42nd Special Purpose Marine Reconnaissance Point. Marine reconnaissance points for special purposes. Myths and reality

Special Forces Marine Corps RF - specialized forces included in the Russian Navy. The fighters of this unit have special training in order to conduct reconnaissance and subversive activities at sea and in areas located close to the coastline. They are sometimes called combat swimmers, but in fact, their specialty correctly sounds like “reconnaissance diver”. Most of their operations are aimed at reconnaissance of enemy positions, therefore such units, like ground reconnaissance, are subordinate to the GRU General Staff.

Tasks and structure of the special forces of the Russian Navy

Many people realize that special forces are more trained and perform tasks that cannot be performed by other units, but to fully understand it is necessary to know what missions they perform Russian special forces Marine Corps.

Missions performed by naval special forces:

  • Landing operations that are carried out on the water.
  • Mining of enemy coastal bases and their naval vessels.
  • Reconnaissance or destruction of sea or coastal missile attack weapons or objects with which they are controlled.
  • Reconnaissance of the enemy's location in sea or coastal areas, regulation of airstrikes and the operation of naval artillery.

When the country is not in a state of war, it seems that these skills are not in demand, but this is not entirely true, of course, they are not used on a massive scale, but naval special forces help counter terrorist organizations. After all, hostage taking on ships or resort areas can cause quite a lot of panic.

The Marine Corps is practicing interaction with other military formations, which helps develop coordination of actions in the event of local or global conflicts.

On this moment The special forces of the Navy include 4 MRP (marine reconnaissance point). Their number corresponds to the number of fleets that exist in the Russian Federation.


  1. Military unit 59190 -42 separate naval reconnaissance point special purpose in the Pacific Fleet. Located in the Vladivostok region.
  2. 561OMRP Special Forces in the Baltic Fleet. Located in the village of Parusnoye, Baltic region.
  3. 420 OMRP Special Forces in the Northern Fleet. Located in the village of Polyarny, Murmansk region.
  4. Military unit 51212 - 137 OMRP Special Forces in the Black Sea Fleet. Located in the city of Tuapse.

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The location of maritime reconnaissance points is not accidental; they are located on the territory in such a way that it would be more convenient for the GRU of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces of the given region to work with them. A fully staffed team should consist of 4 autonomous groups of 14 people.

It is important to note that the technical personnel who ensure the serviceability of equipment and communication with combat groups are 20% larger than the number of fighters.

At each point there are 3 groups, each of which has its own specialization. Of course, they can perform common missions, but personalized training allows them to gain the greatest advantage over the enemy.


  1. The preparation of the first group is aimed at the fastest and complete destruction of objects located in coastal areas. Moreover, their training is not only related to water, but is also in many ways similar to what the GRU ground detachments undergo.
  2. The training of the second group is aimed at discreetly collecting information about the enemy’s location.
  3. The preparation of the third group is unique and includes a large number of training to move unnoticed in water, which is very important, because the main task of such fighters is mining.

But all these units, although they are distinguished by in-depth skills in a certain area, at the same time have general skills. So, all of them should work well when landing from the air, land or sea. Therefore, physical and psychological health is especially important, which is why these troops are recruited only after the most difficult tests.

Selection for naval special forces

A soldier doing contract service, a cadet at a naval school, or a conscript who wants to connect his life with work in the army can join the naval special forces. But it is important to understand that to overcome all the stress you will need a certain physical form.

Body type:

  • Height should be approximately 175 cm.
  • Weight fluctuates around 75-80 kg.

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First, the profiles of those who are not suitable for scuba diving are screened out. Be it health problems or unsuitable physique. After this, the remaining applications are carefully reviewed by the psychological report. Personal qualities are especially important for special forces.

Stages of testing for suitability for service in the Russian Marine Corps:

  • First they check physical fitness, and only those who completed the task are selected. A man must complete a forced march of 30 km, carrying 30 kg of ammunition.
  • Those who have withstood the physical test are subjected to psychological stress, this is necessary in order to find out their reaction to being in an unusual situation for a long time, with an unknown enemy. The easiest way is a night in a cemetery, when applicants must spend the dark time of day among the graves. This place has a pretty strong psychological impact, and 3% of participants drop out.
  • Testing using a simulated torpedo tube. To pass the test, you must swim 12 m in a narrow enclosed space. The width of the pipe is 53 cm, which is very narrow for a person wearing a light diving suit. Together with the surrounding water, this test reveals even the slightest manifestation of claustrophobia or hydrophobia.
  • Helmet blowing occurs underwater when the participant first has to dive to a shallow depth and open the mask so that water fills the helmet. After this, the mask is returned to its place and the water is released through a special valve. Quite a serious test that shows whether the candidate can remain calm in critical situations on which his life depends. In this case, the normal result is considered both if the test is passed and if the first attempt is failed. But if a candidate cannot cope with himself several times, then he is eliminated.

  • For the final test of physical endurance and mental toughness, applicants are required to swim 1.5 km underwater using a diving suit. In this case, the air cylinder had a pressure of 170 atmospheres. When a person was in a calm state and used the correct breathing technique, the pressure decreased by only 4-6 atmospheres. But if a man was breathing incorrectly (through his mouth), panicking, or exhibiting another state of altered consciousness, then the pressure could drop to 30 atmospheres.
  • Special forces are not lone saboteurs, so mutual trust and a team atmosphere are important to them. Due to the fact that there were quite a lot of previous tests, and it was impossible to complete them in 1 day, the remaining fighters already know each other quite well. Therefore, everyone is provided with lists of fellow students and asked to determine with whom they would like to work in pairs. The higher the number, the less desire to cooperate with this person. Those who dialed greatest number points, eliminated.

The secret unit "Kholuai" of the Pacific Fleet, also known as 42 MRP Special Forces (military unit 59190), was created in 1955 in Maly Ulysses Bay near Vladivostok, and was later relocated to Russky Island, where to this day reconnaissance saboteurs undergo combat training. There are many legends about these guys, their physical fitness is admired, they are called the best of the best, the cream of the special forces. Each of them could become the protagonist of an action movie. Today RIA PrimaMedia publishes material military historian and journalist Alexei Sukonkin about the legendary part "Kholuai". In 1993-94 he served in a special forces unit ground forces, but from time to time some of them were also in the naval special forces.


“Suddenly for the enemy, we landed at a Japanese airfield and entered into negotiations. After that, ten of us, the Japanese took us to the headquarters of a colonel, the commander of an aviation unit, who wanted to make us hostages. I joined the conversation when I felt that the With us, a representative of the Soviet command, Captain 3rd Rank Kulebyakin, was, as they say, “pinned to the wall.” Looking into the eyes of the Japanese, I said that we fought the entire war in the west and have enough experience to assess the situation, that we will not be hostages , or better yet, we will die, but we will die together with everyone who is at headquarters. The difference is, I added, that you will die like rats, and we will try to escape from here. Hero Soviet Union Mitya Sokolov immediately stood behind the Japanese colonel. Hero of the Soviet Union Andrei Pshenichnykh locked the door with a key, put the key in his pocket and sat down on a chair, and Volodya Olyashev (after the war - Honored Master of Sports) lifted Andrei along with the chair and placed him directly in front of the Japanese commander. Ivan Guzenkov went to the window and reported that we were not high, and Hero of the Soviet Union Semyon Agafonov, standing at the door, began tossing an anti-tank grenade in his hand. The Japanese, however, did not know that there was no fuse in it. The colonel, forgetting about the handkerchief, began to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his hand and after some time signed the act of surrender of the entire garrison."

This is how naval intelligence officer Viktor Leonov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, described just one combat operation, in which a handful of daring and brave naval reconnaissance officers of the Pacific Fleet literally forced a large Japanese garrison to lay down their arms without a fight. Three and a half thousand Japanese samurai shamefully surrendered.

Viktor Leonov and comrades after the battle for Seisin. Photo: from the Red Star archive

This was the apotheosis of the combat power of the 140th Marine Reconnaissance Detachment, the harbinger of modern naval special forces, which today everyone knows under the incomprehensible and mysterious name “Holuai”.


And it all started back in the years of the Great Patriotic War. At that time, the 181st reconnaissance detachment was successfully operating in the Northern Fleet, performing various special operations behind enemy lines. The crowning achievement of this detachment’s activity was the capture of two coastal batteries at Cape Krestovoy (which blocked the entrance to the bay and could easily destroy an amphibious convoy) in preparation for landing in the port of Liinakhamari (Murmansk region - editor's note). This, in turn, ensured the success of the Petsamo-Kirkenes landing operation, which became the key to success in the liberation of the entire Soviet Arctic. It’s hard to even imagine that a detachment of several dozen people, having captured just a few guns from German coastal batteries, actually ensured victory throughout strategic operation, but, nevertheless, this is so - this is why the reconnaissance detachment was created, in order to sting the enemy in the most vulnerable place with small forces...

The commander of the 181st reconnaissance detachment, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Leonov, and two more of his subordinates (Semyon Agafonov and Andrei Pshenichnykh) became Heroes of the Soviet Union for this short but important battle.

Twice Hero of the USSR Viktor Leonov. Photo: wikipedia.org

In April 1945, part of the personnel of the 181st detachment, led by the commander, was transferred to the Pacific Fleet to form the 140th reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet, which was supposed to be used in the upcoming war with Japan. By May, the detachment was formed on Russky Island in the amount of 139 people and began combat training. In August 1945, the 140th Reconnaissance Squadron took part in the capture of the ports of Yuki and Racine, as well as the naval bases of Seishin and Genzan. As a result of these operations, chief petty officer Makar Babikov and midshipman Alexander Nikandrov of the 140th reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and their commander Viktor Leonov received the second Hero star.

However, at the end of the war, all such reconnaissance formations in the USSR Navy were disbanded due to imaginary uselessness.

But soon history turned around...

From the history of the creation of special-purpose units: In 1950, in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, in each army and military district, separate companies special purpose. In the Primorsky Territory, in particular, three such companies were formed: the 91st (military unit No. 51423) as part of the 5th Combined Arms Army with a deployment in Ussuriysk, the 92nd (military unit No. 51447) as part of the 25th combined arms army stationed at the Boets Kuznetsov station and the 88th (military unit No. 51422) as part of the 37th Guards Airborne Corps stationed in Chernigovka. The special forces companies were tasked with searching for and destroying the most important military and civilian targets deep behind enemy lines, including enemy nuclear attack weapons. The personnel of these companies were trained in military reconnaissance, mine explosives, and made parachute jumps. For service in such units, people were selected who, for health reasons, were fit for service in airborne troops.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed the indispensability of such units for decisive actions on enemy communications, and in connection with the unleashing by the Americans " cold war", the need for such units became very clear. The new units showed their high efficiency already at the first exercises, and the Navy became interested in units of this kind.

The head of Navy intelligence, Rear Admiral Leonid Konstantinovich Bekrenev, wrote in his address to the Minister of the Navy:

“...taking into account the role of reconnaissance and sabotage units in the overall reconnaissance system of fleets, I consider it necessary to carry out the following measures: ... create... reconnaissance and sabotage units of military intelligence, giving them the name of separate naval reconnaissance divisions...”

At the same time, captain of the first rank Boris Maksimovich Margolin theoretically justified such a decision, arguing that “... the difficulties and duration of training of reconnaissance light divers necessitate their advance preparation and systematic training, for which special units…".

Descent underwater. Photo: from the archive of Igor Dulnev

And so, by the Directive of the Main Naval Staff of June 24, 1953, similar special intelligence formations are formed in all fleets. In total, five “special purpose reconnaissance points” were formed - in all fleets and the Caspian flotilla.

The Pacific Fleet is creating its own reconnaissance point on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Navy No. OMU/1/53060ss of March 18, 1955.

However, “Unit Day” is considered June 5, 1955 - the day when the unit completed its formation and became part of the fleet as a combat unit.

Kholuai Bay

The word “Kholuai” itself (as well as its variations “Khaluai” and “Khalulai”), according to one version, means “lost place”, and although disputes on this subject are still ongoing and sinologists do not confirm such a translation, the version is considered quite plausible - especially among those who served in this bay.

In the thirties, on Russky Island (at that time, by the way, its second name was widely practiced - Kazakevich Island, which disappeared from geographical maps only in the forties of the twentieth century) construction of anti-landing defense facilities for Vladivostok began. Defense facilities included long-term coastal firing points - bunkers. Some especially fortified bunkers even had their own names, for example, “Stream”, “Rock”, “Wave”, “Bonfire” and others. All this defensive splendor was served by separate machine-gun battalions, each of which occupied its own defense sector. In particular, the 69th separate machine gun battalion of the Vladivostok coastal defense sector of the Pacific Fleet, located in the area of ​​​​Cape Krasny in Kholuai Bay (New Dzhigit), served firing points located on Russky Island. For this battalion in 1935, a two-story barracks and headquarters, a canteen, a boiler room, warehouses and a stadium were built. The battalion was stationed here until the forties, after which it was disbanded. The barracks were not used for a long time and began to collapse.

First Deputy Chief of the GRU, Colonel General I. Ya. Sidorov, accepts the report of the commander of the special forces group. Photo: from the archive of V. M. Fedorov

And in March 1955, a new military unit with very specific tasks, the secrecy of whose existence was brought to the highest limit.

In open use among the “initiates,” the unit bore the name “Recreation Base “Irtek” of the Main Naval Base “Vladivostok.” The unit also received the code name military unit No. 59190 and the open name “42nd Special Purpose Naval Reconnaissance Point.” The people had a “folk” name for the part - “Kholuai” - after the name of the bay.

So what was this part? Why are so many different legends hovering around her, both then and today, sometimes bordering on fantasy?

Birth of a legend

The formation of the 42nd special-purpose maritime reconnaissance point of the Pacific Fleet began in March and ended in June 1955. During formation, the duties of commander were temporarily performed by captain of the second rank Nikolai Braginsky, but the first approved commander of the new unit was... no, not a reconnaissance officer, but the former commander of the destroyer, captain of the second rank Pyotr Kovalenko.

For several months the unit was based on Ulysses, and the personnel lived on board the old ship, and before leaving for the permanent deployment point on Russky Island, the reconnaissance sailors at the submarine training base underwent an accelerated diving training course.

Arriving at the unit's location in Kholuai Bay, the reconnaissance sailors first of all set about... construction work, because they had to somehow equip their housing, and no one was going to help them in this matter.

On July 1, 1955, the unit began single combat training of future reconnaissance divers under the training program for special forces units. A little later, combat coordination between the groups began.

In September 1955, the newly formed naval special forces took part in their first exercises - having landed on boats in the Shkotovsky region, naval reconnaissance officers carried out reconnaissance of the Abrek naval base and elements of its anti-sabotage defense, as well as highways in the rear of the conditional “enemy”.

Special purpose group. Photo: from the archive of Igor Dulnev

Already at that time, the command of the unit came to the understanding that selection for naval special forces should be as tough as possible, if not cruel.

Candidates for service who were called up from military registration and enlistment offices or transferred from educational units fleet, faced severe tests - for a week they were subjected to extreme loads, which were reinforced by severe psychological pressure. Not everyone survived, and those who couldn’t stand it were immediately transferred to other parts of the fleet.

But those who survived were immediately enlisted in the elite unit and began combat training. This test week began to be called “hell”. Later, when the United States created its SEAL units, they adopted our practice of selecting future fighters as the most optimal, allowing short time understand what a particular candidate is capable of, whether he is ready to serve in naval special forces units.

The meaning of this “personnel” rigidity came down to the fact that commanders initially had to clearly understand the abilities and capabilities of their fighters - after all, special forces operate in isolation from their troops, and a small group can rely only on itself, and, accordingly, the importance of any team member increases many times over. The commander must initially be confident in his subordinates, and subordinates must be confident in their commander. And that is the only reason why “entrance to service” in this part is so strict. It shouldn't be any other way.

Looking ahead, I will say that today nothing is lost: the candidate, as before, will have to go through serious tests, inaccessible for the most part even to physically well-prepared people.

Naval scouts with American weapons. Photo: from the archive of Igor Dulnev

In particular, the candidate must first of all run ten kilometers in a heavy body armor, meeting the running standard provided for jogging in sneakers and sportswear. If you fail, no one will talk to you anymore. If you ran on time, then you immediately need to do 70 push-ups while lying down and 15 pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Moreover, it is advisable to perform these exercises in their “pure form”. Most people, already at the stage of jogging in a bulletproof vest, suffocating from physical overload, begin to wonder, “Do I need this happiness if this happens every day?” - it is at this moment that true motivation manifests itself.

If a person strives to serve in the naval special forces, if he firmly knows what he wants, he passes this test, but if he has doubts, then it is better not to continue this torment.

At the end of the test, the candidate is placed in the ring, where three hand-to-hand combat instructors fight with him, checking the person’s readiness for the fight - both physical and moral. Usually, if a candidate reaches the ring, he is already an “ideological” candidate, and the ring does not break him. Well, and then the commander, or the person replacing him, talks with the candidate. After this, the harsh service begins...

There are no discounts for officers either - everyone passes the test. Basically, the supplier of command personnel for Kholuy are three military schools - the Pacific Naval School (TOVVMU), the Far Eastern Combined Arms School (DVOKU) and the Ryazan Airborne School (RVVDKU), although if a person wants, then nothing prevents an officer from other schools I would like to join the naval special forces.

As he told me former officer special forces, having shown a desire to serve in this unit to the head of fleet intelligence, he immediately had to do 100 push-ups right in the admiral’s office - Rear Admiral Yuri Maksimenko (head of intelligence of the Pacific Fleet in 1982-1991), despite the fact that the officer passed Afghanistan, and was awarded two military orders. This is how the Pacific Fleet intelligence chief decided to cut off the candidate if he did not complete such a basic exercise. The officer completed the exercise.

A special forces group performs a mission in Kamchatka, 1989. Photo: from the archive of Igor Dulnev

At different times the unit was commanded by:

Captain 1st Rank Kovalenko Petr Prokopyevich (1955–1959);

Captain 1st Rank Guryanov Viktor Nikolaevich (1959–1961);

Captain 1st Rank Petr Ivanovich Konnov (1961–1966);

Captain 1st Rank Klimenko Vasily Nikiforovich (1966–1972);

Captain 1st Rank Minkin Yuri Alekseevich (1972–1976);

Captain 1st Rank Zharkov Anatoly Vasilievich (1976–1981);

Captain 1st Rank Yakovlev Yuri Mikhailovich (1981–1983);

Lieutenant Colonel Evsyukov Viktor Ivanovich (1983–1988);

Captain 1st Rank Omsharuk Vladimir Vladimirovich (1988–1995) – died in February 2016;

Lieutenant Colonel Gritsai Vladimir Georgievich (1995–1997);

Captain 1st rank Kurochkin Sergey Veniaminovich (1997–2000);

Colonel Gubarev Oleg Mikhailovich (2000-2010);

Lieutenant Colonel Belyavsky Zaur Valerievich (2010-2013);

Let the names of today's commanders remain in the coastal fog of military secrecy...

Exercises and service

In 1956, naval reconnaissance officers began to master parachute jumps. Usually the training took place at naval aviation airfields - according to subordination. During the first training camp, all personnel performed two jumps from a height of 900 meters from Li-2 and An-2 aircraft, and also learned to land “assault-style” from Mi-4 helicopters - both on land and on water.

Another year later, naval reconnaissance officers had already mastered landing on the shore through the torpedo tubes of submarines lying on the ground, as well as returning to them after completing a mission at the coastal facilities of a mock enemy. Based on the results of combat training in 1958, the 42nd Naval Reconnaissance Point became the best special unit of the Pacific Fleet and was awarded the challenge pennant of the Commander of the Pacific Fleet.

In many exercises, intelligence officers developed the necessary skills, acquired special knowledge and expressed their wishes regarding the composition of the equipment. In particular, back in the late fifties, naval intelligence officers formulated requirements for weapons - they should be light and silent (as a result, samples of special weapons appeared - small-sized silent pistols SMEs, silent grenade launchers "Silence", underwater pistols SPP-1 and underwater assault rifles APS, as well as many other special weapons). The scouts also wanted to have waterproof outerwear and shoes, and their eyes needed to be protected from mechanical damage with special safety glasses (for example, today the equipment set includes four types of safety glasses).

In 1960, the unit's staff was increased to 146 people.

By this time, we had already decided on our specialization, which was divided into three areas:

Some of the personnel were represented reconnaissance divers, which were supposed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy naval bases from the sea, as well as mine ships and port facilities;

Some of the sailors were engaged conducting military reconnaissance- simply put, having landed from the sea, they acted on the shore as ordinary land reconnaissance officers;

The third direction was presented radio and radio intelligence specialists- these people were engaged in instrumental reconnaissance, which made it possible to quickly detect the most important objects behind enemy lines, such as field radio stations, radar stations, technical observation posts - in general, everything that emitted any signals into the air and was subject to destruction in the first place.

Marine special forces began to receive special underwater carriers - in other words, small underwater vehicles that could deliver saboteurs over long distances. Such a carrier was the two-seat "Triton", later - also the two-seat "Triton-1M", and even later the six-seat "Triton-2" appeared. These devices allowed saboteurs to quietly penetrate directly into enemy bases, mine ships and piers, and perform other reconnaissance tasks.

These were very secret devices, and the more “terrible” was the story when a naval special forces officer, secretly escorting containers with these devices (in civilian clothes under the guise of a regular cargo forwarder), suddenly heard with a trembling knees how a slinger was in charge of reloading a container from a railway platform on the truck, shouted loudly to the crane operator: " Petrovich, pick it up carefully, there are NEWTs here"... and only when the officer pulled himself together, stopped trembling and calmed down a little, he realized that no leak of top-secret information had occurred, and the unlucky slinger only meant THREE TONS of container weight (that’s how much the Triton-1M weighed), and not the most secret "Tritons" that were inside...

For reference:

"Triton" is the first carrier for open-type divers. Immersion depth is up to 12 meters. Speed ​​– 4 knots (7.5 km/h). Range – 30 miles (55 km).

"Triton-1M" is the first closed-type carrier for divers. Weight – 3 tons. Immersion depth is 32 meters. Speed ​​– 4 knots. Range – 60 miles (110 km).

"Triton-2" is the first closed-type group carrier for divers. Weight – 15 tons. Immersion depth is 40 meters. Speed ​​– 5 knots. Range – 60 miles.

Currently, these types of equipment are already outdated and withdrawn from combat service. All three samples are installed as monuments on the territory of the unit, and the decommissioned Triton-2 apparatus is also presented at the street exhibition of the Museum of Military Glory of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok.

Currently, such underwater carriers are not used for a number of reasons, the main one of which is the impossibility of using them covertly. Today, naval special forces are armed with more modern underwater carriers "Sirena" and "Proteus" of various modifications. Both of these carriers allow for the secret landing of a reconnaissance group through a submarine's torpedo tube. "Siren" "carries" two saboteurs, and "Proteus" is an individual carrier.

Insolence and sport

Some of the legends about “Kholuai” are associated with the steady desire of the military personnel of this unit to improve their reconnaissance and sabotage skills at the expense of their own comrades. At all times, the “Kholuai” caused many problems to daily duty personnel serving on ships and in coastal units of the Pacific Fleet. There were frequent cases of “training” abductions of orderlies, duty documentation, and theft of vehicles from careless military drivers. It cannot be said that the command of the unit specifically assigned such tasks to the scouts... but for successful actions of this kind, the reconnaissance sailors could even receive short-term leave.

There are many fairy tales about how special forces soldiers “are thrown out in the middle of Siberia with one knife, and he must survive and return to his unit.”

No, of course, no one is thrown out anywhere with just a knife, but during special tactical exercises, reconnaissance groups can be sent to other regions of the country, where they are given various training reconnaissance and sabotage tasks, after which they need to return to their unit - preferably undetected . At this time, the police, internal troops and state security agencies are intensively looking for them, and citizens are told that they are looking for conditional terrorists.

In the unit itself, sports have been cultivated at all times - and therefore one should not be surprised that even today at almost all naval competitions power types In sports, martial arts, swimming and shooting, prizes are usually taken by representatives of “Kholuy”. It should be noted that preference in sports is given not to strength, but to endurance - it is this physical skill that allows a naval scout to feel confident both on foot or ski trips, and in long-distance swimming.

Unpretentiousness and the ability to live without excesses even gave rise to a peculiar saying on “Kholuay”:

“Some things are not necessary, but some things you can limit yourself to.”

It contains a deep meaning, which in many ways reflects the essence of the naval reconnaissance officer of the Russian Navy - who, being content with little, is capable of accomplishing a lot.

Healthy special forces chauvinism also gave rise to the special audacity of the intelligence officers, which became a source of pride for the naval special forces fighters. This quality was especially evident during exercises, which were and are being carried out almost constantly.

One of the admirals of the Pacific Fleet once said:

“The naval special forces guys were brought up in the spirit of love for the Motherland, hatred of enemies and the awareness that they are the elite of the fleet. Not for the feeling of their own superiority over others, but in the sense that huge amounts of money are spent on them folk remedies, and their duty, if anything happens, to justify these costs...”

I remember in my early childhood, in the mid-eighties, on the embankment near the S-56 I saw a lonely wandering sailor with a parachutist badge shining on his chest. At this time, a ferry was loading at the pier, heading to Russky Island (there were no bridges at that time). The sailor was stopped by a patrol, and he presented his documents, gesticulating desperately, pointing at the ferry, which was already raising the ramp. But the patrol, apparently, decided to detain the sailor for some offense.

And then I saw a whole performance: the sailor sharply pulled the cap of the senior patrolman right over his eyes, snatched his documents from his hands, slapped one of the patrolmen in the face, and rushed headlong to the departing ferry!

And the ferry, I must say, had already moved one and a half to two meters away from the pier, and the sailor-paratrooper overcame this distance in a graceful jump, grabbed the ferry's railing, and there he was already pulled on board by the passengers. For some reason, I have no doubts in which unit that sailor served...

Return of a Legend

In 1965, twenty years after the end of World War II, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain First Rank Viktor Leonov, came to the unit. Several photographs have been preserved in which the “legend of naval special forces” is captured with military personnel of the unit, both officers and sailors. Subsequently, Viktor Leonov would visit the 42nd reconnaissance point several more times, which he himself considered a worthy brainchild of his 140th reconnaissance detachment...

Leonov arrived in a naval special forces unit, 1965. Photo: from the archive of V. M. Fedorov

In 2015, Viktor Leonov returned to the unit forever. On the day of the 60th anniversary of the formation of the reconnaissance point on the territory of the military unit, a monument to the real legend of naval special forces, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Nikolaevich Leonov, was unveiled in a solemn ceremony.

Monument to Leonov. Photo: Sergey Lanin, RIA PrimaMedia

Combat use

In 1982, the moment came when the Motherland demanded the professional skills of naval special forces. From February 24 to April 27, a regular special forces group performed combat service tasks for the first time, being on one of the Pacific Fleet ships.

In 1988–1989, a reconnaissance group equipped with Siren underwater carriers and all the necessary combat equipment was in combat service for 130 days. A small reconnaissance ship from the 38th brigade of reconnaissance ships of the Pacific Fleet delivered the Kholuaevites to the place of their combat mission. It is too early to say what these tasks were, because they are still hidden under a veil of secrecy. One thing is clear - some enemy has become very ill these days...

In 1995, a group of military personnel from the 42nd Special Purpose Naval Reconnaissance Point took part in a combat operation to establish a constitutional regime in the Chechen Republic.

The group was attached to the 165th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet operating there and, according to the reviews of the senior commander of the Pacific Fleet Marine Corps group in Chechnya, Colonel Sergei Konstantinovich Kondratenko, acted brilliantly. The scouts remained calm and courageous in any critical situation. Five “Kholuaevites” laid down their lives in this war. Ensign Andrei Dneprovsky was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

From the award list:

"…organized the training of the battalion's freelance reconnaissance group and skillfully acted as part of it. On February 19, 1995, in a battle in the city of Grozny, he personally saved the lives of two sailors and carried out the body of the deceased sailor A.I. Pleshakov. On the night of March 20-21, 1995, while carrying out a combat mission to capture the Goitein Court heights, A.V. Dneprovsky’s reconnaissance group secretly approached the height, identified and neutralized the militants’ military outpost (one was killed, two were captured). Subsequently, during a short-lived battle, he personally destroyed two militants, ensuring the company’s unhindered approach to the heights and the completion of the combat mission without losses.…".

On the same day, he died heroically while performing a subsequent task... In 1996, a monument to the military personnel of the unit who died in the line of military duty was erected on the territory of the unit.

Names are engraved on the monument:

Hero of Russia, Ensign A. V. Dneprovsky

Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Ilyin

Midshipman V. N. Vargin

Midshipman P.V. Safonov

Chief ship's sergeant K. N. Zheleznov

Petty Officer 1st article S. N. Tarolo

Petty Officer 1st article A. S. Buzko

Foreman 2 articles V. L. Zaburdaev

Sailor V.K. Vyzhimov

Kholuy in our time

Today, “Kholuai”, already in a new look, with a slightly changed structure and strength, after a series of organizational events, continues to live its own life - according to its own special, “special forces” way of life. Many cases of this part will never be declassified, but books will be written about others. The names of the people who serve here today are not publicly available, and rightly so.

Service in the Naval Special Forces is the work of real men!. Photo: Alexey Sukonkin

Even today, naval reconnaissance officers sacredly honor their combat traditions, and combat training does not stop for a second. Every day, the “Kholuaevites” engage in a variety of activities: they train dives (both real ones in the sea and in a pressure chamber), achieving the proper level of physical fitness, practice hand-to-hand combat techniques and methods of covert movement, learn to shoot from a variety of types small arms, they are studying new equipment, which is being supplied to the troops in abundance today (there are now even combat robots in service) - in general, they are preparing at any moment, on the orders of the Motherland, to carry out any assigned task.

All that remains is to wish our intelligence officers to realize their combat skills only at training grounds...

— your guide to the world of scale modeling!

Yesterday, looking through the event feed in social network On VKontakte, I came across a photograph in one of the groups called “Somewhere in the forests of Russky Island.” It depicts a soldier with a flag of military unit 59190 42 OMRPSN. This rather outlandish abbreviation was left to us as a legacy from the USSR.

This part is known to all Primorye residents, and very many residents Far East generally under a different name - “Kholuai”. This is part of the combat swimmers of the Pacific Fleet, working in the interests of the fleet and the GRU.

Kholuai (there are 2 more variants of the name - Khaluai/Kholulai) can be considered one of the unique symbols of our region. And since I’m describing memorable/military sights of the Far East, I decided that I simply had to tell you about it, dear readers and colleagues.

I myself first heard this name - Kholuai (or rather, Kholulai) when I came from Sakhalin to study in Khabarovsk. The man from whom my friend and I rented an apartment for a long time had served in military service in the Pacific Fleet. Went on long ocean voyages. Then I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the Indian Ocean, Aden. I saw naval photographs from the late 70s - early 80s.

And among other things, we were then told about the top secret units of Pacific Fleet combat swimmers, who also served on ships. Solving, of course, your specific problems.

In general, when it comes to Kholuay, the question of extremely scant information about life/service/training methods in naval special forces units of the USSR Navy comes up. In general, about all parts. These were practically the most secret units in the country.

And where there is no reliable information, a lot of rumors and legends arise. Yes, exactly legends.

There is so much to hear about the fighters of this unit and what they did. Every “armchair expert” wants to say that he personally knew or served there. He saw everything and knows for sure.

I can say one thing. Those people who served/are serving in the MCI SPN are either completely silent, avoiding service issues, or limit themselves to general phrases about how they got there and what they did.

I know this from my own experience. Simply because I once worked in a company where my senior colleague was a Kholulite. Common phrases. Common words. Non-disclosure agreement. State secret.

Only one thing - these are still people of a special cut. Marine. The sea makes a person different. Gives a different attitude towards life and death. A different perspective on many things.

Kholuai is still alive today. The part, after a long half-dead state of the troubled times of the 90s, is again operating in full force. As they say knowledgeable people: “It’s not possible to get into the location. Already on the approaches - head straight into the ground" :)))

Personally, I do not have any secret information, and I am not going to reveal state secrets.

I just want you, dear colleagues, to taste at least a little of the sensations of the Far Eastern Primorye - a free region, with beautiful nature and wonderful people. And they knew that there was such a strange, tasty word - HOLUAY, behind which stands the glorious history of the Pacific Fleet.


Naval reconnaissance parachute units (naval reconnaissance points) were created in the early 50s in the naval reconnaissance system.

Back on May 20, 1953, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy N.G. Kuznetsov, in the “Plan of Measures to Strengthen Navy Intelligence,” approved the creation of special-purpose units in the fleet. In the summer of the same year, the first special purpose naval reconnaissance point (MRp SpN) was formed in the Black Sea Fleet, the commander of which was appointed captain 1st rank E.V. Yakovlev. The naval reconnaissance point was stationed in the Kruglaya Bay area near Sevastopol and had a staff of 72 personnel. One of the types of combat training was airborne, where naval reconnaissance officers mastered parachute jumps, including water jumps.

Experimental exercises confirmed the need to create similar units in all fleets. As a result, a total of seven maritime reconnaissance points and the 315th training detachment of light divers (military unit 20884) were formed, which trained personnel, including for maritime special reconnaissance. The training detachment was stationed in Kiev, and naval reconnaissance points were scattered across all fleets: two each in the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, one each in the Northern and Pacific, and one more was part of the Caspian flotilla.

The naval special forces adopted a special diver's parachute, SVP-1, which made it possible to land a naval reconnaissance officer in full diving gear. Scouts of the Black Sea Fleet repeatedly performed low-altitude parachute landings from a height of 60-70 m during exercises.

According to the results of an audit conducted by a GRU commission in 1963, the combat readiness of naval special forces turned out to be quite high. The commission came to the conclusion that all naval reconnaissance points are prepared for landing from a submarine, as well as for parachute landing on rough terrain with cargo in night conditions. In addition, 23 reconnaissance personnel of the 42nd Marine Corps of the Pacific Fleet are prepared for parachute jumps onto the water.

A series of reorganizations by 1963 left each fleet with one naval reconnaissance point, and in the Northern Fleet, due to the complex climatic conditions The naval reconnaissance post was disbanded.

Composition of special reconnaissance units of the USSR Navy:

17th ObrSpN military unit 34391, Black Sea Fleet, Ochakov, Pervomaisky Island;
42nd MRPSPN military unit 59190, Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok, Russky Island;
160th infantry regiment of the Black Sea Fleet, Odessa;
420th MRSPPN military unit 40145, Northern Fleet, Severomorsk;
431st MRSPSpN military unit 25117, KasFl, Baku;
457th MRPSPN military unit 10617, BF, Kaliningrad, Parusnoye village;
461st MRSPN, BF, Baltiysk.


The legendary “secret part of Kholuai” in Vladivostok celebrates its 60th anniversary on June 5. On this day in 1955, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Navy dated March 18, 1955 with a location in Maly Ulysses Bay near Vladivostok, 42 ​​MCI Special Forces (military unit 59190) were created in the Pacific Fleet. Due to the lack of necessary premises, deployment in the indicated location turned out to be impossible, and only in December of the same year the personnel were located at the permanent deployment point on Russky Island in Kholuai Bay.

Map of English: Sights of the island, incl. and location of MCI

The history of the 42nd separate special-purpose maritime reconnaissance point began on March 18, 1955. At first, like other naval special forces units formed earlier in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet, it was called the “Maritime Reconnaissance Point.” In the 1970s, naval reconnaissance points received the names RPSpN, retaining the point numbers.

Chevrons and badges 42 MRp SN

The founder of the unit is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, captain 1st rank Viktor Leonov. At the end of World War II, he commanded the 140th Guards Marine Reconnaissance Detachment of the Pacific Fleet. This detachment became famous for its daring operations and rightfully bore the title of Guards.

Considering that military unit 59190 was created precisely on the basis of this detachment, the command repeatedly came up with the initiative to return the former name of the unit. The first commander of the 42nd RSPPN was Captain 2nd Rank Pyotr Kovalenko. The location of the unit at the founding of the 42nd MCI was designated Maly Ulysses Bay near Vladivostok, but there were no premises there. During 1955, the point changed its location more than once, choosing a convenient location. Only at the beginning of December 1955, the personnel of the 42nd MCI were relocated on Russky Island to Kholuai Bay - the place of permanent deployment of military unit 59190. Subsequently, the staff of the 42nd OMRPSpN changed several times.

On the day of the 60th anniversary of the “secret part of Kholuai”, a monument to Viktor Leonov was unveiled on its territory.

Monument to twice hero of the USSR Viktor Leonov

Also, the underwater sabotage carrier “Triton-2” was installed as a monument on the territory of the unit. Exactly the same one can be seen today in the courtyard of the KTOF Museum on Svetlanskaya Street. The Triton-2 midget submarines were in service with the fleet from 1975 to the 1990s. They were intended for patrolling the waters of ports and roadsteads, delivering and evacuating reconnaissance divers, mining piers and enemy ships, and exploring the seabed.

Chairman of the Council of the Primorsky regional branch of the “Combat Brotherhood”, reserve colonel, who retired from the post of chief of staff of a marine division in 2000, Alexander Fedorov recalls with warm feelings the years spent serving in the naval special forces.

“Only healthy guys according to all medical criteria could get into the special forces. In this unit there was completely different training, special tasks were performed. Service in the naval special forces is an honorable, but extremely difficult job, which not everyone can handle,” noted the reserve colonel.

Military unit 59190 included the following ships: MTL - a naval torpedo boat and five boats, and for landing in the surface version, the Kholuai naval special forces used inflatable boats SML-8.

The combat service of the Kholuai special forces fighters of the Pacific Fleet takes place on ships of the Pacific Fleet. The presence of the 42nd OMRPSpN with all the necessary equipment and weapons on board the ship meant that the Kholuai naval special forces were ready to parachute into a special events area or reconnaissance area at any time. Groups of the 42nd OMRPSpN also perform combat service on submarines. Such business trips last about two months. The combat service of the Kholuai naval special forces on surface ships lasts up to six months.

“I would love to go back to those times, if only because I was young then.” Despite our special forces status, we, like all military personnel, had leave of absence. It was impossible to sit “behind the wire” all the time! Still, youth, girls,” Alexander Fedorov says nostalgically.

The reserve colonel noted that the scouts of the 42nd OMRPSpN fought in the first Chechen campaign. A group of 10 people from the Kholuai naval special forces acted successfully, but 3 of them died. All members of the Kholuai group of the Pacific Fleet special forces were awarded by the Russian Federation. Warrant officer Andrei Dneprovsky and senior lieutenant Sergei Firsov were awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

During their existence, underwater reconnaissance saboteurs also carried out combat missions in the Persian Gulf region, in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Writer, journalist Alexey Sukonkin in 1993-94 he served in the special forces unit of the ground forces, but from time to time some of them also served in the naval special forces.

— In the 90s, there, as in the entire army, there was devastation and collapse. Little attention was paid to the army and navy, so people there were focused on survival; there was no time for combat training,” said Alexey Sukonkin.

He noted that today everything is different. Some thrive, not survive.

People who meet the requirements for service in the airborne forces go to serve in the naval special forces. The service life is standard: conscripts – one year, contract soldiers – 3 and 5 years,” said Alexey Sukonkin.

The unit still remains one of the most secret units of the Pacific Fleet and is rightfully considered elite in terms of the level of combat training of its personnel.

The special forces of the Pacific Fleet are aimed at solving problems against the enemy’s most important island and coastal targets, for which they are armed with underwater delivery vehicles, special weapons and combat robots. But the most important thing is people - trained, motivated, capable of the impossible.


On Russky Island, the only Chinese toponym preserved is Kholuai Bay (Se-Huluai). The bay with a beautiful and rare name for Russian-Island toponymy, Kholuai, is translated from Chinese as “a shore in the shape of a gourd.” "

Kholuai" - formed by three components: "hu" - small egg (jug), "lu" - reeds, "ai" - shore, edge, edge of the mountain. During the Soviet period, the military topographic maps a new Russian interpretation of it began to appear - “Ostrovnaya”.

However, the new name did not take root well, so for everyone who knew Kholuai Bay, it is still called that way.




After this article was published, I received a letter in the mail from a person who proposed supplementing this material with the book “Sailor of the Special Forces” by Andrei Zagortsev. The author is a fairly well-known military writer who served in military service in Kholuay and fought in Chechnya. Afterwards he returned to the 42nd MrP as a lieutenant.

The book is truly interesting. She's wonderful for her in simple language, lots of details. For me personally, it is very reminiscent of the work of Andrei Ilyin, whom I respect very much.

Anyone who wants to experience the whole essence of the service of a reconnaissance diver is a must read.

Why did the US Navy SEALs adopt this unit's "hell week" as the most optimal practice for selecting future fighters?

The secret unit "Kholuai" of the Pacific Fleet, also known as 42 MRP Special Forces (military unit 59190), was created in 1955 in Maly Ulysses Bay near Vladivostok, and was later relocated to Russky Island, where to this day reconnaissance saboteurs undergo combat training. There are many legends about these guys, their physical fitness is admired, they are called the best of the best, the cream of the special forces. Each of them could become the protagonist of an action movie. Today RIA PrimaMedia publishes material military historian and journalist Alexei Sukonkin about the legendary part "Kholuai". In 1993-94, he served in a special forces unit of the ground forces, but from time to time they were also part of the naval special forces.


“Suddenly for the enemy, we landed at a Japanese airfield and entered into negotiations. After that, ten of us, the Japanese took us to the headquarters of a colonel, the commander of an aviation unit, who wanted to make us hostages. I joined the conversation when I felt that the With us, a representative of the Soviet command, Captain 3rd Rank Kulebyakin, was, as they say, “pinned to the wall.” Looking into the eyes of the Japanese, I said that we fought the entire war in the west and have enough experience to assess the situation, that we will not be hostages , or better yet, we will die, but we will die together with everyone who is at headquarters. The difference is, I added, that you will die like rats, and we will try to escape from here. Hero of the Soviet Union Mitya Sokolov immediately stood behind the Japanese colonel. Hero of the Soviet Union Andrei Pshenichnykh locked the door with a key, put the key in his pocket and sat down on a chair, and Volodya Olyashev (after the war - Honored Master of Sports) lifted Andrei along with the chair and placed him directly in front of the Japanese commander. Ivan Guzenkov went to the window and reported that we were not high, and Hero of the Soviet Union Semyon Agafonov, standing at the door, began tossing an anti-tank grenade in his hand. The Japanese, however, did not know that there was no fuse in it. The colonel, forgetting about the handkerchief, began to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his hand and after some time signed the act of surrender of the entire garrison."

This is how naval reconnaissance Viktor Leonov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, described just one military operation in which a handful of daring and brave naval reconnaissance officers of the Pacific Fleet literally forced a large Japanese garrison to lay down their arms without a fight. Three and a half thousand Japanese samurai shamefully surrendered.

This was the apotheosis of the combat power of the 140th Marine Reconnaissance Detachment, the harbinger of modern naval special forces, which today everyone knows under the incomprehensible and mysterious name “Holuai”.


And it all started during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, the 181st reconnaissance detachment successfully operated in the Northern Fleet, carrying out various special operations behind enemy lines. The crowning achievement of this detachment’s activity was the capture of two coastal batteries at Cape Krestovoy (which blocked the entrance to the bay and could easily destroy an amphibious convoy) in preparation for landing in the port of Liinakhamari (Murmansk region - editor's note). This, in turn, ensured the success of the Petsamo-Kirkenes landing operation, which became the key to success in the liberation of the entire Soviet Arctic. It is difficult to even imagine that a detachment of several dozen people, having captured just a few guns of German coastal batteries, actually ensured victory in the entire strategic operation, but, nevertheless, this is so - for this purpose the reconnaissance detachment was created to sting the enemy in small forces the most vulnerable place...

The commander of the 181st reconnaissance detachment, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Leonov, and two more of his subordinates (Semyon Agafonov and Andrei Pshenichnykh) became Heroes of the Soviet Union for this short but important battle.

In April 1945, part of the personnel of the 181st detachment, led by the commander, was transferred to the Pacific Fleet to form the 140th reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet, which was supposed to be used in the upcoming war with Japan. By May, the detachment was formed on Russky Island in the amount of 139 people and began combat training. In August 1945, the 140th Reconnaissance Squadron took part in the capture of the ports of Yuki and Racine, as well as the naval bases of Seishin and Genzan. As a result of these operations, chief petty officer Makar Babikov and midshipman Alexander Nikandrov of the 140th reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and their commander Viktor Leonov received the second Hero star.

However, at the end of the war, all such reconnaissance formations in the USSR Navy were disbanded due to imaginary uselessness.

But soon history turned around...

From the history of the creation of special-purpose units: In 1950, in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, separate special-purpose companies were formed in each army and military district. In the Primorsky Territory, in particular, three such companies were formed: the 91st (military unit No. 51423) as part of the 5th Combined Arms Army with a deployment in Ussuriysk, the 92nd (military unit No. 51447) as part of the 25th combined arms army stationed at the Boets Kuznetsov station and the 88th (military unit No. 51422) as part of the 37th Guards Airborne Corps stationed in Chernigovka. The special forces companies were tasked with searching for and destroying the most important military and civilian targets deep behind enemy lines, including enemy nuclear attack weapons. The personnel of these companies were trained in military reconnaissance, mine explosives, and made parachute jumps. For service in such units, people were selected who, for health reasons, were fit to serve in the airborne forces.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed the indispensability of such units for decisive actions on enemy communications, and in connection with the outbreak of the Cold War by the Americans, the need for such units became very clear. The new units showed their high efficiency already at the first exercises, and the Navy became interested in units of this kind.

The head of Navy intelligence, Rear Admiral Leonid Konstantinovich Bekrenev, wrote in his address to the Minister of the Navy:

“...taking into account the role of reconnaissance and sabotage units in the overall reconnaissance system of fleets, I consider it necessary to carry out the following measures: ... create... reconnaissance and sabotage units of military intelligence, giving them the name of separate naval reconnaissance divisions...”

At the same time, captain of the first rank Boris Maksimovich Margolin theoretically justified this decision, arguing that “... the difficulties and duration of training of reconnaissance light divers necessitate their advance preparation and systematic training, for which special units should be created...”.

And so, by the Directive of the Main Naval Staff of June 24, 1953, similar special intelligence formations are formed in all fleets. In total, five “special purpose reconnaissance points” were formed - in all fleets and the Caspian flotilla.

The Pacific Fleet is creating its own reconnaissance point on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Navy No. OMU/1/53060ss of March 18, 1955.

However, “Unit Day” is considered June 5, 1955 - the day when the unit completed its formation and became part of the fleet as a combat unit.

Kholuai Bay

The word “Kholuai” itself (as well as its variations “Khaluai” and “Khalulai”), according to one version, means “lost place”, and although disputes on this subject are still ongoing and sinologists do not confirm such a translation, the version is considered quite plausible - especially among those who served in this bay.

In the thirties, on Russky Island (at that time, by the way, its second name, Kazakevich Island, which disappeared from geographical maps only in the forties of the twentieth century, was widely practiced) construction of anti-landing defense facilities for Vladivostok was underway. Defense facilities included long-term coastal firing points - bunkers. Some especially fortified bunkers even had their own names, for example, “Stream”, “Rock”, “Wave”, “Bonfire” and others. All this defensive splendor was served by separate machine-gun battalions, each of which occupied its own defense sector. In particular, the 69th separate machine gun battalion of the Vladivostok coastal defense sector of the Pacific Fleet, located in the area of ​​​​Cape Krasny in Kholuai Bay (New Dzhigit), served firing points located on Russky Island. For this battalion in 1935, a two-story barracks and headquarters, a canteen, a boiler room, warehouses and a stadium were built. The battalion was stationed here until the forties, after which it was disbanded. The barracks were not used for a long time and began to collapse.

And so, in March 1955, a new military unit with very specific tasks moved here, the secrecy of its existence was brought to the highest limit.

In open use among the “initiates,” the unit bore the name “Recreation Base “Irtek” of the Main Naval Base “Vladivostok.” The unit also received the code name military unit No. 59190 and the open name “42nd Special Purpose Naval Reconnaissance Point.” The people had a “folk” name for the part - “Kholuai” - after the name of the bay.

So what was this part? Why are so many different legends hovering around her, both then and today, sometimes bordering on fantasy?

Birth of a legend

The formation of the 42nd special-purpose maritime reconnaissance point of the Pacific Fleet began in March and ended in June 1955. During formation, the duties of commander were temporarily performed by captain of the second rank Nikolai Braginsky, but the first approved commander of the new unit was... no, not a reconnaissance officer, but the former commander of the destroyer, captain of the second rank Pyotr Kovalenko.

For several months the unit was based on Ulysses, and the personnel lived on board the old ship, and before leaving for the permanent deployment point on Russky Island, the reconnaissance sailors at the submarine training base underwent an accelerated diving training course.

Arriving at the unit's location in Kholuai Bay, the reconnaissance sailors first of all set about... construction work, because they had to somehow equip their housing, and no one was going to help them in this matter.

On July 1, 1955, the unit began single combat training of future reconnaissance divers under the training program for special forces units. A little later, combat coordination between the groups began.

In September 1955, the newly formed naval special forces took part in their first exercises - having landed on boats in the Shkotovsky region, naval reconnaissance officers carried out reconnaissance of the Abrek naval base and elements of its anti-sabotage defense, as well as highways in the rear of the conditional “enemy”.

Already at that time, the command of the unit came to the understanding that selection for naval special forces should be as tough as possible, if not cruel.

Candidates for service who were called up from military registration and enlistment offices or transferred from training units of the fleet faced severe tests - during the week they were subjected to extreme loads, which were reinforced by severe psychological pressure. Not everyone survived, and those who couldn’t stand it were immediately transferred to other parts of the fleet.

But those who survived were immediately enlisted in the elite unit and began combat training. This test week began to be called “hell”. Later, when the United States created its SEAL units, they adopted our practice of selecting future fighters as the most optimal, allowing them to quickly understand what a particular candidate is capable of and whether he is ready to serve in naval special forces units.

The meaning of this “personnel” rigidity came down to the fact that commanders initially had to clearly understand the abilities and capabilities of their fighters - after all, special forces operate in isolation from their troops, and a small group can rely only on itself, and, accordingly, the importance of any team member increases many times over. The commander must initially be confident in his subordinates, and subordinates must be confident in their commander. And that is the only reason why “entrance to service” in this part is so strict. It shouldn't be any other way.

Looking ahead, I will say that today nothing is lost: the candidate, as before, will have to go through serious tests, inaccessible for the most part even to physically well-prepared people.

In particular, the candidate must first of all run ten kilometers in a heavy body armor, meeting the running standard provided for jogging in sneakers and sportswear. If you fail, no one will talk to you anymore. If you ran on time, then you immediately need to do 70 push-ups while lying down and 15 pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Moreover, it is advisable to perform these exercises in their “pure form”. Most people, already at the stage of jogging in a bulletproof vest, suffocating from physical overload, begin to wonder, “Do I need this happiness if this happens every day?” - it is at this moment that true motivation manifests itself.

If a person strives to serve in the naval special forces, if he firmly knows what he wants, he passes this test, but if he has doubts, then it is better not to continue this torment.

At the end of the test, the candidate is placed in the ring, where three hand-to-hand combat instructors fight with him, checking the person’s readiness for the fight - both physical and moral. Usually, if a candidate reaches the ring, he is already an “ideological” candidate, and the ring does not break him. Well, and then the commander, or the person replacing him, talks with the candidate. After this, the harsh service begins...

There are no discounts for officers either - everyone passes the test. Basically, the supplier of command personnel for Kholuy are three military schools - the Pacific Naval School (TOVVMU), the Far Eastern Combined Arms School (DVOKU) and the Ryazan Airborne School (RVVDKU), although if a person wants, then nothing prevents an officer from other schools I would like to join the naval special forces.

As a former special forces officer told me, having shown a desire to serve in this unit to the head of naval intelligence, he immediately had to do 100 push-ups right in the admiral’s office - Rear Admiral Yuri Maksimenko (chief of intelligence of the Pacific Fleet in 1982-1991), despite the fact that the officer went through Afghanistan and was awarded two military orders. This is how the Pacific Fleet intelligence chief decided to cut off the candidate if he did not complete such a basic exercise. The officer completed the exercise.

At different times the unit was commanded by:

Captain 1st Rank Kovalenko Petr Prokopyevich (1955–1959);

Captain 1st Rank Guryanov Viktor Nikolaevich (1959–1961);

Captain 1st Rank Petr Ivanovich Konnov (1961–1966);

Captain 1st Rank Klimenko Vasily Nikiforovich (1966–1972);

Captain 1st Rank Minkin Yuri Alekseevich (1972–1976);

Captain 1st Rank Zharkov Anatoly Vasilievich (1976–1981);

Captain 1st Rank Yakovlev Yuri Mikhailovich (1981–1983);

Lieutenant Colonel Evsyukov Viktor Ivanovich (1983–1988);

Captain 1st Rank Omsharuk Vladimir Vladimirovich (1988–1995) – died in February 2016;

Lieutenant Colonel Gritsai Vladimir Georgievich (1995–1997);

Captain 1st rank Kurochkin Sergey Veniaminovich (1997–2000);

Colonel Gubarev Oleg Mikhailovich (2000-2010);

Lieutenant Colonel Belyavsky Zaur Valerievich (2010-2013);

Let the name of today's commander remain in the coastal fog of military secrecy...

Exercises and service

In 1956, naval reconnaissance officers began to master parachute jumps. Usually the training took place at naval aviation airfields - according to subordination. During the first training camp, all personnel performed two jumps from a height of 900 meters from Li-2 and An-2 aircraft, and also learned to land “assault-style” from Mi-4 helicopters - both on land and on water.

Another year later, naval reconnaissance officers had already mastered landing on the shore through the torpedo tubes of submarines lying on the ground, as well as returning to them after completing a mission at the coastal facilities of a mock enemy. Based on the results of combat training in 1958, the 42nd Naval Reconnaissance Point became the best special unit of the Pacific Fleet and was awarded the challenge pennant of the Commander of the Pacific Fleet.

In many exercises, intelligence officers developed the necessary skills, acquired special knowledge and expressed their wishes regarding the composition of the equipment. In particular, back in the late fifties, naval intelligence officers formulated requirements for weapons - they should be light and silent (as a result, samples of special weapons appeared - small-sized silent pistols SMEs, silent grenade launchers "Silence", underwater pistols SPP-1 and underwater assault rifles APS, as well as many other special weapons). The scouts also wanted to have waterproof outerwear and shoes, and their eyes needed to be protected from mechanical damage with special safety glasses (for example, today the equipment set includes four types of safety glasses).

In 1960, the unit's staff was increased to 146 people.

By this time, we had already decided on our specialization, which was divided into three areas:

Some of the personnel were represented reconnaissance divers, which were supposed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy naval bases from the sea, as well as mine ships and port facilities;

Some of the sailors were engaged conducting military reconnaissance- simply put, having landed from the sea, they acted on the shore as ordinary land reconnaissance officers;

The third direction was presented radio and radio intelligence specialists- these people were engaged in instrumental reconnaissance, which made it possible to quickly detect the most important objects behind enemy lines, such as field radio stations, radar stations, technical observation posts - in general, everything that emitted any signals into the air and was subject to destruction first queue.

Marine special forces began to receive special underwater carriers - in other words, small underwater vehicles that could deliver saboteurs over long distances. Such a carrier was the two-seat "Triton", later - also the two-seat "Triton-1M", and even later the six-seat "Triton-2" appeared. These devices allowed saboteurs to quietly penetrate directly into enemy bases, mine ships and piers, and perform other reconnaissance tasks.

These were very secret devices, and the more “terrible” was the story when a naval special forces officer, secretly escorting containers with these devices (in civilian clothes under the guise of a regular cargo forwarder), suddenly heard with a trembling knees how a slinger was in charge of reloading a container from a railway platform on the truck, shouted loudly to the crane operator: " Petrovich, pick it up carefully, there are NEWTs here"... and only when the officer pulled himself together, stopped trembling and calmed down a little, he realized that no leak of top-secret information had occurred, and the unlucky slinger only meant THREE TONS of container weight (that’s how much the Triton-1M weighed), and not the most secret "Tritons" that were inside...

For reference:

"Triton" is the first carrier for open-type divers. Immersion depth is up to 12 meters. Speed ​​– 4 knots (7.5 km/h). Range – 30 miles (55 km).

"Triton-1M" is the first closed-type carrier for divers. Weight – 3 tons. Immersion depth is 32 meters. Speed ​​– 4 knots. Range – 60 miles (110 km).

"Triton-2" is the first closed-type group carrier for divers. Weight – 15 tons. Immersion depth is 40 meters. Speed ​​– 5 knots. Range – 60 miles.

Currently, these types of equipment are already outdated and withdrawn from combat service. All three samples are installed as monuments on the territory of the unit, and the decommissioned Triton-2 apparatus is also presented at the street exhibition of the Museum of Military Glory of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok.

Currently, such underwater carriers are not used for a number of reasons, the main one of which is the impossibility of using them covertly. Today, naval special forces are armed with more modern underwater carriers "Sirena" and "Proteus" of various modifications. Both of these carriers allow for the secret landing of a reconnaissance group through a submarine's torpedo tube. "Siren" "carries" two saboteurs, and "Proteus" is an individual carrier.

Insolence and sport

Some of the legends about “Kholuai” are associated with the steady desire of the military personnel of this unit to improve their reconnaissance and sabotage skills at the expense of their own comrades. At all times, the “Kholuai” caused many problems to daily duty personnel serving on ships and in coastal units of the Pacific Fleet. There were frequent cases of “training” abductions of orderlies, duty documentation, and theft of vehicles from careless military drivers. It cannot be said that the command of the unit specifically assigned such tasks to the scouts... but for successful actions of this kind, the reconnaissance sailors could even receive short-term leave.

There are many fairy tales about how special forces soldiers “are thrown out in the middle of Siberia with one knife, and he must survive and return to his unit.”

No, of course, no one is thrown out anywhere with just a knife, but during special tactical exercises, reconnaissance groups can be sent to other regions of the country, where they are given various training reconnaissance and sabotage tasks, after which they need to return to their unit - preferably undetected . At this time, the police, internal troops and state security agencies are intensively looking for them, and citizens are told that they are looking for conditional terrorists.
In the unit itself, sports have been cultivated at all times - and therefore one should not be surprised that even today, at almost all naval competitions in strength sports, martial arts, swimming and shooting, prize-winning places are usually taken by representatives of “Kholuy”. It should be noted that preference in sports is given not to strength, but to endurance - it is this physical skill that allows a naval scout to feel confident both on foot or ski trips, and in long-distance swimming.

Unpretentiousness and the ability to live without excesses even gave rise to a peculiar saying on “Kholuay”:

“Some things are not necessary, but some things you can limit yourself to.”

It contains a deep meaning, which in many ways reflects the essence of the naval reconnaissance officer of the Russian Navy - who, being content with little, is capable of accomplishing a lot.

Healthy spetsnaz chauvinism also gave rise to the special audacity of the intelligence officers, which became a source of special pride for the naval special forces fighters. This quality was especially evident during exercises, which were and are being carried out almost constantly.

One of the admirals of the Pacific Fleet once said:

“The guys of the naval special forces were brought up in the spirit of love for the Motherland, hatred of enemies and the awareness that they are the elite of the fleet. Not to feel their own superiority over others, but in the sense that huge public funds are spent on them, and their duty, in if something happens, justify these costs...”

I remember in my early childhood, in the mid-eighties, on the embankment near the S-56 I saw a lonely wandering sailor with a paratrooper badge shining on his chest. At this time, a ferry was loading at the pier, heading to Russky Island (there were no bridges at that time). The sailor was stopped by a patrol, and he presented his documents, gesticulating desperately, pointing at the ferry, which was already raising the ramp. But the patrol, apparently, decided to detain the sailor for some offense.

And then I saw a whole performance: the sailor sharply pulled the cap of the senior patrolman right over his eyes, snatched his documents from his hands, slapped one of the patrolmen in the face, and rushed headlong to the departing ferry!

And the ferry, I must say, had already moved one and a half to two meters away from the pier, and the sailor-paratrooper overcame this distance in a graceful jump, grabbed the ferry's railing, and there he was already pulled on board by the passengers. For some reason, I have no doubts in which unit that sailor served...

Return of a Legend

In 1965, twenty years after the end of World War II, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain First Rank Viktor Leonov, came to the unit. Several photographs have been preserved in which the “legend of naval special forces” is captured with military personnel of the unit, both officers and sailors. Subsequently, Viktor Leonov would visit the 42nd reconnaissance point several more times, which he himself considered a worthy brainchild of his 140th reconnaissance detachment...

In 2015, Viktor Leonov returned to the unit forever. On the day of the 60th anniversary of the formation of the reconnaissance point, a monument to the real legend of naval special forces, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Nikolaevich Leonov, was unveiled on the territory of the military unit in a solemn ceremony.

Combat use

In 1982, the moment came when the Motherland demanded the professional skills of naval special forces. From February 24 to April 27, a regular special forces group performed combat service tasks for the first time, being on one of the Pacific Fleet ships.

In 1988 - 1989, for 130 days, a reconnaissance group was in combat service, equipped with Siren underwater carriers and all the necessary combat equipment. A small reconnaissance ship from the 38th brigade of reconnaissance ships of the Pacific Fleet delivered the Kholuaevites to the place of their combat mission. It is too early to say what these tasks were, because they are still hidden under a veil of secrecy. One thing is clear - some enemy has become very ill these days...

In 1995, a group of military personnel from the 42nd Special Purpose Naval Reconnaissance Point took part in a combat operation to establish a constitutional regime in the Chechen Republic.

The group was attached to the 165th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet operating there, and, according to reviews from the senior commander of the Pacific Fleet Marine Corps group in Chechnya, Captain First Rank Sergei Konstantinovich Kondratenko, it acted brilliantly. The scouts remained calm and courageous in any critical situation. Five “Kholuaevites” laid down their lives in this war. Ensign Andrei Dneprovsky was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

From the award list:

"…organized the training of the battalion's freelance reconnaissance group and skillfully acted as part of it. On February 19, 1995, in a battle in the city of Grozny, he personally saved the lives of two sailors and carried out the body of the deceased sailor A.I. Pleshakov. On the night of March 20-21, 1995, while carrying out a combat mission to capture the Goitein Court heights, A.V. Dneprovsky’s reconnaissance group secretly approached the height, identified and neutralized the militants’ military outpost (one was killed, two were captured). Subsequently, during a short-lived battle, he personally destroyed two militants, ensuring the company’s unhindered approach to the heights and the completion of the combat mission without losses.…".

On the same day, he died heroically while performing a subsequent task... In 1996, a monument to the military personnel of the unit who died in the line of military duty was erected on the territory of the unit.

Names are engraved on the monument:

Hero of Russia, Ensign A. V. Dneprovsky

Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Ilyin

Midshipman V. N. Vargin

Midshipman P.V. Safonov

Chief ship's sergeant K. N. Zheleznov

Petty Officer 1st article S. N. Tarolo

Petty Officer 1st article A. S. Buzko

Foreman 2 articles V. L. Zaburdaev

Sailor V.K. Vyzhimov

Kholuy in our time

Today, “Kholuai”, already in a new look, with a slightly changed structure and strength, after a series of organizational events, continues to live its own life - according to its own special, “special forces” way of life. Many cases of this part will never be declassified, but books will be written about others. The names of the people who serve here today are not publicly available, and rightly so.

Even today, naval reconnaissance officers sacredly honor their combat traditions, and combat training does not stop for a second. Every day, “Kholuaevites” are engaged in a variety of activities: they train dives (both real ones in the sea and in a pressure chamber), achieving the proper level of physical fitness, practice hand-to-hand combat techniques and methods of covert movement, learn to shoot from a variety of types of small arms, study new equipment , which is being supplied to the troops in abundance today (there are now even combat robots in service) - in general, they are preparing at any moment, on the orders of the Motherland, to carry out any assigned task.

All that remains is to wish our intelligence officers to realize their combat skills only at training grounds...

In the online Voentorg Voenpro among large assortment flags of military special forces of Russia you can always order and buy the flag 431 ORMP special forces of the GRU Black Sea Fleet. The material used to make the flag 431 ORMP special forces of the GRU Black Sea Fleet is flag silk.


  • 431 OMRP

In 1969, 8 MPRs were formed on the Caspian Flotilla with a location in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. In 1992, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the naval reconnaissance point was transferred to the city of Priozersk, Leningrad Region, and in 1998 the unit was redeployed to Tuapse as the 431st MCI and became part of the Black Sea Fleet.

During the existence of the USSR, foreign students were trained at the naval reconnaissance point (Angola, Cuba).

In 1995 - 1996, MPR personnel as part of the 879 ADSB of the Baltic Fleet took part in hostilities in the North Caucasus.

Since the formation of 431 MCI, tests have been constantly carried out in the reconnaissance diver unit the latest weapons and technical means. In particular, in the early 70s, the Siren and Triton diver carriers were tested.

Transporter of combat swimmers "Triton-1"

In 1974, personnel of the 431st MCI took part in mine blasting operations during the conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

In the 1970s - 1980s, reconnaissance divers from 431 naval reconnaissance stations took part in demonstration exercises for the military leadership of the Warsaw Pact states.

In 1989, reconnaissance divers of the 431st MCI ensured the security of high-level negotiations between the USSR and the USA in Malta.

In 1992, the midget submarine Piranha was tested and new landing systems designed specifically for reconnaissance divers were tested.

In 1992-1993, detachment 431 of the maritime reconnaissance point took part in the search and patrol of a civilian ship captured by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.

Except daily workouts at the base, soldiers of military unit 51212 are permanent participants in exercises conducted jointly with the FSB special forces detachment "Vympel" and the security service of the USSR government, then - the Russian government and tactical and special competitions taking place among intelligence units GRU USSR, and then Russian Federation since 1975.

The GRU naval special forces units are recruited from volunteers who have served in military service in marine units. Candidates are tested for emotional stability, balance in emergency situations, and physical endurance. It was mandatory to check for the transfer of pressure drops at great depths.

Basic training of soldiers of the 431st naval reconnaissance point takes place in two stages. During the first stage, which lasts 7 weeks, the focus is on general physical training. The second stage of training involves the study of firearms and bladed weapons, underwater combat tactics, mine demolition classes, mastering various Vehicle(speed boats, underwater transporters, etc.). Also, in the process of training, military unit 51212 in Tuapse selects and coordinates small units - groups of divers - reconnaissance officers numbering from two to five people.

One of the most important goals of the 431st MCI is to monitor the testing of new weapons of NATO countries. Also, the task of GRU combat swimmers is to track the movements of warships of NATO countries carrying nuclear weapons on board.

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