Gos Irya named after A. State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin. Basic organization of the CIS for teaching the Russian language

About the university

The Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin was formed by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 23, 1973 No. 615-193 on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Language at the Moscow State University, which had been operating since 1966. state university named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The center, which later became an institute, is engaged in:

* teaching Russian to foreigners,
* training and advanced training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language,
* writing textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, tests.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education Russian Federation dated March 5, 1998 No. 633 Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin was renamed to State Institute Russian language named after A.S. Pushkin.

Since 1981, the institute has been located in a new, specially built complex of buildings in the south-west of Moscow on Akademika Volgina Street, 6.

Over the 35 years of its existence, the institute has become a major center for teaching Russian to foreign and Russian citizens and research work in the field of the Russian language. More than 100,000 foreign citizens from 91 countries of the world have graduated from the institute. Currently, the Institute employs over 160 teachers, including 106 candidates and doctors of science.

In 1999, a philological faculty was opened at the Institute for Russian students. The Institute operates in accordance with

* with the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
* Laws of the Russian Federation
o “On education”,
o “On higher and postgraduate professional education”,
o “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation”,
* regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation,
* Government of the Russian Federation,
* Ministry of Education and Science of Russia,
* Federal Agency for Education,
* Standard provision on educational institution higher professional education (higher educational institution)
* and the Charter of the Institute (adopted by the conference of workers and students of the Institute on July 2, 2001, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia on February 11, 2002, registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber on March 4, 2002, registration No. 71551);
* amendments and additions to the Charter dated February 24, 2004, November 1, 2004

Right to conduct educational activities given to the institute by license of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2003 No. 1222 in the following areas (specialties):

* 520300 Philology, duration of study - 4 years, declared and implemented level - higher education, bachelor.
* 520300 Philology, duration of study - 6 years, declared and implemented level - higher education, master's degree.

According to postgraduate education programs (postgraduate studies), the institute trains specialists in two areas:

* 02/10/01 – Candidate of Philological Sciences (Russian language);
* 13.00.02 – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing Russian as a foreign language).

The institute also has doctoral programs in the same fields and specialties. By program additional education The institute is engaged in advanced training.

Training in the above areas is carried out at three faculties:


The Institute has:

* educational and scientific libraries,
* methodological office,
* music library,
* language labs,
* computer classes,
* video classes with a large collection of feature and educational films,
* two gyms,
* hostel.

After classes there are dance and song clubs and various sports sections.

The Institute organizes excursions around Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as to other cities - on weekends or during free time from classes. Students of the Institute are often invited to television to participate in various programs.

In addition to the above mentioned areas of activity, the institute is engaged in:

* teaching the Russian language to foreign language students from national-state entities within the Russian Federation;
* carrying out research work in the field of the Russian language and using the results obtained in educational process;
* development effective means teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language;
* organization and implementation of international relations, generalization and analysis of information on the functioning of the Russian language as a means of international communication;
* support for the study of the Russian language and culture of Russia abroad, providing organizational and methodological assistance to foreign centers of Russian studies.

    Higher educational institution in the Russian Federation. Created in 1973 on the basis of the Scientific Methodological Center for the Russian Language at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Provides full-time and part-time studies, has bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies.... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

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  • Difficult aspects of Russian grammar for foreigners, N. A. Mets. The work presents the most important aspects Russian grammar, which must be taken into account in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign / non-native language. This guide is primarily addressed...

The former facade of the Institute

Corridor with entrance to the lecture hall

Bust of Pushkin on the territory of the Institute

Founded in 1966 as the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Language at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1974 it became an independent educational institution - the Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin, since 1998 it has the status of a State University.

Since 2013 - scientific, methodological, information and analytical center of the government program for the promotion of the Russian language

20 November 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Council Independent States gave the Institute the status of the CIS Basic Organization for Teaching the Russian Language.

The Institute is also one of the founders of the Russian Test Consortium - one of the leading universities providing scientific, methodological and organizational support for the state system of testing foreign citizens in the Russian language.

The Institute employs specialists in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, in methods of teaching Russian language and literature at school, in linguistics, literary criticism and other philological and humanitarian disciplines.

The first director, then the rector, and now the President of the Institute - one of its founders, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philology, Professor Vitaly Grigorievich Kostomarov. From 2001 to 2013, the rector of the Institute was Doctor of Philology, Professor Yuri Evgenievich Prokhorov. Currently, the position of rector is occupied by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Margarita Nikolaevna Rusetskaya.

Structure of the Institute


  • Rector of the Institute.
  • President of the Institute.
  • Vice-rector for educational work.
  • Vice-Rector for Innovation.
  • Vice-Rector for Science.
  • Vice-rector for administrative, economic and economic work.
  • Advisor for External Relations.
  • Advisor to the rector's office on general issues.

Faculty of Philology

  • Dean's office
  • Department of General and Russian Linguistics.
  • Department of World Literature.
  • Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
  • Department of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication.
  • Department of Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.

Faculty of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

  • Dean's office
  • Department of internship for foreign specialists.
  • RFL Training Center.

Preparatory Faculty

  • Dean's office
  • Department of Russian as a Foreign Language.

Faculty of Further Education

  • Educational department of the faculty of additional education.
  • Department modern methods Russian language teaching.
  • Department of Modern Educational Technologies.
  • Department of Intercultural Communication in the Humanities.

Directorate of Scientific Activities

  • Department for coordination of scientific projects and postgraduate studies.
  • Editorial department.
  • Project research laboratory of innovative means of teaching the Russian language.
  • Center for Neurocommunication Research.
  • Department of Russian language resources for children.
  • Information and library center.
  • Forensic Science Center.

  • Organizational and analytical department.
  • Department of Linguodidactics, State and Certification Testing.

Department of Innovation and Continuing Education

  • Department of innovative projects in education.
  • Department of electronic content and media projects.
  • Scientific and methodological department of the Russian language.

Training units

  • Educational and methodological management.
  • Training Division.
  • Department of methodological work.

Center for Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian

  • Youth Programs Department.
  • Communication and project support department.

Main activities

  • implementation of educational programs higher education:
    • 03/45/01 Philology, bachelor's degree, 4 years;
    • in the profiles: “Domestic Philology”, “Teaching Philological Disciplines” and “Applied Philology”.
    • 04/45/01 Philology, master's degree, 2 years;
    • in the programs: “Russian as a Foreign Language”, “Russian Language and Intercultural Communication” and “Philological Support for the Media”.
  • training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school:
    • 06/44/01 - Education and pedagogical sciences (13.00.02 “Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (Russian as a foreign language)”);
    • 06/45/01 - Linguistics and literary criticism (02/10/01 “Russian language”).
  • retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers;
  • teaching Russian to foreign language students from foreign countries and national-state entities within the Russian Federation;
  • carrying out research work in the field of the Russian language and using the results obtained in the educational process;
  • development of effective means of teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language;
  • organization and implementation of international relations;
  • generalization and analysis of information about the functioning of the Russian language as a means of international communication;
  • support for the study of the Russian language and Russian culture abroad, provision of organizational and methodological assistance to foreign centers of Russian studies.

International Russian Language Olympiad for schoolchildren from foreign countries

International Olympiad in Russian Language has been held since 1972 in two competitive areas. The first direction is intended for high school students of foreign schools studying Russian as a foreign language. The second is for high school students of foreign schools with Russian as the language of instruction. Until 2016, the Olympics were held every four years, and after that they became annual. During the Olympiad, more than 3,000 foreign schoolchildren took part in the finals.

The Olympiad takes place in several stages: the qualifying stage and semi-finals are held remotely on the Education in Russian portal, and the in-person finals are held in Moscow. Schoolchildren complete exam assignments in the Russian language orally and in writing, defend projects on regional studies, and participate in the “Young Orator” creative competition.
As a result of the final tests, 10 absolute winners of the Olympics and prize-winners in additional categories are determined. The absolute winners receive the right to study at Russian universities for philological/linguistic programs at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation.
The founders of the Olympiad are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin, International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) and Rossotrudnichestvo.

Overall winners in 2016:

Overall winners in 2017:

Large universal dictionary of the Russian language

"Large Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language"- the result of 25 years of work by the team of authors of the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin under the guidance of Doctor of Philological Sciences Valery Morkovkin. The dictionary presents in alphabetical order the most common words that make up the lexical core of the Russian language (about 30,000 words). The idea of ​​​​creating a dictionary was expressed by Valery Morkovkin in 1973 in the report “On the universal educational dictionary of the Russian language,” but work on the current dictionary began in the late 1980s, and Valery Morkovkin, Galina Bogacheva and Natalia Lutskaya took part in its creation. According to the authors, changes were repeatedly made to the dictionary: some words, such as “police”, “pager”, were relegated to the periphery, while others, on the contrary, had to be included. In the dictionary you can find terms such as “flash drive”, “hacker” and “freebie”.

The words are arranged in alphabetical order, each of them is given a meaning, and grammatical features are also indicated. The editors of the publication deliberately focused not on the number of words, but on giving the maximum full description selected units. The dictionary reflects the changes that have occurred in the language over the past lately, gives the correct accents, suggests homonyms, synonyms and antonyms.

Rector of the Pushkin Institute Margarita Rusetskaya noted that the institute, whose mission for 50 years of work has been to disseminate and preserve the Russian language, and the task of university specialists is to work on dictionaries, has published more than one dictionary in collaboration with the publishing house “Dictionaries of the XXI Century”. “One of the most striking examples of this cooperation was the linguistic and cultural dictionary “Russia,” which underwent four reprints and was released in the form of a multimedia online resource in 2015,” said Margarita Rusetskaya. The very direction of “linguocultural studies” was invented in the USSR and was first mentioned in the book “Linguistic problems of regional studies in teaching the Russian language to foreigners” (Moscow, 1971). The founder of this direction is academician Vitaly Kostomarov, founder and first rector of the Pushkin Institute.

Portal "Education in Russian"

The Education in Russian portal is a distance learning platform for promoting the Russian language. The portal combines a system of online courses for teaching the Russian language, a system of remote training for Russian language teachers, and massive open online courses in Russian. The Education in Russian portal began its work on September 1, 2014. In the first three years of operation, the portal was visited by 5.3 million people from 202 countries, 1.1 million of whom registered on the portal.

The portal provides training in the areas of “Russian as a Foreign Language” and “School of Professional Support” (Retraining in the specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language and Methods of Teaching It”).

The portal provides the opportunity to:

  • learn Russian on your own or under the guidance of an authoritative tutor;
  • take a Russian language test and receive a certificate confirming your level;
  • gain knowledge on various topics through open online courses in Russian;
  • become a partner of the portal, declaring yourself and taking part in projects implemented on the portal in the field of studying, promoting and preserving the Russian language;
  • improve the qualifications of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language in the field of professional activity by mastering one or more advanced training programs presented on the portal.
  • undergo professional retraining as a specialist in a profession related to philology and receive the right to carry out professional activities in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The portal hosts olympiads and competitions: International Russian Language Olympiad for schoolchildren from foreign countries (qualifying stage), International Russian Language Competition “Artek”, International Online Olympiad in RFL “Sound, Live Speech!”, International Online Olympiad “Russian” with Pushkin" and others.

The technical capabilities of the portal allow you to check the degree of mastery of educational material in all types speech activity: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Operator of the Program for Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian

Since 2013, the Institute has been a scientific, methodological, information and analytical center of the government Program for the Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian.

Initiators of the Program:

Program Goals:

  • popularization of the Russian language in the world and increasing the level of Russian language proficiency;
  • competitive positioning of open education in Russian and Russian language teaching in the global educational space.


  • Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo);
  • International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL);
  • Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL);
  • 20 universities from 9 regions of Russia: Altai Territory, Karelia, Volga region, North Caucasus, Siberia, Ural, Central region, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

As part of the Program, in order to provide access to educational resources in the Russian language and educational materials in Russian, the Internet portal “Education in Russian” was created.

Main portal resources:

School of Russian as a Foreign Language;

Center for Linguodidactics, Language Testing and Migration Policy Assistance

The Center for Linguodidactics, Language Testing and Migration Policy Assistance organizes and conducts state testing in the Russian language for foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain a work permit in the Russian Federation (migrant workers), and foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain citizenship Russian Federation . Those who successfully pass the test receive the corresponding state certificate of the Russian Federation in the Russian language.

The Center for Linguodidactics, Language Testing and Migration Policy Assistance has been working in the field of certification of levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language since 1992. During this time, 6 levels of proficiency in the Russian language of everyday communication for adults have been developed (according to the European scale - levels A1-C2), 6 levels proficiency in the Russian language of everyday communication for school-age children (according to the European scale - levels A1-C2), 3 levels of Russian language proficiency business communication(B1-C1) and 4 levels of Russian language proficiency in the international tourism business (RET-0 -RET-3).

Employees of the State Institute of Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin took part in the development of the Center’s testing system: Corresponding Member Russian Academy Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences Mitrofanova O. D., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Stepanova E. M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Zhuravleva L. S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Trushina L. B., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Korchagina E. L., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Lavrova N. V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Isaev N. P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Shimanyuk E. G., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Korepanova T. E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kalinovskaya M. M. Center for Invodidactics, Language Testing and Assistance to Migration Policy organizes and accepts test exams in Russia and abroad in 15 countries in 35 examination centers. Closed versions of tests are developed for each session.

Since 2008, affiliated member of ALTE (European Association of Linguistic Testers).

Basic organization of the CIS for teaching the Russian language

The status of the Basic Organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for teaching the Russian language was given to the State Institute of the Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin by the decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS on November 20, 2013. The goals of creating the CIS Basic Organization for Teaching the Russian Language: organizational, educational, methodological and personnel support for the dissemination and teaching of the Russian language, Russian literature and culture by specialists from the CIS member states, taking into account the needs of integration interaction between the member states of the Commonwealth.

The main activities of the Basic Organization are:

  • Implementation of basic educational programs of higher education and additional ones within the CIS professional programs, including:
    • training of teachers in the specialty “Russian language and literature” with a specialization in teaching Russian as a foreign/non-native language;
    • advanced training of Russian teachers;
    • training of scientific and pedagogical personnel by organizing various forms postgraduate education.
  • Development and deepening of cooperation with educational, scientific and research organizations of the CIS member states.
  • Development, testing and dissemination of educational, methodological and research materials in the field of teaching the Russian language.

A Public Council has been created under the Basic Organization from representatives of educational and scientific structures of the CIS member states.

Publishing activities

Every year, the State Institute of the Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin publishes dozens of scientific monographs, educational and methodological developments: textbooks, workbooks, materials for lessons - everything that allows us to ensure a high level of teaching the Russian language within the walls of the institute and around the world. Among the authors of textbooks are professors from the Pushkin Institute: A. N. Shchukin, L. L. Vokhmina, L. B. Trushina, I. A. Orekhova. To help teachers working in Russia and abroad, the Institute has been publishing professional periodicals for many years, the main one of which is the magazine “Russian Language Abroad”

"Russian language abroad"

The journal was created in 1967 by RCT enthusiasts headed by V. G. Kostomarov. In 1971, the publication acquired international status as an organ of MAPRYAL. Published 6 times a year. Over more than 50 years, about 300 issues have been published. Distributed in more than 30 countries in Europe and Asia. The publication publishes educational materials for use in Russian as a foreign language lessons, reading texts, methodological and linguistic developments, and news reports in the field of teaching RFL. “Russian Language Abroad” is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in which the results can be published scientific research applicants for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. The journal is included in the database Russian index scientific citation (RSCI). Website: http://journal.pushkin.institute/ RISC profile: https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=9077

“World Russian Studies”: a series of special issues of the magazine “Russian Language Abroad”

A project of the Pushkin Institute, the goal of which is to give every country where the Russian language is loved, taught and researched to loudly declare its unique scientific school. The pilot issue in 2015 was the magazine “Finnish Russian Studies”. Thanks to the active work of specialists from the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin Institute, a second special issue appeared - “Vietnamese Russian Studies”. By the end of 2017, 15 magazines on Russian studies were published in countries such as South Korea, China, France, the USA, England, China, CIS countries, etc.

“International Postgraduate Journal. Russian language abroad"

Founded in 2008 as a supplement to the journal “Russian Language Abroad”, in order to enable graduate students and candidates for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences to publish the results of their research conducted in the process of working on dissertations. In 2017, the publication received a new registration certificate and became the official scientific journal of the Pushkin Institute. The publication is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.


June 6, 2011 State. IRYa them. A. S. Pushkin was visited by the third President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev. By his decree, he declared June 6 Russian Language Day.

On May 29, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Pushkin Institute, which operates on the territory of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Orthodox Center in Paris. Together with the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, the President of Russia attended a rehearsal of a children's concert being prepared for Russian Language Day.

Affiliate network "Pushkin Institute"

Affiliate network "Pushkin Institute" - voluntary association legal entities, sharing common approaches to the promotion and popularization of the Russian language and literature, as well as carrying out active activities aimed at creating conditions for ensuring access to programs for studying the Russian language, open education in the Russian language.

In July 2013, plans were announced to create a network of centers for studying the Russian language abroad under the general name “Pushkin Institute”. It is assumed that the basic organization providing methodological support and coordination of the work of these centers will be the State Institute of the Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin. In fact, the Institute already has relevant experience: in the 1970-1980s different countries branches of the Institute functioned. Some of them continue to operate as independent organizations, including the Athens Institute of Russian Language. A. S. Pushkina

: State IRE State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin (State IRE)

State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin is a large educational and research center that teaches Russian for foreign citizens, trains and improves the qualifications of teachers of Russian as a foreign language, and writes educational and methodological literature. The Institute was created on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Language at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1966, since 1974 it has existed autonomously. In 1998, IRYA was awarded the status of “State”.

The structure of the university includes three faculties: philological, faculty of training and internship for foreign students, faculty of advanced training and postgraduate training. In State Up to 700 foreign and more than 300 Russian students study at the same time.

For admission to the Faculty of Philology (bachelor's degree) for citizens of the Russian Federation, the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian and foreign languages, literature. There are no additional entrance examinations. For citizens of other countries, it is necessary to submit a document confirming that they have passed testing in the Russian language at level B1.

According to data for 2012, the passing score of the Unified State Examination budget places undergraduate (second wave) was 245 points, in the commercial department - 163 points; on a budgetary basis, 40 places (bachelor's degree) and 36 places (master's degree) were provided.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads for schoolchildren (according to the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) are also recognized as results entrance examinations on these subjects.

For everyone who wants to enroll in the Faculty of Philology at the State University. The IRL conducts eight-month preparatory courses in the subjects in which the Unified State Exam will be held. Training is paid.

A preparatory department has been opened at the Faculty of Education and Internship for Foreign Students. Duration of training - 10 months. Upon completion, a certificate is issued from the State Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, as well as a state certificate, which indicates a level of training in the Russian language sufficient to obtain an education at a Russian university.

At the faculty of advanced training and postgraduate training, there is an opportunity to gain knowledge on-site, in the form of on-site seminars (without interruption from teaching activities) and remotely (to obtain the specialization “Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching it”).

Nonresident students are provided with places in a dormitory located in the same complex of buildings as academic buildings. Military Department not at the university - there is a deferment from military service for the duration of your studies.

State IRE maintains relations with such international organizations, like UNESCO, Council of Europe, etc., is a member International Association teachers of Russian language and literature (MAPRYAL), as well as the founder of the world-famous magazine “Russian Language Abroad”. The Institute works closely with universities and cultural centers of more than 60 foreign countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, France, Switzerland, Italy, etc.

At the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin, research work is actively carried out, aimed not only at studying various phenomena Russian language, but also for writing textbooks, dictionaries, tests, etc. The university has a scientific student community, which supports the initiatives of young philologists and prepares for the defense of diplomas and master's theses.

The Institute takes an honorable first place among state universities humanitarian profile, sixth place - among state universities in the field of "Philology" and among all higher education institutions educational institutions Russia. Students note that studying at the State. IRL is really interesting (although the program is quite complex), and the teachers are real masters of their craft.

Many graduates work in different countries of the world, among them there are diplomats and government officials, scientists and businessmen, psychologists and journalists, translators and teachers.

Official website of the State. IRE.

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