Project on museum pedagogy “They defended the Motherland” for children of senior and middle preschool age. “They defended their homeland” essay They defended their homeland project conclusion

Valentina Menyailenko
Project on literary reading in 4th grade “They defended the Motherland”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6"


By literary reading on the topic:

"They defended the Motherland»

Completed: student 4 "IN" class

Menyailenko Igor

Supervisor: Grishchenko O. P.

Kalach 2017

I. Introduction...p. 3.

II. Main part

1. What does it mean to me 5.

2. They defended the 7.

3. Poets and writers about the war...p. 8.

4. War heroes…. page 13.

Regular S. K….p. 14.

Regular N.S…. page 14

III. Conclusion….p. 15.

IV. List 16.

V. Appendix….p. 17.


People say: "The fallen live as long as they are remembered". We did not know the war, but we heard about what a terrible grief and tragedy it was for many millions of people. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers took the brunt of events on their shoulders in the very full meaning this word. We want the memory of defenders of the Fatherland who defended peace and freedom, about those who survived this difficult war, always lived in our hearts.

Relevance project

Let's remember everyone by name

Let's remember our heroes.

It's not the dead who need this!

The living need this!

Subject project quite relevant in our time. More than half a century has passed since the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War. Fewer and fewer eyewitnesses of the terrible hard times remain with us. Students primary school They know little about this war, they don’t think about the mark the war left on their families, on the families of their fellow countrymen. Without the memory of the Great Patriotic War, the great Victory, neither the dignity of Russia nor humanization are conceivable Russian society, because the Great Patriotic War is a spiritual feat of our fathers, grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers, many of whom continue to live next to us - a feat, without which there would be neither you nor us, nor Russia.


The memory of the Great Patriotic War will be preserved if every person knows and remembers the war, the people, the heroic defended the Motherland, and pass it on by inheritance.

Target project:

determine the role of prose and poetry about Homeland and war, their influence on the consciousness of people in war and post-war times.


Answer the questions “What is Motherland and


reveal the history of the tragedy and triumph of our people in the Great Patriotic War;

introduce students to poets and writers - front-line soldiers and their works;

tell about your relatives, defended the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War;

develop skills in working with historical sources and the ability to analyze works of art;

develop the ability to establish relationships between historical and literary processes;

develop the ability to use information Technology in the learning process;

foster a sense of pride in our heroic past Motherland.


1. What does mine mean to me? Motherland

Motherland! Everyone knows this word from childhood. Homeland is a country in which you was born, you live with your family and friends.

Forests, fields, mountains, rivers - it's all ours Motherland. We are proud of our Homeland and its people. Our people accomplished many glorious feats during the Great Patriotic War.

We love ours native language, songs and dances of their people.

Be in love Motherland- this is to increase her fame and wealth with her labor.

Motherland- this is not only the place where I live. Motherland is my home in which I was born, Homeland is a school, where I study, this is the street along which I walk every day with my friends.

My Motherland It’s incredibly important to me, every person has it, but I have it the best. I wouldn't want to have any other Motherland. Even if I ever go to another country, I will always remember it, remember every moment I lived in it.

No one can forget theirs Motherland, she will always be in our heart. Exactly this the best place, which may be on the ground.


M. Plyatskovsky

How good wander in the forest,

Picking raspberries from the bush

And inadvertently knock off the dew

From a maple leaf.

Listen to the pine ringing,

Like an oak tree creaking and humming.

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad

Melody of rain.

Birch space loving

And the height of the sky,

We are discovering

The beauty of the fatherland.

The songs are always clear

In the bird's language

And the water seems sweet

In an ordinary stream.

Any of us is ready to find out

Familiar verses

And in the quiet rustle of flowers,

And in the rustle of alder.

Birch space loving

And the height of the sky,

We are discovering

The beauty of the fatherland.

She is simple, she is pure,

You can't get used to it

Motherland's sweet beauty

Makes us more tender.

It illuminates us for a reason

Like a joyful dawn

Sweet beauty of the Fatherland,

There is no more beautiful one!

Birch space loving

And the height of the sky,

We are discovering

The beauty of the fatherland.

2. They defended the Motherland

More than half a century ago, in 1941, our country was attacked by fascist troops. All the people then rose to defense of the Motherland! The feat of people who protected us, their descendants, will never be forgotten!

How can we forget the blood shed for our freedom and happiness? How can we forget the feat of soldier Alexander Matrosov, who covered the embrasure of an enemy machine-gun bunker with his chest, or the feat of pilot Nikolai Gastello, who directed his burning plane at a concentration of fascist vehicles and tanks? Is the feat of millions of infantrymen who kneaded the mud of the off-road, knocked out the enemy from the territory of our country and crushed the reptile in its belly - in Berlin, really so small? Their daily military work is just as worthy of admiration and admiration as the individual heroic exploits about which books have been written and films have been made!

They defended the Motherland not only at the front, but also in the rear. Without millions and millions of women, teenagers, specialists who worked in the rear at military factories, in the fields, in textile factories, our Victory would not have happened! Therefore, these people have long been equated with full participants in the Great Patriotic War. Contributed to the cause of liberation Motherland from foreign invaders and military doctors who saved millions of lives and returned many thousands of soldiers to duty. The Case of Liberation Motherland was popular, so when we we talk: "They defended the Motherland» , we must keep in mind the entire military generation, all the people who lived at that time - who fought and worked in the rear. Eternal memory to them and eternal glory to them! And our task is to never forget ourselves and convey our memory of the war and those who defended the country, to our descendants.

3. Poets and writers about war

Russian literature, which has long been famous for its closeness to the people, has perhaps never been so closely connected with life and was not as purposeful as in 1941-1945. In essence, she became literature one theme - the theme of war, the theme Motherland. Yes, it is difficult to overestimate a writer’s word on war and about war. An apt, striking, uplifting word, poem, song, ditty, a vivid heroic image of a soldier or commander. They inspired warriors to heroic deeds and led them to victory. These words are still full of patriotic resonance today. Soviet literature wartime was multi-problem and multi-genre. Poems, essays, journalistic articles, stories, plays, poems, and novels were created by writers during the war years.

More than a thousand writers took part in the fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, "pen and machine gun" protecting native land . Of the more than 1,000 writers who went to the front, more than 400 did not return from the war, 21 became Heroes Soviet Union.

Famous masters of our literature(M. Sholokhov, L. Leonov, A. Tolstoy, A. Fadeev, Vs. Ivanov, I. Erenburg, B. Gorbatov, D. Bedny, V. Vishnevsky, V. Vasilevskaya, K. Simonov, A. Surkov, B Lavrenev, L. Sobolev and many others) became correspondents for front-line and central newspapers.

When the guns thundered, the muses were not silent. Throughout the war - both in difficult times of failures and retreats, and in days of victory - our literature sought to reveal as fully as possible the moral qualities of Soviet people. Nurturing love for Homeland, Soviet literature fostered hatred of the enemy.

Significant in literature the war years role of prose. The prose of the Great Patriotic War reached great creative heights. Into the Soviet gold fund literature included such works created during the war years as "Russian character" A. Tolstoy, "The Science of Hate" And "They fought for Motherland» M. Sholokhova, "The Capture of Velikoshumsk" L. Leonova, "Young guard" A. Fadeeva, "Unconquered" B. Gorbatova, "Rainbow" V. Vasilevskaya and others, who became an example for writers of post-war generations.

Poetry (the best stuff, of course) has done a lot to awaken in people, in dire, catastrophic circumstances, a sense of responsibility, an understanding that the fate of the people and the country depends on them, on everyone - no one else, no one else. The list of wartime poets is long. Here are the names of some of them them: Boris Slutsky, Semyon Gudzenko, Konstantin Simonov, Pavel Kogan, Evgeny Vinokurov, Bulat Okudzhava, Dmitry Chibisov and many others.

Semyon Gudzenko


When they go to death, they sing,

and before that

you can cry.

After all, the most terrible hour in battle is

an hour of waiting for an attack.

The snow is full of mines all around

and turned black from mine dust.

and a friend dies.

And that means death passes by.

Now it's my turn

Follow me alone

the hunt is on.

Damn you

forty-first year -

you, infantry frozen in the snow.

I feel like I'm a magnet

that I attract mines.

and the lieutenant wheezes.

And death passes by again.

But we already

unable to wait.

And he leads us through the trenches

numb enmity

a hole in the neck with a bayonet.

The fight was short.

drank ice-cold vodka,

and picked it out with a knife

from under the nails

I am someone else's blood.

Mikhail Isakovsky


Enemies burned down my home,

They killed his entire family.

Where should the soldier go now?

To whom should I bear my sorrow?

The soldier went in deep grief

At the crossroads of two roads,

Found a soldier in a wide field

A hillock overgrown with grass.

The soldier stands - and like lumps

Stuck in his throat.

The soldier said: “Meet, Praskovya,

Hero - her husband.

Prepare a meal for the guest

Lay a wide table in the hut, -

Your day, your holiday of return

I came to you to celebrate..."

No one answered the soldier

Nobody met him

And only the warm summer wind

I shook the grave grass.

The soldier sighed, adjusted his belt,

He opened his traveling bag,

I put a bottle of bitter

On the gray gravestone.

“Don’t judge me, Praskovya,

that I came to you such:

I wanted to drink to your health,

And I must drink to the peace.

Friends and girlfriends will come together again,

But we will never meet again..."

And the soldier drank from a copper mug

Half the wine with sadness.

He drank - a soldier, a servant of the people,

And he spoke with pain in his heart:

“I have been coming to you for four years,

I conquered three powers..."

The soldier got drunk, a tear rolled down,

A tear of unfulfilled hopes,

And there was a glow on his chest

Medal for the city of Budapest.

Evgeniy Vinokurov

For fathers who returned from the front,

Having peeled off the bags and pouches,

The guys don't ask

colored candies,

And they ask for war stories.

Yielding to the insistence of the guys,

Fathers to them, before it gets dark,

Like adults, they talk about their lives

And they stroke them ineptly.

And the children will fall asleep

Military awards

Touching your head in a dream.

Fathers gently cradle them



So that again on the earthly planet

That war did not happen again

We need our children

We remembered this as we...

4. War heroes

Throughout our centuries-old history Motherland the people valued above all else loyalty to the Fatherland, the courage and bravery of heroes fighting for the triumph of goodness and justice...

Wherever you go or go,

But stop here

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are - fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Remember forever: lies here

Yours best friend.

For both you and me

He did everything he could:

He did not spare himself in battle,

A Saved my homeland.

M. Isakovsky

The war touched every family with its cruel hand. And today we, who remained on our land, watered with the blood of millions, turn our memory to those of our relatives who defended our Motherland.

Our families were also affected by the Great Patriotic War... Almost all of our children class great-grandparents fought for our Motherland, glorifying families with their exploits. Some of them were soldiers, others were sisters or brothers of mercy, some worked in the rear. Many of them are no longer alive, but we will always remember them!

I want to talk about my great-great-grandfather Regular Seraphim Kuzmich and great-grandfather Regular Nikolai Serafimovich.

Regular Seraphim Kuzmich

Was born in 1903 in the village of Leskovo. Before the war he worked on a collective farm. He was a loving husband and father of six children. Drafted into the army in 1941. He took part in battles with the Nazi invaders until complete victory in the Great Patriotic War. Demobilized from the army in 1945. After the war he worked on a collective farm "Lenin's Way". Awarded medals. Died November 16, 1986.

Was born 1924 in the village of Leskovo. Before the war he worked on a collective farm "Lenin's Way". Drafted into the army in October 1943. He took part in battles with Japan in military unit 16976 as a telephone operator of an artillery unit. Demobilized in April 1950. After the war he worked on a collective farm. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree and medals. I am very proud to have such great-great-grandfathers. It’s a shame that I know so little about their life at the front. I would like to be like them, to be as brave and courageous. Maybe thanks to them, I don’t know what war is. I don't know war...


The height of human achievement is determined by the strength of love for life. The stronger this love, the more incomprehensible the dimension of the feat performed by a person for the love of life. And the feat of the people is a direct reflection of the feat of each person, multiplied by a million, by tens of millions. Thanks to the works of writers and poets of the war and post-war times, people learned the truth about the war and were inspired to heroic deeds.

Such books should be read, especially by boys aged 14-16. They contain the truth about war, about life and death, and not slogans and fairy tales. Playing computer games we completely lose touch with reality, we don’t appreciate what we have at all. We must say thank you to the unique writers who told us about the war. They reveal even such terrible topics in an accessible and exciting way - the reader seems to dive into the plot, becoming an involuntary spectator, an accomplice. It seems to me that we are still capable of repeating the feat of unity, brotherhood and duty, which became the main meaning of the Great Patriotic War, which ended many years ago.


1. History of Russian Soviet Literature /Ed.. P. Vykhodtseva. -M., 1970.-S. 390.

2. Kuzmichev I. Genres of Russian literature of the war years. - Gorky, 1962.

3. Bykov V. Sotnikov. – M.: Children’s literature, 2015.

4. Surkov A. Poems. – M.: Khudozhestvennaya literature, 1985.

5. Editor-compiler N.S. Shevtsov, About those who returned from the war, Voronezh 2000.-P. 559.

Internet resources

6. Song of Victory [Electronic resource]: poems // Leningrad Blockade Feat: [website]. - Mode access: Cap. from the screen.

7. Thematic collections: Victory Day. [Electronic resource] – Mode access:

Svetlana Novoselova


for older and middle children preschool age

The project was prepared and carried out by: Novoselova S. A., Metzler I. V.

Objective of the project: patriotic education of children based on knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War and the life of their ancestors during the war.

Project objectives:

1. Use various forms of museum pedagogy to reveal the theme of the project.

2. To provide basic knowledge about the most important events of the Great Patriotic War, about the life of civilians during the war.

3. To give an idea that victory in the war was brought closer not only by soldiers at the front, but also by people in the rear; introduce the concept of “mass heroism”.

4. Create conditions for children to learn about their great-grandparents who lived during the Great Patriotic War.

5. Create conditions for the development of cooperation between children and teachers, children and parents.

6. Promote the moral development of children: teach them to experience feelings of pride, pity, and sympathy.

7. Promote speech development: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop skills verbal communication in joint activities.

8. Contribute physical development children.

Project plan:

1. Conducting excursions to the photo exhibition “They Defended the Motherland.”

The exhibition was dedicated to the residents of the Sokolniki district of Moscow - participants of the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Soviet Union.

2. Conducting memory classes dedicated to the participants (great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of students) of the Great Patriotic War.

Memory classes were conducted by teachers in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. At them, children talked about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Beforehand, children and their parents wrote stories about their great-grandparents and brought their photographs.

3. Creation of new pages dedicated to the participants (great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of pupils) of the Great Patriotic War for the “Book of Memory” of the kindergarten.

The children's written stories became new pages in our “Book of Memory.” The book of memory is replenished with new pages every year and has been maintained for several years.

4. Design of the exhibition “Our Immortal Regiment”.

Each child could make their own star and hang it on the wall.

5. Carrying out the patriotic action “Immortal Regiment”.

On May 5, a solemn assembly dedicated to Victory Day took place in our kindergarten. Many of the pupils brought portraits of their relatives - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

6. Carrying out the sports and patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

Children took part in Zarnitsa preparatory groups. But a real army cook fed real army porridge to everyone.

Publications on the topic:

I present to your attention the work of children of a mixed group, middle-old age, on the topic " Autumn forest". Work on this drawing took place.

Thematic lapbook “Pedestrian traffic light” Relevance: Every year in our country the number of road accidents is growing.

Integrated lesson on museum pedagogy “Will you tell us where this miracle came from?” Goal: Generalization of knowledge about two types of folk arts and crafts: Dymkovo and Filimonov clay toys. Objectives: EDUCATIONAL:.

Open event on museum pedagogy Mini-Museum “Matryoshka” MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 119" Open event on museum pedagogy Mini-museum "Matryoshka" Educators: Panevina L. A. Kretinina A. E.

Project on museum pedagogy “Pattern of a Russian scarf” “A scarf for every woman, both in our century and in the last century. A desired gift. A reliable amulet.”

MUSEUM PEDAGOGY PROJECT “SOKOLNIKI – THE BEGINNING OF THE MOSCOW METRO” (for preparatory and senior groups) Prepared and conducted by: Klyagina.

“They defended the Motherland” Project of a 4th grade student Elvin Akhmedov.

IN Lately More and more often we hear words such as “patriotism”, “patriot”. Who is a patriot?

For me, the Motherland is the place where I was born and raised, where I will receive further education and get back on my feet. This is the corner that we must preserve, protect and preserve.

Wherever you go or go, But stop here, Bow down to this grave with all your heart. Whoever you are - fisherman, miner, scientist or shepherd - remember forever: here lies your best friend. For both you and me, He did everything he could: He didn’t spare himself in battle, but he saved his homeland. Every nation values ​​loyalty to the Motherland, courage and bravery of heroes in a person. Every person should remember the heroes of their Russian land.

In 1942 he graduated from the technical school of subtropical plant growing in Lenkoran, and in the same year he was taken to the front. He fought as part of the 105th Regiment of the 77th Division. He fought in the Mozdok and Krasnodar directions. Since the beginning of 1944, as part of the 388th rifle regiment 172nd rifle division fought on the 1st Ukrainian Front, took part in battles in Poland and Germany. During the Lviv-Sandomierz war offensive operation in the battle for the village of Rozhnyuv, as a gunner of a heavy machine gun, junior sergeant Agadadash Samedov destroyed 10 enemy firing points and 13 German soldiers and officers. At the same time he was awarded the medal “For Courage”. He was later promoted to rifle squad leader, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 388th Infantry Regiment.

On January 14, 1945, in the battle for the capture of a stronghold of German defense in the village of Borkow, 15 km southeast of Kielce, the commander of the rifle squad, junior sergeant Agadadash Samedov, being wounded, did not leave the formation, and after bandaging he continued to advance forward. Agadadash Samedov was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, and was promoted to sergeant, rifle platoon commander. April 19, 1945 in battle at settlement Grabenberg on the bridgehead on the Spree River between the cities of Cottbus and Spremberg, Sergeant Samedov showed examples of courage and bravery. He was the first to go on the attack, inspiring the platoon fighters with his example, breaking into enemy positions and destroying up to 15 Nazis with his platoon. On this day, Agadadash Samedov personally threw grenades at the enemy bunker, destroying six German machine gunners who had settled there. In addition, Samedov destroyed a German armored personnel carrier using a Faustpatron. For personal courage and bravery in battle, Sergeant Agadadash Samedov would have been awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

After the war, my great-grandfather Agadadash Samedov was demobilized from the Red Army and returned to his native Azerbaijan. He graduated from the Agricultural College in the Lankaran region and received the specialty of an agronomist. Then, in his native village of Vilvan, which was then called the state farm "Communism", he worked first as an agronomist engineer, then as a foreman, and only then, until his retirement, was the deputy director of the state farm for the quality of agricultural products. Since 1980 - a pensioner of republican significance. In 1985, in connection with the 40th anniversary of the Victory, he was also awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

However, the Order of Glory of the 3rd and 2nd degrees waited for their owner for more than half a century. Only in July 2008, during the visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Baku, in the presence of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, other senior officials and representatives of the public of the two states, Great Patriotic War veteran Agadadash Abdulgasym oglu Samedov was able to receive these awards from the hands of the head of Russia.



"They defended their homeland"

1 - slide – the music “Victory Day” sounds (the story begins against the background of music)

2 slide In 1941, war came to our land. Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, Nazi troops crossed the border of the USSR. Peaceful labor Soviet people was violated At 4 o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, Nazi Germany attacked our homeland. The fascist invaders wanted to enslave our people, seize the natural resources of our country, plunder or destroy its cultural values.

The Great Patriotic War began. The entire people, young and old, rose to defend their Motherland.

4 slide The first verse of the song “Holy War” sounds

5 slide. The most terrible Great Patriotic War in the history of our country began. It lasted almost four years (1418 days and nights) and brought the death of 30 million Soviet soldiers and civilians.

6 slide. A mortal threat hangs over our Motherland. Everyone who could fight went to the front. The rest helped the army in the rear, providing it with food, equipment and ammunition. In factories, teenagers stood at the machines, replacing their elders. Old men and women worked on collective farms.

Slide 7 From the first days of the war, women voluntarily joined the ranks Soviet army and militia divisions.

I will tell you about one woman - sniper Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko.

8 slide. The famous sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko in fierce battles destroyed 309 enemy soldiers and officers, one - almost an entire battalion!

Slide 9 When the war began, Lyudmila was 25 years old. In July 1941, she volunteered for the army. She fought first near Odessa, and then near Sevastopol.

10 slide. In October 1941, the Primorsky Army was transferred to Crimea. For 250 days and nights, in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet, she heroically fought with superior enemy forces and defended Sevastopol.

Every day at 3 o'clock in the morning Lyudmila Pavlichenko usually went out into ambush. She either lay for hours on the wet, damp ground, or hid from the sun so that the enemy would not see. It often happened that in order to shoot for sure, she had to wait a day, or even two.

11 slide. But the girl, a courageous warrior, knew how to do it. She knew how to endure, knew how to shoot accurately, knew how to camouflage herself, and studied the habits of the enemy. And the number of fascists destroyed by her grew all the time...

While snipers were performing combat missions, the most unexpected incidents often happened. Lyudmila Pavlichenko spoke about one of them:

One day, 5 snipers went on a night ambush. We passed the enemy's front line and camouflaged ourselves in the bushes near the road. In 2 days we managed to exterminate 130 fascist soldiers and 10 officers. The angry Nazis sent a company of machine gunners against us. One platoon began to go around the height on the right, and the other on the left. But we quickly changed our position. The Nazis, not understanding what was going on, began shooting at each other, and the snipers safely returned to their unit.

12 slide. By July 1942, the sniper of the 2nd company of the 54th Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant, killed 309 enemy soldiers and officers with a sniper rifle, including 36 snipers.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna was distinguished not only by her high sniper skill, but also by her heroism and dedication. She not only destroyed hated enemies herself, but also taught other warriors the art of sniper. She was injured. Her combat score - 309 destroyed enemy soldiers and officers - is the best result among female snipers.

Slide 13 On October 25, 1943, for courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Slide 14 Since 1943, Major Lyudmila Pavlichenko no longer participated in hostilities.

Slide 15 Lyudmila Pavlichenko survived the war. She participated in many international congresses and conferences, and did a lot of work in the Soviet War Veterans Committee. Author of the book "Heroic Reality".

Awarded orders: Lenin (twice), medals.

The name of the Heroine is given to a vessel of the Marine River Economy.

16 slide. – the music “Cranes” sounds

through the centuries,

in a year.

who won't come anymore

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

MKOU "Ilyinskaya average" comprehensive school» PROJECT of 4th grade students “A” “THEY DEFENDED THE HOMELAND” Leader: Kartunen S.A. 2015

2 slide

Slide description:

There was a great war and it went on for a long time. And we will never forget those worst years. The enemy was strong, but we are stronger. Victory has come to us! And I want war to never come to us. Martenov Vadim

3 slide

Slide description:

Goal: creating a book “They Defended the Motherland” about relatives-heroes of the Great Patriotic War Tasks: -ask parents, grandparents about the Great Patriotic War, about relatives in the war -formatize the material -conduct a survey -take a tour of the battlefields in the village of Ilyinsky

4 slide

Slide description:

Main historical events in the history of Russia During the study, 46 people were interviewed. The majority of votes named the main historical events in the history of Russia: 1. Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) 2. Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space 3. Olympic Games in Sochi 4. October Revolution 1917 5. War in Ukraine September 2014

5 slide

Slide description:

Vasilyeva Tamara Nikolaevna My great-grandmother Vasilyeva Tamara Nikolaevna was born on April 10, 1922 in the village of Utozero, Lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region. She went to the front when she was 20 years old. Passed military service with the rank of corporal in the 2nd VNOS division from April 1942 to July 1945. Great-grandmother said that she was an anti-aircraft gunner and defended Moscow, shot down german planes. One night, the great-grandmother recalled, they heard the rumble of an airplane, it was a German plane with identification marks- red stars on the wings, the first line of defense let him through, and she was able to identify the enemy plane by the sound of the engine, and gave the order to shoot it down, the plane was shot down. At first they doubted and were even afraid that she had shot down her plane, but then it turned out that the plane was really German and for this the grandmother was awarded a star order. Before, I didn’t even know that it turns out that my great-grandmother is a heroine.. I am proud of my great-grandmother, a kind and sweet woman. Klementyev Vadim

6 slide

Slide description:

Alexander Serafimovich Minkevich My great-grandfather Alexander Serafimovich Minkevich was born in the Minsk region, Smolevich in 1921. In August 1941, like all young guys, he went to war to defend our Motherland. He fought on the Belorussian Front as a private. While on reconnaissance mission, four young guys captured the German headquarters. The offensive began and they found themselves surrounded. By holding out until their troops arrived, they were able to save German maps and documents. All four were nominated for awards. Great-grandfather was awarded a medal for courage. I am proud that my great-grandfather liberated Warsaw and reached Berlin. He had a lot of awards: the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of Glory, a medal for the “liberation of Berlin”. In 1944, his mother, Minkevich Lukerye Ivanovna, received a funeral. And at that time he was lying in a hospital in the city of Gorky, with wounds to his head and legs. And only two years later, in 1946, he returned home. In 1951, following recruitment, their family came to Karelia to the village of Ilyinsky, where he lived until 1997. I'm proud of my great-grandfather. Eternal memory to the heroes and low bow to them for our childhood. Voronova Sofia

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My great-grandfathers are war heroes. In June 1941, the most brutal and bloody Great Patriotic War began. It claimed a huge number of human lives. I, like all residents of our huge country, had many relatives who fought. My great-grandfather, Vladimir Alekseevich Gulyaev, went to the front at the age of 17. He served in an airfield maintenance battalion, and his great-grandfather used a car to transport shells to airplanes. At the end of the war, during one of these flights, a friend exploded in front of his eyes, who was hit by a blast wave from an airplane bombing. Great-grandfather went through the entire war until the victory, and was presented with the awards “For Courage”, “For Courage”, “For Warsaw”. Until 1952, my great-grandfather remained to serve in the army. My second great-grandfather’s name was Alexey Mikhailovich Efimov, his two brothers served at the front. The first died defending Leningrad, the second returned home without a leg. The path to victory was difficult, but our forefathers walked towards it and conquered the world. We should appreciate this. I'm proud of my relatives. The feat and courage of the people who went through all the harsh everyday life of the war will remain in my memory. Eternal memory to the heroes who did not return from the war, their deaths were not in vain. We must remember this throughout our lives. Gulyaev Alexander

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Tatarsky Pavel Ivanovich Victory Day! How much this word means to all our people. How many people died defending our Motherland so that we, our children and grandchildren, could live, study and work in peace. My great-grandfather Pavel Ivanovich also fought, he passed Finnish war, and in '41 he went to the front to defend his homeland from the Nazi invaders. And there, in 1941, he went missing. He was only 28 years old. Unfortunately, we know nothing more about my great-grandfather, but we are very grateful to all those who survived and those who never returned from this terrible bloody war. Low bow to all the heroes who went through the war, and to the home front workers, partisans! Let's remember this and appreciate every day of peaceful life. Lisitsyn Evgeniy

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Fedor Fedorovich Pyatenko My great-grandfather Fedor Fedorovich Pyatenko was born on December 19, 1918 in Ukraine. In 1939 he was drafted into the army, and in 1941 the war began. My great-grandfather fought in Murmansk and was an anti-aircraft gunner. In 1945 he was transferred to Japanese war, where he fought until 1947. He had many military awards, orders and medals. Great-grandfather returned from the war safe and sound, built a house, raised two daughters and a son. He left us at the age of 81, this was in 2000.

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Karpin Viktor Filippovich On the shore of Lake Onega in the village of Vigovo, Medvezhyegorsk district of the Karelian ASSR, on November 23, 1924, my great-grandfather Karpin Viktor Filippovich was born. When the Great Patriotic War began in 1942, my great-grandfather went to the front. At the front he was a liaison officer. My great-grandfather said that he allegedly crawled from Stalingrad (Volgograd in our time) to Berlin on his stomach. Having reached Berlin, he signed the Reichstag. For the victory over the Nazis, he was awarded the “Order of the Red Star” and medals “For Courage.” After the war, his great-grandfather studied, married and worked as the chairman of a collective farm, and then worked in the timber industry. He was awarded the Veteran of Labor medal. In peacetime, on Victory Day, my great-grandfather was awarded the medal “25 years of the Great Patriotic War” and “50 years armed forces" Great-grandfather died on November 10, 1978 and was buried at the Ilyinsky cemetery Oleg Kuttuev

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Ivan Vasilyevich Isakov At the age of nineteen, my grandfather received a summons to go to war, and he left his parents’ home for five whole years. Only in 1946 did he return, wounded but alive. Great-grandfather went through the war from Karelia to Berlin. During the war he was awarded four orders and medals. The war for him began on the Karelian front. He fought here for two years, defending the northern port of our country from enemies. Behind fighting received his first medal in Karelia. In 1943, his unit was transferred to the 4th Ukrainian Front, where heavy, bloody battles took place. The Germans clung to every inch of land, but that land was foreign to them. This was the case near Sevastopol. The battle was fierce, but the height had to be taken at all costs. The enemy did not let us raise our heads, the fire was so strong. Of course, they took the height, but my great-grandfather did not have to storm it. He was wounded in the leg by an explosive bullet and had to lie in a trench until nightfall. He spent four months in the hospital, and when he returned, his comrades congratulated him on his award - the Order of the Red Star. He took part in the battles near Koenigsberg. He was shell-shocked and wounded in two legs. They brought him to the hospital in an unconscious state. I didn’t come to my senses for several days, but the young body survived. I didn’t want to die, oh, how I didn’t want to. This is the state you experience when you come face to face with death. In battle, you don’t think about it somehow. For the battle near Koenigsberg, my great-grandfather was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, second degree. Sitkova Anastasia

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Rudzhiev Vladimir Petrovich My great-grandfather, Rudzhiev Vladimir Petrovich, before the war he worked as a mechanic at one of the factories Western Siberia. He was drafted into the army on July 9, 1941. At the end of July, his unit arrived at the front, almost all of its soldiers were Siberians. They entered the battle early in the morning on July 27. At first it was scary. Then, in battle, they captured a group of 15 prisoners. Later, my great-grandfather himself was also captured. At the beginning of September, Vladimir Petrovich was wounded in the shoulder for the first time, and was captured due to the wound. There the days dragged on as if in a heavy dream. Every day he grew weaker and weaker, sometimes he looked with horror at his legs covered with only skin, his withered hands and thought: how will I leave here? That's when he cursed himself for not trying to escape in the first days. Then winter came. Finally, it was announced that he would be sent back to work in a few days. Every prisoner had hope that they would be able to escape. Soon news came of the end of the war. Everyone shed tears not only of joy, but also of pride for the whole Soviet people. We won! And in this victory there is a piece of every citizen of our great country, otherwise we would not have survived, we would not have won! Fomin Danil

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Zhukovskaya Vera Filippovna On October 3, 1941, the city of Olonets was abandoned by the Red Army. For three years the enemy trampled the Olonets land, creating concentration camps in Olonets, Obzhe, and Ilyinsky. Thousands of people died there from torture, abuse and starvation. People worked 16 hours, receiving 100-125 grams of bread or 4 biscuits with thin porridge per day. For the slightest offense they were beaten with sticks in the whip house, put in a punishment cell or shot. There was a gallows on the camp grounds, which was never empty. About half of all prisoners died in Ilyinsky. Great-grandmother, Vera Filippovna Zhukovskaya, a concentration camp prisoner, recalled and told such an incident. The prisoner Karpov was shot because they found a loaf of bread on him, which he exchanged for a suit. All prisoners were treated this way cruelly. The entire territory of the camp was surrounded by barbed wire, the prisoners lived in barracks. Two barracks remain to this day. To ensure that there were no epidemics in the camp, they were very careful about cleanliness: there was a well with pure water, toilets were thoroughly cleaned, bathhouses were heated around the clock. It was so hot in the baths that some prisoners could not stand it and died. The occupiers were expelled from the territory of the Olonets region at the end of 1944. During the shelling of the village by our aircraft, one bomb hit a barracks and killed two women, the rest hid in a potato pit. The residents of the village of Ilyinsky had a hard time, but they survived and defeated the enemy. Alexandrov Sergey

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Martynovs Irina Fedorovna and Pavel Viktorovich When the Great Patriotic War began, my great-great-grandfather Pavel, at the age of 34, was taken to the war, into the infantry. And my great-great-grandmother Irina Fedorovna remained with three children in the village of Tigvera. My great-great-grandmother Irina Fedorovna and her three children were evacuated to the Nyandoma station in the Arkhangelsk region, where they remained to live. Irina Fedorovna worked in the forest at logging, chopped down the forest with an ax to earn a piece of bread and feed her children, she worked from early morning until late evening, and sometimes at night, she helped doctors with patients in the hospital. And at this time, her eldest daughter Oktyabrina (this is my great-grandmother), she was 11 years old at that time, looked after her younger children - her sister Vera (7 years old) and brother Victor (3 years old). Irina Fedorovna worked, trying to provide bread for her children, prayed for her husband, Pavel Viktorovich, and eagerly awaited news from him, which came very rarely. From them, my great-great-grandmother Irina Fedorovna learned that her husband, my great-great-grandfather Pavel Viktorovich, was in the infantry, then became a scout. The last news from Pavel Viktorovich was at the beginning of 1943, since then my great-great-grandfather has been considered missing. The Great Patriotic War ended long ago. I never saw my great-great-grandparents. But I know that they were heroic people! Zhukovskaya Ksenia

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The mass grave in the village of Ilyinsky contains soldiers who died during its liberation and during the Tulokskaya landing operation June 23-27, 1944

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Born on March 18, 1907, in Georgia, in the city of Khvarbeti. At school, Viktor Nikolaevich studied very well, and was especially strong in arithmetic. Maybe this influenced the choice future profession. Graduated military school artillerymen of the city of Tbilisi. And then his military career began: 1931 - infantry school, he was a course commander, 1936 - battery commander. 1941 - Leningrad Front. During the Great Patriotic War, V.N. Leselidze was already a lieutenant colonel on the Leningrad Front. 619th Army Mortar Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Leselidze V.N. stood firm. During one of the fierce attacks, on June 28, an enemy unit managed to approach the point where the brave commander was defending. The mortar men met the enemy with hurricane fire. At a critical moment, Lieutenant Colonel Leselidze raised Leselidze Viktor Nikolaevich infantrymen and led them into hand-to-hand combat. In this battle he was mortally wounded. For the courage, bravery, valor and courage shown in battles, Lieutenant Colonel Leselidze was awarded the posthumous title of “Hero of the Soviet Union”

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Moshkin Alexander Ivanovich Born in 1922 in the village of Malaya Cheryomushka, Lebyazhsky district, Kirov region, Russian, candidate member of the All-Union Communist Party (6). Drafted into the army in October 1941 by the Lebyazhensky district military registration and enlistment office. Sent to the 70th Naval Rifle Brigade, which was part of the 7th separate army. An important place in the offensive operation of the summer of 1944 in southern Karelia was occupied by the amphibious assault in the area between the Tuloksa and Vidlitsa rivers. On June 23, 1944, on the ships of the Ladoga Military Flotilla, with the support of the aviation of the 7th Air Army of the ships of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, a landing force was landed as part of the 70th SME. The amphibious assault had the task of cutting off the roads running along the Ladoga coast from Pitkäranta to Olonets and thereby depriving the enemy of the main communication linking the front with the rear. During the day, June 24, a company of machine gunners repelled 9 enemy counterattacks. In the evening, after the 9th counterattack, Alexander Moshkin was wounded. In addition, the brave man ran out of ammunition. A group of White Finns who were nearby noticed that his machine gun had gone silent and surrounded the sailor, trying to take him prisoner. But the hero had one grenade left. With it, Moshkin blew himself up along with a group of fascists.

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Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember! Remember about those who will never come again! Do not Cry! Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans. Be worthy of the memory of the fallen! Eternally worthy! With bread and song, dreams and poems, a spacious life, Be worthy with every second, with every breath! (R. Rozhdestvensky)

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