How to get into the FSB special forces. Practical advice. TsSN FSB of Russia (35 photos) Two departments in the FSB special purpose center

Photo: Do ​​not allow yourself to be a weapon in the hands of impostors acting on behalf of the intelligence services


Recently, a scandal erupted: the Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia, after publications in the foreign press, issued a refutation and reported that a group operating on Facebook called “TsSN FSB of Russia” has nothing to do with the department.


It’s an amazing thing, but we still have to explain what are, in general, obvious things: only two resources representing state security are “registered” on the Internet: these are the official websites of the Federal Security Service and the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC).

Yes, there are active groups and sites on the Internet that cover the activities of intelligence agencies, law enforcement or talk about the activities of specific special forces. But these are public affairs, voluntary and not official.

The military-patriotic newspaper Spetsnaz of Russia, which has been published since the spring of 1994, stands apart here. But it is not an official publication of the FSB, but International Association veterans of the anti-terrorism unit “Alpha” (headed by a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, retired colonel Sergei Alekseevich Goncharov).

Another publication founded by special forces veterans is the popular magazine of maroon berets “Brother,” headed by Hero of Russia Sergei Lysyuk. However, several years ago its publication was suspended.

That's all, actually.

But here it’s a different matter. There is a group on Facebook that calls itself “The Center special purpose FSB of Russia." No more, no less. It is clear to anyone in the know that these are sticky scammers, but the servers of this social network are in the USA, which predetermined the choice of impostors “from the FSB”.

At the same time, the “Pokemons” indicate their address on the blue eye: Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, building No. 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3. The telephone number of the FSB reception is also right there. And even modestly, without any fuss, the status of the Internet resource is marked: “state organization.”

It would seem that even more - you don’t need to be a specialist to diagnose what you see on the Internet. Moreover, the TsSN itself is not stationed in Lubyanka, but in one of the districts of Moscow.

However, people grab everything, don’t they? And - he eats, he eats...

And one more touch.

The avatar of this “leftist” community bears the TsSN emblem with the characteristic letter “B”, i.e. “Pennant”. Well, we’re really being picky, aren’t we? People believe, especially foreign subscribers - these are, they say, secret soldiers of the FSB and GRU special forces who decided to go online. And not by themselves, but by the entire combat structure of Lubyanka.

However, at Lubyanka they are tracking the stickers.

And then (in fact, at the beginning of March 2017) a refutation, clear and concise, appeared in the press: “...On a Facebook page designated as the “Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia,” a video was posted in which, allegedly, actions Russian special forces during the liberation of Palmyra from terrorists.

The special purpose center has nothing to do with this information,” the FSB Public Relations Center told RIA Novosti.

Do you think the video was deleted after this? Or was there some kind of comment? Not at all.

So, dear readers, if you have friends who are in this group, warn them what’s what. And tell them that every like they have, every participation is work not just for the sticklers, but work for the Enemy. Exactly. So that there are no illusions. There is no need to be mistaken.


The world is going crazy, hunting Pokemon with smartphones. For those who have not heard about this newfangled game, let us explain. The map on the phone leads the player to the right place, the user rotates the camera and, against the backdrop of the real situation, sees and catches funny cartoon animals.

The real situation, people and virtual characters controlled by an outside will are mixed on the screen. The unknown owner of the game places the animals anywhere - in your apartment or country house, at a secret facility, in a combat zone, and the players themselves point their phone cameras at the objects - transferring the necessary video into invisible hands.

Similarly, on social networks we deal with “Pokemon” in the guise of fake heroes. It is not difficult for a Pokémon to disguise itself as a veteran of a large power structure, because current employees do not appear on social networks (strictly prohibited!), and veterans do not know newcomers. However, in the case of Alpha, this is difficult to imagine, since those who left the service still remain part of their native unit. Veterans are connected to him through a powerful community organization.

...A year ago, a character appeared on Facebook knocking at my door and at the door of several of my friends. Photos of the character hinted that we were dealing with... hmm, not a general, “Hero of Russia”, related to the anti-terrorism unit “Alpha” and going to the social network under the nickname “Alexey Orlov”. By the beginning of the year, he had 2 thousand friends.

Then there was personal correspondence. Who he is and where he comes from, Orlov said little about this, but made it clear that he served in the GRU, then was in Alpha, and is now a sniper instructor at the Special Forces Center of the FSB of Russia.

As a result, the first doubts crept in about the reality of the character; as it turned out, I was not the only one. After discussing with comrades, we found out that no one knew the new “friend”. Then inquiries were made to Directorate “A” of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia and the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit. And we were convinced that this was a virtual Pokemon character who had never had anything to do with special forces and existed on Facebook surrounded by other similar fictional “heroes.”

As it was established, his avatar is an old photograph of a real person - a holder of the Order of Courage, reserve lieutenant colonel Ruslan Tsvetkov, who lives in Samara. He served in the Airborne Forces and GRU special forces. He fought in the North Caucasus. Has nothing to do with Pokemon.

The list of characters and their relationships and methods of work began to be clarified. The information was checked, and meanwhile the Pokemon were fed fakes, humorously discussing the new exploits of the “elusive” ones, which the ersatz heroes generously regaled their audience with in private correspondence.

The popular Pokemon “Alexey Orlov” already had more than 3.5 thousand friends and one thousand subscribers on Facebook. Things were looking up. Until all the “raspberries” were spoiled for him by the Alpha veterans and the newspaper “Spetsnaz of Russia”. As a result of the high-profile revelation, Orlov’s page was deleted. However, his accomplices remained, as well as the TsSN FSB of Russia group itself.


Before ingloriously disappearing from the Internet, the senior Pokémon “Orlov” at the end of October 2016 posted a simply heartbreaking post about his injury and his stay in the Burdenko military hospital.

Well, on VKontakte the people are savvy, such fables would not work here, but on Facebook the people in general are different. And a lot of foreigners. And a flurry of condolences poured in (including entries in English, Italian, etc.) to the wounded Internet fighter of the invisible front.

“Orlov” reported that “the bullet passed a few centimeters from the kidneys” (obviously both at once!) and those “who wished him dead can rejoice.”

Then the stickman pressed on the tear: “I served in Group “A” for 8 unforgettable years, I left due to injury. After being wounded, it took me a long time to recover, and I was offered to continue serving in another unit of the army.”

Well, this is strong, really!

By definition, not a single state security special forces officer would write like that. “Lubyanka Special Forces” is one thing, the army is another! It's like the Lord's Prayer.

And then “Orlov” continued: “I created this page just for the sake of interest, I wanted to find out how people feel about the army men (again, he is for his own!) and not only. For those who closely followed my page (and there are many of them), I made posts about special forces, posted photographs and showed Russia and Russians only from the good side. “Consumor aliis inserviendo,” - while shining for others, you burn yourself. I’m not going to make excuses, I just don’t have the strength, and my head is full of painkiller injections. So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I am a fighter of the invisible front and I came here not to promote myself, but to talk about my service in Group “A”.

...In short, it was a message in the spirit: “I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik. Hello from me to you all!”

Readers of “Russian Special Forces” had a good laugh at two photographs of the “wounding” of an older Pokemon, and we quickly found out that no Orlov, naturally, was admitted to the Burdenko military hospital. As no other patient with this type of injury has ever done. A run designed for a completely unsophisticated audience.

“Orlov” deleted the page, along with another Pokemon from the special forces - “Alexey Petrov”, obviously looking for other identities, biographies and approaches to new persons of interest. Others in the Facebook group stayed and waited and continued their activities (however, it is possible that these are the same people under different names).

And the closer the presidential elections in Russia get, the more “invisible front fighters” will emerge from various cracks, which - which is by no means impossible! — they will do stuffing and give comments on behalf of the Russian special services.

Forewarned is forearmed.


What to do with this group of impostors, for what purposes are they working? Who are those people on Facebook whom the Pokemon “Orlov” calls its commanders, mentors, and colleagues?

There are three options for why a network of virtual heroes is needed by Pokemon owners.

The first is working for foreign intelligence. This is the most likely option, aimed at obtaining information about veterans and current employees, about the organization of Russian special forces, their combat and daily activities. We will tell you how this is done below.

But in addition to collecting information, the owners have extensive opportunities for manipulating real people and even provoking them. For example, a famous Pokemon officer, who has been on the Internet for many years, will suddenly tell his fellow bloggers in confidence that he is fighting in some country, and will share other important information. And now correspondence with a special forces officer appears on the front pages of newspapers as proof of “Russia’s treachery.”

Then it’s even more fun - imagine that after such a revelation, the “veteran” disappears from the social network, and his friends “go on the run”, simultaneously spreading reports about how their own active intelligence officer of “Mordor” was killed for the truth.

Of course, the FSB of Russia will expose the “whistleblowers,” but the job is done—these will be just the unsubstantiated words of the intelligence service against the words of “heroes,” “fighters for truth,” well known to the Internet community. The new virtual traitor Alexander Litvinenko is straight (the one who fled to London and died from a dose of polonium)! And everything is ready for such a provocation. I wonder when, according to the scenario, the virtual “Orlov” should die? After all, the “attempt” on him has already taken place.

The second option is pure fraud. Someone will one day privately turn to a public, authoritative special forces officer to resolve problems in business or with the law. He will ask for money to solve problems. And they will give him, maybe even give him a lot, without ever seeing the officer in person and without being able to later find his traces.

Or one day a Pokemon officer will publicly ask for help with an operation due to an injury. Reposts, money flowing into fake accounts - with such authority and the number of fans of a character, its owners can make a fortune in a week, before anyone has time to understand what is happening and sound the alarm.

The third option is a game of scouts and special forces, a game of “lightning”. It is possible that we are dealing with an attempt to realize in the virtual world our aspirations, aspirations and ambitions that have not been realized in life, however, the likelihood of this is low - there is a group acting professionally, harmoniously, and purposefully. In addition, we are not aware of the presence of manuals on the Internet with which the actions of this group can be compared.

In general, as experience shows, social networks have become an ideal environment for breeding Pokemon. You can launch a fictional character in the guise of a special agent, a hero of all wars, and there will be those who believe in him, and then make others believe. The photo of the Pokemon is someone else's, stolen or manipulated.

When communicating on behalf of a Pokémon, owners hide their gaps in knowledge and experience without answering awkward questions- Pokemon is positioned as a secret person, and his work and personality are shrouded in mystery, about which - well, how could it be otherwise! - you can’t talk on social networks even with your own people.

The only people who could help identify Pokemon breeders are the owners and moderators of social networks. But Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is located in the United States with his servers. Please note that on the largest social network “VKontakte”, whose servers are located in Russia, the group of Pokemon we are studying does not work, which once again suggests the professional actions of foreign intelligence services.


First, the impostor must be “born.” They come up with a name and a legend for him, make an avatar by processing a photo of another person. They create a profile on a social network and fill it with patriotic materials, photographs taken from other people’s pages.

Then they create a company of virtual characters just like him, also “heroes,” but only on a smaller scale. Pokemon repost each other’s materials, communicate and interact in the feeds of other users—objects of interest—and ask to be their friends. As a result, “followers” ​​of a virtual sect appear, and with them living people, hands that carry out someone else’s will, requests, and commands in the real world.

“Have you seen Orlov live?” - “No, but a man came from him, bringing money for a sick boy.” And the man, it turns out, didn’t see Orlov either, but received a request from him to find money for a good cause, fulfilled it, collected it, and passed it on.

A living boy, real money, real help and... a virtual hero, who with someone else’s hands laid another brick in the foundation of his own legalization.

Or a girl, a living friend of the virtual hero “Orlov”. Having joined the front line, I once took part in civil war in Donbass. She was injured. She is for the truth, for freedom, actively posts materials on social networks, dotes on the Internet idol... And at the same time, she is not wise with experience.

It is difficult to overestimate the degree of her involvement in the events in Donbass, but once, as was said, she received a real injury - she caught shrapnel from an explosion. As a result, others real people, at the instigation of “Orlov,” they met a compatriot in Moscow, assigned her to expensive treatment, and provided her with funds.

Pokemon makes women fall in love with him, arranges romantic meetings under public web cameras, and then says that he urgently flew off to war, but sent his friend to the meeting place, who was too shy to approach his beloved.

There are other examples of how the virtual group we are studying acts in the real world through someone else’s hands. Sometimes he does good deeds. However, the purpose of these cases is not to help people, but to legalize the Pokemon group.


Much of the above more or less corresponds to the so-called “seeding” techniques (in Public Relations terms) used by advertising agencies to promote goods and services. If a Pokemon hero is legalized, its owners have to go through a more difficult path, interacting online with real veterans of the special services.

A Pokemon can jump out of an uncomfortable conversation, secrecy will write everything off, but this is too simple and does not correspond to its goal of “becoming one of its own.” And here we see know-how, a technique that, by analogy with “sowing,” we will call “cross-pollination.”

“You worked in personnel? Do you know where the documents go after dismissal?”

“Hi, there’s a new boss in department N, do you know?”

"Hello. What kind of nonsense are they writing, they say, Filatov (vice-president of the International Association "Alpha", chief editor of "Special Forces of Russia" - Author) and Sokolov (veteran of "Alpha" - Author) died in Crimea? No? That's what I'm talking about... And then they tell me that their photo was shown on TV. Who died there then?”

Let us add that behind our main character there are at least two people. The one who began to promote the main Pokemon was smarter and better oriented in the situation. The second one made many mistakes and aroused a flurry of suspicion even among purely civilians. Apparently, for the period of legalization, a more expensive specialist was brought in, and then, when the strategic task was solved, cheaper moderators and invoice collectors joined in, which they steal from wherever they can.

So, for example, the fellows from the “TsSN FSB of Russia” have been caught more than once for stealing publications (without links, of course) from the “Special Forces of Russia”; the most striking example is Alexei Filatov’s essay entitled “Berserk”, dedicated to the legendary “ Alfovets" Viktor Ivanovich Blinov.

At the same time, publishing a publication on Blinov in two parts, they stupidly cut off both posts, because otherwise they - as was the case in the source of "Spetsnaz of Russia" on its VKontakte site - would have to provide links to the basic publication of the essay on the website of "Spetsnaz" Russia."

Personal correspondence with veterans is not all the intelligence community does to gather information. Further more. Pokemon creates groups and pages on social networks, dragging his friends and subscribers into them. Pages are created with obviously incorrect names or their spelling, but this does not bother visitors: “Special forces gru rf ( spn gru General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation)", "Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia" and so on.

Everyone knows, but for some reason they forget that in films, villains and swindlers look and behave like villains and swindlers, but in life they are often pleasant and respectable people. On social networks it’s even easier for attackers - you don’t have to look into the eyes of those you’re deceiving. Their pages and groups contain beautiful, patriotic, often interesting and relevant information. How can one not believe in virtue?

And visitors believe the villains, ask questions on social networks to nameless administrators of pages and groups, believing that they are related to the relevant intelligence services. Military personnel of the Ministry of Defense are interested in how they can get service in the TsSN of the FSB of Russia, widows of deceased employees are interested in how to get benefits, and veterans of units are interested in assistance in finding employment.

In return, users generously share with the owners of the intelligence network information about their participation in hostilities, photographs from the scene of events, not only their own, but also their friends, including those still serving in the military.

Conclusion: the work of the studied group on Facebook bears little resemblance to pranks and petty fraud. More like a secret service operation, right?


We have what we have. We are not going to give up communication on social networks, and this intelligence community is not the first nor the last that every user has to encounter on the Internet every day. Let's at least follow some precautions.

First. Check your friends on social networks, find and delete those you don’t know yourself or your real friends in the real world don’t know. You will not only protect yourself from unnecessary contacts, but also save your friends from troubles, in front of whom scammers will hide behind their “friendship” with you.

Second. Never add as friends those whose existence you doubt. And don’t be confused by the pretty faces on the avatars, fiery texts, or the fact that these characters are already friends with those who enjoy your respect.

And fourth. Send those you know in the real world a link to this material, repost it. For those who want to protect themselves from manipulation and learn more deeply about fraud technologies similar to those practiced by the Orlova Pokemon group, we recommend reading the book “The Art of Deception” by Kevin Mitnick (an iconic figure in the field of information security) - it is very informative.

If in your life, dear readers, you have come across some people who position themselves as veterans of the FSB special forces, or companies operating under the brands of legendary units, then this issue is easily resolved.

If it is alleged that a person served in Group “A” of the KGB-FSB, then the necessary information will be provided to you by the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, which over a quarter of a century has accumulated a wealth of experience in exposing fakers and impostors.

They are talking about “Vympel” - contact the Association of Veterans and Employees of the Special Purpose Group “Vympel” (headed by Valery Popov), and they will explain whether it’s true or not.

The Unit Veterans Fund can also clarify its profile special operations State Security Bodies "Smerch".

So do not allow yourself to be a weapon in the hands of impostors acting on behalf of the intelligence services, because you are creating for them the much-needed extras to carry out the activities mentioned above.

In conditions Cold War, when the Internet and the press have become weapons of mass disinformation and active information events, working, albeit passively, for the enemy is infantilism and an unaffordable luxury, diverting people’s attention to worthless objects.

The author is a reserve lieutenant colonel, a veteran of Directorate “A” of the TsSN FSB of Russia. Participant in special operations at Dubrovka (Nord-Ost) and Beslan. Deputy Head of the Kolomensky Municipal District of the Moscow Region


In connection with requests regarding the opportunity to serve in Alpha, Vympel, and regional anti-terror units, we are posting this information, which will allow you to remove the initial standard questions and realistically assess your physical and psychological capabilities.

Primary selection

The selection system for anti-terrorism special forces is carried out in several stages. To serve in the special forces of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia, as a rule, officers and warrant officers are selected, as well as cadets of military schools as candidates for officer positions.

97% of positions in special forces are officer positions, and only 3% are warrant officer positions. Accordingly, the officer must have higher education, warrant officer - not below average. Warrant officers are usually assigned to the positions of drivers and instructors.

Firstly, a candidate for special forces must be recommended by either a current TsSN employee or a veteran who previously served in Alpha, Vympel or Directorate S. Selection is also carried out from cadets of universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or from border institutes of the FSB.

Preference is given to those who are already studying at the special forces department, which is located at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School. Children from the Moscow Higher Educational Institution are also being selected. During all these educational establishments Center employees regularly come and carry out the initial selection. First, the cadets' personal files are examined, and then potential candidates are interviewed.

There is one serious physical limitation for candidates - height must be at least 175 cm. This is due to the fact that during operations, employees often use heavy armored shields of impressive size. For shorter employees, these protective equipment drag on the ground.

An exception may be made for a candidate whose professional merits outweigh his lack of height and can be used during a special operation to penetrate airplane hatches (as an example).

Another limitation is age. The candidate must be no older than 28 years old. True, an exception may be made for those who come to the TsSN from other law enforcement agencies and have combat experience.

Physical testing

Physical testing is divided into two stages, which take place on the same day. During the first, candidates pass physical training standards, followed by sparring in hand-to-hand combat.

The candidate arrives at the “facility” and changes into sportswear for the season. He must run a distance of three kilometers in 10 minutes 30 seconds. After the finish, he is given 5 minutes to rest, and then his sprinting qualities are tested in overcoming the hundred-meter race against the clock. The qualifying result is about 12 seconds.

Then, with a light jog, you need to go up to the gym, where the crossbar awaits the candidate. The candidate for Directorate “A” is required to do 25 pull-ups, and for Directorate “B” - 20. Here and below, after each exercise, 3 minutes of rest are given between exercises.

Next, you need to perform 90 flexions and extensions of the torso in two minutes. This is followed by push-ups from the floor. The test for Control “A” is 90 times, for Control “B” - 75. Sometimes push-ups can be replaced with push-ups on uneven bars. In this case required amount- 30 times.

The execution time is not strictly limited, but the candidate is not allowed to rest during execution. They also monitor quite strictly how the exercise is performed. If a candidate, in the opinion of the receiving employee, does not perform this or that exercise clearly, it will not be counted towards him.

After this, the candidate is asked to perform a complex strength exercise. For “A” and “B” - 7 and 5 times, respectively. A complex exercise includes 15 push-ups from the floor, 15 flexions and extensions of the torso (testing the abdominals), then 15 times moving from the “crouched” position to the “lying position” and back, then 15 jumps from the “crouched” position up.

Each exercise is given 10 seconds. The described cycle is a one-time execution of a complex exercise. There is no rest break between each exercise. Sometimes in Directorate “A” it is suggested to perform an endurance test - jump up 100 times.

Hand to hand combat

Having completed the physical test, the candidate rests for 3 minutes, after which, putting on protection on his legs, groin, helmet on his head, gloves on his hands, he goes out onto the wrestling mat. The candidate's opponent is an instructor or a well-trained employee. In this case, the candidate’s weight category is not taken into account, and an employee weighing under 100 kg can go up against him, weighing, for example, 75 kilograms. The fight consists of three rounds.

In the ring, the candidate is required to be active; passive defense is not encouraged. This is very difficult to do, given the loads that the candidate overcame during the physical tests. A completely fresh employee goes against him. Here, first of all, fighting qualities, the ability to attack, the ability to take a blow and, of course, will are tested. There were cases when masters of sports did not stand in the ring, and guys who did not have any serious sports titles, on the contrary, stubbornly attacked and rushed at the enemy.

To some extent, the hand-to-hand combat phase resembles a similar phase of testing candidates during the examination for the maroon beret. True, it must be said that the TsSN takes a more balanced approach to verification, without trying to kill the candidate. The instructor often lets the candidate work on his own, take the initiative, in order to understand what he can do. Although there were cases when arms and noses were broken during sparring. Sometimes, to test the ability to punch and kick, the candidate is allowed to work on a bag.

This phase of testing is completed. Preference is given to candidates with sporting achievements in martial arts, as well as boxing and wrestling. Although they also accept runners.

If a candidate for a special forces unit comes from other units of the Special Purpose Center, he may be subject to additional requirements. Shooting skills or swimming ability should be tested (100 meters for a while and 25 meters under water without any equipment).

Special check

Next comes the so-called special check, during which even all relatives are thoroughly checked. While this process is going on, the candidate undergoes an initial examination by a psychologist, who, with the help of tests, studies the personality of the subject, his character, temperament, moral attitudes, etc. During the interview, the psychologist also tries to identify the personality traits of the candidate and clarifies for himself some unclear points. It happens that candidates do not say something or lie.

Based on the results of the initial selection, the psychologist draws up a psychological profile of the candidate. It is filed in the special inspection file. This document is necessary for the future boss to understand what kind of person came to serve in the unit.

The candidate then undergoes an in-depth medical examination to determine his suitability for airborne training. Here he will also undergo a mandatory polygraph test.

The polygraph (also known as a “lie detector”) is intended, first of all, to identify “dark spots in the biography,” such as addiction to alcohol and drugs, connections with the criminal world, corruption motives, antisocial tendencies and other aspects.

Based on the results of the examination, a certificate is drawn up. The candidate's assessment is compiled in points, which gives a visible picture of how successfully he passed the tests. For example, the total number of possible points in physical training is 900. The minimum number of points from which a candidate begins to be considered for enrollment in the Center for Social Sciences is 700. The average passing score is 800.

Family conversation

After the candidate is recognized as having successfully passed the selection tests and is checked, an interview with his parents and wife is required. During the conversation, the nature and characteristics of service in special forces are explained to them.

The result of this interview must be the written consent of the parents and wife with the candidate’s admission to serve in the special forces. This procedure is primarily due to the fact that special forces perform tasks with an increased risk to life.

If the candidate has successfully completed all the stages and his relatives are not against his service in the TsSN, he is enlisted in the special forces as a young officer. These undergo an initiation ritual with the presentation of black berets and special knives“Anti-terror”, which were officially adopted by special forces. They are also given gifts from the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terrorism unit (watches).

If the selected candidate does not perform well the best side, he may be expelled from the special forces.

Further preparation

In September-October, the Center conducts a training course for young employees, during which they engage in mining and airborne training and other special disciplines. By the way, absolutely all employees of combat departments jump with a parachute.

Upon completion of this stage, young employees return to their units, where they undergo training within the units for three years. Already there there is a division into regular and non-regular positions.

Specialization training is a separate program that requires a long time and perseverance for an employee to become a true professional in his field. At the end of each year, the professional qualities and physical fitness of all Center employees are checked.

If young employees are taken on combat missions, it is only to perform some support functions. Only those who have served in the unit for at least two years, or employees who previously had combat experience, take part in special operations.

There is an unspoken rule at the Center that After enlisting in special forces, an employee is required to serve in it for at least five years. This is exactly the period needed to prepare a great anti-terror “action film.” The vast majority continue to serve.

Good day, airsoft players, militarists and all concerned. Today we are starting a series of articles about various law enforcement agencies. We will talk about both Russian special units and the special forces of the rest of the civilized world. Let's touch on interesting features of this or that squad, we will learn about training regimes, standards and similar things that may be of interest to both airsoft players and people simply not indifferent to military topics. We decided to start with the guys who serve in special forces Federal Service Security, that is, the FSB.

Naturally, complete information about the training of FSB special forces soldiers is not and will not be publicly available, which in principle is logical. However, a certain amount of knowledge has nevertheless become public knowledge and thanks to it we can at least somewhat imagine the scope of tasks and how difficult the goals are facing those who serve in the FSB special forces detachment.

The FSB special forces are not at all a single consolidated detachment. The special forces of the FSB of Russia include quite a few a large number of divisions. In fact, the FSB special forces includes many Regional Special Purpose Departments, and has representative offices in cities such as Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Nizhny-Novgorod (the second department in Sarov), Yekaterinburg "Malachite", Novosibirsk and many others.

Of course, the most recognizable and famous are the special forces units Directorate “A” (Alpha), Directorate “B” (Vympel). The fame must be said to be well deserved - a clear confirmation of this can be considered the performance of ALPHA fighters at the international competition Super SWAT International Round-Up 2011, where the guys took two first places at once, and the title of the best international team.

In general, initially Group Alpha consisted of only 13 people, and their main task was to protect the diplomatic missions of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. By the time of collapse Soviet Union The number of Group A, taking into account regional divisions, was already about 500 people.

“Alpha” acquired celebrity and wide publicity, and even the name itself, in 1991 - by the way, the name came from an easy suggestion from journalists, and eventually stuck.

The special forces officers of Directorate “A” are faced with a very wide range tasks. Just look at the incomplete list of countries where the guys had to carry out combat missions. In addition to Russia, Alpha fighters managed to visit such countries as Cuba, Jordan, Afghanistan, Switzerland, USA, Israel, England, France, Canada...

FSB special forces training, as a rule, is carried out in non-standard conditions in order to prepare fighters for an adequate response, regardless of the prevailing circumstances - this includes not only various variations of kill-house and a standard set of exercises aimed at improving skills in using small arms, but also joint training with other units, and not only from Russia. Naturally, the FSB special forces also have their own developments in terms of training and tactics - the most effective things are state secrets and are not subject to disclosure.

Since the 70s, almost all the most modern samples of special equipment have passed through the hands of Alpha. small arms. Pistols, rifles, machine guns - this whole wide range of weapons goes to the guys from Alpha, and the best examples remain there on an ongoing basis. The group's employees use the most technologically advanced and advanced body armor and other protective equipment with the maximum level of protection. The soldiers are trained to use not only the most modern domestic machine guns, machine guns and sniper rifles, but also samples of foreign weapons. IN special cases, Alpha does not even disdain crossbows and other exotic weapons and equipment.

Despite all the secrecy in terms of training and training of special forces, some information is still available to ordinary citizens. For example, on the Internet you can stumble upon the standard standards of the FSB special forces.

Standards and requirements for combat and physical training for FSB special forces officers

  • Running 100 m. (Shuttle run 10 to 10) - 12.7 s (25 sec)
  • Cross 3000 m - 11.00 min
  • Push-ups - 90
  • Pull-up - 25
  • Press (lying on your back, flexion-extension of the torso) - 100
  • Bench press (your own weight, but not more than 100 kg) - 10 times

A brief summary of standards for hand-to-hand combat for FSB special forces operatives

  • Demonstration of punching and kicking techniques - 2 min. On a punching bag
  • Sparring according to free rules with throws and painful holds - 3 fights of 3 minutes each.
  • Jumping up with changing legs - 90

Other standards for special forces soldiers of the FSB of Russia

Complex strength exercise (performed sequentially 8 times: - 10 push-ups, 10 presses, 10 times squatting, 10 jumping ups). 8 reps (no pause)

It should be noted that All exercises are performed one at a time without rest breaks!

A significant part of the Alpha group operatives know how to drive all types of cars, are familiar with operating a huge number of types of armored vehicles, and have special mountaineering and diving training. Separate category Alpha special forces employees have serious flight training skills. All this is designed to solve the most important and important task - to neutralize and eliminate the terrorist threat and at the same time preserve the lives of people who find themselves hostages in the hands of terrorists.

Finally, I would like to say a note to the reenactors - if you are going to get used to the image of Alpha, then try to pay serious attention to physical training. Alpha is, first of all, skills and endurance, and only then equipment and weapons.

Video on the topic

Special purpose units of the Russian Federation - special units and parts of various special bodies (special services) Russian Federation, Armed forces and police (militia), as well as anti-terrorist units designed to neutralize and destroy terrorist organizations, conduct special events deep behind enemy lines, sabotage and perform other complex combat missions.

Article 2., Section I., of the Law USSR"About mandatory military service", Approved by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, August 13, 1930, No. 42/253b

On October 24, 1950, Directive No. ORG/2/395/832 of the USSR Minister of War was signed, marked “Secret”. It marked the beginning of the creation of special purpose units (SP) ( deep reconnaissance or special-purpose reconnaissance) for operations deep behind enemy lines. In the autumn of the same year, 46 were created in all military districts individual mouth Special forces of 120 people each (units). Later, special forces formations were created (a brigade for each military district or fleet and a centrally subordinate brigade). If NATO countries begin military operations against the USSR, units of special forces units and formations will be the first to come to the defense. Scout groups were to appear in close proximity to command posts and other strategic objects armed forces. Their task was to: conduct reconnaissance, and, if necessary, destroy control posts, rocket launchers, strategic aircraft, nuclear submarines, disrupt communications, energy supplies, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to the military and public administration aggressor countries. Units of units and formations of the GRU Special Forces played a huge role in Afghan war, in Tajikistan and in operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Special forces of the Russian Armed Forces

  • 42nd naval reconnaissance point (Russky Island, Novy Dzhigit Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet);
  • 420th Marine reconnaissance point(Zverosovkhoz settlement, near Murmansk, Northern Fleet);
  • 431st naval reconnaissance point (Tuapse, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 561st naval reconnaissance point (Parusnoye village, near Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

Airborne special forces

  • 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Brigade. Sf. military unit 28337 Cuban.

Special forces of the FSB of Russia

  • Directorate “A” “Alpha” TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Directorate “B” “Vympel” TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Directorate “S” “Sigma” TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Special Forces (SSN) TsSN FSB of Russia in Essentuki
  • Special Forces (SSN) TsSN FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea - two units

Regional Special Purpose Departments (ROSN):
Initially, in the 1990s, ROSN were created as 12 units throughout Russia called Regional Special Operations Departments (ROSO). The tasks are the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages and the power support of counterintelligence operations of the FSB.

  • Appointments (ROSN) "GRAD" St. Petersburg
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Khabarovsk
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Vladivostok
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Irkutsk
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN) Nizhny-Novgorod (second department in Sarov)
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Yekaterinburg “Malachite”
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Novosibirsk
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN) “Voron”, Voronezh
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN) “Kasatka”, Murmansk
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN), Krasnoyarsk
  • Regional Special Purpose Department (ROSN) Krasnodar (Departments in Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk)
  • Operational Activities Support Service (OSOM) “Caspian” of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan.
  • Operational Activities Support Service (OSOM) “Granit” of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Chechen Republic
  • Department for Support of Operational Activities (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Ingushetia
  • Department for Support of Operational Activities (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Department for Support of Operational Activities (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Bashkiria
  • Department for Support of Operational Activities (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Operational Activities Support Department (OSOM) “Wolverine” of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Karelia
  • Operational Activities Support Groups (OMS) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation


  • OSN "Mars"
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