Interesting facts about the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The most interesting facts about Mikhail Kalashnikov place: Image of AK on state symbols

On November 10, 1919, the legendary gunsmith Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was born. He forever wrote his name in history by creating the AK-47 assault rifle. This weapon, having undergone many modernizations, has been used by the army of our country for more than 60 years. We decided to recall a few facts about the Kalash.

The machine gun that half the world is armed with

The legendary Kalash is considered the most common small arms in the world. Over more than 60 years of history, this machine has different modifications 70 million units were produced. And this is not counting “pirated” fakes. According to experts, every fifth soldier in the world is armed with an AK. Besides Russia, it is used by 50 foreign armies. This distribution is an absolute record, which is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records. For comparison, the next most popular is American rifle M16. It was released in a circulation of 10 million copies and is in service in 27 countries around the world.

7 years in secret

It would not be out of place to say that the very fact of the existence of the AK was kept secret for a very long time. Despite the fact that the machine gun was adopted by the Soviet troops in 1949, the world learned about it only in 1956. It was in this year that its baptism of fire occurred, when the USSR brought in its army to suppress the uprising in Hungary. Until that time, soldiers were strictly instructed to carry their machine guns only in camouflage cases, and cartridges were carefully collected from firing ranges after firing practice.

Reference Reliability

As the main disadvantage of the Kalash, many experts note the low accuracy of burst fire compared to other brands of weapons. This indicator had to be sacrificed for the sake of reliability. Mikhail Kalashnikov, being a soldier himself, knew firsthand the conditions under which he had to fight. The weapon must, first of all, not be afraid of dirt and water, so that it does not fail at the most inopportune moment. Every second lost due to a jammed mechanism can cost a soldier his life. That is why large gaps were made in the design of the machine gun between the moving and stationary parts of the receiver. This allows the Kalash to function absolutely normally even after falling into mud, sand or water. True, this decision led to strong recoil, which reduced the accuracy of the weapon. But this problem is gradually being solved with the help of various upgrades.

The reliability of the machines is strictly controlled at the manufacturer. After assembly, each AK is poured with water, frozen, heated in an oven and hit with all its might on a concrete slab several times (in battle, you not only have to fire, but also fight hand-to-hand). If after all these tests the new Kalash does not fire, then it is rejected.

Even a child can handle it

Another secret of the machine’s success was its extreme simplicity in production and maintenance. According to Mikhail Kalashnikov, “soldiers did not graduate from academies,” so the weapon must be such that anyone can be trained to use it. The machine gun turned out to be so simple that not only soldiers, but even schoolchildren mastered its assembly and disassembly. IN Soviet time It was the norm that almost every student could easily disassemble and assemble an AK in the allotted time. This is achieved thanks to the minimum number of parts in the machine. They say that the weapon is so simple that an experienced fighter in the field can independently assemble one working one from two broken machine guns.

True, there was a price to pay for simplicity. Thanks to it, machine guns are produced even in artisanal conditions, which has led to a flood of the arms market with counterfeits.

"Kalash" does not shoot underwater

The Kalashnikov assault rifle has become overgrown with a variety of myths. For example, they say that he can even shoot underwater. According to experts, this is not true. Underwater, the machine's mechanisms will not work, since they operate on a gas exhaust system. But even if the shot is successful, it can break the barrel, and the bullet will not fly even two meters.

There is also a myth circulating that the Kalashnikov assault rifle does not need to be cleaned at all and it will work properly. This is also incorrect. The weapon is, indeed, extremely unpretentious, but still requires care. That is why cleaning the machine gun is part of the daily routine in army units.

The machine gun that became a symbol

The Kalashnikov assault rifle was lucky enough to become not just a weapon, but also a symbol. His image was present at various times on the state flags of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, East Timor, Burkina Faso and Congo. IN eastern countries he is often depicted on carpets. In honor of the machine's 60th anniversary, New Zealand minted two dollar commemorative coins. The famous AK-47 was engraved on one side.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle is one of the best small arms in the World. Despite the fact that it was created more than 60 years ago, it still has no equal in its field. This weapon was created by an ordinary man originally from the Altai province, and became famous throughout the world. Now, few people do not know about his creation, and today we have prepared for you 10 interesting facts about the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

10th place: Statistics

There are reliable facts that more people in the world die from Kalashnikov assault rifles than from bombs or various shells. Every year, 250 thousand people die from firearms. However, according to the creator, this is not his fault, since he created the machine for protection, and the fact that people are dying from it is the fault of politicians who are unable to ensure security in their countries. And indeed it is.

9th place: Video games

Many spend their free time at the computer, playing the most different kinds“shooters”, and even here they couldn’t do without the AK-47 (the short name for the machine gun). It is used here in a variety of modifications.

8th place: Significance

Here is another interesting fact about the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the Libération (France) publication puts the Kalashnikov assault rifle higher in the list than nuclear bombs or the invention of spacecraft, or Playboy magazine in an article about things that changed the world, puts it on a par with the invention birth control pills or the invention of VCRs. The comparison is certainly strange, but still he is in the lead on this list.

7th place: Children named Kalash

In our country, it’s hard to imagine that parents would want to name their child that, and he will have a hard time at school, but in Africa this is usually the case, they loved Mikhail Kalashnikov’s invention so much.

6th place: Special version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

For the President of Iraq Saddam Hussein, the machine gun was made special, it was gilded, and it had a special design, but the President cannot carry the same weapon as an ordinary soldier. And also at Osama bin Laden’s performances, an AK-47 was often present on the set.

5th place: Architecture associated with AK-47

There are many monuments where this machine gun is depicted. So in Egypt they showed their attention and gratitude to these weapons. And in Iraq, buildings are being rebuilt in the shape of a horn from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Many people mistakenly think that these are monuments to weapons, but in fact, basically, these are monuments dedicated to victories, liberation, etc., and the Kalashnikov assault rifle is a symbol.

4th place: Guinness Book of Records

Yes, it is the Kalashnikov assault rifle that is included in it as the most common weapon in the world. More than 100 million people across the planet have become its owners, so you can imagine how many people near you are the owners of this indispensable means of protection. And also in 1947 (the date of invention of the machine gun), Mikhail Kalashnikov received the Order of the Red Star and the Stalin Prize (150 thousand rubles), so the Great Leader did not offend him either.

3rd place: Simplicity and cheapness

In a number of countries where the production of an assault rifle is impeccably organized, its price is equal to the cost of a chicken, so if your wife sent you to the store for chicken, and you brought a Kalashnikov assault rifle from there, your budget will not suffer, but no one will suffer for your health. doesn't answer. Although in India they ask for about $4,000. Because of its simplicity, children in schools during lessons military training, can easily assemble and disassemble the machine in less than a minute. What can we say about soldiers who constantly deal with weapons, they are simply irreplaceable for them. But the record time for assembling and disassembling an AK is 11 seconds!

2nd place: Common use

A reliable fact about the Kalashnikov assault rifle is that it is used by the armies of 160 countries, and it has been serving its army for more than 70 years and has never shown itself to be unfavorable.

1st place: Image of AK on state symbols

The AK-47 silhouette is depicted on state symbols such as Mozambique, East Timor, Congo and Burkina Faso between 1984-1997. And in his native country it is minted on the anniversary coins of the Central Bank Russian Federation in honor of the fact that Udmurtia became part of Russia 450 years ago.

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1. For the invention of the assault rifle in 1947, Mikhail Kalashnikov received the Stalin Prize of the first degree and the Order of the Red Star. The bonus was 150 thousand rubles. With this money you could buy almost ten Pobeda cars (at that time this car cost 16 thousand rubles)

2. The machine gun was put into service in 1949. Its official name is “7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1947” (AK-47). It is also often called simply “Kalash”. According to the designer himself, the main qualities of his weapons are “simplicity and reliability.” “I created a machine gun when I was a sergeant, and I always remembered that a soldier did not graduate from academies,” said Kalashnikov himself.
3. In Soviet times, the ability to assemble and disassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle was part of the minimum knowledge acquired in basic military training classes.
4. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is not very expensive due to its ease of production. In some countries it costs less than chicken.
5. According to Foreign Policy magazine, the cost of one machine gun on the black market ranges from $10 in Afghanistan to $4,000 in India. In the USA, a Kalashnikov assault rifle can be purchased for $70-350.
6. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most common weapon in the world. Currently, there are about 100 million AKs in the world. This means that for every 60 adult inhabitants of our planet there is 1 machine gun.
7. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is in service with the armies and special forces of 106 countries. The Kalashnikov weapon has been in service with the “native” army for 60 years.
8. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is depicted on the coats of arms of some states. Currently, it is present in the coat of arms of the African country of Zimbabwe (since 1980), on the coat of arms and flag of Mozambique (since 1975), and the coat of arms of the Asian state of East Timor. From 1984 to 1997, the AK was depicted on the coat of arms of the African state of Burkina Faso. In addition, there was a project to include a machine gun in the coat of arms of the Congo. The AK is depicted on the emblem of the Lebanese group Hezbollah.
9. In some African countries, newborns are given the name Kalash - in honor of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.
10. Russian basketball player Andrei Kirilenko, a native of the city of Izhevsk, where the famous Kalashnikov assault rifles are produced, received the nickname AK-47 in the United States, playing in the NBA for the Utah Jazz wearing number 47.
11. In Egypt, on the shores of the Sinai Peninsula, a monument to the Kalashnikov assault rifle was erected. There is a mosque in Iraq whose minarets are built in the shape of AK magazines.
12. U former president Saddam Hussein's Iraq had a gold-plated AK of a modified design.
13. Many video messages from “terrorist number one” Osama bin Laden were made “against the background” of AK.
14. In 2008, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued coins with the image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle in honor of the 450th anniversary of Udmurtia joining Russia.
15. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the weapon, New Zealand minted coins with an AK engraving in denominations of two New Zealand dollars.
16. At the end of the 20th century, the French magazine Libération recognized the Kalashnikov assault rifle as the invention of the century. The famous weapon was bypassed atomic bomb and space technologies.
17. In 2004, Playboy magazine named the Kalashnikov assault rifle one of the “50 Products That Changed the World,” ranking it behind the Apple Macintosh computer, birth control pills, and the Sony Betamax VCR.
18. A Kalashnikov assault rifle of one model or another is the most popular weapon in computer games- it is present in almost all 3D shooters.
19. It is believed that more people were killed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle than as a result of artillery fire, aerial bombing and rocket attacks. A quarter of a million people are killed by AK bullets every year.
20. The legendary Russian gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov said that all his life he invented weapons for protection, not for killing: “I sleep peacefully because I always created weapons for protection. It’s the politicians who cannot agree and use them for murder.”

In 2006, one of the most read newspapers in the United States, The Washington Post, published a revelation article: “The AK-47 is a weapon mass destruction", in which she recognized that the Russian assault rifle has no equal in the whole world, and that the Kalash is the most famous small arms on the planet. The Americans themselves, turning a blind eye to the historical confrontation between the two most popular small arms - the AK-47 and M-16, preferred Russian weapons, dubbing them the most “reliable and simple weapons in the world.”

By the way, even today Soviet and Russian weapons are loved and highly respected in the United States of America. And even in the era of sanctions and not the warmest bilateral relations, the demand for Russian-made weapons within the United States of America is only increasing. The low cost, great potential for creativity and reliability of the Russian machine gun did their job.

Owners of weapons stores admit that even children over the age of 10, who barely understand adult weapons slang, know perfectly well what a Kalashnikov assault rifle is, what it looks like, and are even able to distinguish it in a store window from other models. Semi-automatic Kalash gun stores in an era of sanctions, widespread bans and restrictions, they provide up to 30% of the profit from all sales, and ammunition for such weapons, according to the Americans themselves, leaves warehouses without really having time to sit.

As of the end of 2015, Russian weapons had “conquered” about 20% of the entire American market.

The image of “bad Russians” armed with AKs, widely replicated in American culture, is another reason for high sales Russian weapons. The image created many years ago by PR technologists led to the opposite effect - law-abiding Americans began to acquire weapons of “bad guys”: from housewives and programmers to county sheriffs. To the famous festival small arms, held twice a year in the cozy town of Knob Creek in Kentucky, for a long time the Orange County sheriff arrived from California, carrying only Kalashnikovs in his pickup truck.

The popularity of the Kalashnikov platform in the United States is so high that it was a reasonable decision to start producing this weapon in the United States itself. The American company RWC, the official importer of Kalashnikov assault rifles to the United States, was forced, under pressure from the American government, to terminate contracts for the supply of weapons from Russia, but the company did not dare to give up its huge share in sales of Russian weapons.

The RWC company approached the issue of producing American copies of the Kalashnikov assault rifle thoroughly, but at the new plant in Pompano Beach, Florida, they will not make significant changes to the design of the weapon - modern rails for optics and instruments, modern sights, a full-scale invasion of polymers into materials and unique versions, like semi-automatic rifle"Alpha" with a magazine for 30 rounds - these are the main directions of work of Kalashnikov USA for the near future. At the Shot-Show 2016 exhibition that ended in Las Vegas, company representatives confirmed that the family of AK-based assault rifles is one of the most popular products on the American arms market.

The fact that it is in America, the homeland of the M-16, that love and respect for our AK has increased speaks volumes, of course. But do not forget about the most important fact - today the AK-47 is in service with more than 70 countries. Today, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is no longer just the most popular weapon in the whole world. This is a legend, the national pride of Russia, the most famous arms brand not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Today we remember the most Interesting Facts about AK-47.


1. For his machine gun, Mikhail Kalashnikov was awarded the order Red Star and the Stalin Prize, amounting to 150 thousand rubles. The amount was huge for those times (1947). It was equal to the cost of 10 brand new Pobeda cars (which then cost about 16 thousand rubles).

2. Put into service two years later (1949), the assault rifle became known as the “Kalashnikov assault rifle, model 1947, 7.62 mm caliber.” Usually its name is shortened to “Kalash”. It’s easier and somehow more familiar. According to the gunsmith himself, his brainchild has two distinctive qualities. This is “reliability and simplicity”. “I myself was a soldier and created my own machine gun for soldiers,” the words of Mikhail Timofeevich.

3. In Soviet times, every schoolchild knew how to assemble and disassemble an AK-47 assault rifle; this was taught in basic military training classes. To get an A, the machine had to be assembled and disassembled in 18-30 seconds. Today in schools, during life safety lessons, Russian schoolchildren are again taught to assemble and disassemble Kalashnikov assault rifles.

4. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is inexpensive because it is extremely easy to manufacture. Thus, residents of some countries can choose between buying an AK-47 and chicken. They cost about the same.

5. The “black market” dictates its prices. So in Afghanistan, a fully serviceable machine gun costs from $10, while in India they ask for almost $4,000. In the United States, they are ready to part with a Kalashnikov for a sum of several hundred dollars.

6. The Guinness Book of Records did not ignore the AK-47 assault rifle. It appeared on its pages as the most common weapon on globe. Today, earthlings have 100 million of these machines in their hands. It is easy to calculate that there is an average of 1 machine gun per 60 people.

7. AK-47 is a standard weapon military units more than 100 countries. He has been serving his native fatherland for seventy years.

8. The familiar silhouette of the AK-47 is present on the coats of arms of several states. These include East Timor, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. In the 80-90s, he adorned the coat of arms of Burkina Faso, in Africa. Similar plans were hatched in the Congo at one time. The Hezbollah group from Libya placed this machine gun on its emblem as a symbol of struggle. One of Mozambique's banknotes also contains the image of an AK. In Afghanistan, the image of a machine gun is embroidered on rugs.

9. In Africa, children are named Kalash at birth, such is the authority of this formidable weapon.

10. Basketball player Andrei Kirilenko is from Izhevsk. The famous AKs are also produced there. Andrey played for the Utah Jazz basketball club, wearing No. 47. His bright play and jersey number earned him the nickname “AK-47.” What I was proud of.

11. In Iraq there are buildings in the shape of an AK rifle horn. The Egyptians went further and erected a monument to their favorite machine gun.

12. Saddam Hussein had several gold-plated Kalashnikovs. The dictator awarded them to his closest associates for special merits. When American troops entered Baghdad in April 2003, soldiers found about two dozen gold-plated firearms. A gold-plated AK with the inscription: “A gift from President Saddam Hussein” was found in the abandoned palace of Hussein’s eldest son Uday.

13. In many videos of Osama bin Laden's speeches, a Kalashnikov was somehow present in the frame.

14. In 2008, the AK-47 appeared on commemorative coins of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, minted to commemorate the 450th anniversary of Udmurtia becoming part of Russia.

15. Not wanting to be outdone, the New Zealand Mint has engraved the AK-47 design on its $2 local dollar coins.

16. The magazine "Libération" (France), when compiling a list of inventions of the 20th century, placed the Kalashnikov assault rifle ahead of such achievements of the human mind as spacecraft and the nuclear bomb.

17. Playboy magazine, in an article about things that changed the world, placed the AK on a par with birth control pills, the Apple Macintosh PC and the first Sony VCR.

18. The most popular weapon in the so-called “shooters” and shooters on the computer, these are various modifications of the same AK-47. And the British company AudioBooksForFree.Com created the AK-MP3 player, designed in the form of a magazine for a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

19. There are sad statistics according to which more people died from bullets from a Kalashnikov assault rifle than from bombs, missiles and shells combined. Every year, about 250 thousand people become victims of the use of AK-47.

Kurdish girl in the Zagros Mountains, Northern Iraq, 1979

20. The creator of the AK-47 never tired of repeating that his conscience is clear. “My machine gun was created as a defense weapon. What makes him a murder weapon are the actions of politicians who cannot agree with each other.”

21. Nine months before his death, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov wrote to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. In his letter of repentance, Kalashnikov shares his thoughts about the fate of the country and humanity, and also shares his emotional experiences and doubts about his responsibility for the deaths of people killed from the machine gun he created.

22. The well-known American TV channel Discovery compared the AK-47 and M-16, putting the “incredibly tenacious and hardy” AK-47 in first place in the ranking of the ten best small arms of the 20th century (American TV crews put the M16 rifle in second place). As an example, the opinions of military experts were mentioned:

“In 1965, the scope of the Vietnam War expanded. American troops poured into the jungle and problems began with the M16. The rifle jammed with alarming regularity and young soldiers died as a result.”
“If I needed to train an American soldier in combat conditions to disassemble, clean and maintain a Kalashnikov assault rifle, I would do it in four hours. For the M16 rifle it would take me a week. Like this...,” says Dr William Atwater from the US Army Museum of Arms and Ammunition.

23. The word “Kalash” (ka-lash-ni-kov, kalash) entered the world’s languages ​​without translation, along with the concepts vodka, Kremlin, sputnik, tsar. And in the Pashto and Farsi languages, the word “automatic” is generally pronounced as “Kalash”.

24. A famous American writer and weapons historian once said: “If I had to go to some unknown planet and had to choose the only weapon, I would take the AK-47 with me. When Western civilization declines, I want an AK-47."

25. The foreign press has long believed that a Soviet designer with that name does not exist, and “Kalashnikov” is a kind of collective pseudonym for a group of gunsmiths who have developed and continue to work on the world’s most popular small arms.

26. The main advantage of the Russian machine gun is that it can fire both NATO 5.56 mm cartridges and Soviet-style 7.62 mm cartridges. It is the “double standard,” experts say, that has made the Kalashnikov so popular on the world market.

27. Illegal production of the Kalashnikov assault rifle is underway in many countries. It is officially produced in 12 countries, but it is impossible to count illegal producers. Most foreign fakes are of much worse quality and discredit the work of Russian gunsmiths. At almost any exhibition, Russian representatives have to make claims to foreign manufacturers regarding the counterfeiting of Soviet weapons. In fact, the patent for the Kalashnikov assault rifle received in 1997 (world patent WO9905467 dated February 4, 1999) actually protects only individual design solutions embodied in the AK-74M series assault rifles, but not the early AK and AKM.

28. In Somalia, the Kalashnikov assault rifle has become for many what a net is for a fisherman - the only tool of production. In this country, where the radical Islamist group Al-Shabab operates, children are even awarded these weapons for their good knowledge of the Koran.

29. In the first half of 2006, the United States imposed an embargo on arms sales to Venezuela. Then President Hugo Chavez announced a complete cessation of arms purchases from the United States. In 2005, Venezuela and Russia signed an agreement to purchase 100 thousand Kalashnikov assault rifles. The supply contract has been completed. On July 3, 2006, Venezuela signed a contract for the supply of another 100 thousand Kalashnikov assault rifles and cartridges for them for $52 million, and on July 12, 2006, two contracts were signed with a total value of $474.6 million for the construction of a plant in Venezuela for the production of AK-103 and AK-103 assault rifles under license. enterprises producing 7.62 mm cartridges.

30. The first case of mass combat use AK on the world stage occurred on November 1, 1956, during the suppression of the uprising in Hungary. Until this moment, the machine gun was hidden from prying eyes in every possible way: the soldiers carried it in special cases that concealed the outlines, and after the shooting, all the cartridges were carefully collected. The AK has proven itself well in urban combat.

31. The soldiers of the newly created Iraqi army, to the surprise of the coalition forces, refused the American M16 and M4, demanding AKs. According to Walter B. Slocombe, a senior adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority, "anyone in Iraq over the age of 12 can take it apart and put it back together with their eyes closed and shoot it pretty well."

32. The leader of the Afghan Mujahideen and sworn enemy of the Soviet troops, Ahmad Shah Massoud, in 1989, when asked: “What weapon do you prefer?”, answered: “Kalashnikov, of course.”

Afghan guerrilla leader Ahmad Shah Massoud surrounded by mujahideen, 1984. (Photo by AP Photo | Jean-Luc Bremont)

33. Kalashnikov is not only a brand of small arms. Snowboards, watches, thermoses, and flasks are produced in Germany under the Kalashnikov brand.

34. The famous Israeli designer Uzi Gal, author of the Uzi assault rifle, recognized the talent of our gunsmith and told Mikhail Kalashnikov the following: “You are the most unrivaled and authoritative designer among us.”

35. The AK works in any conditions, shoots flawlessly even after being in the ground, a swamp, or falling from a height onto a hard surface. Moreover, the Kalashnikov assault rifle can fire underwater. Simple and trouble-free, incredibly cheap, made from stamped steel and plywood, it is a symbol of soldierly ingenuity and Russian dexterity that defeats the enemy's superior technology. Its receiver can be used to open a stew, its butt can be used to dig and row.

“I am a gunsmith, not a businessman”

At one time, especially after meeting with Eugene Stoner (creator of the second most popular automatic weapon in the world - the M-16 rifle), journalists constantly asked Mikhail Kalashnikov whether he regretted that, unlike Stoner, he did not receive royalties ( interest payments) from the sale of weapons invented by him.

“Stoner was a friendly person and a wonderful designer. Really rich. And he came up with a good weapon. But I didn't feel jealous. He lived in America, and I lived in Russia. To each his own. Yes, Eugene got rich from every new rifle percentage of deductions, but did not receive a single government award. And I feel like a twice Hero Socialist Labor during his lifetime they erected a bronze bust in his homeland. And a museum named after me was built in Izhevsk. Of course, if I were paid five kopecks for each sample of my machine gun, I would probably build it myself. But I lived in a time when we all worked for the state.”

When asked if he regretted not having acquired much wealth, Kalashnikov replied: “You can’t measure everything with money. For me, the most precious thing is when people say: “Your weapon saved my life!” Why do I need millions? I already live well.”

If the Kalashnikov assault rifle were not a weapon, but an artist, then he would certainly be a rock star. It is this comparison that suits this weapon best, because it, like any rock star, was able to gather around itself a whole legion of fans around the world and, as a result, give rise to an incredible number of myths. And no matter how much they talk about AK, many still continue to believe in certain things that have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

So, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is a brilliant gift of Soviet design thought to the whole world. One of the most recognizable types of weapons in the world, the firearms embodiment of the sword of the second half of the 20th century, is not only a weapon, but also a symbol, and sometimes an object of creativity. But what's wrong with the AK-74?

Myth one: Grandfather Sturmgever

There is a popular myth on the Internet that the AK-47 was created on the model of the German Sturmgever assault rifle or StG-44, which the Wehrmacht received for service in the second half of World War II. Those who believe and cultivate this myth point to some external similarity of weapons and note that, they say, “the Germans knew how to do something, but soviet man I couldn’t think of anything!”
But in fact, the idea of ​​​​creating an assault rifle (machine gun) matured in the USSR back in 1943, after the captured MKb.42(H) fell into the hands of our Soviet designers. This prototype conveyed only the idea and the need to create such a weapon, but its design was not used during development. Moreover, the StG-44 itself appeared only at the end of the war, when the development of the Soviet analogue was already in full swing.

Myth two: AK was the first and only

Designer-gunsmith Alexey Ivanovich Sudaev.
This statement is also untrue. Many designers took part in the long and complex process of creating the first Soviet assault rifle. One of the founders was the Soviet gunsmith designer Alexey Ivanovich Sudaev, who worked on the project from 1943 to 1946. He was unable to complete his work because he suddenly died. The cartridge for the future rifle was developed by a huge number of people, the first here were Nikolai Mikhailovich Elizarov and Boris Vasilyevich Semin.
Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov began the program only after Sudaev’s death. At that time, Kalashnikov had already presented several other projects. He continued to work on the weapon, significantly improving his version of the assault rifle, which was released in 1947.

Myth three: AK entered mass production in 1947

Still from the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”: AK-47 in the frame.
The machine bore its name due to the year of creation, but not release. Despite the laudatory reviews, the weapon was tested and kept secret for a long time. Mass production of machine guns began only in 1949, and the weapon’s baptism of fire took place in 1956, during Operation Whirlwind in Hungary. A wide audience had the honor to admire the latest weapons in 1955: he was shown in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Myth four: everyone immediately liked Kalashnikov’s brainchild

Mikhail Kalashnikov with his brainchild.
The management appreciated the design genius of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov only in 1947. It is possible that this might not have happened at all if Sudaev had not died. For a long time, Kalashnikov could not successfully promote his projects to the army. Moreover, I liked the Kalashnikov assault rifle of the first model not at all because of its high reliability and simplicity of design.
The first AK was a pretty rough job. The machine gun was still heavy and quite difficult to manufacture by the standards of those times. Moreover, the production of the first batches was too expensive for the country. Its adoption was dictated rather by necessity. A “real” reliable AK will only appear after several years of testing and modification. During his lifetime, Mikhail Timofeevich himself complained that he personally did not approve of all changes in weapons; some of them were required to be made by the command of the troops.

Myth five: The Kalashnikov assault rifle is a unique weapon

This may be the stupidest myth of all. There is nothing fundamentally unique about the AK. After World War II, all countries that had the potential to develop firearms quickly recognized the promise of assault rifles and began developing them. Today there are many more types of assault “firearms” in the world than it might seem. If you take an interest in the question, you can find out that the guys from Belgium know how to make well not only waffles.
The true "uniqueness" of the AK-74 is that modern models are still incredibly easy to manufacture and yet more reliable than most other types of assault rifles. To be fair, it should be said that no one has been able to surpass Kalashnikov’s development, but it is possible to find equal ones among the developments of other countries.

Myth six: The Kalashnikov assault rifle has not changed

AK-74 M.
The myth is popular not so much among compatriots as among foreigners. For example, in the US many people believe that modern AKs are still AK-47s. But this is not true at all. Today, in most countries where soldiers (unfortunately, and not only soldiers) hold the brainchild of Kalashnikov in their hands, the AK-74 is used - a model developed in 1970 and using a 5.45 mm caliber cartridge. This machine gun was adopted for service in 1974, and its baptism of fire took place in Afghanistan. The model was finalized in 1991 and is called AK-74M, which means “modernized.” However, the AK was modernized many times, like any other weapon.

Myth seventh: AKS-74U is an airborne weapon

A modification of the AK-74 - AKS-74U (Kalashnikov assault rifle, folding shortened) was never developed for paratroopers. Airborne soldiers use the same weapons as motorized riflemen. This modification was created as an individual weapon for those who can be called “support fighters.” We are talking about drivers, signalmen, artillerymen, and crews of various combat vehicles. Everything here is very simple - fiddling with a long assault rifle in the interior of a tank, infantry fighting vehicle or car is not very convenient. So the designers decided to shorten the AK-74 so as not to leave these soldiers defenseless. The AKS-74U is more convenient than the AK-74 and at the same time more effective than a pistol.
However, there is an opinion that, unlike the “adult” AK-74, the shortened model turned out to be very unsuccessful. This model overheats quickly, has a shorter firing range and critically low shot accuracy. However, this weapon actually had time to be used in the landing. He was given to the blue berets in the Afghan hell, which was big mistake. The reviews from the soldiers were not the best, after which the machine guns began to be changed, and after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the AKS-74U was completely stopped being issued to the airborne soldiers.

Bonus: the myth of AK reliability

Unfortunately, some have a very vague idea of ​​what exactly is meant by the words “high reliability” when we're talking about about the Kalashnikov assault rifle. On the Internet, in films and in the media, the myth of trouble-free operation is cultivated in every possible way. assault rifle, which is not afraid of dirt, snow, water and other surprises of nature.
It's not like that at all. Like any other firearms, the AK-74 overheats, jams, can “spit out” cartridges and cause other troubles. Like any weapon, it needs to be regularly cleaned; they do not need to hammer in nails and once again be immersed in snow or mud. Doesn't really like AK-74 and swimming.
The “high reliability” of the machine lies, rather, in the simplicity of its design, which allows you to quickly resolve most problems and, more importantly, clean the weapon in the field without much risk.
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