What to pack a big gift in. How to wrap a gift beautifully in gift paper with your own hands: without a box, in an envelope, in the form of candy. Round, flat, large: step-by-step instructions. Presenting a gift in a box

The most ordinary gift in original packaging carries a different meaning and significance. Today we will learn how to beautifully pack a gift in paper, box, film, for birthdays, February 23, March 8.

If you show a little imagination and inspiration, you can make an unusual gift wrapping with your own hands, surprising and delighting your loved ones with your creativity.

You can buy paper, film and cardboard for work at a stationery store or use any available material:

  • Wallpaper leftovers, newspapers, magazines, maps
  • Shoe boxes, jars, flower pots
  • Any beautiful fabric or scraps of burlap, linen, velvet, drape. silks
  • Buttons, braid, beads, beads, ribbons, cords, ropes
  • Natural material - fresh flowers, herbariums, twigs of evergreens, nuts, berries

It is worth experimenting with the shape and material for packaging, moving away from the usual and template pompous or hackneyed options, such as a plastic bag. Standard cookies, beautifully wrapped and presented to friends on New Year, will be a pleasant surprise.

You don't have to wait until a holiday to give a gift. Wrap a bottle of champagne beautifully in a sweater or shirt sleeve and tie it with a rope. In 10 minutes the packaging is ready, you can go visit.

Fashionable gift wrapping in Japanese style furoshiki. We take a square piece of durable and bright fabric (from 30 cm or more, depending on the size of the gift) of any texture and wrap the gift in it, and tie it on top.

On a visit with a bundle containing a surprise for the hosts, you must agree, this is a very unusual packaging solution.

How to pack a gift in gift paper step by step instructions

Paper is the most common packaging material.

If you decide to wrap a gift with your own hands, you have hundreds of options for high-quality, beautiful wrapping paper:

  • matte and glossy
  • smooth and corrugated
  • thin, transparent and dense
  • with one-sided and double-sided pattern
  • plain and colored

Wrapping paper can be used to creatively wrap a tiny box of jewelry or an entire car.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper?

We will need:

  • gift (we took a rectangular shape)
  • tape, scissors
  • wrapping paper
  • pencil

For work, we free up space on the table so that nothing gets in the way

  • Lay out a piece of paper or roll face down
  • Place the box with the gift on it, also face down.

  • We wrap the box, mark the place where you need to cut the paper and bend it, leaving 3-4 cm in reserve

  • Cut off excess paper

  • Place the box in the center of the sheet
  • Fold one edge of the roll, on the long side of the box, 2 cm

  • We lift the paper from both sides to the center of the box
  • We fix the uncurled edge with tape, moving 2 cm from the center of the box

  • Place paper with a curved edge on top and fix it
  • Secure with transparent tape so that the center runs exactly in the middle
  • When decorating the packaging, the central seam can be covered with ribbon or braid

  • On one side of the box we fold the corners in the form of triangles

  • Fold the bottom edge of the paper 1 cm - 1.5 cm

  • Press the top edge of the paper against the box and secure it

  • Lower the top edge of the paper, pressing it against the box, and fix it
  • Raise the bottom edge of the paper, carefully connect it in the center with the top edge with tape

  • One side of the package is ready

  • We place the box vertically and also do it on the opposite side

  • Fold corners into triangles

  • We wrap one side 1 cm and connect it to the other with tape exactly in the middle

  • Box packaging is ready

You can complement the packaging decor with decorations made of ribbons, bows, and flowers.

Instructions on how to pack a round gift in wrapping paper

A round box decorated with gift paper looks festive and elegant. This packaging option is used by the Japanese, fine connoisseurs of beauty.

To work you will need:

  • gift in a round box
  • PVA glue
  • tape, preferably double sided
  • scissors
  • to decorate a brooch

Packing a round box in paper is not difficult:

  1. Determine the width of the package by twisting the paper around the box
  2. We remove excess packaging material and secure the edges with overlapping tape.
  3. From the bottom and top of the box, mark on paper the size of the radius of the bottom and lid of the box
  4. Cut off the excess paper, leaving a margin of 2 cm
  5. We press a piece of paper with our finger to the center of the box
  6. Gradually fold in the remaining paper
  7. Cover the joint by gluing a circle of paper to the bottom and top of the package

Decorate the top of the package with brooches, ribbons, and flowers. The gift is ready and can be handed over to the recipient.

How to wrap a gift in film?

For many years, film held the palm as a packaging material and is now in demand:

  • film transparent, translucent (cellular), matte (polysilk)
  • double-sided and single-sided film
  • decorative packaging film with designs, patterns, pictures, emoticons, holograms

If you are giving a fruit basket, flowers, a painting, then the film will not only serve as packaging, but will emphasize the beauty of the gift.

Packing gift baskets with transparent film (cellophane)

Laying out the transparent film on the table surface, place the basket on it and collect it at the top, securing it with a bow.

The main thing is to choose the right size of film, beautifully place a gift or several gifts and get creative with tying a ribbon and bow.

We pack sweets, coffee, tea, Easter cakes, champagne and soft toys. For gifts, you need to make a base for the packaging; it can be a box of chocolates, a chocolate bar, a book or a piece of cardboard.

Polysilk film is a new material for gift wrapping

Polysilk packaging film is sold in rolls, has excellent stretch, and has a metallic or golden sheen.

  • To wrap a gift, cut off the required piece of film

  • We collect the film on top of the gifts and tie it in a knot

  • We cut the ends of the film with scissors, we get a pompom

  • Polysilk film has a wide range of applications; it can be used to pack an ordinary gift, as well as a car or motorcycle.

Decorative and transparent films are used by florists to pack flowers.

How to pack a gift in a box?

Convenient gift packaging is a box; if it has an unpresentable appearance, it can be packed in gift paper or film. Originally designed boxes of different sizes and shapes make beautiful gift packaging.

Gift packaging - shoe box

The simplest packaging option is to decorate a ready-made box for shoes, tea, coffee with wrapping paper, not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

  • Box packaging using collage technique- sheets of paper or fabric of different shapes and colors, selected according to the color scheme, are assembled into an abstract pattern

  • Box covered with newspaper or special paper with the image of printed matter using black ink or carbon paper to give it a vintage look

  • Fabric is suitable for decorating the box any texture and pattern. You can make the lid and box in different colors.

  • Box packaging in patchworg style from assembled pieces of bright fabric using braid, ribbons, buttons, varnished on top

  • The box in the shape of a chest is painted acrylic paint or covered with napkins using the decoupage technique. For decoration we use unnecessary belts, a metal or paper tag

We fill the empty space of the box with any filler.

Simple DIY square gift box

You can make a gift box yourself if you have scissors and a piece of paper on hand; the size depends on the size of the future packaging; it can be assembled without glue.

Completing of the work:

  1. We print the template on a printer or draw it on paper
  2. Cut the workpiece along solid lines
  3. Fold along the dotted lines
  4. We assemble the box so that the fragments with semicircular ends are between the other two, and the semicircles remain outside
  5. We hide the gift in the box and close the lid
  6. You can tie the packaging with a bow

We decorate the packaging with appliques and bows. ribbons, flowers and buttons.

Ideas on how to pack a big gift

Large packaging is intended for a large gift or packed in several layers of paper using filler. The giant box performs not so much a decorative function as it hides the gift itself from the eyes of others, maintaining intrigue.

  • For packaging we use a box from electrical appliances, glue decorative paper or appliqués on it, tie a bow and the packaging is ready. Such a large box can hide a person, a large soft toy, a blanket, pillows, and electrical appliances.

  • Inflatable balloons packed in a large bag or box made of kraft paper. We make a bag or box and place inflated and connected balloons in it. As soon as the hero of the occasion opens the lid of the box, a chain of balloons flies into the sky - a creative and cheerful surprise for dear and close people.

  • If you decide beautifully pack the dishwasher, washing machine, cover the finished box with gift paper. This way you can maintain intrigue and maintain interest in the contents of the box not only among the person to whom it is presented, but also among other guests.

  • Packing in colorful gift paper, pillows, rug, blanket We do it on the same principle as packing round boxes (see above)

There are many options for packaging for small gifts, sometimes with a dose of irony and humor.

Ideas: how to pack a small gift?

If you are giving your loved ones a small gift, choose the packaging:

  • box
  • box
  • bonbonniere
  • pouch
  • basket

Every creative person can add additional elements to the packaging decor, which will make the gift wrapping your own design work.

The most common way to pack a small gift is a box, which can be of various shapes.

Gift box for sweets, jewelry in the shape of a house

You can decorate such a house with a bright ribbon or make a beautiful frame for the window.

The finished diagram of the box must be printed on a printer; we select bright, colored paper. You can cut a template from a piece of thick paper, which is easy to find in every home.

  1. We draw the house template by hand, preferably using a ruler, bending the parts along the dotted lines
  2. Cutting out the window
  3. We make two slits in the bottom on the sides of the house and insert tape
  4. We glue the house (except for the top)
  5. We make slits in the upper part of the side walls, parallel to the lower ones
  6. We stretch the ribbon and put candies, souvenirs, and jewelry inside
  7. We close the roof of the house without gluing it, tying a bow

The gift box is ready!

Gift box in the form of a dress

If you are giving a gift to a girl or young woman, a small box - a dress - would be an interesting option. It is done quickly, you can experiment with its color and style.

  • Print the dress template

  • We transfer the template to colored paper and cut it out to make a gift bag

You can put cosmetics, jewelry and sweets in this box.

Beautiful cardboard box for earrings

There are many options for how to beautifully package earrings or other jewelry in a small original box.

Simple option:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and draw a square with hemispheres extending from each side
  2. Cut out the template and make a box
  3. Tie with ribbon or thread
  4. Use a hole puncher to punch holes in the leaf caps and insert a rope

A similar, but more complex version of a box for a small gift, for the manufacture of which you will need glue

You can hide jewelry, money, cosmetics in such a funny box

Pyramid box for a small gift

Delight your friend with the decoration and the beautiful packaging in which we present it

Choose thick paper, preferably plain paper

  1. Draw a square, each side of which is one of the sides of an equilateral (or isosceles) triangle
  2. Use a hole puncher to make holes for ties at the vertices of the triangles.
  3. The sides of the triangle have an additional supply of paper to give the shape of the box and to ensure that there are no gaps
  4. Bend the template along the lines
  5. We stretch the ropes through the holes and assemble the pyramid

Beautiful beads found their rightful place in the original packaging.

How to pack a birthday gift

When choosing packaging for a birthday gift, we take into account: gender, age and taste preferences hero of the occasion.

Packaging a birthday gift for a child

If the gift is intended for a child, the packaging should be bright and cheerful. The very sight of her should bring a smile and a good mood. Don’t rush to throw away good boxes that come into your home with purchases of hats, shoes, and electronic devices.

  • Cover the finished box with bright wrapping paper, make an applique, such packaging will delight the little birthday boy

  • Agree, sneaker gift box will cause no less delight than the gift itself

  • The original solution would be wrap a gift in a large candy, and instead of filler you can use sweets

  • A bicycle for a child is a long-awaited gift, we will pack it in bright paper, We will decorate it with balloons and ribbons and hand it into the hands of the lucky owner.

  • A beautiful box with a big bow, a burlap bag or a basket will become packaging for a pet.- a gift that every child dreams of. If it is a bird in a cage or an aquarium with fish, you can simply cover it with a beautiful piece of fabric.

  • Like this box - the frog will be a pleasant surprise for the baby, regardless of what is in the middle

  • If your child is going to a friend's birthday party, Collaborate to create original packaging in the form of candies with images of funny faces on the candy wrappers. While the packaging is in the template, the child can paint it as he pleases.

In such boxes you can put models of cars, figurines, sweets, jewelry for girls, wishes.

Birthday gift packaging for women and girls

For lovely ladies, choosing beautiful packaging is half the battle. We offer various options for how to wrap a gift in an original way, based on age.

  • For girls, colored wrapping paper with flowers or polka dots is suitable. with images of youth idols.

  • Ladies of Balzac age will be pleased to receive birthday gift in kraft paper packaging with beautiful artificial flowers.
  • An elegant bud can be made from a napkin, polysilk or corrugated paper, it turns out elegant

  • Vintage birthday gift packaging for older women, with pieces of guipure and lace, it looks stylish and tasteful.
  • We tie the gift with a beautiful bow.
  • You can wrap the packaging with beads, ribbon, or pin it with a brooch.

  • White round box made of cardboard and covered with wallpaper - ceremonial packaging for the birthday girl.
  • Such packaging can hide under its lid: a beautiful piece of jewelry, underwear, a scarf, a scarf or a stole.

  • Women are great individualists. Wrap the gift in craft paper and write your name on it. It goes from being simple to becoming a “personalized” gift and will please the birthday girl’s vanity.

  • A romantic gift for a girlfriend or teenage girl, decoration in walnut shell packaging
  • We cover the inner doors with sparkles, velvet or silk and hide the gift
  • We tie the shell with a string or a bow
  • A great option for making original gift wrapping

Birthday gift packaging for women and girls has many options, so knowing the character of the birthday girl, choose according to her character, hobbies, and age.

Gift wrapping for a man's birthday

Packaging for a man's gift should be strict and, to some extent, brutal. If we choose paper, it is better to use neutral shades - blue, green, red.

  • Celtic "Heart" knot made of woolen threads and a tag in a gift package for men- a laconic and stylish addition

  • Scheme for weaving the “Celtic Knot”

  • If we choose a box, it will look good option - a cardboard box tied with a thin golden ribbon, in We will leave all sentiments in packaging design for the weaker sex.

  • A random sequence of zeros and ones (matrix effect), Newton's laws or chemical and mathematical formulas are a great option for drawing on wrapping paper for men's gifts

  • Kraft paper men's gift packaging always stylish and popular, with a small detail - a pin in the form of a tie pin.

  • Packaging: men's shirt or sweater, which we put on a box with a birthday gift.
  • The shirt was worn as a gift, preferably in a square package
  • Buttons fastened
  • The sleeves were turned down and secured with pins

In packaging for men's gifts, minimalism and laconicism in design are encouraged.

A birthday gift tailored to your hobbies and personality traits

  • If you know that the hero of the occasion loves to travel, use as packaging geographical map or paper with images of countries and landmarks.

  • For a music lover's birthday, wrap the gift in a sheet of paper with notes

  • For lovers of antiquity and historical novels gift packaging in kraft paper in the form of a parcel, as postal workers do and did in the last century, with a postage stamp and seal

  • For car enthusiasts Kraft paper packaging with a miniature model of a sports car on an improvised track made of tape.

If you put a piece of your soul into the packaging of a gift, this speaks about your attitude towards the recipient.

How to pack a gift for March 8?

March 8th is a sea of ​​flowers, compliments, smiles and pleasant gifts. Women's Day is associated with the onset of the first days of spring. When wrapping a gift for March 8, we use artificial and fresh flowers, as well as herbariums and sprigs of evergreens.

Beautiful brooches, hairpins, beads, lace and buttons are an original option for decorating gift packaging for March 8

Kraft paper for gift wrapping on March 8

Popular craft paper, goes well with individual decorative elements: lace, guipure, knitted napkins

The wonderful furoshiki technique will help you wrap a gift without a box

Women can't help but like the national Japanese gift wrapping technique. We tie a piece of beautiful, bright fabric, gathered over the gift, into a bow.

You can present a gift in a beautiful silk scarf, in which case the packaging also becomes a gift.

Gift packaging in a bag made of burlap, linen or cotton

An ordinary burlap bag can be given French chic by decorating it with lace, flowers and frills. Excellent gift packaging for older women; you can put cosmetics, perfumes, and sweets in the bag

Beautiful gift packaging for March 8th in the form of candy

You can hide a handkerchief or scarf in this candy. The packaging is beautiful, easy to do, we involve children in the work

Packaging in the form of various boxes

We make a box, choose the template you like, and decorate it:

  • appliqués
  • flowers,
  • beads
  • buttons
  • braid
  • ribbons

Gift packaging for women and girls is stylish and beautiful.

There are many options for how to wrap a gift for a friend, mother, or sister for March 8th. The work will not take much time and will not require financial investments, only imagination and the desire for creativity.

How to pack a gift for February 23?

Tested by many years of experience - men love spectacular presentation of gifts, especially on February 23, when women's attention is focused on them.

Gift wrapping for February 23rd in craft paper

On the eve of the holiday, you need to think about how to effectively wrap a gift.

Kraft paper is suitable for this purpose:

  • Decorate it with a card with the numbers 23
  • We tie it with woolen threads or burlap
  • We will sew a button to the package, you can put a stamp on it

Packaging “Gift for a gentleman” made of kraft paper for February 23

Original packaging, easy to use, will not leave your man indifferent

To work you need:

  • kraft paper
  • ribbon or strip of fabric
  • piece of leather
  • buttons
  • scissors

A few decorative details and the usual packaging turns into a gentleman's package:

  • We wrap the box with kraft paper according to the instructions, see above
  • We place a contrasting tape in the center, in our case blue
  • Glue buttons along the tape
  • At the top of the package we place a butterfly cut out of leather

Original and simple packaging will bring a smile to the sternest representative of the stronger sex

Wrapping a gift for “My King” in kraft paper

Every man is a little vain at heart. Gift packaging with the inscription: “To my king” will please your loved one and increase his self-esteem.

Packing a gift:

  • Cut out a man's profile with a crown from paper
  • Using a hole punch to make holes for the rope
  • After the gift has been carefully wrapped (according to the instructions above), place a piece of contrasting color paper or foil under the cut out profile and crown
  • We decorate the crown with beads, placing them on glue
  • We extend the rope with a pleasant message “To my king!”

What man can resist a gift when he sees such packaging?

Beautifully wrapped gifts photo:

A gift in a beautiful gift wrapping has a presentable appearance. You can pack a gift in a store, with the help of professionals, or go to the first newsstand and buy a package. Using our tips, try to wrap a gift yourself, showing imagination and imagination. The result of your work will be happy faces of people close to you.

Video: Three ways to wrap a gift

Giving gifts is as pleasant as receiving them, but in addition to the prepared surprise, packaging is also important, which will give it a complete and presentable look. But to understand how best to pack a gift in gift paper, you should study several features and options for this procedure in order to choose the most optimal one for yourself.

Paper selection

The most common way to decorate a gift is gift paper.

It comes in several types, each of which has its own differences:

  • Sheet glossy paper. The paper can be of different colors, both plain and multi-colored. The density of the sheets is minimal, which allows them to be used in various interesting wrapping options.

Most often, this type of paper is used for packaging boxes in the shape of a square and rectangle.

  • Craft. Characterized by increased wear resistance and density. To the touch, kraft paper is much rougher than the previous version and has a ribbed surface with a cross section.

Great for gifts in retro or Provence style, as well large sizes. Such packaging requires additional decoration on top.

  • Silence. This type of packaging is papyrus Whatman paper. Its thin air structure allows you to give the gift a smart and elegant look.

Tishyu is also used as a filler in a gift box. It is convenient to wrap objects of complex geometric shapes in this paper, which gives them additional volume.

  • Polysilk. It is a stretchy film onto which a metallic shade is applied. It only comes in a single color version.

Used for wrapping objects with sharp corners, as well as toys. The gift is placed in the middle of the packaging list, and the edges rise up and are decorated with a bow made of the same material.

  • Corrugated paper. For packaging gifts, material with large embossing is used. Often this look is complemented with polysilic bows, which gives the packaging a sophisticated look.

You can wrap any objects in this paper: boxes, bottles, tubes.

  • Mulberry. Designer look of crinkled paper. Available in a variety of colors, and in some cases also has an ornament or design.

Used as a wrapper for objects of any shape. If necessary, the gift is complemented with a small decor on top.

Choice of colors

How to pack a gift in gift paper, as well as give it sophistication and presentability, will help you study the features of using different shades of the material.

The packaging and the item inside must be in harmony with each other, since color mismatch can ruin the overall impression of the surprise.

Primary colors:

  • Yellow. Sunny color, reminiscent of a ray of sunshine. Gift wrapping made in this tone gives a warm and cozy touch. Ideal for adding childlike spontaneity and playfulness to a surprise. It is not recommended to mix with other colors. But you can add purple, brown, blue or green decor on top.
  • Orange. A shade that personifies strong positive emotions and also sets one up for admiration. But it is important not to overdo it, since this particular color can both decorate a gift and ruin it. It is ideal to combine orange wrapper with green, yellow, brown, purple, blue and red.

  • Pink. Great for gifts for women, as it evokes touching and joyful emotions. It is best to combine it with all shades of red and purple, and additional white decor will help to effectively emphasize the tone.
  • Violet. This option is ideal for a mysterious and extraordinary gift, as it symbolizes secrecy, mystery and fantasy. It is best to combine this tone with white, silver, yellow and pink.
  • Red. This packaging tone signifies fiery feelings and passion, and sometimes symbolizes irritation and anger. Therefore, when giving preference to this color for gift wrapping, you should weigh everything, unless we are talking about surprises for the New Year, since the red tint is very relevant for this holiday.

It is ideal to combine red packaging with silver, gold, white, pink and gray tones.

  • Blue. It is recommended to use this tone for gift wrapping for a man, as it is associated with success, nobility, and fidelity. Dark blue color harmonizes perfectly with blue, silver, white, yellow, and for lighter tones it is recommended to choose pale shades of yellow and pink.
  • White. This tone is universal, as it can be combined with any bright color. But you should not give preference to it as the main color for packaging, since it is cold and therefore the impression of the gift will be the same. It is best used for contrast, using details in this shade, which will give the surprise a festive feel.
  • Green. It is considered a neutral shade that is appropriate for any occasion. The variety of tones of this color allows you to choose the appropriate option for packaging. The green tone symbolizes wealth and respect. It is recommended to combine dark shades with yellow, orange, white and gold, and light shades with brown, gray, yellow.

  • Grey. Used for gift wrapping, symbolizing nobility and restraint. And to add sophistication, it should be combined with red, pink and purple shades.
  • Brown and black. These tones are rarely used, although they are recommended for formal gifts. But in order to dilute the tone, it is recommended to complement the wrapper with details in silver, purple or gold.
  • Silver, steel and gold. It is best to use these colors as a complement to the main color. But it should be taken into account that steel and silver are cool tones, and therefore should set off packaging made in the same palette.

But it is better to decorate a gift made in warm shades with details in a golden tone. In addition, these colors combine well with white and black.

If you choose multi-colored gift paper, the details should be made from the tone that is present in the package, but not dominant.

This will allow you to unobtrusively highlight the gift and give it a sophisticated look.

Standard size box packaging

How to pack a gift in standard size gift paper: following certain rules for the procedure will help. For the first time, you should practice on a newspaper, and after working out the procedure, use the prepared material.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure out required amount paper. To do this, place the box in the center face down and leave a few centimeters of paper on the sides so that there is enough paper on all sides.
  2. Make a fold of the vertical side of the paper measuring 1 cm and glue double-sided tape to it without removing the protective layer on the other side. Connect both sides so that they fit snugly against the box. After this, glue them together according to the established principle, so that the junction is exactly in the center. If everything is done correctly, the seam will be almost invisible.
  3. On the side, fold the top edge of the paper to fit the size of the box. Then screw the flaps on the side. And stick tape on the edge (1 cm) of the bottom side without removing the protective layer. Fold it over and make sure that the seam is exactly in the center. Only after that glue it.
  4. Turn the box seam side down and make sure the packaging fits tightly.
  5. Decorate the box with a ribbon or bow, choosing them taking into account the characteristics of the main shade.

Square or rectangular

Most often, gifts already have their own factory packaging in the form of a square or rectangular box, but to give the surprise a more sophisticated look, you need to wrap it in beautiful gift paper.

How to wrap a square or rectangular gift:

  1. Spread the prepared material on the table, back side up.
  2. Wrap the box with paper on all sides and leave an additional margin of 4-5 cm. After this, cut a piece from the roll.
  3. Make a 1 cm bend along one of the long edges and glue double-sided tape over it without removing the protective layer on top.
  4. Also secure the second long edge with a small piece of adhesive tape 1.5 cm further from the center of the box.
  5. Place the prepared fold on top, but so that it runs exclusively in the center. Once you are sure of this, remove the protective layer and glue it.
  6. To wrap the remaining two sides, you should initially bend the side flaps tightly.
  7. Then make a 1 cm fold along the edge of the bottom side of the paper, and glue double-sided adhesive tape on top.
  8. Press the top edge tightly against the box and secure it in the center with a small piece of tape.
  9. After this, place the prepared bottom edge on top with a fold so that it runs exactly in the center of the side.
  10. If everything matches, remove the protective layer of tape and stick it tightly.

As a result, the central seam can be hidden using a satin ribbon of the required color.

Long shaped box

To give a gift in a long box a presentable look, you must adhere to a certain procedure:

  • Measure the length and width of the box.
  • Cut a strip of paper according to the calculations obtained, adding a margin of 3 cm.
  • Spread the prepared sheet, wrong side up, on a hard surface.
  • Place the box in the center.
  • Make a 1 cm bend along the bottom edge and glue double-sided tape to it on top.
  • Fold the top side tightly over the edge of the box and secure with a small piece of adhesive tape.
  • Place the prepared fold on top and glue it evenly.
  • On the remaining sides, you need to bend the side flaps inward to form a triangle.
  • Then secure the top edge tightly along the box.
  • Make a 1.5 cm bend on the bottom and stick tape on top.
  • After this, fix it on top of the previous layer.

Round or oval

These recommendations will help you figure out how to pack a gift in round or oval gift paper, since in this case the procedure is carried out a little differently.

How to pack a gift in gift paper if it is round: step-by-step instruction

Step by Step Actions:

  1. Measure the height and width of the box and, adding 3 cm to the results obtained, cut a strip of gift paper.
  2. Turn the box on its side, wrap it completely, leaving a margin of 1.5 cm at the top and bottom, but first remove the lid.
  3. Carefully fold the remaining edges in and down the box, securing them with tape.
  4. Cut a circle from gift paper, the diameter of which will be 0.5 cm smaller than the bottom side of the gift, and glue it.
  5. Make a circle similar to the size of the lid, but at the same time, increasing its diameter by 1.5 cm, glue it, and bend the resulting stock down with decorated folds.
  6. Cut a strip 1 cm wider than the lid of the box, glue it to the side, and tuck the remaining stock into the middle and secure it with tape.


To pack a gift in a flat box, it is better to use the following optimal option:

  • Measure the height and width of the box.
  • Calculate the required size of a piece of paper by adding the length and the double result of the width of the gift.

  • Place the gift across back side paper.
  • Glue a small piece of tape to the bottom corner of the paper and secure it in the center of the box.
  • The opposite corner of the paper should be fixed on top using the same principle.
  • Fold the ends at the sides and make 1.5-2 cm inward bends along the remaining sides.
  • Alternately secure the remaining 2 sides with adhesive tape in the center.
  • Mask the place of fixation with additional decor.

Custom size

Sometimes gifts have a non-standard shape, which makes the packaging process a little more complicated.

In this case, you can resort to the following tricks:

  1. Cut out a base from thick cardboard, the size of which should be equal to the diameter of the gift.
  2. Using the same principle, cut a strip of corrugated paper or polysilic, adding a margin of 2 cm.
  3. Make a 1 cm bend along the side edge, and glue double-sided tape on top without removing the protective layer from the top side.
  4. Secure the bottom edge of the paper at the bottom in the center of the prepared base with adhesive tape, creating decorated folds.
  5. Place the box with the gift inside and seal the edges on the side, placing the prepared fold on top.
  6. Tie the top of the wrapper with a colorful ribbon.

How to pack a big gift

Sometimes the size of a gift can significantly exceed the standards - it is enough to simply cover the original packaging with the material you like and decorate it with a satin ribbon or bow on top.

In the case of a huge gift, it is enough to wrap it in film or cover it with gift paper, and decorate it with additional decor on top. Such packaging can be easily removed later when presenting a gift.

If the gift is small

If the gift fits in a small box, then you shouldn’t overly burden it with wrapping.

It's better to use the following packaging option:

  • Cut a square from gift paper, the length of the sides should be 2 times more height and the width of the gift.
  • Place the box in the center across the paper.
  • Raise the ends of the material up, connecting them in the center.
  • Secure with thin tape and carefully straighten the edges.

A few more ideas on how to pack a small gift.

Packing without box

You can pack a gift in an original way even if it does not have a box. In this case, you can make a special bag out of gift paper that will give the surprise a special look.

How to wrap a gift:

  1. Cut a strip of gift paper based on the size of the gift, adding 5 cm in length and width.
  2. Make a fold of 2 cm on top and 1 cm on the side.
  3. Place double-sided tape on the side fold and connect the edges.
  4. On the opposite side, move your hand to form a uniform fold.
  5. Wrap 3-5 cm of paper at the bottom, depending on the width of the gift.
  6. Straighten the resulting top and bottom sides, and fold the side flaps into the middle.
  7. Make a 1 cm fold at the bottom edge and apply double-sided adhesive tape.
  8. Secure the edges together by placing the side with tape on top.
  9. Reach your hand inside the bag, straightening the bottom and folding the sides inward.
  10. Use a hole puncher to make holes for the handles on top and make twine through them, securing them with knots at the ends.

How to wrap a gift in an unusual and creative way

How to pack a gift in gift paper in an unusual and creative way, the options below will help:

  • Package in the form of a shirt. This method will help you present a gift to your beloved man in a rather original package. The shape of the packaging resembles a men's shirt made of wrapping paper.
  • In the form of candy. This packaging method is especially relevant when the gift needs to be packed very quickly. But at the same time, the unusual shape of the packaging can give it a sophisticated look.
  • In the form of an envelope. This type of packaging is suitable for small gifts flat shape. If desired, you can write the addressee of the future recipient on the top of the envelope.

Packaging in the form of a shirt

This gift wrapping option is suitable for a small men's gift.

To use it, you must follow these steps in a specific order:

  1. Cut a sheet of paper twice the width and length of the gift and add a margin of 2-3 cm.
  2. Turn the material over to the reverse side.
  3. Bend the sides so that they meet exactly in the center. This will be the front side of the shirt.
  4. Turn the future shirt over and fold the top edge of the paper towards you.
  5. Turn the package over with the front shelves and bend the corners, simulating a collar.
  6. Turn the bottom edges of the halves outward so that they protrude beyond the edges of the shirt.
  7. Fold the entire product in half, placing it behind the resulting collar.
  8. In this case, the edges turned outward will be on top and will act as sleeves.

If desired, the packaging can be supplemented with small details.

In the form of candy

An excellent option for packaging a gift without a box can be the shape of a candy.

Even a child can do this method:

  1. Take the required sheet of gift paper, the width of which is equal to the gift, adding a margin of 2 cm, and the length exceeds it by 1/3.
  2. Wrap the gift and tie the side tails with ribbon or twine.


Sometimes it is enough to pack a surprise in a decorated envelope made of gift paper.

To do this, you need to perform several basic steps:

  1. Unfold the paper and fold it in half.
  2. Place the gift on top, but there should be a margin of 3 cm on all sides.
  3. Cut according to the received parameters.
  4. Unfold the paper in one layer and place it face down.
  5. Fold the sides inward by 1 cm and the top edge by 2 cm.
  6. Glue the sides together, leaving the top fold unchanged.
  7. Place the gift and make a hole on the top side with a hole punch.
  8. Thread the ribbon and tie the flap of the envelope into a bow.

Box design

You need to pack a gift not only in gift paper, but also add an unusual design. But how to do this correctly and what to use from available means needs to be figured out.

The most original ideas for decorating a box:

  • Tags. This addition looks very stylish and, moreover, you can write your wish and the name of the recipient on it. To do this, you need to cut out tags from thick cardboard and make holes in them with a hole punch. You can attach it to the box with ribbon or twine.

  • Newspaper. If you don't have gift paper, you can create a unique design using an old newspaper. This will help you design a gift in a retro style.
  • Butterflies. This decor will help give the gift an unusual romantic look. In this case, cut out butterflies from cardboard of different sizes. Bend their wings upward and secure them to the packaging using double-sided tape.
  • A ball of thread. A small box can be placed inside a multi-colored ball of thread. To do this, you will need to wrap the gift and attach a tag with the necessary instructions and wishes on top.
  • Buttons. The unusual nature of the packaging can be emphasized with the help of these accessories by pasting them over the box on one or several sides. To do this, you need to choose buttons of different sizes, but of a suitable tone.

  • Pompoms. Gifts in winter can be decorated in this way. This will emphasize warm feelings and give the box an original look. It is best to make pompoms from woolen threads, choosing the optimal shade to match the main tone of the box.
  • Pictures. You can add a certain charm to a gift with the help of photographs. They should be glued on top of the box on the sides and on the lid.
  • Geometric figures. Place several types of figures on the sheets, using paper of different shades. Cut them out and stick them at a distance of 5-7 cm on top of the twine. Decorate the box by wrapping the resulting thread lengthwise and crosswise.
  • Natural flowers. This option is an excellent addition to the main gift. It is best to use flowers of small diameter, placing them in the form of a bouquet in the center of the box and tying them with a satin ribbon of a suitable tone.

  • Sprigs of pine needles. By adding such decor to a gift, you can give it an unusual, original look. It is best to use freshly cut branches that emit a pleasant pine aroma, securing them with a gift ribbon.

The recommendations outlined will help you master the principle of wrapping gifts in gift paper. But everyone decides for themselves how to use them, since you should always use your own original ideas. Only in this case can a gift bring positive emotions and set one in a positive mood.

Article format: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about decorating gifts with paper

Video on how to wrap a gift in gift paper - three simple and quick ways:

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Friends, hello everyone! Today I will write about how to easily pack a gift and why you shouldn’t always take a hard box for decoration.

Gift ideas are, of course, wonderful, but the present must also be presented correctly, beautifully, elegantly. Well, other adjectives. And without beautiful packaging it’s difficult to do this.

So today I will show you some original packaging methods that won’t take much time.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper: step-by-step instructions

It’s not at all difficult to make packaging with your own hands, even without a box, which has already become a traditional symbol of almost any holiday.

There are several options here:

1 Just wrap the gift in wrapping paper. The master class below describes this process in some detail. I use it myself often, it turns out great)

For this method, you will need to cut a piece of paper that is wide and tall enough to wrap the gift. Usually, to do this, it is enough to multiply the width and height of the surprise by 2, add the side parts if the gift is not flat, and leave a small margin for hems. Then you need to wrap the gift according to the instructions below.

It would be best for you to pack this way:

  • book,
  • neatly folded T-shirt,
  • towel,
  • picture,
  • telephone.

Due to the fact that you set the shape yourself using wrapping paper, you can decorate even a soft rag surprise in this way.

2 Origami. It turns out to be very original and you can even do without a box. All you need is a piece of wrapper and a little patience (and a ruler and scissors will also come in handy).

It is good to make such a light paper box from so-called kraft paper, which has interesting property add a touch of style to any creation. Try using it too. You can’t put a big gift in such a box, but a small souvenir will look very cool here.

3 There is also an object that is quite difficult to approach - a round or oval shape. In fact, everything here is easy to do yourself - take a square of wrapper, put the box in the center and... collect the excess into a bun.

We use corrugated paper

What is the advantage of corrugated paper? It is precisely in its corrugation. Such a wrapper can be expanded where necessary and given the desired shape. And for some of the methods described above, such paper is also suitable.

It would be ideal to wrap it in:

  • bottle,
  • watch,
  • plate,
  • handle,
  • mug.

Thanks to the structure of the paper, wrapping the bottle will be very easy. You will need an upper and lower piece, which you need to wrap first around the top of the bottle and then the bottom. To make it all look harmonious, tie a thin ribbon around the bottle and disguise the joint with decorative ornaments.

For round gifts, everything is quite simple - you just need to cut off a piece of paper that covers the side of the surprise along the perimeter. The lower and upper parts will need to be assembled and the junction area decorated.

Another simple method that can be used for almost any small or medium-sized gift is candy wrapping. You can actually handle this task yourself in a few minutes.

Presenting a gift in a box

There are boxes different shapes. Rectangular, oval, triangular - this is just the tip of the packaging iceberg; the variety of shapes is much greater.

Let's start with the traditional form, which is not at all difficult to create from thick cardboard.

If you are preparing for an important holiday, then the gift box should be decorated. This can be done, for example, as described below. A great way to congratulate a man is to wrap, say, a shirt in such a box.

To make your gift memorable for a long time, I suggest using the previously mentioned discs. But this time you don’t need a wrapper from them, but they themselves. Trace the disc as shown in the photo, then cut and fold the edges.

For a larger box, you can use plates, pans and much more.

And here is the packaging of the gifts in video format:

That's all! We have come to the end of the article on how to wrap a gift. I think you have found something suitable for yourself. Or maybe I didn’t tell you something? Then write about it in the comments.

See you!

P.S. Be sure to subscribe and wait for news from the nyaskory blog. And also tell your friends via social media and surprise them with magical gifts.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

An invitation to any holiday raises a completely logical question among the invited guests: “What kind of gift should I buy and how to wrap the gift in an original way with my own hands?”

After all, it is not enough to choose a worthy gift; its packaging is also of no small importance.

It is the beautiful ribbons, bows and the original design of the wrapping paper that are the first to catch your eye.

It all depends only on your imagination.

You can learn a few basic techniques for creating gift wraps, and then add some decorative elements to them, such as twine, ribbons, bows, store-bought or homemade, glitter and much more.

DIY paper from egg trays

Or you can learn how to make paper for - it will be a very original way to decorate your present.

The pieces that turned out to be quite large can be crushed using a blender. The paper must first swell well. As a result, you should end up with a thin, porridge-like mass, which should be divided equally.

  • one contains food colorings,
  • in the other - glitter,
  • in the third - flower petals, etc. according to your taste.

Then the mass is poured onto a flat surface; the best option would be a tray with high sides, which is covered with cling film.

Spread the prepared mass on it in a thin layer, leveling it well. The thicker your layer, the less elastic the paper will be. After all the above procedures, the mass should dry. Then it is cut to your liking and used for gift wrapping. Thicker paper can be used to make beautiful gift boxes.


How else can you wrap a gift with your own hands? You can also decorate a gift using a technique called “marbling”.

For this you will need any paper and special paints.

First of all, the gift is placed in a box, otherwise you will not be able to pack it beautifully. Next is cut off big piece prepared paper and wraps it around the box. The cuts should be located at the bottom.

Then we bend the sides and fold the corners. As a result, you should get a package that looks like a standard store-bought one.

The next step is to cut a long piece of rope. You need to wrap your gift box with it - vertically and then horizontally. The string should fit tightly enough to the package.

The last step will be decorating the gift. If it’s New Year’s, then you can put a small spruce branch under the rope.

Additionally, it is decorated with sparkles or artificial snow. You can also add a picture in a minimalist style to the twine. Adding a wax stamp on top is also a good option. Today's stores offer special candles and prints for these purposes.

Decoration packaging

Various applications also serve as beautiful decorative elements; for example, you can attach small snowflakes or hearts to the packaging. Another great idea is to decorate with stamp designs.

Making boxes with your own hands

You have got small stripes with cuts. We bend them inside our box, after which we overlap them in a circle. Decorate the resulting package with a beautiful bow or ribbons. The sides can be decorated with sparkles or appliqués.

“Petals” can be designed in another way. To do this, punch each of them with a hole punch or insert eyelets using a special machine. Next, the strips are folded, and a beautiful rope is inserted into the holes and slightly tightened, after which a bow is tied.

How to simply and easily wrap a gift with your own hands

And don’t forget that there must be a small hole in the top.

To do this you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Wrapping paper in beautiful colors;
  • Scotch tape (either regular or with pictures will do, but it’s better to use double-sided tape).

Description of work

That's it - your packaging is ready!

How to pack a large gift with your own hands?

If you do not have the opportunity to buy wrapping paper or the gift is too large, for example, a painting or a toy for a newborn, then using fabric is a good option.

The principle of packaging will be exactly the same as in the case of paper; the material can be secured either with glue or tape. This packaging is especially good for a baby’s christening.

Custom size gift packaging

There are several types of gift packaging for tea:

  • from kraft paper;
  • transparent film bag;
  • original shaped box.

Let's consider the last option. These boxes are made quite simply; you only need a paper cutter and a large number of cardboard

  • Select a stencil and print it at actual size.
  • Transfer the outlines onto sheets of cardboard.
  • Cut out the resulting blank.
  • Make shallow cuts at the folds.
  • Now the box can be assembled.

The original packaging, made by yourself, will give your gift a special charm. Use ready-made materials or make them yourself using our tips - and your gift is guaranteed to cause admiration.

Views: 1,455

Beautiful wrapping paper, wallpaper, foil and fabric scraps are great decor for a cardboard box that can be given a second life. After shopping and giving gifts, what remains is an aesthetic and convenient container that is a pity to throw away due to its spaciousness and practicality. Sometimes packaging can rival gifts in beauty, and it is always the first thing people pay attention to. A shoebox transformed with your own hands and beautifully decorated will serve as a “storage” for all sorts of little things for many months to come.

A shoebox can be turned into a stylish decorative item

Thrifty owners do not have anything superfluous or unnecessary, and they will use everything that can be reused. Sometimes masters approach their work so creatively, the degree of transformation is simply impressive. For example, creative people are able to decorate an ordinary box with their own hands in such a way that it will compete with antique boxes.

It's amazing how you can transform an ordinary cardboard box

Imagination and resourcefulness are the best advisers in decorating. You can use other people's ideas, adapting them to your capabilities and materials. But it is not only the method, technique or technique of decorating the box that is important; what is much more interesting is the consistency of the filling and the appearance of the packaging, which has been given a “second life”.

Organizer for storing handicraft items

Stylish boxes will decorate the interior of any room

So, the original appearance of the container is not important for the work, the main thing is that the old shoe boxes for decor are intact and of the correct geometry. Most often this is an ordinary parallelepiped or cube, but there are also octagonal boxes. Although it is not necessary to take shoe containers, polygonal boxes are produced most often for candies, and they are quite aesthetic in themselves.

You don't have to be a professional decorator to decorate an old box.

Craftswomen use several boxes of different sizes and shapes, which are decorated with common materials or decorated using common techniques. Then they are stored, tied with a ribbon, somewhere on a visible set. There is no shame in giving such packaging as a gift, for example, 3 polka dot boxes, as in the photo.

A scrap shoebox, polka dot paper and ribbon are all you need to create a unique decorative item.

Boxes with intricate decor will decorate any interior; they are suitable as original idea for decorating a room with your own hands. Containers of the same format are proposed to be decorated from the inside. These new lidless "boxes" can be nailed to the wall as a good alternative to shelves.

Advice. If the boxes are located on the wall along the same line, it is better to strengthen them with a common strip from below.

You can place a carrier in a decorative box on the computer desk where gadgets will be charged. The idea of ​​hidden charging is interesting because all the wires will be hidden. It also eliminates the need to search for something that should not always be in sight, but may be needed at any time.

Now chargers will not be scattered around the house

Wall-mounted cardboard boxes can be used to store or display small, lightweight items:

1. Hidden socket with carrying case For storing and powering chargers, cords and headsets for mobile phones.
2. Hand-made Display beautiful knitted toys, homemade jewelry, and children's crafts.
3. Cosmetics, nail polish/nails, hair care items Hair dryer attachments, combs, hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins. Hairspray and foam. Bottles of gels, files and nail polish remover.
4. Collection of mini toys Kinder surprise figurines, origami toys, knitted characters, Barbie clothes.
5. Souvenirs brought from vacation Sinks, sea ​​stars, corals, urchin fish, and other objects of marine fauna.
6. Designer details Lego, unassembled puzzles, detachable blocks.
7. Stationery Writing instruments, pencil boxes, rulers, squares, colored erasers.
8. Handicraft tools Buttons (in small boxes), sewing threads and needles, knitting needles, hooks, scissors.
9. Shade-loving indoor plants Mini succulents and cacti (many need additional lighting).

Filling a shoebox with DIY decor depends on many factors, including lifestyle, hobbies, and the overall number of small items in the home.

Convenient place to store jewelry

Shoe boxes can be used to store books

Advice. Decorate identical boxes with decorative inscriptions or stickers to make it easier to find what you need.

For decoration you can take old cards from satin

The original design of the boxes with your own hands can eloquently remind you of what is inside. A small box for pencils, crayons and brushes is decorated according to the theme. Containers for handicrafts are pasted over with buttons and other small things to be opened with a silver or golden aerosol, as in the photo.

Of course, skillfully decorated boxes cannot but be used for their intended purpose. It is proposed to store evening shoes worn on occasion in decorative containers. special occasion. You can store shoes or sandals in golden boxes in a place of honor to leave a tangible memory of a happy event (wedding, graduation, sea cruise, trip to Paris).

To make such a vintage suitcase out of a box, you will need paint, a belt and a little imagination.

Before the decorating process:

  1. Look through all the shoe (and other) boxes in the house to select the newest, intact, thick cardboard ones.
  2. Distribute what items you will use the boxes for in the future.
  3. Prepare a place (with good lighting) and tools for work.
  4. Collect everything you might need for wrapping materials and small decorations, buy what’s missing (glue, paper).
  5. Decide on a technique for decorating boxes with your own hands (quilling, decoupage, origami, etc.).

Decorating the box with pieces of wallpaper and buttons

Experienced craftsmen know that creativity requires enough space on the table to lay out the necessary items. It is advisable to remove everything unnecessary so that it does not distract in the creative process. The free time factor is also important - you don’t always want to return to the unfinished work of decorating boxes, but you need to start when you have the motivation and desire to create with your own hands.

Remains of wallpaper – suitable material for decorating boxes

Important! Think bigger, use other people's ideas, maybe you have a more interesting scrap, pieces of wallpaper or wrapping than in the example samples. The final result directly depends on them.

Original box decor with jute rope

For most types of needlework, approximately the same set of tools and available materials is used:

  • glue (PVA, liquid nails, silicone, etc.);
  • sharp scissors and a stationery knife;
  • stapler with staples;
  • double-sided and plain tape;
  • square and ruler;
  • yarn, ribbons, threads;
  • spray paint;
  • eraser, marking pencil, chalk, marker.

Before work, take the necessary measurements - the basic material should be enough to decorate the boxes with your own hands. Decoration elements are easy to vary.

Memorable gifts in original packaging

You can buy anything as a gift to people dear to your heart, but when the work of your own hands is attached to it, it is doubly pleasant. Using the same technique or common materials, you can decorate boxes, frames and photo albums. Small shells, dried flowers, gem crumbs or other natural material are suitable for this.

You can create a beautiful gift wrap by wrapping the box in burlap and decorating it with twine flowers.

Most often, to decorate a gift cardboard box with your own hands, you select something from the category of decorations:

  • beautiful buttons;
  • artificial pearls;
  • small and medium beads;
  • small beads;
  • pieces of a chain, old brooches, earrings, pendants.

Decorating shoe boxes is not only useful, but also very exciting.

You can decorate gift publications (books, notebooks, diaries) with such materials. A specially designed cup box makes a trivial gift an especially memorable gift. A beautifully decorated shoe box makes great packaging for home baked goods. In an original container you can present something to your boss or friend for a sweet feast. These are chak-chak, cookies, homemade chocolates or cakes according to your own recipe (it will be written inside on the lid).

Paper box decor

To decorate the box you will need:

  • compact box;
  • paper for the base (photo printout, textured wallpaper, hologram);
  • good glue;
  • stapler and tape.

You need to wrap the box and lid with background material, but so that there are fewer bends. The corners need to be folded very carefully and the paper secured by cutting off the excess.

Just “try” the paper to the box and fold the edges as shown in the photo

Carefully fold the paper along the marked fold lines, then unfold the sheet and make cuts

Place the box on the blank and glue the paper with a glue stick

The bottom of the box can be lined with velvet paper or thin cardboard, which will hide the folded corners. We wrap the lid in the same way.

If you are using double-sided paper, the cover can be covered with the reverse side

Next, we decide how to decorate the box with your own hands on the lid in an original way - the decor can be voluminous. These are ribbons and paper figures - hearts, flowers, stars. The decoration of the lid can be varied depending on what will be stored inside or presented as the main gift.

Decorating with fabric

Leftover beautiful fabric is an excellent material for needlework, think about this when thinking about how to decorate a shoebox with your own hands. Pasting will not work, since the adhesive substance often bleeds through the fibers. You have to limit yourself to tightening the box and its lid. You can secure the fabric with double-sided tape and staples.

Let's prepare fabric, lace, glue, double-sided tape, thread and stapler

Advice. Try the glue on a small piece; it may not be noticeable on the thick fabric or eco-leather you choose.

Suitable for covering a cardboard box:

  • leather and eco-leather (imitation leather, dermantine);
  • velvet and velor;
  • jacquard and brocade;
  • denim;
  • thick silk and linen;
  • furniture flock and artificial suede;
  • guipure (for decoration only, it is difficult to hide seams and corners).

The pattern of colored fabric is also important; it will give additional meaning to the gift and decorate the box with your own hands. Bright colors will make the offering more spectacular, polka dots and flowers will make it feel homely, hearts and roses will make it more sensual and romantic.

We cut the fabric to size, stick tape on the inside and cover all sides of the box one by one.

We secure the edges of the fabric with glue at the corners and then decorate them with lace.

For the lid of the box it is better to use a different fabric - the decor will be much more interesting

Box decor using sophisticated techniques

Those who are interested in a certain type of needlework have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in decorating a shoe box with their own hands.

The most popular techniques remain the following:

  1. Volumetric origami (figures made from paper blocks assembled into figures) and planar applique.
  2. Quilling (reminiscent of elements of unwound serpentine, folded into objects).
  3. Decoupage (use special napkins with a pattern).

Beautiful box decorated with napkins using decoupage technique

Of course, you can master any technique from scratch, but it is better to work with the appropriate skills. Although nothing is impossible when there is a desire - any technique can be learned in a couple of hours by watching a master class on video and decorating a shoe box with your own hands.

Video: decorating a shoe box using decoupage technique

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