Online laboratory work in physics. Virtual laboratories for distance learning, universities and schools. Why do we need virtual laboratories, or virtuallabs?



Software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”


The work is devoted to the organization of the educational process. It formulates tasks, sets goals, reveals the structure and educational activities of the teacher, and considers different kinds tool for creating a virtual laboratory. Particular attention is paid to educational activities teachers and the effectiveness of educational process management. A feature of the created software product is the possibility of use in the educational process, in order to ensure clarity, accessibility, and safety in the classroom. The product contains basic information about virtual learning tools, virtual laboratories, and information about the developer.

The work was printed on 64 pages using 41 sources, and contains 31 drawings.


Work is devoted to the organization of the educational process. It formulates the problem, set goals, disclosed structure and educational activities teachers discussed various kinds of tool to create a virtual laboratory. Particular attention is drawn to the educational activities of the teacher and the efficiency of the educational process. Feature of the software products is the ability to use in the educational process in order to ensure clarity, accessibility, safety lessons. The product contains basic information about the virtual training aids, virtual laboratories, developer information.

Work is done by printing on 64 stranitsah using 41 sources, contains 31 figures.

Abstract 4

Introduction 6

1 Application of virtual learning tools 9

1.1 Possibilities of ICT in organizing the educational process using virtual laboratories. 9

1.2 Virtual laboratory as a teaching tool 13

1.3 Principles and requirements for the development of a virtual laboratory. 17

1.4 General structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package. 18

2 Practical implementation of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”. 20

2.1 Selecting tools for creating a virtual laboratory. 20

2.2 Design stages and structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” shell program. 23

2.2.1 Structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package. 23

2.2.2 Structure of the virtual laboratory. 26

2.3 Development of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”. thirty

2.4 Demonstration of the created software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics” 31

2.4.1 Development of a software package for creating a virtual laboratory 31

2.4.2 Selecting elements from ready-made databases to create a virtual physics laboratory 35

2.4.3 Description of virtual laboratories in the section “Mechanical phenomena” ..... 37

2.4.4 Description of virtual laboratories in the section “ Thermal phenomena" 41

2.4.5 Demonstration of the capabilities of creating the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package. 44

2.4.7 Description of the “About the Developer” section. 55

Conclusion 56

List of used literature. 59


Relevance: The creation and development of the information society involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, which is determined by a number of factors.

Firstly, the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of humanity not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

Secondly, modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allows a person to adapt more successfully and quickly to environment and ongoing social changes. This gives every person the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

Thirdly, the active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of the information society and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of a modern industrial society.

Today, many educational institutions use innovative technologies in the educational environment, including virtual laboratories of work in physics, chemistry, biology, ecology and other subjects, since many phenomena and experiments of an educational nature are very difficult or impossible to carry out in an educational institution.

The effective use of interactive tools in the educational process contributes not only to improving the quality of school education, but also to saving financial resources and creating a safe, environmentally friendly environment.

Fascinating interactive lessons and laboratory work can be carried out with your child at home in various subjects: physics, biology, chemistry, ecology.

Virtual laboratory work can be used in the classroom during a lecture as a supplement to lecture materials, carried out in computer class over the network, followed by analysis of the student’s progress.

By changing parameters in the interactive laboratory, the user sees changes in the 3D environment as a result of his actions.

An object: use of ICT in the educational process.

Item: development of virtual laboratories for training future specialists.

Goal of the work: development of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”.

Job objectives:

  • analyze scientific and pedagogical literature on the development and use of virtual tools in the educational process;
  • select principles and requirements for developing a software package - virtual laboratory;
  • analyze and select a tool for creating a virtual physics laboratory;
  • develop the structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package.
  • develop a software package using the existing database of virtual laboratory elements;
  • test the created software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”.

Methods of doing the work: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, comparison, algorithmization, programming.

Methodical And practical the significance lies in the enrichment of methodological materials to support the educational process, in the creation of a “virtual physics laboratory” software package for conducting experiments on the subject.

Goals and objectives determined the structure of the thesis.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the choice of topic, defines the object, subject, formulates the goal and objectives, describes the methodological and practical significance of the work performed, and characterizes the general structure of the completed research project.

The first chapter, “Theoretical Issues in the Development of Virtual Learning Tools,” examines the following issues: the use of ICT in the educational process; presents a selection of principles and requirements for the development of computer virtual learning tools. The issue of the process of virtualization of learning, the possibilities of virtual laboratory work in the study of processes and phenomena that are difficult to study in real conditions are considered.

The second chapter, “Practical implementation of the Virtual Laboratory for Physics software package,” presents: the choice of tools for creating a virtual laboratory software package; existing databases of ready-made components and ready-made devices in physics were analyzed, elements were selected from ready-made databases to create a virtual laboratory in physics; describes the process of developing a software framework for creating a virtual laboratory; material is presented demonstrating the capabilities of the created software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”.

In conclusion, the main results of the work are presented.

The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references in the amount of 46 sources. The total volume of work is presented on 56 pages, contains 25 figures, 2 tables.

1 Application of virtual learning tools

1.1 Possibilities of ICT in organizing the educational process using virtual laboratories

Currently, the goals and objectives facing modern education are changing - efforts are shifting from acquiring knowledge to developing competencies, and the emphasis is shifting to student-centered learning. But, nevertheless, the lesson was and remains the main one integral part educational process. Students' learning activities are largely focused on the lesson. The quality of student preparation is determined by the content of education, technologies for conducting a lesson, its organizational and practical orientation, its atmosphere, therefore it is necessary to use new pedagogical technologies in the educational process. The goals of using information technologies: development of the student’s personality, preparation for independent productive activity in the information society through the development of constructive, algorithmic thinking, thanks to the peculiarities of communication with a computer, creative thinking by reducing the share of reproductive activity, the formation of an information culture, the ability to process information (with using table processors, databases); implementation of social order caused by informatization modern society: - preparing students using information technology for independent cognitive activity; motivation of the educational process (improving the quality and efficiency of the learning process through the implementation of information technology capabilities, identifying and using incentives to enhance cognitive activity).

What is the impact of using information and communication technology on the learner? - ICT helps to increase cognitive interest in the subject; - ICT contributes to the growth of student achievement in the subject; - ICT allows students to express themselves in a new role; - ICT develops skills for independent productive activity; - ICT contributes to creating a situation of success for every student.

The use of ICT in the educational process gives teachers additional didactic opportunities, namely:

immediate feedback between the user and ICT tools, which allows for interactive dialogue;

computer visualization educational information, which involves the implementation of opportunities modern means visualization of objects, processes, phenomena (both real and “virtual”), as well as their models, representing them in the dynamics of development, in temporal and spatial movement, while maintaining the possibility of dialogue communication with the program;

computer modeling of the objects under study, their relationships, phenomena, processes occurring both real and “virtually”;

automation of the processes of computational, information retrieval activities, processing the results of an educational experiment, both actually occurring and “virtually” presented on the screen with the possibility of repeating a fragment or the experiment itself many times, which allows you to state the results of experiments, vary the values ​​of parameters (for example, physical quantities) adequately conditions of the experiment, formulate an experimental hypothesis, test it, modify the situation under study based on the results of the experiment, predict the results of the study;

attracting different types of activities designed for the active position of students who have received a sufficient level of knowledge in the subject to independently think, argue, reason, who have learned to learn, and independently obtain the necessary information;

automation of the processes of organizational management of educational activities and monitoring the results of mastering educational material: generating and distributing organizational and methodological materials, downloading and transmitting them over the network.

Virtualization of learning can be considered as an objective process of movement from full-time through distance to virtual education, which incorporates best properties full-time, correspondence, distance learning and other forms of education and should be adequate to the emerging Russian information society. This process, like the process of informatization of education, is objective, natural and conditioned by a number of factors:

  • rapid development of telecommunications and information systems, opens up new didactic opportunities for improving the education system itself;
  • internal needs of the education system itself, related to providing access to wide sections of the population to high-quality, affordable, mobile, fundamental education.

From the standpoint of pedagogy as a science, we can consider that the process of virtual learning occurs in a pedagogical system, the elements of which are goals, content, student, teacher and technological subsystem of virtual learning. This is a purposeful, organized process of interaction between learners (students) with teachers (teachers), among themselves and with teaching aids, and it is not critical to their location in space and time. This entire structure is based on a material, technical and regulatory framework.

The formation of the content of virtual education, as in the traditional education system, is based on the chosen theory of organizing the content of education and taking into account the relevant principles.

The methodological environment is characterized by active learning methods and the project method. Indeed, virtual learning is most susceptible to such innovative methods, as active learning methods (brainstorming, “business games”, “case studies”, “project” methods, etc.).

The virtual student is rightfully the main figure of the virtual educational process, since he is the main “customer and client” of the virtual education system. We can highlight the main differences and advantages of a virtual student, which are concentrated in the following formulations: “education without borders”, “education throughout life”, “education at a lower cost”. On the other hand, specific requirements are imposed on a virtual student in the form of exceptional motivation, discipline, ability to use computer and communication equipment, etc. .

It is obvious that with virtual learning, educational and valiological problems arise with all severity.

A virtual teacher is individual, working either through direct contact or indirectly through telecommunications means and, in addition, it may well be a “robot teacher” in the form of, for example, a CD-ROM.

The main function of a virtual teacher is to manage the processes of training, education, development, in other words, to be a pedagogical manager. During virtual learning, he must play the following roles: coordinator, consultant, educator, etc.

Virtualization of educational environments provides new, unexplored, most likely not tangible and not currently recognized opportunities for education. The scientifically sound use of elements of the technological system of virtual learning, in our opinion, will not lead to restructuring, not to a radical improvement, but to the establishment of a fundamentally new system education

1.2 Virtual laboratory as a teaching tool

The use of modern information technologies in education is no longer an innovation, but a reality of today for the entire civilized world. Currently, ICT has become firmly established in educational sphere. They allow you to change the quality of the educational process, make the lesson modern, interesting, and effective.

Virtual media are means or tools for learning in the classroom. Virtual education also introduces an ethical component - computer technology will never replace the connection between students. It can only support the potential of their joint pursuit of new resources and is suitable for use in various learning situations where students, while studying a subject, participate in dialogue with peers and teachers regarding the material being studied.

Virtual technologies are a way of preparing information, including visual, multiprogramming of various situations.

When conducting a lesson using virtual means, the basic principle of didactics is observed - visibility, which ensures optimal learning of the material by students, increases emotional perception and develops all types of thinking in students.

Virtual learning tools are one of the most modern tools used for teaching in the classroom.

A virtual presentation of laboratory work is a series of bright, memorable images, movement - all this allows you to see what is difficult to imagine, to observe an ongoing phenomenon, experience. Such a lesson allows you to receive information in several forms at once, thus the teacher has the opportunity to enhance the emotional impact on the student. One of the obvious advantages of such a lesson is increased visibility. Let us remember the famous phrase of K.D. Ushinsky: “Children’s nature clearly requires clarity. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; But connect twenty of these words with pictures - and the child will learn them on the fly. You explain a very simple idea to a child, and he doesn’t understand you; you explain a complex picture to the same child, and he understands you quickly... If you are in a class from which it is difficult to get a word (and we don’t look for such classes to become), start showing pictures, and the class will start talking, and most importantly, they will talk


It has also been experimentally established that when presenting material orally, a student perceives and is able to process up to 1 thousand conventional units of information per minute, and when the visual organs are connected, up to 100 thousand such units.

The use of virtual tools in the classroom is a powerful incentive for learning. One of the virtual tools is virtual laboratories, which play a big role in the educational process. They do not replace the teacher and physics textbooks, but create modern, new opportunities for mastering the material: visibility increases, and the possibilities for demonstrating experiments that are difficult or impossible to carry out in an educational institution are expanded.

The virtual laboratory is an interactive software module designed to implement the transition from the information-illustrative function of digital sources to the instrumental-activity and search function, which promotes the development of critical thinking, the development of skills and abilities in the practical use of the information received.

Classification of laboratory work, which is based on the approach to using:

high quality- a phenomenon or experience, usually difficult or impossible to implement in an educational institution, is reproduced on the screen when controlled by the user;

semi-quantitative- in a virtual laboratory, experience is simulated, and a realistic change in individual characteristics (for example, the position of the rheostat slider in electrical circuit) causes changes in the operation of the installation, circuit, device;

quantitative(parametric) - in a model, numerically specified parameters change the characteristics that depend on them or simulate phenomena.

The project plans to create all three types of work, but the main emphasis will be on realistic semi-quantitative laboratory work that ensures high pedagogical effectiveness of their use. An essential feature of the proposed approach is the ability to practice experimental skills in realistic semi-quantitative models. In addition, they implement variability in the conduct of experiments and the obtained values, which increases the effectiveness of using the workshop during network work in a computer class.

A distinctive feature of the planned development should be the high realism of experiments in virtual laboratories, the accuracy of reproducing the physical laws of the world and the essence of experiments and phenomena, as well as uniquely high interactivity. In contrast to the implemented virtual laboratory work, in which the skills and abilities that are not practiced are those in real work, when creating realistic semi-quantitative models, emphasis will be placed on developing experimental work skills, which is relevant and appropriate. In addition, in such work, high variability in the conduct of experiments and the obtained values ​​will be realized, which will increase the efficiency of using a laboratory workshop during network work in a computer class.

The study of a semi-quantitative model (with an implicit mathematical basis) is a non-trivial task that involves a variety of skills: planning an experiment, putting forward or choosing the most reasonable hypotheses about the relationship of phenomena, properties, parameters, drawing conclusions based on experimental data, formulating problems. Particularly important and appropriate is the ability to indicate the boundaries (area, conditions) of the applicability of scientific models, including the study of which aspects of a real phenomenon a computer model successfully reproduces and which are beyond the boundaries of what is being modeled.

The lesson use of virtual laboratory work in relation to real ones can be of various types:

  • demonstration (before real work) use: show frontally, from a large monitor screen or through a multimedia projector, the sequence of actions of real work; Realistic qualitative and semi-quantitative models are preferred;
  • generalizing (after real work) use: frontal mode (demonstration, clarification of questions, formulation of conclusions and consolidation of what has been discussed) or individual (mathematical side of experiments, analysis of graphs and digital values, study of a model as a way of reflecting and representing reality; quantitative, parametric models are preferred) .
  • experimental (instead of real work) use: individual (in small groups) completion of tasks in a virtual laboratory without doing real work, computer experiment. Can be performed with both realistic semi-quantitative 3D models and parametric ones.

Expected results of implementing a virtual laboratory as a virtual learning tool:

  • the creation and implementation of workshops with high realism and an implicit mathematical basis, which is the object of student research, will become one of the foundations for the development of critical thinking and independence;
  • an increase in the efficiency of practical training will be achieved through an optimal combination of real and virtual work;
  • It is predicted that there will be an increase in interest in the learning process among groups of students who do not succeed well in the conventional teaching system.

1.3 Principles and requirements for the development of a virtual laboratory

Since when performing laboratory work a huge part of the time is spent on understanding how to work with the installation, then by downloading the virtual laboratory, the student has the opportunity to prepare in advance by mastering the equipment and studying its operation in various modes. He gets the opportunity to test his knowledge in practice, monitor the action taking place, and analyze the result of the work done.

The use of virtual training technology makes it possible to completely reproduce the interface of a real device in the form of a virtual model, preserving all its functionality. The student launches a virtual laboratory on his computer, which leads to significant time savings in practical classes. Moreover, when developing an emulator, device models are used that work on the same principles as real ones. Their parameters and operating principle can be easily changed, observing how this is reflected in the measurement results. As a result of using virtual laboratories, we receive high-quality training for students to perform laboratory work and work with equipment, which allows students to in-depth study of physical phenomena and a visual representation of the work being carried out.

The “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package must adhere to a number of requirements:

  1. Minimum system requirements, which will allow you to run the product on any personal computer. It should be noted that not all educational institutions can afford the latest generation of computers.
  2. Simplicity and accessibility of use. The software package is designed for middle school students (grades 8 - 9), so one should proceed from the individual psychological characteristics of the students’ development.
  3. Each virtual laboratory should contain a description and instructions for implementation, which will allow students to cope with the work without much effort.
  4. Virtual laboratories are completed as the educational material is mastered.
  5. Visibility of work performance, which allows you to observe the actions taking place. By changing some parameters of the system, the student sees how others change.
  • General structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package.

To implement the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package, it was decided to use four main blocks:

  1. Virtual laboratories.
  2. Guidelines.
  3. About the developer.

The first block, “Virtual Lab Information,” will contain basic information about the benefits, principles, and desired outcomes of virtual labs. The distinctive features of virtual works in relation to real ones will also be given.

The second block “Virtual Laboratories” is planned to be divided into several subblocks, according to the sections of physics. This division will allow the student to quickly and easily find the work he needs and begin to complete it and significantly save time. The unit will include tasks on assembling an electrical circuit, as well as work on thermal and mechanical phenomena.

The third block “Methodological recommendations” will be a description and conduct of virtual laboratory work, as well as brief instructions for their implementation. In this section it will also be necessary to indicate the age category for which the software package being developed is designed. Thus, a student who until now had no idea about virtual laboratories can easily and quickly begin to complete them.

2 Practical implementation of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”

  • Choosing tools for creating a virtual laboratory

Based on an analysis of the general structure of the virtual laboratory, principles and requirements, we believe that the model for implementing the project should be a personal website located on one computer, access to which can be viewed using a browser.

We, as Web site developers, faced the question of what tools could quickly and efficiently complete the task. There are currently two types of editors that create Web sites. These are editors that work directly with code and visual editors. Both technologies have pros and cons. When creating Web sites using code editors, the developer needs to know the HTML language. Working in the visual editor is quite simple and resembles the process of creating a document in Microsoft Word.

Let's look at some of the web editors that exist today.

The simplest tool for creating Web pages is the Notepad application, but using Notepad requires knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and a good understanding of the structure of Web pages. It is desirable to have professional knowledge that makes it possible, with such modest means, to create Web sites using Active X and Flash technologies.

Those who prefer to type HTML code by hand, but who lack the functionality of Notepad and similar programs, choose a program called TextPad. This program, in fact, is very similar to Notepad, but the developers have specifically provided some conveniences in order to write HTML code (as well as Java, C, C++, Perl and some other languages). This is expressed in the fact that when writing an HTML document, all tags are automatically highlighted in blue, their attributes in dark blue, and attribute values ​​in green (the colors can be customized as you wish, just like the font). This highlighting function is useful because in the event of an accidental error in the name of a tag or its attribute, the program immediately reports it.

You can also use visual editors to create web resources. It's about about the so-called WYSIWYG editors. The name comes from the sentence “What You See Is What You Get” - what you see is what you get. WYSIWYG editors allow you to create websites and web pages even for users not familiar with hypertext markup language (HTML).

Macromedia Dreamweaver is a professional HTML editor for visually creating and managing websites of varying complexity and Internet pages. Dreamweaver includes many tools and tools for editing and creating a professional website: HTML, CSS, javascript, javascript debugger, code editors (code viewer and code inspector), which allows you to edit javascript, XML and other text documents that are supported in Dreamweaver. Roundtrip HTML technology imports HTML documents without reformatting the code and allows you to configure Dreamweaver to “clean up” and reformat HTML as the developer desires.

Dreamweaver's visual editing capabilities also allow you to quickly create or redesign a project without writing any code. It is possible to view all centralized elements and “drag” them from a convenient panel directly into the document. You can configure all Dreamweaver functions yourself using the necessary literature.

To create a virtual laboratory, we used the FrontPage environment. According to some sources on the world Internet, up to 50 percent of all pages and Web sites, including large projects, are created using Microsoft FrontPage. And in the CIS, it is quite possible that this figure reaches 80-90 percent.

The advantages of FrontPage over other editors are obvious:

  • FrontPage has strong web support. There are many Web sites, newsgroups, and conferences aimed at FrontPage users. There are also a lot of paid and free plug-ins for FrontPage that expand its capabilities. For example, the best graphics optimizers today, Ulead SmartSaver and Ulead SmartSaver Pro from Ulead, are built into plugins not only in Photoshop, but also in FrontPage. In addition, there is a whole industry of companies developing and releasing themes for FrontPage;
  • FrontPage's interface is very similar to the interface of programs included in the Microsoft Office suite, which makes it easier to learn. In addition, there is complete integration between the programs included in Microsoft Office, which allows you to use information created in other applications in FrontPage.

Thanks to the FrontPage program, not only professional programmers can create Web pages, but also users who want to have a Web site for personal purposes, since there is no need to program in HTML codes and know HTML editors, according to most authors.

The main complaint that developers who create Web pages using HTML code have about FrontPage is that in some cases it writes redundant code by default. For small Web sites this is not critical. In addition, FrontPage allows the developer to work with HTML code.

  • Design stages and structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” shell program

Design is one of the most important and difficult stages of development, on which the effectiveness of further work and the final result depend.

A huge stimulus in the development of pedagogical design was the spread of computer technology. With its arrival in education, teaching methods began to change in the direction of its technologization. Appeared information Technology training.

Pedagogical design is an activity aimed at the development and implementation of educational projects, which are understood as formalized complexes of innovative ideas in education, in the social and pedagogical movement, in educational systems and institutes, in pedagogical technologies (Bezrukova V.S.).

Designing pedagogical systems, processes or situations is a complex multi-stage activity. It is accomplished as a series of sequential stages, bringing the development of the upcoming activity closer from a general idea to precisely described specific actions.

2.2.1 Structure of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”

The design of the “Virtual Laboratory in Physics” program took place in the following stages:

  • awareness of the need to create a product;
  • development of the program “Virtual Laboratory in Physics”;
  • analysis of the control system using ICT;
  • selection of laboratories for thermal and mechanical phenomena from ready-made bases, as well as creation of a laboratory for electrical circuit assembly;
  • a brief description of the technological capabilities of each virtual laboratory, its purpose, rules of conduct, order of execution;
  • development of a methodology for using the “Virtual Laboratory in Physics” program.

Based on the stages considered, the structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software complex was developed (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Structure of the software package

"Virtual Physics Laboratory"

The structure of the shell program includes the core for managing the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” program. The core of control is the program start page. The block is designed to navigate through the developed program for selecting and demonstrating virtual laboratories, and allows you to move to any of the other blocks. Provides quick access to the following sections:

  • “Information about the virtual laboratory”;
  • "Virtual laboratories";
  • "About the developer";

The section “Information about the virtual laboratory” includes theoretical aspects that help to understand the role of virtual learning tools in the educational process.

The “Virtual Laboratories” section includes the laboratory work itself in two areas: thermal and mechanical phenomena, as well as the subsection “Assembling an electrical circuit.” Thermal and mechanical phenomena contain the most basic and significant laboratory work, and the assembly of an electrical circuit allows you to assemble a circuit in accordance with the instructions and laws of physics.

The “About the Developer” section contains basic information about the author and the expected results of introducing the shell program into the modern educational process.

2.2.2 Structure of the virtual laboratory

The website contains 13 pages and, taking into account other available documents, contains a total of 107 files.

The list of pages of the created website is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - List of pages of the created website.

The images folder contains images used in the development of the software package (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Images used

The js folder contains a set of codes that are necessary for the operation of the software package (Figure 4). For example, the data.js file contains code that defines a window with tasks for assembling an electrical circuit.

Figure 4 - Elements of the js folder

Figure 5 shows the structure of the virtual laboratory in physics by section.

Figure 5 - Structure of the virtual laboratory by sections of physics

Each node page in this diagram is indicated by a rectangle. The lines connecting these rectangles symbolize the mutual subordination of the pages.

Below is a description of the main blocks of the virtual laboratory.

The kernel for managing the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” shell program is presented on the index.html page. It is built so that the user can use it to transition to all other blocks of the program. In other words, the control core provides access to information help, access to conducting and demonstrating virtual laboratory work, access to information about the author and expected development results. When developing the control core of the Virtual Physics Laboratory program, frames, background settings, and text formatting were also used.

The information block of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” shell program is represented by the Info.html page. The block is intended to provide brief general information about the virtual laboratory, its role in modern education, and also indicates the main advantages.

  • Development of the software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”

The development of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package begins with the creation of a website, the structure of which is based on the previously discussed blocks (Figure 3). Figure 6 shows the structure of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package. Each node page in this diagram is indicated by a rectangle. The lines connecting these rectangles symbolize the mutual subordination of the pages.

Figure 6 - Structure of the software package

"Virtual laboratory in physics."

The software package management core is presented on the index.htm page. It is designed so that the user can use it to transition to all other blocks of the software package. In other words, the control core provides access to information about the program, access to virtual work, access to methodological recommendations, as well as access to information about the developer of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package.

When developing the control core of the Virtual Physics Laboratory software package, frames, background settings, and text formatting were also used.

The communication scheme between pages is configured using buttons and hyperlinks. Hyperlinks allow you to quickly navigate to the required page, and also organize a connection between the pages of a web site, which determines its integrity. Figure 7 shows the tree of hyperlinks. This disclosure of branches in the hyperlink scheme allows you to visually model the logic of the node’s operation without opening the web pages themselves.

Figure 7 - Scheme of node hyperlinks

  • Demonstration of the created software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”

2.4.1 Development of a software package for creating a virtual laboratory

The development of a software package for creating a virtual laboratory took place in the following stages:

  • analysis of virtual laboratories in the training system and awareness of the need to create a product;
  • development of a shell program “Virtual Physics Laboratory”;
  • development of a virtual laboratory scheme;
  • a brief description of the laboratory’s technological capabilities and their purpose;
  • description of the didactic capabilities of virtual laboratories in physics;
  • development of a methodology for using the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” shell program.

The start page of the virtual laboratory shell program is shown in Figure 8. With its help, the user can go to any of the presented sections.

Figure 8 - Start page

The software package in question has four navigation buttons:

  • information about the virtual laboratory;
  • virtual laboratories;
  • guidelines;
  • about the developer.

Information about the virtual laboratory.

The section “Information about the virtual laboratory” contains the main theoretical aspects, talks about the main advantages of the virtual laboratory, the desired results of implementing the development and is presented in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Information about the virtual laboratory

The section “Information about the virtual laboratory” talks about the advantages of visual physics, namely the possibility of demonstrating physical phenomena from a wider perspective and their comprehensive study. Each work covers a large amount of educational material, including from different sections of physics. This provides ample opportunities for consolidating interdisciplinary connections, for generalizing and systematizing theoretical knowledge.

Interactive work in physics should be carried out in lessons in the form of a workshop when explaining new material or when completing the study of a certain topic. Another option is to perform work outside of school hours, in elective, individual classes. Virtual physics is a new unique direction in the education system. It's no secret that 90% of information enters our brain through the optic nerve. And it is not surprising that until a person sees for himself, he will not be able to clearly understand the nature of certain physical phenomena. Therefore, the learning process must be supported by visual materials. And it’s simply wonderful when you can not only see a static picture depicting any physical phenomenon, but also look at this phenomenon in motion.

The “Virtual Laboratories” section contains three main subsections: electrical circuit, mechanical and thermal phenomena, each of which directly includes the virtual laboratories themselves. This section is presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Virtual laboratories

The subsection “Electrical Circuits” includes three tasks, the purpose of which is to assemble an electrical circuit in accordance with the presented descriptions for the work.

Mechanical and Thermal Phenomena include four labs each that cover a large amount of knowledge.

2.4.2 Selecting elements from ready-made databases to create a virtual physics laboratory

Currently, there are many ready-made elements of virtual physics laboratories, ranging from the simplest to installations of a more serious nature. Having considered various sources and websites, it was decided to use the material from the website of virtual laboratories -, since it is here that not only the material is more fully and originally presented, but also laboratories both in physics and other subjects. That is, I would like to note the fact that this site covers a vast area of ​​knowledge and material.

Each work contains a large amount of educational material. This provides ample opportunities for consolidating interdisciplinary connections, for generalizing and systematizing theoretical knowledge.

Virtual physics is a new unique direction in the education system. It's no secret that 90% of information enters our brain through the optic nerve. And it is not surprising that until a person sees for himself, he will not be able to clearly understand the nature of certain physical phenomena. Therefore, the learning process must be supported by visual materials. And it’s simply wonderful when you can not only see a static picture depicting any physical phenomenon, but also look at this phenomenon in motion.

So, for example, want to explain the mechanics? Please, here are animations showing Newton's second law, the law of conservation of momentum when bodies collide, the motion of bodies in a circle under the influence of gravity and elasticity, etc.

Having reviewed and analyzed the material on the site www. to create a shell program, it was decided to take two main aspects of physics: thermal and mechanical phenomena.

The virtual laboratory “Electrical Circuits” includes the following tasks:

  • assemble a circuit with a parallel connection;
  • assemble a circuit with a serial connection;
  • assemble a circuit with devices.

The virtual laboratory “Thermal Phenomena” includes the following laboratory work:

  • study of Carnot's ideal heat engine;
  • determination of the specific heat of melting of ice;
  • four-stroke engine operation, Otto cycle animation;
  • comparison of the molar heat capacities of metals.

The virtual laboratory “Mechanical Phenomena” includes the following laboratory work:

  • long-range gun;
  • study of Newton's second law;
  • studying the law of conservation of momentum during collisions of bodies;

study of free and forced vibrations.

2.4.3 Description of virtual laboratories in the “Mechanical phenomena” section

Laboratory work No. 1 “Long-range gun”. Virtual laboratory work The “long-range gun” is shown in Figure 11. Having set the initial data for the gun, we simulate a shot, and by dragging the vertical red line with the cursor, we determine the value of the speed at the selected trajectory point.

Figure 11 - Virtual laboratory

"Long-Range Cannon"

In the source data window, the initial speed of the projectile's departure is set, as well as the angle to the horizon, after which we can start firing and analyze the result.

Laboratory work No. 2 “Study of Newton’s second law.” The virtual laboratory work “Study of Newton’s second law” is presented in Figure 12. The purpose of this work is to show Newton’s basic law, which states that the acceleration acquired by a body as a result of an impact on it is directly proportional to the force or resultant forces of this impact and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.

Figure 13 - Virtual laboratory

"Exploring Newton's Second Law"

When carrying out this laboratory work, changing the parameters (height of the counterweight, weight of the loads), we observe the change in acceleration that the body acquires.

Laboratory work No. 3 “Study of free and forced vibrations.” The virtual laboratory work “Study of free and forced vibrations” is presented in Figure 14. In this work, vibrations of bodies under the influence of external periodically changing forces are studied.

Figure 14 - Virtual laboratory

"Study of free and forced vibrations"

Depending on what we want to obtain, the amplitude of the oscillatory system or the amplitude-frequency response, by selecting one of the parameters and setting all the parameters of the system, we can begin to start the work.

Laboratory work No. 4 “Study of the law of conservation of momentum during collisions of bodies.” Virtual laboratory work “Study of the law of conservation of momentum during collisions of bodies” is presented in Figure 15. The law of conservation of momentum is satisfied for closed systems, that is, those that include all interacting bodies, so that none of the bodies of the system are acted upon external forces. However, when solving many physical problems, it turns out that the momentum can remain constant for open systems. True, in this case the amount of motion is conserved only approximately.

Figure 15 - Virtual laboratory

“Study of the law of conservation of momentum during collisions of bodies”

By setting the initial parameters of the system (bullet mass, rod length, cylinder mass) and pressing the start button, we will see the results of the work. Choosing different initial values, we can see how the behavior and results of the laboratory work change.

2.4.4 Description of virtual laboratories in the section “Thermal Phenomena”

Laboratory work No. 1 “Study of the ideal Carnot heat engine.” The virtual laboratory work “Study of an ideal Carnot heat engine” is presented in Figure 16.

Figure 16 - Virtual laboratory

"Study of Carnot's Ideal Heat Engine"

Having started the operation of the heat engine according to the Carnot cycle, use the “Pause” button to stop the process and take readings from the system. Using the “Speed” button, you change the operating speed of the heat engine.

Laboratory work No. 2 “Determination of the specific heat of melting of ice.” Virtual laboratory work “Determination of the specific heat of melting of ice” is presented in Figure 17.

Figure 17 - Virtual laboratory

“Determination of the specific heat of melting of ice”

Ice can exist in three amorphous varieties and 15 crystalline modifications. The phase diagram in the figure to the right shows at what temperatures and pressures some of these modifications exist.

Laboratory work No. 3 “Operation of a four-stroke engine, animation of the Otto cycle.” The virtual laboratory work “Operation of a four-stroke engine, animation of the Otto cycle” is presented in Figure 18. The work is for informational purposes only.

Figure 18 - Virtual laboratory

"Four-stroke engine operation, animation of the Otto cycle"

The four cycles or strokes that the piston goes through: suction, compression, ignition and ejection of gases give the name to the four-stroke or Otto engine.

Laboratory work No. 4 “Comparison of the molar heat capacities of metals.” The virtual laboratory work “Comparison of the molar heat capacities of metals” is presented in Figure 19. By selecting one of the metals and starting the work, we can get detailed information about its heat capacity.

Figure 19 - Virtual laboratory

"Comparison of the molar heat capacities of metals"

The purpose of the work is to compare the heat capacity of the presented metals. To carry out the work, you should select the metal, set the temperature, and record the readings.

2.4.5 Demonstration of the capabilities of creating the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package

The electrical circuit assembly block main.html was developed separately and not much differently. Let's take a closer look at the process.

  • Step. The first step was to create a prototype using, an online tool that allows you to easily create, preview, and share application models. The view of the future window is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20 - Prototype of the “Electrical circuit assembly” window

It was decided to place a panel with electrical elements on the left side of the window, the main buttons in the upper part (open, save, clear, check), the remaining part will be reserved for assembling the electrical circuit. To design the prototype, I chose the bootstrap base - this is something like universal styles for design, examples can be found here

  • Step. For the template for the diagram I chose - one of the simplest libraries that allows you to build graphs (example (Figure 21).

Figure 21 - Design and diagram of the “Electrical circuit assembly” window

As a template for constructing an electrical circuit, a library for constructing graphs was used and a suitable circuit was selected, which will later be modified and adapted to our requirements.

  • Step. Next I added a few basic elements.

On the graph, geometric shapes were replaced with pictures; the selected library allows you to use any images (Figure 22).

Figure 22 - Design and diagram of the “Electrical circuit assembly” window

At this step, pictures of the elements of the electrical circuit were created, the list of the elements themselves was expanded, and in the window for constructing an electrical circuit we can now connect the electrical elements.

4 Step. Based on the same bootstrap, I made a model of a pop-up window - it was supposed to be used for any actions requiring user confirmation (example Figure 23.

Figure 23 - Pop-up window

In the future, it was planned to place tasks on this pop-up window with the right of choice by the user.

  • Step. In the pop-up window created in the previous step, I added a list of several options for tasks that will be offered to the student. I decided to choose the tasks based on the middle school curriculum (grades 8-9).

Tasks include: title, description and picture (Figure 24).

Figure 24 - Selecting a task option

Thus, at this step we received a pop-up window with a choice of tasks; when you click on one of them, it becomes active (highlighted).

  • Step. Due to the use of various electrical elements in tasks, it became necessary to add more. After adding, let's test how the connections between elements work (Figure 25).

Figure 25 - Adding electrical circuit elements

All elements can be placed in the circuit construction window and physical connections can be established, so let’s move on to the next step.

  • Step. When checking a task, you need to somehow inform the user about the result.

Figure 26 - Tooltips

The main types of errors when performing chain assembly tasks are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Main types of errors.

  • Step. After completing the task, the “Check” button becomes available, which starts the scan. At this step, a description of the elements and connections that must be on the diagram for successful implementation was added (Figure 27).

Figure 27 - Checking the electrical circuit

If the task is completed successfully, then after verification a dialog box appears informing us that the task was completed successfully.

9 Step. At this step, it was decided to add a connection point, which will allow us to assemble more complex circuits with parallel connections (Figure 28).

Figure 28 - Connection point

After the “connection point” element was successfully added, it became necessary to add a job using this element.

  • Step. Starting and checking the task of assembling an electrical circuit with devices (Figure 29).

Figure 29 - Execution result

2.4.6 Guidelines for the use of the created software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics”

2.4.7 Description of the “About the Developer” section

The “About the Developer” section contains basic information about the author and the expected results of introducing the software package into the modern educational process (Figure 31).

Figure 31 - About the developer

This section was created to provide brief information about the developer of the “Virtual Physics Laboratory” software package.

This section contains the most basic information about the author, briefly describes the expected results of the development, attaches a certificate of approbation of the software package, and also indicates the director of the diploma project.


In the presented work, a review of scientific and pedagogical literature on the use of virtual tools in the system was carried out modern education. Based on this, the particular importance of using a virtual laboratory in the learning process was identified.

The paper examines the use of ICT in the educational process, the issue of virtualization of education, and the possibilities of virtual laboratory work in the study of processes and phenomena that are difficult to study in real conditions.

In view of the fact that the modern market of software products provides a large number of different programs - shells, the question was raised about the need to create a software package that allows you to perform virtual laboratory work without any difficulties. With the help of a computer, a student can quite easily and quickly complete the necessary work and monitor the progress of its implementation.

Before starting to implement the software package, a generalized structure of the Virtual Physics Laboratory was developed, which is presented in Figure 1.

After that, a selection of a tool environment was carried out for the development of the “Virtual Laboratory for Physics” software package.

A specific structure of the software complex has been developed, shown in Figure 5.

A database of ready-made elements that can be used to create a software package has been analyzed.

The tool chosen for creating a virtual physics laboratory is the FrontPages environment, since it allows you to easily and simply create and edit HTML pages.

In the course of the work, the software product “Virtual Laboratory for Physics” was created. The developed laboratory will help teachers carry out the educational and pedagogical process. It can also significantly simplify complex laboratory work, facilitate a visual presentation of the experience being carried out, increase the efficiency of the educational process, and motivate students

Three virtual laboratories were created in the software package:

  1. Electrical circuits.
  2. Mechanical phenomena.
  3. Thermal phenomena.

In each work, students can test their individual knowledge.

To ensure the interaction of students with the software package, methodological recommendations were developed to help them easily and quickly begin performing virtual laboratories.

The software package “Virtual Laboratory for Physics” was tested in school lessons by category I teacher O.S. Rott. (certificate of approbation is attached). The software package was also presented at the conference “Information Technologies in Education”.

The software product was tested, during which it turned out that the software product meets the set goals and objectives, works stably, and can be used in practice.

Thus, it should be noted that virtual laboratory work replaces (completely or at certain stages) a natural object of research, which makes it possible to obtain guaranteed experimental results, focus attention on the key aspects of the phenomenon under study, and reduce the time of the experiment.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to remember that a virtual model displays real processes and phenomena in a more or less simplified, schematic form, so finding out what is actually emphasized in the model and what is left behind the scenes can be one of the forms of the task. This type of work can be performed entirely in a computer version or made as one of the stages in a broader work, which also includes work with natural objects and laboratory equipment.

List of used literature

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Virtual laboratory work in physics.

An important place in the formation of students’ research competence in physics lessons is given to demonstration experiments and frontal laboratory work. A physical experiment in physics lessons forms students’ previously accumulated ideas about physical phenomena and processes, replenishes and broadens students’ horizons. During the experiment, conducted by students independently during laboratory work, they learn the laws of physical phenomena, become familiar with the methods of their research, learn to work with physical instruments and installations, that is, they learn to independently obtain knowledge in practice. Thus, when conducting a physical experiment, students develop research competence.

But to conduct a full-fledged physical experiment, both demonstration and frontal, a sufficient amount of appropriate equipment is needed. Currently, school physics laboratories are not sufficiently equipped with physics instruments and educational visual aids for conducting demonstration and front-end laboratory work. The existing equipment has not only become unusable, it is also obsolete.

But even if the physics laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments, a real experiment requires a lot of time to prepare and conduct it. At the same time, due to significant measurement errors and time limitations of the lesson, a real experiment often cannot serve as a source of knowledge about physical laws, since the identified patterns are only approximate, often the correctly calculated error exceeds the measured values ​​themselves. Thus, it is difficult to conduct a full-fledged laboratory experiment in physics with the resources available in schools.

Students cannot imagine some phenomena of the macrocosm and microcosm, since individual phenomena studied in a high school physics course cannot be observed in real life and, moreover, reproduce experimentally in a physical laboratory, for example, the phenomena of atomic and nuclear physics, etc.

The execution of individual experimental tasks in the classroom on existing equipment occurs under certain specified parameters, which cannot be changed. In this regard, it is impossible to trace all the patterns of the phenomena being studied, which also affects the level of knowledge of students.

And finally, it is impossible to teach students to independently obtain physical knowledge, that is, to develop their research competence, using only traditional teaching technologies. Living in the information world, it is impossible to carry out the learning process without the use of information technology. And in our opinion there are reasons for this:

    The main task of education in this moment– developing students’ skills and abilities to independently acquire knowledge. Information technology provides this opportunity.

    It's no secret that at the moment students have lost interest in studying, and in particular in studying physics. And the use of a computer increases and stimulates students’ interest in acquiring new knowledge.

    Each student is individual. And the use of a computer in teaching allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the student, gives big choice the student himself in choosing his own pace of studying the material, consolidating and assessing. Evaluating the results of a student’s mastery of a topic by taking tests on a computer removes the teacher’s personal relationship with the student.

In this regard, an idea appears: Use information technology in physics classes, namely when performing laboratory work.

If you conduct a physical experiment and front-end laboratory work using virtual models via a computer, you can compensate for the lack of equipment in the school’s physical laboratory and, thus, teach students to independently acquire physical knowledge during a physical experiment on virtual models, that is, it appears real opportunity formation of the necessary research competence in students and increasing the level of students’ learning in physics.

The use of computer technologies in physics lessons allows the formation of practical skills in the same way that the virtual environment of a computer allows you to quickly modify the setup of an experiment, which ensures significant variability in its results, and this significantly enriches the practice of students performing logical operations of analyzing and formulating conclusions of the results of an experiment. In addition, you can carry out the test multiple times with changing parameters, save the results and return to your studies at a convenient time. In addition, a much larger number of experiments can be carried out in the computer version. Working with these models opens up enormous cognitive opportunities for students, making them not only observers, but also active participants in the experiments being conducted.

Another positive point is that the computer provides a unique opportunity, not implemented in a real physical experiment, to visualize not a real natural phenomenon, but its simplified theoretical model, which allows you to quickly and effectively find the main physical laws of the observed phenomenon. In addition, the student can simultaneously observe the construction of corresponding graphical patterns while the experiment is progressing. The graphical way of displaying simulation results makes it easier for students to assimilate large amounts of information received. Such models are of particular value, since students, as a rule, experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs. It is also necessary to take into account that not all processes, phenomena, historical experiments in physics can be imagined by a student without the help of virtual models (for example, diffusion in gases, the Carnot cycle, the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect, the binding energy of nuclei, etc.). Interactive models allow the student to see processes in a simplified form, imagine installation diagrams, and conduct experiments that are generally impossible in real life.

All computer laboratory work is performed using classic scheme:

Theoretical mastery of the material;

Studying a ready-made computer laboratory installation or creating a computer model of a real laboratory installation;

Performing experimental studies;

Processing the experimental results on a computer.

A computer laboratory installation, as a rule, is a computer model of a real experimental installation, made using computer graphics and computer modeling. Some works contain only a diagram of the laboratory installation and its elements. In this case, before starting laboratory work, the laboratory setup must be assembled on a computer. Performing experimental research is a direct analogue of an experiment on a real physical installation. In this case, the real physical process is simulated on a computer.

Features of EOR “Physics. Electricity. Virtual laboratory".

Currently, there are quite a lot of electronic learning tools that include the development of virtual laboratory work. In our work we used the electronic learning tool “Physics. Electricity. Virtual laboratory"(hereinafter - ESO is intended to support the educational process on the topic “Electricity” in general education institutions (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 ESO.

This manual was created by a group of Polotsk scientists state university. There are several advantages to using this ESO.

    Easy installation of the program.

    Simple user interface.

    The devices completely copy the real ones.

    A large number of devices.

    All real rules for working with electrical circuits are observed.

    Possibility of carrying out enough large quantity laboratory work under different conditions.

    Possibility of carrying out work, including to demonstrate consequences that are unattainable or undesirable in a full-scale experiment (fuse, light bulb, electrical measuring device blown; changing the polarity of switching on devices, etc.).

    Possibility of conducting laboratory work outside of the educational institution.

General information

ESE is designed to provide computer support for teaching the subject “physics”. The main goal of the creation, dissemination and application of ESL is to improve the quality of education through effective, methodologically sound, systematic use by all participants in the educational process at different stages educational activities.

The educational materials included in this ESE meet the requirements curriculum in physics. The basis of the educational materials of this ESE will be materials from modern physics textbooks as well as didactic materials for performing laboratory work and experimental research.

The conceptual apparatus used in the developed ESE is based on the educational material of existing physics textbooks, as well as physics reference books recommended for use in secondary schools.

The virtual laboratory is implemented as a separate operating system applicationWindows.

This ESO allows you to carry out frontal laboratory work using virtual models of real instruments and devices (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Equipment.

Demonstration experiments make it possible to show and explain the results of those actions that are impossible or undesirable to carry out in real conditions (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Undesirable results of the experiment.

Possibility of organizing individual work, when students can independently carry out experiments, as well as repeat experiments outside of class, for example, on a home computer.

Purpose of the ESO

ESO is a computer tool used in teaching physics, necessary for solving educational and pedagogical problems..

ESE can be used to provide computer support for teaching the subject “physics”.

The ESE includes 8 laboratory works in the “Electricity” section of the physics course, studied in the VIII and XI grades of secondary school.

With the help of ESO, the main tasks of providing computer support for the following stages of educational activities are solved:

Explanation of educational material,

Its consolidation and repetition;

Organization of independent cognitive activity of the student;

Diagnosis and correction of knowledge gaps;

Intermediate and final control.

ESO can be used as effective means to develop students’ practical skills in the following forms of organizing educational activities:

To perform laboratory work (main purpose);

As a means of organizing a demonstration experiment, including to demonstrate consequences that are unattainable or undesirable in a full-scale experiment (fuse, light bulb, electrical measuring device blown; change in the polarity of switching on devices, etc.)

When solving experimental problems;

For organizing educational and research work of students, solving creative problems outside of class time, including at home.

ESP can also be used in the following demonstrations, experiments and virtual experimental studies: current sources; ammeter, voltmeter; studying the dependence of current on voltage in a section of the circuit; study of the dependence of the current strength in the rheostat on the length of its working part; study of the dependence of the resistance of conductors on their length, cross-sectional area and type of substance; design and operation of rheostats; serial and parallel connection of conductors; determination of power consumed by an electric heating device; fuses.

O RAM capacity: 1 GB;

processor frequency from 1100 MHz;

disk memory - 1 GB free space on disk;

operates on operating systemsWindows 98/NT/2000/XP/ Vista;

in the operating systemandBrowser must not be installedMSExplorer 6.0/7.0;

for the convenience of the user, the workplace must be equipped with a mouse manipulator and a monitor with a resolution of 1024x 768 and above;

Availability devicesreadingCD/ DVDdisks for installing ESO.

Visual physics provides the teacher with the opportunity to find the most interesting and effective methods learning, making classes interesting and more intense.

The main advantage of visual physics is the ability to demonstrate physical phenomena from a wider perspective and comprehensively study them. Each work covers a large amount of educational material, including from different branches of physics. This provides ample opportunities for consolidating interdisciplinary connections, for generalizing and systematizing theoretical knowledge.

Interactive work in physics should be carried out in lessons in the form of a workshop when explaining new material or when completing the study of a certain topic. Another option is to perform work outside of school hours, in elective, individual classes.

Virtual physics(or physics online) is a new unique direction in the education system. It's no secret that 90% of information enters our brain through the optic nerve. And it is not surprising that until a person sees for himself, he will not be able to clearly understand the nature of certain physical phenomena. Therefore, the learning process must be supported by visual materials. And it’s simply wonderful when you can not only see a static picture depicting any physical phenomenon, but also look at this phenomenon in motion. This resource allows teachers, in an easy and relaxed manner, to clearly demonstrate not only the operation of the basic laws of physics, but will also help conduct online laboratory work in physics in most sections of the general education curriculum. For example, how can one explain in words the principle p-n actions transition? Only by showing an animation of this process to a child does everything immediately become clear to him. Or you can clearly demonstrate the process of electron transfer when glass rubs on silk, and after that the child will have fewer questions about the nature of this phenomenon. In addition, visual aids cover almost all sections of physics. So for example, want to explain the mechanics? Please, here are animations showing Newton's second law, the law of conservation of momentum when bodies collide, the motion of bodies in a circle under the influence of gravity and elasticity, etc. If you want to study the optics section, nothing could be easier! Experiments on measuring the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating, observation of continuous and line emission spectra, observation of interference and diffraction of light, and many other experiments are clearly shown. What about electricity? And this section is given quite a few visual aids, for example there is experiments to study Ohm's law for complete circuit, mixed conductor connection research, electromagnetic induction, etc.

Thus, the learning process from the “obligatory task” to which we are all accustomed will turn into a game. It will be interesting and fun for the child to look at animations of physical phenomena, and this will not only simplify, but also speed up the learning process. Among other things, it may be possible to give the child even more information than he could receive in the usual form of education. In addition, many animations can completely replace certain laboratory instruments, thus it is ideal for many rural schools, where, unfortunately, even a Brown electrometer is not always available. What can I say, many devices are not even in regular schools large cities. Perhaps by introducing such visual aids into the compulsory education program, after graduating from school we will get people interested in physics, who will eventually become young scientists, some of whom will be able to make great discoveries! Thus, the scientific era of great domestic scientists will be revived and our country will again, as in Soviet times, will create unique technologies ahead of their time. Therefore, I think it is necessary to popularize such resources as much as possible, to inform about them not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren themselves, because many of them will be interested in studying physical phenomena not only in lessons at school, but also at home free time and this site gives them such an opportunity! Physics online it's interesting, educational, visual and easily accessible!

Visual physics provides the teacher with the opportunity to find the most interesting and effective teaching methods, making classes interesting and more intense.

The main advantage of visual physics is the ability to demonstrate physical phenomena from a wider perspective and comprehensively study them. Each work covers a large amount of educational material, including from different branches of physics. This provides ample opportunities for consolidating interdisciplinary connections, for generalizing and systematizing theoretical knowledge.

Interactive work in physics should be carried out in lessons in the form of a workshop when explaining new material or when completing the study of a certain topic. Another option is to perform work outside of school hours, in elective, individual classes.

Virtual physics(or physics online) is a new unique direction in the education system. It's no secret that 90% of information enters our brain through the optic nerve. And it is not surprising that until a person sees for himself, he will not be able to clearly understand the nature of certain physical phenomena. Therefore, the learning process must be supported by visual materials. And it’s simply wonderful when you can not only see a static picture depicting any physical phenomenon, but also look at this phenomenon in motion. This resource allows teachers, in an easy and relaxed manner, to clearly demonstrate not only the operation of the basic laws of physics, but will also help conduct online laboratory work in physics in most sections of the general education curriculum. For example, how can you explain in words the principle of operation p-n junction? Only by showing an animation of this process to a child does everything immediately become clear to him. Or you can clearly demonstrate the process of electron transfer when glass rubs on silk, and after that the child will have fewer questions about the nature of this phenomenon. In addition, visual aids cover almost all sections of physics. So for example, want to explain the mechanics? Please, here are animations showing Newton's second law, the law of conservation of momentum when bodies collide, the motion of bodies in a circle under the influence of gravity and elasticity, etc. If you want to study the optics section, nothing could be easier! Experiments on measuring the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating, observation of continuous and line emission spectra, observation of interference and diffraction of light, and many other experiments are clearly shown. What about electricity? And this section is given quite a few visual aids, for example there is experiments to study Ohm's law for complete circuit, mixed conductor connection research, electromagnetic induction, etc.

Thus, the learning process from the “obligatory task” to which we are all accustomed will turn into a game. It will be interesting and fun for the child to look at animations of physical phenomena, and this will not only simplify, but also speed up the learning process. Among other things, it may be possible to give the child even more information than he could receive in the usual form of education. In addition, many animations can completely replace certain laboratory instruments, thus it is ideal for many rural schools, where, unfortunately, even a Brown electrometer is not always available. What can I say, many devices are not even in ordinary schools in large cities. Perhaps by introducing such visual aids into the compulsory education program, after graduating from school we will get people interested in physics, who will eventually become young scientists, some of whom will be able to make great discoveries! In this way, the scientific era of great domestic scientists will be revived and our country will again, as in Soviet times, create unique technologies that are ahead of their time. Therefore, I think it is necessary to popularize such resources as much as possible, to inform about them not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren themselves, because many of them will be interested in studying physical phenomena not only in lessons at school, but also at home in their free time, and this site gives them such an opportunity! Physics online it's interesting, educational, visual and easily accessible!

This section presents virtual laboratory work in physics. In laboratory work in physics, one acquires skills in conducting experiments and understanding instruments. There is an opportunity to learn how to independently draw conclusions from the experimental data obtained and thereby more deeply and fully assimilate theoretical material.

"Atwood's device. Testing Newton's Second Law".

Purpose of the work: check Newton's Second Law.

Virtual laboratory work. " Determination of the coefficient of internal friction of a fluid using the Stokes method".

Purpose of the work: to become familiar with the method of determining the coefficient of internal friction of a liquid from the speed at which a ball falls in this liquid.

Virtual laboratory work. "Relationship of quantities during rotational motion".

Purpose of the work: to check, using an Oberbeck pendulum, the dependence of angular acceleration on the moment of force and on the moment of inertia.

Virtual laboratory work. "Exploring the Mathematical Pendulum".

Purpose of the work: to study damped and undamped oscillations of a mathematical pendulum.

Virtual laboratory work. "Study of a spring pendulum".

Purpose of the work: to study damped and undamped oscillations of a spring pendulum.

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