What a holiday tomorrow is October 24th. Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Filippova gimmick

What happened on October 24 in the world

1658 - Moliere appeared before the French king Louis XIV for the first time as an author and actor.

1745 - Empress Elizabeth ordered cats to be brought into the royal palaces to catch mice.

1897 - the first officially recorded football match in Russian history was held in St. Petersburg.

1935 - a ruby ​​star was installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

1949 - The first stone of the current UN Headquarters building in New York is laid.

1986 - The world's largest record store opens in London.

2000 - The world's only autograph of Cleopatra was discovered in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin.

What happened on October 24 in Tajikistan

2008 - the third Russian Center of the Russian World Foundation was opened in Dushanbe at the Tajik State pedagogical university them. S. Aini.

2008 - The III Inter-Parliamentary Forum “Russia-Tajikistan: the potential for interregional cooperation” was held in Tajikistan.

Who was born on October 24

1862 - Daniel Swarovski, founder of the Austrian crystal empire Swarovski.

1886 - Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and party leader.

1910 - Ivan Boyko, Soviet military leader, twice Hero Soviet Union.

1931 - Sofya Gubaidulina, Soviet and Russian composer.

1938 - Venedikt Erofeev, Russian writer.

1947 - Kevin Kline, American actor, Oscar winner.

1966 - Roman Abramovich, Russian entrepreneur.

Who was born on October 24 in Tajikistan

1914 - Halim Takhirov, singer, Honored Artist of Tajikistan.

Who died on October 24

1944 - Louis Renault, French industrialist, one of the founders of the Renault company.

1948 - Franz Lehár, Hungarian composer and conductor.

1957 - Christian Dior, French fashion designer.

© Sputnik / P. Manushin

USSR Minister of Culture E. A Furtseva opens the exhibition "Western European and American Painting and Drawing."

1974 - Ekaterina Furtseva, Soviet statesman and party leader.

Holidays October 24

  • United Nations Day.
  • World Development Information Day.
  • Day of Remembrance of the Dead Rocketeers in Russia.
  • Unit Day special purpose in Russia.
  • Russian Paperless Day.
  • Day of the Diplomatic Worker of Kyrgyzstan.
  • Disarmament week.

World Polio Day

© Sputnik / Igor Zarembo

This day is dedicated to the prevention of one of the most severe viral diseases that affects nervous system humans and causing paralysis and atrophy of muscle tissue, leading to death or disability.

Poliomyelitis is a disease that can develop at any age. However, the virus predominantly affected children under 5 years of age and for a long time has been a real nightmare for parents in many countries around the world.

The vaccine against it appeared in the 1950s and was developed by American virologists and epidemiologists in close collaboration with Soviet doctors M.P. Chumakov and A.A. Smorodintsev.

The beginning of childhood vaccination contributed to a reduction in morbidity by almost 99%. Currently, most developed countries have developed comprehensive vaccination of children with inactivated and oral vaccines to combat polio.

Today, doctors are very concerned about the increasing number of parents refusing to vaccinate their children. And despite the fact that medicines There is no cure for polio, and vaccination can prevent the disease.

Orthodox holidays October 24

Cathedral of the Venerable Optina Elders.

  • memory of the Apostle Philip, one of the seven deacons;
  • memory of the Monk Theophan the Confessor, creator of the canons, Bishop of Nicaea;
  • memory of St. Leo of Optina;
  • memory of the holy martyrs Filaret Velikanov and Alexander Grivsky, presbyters;
  • memory of the Monk Theophan, faster of Pechersk, in the Near Caves;
  • memory of the martyrs Zinaida and Filonilla.

October 24 in the Muslim calendar

Muslims do not celebrate anything on this day

October 24 in the folk calendar

Filipp's gimmick.

According to the church calendar, the day of St. Philip, the apostle from seventy, is coming. He came from Caesarea in Palestine. The disciples of Jesus Christ elected him to be a deacon after Saint Stephen.

When the persecution of Christians began, Stephen died, and Philip left Jerusalem and came to one of the Samarian cities, where he began to preach his faith.

In Rus', the rigmarole usually began with Philip - that’s what people called the mud and dirt on the roads.

When it was necessary to leave the house, the peasants said: “There is no time to waste time.” But they immediately added: “Philip himself stuck to the stove, the roads were so bad.”

Snow and ice were important for this day. Future profits were judged by the snow: if it lay on damp earth, but did not melt, one could hope for a good income in the spring.

In addition, the morning snowfall on Philip foreshadowed an icy winter.

If the rivers were frozen by this time, then it was necessary to walk on the ice - this promised an improvement in financial matters. But if leaf fall was still falling on Philip, it was necessary to prepare for a difficult year.


  • If there is late leaf fall, it will be a difficult year.
  • If it snows in the morning, expect a cold winter.
  • Kichiga and voroch (water wheel blade) are arguing.
  • Peasants take grain to the mill to grind.

Lunar calendar for October 24

Difficult, critical day. Try to refrain from any vigorous activity in absolutely all areas. Better save vitality rather than wasting it on empty chatter.

It is important to be honest and fair, even in small things. If the implementation of your plans requires any sacrifices, do not stop.

There is a possibility of gaining a completely new level of your capabilities. You can surpass yourself and find long-awaited freedom.

Every year on October 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Special Forces Units (SPU) - the professional holiday of all Russian military personnel of special forces units. This is a relatively young Russian professional holiday; it was established on May 31, 2006 based on a decree of the country's President Vladimir Putin.

The date of the new holiday was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1950 that the USSR Minister of War, Marshal Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky, signed a directive marked “secret”. This directive provided for the creation in the Soviet Union of special forces units (deep reconnaissance or special purpose reconnaissance) for operations in the deep rear probable enemy. Vasilevsky ordered to create in as soon as possible(until May 1, 1951) the armed forces included 46 special forces companies with a staff of 120 people each. They were to be created in all military districts, fleets and groups of forces. The order was carried out and already on May 1, 1951, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union included Special Forces units with a total number of more than 5.5 thousand people.

Wherein combat use various military formations, who carried out special and reconnaissance tasks behind enemy lines, has a very rich supply in our country. In Russia there have always been people who went behind enemy lines on special missions and carried out their dangerous and very difficult work at the risk of their lives. At different times in Russian history these were plastuns, Cossacks, flying hussars, and scouts. A historical example of such special forces are the horse-jaeger teams of Field Marshal Pyotr Rumyantsev, which were intended for special operations and reconnaissance behind enemy lines. In addition, the future Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov began his military career with successful partisan actions.

The emergence of special intelligence in our country can be attributed to the years civil war, the period of confrontation between the Red Army and the White Guard formations and interventionists. The basis for this was the creation in March 1918 of a special reconnaissance department, which was mainly engaged in organizing reconnaissance and sabotage work behind enemy lines.

In the 1930s, in the event of a future war in the Soviet Union, in the border districts, on the basis of engineering units, sabotage and partisan detachments and groups were trained, which were called sapper-camouflage platoons. Also, taking into account the experience of the Civil War in Spain, the leadership of the Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters in 1939 proposed creating border districts separate companies special purpose.

During the Great Patriotic War, as part of numerous fronts and in the navy, it was created a large number of special military formations designed to conduct reconnaissance and sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Many of them were designated as separate detachments or separate brigades for special (special) purposes. At the same time, during the war, 5,360 groups of reconnaissance agencies were sent to the German rear.

After the end of World War II, the decisive factor that determined the course of further development and use of the armed forces was the emergence mass destruction, as well as various means of its delivery. For timely detection and destruction nuclear weapons potential enemy, as well as the means of delivery, needed special army units that could effectively conduct reconnaissance and sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Such army units were created by May 1, 1951. And in 1953 the creation began military units Special Forces as part of the Navy. Initially, 7 naval reconnaissance divisions were created in the USSR, which in the future were transformed into reconnaissance points special purpose.

The subsequent complication of the global military-political situation required the USSR high military command to strengthen intelligence in operational and tactical depth. To solve this problem, the process of forming separate special forces brigades began in the country in 1962. In the 1970s and 80s Soviet army There were already 13 special purpose brigades. It was during these years that their active combat work occurred, which took place outside our country - in Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Cuba. Over the years, the country has been able to systematize and fine-tune the mechanisms and methods for training future special forces. The outbreak of war in Afghanistan also required the dispatch of special forces soldiers there. As part of the limited contingent of Soviet troops in this country, there were 8 special forces units, which were organizationally united into two brigades. These special forces units performed the following tasks in Afghanistan: the destruction of mujahideen detachments and caravans, conducting reconnaissance, detecting and inspecting caravans, mining the movement routes of gangs and caravan trails, installing reconnaissance and signaling equipment.

Already in modern Russian history During two Chechen campaigns, special forces units successfully solved their immediate tasks, carrying out sabotage, reconnaissance and search and ambush activities in the republic. Moreover, in April 2001, for special distinction in battles within the framework of ensuring the security and integrity of Russia, the 22nd separate brigade special purpose Russian army was awarded the title of Guards. This was the first military unit in Russia to be awarded this honorary title after the end of the Great Patriotic War.

Modern special forces units are designed to conduct subversive, sabotage, reconnaissance and special operations on enemy territory. In wartime, special forces are able to solve the tasks of reconnaissance, destruction and capture of important objects, eliminating important persons, conducting psychological operations, as well as organizing guerrilla actions behind enemy lines. Even in the most difficult and unusual situations, special forces demonstrate a very high level of their professional training, personal courage and fortitude, withstand all tests and tests of strength, which rightfully earned respect and honor not only among representatives of the military fraternity, but also among ordinary people. Russian citizens.

Main feature Special purpose units are their relatively small number, excellent level of training, surprise, audacity, initiative, speed of decisions, coordination of actions. Special forces soldiers are able to skillfully use a wide range of weapons and military equipment, combine their strike and maneuver capabilities, make full use of the protective properties of the terrain, and carry out missions at any time of day and in any weather conditions.

Units and units of the special forces of the GRU General Staff of the Armed Forces (detachments, groups, individual battalions, regiments and brigades) played a very important role during Afghan war, military operations in Tajikistan, in operations in Chechnya, as well as in other hot spots. This is also confirmed by the fact that they military labor was highly noted by the military-political leadership of the country. For the heroism and courage that were demonstrated during special missions, more than 20 thousand special forces soldiers were awarded various orders and medals. Including 8 people became Heroes of the Soviet Union, another 39 people became Heroes Russian Federation.

On this day, the Military Review team congratulates all Russian military personnel of special forces units, as well as special forces veterans, on their professional holiday. Your service is a symbiosis of perseverance, courage, determination, unparalleled heroism and self-sacrifice, and readiness to always come to the aid of your comrades.

Based on materials from open sources

Today, October 24, UN countries celebrate 2 holidays: United Nations Day and World Development Information Day. Today Russia celebrates the Day of Special Forces Units of the Armed Forces; Kyrgyzstan celebrates the Day of Diplomatic Worker and the Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers. And the people of Zambia celebrate Independence Day.

World Development Information Day (UN holiday)

Today, October 24, UN countries celebrate a holiday - World Development Information Day. The most important factor today for better awareness of development is improved dissemination of information. The United Nations General Assembly decided on December 19, 1972 that World Development Information Day would be observed by all UN countries on October 24. The purpose of this holiday is to draw attention to the problems of development and strengthening international cooperation for world public opinion.

United Nations Day (UN holiday)

The UN General Assembly - United Nations, by its resolution No. 168, proclaimed the celebration of October 24 as a holiday - United Nations Day. The purpose of this holiday is to familiarize the world community with the goals and achievements of the UN. The first UN document, in December 1948, was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations Day is between folk holiday, which is celebrated by all UN member states as a public holiday.

Day of Special Forces Units of the Armed Forces (Russia)

Every year on October 24, the professional holiday of military personnel is celebrated - the Day of Special Forces Units - paramilitary and highly trained formations. This holiday was established on May 31, 2006 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The history of special-purpose units in the Russian Federation began in 1918, with the creation of ChON - special-purpose units that were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight in Central Asia and on the territory of the Russian Republic with the Basmachi and the rebels.

Diplomat's Day (Kyrgyzstan)

The Day of Diplomatic Worker of Kyrgyzstan is celebrated every year on October 24. This holiday was established by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on October 21, 1998 and dedicated to the International UN Day.

Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers of Kyrgyzstan

On October 24, Kyrgyzstan celebrates another holiday - the Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers, which was established on October 1, 1996 by a decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in honor of October 24, 1927 - the date when the foundations of national standardization and metrology were introduced in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Independence Day - Zambia

Zambia's Independence Day holiday is celebrated in this country every year on October 24th. It commemorates the anniversary of Zambia's independence from Great Britain in 1964. From 1924, until independence, Zambia was a British colony and was called Northern Rhodesia, and after Zambia gained independence, Kenneth Kaunda became the country's first president, who developed the education system in the state, pursued a policy of nationalizing the economy and built railway, which connected Zambia and Tanzania.

Unusual holidays on October 24

On this day you can also celebrate with your friends the Billiard Lover's Day and an unusual holiday - Day of Love for Warm (Knitted) Socks.

Billiard lover's holiday

Competitions for billiard lovers are always a holiday. On this day, as a rule, there is an exchange of experience between representatives of different regions of all countries.

Day of Love for Warm (Knitted) Socks

Only warm and cozy fluffy socks after long days winter walks can quickly warm our chilled feet with their gentle warmth! The cold weather is coming soon, so today, on the festive Day of Love for Knitted Socks, you need to lovingly mend all the holes in your socks, or you can go visit today in warm knitted socks.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Filippova gimmick

On this day, according to the church calendar, Orthodox Christians honor the apostle of the seventy, St. Philip, and celebrate the church holiday of Philip's Kanitel.
Philip was from Palestinian Caesarea and was elected by the disciples of Jesus Christ to be a deacon. When persecution began against Christians, Philip left Jerusalem for one of the cities of Samaria, where he preached his faith, talked about Christ and performed miracles, casting out unclean spirits and healing the sick and infirm.
Thanks to him, many pagans believed in Christ.
Philip's four daughters were also faithful Christians and possessed the gift of prophecy.
Philip ended his life in Trallia, where he served as a bishop for a long time.
During Philip's time in Rus', the roads usually became a mess - mud and mud.
The peasants, when leaving the house, said: “There is no time to waste time” and added: “Philip himself stuck to the stove, the roads were so bad.”
But things had to be done that day, so they took grain to the mill to grind flour there.
Our ancestors judged profits based on the snow on this day: if the snow fell on damp ground and did not melt, then in the spring there would be a good income.
Morning snowfall on this holiday foreshadowed an icy winter.
If leaf fall continued on Philip, then the peasants were preparing for a difficult year.
Name day October 24 from: Alexander, Anatoly, Anton, Victoria, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Feofan, Philaret, Philip

To keep up to date with events, you need to follow latest news. In this section you can get acquainted with all significant events, which are noted in different countries. Here we consider all the holidays that are celebrated grandly in a traditional atmosphere among the numerous inhabitants of the country.

International holidays October 24, 2019

International School Library Day

Many countries celebrate “International School Library Day” every year. At the initiative of UNESCO, a plan was developed to celebrate this day. Decisions have been made since the beginning of 1999. The final decision to celebrate this event was announced by the President International Association Blanche Woolles. However, later the president of the organization, Peter Jenko, recognized it as an official holiday.

In Russia, the decision to celebrate International School Library Day was first made only in 2008. The motto of this day is “School library is on the agenda”.

World Development Information Day

“World Development Information Day” was established by the UN General Assembly. The main goal is to attract the attention of world public opinion to development issues. To do this, it is necessary to take measures and create the international cooperation with various organizations.

According to the members of the Assembly, this date should coincide with the date International Day UN. To begin with, a special concept was created, according to which a plan was developed to mobilize public opinion around the world. Current issues are: economics, politics, social sphere and other equally important topics.

United Nations Day

Resolution number 168 proclaimed the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter as UN Day. The purpose of this event is to familiarize the world community with all the achieved goals of the UN organization. The organization also seeks to gain support for its activities.

The first UN document was drawn up in December 1948, which is called the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

Holidays in Russia October 24, 2019

Day of Special Forces of the Russian Armed Forces

Every year on October 24, all military personnel in Russia celebrate the professional holiday “Day of Special Forces Units of the Russian Armed Forces.” This holiday was established by the President of the Russian Federation in 2006 on May 31 “On the establishment professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The Russian Armed Forces began their history back in 1918, when they created the special purpose “CHON”. Previously, they were subordinate to the Cheka and, as a result, their purpose was to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia. Today, all military service units have their own names.

Holidays in the rest of the world October 24, 2019

Day of Diplomatic Worker of Kyrgyzstan

Every year Kyrgyzstan celebrates “Diplomatic Worker’s Day”. This holiday was established by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1998. The modern diplomatic service of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan dates back to Soviet times.

By law, the Kyrgyz Republic is allowed to enter into direct relations with foreign states. Also, the republic can freely enter into agreements and exchange diplomatic and consular representatives. Today, the diplomatic corps of Kyrgyzstan plays an important role in politics.

Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers of Kyrgyzstan

Metrological service and standardization play an important role in improving the quality of products. Accordingly, in 1996, on October 1, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic established the Day of Celebration of Standardization and Metrology Workers. In 1927, the Kyrgyz Republic introduced the foundations of national standardization and metrology.

Labor Day in New Zealand

New Zealand is different from other countries. The democratic country is a “worker’s paradise.” New Zealand had to go a long way to win this title. Many residents of the country fought for their working rights, which is why this day is dedicated to “Labor Day”. This holiday is celebrated annually on the fourth Monday of October.

Many people know that New Zealand workers defended their right to an eight-hour work schedule. This process ended quite successfully. A few years later, the government made a decision and satisfied the workers’ demands.

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret conclude the fall Jewish holidays. As it is said in the Torah, on the 8th day from the beginning of the holiday of Sukkot there will be another holiday. The name comes from the fact that on the eighth day someone was detained. An example is given that supposedly the king invited his children to a seven-day feast.

After the time for parting came, the king said: “Children, please stay for one more day.” Likewise, the Torah says that on the eighth day the promised holiday will come.

Other holidays on this day – October 24, 2019

Disarmament Week

Disarmament Week is held annually under the leadership of the UN. This holiday begins on October 24 and continues until October 30. The overall theme stands with the slogan: “Achieving peace and security through disarmament.” All problems are considered by an organization that takes an active part in resolving serious issues.

Problems are considered in the following categories: disarmament in the regions of America, Africa and Asia, weapons of mass destruction, etc.

Saint Raphael's Day in Cordoba

Saint Raphael's Day is celebrated annually on October 24th. The Archangel is considered the patron saint of Cordoba. This holiday is considered special along with the Virgin Mary. The image of the archangel can be found almost everywhere. Especially in those places where he performed miracles.

On St. Raphael's Day a special service is held. There are also other events held in Cordoba. All residents of this area congratulate each other on the holiday. Folk festivities begin on all central streets.

October 24, 2019 in the folk calendar

Filippova's gimmick

The church calendar annually waits on October 24 for the day of St. Philip, who in turn was an apostle from seventy. By origin, Saint Philip was from Palestine.

He was elected to the number of deacons after Saint Stephen by the disciples of Jesus Christ. When they began to persecute Christians, Stephen died. Philip had to leave Jerusalem and he arrived in the city of Samaria, where he began to preach his faith. The apostle spoke about Christ and also performed miracles.

Name day October 24, 2019

Lev, Anton, Alexander, Zinaida, Makar, Anatoly, Isaac, Philip, Victoria, Joseph, Moses, Hilarion

Significant events of October 24 in history

  • 1648 – Peace of Westphalia concluded
  • 1897 – The first recorded football match was officially held in Russia
  • 1935 - the first five-pointed star was installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin
  • 1950 - Army special forces were created in the USSR

Born on this day

  1. Dinara Asanova 1942 - Soviet director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  2. Paracelsus 1493 – Swiss physician and alchemist
  3. Konstantin Yuon 1875 - Russian and Soviet painter, art theorist, People's Artist of the USSR
  4. Wayne Rooney 1985 – English footballer, England striker
  5. Arkady Raikin 1911 - Soviet theater, stage and film actor, director, comedian, National artist USSR
  6. Venedikt Erofeev 1938 – Soviet writer
  7. Daniel Swarovski 1862 – Austrian entrepreneur, founder of the Swarovski crystal empire
  8. Sergo Ordzhonikidze 1886 - Soviet statesman and political figure
  9. Nadezhda Troyan 1921 - Soviet intelligence officer, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union
  10. Wilhelm Weber 1804 – German physicist.

The list of Russian holidays for October 24, 2019 will introduce you to the state, professional, international, folk, church, and unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can select an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays October 24

United Nations Day

The UN is one of the most influential organizations on the world stage, dealing with many global issues. This, in turn, affects not only the political, but also the economic processes of states. This structure supports peace and security, assists in the development of cooperation between different countries in different fields of activity. This organization is dedicated to the organization that resolves conflicts by peaceful means, stimulates the peoples of the world to develop and conclude friendly relations, and directs its activities to prevent and eliminate threats to peace. international holiday.

When is it celebrated?

United Nations Day has been celebrated annually on October 24 since 1948. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 72nd time. On October 31, 1947, the UN General Assembly, by resolution No. A/RES/168, decided to celebrate the event annually. And in 1971, at the 26th session, with resolution No. A/RES/2782, it declared this holiday international. Russia, being a member of the UN, takes part in the events.

Special Forces Day in the Russian Federation

Each state has specially trained teams to carry out critical tasks. There are similar units in Russia. They are engaged in anti-terrorist actions, liquidate criminal groups and gangs, release hostages, search for and capture extremely dangerous criminals, and also participate in other particularly important operations. Many people are familiar with the names of some groups, such as “Alpha”, “Vityazi”, “Rus”, “Vympel”. This holiday is dedicated to the military personnel who wear maroon berets.

When is it celebrated?

Special Forces Day is celebrated on October 24th. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 14th time. On May 31, 2006, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” an annual celebration of this event was established.

Who's celebrating?

Special Forces Day in 2019 is celebrated by all military personnel and unit veterans ground forces, navy and aviation, gendarmerie, police, internal troops, trained under a special program for special operations.

World Development Information Day

Since the birth of humanity, its development process has not stood in one place. It is being improved not only in evolutionary terms, but also in various fields of culture, literature, science, art, etc. Delay in development leads to the degradation of humanity, and if it begins, it will lead to the extinction of the life of entire states.

Information also went through its stages of evolution: oral speech, pictography, writing, printing books, the creation of radio, telephone, telegraph and television. Progress does not stand still and every year new information media and methods of data transmission appear.

On December 19, 1972, at the 2115th plenary meeting (XXVII session), the UN General Assembly (GA) ratified resolution No. A/RES/3038, which approved the annual celebration of October 24 world day development information. The date coincides with United Nations Day. The purpose of the GA holiday was to sharpen society's attention to the development and strengthening of cooperation between countries to solve emerging difficulties on the path to progress.

International Paperless Day

Our paper industry is doing great. This phrase from the film “Office Romance” shows the true situation in the modern paper market. We come across paper everywhere: at home, in the office, at school, on the road, leafing through books, newspapers, magazines, looking through postcards and tickets, solving crosswords and problems, and much more.

But it is not always used wisely. Therefore, in order to inform the population about the latest ways rational and economical handling of paper through the use of electronic document management and the International Day Without Paper was established.

In 2010, the AIIM Association held this event for the first time on the 4th Thursday of October. It was from this moment that the events began to be held annually. In 2019, the event is celebrated on October 24. Russia is also joining the international celebration. The main organizer of this action in the Russian Federation is the information and analytical project DOCFLOW.

Traditionally, on this day, thematic information is published in the media, companies share their experience in using various technologies to reduce unnecessary paper consumption through their websites and personal meetings. In the “Paperless Day” group in in social networks You can tell us about your way of using it rationally.

International Women's Day for Peace

For every woman, the closest and most beloved people were, are and always will be those whom she can call her family. Therefore, the natural desire to protect loved ones and strive for peace throughout the world will always find a response in caring hearts.

On October 25, the entire planet celebrates the International Women's Day for Peace. It takes place as part of the week of action for disarmament, which begins on the 24th of the same month.

The purpose of this holiday is not only to protect mothers, wives and sisters from bloody wars. Having survived the Great Patriotic War, many women decided that they no longer wanted to lose their loved ones through the fault of the authorities and began to stubbornly and persistently fight any conflict situations that could lead to death.

History and traditions

The date of the holiday was established by the International Democratic Federation of Women in 1980. This union was created at the World Women's Meeting in the French capital at the end of 1945. 112 organizations from 97 countries took part in it.

On this day, all kinds of thematic events and meetings are organized, programs are broadcast on television and radio, and articles dedicated to this event are published in the press. Participants of forums and festivals share their achievements and successes.

Filippova's gimmick

On October 24, 2019 (October 11, old style), the national holiday Filippova Kanitel is celebrated. It received this name because it was a time of mud, slush and muddy roads, and the days began to drag on. IN church calendar- this is the date of memory of one of the apostles from the 70, St. Philip.

He was born in Caesarea, where he preached the faith of the Lord. He was married and had 4 daughters. After the appearance of the Holy Spirit to the 12 apostles, he was assigned as a deacon to the Jerusalem Church, where, along with 6 other deacons, he handled offerings to parishioners, helped widows, the poor and orphans. The holy martyr Archdeacon Stephen was appointed chief (senior).

During the persecution of Christians, Stephen was stoned to death, and Philip managed to escape. He decided to go to Sammaria, where he continued his sermons, healing the weak, the sick and driving away evil spirits. At that time, the sorcerer Simon lived in the city, who was known for his magic. Seeing Philip's miracles, he believed in the Lord God, was baptized, and since then has not left him one step.

The Apostle converted many pagans to the faith. He was elevated to the rank of bishop and sent to Lydia. He died of old age in the city of Trallia.

Billiard lover's holiday

On Billiard Lover's Day, every fan of the game traditionally visits a billiard room, where, in the company of similar connoisseurs, they are sure to spend time playing several games. It is not only important here good game, but also the atmosphere and communication with like-minded people. The billiards lover's holiday is dedicated to all fans of this gambling entertainment. It is celebrated on October 24.

Asia is considered the birthplace of billiards, but historians have not decided whether it is the northeastern part or the southeastern part. The first table for this game was made by order of the French King Louis XI. Billiards came to Russia from Holland during the time of Peter I and very quickly gained popularity.

Interesting Facts

There are six variants of the game in the world: carom; Russian, which also has three varieties; snooker; pool; kaisa (Carolina) and novus.

There is documentary evidence that the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart loved to play billiards.

Initially, the playing field was made of natural slate. Since the slab was very heavy and quite expensive, the craftsmen tried to replace it with marble and granite. But the tables could not withstand the impacts of the balls, causing them to crack and crumble.

Name days are celebrated today:

Alexander, Hilarion, Leo, Makar, Philip, Zinaida.

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