The most famous inventors. The greatest discoveries and inventions of mankind Inventions of the world

In this article you will find the 10 most outstanding inventors in the world, I offer information in the usual rating format. Go!

No. 10. Leonardo da Vinci

Is there no limit to your surprise that such a famous inventor opens the top ten? There is a simple explanation for this: his inventions were ahead of science for decades, and therefore it was almost impossible to implement them. Leonardo had a well-developed imagination, he could create all sorts of innovations in his mind, but, unfortunately, he was never able to invent anything truly necessary and real. In addition, he was a fickle person and his interests replaced each other so quickly that Leonardo did not have time to fully penetrate his ideas. Such structures as: a submarine, a tank, a glider are included in the list of his inventions.

No. 9. Edwin Lan

The physicist and more famous inventor Edwin Land, originally from Connecticut, is not the direct inventor of photography, but he did much more to ensure that everything connected with it reached our times and was improved. As a first-year student at Harvard in 1926, the future scientist created the new kind polarizer, combining and complementing a plastic sheet with crystals, he gave his perfection the name Polaroid. Later he applied the principle of polarization to light filters, optics devices and film processes and became the founder of the Polaroid Corporation. 535 US patents added to his treasury of awards and achievements.

No. 8. Benjamin Franklin

Ben Franklin, who was truly a versatile person, this amazing scientist was involved in writing, politics, social and government activities, was a satirist, postmaster, great scientist, diplomat, but few people know that Franklin was also a legendary inventor. He provided the whole world with a lightning rod, thanks to which countless houses were saved from fires and lightning, Armonica glass, a stove that got its name in honor of the scientist, bifocal glasses and the now famous flexible urinary catheter and many more inventions. But unfortunately, many of them have been forgotten, the reason for this was that Franklin did not patent his innovations, wanting them to be available to the whole world.

No. 7. Heron of Alexandria

All his inventions could have turned history around and given impetus to the industrial revolution back in 50 AD, if Heron had told the whole world about them. But the great scientist of those years was mistaken, considering the steam engine just a personal amusement; in his opinion, there were many slaves in Rome, and the invention of such a unit for the entire people would be useless! The same brilliant inventor made many other objects needed in life, for example, a pump, a syringe, a fountain, a windmill - it’s hard to imagine that all these works were carried out during the pre-industrial era. Many of his inventions remained just projects.

No. 6. Jerome "Jerry" Hal Lemelson

Lemelson is considered one of many inventors whose results have reached the highest levels. His inventive fruits helped him obtain 605 patents. His crazy number of inventions also include automated warehouses, industrial robots, wireless phones, faxes, video players, video cameras and magnetic tapes, tapes for Walkman players from Sony. But Jerome didn’t even think about stopping there and sent his patents in the field of medical equipment that can see cancer and begin treating it; he is also the author of diamond coating and also has a patent for consumer electronics and television

No. 5. George Westinghouse

Electricity systems operating on the basis of alternating current became a grandiose scientific discovery (the work was based on the works of Nikola Tesla); in the end, they became an order of magnitude higher than Edison’s device, which in turn operated on constant current, and became, in a way, the progenitors of modern energy systems. But before leapfrogging Edison's achievements, George Westinghouse invented air-mass brakes for railroads. He was also one of many who attempted to invent a perpetual motion machine. But his labors were in vain. Earned 361 patents.

No. 4. Alexander Graham Bell

Everyone knows this wonderful inventor of telephones, young and old. But, in addition to telephones, he also has very useful inventions, for example, a device for detecting icebergs, and a well-known metal detector, which has survived to this day.

No. 3. Thomas Edison

Yes, yes, the famous and talented inventor, whose number of patents has exceeded a thousand, is not the first number on our top list. In fact, everything is very simple. Even though he invented the light bulb, the phonograph, the movie camera, and brought light to New York, a lot of his work was created with the help of people who worked under his direction or it was a team invention, which does not make him, ultimately the main inventor.

No. 2. Nikola Tesla

Like many great scientists, Nikola Tesla's fame came after his death, although thanks to his work, commercial electricity now exists. After all, it was the theory and patents he developed that became a kind of basis for modern system power based on alternating current, as well as the multiphase electrical distribution system of alternating current, with the help of which another revolution took place in the industrial sector. But this is far from his only merit to the world; Tesla left his mark in the field of robotics, created a starting point in improving remote control, radar, and information technologies, and what is very important, took part in scientific research in the field of ballistics, nuclear physics and theoretical physics. There is information about his hobbies in antigravity, teleportation and lasers, alas, there is no evidence of this. However, he is the holder of 111 patents and is considered the best innovator in the whole world.

No. 1. Archimedes of Syracuse

So we got to the leader of our top ten. And again it’s your turn to wonder why exactly a scientist from Ancient Greece took the top of the list? To begin with, he is the greatest scientist in the field of mathematics. In particular, he, like no one else, determined the most specific calculation of the value of Pi, compiled a formula for determining the area under the arc of a parabola, this list can be supplemented forever, this is exactly the person whom even modern schoolchildren dislike in mathematics lessons. In addition, his works include the development of machines, siege weapons, and few people know that he invented a device that could burn Roman ships to the ground, only with the help of a simple mirror, by using the “sunbeam effect.” Well, the most powerful argument in his favor is that all his discoveries were made more than two thousand years ago, when the age of technology was practically in its infancy. And what is equally important, Archimedes was self-taught and acquired all his knowledge on his own, by trial and error!

who, during their activities or later, changed people's lives. These are genius inventors who created the foundations in various spheres of human activity.

Thomas Edison(1847-1931) filed over 1000 patents. He has developed innovative products in wide range from a light bulb to batteries for an electric car.

Benjamin Franklin polymath (1705 - 1790) who discovered electricity and invented the Franklin furnace.

Nikola Tesla(1856 –1943) Serbian scientist who emigrated to the USA. He was a brilliant scientist who played a key role in the development of alternating current electricity - through asynchronous electric motor AC, transformer and Tesla coils. The use of alternating current electricity was its global invention of the century. Played a key role in the development of electromagnetism and other scientific discoveries of his time. Despite his enormous number of patents and discoveries, his achievements were underestimated during his lifetime. But he deserves to be included in the list as the greatest inventors.

Charles Babbage(1791 - 1871) - created the first mechanical computer, which turned out to be a prototype for future computers. Considered the "Father of Computers"

(1736 - 1819) Inventor of the steam engine, which was crucial in the Industrial Revolution. His invention of a separate condensing chamber greatly increased the efficiency of steam. Alexander Bell(1847-1922) invented the first practical telephone. Also worked on optical telecommunications and aeronautics.

The greatest inventors of antiquity

Leonardo da Vinci(1452 - 1519) one of the greatest minds ever. Invented models that were still functional 500 years later. Considered the oldest and greatest inventor.



George Agricola is a German doctor and scientist. He laid the foundations of mineralogy and geology, mining and metallurgy. In the main work of his life, the 12-volume monograph “On Metals,” he gave a complete and systematic description of the search and exploration of minerals, mining and beneficiation of ores, and metallurgical processes. Established methods of determination and described twenty new minerals.

ARCHIMEDES (Circa 287–212 BC)

Ahrimedes was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist and inventor. Developed the theory of the lever, used in practice a screw, a block and a lever to lift water and heavy loads.

More than 2000 years have passed since Archimedes died, but even today the memory of people preserves his words: “Give me a fulcrum and I will raise the Earth.” So said this outstanding ancient Greek scientist - mathematician, physicist, inventor, having developed the theory of the lever and understanding its capabilities. In front of the ruler of Syracuse, Archimedes, using a complex device of pulleys and levers, single-handedly launched the ship. The motto of everyone who has found something new is the word: “Eureka!” ("Found!"). So exclaimed the scientist, having discovered the law known to many as Archimedes' law. To this day, the Archimedean screw is the name given to a wide screw enclosed in a pipe, which he invented as a means of raising water. Archimedes invented both agricultural machines - for irrigating fields, and military ones - throwing ones. He laid the foundations of hydrostatics, established its main law, and studied the conditions of floating bodies.

Archimedes' technical genius was especially evident when the Roman army attacked his city of Syracuse. The war machines of Archimedes forced the Romans to abandon the assault and begin to siege the city. Only betrayal opened the gates of Syracuse to the enemy. Legend has it that when a Roman legionnaire raised his sword over the scientist, he did not ask for mercy, but only exclaimed: “Don’t touch my circles!” Until his death, Archimedes was solving a geometric problem.

In our time, in Greece they decided to check whether Archimedes could really set fire to the Roman fleet with the sun's rays. Seventy people lined up on the seashore, holding copper shields in their hands, similar to those used by the defenders of Syracuse. When they pointed the sun's “beams” at the model of a wooden ship, it flared up within a few seconds.

FRANCIS BACON (1561–1626)

Francis Bacon - English scientist and politician. He believed that the goal of science was to master the forces of nature, and that observations and experiments should be the foundation of science. He wrote a utopian novel “New Atlantis”, in which he predicted many current inventions - airplanes, submarines, hydroelectric power stations, solar engines, lasers, telescopes, air conditioners, etc.


Alexander Graham Bell is the inventor of the telephone. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell's family subsequently moved to Canada and then to the United States. Bell was neither an electrical engineer nor a physicist by training. He started as an assistant teacher of music and public speaking, and later began working with people who suffered from speech impediments and hearing loss.

Bell sought to help these people and his love for a girl who had become deaf after a serious illness prompted him to design instruments with which he could demonstrate the articulation of sound speech to the deaf. In Boston, he opened an educational institution for training teachers for the deaf. In 1893, Alexander Bell became professor of speech physiology at Boston University. He carefully studies the acoustics and physics of human speech, and then begins to conduct experiments with an apparatus in which a membrane transmitted sound vibrations to a needle. Thus, he gradually approached the idea of ​​a telephone, with the help of which it could be possible to transmit various sounds, if only it was possible to cause fluctuations in the electric current, corresponding in intensity to the fluctuations in air density that a given sound produces.

But Bell soon changed his direction and began working on the creation of a telegraph, with which several texts could be transmitted simultaneously. While working on the creation of the telegraph, an accident helped Bell discover a phenomenon that resulted in the invention of the telephone.

One day in the transmitter, Bell's assistant was pulling out a record. At this time, Bell's hearing caught a rattling sound in the receiving device. As it turned out, the plate closed and opened electrical circuit. Bell took this observation very seriously. A few days later the first telephone, consisting of a small drum skin membrane with a signal horn to amplify the sound, was made. This device became the ancestor of all telephones.

However, A. G. Bell and other engineers in different countries, including in Russia, we still had to work a lot to ensure that telephone communications acquired a modern look.


Leonardo da Vinci - great Italian scientist, engineer, artist, sculptor, musician. He was far ahead of his time, designing and inventing machines and structures that were not implemented during his lifetime. He is called one of the most powerful minds of humanity. His beautiful paintings and frescoes have survived centuries and remain unsurpassed. Unfortunately, nothing remains of the actual machines he created, but many of his engineering ideas are preserved in drawings and drawings. Most of Leonardo's ideas could not be realized at all in 15th-century Italy. One of the manuscripts contains a drawing of a helicopter. The postscript reads: “If this apparatus is built correctly, then with the rapid rotation of the propeller it will rise into the air.” This idea was realized only in the twentieth century. Leonardo da Vinci also worked a lot with weapons. He was the first to construct a steam cannon, the first to draw a gun with a screw breech, loaded from behind; dealt with multi-barreled and multi-shot firearms. One of his drawings shows a battery located on a trolley-machine in such a way that thirty-three barrels can be fired from eleven. Then Leonardo designed a heavier weapon that operated on the same principle: each of the 8 rows had 9 barrels, that is, after loading, 72 shells could be fired.

Leonardo da Vinci left a design for a large machine for lifting and transporting soil removed from a canal - the prototype of modern earth-moving machines and dredges. He invented a 15-spindle loom driven by the hands of artisans. Drawings of the winch in assembled and disassembled form have been preserved. Wheels, rims, gears - all the details are depicted very accurately. It can be seen that the scientist at that time was working on the problem of converting rotational motion into translational motion. Many facts speak about the versatility of Leonardo da Vinci's technical searches. Thus, he designed a stable with a mechanical feed supply, which in many details could go from the 15th century to our time, invented an anemometer - a device for calculating wind speed, which they tried to install on carriages in order to determine how fast the carriage was moving by the speed of the incoming air .

One of his grandiose plans was the project of a bridge across the Bosphorus. The Turkish Sultan rejected the proposal of the brilliant engineer. It was only in the 20th century that the bridge across the Bosphorus was built. In museums in Italy you can see working models of Leonardo da Vinci's machines, a trolley driven by springs, and a model of a helicopter.

One day, a Swiss scientist made a model of a bridge exactly according to Leonardo's drawings. The project turned out to be so flawless that it could be carried out even with a medieval level of technology.

The brilliant inventor continued to create until the last hour of his life, although he understood that it was impossible to implement his ideas in his contemporary world. Leonardo invented a computer, built according to his design and operational after 500 years.


Unfortunately, the dates of birth and death of this inventor and outstanding scientist of the ancient world have not been preserved. It is believed that he worked in the 1st century. BC e. in Alexandria. Only 2000 years later were Arabic copies of his works found and translated into modern European languages. Distant descendants learned that he owned the formulas for determining the area of ​​​​various geometric figures. It became known that Heron described the diopter device, which can rightfully be called the great-great-grandfather of the modern theodolite. Nowadays, builders, surveyors, and miners cannot do without this device. He was the first to study five types of simple machines: lever, gate, wedge, screw and block. Heron laid the foundations of automation. In his work “Pneumatics,” he described a number of “magic tricks” based on the principles of using heat and pressure differences. People were amazed at the miracles when the doors of the temple opened on their own, when a fire was lit over the altar. He invented a vending machine for selling holy water and designed a ball rotated by the force of jets of steam.

ROBERT GODDARD (1882–1945)

Robert Huchins Goddard is one of the first inventors and designers of rocketry. The beginning of practical work in this area is associated with his name. He was born in 1882 in Worcester (USA). Due to illness, he was unable to attend school regularly and began to study independently at an early age. scientific literature. Influenced by science fiction books, Robert became captivated by the dream of reaching extraterrestrial worlds and devoted his entire life to turning the fantasy into reality.

After graduating from the Polytechnic Institute, R. Goddard began practical work and five years later, in 1913, he began submitting the first applications for the invention of rocket vehicles designed to climb to greater height. He then conducts experiments confirming the possibility of obtaining supersonic speed of a rocket jet by burning smokeless powder in a chamber with a nozzle, and begins to build a model of a powder rocket. It was not possible to build a high-altitude powder rocket, and in 1921 Robert Goddard began experiments with liquid rocket fuel.

Four years later, in the winter of 1925, during a static test of an experimental rocket, a liquid-propellant rocket engine for the first time developed a thrust exceeding the entire rocket, and a few months later the first launch of a liquid-propellant rocket was made. Robert Goddard worked on the creation of rockets until the end of 1941. He and his group were the first to put into practice a number of ideas that subsequently found wide application in rocket and space technology. The inventor died in 1945. His death did not attract much attention. And only many years later, fame came to Robert Goddard and his work in the field of rocketry and astronautics received due recognition.


The German inventor Gutenberg was born in the city of Mainz around 1400. During his life, he created the European method of printing, the first printing house, and the printing press. Due to civil strife between the burghers, the Gutenbergs had to flee to Strasbourg.

In the 11th century In China and Tibet, a method of printing from wooden boards was known, on which entire pages of the manuscript were engraved. In Europe this method was called “woodblock printing”. A student at the University of Strasbourg, Johannes Gutenberg, together with several companions, began producing woodcut books. Then he came up with the idea of ​​​​engraving not entire pages at once, from each of which only so many high-quality prints could be taken, but making individual letters and then adding lines from them, like from cubes. To implement the idea, he came up with the following method of making a font: first, a reverse convex image of a letter was engraved on the end of a metal block - a punch, then it was embossed on a soft copper plate, which served as a matrix. Then this matrix plate was inserted into the lower part of the hollow tube, and a special alloy - gart - was poured through the open top. As a result of this operation, it was possible to create many exact copies of the punch - letters, from which the book was then typed line by line.

It took a lot of time and money to make the letters. Only in his fifth decade of life was Gutenberg able to produce the required quantity of type - the first typesetting cash register - and make a printing press. But there wasn't enough money. I had to borrow. For failure to pay the debt on time, Gutenberg was sued and both the fonts and the printing house were taken away. However, Johannes Gutenberg managed to create and present several beautiful books to humanity.

ROBERT HOOKE (1635–1703)

Robert Hooke, the son of a provincial priest, was interested in all kinds of mechanisms and drawing from childhood. After completing his studies at Westminster School in 1653, he moved to Oxford and entered the church as a chanter. At the same time, he studied at Oxford University, specializing in astronomy, and became R. Boyle's assistant. A passion for invention, originality of thinking, combined with romantic passion and wild imagination, allowed Hooke to make many discoveries in various fields of knowledge. Hooke designed an instrument for measuring wind force, a device for dividing a circle, a number of instruments for studying the seabed, a hydrometer, a projection lantern, a rain gauge, and a spring clock. He invented the cardan drive and gear system, which are now known as white wheels. He improved a spotting scope for measuring angles, a telescope, a microscope, and a barometer. Many other instruments, mechanisms, and devices were created by the talented mechanic Robert Hooke.

Hooke was deservedly recognized as a good architect. After the fire in London in 1666, he created a project for the restoration and reconstruction of the city, and then, on behalf of the magistrate, led this work. According to his designs, a number of buildings, churches and residential buildings were built in London. The most significant building was the famous Bedlam Hospital, which was considered the pride of Londoners. Built in 1247, restored according to Hooke's design, this enormous building amazed with its harmony of proportions and classical severity of forms. During his years of work at the Royal Society, Hooke significantly enriched all the activities of this institution, soon becoming its secretary. He publishes the works of the Society, follows foreign inventions, makes his own inventions, continues to conduct experiments, accompanying them with such brilliant ideas that often led to great discoveries of others.

His classic work Micrographia was published in 1665. It was devoted to physical optics and microscopy. This work included, in particular, the results of Hooke's study of the cellular structure of plants. He first introduced the term “cell” and described the cells of a number of plants. Hooke studied the wave theory of light, conducted an in-depth study of the colors of thin plates, described the phenomena of diffraction and a number of other light phenomena. Together with Huygens, Hooke established constant temperature points - the melting of ice and the boiling of water - and constructed a thermometer. One of his most significant works was the theory of the movement and interaction of celestial bodies.

In May 1666, Robert Hooke made a paper to the Royal Society, in which he said that he intended to set forth a system of the world very different from any hitherto proposed; it is based on the following provisions. This was followed by Hooke's three propositions.

The first proposition stated that all celestial bodies not only have a gravitation of their parts towards their own common center, but are mutually attracted to one another within their spheres of action. The second stated the following: “All bodies, when performing simple motion, will continue to move in a straight line, unless they constantly deviate from it by some external force, encouraging them to describe a circle, an ellipse or some kind of curve.” The third statement said: “This attraction is greater the closer the bodies are. As for the ratio in which these forces decrease with increasing distance, I myself have not determined it, although I have carried out some experiments for this purpose.” Eight years later, R. Hooke continued this topic by writing the work “An Attempt to Prove Annual Movement Based on Observation.” Thus, Hooke basically anticipated the law of universal gravitation discovered by Isaac Newton. Hooke conducted many experiments with metal springs and wooden beams. Having made a cantilever beam from wood, he measured its deflection under the action of different weights in different parts. At the same time, he came to the important conclusion that on the convex surface of the beam, the fibers are stretched when bending, and on the concave surface they are compressed. It took a long time for technicians, mechanics and engineers to understand the meaning of what now appears to be an obvious property of the material. The deformation is proportional to the load; and vice versa.

In 1678, Hooke’s work “On the power of restoration or elasticity” was published. It contained a description of experiments with elastic bodies - the first book on the theory of elasticity. Regardless of the type of load - tension or compression - the change in body size is proportional to the applied force. To check this position, Hooke proposed hanging weights on wires of different lengths and measuring the elongation. By comparing the changes of several wires depending on the weight applied to them, one can be convinced “that they will always relate to each other as the loads that caused them.”

RUDOLF DIESEL (1858–1913)

In the history of technology, the names of such inventors as T.A. Edison, N. Tesla, V.G. Shukhov, who gave the world hundreds of ideas and solutions. The German inventor Rudolf Diesel had one brainchild, but without it the world of cars would not be possible in our time. He invented the compression ignition internal combustion engine. The engine bears the name of its creator.

When R. Diesel studied at the Munich Polytechnic School, he dreamed of how to increase the efficiency of a steam engine, which at that time was at the level of 10%. This idea did not leave him even after R. Diesel became an engineer. Long painful work was crowned with success. In 1982, he received a patent for the four-stroke internal combustion engine he invented.

The inventor found that the efficiency of an internal combustion engine increases by increasing the compression ratio of the combustible mixture. However, experiments have shown that it is impossible to compress the combustible mixture too much, since compression causes it to overheat and ignite prematurely.

Then Diesel decided to compress not the combustible mixture, but fresh air. Towards the end of compression, when the temperature reached almost 650 degrees Celsius, liquid fuel was injected into the cylinder under high pressure, which immediately ignited, and the gases expanded, moving the piston. Thus, the inventor managed to significantly increase the efficiency of the engine. In addition, there was no need for an ignition system. The diesel engine is very economical; it runs on cheap fuels. The first such engine was built in 1897.

Nowadays, the improved invention works successfully, powering cars, ships, tractors, diesel locomotives, etc.


Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov is a major Soviet scientist, academician, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and State awards, an outstanding organizer and scientific director of work related to nuclear technology. He was born in the Southern Urals in the small village of Sim, not far from Ufa, in the family of an assistant forester. Later, the Kurchatov family moved to Simbirsk, and in 1912 to Crimea.

In Crimea, Igor graduated from the Simferopol gymnasium with a gold medal and entered the university. It was the beginning of the 20s, a period of post-war devastation and famine. A student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics had to work part-time as a teacher in kindergarten, watchman, wood sawyer. At the University of I.V. Kurchatov is considered a talented mathematician, and he is convinced that the purpose of his life is to build ships. He graduates from the university ahead of schedule, goes to Petrograd and enters the 3rd year of the shipbuilding faculty of the Polytechnic Institute.

Life in Petrograd was very difficult. I.V. For the sake of earning money, Kurchatov went as an observer to the Pavlovsk Magnetic Meteorological Observatory and in the first year carried out serious scientific work on the study of snow radioactivity. This is the first acquaintance with the physics of the atom and again a change of direction.

At that time, one of the main directions was energy. Kurchatov, together with a group of young scientists, takes on solving the problems of high-voltage insulation. He studies dielectrics and opens a new field of science - the study of ferroelectricity. I.V. Kurchatov was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences when he was not yet thirty years old. He was offered to develop a new science, but he begins work in the field of nuclear physics.

During the war, he performs urgent military missions. After the war, Kurchatov became the head of research in the field of nuclear physics and the organization of a new industry - nuclear. Managing huge teams, Kuchatov solves the most important defense problems for the country, creating atomic weapons. Then he switches to work on creating a nuclear power plant. On June 27, 1954, the first nuclear power plant came into operation. Then the world's first nuclear icebreaker was built by an outstanding scientist. His life was cut short in the prime of his life. His work is continued by thousands of students.


The outstanding Russian scientist Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky is the creator of aerodynamics as a science. He said that a person does not have wings and, in relation to the weight of his body to the weight of his muscles, is 72 times weaker than a bird... But there is confidence that he will fly, relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind. Zhukovsky became the founder of science, which helps to design aircraft, make them reliable and fast.

In his youth, Nikolai Zhukovsky dreamed of becoming a railway engineer. But for this it was necessary to go to St. Petersburg, and the parents could not support their son in another city. In Moscow N.E. Zhukovsky entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University. After graduating from university, thinking about my future profession, he attempted to get an education at the St. Petersburg Institute of Railways, but the attempt failed. He received an engineering degree, but much later. In January 1911, on the 40th anniversary of the scientific and pedagogical activity of N.E. Zhukovsky, MVTU awarded him an honorary diploma of mechanical engineer.

The deeper Zhukovsky mastered the profession, the more clearly he understood how much was unknown in mechanics and mathematics. His talent blossomed at the Moscow Higher Technical School, where he became a professor in the department of analytical mechanics. Here he created an aerodynamic laboratory and trained a number of later famous aircraft and engine designers and aviation theorists. In the field of aerodynamics and aviation, Zhukovsky's work was the source of the basic ideas on which aviation science is built.

NOT. Zhukovsky carefully and comprehensively studied the dynamics of bird flight and theoretically predicted a number of possible flight trajectories, in particular the “dead loop”. In 1904, he discovered the law that determines the lifting force of an airplane wing, determined the most advantageous profiles of the wings and blades of an airplane propeller, developed the vortex theory of a propeller, etc.

Subsequently, on his initiative, the famous TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute) and the Air Force Engineering Academy, which now bears his name, were created.


Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin is an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer. His first acquaintance with aviation occurred when he was a worker clearing and leveling the airfield.

His energy and desire for knowledge and talent were amazing. He independently studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry, which helped him become a flight mechanic. But Ilyushin dreamed of flying. In 1917, he successfully passed his pilot exams. After civil war he was sent to study at the Moscow Institute of Engineers of the Red Air Fleet (later the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky), where Ilyushin not only successfully studied, but also built gliders. In 1926, he graduated from the academy, then created and headed one of the design bureaus.

In 1933, Ilyushin’s team developed a twin-engine aircraft, on which test pilot V.K. Kokkinaki set a number of altitude records with various loads. In 1938–1939, non-stop flights Moscow - Vladivostok, Moscow - North America were made on Ilyushin's planes. Long-range bombers also became famous. On the night of August 8, 1941, a group of Il-4 long-range bombers raided military installations in Berlin.

Soon S.V. Ilyushin created an aircraft that our soldiers called the “flying tank”, and the fascists called the “black death”. It was the famous Il-2 attack aircraft, which could shoot Tiger tanks from a strafing flight.

In 1944, the Ilyushin Design Bureau team began creating jet aircraft, and ten years later the Il-18 made its first passenger flight. This was a new step in the development of Soviet aircraft manufacturing. Then Ilyushin created the modern intercontinental airliner Il-62, which embodied the best technical achievements of its time.

Academician, Colonel General-Engineer S.V. Ilyushin was three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

JOHANN KEPLER (1561–1630)

Johannes Kepler - German astronomer. Established the laws of planetary motion. Laid the foundations of the theory of eclipses. He invented one of the varieties of telescope - the Kepler tube, which was widely used subsequently. His mathematical abilities were also used in solving “earthly” problems, for example, in calculating the shape of wine barrels.


Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich was a famous revolutionary, as well as one of the pioneers of rocket technology and inventor. He was sentenced to death along with other participants in the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II.

In the spring of 1881, in prison, he handed over to his lawyer a manuscript written in prison, “Project of an Aeronautical Instrument,” in which he wrote that the driving force of aeronautic devices should be the reactive force of gases resulting from the combustion of explosives. He proposed creating a completely new (rocket-dynamic), prototype of modern manned rockets.

In the project, Kibalchich examined the design of a powder engine, proposed controlling the rocket by changing the angle of the engine, and developed a stability system for the device. He asked to organize a meeting with any specialist scientist or to submit his “Project” for examination. The request remained unanswered. Only 40 years later did it become known about the invention and scientific feat of this inventor.

I highly appreciated the scientific feat of N.I. Kibalchich K.E. Tsiolkovsky, putting him in first place among his predecessors. There is evidence that it was with Kibalchich’s project that the outstanding spaceship designer S.P. began his acquaintance with rocketry. Korolev.


Sergei Pavlovich Korolev is the designer of the first rocket and space systems. He was born in Ukraine, in the city of Zhitomir, in the family of a teacher. After completing the two-year vocational school in Odessa, S.P. Korolev became a builder - he tiled roofs and did carpentry. In 1924 he entered the Kiev Polytechnic and after finishing the second year he transferred to the Moscow Higher Technical School at the Faculty of Aeromechanics. The supervisor of his graduation project was A.N. Tupolev.

In 1929 S.P. Korolev graduated from college, and the following year from glider pilot school. However, aviation did not become his calling. After he read the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, he decided to build rockets and in 1932 headed the Study Group jet propulsion(GIRD). He led the launches of the first Soviet missiles and gave myself completely new area knowledge - rocket science.

S.P. Korolev creates the first rocket glider, the first cruise missile, and during the difficult years of the war he personally tests rocket boosters on production combat aircraft. After the war S.P. Korolev led the creation of long-range missiles, and in 1957 a multi-stage intercontinental missile was tested.

On October 4, 1957, using a rocket created under the leadership of Korolev, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. Under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, the first manned spaceships were built, equipment was developed for human flight into space, for exiting the ship into free space and returning the spacecraft to Earth, artificial Earth satellites of the Electron and Molniya-1 series were created, and many satellites of the Cosmos series ", the first copies of interplanetary reconnaissance aircraft of the Zond series. He was the first to send spacecraft to the Moon, Venus, Mars and the Sun.

With the name of the Lenin Prize laureate, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician S.P. The Queen is associated with one of the greatest achievements of science and technology of all times - the opening of the era of human exploration of space.


The remarkable Russian inventor Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin managed to overcome the first, most difficult part of the path to creating an electric light bulb. He tried to use iron wire as a filament. However, this experience was unsuccessful. The carbon rod that replaced it quickly burned out in air. Finally, in 1872, Lodygin placed a coal rod in a glass cylinder, from which he did not even pump out the air. The oxygen burned out as soon as the ember became hot, and further glow occurred in an inert atmosphere. The experiments continued. A year later, a new, more advanced design was obtained.

The new design contained two rods. One burned for the first thirty minutes and burned out the oxygen in the cylinder, and the second shone for another two and a half hours. In St. Petersburg, the streets were illuminated with such lamps. In 1872 A.N. Lodygin applied for the invention of an incandescent lamp and two years later, in 1874, received a patent. The St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences awarded him the Lomonosov Prize.

A few years later A.N. Lodygin realized his new idea on the use of electrical heat for melting metal. To do this, he had to go to France and the USA, where he built a number of large electric furnaces. However, he understood the imperfection of incandescent lamps and, returning to this problem, after painstaking experiments, proposed the use of tungsten - the only metal from which the filaments of electric light bulbs are made today.


Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - Russian natural scientist, poet, artist, historian, first Russian academician, founder of Moscow University. He developed designs for about a hundred instruments, including a telescope. Published a manual on metallurgy. He created the first chemical laboratory in Russia. He insisted on the introduction of precise methods into the practice of mining, metallurgy, and geology. Many of Lomonosov's ideas were a hundred years ahead of the science of his time. M.V. Lomonosov penetrated into the secrets of the structure of matter. He was the first to distinguish between the concept of “corpuscle” (molecule) and element (atom). Only in the middle of the 19th century did this foresight find final recognition. Before Lomonosov, they could not explain the causes of heat and cold. Lomonosov scientifically proved that heat arises as a result of the movement of molecules and depends on the speed of their chaotic movement. He was the first to artificially obtain a cold in which mercury froze, and predicted the existence of absolute zero. Lomonosov is credited with the discovery of one of the fundamental laws of nature - the law of conservation of matter and motion. Through a series of experiments he proved the immutability total mass substances during chemical transformations. Thus Lomonosov in Russia, and later Lavoisier in France, completed the process of transforming chemistry into a strict quantitative science.

Optics occupied a large place in his scientific and experimental work. He himself made optical instruments, instruments, etc. Observing the passage of Venus in front of the solar disk, he discovered the atmosphere of this planet. Only in the 19th century were they able to repeat this experience. Exploring the sky with the help of his instruments, Lomonosov defended the idea of ​​​​the infinity of the Universe, many worlds in its depths. He was a remarkable geographer, who seemed to look two centuries ahead, as he foresaw the significance of the Northern Sea Route.

For Lomonosov, science, technology, and art were inseparable. He was engaged in the manufacture of colored glass, made thousands of melts himself and created several wonderful mosaic paintings. He was an excellent poet and expressed his prophetic ideas and philosophical views in poetry, as well as in theoretical articles.


The support, a part that secures and guides the cutter, is the most important part of any lathe. In St. Petersburg and Paris, the machines of the Russian scientist, mechanic and sculptor Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov, a contemporary and ally of M.V., are kept to this day. Lomonosov.

His machines are evidence of an outstanding invention of the 18th century, which marked the beginning of the rapid development of mechanical engineering. Nartov was a mechanic for Peter I and a teacher of turning. He was one of those outstanding inventors who paved the way for the transition from manual technology to machine technology. Nartov trained many experts in turning, and he himself became the creator of a wide variety of machine tools, ahead of the technical thought of Europe by more than half a century.

He introduced machines at the Mint, invented lifts for removing castings from foundry pits, a mechanism for raising the Tsar Bell, machines for making guns, and invented a rapid-fire battery of 44 mortars mounted on a horizontal turntable. When some mortars fire, others load.

In 1742–1743 A.N. Nartov headed the Academy of Sciences and Arts.

DENIS PAPIN (1647–1712)

At the age of 16, Denis Papin became a student at one of the universities in France. He studied medicine, received his doctorate and went to Paris. Perhaps he would have remained a doctor if not for his meeting with the Dutch physicist H. Huygens. The doctor began to study physics and mechanics. At the end of the 17th century, many inventors tried to create an engine that would turn thermal energy to work. Papen also took up this matter. So, there is a cylinder and a piston in it. If a vacuum is created under the piston, the column of air will force it to move downwards, producing mechanical work. But how to achieve emptiness under the piston? Papin tried to create a vacuum under the piston using gunpowder explosions, but achieved nothing. Then I used steam. Now, instead of gunpowder, there was water under the piston. Papin heated the cylinder - the steam pressure drove the piston upward; moved the burner - the cylinder cooled, the steam condensed and the piston went down. And at this time, the load suspended on a rope thrown over the block was rising. Papen's steam engine, created in 1680, performed useful work. It was one of the first real steam boilers. But it was not only the steam engine that was the subject of Papen's long-term search. He proposed a design centrifugal pump, designed a furnace for melting glass, a steam carriage, and invented several machines for raising water. However, most of Denis Papin's technical ideas were not implemented.

Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)

Blaise Pascal - French mathematician, physicist and philosopher. He outlined a method for solving problems on calculating the areas of figures and volumes of bodies. He established the basic law of hydrostatics - the science of the equilibrium of fluids - and the principle of operation of a hydraulic press. He invented a calculating machine, a pressure gauge, a wheelbarrow and an omnibus - a multi-seat horse-drawn carriage.


A beautiful bridge 1150 meters long spans the Dnieper in Kyiv. There is not a single rivet in this entire metal mass. It is all-welded. In this creation E.O. Paton, as it were, merged two things to which he devoted his life: bridge construction and welding. Evgeny Oskarovich Paton - an outstanding engineer, scientist, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor - was born into the family of a Russian consul in Nice (France), graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Germany. But, having returned to St. Petersburg as a famous civil engineer, the author of the Dresden station project, Paton went back to study, and a year later, having passed all the exams, he received a diploma in railway engineering and became an outstanding specialist in the construction of railway bridges, which laid the foundation for the school of bridge construction. At the age of 60, he took up a completely new business - electric welding and became the organizer of the world's first Institute of Electric Welding. The institute is developing new methods for design, calculations and construction of welded structures. At the age of 70 he invented new way submerged arc welding. Nowadays, thousands of kilometers of gas pipelines are welded using the famous Paton method. At 80 years old, he led the design and construction of the first all-welded bridge, which was named after him.


Physicist, inventor and designer Auguste Piccard took the first step towards revealing the secrets of cosmic rays. The problem of cosmic rays had fascinated him for a long time. He knew that the higher above the Earth's surface, the more intense the flow of rays, and he decided to ascend into the stratosphere himself with instruments that record the rays. There were no automatic devices in the first quarter of the twentieth century.

O. Piccard calculated and built a sealed spherical gondola, calculated the shell, which was supposed to accommodate almost 14 thousand cubic meters. meters of gas. In 1932 and 1933, he ascended on a stratospheric balloon of his own design and reached a height of 16,370 m. The stratospheric balloon helped the scientist trace the direction of cosmic rays, measure the degree of their absorption by a layer of paraffin and lead, and compare the intensity of radiation at different altitudes. This was the first step towards revealing the mystery of cosmic rays.

Another important passion of Piccard was the idea of ​​​​conquering the depths. For this purpose, in 1937, he began to construct the first bathyscaphe - an autonomous device for deep-sea diving. But the war began and work had to be interrupted. Piccard returned to her in 1948. The bathyscaphe was made in the form of a metal float filled with gasoline, because gasoline is lighter than water, practically cannot be compressed, and the shell of the float does not deform under the influence of enormous pressures.

A spherical gondola made of the strongest steel and ballast are suspended from below the float. Piccard successfully sank to the seabed twice - in 1948 and in 1953. Its bathyscaphes could descend to any depth. In January 1960, the son of Auguste Piccard reached the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean on the bathyscaphe Trieste - Mariana Trench(10912 m).


Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov is a brilliant Russian self-taught inventor, one of the creators of a heat engine and the first steam engine in Russia. The son of a soldier, he graduated from the first Russian mining school in Yekaterinburg in 1742, after which he was an apprentice to the chief mechanic of the Ural factories. How hard-working, inquisitive and talented Ivan was is evidenced by the fact that the twenty-year-old young man were sent among the mining specialists to the Kolyvano-Voskresensky factories of Altai, where they mined precious metals for the royal treasury. Since 1748, Ivan Polzunov worked in Barnaul as a metal smelting accounting technician, and at the age of 33 he was already one of the plant managers. At that time, hard manual labor flourished in factories. Only blowers and hammers for forging metal were driven by water power. Therefore, factories were built on the banks of rivers and production depended on the vagaries of the weather. As soon as the factory pond became shallow, production stopped. Ivan Polzunov set himself a task of unprecedented courage at that time - manual labor and a water engine to replace " fire machine" He developed blueprints for a two-cylinder steam engine. Simultaneously with the development of drawings, he had to create tools and lathes with water engines for metal processing, teach craftsmen and build a machine. And under such conditions, all the parts of the steam engine were manufactured in just 13 months. Some of them weighed up to 2720 kg. The car was assembled. But Polzunov did not have to see it in action - he died, broken by overwork and illness in May 1766, and his brainchild was put into operation on August 7. In just two months, the steam engine not only paid for itself, but also made a big profit. The owners treated the car barbarously. In November, due to an oversight, the boiler began to leak. Instead of having it repaired, the car was stopped forever, and a few years later it was dismantled. Polzunov’s case was consigned to oblivion for decades, and only two hundred years later the name of the brilliant inventor and technician was reinscribed in the history of Russian technology.


Alexander Stepanovich Popov was born in 1859 in the Urals into the family of a priest. First, he studied at an elementary theological school, and then at a theological seminary, where children of the clergy were taught for free. He studied well, was inquisitive and loved making toys and various simple technical devices. These skills came in very handy when he had to make his own instruments for his research.

After graduating from the Perm Theological Seminary, Alexander entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University, where he was especially attracted to the problems of modern physics and electrical engineering.

After graduating from the University of A.S. in 1882. Popov works as a teacher in the Mine Officer Class in Kronstadt. IN free time he makes physical experiments and studies electromagnetic oscillations discovered by G. Hertz. As a result of numerous experiments and careful research, Popov came to the invention of radio communications.

He built the world's first radio receiver. Popov used a Hertz vibrator as a source of electromagnetic oscillations. On May 7, 1895, A.S. Popov made a report at a meeting of the Russian Physical-Chemical Society in St. Petersburg and demonstrated his communication devices in action. It was radio's birthday.

Popov devoted a lot of time and effort to improving his invention. At first the transmission was carried out over only a few tens of meters, then over several kilometers, then over tens of kilometers. At the end of 1899 - beginning of 1900, Popov's radio communication devices passed a serious test: they were successfully used to rescue an armadillo. Not long before this, Popov built a new type of receiver, which received telegraph signals on an earpiece at a distance of 45 km.

In 1901, A. S. Popov became a professor at the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, and then its director. The life of the scientist, whose genius gave radio to humanity, ended unexpectedly. In January 1906, he died suddenly.

WILBER WRIGHT (1867–1912), ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871–1948)

American inventors, aircraft designers and pilots, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright, were the first to fly an airplane they built. They have been interested in invention and technology since childhood. So, at the age of 13, Orville made a printing press, and 17-year-old Wilbur improved it. In 1982, the brothers became the owners of a small printing house and then a bicycle repair shop. They dreamed of flying in a controlled, heavier-than-air machine.

Having learned about the death of Otto Lilienthal, a German inventor and glider builder, they decided to create an aircraft, despite the fact that the experiments they carried out on gliders of their own design were also always associated with risk. The brothers developed a horizontal flight control system, then the search for an engine began. They had to put a lot of work into creating a propeller. The theory of its creation was developed by N. E. Zhukovsky only 10 years later.

In December 1903, the airplane created by the Wright brothers took off for the first time. The flight lasted 59 seconds. The brothers experienced the pride of victory and knew that the flying machine they had created was one of the greatest gifts that man had ever brought to man. Their dream came true. They made the first flight in a heavier-than-air aircraft.

Wilbur Wright died in 1912. Orville outlived him by 36 years, but did not build any more airplanes.


In the spring of 1869, in the family of St. Petersburg official L.N. Rosing had a son, Boris, the future inventor of television.

Little Boris was lively and inquisitive, was a successful student, and was fond of music and literature. However, his future turned out to be connected not with the humanities, but with the exact sciences.

After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University, Boris Lvovich Rosing became interested in the idea of ​​transmitting images over a distance. After a series of studies, he comes to the conclusion that it will be possible to transmit an image only using a cathode ray tube, known as a device since the end of the 19th century, as well as through the use of the phenomenon of external photoelectric effect, discovered by A.G. Stoletov. Many experiments and restless creative thoughts preceded the moment when L.B. Rosing decided to publicly announce his research and the method of “electrical image transmission.”

In 1907 in Russia, he received a patent for this method, which secured his right of primacy. He used a photocell as a converter of light images into electric currents. Optical system, similar to a photographic one, and rotating mirrors made it possible to sequentially, line by line, expand the image, that is, to inspect it sequentially line by line, converting changes in the brightness of the image into electrical intermittent currents, which then entered Brown's cathode ray tube, causing it to glow using a special modulator electrode with different brightness of her screen.

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The history of inventions includes everything that has been created by man over thousands of years of existence, but we want to highlight the most important inventions of mankind. Along with human physiology, his intellect has also evolved. Of course, from the huge number and variety of human inventions it is very difficult to choose the most important and necessary ones, but we still compiled our rating of the 12 most important inventions in the history of mankind.


There are numerous strong opinions that gunpowder was invented in China. Its appearance led to the invention of fireworks and early firearms. Since the beginning of time, people have divided up territories and defended them, and to do this they have always needed some kind of weapon. First there were sticks, then axes, then bows, and after the advent of gunpowder firearms. Now many types of weapons have been created for military purposes, from simple pistols to the latest intercontinental missiles that are launched from a submarine. In addition to the army, weapons are also used by civilians both for their own protection and protection of anything, and for hunting.


It is difficult to imagine the modern world without cars. People drive them to work, to the countryside, on vacation, for groceries, to the movies and restaurants. Different types of vehicles are used to deliver goods, build structures, and for many other purposes. The first cars resembled carriages without horses and did not move very fast. Now there are both simple cars for the middle class, and ones that cost as much as a house, accelerating up to 300 kilometers per hour. Modern world It’s simply impossible to imagine without a car.


Humanity has been working toward the creation of the Internet for many years, inventing new and new means of communication. Just 20 years ago, just over 100,000 people had the Internet, but now it is available in almost all more or less large populated areas. Through the Internet you can communicate both by letter and visually, you can find almost any information on the Internet, you can work through the Internet, order products, things and services. The Internet is a window to the world through which you can not only receive information, communicate and play, but also earn money, make purchases and read this site. ;)


Just 15 years ago, in order to communicate with someone at a distance, you had to go home and call a landline phone or look for the nearest telephone booth and coins or tokens for the call. If you were on the street and you urgently needed to call an ambulance or firefighters, you had to shout in the hope that someone from the nearby houses would hear and call the right person, or quickly run and look for a phone to call. Even children always had to go around to friends and personally find out whether they would go for a walk or not, since many did not even have a telephone at home. Now you can call anywhere from almost anywhere. Mobile phone– this is freedom of communication, wherever you are.


The computer today has replaced for many such items as a TV, video or DVD player, telephone, books and even a ballpoint pen. Now, using a computer, you can write books, communicate with people, watch films, listen to music, and find the information you need. What am I telling you, you know everything yourself! In addition to domestic use, computers are used for various research and development, facilitating and improving the operation of many enterprises and mechanisms. The modern world is simply impossible to imagine without computers.


The invention of cinema was the beginning of the cinema and television we have today. The first were in black and white and without sound, appearing just a few decades after photography. Today cinema is an incredible spectacle. Thanks to hundreds of people working on it, computer graphics, sets, makeup and many other techniques and technologies, cinema can now look like a fairy tale. Television, portable video cameras, surveillance cameras and in general everything related to video exists thanks to the invention of cinema.


A simple landline telephone is higher than a mobile phone in our rating because for the time when the telephone was invented, it was a huge breakthrough. Before the telephone, communication was possible only by letters by mail, telegraph or carrier pigeons. :) Thanks to the telephone, people no longer had to wait several weeks for a response to a letter; they no longer had to go or go somewhere to say or find out something. Creating a telephone not only saved time, but also energy.


Before the invention of the electric light bulb, people sat in the dark in the evenings or lit candles, oil lamps or some kind of torches, just like in ancient times. The invention of the light bulb made it possible to get rid of the danger posed by lighting “devices” that used fire. Thanks to the electric light bulb, the rooms began to be illuminated well and evenly. Now we understand what great importance has a light bulb only when our electricity is cut off.


Before the invention of antibiotics, some diseases that are now treated at home could kill a person. The development and production of antibiotics began actively in late XIX century. The invention of antibiotics has helped people overcome many diseases that were previously considered incurable. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, dysentery claimed tens of thousands of lives every year. There was also no cure for pneumonia, sepsis, or typhus. Man could not defeat the pneumonic plague; it always led to death. With the invention of antibiotics, many serious illnesses We are no longer afraid.


At first glance, you cannot say that the wheel is a very important invention, but thanks to this particular device, many other inventions, such as a car or a train, were created. The wheel significantly reduces the energy required to move the load. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, not only transport was improved. Man began to build roads, and the first bridges appeared. Everything from carts to cars moves thanks to the wheel. Even elevators and mills work thanks to the wheel. If you think about it a little, you can understand the full scale of the use of this simple ancient invention and all its importance.


In second place in our rating is the second oldest and most frequently used method of transmitting information. Thanks to writing, we can learn history, read books, write SMS, learn new information and study. Ancient writings found in Egyptian and Mexican pyramids provide insight into the way of life of ancient civilizations. Nowadays we need writing for almost everything. Working in the office, relaxing with an interesting book, having fun on the computer, learning - all this is possible thanks to writing.


The first place is occupied by the most ancient and frequently used method of transmitting information. Without language there would be nothing. People simply could not understand each other, as it was many thousands of years ago, when humanity was still in the first stages of its development. Today there are dozens of dialects in each. Most of them are no longer used; many are used in distant corners of the world by various tribes. Thanks to language we understand each other, thanks to it we develop as a civilization and thanks to it you can learn about the 12 most important inventions of man! ;)

In 1908-1911 he built his first two simple helicopters. The carrying capacity of the apparatus, built in September 1909, reached 9 pounds. None of the helicopters built could take off with a pilot, and Sikorsky switched to building airplanes.

Sikorsky's airplanes won top prizes at a military aircraft competition

In 1912-1914, he created the Grand (Russian Knight) and Ilya Muromets aircraft in St. Petersburg, which laid the foundation for multi-engine aviation. On March 27, 1912, on the S-6 biplane, Sikorsky managed to set world speed records: with two passengers on board - 111 km/h, with five - 106 km/h. In March 1919, Sikorsky emigrated to the United States and settled in the New York area.

The first experimental helicopter, the Vought-Sikorsky 300, created by Sikorsky in the USA, took off from the ground on September 14, 1939. Essentially, it was a modernized version of his first Russian helicopter, created back in July 1909.

His helicopters were the first to fly across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (with in-flight refueling). Sikorsky machines were used for both military and civilian purposes.

He is the creator of the first accurately dated printed book "Apostle" in the Russian Kingdom, as well as the founder of a printing house in the Russian Voivodeship of the Kingdom of Poland.

Ivan Fedorov is traditionally called “the first Russian book printer”

In 1563, by order of John IV, a house was built in Moscow - the Printing House, which the tsar generously provided from his treasury. The Apostle (book, 1564) was printed in it.

The first printed book in which the name of Ivan Fedorov is indicated ( and Peter Mstislavets who helped him), it was “Apostle”, work on which was carried out, as indicated in the afterword to it, from April 19, 1563 to March 1, 1564. This is the first accurately dated printed Russian book. The following year, Fedorov’s printing house published his second book, “The Book of Hours.”

After some time, attacks began on printers from professional scribes, whose traditions and income were threatened by the printing house. After the arson that destroyed their workshop, Fedorov and Mstislavets left for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Ivan Fedorov himself writes that in Moscow he had to endure very strong and frequent bitterness towards himself, not from the tsar, but from state leaders, clergy and teachers who envied him, hated him, accused Ivan of many heresies and wanted to destroy God’s work (i.e. printing). These people drove Ivan Fedorov out of his native Fatherland, and Ivan had to move to another country, which he had never been to. In this country, Ivan, as he himself writes, was kindly received by the pious King Sigismund II Augustus along with his army.

Russian physicist and electrical engineer, professor, inventor, state councilor, Honorary electrical engineer. Inventor of radio.

The activities of A. S. Popov, which preceded the discovery of radio, included research in the field of electrical engineering, magnetism and electromagnetic waves.

On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society, Popov made a report and demonstrated the world’s first radio receiver that he had created. Popov ended his message with the following words: “ In conclusion, I can express the hope that my device, with further improvement, can be applied to the transmission of signals over a distance using fast electrical oscillations, as soon as a source of such oscillations with sufficient energy is found».

On March 24, 1896, Popov transmitted the world's first radiogram over a distance of 250 m, and in 1899 he designed a receiver for receiving signals by ear using a telephone receiver. This made it possible to simplify the reception circuit and increase the radio communication range.

The first radiogram transmitted by A. S. Popov to the island of Gogland on February 6, 1900, contained an order for the icebreaker Ermak to go to the aid of fishermen carried out to sea on an ice floe. The icebreaker complied with the order, and 27 fishermen were rescued. Popov established the world's first radio communication line at sea, created the first military and civilian radio stations, and successfully carried out work that proved the possibility of using radio in ground forces and in aeronautics.

Two days before his death, A.S. Popov was elected chairman of the physics department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society. With this election, Russian scientists emphasized the enormous merits of A. S. Popov to Russian science.

Cherepanov brothers

In 1833-1834, they created the first steam locomotive in Russia, and then in 1835 - a second, more powerful one.

In 1834, at the Vyisky plant, which was part of Demidov’s Nizhny Tagil factories, Russian mechanic Miron Efimovich Cherepanov, with the help of his father Efim Alekseevich, built the first steam locomotive in Russia entirely from domestic materials. This word did not yet exist in everyday life, and the locomotive was called a “land steamer.” Today, a model of the first Russian steam locomotive type 1−1−0, built by the Cherepanovs, is kept in the Central Museum railway transport in St. Petersburg.

The first locomotive had a working weight of 2.4 tons. Its experimental trips began in August 1834. The production of the second locomotive was completed in March 1835. The second locomotive could transport cargo already weighing 1000 pounds (16.4 tons) at a speed of up to 16 km /h.

Cherepanov was denied a patent for a steam locomotive because it was “very smelly”

Unfortunately, unlike stationary steam engines, which were in demand by Russian industry at that time, the first Russian railway of the Cherepanovs was not given the attention it deserved. The now found drawings and documents characterizing the activities of the Cherepanovs indicate that they were true innovators and highly gifted masters of technology. They created not only Nizhny Tagil railway and its rolling stock, but also designed many steam engines, metalworking machines, and built a steam turbine.

Russian electrical engineer, one of the inventors of the incandescent lamp.

As for the incandescent lamp, it does not have one single inventor. The history of the light bulb is a whole chain of discoveries made by different people at different times. However, Lodygin's merits in the creation of incandescent lamps are especially great. Lodygin was the first to propose using tungsten filaments in lamps ( In modern light bulbs, the filaments are made of tungsten) and twist the filament in the shape of a spiral. Lodygin was also the first to pump air out of lamps, which increased their service life many times over. And yet, it was they who put forward the idea of ​​filling light bulbs with inert gas.

Lodygin is the creator of the autonomous diving suit project

In 1871, Lodygin created a project for an autonomous diving suit using a gas mixture consisting of oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen was to be produced from water by electrolysis, and on October 19, 1909, he received a patent for an induction furnace.

Andrey Konstantinovich Nartov (1693—1756)

Inventor of the world's first screw-cutting lathe with a mechanized slide and a set of replaceable gears.

Nartov developed the design of the world's first screw-cutting lathe with a mechanized support and a set of replaceable gears (1738). Subsequently, this invention was forgotten and the screw-cutting lathe with a mechanical slide and a set of replaceable gears was reinvented around 1800 by Henry Model.

In 1754, A. Nartov was promoted to the rank of general, state councilor

While working in the Artillery Department, Nartov created new machines, original fuses, proposed new methods for casting guns and sealing shells in the gun channel, etc. He invented an original optical sight. The significance of Nartov’s inventions was so great that on May 2, 1746, a decree was issued to reward A.K. Nartov with five thousand rubles for artillery inventions. In addition, several villages in the Novgorod district were assigned to him.

Boris Lvovich Rosing (1869—1933)

Russian physicist, scientist, teacher, inventor of television, author of the first experiments on television, for which the Russian Technical Society awarded him a gold medal and the K. G. Siemens Prize

He grew up lively and inquisitive, studied successfully, and was fond of literature and music. But his life turned out to be connected not with humanitarian areas of activity, but with the exact sciences. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University, B. L. Rosing became interested in the idea of ​​transmitting images over a distance.

By 1912, B. L. Rosing developed all the basic elements of modern black and white television tubes. His work became known in many countries at that time, and his patent for the invention was recognized in Germany, Great Britain and the USA.

Russian inventor B. L. Rosing is the inventor of television

In 1931 he was arrested in the “Academics Case” for financial assistance counter-revolutionaries” (he lent money to a friend who was subsequently arrested) and was exiled to Kotlas for three years without the right to work. However, thanks to the intercession of the Soviet and foreign scientific community, in 1932 he was transferred to Arkhangelsk, where he entered the department of physics of the Arkhangelsk Forestry Engineering Institute. There he died on April 20, 1933 at the age of 63 from a cerebral hemorrhage. On November 15, 1957, B. L. Rosing was completely acquitted.

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