Anti-aircraft missile system with 500 Prometheus. Russian air defense is capable of destroying invisible guns

Hit small targets with equal efficiency, cruise missiles, airplanes and helicopters, satellites, and also intercept nuclear warheads, entering the dense layers of the atmosphere at speeds of up to ten kilometers per second. The newest S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system will be able to do all this. Its appearance in service with the Aerospace Forces was announced by Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov. The military leader did not disclose the characteristics of the complex. Nevertheless, the West is very concerned about the Russian development, rightly believing that Moscow has once again created an “antidote” to a possible missile strike across its territory, in which a combat control system unites all Russian air defense and missile defense systems under a single control. Very little is known about Prometheus. Columnist for The National Interest magazine, military analyst Sebastien Roblin writes that the S-500 will be especially effective against “stealth aircraft” F-22, F-35 and B-2. However, judging by the available descriptions of the system’s characteristics, countering such aircraft will not be its main task, the analyst adds. The S-500 can hit targets at an altitude of about 200 km. And it will stop approaching ballistic missiles at a distance of 640 km. That is, at a much greater distance than the most modern Russian S-400 Triumph air defense system can - 400 km. The commander of the Russian Air Force, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, claims that the S-500 will be able to simultaneously fire at up to ten targets, having a reaction time of three to four seconds. For comparison, the S-400 can simultaneously fire at six targets, and its reaction time is nine seconds. The Americans believe that the air defense system will have interceptor missiles with an active radar homing head in its arsenal. This, according to experts, will make it similar to the American THAAD (anti-aircraft missile system mobile ground-based for high-altitude transatmospheric interception of medium-range missiles). The S-500 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 anti-missile missiles will use kinetic energy. That is, the missile will hit the target through physical contact with it, and not through a high-explosive fragmentation warhead exploding in close proximity to it and destroying the object with a huge number of damaging elements. The 77N6 anti-missile missiles will fly at hypersonic speeds from five to seven kilometers per second, which will allow them to intercept enemy supersonic cruise missiles. “The S-500 complex makes it have a very long range perfect weapon against the largest and most inconspicuous targets. Identifying and hitting a bomber from long range will be difficult, but AWACS aircraft or aircraft electronic warfare and ground combat control of the E8 J-Star will be in much greater danger and, most likely, will be forced to operate outside the radius of the S-500,” Roblin said.
One of the New Year calendars of the Almaz-Antey concern allegedly featured the S-500 Prometheus mobile launcher, assembled on the MZKT-792911 chassis. A six-axle tractor with a distinctive cabin and two huge pipes in the body with anti-missile defenses. The concern neither confirmed nor denied numerous questions regarding whether they inadvertently “declassified” the S-500. Therefore, this appearance is accepted by all experts as the standard. There is little information, and it may be unreliable. Nevertheless, the expert community is looking forward to the first presentation of Prometheus. Next year it should enter service with the Aerospace Forces. Its location will be the Central Industrial District of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Here the S-500 will either replace the deployed S-400 Triumph systems, or become a combat control system for them with expanded fire potential. There is an opinion that “Prometheus” is not just an anti-aircraft missile system, but a whole range of measures to unite Russian system Air defense-missile defense into a single information space.
It will analyze information from satellites of the missile attack warning system, over-the-horizon radars of the Voronezh type, select targets by importance, cut off false ones at a great distance, accompany all this and, finally, issue target designations to various systems. All together this is a very complex and expensive job. Therefore, it is possible that the S-500 Prometheus will not enter service at full strength. First, launchers and radar equipment, and only then all this will be combined into a complex. Nevertheless, we can already say that Russia has created the world’s first multi-echelon air defense and missile defense system, which reliably protects our country from massive missile attacks.

Thanks to the ultra-long-range guided maneuvering missile 40N6, the S-500 system can hit targets at an altitude of up to 250 km and at a distance of up to 500 km. Developing a speed of up to 9 Mach, a missile with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead is capable of destroying objects flying at speeds of up to 15.6 M. To destroy four types of aerospace targets, the principle of specialization of radars and missiles is provided depending on the tasks being solved.

The new generation S-500 Prometheus air and missile defense system will become the basis of the national defense system against aerospace attacks. Unlike many other military innovations, work on it is not advertised - it is only known that the development of the S-500 is included in the state arms program of the Russian Federation until 2027. The characteristics of the system are also classified. But on Air Defense Forces Day, you can open some of them.

The S-500 will be in every sense the pinnacle of the air defense-missile defense system - it is designed to operate at altitudes inaccessible to other systems, 100 kilometers and above, that is, in near space. Most military satellites operate there different countries responsible for reconnaissance, communications, navigation and target designation. The tops of the trajectories of ballistic missiles are also located there - at an altitude of hundreds of kilometers the missiles are separated combat units and, surrounded by a swarm of false targets, rush back to the ground at exorbitant speeds. Until now, near space has remained a quiet corner, inaccessible to weapons of destruction. The first hunter in this “reserve” will be “Prometheus”.

According to data from open sources, the complex will receive an ultra-long-range 40N6 guided missile with a destruction altitude of 200-250 kilometers. Ground-based radars in space cannot help the rocket, so the 40N6 has a control system different from other missiles. Its fundamentally new homing head can operate in both semi-active and fully active modes - upon command from the ground, the missile switches to independently searching for a target and, having detected it, is aimed autonomously.

A two-stage solid-propellant missile about nine meters long has a speed of up to Mach 9 and can intercept targets flying at a speed of 15.6 Mach. To do this, the missile maneuvers with an overload of 25 units. This is far from the limit for missile defense systems - the Russian 53T6 anti-missile missiles in service can withstand overloads of 200 units.

The 40N6 warhead is high-explosive fragmentation, has a range of 500 kilometers, and has a 95 percent probability of hitting a target. In 2017, state tests of a long-range anti-aircraft guided missile were reported." With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that we're talking about o 40N6.

Another feature of Prometheus will be the system architecture. If in previous generations of complexes one universal radar was responsible for detecting, capturing and tracking all types of targets, then the S-500 uses several specialized radars, whose characteristics are adapted to a specific type of aircraft.

Relatively speaking, one radar deals with airplanes and helicopters, another with cruise missiles, a third with ballistic missiles, and a fourth with satellites. Similar to radars, each complex will be armed with specialized missiles for each type of target - a similar arsenal, although not as wide, is already available in the S-400 Triumph complex.

Recently, one of the components of the S-500 was highlighted in a news release - the Yenisei radar helped track targets during the demonstration exercises of the Aerospace Forces at the Astrakhan Ashuluk training ground.

DATA FOR 2017 (standard update)
System S-500 "Prometheus" / 55Р6М "Triumfator-M" / "Triumfator-MR", complex 98Х6М1 - SA-X-26
System S-1000
Research work "Autocrat", research work "Vlastelin-TP"

Air defense and missile defense anti-aircraft missile system / long-range anti-aircraft missile system. The development of the S-500 system is carried out by the GSKB of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern. In 2002, NPO Almaz prepared an engineering note on the creation of a 5th generation anti-aircraft missile system, identifying the main performance characteristics of the system. Work on the design of the air defense system began in 2003. In 2004, preliminary design of the S-500 air defense system began. In 2005, NPO Almaz, within the framework of the State Defense Order for 2005, carried out work on a component of the research work "Vlastelin" and work on the research work "Autocrat-AA". In 2006, by the decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Complex under the Council of Ministers of Russia and the board of directors of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern, it was proposed to designate the GSKB of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern as the lead design bureau for the development of the 5th generation S-500 air defense missile system. On February 27, 2007, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Complex under the Government of Russia approved the GSKB as the lead developer of the Unified Anti-Aircraft Missile Weapon System, including the S-500 air defense system as one of the components.

2008 GSKB "Almaz-Antey" carries out the 4th stage of the research work "Vlastelin-TP" ("Triumphator-Prometheus"), work is underway on the preliminary design of product 97L6 of the research work "Vlastelin-TP".

In 2009, the development of the S-500 air defense system was announced in the media, and working design documentation for the S-500 air defense system was also being developed. In 2009, by order of OJSC MKB Fakel, OJSC Radiophysics carried out work on the Triumfator-MR-RF R&D component. Stage 1 “Development of the technical design of the product 77N6.1.R” and stage 2 “Prototyping of the product 77N6.1.R” were carried out. The work will be completed in 2010. In 2009, advance payments for work were received in the amount of 13.698 million rubles, including 4.883 million rubles for stage 1. and for stage 2 - 8.815 million rubles (). By order of OJSC GSKB Almaz-Antey and OJSC Radiophysics, the development of an active antenna array for the multifunctional radar 77T6 based on the Triumfator-AAR-1 midrange design is being carried out. Stage 1 developed technical project onto the antenna array of the 77T6 product. The volume of work in 2009 in contract prices amounted to 52.790 million rubles. At the same time, OJSC "Radiophysics" carried out work on the mid-frequency development work "Development, manufacture, configuration and testing of a prototype of a fragment of an X-band APAA with optical powering" code for the mid-frequency development work "Triumfator-M" "TA-256". In 2009, stages 1 “Development and production of a prototype of an X-band APAA fragment with optical power supply” and 2 “Setting up and testing of a prototype of an X-band APAA fragment with optical power supply” were carried out. The work is completed in 2010 (in 2009, an advance payment for stage 1 was received in the amount of 28.536 million rubles. By order of OJSC GSKB Almaz-Antey, the development and production of a mock-up of the 1TA120 subarray is being carried out, as well as the production of a test stand and testing of the mock-up subarrays (code SCH OKR "Triumfator-MKT-F"). At stage 1, prototyping of an antenna device based on an AFAR with feeder excitation for the 77T6 product was carried out and tests of the prototype units were carried out. Work began on stage 2, "Configuring and testing a prototype of an antenna device based on an AFAR with feeder excitation for product 77T6" ().

2010 GSKB "Almaz-Antey" developed a technical design for the 55R6M air defense system and a technical design for the 98Zh6M1 missile system, confirmed the possibility of developing a system with the required performance characteristics, developed communication means for the air defense system, and tested the controls for a full-scale experiment. Also in 2010, prototyping of air defense missiles - products 77T6, 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 was carried out, a MIMS (model) of the main component of the system - the 98Zh6M1 anti-aircraft missile system - was created, and autonomous testing of the software was carried out ( ist. - Annual report of GSKB "Almaz-Antey" for 2009-2010.).

The name SA-X-26 has not been officially confirmed.

Presumably a launcher for the S-500 type 77P6-1 air defense system on the MZKT-792911 chassis (New Year's calendar of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern for 2015 via Said Aminov,, processing).

In 2010, the name of the system was announced - 55Р6М (OKR). Also in 2010, mathematical models of the control loop of promising missile defense systems were developed and modeling was carried out with variants of the seeker. The affected areas and effectiveness were assessed. The name of the S-500 "Prometheus" missile defense system was first mentioned in the media in April 2012. Also in April 2012, information appeared about the planned start of construction in 2012 Nizhny Novgorod plant of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern for the production of components of the S-500 missile defense system. Completion of the plant is expected in 2015, and production of the S-500 systems is planned to begin in 2014-2015. (source - Mikhalev A.)

In March 2012, the development of working design documentation for the complex continues. The development of the S-500 air defense system is planned to be fully completed in 2012, and prototypes are planned to be manufactured in 2013 (plans March 2012, ist. - Defense Industry News). However, at the end of 2012, the Almaz-Antey air defense concern reported on work on the production of prototypes of the 55R6M system - the 60K6 product, the 55P6 launcher, the 77N6-N missile and components prototypes of products 85Zh6-1 and 77T6 (air defense concern "Almaz-Antey", source - Annual report 2012). In 2013, the components of the S-500 air defense system were manufactured and their autonomous tests were carried out (Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, source - Annual Report 2013).

In January 2015, it was announced that the R&D work on the creation of the S-500 system will be completed in 2017: “The completion date for this R&D work is 2017. This is a multifunctional complex, it is designed to solve many problems, along with air defense tasks it will solve missile defense problems. defense, it will be introduced in stages. Its full capabilities will be presented by industry to confirm all the requirements that we have laid down in this complex in 2017" ().

It is possible that in 2011-2013 Due to a change in priorities for the developers of chassis for missile systems, the S-500 air defense system was redesigned from the BAZ chassis to the MZKT chassis. The base chassis of the air defense missile launchers is MZKT-792911; the system’s auxiliary equipment will presumably be placed on the MZKT chassis as well. By 2014, the main enterprise for launchers is probably the Obukhov plant (St. Petersburg). Chassis MZKT-792911, designed for installation and transportation special equipment created by MZKT by order of OJSC "GOZ "Obukhov Plant" (). But on March 30, 2016, the media reported, citing a source in the directorate of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern, about plans to produce launchers for air defense systems of the S-400 and S-500 type on the chassis of the BAZ plant, which was acquired by the Air Defense Concern in 2015 ().

System testing Air defense/missile defense S-500: VAt the very beginning of development - in 2002 - it was planned to begin testing the air defense system before 2010 (as of 2010, there is no information about testing the air defense system). In July 2009, the media reported the readiness for testing of the 40N6 missile defense system, which will presumably be included in the ultra-long-range echelon of the S-500 air defense system. Also in 2009, there were the first unconfirmed reports of the beginning military tests SAM 40N6. Testing of the air defense system is planned (2010 plans) to be completed by 2015. On January 27, 2011, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Space Forces, O. Ostapenko, announced that the production of prototypes of the new missile defense system had begun, and testing of some components had already begun at the Sary-Shagan test site.

Tower 40V6MT and radar 91N6A(M) of the S-500 Anti-Aircraft Missile System (drawing from a poster from a show of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel,

TTX systems:

Fire weapons of the S-500 air defense / missile defense system:
The 98Zh6M1 anti-aircraft missile system includes multifunctional illumination and guidance radars 76T6 and 77T6, transport and launchers with missiles different types. A 40V6MT tower can optionally be used to place radar antenna posts.

Multifunctional radar with phased array 76T6 on the BAZ-6909-022 chassis was presented for the first time at the equipment show in Bronnitsy on June 10, 2011.

A multifunctional radar with AFAR 77T6 on the BAZ-69096 chassis was presented for the first time at the equipment show in Bronnitsy on June 10, 2011. In 2010, a set of AFAR receiving and transmitting modules was developed for the 77T6 radar, a mock-up of the base unit (AFAR subarray) was manufactured and tested. consisting of 256 receiving and transmitting channels with control, power and cooling systems ( ist. - Annual report of GSKB "Almaz-Antey" for 2009.). In 2013, GSKB Almaz-Antey developed working design documentation for the leveling and stabilization system for the 77T6 antenna post ().

Launchers of the S-500 air defense system:
Option 1 (BAZ chassis):
SPU of long-range missile defense missiles 77P6 on the BAZ-69096 chassis. Appearance The car was first presented at a technology show in Bronnitsy on June 10, 2011.
Number of missiles in TPK - 2

Launcher 77P6 on the BAZ-69096 chassis from the S-500 air defense system (processed drawing from a poster from a show of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel,

SPU 55P6 air defense missiles - as part of work on the "Triumphator" theme in 2012, KBSM completed the development of design documentation ( ist. - KBSM Annual Report for 2012). In 2013, KBSM on the topic "Triumfator-M" completed the development of working design documentation for the SPU 55P6 and began manufacturing a prototype SPU(ist. - KBSM Annual Report for 2013).

SPU of air defense missiles 51P6M ( ist. - Mikhalev A.).

Option 2 (MZKT chassis):
SPU of long-range missile defense missiles 77P6-1 (presumably) on the MZKT-792911 chassis. The appearance of the vehicle was first presented in the New Year's calendar of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern for 2015.
Number of missiles in TPK - 2

Types of transport and launchers of the S-500 air defense system:

77P6 option 55P6 51P6M
Chassis BAZ-69096 MZKT-792911 MZKT-7930
Year of issue
Information one of the PU according to information from 2011
one of the PU according to information from 2015 development 2012-2013
Rockets 2 units possible 77N6 (?)
2 units possible 77N6 (?) 48N6DM?
48N6DM?, 40N6, 9M96D ()
Weight without TPK
Weight with TPK
Highway speed
Power reserve

Chassis ground means air defense missile systems S-500 air defense system.
Option 1 - BAZ(chassis of the first design stage, until 2013):
Wheel formula - 10 x 10 (the first 2 axles are steerable)
Engine - diesel 550 hp.
Chassis curb weight - 21000 kg
Maximum cargo weight - 33000 kg

Brod - 1.7 m

Chassis BAZ-69096 of the S-500 air defense system (processed drawing from a poster from the show of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel,

A prototype of the BAZ-69096 chassis at a display of equipment in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011 (photo - Muxel,


Chassis curb weight - 19100 kg
Maximum cargo weight - 22000 kg
Maximum total weight - 41100 kg
The maximum climbable grade is 30 degrees.
Brod - 1.7 m

BAZ-6403.01 (tractor):
Wheel formula - 8 x 8 (the first 2 axles are steerable)
Engine - 500 hp diesel.
Chassis curb weight - 19750 kg
Load on SSU - 21000 kg
Towed semi-trailer weight - 80,000 kg
Maximum total weight - 54000 kg
The maximum climbable grade is 30 degrees. / 20 degrees (road train)
Brod - 1.7 m

Wheel formula - 6 x 6 (first axle steered)
Engine - diesel 470 hp.
Chassis curb weight - 15800 kg
Maximum cargo weight - 14200 kg
Maximum total weight - 30000 kg
The maximum climbable grade is 30 degrees.
Brod - 1.7 m

Option 2 - MZKT(2013). By 2014, MZKT developed the MZKT-792911 chassis, intended for installation and transportation of special equipment. The chassis was created by MZKT by order of OJSC "GOZ Obukhov Plant" () and is probably intended to accommodate launchers of the S-500 system.

MZKT-792911 - chassis development - MZKT, head of the chassis project group Buryan V.A., heads of design bureau - Lebedev O.N., Chaikovsky V.A., design engineer - Burundukov A.O. ().
Wheel formula - 12 x 12 (steered 1, 2, 5 and 6 axles)
Three-seater cabin with filter and ventilation unit

Probably the first prototype of the MZKT-792911 chassis at the MZKT plant. Later samples have different center distances. Photo no later than 2013 ().

For aids S-500 systems will probably use a chassis of the MZKT-6922 type.

S-500 air defense missiles:
The S-500 air defense / missile defense system is supposed to use missiles developed by the Fakel IKB of the following types:
- 48N6DM
- 9M96 / 9M96D
- 40N6 / 40N6M
- 77N6
- possibly missiles of other promising types

Long-range interception missiles of the missile defense system can be named 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 (source - Mikhalev A.).

Control system and guidance:
Second-tier missiles will presumably use radar or thermal imaging seekers.

Echelon Near air defense line Middle air defense line Far air defense line Missile defense and ultra-long-range interception
(option 1)
Missile defense and ultra-long-range interception
(option 2)
Missile defense and ultra-long-range interception
(option 2)
As part of the S-500 air defense system possibly missing possibly missing presumably presumably
(2012 forecast)
(2012 forecast)
estimated (forecast 2018)
Name of the air defense missile (presumably)
9M96 9M96D 48N6DM
40N6 45T6 (see A-235 missile defense system) 77N6
Number of steps 1 1
2 ? 1 or 2 1 or 2
Length 4.75 m 5.65 m 7.5 m approx. 11-12 m
Case diameter 240 mm 240 mm 519 mm
Wingspan 480 mm 480 mm 1835 mm
(1133 mm)
Weight 333 kg
420 kg
1835 kg
(1600-1900 kg)
up to 4000 kg
Warhead mass 26 kg 26 kg 143 kg
Range 1-40 km 1- 120 km 3 - 250 km 400 km
up to 600 km
Damage height 5 - 20000 m
5 - 30000 m
10 - 27000 m
185 km up to 200 km
Speed ​​max. 900 m/s 1000 m/s 2500 m/s not less than 3600 m/s
Target speed max. 2780 m/s 7000 m/s ( ist. - Mikhalev A.) up to 7000 m/s

Modifications/design steps:
Research work "Autocrat" / "Autocrat-A-A"- research development of the creation of interspecific unified air defense systems of the 2nd Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry. The Almaz-Antey air defense concern took part in the work. As part of the research work, it was proposed to create a mobile air defense and missile defense system NIEMI of the Ministry of Radio Industry of Russia (NPO Antey) and OKB Novator based on the S-300PMU air defense system with launchers on the KrAZ-260 chassis (1990s).

Research work "Vlastelin" / "Vlastelin-TP"- research development of the creation of a new missile defense and air defense system (2008-2010). The Almaz-Antey air defense concern took part in the work.

S-500 / 55Р6М "Triumfator-M" / "Triumfator-MR"- the basic version of the anti-aircraft missile system.

S-1000- modification of the S-500 air defense system. Perhaps with an increased range or with a more developed anti-missile or anti-satellite potential.

: Russia
- 2008 - the 4th stage of the Vlastelin-TP research work is being carried out, work is underway on the preliminary design of the 97L6 product (probably a target detection radar) of the Vlastelin-TP research work. Kits of 40N6 rockets were manufactured for state tests as part of the S-400 / 40R6 air defense system.

2009 - development of design documentation for the S-500 complex and the 77N6 missile is underway. Probably component testing.

2010 - the technical design of the S-500 / 55R6M air defense system was approved.

2011 end of January - preparations began for the adoption of the S-500 system into service with the aerospace defense forces. In the future, it is planned to deploy the system around Moscow and, possibly, in the European part of the country.

2011 February 24 - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia V. Popovkin stated that in the period 2011-2020. it is planned to purchase 10 S-500 complexes. Testing of the complex is planned to begin in 2015.

October 5, 2011 - information appeared in the media (Izvestia) that the development of the S-500 system was behind schedule by 2 years. At the current pace, the creation of the complex will be completed by 2015, serial production will begin in 2017. The creation of several prototypes of the complex systems will be completed in 2013, after which testing will begin. As a result, the system may not enter service until after 2017.

2012 - planned completion of R&D of the S-500 (plans for 2008 or 2009).

2013 - completion of the creation of system prototypes and entry into testing according to plans in October 2011.

2014 end of June - successful test long-range missile S-500 air defense system.

2014 - the start of serial production of the S-500 missile system, according to plans announced on 02/17/2011 by the commander of the USC VKO of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Ivanov.

2015 - planned completion of development and testing of the S-500 air defense system and adoption into service (plans for 2010 or earlier). According to the version of the plans from October 2011, it is assumed that the creation of the complex will be completed in 2015.
, 2010-2011

There has been an acceleration in the Russian defense industry. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Colonel General Victor Bondarev stated that the Aerospace Forces troops will soon adopt the promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system.

Concern "Almaz-Antey", creating anti-aircraft missile weapons long-range and ultra-long-range, works rhythmically, without leaving the schedule. “Every year we receive five sets of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, new radars - this pace suits us, further development is underway, we and the industry are not standing still, the newest S-500 complex is being developed at an accelerated pace and in the near future it will arrive at armament of troops air defense“said the commander-in-chief at the ceremonial events dedicated to Air Defense Day.

Mass production The S-400 and S-500 complexes were deployed at the Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant named after the 70th anniversary of the Victory, specially built for the production of both these two complexes and the promising developments of Almaz-Antey. Construction of the plant cost 45 billion rubles.

The fact that the S-500 air defense system is already on its way is evidenced by the beginning of training specialists to work on these complexes. Training takes place at the Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal G. K. Zhukov.

The S-500 Prometheus mobile air defense system began to be created at the Almaz-Antey concern in 2004. After the research work was carried out in 2007, the R&D project was opened. Its intermediate result was obtained in 2009, when testing of an ultra-long-range missile began

The S-500 is, in fact, two complexes, each of which solves its own problems. And each of them has its own missile weapons and hardware. One segment carries out missile defense, the second - anti-aircraft defense, that is, destroys aerodynamic targets.

And in this sense, the S-500 differs significantly from the American THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) system, which has only one missile, which must combat both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. Such universalism leads to the fact that the probability of hitting a medium-range ballistic missile is only 10-15%. And the lower threshold for the range of destruction of aerodynamic targets is too large, that is, the missile does not work well against low-flying targets. Here the United States has a significant gap, since the archaic Patriot air defense system is not able to cover the near zone.

To solve air defense and missile defense missions, the S-500 uses not only different missiles, but also two different radars with an active phased array antenna.

Some of the missiles used in the system are borrowed from the S-400 air defense system. Three rockets are designed specifically for Prometheus. The most powerful, which is designed to combat aeroballistic targets, is the 40N6M, which has a range of 600 km. The range of the THAAD missile is 3 times less - 200 km.

Two more new missiles were developed at the Fakel design bureau for ballistic purposes. These are 77N6-N and 77N6-N1. Their characteristics are not disclosed. What is known is that they cope not only with medium-range ballistic missiles, but also with ICBMs at the final stage of their trajectory. And not only with the missiles themselves, but also with separated low-visibility warheads, the effective dispersion area of ​​which does not exceed 0.1 sq.m. In this case, the speed of the targets hit can reach 7 km/s.

It is also known that 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 are unified with the Moscow A-135 Amur 53T6M missile defense system, which has no analogues in the world. She has unsurpassed energy saturation. Unique dynamic characteristics. Its maximum longitudinal overload is 210g, transverse overload is 90g. The launch range is up to 100 km, the interception altitude is up to 30 km. However, the general designer of the development A.G. Basistov claims that the rocket’s capabilities are significantly higher. After completing state tests, he said: “The system showed significant reserves in all respects. Lyulev's 53T6 high-speed anti-missile missiles can engage ballistic targets at ranges 2.5 times greater and at altitudes 3 times greater than what we have currently certified. The system is ready to carry out missions to destroy low-orbit satellites and other tasks.”

It should be taken into account that the 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 missiles are not a copy, but a development of the base missile.

When comparing the speed characteristics of the S-500 and THAAD missiles, it is clear that the Russian ones are 3.5 times faster. Their maximum speed is 3600 m/s, while that of the American ones is 995 m/s.

The characteristics of Prometheus are only partially revealed. It is known that the detection range of a ballistic missile is 2000 km, a warhead with an EPR of 0.1 sq.m. — 1300 km. In this case, the maximum error in determining the end point of the trajectory, that is, the place where the ballistic missile falls, does not exceed 15 km. The detection range of aerodynamic targets is 800 km.

At the same time, there is no data on the number of escorted and simultaneously fired targets. But it is known that these parameters are higher than those of the S-400 Triumph air defense system. That is, more than 20 during escort and 10 during simultaneous shelling. And these numbers must be multiplied by 8 - so many combat vehicles of the complex are combined into a single system controlled from the command post.

Another advantage of Prometheus is the use of the latest sixth-generation communications equipment. They are guaranteed to exclude the possibility of radio interception, and are also insensitive to external interference. At the same time, the latest electronic warfare equipment, used in mobile systems located on five-axle wheeled platforms, makes it possible to highly effectively neutralize enemy anti-radar missiles. Also, S-500 missiles are equipped with equipment for suppressing electronic warfare of destroyed targets.

In conclusion, it is necessary to dwell on the reasons why the Russian S-500 air defense systems are superior in capabilities to modern American THAAD mobile systems. The main reason is the pragmatism of Americans. More than a quarter of a century ago, they decided that after winning cold war, they will never have worthy opponents. And to pacify the “unworthy” the weapons created at that time are quite sufficient. Therefore, funding for new developments in the military sphere was sharply reduced, and most topics were curtailed. As a result, the United States was left with the outdated Patriot air defense system for three decades. And instead of close-range systems, they used and still use the Stinger MANPADS, which began to be used in the early 80s. “Stingers” are installed on jeeps and are loudly called the “Avenger” air defense system.

True, work on creating a missile defense system in the United States continued, albeit at a slow pace. It took almost 20 years to create the THAAD mobile complex. But it should be taken into account that in the United States there was practically no experience in creating large mobile missile systems. All their land-based ICBMs are silo-based. Anti-missile technology was also initially “buried in the ground.” The latest of these systems, Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GBMD), covers limited space. And it includes only 30 missiles, albeit very powerful ones - three-stage. The limited number of missiles is due, first of all, to their extreme high cost.

And in the Soviet Union this direction developed rapidly. Here we should mention not only the Topol ICBM, but primarily the mobile air defense missile system-75, which was put into service in 1957. So the Almaz-Antey concern has accumulated enormous experience, thanks to which it has modern means Air defense and missile defense are extremely difficult for anyone in the world to compete with.

The Americans are doing much better with regard to missile defense systems installed on destroyers. The most advanced missiles of the Aegis naval system - SM-3 - have a flight range of 700 km and a “space” interception altitude of 250 km. At the same time, the speed somewhat falls short of the characteristics Russian missiles— 2700 m/s versus 3600 m/s.

But, of course, Aegis, unlike the S-500, is not designed to combat aerodynamic targets - aircraft and cruise missiles. In Russia, missile defense tasks in their pure form are solved by the A-135 “Amur” system, based in the Moscow region. Its short-range missile has already been mentioned above. As for the long-range missile, it is currently being tested. And will be included in new system Moscow missile defense A-235 "Nudol". The missile has an estimated range of 1,500 km, and a maximum target engagement altitude of 750 km. By the way, the “close-range” missile for the updated missile defense system will be mobile. And this allows us to make the assumption that it will be common for the ZRS-500.

On December 6, the head of the air defense of the Russian Air Force, Major General Viktor Gumenny, announced on radio “Echo of Moscow” that next year Russian army will receive S-500 anti-aircraft missile systems with characteristics that allow them to withstand the most modern ultra-high-speed hypersonic weapons. The first to receive the new air defense systems will be units of the air defense forces providing the defense of Moscow, the central and partly southern regions of the country. The S-500 air defense systems will replace the S-400 and S-200 systems currently in service. At the same time, the S-500 system is not just a modernization of the S-400, but has become a completely new development.

Mobile air defense systems S-400
on the march

Characteristics of the S-500

S-500 is the latest generation of anti-aircraft missile systems with a range of hitting targets up to 600 km, which implement the principle of separately solving problems of destroying ballistic and aerodynamic targets. The main function of the S-500 air defense system is to combat medium-range ballistic missiles with a range of up to 3,500 km. In addition, the complexes can also affect intercontinental missiles at the final stage of flight, and in some cases - in the middle part of their trajectory, having a target detection range at a distance of up to 2000 km and a destruction altitude of 50–40 km. The S-500 air defense system is capable of detecting and hitting up to twenty high-speed air targets simultaneously - such as ballistic or cruise missiles, aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles. In this case, the targets hit can be high-speed with a flight speed of 5M and higher. In addition, the S-500 systems are highly mobile and can be deployed at the point of arrival in just 10 minutes.

S-500 air defense system characteristics. Infographics

In terms of its characteristics, the S-500 air defense system is superior to similar anti-aircraft missile systems developed abroad. The American RAK-3 air defense system (the latest modification of the famous Patriot complex), with a range of up to 80 kilometers, has a target engagement altitude of only 24 km, while the missiles of the S-500 complex, under certain conditions, can have a flight range of up to 100 km and shoot down even low-flying satellites. Possessing excellent characteristics, the S-500 air defense system is a fifth-generation interspecific operational-tactical weapon with elements of a strategic weapon capable of solving aerospace defense tasks. On this moment The US Armed Forces do not have a complex in service that would combine the capabilities of air defense and missile defense systems.

The idea of ​​the S-500 project arose back in 2002, when experts constructively defined the contours of the future anti-aircraft missile system. Development of the project began in 2009, and the completion date of design work was planned for 2012. It was assumed that already in 2015 the S-500 would begin mass production and enter service with the troops, but the developer of the system, the research and production association OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey, had to repeatedly postpone the start date of production. Previously, the concern announced plans to increase production capacity and has already begun construction of two new plants in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara, necessary for the implementation of the S-500 project. It is worth noting that the management of the concern is somewhat less optimistic about the timing of the start of deliveries of new air defense systems to the troops, having made a forecast for 2017–2019. However, these plans do not contradict

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