Single-parent family: socio-economic problems. Social and pedagogical problems of family and family education Social problems of modern families with children


This article is an abstract presentation of the main work. Full text scientific work, applications, illustrations and others Additional materials available on the website of the II International Competition of Scientific Research and Creative Works of Students “Start in Science” at the link: https://www. school - science. ru/2017/9/27699

The main objective of social policy is to achieve the well-being of individuals and society, ensuring equal and fair opportunities.

Currently, social security in the Russian Federation is constantly developing. This is evidenced by a large number of adopted legislative acts regulating legal relations in the field of social security, including at the municipal level. However, most laws affecting family issues are ineffective or do not work at all. All this requires taking urgent measures to strengthen and develop the social institution of the family.

Citizens who are primarily entitled to receive government support are low-income families and low-income citizens living alone.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that social policy is the sphere of implementation of the most important functions of public authorities to create conditions that ensure the fulfillment of the needs of vulnerable segments of the population. Currently, one can observe a growing interest in the implementation of this policy, in the implementation of various social programs, both from public opinion and from the authorities.

The object of the study is social policy at the municipal level.

The subject of the study is the mechanisms for implementing social policy in the city of Kostroma at the municipal level.

The purpose of the research project is to study the social protection of the population and develop proposals for improving the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the municipal level.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the project:

Explore the content and structure of social sector management at the municipal level of the city of Kostroma;

Reveal the content of social problems of families at the municipal level;

Analyze the role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families;

Give proposals for improving the social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

The ways and methods of writing this work are: the use of federal, regional and municipal legislative acts, scientific literature.

The scientific novelty of the project is due to the formulation of the problem and an attempt to objectively and comprehensively analyze the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the municipal level in order to make proposals and practical recommendations aimed at their improvement.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions and proposals obtained as a result of the study can be taken into account when developing legal acts at the municipal level.

In the course of a study of the socio-economic situation of families in the city of Kostroma, a wide range of problems were identified.

The main and most common problem among these families is the lack of decent housing; the second most important problem is the problem of economic security.

Most families are not fully aware of their rights, that is, they are not legally savvy people (although this can be said about the majority of the population of our country as a whole). And this is also a very significant problem.

There was also significant dissatisfaction with the activities of social protection authorities in the city of Kostroma.

All these problems are, to one degree or another, similar to the problems of families not only in Kostroma, but throughout Russia.

The main reason, in our opinion, for the intractability of problems in the area under study is that there is no clear and well-thought-out system of supporting families at both the federal, regional and municipal levels.

In this regard, a Municipal Target Program is proposed for implementation, which is called “Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality” for 2016 - 2021. (Annex 1)

Currently, in the city of Kostroma, a tendency has been established to develop a system of targeted social assistance for individual categories citizens, aimed at mitigating social tensions, solving the most pressing problems of socially vulnerable categories of the population: the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age), low-income families with children and large families, citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child, citizens released from places of detention.

One of the strategic goals of social policy remains strengthening the targeting of social assistance.

The administration of the city of Kostroma tries to cover all spheres of life of city residents, allocating funds from the municipal budget for these purposes. (Appendix 2)

The sphere of social protection of families and low-income citizens (pensioners, disabled people, children, single mothers, etc.) in non-stationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient funding. The situation is aggravated by a significant number of low-income citizens requiring social support, as well as by the fact that social protection bodies and local governments are increasingly forced to take on functions unusual for them, in particular, medical, consumer and trade services to citizens.

However, despite all the difficulties, in general the city of Kostroma managed not only to maintain the network of institutions, but also to expand it to a certain extent.

Having examined the work of social protection bodies and local government bodies of the city of Kostroma, we can make the following conclusions: the main directions of work correspond to the directions of state policy.

An unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. Relying on the education of society and the quality of human capital will allow Russia to maintain its place among states capable of influencing global processes.

Despite the financial and other assistance provided to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not only in demand, but necessary. The majority needs targeted help and is waiting for it.

To improve the social protection of the population, it is proposed to develop and implement a municipal target program: “Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality” for 2016 - 2021. The program should be designed for every citizen who requires social assistance and support.

This municipal program includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal statuses. The creation of a municipal program will make it possible to effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially vulnerable citizens.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve measures to support the studied category of families.

In the course of the work, the set goal was achieved: the activities of local governments to support families were studied, the current situation in this area was analyzed, and, based on the collected material, a program of activities in the field of social support for families in the municipality of the city of Kostroma was developed.

In addition, the following tasks were completed:

The content and structure of social sphere management at the municipal level of the city of Kostroma has been studied;

The content of social problems of families at the municipal level is revealed;

The role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families is analyzed;

Proposals are given to improve the social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

As a result of the work, it should be noted that the introduction of the municipal program and the practical implementation of these proposals will change the technology of social security for the better.

In addition, this will improve the level of social security, which will affect those categories of citizens who receive social payments and services under the social security system.

The provision of social security is a mechanism aimed at maintaining a decent standard of living for families in the city of Kostroma; this is precisely what is laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to improve social security technology and adapt Foreign experience to Russian reality, first of all, in order to increase the level of security for citizens, and as a consequence of this, stability in society will increase.

Bibliographic link

Belyakova K.D. SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF FAMILIES AND WAYS TO SOLVING THEM // International school scientific bulletin. – 2016. – No. 4. – P. 51-53;
URL: (access date: 03/20/2020).

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Problems of families with young children

As a result of the sharp decline in the birth rate in the Russian Federation, families with one child predominate. The appearance of a child in a family can become the main reason for a family’s transition to lower social groups in terms of material security. The birth of the first child reduces the financial level of the family by 30%.

In Russia, social deprivation persists—limitation of material and spiritual resources necessary for the survival, full development and socialization of children.

1. Material and living problems

The number and proportion of families below the poverty line are especially high in families with children. In 1995, among families with children under 16 years of age, 54.3% were poor (without children - 24.5%), in 1996 these figures increased to 33.7 and 14.7%. The number of families in extreme poverty (with an average per capita income of up to 0.5% of the subsistence level) and permanent poverty (with an average per capita income below the subsistence level throughout the year) is higher; the share of poor families with children in rural areas is 2.3 times higher than in the city. Unemployment and delayed payments of child benefits and wages worsen the already low financial situation.

The economic crisis has led to double employment of women, female unemployment and deskilling of working women, who are forced to be on leave for a long time to care for frequently and long-term ill children.

According to the Federal Employment Service of the Russian Federation, in 1995, 73% of the unemployed were women, of which 91% were women who were the only breadwinner in the family. Secondary employment of parents, especially women, leads to physical wear and tear, mental stress and lack of time to raise children. Income consists of parents' salaries, child benefits, and secondary earnings. Lack of children's clothing, shoes, toys, child care items due to high prices, poor quality that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, increased fees for services in preschool institutions, children's camps, deterioration in the quality of organized meals - all this leads to differentiation of families according to the conditions and results of upbringing and negatively affects the physical development and health of children.

motherhood social risk childhood

2. Psychological and pedagogical problems

Interpersonal relationships in the family are especially important for a child's development. In the process of communication, he acquires the skills of speech, thinking, objective actions, and masters social experience. The development of a child is directly dependent on the moral individual characteristics of family members. Children are guided by the behavior of their parents as a prototype of their own actions. Therefore, the behavior, way of thinking and actions of adults are very important.

The moral and emotional climate of the family largely shapes the relationship between parents, harmony marital relations. Families based on equality and partnership have the highest potential.

For many years, the country gave priority to public education. Many parents often “avoid” the problems of raising children, believing that their main task is to ensure that the child is supported in the family, and that the school should deal with upbringing. Alienation of parents from children leads to their neglect and even social orphanhood. The reason for the weakening and even breaking of family ties may be the drunkenness of parents, abuse of children, a conflict situation in the family, or the lack of a favorable emotional atmosphere due to the parents being too busy at work. The opportunity to communicate with children during visits to the theater, exhibitions, and children's parties is reduced.

The cause of alienation can also be errors in upbringing, difficulties in communication, especially in adolescence - disrespectful attitude towards the child, the prevalence of a prohibitive style. A lack of communication leads to the fact that children do not receive the necessary emotional support. The constant concern of parents with pressing problems of everyday life leads to excessive “grounding” of thinking stereotypes, excessive pragmatism, and under these conditions, persistent norms of behavior and value orientations are formed for life. Parents pay little attention to legal issues and sexual education of their children. Parents' attitudes toward the spiritual, cultural, and physical development of their children remain low.

Cramped living conditions and the lack of a specially equipped children's corner form in the child such character traits as irritability, self-doubt, aggressiveness, and touchiness.

Family troubles and defects in upbringing in the family are aggravated by the following factors:

rejection of the child (if the premature birth of the child is undesirable, especially if its gender does not match the expected one);

overprotection (lack of independence in a child, especially when raised by grandparents);

hypoprotection, leading to neglect, impaired socialization, slowdown in the formation of social skills;

inconsistency, contradictory nature of upbringing, a gap between word and deed, demands and control, inconsistency in the actions of parents and grandparents;

inconsistency with the requirements and expectations of the child, his capabilities and needs;

inflexibility of parents in relationships with children (imposing their own opinions, their actions, sudden changes in relationships at different periods of life);

affectivity (dissatisfaction, irritation, anxiety about the behavior of children, which creates turmoil, chaos, general excitement in the family);

anxiety and fear for children, which leads to disorders nervous system;

hypersociality (when parents raise a child without taking into account the individual characteristics of his character, placing excessive demands on him, without emotions, responsiveness and sensitivity).

Thus, the family microclimate is very important and aggravates family well-being or ill-being. There has been an increased demand recently from young parents for help from the older generation; the latter are a kind of transmitter of the social experience accumulated by their generation.

3. Medical problems

At all times, the indicator of public health has been the well-being of families.

Currently, the health status of the Russian Federation is characterized by a fall in the birth rate and an increase in the overall mortality rate. 20% of newborns have deviations from normal physical and mental health.

In 2000, the birth rate per 1000 population was 8.7; mortality rate - 15.3. In 1987, 2.5 million children were born, in 2000 - 1.16 million (more than two times less). Infant mortality is high. Its level is 2-4 times higher than that in economically developed countries. In 1999, this figure increased to 16.9%. In the structure of mortality of children under 1 year of age, the condition of the perinatal period and congenital anomalies remain (64%). Every third child has abnormal health conditions. A real threat is being created to the gene pool. The health of children is a matter of primary importance.

In various regions, 8-10% of primary schoolchildren, 6% of middle school-age children, and 3.5% of older children can be considered absolutely healthy. The number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times; only 55.6% of six-year-old children have a biological age that corresponds to their “passport age.” The number of children with delayed development is growing. The overall morbidity rate in children under 14 years of age in 1999 increased by 12.1% due to almost all classes of diseases.

The incidence of hepatitis C continues to increase annually; there is an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis compared to 1997 by 21.8%, especially in age group 36 years. In 1999, 558 HIV-infected children were identified in the Russian Federation, of which 125 developed AIDS and 88 died.

An analysis of the health of women with young children showed a high burden of various types of pathology (data from the Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents).

An unfavorable environmental situation (air pollution with carbon monoxide, city noise, radiation, waste) has a negative impact on children's health. chemical industry, water and air pollution). The accident caused great damage to health Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until 1986, there was no registration of thyroid diseases. Only 4% of Russian children are healthy, the rest have all sorts of abnormalities. 19.6% of the children surveyed live in unfavorable housing conditions (data from the Kazan Medical Institute, 1987). Almost every eighth child is raised in a single-parent family. An unsatisfactory moral and psychological microclimate in the family is observed in 16.3% of the children examined. In the family of every seventh child, alcohol abuse occurs by one of the parents or other family members.

Transition to market economy, unfavorable environmental conditions, hard physical labor, hazardous production (at the end of 1999, about 2 million women worked in unfavorable conditions, every year more than 2 thousand of them are diagnosed with an occupational disease) - all this led to an increase in oncological diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, mental disorders.

The World Declaration on Child Survival, Protection and Development in the 1990s indicates that environmental protection and sustainable management are essential for the sustainable development of children.

It is necessary to improve the quality of the environment, fight diseases, malnutrition, reduce the mortality rate, improve social services, and break the vicious circle of poverty.

4. Social protection of a young family

In order to support a young family in accordance with the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994 No. 1279, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

development of mechanisms aimed at supporting families with young children;

development of a network of information and consultations for young families;

assistance in solving the housing problem and employment of young women with children;

assistance in purchasing durable goods by young families and obtaining education.

Some of the tasks aimed at supporting young families are already being implemented in the Federal programs: “Children of Russia”, “Housing”, “Employment”, as well as in regional programs. In addition to this, you need:

coordination of efforts of various state public structures;

systematization and interconnection of adopted and existing social programs in the part where they affect the problems of a young family;

extension various forms loans specifically for young families: targeted, preferential, long-term (10-15 years) loans for the acquisition of land, construction, organization farm, “family company”, etc.;

providing loans for education of adult family members and their children;

creating conditions for employment, priority advanced training and retraining of young women with children, including the creation of opportunities for evening and part-time advanced training and education for mothers on long-term maternity leave;

creating favorable conditions for raising children at home preschool age through a network of home-based social worker services;

development of a system of benefits in the field of protecting the health of citizens, confirmed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, republics within the Russian Federation and legal acts of autonomous territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg (use of medical institutions, etc.);

creation of a network of various consultations for young families (socio-psychological assistance, medical-genetic, economic, legal, everyday problems, information and reference services on labor vacancies for seasonal and home-based work, as well as on retraining opportunities, on family entrepreneurship issues).

In other sections of the adopted program, practical measures for comprehensive support of a young family and related to solving issues of employment, social services, etc. are developed in detail.

In the field of reproductive health, the program provides for a set of measures based on the principle of the right of spouses and individuals to freely and responsibly decide on the number of their children and to obtain the necessary information, education and funds for this, creating conditions for providing psychological and legal assistance to young spouses. This work is primarily related to the organization of social assistance services and centers “Youth and Family”, “Young Family” and others, the development and adoption of regional programs to support socially vulnerable families.

The main activity of the “Young Family” services, in addition to informational and methodological work, is to provide services such as social patronage of young families living in unfavorable socio-psychological conditions, medical and social patronage of minor pregnant women and nursing mothers, patronage of young families and individuals in need of constant care.

5. Features of medical and social patronage in families at social risk

When conducting medical and social patronage in families with children from a social risk group, a differentiated approach of medical workers is mandatory, taking into account the nature, influence of social risk factors on the child’s health, and readiness to provide social and legal assistance to the family.

When conducting medical and social patronage in a large family, it is necessary to identify the financial and housing difficulties of this family and take into account the difficulties that a mother with many children experiences due to the need to visit a children's clinic.

When servicing a large family, it is necessary to more thoroughly monitor the implementation of recommendations of various types of patronage: purchasing items to care for a newborn, organizing a corner for a newborn (choosing a crib location, taking into account lighting, location of doors), diet, the child’s wakefulness, etc.

Organize a full examination of children at home by a pediatrician with specialists, including anthropometric measurements and laboratory tests (blood, urine, etc.).

Fathers should also be involved in health education work with large families in order to strengthen their responsibility for the health of children and more evenly distribute responsibilities between parents for caring for and raising children.

It is necessary to inform a large family about its rights, benefits, and benefits. Such families are accepted by doctors of any specialties in children's clinics and antenatal clinics out of turn; If the child becomes ill, the mother is provided with sick leave to care for a longer period.

In a family living in poor material and living conditions, if there is no way to improve them, it is necessary to carry out work to intensify the family’s efforts in carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures (compliance with optimal temperature regime, frequent ventilation, improved lighting, elimination of dampness, regular wet cleaning of the premises, adherence to personal hygiene rules, organization of a balanced diet, walks, physical education and hardening) with mandatory constant monitoring of the implementation of these recommendations to create appropriate conditions at home for the development of a healthy child. Children from such families should be placed in child care institutions as a matter of priority, provided with free food and treatment for illnesses of children in the first year of life.

A family where the mother or both parents are students or minors, in addition to the difficulties in raising a child (lack of life experience, skills in caring for a child, material resources, poor or unsettled living conditions) are added difficulties associated with studies - nervous strain , especially during a session. Pregnant students are much more likely to experience complications during pregnancy, childbirth, fetal death, prematurity, and subsequently a delay in its physical and neuropsychic development. The mother has hypo- or agalactia (lack of milk). When working with the expectant mother, it is necessary to explain the need for systematic visits to the doctor and monitoring of her health during pregnancy; give recommendations on sleep patterns, rest, nutrition, fluid intake, physical activity, and preparation of the mammary glands for feeding the child.

Expectant mothers should have a dosed study load, adequate sleep, and abstain from drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription. The social worker must establish contact with the parents of the young family to provide them with moral and material support before and after the birth of the child, contact the administration educational institution for the possible allocation of a separate room in a dormitory, a place in a preschool institution, or a scholarship for such a family; organize a free schedule for attending classes.

Children of the first year of life from such families should receive free food. Minor mothers should receive psychological support and qualified psychological and medical assistance, and be under the constant supervision of medical and social workers, since such families need increased attention, moral and material support.

When working in families where work activity parents, especially the mother, is associated with occupational hazards, the social worker needs to establish contact with the administration of the enterprise to regulate the process of labor activity in order to eliminate as much as possible the influence of unfavorable working conditions affecting the health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, and at the birth of the child to create appropriate hygienic conditions, proper organization of the daily routine, feeding, bathing, hardening of the child, if necessary (when there are deviations in the child’s development), organize consultations with relevant specialists.

In the event of a stillbirth or birth of a child with congenital diseases a thorough analysis is required possible reasons, identify the presence of hereditary factors; assess the health status of spouses and existing children, find out the nature of family relationships. In case of repeated pregnancy, the woman must be referred to an antenatal clinic and medical genetic consultation for the purpose of a more in-depth examination and prognosis for future offspring and even decide on the advisability of continuing the pregnancy.

When working in families of alcoholics, a social worker must constantly explain the harmful effects of alcohol on the health of family members, especially children. Alcohol abuse leads to family conflicts, increases the number of divorces, and destroys families. Almost always, there is general discomfort in the family, work activity and labor productivity sharply decrease, and the financial situation worsens. Alcohol abuse has a detrimental effect on the health of children, leading to the birth of children with congenital malformations. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, she may develop epilepsy, mental disorders, and delayed physical development. A constant tense situation in the family significantly affects the academic performance of children, leading to the development of neuroses, morbidity, and injury. The incidence in families who abuse alcohol is 3.5 times higher than in families without problems. Every year, 300 thousand children are born in the country with congenital malformations. Recently, this number has increased significantly (there are no clear statistics). Among the parents of deceased children, 40% of fathers and 33% of mothers abused alcohol in the first year of life.

To combat this evil, government policy, widespread work, anti-alcohol education and propaganda are needed. healthy image life.

When working in families with an unfavorable psychological climate, it is important to find out the reasons: alcohol abuse, low general culture, different levels of education, social, professional status, living together with the older generation (parents of the husband or wife).

Such families need consultation and correction of family relationships by a psychologist. Parents should know that stress received by a pregnant woman and negative emotions can lead to disruption of the course of pregnancy, intrauterine development of the fetus, a high rate of stillbirth, and the death of an early child. A constant state of anxiety leads to functional disorders of the child's nervous system - sleep disturbances, neuroses, changes in character (stubbornness, capriciousness, etc.), general weakening of the body, poor performance at school.

6. Functional responsibilities social worker in maternal and child health institutions

The functional responsibilities of a social worker in maternal and child health institutions are:

identification and recording of families at medical and social risk;

identifying from them families of high social risk (families of alcoholics, drug addicts, disabled children, young mothers, single mothers, etc.);

studying the needs of these families for specific types of medical and social assistance;

conducting all types of patronage (for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children in the first year of life, etc.), identifying risk factors with the subsequent transfer of this information to medical workers;

providing assistance to families in solving their social and everyday problems, including housing, material, working conditions, in placing children in preschool institutions, boarding schools, etc.;

providing advisory, including pedagogical, psychological assistance to families at social risk;

providing social and legal assistance (active explanation of the rights and responsibilities of these families, as well as social benefits provided by the state, etc.);

organization and control over the receipt by young children of free food and medicine, and other benefits;

providing assistance to families in raising children;

Carrying out, together with medical personnel, sanitary and educational work on hygienic education of children and promoting a healthy lifestyle;

implementation of family planning activities;

Organization of interconnection and mutual assistance in the work of various institutions and departments;

maintaining accounting and reporting documentation (diary of patronage visits, family passport, etc.).

7. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It has been called the “Magna Carta for Children,” the world’s constitution of children’s rights. The main purpose of the Convention is to maximize the protection of the rights of the child; its position, in essence, comes down to 4 basic requirements that must ensure the rights of the child. These are: survival, development, protection and provision, active participation in society. All these areas have specific content.

The child's right to life. This includes the birth and survival of the child, including in the event of illness. The child has the right to affordable medical care, which is established by a special standard of living, and the child also has the right to a name and citizenship.

Right to development. It includes the areas of education, recreation, leisure and participation in cultural life.

Right to protection. This is the right to all kinds of situations in which a child, due to his vulnerability and dependence on the adult world, needs attention. The Convention provides for care for disabled children, refugees, children separated from their parents, children who have broken the law, and establishes special legal norms for the protection of children in armed conflicts, as well as from the use and acquisition of drugs.

The right to active participation in society. It is carried out by measures to ensure freedom of speech, conscience, religion, and free expression of opinion. The Convention establishes the corresponding responsibilities of parents.

Currently, more than 127 countries around the world have joined this document. Russia's report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was considered in January 1993 at the third regular session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Based on the results of the consideration, the Committee adopted the document “Concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child” for the Russian Federation.

General measures for the implementation of the Convention.

In order to implement state policy regarding children of the Russian Federation, legislative, administrative and other measures are taken.

The concept of state policy, the concept of state social assistance to families and children, the presidential program “Children of Russia”, and Presidential decrees on social assistance to families and children were developed and adopted.

In the structure of state authorities, committees, departments, and departments for working with families and children were created to implement the children's policy.

Each region has departments for working with children and regional programs for protecting children's rights. Special social institutions are created for children forced to leave home.

Definition of a child in laws and rights.

A child is every human being under the age of 18 (according to the laws of many countries, adulthood may occur earlier or later). According to our legislation, 18 years is the age of majority.

Basic general education is compulsory. The minimum age for the employment of children is 16 years; in agreement with trade unions and the student council, the age can be reduced to 15 years. If the parents give written consent, the child can be hired at 14 years old. The minimum age of criminal responsibility is 14 years. If a child commits a serious crime, then also only from the age of 14.

Marriage is permitted from the age of 18, but in some cases, by decision of local governments, it can be reduced by 2-3 years.

Military service begins at age 18.

The Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation came into force in 1992. In 1993, amendments were made to it. The citizenship of children is regulated by this law. A child can change citizenship taking into account the current circumstances (before 5 years - parents, after 5 - himself). In the citizenship law, the child is given a surname (up to 5 years of age the parents give it, after 5 years they give it themselves).

The Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1990 “On Freedom of Religion” quite broadly sets out the right to freedom of choice of religious and atheistic beliefs, if they are observed within the framework of the law. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” establishes the right of religious associations to create educational institutions, as well as the right of parents of minor children to choose forms of education and types educational institutions.

The boundaries between state and church began to blur in the spirit of mutual understanding. Currently, more than 1,200 church schools have been opened in the Russian Federation, where children from 6 to 18 years old are educated. Representatives of various religious denominations opened more than 50 kindergartens.

A depressing feature of our society is the fact that children still remain victims of the tyranny of adults. In the Russian Federation there is an increase in various manifestations of child abuse. Negative methods of education, humiliation of human dignity, including physical and mental violence, can be traced in the family, preschool institutions, orphanages, vocational schools, boarding schools, and special educational institutions. In these institutions, there are cases where children are injured and become victims of various types of criminal attacks. Fleeing from cruel treatment, about 50 thousand children leave their families every year, and up to 20 thousand leave orphanages and boarding schools. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability and punishment for the most aggravated forms of cruelty to children. The responsibility of parents for raising children is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the Family Code, in the Law “On Education”, administrative and criminal legislation, and the regulations of the Commission on Minors’ Affairs.

For the first time, the Convention stipulates that children can turn to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities for protection if their parents abuse their rights. Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of children. Parents bear equal responsibility for upbringing even if the marriage is dissolved.

The court deals with issues of deprivation of parental rights. Parents are allowed to see their children if they do not have a harmful influence on them. According to Russian legislation, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment is placed under guardianship or trusteeship, for adoption, or placed in a boarding school. The number of such children increases every year. In many cases, the best form of alternative care for a child without parents is adoption. Adoption is decided by local governments. If the child has reached 10 years of age, his or her consent is required for adoption. Currently being created special centers adoption agencies and agencies, the number of international adoptions is increasing. The concept of “handicapped children” appeared - these are disabled children suffering from mental or physical illness. For such children, special correctional classes are created, which can be located at schools, kindergartens, and medical institutions. Children are sent there only with the consent of the parents based on the conclusion of psychological and pedagogical commissions. The presidential program “Children of Russia” has a subprogram “Disabled Children”, which provides for and guarantees the rights of disabled children to dignified and full participation in society. Models of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities have been developed. Special orphanages have been created for mentally retarded children. In them, children are fully supported by the state; they undergo medical rehabilitation and, upon reaching 18 years of age, are sent to boarding homes for people with mental disorders.

Refugee children occupy a special place. The presidential program includes a subprogram “Children of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.” More than 25 million Russians live outside the Russian Federation, one third of them are minors. Currently, due to armed conflicts in Russia, there are more than 500 thousand refugees, of which more than 60 thousand are children. Every year, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit reports to the Government on the situation of children in the Russian Federation. The socio-economic situation in the country affects the situation of children - an issue also addressed in the report.

8. Development of a child in the first three years of life and care for him

The first period of a person’s life lasts 280 days or 10 lunar months of intrauterine development, when after fertilization the mother’s entire body is rebuilt. The most critical for the health of the unborn child are the first 3 months of pregnancy, when the formation of internal organs and systems occurs, and the effect of unfavorable factors during this period can lead to various congenital deformities and deviations of fetal tissues and organs from normal development. The fetus is nourished during this period by the placenta, which also performs hormonal and protective functions. Through the placenta they enter the fetal blood medications, alcohol, drugs, and in the last month of pregnancy - microelements (such as iron). If a child is born ahead of schedule, he may develop anemia (anemia) due to iron deficiency. Therefore, a pregnant woman’s nutrition should be coordinated with a health professional, especially in the second half of pregnancy, when dairy and plant foods should predominate: cottage cheese, eggs, a variety of vegetables, fruits. Must be excluded from the diet food products, contributing to the development of allergies in the unborn child: extractive preparations, spices, coffee, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, strawberries. IN recent months limit salt and liquid intake; Alcohol, nicotine, and drugs are especially unfavorable for fetal development.

During pregnancy, you need to keep your skin and mucous membranes clean, and monitor regular work gastrointestinal tract(take laxatives only as prescribed by a doctor), full sleep (8-9 hours at night and 1-1.5 hours during the day). A daily hygienic shower, washing the mammary glands with warm water, followed by rubbing with a hard massage towel is necessary. According to the doctor's indications, nipple massage and tanning baths with oak bark and potassium permanganate are carried out. Toilet the external genitalia with warm water and soap is mandatory. Sex life should be limited, especially in the first and last months of pregnancy, as this may lead to undesirable consequences. You should walk every day 2-3 times a day. Clothes should be loose, made of natural fabrics; from 6 months onwards it is useful to wear a bandage and low-heeled shoes.

This period is very important for expectant mothers. They must undergo psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth and a school for future parents. The presence of the husband during childbirth is encouraged, as well as ensuring that mother and child remain together in the same room after childbirth.

If the family has poor living conditions and pregnancy is unwanted, this can become a risk factor for the mother’s health. When carrying out medical and social patronage of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to pay attention to the above and help free the pregnant woman from heavy physical labor and work in harmful conditions; It is necessary to encourage individual and home work, and carry out sanitary education work. The expectant mother must be surrounded by the care and attention of her husband, who must be involved in the birth of the child from the first days of pregnancy.

Baby care. At prenatal visits, future parents should familiarize themselves with basic tips for caring for a child and take care of a dowry for the newborn. Fabrics should only be cotton, retain heat, and be easy to wash and iron. Children's underwear must be boiled and washed with special baby powders and rinsed thoroughly, otherwise diaper dermatitis may develop. Store children's underwear separately from adults.

A set of linen for a newborn baby should include: 15 - 20 thin diapers, about 10 flannel ones, a pair of caps or scarves, 6 - 8 light ones, 5 - 6 flannel undershirts, 20 diapers (preferably made of gauze); a quilted or woolen blanket, 2 flannelette blankets, 2 duvet covers, one walking corner made of white fabric with lace. New linen must be washed and ironed.

The crib for a newborn should be in the brightest place, not in a draft or near a radiator. It needs to be washed periodically. It is recommended to purchase a mattress for the crib from hard horsehair. The head end of the mattress needs to be raised slightly. You should not put pillows or feather beds on your newborn.

The stroller should be comfortable, suitable for the season, and easy to open; it also needs to be periodically washed with a brush and soap, inside and out.

By the time the child is discharged from the maternity hospital, the apartment must be cleaned, vacuumed, and all corners and crevices wiped with a damp cloth. It is better to remove carpets from the room, wash the windows; curtains on the windows should be light. The room must have a thermometer (room temperature for a newborn is 20--22 ° C), it must be ventilated 4 times (in the summer the window must be constantly open). It is necessary to choose a place for changing a newborn.

A first aid kit for a newborn consists of sterile cotton wool, napkins, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, 5% alcohol tincture of iodine.

Newborn care items consist of: a thermometer for measuring body temperature; thermometer for measuring the temperature of the bathtub; children's enema; oilcloths; baby soap; small scissors; pipettes; compress paper; sterile vegetable oil, covered with a lid; dishes for storing clean pacifiers and pacifiers; baby bottles for drinking and feeding; a baby bath, in which only the child should be bathed; tank for soaking dirty diapers.

A newborn is a child in the first 3-4 weeks of life. A full-term newborn, according to WHO, is a child who has completed the full cycle of intrauterine development from 38 to 40 weeks, born at term, with all signs of maturity. With the first cry, the baby establishes its blood circulation and breathing. Gradually, over 5 days, the body is populated with microbes. The child begins to urinate; with the separation of original feces - meconium, intestinal function is established. Since the newborn is functionally immature internal organs and system, respiratory arrest may occur; unstable body temperature, lack of immunity, weak intestinal function, a small amount of produced enzymes can lead to the accumulation of gases, bloating of the intestines, causing a lot of anxiety for the child. Bowel function is usually restored by 3 months of age.

A healthy full-term newborn is active, its weight ranges from 3.2 to 4 kg, height 50 - 56 cm, head circumference greater than chest circumference, irregularly shaped head, clenched fists, legs pulled towards the body and constantly moving. There is vellus hair on the head. The skin may be pink and clear, or it may be reddish, wrinkled, and flaky. Redness sometimes occurs in the folds of the skin. The subcutaneous fatty tissue is poorly developed, but evenly, the umbilical wound is under the crust, as it has not yet healed.

A body weight of less than 2500 g is typical for premature babies, more than 4000 g is typical for large babies.

Immediately after birth, the child loses 4 to 6% of its original body weight and begins to regain its weight by 6-8 days of life. The child may experience physiological jaundice, which disappears by the 7th-8th day of life. The umbilical cord usually falls off before the baby's 5th day of life.

The normal development of a child depends on his contact with his mother. After birth, the baby must be immediately placed on the mother's stomach. Hearing her heartbeat, feeling her smell, her voice, he calms down, being protected. The mother looks at the child and strokes him with her fingertips. Established psychosocial contact with the mother is necessary for the normal psychomotor development of the child.

Daily care for the newborn is carried out after a night's sleep, before the first morning feeding. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary, clean linen. The child is unwrapped, dirty linen is removed, washed under clean warm running water with hand movements from front to back, then the skin and folds are dried with a diaper.

Toilet of skin folds is carried out with a cotton swab with sterile vegetable oil. To do this, once every 10 days, vegetable oil is poured into a clean bottle, placed in a bowl of water so that the water is above the oil level and boiled for 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Every day 1-2 times a day, if there is no discharge from the umbilical wound, it should be cauterized with potassium permanganate or brilliant green. The eyes are treated with two cotton balls soaked in a furacillin solution or boiled water, from the outer edge to the inner. The nasal passages are treated with cotton wool with rotational movements. If there are crusts, they are removed with cotton wool soaked in warm Vaseline oil. Wash the face with a cotton swab moistened boiled water. The ears are treated with two cotton buds once every 10 days. There may be a seborrheic crust on the scalp, which can be removed by carefully scratching and applying an oil compress an hour and a half before bathing the child.

The baby is bathed daily, usually before the nine-hour feeding. If the umbilical wound has not healed, you need to bathe in boiled water. The bath is first treated with soda, rinsed, and a flannel diaper is placed on the bottom. A solution of potassium permanganate is added to the water until Pink colour. The child is immersed in water up to his shoulders. You can * use baby soap twice a week. The water temperature should be 37 "C, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The bathing ends by dousing the child's neck from a jug with water one degree lower.

The daily routine must be observed from the first days of a child’s life. Out of 24 hours, a newborn sleeps for 22 hours and is awake after feeding; leniya. The mother should talk to him, sing, bring him to the light, trying to attract attention. The baby sleeps after active wakefulness until the next feeding. A healthy child usually wakes up at the same hours. The baby is first applied to the breast 30 minutes - 1 hour after birth. At the first attachment, a health worker must be present to ensure that the child has taken the nipple correctly and to teach the mother how to express milk from the breast. The baby should be fed from one breast at each feeding. Before feeding, the mother should put on a scarf, a mask, and wash her breasts with soap and water. The first days the child is fed lying down, then sitting, placing a stool under his foot, while placing the child on a clean diaper. Feeding time -- 15 -- 20 min.

From the very first days of a child’s life, it is necessary to accustom him to feeding after a certain time. From birth to 1.5 - 2 months. the child is fed 7 times a day; from 1.5 --2 to 4.5 --5 months. -- 6 times every 3.5 hours; from 5 months up to 1 year - 5 times a day. The child, especially in the first months of life, receives the greatest benefit from breast milk. Warm, sterile breast milk contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the ratio and quantity that is best for digestion, as well as essential vitamins, mineral salts, and immune bodies. A nursing mother always has a greater status of respect from others, especially her husband. Recently, we have “moved away” from a strict feeding regime and, if the child is healthy and gaining weight well, you can switch to a free feeding regime, especially if the child behaves restlessly at night.

A newborn baby often spits up. For prevention, after feeding, you need to hold the baby upright in your arms so that he burps up the air that he swallowed during feeding. leniya. Then carefully place him in the crib, changing position alternately from one side to the other.

An indicator of the health of a newborn is considered to be sucking activity and weight gain, so the child must be weighed daily. To do this, you need to take scales from the children's clinic. Control feeding is done before and after breastfeeding. By the difference in mass, you can determine the amount of milk sucked. It is necessary to constantly monitor the stool, appearance and the baby's behavior. Every day he should add 20 - 25 g, in the first month - 600 g, increase his height by 3 cm. Normal stools are yellowish in color, sourish in smell, homogeneous, 2-4 times a day.

To raise a healthy child, it is necessary to feed him properly. Nutrition determines the normal growth and development of a child, his resistance to the effects of adverse external factors. The most complete nutrition for infant is breastfeeding. In 1999, the proportion of children under 3 months of age who were breastfed was 41.9% (1997 - 43.5%), under 6 months of age. -- 27.6% (1997 -- 32.3%). Level reduction breastfeeding is also associated with the nutritional status of pregnant women. This type of feeding is called natural. From 5 months the first complementary food is introduced - vegetable puree: first from one type of vegetable (potatoes), gradually with age carrots, cabbage, zucchini and all the vegetables of the season are introduced. From 6 months a second cereal complementary food is introduced - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal porridge, you can give a mixture of different cereals. You can use imported dry milk porridges with fruits from Nestlé and Heinz. Added to vegetable puree and porridge butter 2 g in each dish (4 g/day). The third complementary food is introduced at 7.5 - 8 months. These are kefir, cow's milk or other fermented milk products.

Complementary feeding of a healthy child begins with small doses, gradually increases to normal over a week from a spoon before breastfeeding under the control of stool and general condition.

The child needs other food products: boiled yolk - from 6 months, cottage cheese - from 5-6 months, meat - from 7 months, meat puree - from 5 to 50 g - from 8 months. and up to 70 g - by the year, which is at 9 months. is replaced by meatballs, and from 10-11 months. - steam cutlet. In parallel with the meat puree and meatballs, meat broth is introduced. From 8 to 9 months, you can give sea fish instead of meat 1-2 times a week.

Juices are introduced from 4 months of life with 1/2 teaspoon, bringing to the required volume of 30 - 50 ml after meals. Sour and tart juices must be diluted with water. You should start giving juices from one type and only after 6-7 months. you can mix fruits. Up to 7 months Be careful with citrus fruits and strawberry juice. Fruit puree is recommended from 3.5 to 4 months. from 1/2 teaspoon, gradually increasing to 50 - 60 g.

Mixed feeding is prescribed if the mother has hypogalactia (little milk), which is confirmed by control feeding and low weight gain, anxiety of the child, and the amount of supplementary feeding is 1/5 of the daily volume.

At artificial feeding The baby does not receive breast milk at all. In Russia as a whole, about 70% of children 1 year of age require artificial feeding, which makes it important to provide the child population with milk formula. Currently, the commodity resources of the domestic baby food market are formed mainly at the expense of Russian producers.

In 1999, the production of infant formula and canned fruits and vegetables increased, while the production of meat food products decreased.

In 1999, funding for the federal target program “Development of the Baby Food Industry” amounted to 3.4 million rubles or 36% of the state investment limit provided for.

As the main food product, the child receives adapted milk formulas that are as close as possible to human milk. Among domestic mixtures, we can recommend the adapted mixtures “Alesya”, “Nitrilak 1”, “Malyutka”, “Malysh”; from imported ones - "Semilak" (USA), "Nutrilon", "Frisolak - N" (Holland), "Ensolak - M" (France), etc. Complementary foods are introduced a month earlier.

The fight for natural feeding and the prevention of hypogalactia must be carried out during prenatal care in maternity hospitals and during the dynamic observation of a pediatrician during patronage to healthy child. Natural feeding occurs with proper rational nutrition pregnant, nursing mother, prenatal preparation of nipples, psychosocial contact between mother and child, early breastfeeding, adequate sleep, moral support from family and husband.

Hypogalactia. Causes of hypogalactia:

constitutional characteristics of the mother;

social (unwanted child, student parents, minor mother, etc.); .

illness of the mother or child.

To enhance lactation, you need sufficient sleep with rest during the day, walks, a nutritious diet, a decoction of dill seeds, nettle leaves (1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day). A shower massage procedure gives a good effect: after feeding, the mammary gland is washed with a shower at t = 45 ° C with simultaneous massage; can be replaced with a compress of terry cloth moistened with hot water.

Drug therapy: first complex - apilak 1 tablet 3 times a day under the tongue, under 30 years old - gendevit, over 30 - undevit 1 tablet 2 times a day, vitamin E 3 times a day, nicotinic acid in tablets; the second complex - brewer's yeast 60 g 3 times a day (dry - 1 tsp 3 times a day), vitamin B15, lipoic acid.

Physical development of the child. Over the course of 1 year of life, a child triples his weight and increases his height by 25 cm. So, at 1 year - the average weight of a child is 10 kg, height - 75 cm. For the first month, the child gains 600 g, for the second and third - 800 g, for the fourth - 750 g, for each subsequent month by 50 g less.

For the first 3 months. The child gains 3 cm in height over the next 3 months. -- 2.5 cm, from 7 to 9 months. -- 2 cm per month, from 10 to 12 months. -- 1 cm per month.

By 3-4 months. the head and chest circumference are compared and then the chest circumference becomes larger than the head circumference. Head circumference by 1 year is 46 cm.

Neuropsychic development (NPD). A child is born with unconditioned reflexes. During his life he develops conditioned reflexes, in the acquisition of which education plays a role.

The scientific development program includes leading lines of development:

hearing analyzer;


Psychosocial development. By 2--3 months. can recognize complete sound synthesis of speech. You need to speak to your child kindly and calmly.

A newborn sees, but can coordinate a visual image only by 5 months. By 2 months the child smiles unconsciously. A conscious smile appears by 5-6 months.

By 7 months feelings of special attachment to one of the adults appear. You must talk to your child for 15 minutes. Anxiety and fear strengthens the emotional attachment to the one who brings reassurance.

In the first half of the year, the child receives maximum information from contact analyzers, in the second - through hearing and vision.

By 5 - 7 months. babble - repeated repetition of a sound signal. It is necessary to repeat after him, to assign meaning to the sounds.

By 9 months the child knows his name and responds to it. There are fears caused by strong and new stimuli. You cannot place a lot of toys near the child and change the environment.

From 7 months It is necessary to potty train your child.

Daily regime. This is the correct alternation of sleep, wakefulness, fixed hours of feeding, walking. A newborn baby sleeps 22 hours a day and is awake for 2 hours. A one-year-old child sleeps 8-10 hours at night and 2 daytime naps of 1.5 hours each. From 1.5 years old, the child sleeps once during the day for 1.5 hours. After feeding, the child should be actively awake. Active wakefulness causes natural fatigue, which ensures deep sleep. In the first year of life, there are 4 daily routines.

For the development of a child, special sets of toys are used:

from 1 to 3 months. -- rattles of different shapes and colors, “tumblers” (hanged over the baby’s chest);

from 3 to 6 months. - rattles with a handle, rubber toys that make a “tumbler” sound (hang and place at arm’s length for the child);

6 -- 9 months -- a variety of toys that help the general development of speech and movements (balls, buckets, sounding toys, rings, dolls, bears, etc.). You should not give your child toys that are small or have sharp corners;

from 9 to 12 months - various toys. When playing with a child, you need to name the toys.

Walking for a child is a matter of entertainment, learning about the world, establishing contacts with peers, and developing the child. In summer you need to walk in the shade as much as possible. In winter - 2 times a day. Children under 1 year old can walk at temperatures down to -10 °C. It is not recommended to pick up or feed your baby while walking. The child's face should be open.

For development, the child also needs massage, which should be aimed at improving statistical motor functions. Massage and exercise therapy in early and preschool age are also necessary for the development of higher nervous activity(from contact skin irritants). Nerve impulses tone the central nervous system, so the skin turns red, lymph circulation improves, and tissues are freed from metabolic products. As a result, the tired muscle rests better than at rest.


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The modern family is going through a difficult stage of evolution, its social status is declining. Family reproduction is reduced by 15-20% annually. The number of divorces is steadily increasing. Duration family life is declining: every third marriage breaks up before it even lasts five years.

The key reason for the impoverishment of Russian families is seen in social consequences economic reforms.

The changes taking place in the economy have led to socio-demographic consequences, which, according to N.M. Rimashevskaya, are determined by the following factors:

The effect of depopulation, expressed in natural population decline; high growth rates of mortality, “excess mortality” of men, especially from unnatural causes that are directly social in nature (alcohol poisoning, suicide, murder);

A decrease in the expected life expectancy of the population to the level that occurred in the first half of the 60s: 66 years for the average population and 59 years for men;

The presence of about 3 million refugees and forced migrants staying in Russia on a legal and illegal basis;

Growth in unemployment: the presence of 1.5 million registered unemployed and 5-7 million who find themselves in the position of hidden unemployed;

A two-fold drop in real wages, real income and social benefits as a result of inflation;

- expropriation of the population’s monetary savings intended to satisfy urgent needs;

Reducing the general standard of current consumption to the level of the early 70s, i.e. going back 20 years;

Monstrous socio-economic stratification of society, when at one pole there are 35% of the poor, including 10% of the poor, and at the other - 10% of those who have benefited from the ongoing economic transformations, including a layer of 3-5% of very rich people; erosion of the foundation of the middle class;

The hopelessness of solving the housing problem for one fifth of the population in the context of growing property (including housing) inequality and inflation of prices on the housing market;

A sharp decline in the physical and mental health of the population, especially children, intensive growth infectious diseases and disability of society; collapse of the health care system;

A decline in the quality of labor potential, its deskilling and deprofessionalization with a decrease in the potential of the educational system;

Criminalization and lumpenization of a significant part of society, especially young people;

The constant deficit of the state budget and the impossibility of social protection for families in extreme situations.

It is the family that is primarily affected by inflation, a reduction in production rates, an increase in non-payments, non-payment wages, female unemployment. The family became a social victim of economic reforms. Political instability also limits the functions of the family as a social institution.

In fact, many families found themselves deprived of all previous guarantees: the guaranteed right to work. for free medical care, for rest, leisure and even for movement (due to exorbitant transport costs), without receiving any new ones. The family's right to life was under threat (in areas of ethnic conflicts).

Today there is no Russian family as such. There are poor families, rich families, middle-income families and poor families on the brink of survival. Market ideology, which is supported by means mass media, contains the preaching of the cult of violence and cruelty, immorality, selfishness and egocentrism. In many cases, the family cannot withstand the onslaught of market ideology, which detonates its collapse.

As the most current problems modern family can be called the following:

1. Housing problem. If in previous years For young families, the opportunity to purchase a cooperative apartment (with the help of parents, of course), get a state apartment or room, rent a living space before receiving their own housing was quite real - in large cities, in the first five years of marriage, people began to live separately from their parents 2/ 3 families, then with the transition to the formation of the housing market, only a small minority of newlyweds can purchase it independently, with the help of parents or an enterprise. The construction of cheap municipal housing, due to which this really difficult problem is being resolved in many countries of the world, is being sluggish. Long-term housing loans in conditions of galloping inflation are unrealistic. This problem is one of inertia, taking into account both the general lag of our country in terms of average living space indicators and the steady deterioration of the housing stock due to poor maintenance.

It is possible with a high degree of probability to predict an aggravation of the housing problem due to the potential loss by low-income citizens of their privatized apartments, especially in prestigious, central areas. The development of business lending secured by housing will undoubtedly speed up this process. The flow of migrations forced by economic and political pressure will not improve the situation. Therefore, a decrease in the number of people getting married is quite natural.

In addition, there is a direct correlation between the deterioration of living conditions and the exacerbation of family conflicts. The worse the living conditions, the more difficult it is to find an acceptable option for resolving the conflict (although, however, there is no reverse correlation: improving housing and material conditions does not at all lead to strengthening the family). Homelessness and the need to go to shelters, judging by the experience of other countries, can cause a massive crisis in family relationships.

2. Financial and economic problem. Financial and economic difficulties experienced by the entire population especially affect low-income families, large families, and families with children. The wear and tear of clothes and shoes, the failure of complex household appliances, which have become so familiar to our lives, irreversibly reduces the consumption standards of almost all families. If 2/3 of the family budget is spent on food, then purchasing durable items becomes impossible.

The months and years that a young mother spends caring for a child automatically transfers most young families into the category of low-income families. It is even more difficult and more painful to solve problems if a child is born to a single mother or the family breaks up shortly after his birth.

The state strives to provide possible assistance in the maintenance and upbringing of children. However, firstly, centralized funds are not enough, and secondly, the available funds are not always used rationally. Thus, issuing money to mothers whose children do not attend child care institutions places a burden on the budget, but does not solve the social problems of mothers. Funds spent on maintaining a network of children's preschool institutions, to protect jobs, would bring much more benefit than handing out benefits. In addition, centralized budgetary funds are not enough, so the activities of local authorities are very important, as they seek, using internal resources, the opportunity to provide assistance to families living on their territory.

3. The problem of employment and unemployment, on the one hand, and the problem of women's employment and double workload, on the other. The double workload of women, i.e. their participation in public labor and their predominant fulfillment of responsibilities for household services at home and family, is a problem that was recognized and began to be studied quite a long time ago. The almost complete involvement of women in social labor was caused by the needs of extensive economic development, but at the same time it responded to women’s need for self-affirmation and self-realization in the non-family sphere, characteristic of the 20th century. The worldwide nature of this process is confirmed by the increasingly widespread type of “bi-career” family, in which both partners are focused on success.

If you analyze the desire of women to work, you can find the following components in it. Firstly, economic compulsion, when the husband’s earnings are not enough, and even more so if the woman is the only breadwinner of the family. This, by the way, made almost hopeless the struggle carried out under state regulation of the economy to free women from working in difficult and harmful conditions, on the night shift, underground, on floating bases, etc. Forced to support their families, women preferred these harmful conditions that were accompanied by additional payment for harmfulness.

The second factor that forces women to hold on to work is socio-economic instability, uncertainty about the future of themselves or their society. Unemployment, shocks, accidents and armed conflicts make the life of every person more susceptible than ever to numerous accidents. The fear of remaining a widow with children in her arms drives the woman, and this fear is aggravated by the general instability of the family, when for every three marriages in large cities there are two divorces.

Without denying the importance of these safety factors, we must not forget that work for a woman is a place where she can show her abilities, it is also an area of ​​communication in which a woman is often treated with more respect than at home. Research by foreign management specialists shows that among the factors by which people value their lives, an important place is occupied by belonging to a particular work team, recognition of this team, and the opportunity to interact and communicate informally with its members. For our women, work occupies one of the leading places in the structure of their life values.

But along with voluntary or forced workload in social labor, there is an unfair structure of distribution of official duties, conditioned, on the one hand, by patriarchal traditions, on the other hand, by the underdevelopment of industrial services for our everyday life, in which the time spent by a woman on household needs, comparable to the weekly working time budget.

However, the market gave the woman the opportunity to focus entirely on her family. In exact accordance with forecasts, the woman has become a victim of her family and maternal responsibilities and, as a disadvantage due to her benefits related to childbirth, vacations, etc., she is the first to become a client of the labor exchange, where over 80% are women. However, it is difficult to imagine that female unemployment is a way to resolve the problem of double female employment. The negative impact of unemployment on the health and social and mental well-being of people is well known. Ideally, a woman should have the right to choose a development program along the lines of career self-fulfillment, or along purely family responsibilities, or both at the same time. And society should create opportunities for her to advance and to combine family and business responsibilities.

4. The problem of family planning. IN Over the course of thousands of years, biological productivity, which became part of the tradition, enshrined in religious dogmas and attitudes, determined the number of children in the family. In conditions of wars, epidemics, horrific child mortality, this was socio-economically justified, because few survived. Extensive population growth was absorbed by new lands or even new continents - a process of worldwide intercontinental migration was underway. In addition, children were a safety net factor, providing “charity” and feeding their parents in old age.

Today, socio-economic conditions have changed radically, and the idea of ​​having many children is becoming a thing of the past. Large families are more common in rural areas; they are associated with some national or religious characteristics. In cities, large families are more often characteristic of parents with a low level of education and unskilled professions. There are, of course, exceptions, but the trend towards having few children or even childlessness can be considered stable. Increasing difficulties recent years our lives have turned this global trend, characteristic of developed countries, into a rapid decline in the birth rate.

Demographic depression is characterized by extremely high rates: up to 30% per year, which leads to depopulation, i.e. the excess of mortality over the birth rate, and will be reflected by the demographic wave in the small number of working generations, the small number of married couples, the small number of those children they will give birth to, and the grandchildren that those children will have.

But, among other things, both the normal process of declining birth rates and demographic depression remind us that the regulation of the number of children born is carried out in the most unworthy of a civilized society: Russia ranks first in the world in the number of abortions. This medical manipulation can result in complications or death of a woman even in medical conditions, while, according to experts, at least a third of abortions are out-of-hospital. In addition, this is the prospect of subsequent infertility, depriving a woman of the opportunity to have children in the future, a severe moral and psychological shock for a woman associated with an internal crisis and external condemnation of her actions; the possibility of the birth of unwanted, unloved children who may be abandoned by their mother or left “under signature” in the maternity hospital. But even if such a child remains in the family, if the mother comes to terms with his appearance and begins to love her child, those months of intrauterine development when the developing human felt an emotional wave of hostility from the mother will not pass for him without consequences.

Meanwhile, in this important and delicate problem, humanity has developed a whole set of measures that allow spouses (especially women) to decide for themselves when and how many children they want to have. Liberating a woman from the compulsion to bear children, ensuring the birth of only desired children is one of the most humanistic achievements of our far from humane century. The fact that our families were left out of this achievement is due to a complex of cultural reasons, on the one hand, and economic and material reasons, on the other. Society did not realize its responsibility in this issue for a very long time; the attention of the ruling structures, science, and healthcare was not drawn to this.

A grossly dismissive attitude towards the problem took hold in public opinion; the woman was almost declared to be guilty of having the ability to bear children. Not only the general population, but also doctors turned out to be incompetent in matters of contraceptive culture. On the other hand, such an ideological and psychological attitude led to the fact that the medical industry lagged behind in the production of modern contraceptives; the funds to purchase them abroad are insufficient, and the ability to use them is lacking. Naturally, the situation can be corrected if we start with a change in ideological attitudes, with the realization that providing opportunities for family planning is one of the primary prerequisites for the formation of a civilized society.

From global problem(family planning) follows from a number of others. Among them: the problem of unwanted children, which is not only a moral and psychological, but also a social problem. Such children are the first candidates for the role of “social orphans”, residents of orphanages, and, remaining in the family, they bear the burden of emotional rejection and become victims of family cruelty or indifference.

A special conversation about the birth of children from underage mothers. The acceleration process has accelerated the hormonal and physical maturation of adolescents, while long-term and caring family care leads to far from early spiritual maturation. The “rejuvenation” of sexual relations is a fact about which one can lament, but one cannot argue with it. From a social point of view, a girl-mother experiences enormous difficulties: her status is so unusual that it gives rise to many problems. Parents, the environment, the school often react completely inadequately - even to the point of expelling the young sinner from home, etc. Meanwhile, the social and moral situation will make both prostitution of minors and casual sexual contacts more and more frequent. Therefore, the most widespread dissemination of medical and social knowledge and the full promotion of modern safe means of contraception, as well as the provision of socio-psychological assistance to adolescents and their parents, should be considered a matter of paramount importance for a social educator.

5. Another little-researched problem - intra-family cruelty. The majority of murders in our country (not counting victims of military and interethnic conflicts) occur on domestic grounds. The number of children admitted to hospitals as victims of parental abuse is increasing. Children's traumatologists also note increased cruelty, sometimes fanaticism, on the part of those who beat them. An increasing number of children are running away from home, unable to bear the abuse of their parents. The number of social orphans is growing - that is, children who have come into the care of the state while their parents or at least one of them are alive.

In modern conditions, it is theoretically possible to predict the growth of intrafamily aggression. An unmerciful society beats the family. An unmerciful family beats its weak members. According to foreign data, such violence increases during periods of social aggravation. Its victims, as a rule, are women (95% of cases) and children (about 70% of cases).

Problems recognized by the world initiate serious research and technological programs aimed at preventing family aggression and helping its victims. Temporary shelters are being created for victims of abuse by husbands, and legal assistance is provided to those who are beaten. But practice shows that it is not so easy for a woman to leave an abusive spouse - there is a disapproving reaction from public opinion, financial dependence on her husband, and fear for her and her children’s future. In our society, all these factors exist, aggravated by several other circumstances. The public and law enforcement agencies are extremely reluctant to deal with intra-family violence. Special shelters and social hotels for such victims are just beginning to function, and their activities are incredibly complicated by financial factors, difficulties in allocating premises, etc.

The list of problems of the modern family could be continued. In the practice of socio-pedagogical work with families, it is important to highlight both general social problems characteristic of most families in a given society, and private problems of a particular family. It should, however, be remembered that it is not the social educator who resolves the family problems of clients, but the family, with the help of the social educator, realizes its problems and finds the strength to resolve them.

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The family is a complex multifaceted system of human social functioning. The state of the family institution is determined by many factors, including the capabilities of the state. Changes in the social status of a family are impossible without state support. Social protection is the key to the successful functioning of any social group.

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a social state. The welfare state is designed to help the weak, to influence the distribution of economic benefits according to the principle of fairness, in order to provide everyone with a decent human existence.

The most characteristic features of a welfare state are expressed in its social policy, which is carried out at the federal, regional and local levels.

The main objective of social policy is to achieve the well-being of individuals and society, ensuring equal and fair opportunities.

Currently, social security in the Russian Federation is constantly developing. This is evidenced by the large number of adopted legislative acts regulating legal relations in the field of social security, including at the municipal level. However, most laws affecting family issues are ineffective or do not work at all. All this requires taking urgent measures to strengthen and develop the social institution of the family.

Citizens who are primarily entitled to receive government support are low-income families and low-income citizens living alone.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that social policy is the sphere of implementation of the most important functions of government authorities to create conditions that ensure the fulfillment of the needs of vulnerable segments of the population. Currently, one can observe a growing interest in the implementation of this policy, in the implementation of various social programs, both from public opinion and from the authorities.

Object of study is social policy at the municipal level.

Subject of research There are mechanisms for implementing social policy in the city of Kostroma at the municipal level.

The purpose of the research The project is to study the social protection of the population and develop proposals for improving the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the municipal level.

To achieve the set goal, the project decides next tasks:

Explore the content and structure of social sector management at the municipal level of the city of Kostroma;

Reveal the content of social problems of families at the municipal level;

Analyze the role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families;

Give proposals for improving the social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

The ways and methods of writing this work are: the use of federal, regional and municipal legislative acts, scientific literature.

Scientific novelty The project is determined by the formulation of the problem and an attempt to objectively and comprehensively analyze the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the municipal level in order to make proposals and practical recommendations aimed at improving them.

Practical significance of the study is that the conclusions and proposals obtained as a result of the study can be taken into account when developing legal acts at the municipal level.

1. Social problems of families and ways to solve them

at the municipal level

1.1.The role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of the family

The family, being the most universal, comprehensive social institution, reflects almost all the social problems that exist in modern society: low income, social maladaptation, difficulties of large families and people with disabilities, the specific situation of refugees, violence against children and women, young motherhood and much more. other.

The majority of families are in difficult financial conditions; finally, in 2015 in Kostroma the situation was improved social status About 2.7 thousand families were in need.

Local governments play a huge role in providing social support to families at the municipal level.

The activities of local government bodies implementing the social well-being of families at the local level are due to the fact that they are able to more fully take into account the characteristics of economic and social development local community, flexible, responsive to local needs.

It is local governments that develop social programs aimed at solving a particular social problem, improving the quality of life and well-being of families. Social programs are approved by local representative authorities and financed from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

It should be noted that all aspects and elements of the activities of local governments in the social sphere together create not just a set of different directions and individual results, but a kind of integrated integrity - a certain quality of life. Improving this quality is the main goal of the activities of local governments.

1.2. Activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families

At the municipal level, strong foundations are being created to improve the standard of living of the population, support the poor, open new jobs, reduce social tension and anti-social manifestations.

For this purpose, the Administration of the city of Kostroma has developed many programs and measures to stabilize and improve the social situation of the residents of our city:

1. Municipal program of the city of Kostroma “Procedure for providing subsidies from the budget of the city of Kostroma in 2016 to non-profit organizations in order to reimburse costs associated with the repair of residential premises of Great Britain veterans Patriotic War 1941-1945, located on the territory of the city of Kostroma";

2. Municipal program for “Development of the education system in the city of Kostroma for 2014-2016.”

3. Organized cleanup days for sanitary cleaning for the purpose of improving our city;

4. Measures to ensure safety at children's playgrounds and sports grounds at the place of residence, in places of public recreation, on the territory of educational institutions in the city of Kostroma;

5. The administration also takes measures to provide housing to citizens in need of improved housing conditions.

6.On holding a mass event “Family Weekend in Victory Park” in the park area on Profsoyuznaya Street in the city of Kostroma.

The main Municipal program today is the program of the city of Kostroma “Development of the education system in the city of Kostroma for 2014-2016”.

The goal of the program is to create conditions for receiving a quality education and successful socialization of 100% of children living in the city of Kostroma, for whom these conditions are in demand; it is also not only education, but also a huge contribution as social assistance to families in need of this program.

Nowadays, education plays an important role, both preschool education, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education.

The objectives of this program are as follows:

1) ensuring state guarantees of the rights of citizens of the city of Kostroma to universal access to preschool education;

2) providing in municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma conditions for high-quality educational process, meeting the requirements of the Federal State educational standards and the level of modern development of education and science;

3) the formation of a health-saving educational environment that ensures the preservation of the health of participants in the educational process;

4) creating equal opportunities for all categories of children, including children with disabilities, to receive a quality education;

5) creating conditions for the development of scientific research creativity of students, including new educational forms and technologies for working with gifted children;

6) providing municipal educational organizations with highly qualified teaching staff, including teachers of preschool educational organizations and primary school teachers who are fluent in innovative educational technologies.

7) creation of transparent, open system informing citizens about educational services, ensuring completeness, accessibility, timely updating and reliability of information;

8) introduction of various mechanisms for the participation of consumers of educational services and public institutions in monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

Target indicators and indicators of the program:

1) the number of additional places for preschool children in municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

2) the share of the number of pupils of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma, studying under preschool education programs that meet the requirements of preschool education standards, in the total number of pupils of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

3) the ratio of the average score of a single state exam(per 1 subject) in 10% of municipal educational organizations in the city of Kostroma with the best results of the unified state exam to the average score of the unified state exam (per 1 subject) in 10% of municipal educational organizations in the city of Kostroma with the worst results in the unified state exam;

4) coverage of children aged 5 to 18 years with additional education programs (the share of the number of children receiving additional education services in the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years);

5) the share of the number of students in general education programs participating in olympiads and competitions at various levels in the total number of students in general education programs;

6) the number of minors enrolled in various types of registration;

7) the number of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma conducting innovative activities;

8) the share of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma that have modern conditions training;

9) creation of additional jobs in municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

10) the share of the number of teaching staff under the age of 30 in the total number of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations in the city of Kostroma;

11) the share of the number of teaching staff of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma who have a pedagogical education in the total number of teaching staff of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

12) the number of heads of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma who have undergone advanced training in the direction of “Management in Education”;

13) the share of the number of teaching staff of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma who have undergone advanced training in the total number of teaching staff of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

14) the number of management and trustee boards in municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma.

Also no less important is the program of the city of Kostroma: “The procedure for providing subsidies from the budget of the city of Kostroma in 2016 to non-profit organizations in order to reimburse the costs associated with the repair of residential premises of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 located on the territory of the city of Kostroma” .

The purpose of providing the subsidy is to ensure an increase in the level of improvement of the living quarters of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 living in the city of Kostroma.

The administration of the city of Kostroma has also developed a program for the improvement of our city. The main goal of the program is to create an environment favorable for living in residential areas.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Carry out work to improve the territories adjacent to multi-apartment residential buildings, intra-block public areas, including public areas in areas of private households, ensuring them by performing all types of work necessary to bring a specific area to standard condition;

Create a functionally, ecologically and aesthetically organized urban environment;

Ensure the architectural and planning organization of courtyard areas taking into account all current norms and regulations.

Landscaping of courtyard areas will ensure:

Healthy and comfortable living conditions for the population;

Safety of pedestrian traffic, avoidance of human injuries, unhindered passage of special equipment, ambulances, etc.;

Preventing entry atmospheric precipitation into basements, wetting the base of foundations and thereby preserving the bearing capacity of foundations and residential buildings.

Based on the specifics of the problem, the goals and objectives set, it seems most appropriate to implement the program during 2011-2016.

In the city of Kostroma, the provision of residential premises of the municipal housing stock to low-income citizens and citizens in need of residential premises, as well as other categories of citizens established by law, living in the territory of the city of Kostroma is also carried out.

In order to keep records of citizens as those in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements, the Administration:

a) accepts applications from citizens to register citizens as those in need of residential premises;

b) ensures that the head of the Administration makes decisions on the registration (deregistration) of citizens as those in need of residential premises;

c) maintains a register of citizens in need of residential premises;

d) in the cases provided for in Article 54 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, prepares a draft letter to the Administration about the refusal to accept the applicant for registration as a person in need of residential premises, issues or sends to citizens who have submitted an application for registration documents confirming the adoption of such decisions ;

e) ensures that the head of the Administration makes decisions on recognizing citizens as poor;

f) prepares a draft decision of the Duma of the city of Kostroma on establishing threshold values ​​for the size per each family member and the value of property owned by family members and subject to taxation, in order to recognize citizens as low-income and provide them with residential premises of the municipal housing stock under social rental agreements ;

g) in the cases provided for in Article 11.1 of the Law of the Kostroma Region “On the procedure for recognizing citizens as low-income for the purpose of registering as those in need of residential premises and providing them with residential premises of the municipal housing stock under social tenancy agreements in the Kostroma Region”, prepares a draft letter to the Administration on refusal to recognize citizens as low-income, issues or sends to citizens who have submitted an application for recognition as low-income, documents confirming the adoption of such decisions;

h) carries out a reassessment of the amount of income and the value of property of citizens in order to confirm their status as poor every 3 years.

In 2015-2017, the implementation of the municipal program “Improvement of courtyard areas for 2011-2017” is planned in 3 areas:

Asphalting and repair of courtyard areas of multi-apartment residential buildings through the Municipal Economy Committee of the Kostroma City Administration;

Installation of children's play equipment and carrying out work on landscaping through the MKU Service for Municipal Orders for Housing and Communal Services;

Installation of children's play equipment on the formed land plots of multi-apartment residential buildings by management organizations as part of receiving subsidies in order to reimburse costs associated with the implementation of improvement work.

Currently, specialists of the Municipal Economy Committee have carried out:

Inspection of courtyard areas of multi-apartment residential buildings;

Planning material has been prepared indicating information on the location of existing children's play equipment and equipment planned for installation, as well as the estimated cost of installing play equipment; the preliminary location for installation of play equipment has been agreed upon with senior apartment buildings;

March 4, 2016 A working meeting was held with representatives of management companies to explain the procedure for carrying out the work, draft minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building were issued, meetings of the management companies will be held until March 20.

The administration of the city of Kostroma from January 1, 2016 switches to a program budget, i.e. the formation of the city’s expenditure obligations, including in social areas, and will be implemented exclusively on the basis of developed and approved programs.

2. Analysis of the activities of administrative bodies for social support of families in the city of Kostroma

2.1. Proposals to improve social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma

In the course of a study of the socio-economic situation of families in the city of Kostroma, a wide range of problems were identified.

The main and most common problem among these families is the lack of decent housing; the second most important problem is the problem of economic security.

Most families are not fully aware of their rights, that is, they are not legally savvy people (although this can be said about the majority of the population of our country as a whole). And this is also a very significant problem.

There was also significant dissatisfaction with the activities of social protection authorities in the city of Kostroma.

All these problems are, to one degree or another, similar to the problems of families not only in Kostroma, but throughout Russia.

The main reason, in our opinion, for the intractability of problems in the area under study is that there is no clear and well-thought-out system of supporting families at both the federal, regional and municipal levels.

In this regard, a Municipal Target Program is proposed for implementation , which received the name “Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality” for 2016-2021. (Appendix 1)

Currently, in the city of Kostroma, a trend has been established to develop a system of targeted social assistance for certain categories of citizens, aimed at mitigating social tensions, solving the most pressing problems of socially vulnerable categories of the population: the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age), low-income families with children and large families , citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child, citizens released from prison.

One of the strategic goals of social policy remains strengthening the targeting of social assistance.

The administration of the city of Kostroma tries to cover all spheres of life of city residents, allocating funds from the municipal budget for these purposes. (Appendix 2)

2.2. Justification of the social significance of the implementation of the developed measures

The drawing up and development of social programs presupposes a mandatory procedure for their evaluation to ensure high-quality control and recording of the results achieved. These results are taken into account and subsequently taken into account when developing additional blocks and sections (if necessary), in the process of drawing up new programs. Evaluation of results is important in reporting to relevant authorities, regulatory developers and program writers. Thus, local government bodies of the city of Kostroma report quarterly to the Administration of the city of Kostroma on the progress of implementation of social programs according to agreed indicators.

Monitoring the program at all stages of the cycle is an important condition for the success of the program, representing a kind of accompanying evaluation.

An approximate list of criteria-indicators for evaluating social programs:

1. Reducing morbidity.

2. Reducing the number and composition of risk groups.

3. Expanding the scope of activities of persons with disabilities.

4. Improving the quality of the natural environment.

In order to provide the regulatory authority with the necessary reporting, the local government bodies of the city of Kostroma monitor the program according to the relevant indicators:

1. Share of national interest in the total volume of the project.

2. The share of objects in satisfactory condition in the total number of objects of federal significance.

3. Percentage percentage represented in the total.

4. Average.

5. Increase in interest compared to the previous year.

6. Share of interest in the total volume.

7. Increase in percentage (in terms of 1000 people) compared to the previous year.

8. Share of new interest in the total.

9. Increase in interest compared to the previous year.

10. Increase (in terms of 1000 people).

Thus, the analysis shows that at the moment a kind of general model (template) of the process of evaluation and control of social programs has been formed.

Based on this general model, various private technologies for evaluating programs are being developed, depending on the specific goals and objectives being solved at the level of a particular municipal entity.

An analysis of the available data shows that over the past fifteen years, the Municipal Economy Committee of the Kostroma Administration has accumulated experience and has positive results on the preparation and development of social programs.

The results were summarized: there is evidence that in 2015, due to the operation of all social programs, the total savings of money for the population of the city of Kostroma in 2015 amounted to more than 50 million rubles.


The sphere of social protection of families and low-income citizens (pensioners, disabled people, children, single mothers, etc.) in non-stationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient funding. The situation is aggravated by a significant number of low-income citizens requiring social support, as well as by the fact that social protection bodies and local governments are increasingly forced to take on functions unusual for them, in particular, medical, consumer and trade services to citizens.

However, despite all the difficulties, in general the city of Kostroma managed not only to maintain the network of institutions, but also to expand it to a certain extent.

Having examined the work of social protection bodies and local government bodies of the city of Kostroma, the following conclusions can be drawn: the main directions of work correspond to the directions of state policy.

An unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. Relying on the education of society and the quality of human capital will allow Russia to maintain its place among states capable of influencing global processes.

Despite the financial and other assistance provided to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not only in demand, but necessary. The majority needs targeted help and is waiting for it.

To improve the social protection of the population, it is proposed to develop and implement a municipal target program: “Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality” for 2016-2021. The program should be designed for every citizen who requires social assistance and support.

This municipal program includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. The creation of a municipal program will make it possible to effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially vulnerable citizens.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve measures to support the studied category of families.

In the course of the work, the set goal was achieved: the activities of local governments to support families were studied, the current situation in this area was analyzed, and, based on the collected material, a program of activities in the field of social support for families in the municipality of the city of Kostroma was developed.

In addition, the following tasks were completed:

The content and structure of social sphere management at the municipal level of the city of Kostroma has been studied;

The content of social problems of families at the municipal level is revealed;

The role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families is analyzed;

Proposals are given to improve the social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

As a result of the work, it should be noted that the introduction of the municipal program and the practical implementation of these proposals will change the technology of social security for the better.

In addition, this will improve the level of social security, which will affect those categories of citizens who receive social payments and services under the social security system.

The provision of social security is a mechanism aimed at maintaining a decent standard of living for families in the city of Kostroma; this is precisely what is laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to improve the technology of social security and adapt foreign experience to Russian reality, primarily in order to increase the level of security for citizens, and as a consequence of this, stability in society will increase.


2. Federal Law dated June 23, 2014 N 165-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".

3. Federal Law of June 25, 2012 N 91-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.”

4. Federal Law of July 19, 2011 N 247-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

5. Suleymanova G.V. Social Security Law: Textbook for Universities Ed. 2nd, revised, additional / G.V. Suleymanova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 464 p.

6. Kholostova E.I. Social work with family / E.I. Kholostova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2014. - 212 p.

7. Kholostova, E.I. Social policy and social work: textbook / E.I. Kholostova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015.- 216 p.


Annex 1

Municipal target program

Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality

for 2016-2021

Name of the municipal program (hereinafter referred to as the program)

Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipal formation "City of Kostroma" for 2016 - 2021

Program Administrator

Administration of the city of Kostroma

Co-executors of the program

Administrative bodies of social support for families in the municipality

Timing of the program

2016 - 2021

The strategic objective that the program is aimed at achieving

Providing targeted social assistance and holding public events to improve the social status of families in the municipal formation "City of Kostroma"

Program Goals

Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens;

Providing benefits to Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma;

Honorary citizens of the city of Kostroma;

Conducting social events for families in the city of Kostroma.

Program objectives

1. Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Senior citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Program-targeted tools for program implementation

Departmental target program "Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens and holding public events for the population in the municipal formation "City of Kostroma" for 2016 - 2021"

Program targets

The share of older generation citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) who received targeted social assistance, out of the total number of older generation citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) living in the city of Kostroma (%);

The share of low-income families with children and large families who received targeted social assistance from the total number of low-income families with children and large families living in the city of Kostroma (%);

The share of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child who received targeted social assistance, out of the total number of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child living in the city of Kostroma (%);

Number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma (measures)

Resource support for the program

The total amount of budgetary allocations for the implementation of the program is 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by year:

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing:

2014 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2015 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2016 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles

Expected final results of the program implementation

Expected final results of the implementation of the departmental target program:

Achieving the following indicators by 2021:

Number of citizens released from prison who received targeted social assistance (10 people);

Number of Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary Citizens of the city of Kostroma who received benefits (35 people);

Number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma (30 measures)

Appendix 2

Social program

“Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality for 2016-2021”

Priorities of municipal policy in the field

implementation of the municipal program, goals, objectives

and targets of the municipal program

The goals and objectives of the program are established on the basis of the priorities determined by the socio-economic development strategy of the Municipal Entity "City of Kostroma" for the period until 2021.

The purpose of the Program is to provide targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens, provide benefits to Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary Citizens of the city of Kostroma, and conduct public events for the population of the city of Kostroma.

The objectives of the Program are:

1. Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Senior citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child;

Citizens released from prison.

2. Providing benefits to Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary Citizens of the city of Kostroma.

3. Conducting public events for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Senior citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of program measures is planned to be carried out based on the results of monitoring target indicators in the field of social policy, the composition of which is determined on the basis of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of municipal bodies related to the field of social development.

Analysis of risks of implementing a municipal program

and description of implementation risk management measures

municipal program.

The risks of program implementation that can be managed by the program administrator, reducing the likelihood of their occurrence, include the following:

1) organizational risks associated with the occurrence of problems in the implementation of the program as a result of insufficient qualifications and (or) dishonesty of the responsible executor, which can lead to ineffective use of budget funds, untimely financing, and failure to implement a number of program activities.

Reducing these risks will be facilitated by increasing the qualifications and responsibility of the personnel of the responsible executor for the timely and effective implementation of planned activities and the establishment of administrative procedures to reduce organizational risks;

2) financial risks associated with incomplete financing of the program from the city budget. These risks may arise due to the significant duration of the program, as well as the dependence of its successful implementation on effective management as a whole.

Their reduction will be facilitated by the introduction of program budgeting into practice and timely adjustment of the volume of funding for the main activities of the program;

3) adoption of new (amendments to existing) regulatory legal acts at the municipal level;

4) economic risks are caused by the need for long-term development forecasting and financial planning. The consequence of these risks may be a reduction in the resource provision of the program. The implementation of the program is guaranteed by budgetary support for the main activities of the program. To manage risk, if necessary, the list and timing of implementation of program activities will be clarified.

Other types of risks are related to the specific goals and objectives of the program, and measures to minimize them will be taken during operational management. Financing of program activities in the next financial year will be carried out taking into account the results of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the program during the reporting period.

Resource support for the municipal program

The total amount of budgetary allocations for the implementation of the subprogram is 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by year:

2016 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2020 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

20212113.0 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing:

city ​​budget funds - 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by year:

2016 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 -2113.0 thousand rubles,

2020 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2021 - 2113.0 thousand rubles.

The volumes of funding for program activities are of a forecast nature and can be clarified when the budget of the municipal formation "City of Kostroma" is adopted for the next financial year and for the planning period.

Expected final results of implementation

municipal program.

Systematic achievement of target indicators of the program and departmental target program will increase the provision of targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens.

The implementation of the program will allow:

Increase the standard of living of older citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) through program activities;

Improve the standard of living of low-income families with children and large families through the implementation of public program events;

To improve the standard of living of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child through program activities;

To improve the standard of living of citizens released from prison through program activities;

Increase the number of citizens of certain categories who took part in actions and public events.

As a result of the implementation of the program by the end of 2021, it is planned to achieve the following indicators:

The share of older generation citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) who received targeted social assistance from the total number of older generation citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) living in the city of Kostroma (5%);

The share of low-income families with children and large families who received targeted social assistance from the total number of low-income families with children and large families living in the city of Kostroma (30%);

The share of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child who received targeted social assistance, out of the total number of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child living in the city of Kostroma (30%);

Number of citizens released from prison who received targeted social assistance (persons);

Number of Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary Citizens of the city of Kostroma who received benefits (persons);

Number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma (measures) To improve the mechanism for providing and improving the quality of targeted social assistance to improve the well-being of families, local governments need to analyze the need for the development, implementation and additional adjustments of this program for improving the social protection of families using funds from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

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