Types of rockets Medium long-distance tactical and. Strategic rockets. General information about ballistic missiles

In our civilized world in each country there is its own army. And no powerful, prepared army will no longer rocket forces. And what rockethappen? This entertaining article will tell you about the main types of missiles currently existing today.

Anti-aircraft rockets

During World War II, bombing on large altitudes And beyond the reach of anti-aircraft guns entailed the development of missile weapons. In the UK, the first efforts were aimed at achieving the equivalent destructive power of the 3rd and later 3.7 inch anti-aircraft guns. The British were offered two essential innovative ideasRegarding 3-inch missiles. The first was a rocket system of air defense. To stop the propellers of the aircraft or to cut its wings, a device was launched in the air, consisting of a parachute and wire and a wire tail, which was unwound from the coil, located on Earth. A height of 20,000 feet was available. Another device was a remote fuse with photocells and thermoelectronic amplifier. Changing the intensity of light on the photocell, caused by the reflection of light from the nearby aircraft (designed to the element using lenses) led the discontinuous projectile.
The only significant invention of the Germans in the field of zenith rockets was Typhoon. A small 6-foot missile easy concept, working on the EDD, Typhoon was intended for heights of 50,000 feet. The design provided for the coheso placed tank for nitric acid and a mixture of organic fuel, but in fact there was not implemented weapon.

Air rockets

United Kingdom, USSR, Japan and USA - all countries have been engaged in creating air rockets for use against ground, as well as air targets. All rockets have almost fully stabilized by a plumage due to the active aerodynamic force when starting at speeds from 250 miles / hour and more. First used tubular starting installationsBut subsequently began to apply installations with direct guides or zero length, and place them under the wings of the aircraft.
One of the most successful German missiles was a 50 millimeter P4M. Its terminal stabilizer (wing) remained in the folded state before the start, which made it possible to close the rockets to each other during loading.
American outstanding achievement is 4.5 inch rockets, every allied fighter under the wing there were 3 or 4 pieces. These rockets were especially effective against motorized rifle detachments (colon military equipment), tanks, infantry and trains with supply, as well as fuel and artillery warehouses, airfields and barges. To change the air missiles to the traditional design, a rocket engine and a stabilizer were added. Received a lined trajectory, greater range and increased shock speed, effective against concrete shelters and fortified targets. Such a weapon was dubbed the winged rocket, and the Japanese used types of 100 and 370 kilograms. 25 and 100 kilogram rockets were used in the USSR and launched them from the IL-2 attack aircraft.
After the unmanaged rockets with a folding stabilizer, produced from multi-tube installations became a classic air-earth instrument for assault aircraft and severe armed helicopters. Although not as exactly as managed rockets or weapons systems, they are subjected to a bombardment with deadly fire focusing troops or technology. Many ground troops They continued to develop missiles that run from the container pipe and installed on the vehicle that can be launched or after short intervals. As a rule, in such rocket system artillery or rocket system volley fire Rockets with a diameter of 100 to 150 mm and range from 12 to 18 miles are used. Rockets have different types of warheads: discontinuous, fragmentation, incendiary, smoke and chemical.
The USSR and the United States have created unmanaged ballistic rockets somewhere 30 years after the war. In 1955, the United States began to experience "honest John" in Western Europe, and since 1957, the USSR has produces a series of huge rotating missiles launched from mobile vehicleFor NATO, submitting it to FROG (uncontrolled land-earth rocket). These rockets from 25 to 30 feet and diameter from 2 to 3 feet had range from 20 to 45 miles and could be nuclear. Egypt and Syria used many such rockets in the first volley of the Arab-Israeli war in October 1973, Iraq was also received in the war with Iran in the 80s, but in the 70s, large rockets were shifted with advanced superpowers with rockets with an inertial system Guidance, such as American Lans and Soviet scarab SS-21.

Tactical managed rockets

Controlled rockets have become the result of the post-war development of electronics, computer equipment, sensors, avionics and in the barely lesser degree of rockets, turbojet movements and aerodynamics. And although tactical, or combat, managed missiles were designed to perform various tasks, they all are combined into one class of weapons for the similarity of tracking systems, guidance, control. Control over the direction of the flight of the rocket was reached using the deviation of aerodynamic surfaces, such as a vertical stabilizer; Also used reactive jet and vector thrust. But precisely because of its guidance system, these rockets became such special, since the ability to produce adjustments while driving to find a goal and distinguishes a controlled missile from pure ballistic weapons, such as unmanaged rockets or artillery shells.

Most Mobile rocket Installation: MBR "Topol-M" mobile and mine basing

Country Russia
First launch: 1994
STAR code: RS-12M
Number of steps: 3
Length (with GC): 22.5 m
Starting mass: 46.5 t
Throwing weight: 1.2 tons
Right: 11000 km
Type of GC: Monoblock, Nuclear
Fuel type: solid

A nitroxide nitroxide usually appears as an oxidizing agent to heptyl. Heptyl rockets were deprived of many disadvantages of oxygen missiles, and so far the main part of the rocket-nuclear arsenal of Russia is MBR from the EDD on high-boiling components. The first American ICBMs ("Atlas" and "Titan") were also exploited liquid fuel, but in the 1960s of the last century, the US constructors began to radically switch to solid fuel engines. The fact is that high-boiling fuel is by no means an ideal alternative to kerosene with oxygen. He was four times toxic than syntic acid, that is, each launch of the rocket is accompanied by extremely harmful substances into the atmosphere. The consequences of the accident of the refilled rocket will be the consequences of the accident, especially if it happens, say, on a submarine. Liquid rockets compared to solid fuel are also characterized by more complex operating conditions, more low level Board and safety, less fuel storage. It is still starting with MINUTEMEN I and POLARIS A-1 missiles (and this is the beginning of the 1960s) Americans completely switched to solid fuel structures. And in this matter, our country had to run after. The first Soviet ICBM on solid fuel elements was developed in the Korolevsky OKB-1 (now RKK "Energy"), which was given military topic Yangel and Mansey, who were considered apologists of liquid missiles. Tests of the RT-2 began in the cabbage of Yar and in Plesetsk in 1966, and in 1968, the rocket was admitted.

The most promising Russian: Yar RS-24

Country Russia
First launch: 2007
Number of steps: 3
Length (with GC): 13 m
Starting mass: no data
Clearance weight: no data
Range: 11000.
Type of GC: RGCh, 3-4 combat blocks 150-300 kt
Fuel type: solid

The new rocket, the first start of which took place only three years ago, in contrast to the "Poplar-M", it has divided combat parts. It was possible to return to such a con-structure after the exit of Russia from the START-1 prohibition of RGCH. It is believed that the new ICBM will gradually replace the Multi-charge modifications of the UR-100 and P-36M, and, along with Topolem-M, forms a new, updated core of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia reduced under the Treaty of START-III.

The hardest: R-36M "Satan"

Country: USSR
First launch: 1970
STAR code: RS-20
Number of steps: 2
Length (with GC): 34.6 m
Starting weight: 211 t
Throwing weight: 7.3 t
Distance: 11 200-16 000 km
Type of GC: 1 x 25 MT, 1 x 8 MT or 8 x 1 MT
Fuel type: solid

"The Korolev works for TASS, and Yangel - on us" - the cooler of the military to the missile theme of the military. The meaning of the joke is simple - the oxygen rockets of Korolev recognized unsuitable as an ICBM and sent to storming space, and military leadership instead of Korolevskaya P-9 made a bet on heavy ICBMs with engines worked on high-boiling fuel components. The first Soviet heavy ICBM on heptyle was the P-16 developed in the KB "South" (Dnepropetrovsk ") under the direction of M.K. Yangel. The heirs of this line were rockets R-36, and then P-36M in several modifications. The latter received in NATO designation SS-18 Satan ("Satan"). Currently, the RVSN of Russia is two modifications of this rocket - R-36M UTTC and R-36M2 "Voevoda". The following is designed to defeat all types of objectives protected by modern means of pro, in any conditions. combat application, Including with multiple nuclear impact on the positional area. Also, on the basis of the P-36m, the commercial space carrier "Dnipro" was created.

The longest: BRPL TRIDENT II D5

Country: USA
First launch: 1987
Number of steps: 3
Length (with GC): 13.41 m
Starting weight: 58 t
Throwing weight: 2.8 t
Distance: 11300 km
Type of GC: 8x475 CT or 14X100T
Fuel type: solid

The ballistic missile, based on the submarines of Trident II D5, has quite a few common with its predecessor (Trident D4). This is one of the newest and advanced in the technological relationship of intercontinental class ballistic missiles. Trident II D5 is installed on American submarines of the OHIO class and at British Vanguard and today are the only species of nuclear ballistic missiles of the USA. In the design, composite materials were actively used, which greatly facilitated the rocket housing. High accuracy of shooting, confirmed by 134 tests, allows us to consider this BRPL as a first strike. Moreover, there are plans for equipping the rocket with non-nuclear warhead for applying the so-called immediate global strike (Prompt Global Strike). As part of this concept, the US government hopes to obtain the opportunity to apply a high-precision non-nuclear impact at any point in the world within an hour. True, the use of ballistic missiles for such purposes is in question due to the risk of rocket-nuclear conflict.

The very first combat: V-2 (Fow-Two)

Country: Germany
First launch: 1942
Number of steps: 1
Length (with GC): 14 m
Starting weight: 13 t
Raised mass: 1 t
Distance: 320 km
Fuel type: 75% ethyl alcohol

The pioneer creation of the Nazi engineer Verner von Brown is especially in the presentation does not need his "Retribution Weapon" (VergeeltungSwaffe-2) is well known, in particular, what it turned out, fortunately for allies, extremely ineffective. From each London "Fow-2" died on average less than two people. But the German developments became an excellent base for Soviet and American rocket and space programs. And the USSR and the United States began their way to the stars since they copied Fow-2.

First Underwater Intercontinental: P-29

Country: USSR
First launch: 1971
STAR code: RSM-40
Number of steps: 2
Length (with GC): 13 m
Starting mass: 33.3 t
Throwing weight: 1.1 t
Distance: 7800-9100 km
Type of GC: Monoblock, 0.8-1 MT
Fuel type: liquid (heptyl)

Rocket R-29, developed in the KB. Makeev, was placed on the 667B project boats, its modification of the R-29D - on four rocket mines 667 kd. The creation of the BRPL intercontinental range gave the major advantages of the Navy of the USSR, as it appeared the opportunity to keep submarines much further from the shores of the likely opponent.

The very first with the underwater start: Polaris A-1

Country: USA
First launch: 1960
steps: 2.
Length (with GC): 8.53 m
Starting weight: 12.7 t
Throwing weight: 0.5 t
Distance: 2200 km
Type of GC: Monoblock, 600 CT
Fuel type: solid

The first attempts to launch rockets from submarines took another military and engineers of the Third Reich, but the real Race of BRPL began with cold War. Despite the fact that the USSR somewhat ahead of the United States with the beginning of the development of a ballistic missile of the underwater start, our designers have long pursued failures. As a result, they were ahead of the Americans Polaris A-1 Skaret. On July 20, 1960, this rocket started from the appendix "George Washington" from the depth of 20 m. Soviet competitor - Rocket R-21 design M.K. Yangel - made a successful start 40 days later.

The first in the world: P-7

Country: USSR
First launch: 1957
Number of steps: 2
Length (with GC): 31.4 m
Starting mass: 88.44 t
Throwing weight: up to 5.4 tons
Distance: 8000 km
Type of GC: monoblock, nuclear, separated
Fuel type: liquid (kerosene)

The legendary Korolevskaya "Seven" was born painfully, but he was honored to be the first ICBM in the world. True, very mediocre. The P-7 started only with the open, that is, a very vulnerable position, and most importantly - due to the use of oxygen as an oxidizing agent (he evaporated) - could not be on battle duty in the paid state. The preparation for the start required hours, which categorically did not suit the military, as well as the low accuracy of the hit. But the P-7 opened the road into space, and the Soyuz-y is the only carrier for manned launches today - there is nothing more than the modification of "seven".

The most ambitious: MX (LGM-118A) PeaceKeeper

Country: USA
First launch: 1983
Number of steps: 3 (plus stage
breeding combat units)
Length (with GC): 21.61 m
Starting mass: 88.44 t
Throwing weight: 2.1 t
Right: 9600 km
Type of GC: 10 nuclear combat units of 300 CT
Type of fuel: solid (I-i-stage steps), liquid (dilution level)

Severe ICBM "Peacemaker" (MX), created by American designers by the mid-1980s, was the embodiment of a set interesting ideas and newest technologies, such as the use of composite materials. Compared with MinuteMan III (of the time), the MX rocket had a much higher accuracy of hitting, which increased the likelihood of defeat Soviet launchers. Special attention was paid to the survivability of the rocket in the conditions of nuclear impact, seriously worked out the possibility of a railway mobile base, which forced the USSR to make the development of a similar complex RT-23 UTTC.

The fastest: Minuteman LGM-30G

Country: USA
First launch: 1966
Number of steps: 3
Length (with GC): 18.2 m
Starting weight: 35.4 t
Throwing weight: 1.5 t
Distance: 13000 km
Type of GC: 3x300 CT
Fuel type: solid

MINUTEMAN III Light Rockets are the only type of ubnce of ground-based MBR, which are in service with the United States. Despite the fact that the production of these missiles was stopped by three ten years ago, this weapon is subject to modernization, including the implementation of technical achievements implemented in MX missile. It is believed that Minuteman III LGM-30G is the most or one of the fastest ICBMs in the world and can accelerate to 24100 km / h on the terminal phase of the flight.

Purpose and classification of missiles

General On ballistic rockets

Ballistic rocket is a type of missile weapon.

Rocket - the aircraft of variable mass moving due to the discarding of high-speed hot gases created by reactive (rocket) engine and designed to eliminate good load on a calculated trajectory or orbit.

Aircraft - A device for flights in an atmosphere or outer space.

The flight of rockets on the initial portion of the trajectory is characterized by:

Continuous garbage of the active mass (fuel) and discrete garbage of passive mass (structural elements);

Continuously increasing speed and acceleration;

Impact on it forces of thrust, control, aerodynamic, attraction and others.

Ballistic It is customary to call the rocket, the trajectory of the flight of which, with the exception of a plot passing by a rocket with a working engine, is a trajectory of a free-abandoned body, i.e. Most of the rocket flight makes the ballistic trajectory, which means it is in unmanaged movement, the illustration of the above is Fig.1.1-1.3.

The desired speed and direction of flight are communicated to the ballistic rocket on the active portion of the flight of the rocket flight control system. After turning off the engine residue combat part, which is a useful load of the rocket, moves through the ballistic trajectory.

In terms of application Ballistic rockets are divided into strategic and tactical . Various states and non-governmental experts apply different classifications of missile ranges. I will give the classification adopted in the agreements on strategic offensive forces:

Ballistic missiles of low-range (up to 1000 kilometers);

Ballistic rockets of medium range (from 1000 to 5,500 kilometers);

Intercontinental (long-range) ballistic rockets (over 5,500 kilometers).

Intercontinental rockets And medium-range missiles are often used as strategic missiles and equipped with nuclear warheads. Their advantage over the aircraft is a small amount of thread (less than half an intercontinental range) and a high speed of the head part, which makes it greatly difficult to intercept modern system Anti-missile defense.

Ballistic missiles (BR) are designed to defeat objects at far distance. They are usually used to defeat large objects, large enemy groupings and carry a powerful combat charge.

Schematic representation of the main components of the ballistic missile - the design of the rocket is represented in Fig.2.1.

Most ballistic missiles are strategic controlled intercontinental ballistic missiles and are designed to defeat objects located on remote continents; All of them are multi-stage. Starting weight 100-150 tons, payload up to 3.2 tons. In the United States and in Russia, in Russia, intercontinental ballistic missiles were used as rocket carriers for the withdrawal of space objects into orbits.

For a further more complete understanding of the topic of classes, I will give the basic concepts and their definitions.

Rocket strategic appointment (RSN) - a rocket intended for the defeat of strategic goals.

Stage of rocket - Part of the composite (multistage) rocket (or all composite rocket) operating on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe territory.

Multistage rocket - It is functionally consisting of a system of several successively working single-stage missiles, part of each of which includes: a rocket part corresponding to the stage and the rest of the mass of the rocket, which is for it the conditional weight of the payload (rocket parts of the subsequent loads of the cargo).

Rocket part - Part of the stage, which, due to the reactive force, provides the flight of the rocket on the site corresponding to this stage. The rocket can include one or more missile blocks.

Rocket bloc - The autonomous part of the rocket, which is generally a motor installation, fuel compartments with fuel reserves, actuators, equipment and on-board cable network of the control system, the housings of the tail and transition compartments, elements of the separation system and a number of auxiliary systems and aggregates.

Combat Step (BS) - separated in flight component Rockets including a combat unit (or combat Blocks), systems and devices that ensure the functioning of combat units, their dilution in the specified aiming points and overcoming the opponent's missile defense.

Head (GC) - Composite part of a rocket, including a combat unit or combat blocks, means and devices designed to ensure their use on purpose. (Simplified BS analog).

Battle block (BB) - separated in flight, the component of the GC, which includes combat equipment, systems and devices that ensure the use of BB on purpose.

Anti-missile defense tool (pro) enemy - Means that ensure the creation of deliberate interference about the enemy in order to increase the likelihood of its overcoming the combat block of the head unit.

Understand how technically the ballistic missiles and illustrate, the above concepts and definitions will help Fig.2.2 and Fig. 2.3.

In our civilized world in each country there is its own army. And no powerful, prepared army will cost without missile troops. And what rockethappen? This entertaining article will tell you about the main types of missiles currently existing today.

Anti-aircraft rockets

During the Second World War, bombing at large altitudes and outside the reach of anti-aircraft guns entailed the development of missile weapons. In the UK, the first efforts were aimed at achieving the equivalent destructive power of the 3rd and later 3.7 inch anti-aircraft guns. The British proposed two significant innovative ideas regarding 3-inch missiles. The first was a rocket system of air defense. To stop the propellers of the aircraft or to cut its wings, a device was launched in the air, consisting of a parachute and wire and a wire tail, which was unwound from the coil, located on Earth. A height of 20,000 feet was available. Another device was a remote fuse with photocells and thermoelectronic amplifier. Changing the intensity of light on the photocell, caused by the reflection of light from the nearby aircraft (designed to the element using lenses) led the discontinuous projectile.
The only significant invention of the Germans in the field of zenith rockets was Typhoon. A small 6-foot missile easy concept, working on the EDD, Typhoon was intended for heights of 50,000 feet. The design provided for the coheso placed tank for nitric acid and a mixture of organic fuel, but in fact there was not implemented weapon.

Air rockets

United Kingdom, USSR, Japan and USA - all countries have been engaged in creating air rockets for use against ground, as well as air targets. All rockets have almost fully stabilized by a plumage due to the active aerodynamic force when starting at speeds from 250 miles / hour and more. First, tubular starting settings were used, but subsequently began to apply installations with direct guides or zero length, and place them under the wings of the aircraft.
One of the most successful German missiles was a 50 millimeter P4M. Its terminal stabilizer (wing) remained in the folded state before the start, which made it possible to close the rockets to each other during loading.
American outstanding achievement is 4.5 inch rockets, every allied fighter under the wing there were 3 or 4 pieces. These rockets were particularly effective against motorized rifle detachments (colon of military equipment), tanks, infantry and trains with supply, as well as fuel and artillery warehouses, airfields and barges. To change the air missiles to the traditional design, a rocket engine and a stabilizer were added. Received a lined trajectory, greater range and increased shock speed, effective against concrete shelters and fortified targets. Such a weapon was dubbed the winged rocket, and the Japanese used types of 100 and 370 kilograms. 25 and 100 kilogram rockets were used in the USSR and launched them from the IL-2 attack aircraft.
After the unmanaged rockets with a folding stabilizer, produced from multi-tube installations became a classic air-earth instrument for assault aircraft and severe armed helicopters. Although not as exactly as managed rockets or weapons systems, they are subjected to a bombardment with deadly fire focusing troops or technology. Many land forces continued to develop missiles running from a container pipe and installed on a vehicle that can be launched or after short intervals. As a rule, rockets with a diameter of 100 to 150 mm and a range of from 12 to 18 miles are used in such a missile system of artillery or rocket system of salvo fire and a range of from 12 to 18 miles. Rockets have different types of warheads: discontinuous, fragmentation, incendiary, smoke and chemical.
The USSR and the United States have created unmanaged ballistic rockets somewhere 30 years after the war. In 1955, the United States began to experience "honest John" in Western Europe, and since 1957, the USSR produces a series of huge rotating rockets, launched from a mobile vehicle, for NATO introducing it as frog (uncontrolled land-earth rocket). These rockets from 25 to 30 feet and diameter from 2 to 3 feet had range from 20 to 45 miles and could be nuclear. Egypt and Syria used many such rockets in the first volley of the Arab-Israeli war in October 1973, Iraq was also received in the war with Iran in the 80s, but in the 70s, large rockets were shifted with advanced superpowers with rockets with an inertial system Guidance, such as American Lans and Soviet scarab SS-21.

Tactical managed rockets

Controlled rockets have become the result of the post-war development of electronics, computer equipment, sensors, avionics and in the barely lesser degree of rockets, turbojet movements and aerodynamics. And although tactical, or combat, managed missiles were designed to perform various tasks, they all are combined into one class of weapons for the similarity of tracking systems, guidance, control. Control over the direction of the flight of the rocket was reached using the deviation of aerodynamic surfaces, such as a vertical stabilizer; Also used reactive jet and vector thrust. But precisely because of its guidance system, these rockets became such special, since the ability to produce adjustments while driving to find a goal and distinguishes a controlled missile from pure ballistic weapons, such as unmanaged rockets or artillery shells.

Rockets are usually classified by the type of path trajectory, at the place and direction of launch, by flight range, by type of engine, by type of warheads, by type of control systems and guidance.

  1. Winged rockets
  2. Ballistic rockets
  1. Land-Earth Rockets
  2. Land-air rockets
  3. Land-Sea Rockets
  4. Air-air rockets
  5. Class "Air-Surface (Earth, Water)"
  6. Class "Sea-Sea" rockets
  7. Class "Sea-Earth (coast) rocket"
  8. Anti-tank rockets
  1. Rockets of the near radius of action
  2. Rockets of the average radius action
  3. Ballistic Middle Rales
  4. Intercontinental ballistic rockets
  1. Solid fuel engine
  2. Liquid engine
  3. Hybrid engine
  4. River Air Jet Engine
  5. Directional air-jet engine with supersonic blur
  6. Cryogenic Engine
  1. Normal warhead
  2. Nuclear warhead
  1. Electrodistrial guidance
  2. Command guidance
  3. Landmark
  4. Geophysical guidance
  5. Inertial guidance
  6. Guidance on the beam
  7. Laser guidance
  8. Radio Frequency and Satellite Guidance

By type of trajectory of flight:

(i) Winged rockets: The winged rockets are unmanned controlled (until the target damage), aircraft that are maintained in the air most of their flight due to aerodynamic lifting force. The main goal winged rockets Is delivery of an artillery projectile or combat charge to the target. They move in the Earth's atmosphere using jet engines. Intercontinental ballistic winged rockets can be divided depending on their size, speed (dialing or supersonic), flight range and start place: from land, air, vehicle surface or submarine.

Depending on the flight speed, the rocket is divided into:

1) subsonic winged rockets

2) supersonic winged rockets

3) Hypersonic Winged Rockets

Dzvvonic winged rocket Moves with a speed below the speed of sound. It develops a speed of about 0.8 maha. The famous subsonic rocket is the American Winged Rocket "Tomahawk". Other examples are the American Garpun Rocket and French Exotzet.

Supersonic winged rocketmoves with a speed of about 2-3 movings, that is, overcomes the distance of one kilometer in about a second. The modular design of the rocket and its ability to run at a different angle of inclination allows it to be installed on wide spectrum Media: War ships, submarines, various types of aircraft, mobile stand-alone installations and launchers. The supersonic speed and the mass of the warhead provides it with high kinetic energy that creates a huge force of the affected impact. As far as is known, Bramos - This is the only rocket in service with a multifunctional profile.

Hyperzvuki winged rocket Moves with a speed of more than 5 moving. Many countries work on the creation of hypersonic winged missiles. Recently, the Hyperzovy Cold Winged Rocket Bramos-2, the developing speed of more than 5 Machs, created by the company "Bramos Aerosphere", was successfully tested in India.

(ii) Ballistic rocket:
this rocket having a ballistic trajectory is mostly the path of its flight, regardless of whether it carries a combat charge or not. Ballistic rockets are divided by flight range. The maximum flight range is measured by a curve along the surface of the Earth from the start place and to the point of application of the strike with the latest element of combat charge. The rocket can be transferred a large number of Combat charge for huge distances. Ballistic missiles can be launched from ships and ground media. So, for example, the ballistic missiles "Pritkhvi-1", "Pritkhvi-2", "Agni-1", "Agni-2" and "Dhanush" are currently used armed Forces India.

By class (starting site and launch orientation):

(i) Land-Earth Rocket: This is a managed projectile that can be launched from hand, vehicle, mobile or stationary installation. It is often powered by a rocket engine or sometimes, if it is installed on a stationary installation, shifted with a powder charge.

(ii) Land-air rocketdesigned to run from Earth to defeat air targets, such as aircraft, helicopters, and even ballistic rockets. These rockets are usually called the air defense system, as they reflect any type of air attack.

(iii) class missile "Surface (land) -more" Designed to run from the ground to defeat the enemy ships.

(iv) air-air rocket It starts with aviation media and is designed to damage air targets. Such rockets move at 4 Mach speed.

(v) air-surface rocket It is intended to run from military aircraft carriers to strike both ground and overwar targets.

(VI) Sea-Sea rocket Designed to run from ships to defeat enemy ships.

(vii) Class Makeup "Sea-Earth (coastal zone)" Designed to run from ships for land target attacks.

(viii) anti-tank missiledesigned mainly to defeat heavy-protected tanks and other armored vehicles. Anti-tank missiles can be launched from airplanes, helicopters, tanks, as well as with start-up sets installed on the shoulder.

By flight range:

This classification is based on the maximum range of rocket flight:

(i) Middle Radio Rocket
(ii) Middle Rocket Radio
(iii) Middle Rational Ballistic Rocket
(iv) Intercontinental Ballistic Rocket

By fuel type of engine:

(i) solid fuel engine: This type of engine uses solid fuel. Usually, this fuel is an aluminum powder. Tirdo-fuel engines have the advantage that they can be easily stored and you can work with them in the filled state. Such engines can quickly provide very high speed. Their simplicity also speaks of their choice when required to provide high power traction.

(ii) Liquid Engine: In the technology of liquid engines, liquid fuel is used - hydrocarbons. Storage of missiles with liquid fuel is a difficult and challenging task. In addition, a lot of time is required to produce such missiles. The liquid motor is easy to control, limiting the flow of fuel into it using valves. It can be managed even in critical situations. In general, liquid fuel compared to solid provides high specific traction.

(iii) hybrid engine: The hybrid engine has two steps - solid fuel and liquid. This type of engine compensates for the disadvantages of both types - solid fuel and liquid, and also combines their advantages.

(iv) River Air Jet Engine: The direct-flow air jet engine does not have any turbine existing in the turbojet. The compression of the suction air is achieved at the expense of the speed of direct-controlled movement of the aircraft. The fuel is injected and flammified. The expansion of hot gases after injection of fuel and its combustion accelerates the spent air to the speed greater than at the entrance, as a result, creating a positive poverty force. However, the air velocity included in the engine must exceed the speed of the sound. Thus, the aircraft must move with supersonic speed. River air-reactive motor can not provide supersonic speed flying machine from scratch.

(v) direct-flow air-reactive motor with supersonic burning: Word "scramjet" It is an acronym (initial letters abbreviation) "SUPERSONIC COMBUTION RAMJET" And means "direct-flow air jet engine with supersonic burning." The difference between the direct-flow air-reactive motor and the direct-flow air-reactive motor with supersonic combustion is that in the second combustion in the engine occurs with supersonic speed. In mechanical relations, this engine is simple, but in relation to its aerodynamic characteristics it is much more complicated reactive. Hydrogen is used as fuel in it

(VI) Cryogenic Engine: Cryogenous fuel is liquefied gases stored at very low temperatures, most often liquid hydrogen used as fuel, and liquid oxygen used as an oxidizing agent. For cryogenic fuels, special isothermal containers with ventilation holes are required, allowing gases generated during the evaporation of products. Liquid fuel And the oxidizer from the accumulative tank is pumped into the diffusion chamber and are injected into the combustion chamber, where they are mixed and flammable from the spark. In the process of burning fuel expands, and the hot exhaust gases are thrown out of the nozzle, thereby creating cravings.

By type of warhead:

(i) Conventional warhead:The usual warhead contains high-energy explosives. It is filled with chemical explosives, whose explosion comes from detonation. The fragments of the metal plating rocket serve as a slaughter force.

(ii) nuclear warhead: IN nuclear warhead The radioactive substances are contained, which, when acting into the effect of the fuse, allocate a huge amount of radioactive energy, which can erase the whole cities from the face of the earth. Such warheads are designed for mass defeat.

By type of guidance:

(i) Electrodistantic guidance: This system as a whole is similar to radio control, but less susceptible to electronic means of opposition. Command signals are served on a wire (or by wire). After starting the rocket, this type of communication stops.

(ii) Command Guidance:Command guidance includes tracking a rocket from start-up or media and transmission of radio commands through radar or laser or by thinner wires and optical fibers. Tracking can be carried out using a radar or optical devices from a start-up or via a radar or television image transmitted from the rocket.

(iii) targeting terrestrial landmarks: The correlation guidance system for on-earth landmarks (or on the locality map) is used solely with respect to the winged missiles. The system uses sensitive altimeters, with which the relief profile is monitored, directly located under the rocket, and which is compared with the "card" embedded in the memory of the rocket.

(iv) Geophysical Guidance:The system constantly measures the angle in relation to the stars and compares it with a programmed angle of the rocket movement on the intended trajectory. The guidance system gives orientation of the control system, whenever it is required to change the flight path.

(v) inertial guidance: The system is programmed pre-programmed and fully contained in the rocket. Three accelerometers installed on a stand stabilized in the space of gyroscopes produce measurements of accelerations by three mutually perpendicular to the axes. These accelerations are then integrated into the system twice: the first integration sets the speed of the rocket, the second is its position. Then the information comes into the control system to save a predetermined trajectory. These systems are used in class "Surface surface (land, water)" and winged rockets.

(vi) Guidance on the beam: The idea of \u200b\u200bguidance on the beam relies on the use of ground or located on a radar station, with which Radar beam is directed to the lesion object. External (located on Earth or ship) Radar tracks and accompanies target, sending a beam, which adjusts the angle of guidance in accordance with the movement of the object in space. The rocket generates corrective signals with which its flight is provided by the desired trajectory.

(VII) Laser guidance: With laser guidance, the laser beam focuses on the target, reflected from it and dissipates. In the rocket there is a laser head of the homing head, which is capable of identifying even a slight source of radiation. The homing head sets the direction of the reflected and scattered laser beam by the guidance system. The rocket launches in the direction of the target, the homing head is looking for a laser reflection, and the guidance system sends a rocket to a laser reflection source, which is the goal.

(viii) Radio frequency and satellite guidance: Radio Frequency Guidance System and GPS System - that is, the system of global positioning (SGP) through satellite repeaters - are examples of technologies used in the rocket guidance system. The rocket uses a satellite signal to locate the target. In the process of its flight, the rocket uses this information, sending the commands "control surfaces" and thus adjusts its trajectory. In the case of radio frequency guidance, the target detection uses high frequency waves.

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