What drug cures hepatitis C. What foods are useful for restoring the liver during hepatitis? What is hepatitis C

It is prohibited to eat in public catering establishments or have a quick snack at work using chocolate bars.

Watch the video to see what foods are best for your liver:

  1. Pumpkin porridge with milk;
  2. Herbal teas, milk thistle seed decoction, chicory drink;
  3. Sticky pasta;
  4. Vegetable, olive and vegetable oil;
  5. Crackers from wheat bread, not rich pastries;
  6. Jellied sea ​​fish, boiled tongue;
  7. Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  8. Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  9. Dairy, vegetable and fruit soups;
  10. Borscht, fish soup in diluted broth, beetroot soup - without frying;
  11. Soups from pasta based on diluted broth;
  12. Vegetables, berries, fruits, bananas are especially useful;
  13. Vegetable and fruit salads, vegetable stews;
  14. Boiled or stewed dietary meat - poultry, beef, veal;
  15. Freshly squeezed, slightly diluted juices;
  16. Honey; prunes, dried apricots, lemon, raisins;
  17. Boiled and stewed onions and garlic;
  18. Young beans and green peas.

Proper nutrition should be varied and include a full range of essential vitamins, micro and macro elements. By strengthening the immune system, the body can resist the further development of the disease.

Before you start dietary nutrition, you need to seek advice from a specialist. The doctor should take into account the presence of other chronic diseases or allergies.

Before bed, you can take herbal decoctions based on lemon balm, sage and other soothing and relaxing herbs. Rosehip decoction, milk or low-fat kefir are very useful.

Over time, this diet will help you lose weight and improve your health. Small portions will allow food to be better absorbed. A large amount of food taken at one time has a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach and liver.

Nutrition designed to restore the liver increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces the risk of complications and side effects from taking medications.

Vitamins to improve liver function

Vitamins in supplements or those found in various foods help improve liver function. Separately, it is worth noting the beneficial effects of vitamins E, C and A.

Taking vitamin C helps reduce susceptibility to viruses. Ascorbic acid affects tissue regeneration and healing. If there is not enough of it in the body, metabolic processes slow down.

Vitamin E maintains the integrity of liver cells and promotes their rapid recovery. Tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin, it has antioxidant properties, is a radioprotector, and is involved in the synthesis of hormones.

When you have hepatitis C, the content of some vitamins in the body decreases, and especially vitamin A. It must be taken into account that vitamins must be balanced and “work” comprehensively. For example, vitamin A is better absorbed together with vitamin E, and vitamin C and E have a very strong anti-cancer effect.

Find out the secret of a universal remedy for liver support in the video:

Liver support drugs

Hepatoprotectors such as “Essentiale”, “Silimar” and “Phosphogliv” help improve the condition of the liver and promote its regeneration.

Helping the liver with folk remedies

Folk remedies that help fight viral hepatitis C. The most effective:

  • tinctures and decoctions of milk thistle seeds;
  • a decoction made from unpeeled oats;
  • tincture, which includes calendula, dandelion root, licorice root, corn silk and nettle;
  • decoction of licorice root;
  • herbal tea from plants such as tansy, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock, sage and horsetail;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • Honey and mumiyo have a good effect.

It is necessary to understand that to cure such a serious disease as hepatitis C only folk remedies impossible.

Recommendations for liver restoration after treatment of hepatitis C

After treatment, the main task is to restore the organ. What is recommended to do for this:

  • You can’t lift weights for six months;
  • it is necessary to reduce physical stress on the body;
  • It is prohibited to drink any alcoholic beverages;
  • it is necessary to follow the prescribed diet and drinking regime for a year;
  • Stress and anxiety should be avoided;
  • hypothermia of the body should not be allowed;
  • V summer time you need to try to stay in the sun less;
  • visiting saunas and solariums should be avoided;
  • despite the state of remission, it is necessary to continue taking vitamin and supportive medications;
  • include in your diet herbal teas and natural juices.

The attending physician must explain to the patient how much time is needed until complete recovery and when he will be able to lead his usual lifestyle.

Liver health test


Hepatitis C is one of the most severe viral diseases. To make healing possible, follow a number of rules:

  • Be sure, for preventive purposes, donate blood for tests once every six months, do an ultrasound once a year;
  • at the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor and carry out all the necessary laboratory tests;
  • follow all doctor’s recommendations and stick to your diet;
  • take liver support medications;
  • take care of your vitamin balance;
  • use medicinal herbs and other folk remedies;
  • pay attention to your daily routine, rest and relax more.

Think about your health. Take into account all the doctor’s recommendations for preserving and restoring your liver, lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a positive attitude - your liver will thank you.


  1. Chronic viral hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis, A Rakhmanova, A Yakovlev, V Sharoiko, V Kashchenko - 2018
  2. Hepatitis C and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with HIV infection KV Zhdanov, KV Kozlov, VS Sukachev - 2017

Hepatologist, Gastroenterologist, Nutritionist

Svetlana Vladimirovna sees patients with liver and gastrointestinal diseases of varying severity. Thanks to her knowledge in nutrition, based on diagnostics, she carries out a full range of therapy for intra-abdominal organs.

- This large group diseases characterized by damage to liver cells. The reason for their development is the penetration of the virus into the human body. In rare cases, the disease becomes a consequence of toxic damage or the influence of allergens. Treatment for hepatitis is selected based on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

This disease requires long-term treatment. The virus is almost impossible to defeat completely if the process is chronic. The use of medications only allows to transfer it to a stage of long-term remission.

The following methods are used for therapy:

  • Medications. Antiviral drugs are used that not only suppress the activity of viruses, but also significantly reduce their numbers.
  • Diet food. Therapy will be effective only if you adhere to a special diet. The main goal of the diet will be to minimize the load on the liver.
  • Strengthening the immune system. For this purpose, vitamin complexes are used, folk recipes and lifestyle adjustments.

The therapy program is developed by the doctor, focusing on the results of the patient’s medical examination. Unauthorized adjustments to it can lead to negative health consequences.

Today, many drugs have been developed aimed at combating hepatitis B. Among them are the following:

  • Entecavir. Belongs to the group of nucleotides. The components of the medicine quickly spread throughout the body and concentrate in places where viruses accumulate. The drug is used at any stage of the disease. In some cases, side effects may occur, such as headaches and a feeling of weakness in muscles and joints.
  • Lamivudine. Part of the group of nucleotides. In addition to fighting the virus, it has a positive effect on the condition of the liver. Improvement in patients is observed a short time after the start of treatment. Sometimes the use of the drug is ineffective. This is due to the characteristics of the virus. In such a situation, a change in medication will be required.
  • Interferon alpha-N. Part of the group of interferons. The medication is available in the form of injections, which facilitates the rapid distribution of the drug components throughout the body. However, one cannot expect a quick effect from such treatment. To obtain a good result, the course of treatment should be at least six months. Interferon alpha-N has some pretty severe side effects: liver tissue necrosis, fainting, convulsions.
  • Livolin Forte. The purpose of this drug is to restore damaged liver cells. It is used as an additional medicine in conjunction with antiviral agents. There are practically no side effects after treatment.

A properly selected drug for hepatitis B can suppress the activity of the virus throughout the year. The doctor selects the exact dosage and necessary accompanying examinations individually for each patient.

For reference. People diagnosed with hepatitis B will have to monitor their liver condition throughout their lives and undergo medical examinations.

Proper diet for hepatitis B

Pharmacy medicine for hepatitis B will be most effective only if the diet is adjusted. When creating a menu, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • The majority of your diet should consist of carbohydrates. Every day you need to eat porridge, bread, legumes, different kinds croup
  • Fat intake should be minimized. It is strictly forbidden to eat lard, meat and fatty fish, confectionery, butter and margarine.
  • All dishes must be steamed, in the oven or boiled in water. To reduce stress on your digestive system, cut all foods into small pieces and chew thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Don't eat too hot or cold food. Dishes should be at room temperature.
  • The consumption of spices, pickles, smoked meats, mayonnaise, ketchup, chocolate, citrus fruits, semi-finished products, and pumpkin seeds is prohibited.
  • Try to minimize salt and overly salty foods.

Following these rules will speed up the healing process. Otherwise, they may appear Negative consequences for good health.

Traditional recipes for hepatitis B

You can enhance the effect of medications using alternative medicine recipes. They help fight the virus and maintain the immune system. The most effective medications are:

  • Mix a spoonful of natural honey with an identical amount of bee bread. This composition is eaten every morning before breakfast. It will help stimulate metabolic processes in organism.
  • Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of fresh apple juice. This drink should be drunk before bed. This will help restore liver cells.
  • Steam a tablespoon of birch buds with a glass of boiling water. Add a pinch of soda. After a couple of hours, the product is filtered. It is taken 100 ml before meals. Regular use of this decoction stimulates the production of bile and relieves inflammation.
  • Steam 20 grams of mint in a glass of boiling water. This medicine must be infused throughout the day. It is taken by spoon after meals. This medicine is prohibited while breastfeeding as it suppresses breast milk production.
  • Boil 50 grams of rose hips in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for a couple of hours. You need to take this remedy one glass twice a day.

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Before using the above recipes, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes their use can provoke an allergic reaction.

Most dangerous form The disease is considered hepatitis C. It affects liver cells so much that cirrhosis or even cancer develops. Treatment will be successful only if the problem is identified at the initial stage.

Experts use the following techniques:

  • The use of drugs that suppress the activity of viruses.
  • Medicines to restore liver cells.
  • Restoring the body's protective functions.

Therapy is always carried out with the use of medications. They are not cheap. The course of treatment can reach several tens of months.

Modern medications allow you to achieve lasting results. Moreover, the developments of Russian specialists are not inferior in quality and efficiency to foreign analogues.

Among the main medications for hepatitis C are the following:

The dosage and duration of therapy should be selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Hepatitis C provokes the rapid destruction of liver cells. Therefore, the use of hepatoprotectors is extremely necessary. The most effective ones are:

Such medications contribute to the rapid restoration of hemostasis and increase liver resistance. Most of them are made on the basis of natural plant components, which indicates their safety.

Immunity Boosters

Only an organism with a good immune system can cope with the disease. Therefore, during treatment, specialists prescribe vitamin complexes. They reduce the load on the liver. The following substances play a key role in this matter:

  • Vitamin E. Stimulates the process of cell regeneration. It is present in most complex preparations. In its pure form it is available in the form of an oily liquid.
  • Vitamin A. Allows you to normalize cholesterol synthesis and speed up the process of liver cell restoration. At least 0.7 mg of this substance is needed per day.
  • Vitamin K. Stimulates the flow of bile and the regeneration of liver cells. It can be obtained from natural products, such as cabbage, blackberries, mint.
  • Ascorbic acid. Reduces the likelihood of fatty liver degeneration, enhances the absorption of vitamins E and A.

For reference. Most often, experts recommend using complex fortified products. These include: Aevit, Ovesol, Multitabs and others.

Traditional methods of therapy

It is strictly prohibited to treat hepatitis C only with folk remedies. This can lead to serious consequences. Such drugs are used only as a supplement to the main course. The simplest and most effective medicines are:

  • Warm in a glass boiled water stir in a tablespoon of honey. This drink should be drunk every day for two months. Courses of treatment with this remedy are carried out in the spring and autumn months.
  • Dilute 15 grams of mumiyo in half a liter of warm water. At the beginning of treatment, the drug is taken in an amount of 25 drops. Gradually increase the dose to 60 drops. It is best to drink it before meals.
  • Pour three tablespoons of powdered milk thistle into half a liter of water. Boil in a water bath to half the volume. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered. You need to take the medicine by spoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner. One course takes up to 60 days.
  • Drink a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage and carrot juice every day. You can also add beet juice to the drink.

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Treatment of hepatitis C must be supplemented with adjustments to your usual lifestyle. Do therapeutic exercises, take a contrast shower, walk more and follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Hepatitis is a dangerous disease that requires serious treatment. It should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. Only strict adherence to all instructions will help to avoid complications.

Group A hepatitis is considered the mildest form of the disease. It develops as a result of viruses from the Picornaviridae family entering the body. Most often, a person becomes infected by drinking contaminated water, food, or using items that have been used by a sick person.

If the disease is diagnosed in a mild form, then the use of medications in therapy will not be necessary. Advanced stage of hepatitis A requires integrated approach to treatment. The following methods are used:

  • Prescribing medications.
  • Diet food.
  • Compliance with bed rest and hygiene standards. You should take a hot shower before bed every day.

A patient diagnosed with hepatitis is placed in quarantine for at least a month and a half. At the same time, it is regularly necessary to take tests, by which a specialist can judge the effectiveness of treatment.

After completing the main course of treatment, a person must be under the supervision of a specialist for six months. This is the only way to guarantee complete victory over the virus.

It is impossible to cope with a progressive virus without the use of medications. Several groups of medications are used:

  • Vitamin. Ascorbic acid plays a key role in therapy. It is most often combined with routine.
  • Hepatoprotectors. They are designed to restore damaged liver cells. The most effective are Essentiale, Hepatofalk, Karsil.
  • Enterosorbents. With their help, it is possible to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. The use of Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb is indicated.
  • Preparations containing enzymes. They are necessary to reduce the load on the digestive system. This group includes Mezim-forte, Creon, Festal.
  • In severe cases, the use of immunomodulators is indicated. They stimulate the body's defenses and allow you to quickly cope with the disease. These drugs include: Thymogen, Timalin.

For reference. The choice of drugs and their exact dosages is carried out exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. The patient must strictly follow all recommendations. It is strictly prohibited to change medications or interrupt treatment without permission.

Diet for hepatitis A

For successful treatment, taking pills is not enough. Compliance with a competent diet plays an important role. In this case, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink at least three liters of fluid per day. It is better if these are glucose solutions, tea with sugar, mineral water containing alkaline components.
  • The consumption of salty, overly spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods is strictly prohibited. A complete rejection of marinades will be required.
  • You can’t eat radishes, garlic, radishes.
  • All dishes must be baked, boiled or steamed.

The daily norm for such patients is considered to be from 2500 to 3000 kcal. In this case, you need to take food in small portions four to five times a day.

Traditional methods of treating hepatitis A

In addition to the traditional course of treatment, you can also use folk recipes. Their use as primary therapy is strictly prohibited. Among the most effective medicines are:

  • Mix chicory root, St. John's wort, horsetail and yarrow one spoon at a time. Steam the resulting mixture in a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion is ready for use. Drink a teaspoon before each meal.
  • Mix a small handful of rosehips and rowan berries. Pour a glass of boiling water. Add some honey. This infusion is drunk twice a day.
  • Potato juice helps restore liver function. It is taken half an hour before meals three times a day. There is no need to prepare the juice in advance; prepare it immediately before use.
  • It is also possible to fight the virus with the help of sage. To prepare the medicine, steam two tablespoons of dried raw materials in a glass of boiling water. After an hour it needs to be filtered. This tincture is drunk a spoonful every couple of hours for a week.

If side effects begin to be observed after using such drugs, their use should be stopped immediately. After this, contact a specialist.

The liver is a filter of the human body, an important organ of the digestive system; when it is damaged by viruses, a serious inflammatory process develops. How to treat hepatitis C, why you need to start treatment immediately, what drugs will help get rid of the disease, and how much it will cost - the answers to these questions will help you choose the optimal therapy.

With proper treatment, hepatitis C can be cured

Which doctor treats hepatitis C?

Several specialists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis C. Hepatologist - deals with the treatment of various liver pathologies; an infectious disease specialist specializes in infectious diseases caused by opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

Hepatitis C may for a long time proceed without any special symptoms, the acute form is often similar in clinical manifestation to a respiratory infection, jaundice appears in a very small number of patients. All these factors make diagnosis difficult; regular preventive examination will help to identify a dangerous virus in a timely manner.

How is the disease treated: outpatient or inpatient?

Treatment for viral liver disease can be done in the hospital or at home.

Hospitalize patients with complications and concomitant liver diseases

Patients with advanced forms of the disease who have begun to develop cirrhosis due to hepatitis are placed in the hospital; hospitalization is necessary to determine the extent of organ damage and the presence of other complications. In the hospital, under the constant supervision of a doctor, acute hepatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease are treated, since it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of therapy.

The acute form of hepatitis C sometimes provokes activation of the immune system, which causes self-healing, but such cases are recorded in approximately 1–2% of patients.

Treatment effectiveness

It is possible to completely get rid of hepatitis C, but to do this you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo full course treatment, refuse bad habits, closely monitor your own health, lead an active lifestyle. One of the main conditions for successful recovery is diet.

Authorized productsProhibited Products
  • meat low-fat varieties, boiled or baked minced meat dishes;
  • lean fish – should be present in the diet more often than meat;
  • sauces based on sour cream, yogurt, milk;
  • soups with light vegetable broth;
  • Any bread can be used, but only dried;
  • vegetables, raw or stewed;
  • ripe berries and fruits;
  • sweets in small quantities - meringue, marmalade, marshmallows, caramel, honey, jam;
  • boiled eggs, omelet;
  • butter – 20–30 g/day;
  • all cereals;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • still water, herbal and green tea, natural juices, rosehip decoction.
  • radishes, radishes, mushrooms, garlic, onions, white cabbage;
  • pickled, pickled vegetables, legumes;
  • fried foods, rich broths;
  • food with any chemical additives;
  • fatty meat, fish, cooking fats, sausages;
  • smoked meats, lard, canned food, fatty dairy products;
  • fresh bread, pastries made from yeast and puff pastry, confectionery with cream, chocolate;
  • products with oxalic acid, high cholesterol content;
  • kvass;
  • hot sauces;
  • black coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks.

Patients with hepatitis need to eat more protein foods - 1g protein/kg, the amount of fat per day - 80 g, complex carbohydrates should leave half of the total energy value, the amount of salt should be reduced to 2-8 g.

With timely treatment, proper treatment, following a diet and the recommendations of the attending physician, hepatitis is permanently cured in approximately 90% of patients.

Drug treatment

The basis of therapy for hepatitis C is interferon preparations; doctors recommend using several at once medicines from this group, the dosage and duration of treatment depend on the genotype of the virus, the concentration of viral RNA, and the level of decreased immunity.

Basic treatment regimen with injectable interferons:

  • virus genotype II, III - Ribavirin 800 mg/day for six months;
  • virus genotype I, IV - after a biopsy, Ribavirin is prescribed at 1000–1200 mg/day for 48 weeks;
  • for any type of virus - Altevir three times a week.

Modern drugs based on sofosbuvir and daclatasvir are produced in the form of tablets; they have a detrimental effect directly on the virus that provokes the development of hepatitis. Original medicines Sovaldi and Daklinza are produced in Europe and America, but there are also Indian generics that are in no way inferior to the originals in their therapeutic effect.

Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir should be taken simultaneously - 1 tablet per day of each drug. The duration of treatment is 12–24 weeks; in severe forms, the presence of HIV and cirrhosis, Ribavirin is additionally prescribed.

In case of genotype IV of the virus, only Daclatasvir can be used in therapy in combination with Interferon and Ribavirin; in the presence of HIV and drug intolerance, taking medications based on daclatasvir and sofosbuvir is contraindicated.

In addition to antiviral drugs, hepatoprotectors are prescribed - Phosphogliv, Silimar, Essentiale. Be sure to take B vitamins, ascorbic acid, folic acid, and immunomodulators.

When taking Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir together, a positive result of therapy is observed in 50–100% of cases, depending on the specific pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Contraindications to drug treatment

Drug treatment is contraindicated in patients under 3 years of age and adults over 60 years of age; combination antiviral therapy is not carried out in the presence of certain chronic diseases.

Main contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • heart failure, ischemia;
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • more severe mental disorders.

Pregnancy is a serious contraindication to drug treatment hepatitis C

Drug treatment of hepatitis cannot be carried out in patients who have undergone organ transplantation or have a severe allergy to drugs.

Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies

It is impossible to cure hepatitis C with folk remedies, since unconventional methods help strengthen the immune system, restore, and improve liver function.

How to treat hepatitis C with home remedies:

  1. Brew 220 ml of boiling water and 10 g of crushed corn silk, leave in a sealed container for 2 hours. Drink 25 ml 4 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. The drink has a pronounced choleretic effect.
  2. Grind 3 tbsp into powder. l. milk thistle seeds, pour 500 ml of boiling water, simmer in a steam bath for half an hour, strain. Take 15 ml three times a day after meals.
  3. Grate 3 tbsp. l. fresh horseradish root, pour 250 ml of homemade milk, heat over low heat, but do not boil. Drink the entire portion of the medicine in small sips throughout the day.
  4. To strengthen the immune system, drink honey water in the morning on an empty stomach - 5-10 g of the product per 200 ml of warm water. Aloe also helps well - take 10 ml of fresh plant juice three times a day before meals. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of natural grapefruit juice.
  5. Shilajit will help restore liver cells - pour 15 g of raw material into 500 ml of hot water, but not boiling water, and stir. Start taking it with 25 drops, gradually increase the dose to 5 ml, you need to drink the medicine in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

Taking mumiyo will help restore liver cells

Traditional healers recommend that patients with hepatitis eat 1 raw yolk of a home-made egg every morning, half an hour before breakfast, and drink 250 ml of a mixture of equal parts of fresh juice of parsley, carrots, celery and pumpkin twice a day.

How much does it cost to cure hepatitis C?

Treatment of hepatitis C with modern drugs will cost about 1 million rubles. per course, since most drugs have not yet been certified in the Russian Federation, they will have to be ordered online in Europe, America, India; interferon drugs also have a high cost.

What to do if there is no money? There are quotas and benefits for receiving free therapy, but since there is no single federal program for the treatment of this disease, people with hepatitis will have to make a lot of effort to be able to receive treatment for free.

Participation in clinical trials is one way to get free treatment

Options for free hepatitis C treatment:

  • public funds for the treatment of viral hepatitis - the quota applies to patients with fibrosis of III, IV degrees, elevated liver parameters;
  • preferential therapy for citizens of certain categories;
  • participation in clinical trials of antiviral drugs conducted by pharmaceutical companies;
  • medical insurance.

If you cannot get rid of acute hepatitis within a year, the disease will become chronic, and recovery may take decades.

If hepatitis C is not treated, how long can you live?

Without proper treatment of viral hepatitis, a person will sooner or later begin to develop cirrhosis and liver cancer; life expectancy depends only on the degree of decreased immunity, the patient’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, and lifestyle. The disease can develop asymptomatically for 15–25 years.

Prevention of viral disease

To avoid infection with hepatitis C, you must avoid contact with other people's blood, do not forget about condoms, and do not use other people's razors or toothbrushes.

To avoid becoming infected with hepatitis C, use only personal hygiene products

When visiting a dentist, nail salons, or tattoo parlors, you should insist on using disposable instruments, or ask for sterilization again and monitor the process personally.

There is no vaccine against hepatitis C yet.

Viral hepatitis C– a dangerous disease in which liver dysfunction occurs, in the absence of proper treatment cancer and cirrhosis develop. Therapy for the pathology is lengthy and expensive, so it is better to follow the rules of prevention and try in every possible way to avoid infection.

Hepatitis- This infection and toxic liver damage. Acute hepatitis has another name: jaundice. Chronic hepatitis is called cirrhosis of the liver. The main causes of hepatitis are chronic alcoholism, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, and malaria.

Symptoms: lack of appetite, belching or heartburn, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain - these are all signs of hepatitis. And also the skin and pupils of the eyes become slightly yellow, which is why hepatitis got its second name “jaundice”.

Traditional medicine for any disorders and diseases of the liver has a unique remedy for the treatment of hepatitis. And what is very important is that this product is budget-friendly and safe - it’s freshly squeezed carrot juice! This is because carrots contain a large number of Vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the liver, liver cells are cleansed and restored when drinking freshly squeezed carrot juice. Therefore, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed carrot juice for the treatment of hepatitis C in combination with other treatment methods, because has a beneficial effect on the cleansing and restoration of liver cells.

Many who tried this method of treating hepatitis on themselves interrupted it without achieving improvement, because... An overdose of vitamin A, which is found in excess in carrot juice, increases yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Of course, you need to know when to stop everything, but don’t be afraid of the appearance of more intense yellowness, because This is an indirect effect, because with an excess of vitamin A, the liver begins to work more intensively on self-purification, and more bile and toxins contained in the liver are released into the blood than usual.

As a result, the second filter of the body after the liver - the kidneys - cannot cope with the removal of toxins, after which the next organ for removing toxins - our skin - is involved, which entails a more intense yellowing of the skin. Knowing this, you should not be afraid that the disease is progressing, but on the contrary, the liver is intensively cleansing itself of harmful substances. Therefore, juice therapy for the treatment of hepatitis can and should be continued, but without fanaticism.

For added peace of mind, it is worth noting that carrot juice, although it causes yellowing of the skin, is absolutely harmless and can be drunk as much as the body requires. When treating hepatitis, carrot juice should be consumed freshly squeezed in the morning on an empty stomach, but you can also drink it two more times a day, half an hour before meals or an hour and a half after.

Attention! You don’t have to worry about the content of agrochemicals in root crops, because... almost all of them remain in the fiber and do not end up in the juice - this was proven by Norman Walker, the founder of juice therapy.

§2. The most popular folk recipes for the treatment of hepatitis C

Honey therapy in the treatment of hepatitis

Honey therapy in the treatment of hepatitis- honey contains microelements that are necessary for the full functioning of the whole body, and most importantly for the heart and liver. As for specific treatment, honey is a powerful choleretic agent. (to make sure this statement is true, drink 0.5 liters of tea with two tablespoons of honey), being a natural antiseptic, prevents inflammatory processes in the liver and not only due to its choleretic properties and natural antiseptic qualities, honey is extremely useful for chronic hepatitis.

Collection of herbs for the treatment of hepatitis: medicinal sage, horsetail, tansy, common yarrow, common agrimony, knotweed, burdock leaves. Also inflorescences: chamomile, St. John's wort. Required are elecampane, burdock root, and brown rose hips. How to cook? - Take 10 grams of each of the indicated ingredients, pour 4 tablespoons of the resulting mixture with one liter of boiling water, leave for 2 to 3 hours, the lid of the vessel should be closed. You need to take the infusion half a glass, three times a day.

Hellebore Caucasian for the treatment of hepatitis

Attention! Large doses of this plant are poisonous, so you need to decide on acceptable doses. It is recommended to begin treatment with Caucasian hellebore after the main treatment; it has properties that destroy harmful microbes, pathogenic fungi, viruses, whose habitat is intercellular fluid, blood and lymph. To achieve a guaranteed positive result, the course of treatment must be at least a year; only under this condition will hellebore destroy any infection. Hellebore tincture is best taken at night before bed, because... At night it has the most beneficial effect on the liver.

Mumiyo for the treatment of hepatitis

Mumiyo for the treatment of hepatitis- this is a unique substance and, without a doubt, one of the best means for improving mineral metabolism in the human body. How does mumiyo help in the treatment of hepatitis C? - Mumiyo helps to increase the level of red blood cells in the blood, increases the hemoglobin content, thereby improving blood supply to all organs, including the liver.

Cooking recipes:

1. In 0.5 l. dissolve 15 grams of mumiyo in water with a temperature of 60-70 degrees Celsius. You need to start with 25 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 60 drops over the course of a week, then take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

2. Dilute 4 grams of mumiyo in warm milk, add honey, take in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Course 4 weeks.

Treatment of hepatitis C with milk thistle

Milk thistle is in second place in its effectiveness in the treatment of hepatitis C. Milk thistle seeds are ideally suited for preparing a healing decoction.

Recipe for the decoction: Grind three tablespoons of milk thistle seeds in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into 0.5 liters. boiling water, then put in a water bath and hold until the broth boils to 0.25 liters, then strain. Take the resulting decoction 1 tablespoon 30 minutes after meals, three times a day. The course of such treatment lasts from 30 to 60 days.

Milk thistle tincture

Also very good for the treatment of hepatitis, in addition to the decoction, a tincture of milk thistle seeds is also suitable.

Recipe for making tincture: pour 50 grams of milk thistle seeds into 0.5 liters. vodka, let it brew for two weeks. Dilute a teaspoon of the resulting tincture with 100 ml of water, take 30 minutes before meals, four times a day. The duration of the course is two months.

§3. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C

For the treatment of chronic hepatitis, there is the following, well-proven method. Grind five rose hips and mix, add four parts of birch leaves, cudweed grass, three parts of St. John's wort, two parts each of dandelion roots, fennel fruits, corn silk, celandine grass, calendula flowers. Pour the resulting mixture into 0.5 liters. boiling water and leave for 7 hours. Take half an hour before meals, three times a day. It is necessary to conduct 3 courses with a break of 45-60 days.

Oats for the treatment of hepatitis in liver cirrhosis

If you have cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, then there is the following very good folk remedy for the treatment of hepatitis - oat decoction. The cooking recipe is as follows: take 300 g of oat grains, pour 3 liters. cold water and put on the fire, bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes with the lid open. After this, close the broth and let it cool. You need to drink 0.75 liters per day, while eating honey, the course of treatment is three months.

Treatment of hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis with corn silk

Corn silk has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and is also recommended for the treatment of hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis. It can be taken either in the form of a decoction or tincture.

Preparation of tincture: crush the corn silks, pour one tablespoon of crushed corn silks into a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take 2-3 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals, 3-5 times a day.

Preparation of the decoction: Pour 4 tablespoons of corn silk into 0.5 liters. water, bring to a boil, then leave for about an hour. Take 0.5 cups 4 times a day. The course of treatment must be carried out before receiving positive results.

Collection of herbs for the treatment of hepatitis

For the treatment of hepatitis, the following recipe is recommended from an infusion of herbs: shepherd's purse, verbena, thuja, rose hips, horsetail, celandine, caraway, dandelion, viburnum, mint, corn silk, immortelle, coltsfoot, birch leaves, tansy. This herbal collection can be drunk for all types of hepatitis, this collection has the following properties: choleretic and blood purifying, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.

§4. Gentle liver cleansing to treat hepatitis

The cause of hepatitis is a long-term negative effect on the liver, as a result of which the liver becomes clogged and ceases to perform its protective functions, and the elimination of toxins worsens. Therefore, the liver needs to be helped to fight negative impact through cleaning. There are quite a few ways to cleanse the liver, but here we will give an example of a gentle, gentle and safe method of liver cleansing as an auxiliary method in the treatment of hepatitis, which can be done at home.

This liver cleansing is carried out in the morning and takes about 2 hours. As soon as you wake up, you need to drink 2-3 glasses on an empty stomach. clean water, room temperature. The water should not be mineral, but simple drinking, purified. After 20-30 minutes. you need to drink a glass of grape or apple juice (the juice must be freshly squeezed). Alternatively, if juice is not available for any reason, you can drink 2 tablespoons olive oil cold pressed.

After following the above recommendations, you need to lie on your left side with a heating pad on your right and cover yourself with a warm blanket. You need to lie like this for one and a half to two hours. After two hours, we get up, take a couple or three deep breaths and several squats. After which you can eat. This procedure should be performed 2 times a week, the course is 10-15 procedures.

Treatment of hepatitis with juices

Juice therapy is very effective in treating hepatitis. The easiest way: drink a glass in the morning mineral water room temperature with a squeeze of half a lemon and adding a tablespoon of honey.

It is also very useful for hepatitis to drink a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice 2 times a day; you can add ¼ glass of beet juice for greater effectiveness.

§5. Treatment of acute hepatitis

Preparation of the decoction: take a 3-liter saucepan, add water, then bring to a boil, add 50 grams of fresh jujube berries, peanuts and 50 grams of sugar. The broth should be boiled for about 30 minutes, then allowed to cool. You need to take one glass half an hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is at least 30 days.

§6. Auxiliary methods in the treatment of hepatitis

. physiotherapy - consists in simple exercises(push-ups from the floor, rotation of the torso, bending the torso from side to side and bending forward and backward, walking in place, as well as rubbing in the liver area);

. water treatment- in case of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, you need to take soothing baths daily;

. cold and hot shower- one minute under hot water and five seconds under cold, 10-15 approaches two to three times a day.

. chamomile decoction enema- if yellowness appears on the skin, a warm enema of chamomile decoction in a volume of 1.5 liters is required. in the morning and in the evening.

Chronic hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease that lasts more than 6 months and requires complex treatment. But a common situation is when the entire volume of funds offered by a doctor is reduced to the so-called. hepatoprotectors.

However, there are more ways you can protect your liver from damage than you might think.

This article is an overview of the most important points that you should know when diagnosed with “chronic hepatitis” and a description of the 15 years of experience of the Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg in the use of natural remedies.

The main task for hepatitis

Killing the virus is not always the main goal. It either doesn’t exist already, or the treatment is so expensive and has such side effects that not everyone dares.

Protecting liver cells from further damage is what ensures better health and a reduced risk of degeneration into fibrosis (i.e. cirrhosis).

Everyone knows that poor diet, alcohol, medications and toxins can worsen the course of the disease. But according to research, oxidative stress and internal intoxication cause no less harm... And this can be dealt with using

The logic of the “Sokolinsky System” is to use not only the most obvious, but also all possible physiological mechanisms to maintain a stable cell wall (protect it from damage by viruses and toxins), as well as maintain stable immunity, eliminating the causes of autoimmune liver damage.

How does this affect the general condition? The liver is the largest gland in the body, in which various proteins and bile are synthesized, toxins are neutralized, and glucose, vitamins and microelements are stored. With chronic hepatitis, all these functions suffer, that is, liver damage leads to severe metabolic disorders, accumulation of toxins and deficiency of protein substances.

If, as a result of regular support and reasonable nutrition, you have good indicators of ALT, ASAT, bilirubin, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase, normal stool, active vital tone, then you can expect with greater confidence that on the fibroscan the organ structure indicators will be close to normal.

If you have been prescribed a course of antiviral therapy

This does not mean that he excludes the use of natural remedies. On the contrary - reduce side effects and allow the doctor to carry out the full program more easily with the help of natural support.

There are many people who feel very bad with banal fatty hepatosis, and no less than those who have learned to live with chronic hepatitis. The question is not in the diagnosis, but in its course, how you manage the process.

Types of chronic hepatitis

Depending on the cause, chronic viral, autoimmune and toxic hepatitis are distinguished. The main cause of chronic hepatitis is acute hepatitis B, C and D. Viruses invade hepatocytes and reproduce new viral particles, causing a response from the body.

Chronic viral hepatitis (CVH), which occupies a leading position in the structure of all liver diseases. The most important feature CVH is predominantly latent. According to WHO estimates, hundreds of millions of people around the world are infected with hepatotropic viruses. The most common is the hepatitis B virus; viral hepatitis C is detected in 3% of the Russian population.

Autoimmune hepatitis is a separate pathology that develops more often in women and is characterized by immune inflammation not only in the liver, but in other organs. The diagnosis is made if hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticoids) are effective.

Toxic hepatitis is caused by various substances that can damage the liver. Among them are most often medications (many antibiotics, paracetamol and others), alcohol and heavy metals.

How exactly is the liver damaged by hepatitis?

Chronic hepatitis is characterized by constant inflammation in the liver, which periodically subsides and worsens again. The causative factor of chronic hepatitis (virus, toxin, antigen) acts on liver cells in different ways.

In chronic hepatitis, cells are damaged by the following mechanisms:

Cytolysis is the direct destruction of hepatocytes, which leads to dystrophy and necrosis (death). This mechanism operates mainly in cases of toxic liver damage. Cytolysis is also observed during exacerbation of chronic viral hepatitis.

Cholestasis is stagnation of bile due to inflammatory edema, which compresses the intrahepatic ducts, or due to profound changes when bile pigments accumulate in hepatocytes. Accompanies all types of hepatitis.

Immune inflammation - hepatocytes are attacked by antibodies that are produced by the immune system. These mechanisms are supported by viral hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis. The virus invades the DNA of the hepatocyte, changes the structure of the cell, which becomes “foreign” for immune cells. Therefore, even after the virus is removed from the liver, the immune system continues to attack hepatocytes.

Steatosis is a dystrophy in which fatty deposits accumulate in the liver. Characteristic of chronic alcoholic hepatitis.

During the inflammatory reaction and cytolysis, many enzymes are released from cells, and lipid peroxidation (LPO) is activated. Oxidized products and free radicals literally “bomb” the liver cells, as a result their integrity is disrupted and their protein antigens are exposed. The latter change the reactivity of the immune system even more, because lymphocytes have never seen the “internal proteins” of hepatocytes, so they perceive them as a foreign substance that must be destroyed.

Chronic liver damage compromises the liver's antioxidant function, exacerbating the inflammatory response that is essentially ongoing. It has been proven that in case of chronic liver diseases, a deficiency of glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid occurs in the body, which are the most powerful antioxidants that protect liver cells from the effects of toxins, free radicals and inhibit the release of substances that stimulate inflammation [ Promenasheva T.E. “The role of oxidative stress and the glutathione system in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease”].

The peculiarity of viral hepatitis C is that it is able to reduce the number of natural killer cells - large lymphocytes that normally destroy tumor cells and cells in which the virus “sits” [ Immune response in viral hepatitis C: the leading role of natural killers Davidovich N.V.]

We must always remember that, regardless of the name of the virus, the physical mechanism of damage is a long-term inflammatory reaction, therefore everything that helps regulate inflammation is also applicable for chronic hepatitis.

What symptoms indicate hepatitis?

With all chronic hepatitis, almost the same symptoms occur. The main symptoms depend on the predominant mechanism of inflammation. Thus, cytolysis causes weight loss, increased body temperature, jaundice, hemorrhages, pain in the right hypochondrium, and often hormonal disorders (hair growth in women, enlarged mammary glands in men). Autoimmune hepatitis is characterized by the appearance of arthralgia and enlarged lymph nodes.

With chronic hepatitis, digestion worsens, general weakness, itching, rash, and swelling appear. Patients may note that they have become worse able to cope with mental work. The more severe the inflammation, the more severe the symptoms.

50% of patients with chronic viral hepatitis are diagnosed with bacterial overgrowth syndrome in the small intestine, that is, a state of imbalance in the intestinal microflora, when there are more “harmful” bacteria and fewer “useful” bacteria. In patients with hepatitis C, this syndrome is associated with disease progression. When hepatitis turns into cirrhosis, this syndrome is no longer detected.[ “Chronic viral hepatitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, observation and examination in military medical institutions” dissertation. Kozlov K.V]

What's the forecast?

All types of chronic hepatitis gradually cause the death of hepatocytes, and scar tissue forms in their place. This process is called fibrosis. The more areas of fibrosis, the greater the risk of transition of chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis, in which the structure of the liver is disrupted.

At all stages of chronic hepatitis, liver cell failure is present to varying degrees, in which the liver’s ability to neutralize toxic substances and produce the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and bile gradually decreases. In severe cases of chronic hepatitis, liver cancer develops.

Despite the general complications, each type of hepatitis has its own characteristics:

According to V. Ya. Schwartz, autoimmune hepatitis, if left untreated, leads to cirrhosis within 5 years in 82% of patients.

According to Pavlov Ch.S., in patients with hepatitis B, carcinoma can occur even before the development of cirrhosis.

According to Nikolaeva L.A. Chronic hepatitis C in the first 10-15 years after infection occurs without significant clinical manifestations. 20 years after infection with the virus, cirrhosis is detected in 20-40% of patients.

According to Sadovnikova I.I., alcoholic cirrhosis liver disease develops in approximately 10% of alcohol abusers over a period of 5 to 20 years.

How can hepatoprotectors help?

Hepatoprotectors are a group of different drugs that have one common property - to protect liver cells. Protection of hepatocytes is achieved by the fact that the active components of drugs enhance the detoxification function of the liver and regeneration processes in it, increase the resistance of liver cells to pathological factors of various kinds and contribute to the normalization of their functional activity.

Thus, treatment with hepatoprotectors is aimed at eliminating the cause of chronic hepatitis, and at the mechanism of damage to hepatocytes. Therefore, hepatoprotectors are used as an addition to the main therapy for alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases, drug-induced, toxic and viral hepatitis [ V.V. Chernyavsky “Hepatoprotectors in the realities of evidence-based medicine and clinical practice”].

Traditionally, viral hepatitis is treated with antiviral drugs (interferon), autoimmune and toxic - with glucocorticosteroids. Basic therapy often causes side effects, which in some cases causes doctors to reduce the dose of the drug. For example, interferon therapy often causes alopecia, depression, diabetes, autoimmune damage to the lungs and thyroid gland. Sometimes therapy is canceled altogether [ Ryumin A. M. Side effects of different interferon therapy regimens for chronichepatitis C and their correction].

Indications for the use of hepatoprotectors

Chronic hepatitis (all types);

Hepatitis at the stage of transition to liver cirrhosis;

Toxic liver damage;

Nonspecific changes in the liver in pathologies of other organs.

Classification of hepatoprotectors:

Herbal preparations (silymarin, glycyrrhizic acid, etc.);

Amino acids (ademetionine);

Essential phospholipids;

Vitamins and antioxidants.

Probiotics are usually not classified as hepatoprotectors. And that's wrong. Because their role in protecting the liver is simply enormous. Imagine how many toxic substances can be neutralized at the intestinal level, preventing them from entering the blood, and you will understand why a deep approach without rebooting the microflora is impossible.

In addition, immunity-correcting properties have been confirmed for lacto and bifidobacteria. Therefore, rebiosis is a key point in the program for chronic damage to liver cells.

Natural hepatoprotectors for chronic hepatitis



Mechanism of hepatoprotective action


Selenium is an important component of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), a non-specific natural antioxidant in the body.

Selenium acts as a “protector” against free radicals, eliminates oxidative stress and slows down the process of liver fibrosis.

Zinc is essential for the growth, development and differentiation of liver cells. It is an important component of many enzymes involved in metabolism.

In the form of easily digestible zinc citrate in the Sokolinsky System it is part of the Balance. Advanced Probiotic

Zinc blocks the progression of alcoholic hepatitis. In addition, it reduces the amount of inflammatory cytokines, has an antioxidant effect and prevents the early death of hepatocytes. Zinc supplements especially improve liver function in hepatitis C.

“Zinc and liver disease” Mohammad MK et al.


Spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae that is used as a food additive.

In the Sokolinsky System it is part of

Spirulina has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It has been proven to reduce the level of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver, especially when it is toxic.

“Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antihepatotoxic effect of Spirulina platensis when administered with d-galactosamine in an experiment on rats” Al-Qahtani WH

Soy lecithin

Soy lecithins are fat-like substances that contain phospholipids.

In the Sokolinsky System it is part of

Lecithin is able to immediately penetrate into the phospholipid structure of hepatocyte membranes and “patch” damaged areas. As a result, the barrier function of cells increases and they more easily tolerate the harmful effects of toxins.

“Hepatoprotective effect of biological products from low-fat soy and sunflower lecithins”
Drozdov A.L. et al.


Fat-soluble vitamin E.

In the Sokolinsky System it is part of

Inhibits lipid peroxidation in the liver and damage to hepatocytes by free radicals.

“Hepatoprotective effect of α-tocopherol on alcoholic liver damage” Gouriprosad Datta et al.


Contained in plants of the ginger family Curcuma longa.

Curcuminum Q10 complex (95% extract potentized with 97% piperine)

The antioxidant curcumin may inhibit the production of reactive oxygen species, inhibit hepatitis B virus activation, and suppress liver fibrosis.

Jing Neng “Selenium-containing curcumin for liver fibrosis”

Alpha lipoic acid (thioctic)

It is a necessary cofactor that starts metabolism inside the cell.

In the European “Sokolinsky System” it is part of Ziflanium

Has its own antioxidant effect, and also restores glutathione and inhibits oxidative stress

“Pharmacological effects of alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid” Molchanova O.V. et al.

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ademetionine)

SAMe is a natural substance, a derivative of the amino acid L-methionine, which is synthesized in the liver and is involved in various metabolic processes.

The drug reduces the permeability of hepatocyte membranes, prevents destruction of the cytoskeleton of hepatocytes, increases the synthesis and content of thiols, helping to protect cells from bile acids and free radicals, and prevents fibrosis. Ademetionine can be used for medicinal and toxic hepatitis, and is indicated for alcoholic hepatitis.

"Possibilities of clinical use of ademetionine in patients with liver diseases"

S.D. Podymova

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), counterbalance the inflammation-supporting arachidonic acid

They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Improve metabolism. Their effectiveness has been proven in research. Omega-3 PUFAs improve liver function not only in chronic hepatitis, but also in cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

"The effectiveness of omega-3 PUFAs in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a meta-analysis of randomized trials"He XX et al.


Probiotics are live bacteria, natural inhabitants of the intestines, which secrete a number of useful substances to correct the immune system and curb the inflammatory process.

In the Sokolinsky System, lactobacteria with proven anti-inflammatory properties are included in the Balance. Advanced Probiotic

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Akkermansia muciniphila and Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 restore glutathione deficiency in the liver.

“The connection between intestinal microflora and liver diseases. Hepatoprotective role of natural dietary products and probiotics"

Xiao Meng et al

Experience in using natural remedies for hepatitis

I repeat once again that the goal of the “Sokolinsky System” is not to cure hepatitis with folk remedies in a month, but in a purely physiological way to ensure improved liver function, protection of its cells, and self-regulation of the immune system. As a result, improve your general condition and performance. The components used in the “Sokolinsky System” are either unique (Zosterin Ultra) or used by clinical nutritionists around the world (lecithin, omega-3) or came from the depths of centuries (Laiver 48. Margali) and tested in modern clinics. They are 100% safe. But these are not medicines. Therefore, in case of severe liver damage, always consult a specialist. There are cases when you cannot do without chemical medications.

Important points:

Their use is very simple and does not distract from everyday life.

All remedies can be combined with drug therapy

Monitoring your condition when using natural remedies

We don't promise miracles. The result on the general condition can be seen within the first two weeks.

The minimum set of indicators by which the condition of the liver is judged:

Clinical blood test


Alkaline phosphatase


The advanced analysis is supplemented with the following: albumin, cholesterol, coagulogram (prothrombin according to Quick, INR) and, if relevant, antibodies to the virus. They will decrease last.

Use the natural regimen for at least three months, before taking tests, evaluate them with a specialist, look at your overall performance and then decide on further use. Give an exact answer for how long to use each natural remedy.

From instrumental studies, you can independently sign up for an ultrasound to compare the size of the liver (the enlarged liver should return to normal), the degree of bile stagnation and structure. More complex tests (like CT scan, fibroscan) should be done only as prescribed by a doctor.

Main components of the Sokolinsky System:

Liver 48 (Margali) for hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, liver cirrhosis

A herbal product created from extracts of immortelle, milk thistle, plantain, combined with sulfur compounds. An ancient Georgian recipe. In both acute and chronic cases, Liver 48 helps the liver fight effectively and gives positive emotions within the first two months. But even a short course of taking Liver 48 - for a month - helps to feel a surge of strength, improved digestion, and a decrease in unpleasant symptoms associated with improper functioning of the liver (reduction of allergic manifestations, improvement of performance, sleep, disappearance of headaches, etc.). Research on the composition of the composition now produced under the brand name Liver 48 was carried out at the Military Medical Academy by Prof. Shabanov and in other clinics.

The results of biochemical tests, and accordingly the function of the organ, improve significantly (see)

Megapolynol for chronic hepatitis

Research on the effectiveness of omega-3 acids as a hepatoprotector could constitute a whole library. It has been reliably established that high-quality polyunsaturated fatty acids strengthen the cell wall and prevent excessive lipid peroxidation under the influence of free radicals, and they also limit the process of inflammation around damaged cells.

The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory action of Megapolynol (omega 3 acids) is in the action of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which suppress the activity of arachidonic acid - the basis for the formation of inflammatory substances - prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes. In conditions of their excess in the area of ​​inflammation, the normal division of liver cells may be disrupted and additional intoxication may occur.

Why do I recommend Megapolynol? Because these are the legendary omega-3 acids. I have more than 15 years of experience using them. They are very different in effectiveness from cheap fish oil from the pharmacy. Is it possible to replace them with omega-3s purchased in Finland or another Scandinavian country? Maybe yes, maybe not. I repeat, I have experience with different variants of PUFAs, but it has not been as successful as with Megapolynol in mass practice. Therefore, it is better to use a genuine product rather than analogues.

The production where Megapolynol is extracted and encapsulated is the first enterprise in Russia for the production of biologically active food additives, certified according to the FSSC 22000 scheme - the standard of European and American production.

How long should I take it? Experience shows that throughout the winter: from October to March, taking 1 capsule of Megapolynol is the best choice.

Zosterin ultra for hepatitis

The most effective natural drug for cleansing the blood of toxins that I have found in 20 years of practice.

In short, it is blood cleansing and liver support that give the most profound results for chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C, since they reduce the load on the detoxification system and the liver cells get a break for recovery. Even if you are planning a course of interferon, it is very correct to use blood cleansing before it.

Zosterin ultra has high sorption activity. It's proven. Therefore, a natural remedy (not a medicine) was included in a textbook on a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention, published for students of medical universities edited by the director of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. Tutelyana.

This Russian hemosorbent is obtained from the sea grass Zoster, which grows in the ecologically clean waters of the Primorsky Territory. It is capable of removing from the blood not only waste products of the type C virus, but also many environmental toxins that burden the liver. When using different combinations of taking the formulas Zosterin ultra 30% and Zosterin ultra 60% for hepatitis, it is also possible to use its immunomodulatory effect. This is important for the autoimmune mechanism of development of hepatitis B. There is an improvement in cellular and humoral immunity, a decrease in sensitization, a decrease in eosinophilia, CEC, and stabilization of the levels of immunoglobulins M and E.

Most quick effect- blood purification. It should always be carried out, except when taking antiviral drugs prescribed as a specific treatment for hepatitis. Hemosorbent can reduce their effect. Get some advice.

Here are some excerpts from the results of testing Zosterin for chronic hepatitis.

During the testing of Zosterin Ultra in the St. Petersburg City Hepatology Center, when added to the traditional treatment of chronic hepatitis, ALT levels decreased by 20 units within 5 days, and bilirubin to normal from 200 units.

In pediatric practice, detailed studies of the capabilities of Zosterin were also conducted. 52 children were treated at the Research Institute of Children's Infections. As a result, the effectiveness of normalizing blood counts and the disappearance of skin and general manifestations of the disease was noted in 70-100% of patients. Only in a few children with hepatitis C, in whom the virus activity was high, it had no effect, since it has no effect on the virus itself. But at the same time, intestinal function has improved, the phenomena of dysbiosis have decreased, which in children always gives positive changes in general health, moreover, than smaller child, the higher the dependence of its condition on the intestines.

Finally, in Military Medical Academy Another study was conducted at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases on the effectiveness of Zosterin Ultra for viral variants B and C during an exacerbation.

Of the 19 people who took the course, a pronounced improvement in the form of a decrease in liver size, normalization of bilirubin and ALT levels, the disappearance of jaundice and intoxication was noted in 16. Moreover, a greater effect was seen in those patients who suffered from allergic disorders due to hepatitis and bile stagnation "

LecithinUM for hepatitis

The task of lecithin in this case is to protect against fatty liver degeneration (steatosis, fatty hepatosis). With a decrease in the amount of substances involved in the processing of fats - amino acids, lipotropic factors, the formation of phospholipids, beta-lipoproteins, lecithin from fats is disrupted, and unbound fat is deposited in the liver. This occurs especially actively when cells are weakened by a virus or an autoimmune process.

In our natural pharmacy we can offer at least 10 different lecithin options. But first of all, I recommend LecithinUM. It is produced specifically for the Sokolinsky System at a family enterprise in St. Petersburg from high-quality German raw materials. I have been using lecithin for more than 20 years and therefore I am absolutely confident in the effect and the absence of side effects. In my practice, dozens of pregnant and lactating women, hundreds of small children, and at least a thousand people in total drank it.

It is very easy to take - you can even add it to non-hot food.

But definitely for a long time. During the year up to 6 months. Since the substance is a food substance, there can be no addiction to it.

The need to use vitamins and microelements for hepatitis

For a long time existing disease The balance of vitamins and microelements is greatly disturbed, since the liver takes part in the metabolism of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, PP and folic acid, as well as calcium, iron, copper.

And at the same time, not only a virus or inflammation reduces overall performance, but also an imbalance of vital substances.

Of course, I don’t recommend chemically synthesized vitamins. In this case, the dosages should be minimal, the complex should be as complete as possible, and the source should be as close as possible to food. You can get a 100% balanced natural set of vitamins and minerals for hepatitis from the NutriDetox green cocktail (spirulina + chlorella + active psyllium fibers and proteolytic enzyme papain). The advantage is that natural vitamins do not require additional effort from hepatocytes for their absorption and do not strain the liver.

At the same time, it will also provide the liver with a set of essential amino acids, which help bind toxins more efficiently, especially nitrogenous compounds.

How to take the course:

1 month

Blood purification - Zosterin ultra 30% for 20 days, 1 powder per day, over time, without combining with others or with food, then another 5 days Zosterin ultra 60%, 1 powder per day.

2 month

Recovery block - Liver 48, 1 cap. 2 times a day with food and Megapolynol 1 capsule. per day and Unibacter. Special Series: 2 capsules (or Balance. Advanced Probiotic) before bedtime

Add to your diet as a source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber - NutriDetox 1/3 teaspoon in a smoothie or with water

3 month

Recovery block - Liver 48, 1 cap. 2 times a day with food and Megapolynol 1 capsule. per day and Unibacter. Special Series: 2 capsules (or Balance. Advanced Probiotic) before bedtime

Add to your diet as a source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber - NutriDetox 1/3 teaspoon in a smoothie or with water

4-6 month

LecithinUM 1 tablespoon per day, you can also repeat the 10-day course of Zosterin Ultra 60% and continue Megapolynol 1 caps. in d day

Add to your diet as a source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber - NutriDetox 1/3 teaspoon in a smoothie or with water

Hepatitis is a serious condition, so it is very advisable to get it. Because it is not the individual components that are always valuable, but the system and the experience of using it. Therefore, when contacting the Sokolinsky Center, you can count not only on 100% authenticity of the natural products offered, but also on a free consultation.

If you live in Europe. What natural remedies to use

The logic will be exactly the same. Protect against oxidative stress, stabilize the inflammatory response and immunity, protect against toxins, incl. through normalization of microflora. You just need to take into account the issue of boundaries. They are not yet transparent. Therefore, part of the natural products is produced for the Sokolinsky System in the EU for those who cannot order from Russia.

Our European program includes an anti-inflammatory and regenerative block of Curcuminum Q10 complex, Zyflanium and Omega-3, as well as a probiotic with anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effects Balance Advance Probiotic. Use NutriDetox as a food supplement (a source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant fibers) to improve digestion.

Learn more about these funds on the website www.sokolinskycenter.com

You can always ask questions to the consultants about the admission plan

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