classic 50-60%, because the body expends more energy during dynamic work than during slow walking. And talk about “what burns more – glycogen or fat” is a pointless discussion, at least until we know what a particular athlete eats.

Most modern fitness gurus are inclined to believe that fat burns during intense training if simple carbohydrates are excluded from the trainee’s diet. large quantities.

How much cardio do you need to lose weight?

The US College of Sports Medicine recommends 20-30 minute sessions of cardio exercise for weight loss, 6 times a week. This is approximately what is needed to lose weight on a moderate calorie deficit, about 10% of the daily requirement. Think about it, just half an hour of jumping or running and you can eat like a white man)))

Well, if you love to eat and it doesn't excite you, consider this:

Cardio, which is hated by most strength-training women, helps, oddly enough, to lift more. Often, during a set of heavy basic exercises, we simply begin to choke and feel that our heart is literally jumping out of our chest. This is “it” - a feeling when the muscles are still capable, but the body as a whole is no longer able to do so. This is how we feel a lack of stamina. Well, specific types of cardio will help solve this problem;

In addition, plyometric cardio exercises allow you to increase power, and move under load really quickly and beautifully. And safe.

So, put your feet up, dear comrades, and jump, jump. At the same time, the fat will burn. Perform this series of cardio exercises as a stand-alone workout on a rest day, as a starter before a long flat run/elliptical/stepper session, or as a finisher after a strength workout. You will lose weight especially effectively if by strength training you mean training with the inclusion of a base, and not splits.

Simple Cardio Workout for Weight Loss: Workout Plan

  • 5 minutes of warm-up - first walking with high knees, then jumping with one leg on the other on a skipping rope, intensity - low. Then we perform the exercises in a row, without pauses. We adjust the intensity by speeding up or slowing down the pace of the jumps themselves;
  • Jumping out of a squat - we lower ourselves into a squat below parallel with the floor, push off well with our legs and jump up, trying to keep our body fixed;
  • “Climbers” - we take an emphasis as for a plank pose, jumping to bring our knees alternately to the stomach and back, the movement resembles running while lying down;
  • Jumping out of a lunge - lunge back, jump, immediately repeat on the other leg. Very advanced people can change legs while jumping, but be careful! We don't want to get shin pain;
  • Jumping “legs apart” in a position - the body is straight, palms under the shoulders, toes pointing. Now we jump, spreading our legs to the sides and then connecting them, do not raise our buttocks, keep our lower back stabilized;
  • “Skater” jumps - we stand up, jump with our right foot to the side, place our left foot crosswise behind the right, jump back with the left foot, this is a rather ancient exercise, Cindy Crawford also showed it in her videos, who remembers;
  • Burpees with push-ups – everyone’s favorite “drop-and-push-up”. From a straight stance, we lower our palms to the floor, jump our toes back, do a push-up, and jump back into the stance from which we jumped up. We repeat from the beginning.

Advanced fighters can do a minute of each movement, rest 30 seconds after the “circle” and repeat the cycle 3-4 times, for beginners a 30 second set of movements and 2-3 circles will be enough. Increase the intensity gradually, increase the number of laps. When your workout takes the textbook 30 minutes and you find it easy, try other plyometric exercises, or simply add short runs at a high tempo between movements.

Drying the body is a very complex process aimed at reducing fat tissue. For the sake of this process, a person drives himself into the strictest limits, which he must strictly observe. For girls, the drying phase is a particularly difficult process, since they genetically have a higher percentage of adipose tissue, which they need for a harmonious existence. Weight loss during the drying phase involves a special diet and training regimen. So, let's find out everything about drying for girls in more detail!

Why do girls need body drying?

Girls need drying to create an impeccable, or close to impeccable, shape, both for bodybuilding competitions and for personal body improvement, because a beautiful, toned body for girls is a very important component. The process not only makes you look better, but also gives you confidence and improves your psychological state.

However, when cutting for personal purposes, not for competitions, the main thing is not to overdo it, since this process is grueling and complex, and a minimal amount of fat tissue for a girl is fraught with deterioration in well-being, both in terms of emotional and physical health!

Side effects of the drying process for girls

During drying, athletes feel a loss of strength, since due to the diet, the consumption of the main source of energy - carbohydrates - is reduced to a minimum.
Also, obtaining a sufficient amount of substances useful for the body’s functioning is also reduced. There are problems with sleep, nervousness and irritability, and dizziness. Nevertheless, giving up carbohydrates can quickly reduce fat mass, however, due to the lack of an energy source - carbohydrates, and especially simple carbohydrates, the body begins to replenish energy reserves through protein molecules. If there is insufficient amount of protein received from the outside, that is, from food, the body will obtain protein by breaking down muscle fibers for energy.

Body drying diet rules for girls

One of important aspects The drying stage is the diet. The main rule of the diet will be to reduce carbohydrate intake as much as possible. Some athletes consume 1-2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of their body weight. The lion's share of food at the drying stage is protein products. Moreover, not all protein products are suitable for a diet, and their preparation is very unusual, for example, athletes boil chicken meat (fillet or breast) for a long time to obtain a product with a minimum fat content. This product is great building material for muscles and the only source of energy, while not being a source of deposition of new fat molecules.

Nutrition: calculation of KBZHU for drying for girls

Calculation formula: weight in kilograms * 24 kilocalories.

For example, multiply 60 kg by 24 = 1440 kcal – daily requirement.

Now we calculate the BJU

  1. Squirrels.

Protein should make up 60% of your total calorie needs.

60% of 1440 = 864 kcal from protein (1440*0.6).

864/4 kcal (4 kcalories in one gram of protein) = 216 g – the need for pure protein per day.

  1. Carbohydrates.

20% of 1440 = 288 kcal from carbohydrates (1440*0.2).

288/4 kcal (4 kcalories in one gram of carbohydrate) = 72 g – the need for net carbohydrates per day.

  1. Fats.

20% of 1440 = 288 kcal from fat (1440*0.2).

288/9 kcal (9 kcal in one gram of fat) = 32 g of fat is the norm per day.

How long does body drying last for girls?

The drying process takes from one to two months. A longer period can lead to serious deterioration in health, both physical and emotional. The risk of breaking your diet also increases, which will lead to rapid accumulation of fat.

The drying stage must be approached as seriously as possible, because the athlete’s body is subjected to severe physical and emotional stress. During a strict diet with minimal carbohydrate intake, depletion nervous system. Before starting this complex process, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no contraindications for drying.

The drying process cannot be started abruptly, as it is stressful for the body. The best option would be to reduce fats and carbohydrates prematurely; you can give up sweets and eat only complex carbohydrates. But that's not all. Before a full-fledged drying regime, gradually reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates and calorie intake.

  • Fatty fish.
  • Pork and lamb.
  • Smoked meats and pickles.
  • All cereals except buckwheat and unpolished rice.
  • Flour and confectionery products, sugar, fruits.
  • Vegetables that contain a lot of sugar and starch.
  • Spices and other flavor enhancers.
  • Juices and compotes, other drinks containing sugar.
  • Milk and cottage cheese, butter, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and kefir.
  • Naturally, alcohol is also prohibited.

Menu for drying the body for girls for a month by week

1 Week

The first week will be the preparatory stage of drying, during which a gradual rejection of unwanted products occurs.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal with apples or berries.
  • 2nd reception – vegetable soup in chicken broth.
  • Meal 4 – soft-boiled eggs with cucumbers and herbs.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with tomatoes or cauliflower.
  • Meal 2 – cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Meal 3 – rice with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal, 1 green apple.


  • 1st meal – rice with fruits or berries.
  • Meal 2 – fish with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with cottage cheese.
  • Meal 2 – fish soup.


  • Meal 1 – muesli, coffee with milk.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.


  • 1 meal – buckwheat, 1 apple.
  • Method 2 – cottage cheese.
  • Meal 3 – rice with meat.

2 week

From the second week, fruits and dairy products are removed.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal.
  • Meal 2 – chicken broth soup.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – eggs with cucumbers and herbs.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with cauliflower.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat and eggs.
  • Meal 3 – rice with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – baked chicken with vegetable salad.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with baked fish.
  • Meal 3 – scrambled eggs with vegetables or seafood.
  • 4th reception – boiled beef, cucumbers, greens.


  • Meal 1 – unpolished rice, eggs.
  • Meal 2 – fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – unpolished rice with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – chicken fillet with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with herbs.
  • Meal 2 – fish soup.
  • Meal 3 – buckwheat with meat cutlets.
  • Meal 4 – boiled chicken fillet with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal or millet with eggs.
  • Meal 2 – cabbage rolls with pepper, rice and minced chicken.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – squid salad, greens, vegetables.


  • 1st meal – buckwheat, chicken fillet.
  • Meal 2 – rice with meat
  • Meal 3 – beef, salad.
  • Meal 4 – boiled eggs, 1 cucumber.

3 week

This week, cereals with a high glycemic index are excluded, and proteins predominate in the diet.


  • Meal 1 – brown rice, 2 eggs.


  • Meal 3 – fish with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – rice, eggs.


  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with vegetables.


  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 4 – pollock with cucumber.



  • 1st meal – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 2 – tuna with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – rice with chicken.

4 week

The fourth week on the list of products repeats the third; dishes, like products, can be changed by day and adjusted to your own preferences.


  • Meal 1 – brown rice, 2 eggs.
  • Meal 2 – rice, boiled beef.
  • Meal 3 – chicken fillet with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 - boiled squid, cucumbers, greens.


  • Meal 1 – omelette with seafood.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with fish cutlets for a couple.
  • Meal 3 – fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – chicken or egg whites, cucumbers.


  • Meal 1 – rice, eggs.
  • Meal 2 – rice, baked turkey.
  • Meal 3 – seafood salad.
  • Meal 4 – baked turkey, cucumbers, greens.


  • 1st meal – rice with seafood.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – hake with steamed vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – boiled veal or chicken, vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – fish chops with rice.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 3 – salad with egg, tuna and Chinese cabbage.
  • Meal 4 – pollock with cucumber.


  • Meal 1 – omelette with rice and seafood.
  • Meal 2 – salad of cabbage, cucumber and chicken fillet.
  • Meal 3 – buckwheat with baked chicken or turkey.
  • Meal 4 – baked meat with fresh vegetables.


  • 1st meal – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 2 – tuna with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – rice with chicken.
  • Meal 4 – eggs, cucumber, Chinese cabbage.

If you want and need to continue drying, you can repeat the diet of the fourth week, swapping foods in places until the menu is not so varied, and the foods are repeated for several days in a row. At the end of drying, gradually return to the diet of the second, then the first week. This way, both the entry and exit of the diet will be safe. To maintain results, it is better to eat approximately according to the principle of the first week.

Exit from drying

This is also an important stage. Drying is a diet. Take your time to introduce familiar foods and ingredients into your diet. Increase the amount of carbohydrates gradually. In the first week after drying, gradually increase your carbohydrate intake to thirty percent of the total amount of food consumed. During this period, it is important to add a small amount of low-sugar fruits to your diet. Gradually increase the variety of meat and fish products, as well as their fat content.

After drying is complete, you should add low-fat dairy products and increase your intake of complex carbohydrates to forty percent. To maintain good physical shape for a long time and appearance Do not consume simple sugars, such as confectionery and flour products.

A set of exercises for drying the body for girls at home

To train dry at home, you need to perform a cycle of exercises. As an example, let's take a complex that must be repeated four times.

  • Exercises should be performed in the shortest possible time, that is, reducing the intervals between exercises to a minimum.
  • There should be three or four of these a week.
  • Each exercise is performed for twenty to twenty-five repetitions.
  • Between cycles you can rest for no more than three minutes.
  • The athlete must first warm up his muscles and joints.

So, here is a list of exercises for one cycle:

  1. Jumping.

  • 2. Jumping

  • 3. Plie squats

  • 4. Squats on one leg alternately

  • 5. Push-ups

  • 6. Boat exercise

  • 7. Reverse push-ups

  • 8. Fold

  • 9. Lying leg raises

  • 10. Oblique crunches

Body drying program for girls in the gym

Perform 3-4 sets of each for 20-25 repetitions.

Day 1

First triset:

  1. Jumping to higher ground.

  • 1. Squats

Second superset:

Third superset:

Fourth superset:
  1. Lying leg raises or.

Day 2

First triset:

  1. Pulling the leg back in the simulator.
  2. Aerial lunges.

Second superset:

  1. Push ups.
  2. Reverse push-ups from a bench.

Cutting training program
is a comprehensive training and nutrition regimen designed to reduce the level of subcutaneous fat and improve the quality of muscle mass. There are several options for this training program, there are schemes for men and women, it can be taken by both “natural” bodybuilders and athletes taking anabolic steroids. It goes without saying that the training scheme will be different, but it will be based on the same principles. In this article, they will all be scrupulously examined and, on their basis, specific training programs for and for will be drawn up. For those athletes who are already using “pills”, only the principles should be enough, since at this level of training, when it makes sense to “take a course”, adequate training programs are already very individual. However, you can use our scheme, simply increasing its intensity.

Key points in the drying program are: the rate of fat burning and the preservation of muscle mass and strength indicators. The problem is that these two processes are antagonists! The process of burning fat is a catabolic process, the process of destruction of organic structures. And building muscle mass is an anabolic process of protein synthesis. These processes cannot occur simultaneously, but the ratio of the quality of destroyed tissues may be different. The athlete’s task is to maximize and accelerate the destruction of fat structures and minimize muscle loss. Is it possible? Yes, it's possible! But for this you will need the will and desire to follow a diet and exercise regime. If this is your first drying program, then, most likely, it is better for you to use the relief scheme, since it is the safest; in fact, it will partially be included in this training system, but this method of “drying out” is more difficult.

The mechanism of fat burning and cutting diet

Nutrition is the most important factor influencing the processes occurring in our body. Whether you will lose weight or, conversely, gain weight, depends on whether your calorie balance is excessive or deficient. If calories are systematically lacking, the body will be forced to compensate for them with subcutaneous fat. Actually, subcutaneous fat accumulates in order to compensate for this deficiency during a calorie deficit; this is its evolutionary task. Fat can accumulate if there is a calorie surplus, then the body accumulates excess calories in the form of subcutaneous fat, and this, from an evolutionary point of view, is very good! That's why people like to eat fatty foods, lie on the couch and accumulate energy that will help them survive during the “hungry time”. But, if you do not plan to spend the next winter in the harsh northern forest, then this survival mechanism becomes useless, and in this case you can safely allow yourself not only to “dry out”, but also, in general, to monitor the correctness of your diet.

So, to reduce your own weight, you need a caloric balance deficit, that is, your energy expenditure must exceed the calorie content of your diet. But the cutting training program involves not just reducing your own weight, but specifically the targeted burning of subcutaneous fat. In this regard, the athlete must use carbohydrate diet , which will provide the body with the necessary macroelements, which will increase the share of the fat layer in the total volume of burned organic tissue. The main role here will be played by protein and its amino acid profile. The fact is that in order to extract energy in the short term, it is easier for the body to destroy muscle structures than fat structures, so it is important to provide it with the macroelements that it extracts from muscles. You can read more about this in the article about protein diet . Let's move on to training issues!

Why do you need drying training?

A cutting program can solve three problems: preserve muscle mass, speed up the process of burning subcutaneous fat, and speed up fat reduction in target areas. Can the program solve all problems at once? Maybe! But it should be taken into account that the maximum result for each goal can be achieved only if the program is tailored exclusively to solve one problem. Accordingly, solving all problems at once, the athlete will alternate Various types training programs for cutting and, thanks to such microperiodization, maintain a balance between the rate of fat burning and the preservation of muscle mass. There is one more benefit that you will get from training! Whatever scheme you follow, the training will boost your metabolism, and metabolic rate is one of the most important factors influencing both the process of burning subcutaneous fat and its accumulation in the future.

Strength training for cutting - This is a way to preserve muscle mass. During such a workout, the athlete uses the usual working weights, performing 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions, with a minute of rest between sets. Basic exercises like the bench press and squats with a barbell can be performed in a very strong style in 5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. The essence of this scheme is that strength training forces the body to maintain muscle volume, since it needs it to perform constant hard work. It is this drying scheme that is recommended for athletes who do not use anabolic drugs, as well as for those athletes who are trying to “dry out” for the first time. We examined this training scheme in detail in the training program for relief. Therefore, we will not consider it in detail here, but will move on to another drying training scheme.

In short, in the process of muscle acidification, lactic acid is formed, which breaks down into lactate and hydrogen ions. At the same time, you should not acidify the muscles too much, since in this case lactic acid will destroy more organic structures than hydrogen ions will help to recreate, and under drying conditions this is especially critical. Another advantage is the high amount of energy consumption during training. You already know that the catabolism of organic tissues, and fats in particular, occurs during a calorie deficit. On the one hand there are calorie intake, on the other they are spent. With the help of a cutting diet, the athlete reduces the intake of calories, and with the help of training, he increases their expenditure. Strength training also increases energy expenditure, but pumping increases energy expenditure much more.

The main advantage Pumping training for cutting is the production of stress hormones that lead to fat breakdown. Adrenaline and norepinephrine cannot influence the organic tissues of the body directly, but do so through receptors. Alpha type receptors stimulate lipolysis, that is, they reduce fat cells in size, and Beta type receptors, on the contrary, prevent fat burning, trying to preserve nutrients. Some parts of the body have more Alpha receptors and others have more Beta receptors, so some parts of the body are more difficult to lose weight than others. Pumping leads to the activation of Alpha receptors, which, together with the increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, leads to even faster fat breakdown. Please note that we're talking about specifically about fat breakdown, and not about fat burning, since all the processes listed above only simplify fat burning, but the body will only utilize subcutaneous fat if it lacks energy.

You should use the pumping technique in your drying program in any case, at least during abdominal training. If you pump up your abs at the end of your workout, you can speed up the reduction of fat in this area. Yes, you won’t be able to lose weight only in the abdominal area, but it is possible to relatively speed up fat burning in this area! You already know what this process involves, but you can read how best to build your ab workout Here. In addition, you can add aerobic cardio exercise to your training complex for drying. This load can be running, cycling or walking. We recommend that you walk, since such training will “eat” the least muscle and utilize the most fat.

If you add cardio to your cutting program, then such workouts should last 40-60 minutes. It is best to carry out such training immediately after training in the gym, in order to remove lactic acid and start the process of recycling subcutaneous fat. The fact is that the body begins to break down and utilize fat after it has used up its entire glycogen supply. The least glycogen in the body is after strength training, as well as in the morning. Therefore, such training is recommended to be carried out precisely at this time, and this is why walking is preferable to running, since you can walk longer than run, and fat is utilized during long work.

Pumping drying program for men

Monday - legs and chest

Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 12 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Romanian Deadlift – 4 sets of 15 reps
Calf raises – 4 sets of 20 reps
Bench Press – 4 sets of 12 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Dumbbell Incline Press – 4 sets of 12 reps
Dumbbell flyes – 4 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday - arms and abs
Superset (2 exercises):
Close grip press – 4 sets of 15 reps
Biceps curls – 4 sets of 15 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Standing French Press – 5 sets of 15 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Hanging leg raises – 5 sets maximum
Exercise bike – 5 sets to the maximum

Friday - back and shoulders:

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